Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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Ma triekafsk eid Matriekafsk triekafskeid

11 OCTOBER 2011




Burnt out home to rise again! A brand new Pieter Wessels Old Age Home to the value of R7 million, will be erected on the premises where fire gutted down the previous building on August 1, 2010. Another R4 million will still have to be found to cover the building costs of R7 million for the building which will host eighty people. The owner of the new old age home, the Seventh Day Adventists Church, is now depending on monetary and other contributions to make this possible. In a press release to the Rekord, Meals on Wheels Community Services gives an outline of what happened on that night. “You could hear the crackling sound of burning materials. “Next was the piercing sound

of sirens as the Emergency Services arrived. “Emergency workers, staff and friends, charged into the flames and smoke of death, to save the lives of 111 trapped and frail elderly residents. “The fire spread and you could hear the anxious cries and calls for help. Then all became quiet. Just a sad memory of yesterday, when we said goodbye to our loved ones.” Pastor de Lange thanked all who opened their hearts and doors to assist the frail survivors. “Today, a year later, Meals on Wheels Community Services is demolishing the fire torn building to foundation level with only one idea – to rebuild Pieter Wessels as a home for



our elderly. “The new design was done by Mr. Joost Hogewoning, a man sharing our passion to rebuild Pieter Wessels Old Age Home. He is a very capable man in his field, who cares more about people than money. “The new Pieter Wessels Home will accommodate 80 people. The owners, the Seventh Day Adventist Church, wishes to rebuild Pieter Wessels as a home for the elderly, with all the necessary

We cater for any function Greek evening Saturday 29 Oct 2011

All baking ingredients: Cake boards, boxes, cake decorating, concentrated essences, cup cake clover and paper cups. Baker’s fruit mix: Nuts seeds, plastic bags, polystyrene and domes, pastry cups (doppies)

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facilities and the latest technology, as required by law. “We believe that with your support, the greater Dunnottar area, which is on the border of the Far East Rand, will have a home for the elderly again.” Mr. Charl du Toit can be contacted for further details on 084 736 2582. More details of the plans and requirements of the new home will be published in the Rekord in the near future.

29 Beverly Street NIGEL Tel: 011 814 1150 H1922

Special Guests ROBIN LEE

Belly Dancing, Greek Dancing & Breaking plates Specials ONLEE AT:NIGEL Shop No 24 B, The Angelo Mall, Cnr Heidelberg & Station Road, Noycedale, Nigel.

Tel: 011 814 3311 * 011 739 5553




11 OCTOBER 2011

Indawo Yosizo and Centre of Concern help Duduza From the desk of Rev Ray Goddess Everyone is aware of the devastation and trauma that the people of Duduza have lived through in the past few days. The sad truth is that all too often the news is forgotten but the people still suffer. We received a call from our Bishop Zipho Siwa asking for help and Indawo Yosizo (the outreach operating out of Heidelberg Methodist Church) immediately jumped into action and started to arrange relief for the peo-



ROBERT DYKE 083 266 5453 STEVE DYKE 082 428 7262

Rev Ray Goddess, Heidelberg Methodist Church

ple. A call was made to the Duduza Methodist Minister Rev Sondlile Nkwanyana to assess the situation. She told us that many of her people had no food, blankets or shelter. Indawo Yosizo arranged for them to collect the blankets immediately so that the people who were sleeping outside could at least sleep warmer than they did the night before. A few phone calls were made and we arranged to collect food from AMCARE (the outreach operating out of Alberton Methodist Church) in Alberton and from Pick and Pay in Heidelberg. Maybe you ask why only at those places. Well this was because of one of the dilemmas and frustrations that we experience at Indawo Yosizo. We do not have a vehicle/ bakkie and so we had to rely on private transport and assistance for the collections of the food and we were therefore limited to just the two sites. We were blessed when the Centre of Concern (the outreach operating out of Nigel Methodist Church) offered to assist with a truck to go through to Alberton to collect the 100 bags of mielie meal, stamp and tinned food. We were pleasantly surprised to find that AMCARE also donated some blankets towards the cause. Indawo Yosizo manageress Marnette Eva then took her own vehicle and collected the items from Pick and Pay and delivered them to Duduza Methodist Church for distribution. If anyone has a vehicle that they would like to donate to us we would be greatly appreciative (companies can use it for advertising). When we got there we found the situation to

