The Precinct Community News

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The Precinct Community News “Telling it like it is!”

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Volume 4 Issue 5









ISSN 2222-0313








25 May 2011



Has swine flu hit the East Rand? While not wishing to create a panic situation, we believe we need to bring to the attention of our residents that alleged cases of swine flu have been diagnosed on the East Rand. Unfortunately the hospitals will not divulge this information to us at this stage. However, we can confirm one particular case of swine flu, where the patient, Jeanè Pelzer, has been diagnosed with the H1N1 virus and is currently in ICU at The Glynnwood Hospital, under the care of a specialist. We spoke to Jeané’s mother-in law, Angela Cripps, who informed us that her son-in-law had been admitted to ARWYP in the middle of last week with an extremely high fever and very lethargic. After showing no signs of improvement, he was later transported to The Glynnwood Hospital on Saturday. Angela said “As a mother, I feel everyone has the right to know and needs to know that this virus is still out there.” All family members, including his wife, have now been vaccinated, so that they can visit him in ICU, where he is putting up a fight for his life. While we wish to avoid a situation where people assume they have swine flu when in fact they have only contracted a normal flu virus, we do recommend that you arrange to be inoculated against this virus. Definition The H1N1 virus (swine flu) is a flu virus strain. Causes, Incidence, And Risk Factors Although the name ‘swine flu’ brings up a lot of extra fear and worry, it is important to note that swine flu is just an influenza A H1N1 virus. That means that it is just another type of flu virus, just like that causes our typical seasonal flu symptoms. The big difference is that the current swine influenza A (H1N1) virus is relatively new and most of us don’t have any immunity to it. Swine Flu Symptoms The symptoms of swine flu infections can include: • fever, which is usually high, but unlike

seasonal flu, is sometimes absent cough runny nose or stuffy nose sore throat body aches headache chills fatigue or tiredness, which can be extreme • diarrhea and vomiting, sometimes, but more commonly seen than with seasonal flu Signs of a more serious swine flu infection might include pneumonia and respiratory failure. Serious Swine Flu Symptoms As with other conditions, more serious symptoms that would indicate that a child with swine flu would need urgent medical attention include: • Fast breathing or trouble breathing • Bluish or gray skin color • Not drinking enough fluids • Severe or persistent vomiting • Not waking up or not interacting • Being so irritable that the child does not want to be held • Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough Swine Flu Symptoms vs. a Cold or Sinus Infection It is important to keep in mind most children with a runny nose or cough will not have flu and will not have to see their pediatrician for swine flu testing. During cold and flu season, many other childhood conditions are common, including: • allergies - runny nose, congestion, and cough • common cold - runny nose, cough, and low grade fever • sinus infections - lingering runny nose, cough, and fever • strep throat - sore throat, fever, and a positive strep test What You Need To Know • Anti-flu medications are available to prevent and treat swine flu.

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PCN 25 May 2011


From the Editor Family braai turns into murder scene We are astounded at the amount of praise and the number of good comments we have received about our re-vamped community newspaper. It really makes all our hard work and effort worthwhile. Even our facebook page seems to have taken off, and we plan to put regular updates on there as and when situations arise. We’d like to draw your attention to the SAPS charity event being held on Saturday 28 May 2011 at the Apex Sports Ground (see page 5). We believe this will be an exciting event and well worth attending. We would like to encourage residents to drop in and see what’s going on. We need to support our fellow crime fighters, so please make an effort

and show your support. Our Precinct Women’s Support Group is currently working on this year’s Annual Golf Day, expected to be held in August, and hope to be able to provide further details on this in our next issue. Once again we’d like to that everyone who have given us such positive feedback about The PCN.


When the 66 year old resident went to have a look at the power box and restore power he was grabbed by the suspects and had his throat slit with a knife. The thugs then took his wife into the house and commanded her at knife point to give them money and jewellery. They then stabbed her in the neck and fled on foot with money, cellphones and jewellery. She was quickly attended to by our paramedics and was transported to the Glynnwood Hospital for the serious injury that she had suffered. Whilst on the scene our patrolmen and the SAPS were informed that two men covered in blood were spotted in Third Avenue, Northmead.

