The Precinct Community News

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Volume 5 Issue 23










ISSN 2222-0313





25 July 2012



Residents chase bicycle thief By Philip Allebone


n Sunday 22 July a man attempted to steal a bicycle from a garden in Langenhoven St in Farramere. The owner of the property heard the commotion and went out to see what was going on, and where he was joined by his neighbour. The pair then got into the owner’s vehicle and chased after the man, stopping him and apprehending him until the arrival of the relevant authorities. The owner of the property then went to the Farramere Precinct Control Room, where he reported the facts. The Control Room immediately despatched patrol vehicles and reported the incident to 10111. Upon his return to his neighbour, who was keeping a watchful eye on the suspect, FCP Patrolman, Frans was already on scene with the police arriving shortly thereafter, resulting in the arrest of the man, who allegedly is homeless and living at nearby Wilge Dam. The owner of the property, a Mr. Jones, said that he felt that crime was on the rise in Farramere, and, “residents need to start keeping an eye out!” This is certainly the case, and for this reason residents are encouraged to become more involved in fighting crime. Anyone interested should make contact with our FCP Chairman, Clive Paterson, on 082-555-0292 or send him an email at The criminals are networked and aware, you should be too! In the last week, nearly all the reported crime has been around this area, in general, and that says that the public needs to look out for each other.


After a bit of respite during June, crime is again increasing in our suburb, with the number of incidents so far in July already having surpassed that of last month.

Housebreakings have increased dramatically, as well as theft of and theft out of motor vehicles, and this is obviously cause for concern. Historically, incidents of crime reported in Farrarmere have always been higher than elsewhere, purely because more crime is reported to our Control Room, and is generally

FCP fairly accurate. As a result of the recent upsurge in crime in the area, as discussed at a Sector 4 meeting held last week, our management company, CMS, profiled the Farrarmere area, identifying hotspots and specific problem areas to be tabled at a meeting with our Sector Manager. Unfortunately the scheduled meeting did

not take place as planned, despite our management company’s attendance. No further communication has been received nor a further meeting date set. In the meantime the relevant information remains ready and waiting to be discussed with the Sector Manager so that ‘operations’ in the area can be planned and carried out.

Attention, all law abiding citizens This is an important notice to all people who wish to own a firearm or have one and wish to become more proficient. Crime in Benoni, particularly violent crime has spiraled out of control. East Rand Shooting Club is a body of free individuals who believe in the right to self defense, and the safe and responsible use of firearms. The East Rand Shooting Club wishes to promote the concept of private firearm ownership and have as their core mission, the facilitation and training of other law abiding citizens in the craft of responsible firearm ownership, as an effective deterrent against violent crime. The East Rand Shooting Club wll be hosting a discussion on how to obtain a firearm license and how to reach a high level proficiency at the premises of Rampage Model Agency located at the Northmead Square Admin Building, on the evening of the 30th July @ 19:00 The East Rand Shooting Club will discuss: 1. How to become a Firearm owner. 2. The licensing procedure for firearms. 3. How the East Rand Shooting Club can facilitate this. 4. The correct mindset and methods of use of a firearm. 5. Advanced Courses offered. 6. General advice and questions from the floor. 7. How to dispose of unwanted firearms There is a R20 cover charge for the use of the facility.

For more info or should you have any questions:


Tell us your story! Email: or Phone 011 578 5674

Win a voucher worth R250.00

Food for Wolfshaven


n June this year, Mannys Build it were involved in a project with P.E.T.S., building kennels for needy dogs. At the same time, dog food, bowls and blankets were donated so give them a healthy start. After the event, further donations of dog food and other pet feeding, walking and bedding accessories were received and we set about finding a suitable organisation to give this to, preferably in our own neighbourhood. Wolfshaven Animal Sanctuary in Benoni was identified, and on 14 July Carla Barreto volunteered, once again, to deliver these much needed commodities to them, knowing that they would be able to put them to good use. Wolfshaven is dedicated to the responsible rescue, rehabilitation and correct rehoming of domestic dogs from all walks of life, regardless of their age, origins or background

PCN 25 July 2012

Put your entry in an envelope and drop it in the box attached to The PCN stand at either Mannys Build it, Pick ‘n Pay Sheridan Centre Farrarmere, Oakfields Pick ‘n Pay, Checkers Bonaero Shopping Centre, Spar Rynfield Terrace or Rebel Fruit & Veg Atlasville. Alternatively you can email it to info@thepcn. Don’t forget to include your name and a contact number. Originals must be produced in order to collect prize.Only one original entry per person entering will be accepted. Entries

will close every Tuesday for a weekly draw. Don't lose heart if you are not a winner of the weekly draw, as all entries received during the month will go into a further draw at the end of the month to win a voucher to the value of R1000.Winners will be announced in the next issue of The PCN following the draw. Congratulations to last weeks winner, Mrs C Wenke who claims the R250 Mannys Build It voucher. Well Done!!! The answer to last weeks puzzle was: The life and time of Grizzly adams

Golf Find and circle all of the golf words that are hidden in the grid. The remaining letters spell a Mark Twain quotation.

