The Precinct Community News

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Keep Dogs out of your garbage bags for GOOD!!!


We do installations - No bother No fuss!!!

Call: Jacques 082 750 4258 E T PA R K










Volume 5 Issue 4










ISSN 2222-0313





14 March 2012




‘Would be’ bicycle thieves apprehended


n Saturday 10 March 2012 two gardeners were working in the garden of a home in Breguet Avenue, Impala Park. A neighbour spotted the two suspects push the resident’s bicycle out of the garage. The neighbour, quite rightly, thought there was something suspicious going on and phoned the Control Room, who immediately despatched the patrol vehicle. The two suspects were apprehended by our patrolmen and arrested by the SAPS. It is believed that the 2 suspects are from Zimbabwe. We appeal to all residents not to employ casual labour off the street and bring them into our suburbs, especially foreign nationals who do not have a work permit or the necessary papers. You may think it is cheap labour, but at the end of the day it could turn out to be extremely costly, not only to you but to other residents in your neighbourhood.

Outdoor Parties at Wild Waters Release 1 March, 2012 subject to submission of petition by Ward 92 Councillor Graham Gersbach. I am submitting ,on behalf of the residents of Bardene, Bartlett and neighbouring suburbs in Boksburg North in wards 92, 22, 23 and 33. the following petition signed by 77 residents and business owners in the area. The petition reads as follows:“We, the undersigned residents of Bardene, Bartlett and Neighbouring Suburbs in Boksburg North noting that:1. Council approves the holding of outdoor parties at the Wild Waters Complex without consulting residents and allows sound levels well in excess of what could be

considered reasonable in a residential area. 2. The parties referred to in point 1; carry on at times beyond originally allowed time until after midnight. 3. The venue only has one access route and insufficient parking to handle the crowd attending these parties AND 4. When such parties were originally requested to be held at Wild Waters the organisers promised to limit them to 1 such party a year and the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality set the time to between 10h00 and 20h00 and all the requirements laid down by the Department of Community Safety had to be complied with. We therefore petition Ekurhuleni Metropolitan

Municipality: 1. NOT to give permission for any further outdoor parties at Wild Waters Complex. 2. To NO longer allow any relaxation of all bylaws relating to noise levels and regulations in a residential area. 3. To assist the organisers in finding a suitable venue where all regulations will be adhered to.” Applications for such parties are now required to be made in terms of “The Safety at Sport and Recreation Events Act no. 2 of 2010”. These applications were to be made through the office of the National Commissioner of Police and there are 2 key requirements:1. Submission by Organisers of their annual schedule of events. 2. Applications for specific events 60 days before the event.

At a public participation meeting held towards the end of 2011 it was agreed that applications for future events in 2012 would be made and handled in terms of a proposed draft policy which has not as yet been presented to the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Council for approval. There therefore is no mechanism for approval of such events in the Metro and therefore all such events should be suspended until such time as the policy is in place. It was proposed in the draft policy that a Metro committee be set up to evaluate the application and that only this committee may approve that the event might be hosted within the borders of the City of Ekurhuleni. The proposed members of the committee would include at one representative from the following departments:Continued on page 2

Attention, all law abiding citizens This is an important notice to all people who wish to own a firearm or have one and wish to become more proficient. Crime in Benoni, particularly violent crime has spiraled out of control. East Rand Shooting Club is a body of free individuals who believe in the right to self defense, and the safe and responsible use of firearms. The East Rand Shooting Club wishes to promote the concept of private firearm ownership and have as their core mission, the facilitation and training of other law abiding citizens in the craft of responsible firearm ownership, as an effective deterrent against violent crime. The East Rand Shooting Club wll be hosting a discussion on how to obtain a firearm license and how to reach a high level proficiency at the premises of Rampage Model Agency located at the Northmead Square Admin Building, on the evenings of the 19th and 26th of March and 2nd April @ 19:00 The East Rand Shooting Club will discuss: 1. How to become a Firearm owner. 2. The licensing procedure for firearms. 3. How the East Rand Shooting Club can facilitate this. 4. The correct mindset and methods of use of a firearm. 5. Advanced Courses offered. 6. General advice and questions from the floor. 7. How to dispose of unwanted firearms There is a R20 cover charge for the use of the facility.

