The Precinct Community News

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Volume 5 Issue 6












ISSN 2222-0313


28 March 2012


76 3 Has Benoni become a feeding ground for Criminals? SPONSOR A PENSIONER



Is our Station Commander taking crime seriously?


ragedy struck once more in Farrarmere last week, with the brutal murder of Trevor and Laura Rees in their Masefield Street home. This brings the total number of murders in Farrarmere to 4 since December. This follows on the heels of the two incidents reported last week, where residents were shot by criminals. The question is, why does it take murder or attempted murder before the SAPS top brass take an interest in what is going on in our suburbs? While our Cluster Commander, Brig S Venter visited the recent crime scenes, our Station Commander was conspicuous by his absence. Why is that if we request their presence at a community meeting they are not available? Yet they can attend a murder/attempted murder scene at the drop of a hat. As for the initial Forensics at the scene of the murder in Masefield! This is an example of their work – dusting one of the cupboard doors. The forensics team had to be called back to do the job properly. This is totally unacceptable and is a disgrace to the profession. We understand that members of the Benoni CPF met with Deputy Provincial Commissioner, General Gela, who is in charge of visible policing for Gauteng. We also understand that members of the Benoni CPF, after informing him of the rampant crime in our suburbs, demanded additional police resources, and special units were supposed

FCP murder on masefield The forensics team had to be called back to do the job properly. This is totally unacceptable and is a disgrace to the profession. to be deployed to Benoni. Unfortunately we have not seen nor felt these additional resources in the past week, as evidenced by a further nine incidents of crime in Farrarmere alone since 20 March 2012, never mind the other suburbs. This is nine too many, under the circumstances. The PCN has received numerous calls since last week about the visibility of the police. The majority of people have seen the police vehicles, but mainly parked at shopping centres – not patrolling the parking area, but

doing their shopping! Are you using our Sector vehicles to respond to suspicious people and vehicles? Take a note of their cell numbers (See all Sector vehicle numbers on page 3). Let’s make them work for us. Phone the sector vehicle when you see suspicious activity. Give them a proper description and make sure they come and check it out. That’s what they are there for. Maybe if they do this, as they are supposed to do, maybe more incidents of crime can be prevented. FCP Chairman, Clive Patterson,

wrote “The brutal murder of an elderly couple in Masefield Street in Farrarmere makes me sick to the core and just goes to show that there is absolutely no respect for human life and dignity. Why would somebody want to mutilate these poor old people in this way? They couldn’t even offer any type of resistance! These cowards are probably still walking in our streets or, even worse, still working for us. CONTINUED on page 2

Final court date set for murder accused Jurgen Vandekeere It has been almost a year since the body of Chantelle Barnard was found, brutally murdered, in Doreen Road, Benoni North on 1st April 2011. There have been numerous appearances by the accused, Jurgen Vandekeere, in the Benoni Magistrate’s Court, all resulting in postponement until late last year when the case was set down for trial at Delmas Court in February this year. Sure enough, the case was again postponed until March, in order that a psychiatric evaluation could be conducted to ascertain whether or not the accused, Jurgen Vandekeere, was fit to stand trial. The accused appeared in court on Monday 26 March 2012 and was found fit to stand trial. The new trial date has been set for 8 to 12 October 2012 and we understand no further


postponements will be entertained. Unfortunately in the meantime he is free to roam our streets.

Family and friends of Chantelle intend to hold a Memorial at 12 noon on Sunday 1st April 2012 in 55 Doreen Road, which is where her body was found. We call on as many people as possible to attend, in memory of Chantelle – she will not be forgotten and neither will this heinous act. If you are coming along, please wear purple, which was Chantelle’s favourite colour. PLEASE GIVE US YOUR SUPPORT AND MAKE THIS A DAY OF REMEMBRANCE.