be worse than what we expected. The food was great but most of the people had nowhere to prepare it. We challenged the Duduza Methodist Church to involve their congregants to cook the food for the people and then distribute cooked meals to those without food. We then went to see some of those people suffering from the devastation and found Christopher (see the story on our website and click on “NEWS”) whose brick house had been flattened. Heidelberg Methodist Church had decided to give their monthly tithe to assisting Duduza people and so we have started plans to re-build Christopher’s house for him and his wife. The need is big and will be there for a long time. Anyone who would like to assist may pay donations into Indawo Yosizo’s bank account (Indawo is a registered NPO and PBO so 18A Tax Certificates can be issued). The account details are as follows: (Heidelberg), Account Number: 4077177204. Please mark the deposit “DUDUZA” and a personal reference if you require a “thanks” or 18A Tax Certificate (contact us on 016 341 3338 and speak to Marnette to arrange for us to deliver the 18A Certificate). Above all we ask that you would pray for those who have been affected – they need God’s comfort and understanding at this point. Bless all those who support us as it is because of your support that we are able to reach out in this way.

Bargains galore at this fete There were plenty of bargains on offer at the fete held at the Nigel Home for the Aged. The fete started at 08:00 but it wasn’t long before the cake stall in particular was almost sold out. The “white elephant” stall had many different articles on sale and this was certainly the place to go for bargains. Other stalls also attracted a lot of people and there was plenty to eat.


Viennas on sticks! Pictured is Tina Prinsloo

Ria Alberts (left) and Ina Hogewoning with some of the items on sale.

Nigel Methodist Church C/o Olifaunt & George Heriot Glenvarloch, Nigel Tel: 011 814 3151

In Nigel for the people of Nigel! CENTRE of CONCERN infoline 071 7817065

...”acknowledge the God of your father, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the LORD searches every heart and understands every motive behind the thoughts. If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will reject you forever.” (1 Chronicles 28:9 - NIV) SUNDAY SERVICE: SUNDAY SCHOOL: HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS :

09:00 & 18:00 09:00 10:15


57 Strydom Street, Heidelberg Tel: (016) 341-2437 Rev. Ray Cell 082 656 3123 “We exist to be like Christ, live like Christ, and share the exciting message of Christ to all people”. EXPERIENCE CHRIST’S LOVE AND OUR FRIENDSHIP

A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor. (Proverbs 22:9 - NIV) Service times: 08h00 – Traditional Service (Mother’s Room available) 09h30 – Worship Service (Mother’s Room available) 18h00 – C.I.A. Service (for Adults and Youth) H1933


Rower in voet geskiet

Van dokters tot musikante ‘n Jong dokterspaartjie van Heidelberg is nie alleen geseënd met die salwing van genesing nie, maar ook met die gawe van musiek. Wanneer Angelique en Siewert Alkema moeg is van die dag se geswoeg in die dokterskamers, gryp hy die viool en sy maak haar tuis agter die klavier. Of daar nog só ‘n jong dokterspaartjie in die Vaaldriehoek - en moontlik die hele land is, is nogal te betwyfel want hulle hou hul gawe vir musiek nie net vir hulle self nie. Hulle deel dit ook graag met ander. So tree hulle bv. by tuistes vir bejaardes op en twee weke terug het hulle ook die musiek by Volkies se samekoms in die skoolsaal voor die matriekafskeid in Alberton verskaf. Angelique is die dogter van dr. Bobby Koller van Heidelberg en sy en Siewert het mekaar op universiteit ontmoet waar hulle albei medies gestudeer het. Die liefde het geblom en die paartjie is vyf jaar gelede naby Clarens in die Vrystaat getroud. Angelique praktiseer in Meyerton onder haar


‘n Rower van Zimbabwe is in die voet geskiet en saam met drie ander Zimbabwiërs ( onderskeidelik 21, 30, 27 en 47 jaar oud ) in hegtenis geneem nadat hulle op 6 Oktober na bewering in die vroeë oggendure, omstreeks 01:34, sewe bande by ‘n besigheid in Tarentaalstraat, Shalimar Ridge, Heidelberg gesteel het. Hulle is kort daarna op die Vaaldampad naby Shalimar Ridge deur polisie vasgekeer. ‘n Reaksieoffisier het die vlugtende voertuig gewaar. Hy moes skote afvuur voordat die voertuig tot stilstand gekom het. ‘n Man het uitgeklim en direk op die polisieman afgestap wat hom na ‘n waarskuwing in die voet geskiet het toe hy nie wou stop nie. Die polisieman het drie ander mans in die voertuig in hegtenis geneem.Die vier mans het glo vroeër die nag twee veiligheidswagte met skoenveters vasgebind en een na bewering oor die kop geslaan voordat hulle die bande gesteel het.