For more info or should you have any questions:


Tell us your story! Email: or Phone 011 578 5674

Win a voucher worth R250.00

Put your entry in an envelope and drop it in the box attached to The PCN stand at either Mannys Build it, Pick ‘n Pay Sheridan Centre Farrarmere, Oakfields Pick ‘n Pay, Checkers Bonaero Shopping Centre, Spar Rynfield Terrace or Rebel Fruit & Veg Atlasville. Alternatively you can email it to info@thepcn. Don’t forget to include your name and a contact number. Originals must be produced

in order to collect prize.Only one original entry per person entering will be accepted. Entries will close every Tuesday for a weekly draw. Don't lose heart if you are not a winner of the weekly draw, as all entries received during the month will go into a further draw at the end of the month to win a voucher to the value of R1000.Winners will be announced in the next issue of The PCN following the draw.

Comedy Movies Find and circle all of the comedy movies that are hidden in the grid. The remaining letters spell an additional comedy movie.

PCN 14 March 2012

Outdoor Parties at Wild Waters

Continued from front page

1. Disaster Management Centre Division. 2. Fire brigade servicer 3. Emergency Medical Services. 4. EMPD 5. Municipal Infrastructure – Electricity 6. Municipal Infrastructure – Water 7. Municipal Infrastructure – Sewer 8. Solid Waste Department 9. Environmental Health 10. Sport Recreation Arts and Culture 11. Air Quality Management Division 12. Town Planning 13. Roads 14. The affected ward councilor 15. A representative of affected residents. 16. A representative of affected business. For a number of years the EMPD and Boksburg North Police Station Commander have approved these events but in my own Opinion (Graham Gersbach) under current Metro policy these events should be approved by council and not by just 2 persons. It is critical that an updated policy be approved by the Ekurhuleni Metro Council and that there be proper public participation. All approvals without proper public participation should be withdrawn and events should not be allowed until there is proper public participation. Media Enquiries Ward 92 Councillor, Graham Gersbach, 083 304 1317 Petitioners Representative, Newton Baumgart 083 286 5036 DA Ekurhuleni, Media Liaison, Angela Barnes 083 701 9972

Crime hits epic proportions GNCP





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Design & Layout Tel: 011 578 5624 Tel: 011 578 5668 Advertising Pam Fourie Tel: 083 206 9463 or 011 578 5668

contact PRESS Pam: 083 206-9463 or Email:


Editor Tel: 011 578 5674



Tel: 011 578 5600 Fax: 086 683 7228 Email: Join our group on facebook! Just do a search for The Precinct Community News

The Precinct Community News is published by the Joint Precincts. Contributions are submitted at the senders risk. The Joint Precincts do not accept responsibility for material lost. The Joint Precincts reserve the right to make changes to any material submitted for publication. All rights reserved. All crime statistics are those logged by the commuinty control room and are those logged by the community control room and are not necessarily those of the newspaper. Reproduction without written permission of the Editor is strictly prohibited. To enquire about reproduction of any material contained in this publication please email info@ CODE OF CONDUCT: This newspaper has committed itself to report news truthfully and accurately, and to publish comment that is fair in accordance with the highest standards of journalism, as set out in the Press code of South Africa. Complaints that this code has been breached may be lodged with the office of the Press Ombudsman. Written complaints with a copy of the report concerned may be sent to the press ombudsman at fax: 011 484 3612 or email