Tell us your story! Email: or Phone 011 578 5674

Win a voucher worth R250.00

Put your entry in an envelope and drop it in the box attached to The PCN stand at either Mannys Build it, Pick ‘n Pay Sheridan Centre Farrarmere, Oakfields Pick ‘n Pay, Checkers Bonaero Shopping Centre, Spar Rynfield Terrace or Rebel Fruit & Veg Atlasville. Alternatively you can email it to info@thepcn. Don’t forget to include your name and a contact number. Originals must be produced

in order to collect prize.Only one original entry per person entering will be accepted. Entries will close every Tuesday for a weekly draw. Don't lose heart if you are not a winner of the weekly draw, as all entries received during the month will go into a further draw at the end of the month to win a voucher to the value of R1000.Winners will be announced in the next issue of The PCN following the draw.

Movies: Science Fiction Find and circle all of the Science Fiction movies that are hidden in the grid. The remaining letters spell the title of an additional Science Fiction movie.





Name: __________________________________________________________________ Contact Number: ________________________________________________________ Answer: ________________________________________________________________

THE PRECINCT COMMUNITY NEWS Tel: 011 578 5600 Fax: 086 683 7228 Email: Join our group on facebook! Just do a search for The Precinct Community News Editor Tel: 011 578 5674 Design & Layout Tel: 011 578 5624 Tel: 011 578 5668 Advertising Pam Fourie Tel: 083 206 9463 or 011 578 5668

The Precinct Community News is published by the Joint Precincts. Contributions are submitted at the senders risk. The Joint Precincts do not accept responsibility for material lost. The Joint Precincts reserve the right to make changes to any material submitted for publication. All rights reserved. All crime statistics are those logged by the commuinty control room and are those logged by the community control room and are not necessarily those of the newspaper. Reproduction without written permission of the Editor is strictly prohibited. To enquire about reproduction of any material contained in this publication please email info@ CODE OF CONDUCT: This newspaper has committed itself to report news truthfully and accurately, and to publish comment that is fair in accordance with the highest standards of journalism, as set out in the Press code of South Africa. Complaints that this code has been breached may be lodged with the office of the Press Ombudsman. Written complaints with a copy of the report concerned may be sent to the press ombudsman at fax: 011 484 3612 or email

PCN 28 March 2012

Has Benoni become a feeding ground for Criminals? Is our Station Commander taking crime seriously? CONTINUED from front page We cannot beat around the bush anymore about safety and security, we cannot say anymore that it won’t happen in our area or it won’t happen to us. IT CAN AND WILL! We have two options, we can either keep our heads buried under the sand like ostriches, or we can stand up and say “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH“! There are enough of us feeling unsafe in our own homes, our cars, in our streets, not wanting to leave our houses in the fear of not knowing what’s waiting for us. Us, as a Community, have to take back our areas and it needs to happen now. How many lives must still be lost, before people realise that crime is completely out of control, with savages and cowards roaming our streets, just waiting for their next opportunity to steal or kill? We will be embarking on a Patrolling system to aid us all in taking back our streets and we implore everyone to get involved where they can. Our first request is that everybody gets to know their neighbours - just know who they are, when they are on holiday, when they are home, especially if they are old, frail and in general are not very mobile. If you look around you in your street, chances are very likely that there is somebody in your street, that DOES need some form of assistance, even if it as simple as having someone to talk to once in a while. We need to look after our elderly people in our Community. We CANNOT allow these sick, disgusting, thoughtless killers to roam our streets and strip them of their dignity by murdering them and just leaving them there like dogs to be found! Let’s start standing together as a Community and talk out of one mouth to state that “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH”! Yours in Community Safety Clive Patterson, FCP Chairman Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country? This was said by the American President John F. Kennedy in 1961. Is this saying relevant in 2012, many years later in Benoni, South Africa? Are you satisfied with the state of your suburb & the level of crime? We have recently experienced the Murder of an elderly couple who were both butchered to death. Don’t ask what your community can do for you, ask what can I do for my community? The Sector 4, Sector Crime Forum which falls under the auspices of the CPF (Community Police Forum), as well as The Farrarmere Community Precinct are looking for willing and motivated residents who can help improve the suburb of Farrarmere. Should you be interested in contributing your little bit to society please contact Heiko Lilje at or Clive Patterson Once we have enough people we will organise the first meeting to put plans in place. THIS IS IMPORTANT! Let’s make a difference !!! The Democratic Alliance ward 28 Councillor Mary Goby is shocked at the murder of the Rees couple in Farrarmere last week. “My sincere condolences to the family and friends of Trevor and Laura Rees,” said Goby. “I am shocked that a helpless elderly couple, one of whom was bedridden, could be attacked