Angelique en Siewert Alkema. Sy praktiseer onder haar nooiensvan Koller in Meyerton. nooiensvan en Siewert is in Heidelberg verbonde aan die praktyk waar sy skoonpa reeds jare lank werk. Siewert kom uit ‘n musikale familie en sy pa Sjoerd is ‘n orkes dirigent. Mense wat die paartjie vir optredes wil nooi, kan Angelique bel by 079-497-3678.

Beware the eye of FRAUD!

Two Step -

Organised banking criminals are now in possession of high-tech devices that has a built in camera which can be attached to an ATM to obtain the PIN numbers of clients. The device electronically sends the encoded information and RECORDED PIN to a receiving laptop, or the information can simply be stored on the device and recovered or downloaded later on. So says Khulani Qoma of ABSA in response to a fraud warning that was received by Rekord. According to the warning fraudsters are active in at least two regions. Readers should pay particular attention to the attached picture to see how the criminals go about, and to avoid using such equipment. The team sits nearby in a car receiving the information transmitted wirelessly over weekends and evenings. The equipment used to capture your ATM card number and PIN is cleverly disguised to look like normal ATM equipment. A “skimmer” is mounted to the front of the normal ATM card slot that reads the ATM card number and transmits it to the criminals. ABSA has recently introduced “JITTER” software that causes a vibration to the card in the ATM card reader. The process causes a disrupted signal to be received by the skimming device. The disrupted signal makes it extremely difficult for an illegally installed skimming device to read customer cards and to make a copy of the magnetic card.

dodelike nagevolge

The electronic skimming device looks very genuine as it is placed over the ATM’s card device.

As ‘n hond van die dodelike “two step” gif vrek, lê daar ‘n verdere dodelike angel vir ander honde en kinders en wag. Die sekondêre effek van die eerste vergiftiging is dat ander honde en kinders ook vergif kan word as hulle met die plek, komberse of hokke in aanraking kom waar die hond ná sy vergiftiging gelê het. Die waarskuwing is deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens by monde van kapt. Tikoane Sonopo gerig nadat minstens dertig honde in die voorafgaande drie weke óf gevrek het óf behandel was weens “two step” vergiftiging. ‘n Veearts van Heidelberg het dit bevestig. Sonopo sê as mense vermoed dat hulle honde vergiftig is, hulle die diere dadelik na ‘n veearts moet neem. Die komberse en ander materiaal waarmee die hond in aanraking was, moet aan die DBV gegee word vir vernietiging. “Moet asb. aan niks raak nie.” Alle gif-korrels moet opgevee en verwyder word. Die tipe gifstof bou in die liggaam op en wanneer kritieke vlakke bereik word, kan ‘n mens of dier daarvan sterf. Waar die gif op gras beland het, moet eienaars dit ooweeg om dié stuk gras uit te spit. Simptome by diere is dat oormatige kwyling, spiersametrekkings, maagwerkings, vomering, moeilik asemhaling, stuiptrekkings, ver-lamming en ‘n sta-dige hartritme voor-kom terwyl die pu-pille van die oë verklein.

Die Dieet Waarvan Almal Praat Hoekom hierdie dieet? ‘n Gesonde lewenswyse Voel nooit honger nie Langtermyn resultate Opgeleide personeel Persoonlike aandag

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Kontak Rina of Sanet vir meer inligting! Ons wag vir jou oproep!