and persons to our Control Room. If you do see a suspicious person or vehicle, try and give the Control Room a proper description, e.g. person wearing specific colour clothing; colour and make of vehicle – registration number would be even better. If you have an alarm system in your home, please ensure you arm it every time you leave your premises, even if it is only for a short time – it doesn’t take criminals long to break in and grab a TV or laptop. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again. Please do not leave valuable items in your vehicle when it is unattended or overnight. It is frightening the number of people who quite openly leave laptops, handbags, wallets and cellphones in plain sight their vehicle, just asking to be taken. We just don’t understand why people do not take better care of their valuable possessions. The same applies to personal items left on a table next to a window, allowing thieves to simply take these goods without even having to make an effort to break in. Come on residents, help us to fight crime by being a bit more careful at home. If everyone just makes an effort to be more security conscious, this would go a long way towards bringing down the crime in our suburbs.




t is if extreme concern to us that crime in our area has escalated to an all-time high, with 45 incidents reported to our Control Room in February. The number of housebreakings in particular has gone through the roof, with 20 reported during February and already we have had 10 reported this month. There was also a hijacking in February, and one already this month. Theft of and out of motor vehicle is also of concern, with 4 and 8 incidents respectively reported during February. If you consider that this is only the incidents reported to our Control Room, you can double this figure, if not treble it. When we look at the overall crime stats, we can see that the number of incidents in the Rynfield area has gone down. Where has it gone? Northmead and Airfield. What does not help the situation is the fact that at the moment we only have one Sector Police vehicle operating in our area so there is less police visibility. We ask our residents to be extra vigilant. We need everyone to report suspicious vehicles

PCN 14 March 2012

The Olive Branch Trauma Centre Dealing with a Bully


f you are being bullied you may feel so scared and vulnerable that you believe you will always be a failure. If you are being bullied you may be surprised to know that many people who are very successful adults have been bullied when they were young. Well known people such as David Beckham (Footballer) Victoria Beckham (Singer) Harrison Ford (Actor) and Mel Gibson (Actor) acknowledge being bullied at school (Kidscape 2005). If you ever bully people, realise that it will cost you. No one really likes bullies. You may be able to scare people into being nice, but deep down you know it is a false relationship which leaves you lonely and unpopular. If you break your bullying habit, it is much easier to find good friends. WHAT CAN I DO IF I AM BULLIED AT SCHOOL? Some schools really make an effort to stop bullying. The teachers in some schools are willing to take the bully to task and impose consequences. In these schools, they encourage the person who is bullied or those who see bullying going on to speak about it. Some schools have “bully boxes” where students put a written complaint about bullying in the box. The school may have a hearing about these problems. Sometimes the school does not have a specific policy. In that case, don’t become a resigned victim. Kidscape (2005) and Hickson (2011) suggest these strategies: • Tell a friend. Ask him or her to support you. It is harder for a bully to pick on you if you are not alone. • Ignore the bully or tell them to stop and walk away. It is hard to bully someone who won’t listen. Don’t confuse walking away with running away. If you get picked on, don’t engage with the bully. Don’t offer eye contact. Don’t reply. Keep your body



Tell us your story! Email: or Phone 011 578 5674

language open. Don’t look at the ground. Know where you can go – to the library, a friend, a teacher, near the tuck shop line etc., slowly turn in that direction and walk tall. Don’t look back. Pretend you can’t hear the bully. • No matter how upset you are, try not to show that you are tearful, scared or angry. Bullies love to get a reaction. If you seem not to care and hide your reaction they may get bored and leave you. • Think up clever or funny replies in advance. Practice with someone you trust like a friend or family member. Practice in front of a mirror. Be alert to the bully’s reaction. Practicing in advance with someone else helps you to plan to deal with the bully’s response. • Try not to be alone with the bully. Use the bathroom when other kids are there. If possible you may need to change your route to and from school to avoid the bully. Realise this is a temporary solution and make sure you get help from friends or adults to solve the problem. • Do something that the bully does not expect, like asking him to repeat what they’ve said. The bully is often not brave enough to do that. • Try answering and to everything the bully says. e.g. Bully “you have funny ears “ Bullied “and?’” Bully “I can hang my coat on them” Bullied “and?” Bully “they make you look like an aeroplane” Bullied “and?” and so on • Bullies pick on people they think are timid. Walk tall. Keep your arms uncrossed and shoulders back. Don’t look at the ground. Speak in a firm, loud clear voice. Pretend, even if you don’t feel brave. • Keep a diary. Write down incidents, dates, times, and witnesses. When you decide to report the bully, you have a lot of evidence. • Tell your parents or other adults. You need help. Don’t suffer in silence. No one

