The Precinct Community News

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Volume 5 Issue 12













use the local women and children to help them distribute, in some cases, and they are getting more aggressive and blatant in their actions every day. One of the suggestions made at the March meeting, and which action was carried out, was the closing of the pedestrian gate in Hanekam Street into the shopping centre. The area was monitored to ascertain whether or not it would make any difference to passing ‘traffic’. A follow up meeting was held on Wednesday 2 May 2012 to discuss any progress and what to do next. While the closing of the pedestrian gate had made a slight difference, the problem remained and business people in the area were now at their wits end on what to do. This problem had been communicated to the

Both accused received three life sentences for the murders and rape, as well as a further 15 years for housebreaking. We understand one of the suspects received a further 5 year sentence for possession of dagga. The third suspect is apparently extremely ill and was unable to attend at court. These accused committed a frightening and deplorable act and are now getting their just deserts. The Bothas were an elderly retired couple, and hardly a threat to three men, so it is a great relief to know that they shall be off the streets for a long, long time. Well done to all members of the police, detectives and forensics connected with the apprehension and conviction of these criminals.


9 May 2012



SAPS in writing dating back to 2010 with the latest letters being handed over to the relevant authorities in March this year, yet no apparent action had been taken. It was agreed at the meeting that one final letter would be written before taking the matter further up the chain of command. However, just as everyone was leaving the meeting, a police vehicle containing Sector Managers arrived – better late than never. These Sector Managers immediately approached the hawkers and helped them pack up their goods and go. These SAPS members also advised that they would make periodic returns to check that the hawkers did not return. On Thursday 3 May another hawker arrived and set up on the corner, but his stay was short lived as the police, checking as they had promised to

Justice catches up with 2 murder/rape accused It is not very often that we are the bearers of such good news after such a tragic incident as murder and rape. All too often the perpetrators are never apprehended and get away scot-free. However this was not the case in this instance. You should all remember the brutal attack on the on Jacobus and Alice Botha who were murdered and raped in their home in Ninth Avenue, Northmead in February 2010. Three suspects in total had been apprehended in connection with this horrific crime and their trial was held in Delmas during April 2012. From information received, we believe two of the suspects were found guilty in the Delmas High Court on Friday 4 May 2012.


ISSN 2222-0313

Corner Store shut down n the middle of March this year, business people in the vicinity of Oak and Hanekam Street, Northmead held a meeting to discuss the problem of hawkers on that corner, bordering Oakfields Shopping Centre. It seems that the little stand by the side of the road hawks more than just sweeties to the passers-by. According to residents of the neighbouring shops, you can get a far more expensive ‘sweetie’ there. It is alleged that dagga and even mandrax are sold here. It is believed that the sellers


Police confiscate dagga plant

do, arrived on the scene and once again helped this hawker to close down and leave the area. A check was made on Monday 7 May 2012, but there were no hawkers visible in that area. We take this opportunity to thank these SAPS members for their immediate action and hope that word has now spread that the corner of Oak and Hanekam Streets is no longer ‘open for business’. Here’s hoping it stays that way. Another issue which had been brought to the attention of the police was a dagga plant on a property nearby, on the corner of Celia Nestadt and Flamboyant Street. These same members of the SAPS set off to the address in question. They took one look and immediately removed the dagga plant. Thank you guys and gal. We need more dedicated members like yourselves who are making a difference in our community.


Tell us your story! Email: or Phone 011 578 5674

Win a voucher worth R250.00

Put your entry in an envelope and drop it in the box attached to The PCN stand at either Mannys Build it, Pick ‘n Pay Sheridan Centre Farrarmere, Oakfields Pick ‘n Pay, Checkers Bonaero Shopping Centre, Spar Rynfield Terrace or Rebel Fruit & Veg Atlasville. Alternatively you can email it to info@thepcn. Don’t forget to include your name and a contact number. Originals must be produced in order to collect prize.Only one original entry per person entering will be accepted. Entries

will close every Tuesday for a weekly draw. Don't lose heart if you are not a winner of the weekly draw, as all entries received during the month will go into a further draw at the end of the month to win a voucher to the value of R1000.Winners will be announced in the next issue of The PCN following the draw.