The police and our patrolmen rushed to Third Avenue and after an extensive search it was clear that the men had disappeared. Benoni CPF members later arrived at the scene and split up in search of the suspects. The only description of the suspects was that they were wearing white shirts and had a medium build. Brandon Scott, chairman of the Greater Northfield Community Precinct (GNCP), who was on the scene, said: “We are disgusted by this incident and I really believe that the SAPS Flying Squad should be brought back into our residential areas to help bring down the crime rate, which has escalated since they were moved onto the highways.”

Important topics raised at plot owners meeting



Be safe when having a Braai Give some thought to your safety and security while enjoying a braai in your back garden. When opportunistic criminals are walking the streets, you are likely to be seen as an easy target. Invariably they will hear your voices, music etc and the chances are you will be caught off-guard. For those of you who have an alarm system, make sure you


relaxed family braai on the Election Day public holiday of May 18 turned into a violent murder scene in Wellington Street, Airfield. Our paramedics on-scene could only describe what they had seen in the house as “not pretty”. It is believed that John Cullen, his wife Suzanne, his daughter in-law and her two young daughters were enjoying a braai in their garden when two suspects jumped over their wall and had switched off the electricity at the power box in the backroom.

have at least one remote panic button. However, it will not do you much good if this is left lying on a table or hanging somewhere that you cannot reach if you are caught unawares in your garden. You need to ensure that someone in the family keeps this panic button on their person while you are outside enjoying your social get-together. DON’T BE CAUGHT UNAWARES.


important meeting was held by a group of residents who live on the plots in the Benoni North Community Precinct area (BNCP) on May 16. About 45 concerned residents came together, in Evans Road, to discuss community issues including the recent spate of crime on the plots. Mervyn Manning, vice-chairman of BNCP, was invited as the guest speaker, along with DA councillor for Ward 24, Refiloe Ntsekhe. (Pictured top right).

The event saw residents discuss the current situation on the plots including crime and other issues. The residents are in the process of forming a sub-committee to tackle community issues. “I feel that people on the plots, because of the nature of their geographic location, have problems that differ to the people living in high density areas,” said Manning. The importance of communication was stressed by Manning who also encouraged other residents in the BNCP area to join the sub-committee for future meetings. Residents are welcome to contact Manning on 082 455 4555 or email

World No Tobacco Day Watch your

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Issued by Silvia Craucamp CANSA, email: Tel: 011 811-7681 • Cell: 072 495-8875 Call CANSA toll-free 0800 22 66 22 email:

priority over the health and well-being of others. “Smoking is the main cause of lung cancer – which has one of the lowest survival rates of all cancers. The good news is that most of these deaths are preventable by not smoking or giving up smoking in time,” adds Janse van Rensburg. Worldwide 15 000 people die from diseases caused by tobacco use every single day, making it the second cause of death globally after hypertension. In South Africa about 23% of adults currently smoke cigarettes, resulting in 125 deaths every day or 44 400 deaths a year. Reducing the incidence of smoking from 23% to 5% in the next three decades is possible but will require an intensification of tobacco control campaigns and education on the harmful effects. In recognising the urgency of informing South Africans on how to make smart choices, CANSA also has available its eKick Butt programme to help smokers quit the deadly habit and regain their lives. This programme is available as a free download on the CANSA website. Your spare change can make a world’s difference. Buy your sticker today at any CANSA office nation-wide or call CANSA toll-free on 0800 22 66 22 and be the voice for the voiceless.


Tuesday 31 May 2011 is World No Tobacco Day and the Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA) is asking all South Africans to help them make a difference in the lives of millions of fellow-South Africans who have no choice but to endure the harmful effects of second-hand smoke. Millions of people have no control over their environment and must endure the deadly effects of tobacco smoke daily. “Have you ever thought of the waiters serving tables in the smoking sections of restaurants, domestic workers working in the homes of smokers, prison inmates in cell blocks with poor ventilation, psychiatric facilities where smoking is still is very common or even for the rights of unborn babies whose mothers smoke?” asks CANSA CEO, Sue Janse van Rensburg. “It’s time that we speak up and be the voice for the voiceless”. Claim your right to a smoke-free world and help CANSA fight for the rights of others by buying a sticker for R5 for World No Tobacco Day. Wear your sticker on Tuesday 31 May 2011 to show that you support the fight against tobacco and the harmful effects of second-hand smoke. Cancer is one of the most serious diseases people can face, yet there are many more similar situations where tobacco use is given