Housebreaking suspects arrested

On Thursday 8 March, a resident in Simon Street, Rynfield pressed her panic button and the Control Room immediately despatched a vehicle. It was then established that there were 3 suspects on the premises. Additional vehicles were sent to the scene. The first patrol vehicle arrived at the scene and spotted the suspects, who jumped into a waiting vehicle and drove off. A chase ensued and our patrol vehicle was joined by SAPS vehicle BE71 and the

suspects’ vehicle was stopped. Two of the suspects fled on foot, but the driver of the vehicle was apprehended. We understand that members of the SAPS later apprehended the other 2 suspects. We take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks, not only to our patrolmen, but to the SAPS members on duty in BE71 that day. We commend you all. Thanks to the cooperation and quick response from everyone, three more suspects have been removed from our streets. WELL DONE.

can help unless you say something. Bullies depend on secrecy. • If you don’t want to do something, say “NO” firmly and don’t give in to pressure. • If you are not sure what you want to do or what you will agree to, say “I need more time to decide” or “I need more information.” • Use permanent markers or sew-on tags to mark all your belongings – every pencil, crayon, ruler, lunch box, sports gear and so on. Label in such a way that labels can’t be destroyed without damaging the item itself. • Pretend to keep eye contact with the bully by using the “magic eye”. Locate a small space above the nose and in between the eyebrows. When you talk to the bully, look at the “magic eye.” It is easier to look at the “magic eye” than into their eyes. If you look away, don’t look at the ground. Look past their ear. Don’t stare – staring is often seen as a challenge. When you feel you have to look away, go back to the “magic eye” as soon as you can. • Leave important or valuable possessions at home so the bully can’t steal or break them. For example, if you have an old cell phone, take that to school and save you valuable up-to-date phone for occasions when other people are with you to support you. • Make friends. Do things to boost your confidence, like taking up a hobby, joining a club, or taking up sport or martial arts. Martial arts are not about looking for fights. They teach confidence and ways to defend yourself. FOGGING Teasing can be a form of bullying. If you respond to insults in an angry way this may entertain the bully. Fogging can be useful to deflect verbal abuse. HOW TO USE IT Make a list of the bully’s teasing remarks. Plan what you will answer in response. Practice in front of the mirror or with a parent, friend, counselor or someone you trust. When you answer, stand with an open posture. Don’t cross your arms or legs. Maintain eye contact (using the “magic eye”). Pretend to be brave. • Now play a game of agreeing partially or in full with the bully, e.g. Bully – Your ears stick out Bullied – That’s true