Congratulations to last weeks winner, Mary Anne Gosling who claims the R250 Mannys Build It voucher. Well Done!!!

Fruit Find and circle all of the fruit that are hidden in the grid. The remaining letters spell an additional fruit.

PCN 9 May 2012

Building bridges and tearing down walls


ay be a great metaphor to describe certain situations, but why illegally drop building rubble in our parks & not on a building site? This picture was taken recently at the Sam Grolman Park in Farrarmere. Please be aware of local by-laws Illegal dumping is a criminal offence and liable to a fine of up to R2 000 Be proud of your surroundings! LET’S KEEP BENONI TIDY! If you have any Service Delivery Issues contact 0860-543-000 and insist on a reference number.

Fisherman finds R4 Rifle at Homestead Dam


No further details available at time of going to press

OL O H C S Y R A M I R P ARBOR FUN RUN / WALK Family fun for the Fit (and not so fit...)




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Tel: 011 578 5600 Fax: 086 683 7228 Email: Join our group on facebook! Just do a search for The Precinct Community News Editor Tel: 011 578 5674 Journalist Tel: 073 837 5844 Design & Layout Tel: 011 578 5624 Tel: 011 578 5668 Advertising Pam Fourie Tel: 083 206 9463 or 011 578 5668

The Precinct Community News is published by the Joint Precincts. Contributions are submitted at the senders risk. The Joint Precincts do not accept responsibility for material lost. The Joint Precincts reserve the right to make changes to any material submitted for publication. All rights reserved. All crime statistics are those logged by the commuinty control room and are those logged by the community control room and are not necessarily those of the newspaper. Reproduction without written permission of the Editor is strictly prohibited. To enquire about reproduction of any material contained in this publication please email info@ CODE OF CONDUCT: This newspaper has committed itself to report news truthfully and accurately, and to publish comment that is fair in accordance with the highest standards of journalism, as set out in the Press code of South Africa. Complaints that this code has been breached may be lodged with the office of the Press Ombudsman. Written complaints with a copy of the report concerned may be sent to the press ombudsman at fax: 011 484 3612 or email

Sunday 6 May 2012 saw the Arbor Primary Fun Run go off with a bang! The spirit was incredible as the fit went off running, and the slightly less fit followed on at a walking pace. Of course, for those of us who are really unfit, there was an open tuck shop and a stall selling bacon rolls and even sunscreen! The race was divided into two categories; 5km and 2.5km, and there were prizes not only for the students, but also for the parents that participated in the Fun Run. Indeed it was gratifying to see how many of the parents got stuck in and went for it! Alas for those of us who

are on the older side, the younger generation proved their youth and beat the adults solidly, with the first and second place runners in the 2.5 being young Cameron Curtis and Karl Farnum, who looked as fresh when they got in as they did when they started. The fun run event, held in order to raise money for the school, was a huge success, and the school was very grateful for the sponsors who helped with the fundraising, and most especially the parents whose hard work made it all happen. To those who ran, well done, it was a great day and lots of fun, and all for a good cause!

PCN 9 May 2012

Tell us your story! Email: or Phone 011 578 5674



n a previous issue we were told by the police that, having just arrested one of the suspects involved in a cash-in-transit robbery in Oboe Street, Rynfield, they would catch the others involved. It appears that they have made good on their promise, as two more of the suspects have been arrested, and we understand that they were taken while they still had the cash boxes, unopened, in their possession. Certainly the police have not let the grass grow under their feet! It transpires that the robbers were stopped at a roadblock in Bram Fischer as a routine inspection of vehicles. There were five individuals in the car, but three of them jumped out and ran away and, realising that something was fishy, the police quickly nabbed the remaining two and proceeded to search the vehicle, turning up the still sealed cash boxes which were identified by G4



By Philip Allebone

On Friday 4 May 2012 a suspect was arrested for attempting to steal 4.57kg of nickel from his workplace. Unfortunately for him, his employers were rather more on the ball than he was. Suspecting that a theft may occur, they contacted their guarding service provider, CMS, who immediately sent out someone to advise them of the correct procedure to follow. The result was one very sorry fellow who was caught at half past one in the afternoon in possession of stolen goods. There was little he could say, and he freely admitted that he had been trying to take the nickel, but that is not where this story ends...