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The Precinct Community News is published by The Joint Precincts. Contributions are submitted at the sender’s risk. The Joint Precincts do not accept responsibility for material lost. The Joint Precincts reserve the right to make changes to any material Tel : 011-578-5652 submitted for publication. All rights reserved. All Fax : 086 683 7228 crime statistics are those logged by the community control room and are used with permission of the Joint Email: Precincts. The views & opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the Join our group on facebook! newspaper. Reproduction without written permission of the Editor is strictly prohibited. Just do a search for The Precinct Community News To enquire about reproduction of any material contained in this publication please e-mail CODE OF CONDUCT: This newspaper has Editor committed itself to report news truthfully and Tel : 011-578-5674 accurately, and to publish comment that is fair, in Design & Layout accordance with the highest standards of journalism, Tel : 011-578-5624 as set out in the Press Code of South Africa. Complaints that this code has been breached may be Tel: 011-578-5668 lodged with the office of the Press Ombudsman. Advertising Written complaints with a copy of the report concerned Marc Lombard may be sent to the press ombudsman at fax 011 484 3612 or e-mail Tel: 074-338-1439


PCN 25 May 2011

PONDERISMS I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes. Gardening Rule: When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant. The easiest way to find something lost around the house is to buy a replacement. Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway. There are two kinds of pedestrians: the quick and the dead. Health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die. The only difference between a groove and a grave is the depth. Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing. Have you noticed since everyone has a camcorder these days no one talks about seeing UFOs like they used to? Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again. All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism. In the 60’s, people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal. How is it one careless match can start a bushfire, but it takes a whole box to start a campfire? Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, ‘I think I’ll squeeze these dangly things here, and drink whatever comes out?’ Who was the first person to say, ‘See that chicken there? I’m going to eat the next thing that comes out of its bum.’ If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a song about him? If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests? Do illiterate people get the full effect of Alphabet Soup? Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog’s face, he gets mad at you, but when you take him on a car ride; he sticks his head out the window? Why doesn’t glue stick to the inside of the bottle?

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– it’s time to catch a wake up


wo separate incidents occurred last week, where we received a report of missing children. Luckily they turned out to be false alarms, but not before all available resources were deployed to look for them, including our patrolmen/vehicles and members of the SAPS – all unnecessary, but we could not take the chance that something had happened to them. One of these incidents involved two girls who did not go after school to where they were supposed to, and were quite oblivious of the search for them. As parents we urge you to communicate with your children so that they understand how important it is that you know where they are and to inform you if they have a ‘change of plans’. If your child tells you she is going to a friend’s house after school, make sure you have contact details of the friend’s parents. We would like to suggest, that schools (if they don’t already have a system in place) keep an up-to-date photograph of all pupils. We believe most schools arrange for individual and class photos to be taken annually, and it would be a good idea for the school to keep one of the small individual photos. This would enable a current photograph to be available in the event of a child going missing. In recent weeks we have received numerous reports of school children being robbed of cell phones and cash on their way to or coming home from school. Sad to say, children are easy targets for the criminal element. We need to educate our kids on the dangers out there in our streets. We understand that in most families both parents have a job and it is not always possible to drop the kids at school and collect them at the end of the day, but we urge parents to form a lift club or make a plan to transport their kids to and from school. If your child does have a cell phone, they should avoid using it while walking in the street – an ideal situation for opportunists. Children should beware of any vehicles stopping while they are walking along the road. On several occasions,