Shoprite Sentrum, Voortrekkerstr. HEIDELBERG


11 OCTOBER 2011



Don’t blame government Local Government and Housing MEC, Mmemezi, has called on everyone, including politicians, to refrain from blaming the government for the houses that have been destroyed by a tornado in Duduza. He appealed to the critics to channel their efforts into the process of re-building the houses. Addressing the media at Masechaba Extension 2, the scene of the disaster, he said that blaming and pointing fingers at each other will delay the process of finding solutions to the plight of the destitute people in the area. The cause of the damage to the houses is a natural disaster and the MEC said the government is working hard to restore

dignity to those who have lost their properties. He said the media, political parties, the private sector and government should together encourage communities to plant trees, to cushion devastating damages such as the tornado which raved the area in Duduza. “All that is happening here has been experienced elsewhere in the world and is a clear indication that the climate change is upon us,” he said. The MEC announced that an account will be set up with the Provincial Treasury to allow people who have expressed keen interest in assisting financially to deposit money for the re-construction of the lives of the Duduza people.

Metro leadership meets with community A high-powered delegation, led by the Ekurhuleni Executive Mayor, Mondi Gungubele had a meeting last week with Duduza community members, to brief them on the interventions made and the way forward, following the tornado that wreaked havoc through Masechaba. The municipality’s disaster management teams together with the Gauteng Health and Social Development Department, the Red Cross and other relief organizations, have been working around the clock to help displaced people. Already the following has been done: A joint operation centre has been set up at the Duduza Multi-Purpose Community Centre, to co-ordinate relief efforts. Temporary structures were erected on the site of each damaged property. People who were not yet assisted by the evening after the dis-

aster were accommodated overnight at the Community Centre. Twenty Chemical toilets have been provided in the affected area. Another 20 chemical toilets have been provided at the Duduza Multi-Purpose Community Centre. Water and blankets were provided. Numerous companies have pledged financial support. Counselling is taking place for affected people. Ekurhuleni Metro Police and the SAPS are providing security in the disaster area and maintaining law and order. The municipality appeals to the community and the private sector to assist with donations of blankets, bedding, clothing, toiletries, nonperishable food and stationery for the schoolchildren. For donations of any kind, people can contact Mdoli Mosiane on 082 458 4209. More information can also be obtained from Zweli Dlamini on 082 573 6464.

Help needed for Disaster area tornado victims

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Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging (By River Square kruising) 016 423 3553 H1904

11 OCTOBER 2011



The Nigel SAPS and the Community Policing Forum wants to help those who have lost everything in the tornado which swept through Duduza recently. If you can help please bring some spare clothing, food, blankets, cleaning materials, soap and toothpaste, etc. Goods may be brought to the Nigel SAPS or contact David Niebuhr, chairman of the Nigel Community Policing Forum on 082 954 3898. Old furniture is welcome as well as children’s clothing and toys.

The Executive Mayor of Ekurhuleni, Clr Mondli Gungubele has officially declared Masechaba, Extension 2 in Duduza as a disaster area, after it was hard-hit by a tornado. The Mayor indicated that only after thoroughly assessing the situation will he ever consider declaring a local state of disaster, which he has since done.In order to expedite the channelling of resources to deal with the aftermath of this disaster, the Mayor has made this declaration.


11 OCTOBER 2011



Trauma follows terror More than 500 houses were damaged by the tornado which swept through a section of Duduza on Sunday, October 1. A 10-year-old boy died when the roof blew of his home. Many people were injured and it is estimated that 2 500 people are now without homes. It was just after 18:00 when the tornado made its way towards Duduza. Children playing in front of the houses were terrified at what they saw. “It was terrible,” said one boy. “The wind was blowing and there were flames”. It is believed the flames came when electricity points were hit. A group of women sat huddled outside what was left of their home. “I don’t know what we are going to do,” said one. “We have lost everything and we have nowhere to sleep tonight.” Most of the people affected were traumatized and could not believe what had happened. The RDP houses were ripped apart as the tornado hit and people fled into the street. One resident said the ward councillor had visited them but did not stay. Now chemical toilets have been erected and temporary accommodation. Many people were accommodated at the Duduza Multi-Purpose Centre but residents still at their houses said the centre was already full. The tornado made its way to Vorsterskroon, where at least one factory was damaged and more than 60 trees lining the road came crashing down. At Nigel cemetery a section of the wall was damaged.

A storeroom at the Agronamic building at the 4 way Spaarwater stop towards Benoni.

This shell is all that is left of a family home in Duduza.

The roof of this factory in Vorsterskroon was blown off by the tornado.


One of the houses which was torn apart by the tornado.