Security as being theirs. The suspects were to appear in court Wednesday in the Roodepoort Magistrates Court. It certainly can be said that the police here are determined, and when they make a promise to catch you, then they make good on their promises. A firm warning to the criminals indeed! Given the fact that these people have already shown a willingness to resort to violence, we are very glad that they are off the street. A hearty ‘well done’ to the police. We look forward to hearing the fate of the remaining individuals soon, as we are sure that they will not be on the loose for long. As the investigation is still proceeding, there has been no official comment from our local police while they progress with the case, but well done to you all. The community appreciates your efforts.

The usual procedure, for those of us who are not au fait with such things, is that a security company, although they can detain a suspect, they may not remove the suspect in a vehicle – that is the task of the police who make the formal arrest. The only problem with this is that in this instance the police only arrived several hours later, just before 8pm, leaving the security company to babysit the suspect until the police actually arrived. Now it is all very well that there may be extenuating circumstances for being a bit late, maybe, and indeed, the crisis was over in a sense, but surely the police should have been quicker than that? What happened? It is a great concern when those who are the officially designated protectors of our lives and goods do not arrive for hours on end after they are called to deal with a situation that is, essentially, their job. Needless to say, the businessman in question was not happy at all.

The Olive Branch Trauma Centre 16 Sixth Ave, Northmead 1511, P.O. Box, 131275, Northmead 1511

Dr. Barbara Wade PR No.: 089 000 025 3642 D Phil ( Social Work ) MSc ( Psychology ) Hons Bsc ( Psychology ) BA ( Welfare Science ) BSc ( Physio ) Registered Social Worker Reg no. 102 3651 SAASWIPP 700 938

Triumph over life’s difficulties Services include: • Individual therapy • Family Therapy • Trauma Counselling • Parenting Skills & Therapy for emotional problems • Play Therapy Medical Aid rates apply. Dr Wade is a fully accredited member of the South African Association of Social Workers in private practice. She holds a masters degree in psychology and a doctorate in the field of family therapy and trauma.

Contact Details:

At approximately three o’clock in the morning on 4 May 2012, a resident of Hospital Road in Northmead awoke to the sound of someone in his house. Upon going to investigate, he discovered no less, he said, than six individuals jumping the wall as they escaped with his laptop. He immediately raised the alarm and a quick response by the police and our Precinct vehicles lead to the arrest of one of the suspects. Everyone gave chase as the suspects fled the scene, some into Aster Street and others into Stokroos Street. Dogs could be heard barking as the suspects tried to make their escape, jumping from property to property. One of the suspects dropped the laptop in the street. One of the suspects was apprehended inside a property in Aster Street. Alas the others managed to get away, but with one of them in custody, it will surely be only a matter of time before the others are caught. Said the police media spokesperson, “We are still investigating his background to see if he is linked to other incidents.”

It seems that one of the factors leading to the others escaping was that the police had difficulty in accessing the adjacent properties in order to follow the suspects. It is hoped that if there is ever an event in your area, then you would ensure full co-operation with the police, as they provide a vital service in keeping us safe. Without them, criminals would do as they pleased. Make sure you do your part and show your support for the police. We need them, and without the support of the community, they cannot do their job. A very big ‘thank you’ from the community once again to everyone who was instrumental in catching this thief.

The well named ‘Pothole Brigade’ has hit a pothole of its own, and apparently been run off the road. The Pothole Brigade, which was powered by Dial Direct, have been filling potholes all over the place, making the roads better for us all, but it seems that they have run into red tape after some city service providers complained that they did not comply with the stipulations of the Municipal Financial Management Act. In all honesty, it is not clear exactly what this means at all, since the initiative cost nothing to anyone except the private sector businesses involved. The improvement on the roads has been marked, and it must be noted that they

filled in excess of 50 000 potholes in the short time that they were in existence (a fact for which anyone who owns a car is very grateful). Now that the initiative has been shut down, the repair of the roads, which was done such that it was a service free for the public, will now have to be repaired at the ratepayers expense. The government has been calling for public/ private combined initiatives, but it seems that when they happen, the dreaded red tape rears its ugly head. We cannot but help wonder why the initiative was stopped, since the roads clearly need these potholes repaired, and since it cost the ratepayers nothing, surely it should have been something that the government would welcome. We can, alas, find no record of any comment on this from the Ekurhuleni Metro or from the Johannesburg Roads Agency.

