The Precinct Community News

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Telephone 011-578-5600

Customer care 0861 567 267 Control Room 0861-425-493 CommunityMonitoringServices E T PA R K






Volume 4 Issue1













April 2011

ISSN 2222-0313

Did the police fail the community? A

s most of you will be aware, tragedy struck on Friday 1st April 2011 when the naked and mutilated body of 20 year old Chantelle Barnard was discovered in the home of Jurgen Vandekeere, who has been accused of her rape and murder. What is perhaps not so well known is the accused's history of domestic violence. Our patrolmen had been called out to the premises on several occasions due to reports of such domestic violence, to which members of the SAPS were called to the scene. Chantelle Barnard

Jurgen's estranged wife Suretta, who married him in January 2010, knows all too well what he is capable off, herself having been the victim of violence at his hands. The last straw occurred in August last year, when Jurgen beat her so badly that she had to be hospitalised. Things were so bad that she had to obtain an Interdict against him. Suretta pleaded with the police to do something, but they did not. Had they done so, this tragedy could have been prevented. A further incident of domestic violence at his home was reported in January of this year. Yet again the police did nothing. There would appear to be a reluctance on behalf of the SAPS to get involved in domestic violence situations, as evidenced by our statistics which show 12 incidents reported to us during the month of March. It is perhaps no wonder that many women are reluctant to open a case against their husband or boyfriend. And who suffers as a result? There are a lot of women out there who just grin and bear it, because they do not believe the police will help them. It is now time to take a stand. As women, we need to stick together. It is time to make ourselves heard. Suffering in silence is a thing of the past. We appeal to all victims of domestic violence to take action now and take back your life.

Accused Jurgen Vandekeere

There are structures in place to assist victims of domestic violence. The Sizanani Project was launched in October last year for just this purpose. Their Vision is to help victims of domestic

violence obtain the assistance they need and deserve, in accordance with the spirit of the Constitution of South Africa, in a manner that recognizes their courage in taking the first step to regain dignity and control over their own lives. Their Mission is to provide pre-court counseling to victims and to ensure that the necessary documentation is adequately completed; to ensure standardisation of submitted documents, thus allowing the Department of Justice to do their work in a more streamlined manner, resulting in magistrates being able to process a larger number of applications in a single day; to refer victims to follow-up counseling, if required, or to do placements in safe houses. Their Aims and Objectives are to improve service delivery in accordance with the Batho Pele principles. This Initiative has overcome many difficulties experience by victims, including long queues and associated difficulties, chronic court staff shortages; faulty completion of application forms and lack of understanding. It provides crucial assistance by allowing volunteers to draft affidavits, and many volunteers were trained to assist victims. BUT YOU, THE VICTIM, HAVE TO TAKE THE FIRST STEP. Whilst we do not have the space to quote the entire The Domestic Violence Act, Act 116 of1998, we quote below some relevant passages: “It is the purpose of this Act to afford the victims of domestic violence the maximum protection from domestic abuse that the law can provide; and to introduce measures which seek to ensure that the relevant organs of state give full effect to the provision of this Act, and thereby to convey that the State is committed to the elimination of domestic violence.” “2. Any member of the South African Police Service must, at the scene of an incident of domestic violence or as soon thereafter as is reasonably possible, or when the incident of domestic violence is reported – (a) Render such assistance to the complainant as may be required in the

circumstances, including assisting or making arrangements for the complainant to find a suitable shelter and to obtain medical treatment;” “3. A peace officer may without warrant arrest any respondent at the scene of an incident of domestic violence whom he or she reasonably suspects of having committed an offence containing an element of violence against a complainant.”


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PCN 2011

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From the Editor How do you react when you hear sirens behind you? I had the privilege of travelling with one of our emergency services vehicles one Saturday and was totally astounded at some of the behavior of other road users. Whilst about 75% of people reacted courteously and correctly, there were very many who had absolutely no respect for the emergency services vehicles. Some of them just refused to make way and their attitude was appalling. Our paramedics are frequently called out to motor vehicle accident scenes. These dedicated guys and gals don't use their lights and sirens unless there is an emergency and they need to get to the scene as a matter of urgency, as most of the time they cannot tell if it's a life or death situation until they get there. There may be some drivers who are not sure how to react when they suddenly hear sirens screaming and at first may be uncertain as to which direction they are actually coming from. If you look in your rear view mirror, you will be able to see if they are coming up behind you, as their red lights will also be flashing.


he Easter holiday period is just around the corner and once again many of us will be packing our bags and taking a “mini” family vacation while the schools are closed. Before you depart, we suggest you go through this checklist. vEntire home checked to ensure all windows are secured and doors locked. Don't forget the outbuildings. vAlarm tested and in good working order. vAll security gate and door locks tested. vAll sliding security gates closed and locked. vGarage doors locked and no remotes left lying around. vShrubs around entrances trimmed to avoid concealment of criminals. vLights connected to timers or movement sensors. v Newspapers and any other home deliveries cancelled or arrangements made for someone to collect post while you are away. vNo cell phones or other valuables left lying around in plain sight.

The best thing to do is move to the side, providing that is possible. If there is no space to move over, keep driving – they will find a way around you. DO NOT SLAM ON BRAKES - that is likely to cause a further accident. Remember, these vehicles are rushing to an emergency situation and are likely to be driving fairly fast. Sometimes there are two vehicles, so once the vehicle has passed you, CHECK TO SEE IF THERE'S A SECOND ONE BEFORE PULLING OUT. When the emergency vehicle approaches a robot, the sound of the siren will change to short bursts (difficult to describe, but you will hear the difference). If you're at a robot heading across in the opposite direction, PLEASE make way for these vehicles to cross the intersection. Another thing that concerned me was, when there's been an accident on the highway (of which there were several that day) and the paramedics/ambulance is parked in the emergency lane, our paramedics do not have a lot of space to work in (especially if the patient is lying near the line) and these guys are in constant danger of being hit by a passing vehicle, while trying to save a life. If you're driving on the highway and you see RED flashing lights, please take a bit more caution when passing.

vAdvise your security service provider that you will be away and provide them with alternative keyholders. vDo not pack your vehicle in full view of passersby in the street. If you intend driving to your destination, here's a quick pre-journey vehicle check: vTyre pressure/tread. vLights and brakes are in good order. vCheck windscreen for cracks and ensure wiper blades are effective. vCheck fluid levels of oil, water etc. vEnsure safety belts are in good order. While travelling: vMake regular stops, preferably every 2 hours or 200kms. vWhen you take a break, make sure you go for a stroll to exercise cramped limbs and increase circulation. vMake sure your vehicle is well ventilated. vIf you are driving in direct sunshine, wear sunglasses. Glare strains the eyes and adds to fatigue. vMake sure everyone wears their seat belt. vDon't rush to your destination – drive within the speed limit. Have you made arrangements to have your pets looked after while you are away? If you're going to be outdoors, don't forget to use plenty of sunscreen. We wish everyone a safe and enjoyable Easter break.

CMS Technical Services




The Easter holiday period is almost upon us and we again ask everyone to test their alarm NOW. If you are planning to go away, please do not wait until the day before you leave. It is highly unlikely that we will be able to send a technician out at such short notice. From past experience, there are not enough hours in the day for our technicians to attend to every “last minute” call. Follow this easy procedure and remember to keep records of all tests and results, as your insurance company will require these in the event of a claim. Alarm test procedure: · Notify the CMS Control Room (0861425-493) of your intention to test. · Set the alarm system, but do not exit in the normal fashion. Stay on your premises, but REMAIN VERY STILL! · Once set, allow at least two minutes for


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Precinct Community News call Mark on 011-578-5621

the transmission to complete. · Move into a protected area and wait for the alarm to activate. · Move to the control panel and unset/ reset the system. · Call the Control Room and check if the signal was received. · If received – obtain a reference number of the test. If NOT, re-do the test. · If the second test fails, contact the CMS Technical Support Department on 0861265-267. A tip to avoid your alarm system being struck by lightening during a storm. Unplug your alarm system during that period – the lightening usually doesn't last too long. Your alarm will still operate on its standby battery, just like it does during a power failure. Just don't forget to plug it back in when the storm is over.

THE PRECINCT COMMUNITY NEWS Tel : 011-578-5652 Fax : 086 683 7228

Editorial & Crime Statistics Margaret Dalglish Tel : 011-578-5674 Design & Layout Dylan Fourie Tel : 011-578-5624 Brent van Zyl Tel : 011-578-5668

A Tribute to Mothers

When you came into the world, she held you in her arms. You thanked her by wailing like a banshee. When you were 1 year old, she fed you and bathed you. You thanked her by crying all night long. When you were 2 years old, she taught you to walk. You thanked her by running away when she called. When you were 3 years old, she made all your meals with love. You thanked her by tossing your plate on the floor. When you were 4 years old, she gave you some crayons. You thanked her by colouring the dining room table. When you were 5 years old, she dressed you for the holidays. You thanked her by plopping into the nearest pile of mud. When you were 6 years old, she walked you to school. You thanked her by screaming, "I'M NOT GOING!" When you were 7 years old, she bought you a baseball. You thanked her by throwing it through the next-door-neighbour's window. When you were 8 years old, she handed you an ice cream. You thanked her by dripping it all over your lap. When you were 9 years old, she paid for piano lessons. You thanked her by never even bothering to practice. When you were 10 years old, she drove you all day, from soccer to gymnastics to one birthday party after another. You thanked her by jumping out of the car and never looking back. When you were 11 years old, she took you and your friends to the movies. You thanked her by asking to sit in a different row. When you were 12 years old, she warned you not to watch certain TV shows. You thanked her by waiting until she left the house. Those teenage years: When you were 13, she suggested a haircut that was becoming. You thanked her by telling her she had no taste. When you were 14, she paid for a month away at summer camp. You thanked her by forgetting to write a single letter. When you were 15, she came home from work, looking for a hug. You thanked her by having your bedroom door locked. When you were 16, she taught you how to drive her car. You thanked her by taking it every chance you could. When you were 17, she was expecting an important call. You thanked her by being on the phone all night.