DAGGA SUSPECTS ARRESTED On Thursday 201207-18 at about 03:25 our two hero Constables did it again. Constable June Sithole and Constable Emmanuel Sibuyi were on patrol duties around Morehill at Snake Road onramp when they stopped and searched a Toyota bakkie which looked suspicious.

Inside the bakkie seven (7) large bags of dagga to the estimated value of R500 000 were found. The suspect aged 40 years was arrested and appeared briefly in the Benoni Magistrates Court. He was remanded back into custody and will again appear before Court on Tuesday 2012-07-24. Further investigation led to the arrest of the second suspect aged 30, whom it is alleged the dagga was going to be delivered to. Investigation is ongoing.



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Tel: 011 578 5600 Fax: 086 683 7228 Email: Join our group on facebook! Just do a search for The Precinct Community News Editor Tel: 011 578 5674 Journalist Tel: 073 837 5844 Design & Layout Tel: 011 578 5624 Tel: 011 578 5668

ABC Accredited

Advertising Pam Fourie Tel: 083 206 9463 or 011 578 5668

The Precinct Community News is published by the Joint Precincts. Contributions are submitted at the senders risk. The Joint Precincts do not accept responsibility for material lost. The Joint Precincts reserve the right to make changes to any material submitted for publication. All rights reserved. All crime statistics are those logged by the commuinty control room and are those logged by the community control room and are not necessarily those of the newspaper. Reproduction without written permission of the Editor is strictly prohibited. To enquire about reproduction of any material contained in this publication please email info@ CODE OF CONDUCT: This newspaper has committed itself to report news truthfully and accurately, and to publish comment that is fair in accordance with the highest standards of journalism, as set out in the Press code of South Africa. Complaints that this code has been breached may be lodged with the office of the Press Ombudsman. Written complaints with a copy of the report concerned may be sent to the press ombudsman at fax: 011 484 3612 or email

PCN 25 July 2012

Following the River By Philip Allebone



e have been following the progress at Atlasvillespruit with interest, and we see that they have not only been grading the flood plain, they are preparing the way to

dredge the river too. Indeed, they are also cleaning out Homestead Dam further down from the river, and the machine that clears out the deadly hyacinth is busy on the water, removing the parasite that kills the fish and makes the dam a green mess.

Sector 1 CPF By Philip Allebone

The changes will be stunning once done, and for sure we can accept a little mess as they make the river and the dam what it should and could be. All this work has been achieved because the community stood together and got involved. Members of the community who were badly affected by flooding for several years took a stand, took part and contributed to the process necessary to ensure that the area would be upgraded properly in order to alleviate the annual flood damage. We encourage other suburbs to do the same. The community as a whole needs to get involved in order for progress to be achieved.

The Boksburg North Sector 1 CPF met on Tuesday 17 July under the guidance of their new Chairman, Simon Wardill. Simon is a determined man who has clear and certain views of where the CPF must go, and seems to be the ideal candidate to get it up and running. The message that he brought had two basic themes, the first being that communication kills crime, and the second being that it is the community that needs to communicate. The meeting was well attended by those who were working to make the CPF successful, and most excellently attended by the police, with the Boksburg North Station Commander, Colonel Thambo himself present, as well as other high ranking police persons, and their interest and involvement was clear. Colonel Thambo was plain in his comments, “We are here for one reason which we have in common; crime. Your concern is our concern and we must serve (the community).” The only rather sad aspect of the meeting, which caused Mr Wardill to comment that he

was “disappointed in the turnout”, was the noticeable lack of community presence. It is a point worth considering that if we don’t care about crime in our area, we cannot very well expect much concern from anyone else. Our first line of defence against crime is not the police, but ourselves and our neighbours, and if we do not play our part, it is ourselves that will suffer. Mr Wardill made a strong plea to the community to get involved, to join the CPF, which is the government sanctioned body for them to act in, and to make a difference. It all boils down to communication, since we are the ones on the streets all the time, and if we communicate incidents and suspicious people or vehicles, we can combat the crime before it happens. The police gave valuable tips and hints at the meetings that can be of great use to us, and being in touch with the police, knowing what to do, having their expertise to draw on, we can make a very large difference in our area. A number of cases have been solved recently due to community involvement, so the CPF system works, if only the community will get involved. Protect yourself, make a difference – you can do more than you know.

On a hot winter’s night IPCP

the bonnet, he just saw flames. He and his girlfriend were able to get out of the bakkie without injuries and stood at a safe distance while watching his bakkie burn out.