For the last ten years this house in Durham Street, Western Extension has been empty, and for eight of those it has been a festering burned out shell filled with illegally dumped rubbish, rats, snakes and flies. It has become a haven for drug runners, prostitutes, vagrants and a hiding place for stolen goods. The neighbours have become so frustrated over the years with the smell, the devaluation of their properties and the rising crime that it has caused, that some of them have even moved away. It appears that the owner, an elderly gentleman, died, and instead of having the estate declared deceased, the executor did nothing. Unaware of the situation, council continued billing the estate for rates, which have been accumulating and, combined with the bond on the house, means that the estate is owing a large amount of money. As the years passed, and the property deteriorated, numerous attempts were made by the local residents to get something done about this property, which is situated right next to a school. However, it seems that the previous Ward Councillor was not interested. Our new Councillor, Mary Goby, went on down to see for herself, and since then the council has sent in a company to clear the site.

The problem however, is that the house itself needs to be demolished, otherwise the problem will persist, but it transpires that this cannot be done without the family of the deceased giving permission, which they have not. Given the problems that this building is creating, we need to ask what can be done to remove this eyesore from the street. There is even a group interested in buying up the land to donate to the school as a parking lot or play area, but until the executor makes some move to deal with the situation, nothing can be done. The frustration is driving the residents mad, and the Ward Councillor, Mary Goby, is on the scene, paying a great deal of attention to the proceedings in person, so hopefully a solution will be found soon to deal with the situation and restore the street to its former pretty state


By Philip Allebone

Cell: 072 122 4766 Office: 011 849 7473



Preparation time: 2Hrs

Cooking time: 2Hrs

The Vow

Sundried pesto, thyme and mushroom give this lamb dish a delicious flavour.

An achingly romantic tale of courtship, marriage and domestic bliss is rudely interrupted by a car crash which leaves the wife unable to remember anything at all about the husband. To complicate matters Paige (Rachel McAdams) can remember most of her life before meeting Leo (Channing Tatum), but none of it involving him. Channing Tatum is terribly miscast as an arty husband, Paige (Rachel McAdams) wakes from a coma to find every trace of her pre-accident life wiped from her life.

Directed By: Michael Sucsy

Serves : 6

Ingredients • 8 Chump chops • Robertsons Salt and Pepper to taste • 60 millilitre Sundried tomato pesto • 1 KNORR Chicken & Mushroom Pan Dry Cook-in-Sauce • 500 millilitre Water • 1 teaspoon Chopped fresh thyme

Method 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

PCN 9 May 2012

Tell us your story! Email: or Phone 011 578 5674

Place chops in a baking dish. Mix together remaining ingredients and pour over the chops. Leave to stand for 1-2 hours to marinate. Cook in preheated 160°C oven for 2 hours until soft and tender. Serve with creamy garlic and herb mashed potatoes.


Indoor Games

Find and circle all of the words that are hidden in the grid. The words may be hidden in any direction.



Cast: Brittney Irvin, Channing Tatum, Dillon Casey, Jessica Lange, Rachel McAdams, Sam Neill, Scott Speedman

May 11th 2012 Golf PGA Tour, The Players Championship Day 2, SS5 Rugby - Vodacom Super Rugby, Week 12 - Waratahs v Vodacom Bulls,SS1 Cricket - IPL: T20, Pune Warriors v Royal Challengers Bangalore, SS2 May 12th 2012 Rugby - Vodacom Super Rugby, Week 12 - Rebels v Crusaders, Mnet Soccer - Super Diski: Absa Premiership, Mamelodi Sundowns v SuperSport Soccer - Super Diski: Absa Premiership, Free State Stars v Kaizer Chiefs Rugby - HSBC Sevens World Series, London 7s - Games 17 - 20 May 13th 2012 Walking - Iaaf Race Walking Cup, Day 2, SS7 Rugby- Vodacom Super Rugby, Week 12 - Reds v Chiefs Motorsport - GP3 Series, Spain, Barcelona Race 2 Soccer - Spanish La Liga, Week 38: Game 5 Soccer - Barclays Premier League, Week 40: Man City v Queens Park Rangers Golf - PGA Tour, The Players Championship Day 4 Cricket - IPL: T20, Rajasthan Royals v Pune Warriors