someone has jumped out of the vehicle, robbed the child, and then driven off. If we take away the opportunity, the criminals will move on to greener pastures elsewhere. We are becoming increasingly concerned with the number of white youth involved in petty theft, robbery and theft out of motor vehicles – small items that are easy to sell. We believe that some of our youngsters get involved in criminal activity in order to support their drug habit. What is more worrying is that this type of behavior is only likely to get worse as they get more addicted to drugs. They often sell “inside information” to their dealers, such as who has what kind of electronic equipment in their homes that they are aware of (including friends and family). There have even been several occasions where a break-in has occurred at a suspected drug addict’s home, but of course this is extremely difficult to prove. They will do whatever’s necessary to enable themselves to pay for their next fix. Before you know it, these youngsters move on to committing more serious crime as their dependency on drugs grows. Sooner or later they will get caught, ending up with a criminal record and ruining their future. Catching someone buying drugs is also very difficult, as it all happens so quickly and discretely, and is hard to spot if you don’t know what to look for. A drug buy in Atlasville recently took no more than 18 seconds. There are more and more drug users under the age of 12, i.e. primary school kids. If this continues, you can just imagine how bad it will be by the time they reach High School. There has also been an increase in the number of incidents where a small child has been used to gain entry to a house through a window. This indicates that the age of our criminals is getting younger and younger – scary, but true. Something has to be done now. Drug use in school children is already getting out of control. Parents need to step in and get more involved in their children’s lives if we are to have any hope of bringing this drug problem to a halt. This is our future generation we’re talking about.





PCN 25 May 2011



Women are from Venus Design your own body lotion! Make your expensive perfume last longer by squirting some generously into a non-scented body lotion. That way you will have the perfume and matching lotion which will last for ages! Match your lipgloss If you don’t have the right colour lipgloss to go with your eye shadow, mix a little ordinary lipgloss and your chosen colour on your hand, apply to lips – it also gives you better colour than your usual lipgloss. Give your hair a special fragrance Spray a light shot of fragrance into your hair brush’s bristles. Run it through strands of hair from root to tip and your hair will smell amazing throughout the day. Another use for toothpaste Use a pea-size amount of toothpaste on a

zit. Leave it for about 15 minutes to absorb the oil so the pimple won’t get more clogged, then wash off. What to do with your used tea bag Crying all night over a breakup can result in puffy and red eyes. While regular ice bags would work, a couple of tea bags can do the trick. Soak them in ice cold water then apply over your eyelids, as compresses. The tea will rejuvenate your face, removing the redness and puffiness after a while. This method also works for healing pink eye. De-stress Tension builds up and tightens the muscles in our face and neck. When that happens, you tend to grimace and, in the long run, get wrinkles. Periodic “de-stressing”, which could include a brief self-massage of the face and neck with your fingertips will help.

The PCN caught up with some of the children from Benoni Nursery School, in Farrarmere.

We asked them why they think people vote.

Aaliah Bhula (6) – People vote because it is for South Africa.

Men are from Mars Use the Bathroom Stall Nearest the Door It has the fewest germs and the most toilet paper, because everyone walks past it. Pet Your Dog more Often Spending time with a pet is more effective at reducing stress than spending time with friends, girlfriends, or bartenders. Especially bartenders. Don’t use an overpowering cologne If you use a light scent, girls will pick up on it without being suffocated. If you are sure your cologne is a winner, apply one spray to the chest and one to the back of the neck, just below the hairline, to create “spillage” - a very light scent trail that lasts for five to ten seconds after you walk

through an area. Whatever you do – don’t overdo the cologne: doing so makes one look (not to mention smell) unattractive on so many levels. Have good posture It might seem irrelevant, but having good posture will make you look confident. Many women are attracted to confidence. It also makes you look like you care. Smile When talking to a woman you can never go wrong with strong eye contact and a warm smile. Smiles are contagious, therefore she will most likely smile back. If she doesn’t, she is either a bit slow or she’s just not in a good mood.

Tamzin Marshall (6) – It is a good thing to vote because people choose who is boss of South Africa.

Catie Wootstock (5) – They vote for South Africa, so that we can be looked after.

Shemiaih Bungay (6) – My mommy voted but I’m not sure why.

DVD-RE view The New Daughter Starring: Kevin Costner, Ivana Baquero and Samantha Mathis

r e n r o C

Colour in this friendly ambulance

John James is a writer; his wife has left him. He moves with his two middle-school children to an isolated house off a dirt road in South Carolina. The property has an Indian burial mound, which fascinates his daughter, Louisa, who's entering puberty. Strange things: noises on the roof and in the woods, the cat missing, Luisa sleepwalking clutching a straw doll no one's seen before. She visits the mound often, staying late, coming home covered with mud. John's younger son, Sam, is frightened. John learns the house has a history and seeks out the previous owner. Louisa's behavior becomes more bizarre. Is there an explanation? An ant farm and a missing babysitter provide clues.