Shop 38 The Square at Farrarmere Kei Road Benoni

Tel / Fax: 011 425 0322 Cell: 082 875 1199 E-mail:

Contact: Pam: 083 206-9463 Email:



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Back to Front, Right to Left: Captain Sithole, Sector 1 CPF Chair Simon Wardill, Sgt Jacques Niennaber, Hilary Coke, Shane Bailey, Lt. Col. Kgomo, Col. Thambo, CPF Chair Herman Heunis Lt. Col. Ramohope


On the 16th of July 2012 we received a call about a motor vehicle that was on fire in De Havilland Avenue in Impala Park. Our IPCP patrol vehicle, manned by patrolman AJ Smith, responded to the call. Upon arrival he found Mr Quinton Erasmus standing at a burning bakkie. When AJ saw what was happening, he radioed into our control room to notify the necessary people such as the Fire Brigade to come and assist us in extinguishing the fire. Unfortunately when the fire brigade arrived to extinguish the fire it was already too late -the bakkie that used to be an ISUZU 280 TD Double Cab was no more. When we asked Mr Erasmus what happened, he said that he was coming back from visiting a friend and when he turned into De Havilland Ave he saw smoke coming out of the vehicle’s dashboard. The next moment, there was more smoke, and when he came to a standstill and opened up



Tell us your story! Email: or Phone 011 578 5674

PCN 25 July 2012

The problem with fires By Philip Allebone


ince there have been a number of complaints about the fire department, we decided to see if The PCN could visit a station and see what the situation really was. Luckily for us, Councillor Mary Goby has a fire station in her ward and was able to arrange a surprise visit. Added to the fact that Councillor Goby was there, Councillor Bash was also present and, as an ex fireman who is now in the field of health and safety, he knew what to look for in a station. Now bear in mind that not every station is the same, and it does depend on the station that you visit. As it turns out, the Farrarmere Fire Station is currently well equipped, and the engine and the equipment that we saw were neat, clean and in good order. This certainly put our mind at ease, considering they were unaware that we were coming. We asked the station commander what the problems that he faces are and why, frankly, they are sometimes slow to respond. The answers he gave were rather interesting. It appears that to a large degree there is political red tape holding them up with regards to getting new equipment. Once they have put in a request, it is then unfortunately out of their hands. On the subject, however, he did say that by and large he has not had any serious problems in getting what he

needs. On the topic of speed, he had several things to say, ranging from the troubles with gaining access to places that are now closed communities, to the problems receiving calls. There is a central call centre, and this can cause delays in getting the information in quick time, but also it seems that people have a habit of calling the police number instead of the fire number, and this slows things down too. At this station, he said, the call-to-arrival time was very quick, and certainly you could see by the way the station is kept in tip top shape that this is something dear to his heart. The other problem is something that is out of his hands to a degree, and that is the fire hydrants. He is able to go and inspect the hydrants, and indeed he and his team does,

The Crisis of Closed Communities Speaking recently to a number of the personnel from the emergency services, there was a general theme to the fact that there are too many closed communities. The problem that they raised was an interesting one relevant to their complaint that they cannot gain access to some of these communities when they need to. Quite simply the fire engine cannot fit through the boom gates, and it is often difficult to find an access point. As a result, this presents a very real danger to the community when our fire fighters cannot reach the people they are meant to help. One such example happened recently when an ambulance tried to get into a gated community to provide urgent medical attention to someone having a heart attack, and according to the

person we were talking to, the elderly person died before they could reach the house. Similar stories are filtering through from the fire department whereby not only can they not reach the house, when they do, owing to the fact that the buildings are not actually in compliance with fire safety rules, they cannot reach the point of the fire. It makes one think about one’s own home, and one needs to consider the house very seriously, looking at the access points and whether or not the different emergency personnel, be they police, medical or fire can actually reach someone in their home if they need to. In an emergency, the precious seconds can slip away very fast and loss of life is a genuine possibility.

but if there is a fault he can only report it, and the speed at which it is repaired is not always great. This, of course, means more delays in getting the emergency under control. On the whole, the Farramere Station is a good one, it seems, and they do just fine with what they have. If the public can work with them, directing the calls correctly, then things will be even better.

The problems that the public experience appear to have another source, and we need to look deeper in order to isolate the cause of the problems experienced if we are to resolve them. On a daily basis these brave firefighters put their lives on the line for our community. It is unfortunate that we tend only to hear about the bad reports, and not the good ones.

Ward 23 Meeting

By Philip Allebone

Further to this are the concomitant issues of evacuation plans, personal home safety and escape in the event of an emergency, and what the correct numbers are to call with regards to an emergency. Most people are familiar with the 10111 number for the police, but are you aware of the number for the fire department? (011 458 0911) We should have such numbers on speed dial on our phones, since in an emergency there is rarely time to look them up if you need them. You should make a point to have all the emergency numbers in your phone and thus on hand should there be a need. Most of us do not think of the need for an emergency plan, but if you wait to make one, when you need it, you might very well end up dead.