Win an awesome kids voucher from Santa Cruz Spur for you and your buddy to enjoy! Ask mom to help you cut your puzzle out, fill in the entry form with your name and number then put your entry in an envelope and drop it in the box attached to The PCN stand at either Pick ‘n Pay Sheridan Centre Farrarmere, Oakfields Pick ‘n Pay, Checkers Bonaero Shopping Centre, Spar Rynfield Terrace or Rebel Fruit & Veg Atlasville. Alternatively you can email it to Don't lose heart if you are not a winner of the

weekly draw, as all entries received during the month will go into a further draw at the end of the month to win a voucher from Ster Kinekor Northmead Square for you and your buddy to go watch a movie with a snack combo. For children 12 years and younger.

NAME: __________________________ AGE:____________________________ CONTACT NUMBER:_______________







en o

nl y

PCN 9 May 2012


Tell us your story! Email: or Phone 011 578 5674

At a

cinema near you!



The Avengers

21 Jump Street


Courtesy of Ster Kinekor, JUNCTION

Northmead Square, Tel: 011 425 0137

The Lorax

HEAT RATING: 7 Danny DeVito

Betty White

Zac Effron

Director: Chris Renaud Written by: Cinco Paul & Ken Daurio Cast: Danny DeVito, Betty White, Zac Effron.




jy druk play Music fans should gear up as MK and Vodacom launch a thrilling new virtual interactive music video war show this May. Jy Druk Play, another Vodacom Unlimited Experience demonstrating Power To You with SA’s top alternative music channel MK, debuts on Thursday 3 May at 17:00. A first-of-its-kind experience, viewers will use a synchronised Jy Druk Play Facebook application and mobile site to decide which music video plays next while interacting with other viewers on air as well as online. At

any time, four music videos from around the world will go head-to-head in an all-out war for television domination, vying for the votes of MK viewers to see which one is going to dominate LIVE on their television screens. Vodacom Unlimited is partnering with MK on Jy Druk Play and fans will be able to vote for the video that they want to rule on MK via social networks and SMS. To vote on Facebook fans can log onto the MK Facebook page www., and optimised for smartphones on It is also available to users of all networks via SMS on 34086 at R1.50 per SMS


Ted Wiggins (Zac Efron), an idealistic 12-year-old boy, lives in "Thneed-Ville", a walled city that, aside from the citizens, is completely, perfectly, artificial: everything is made of plastic, metal, or synthetics. Ted sets out to find the one thing that will win him the affection of Audrey (Taylor Swift), the girl of his dreams, who wishes to see a real tree. Ted's energetic grandmother suggests he speak with the Once-ler (Ed Helms) on the matter, and he discovers that their city has been closed off from the outside world, which is a contaminated and empty wasteland. The Once-ler agrees to tell Ted about the trees if he listens to his story over multiple visits. Ted agrees, even after the mayor of Thneed-Ville, Aloysius O'Hare (Rob Riggle), who is also the greedy proprietor of a bottled oxygen company, confronts the boy and pressures him to stay in town. Over the course of the movie, Ted, with the encouragement of his grandmother, continues to sneak out of O'Hare's sight and learns more of the history of the trees. Over the visits, the Once-ler recounts the story of how he met The Lorax (Danny DeVito), a grumpy yet charming orange creature who served as guardian of the land he arrived in.