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A man comforts a bewildered little girl whose house was destroyed

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11 OCTOBER 2011

Deaths not in vain, stop sign erected La Grande Bloemiste The new stop sign in Mackenzieville is having the necessary affect to stop speeding in the main street.


A stop sign in Balfour Road to force traffic through Mackenzieville to a dead stop on the long stretch of road, has eventually been erected after many years of senseless killing of mainly minor pedestrians on the main road between Balfour and Nigel. While residents are overjoyed with the move on the part of the municipality, some have expressed their doubts about the efficacy of the sign. However, the stop sign which was erected some three weeks ago is regarded as a victory for both residents and the Municipality of Nigel. To many it is a symbol of remembrance for those who lost their lives in Balfour Road. The first attempt to get a stop sign in Balfour Road stretches back almost thirty years ago when a young girl was killed. A visit to the town at peak afternoon traffic hour last week revealed that most motorists are now adhering to the stop sign. Mr. Rocker Abdullah, Chair Person of Mackenzieville’s Property Rate Committee, says the stop sign on the corner of Jinnah Avenue, has in his opinion brought an immediate positive effect on the speed of cars travelling through the town.

hou kermis Dit was ‘n fees van kleure, kindertjies en opgewonde ma’s en pa’s toe La Grande Bloemiste van Kerkstraat 47, Nigel op Saterdag 1 Oktober ‘n vlooimark en kermis by hul winkel skuins oorkant Nigel Brandweer aangebied het. ‘n Babakompetisie vir die heel ou kleintjies “babas” tot en met 5-jaar het opwinding soos min verskaf en nie minder nie as 20 wenners het elk met ‘n lekker geskenkpakkie weggestap. Vir sommiges was daar selfs mooi, wollerige teddiebere. Elizabeth Gladd, sangeress van Mableton, Boksburg, het die besoekende publiek, ouers en kinders met haar mooi stem bekoor terwyl besoekers hulle trommeldik aan boereworsrolle (van Kosie Bekker), kerrie en rys en pannekoeke kon eet. La Grande Bloemiste wat aan Tracey Bekker en haar dogter Ralie behoort, het die kompetisie saam met ‘n seremoniemeester aangebied. Vir die eienaars lê daar ‘n opwindende tyd voor want hulle gaan voortaan ook speelgoed verkoop. Besoek hulle gerus vir ‘n aangename tydjie tussen die blomme en die speelgoed. Bel hulle by 011-814-5483 of Tracey by 083-681-5037.

Tracey en Ralie Bekker, eienaars van La Grande Bloemiste saam met een van die babakompetisie wenners, Carla Koekemoer en haar pa Kallie Koekemoer.

267 6198 SKAKEL 083 267 6198



Van die gelukkige kompetisiewenners saam met hul ouers afgeneem. Van links staan Nadia en J. C. Potgieter,Yolandie en Kelsey Naude, Tanya en Keira Botha en Maria en Jody Pheyfer.

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11 OCTOBER 2011


SMS en wen kaartjies vir sangfees Vir ‘n gelukkige deelnemer aan Rekord en Jesus Through Music Ministries (JTMM) se SMS-kompetisie wag daar in die komende week vier kaartjies van R50 elk om op 29 Oktober na ‘n sangfees van JTMM in Heidelberg te gaan waar drie sangers en ‘n dansgroep hulle sal vermaak. Erika Country Girl, Janiné Grobbelaar en AllanT sal lekker country, geestelike en “golden oldies” sing terwyl die Change For Life Group van Nigel, die gehoor met hul koordanse sal vermaak. Vir R50 per volwassene en R20 per kind lê daar drie ure van onvergelykbare waarde vir geld voor wanneer die optredes om 18:30 by die NG Klipkerk begin. En om vier kaartjies vir die geleentheid te wen, is daar ‘n baie maklike SMS-kompetisie waaraan lesers (en sommer almal wat wil!) kan deelneem. Die sluitingstyd is volgende Woensdag, 19 Oktober. Dus: Spring gou en stuur u antwoord en besonderhede na 082681-6590. Bied die SMS besonderhede soos volg aan: 1. U voorletters en Van. 2. U selnommer en 3. U antwoord op die vraag: Wat is die afkorting vir Jesus Through Music Ministries? Die gelukkige wenner se naam