Democratic Alliance Gauteng East Ward 23 Branch, want to invite all residents of ward 23 to our monthly ward meeting. The areas situated in Ward 23 are: • Atlasville, • Brentwood Park, • Bonaero Park, • Caro Nome, • Clearwater Estates, • Goedeburg, • Impala Park, • Northvilla, • Northern portion of Northmead, • Parkhaven, • Commercial portion of Pomona Meeting Venue: Kempton Civic Centre 2nd Floor, Exco room Time: 19h00 Date: 26 July 2012

For more information please visit our website: or email:

PCN 25 July 2012


Tell us your story! Email: or Phone 011 578 5674

Weathering the Storm! By Philip Allebone


he new storm drains are going up with speed and efficiency in the area along the river leading into the Bredell Dam. The residents are most pleased to see that these storm drains are being put in, as over the last few years there has been a serious problem with flooding, and the damage and inconvenience has been considerable every rainy season. According to Muzi, the site supervisor to


whom we spoke, reported that the storm drains are only part of the plan, as there is work yet to be done on the river itself, ensuring that the water that comes down the drains has a safe place to disperse and continue on into the dam. Muzi, a man who clearly knows his job, showed us the drains and how they are set to collect the water and ferry it away from the residential housing into the open field over the road. The drains are of solid construction, and are clearly designed to handle a good quantity of water, so it seems that the flooding problems are to be a thing of the past.

Water or Roads?

There are a number of potholes that are being noted around the greater Benoni area, and in many cases they are the result of leaks that have been fixed, and we are now trying to establish who is responsible for making sure this is done, as in some cases the holes can sit there for months. The various councillors have explained to us that there is a process regarding the fixing of a leak, such as in the case of the leaks in Cedar Street in Northmead and the one seen here in Genevieve Street, Farrarmere. First the Water Department will dig the hole and repair the leak and then inform the Roads


Department that they are finished. The Roads Department, having been informed, can then go out and fill the hole and tar over it, but only when they are given the go-ahead by Water. This confusing and lengthy process is apparently falling apart somewhere, and we are looking at who is to blame for the existing holes. So far all we know at this stage is that the ordinary pot holes, that is, those not the result of leaks, are fairly speedily fixed, so the blame seems to swing in the direction of who at Water is responsible to inform Roads to fix the hole. At the moment we are still waiting to see and find out more before we offer any further comment, but if you do know more, then drop us a line and let us know what you know!

Kempton Vehicle used in Robbery On the 22nd July four men were arrested and a fifth man escaped after a high speed chase with guns blazing. An off-duty Hawks officer saw a group of people loading goods from a house and his suspicions were aroused. Approaching them they drew weapons and he responded. The result was that of the five men, one was shot and is now under guard in hospital, three

others were arrested, and one escaped. The car that they were escaping in flipped when the driver lost control, subsequently catching fire. The stolen goods, including laptops and a TV valued at around R60000.00 were destroyed. The car, which had false plates, was stolen previously in Kempton Park. The men arrested will appear in court on charges of housebreaking, theft, possession of a stolen vehicle and attempted murder. Well done to the sharp eye of the officer involved!

Grinding out the money On the night of the 16th July the Standard bank in Benoni was allegedly robbed of an undisclosed amount by the now infamous ‘Grinder Gang’. The gang, who appear to be active in the greater Benoni area, are known for their use of grinders to gain access to safes, etc. and

are currently at large in the area. Businesses and homeowners should be aware of their presence and take precautions in this regard. Said the Standard Bank media liaison, “We can confirm that an incident occurred, and we are co-operating fully with the police.”

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Driver Loses Life in Benoni CBD Accident A driver of a Hyundai 1 ton truck has been killed and the passenger was in a serious condition after the vehicle they were in collided with a tree in Woburn Avenue in the Benoni CBD on the morning of 20th July. ER24 and the Provincial Ambulance Service arrived on the scene and found the two occupants still trapped inside the vehicle. The driver, believed to be in his late twenties to early thirties, was assessed and found that he had suffered very traumatic and fatal injuries and had already succumbed to his injuries and was declared deceased on the scene. The passenger was in a serious condition and was treated for suspected neck and back injuries as well as possible internal injuries. Once freed the patient was stabilized further and transported to hospital by the Provincial Ambulance Service. The Jaws of Life and other rescue equipment were used to extricate the deceased from the

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vehicle. The necessary authorities were on the scene and would investigate the cause of the accident.

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Tell us your story! Email: or Phone 011 578 5674

PCN 25 July 2012

Olive Coated Fillet with Couscous Preparation time: 15mins Cooking time: 30mins

Beef, olives, rosemary, parsley and lemon make this couscous an indulgent treat.

Serves : 4


8 Green olives 10 millilitre Grated lemon rind 30 millilitre Fresh Italian parsley, chopped 15 millilitre Fresh mint, chopped 15 millilitre Olive oil 750 gram Beef fillet 375 millilitre Couscous 675 millilitre Boiling water

The deep blue sea Master chronicler of post-War England, Terence Davies directs Rachel Weisz as a woman whose overpowering love threatens her well-being and alienates the men in her life. In a deeply vulnerable performance, Rachel Weisz plays Hester Collyer, the wife of an upper-class judge (Simon Russell Beale) and a free spirit trapped in a passionless marriage. Her encounter with Freddie Page (Tom Hiddleston), a troubled former Royal Air Force pilot, throws her life in turmoil, as their erotic relationship leaves her emotionally stranded and physically isolated.