Send us all your school news & achievements to


Tell us your story! Email: or Phone 011 578 5674

LifeLine’s 24-hour crisis line on 0861 322 322 or (011) 422 4242.


uicide is on the increase in South Africa, and for a number of reasons, teens may be particularly vulnerable. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among the teenagers and young adults, after homicide and accidental causes such as car accidents. Research shows that more females attempt suicide than males. However, males tend to use more violent methods and are therefore more likely to die from a suicide attempt. What causes people to attempt suicide? In general, suicide is not caused by a single or isolated event, but rather a number of factors that are impacting on the individual at the time. One of the main causes, however, is depression. Depression is a mood disorder that can lead to a person feeling trapped, overwhelmed and sometimes hopeless. This type of sadness or frustration will interfere with the individual’s daily functioning for at least a two week period. A person who is depressed will find it difficult to see the positive side of a situation and will often be stuck in a pattern of negative thinking. Parents can identify possible depression in teens by looking out for and being aware of some of the symptoms. These include: • • • • •

Feeling down or sad for most of the day Losing interest in most activities Agitation, irritability or restlessness Crying or feeling tearful often Weight loss or gain

• • • • • •

Changes in appetite Sleeping too much or too little Lack of energy or feeling fatigued Guilt or feeling worthless Concentration problems Thinking about death or suicide

Besides depression, other causes of suicidal behaviour may include the following: • • • • • • • • •

Academic problems Bullying or other problems at school Stress Abuse Relationship problems Family conflict Poverty Alcohol and other substance abuse Other psychological problems or disorders

9 May PCN 2012

• Get informed about suicide • Support your child. Try to understand their feelings and behaviours without being judgemental or critical. Good communication is important. • Ask for help – suicide should not be a secret. Get support from a friend or family member and consider getting help or advice from a trained counsellor, psychologist or doctor.

If you have any questions regarding suicide or depression, feel free to call LifeLine’s 24-hour crisis line on 0861 322 322 or (011) 422 4242.

Who is at risk? Suicide can affect anyone, regardless of race, gender, or socio-economic status, but there are certain factors that can increase a person’s risk for committing suicide, such as: • • • •

Previous suicide attempts by the individual Using substances, especially if depressed Access to firearms Suicidal behaviour of a family member or friend • Poor communication at home • Exposure to violence in the family What can I do to protect my child? If you think that your child or anyone else you know may be at risk for attempting suicide, it is important to take the following steps:

FREE cellphone panic buttons for all CMS clients To apply today Send an email to or go to Scroll down & click on the CELLRescue logo to apply online


All CMS clients can give their entire family a panic button on their cellphones that intelligently connects directly to CMS. Take it, it's free on application!


The system automatically sends sms messages to whoever you choose to alert at the same time as you speed-dial 5 on your cellphone. This extra sms notifications module is offered as additional functionality for a small monthly fee and is optional.


Terms & Conditions apply. Pick up and drop off your CELLRescue Application Forms at these convenient locations:

CMS Control Room Sheridon Shopping Centre, Farramere

BP Garage Webb str, Northmead

Rebel Fruit n Veg, Atlasville

Mannys Build it Great North rd, Brentwood park

“crime league statistics” for the precincts for the month of April 2012 (March 12 figures in brackets). It must be noted, however, that FCP shows the highest crime because we have the most members in the Farrarmere area. Our crime stats only show incidents that have been reported to our control room, hence the crime in some areas will actually be much higher than the figures reported.

FCP 49 (49) RCP 32 (31) GNCP 31 (34) BNCP 30 (26) BASS 20 (16) BCP 14 (7) CBD 9 (5) ACP 8 (15) WECP 8 (7)

BWCP 7 (0) LWRA 6 (2) APEX 6 (5) IPCP 5 (4) BPCP 4 (10) JPBP 3 (1) CCP 3 (5) BSBP 2 (0) AVCP 1 (2) APHA 0 (1)

Comparisons with the previous month:LWRA reported crime tripled !!! Large increase in reported crime BWCP from ZERO to 7 in a month!! What happened in this precinct? Why has reported crime increased? Reported crime in BCP doubled in a month! CBD reported crime up from 5 to 9. Now for some positive news. BPCP drop in crime from 10 to 4. Can we learn anything from this precinct? Residents of Benoni, are we going to stay complacent? Become involved. Be observant in your neighborhood. Protect your family, loved ones & property. Report suspicious vehicles and persons to the Control Room 0861-425-493 or 011-425-4955 as well as the sector police vehicles. If you have any practical solutions to crime and upliftment of our suburbs, please send us an email to Become part of the solution !!!!!