in this way.” Goby added that she and the DA Ekurhuleni Leader Shelley Loe intend to meet with both the family and the Benoni SAPS. “We (the DA) have information about a possibly related matter in the area that we need to bring to the attention of the SAPS,” said Goby. “We will work with Brigadier Mariemuthoo, the family and the CPF to push for a thorough investigation into the murders.” Murder most foul. Is this a new fictional crime series set in a lovely small town 30 kms outside London England, surrounded by pleasant undulating green countryside with grazing cows & sheep? No this is our home town of BENONI. Last week an elderly couple were murdered in Farrarmere. Over the past 4 months there have been 4 reported murders in Farrarmere alone. We are not too sure the exact population of Farrarmere but a guess may indicate a rate of 20 murders (homicides) per 100 000. Have you ever heard the phase “there is crime all around the world” How do the various homicide rates overseas compare? On a recent search on the internet the following figures appear: countriesby_intentional_homicide_rate Homicide (murders) per 100 000 inhabitants Columbia 33 South Africa 32 Haiti 6.9 Argentina 5.5 USA 4.8 India 3.4 Lebanon 2.2 Israel 2.1 New Zealand 1.76 Canada 1.62 Greece 1.35 Egypt 1.24 UK 1.23 Portugal 1.22 Australia 1.16 Netherlands 0.87 Germany 0.84 The figures for the USA & UK are in bold to indicate the statistics & not to have confusion with numerous crime drama on television & cinema. The above figures are countries and maybe a more accurate comparison would be to analysis well positioned suburbs from a major city in various countries. Whatever figure & calculation are used even one murder, rape, break-in etc can be termed ‘unacceptable’. Let’s all strive to have a zero crime incidence. How can we all participate? Ensure your property & loved ones are well protected. Become more involved with the community. For example: Know your neighbours; Beware of your surroundings; Report suspicious vehicles & people to the control room 0861-425-493 & SAPS. SAPS have dedicated sector vehicles the telephone numbers are on page 3. Please familiarize yourself & have the emergency numbers easily accessible, such as speed dials on your cell phone, well positioned to view from a land line etc. Should anyone have an accurate population per suburb and/or precinct, please advise so that crime ratios can be ascertained.

Let’s be a Community ACP


tlasvilleCommunity Precinct would like to extend our condolences to the family of Tommy and Laura Rees, who were murdered in their home

in Farrarmere recently. We’d like to take you back to last year October, when the Joint Community Precincts put an article in The PCN called ‘Sponsor a Pensioner’, which we repeat below. “In recent months our elderly have been the target of the criminal element, They are seen as ‘soft’ targets. What is difficult to get to grips with or to understand, is the fact that these citizens, who are hardly likely to put up a fight, are being badly beaten up, all for the sake of a TV, cellphone and some jewellery. We have found that many of our pensioners do not have an alarm system, or they can no longer afford to pay for the monitoring of their alarm, with many of them struggling to make ends meet in today’s economic climate. What we would like to do is appeal to the community to consider sponsoring a pensioner, in an effort to provide them with some kind of security in their home. This would entail the purchase and installation of a Panic System as well as the monthly monitoring fee at a reduced rate from that of a normal alarm system. As a community we need to look after our elderly citizens, so if you know of someone in your street

or area and would be willing to sponsor that person, please make contact with us. Further information as to costs etc can be obtained from Margaret on 011 578 5674 or email” Needless to say the response from the community was zilch, zero, nada. What a sad, sad state of affairs. Perhaps a few people in a street can ‘club together’ in support of an elderly resident. Let’s make an effort to do something now. Another often-made request is for people to get to know their neighbours, especially if they are senior citizens. Make a point of saying hello on a regular basis, check if there’s anything they need. We know a lot of our elderly residents like to remain independent, but what does it cost to just be neighbourly. If these senior citizens have family, either in the area or overseas, try and get their contact details in case of emergencies. Although there are a number of people in our suburbs who do get involved, on the ground, we find that the feeling in the community in general is one of apathy – until something terrible happens. Why must this be the case? Why wait until it’s too late to do anything? We need to be more proactive, rather than reactive. The next time a public meeting is called in your suburb, make the effort to attend and participate. We, as Precinct committees are doing all WE can at this stage, but are running out of man hours, manpower and ideas. BE SAFE