The Precinct Community News is published by The Joint Precincts, all letters, articles & comments must be emailed/received by the 18th of each month to be featured in that month’s edition. Contributions are submitted at the sender’s risk. The Joint Precincts do not accept responsibility for material lost. The Joint Precincts reserve the right to make changes to any material submitted for publication. All rights reserved. All crime statistics are those logged by the community control room and are used with permission of the Joint Precincts. The views & opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the newspaper. Reproduction without written permission of the Editor is strictly prohibited. To enquire about reproduction of any material contained in this publication please e-mail

When you were 18, she cried at your high school graduation. You thanked her by staying out partying until dawn. Growing old and gray: When you were 19, she paid for your college tuition, drove you to campus, carried your bags. You thanked her by saying good-bye outside the dorm so you wouldn't be embarrassed in front of your friends. When you were 20, she asked whether you were seeing anyone. You thanked her by saying, "It's none of your business." When you were 21, she suggested certain careers for your future. You thanked her by saying, "I don't want to be like you." When you were 22, she hugged you at your college graduation. You thanked her by asking whether she could pay for a trip to Europe. When you were 23, she gave you furniture for your first apartment. You thanked her by telling your friends it was ugly. When you were 24, she met your fiancé and asked about your plans for the future. You thanked her by glaring and growling, "Muuhhther, please!" When you were 25, she helped to pay for your wedding, and she cried and told you how deeply she loved you. You thanked her by moving halfway across the country. When you were 30, she called with some advice on the baby. You thanked her by telling her, "Things are different now." When you were 40, she called to remind you of a relative's birthday. You thanked her by saying you were "really busy right now." When you were 50, she fell ill and needed you to take care of her. You thanked her by reading about the burden parents become to their children. And then, one day, she quietly died. And everything you never did came crashing down like thunder. "Rock me baby, rock me all night long." "The hand who rocks the cradle...may rock the world". Let us take a moment of our time just to pay tribute/show appreciation to the person called MOM, though some may not say it openly to their mother. There's no substitute for her. You were cherished every single moment. Even though at times you and she may not be the best of friends, she is still your mother!!! She will be there for you - to listen to your woes, your bragging, your frustrations, etc. Ask yourself - have you put aside enough time for her, to listen to her "blues" of working in the kitchen, her tiredness??? Be tactful, loving and still show her due respect, even though you may have a different view from hers. Once gone, only fond memories of the past, and also regrets, will be left.



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PCN 2011

How effective is our Sector Policing? November 2010 saw the introduction of Sector Police vehicles into our suburbs, with 2 vehicles being allocated to each sector. The cell number of each vehicle is marked on the side of the vehicle, and we have detailed these numbers below. The rationale behind this is that the public could contact the vehicle direct, thereby cutting down on response time. However, you should still contact 10111 for a reference number, as the sector vehicles are unable to issue such numbers. Even if a particular vehicle is temporarily off the road, be it for service or any other reason, another vehicle should be put in place to patrol in that area. Despite these vehicles patrolling our suburbs, we have not seen a reduction in crime. In fact, crime seems to be on the rise, as evidenced by our crime stats on page 11. We have received both good and bad comments from members of the public and thought it would be a good idea to find out

from the community just how successful, or otherwise, this service is in our suburbs. Have you seen your sector vehicles driving around your suburb? If you have tried to contact the vehicles direct, were you able to get through to them or not? If you did make contact with the vehicle direct, how good was the response time and how helpful were our sector policemen? Did they take statements, arrange for someone to take fingerprints (if necessary)? Did you get a case number? Was there any follow up by a detective? Please send your comments by email to or by fax to 086-6837228. Just one stipulation - your comments should be based on personal experience, not hearsay. We don't want to hear just complaints, but also praise where praise is due. We have many good police officers out there and they need our support and recognition for a job well done.

Benoni Sector Vehicles

Boksburg Sector Vehicles

Sector 1

071 675 6714

Sector 5 (CBD &

071 675 6722

Sector 1 (Atlasville,

(Rynfield , Morehill)

071 675 6715

Western Extension)

071 675 6723

Impala Park, Witkoppie

071 675 6980

Park, Westwood SH,

071 675 6986

Ridge, Park Haven,

071 675 6981

Ravenswood, Anderbolt,

071 675 6987

Sector 2

071 675 6716

Sector 6 (Westdene,

(Northmead & Airfield)

071 675 6717

Lakefield, Stewards

071 675 6724

Ext. 21. Kilfenora.

071 675 6725

Sector 3

Bartlett Ext, Bardene)

Benoni South)

(Benoni Small farms,

071 675 6718

Brentwood Park

071 675 6719

Agricultural Holdings )

Sector 4 (Everleigh, Beyers

Muswelldale and Boksburg North)

Sector 2 (Jet Park, Hughes, Bardene

071 675 6983

and Jansen Park)

071 675 6984

Sector 7 (Apex, Mackenzie Park

071 675 6726

Sector 3 (Ravensky,


071 675 6727

Ravensklip, Witfield,

Sector 4

Rynsoord, New Modder

Highes Ext., Rosedene,

071 675 6982

(Farrarmere, Goedeberg, 071 675 6720

& Golden Drive)

Lillianton, Berton Park,

071 675 6985

Alphen Park)

071 675 6721

ERPM Golf Course, Sector 8 (Modder Bee,

071 675 6728

Boksburg West, Comet,

Kingsway / Lindelani)

071 675 6729

Morgan Ridge, Dayanglen)

Ward 24 Feedback Projects · Kirchner road almost complete. The rest of Kirchner will be done depending availability of funds · Roads in Benoni North AH remains a priority · Two new roads in CALP 80% complete · Water pressure in Bredell and Pomona still a problem and remain a priority. Continuous upgrading · Water logged houses in Pomona: awaiting consultants report · Scrap yard in Pomona. Awaiting court date · Awaiting implementation of road closures in Pomona · Storm water/sewage system in Pomona II receiving attention · New sewage outfall articulation plan for Pomona, Bredell and Brentwood approved · New storm water plan for Bullfrog Pan almost complete · New sewage pump station at Sandpan before end of the year · Radio security system now approved and being implemented · Parking area for Lynmed is slowly progressing. The pavement upgrade approved · Electrification upgrade in Bredell complete (going underground). Substation to be upgraded. · Sports fields in Crystal Park still being investigated. There have been some recent changes in ward boundaries, new wards, some councillors not being available any more, resulting in a radical change in the Benoni and Kempton Park representation. Please find below the boundary changes implemented by the IEC to ward 24. ·Bredell has been cut out of ward 24 and

included in a new ward 100. The whole of Chief Albert Luthuli is still in the ward. · Bredell, Marister, Sesfontein, Pomona, the eastern parts of Glen Marais and Benoni AH has been included in ward 100. It also includes certain parts of Winnie Mandela Park in Tembisa. The farming lands North of Bredell (Witfontein and Elandsfontein) are also included. In the mean time I remain the councillor for ward 24 and please do not hesitate to contact me with your enquiries. Regards Clr Benno Robinson, Ward 24 0836304872 011 999 3711 (office) 2nd Floor Civic centre, Kempton Park

Just a Reminder of what your Precinct is all about WHAT DOES YOUR PATROL VEHICLE DO FOR YOU? o Patrols in your area 24 hours a day o Reacts to your alarm o Escorting members safely to their homes. o Finding lost cats, dogs and children. o Attend to domestic violence from an observation point of view – to prevent assault / murder o Assist with breakdowns e.g. flat tyre, keys locked in car, push start, etc. o Be your eyes and ears while patrolling in the streets. o Analyses crime in the area. o Monitors criminals' modus operandi o The vehicle is tracked by a fleet management system. OTHER SERVICES: Did you know we have a free Paramedic Service? Did you know we have a Rape Crisis Centre? Did you know we have our own Trauma Intervention Unit as well as a professional Trauma Counsellor? Did you know we have an Anti Dog Poisoning Unit? Did you know we have Roadside Assistance and Towing Service? All this achieved by your committee – putting you first. It is your responsibility to protect yourselves and your family, but to do so it is imperative that you get the best, and the best is what you own and control, and when you control you will control the level of service by standing together. ALARM MONITORING Alarm monitoring and response at a reduced rate to Members, negotiated by your committee. Contracts with alarm monitoring and response based on one month's notice. NO LONG TERM CONTRACTS WITH YOUR ALARM MONITORING. WE DARE YOU TO COMPARE! A small price to pay to have a unified voice; a voice of pride; a voice of hope; a voice that takes no nonsense when the community's rights are violated. THE KEY TO COMBATING CRIME IS YOU! v v v

The success of this project will reflect on your ability to mobilise together with your neighbour. Democracy is about you taking responsibility. Stand up for your rights. Don't be the doormat of criminals and bureaucrats.


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here is no need to explain what crime is, as it's affected all of us in one way or another. Whether we were affected directly or indirectly, we have all at one point experienced CRIME. A public topic that continues to flow throughout our daily lives and for some an extremely difficult topic. Will CRIME ever go away? The reality is that NO it won't. As long as us, as humans, occupy this world there will always be crime. So let's do something about it! A few simple tasks that we can all do on our daily routine that will have a positive impact on your chances of becoming the next statistic. Never assume you will not be affected. Having 5 blood thirsty Dobermans, a 12 foot wall with electric fence will definitely be a deterrent for any criminal looking at getting into your home. However you always enter your house from the outside. Here are some safety tips geared at protecting yourself and your valuables while you're out and about at your daily routines. Hijackings: 90% of Hijackings occur in your driveway. How to possibly avoid this: While driving home, take note of the car behind you. Has the car been following you? Does it look suspicious? When you arrive at home do not pull into your driveway. Keep your vehicle on the street and open the gate, if your gate does not have a motor, get someone else to open it if possible. If you are the only one that can open the gate, make sure you are the only one around. If you feel unsafe and are unsure, drive around the block. If you still feel unsafe, call the Control Room on 0861 425 493 or SAPS 10111. Smash and Grabs: 99% occur while you sit

at a traffic light or an off-ramp. This affects mostly the ladies. Please keep all handbags, laptops and cameras in your boot. Under or behind your seat is NOT a good place. Keep your mobile phones hidden too. Obviously you need them by you, so the console under your radio is a good place for cell phones. Barking Dogs: The ones that keep us awake. Most dogs do not just bark because the wind is blowing, or they saw their own shadow. Any dog that wakes you up at night from barking, that is not your usual yapper, is not to be taken lightly. If you find yourself awoken by the noise of a hound - take a look. I'm not saying go outside. Simply look outside from the safety of your home. Dogs do bark for a reason. If you do not see anything switch on your lights to create a scene should anyone be lurking around, and if possible call your neighbour and notify them that their dog is barking and that you suspect that someone or something is outside. Also call the Control Room 0861 425 493 or SAPS 10111. At the end of the day we all live in a crime filled country and it's up to YOU to do something about it. Local police and security can only do so much. It's not possible to have a cop on every corner. Become pro-active in your community. Make sure you have all your neighbours' telephone numbers. Join a CPF forum or become a reservist with your Local Police station. If every person picked up a piece of litter every day we would not have dirty streets; if everyone takes notice of everyday life we can, together, bring this pandemic of crime down.