Weekend Sport

May 28

Sport lovers will find it difficult to put the remote down this weekend with a tantalising sporting line-up on offer. The pick of the weekend sport will no doubt be the highly anticipated UEFA Champions League final between Manchester United and Barcelona. Both teams have been crowned champions in their respective domestic leagues and will be hoping to outdo one another at Wembley Stadium. Meanwhile, in rugby, the Bulls

will be expecting a tough challenge from the Cheetahs when the two teams clash at Loftus on Saturday. The Bulls have a better chance of making the all important play-offs but the Cheetahs will be hoping to rain on their parade by extending their four game winning streak in Super Rugby against the Pretoria-based side. Other interesting sport fixtures for your weekend are listed below:

RUGBY - Super 15 • Highlanders vs MTN Lions – 9.35am, SS1, LIVE from Dunedin. • Brumbies vs Stormers – 11.40am, SS1, LIVE from Canberra. • Sharks vs The Waratahs – 17.05pm, LIVE from Mr Price Kings Park, Durban. • Bulls vs The Cheetahs – 19.10pm, LIVE from Loftus, Pretoria. CRICKET - Indian Premier League • Final, TBA vs TBA – 16.30pm, SS2, LIVE from MA Chindambaram Stadium, Chennai. SOCCER - UEFA Champions League • Final, Barcelona vs Manchester United – 20.45pm, SS3, LIVE from Wembley, London.

PCN 25 May 2011







At a cinema near you! * Starting this Friday!




Division HRD Changing


DATE: 28 May 2011 TIME: 10:00 WHERE: APEX Sports Grounds c/o Main Reef Road and Apex Road, Apex Benoni SAPS OVS Academy - Tactical Driving Metro Equestrian Metro K9 Unit SAPS Public Order JHB SAPS Joint Ops Tactical SAPS Water Wing SAPS Equestrian Unit SA National Defence Force CMS Security Emergency Services ER 24 SANCA Puppet Show Community Police Forum Other- SA Strongmen East Rand Bikers Show Cars Children entertainment Church Community SA Blood bank Benoni Food Stalls SAPS Air Wing SAPS Provincial PES SAPS Gauteng Band SAPS EHW SAPS Provincial Fitness Project Ithemba Rape and Trauma Centre

Customer Care

Free entry and donations will be accepted (Canned food, blankets, no perishable food and toys)

Customer Control Care Room

Control Technical Room Support


Contact: Zharika Marais 0861-567-267 0861-567-267 0861-425-4930861-425-493 0861-265-26708 082 953 2890

CommunityMonitoringServices CommunityMonitoringS





Armed robbery in Fairbridge Street, Farrarmere


t seems as though criminals have identified and developed an easy method of getting into our homes. During an incident on May 20 in Fairbridge Street, Farrarmere, a property owner, his gardener and his domestic worker were the unfortunate victims of an armed robbery at about 11.10am. Three armed men in a white Peugeot hatchback grabbed hold of the gardener who was busy mowing the lawn on the pavement. The gardener had left the front gate and the garage door open and these suspects had obviously realised that this house was an easy target. When the men entered the house they took the gardener inside and locked him in the office. The owner, who was home at the time, was locked in the cupboard while the suspects sat on and pressed the domestic worker under


the blankets in the main bedroom so that she could not identify them. The only description of the suspects that could be given is that two of them had hair whilst one was bald, two of the men were described as having a medium build while the other was tall. Our patrolmen on scene said that the tall suspect should be considered the most dangerous as he threatened to shoot the home owner but fortunately was calmed down by his accomplices. It is believed that the men had attempted to access a house in Village Road but were disturbed and left the house; they allegedly drove around the area until they laid their eyes on the Fairbridge Street home. They made off with a safe with a firearm inside it, an Xbox gaming consol, a computer hard drive and jewellery. We advise people to close their gates behind them, even if your gardener is working outside, to avoid similar situations in the future.