PCN 28 March 2012

Tell us your story! Email: or Phone 011 578 5674


CPF’s and Bikers Against Crime bridge the boundaries


aving already organised a few Bikers Against Crime events in the Boksburg North area, it was time to show CPFs from other areas just what can be done. Boksburg North CPF and SAPS got together with Linden CPF and SAPS. and together they put this event together, with the participation of Bikers Against Crime, Think Bike and many other clubs. Without the bikers, none of this would have been possible – we thank you all. After months of planning the event finally took place on Saturday 24 March 2012, starting at Emperors Palace at 7am. We were joined at Emperors by General Gela, who is in charge of visible policing for Gauteng, as well as other members of SAPS Province. Over 200 bikers set off, first through Atlasville and Beyers Park, then we hit the highway for Randburg. A big thank you has to go to all the Marshalls and members of EMPD and SAPS for making it a smooth ride, closing the onramps so that our journey was uninterrupted – much to the chagrin of some of our motorists. We took the Beyers Naude offramp and headed for Brightwater Common (previously Randburg Waterfront) where we met up with members of the Linden CPF and SAPS. We were given such a warm welcome by groups of children who formed a ‘guard of honour’. They were particularly happy to see Captain Teddy, who travelled with us. Donations of food collected on the day from participants were handed over to The Voortrekkers and cash donations were given to the Tiana Leigh Lung Foundation. We take this opportunity to thank everyone who was involved in the planning, as well as those who participated on the day. It was definitely a day to remember. We are already planning our next one later this year, when we hope to involve other CPF sectors from far and wide.


PCN 28 March 2012

Tell us your story! Email: or Phone 011 578 5674

This weeks recipe...

Fusilli with bacon and chilli

Preparation time: 10 mins Cooking time: 15 mins Ingredients • 500g fussili (or pasta shape of your choice) • 500g bacon (2 packets), chopped • 1 large onion • 3 garlic cloves • 1 can chopped tomatoes • Fresh/minced chillies • 2Tbs sweet chilli sauce • 2Tbs fat-free plain yoghurt • Salt and pepper to taste

Method Fill a large pot with water, add 2tbsn salt and allow to come to a boil. While you wait for the water to boil, heat a large saucepan and fry the bacon until cooked and slightly crispy. While the bacon is frying, finely chop the onion and garlic. Remove the bacon from the pan and set aside. Fry the onion and garlic in the same pan until soft and translucent. Add the tinned tomatoes, chillies and sweet chilli sauce. Drop the pasta into the boiling water and allow to come back up to a boil. Allow for the tomato sauce to reduce slightly then add back the bacon. Allow to simmer for 2-3 minutes then turn off the heat and add the yoghurt and season to taste. Drain the cooked pasta and toss into the sauce. Serve with a scattering of grated pecorino and some Italian parsley.

Serves: 4


Circus Circus

Find and circle all of the Circus words that are hidden in the grid. The words may be hidden in any direction.

The girl with the dragon tattoo The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is the first film in Columbia Pictures' threepicture adaptation of Stieg Larsson's literary blockbuster The Millennium Trilogy. Directed by David Fincher and starring Daniel Craig and Rooney Mara, the film is based on the first novel in the trilogy, which altogether have sold 50 million copies in 46 countries and become a worldwide phenomenon

Directed By: David Fincher Written by: Steven Zaililian


Cast: Rooney Mara, Daniel Craig, Christopher Plummer, Stellan Skarsgard, Robin Wright