You and your drinking water BEWARE Our water in Ekurhuleni is supplied by Rand Water, which produces potable (drinking) water complying to the old SABS 0241 Class O, which is a far higher standard than the World Health standard. SABS 0241 has been replaced by SANS 0241, which is a considerably lower standard, and in the near future will be replaced by a further new standard. Bottled waters are sometimes of a lower standard than Rand Water. Some bottled water suppliers use Rand Water (municipal water) as a supply, pass sit through a Reverse Osmosis system and then add chemicals to produce their bottled water. Now BEWARE of the confidence trickster who comes to your house with a tester. He puts his so-called tester (two electrodes) into your tap water and “tests” it by turning on his tester. The water on the electrodes usually turns various colours, usually brown, and your general reaction is one of horror. He than takes your municipal water, passes it through the equipment he is trying to sell you

and repeats the test. Nothing happens. He then “sells” you his water purification system, which is called “Reverse Osmosis” (RO) system. Prove to yourself he is cheating. Take a pinch of ordinary household salt and add it to the so called pure water he is testing and stir it. Then tell the salesman to repeat the test with that water. He will usually come up with some argument not to retest, but if he does, the water will go brown, or similar. The brown, or similar colour, is caused by water conducting electricity when it contains dissolved salts (calcium etc). These salts are put in Rand Water for health purposes. When electricity passes through electrodes, part of the electrode dissolves, producing nearly colourless ferrous ions. These ferrous ions are then oxidised to ferric ion by dissolved oxygen in the water, which forms hydroxides. If you understand the concept you can see how these confidence tricksters operate. BEWARE

Are Plot Owners their own worst enemy? After having been a victim of crime, I was left with a feeling of BNCP h e l p l e s s n e s s , a n g e r a n d frustration. Complaining did little to help, except for licking my own wounds. Calling out for help to the police was, needless to say, a waste of time. Do I give up? NO. It was after the robbery that I started asking questions as to why, apparently, there was no protection for those of us who choose to live on the plots. Well, to my surprise, there is an active policing forum that one can join. I started attending the weekly meetings and found out that there is a wide range of community policing support that is available to all (not exclusively) that reside in plot areas. What shocks me most is the level of crime and the total lack of participation of the plot dwellers. Maybe in part because they foolishly believe that they are safe, maybe in part because they are unaware of the community policing that is available, or is it a simple case of apathy? After having reviewed the crime stats, a whopping 72% of all crime in the Benoni North area takes place in and around the plots. The crime ranges from armed robberies, hi-jacking and burglaries. Why would an area, so sparsely populated and always viewed as the “poor area” be targeted? After much deliberation, I think that part of the problem is the fact that many plot owners have “illegal structures” on their plots. They house large numbers of foreign people – legal and illegal. Some residents rent out zozo huts for up to R800 per room per month. A good source of income. The fact is that the criminals are amongst us and we as the plot owners have brought this upon ourselves. Or is it our neighbours who have brought this upon us? A good example of this is the infamous Jimmy's on the corner of Hodgson and Benoni Rd. On numerous occasions I, amongst others, have been involved in getting the place raided for selling alcohol illegally. The police have arrived, fined him, confiscated the alcohol and, with a total lack of respect or regard of the law, the following day the booze is back in the shop. Behind the shop are old stables which now act as living quarters for numerous people. Estimates have it that up to 100 people are living on the premises, with no adequate sewerage facilities to accommodate


t never ceases to amaze me that we all calmly sit and accept such shockingly poor service from Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality. Bredell and Pomona are most certainly the “poor cousins” in Kempton Park as we seem to have it even worse than others. Some people, like my mother living in Cape Town, have never experienced a power failure or low water pressure. They have garbage collected weekly – and put the “wheelie bin” outside come rain or shine, public holiday or working day and it's collected the same day. Roads are roads and not motocross bike tracks doubling as access roads to our plots. If an airline left passengers stranded at an airport for days on end, or a shipping company left perishable cargo like fresh flowers or day old chicks, sitting on the dock for weeks, or a big retailer sold us meat that expired weeks ago – it would make worldwide news headlines and they would all be threatened with law suits and would have to compensate their customers handsomely. CEO's would personally call customers to explain and apologise. It's interesting that after weeks and weeks of striking, nothing seems to happen to the Ekurhuleni workers who are causing such mayhem and destruction in our streets and residents have not even received an apology from EMM let alone a personal phone call from the mayor to explain why we are being charged such exorbitant fees for zero service delivery. Wonder if we'll get a refund for the garbage not collected for all these weeks? Hmmmm, don't be silly! It's all making Australia seem like Utopia, where the traffic lights continue


all the people. White children have also been seen coming out of the rooms at the back. One wonders where the welfare are to take away any child that lives in such squalor. On weekends, it's a living shabeen; one would be excused if you thought you had driven into a township by accident. The health department and the police are frequent visitors to the place. Still, as law abiding citizens, our hands are tied and “nothing can be done” to close this filthy nest down. Another concern is the newly opened “pawn shop” also on Benoni Rd. A good place to sell potentially stolen goods. According to the political representative, the advertising boards scattered along Benoni Rd are illegal and should be taken down. There are numerous plots with illegal structures that house many “unwanted people” for personal financial gain. So what can we do to rid our neighbourhood of these unwanted elements? A sub-committee for the plot areas has been formed under the auspicious of the CPF (Community Policing Forum). We need members to actively join the CPF and the sub committee in order to address the issues that are a major source of concern for the plot dwellers. We are losing our neighbourhood to criminals and in part we have ourselves to blame. The plots with these structures need to be identified in order to take the necessary action against the plot owners. A petition needs to be handed over to the new police chief who has vowed to support us in our fight against crime. Charity begins at home, and it is easier to blame the government for not doing their part, after all we are paying our taxes to expect support. But we all know that this is not going to happen. An active community, active in all respects, be it the fight against crime or the fight against poor service delivery, is a community that will benefit and reap the rewards in the end. Apathy starts at home, crime also starts at home. Don't be victim, stop being a victim, stand up for yourself, because no one else is going to stand up and fight the fight for you. If you wish to find out more about the subcommittee and CPF, please contact me on:

to work in raging floods, everywhere is beautiful and clean, wildlife that can be seen on a drive to town are kangaroos, koalas and parrots, not rats, mice and parktown prawns, with the odd vagrant rummaging through the rubbish. Of course there is the little problem of that dreary yellow coloured shirt the rugby and cricket teams wear – green and gold are much more flattering colours, and imagine a life without friends, family and great South African beer, blue bulls and Biltong – oh well, maybe the Bredell roads are not that bad, and I'm sure our garbage will be collected one day soon ……… Anyone who has driven down Outeniqua in Pomona Extension3 lately, would have noticed some of the potholes getting larger and larger every time it rains or someone drives their 4 by 4 into it. Whilst politely waiting for someone to avoid the largest one between Stanley and Barlinka, I often wonder what we can do with that really large one. I've come up with a couple of idea's, and perhaps some kind residents (not the ones that neither thank you for politely waiting for them, nor wait for you to avoid them) would donate some materials to create a water feature, or maybe even a monument to commemorate all the tyres burst and cars damaged in the darned thing. Funny thing happened early one morning last week. I saw a rabbit peeking his cute fluffy ears out of the huge pothole. Being the concerned “bunny hugging” citizen that I am, I thought it best to stop and rescue the poor little cute bunnykins. Imagine my surprise as I got closer to the pothole – it wasn't a rabbit, but a donkey! I wonder if the Kempton Park municipality would use the funds they have saved by not collecting our rubbish for 5½ weeks to repair the road? Mind you, the rotting mess is probably so compacted

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New Drug hits our shores Teens are getting high on an emerging drug which is "fake weed," a concoction also known as 'K2' and 'spice', which causes hallucinations, vomiting, agitation and other dangerous effects. This drug reportedly offers a marijuana-like high and is said to be about 10 times more active than THC, which is the active ingredient in marijuana. This means you can smoke a lot less K2 to reach the same level of 'high'. K2 may be a mixture of herbal and spice plant products, but it is sprayed with a potent psychotropic drug and likely contaminated with an unknown toxic substance that is causing many adverse effects.

1.Neglect of responsibilities, whether at school, home or work because of drug use. 2. The emergence of relationship problems with a partner, family, employer, colleagues and even friends. 3. Always running into legal problems, such as theft to support drug use, misconduct and violence 4.Remarkable demonstration of risk behaviour such as driving while on drugs, unprotected sex and using dirty equipment. 5. Addiction or compulsive drug use despite awareness of its dangers and risks.

Symptoms include:

Hallucinations and delusions Since K2 acts like marijuana, you'd expect to see the same effects, including sleepiness, relaxation, reduced blood pressure and, at high doses, hallucinations and delusions. While some users between the ages of 14 and 21 were showing up with hallucinations, other symptoms such as increased agitation as well as elevated blood pressure and heart rates were also prevalent. "It's like playing Russian roulette. You don't know what it's going to do to you.

Sweating profusely during the day

It is vital for families and friends around to identify and understand the probable signs of abuse. The following are telltale signs:

Feelings of depression and despair


Support to families with addicted loved ones


12 step Celebrate Recovery program for recovery from Hurts, Hang-ups and Habits (addictions). The program is effective for those in addiction as well as the family.


Seminars to empower families and supporters of addicted loved ones. Addiction is a family disease, all need to recover from the devastating affects of addiction.


Preferred Diversion Program of the Courts. At the mercy and discretion of the courts the magistrate may divert a convicted offender to REACH for 1 year instead of sending them to prison.


Diversions program for schools. When a student is faced with suspension or expulsion because of substance abuse, the school principle may at their discretion refer the offender to complete a year program at REACH and thereby afford the offender an opportunity to be rehabilitated and avoid expulsion.


Support, re-integration for those who have completed a long term rehabilitation program.


Drug awareness presentations for drug prevention in schools and churches


Interventions. To inspire an addicted person to enter into a long term FREE Celebrate Recovery 12 Step Recovery Program. Or in more serious cases, to assist the addicted person into a long term in-patient rehabilitation centre.

Headaches Diarrhea Nausea and vomiting Tremors and convulsions Mania (hyperactivity, agitation) Emotional fluctuations and personality

Hope in the storm of addiction


Heart rate and blood pressure increase, (which could result in a seizure) Insomnia

No perfect people allowed...

AIM: ·

To support families with a loved one in addiction through the recovery process.

If your child or spouse is abusing substances ·

Compassionately confront their use and set boundaries around their using behavior. Stay calm.


Do not make threats that you will not or cannot follow through on.


DO NOT shield the addict from the consequences of their using behavior. (Referred to as “enabling.”)


Be supportive and hopeful about change. Recovery is much more effective when family members are involved and have realistic, yet optimistic, expectations about the process.


Become educated about addiction and recovery. You are not alone. Help is available.


Do not succumb to isolation and shame, get help and support for yourself and your loved one. Recovery is possible for those who reach for it.