HEAT RATING: 8 Directed By: Terence Davies Cast: Rachel Weisz, Simon Russel Beale, Tom Hiddleston


1. Finely chop olives and combine with lemon rind, parsley, mint and olive oil. 2. Rub this mixture over the fillet. 3. Bake in a preheated oven at 160°C for 30 min, or until meat is cooked to your liking. 4. For the couscous: combine couscous with water and the sachet contents. 5. Allow to stand until liquid is absorbed. 6. Heat the olive oil in a pan and sautè the onions until soft. 7. Add the mange-tout, parsley and lemon juice to the pan and cook for 4 min, then add the couscous to heat through. 8. To serve, place the couscous on serving plates, slice the fillet thickly, place on the couscous and serve with lemon wedges. 9. Serve with roasted veggies lightly salted and roasted in olive oil.


July 27th 2012 Rugby - Vodacom Super Rugby, SF 1 - Chiefs v Crusaders, SS1 Motorsport - F1:, Hungarian Grand Prix Practice Session 1, SS2 Golf - European Tour, Austrian Golfopen Presented By Lyoness Day 3, SS1 Summer Olympics - Opening Ceremony, SS7 July 28th 2012 Olympics - Rowing, Women's Pair Heats, SS7 Cricket - Sl Cricket - ODI Series, Sri Lanka v India 3rd ODI, SS2 Olympics - Cycling, Men's Road Race Final, SS5 Olympics - Swimming, Men's / Women's Heats - Session 1 , SS4 Olympics - Gymnastics, Artistic - Men's Qualification 1, SS6 Olympics - Rowing, Men's Quadruple Sculls Heats, SS7 July 29th 2012 Motorsport - GP3 Series, Hungary Race 2, SS2 Olympics - Gymnastics, Artistic - Women's Qualification 1, SS6 Olympics - Rowing, Men's Lightweight Four Repechages, SS4 Olympics - Badminton, Preliminary Match, SS7

Win an awesome kids voucher from Santa Cruz Spur for you and your buddy to enjoy! Colour in the picture & Fill in the entry form with your name and number then put your entry in an envelope and drop it in the box attached to The PCN stand at either Pick ‘n Pay Sheridan Centre Farrarmere, Oakfields Pick ‘n Pay, Checkers Bonaero Shopping Centre, Spar Rynfield Terrace or Rebel Fruit & Veg Atlasville. Alternatively you can email it to Don't lose heart if you are not a winner of the weekly draw, as all entries received during the

month will go into a further draw at the end of the month to win a voucher from Ster Kinekor Northmead Square for you and your buddy to go watch a movie with a snack combo. For children 12 years and younger.

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PCN 25 July 2012

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It's hard to believe that it's already been two years since Zebra & Giraffe released 'The Inside'. It's even harder to believe that it's been four years since the band recorded their hugely successful, SAMA award-winning album 'Collected Memories'.


A lot has changed since then. Members have come and gone and the band's sound has moved from straight-up, radio-hit rock to a place far darker and more daring than even they could have imagined. Zebra & Giraffe's latest album, 'The Wisest Ones', is the result. "We know some of the songs from this album won't be played on radio, and to a certain degree with 'Collected Memories' and 'The Inside', I always worried about a song's commercial appeal," says front man and lyricist, Greg Carlin. "With 'The Wisest Ones' we really just wrote songs that felt right - songs that almost needed to get out. Whether they had a catchy chorus, or a chorus at all didn't really matter. Great expirementation, catchy chorus's... good music!

PCN Fathers Day 2012 competion Winners In June, girls from the Arbor Teddy Den and Brownie Pack entered the PCN fathers day competition, to write a story or make something which explained why their dads are so special. Twins Chicane and Skyla Stent brought along a box filled with special flowers they had chosen from the garden. They also had flower bud 'fairies' and explained that their dad, Mark, always made them feel like fairies in their own very special garden. The girls have a wonderful imagination.


Batman - The dark knight rises

Snow white & the huntsman

Mad Buddies

Zebra & Giraffe - the wisest ones

Linda (Mannys Build it) Mark Stent Sisters: Chicane, Skyla & Kiara

Andrew Garfield


Denis Leary

Irrfan Khan

Director: Marc Webb Cast: Andrew Garfield,Irrfan Khan and Denis Leary Unlike previous movies, this version of the Spiderman story is grittier and darker, influenced no doubt by the success of the Batman stories. People do get hurt and can die in this version, and while the hero is super agile and so on, when he is hit it does injure him. This makes the movie far more realistic and enjoyable, and I must say that the use of an actor that is also a gymnast made the characterisation of Spiderman rather awesome! The computer graphics are beautifully done, and the villain, the Lizard, looks realistic and suitably creepy. True to form there are a few funny scenes and the odd joke, as we have come to expect in the Spiderman movies, but the story is contiguous and works rather well, and even handles the emotive content without being either soppy or twee. This is the best of the Spiderman movies so far, and if you like these sorts of films then see it, I would definitely rate it highly.