March 30th 2012 CRICKET – Sri Lanka Cricket - Tests, Sri Lanka v England 1st Test Day 5 CRICKET – SA Cricket - T20 International, South Africa v India GOLF - European Tour, Sicilian Open Day 2 March 31st 2012 RUGBY • HSBC Sevens World Series, Sevens Rugby Tokyo - Games 1 - 4 • HSBC Sevens World Series, Sevens Rugby Tokyo - Games 5 - 8 SOCCER • SA Schools Shootout, Sacred Heart v Meadowlands • Barclays Premier League, Week 34: Aston Villa v Chelsea • Bundesliga, Matchday 28: Nurnberg v Bayern Munich • Barclays Premier League, Week 34: Queens Park Rangers v Arsenal April 1st 2012 MOTORSPORT • FIM Superbike World Championship, Italy Race 1 • European Tour, Sicilian Open Day 4

Win an awesome kids voucher from Santa Cruz Spur for you and your buddy to enjoy! Ask mom to help you cut your puzzle out, fill in the entry form with your name and number then put your entry in an envelope and drop it in the box attached to The PCN stand at either Pick ‘n Pay Sheridan Centre Farrarmere, Oakfields Pick ‘n Pay, Checkers Bonaero Shopping Centre, Spar Rynfield Terrace or Rebel Fruit & Veg Atlasville. Alternatively you can email it to Don't lose heart if you are not a winner of the

weekly draw, as all entries received during the month will go into a further draw at the end of the month to win a voucher from Ster Kinekor Northmead Square for you and your buddy to go watch a movie with a snack combo. For children 12 years and younger.

NAME: __________________________ AGE:____________________________ CONTACT NUMBER:_______________







en o

nl y

PCN 28 March 2012

At a

cinema near you!


Pro (Kid) as He is known lately, He mentioned He aint a Kid no more, released his Fifth Studio albumContinua. Album was launched in the Southern Suburbs of Johannesburg, in Pro’s hometown. Known as the kasi boy- he has always represented townships with his lyrical rhymes and punch lines delivered in English and Vernac, Pro-kid has been in the studio the past year working on the ‘Continua’ Album. Linda Mkhize has always been the voice of township hip hop, his 4 previous albums did not disappoint. Continua is living up to the standard of songs such as – Soweto, Sekele, 10:20, Pressa Pusha Panda and Zero. His 5th album is already getting air play through radio stations such as Yfm and Metro, with listeners throwing critics saying the album’s genre is swaying into Kwaito (due to collaboration with kwaito star Mandoza) and others saying it is too street hip hop… Continua balances Pro’s skills and creativity, also shows maturity into matters he attacks on the album as he avoids the normal ‘Girls, Cars and Alcohol’ rhythms. So not only is it for good times, it builds you to face the world and always value yourself.

Courtesy of Ster Kinekor, JUNCTION

All things fall apart

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Ad should be produced in order to qualify for your price discount

Safe House


This means war

Hugo Cabret

by Tshidi Thamana



Tell us your story! Email: or Phone 011 578 5674

Director: Mario Van Peebles

Ray Liotta

50 Cent

Cast: Mario Van Peebles, Ray Liotta, 50 Cent 50 Cent plays Deon, a college football star running back headed for the NFL and life on Easy Street. He has everything, fame, parties, girls etc. His kid brother, Sean rejects 50 cents lifestyle. He is the more studious type I gathered from the stereotypical glasses that he wears. Mom is Deon's main cheerleader, and dad, who has been there, wants Deon to be a more aggressive ball hog and less of a team player in order to attract the pro scouts. Even at home, Sean (Cedric Sanders) plays second fiddle to the football star. Deon can have any girl he wants, including the girl dating his brother. However...Thing Fall Apart. Deon has the big "C" growing in his chest. Ray Liotta plays the doctor. While the family is in a waiting room, Ray comes in with an x-ray and shows the family the giant tumor in Deon's chest. Radiation and chemo. Dad, concerned about Deon's draft pick, wants to keep a lid on this in order to deceive the NFL. Mom is not crazy about the idea. As Deon's life whittles away, he finds doors that were once opened to him have closed and life without being a football star is hard. Curtis' acting ability has improved since the last time I saw him, although it still leaves much to be desired. Strong performances by the supporting cast (not Ray Liotta of course.) There were some minor plot issues. Cedric Sanders made the movie more than 50 Cent.