If your child or spouse has been diverted onto to the REACH program:

How dangerous is K2? Read this story and decide for yourself. “18 year old student, Matthew, loved to play rugby and played for his school until he broke his leg. However, he loved to go and watch rugby matches with his Dad. He can't do that any more. However, after a Matric farewell party, he went home and took his own life. His parents were obviously devastated, and blamed themselves. His father said ”How terrible parents we were not to have seen this coming”. Two days later, Matthew's girlfriend came by with a confession. On the day he died, she said, Matthew had been smoking a synthetic marijuana called K2, also known as Spice. Matthew's parents had never heard of it, but when his father contacted the police, he began to learn about an herbal blend, sprayed with chemicals, that mimic the 'high' from marijuana. It is suspected that the use of K2 is on the rise in the athletic population. It is a danger to anyone who uses it. Matthew's father believes a K2 high led to his son's suicide. Matthew had a severe panic attack after smoking K2, which resulted in his death. Leading health experts believe more tragedy is to come and that athletes in particular may be at risk. Three student athletes were found breaking apart cigarettes, mixing it with K2, rolling it back up into papers, then smoking it.

One young man, who had NO past medical h i s t o r y, h a d a s e i z u r e a n d l o s t consciousness. He was found outside his dorm convulsing. His heart rate was elevated above 200 and he was admitted for observation for 24 hours. When asked why he did it, he responded “I didn't think it would be that much of a rush. I had no control over my body in that I could see but could not speak.” Another athletic trainer commented: We have a student athlete who was in the emergency room over the weekend. Says he was smoking 'Spice'. His heart was racing, his blood pressure was off the charts, and he was hallucinating. This went on for hours. Many who use it fail to see the danger, and some gave the following comments: “We tried and realized that it has similar effects to weed.” “Sometimes you feel like your heart is going to come out of your chest, going to explode. Your pulse just goes up like crazy. You literally feel like sometimes you're going to die, but you wake up the next morning and you're like “Whatever, it's fine”.” “If you smoke weed, you're just chill. When you smoke K2 you are messed up. Sometimes I felt almost like drops of water were landing on my body somewhere. You'll feel like a cool drop somewhere and I'll check but there's nothing. It's weird. It'll trigger different kind of senses around your body.”


Please contact your nearest R.E.A.C.H representative as soon as possible.


Understand that your support is vital to the recovery of your loved one.


By taking the diversion program seriously and committing wholeheartedly with your loved one to the program, serious consequences can be avoided. Drugs kill.


R.E.A.C.H offers a 12 step Christ centered program for 2 hours a week. Without the commitment of the offender and family the program can not work effectively. The program is offered to you free of charge, you will be required to purchase a workbook and also pay for the drug tests. Reports will be sent to the referring institution. Failure to comply with the program will result in the offender being removed by the referring person or organization and the consequences that could have been avoided will be enforced.


? Brandon: ?

082 558 4129

Community Control Room numbers 0861 425 493

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PCN 2011

Dr Barbara Wade BA (Welfare Science) BSc (Physio) Hons Hons BSc (Research Psychology) Registered Social Worker Reg no. 102 3651 SAASWIPP 700 938

The Olive Branch Trauma Centre

16 Sixth Ave Northmead 1511 P.O.Box 131275 Northmead 1511 Cell 072-122-4766 Tel: 011-849-7473

Handling anger and conflict


ow often have you heard the following statements or even used them yourself? “I hate conflict!” “I prefer to avoid conflict at any cost…” It is not uncommon for people to avoid confrontations and conflicts. Conflict is often considered to be destructive and frightening. Many people are afraid of confrontations, in part because they fear being damaging the relationship or they fear that it will escalate to verbal and physical violence. Very few people are ever taught the rules of engaging in conflict. Yet conflict is not only inevitable and a part of human nature but also, when managed effectively, it is healthy and beneficial, and can deepen the relationship and harmony between people. Conflict and anger An important aspect of conflict resolution is the ability to handle and express anger in a constructive way. In an outburst of rage, there is such a high-level of tension in the person's body and mind that he or she experiences a desperate, uncontrolled need to discharge it either physically or verbally. Some people erupt, discharging the tension in the body and mind by biting, kicking, swearing, hitting or shouting. It is as though they must drive away the tension and the person who they believe is causing them to suffer. Others are able to express their anger in ways that lead to a successful resolution of the disagreement. We often wonder why some people are able to remain calm and patient in the face of provocation, while others fly into a rage and become highly irrational. In order to understand how to handle anger effectively, it is important to understand the chemistry underlying rage and anger. The human brain has two parts: an area called the cortex and sub cortex or if you like an “upstairs brain” and a “downstairs brain.” The “upstairs brain” handles rational thought, learning and reason. The “downstairs brain” controls bodily functions such as heart rate, muscle tension, the discharge of adrenalin and breathing. We all have a circuit in the brain that is activated when we are threatened or angry. An important structure in this circuit is the amygdyla, a small walnut shaped structure located directly in from the ear on each side of the brain. The amygdyla alert us to threatening situations. If we experience something as a threat, the amygdyla fire and put the body on “red alert,” as if something in our brain dialed an emergency number. The body prepares for fight or flight and stress chemicals and stress hormones are released. All of this is controlled by the “downstairs brain”, which triggers bodily responses. However, the downstairs brain does not think things through in a rational manner. For example, if you are out hiking in the bush and meet an aggressive leopard, you need a quick response rather than thinking "how interesting. A beautiful animal with big teeth is running towards me ..." Your amygdala says "Run!" If you are assaulted, your amygdyla may scream “run” or “fight. Get mad! Defend yourself!” So when we feel threatened, the “downstairs brain” prepares us to fight and flee by triggering fear or rage. The downstairs brain is moderated by the upstairs brain, which controls thinking and reasoning. When the downstairs brain prepares us for a quick response, muscle tension rises, heart rate and respiration increase and we are set to fight or flee. If the slower upstairs brain sees a real threat, it will increase the response of the downstairs brain as if it says “yes! You're right. Get rid of this threat!” However, if the slower, more rational upstairs brain concludes there is no emergency, it releases its own flood of chemicals that tone down the response of the downstairs brain. The upstairs sends chemical messages to his lower brain saying something equivalent to this "look that was annoying but it is not a major threat. You've misread the situation, so calm down

amygdale, we don't need all the stress chemicals." One of the ways in which we keep calm is to use soothing thoughts. The ability to soothe oneself in the face of provocation is best learnt in childhood. In order to understand the brain chemistry of anger and rage, it is often useful to think of the chemistry of the opposite - peace and contentment. Two of the brain's important chemicals which contribute much to antiaggressive behaviour are called oxytocin and opioids. Children locked in rage have very

little experience of these chemicals. Oxytocin and opioids are activated in the child's brain by lovely adult child interactions, such as comforting, warm contact, loving cuddles, smiles, rough-and-tumble play and gentle loving parental voices. In fact, societies with high levels of physical affection towards children generally have lower levels of physical violence. This is because oxytocin and opioids contribute greatly to the child having an anti-aggressive brain chemistry. However shouting, smacking and being alone for too long or in front of the television can activate a very different emotional chemistry. When the child is stressed or threatened, his brain activates high levels of stress chemicals, which activate painful arousal in the body. When the child is too hyped up in this way, the rage system in his lower brain becomes more sensitive. The chemical serotonin is lowered. Low serotonin may make people more prone to aggression and impulse of acts. It is important to help children with intense feelings to develop stress moderating systems in the brain. Let's take a scenario. Let's imagine that Danny is playing happily with his train. Two year old Samantha snatches it and throws it down the stairs. Danny screams with rage. His amygdala has fired threat. His rage circuit has triggered and he wants to hit Samantha. It is important that Danny is soothed and listened to, held and understood and then gradually stress regulating systems will be established. Danny is dependent on the stress regulating systems in the brain of a caring adult to learn to establish his own systems. If a caring adult is there and can empathise with him, Danny is able to moderate his stress and through that he will be able to use reassuring self thought. It is as if the brain is saying "we don't need to keep pumping out all the stress chemicals, there's no real emergency here." So once the upstairs brain has established this mechanism, it can override the raw angry response from the amygdala when it is

screaming rage! Rage! Rage! But if in childhood there is not enough soothing from an adult in times of distress and rage, these modulating pathways will not be established until some significant adult takes on this vital function with the child on a regular basis. When rage in children is left unregulated by adults, it can become an ingrained personality characteristic and, as adults, these un-helped children are often exhausting and violent to be around. Because of the brain's plasticity, it is never ever too late for the brain to learn to establish anti-anxiety chemistry and distress regulating mechanisms. But as time goes on it gets harder as rage and anger become hardwired as personality characteristics. So later in life powerful therapy is needed to undo the hard wiring. Managing provocations by talking to yourself. If you find yourself easily provoked to rage, it is important to learn to use soothing statements in your own mind to calm down. First get used to recognising when you are getting angry. Where do you feel it in your body? Do you notice it in your stomach, in your neck, or when your hands clench into fists? Noticing these physical sensations is an important first step in recognising you are

going to fly into a temper. Prepare yourself for dealing with the provocation or the irritation from the other person. Pat yourself on the back when you remain calm in the face of provocations. If you can use your rational, logical mind, it can release the chemicals needed to turn off the response of the rage circuit, i.e. the lower brain. Here are some statements that others have found useful: 1. Dealing with her anger is only a minor annoyance. 2. Listen carefully for the issue, not the emotion. 3. Getting upset will not work. Stay relaxed. 4. I got through that without getting angry. Way to go! 5. I did that well! 6. It is not worth getting upset over. 7. Listening to her anger will be easy. 8. I will be able to manage the situation. 9. He is trying to get me angry. I am not going to. 10. I did not take anything personally. Good job! 11. What is the issue? Do not get distracted into a quarrel. 12. I am excellent at managing provocations. 13. So he is insulting me. So what? I can remain calm. 14. Calm down. I can't expect people to act the way I want them to. 15. Take a few deep breaths and relax before we start. 16. Good for me! I am keeping my voice down. 17. It will be easy to stay calm. 18. Relax. 19. I am speaking slowly and quietly. Good for me! FACTORS WHICH INHIBIT CONFLICT MANAGEMENT There are certain things that make handling conflict more difficult. These are: Fits of silence Avoiding discussing what is bothering you Using words like Always/Never/Typical Saying things which hurt like “You are just like