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Tell us your story! Email: or Phone 011 578 5674

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PCN 25 July 2012


Tell us your story! Email: or Phone 011 578 5674

PCN 25 July 2012

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Tell us your story! Email: or Phone 011 578 5674

PCN 18 July 2012

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PCN 25July 2012


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PCN 25 July 2012

Girl Guides take on the world A

long time ago, in a country far, far away …. That’s how the story of the origins of the Girl Guides probably sounds to most people. Last year, a decision was taken to organise a tour to the UK so that local members of Guiding could have an opportunity to visit some of the places that they learn about, as well as meet other members of this incredible international youth movement. The group was limited to girls in the Ranger branch (14 – 25 years of age) and within days of the opportunity being advertised, the available places had been booked. Girls were encouraged to raise as much of the funding themselves and so began a variety of fundraising projects. As the countdown progressed, so the excitement levels rose. Regular meetings were held to orientate the group (and their parents) and to discuss any expectations or concerns they may have. Soon the date which had been circled on the calendar arrived and an excited group gathered at the airport. The chosen airline carrier was Emirates and a bonus was travelling on the new ‘double-decker’ A380 aircraft. On arrival in the UK, the group travelled to Wimbledon where they were to be based for the next four days. Once everyone had freshened up, it was off to Hampton Court to have fun in the maze and find out how King Henry VIII and his court lived. While in the London area, the group visited all the popular tourist attractions. In Hampstead, we visited Pax Lodge, a Guiding World Centre. Visiting a World Centre brings opportunities to participate in one of the many programmes they run,

encourages international friendship, fun, challenge, adventure and self-development. The World Centres offer programmes and activities for all ages, and are open to visitors both inside and outside the Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting Movement. On the last evening in Wimbledon, local members hosted a barbeque and the girls thoroughly enjoyed getting to know each other, soon realising that teenagers across the globe have quite a bit in common! On the fifth day of the tour, the group piled into two hired vehicles and set off for Portsmouth where they spent the day at the Historic Dockyard. The most popular attraction was Action Stations where visitors can have fun in the simulators. Accommodation for the night was at Dudsbury, a Guiding campsite in the village of Ferndown. The area is known for ancient Roman sites and lots of wildlife including badgers and deer which wander around the campsite at night. Everyone was up early the next morning in anticipation of one of the highlights of the tour which was a trip to Brownsea Island, site of an experimental camp run by Lord Baden Powell in 1907. An excited group were met at the ferry and taken on a very informative walk around the island. Having perfected the art of group photos by this stage, we were eager to have our photo taken at the commemorative stone and also at the actual campsite. After lunch, a bit of retail therapy at the Trading Post was in order as everyone wanted a souvenir of the place where Scouting – and ultimately Guiding – began. A treat was also the sighting of a red squirrel which is an endangered species. The next stopover was in East Thytherton, a village consisting of a small church, four houses and an old school house which is now the Guiding Centre for Wiltshire. We were met by a very excited group of girls, adult leaders and the Mayor and Mayoress of Chippenham. After trying out archery and some other activities, we all settled down for a delicious supper of fish and chips. Once again, badges and small gifts were swapped.

A trip to Bath, a World Heritage site, included a visit to the Roman Baths and the group were amazed to discover that the idea of spending a day at the spa is not a modern concept at all. At Bath Aqua Glass, they learned about the process of glass blowing and were able to see two master blowers in action. Everyone then had had an opportunity to try their hand at glass blowing and competed to blow the biggest bubble. There was a strong sense of patriotism when a moulded handprint of South African rugby player,Butch James, who had played for a local team, was spotted. Early the next morning, we crossed the Severn Bridge into Wales and travelled to the Forest of Dean where we planned to Go Ape! Everyone was fitted with harnesses and safety gear and literally shown the ropes as we prepared to swing and clamber through the trees. Although some members of the group had expressed a fear of heights, we are all so engrossed in the various challenges that being on platforms or suspended from cables twenty metres or more above the ground, really didn’t matter at all. Watching each other whizzing down zip lines or clambering across obstacles had everyone either squealing with laughter or holding their breath in anticipation. That evening, we were invited to join Brownies, Guides and Rangers at a District camp. We were met by a group of eight year olds who couldn’t contain their excitement at meeting ‘real Africans’! After supper, the campfire was lit and we were asked to teach everyone some of the songs we enjoy. Our girls proudly taught everyone actions and then loudly sang Shosholoza. In the vehicles on the way to our accommodation, the singing and laughing continued. The names of high school English teachers were mentioned frequently the next day when we visited Stratford upon Avon, birthplace of William Shakespeare. Wandering around the town, we saw the homes in which he and members of his family had lived as well as many other fascinating buildings. A