PCN 9 May 2012


Tell us your story! Email: or Phone 011 578 5674


DEADLINE for publication is: Monday at 9h00




CALL 011 578-5624 to Advertise

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Adverts will only be accepted on a cash and EFT (transfer) basis before being published, e.g. property, lifts, for sale, employment wanted, gardening/cleaning, etc. (Always have your ID no / CO Registration no ready)

All advertisers must have a telephone number PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING Proof of Payment MUST be faxed through to: 086 683-7228 Reference number PCN + Telephone number must appear on proof of payment


Conditions of acceptance. Advertisers Please Note: 1. Although every effort will be made to meet the client's wishes, the date of publication, distribution, the form and position of the entries, the name and/or title and format of the advertisement, the number of copies and place of distribution, shall be at the sole discretion of

accepted. 7. Space is sold to the advertiser for the purpose of making announcements concerning his own business and may not be used for attacking or making insidious comparisons with other advertisers, firms, institutions or persons.

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contact Pam: 083 206 9463 Email:

We do installations - No bother No fuss!!!

Call: Jacques 082 750 4258 These are a few snippets of just some of the crimes that have been reported in the last week:

MAY 01 – A TV and computer were stolen after a break-in at a property in Larch Road, Benoni AH. A window and burglar bars were broken and a DSTV decoder stolen in Princes Avenue Benoni. MAY 02 – Suspects stole a TV & home theatre system from a property in Leopard Road, Zesfontein. 5 armed suspects held up a shop in Bonaero Shopping Centre and took cell phones. A vehicle was stolen from a home in Orly Road, Bonaero Park. The security gate and front door were forced open in Saturnus Street, Farrarmere. A man was robbed of cash at an ATM in Northmead Square, Fourteenth Avenue, Northmead. 2 armed men hijacked a resident in Tenth Avenue, Northmead. A motor vehicle was stolen from the parking area in Northmead Square. A computer and other goods were stolen from a property in Aster Street, Northmead. A business in Rudo Nel Street, Jet Park was broken into and various items stolen. MAY 03 – The window of a vehicle was broken and a laptop and wallet was stolen. A motor vehicle was stolen at the corner of Pretoria and Vlei in Rynfield. MAY 04 – A truck was stolen from a property in Eighth Avenue, Bredell. The security gate and back door was forced open at a property in Santos Street, Farrarmere. 2 TVs and jewellery were stolen after the back door was forced open in Vosloo Street. Northmead. A domestic worker was robbed of her handbag in Cypress Street, Northmead. MAY 05 – A laptop was stolen from a vehicle in the garage of a property in First Avenue, Bredell. A laptop and DVD player were stolen after suspects broke into a home in Pierre Street, Farrarmere. A domestic worker was robbed of her cell phone, purse and jewellery in Santos Street, Farrarmere. The front door was forced open and a laptop and TV stolen from Genevieve Street, Farrarmere. A further armed robbery of a handbag and jewellery took place in Seventh Street, Northmead. 2 laptops were stolen from Greybe Street, Rynfield after suspects forced open the front door. The front door was forced open and a TV stolen in Foster Street, Rynfield. Cellphones and wallets were taken during an armed robbery in Curtis Street, Rynfield. MAY 06 – The front door and security gate was forced open in Wielewale Street, Atlasville. Vehicles were broken into in Cambridge Street, Derwent Avenue and Brooke Street, Farrarmere. The front door of a home in Whitman Street, Farrarmere was forced open. Housebreakings occurred in Yellowwood Street and Wellington Street, Northmead. The front door of a home in Miles Sharp Street, Rynfield was forced open and various items stolen.

Crime Statistics

lessen the effectiveness of the advertisement. 5. Cancellations & alterations must be phoned through before Friday 4pm prior to publication. 6. The Publisher is entitled to withhold any advertisement from publication and to cancel any advertisement order that has been

! Watch your business grow

Keep Dogs out of your garbage bags for GOOD!!!

Crime snippets

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Please refer to the Precinct logos on the front page for abbreviations


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1st - 6th May 2012

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