Erika Country Girl

word op 19 Oktober by Rekord se kantoor getrek. Die wenner sal dadelik gebel word, en as hy of sy nie antwoord nie, sal ‘n volgende naam getrek word. Hou dus u selfoon Woensdag reg om nie u kans te verbeur nie! Erika gaan Afrikaanse en Engelse liedjies en ook ‘n bietjie geestelike liedere (gospel) sing. Jeaniné sal hoofsaaklik “gospel” in Afrikaans en Engels sing en AllanT gaan op die legendes konsentreer. AllanT, die organiseerder van JTMM, bied ook die volgende geleentheid. Die eerste 50 mense wat 10 kaartjies of meer koop, sal vier gratis kaartjies kry om aan persone in welsynsinstansies van hul keuses te skenk. Dit kan bv. gaan aan inwoners van tuistes vir bejaardes of skoolkinders wat dit nie kan bekostig nie. Kopers sal hul eie mense kan nomineer – solank die genomineerdes onder welsynsinstasies resorteer. AllanT en Erika sal die aand saam afsluit. Die fees word in die opelug voor die Klipkerk aangebied en mense moet hul eie kampstoele bring. Verversings sal te koop wees en die kerk se toilette sal beskikbaar wees. Ná die tyd sal laserskywe (CD’s) en plakate te koop wees.


Janiné Grobbelaar

Ryobi Angle Grinder 95 1010Watt




Ryobi Angle Grinder 95 75Watt


Ceramic Wall Tile - White Rite Light Mr Electric

Ryobi Circular Saw 1300Watt






Door Masonite interior

15995 Peach/ Cream 20L

Isotherm 10m*1.2*50mm


Door mats - assorted colours 450mm * 600mm


95 23995 239 High cover PVA 25L Aerolite 10m*1.2m*50mm - R235.95 Aerolite 8m*1.2m*100mm - R229.95 Aerolite 5m*1.2m*135mm - R189.95 H1926


Making wood beautiful Proof that amazing items of great beauty can be created by hand from wood, is Linda Potgieter who has been carving wood for 25 years. Linda’s Nigel home is testimony to her amazing talent. She has carved frames for mirrors, even a chair, a special carving for a church and others too numerous to mention. Linda took a special course in woodcarving which resulted in a top recognized diploma. She was then able to pass her knowledge on by teaching others. She carved mainly from jelitong, a wood imported from Asia, which is no longer available. Her other work was done in inbuia and kiaat. Linda has also three-dimensional woodcarvings. Most of her work is taken from pictures which she saw, liked and then turned into works of art. Today Linda has abandoned woodcarving and turned her talents to other things. She discovered that by melting wax crayons, she could create colourful pictures, which have the appearance of oil paintings at first sight. She also makes beautiful framed pictures using ordinary serviettes and a special clay. Colour is added and the transformation is made! One wouldn’t think that a liquid used for repairing roofs would be useful to an artist, but Linda realized the potential and, mixed with paper, covered a watering can and transformed it into a very unusual object with an “antique” appearance. A set of two pictures she has made out of leaves, using her unusual artistic ability to keep people wondering how she did it! Today Linda keeps herself occupied with knitting clothes and already has an array of beautiful tops, some trimmed with lace. Nothing

she makes seems to lack that little extra touch to make it memorable.This is a woman of many talents, who is modest about her achievements, but has brought a lot of pleasure to many people who have been recipients of her carvings.

This is one of the threedimensional carvings created by Linda

An old chair is transformed



11 OCTOBER 2011




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Emergency Number 011 814 8111 / 011 458 0911/ 10177 Nigel Police Station 011 812 6322/40 Precint Station 011 999 9130 Payments and Warrant Enquiries 011 999 9126 Mobile Emergency Number 112 Fraud & Corruption 24-hour hot line 0800 203 623



L & R Silkscreen Printing & Embroidery WE DO: Silkscreen Printing Embroidery Vinyl Cutting Corporate Sewing

WE SUPPLY: * Golf T-Shirts * Caps & Hats * Overalls * Safety Shoes

Feel Free to contact us: Chris 082 551 4535 Tel: 011 814-2040 Fax: 011 814-8884 / 086 648 1397 17 Tulbach Street, NIGEL

NIGEL SCHOOLS: Laerskool Hannes Visagie Laerskool Tini Vorster Nigel Primary Hoërskool John Vorster Nigel High School