Bully – They stick out so much I can hang my coat on them Bullied – I can see why you think that may be true….and so on. A bully may use a question instead of a statement. To use fogging, make a game of getting the bully to make a statement, e.g. Bully – Why do you smell? Bullied – Why do you think I smell? Bully – You live in a trailer park. Bullied – That’s your opinion (fogging). Why do you think that? Bully – You dress like a poor white Bullied – Sorry you see it that way Bully – You need to learn to wash Bullied – That’s your opinion And so on… Don’t get hooked into a quarrel. If possible, avoid a physical fight. Most bullies are stronger than their victims. Avoid getting hurt. However, you may need to stand up for yourself if fights become physical. If you are forced to fight, try not to show fear. Block blows, with your elbows, yell at the bully to stop, attract attention and get backup if you can. It you are afraid of being physically harmed, take lessons in self defence or martial arts. Go to the library or internet and learn self defence strategies if you can’t afford lessons. Being prepared will give you greater confidence if you are attacked. Make sure you don’t start the fight. Report the bullying at once. Go to the police and lay a charge of assault. THE AFTERMATH Once bullying stops many victims find they don’t feel okay immediately. It takes time to rebuild your confidence. Many adults who were bullied say it made them stronger and more determined to prove bullies wrong. REFERENCE: HICKSON A. (2011) HOW TO STOP BULLYING. Speechmark. KIDSCAPE 2005. COMPILED BY DR. B L WADE OLIVE BRANCH TRAUMA CENTRE 16 - 6TH AVENUE NORTHMEAD BENONI. TEL:011 849-8473 CELL 072 122 4766. DR Barbara Wade is an accredited member of Saaswipp (the South African Association of Social Workers in Private Practice) and practices in the field of individual and family therapy.



RYNMORE COMMUNITY PRECINCT will be holding its Annual General Meeting at 19h00 on Monday 19 March 2012 at Rynfield Primary School, Malherbe Street, Rynfield

This is your opportunity to ask questions, make suggestions and participate in what is happening in your suburbs. Make an effort to attend and give us your support.

219 Van Dyk Road, Boksburg East, Boksburg Tel: 011 914-1728/5982/2157 • Email:


PCN 14 March 2012

Tell us your story! Email: or Phone 011 578 5674

This weeks recipe...

Coronation Chicken Salad

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

For the chicken: large free-range chicken, trimmed of all excess fat salt and pepper half a large, unskinned onion 2 bay leaves 3 whole cloves 4 cardamom pods, lightly crushed 2 cloves garlic, lightly crushed a lemon boiling water For the salad: 30 new potatoes 45ml vegetable oil 10ml black mustard seeds thumb-length stick of cinnamon 2 whole cardamom pods, lightly crushed 1 onion, peeled and very finely chopped or coarsely grated large clove of garlic, peeled and finely chopped 15 ml grated fresh ginger 2 bay leaves 2 slices of lemon, skin on 20 ml tomato paste 60 ml white wine 45ml apricot jam, or sweet, fruity chutney 60 ml chicken stock (from the pan you used to cook the chicken)


The Descendants

• • • • • • • • • • •

5ml ground cumin 5ml ground turmeric 15ml medium curry powder 250 ml mayonnaise 125ml plain white full-fat yoghurt 125ml sour cream juice of a lemon salt and milled black pepper To serve: fresh parsley or coriander [cilantro] a dusting of paprika

From Alexander Payne, the creator of the Oscar-winning Sideways, set in Hawaii, The Descendants is a sometimes humorous, sometimes tragic journey for Matt King (George Clooney) an indifferent husband and father of two girls, who is forced to re-examine his past and embrace his future when his wife suffers a boating accident off of Waikiki. The event leads to a rapprochement with his young daughters while Matt wrestles with a decision to sell the family's land handed down from Hawaiian royalty and missionaries.


Serves 8

Preheat the oven to 180ºC. Put the chicken into a large, deep roasting pan, and season well with salt and pepper, inside and out. Push the onion, bay leaves, cloves, cardamom pods and garlic into the cavity of the chicken. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze it over the chicken. Place one of the squeezed-out lemon halves into the cavity. Pour boiling water into the bottom of the roasting pan to a depth of three centimeters. Cover tightly with tin foil, and place in the hot oven.