Community can park off The residents of Pomona can now enjoy a little place of tranquillity in their suburb. This comes after the completion of the Veronia Crescent Public Park by the Ekurhuleni metro and the dedicated work of the Pomona Residents and Business Association. The park which a year ago was nothing more than a piece of dead ground used for illegal dumping purposes has now undergone a tremendous transformation. “The area concerned received no attention and being on the ward committee of ward 23 I approached council and asked if they could assist us in doing something about it,” said Terry Rubenstein, chairman of the Pomona Residents and Business Association. “Our ward councillor [André du Plessis] gave

PCN 25 May 2011


some of his discretionary funds towards the project and we also received a great deal of support and funding from the Ekurhuleni metro.” The metro also assisted with the supply of trees, provided the water resources to irrigate the ground and also set up lighting in the park. “The park is lit up like a football field and we thank the Council for that,” added Rubenstein. For safety purposes the park has been fenced in and is locked every night. CMS erected and installed the CCTV cameras in the park so that the happenings there can be monitored 24 hours a day. “We want to thank everybody who has been involved with the establishment of Veronia Crescent Public Park.”

BCP chairman a new ward councillor BCP


ur Bredell Community Precinct (BCP) chairman, Pieter Henning, has a new challenge on his plate as the DA’s newly elected councillor in

Ward 100. The newly demarcated ward encompasses the areas of Benoni Orchards, Benoni Agricultural Holdings, Zesfontein, Marister, part of Pomona, part of Brentwood Park Agricultural, Bredell, a portion of Glen Marais, Glen Erasmia, Witfontein, Hospital View in Tembisa, Serengeti and the farmlands between Olifantsfontein towards Bapsfontein. Pieter’s ward is the biggest in the Ekurhuleni metro and a number of different challenges await him. “My ward is huge and vast and I often wake up at night and think what have I got myself into?” he said. “But it’s a challenge and I was fortunate enough to be selected. “The people have spoken and now it is a question of me getting a move on.” Pieter has identified some plans for the next five years and said that the plan for him personally is to find out from residents what it is that they require. He added that through his work with the BCP he knows what challenges to expect in Bredell and Pomona and that this has given him a solid grounding as he reaches out further into the community. “I want the community to make contact with me as I am not a councillor who will just sit in an office. He urged the people in his ward to come and meet the ward councillor and offered an open invitation to all organisations to get in touch with him and establish a good working relationship. Pieter has been a member of the DA since 2009 and is currently serving as the chairman of the DA’s Bronberg Constituency.

He was also the chairman of the Kempton Park Community Police Forum (CPF) from 2008 to 2009. “I am committed to the community and will fight for the rights of all residents in a responsible and compassionate way, I very strongly believe in the upkeep of the rule of law and will do anything possible to keep all officials accountable,” said Pieter. “My goal is to get the community involved in all aspects of the ward and would appreciate them making direct contact with me.” In response to the question of dealing with crime he said that every incident is one too many and he will draw on the experience he has gained by working with BCP and the CPF to assist with this problem. “The main thing is communication.” Pieter Henning can be contacted on 083 626 3563 or e-mailed at pieterh@megafreight.

BCP chairman Pieter Henning will represent the community as councillor of Ward 100.

Making their mark The cameras which were installed to ensure the safety of the public who make use of the facility.

The newly established Veronia Crescent Public Park in Pomona will provide a sense of relaxation and peace for residents in Pomona.


Benoni residents went to the polls on May 18 to put down their mark in the 2011 local government elections. The PCN caught up with some voters at St Andrews Presbyterian Church, in Rynfield, and asked them what they hope to achieve through their vote?

Johannes Makua – Through my vote I hope to achieve a better life for me and my family.




advertise in: Dyllan Taylor – I have voted before and support my party and I hope that by voting for my party it will be a great benefit to our country.

PRESS contact Marc on 074 338-1439 or Email:

Pat Kensley – I am hoping for a change of government – that’s about it.