Send us all your school news & achievements to


Tell us your story! Email: or Phone 011 578 5674

Making Homestead Park the place to be

don't PANIC!... Acitvate

28 March PCN 2012



s in your e n o h p ll e c e n all th



ur Ward 28 Councillor, Mary Goby, has made ‘parks’ her pet project for this year. She has already made a start at Homestead by having concrete tables and stools installed in the park, the first of which have now been installed, as well as braai facilities. About 3 weeks ago some of the trees at Homestead were trimmed. There are two

different groups involved – one group cuts the trees and the other is supposed to collect the cuttings. Unfortunately, there does not seem to be proper communication between the two parties, as these tree cuttings are left for weeks before being collected. Mary also hopes to install new jungle gym equipment at Homestead in the future.

1. The Panic Button function •

You speed-dial 5 on cellphone:

The call connects, you hear a short recorded message. • Your details are displayed as a prioritory PANIC on the screens in the CMS Control Rooms. • The call is automatically routed to a CMS controller, who answers your call. • If you hang up without speaking, the controller attempts to call you back - the name and cell phone number of the person that has pressed 5 is displayed on the screen. If there is no reply - immediate armed response to the known physical address.


1. The Sms Notification function At the same time as a client presses 5:

The system automatically triggers sms messages to all the cellphone numbers that the client has chosen to notify when any member of the household speed dials 5 on their cellphones. Everyone that receives an sms alert is immmediately aware of a possible emergency involving a member of their household. This is the CellRESCUE emergency early warning system.

COST OF THE NOTIFICATION ADD-ON R10 /month (incl. VAT) per cellphone number that the client chooses to notify bysms when a panic is triggered by anyone inthe household.

TO PARTICIPATE: Let the community come to you. Become the CellRESCUE pick up point for your area. Advertising space is a full colour 2x2 space & run weekly. Book your participation for a minimum of 4 publications at a cost of R364.80. Call Pam on 083 206 9463 or email on

To apply:

Pick up and drop off your cellRESCUE Application Forms at these convenient locations:

CMS Control Room Sheridon Shopping Centre, Farramere

Mannys Build It Cnr Great North & Louisa Rd, Brentwood Park 011 578 5600

BP Garage Webb street Northmead

Rebel Fruit and Veg Star street Atlasville

Northmead Square

Boksburg North Communication Service MEDIA RELEASE 2012-03-26 TWO POSSIBLE ROBBERS ARRESTED

On 2012-03-26 at about18:30 members were patrolling in Rietfontein Road by the East Rand Mall opposite the Mc Donalds Value Mall. The members of Germiston Flying Squad, and Metro Intervention Team were patrolling down Rietfontein Road, when they saw two African males walking towards the East Rand Mall road entrance. They stopped and wanted to search these men. The men started producing firearms and started running away. Sergeant Basil Thomas gave verbal warnings for them to stop, but they did not adhere. He then fired one shot with the R5 rifle towards the legs of the one suspect. He wounded the suspect in the leg. The other suspect were apprehended by the other members. They found two firearms, one 9 mm Norinco, one magazine with eight 9 mm short rounds, of which one round were one up already in the barrel and ready to fire. The other firearm is a .38 Special revolver with no rounds. Both firearms serial numbers were filed off. The wounded suspect were transported to Tembisa Hospital, and the other suspect were detained at Boksburg North Police station. A case was opened for possession of unlicenced firearms and ammunition. The suspects also had two plastic bags, two cell phones, black cable ties, black insulation tape with them. They were dressed in tekkies, tracksuit pants, black T-shirts, and a black leather jackets. The suspects allegedly came from Tokoza and Katlehong, and were 25 and 34 years of age. Well done to these members, great job done taking these criminals off the street. f/STATION COMMANDER, BOKSBURG NORTH: LT COLONEL J DU TOIT


our s ld be y


This c


OR REGISTER ONLINE and click on the cellRESCUE logo on the home page. Enquiries: Paul on 082 499 3552 or email: FAX TO: 086 224 1157 OR Email a scanned copy to

IDP Time – what do you want in your Ward The IDP (Integrated BOKSBURG: Monday 2 April 2012 Development Plan) meetings at 18h00 are scheduled for the next Boksburg Town Hall few weeks. This is when Council start BENONI: Tuesday 3 April 2012 deciding where the money will be spent in at 18h00 the next year. Benoni Town Hall We need the input of members of the community on what is really needed within KEMPTON PARK: Wednesday 11 April our suburbs to improve them. 2012 If you want your say on how the money at 18h00 should be spent, please attend and let us, Kempton Park City Hall the residents, be heard. Please support your Ward Councillors.