Directed By: Alexander Payne Cast: George Clooney, Shailene Woodley and Amara Miller

Bake at 180º C for an hour and ten minutes, or until the chicken is cooked right through. Remove from the oven and set aside, still covered. In the meantime, place the new potatoes in a pot of salted cold water, bring to the boil and cook until just tender (about 20-25 minutes). Drain and set aside to cool. Now make the dressing. Heat the oil in a frying pan and add the mustard seeds, cinnamon stick and cardamom pods. Fry, over a high heat, until the mustard seeds begin to pop and crackle. Now add the onion, garlic and ginger, turn down the heat a little and cook gently for two to three minutes, or until the onion is soft. Add the bay leaves, lemon slices, tomato paste, white wine, apricot jam (or chutney) and chicken stock. Allow the mixture to cook at a brisk bubble for five to seven minutes, or until it has reduced slightly. You should have a slightly thickened, shiny spice paste. Stir in the cumin, turmeric and curry powder and cook for another minute. Remove from the heat, fish out the cinnamon stick and cardamom pods, and set aside to cool for 10 minutes. Strip the chicken from the bones and discard any skin, sinew or fat. Cut or tear into strips. Slice the new potatoes in half, crossways. Put the mayonnaise, yoghurt and sour cream into a large bowl and whisk well. Add the cooled spiced paste, a few tablespoons at a time, until the mixture tastes right for you. I like a quite strongly flavored dressing, but you might prefer a milder mix. (Any remaining spice paste can be refrigerated for use in a future curry.) Stir in the lemon juice, along with the chicken and the halved new potatoes. Season generously with salt and pepper. Toss gently and thoroughly to combine. Tip into a pretty salad bowl, and chill for at least an hour (but not more than two). Scatter with freshly chopped parsley or coriander and dust with a little paprika.


March 16th 2012 CRICKET – Asia Cup, Bangladesh vs India, SS7 CRICKET – SA Cricket - MiWay T20 Challenge • Nashua Mobile Cape Cobras vs Chevrolet Warriors, SS2 GOLF • European tour, Open Da Andalucia, Costa del sol March 17th 2012 CRICKET – National Bank Test Series, New Zealand vs South Africa, 2nd Test RUGBY • Vodacom Super Rugby - Highlanders vs Hurricanes, SS1 • Six Nations -Italy vs Scotland SOCCER • Super diski - Orlando Pirates vs kiaser chiefs • FA Cup - Everton vs Sunderland March 18th 2012 RUGBY • Vodacom Super Rugby - Rebels vs Toyota Cheetahs, SS1 MOTORSPORT • F1 - Australian Grand Prix Main Race

Win an awesome kids voucher from Santa Cruz Spur for you and your buddy to enjoy! Ask mom to help you cut your picture out, fill in the entry form with your name and number then put your entry in an envelope and drop it in the box attached to The PCN stand at either Pick ‘n Pay Sheridan Centre Farrarmere, Oakfields Pick ‘n Pay, Checkers Bonaero Shopping Centre, Spar Rynfield Terrace or Rebel Fruit & Veg Atlasville. Alternatively you can email it to Don't lose heart if you are not a winner of the

weekly draw, as all entries received during the month will go into a further draw at the end of the month to win a voucher from Ster Kinekor Northmead Square for you and your buddy to go watch a movie with a snack combo. For children 12 years and younger.

NAME: __________________________ AGE:____________________________ CONTACT NUMBER:_______________




en o

nl y

PCN 14 March 2012


Tell us your story! Email: or Phone 011 578 5674

At a

cinema near you!