New Electric Fence Legislation promulgated to protect consumers The Department of Labour promulgated new electric fence regulations on the 25th March 2011 in order to regulate the standards to which electric fences are erected and also to control the persons involved in the erection of electric fences. The public have for many years, been at the mercy of many unscrupulous operators who have installed electric security fences without sufficient competence. It has also been apparent that there is little or no compliance to the Regulations and Standards pertaining to the safety of these installations.

The new regulations are aligned with the new Consumer Protection Act and will go a long way to protecting the public against unscrupulous operators. The new legislation is effective 01 July 2011 and the public are urged to ensure that before commencing with a new electric fence installation, or an alteration to an existing system, that a Certificate of Registration be produced by the installer and that an Electric Fence System Certificate of Compliance is issued by the Registered Person. GEIA will also be assisting legitimate electric fence installers in understanding the requirements of the new legislation by presenting a number of workshops in this regard. GEIA will also be assisting installers in obtaining sufficient competence in respect of the registration

Crime Statistics


Dedicated to serving the needs of the community


GEIA can be contacted by either consumers or installers on 082 8777 502 or visit our website

Important facets of the new legislation require that inter alia:-

The provision of item 4 above requires that any installer of an electric security fence make an application to the Chief Inspector to be registered as a registered person. The application must also be accompanied by documented evidence that such a person has sufficient knowledge of the standards applicable to electric fence systems.


requirements of the Department of Labour. These installers are urged to attend as failure to comply with the regulations will render them liable to prosecution and on conviction to a fine or to imprisonment.

The Gauteng Electrical Inspection Authority (GEIA) is an Approved Inspection Authority for electrical installations (AIA) and has been appointed by the Department of Labour to assist the public in inspecting unsafe or non compliant electrical installations. Many complaints lodged with the AIA involve unsafe practices surrounding the installation of electric security fences.

1. No person shall sell, install or use an electric fence energizer that does not conform to applicable standards. 2. No person may install a new electric security fence unless a certificate of compliance has been issued in the form as prescribed in the regulations. 3. A certificate shall be issued on an electric fence system which exists on premises where there is a change of ownership after 01 October 2012. 4. Only a registered person may issue the certificate as contemplated by the regulations.



Anyone, Anywhere, Any time, in His service

PCN 25 May 2011

I dreamt that I went to Heaven and that an angel was showing me around. We walked side by side inside a large room filled with angels. My angel guide stopped at the first section and said, “This is the receiving Section. Here all petitions to God said in prayer are received.” I looked around in this area, and it was terribly busy with so many angels sorting out petitions written on voluminous paper sheets and scraps from people all over the world. Then we moved on down a long corridor until we reached the second section. The angel said to me, “This is the packaging and Delivery Section. Here, the graces and blessings the people asked for are processed and delivered to the living persons who asked for them.” I noticed again how busy it was there. There were many angels working hard at that station, since so many blessings had been requested and were being packaged for delivery to Earth. Finally at the farthest end of the long corridor we stopped at the door of every small station. To my great surprise, only one angel was seated there, idly doing nothing. “This is the Acknowledgement Section” my angel friend quietly admitted to me. He seemed embarrassed. “How is that? There’s no work going on here?” I asked. “So sad,” the angel sighed. After people receive blessings that they asked for, very few send back acknowledgements. “How does one acknowledge God’s blessings?” I asked. “Simple,” the angel answered. “Just say, Thank you, Lord.” ‘What blessings should they acknowledge?” I asked. “If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of this world. If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish, your are among the top 8% of the world’s wealthy. And if you get this on your own computer, you are part of 1% in the world who has that opportunity. If you woke up this morning with more health than illness, you are more blessed than many who will not even survive this day. If you have never experienced the fear in a battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation, you are ahead of 700 million in the world. If you can attend a church meeting without the fear of harassment, arrest, torture or death, you are envied by, and more Blessed than, three billion people in the world. If your parents are still alive and still married, you are very rare. If you can hold your head up and smile, you are not the norm, you are unique to all those in doubt and despair: “Ok, what now? How can I start?” “If you can read this message, you just received a double blessing in that someone was thinking of you as very special and you are more blessed than over 2 billion people in the world who cannot read at all. For further enquires please contact Tracey at 072 549 3189.

Contact the Precinct Chaplaincy on 0861 425 493

Up to 22 May 2011

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