your mother / father” Saying things that evoke guilt feelings Denial of one's part in the problem Sarcasm Refusing to become involved in seeking solutions POSITIVE CONFLICT MANAGEMENT Pick the right time. Stay with the subject. Do not discuss a whole lot of issues at once. Deal with problems as they arise and are still manageable. Do not wait for an argument and then bring up a whole list of issues. Deal with one topic at a time. Get the message right. Say what you mean. Make an effort to listen to the other person and to reflect and acknowledge his or her point of view and feelings. Concentrate on the topic not the person (i.e. do not use insults or hurtful personal comments to get your way). Do not decide for the other person or tell them what to do. Do not dig up past issues. Think before you speak. Be open and honest. Watch your tone of voice. Keep the volume down. Do not shout, scream or swear. It will trigger the other person. CONFLICT AND BUILDING A RELATIONSHIP ? ·In an argument, avoid accusations, saying “You make me…” Use I messages instead:” When you do (xyz) I feel…” ? Practice non-defensive responses and let the person know you heard how they feel. ? Avoid Sarcasm. ? Ask Questions directly. ? Ask “what” rather than “why” ? Each needs to take responsibility for building the relationship and for acknowledging his or her part if the other is hurt. ? Forgiving means not reminding the person how they wronged you, not talking to others about the hurt (except in therapy) and not reminding yourself about the wrong. ? Make the relationship the priority not winning. ? See the problem as something to be faced as a team. ? Two to a quarrel – Don't involve third parties. ? Model to the other how you want to be treated. ? Say exactly what you needs are – use “Imessage”. Speak for yourself. ? Listen to what others have to say. If you don't understand, ask what that person means by what they are saying. “Do I hear you right?” If necessary, repeat the last sentence. ? Each person must say how he or she feels without blaming. ? Speak in the present tense. ? Keep with the subject. ? Don't give your own interpretation of another person's words. Most of the time it is the wrong interpretation. Don't try to read another person's mind. Example. A husband arrived at home after work and is very tired. The wife thinks it has something to do with her. She responds: “You don't love me anymore!” ? Apologise if you are wrong. Relaxation People who have a short fuse can benefit from relaxation and guided imagery. Read the relaxation script on Page 7 onto a tape, CD, cell phone or other device so you can play it back to yourself and practice. It will take about five minutes to do the exercise. Do it daily. With practice it is easy to enter a more relaxed state when confronted with a quarrel. Conclusion. If you are prone to anger or have a short fuse, something has happened to make you angry. Many people who struggle with anger have come from homes where conflict was managed ineffectively. Perhaps there was abuse or alcoholism. Perhaps you have suffered grave injustice. People in occupations where they are exposed to trauma such as the army, police, emergency services or other stressful jobs often become disillusioned with people and may struggle with anger. If you have these problems, the strategies above will be helpful but are not enough. The anger is fuelled by unconscious processes that can be greatly helped by therapy. COMPILED BY DR. B L WADE OLIVE BRANCH TRAUMA CENTRE TH 16 - 6 AVENUE NORTHMEAD BENONI. TEL: 011 849-8473 CELL 072 122 4766. Dr Wade is a fully accredited member of SAASWIPP and practices in the field of trauma and family therapy.

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Relaxation Script 16


18 19


21 1 Please take a moment or two to position yourself as comfortably as you can, allowing your body to be well supported... and gently letting your eyes close, if they want to... and arranging it so your head, neck, and spine are straight… 2 And letting your hands rest comfortably somewhere on your body... on your chest or midriff or abdomen... so you can feel the rise of your body when you breathe in... and the way it settles back down when you breathe out... and you're becoming more and more attuned to the feel of your breath moving in and out of your body... 3 And now, taking a, deep, full, cleansing breath... and breathing out, fully and completely... feeling the expansion of your belly with each breath in... and the way your body subsides with each outbreath... 4 And again, breathing in... and this time, imagining that you're sending the warm energy of your breath to places in your body that might be sore or tense or tight... and releasing the tension with the out-breath... so you can feel your breath going into those places... warming and softening and loosening them... and then, gathering it all up... and breathing it out... 5 So that more and more you can feel safe and comfortable... relaxed and easy...

6 7 8


10 11 12 13 14


watching the cleansing action of your breath... Take a deep breath and hold it (5sec). Let go of the breath and feel yourself getting the tension as you breathe out. Again deep breath and hold it (5). Let go of the breath and feel yourself letting go of the tension as you breathe out. In a few moments I am going to say five relaxing phrases… as I say each phrase slowly… breathe in deeply… then as you breathe out, repeat the phrase slowly… not out loud, just think it in your mind as you breathe out… Letting go of the tension now (5). Feeling safe and comfortable (5) feeling the calmness flowing through my mind and body (5). Feeling my body sinking into the chair (5). Relaxing all over (5). Once more. (Repeat) Notice how each time you breathe out you become more relaxed over your whole body… Just spend a minute taking deep breaths and saying "letting go the tension" as you breathe out. Start now (60) Now focus your whole attention on your body and feel how comfortable it is from your toes… to your scalp (5). Just think of nothing else but how your body feels at this moment (5). If your attention wanders, bring it straight back to your body's feelings (5). And once more notice how each time

Steve 083-522-3254

22 23 24




you breathe out, you become more and more relaxed over your whole body… Deep breath and hold it (5). Say to yourself as you breathe out "letting go the tension" (5). Repeat this over and over for one minute, until I stop you (60). Now focus your attention on your legs … from your toes to your thighs… and warm, calm, soothing, relaxed feeling is beginning in your toes… and moving into your feet (5)… From your feet, past your ankles... Into your legs… into your thighs (10). And, warm, soft feeling is moving up from your toes… into your feet (5), past your ankles into your legs… and into your thighs (10). The muscles in your legs are becoming limp and soft warm and relaxed as this soothing feeling creeps through your legs so they feel so heavy that they want to sink into the chair where you are resting (10). And that same warm soothing feeling is moving from your thighs into your body… into your abdomen (5) your chest (5) and your back (5) as all the muscles become warm and soft And as you breathe deeply, keep sending the warm energy of your breath to any places that are tight or sore. Feel your face and forehead smooth out (5) as the tension flows out… and the relaxation flows in The muscles around your eyes (5) and around your mouth (5) become smooth and soft as the warm energy of your breath softens and loosen them and the tension lets go. The relaxation spreads from your forehead (5) through your scalp (5) to the back of your neck …. and the muscles become warm and soft as the tension flows out. Your shoulder muscles too…. allow them to go limp (5) that warm, soft feeling is spreading down your arms from your shoulders to your fingers… (5) And now, if you would... see if you can imagine a place... where you feel safe and peaceful... relaxed and easy... and it might be a place you used to go to... or somewhere you go to now... or a place you've always wanted to be. (For

example, imagine a warm sunny beach) 28 Allow the place to become real in all its dimensions... looking around you... enjoying the colours... the play of light and shadow... the scenery, in all its detail... looking over to your left... and over to your right 29 Just keep breathing slowly and regularly … like waves washing in and out of the seashore 30 Just picture those waves (5) and hear them as they wash in ... and out… in… and out… 31 And you're walking along a beautiful beach in the warm sun… with a cool breeze fanning your body (5) 32 And you can smell the salt air (5) and feel the firm wet sand under your feet… (5)… and hear the cry of the seagulls overhead (5) Notice the palm trees … 33 And in the distance across the blue sea you can see the yachts…. within many coloured sails… blue… green… yellow… red 34 And everything is so soothing and you are so relaxed in mind and body that you wish to sit and enjoy this place that is so relaxed and peaceful to you… Breathing deeply and easily... taking the peaceful beauty of the place into your heart... and with each exhale, you're more and more able to release whatever you wish to let go of... Breathing deeply and easily... taking the peaceful beauty of the place into your body with each in-breath... and letting it move all through you... and breathing out whatever you wish to release... strong and steady... in and out... peaceful and easy... 35 Sit and enjoy the scene and when you are ready with soft eyes come back into the room.


Steve 083-522-3254

IE 257101 Are you tired of high banking costs? Come, help us grow S.A.'s first free bank The Unlimited Gold card for free swiping The more you swipe, the more you make! Does your job pay you enough? Would you like to earn so much more? Would you like R30.000 or more per month for life after only two years? I need dozens of brain driven, adventurous pioneers who want money Are you really serious about financial freedom? A family without financial pressure To be able to accomplish your dreams and go beyond toward your fantasies Come and join us for a short 1 hour briefing Rampage Modeling Agency (behind Northmead Square) Benoni. Every Tuesday evening. 18:30 Boksburg Library, Cnr. Trchardts and Voortrekker Rd. Every Wednesday evening. 18:30 Bring this advert in with you A small investment of R500, for real quality returns A copy of your ID and proof of physical residence

Why not contact me for your R/C requirements!!! Great Planes Aerobatic aircraft, fighters and gliders Futaba Multi channel radios Electrifly Brushless motors. Supre Tiger Glow engines Why not contact me for your modeling requirements!!! Academy. AFV Club. Airfix. Bronco. Dragon. Heller. Hobby Boss. Master Box. MiniArt. Revell. Roden. Tristar. Trumpeter. Why not contact me for your diecast car requirements!!! Auto Art, Best, Brumm, Burago, Corgi, Edison, Hiway 61, IXO, JADA, Maisto, Minichamps, Motor Max, Norev, Oxford, Revell, Ricko, Road Signiture, Spark, Universal Hobbies and Vanguards

Friendly service from a guy who knows what he's talking about!! If I don't have it, let me order it for you.

Page 8


PCN 2011

What is Sector Policing?


ector Policing is whereby a policing area is broken up into smaller more manageable policing areas by a policing precinct. Their areas are characteristically broken up according to geographical locations and terrains. The Boksburg North Policing Precinct is broken up into four such Sectors. Sector 1 is the North Eastern Sector of Boksburg North and contains the following Suburbs: Atlasville, Impala Park, Clearwater Estate, Witkoppie Ridge, Bardene, Bartlett Ext. A Public meeting was held for all residents of Sector One on 19 January 2011 at 19h00 at the Summerfields Primary School. This meeting was attended by 69 residents from the various suburbs who voiced the concerns in the community. The attendees were also introduced to the Sector Manager of Sector One – Lieutenant Colonel Naidoo and his colleagues. At this meeting a Sector Crime Forum was established and five members of the community were elected to form this committee. The five residents representing the community of Boksburg North Sector One Policing Area are: Impala Park - Hilary Coke (Chairperson) Atlasville - Shane Bailey Clearwater Estate - Leonard Slabbert Impala Park - Denise Curry Witkoppie Ridge - Willie Storm The ideal situation would be to have one person from each suburb to serve as a representative on the Sector Forum. That representative would be the voice of their

suburb and would be responsible for the distribution of relevant policing information to the suburb. A Sector Forum meeting was held on 25 January 2011 at 19h00. At this meeting it was decided that the first and foremost project is to provide education to the community with regard to what Sector Policing entails and what YOU, as the community, can do to assist in the fight against crime and to keep your community crime free. You can do your part by small actions and gaining knowledge such as knowing your neighbours, i.e. who lives there, relevant contact number, what vehicle belong there etc. Such knowledge will enable you to realise when something is amiss at your neighbour's house / in your community area, and preventative action to curb crime can be taken. By knowing the domestic workers and gardeners / garden services in your area, you can alert the Police Service / Security Company / neighbours etc. to strangers in your neighbourhood. It is very important to keep a copy of your domestic worker and gardener's identity document / passport. We urge the community to refrain from using the services of illegal immigrants, regardless of such services being offered at a much cheaper rate. It is extremely difficult for the Police Service to trace illegal immigrants in the event of their involvement with a crime being committed.