The darkest hour


This means war

Hugo Cabret

by Tshidi Thamana

Courtesy of Ster Kinekor,

Music industry is yet again put on the spot light, the annual MTN South African Music Awards are taking place on the 29th and 30th April 2012. The nominees were announced on the 8th March 2012. The 18th annual MTN South African Music Awards better known as The SAMA’s – honouring our local Musicians, Engineers and Producers from different record labels, background and genres. The SAMA’s are an annual event giving recognition to artists in different categories, recognizing albums produced in the past year, setting up the pace for upcoming musicians to get an idea of what sells in the music industry and what the masses listen to. Conflicts with record companies about biased nomination decisions are still on-going in this years awards but an overall of great artists, and great songs have been selected to compete for the awards. The nominees were announced by Randall Abrahams (CEO: MTN SAMA) and Serame Taukobong (MTN SA: Chief Marketing Officer), Randall is also known for his role as the tough, not easily impressed Judge on Idols but who surely knows what works and what doesn’t. Joining the executives in announcing the MTN South African Music Awards Nominees was a star panel consisting of Loyiso Bala, HHP, Kabelo Mabalane, Solly Mahlangu, Kurt Darren, Ziyon Hamilton (Liquideep), Matshediso Moholo (Malaika), Greg Carlin (Zebra & Giraffe), Sipho ‘Hotstix’ Mabuse and Lira. Zahara topped this year’s nomination at the 18th Annual MTN South African Awards, scooping seven nominations, follows by Soul/ House Trio MiCaSa with five nominations


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Director: Josh Trank Cast: Dane DeHaan, Alex Russell and Micael B. Jordan Chronicle is a 2012 science fiction film directed by Josh Trank and written by Max Landisbased on a story by both Trank and Landis. The film stars Dane DeHaan, Michael B. Jordan, and Alex Russell. The plot follows Andrew (DeHaan), his cousin Matt (Russell) and their fellow high school student Steve (Jordan), as they form a close bond after receiving telekinetic abilities from an unknown object. The group use their abilities for mischief and personal gain until Andrew begins to use them for darker purposes. The film is visually presented as found footage filmed from the perspective of various video recording devices, primarily from a hand-held camcorder used by Andrew to document the events in his life. The film was released on February 1, 2012 in the United Kingdom and Ireland and was released in the United States on February 3, 2012. It received positive reviews from critics.



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Ad should be produced in order to qualify for your price discount

Send us all your school news & achievements to


Tell us your story! Email: or Phone 011 578 5674


14 March PCN 2012

Bank following leads to armed robbery


business man in North Rand Road was robbed of a large amount of cash on Saturday 10 March 2012. He had made a cash withdrawal for his business needs from Standard Bank and it is believed he was followed from the bank. When he arrived at his place of business, the 3 armed suspects robbed him at gunpoint, firing a warning shot into the ground, taking

the money and fleeing the scene. Recently there has been an increase in this type of incident, and this is not the first time someone has been followed after withdrawing cash from Standard Bank, North Rand Road. If you do have to withdraw a large amount of cash from the bank, please take the necessary precautions.


All your details appear on a screen when your speed-dialled call conn ects Your call is then autom atically routed to a CM S controller who gets all the help you need and follows up until conclu sion.

Bank followings: Bank followings at Boksburg North area is still going on and the SAPS would like to warn Businessmen and women from our area as well as all the surrounding areas in the East Rand to be aware when drawing large amounts of money.

Send sms messages at the same time as you press 5 to people you choose to notify in any emer gency this is an optional prem ium service Per unique cellphone number that you choose to send notifications to.

Apply Online The CellRESCUE service is offered to CMS Alarm clients on the terms described below. It is made up of two seperate functions: 1. The Panic Button function on cellphones in the household and 2. The Sms Notifications function (a premium, add-on service - optional).

1. The Panic Button function


When drawing large amounts of money always be on the look-out for any for any suspicious looking persons or vehicles and immediately contact the Police on 10111 for a quick response. • Don't always go to the Bank on the same day and time to draw money. • When drawing large amounts of money always take someone with. Don't go alone. • Don't advertise when drawing large amounts of money, try not to let other people see the amount of money that is being drawn. • If you noticed that you are being followed, drive to your nearest Police Station and contact 10111. • Try to get the registration number, type of motor vehicle, identification marks on the vehicle as well as how many occupants are in the vehicle and a description if possible. If anybody has any information they can contact Boksburg North SAPS on the following number: (011) 898-3000