PCN 28 March 2012


Tell us your story! Email: or Phone 011 578 5674


DEADLINE for publication is: Monday at 9h00




CALL 011 578-5624 to Advertise

Please Note: We reserve the right to change the above deadline at any given time


Classifieds Tel: 011 578-5624 Fax: 086 683-7228


Adverts will only be accepted on a cash and EFT (transfer) basis before being published, e.g. property, lifts, for sale, employment wanted, gardening/cleaning, etc. (Always have your ID no / CO Registration no ready)

All advertisers must have a telephone number PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING Proof of Payment MUST be faxed through to: 086 683-7228 Reference number PCN + Telephone number must appear on proof of payment


Conditions of acceptance. Advertisers Please Note: 1. Although every effort will be made to meet the client's wishes, the date of publication, distribution, the form and position of the entries, the name and/or title and format of the advertisement, the number of copies and place of distribution, shall be at the sole discretion of


These are a few snippets of just some of the crimes that have been reported in the last week:

MARCH 21 A wallet was stolen after suspects broke into a vehicle in Goodman Street, Rynfield. Suspects stole a laptop through an open window of a home in Klip Street, Farrarmere. Another vehicle was hijacked at gunpoint in Port Amelia Road, Bonaero Park. Suspects forced open the window of a property in Tenth Avenue, Northmead and stole a TV, computer and other items. MARCH 22 A property in Thirteenth Avenue, Northmead was broken into. The suspects forced open the door and took a laptop and jewellery. Another break-in occurred in Northmead, this time in Seventh Street, with the suspects stealing a TV, camera and jewellery. A motor vehicle was stolen from the driveway of a property in Mercury Street, Farrarmere. MARCH 23 A motor vehicle was stolen from the driveway of a property in Mercury Street, Farrarmere. A business break-in occurred in High Road, Bredell. Windows and burglar bars were forced open to gain access and the thieves got away with a number of computers. Suspects broke into a vehicle in Main Road, Farrarmere and stole the radio. Komati Road, Farrarmere was the scene of a housebreaking, with suspects stealing a TV. Another break-in took place in Farrarmere, this time in Sapphire Street. The front door and security gate was forced open and again a TV was stolen. A home in Ametis Street was also broken into. Again the front door was forced open. Suspects stole a TV, DVD and jewellery. MARCH 24 Suspects forced open the sliding door of a unit in a complex in Ridge Road, Impala Park. A TV and laptop were stolen. A domestic worker was robbed of her handbag in Pylstert Street, Atlasville. A home in Bill Davey Drive, Farrarmere was broken into when suspects forced open the front door and security gate and stole various items. Another vehicle was stolen from Northmead Square. A vehicle was stolen from a premises in Pretoria Road, Rynfield. Yet another vehicle was stolen in Elston Avenue, Benoni CBD. 3 suspects forced open the door of a home in Hilliard Street, Rynfield. One of the suspects was arrested. MARCH 25 A vehicle was broken into in Starlight Street, Farrarmere. Suspects stole a bag containing a laptop and other items. A home in Shanon Road, Lakefield was broken into. Suspects stole a laptop and then proceeded to steal the resident’s vehicle.

Please refer to the Precinct logos on the front page for abbreviations


Call: Jacques 082 750 4258




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Crime Statistics

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Keep Dogs out of your garbage bags for GOOD!!!

Crime snippets

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From March 1st - 25th 2012

Buildit Contractors all purpose PVA 20L WHT SPMAPC200W


Plascon Crown sheen 20L WHT SPLCSH1020L


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