Start doing your part in the fight to eliminate incident to provides you with the Incident crime from our suburbs. Report (IR) number which verifies that your complaint has been logged. Keep this number in a safe place as you will need it with Reporting of a Complaint / Incident Please take note of the following procedures regard to any problems you may have with when your report an incident or complaint to your complaint such as the period of time the the Police Service to ensure you get swift and Police Service took to act upon your proper assistance. complaint, how the complaint was dealt with, Have a pen and paper handy as you have to by whom the complaint was dealt with, further write down some of the information you assistance and follow-up, etc. receive. Allow approximately ten to fifteen minutes for You must call 10111 or the Police Station the Police Service to attend to your nearest to your suburb. Once your call is complaint. This response time is also answered, write down the time and date of dependent on the seriousness of the your call, name and surname as well as the complaint / crime. rank of the person you are talking to. As per Should the incident be in progress at the time the rules and regulations of the Police of you logging your complaint, a much faster Service, the person who answered the phone response is expected. Should you not is obliged to provide this information to you. receive any assistance within approximately Once you have the necessary details of the 20 minutes, contact the same number you person you are talking to, proceed with your reported the incident to and query the complaint reporting, providing exact details progress, quoting the IR number given to you such as the complete street address, at the time of your initial reporting. inclusive of the nearest street corner. If you stay in a complex, provide the unit number IMPORTANT NUMBERS TO REMEMBER and name of the complex as well. In order to Boksburg North SAPS 011 898 3000 ensure a speedy response, you have to Boksburg SAPS 011 841 6800 provide the correct suburb you are in such as Benoni SAPA 011 747 0221 Clearwater Estate and not just Boksburg. Kempton Park SAPS 011 570 9330 Once you have provided the address, Police Emergency Services proceed by informing the official with as much 10111 detailed information as possible regarding Metro Emergency Services the incident you are reporting. 10177 By providing the Police Service with detailed 011 458 0911 correct information, you are enabling them to Municipal Services 0860 543000 arrive and act swiftly. Customer Care Centre - Boksburg Ensure that the official you reported the 011 999 5100

Bikers Against Crime th Bikers held its fif North CPF Saturday 26 March Boksburg e rally on Against Crim nded, with 2011. as well atte k you all this event w Once again rs joining us. We than ke over 200 bi ued support. lace in Emperors Pa the for your cont regated at h ng ug ro co th f ne of yo Ever en took morning, th rg North. early in the rbs of Boksbu of SAPS, EMPD bu su us rio va bers em m to u arshalls, yo A big thank e who acted as M ith as w ik and Thinkb the event ran smoothly at le. ib ss po ensuring th as c ES A n to traffi THAT MAK little disruptio YOU ARE IT'S WHO CE. DIFFEREN

PCN 2011

Page 9

Paramedics in Action

Dedicated to serving the needs of the community


The days in between

The above incident occurred on the corner of Bunyan and the N12 Intersection where a motor cyclist hadn't noticed that the traffic light had turned red and ploughed into the rear of a stationery vehicle. Unfortunately, the motor cyclist sustained critical injuries as a result. Our Community Paramedic Vehicle was despatched to the scene and on arrival, after a brief assessment, realised the severity of

the injuries. Our medical partners' (ER24) chopper was urgently despatched to the scene, and the critically injured man was airlifted to an appropriate facility capable of handling his injuries. This once again illustrates the necessity for our precincts' relationship with ER24, as their resources are certainly vital to us as a community.

Anyone, Anywhere, Any time, in His service

By Bob Perks Š 2007 Sometimes I need to see my life differently. Like stepping outside it and seeing it from a different angle. Maybe walking around it, underneath it or climbing on top. Better yet, through the eyes of a child. There is nothing complex about what I am about to share with you. In fact, the beauty of it lies in the simplicity. I was talking to a friend about all the things I've been going through lately. We were sitting at a table in an open coffee shop located in the center of a mall. I love coffee and I love conversation. Just as we began speaking a woman with two teenage girls took the table just behind us. They were rowdy and unsettled as they were talking about all the shopping they were doing. Mom reminded them to sit quietly while she placed their order at the counter. Remarkably, they quieted down immediately. "All I want to do is to get through it," I said as we continued our chat. "I know what you mean," my friend replied. Then I said, "When I look back over my life all I see is me dealing with a problem and sooner or later another one pops up." Without hesitation I heard, "What about all the days in between?" I looked at my friend and he shook his head as he said, "I didn't say that." "I did!" a young voice replied. Then from behind him one of the girls turned around, smiled, and repeated, "What about all the days in between?" I smiled. I thought it wonderful that she felt she had something to offer us. "Explain." I said. "Well, this is just my opinion, but people always think about their problems. What about all those days in between? Those days we throw away worrying about what happened and what might happen," she said. "Those days are good days, probably more of those than the bad ones!" the other girl added. Just then the woman returned. "Are they bothering you?" she asked. "No, they helped me see my life differently," I said. "Now I see the days in between." "More of those than the bad ones!" my friend added.

What do you see? Contact the Precinct Chaplaincy on 0861 425 493 Our paramedics in action on the N12, near Tom Jones offramp, following an incident where a motorbike collided with a motor vehicle, resulting in the youngster on the motorbike having to be transported to hospital.

Customer Care

0861 567 267 Technical Support

0861 265 267

Page 10


PCN 2011

Atlas Spruit gets upgrade


pgrading of storm water management and flood control on Atlas Spruit between Brentwood Park Road and Mercury Street is taking place, which is good news for residents of the surrounding area, i.e. Toekan, Falcon and Gompou who have been affected by flooding. It may have taken a while, but now things are happening. Upgrading of storm water facilities by implementing channel works downstream from Brentwood Park Road to improve the hydraulic conveyance of the channel and thus reduce flood levels. The proposed works include dredging the channel to reclaim its original depth, re-shaping the channel banks and adjacent parkland to form a wider floodplain and removing stands of reed from the channel where they offer significant hydraulic resistance. The end result is that water from Venus, Goud, Brentwood Park, Great North and Mercury will be diverted to the new culvert, as well as ground and run-off water from Ashton.

This means that the above excess water will go directly into the channel and not under our homes, thus eliminating the likelihood of future flooding. March has seen a massive rise in crime in our suburb, particularly housebreakings and theft of motor vehicles, which is cause for concern. Earlier this year we received reports of a 'couple' walking around Atlasville and making a point of talking to domestic workers. Asking all sorts of information about who they work for, how often they work there etc. Just casual conversation. Please warn your domestic workers to be careful what they say when they talk to strangers. This is one way in which criminals can find out information about particular houses and what kind of electronic equipment they have. In recent months the favourite item seems to be plasma TVs, as they are easier to carry. We would like to thank all the residents who have phoned in to report suspicious people and vehicles. Remain alert and stay safe.

WHY SHOULD YOU SUPPORT BPCP? “This service is provided by a dedicated few devoted people who give of their free time to protect the Community from the villains, poor service delivery, land encroachment, illegal structures and many other goings on in our Community. In conjunction with BPCP, our management company provides 24 hour armed response, trauma counselling, paramedic service, (I have had personal experience of this and because of it I am able to write about it), roadside assistance and escort service (not the one you chaps are thinking of) but the safe arrival at your residence. How are they able to do this? By their devotion and personal sacrifice, leaving their wives and children at home, giving of their free time, to you the community and all they ask of you is to give just some of your free time, an hour each month, to attend a meeting or a phone call with an apology. I attend most meetings and if the attendance register reaches twenty bodies, it is considered a good meet. To paraphrase Oliver Wendell Holmes (1884) “Ask not what the Community can do for me, but what can I


do for the Community”. What I have in mind is to know who your neighbours are, report strangers and suspicious vehicles in your area, do not employ persons from the street, ATTEND MEETINGS and VOLUNTEER yourself for committees. All people resident in Bonaero Park are entitled to come to meetings. It is not a secret society or a society of secrets. At the onset I claimed that the BONAERO PARK COMMUNITY PRECINCT was “Free” – not, I confess, entirely truthful. We, that is the Community, has a benefactor, namely Manny, who bears the costs of the services provided. As you will appreciate armed response with the vehicle cost a great deal of money, and I can assure you that my contributions, as a Pensioner, together with the contributions from other paid up members, does not cover the costs of the services provided. I know, because I have seen the balance sheet. Conversely I have yet to hear of any resident that has not been given assistance by BPCP just because they are not paid up members. That's the kind of person MANNY is.

Car theft suspect caught in the act


ecently two suspects tried to steal a motor vehicle from a property in Sarel Cilliers Street in the middle of the night. Luckily the owner heard a noise and spotted the suspects at the vehicle – the driver's door was open and the bonnet was up. He immediately called the Control Room and vehicles were despatched. The controller stayed on the line with the owner, who was able to inform us of the whereabouts and actions of the suspects. Our patrolmen were able to apprehend one of the suspects, who was in possession of break-in tools as well as two-step which is used to poison dogs. WELL DONE GUYS. We have started sending emails to our Precinct members, in an endeavour to inform you of what is going on regarding crime etc in the area and will continue to do so whenever we can. These emails have solicited a great response from members of the community, so keep them coming. If you are not receiving emails it means we don't have your email address. Should you wish to be added to this, please send an email to, giving your name and street address. We would ask everyone who has a postbox outside their property to clear this on a regular basis, as it would appear that the criminal element are obtaining the name of the house owner from the post, then they approach the domestic worker, saying that Mr X told them to come to install or repair something at your home, thereby gaining the trust of the domestic worker, who may let them in, only to find herself being tied up at gunpoint and the


house being robbed, mainly of TVs and electrical items. Please educate your domestic staff about letting strangers onto the premises. We appeal to those of you who buy a plasma TV or any other electrical goods – PLEASE DON'T LEAVE THE EMPTY BOX OUTSIDE YOUR PREMISES. By doing so, you are advertising to all and sundry who pass by your premises that you have a brand new appliance. On some occasions the criminals don't actually have to break into your premises, as there are those who leave laptops, handbags, cellphones and wallets etc on a table close to an open window. All they have to do is reach in and take them. Criminals often leave some kind of marking outside your premises, to indicate that the house is a target. These markings can take various forms, so we urge you to make a daily habit of removing anything that should not be there, be it a coke can or candy wrapper or a few twigs or stones.