PCN 14 March 2012


Tell us your story! Email: or Phone 011 578 5674





CALL 011 578-5624 to Advertise


Classifieds Tel: 011 578-5624 Fax: 086 683-7228

DEADLINE for publication is: Monday at 9h00 Please Note: We reserve the right to change the above deadline at any given time


Adverts will only be accepted on a cash and EFT (transfer) basis before being published, e.g. property, lifts, for sale, employment wanted, gardening/cleaning, etc. (Always have your ID no / CO Registration no ready)

All advertisers must have a telephone number PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING Proof of Payment MUST be faxed through to: 086 683-7228 Reference number PCN + Telephone number must appear on proof of payment

Conditions of acceptance. Advertisers Please Note: 1. Although every effort will be made to meet the client's wishes, the date of publication, distribution, the form and position of the entries, the name and/or title and format of the advertisement, the number of copies and place of distribution, shall be at the sole discretion of

the publisher. 2. Errors and omissions must be reported within the first week of insertion. 3. When querying an advertisement a reference number MUST be quoted. 4. Credit will not be given for typographical errors which do not

lessen the effectiveness of the advertisement. 5. Cancellations & alterations must be phoned through before Friday 4pm prior to publication. 6. The Publisher is entitled to withhold any advertisement from publication and to cancel any advertisement order that has been


accepted. 7. Space is sold to the advertiser for the purpose of making announcements concerning his own business and may not be used for attacking or making insidious comparisons with other advertisers, firms, institutions or persons.

Watch your business grow! Advertise in the pcn contact Pam: 083 206-9463 Email:

Crime snippets

These are a few snippets of just some of the crimes that have been reported in the last week:

MARCH 05 – A business break-in occurred in Fifth Avenue, Northmead, where the door was forced open. Laptops, printers and cash were stolen from the premises. MARCH 05 – Suspects broke into a unit in a complex in Silver Street, Goedeburg by forcing open a bedroom window. A TV, DVD player and jewellery was stolen. MARCH 06 – 3 suspects (1 armed with firearm) climbed through the kitchen window and tied up the client. Suspects took jewellery, cash and a laptop. MARCH 06 – A hijacking took place in Seventh Avenue, Northmead. MARCH 06 – The window of a vehicle was broken in Nagel Street, Benoni Agricultural Holdings in order to steal a front loader and GPS. MARCH 07 – Suspects broke into a house in Ward Street, Western Extension by forcing open the door and security gate. MARCH 07 – The glass sliding door of a house in Tecoma Street, Northmead was broken and a laptop stolen. MARCH 08 – Seventh Street, Northmead was the scene of a break-in, suspects gained entry through a bathroom window. MARCH 09 – The back door of a property in North Road, Cloverdene was forced open and various items stolen. MARCH 09 – A business break-in took place in Hamburg Street, Apex, where suspects forced open a window and burglar bars. Computers were stolen. MARCH 09 – Suspects broke into a home in Cabernet Street, Alphen Park, via a window. They stole a TV and other goods. MARCH 09 – A unit in a complex in President Steyn Street, Rynfield was broken into, where the suspects forced open a door and stole a TV and laptop. MARCH 10 – Two homes in Lavental Street, Northmead were broken into, with various items being stolen from each property. MARCH 10 – An armed robbery took place at a business in North Rand Road, Boksburg, after the client was followed from the bank where he had drawn cash. MARCH 10 – The window and burglar bars were forced open at a property in Muller Road, Marister, where the suspects stole a computer. MARCH 10 – The kitchen door and security gate was forced open at a home in Vaal Road, Farrarmere. The suspects stole a TV, laptop and jewellery. Another break-in occurred in Kwartz Street, Farrarmere, where suspects forced open the front door and security gate. A TV, laptops, jewellery and various other items were stolen

Crime Statistics

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From March 1st - 11th 2012

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