If you are interested in joining the Girl Guides, Email or call Elaine on 082 958 3588

treat was joining locals who gathered after lunch to watch the Olympic torch carried through their town. We were humbled by the attitudes of people who pushed us to the front for a better view. We cheered and waved flags we were given as we enjoyed our Olympic moment. Two members of the group celebrated their birthdays the next day and what better place to celebrate than at Cadbury World in Bourneville. From the moment we arrived, the aroma of melting chocolate was evident. A few minutes later, the first of many samples were handed out and, by the end of the tour, everyone was threatening not to eat chocolate for a very long time to come! And so, as they say, all good things must come to an end and the evening was spent rearranging the contents of suitcases. We left Leamington Spa early the next morning to journey back to London and Gatwick Airport. All participants have been tasked to write a report on the tour from their perspective. From reports received, it is evident that this tour has made a significant impression on not only the members of this group and their friends and families but, also on our new friends so far away. Itumeleng Makoro, a grade twelve learner at Willowmoore High School says: “One can never know how hard it is to do something unless you experience it yourself. Working hard in order to raise funds for the tour was hard. I am guessing that was a little taste of what the real world is like. I intend on sharing this experience with others with the aim of inspiring them. The tour is not just a memory but more of a souvenir that brought light, colour, beauty and strength to my life.”

Itumeleng Makoro

PCN 25 July 2012


Tell us your story! Email: or Phone 011 578 5674

Oakfields on Madiba

George and Ellias: “He means everyt hi ng t o me!”

By Philip Allebone We went out on Madiba Day to talk to the people at Oakfields Centre in Northmead, to see what they thought about Nelson Mandela

and the idea of Madiba Day. Here are some of the comments that people made.

What does Mandela or Mandela day mean to you?

Left: Ky’aura: just wants to take a cake to his house personally.

Far Left: Christin: “Start of a new era in South Africa.”

Students from Hans Moore Hoerskoel: Liefdevol, vreugde, hardwerkend, gooie rol model en gooie leier gewees. Janett (Far Left) and Marjarie (Left) : “He is a great person, always does great things and is a positive role model”. Sonia (Right): Liberation

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Collision leaves two in critical condition A collision on the R23 and R21 in Pomona, Kempton Park involving a bakkie and a light motor vehicle has left two people in critical conditions and four other people with moderate to serious injuries on the morning of Sunday 22 July. Emergency personnel arrived on the scene and found the bakkie lying on its side just off the road, with the light motor vehicle, which was a Tazz, a few meters away with extensive damage to it. There were five people in the bakkie, of which four had sustained moderate to serious injuries, and one other person was in a critical condition.

Advanced Life Support intervention was performed on the critical patient due to the traumatic injuries he had sustained in the collision. The driver of the Tazz was entrapped and in a critical condition. The Jaws of Life and other hydraulic equipment were used to extricate the patient from the vehicle. While the extrication was taking place, paramedics were stabilising him and had to perform Advanced Life Support techniques to stabilise him further. The patients were all men and their age group was between their twenties and thirties. They were stabilised on scene and transported to various hospitals for further medical care. The local authorities were on the scene and would investigate the accident further.


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High Tea The aim of Mandela Day is to make a difference, and it was with this in mind that Councillor Mary Goby decided to bring a little joy to some of the people that we tend to forget. Eddy House is a Methodist Home in Benoni that looks after the elderly, and as is often the case, we tend to forget them and the human needs of caring and companionship that they lack. With this in mind, Mary organised tea and cakes for them, and brought them blankets for the cold weather, spending a little time with them to bring them a little joy. The tea went down a treat, and the scones and sandwiches were much appreciated, but you could see that the real joy was the chance

PCN 25 July 2012

By Philip Allebone

to sit and talk and be appreciated for simply being a person. Lesedi Mabena from St Francis College was there with Mary, and he told us of his love for dancing, which sparked off stories from the ladies on their own interest and experiences in dancing, and soon everyone was gossiping away like old friends. It seems that sometimes it is not just the big things that are important, and one of the notable features of Nelson Mandela was his humanity, and we may be sure that if he was there at Eddy House he would have approved, because there was real happiness and appreciation there, and perhaps joy is the greatest legacy of all.

The Spirit that Moves in Us By Philip Allebone


ne of the great things about South Africa is the fact that we can be moved by things, and one of the great things that move our Rainbow Nation is the inspiration that ‘Madiba’ gives us. This was clearly shown by the response to Lifeline by the community who donated food, clothing and toys. Lifeline celebrated Mandela Day at the Ikhaya LeThemba Shelter which is a safe haven for women and children who have experienced domestic violence, human trafficking and sexual assault. Anais, the new Lifeline ambassador, entertained everyone with her band and had the people in the shelter dancing. As one woman said, she never thought that she would feel ‘special’ again, but this day changed all that.