Left: Some of the tools used by the suspect

2 Housebreaking suspects arrested


gardener raised the alarm recently, when he spotted 3 burglars breaking into a house in Edward Street, in board daylight. He managed to alert a neighbour who called the Control Room, and SAPS were alerted. Within minutes our patrolmen and members of SAPS arrived at the premises in time to see the burglars escape over the walls onto the railway line which separates Westdene from Western Extension. Unluckily for them, an organised and determined group of Precinct patrolmen gave chase, through mud, water, overgrown bush, railway tracks etc and finally apprehended the first and then the second suspect. The suspects were found in possession of stolen goods from the house in Edward Street. Through the Crime Air Network Initiative, our Control room was able to keep all Partners up LAKEWEST

to speed with where the perps were heading and what they were wearing etc, which ultimately led to their arrest. Well done guys!!! Keep up the good work. Since our Closure has been in place, there has been very little incidents of crime reported, and those that occurred were mainly petty theft. This recent incident is the first break-in reported this year. There have been no hijackings or armed house robberies reported to us during the past twelve months, so we are firmly of the belief that our Closure is working. We all need to ensure that it stays that way by supporting this initiative, especially when you look back at the number of incidents experienced before our Closure was in place. If you look at the crime stats reported in other suburbs, and the fact that crime is on the rise everywhere, you will appreciate how lucky we are. However, the fact that there has been very little crime in our area does not mean we

Do you ask for a cash slip when you pay for fuel? Did you know that fuel for Taxis is subsidised, which we pay for? ALWAYS ask for a cash slip when filling up your vehicle's tank, even if paying with cash and even if you intend to throw the slip away, because.... The pump attendants have been known to

take these unclaimed cash slips from the cash register attendant and sell these same cash slips to taxi drivers. The taxi drivers then add these cash slips to their own and so claim a bigger subsidy amount from government, thereby not feeling the pinch of the fuel increases.

ON A LIGHTER NOTE The following are absentee notes from parents (including original spelling) collected by schools all over the country. My son is under a doctor's care and should not take P.E. today. Please execute him. Please excuse Promise for being absent. She was sick and I had her shot. Dear School: Please ekscuse Sipho being absent on Jan. 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and also 33. Please excuse Jane from Jim today. She is administrating. Please excuse Arnold from P.E. for a few days. Yesterday he fell out of a tree and misplaced his hop. Edward has been absent because he had two teeth taken out of his face. Moses was absent yesterday because he was playing football. He was hurt in the growing part. Millicent could not come to school today because she has been bothered by very close veins. Philip will not be in school cus he has an acre in his side. Please excuse Frank from school. E has very loose vowels. Please excuse Khanyile from being absent yesterday. He had (diahre) (dyrea) (direathe) the shits. Please excuse Thomas for being absent yesterday. He had diarrhea and his boots leak. Peter was absent yesterday because he missed his bust. Please excuse Reginald for being absent. It was his father's fault.

I kept Anne home because she was to go Christmas shopping because I don't know what size she wears. THE BEST OF THE BEST: Please ekscuse Johnny for missing school yesterday. We forgot to get the Sunday paper off verunda and when we found it Monday, we thought it was Sunday. My daughter was absent yesterday because she was tired. She spent a weekend with the Marines. Sihle won't be in school a week from Friday. We have to attend her funeral. Please excuse Brian from being absent yesterday. He had a cold and could not breed well. Please excuse Good Fortune for being absent yesterday. She was in bed with gramps. Gloria was absent yesterday as she was having a gangover. Please excuse Bhoniswa, she has been sick and under the doctor. Christine was absent December 11-16 because she had a fever, sore throat, headache and upset stomach. Her sister was also sick, fever and sore throat, her brother had a low grade fever and ached all over. I wasn't the best either, sore throat and fever. There must be something going around, her father even got hot last night. Please excuse my little Pamela for not being in school yesterday. Her father is gone and I could not get her ready because I was in bed with the doctor.

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PCN 2011

Fred Simoncelli Poetry Competition The theme for our Poetry Competition was “2010”, with the only stipulation being that the poem should not be crime related. The prizegiving function was held, after the poems had been judged by Mercia, one of our committee members who happens to be a school teacher. The top five poems were picked out and we invited our winners to our prizegiving evening, where they each read out their poem. The prizes were presented to the winners by Liz Simoncelli, widow of the late Fred Simoncelli, in whose memory this competition is held. The prizes were awarded as follows:

First Iris Endres Second Ayrton Gaspari Third John van der Heever Fourth Cherie Zock Fifth Moses Selala Unfortunately Ayrton was unable to attend this function, having been hospitalized as a result of an accident. We take this opportunity to thank the sponsors of our prizes, i.e. Pick 'n Pay Farrarmere, Mugg & Bean, Navigators restaurant and CMS. A special 'thank you' also goes to Jeanne Woodman for organising the prizes as well as the event, which was enjoyed by all. Well done to all our aspiring poets.

How to check if IDs and Driver's Licences are Genuine CHECK LIST – DRIVER'S LICENCE Visual Check ü Compare the photograph on the Driver's license with the actual person. Check the thickness of the ü Driver's License. Check the rectangular indent ü on reverse side, above the fingerprint. Check that the corners of the ü Driver's License and edges of the lamination are smooth and round. Compare the signature on the ü Driver's License with signature on available documentation. Use of Forge Detector Check for the Proteaü watermarks above thumb print. Check the UV colouring of ü Proteas on reverse side. Check that the security lines are running through the photograph. ü Check chevron patterns, starting with bold red on the left-hand side fading towards the ü right-hand side.

Back row: Clive Patterson, Jeanne Woodman, John van der Heever Front row: Moses Selala, Iris Endres, Cherie Zock, Liz Simoncelli

WINNING POEM: Two thousand and ten In two thousand and ten, this is when Our people must come to the fore Let's clean up the mess, we'll be put to the test So, step up to the plate on the call Our time has come, this race to run Let's show the world, it can be done We'll welcome friends, arms open wide With cheers and smiles and so much pride We promise you, good food, good wine And memories that won't fade with time Take a bus, a plane, or the Gau-train Be part of the scene, in a crowd, you will scream For our winning team, wearing black, gold and green So, paint your face, and take your place Step up, step up It's the FIFA WORLD CUP! At the end of the day – and tired you will be Take a game-drive, and then you will see The beauty where wildlife roam free And food for the soul, at a watering hole Sit back and relax, at a Lodge under thatch In peaceful tranquility. Where else will you see such diversity? It is here you will find, in the “cradle of mankind” Multi colours, cultures and creed There are issues to face but by God's given grace Our energy, democracy, integrity and humility And flag flying high ….. This is when, in 2010, we will surely win this race. GOD BLESS AFRICA NKOSI SIKELELA i AFRICA Iris Endres

ü ü ü

CHECK LIST – ID DOCUMENT Visual Check Compare the photograph in ü the ID document with the actual person. Compare the ID photo with the ü photo on the Driver's License. Check the 11th and 12th digits of ü the ID number for citizenship: 08: South African or 18: Non South African Compare with detail ü underneath barcode Check digits 7 – 10 of the ID number (indicating the sex: Male or female): 1 – 4999: Female 5000 + : Male Check alignment of words and ü letters in horizontal and vertical aspects. Use of Forge Detector Check the print on pages 1 ü and 4 for inconsistencies in font, broken lettering or print density. Check for glue marks around ü the edges of the photograph. In the event of photograph being lifted, verify the date of birth under the photograph with the ID number. Check for signs of damage to background printing or paper. Check for triangular watermarks on every page.

We have recently experienced a spate of what we can only classify as vandalism and damage to property, in that palisade fences, electric fencing and concrete slabs are being damaged and/or removed from walls, although no attempt was made to break into the buildings on the property. We are uncertain as to whether or not this is their way of finding out whether or not we are alert and notice the damage, so stay alert, especially as winter approaches and darkness starts to fall much earlier. We have also experienced an increased number of truck battery thefts, so please be aware of this. Theft of cable continues throughout the plot areas. Unfortunately there is very little we can do about this, even if we catch someone in the act and have him arrested, which has


happened in the past. There always seems to be someone else waiting in the wings to take his place. Business break-ins continue to take place where the suspects break in through the roof. The suspects have been known to disable/destroy the alarm system, allowing them plenty of time to help themselves to whatever they want without fear of interruption. Even if they don't disable the alarm and it activates, when your security company arrives there is no sign of any forced entry into your premises, as all they have to do is hide until they've gone. Quite often owners of businesses do not want to come out in the middle of the night to open up, therefore the patrolmen cannot access the premises to check inside and the burglary is only noticed when the business is opened as usual in the morning.

PCN 2011


The Paws Page A tribute to James Tindale It is with great sadness that we learned of James' death at Tambo Memorial Hospital on Friday 1st April 2011, at the age of 64. James was instrumental, along with Sophie Trollope, in starting SAMU, an organisation which trained service animals to be used in the field

of Search and Rescue. Despite having been diagnosed with prostrate cancer in 2009, he had recently been given the 'all clear'. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his partner, Kathy Stewart, as well as family members. We will always remember James with great fondness, surrounded by his beloved dogs, who were his family. Training of these service animals was his passion, particularly the Pup Squad, and he was always proud to be able to demonstrate their achievements. JAMES – WE SALUTE YOU

A demonstration of the Pup Squad's capabilities was given late last year with their new handlers, who had been working very hard in order to show off what they could do. Here's just one of the 'pups' demonstrating the ability to 'rescue' someone from the upper floor of a building.