There was lots of food and even goodie bags for the women and toys for the kiddies, and they joy was palpable. Maroun’s Auto Paints and the Spare Shoppe joined in on the day with great generosity, and the children from St Andrews school for girls, St Benedict’s and Holy Rosary School collected toys and entertained the children. The generosity has been heart lifting, and a special thanks goes out to Jade Sunnis, who encouraged her friends to collect 67 toys! Also thanks to Edenvale Private Nursery School and the School of Merit. The good hearts of all the people that have so generously donated make life that much easier for those in need, but far more, they provide hope, and to quote Marcus Tullius Cicero, albeit in reverse, where there is hope, there is life!

Blood for Life

By Philip Allebone

On Thursday 19 July, the DA Councillors gathered in support of the Blood service in honour of Mandela Day. Support of the Blood Service is something close to their hearts; it seems, with some of them having (over time, of course) given over

sixty pints of blood! The service is directly responsible for saving many lives, and the councillors explained that there can be little more life affirming than giving blood, and given the fact that for many of us ‘Madiba’ is a symbol of life in South Africa, then it is most appropriate that the 67 minutes support is done by giving blood. Well done to the councillors and to everyone else who joined them to give blood – it seems everyone can save a life with this one easy gift

Fun and Games with a Serious Message On Wednesday 18 July 2012, Crystal Park SAPS celebrated 67 minutes for Madiba. 5 crèches, with 20 children per crèche were invited to celebrate the day with them. The day started with the National Anthem, followed by a very happy and cheerful “happy birthday Madiba” song. The SAPS, Metro police and Emergency services participated in the event, by showing off their resources, such as vehicles, fire arms, bullet proof vests, radio/ siren, and the children were also educated by fire fighters about the danger of fire, and was given a demonstration on how the fire truck works, and where the

water is pumped from. The children were also given a chance to hold the water hose, and to put out a “fire”. The paramedics showed off their ambulance, and informed the children on what their duties are, and they were given the opportunity to get into the ambulance and play “sick”. Everyone had a great deal of fun indeed. The police and metro police also demonstrated their vehicles and sirens, and showed them their bullet proof vest, and told them about the danger of firearms, and what to do when they need help. The children were also taught a song regarding abuse, on what to do, and to call 10111. After all the excitement, the children received coloring books, tooth brushes, sweets and gifts.

PCN 25 July 2012


Tell us your story! Email: or Phone 011 578 5674





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Crime snippets

These are a few snippets of just some of the crimes that have been reported in the last week:

JULY 16 – Suspects forced open the door and stole 2 fax machines in Vorster Street, Benoni A.H. A vehicle was stolen from Defiant Street, Airfield. A vehicle was stolen from a parking area in Pretoria Road, Rynfield. JULY 17 – 2 computers were stolen during a break-in in Balfour Avenue, Benoni South. A vehicle was stolen from outside a property in Village Road, Farrarmere. JULY 18 – Cell phones and cash were stolen at a burglary in Daffodil Ave, Farrarmere. The window of a vehicle was removed and a GPS and camera stolen in Rapid Road, Farrarmere. A door was forced open and a laptop stolen from a complex in Denham Road, Lakefield. The front door and security gate was forced open in Kirschner Road, Benoni North. A vehicle was stolen in Rainbow Avenue, Farrarmere. Suspects stole a TV, camera and jewellery after breaking into a unit in Tjello Road, Rynfield. 3 armed suspects held up a family at gunpoint in Tsesebe Street, Mackenzie Park, and took various items as well as their vehicle. JULY 19 – A radio was stolen out of a vehicle in Calvinia Street, Brentwood. A vehicle was stolen that was parked in Kei Road, Farrarmere. JULY 20 – Jewellery was stolen during a burglary in Angelier St, Northmead. Residents of a home in Sunnyside Ave, Lakefield were held up at gunpoint by 4 armed robbers. Suspects broke into a business in Beechcraft Avenue, Impala Park, through the roof, and stole cigarettes. JULY 21 – A window of a home in Tecoma Street, Northmead was broken and a laptop stolen. Suspects forced open the front door and stole TVs, playstation and jewellery from a home in Ewing Street, Rynfield. A vehicle was stolen from a complex in President Steyn Road, Rynfield. A home in Ian Close, Bartlett was broken into and a generator stolen. JULY 22 – Suspects removed a vehicle’s window and stole a wallet in Daffodil Ave, Farrarmere. A man was hijacked of his vehicle by 2 armed men in Glen Gory Road, Benoni North. The door and security gate was forced open in Struben St, Rynfield and various items stolen.

Crime Statistics

Please refer to the Precinct logos on the front page for abbreviations

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Would you like an anonymous winge? Is there crime in your area that no one does anything about? Drop us your winge at and let us know all about it!

1st - 22nd July JULY



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