Cat Village

Cat Village has bought 100 tickets for the "Super Troupers" show at the Barnyard Theatre, East Rand Mall as a fund raising project. Date : Thursday 5 May 2011 Time 19:00 (doors open 18.30) Tickets : R125.00 each Mothers Day is on the 8th May so why not spoil Mom early. You can bring a picnic meal to share with your guests, or we will be selling

hamburgers and hot dogs at R15.00 each. There are also pizzas available from the Barnyard to order. Please note that due to Barnyard having a fully stocked cash bar no drinks or cold drinks may be brought onto the premises. This spectacular show is a tribute to Abba, The Bee Gees and the 70's when they lit up the music scene with their first hits Ring Ring and Waterloo after which time they followed on with countless pop anthems such as Money, Money, Money, Dancing Queen, Voulez-Vous, Mamma Mia, Knowing Me, Knowing You and I Have a Dream and many more. Super Troupers showcases the excellent song writing skills of these two huge groups. Super Troupers is slick and entertaining and features beautiful vocal harmonies. So join us for the all time Abba/Bee Gees celebration. You will leave feeling great with your batteries recharged and having made a difference to the lives of the precious cats of Cat Village. To book your seat - Call Heather on 083 66 88 595 or email

REMINDING YOU WHO THE “TOP” DOGS ARE! Over the last year you will have seen a profile of one of TOP DOGS' dogs in the Precinct newspaper every month. Some of you may have missed the edition which actually described who TOP DOGS are and what we do. So here is a quick update/ reminder. “TOP DOGS” is a vibrant group of voluntary Therapy Dogs and their handlers, operating in the Benoni, Kempton Park and Centurion areas. “TOP DOGS” is a non-profit organisation and was started by eight handlers (and their dogs!) in August 2008. Since then they have more than tripled their numbers of dogs and handlers and are continuing to expand their numbers into other areas. The “TOP” stands for Touch Our Pets, and their motto is “Top Dogs Spread Smiles For Miles”. The dogs can always be relied upon to bring a smile to the face and a sparkle to the day of those they visit. Regardless of how those being visited look or how they feel, the animals are happy to see them, greeting them with wagging tails and 'doggy' smiling faces. Each dog in the TOP DOGS team has its own unique personality and often a special trick or characteristic which they bring to add to the therapy – a bark to speak to people on command, a gentle paw in the hand, a highfive, a dance on hind legs, or just those soft, gentle eyes that say “You are special”. The primary objective of a Therapy Dog and han dler is to provide comfort and companionship by sharing the dog with those in hospitals, care facilities, other institutions such as schools, and wherever else the Therapy Dog is needed. Studies have repeatedly shown that Therapy Dogs make a positive addition to the healing process and emotional health of people. A person holding, petting or talking to an animal will experience a lowering of blood pressure, relief of stress and tension, and an easing of loneliness and depression. TOP DOGS is currently involved in three d i ff e r e n t t y p e s o f A n i m a l T h e r a p y programmes: 1) Animal Assisted Activities (AAA) involve Therapy Dogs making therapeutic visits to hospitals, hospices, retirement homes, frail care centres, assisted living communities, businesses, disaster areas (for stress relief) and many other places. They bring company, comfort, pleasure, stress relief, stimulation, or a distraction from pain or infirmity to those they visit, including staff, family and other visitors. They provide a welcome break from the often-sterile daily routine in institutions, for residents, visitors, and staff alike. Regular visits offer something to look forward to, help to stimulate conversation and improve the quality of life for all those being visited. TOP DOGS currently make regular visits to Frail Care Centres, Old People's Homes, Hospitals, the Salvation Army and a childrens' home. 2) Animal Education Programmes (AEP) involve Therapy Dogs visiting schools and children's organisations (such as Brownie or Cub groups) to teach about the care and needs of dogs such as proper feeding, health care and grooming, training and discipline, and safe travelling. The children learn how to practice 'bite avoidance' when approached by

a strange dog. Children are given the chance to interact with friendly, non-threatening dogs through grooming, petting and treat-feeding. By the end of the programme, even those children who may previously have been nervous of dogs are usually relaxing, smiling and interacting confidently with the dogs. TOP DOGS have visited various pre-primary schools in Benoni, Kempton Park and Springs, and has visited Brownie groups in Kempton Park and Edenvale. 3) Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) involves Therapy Dogs working one-on-one, along with a health care professional, counsellor or teacher, in a structured rehabilitation, counselling or learning programme that is goal orientated, and documented TOP DOGS is currently involved in a reading scheme at Kathstan College in Benoni. The main objective is to provide a relaxed and “dog-friendly” atmosphere, which allows learners to practice the skill of reading. Many of the learners chosen for this programme have difficulties reading, and as a result have developed self-esteem issues. They are often self-conscious when reading aloud, especially in front of classmates. By sitting down next to a dog and reading to the dog, all threats of being judged are put aside. The child relaxes, pats the attentive dog, and focuses on the reading. Reading improves because the child is practicing the skill of reading, building self-esteem, and associating reading with something pleasant and fun. The children are allowed to have time to groom, treat and interact with the dogs, and the whole process helps to build enthusiasm about reading. The scheme was started in 2009, and due to its success was continued through2010, and will continue in 2011! TOP DOGS also does talks for church groups and other organisations that want to know more about what Therapy Dogs do. If you would like more information about TOP DOGS, or would like to organise a visit to your institution, visit their website at, or contact Angie Thornton on: Tel/fax: 011-425-4075 Cell: 083-715-5344 Email:

Community Rules Services Offered 24 Hour Armed Response Paramedic Service Rape Crisis Centre Trauma Counselling Roadside Assistance 24/7 Towing Service S.W.A.T

Service Numbers Control Room 0861 425 493 083 322 6690 C

PCN 2011


Roadside Assistance

Is this another new hijacking method? Reports have been received that criminals have found yet another way to hijack our vehicles. They put a lifelike doll wrapped in a blanket on the road in the hope that someone will slow down and stop to investigate. All you can see is a head of hair which looks remarkably real.

Just a reminder that we can now offer our members Roadside Assistance anywhere within any of the Precinct areas. The purpose of this service is to assist members/clients who have broken down at the side of the road with such problems as a jump start, flat tyre, running out of petrol and keys locked in the vehicle. If the vehicle cannot be repaired at the side of the road, a tow truck can be arranged at the normal insurance cost or client cost, where the vehicle will be taken to a place of safety or the client's home. Should the incident take place outside normal business hours, our Precinct management company, CMS, has storage facilities consisting of four code 54 cages where vehicles can be locked up, should there be nowhere else to take them. The storage yard is monitored via CCTV cameras from our control room 24/7. How do you make use of this service? All you have to do is phone the Control room on 0861 425 493 and ask for Roadside Assistance.

TOWING One thing we would like to mention. If you should break down at night or be involved in an accident and your vehicle needs to be towed, just be careful when completing the paperwork from the towing company. There is a particular section to be filled in which asks you “the first point of towing” or the “first destination”. Please be careful what you put there, particularly after normal business hours as you will not be able to have it towed direct to a panelbeater. Some towing companies will convince you to let them take it to their premises, thereby incurring storage costs. The chances are that this will not be covered by your insurance. Your vehicle will not be released until you have paid them. We have heard of people receiving a bill for astronomical amounts (particularly if the vehicle stays there for a few days) – in fact more than the value of the vehicle itself. We recommend that you have it towed direct to your home and 'make a plan' the next day to have it taken to where it needs to go – much cheaper in the long run.

Most people would be inclined to stop if they saw something like this on the road, particularly women. Once you stop, the hijackers pounce. Please be extremely cautious. If you do see something like this, rather call 10111 and report it.

PCN 2011


Scams. Scams & more Scams


e urge everyone to be wary of email and sms scams. I'm sure many of you have received one where your ticket has been drawn in a lottery – in a foreign country. I'll never understand why people would think they have actually won. How can you win something where you haven't actually bought a ticket? What these people are hoping for is that some unsuspecting person will actually respond. They then ask you for personal information, including your bank account details. The next thing you know they have hacked into your account and suddenly you have lost money. Please don't be taken in by this, because you are the one who will be out of pocket. There are so many of these emails going around at the moment, telling you that you have won money – and usually huge amounts. Please ignore all of them. Another common one is where they say: “I have been directed to contact you with regards to ongoing investigations involving a deceased client of xxxxxxxx Bank. The client, who shared the same last name with you, died intestate so it is standard and mandatory that a next of kin be sought who may inherit the estate.”

Please also be wary of email communications from banking institutions or other organisations such as cellphone providers and even DSTV. In fact, ignore anything that asks you to provide personal details and information. Also be wary of calls to your cellphone, asking you to switch of your cell for a few hours while they do an 'upgrade'. This is not genuine.

ver the past six months many complexes have been plagued by break-ins and theft out of motor vehicles. One of the problems of living in a complex is that once the criminals have gained entry to the complex, they tend to make the most of it by breaking into several units and/or vehicles. How do they gain access to the complex? Believe it or not it is often very simple and effortless, thanks to the negligence of some of the residents. They can drive in behind you if you don't wait for the gate to close. They will park at the gate in the hope that the first person who comes along will open for them.They will buzz several units and eventually someone will open for them. The criminals have also been known to 'move

Crime Statistics

e often receive email enquiries from members of the community, forwarding an email they have received, asking whether or not it is genuine. Sometimes people just forward such email to everyone on their email list, which is what the sender expects you to do. There are two particular websites you can visit to find out, namely and Both are excellent websites. Some advice received recently: 1) Any time you see an email that says "forward this on to '10' (or however many) of your friends", "sign this petition", or "you'll get bad luck" or "you'll get good luck" or "you'll see something funny on your screen after you send it" or whatever --- it almost always has an email tracker program attached that tracks the cookies and emails of those folks you forward to. The host sender is getting a copy each time it gets forwarded and then is able to get lists of 'active' email addresses to use in SPAM emails or sell to other spammers. Even when you get emails that demand you send the email on if you're not ashamed of God/Jesus --- that is email tracking, and they are playing on our conscience. These people don't care how they get your email addresses just as long as they get them. Also, emails that talk about a missing child or a child with an incurable disease "how would you feel if that was your child" --- email tracking. Ignore them and don't participate! 2) Almost all emails that ask you to add your


Is living in a complex really more secure?


How to check if an email is genuine

into' a complex, giving them free access to come and go when they please. People leave valuables clearly visible in their vehicles overnight, some don't even lock their vehicles. Do you ever question anyone wandering around the complex? If you have a guard at the main gate, is there a procedure for the guard as to who he can let in and what he should do before allowing them entry? It is easy for someone to say they've come to install or repair something at a particular unit. One complex recently had 5 vehicles broken into on the same night, resulting in 3 laptops being stolen, amongst other things such as wallets and handbags. REALLY!!! Stop making it so easy for the criminals and maybe then they'll go looking for greener pastures.

name and forward on to others are similar to that mass letter years ago that asked people to send business cards to the little kid in who wanted to break the Guinness Book of Records for the most cards. All it was, and all any of this type of email is, is a way to get names and 'cookie' tracking information for telemarketers and spammers -- to validate active email accounts for their own profitable purposes. Do yourself a favor and STOP adding your name(s) to those types of listing regardless how inviting they might sound! Or make you feel guilty if you don't! It's all about getting email addresses and nothing more. You may think you are supporting a GREAT cause, but you are NOT! Instead, you will be getting tons of junk mail later and very possibly a virus attached! Plus, we are helping the spammers get rich! Let's not make it easy for them! ALSO: Email petitions are NO acceptable. To be acceptable, petitions must have a "signed signature" and full address of the person signing the petition, so this is a waste of time and you are just helping the email trackers.

March 2011

Crime levels have reached an all time high in March this year, bearing in mind that our stats only include incidents reported to our Control Room. These figures do not include incidents reported to other security companies, so you can imagine who high the crime rate actually is – about 3 or 4 times higher.

Open 7 days a week! Specials available from 11 April to 17 2011


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TRADING HOURS : Monday to Friday 07h00-17h00 Saturday 07h30-15h00 Sunday 08h00-13h00

Corner Great North & Louisa Rd, Brentwood Park, Benoni

Tel : 011-578-5600 Fax : 011-395-1070

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