011 814 6546 011 814 6470 011 814 8383 011 814 8218 011 814 8185

Mon. - Sat. 8:00 - 19:00 Sun. 08:00 - 15:00 Corporate I. T Solution cc

Tel: (011) 814-3935 Fax: (011) 814-3935

28 First Avenue NIGEL Opposite Lewis

WE DELIVER! Suppliers of all Stationary Paper, Files, cartridges ect. Order your rubber stamp now! We make photocopies and send faxes

110 Noord Street, Nigel w w Authorised Sales and Service Agent

Supplier of building materials Yellow machinery to hire

Shop 3, Selcourt Towers, Nuffield Springs TEL: 011 363 2822 & 52 First Ave. Nigel Phone 011 814-4360/1 Fax: 086 619 8787 Cell: 082 570 7078 Contact us for the best prices on cartridges for your HP, Lexmark, Canon or Epson!

NEW WEIGHBRIDGE available now

TEL: 011 814 5318, 011 739-5738 FAX 011 814 2989 email:

Omega Gearboxes o Big o t b o J No mall S o o t r o * Wall Cladding

Wynand 072 729 8223

TEL: 011 814 2156 The Angelo Mall, Crn Heidelberg & Station Road NOYCEDALE, NIGEL


Repairs & Spares

All Manual Gearboxes and Diffs 21 Van Riebeeck Street, NIGEL TEL: (011) 814 2622 FAX: (011) 814 8655

Not advertising is like winking at someone in the dark... You know what you are doing...BUT nobody else does!

Hanli 072 7900 496

11 OCTOBER 2011


D.F. AIRCON guar ork All w



Mobile Automotive Aircon & Refrigeration Repairs. Aircon Repairs to Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Mining equipment, combines “Stroopers”.

Daniel 082 348 4499


Heidelberg Forum Winkel No 6 (Bokant Edgars) Voortrekkerstraat Heidelberg TEL: 016 341 2931/2 email:karen@

Skryfbehoeftes Besigheidsure: Ma - Vry 08:00 - 17:00 Kantoor Meubels Sat. 08:00 - 13:00 Rekenaar Produkte Voldoen aan BEE Besigheid Tegnologie Vereistes

l e x e



H/v Dyer & Stuartstraat, BALFOUR TEL/FAKS: 017 773 0144 epos:

Thea Zwiegers SIELKUNDIGE Praktyknr.: 086 000 0052 949

Sel: 082 057 5043 Eslingebou Ueckermann Str Heidelberg 1441


Ruaan Dyksterhuis 071 097 0328 Fax: 016 349 5083 email: Pest Controllers (Act No. 36 of 1947)

TEL: 016 349 6385 349 5762

59 Pretorius Str, Heidelberg Tel: -016 349 5678

Supplier of quality Learning and Teaching Support Materials

Kitaar & dromlesse Leer kitaar en domme speel by ‘n professionele kitaar- en dromspeler wat al met internasionale kunstenaars sowel as Nasionale kunstenaars gewerk het.

MARIECHÉN JANSEN VAN VUUREN Arbeidsterapeut Occupational Therapist

Vir al u elektriese toebehore

H F Verwoerdstr 121 HEIDELBERG CELL: 082 554 0746 FAKS: 086 689 5698 epos: mariechen@

H/v Schoeman & Albertstraat, HEIDELBERG TEL: (016) 341-6864

Leer enige styl: * Blues * Metal * Country * Klassiek Jy is nie te JONK of te OUD om te begin speel nie!

Lesse beskikbaar by Heidelberg Musiekskool (Hoër Volkskool)

Roelof: 074 589 3006 of H1918

HEIDELBERG BELANGRIKE TELEFOONNOMMERS: Polisie - Noodnommer: Polisie Brandweer Heidelberg Hospitaal Suikerbosrand Kliniek Netcare 911 Heidelberg Munisipaliteit

10111 016 341 2570 016 341 4327 016 341 1100 016 349 2431 016 341 2692 016 340 4000

Heidelberg Public School Hoër Volkskool Hoërskool Emmasdal Hoërskool JW Luckhoff Hoërskool Sedaven Laer Volkskool Laerskool AG Visser Laerskool Sedaven Heidelberg Public Live Ministries

016 349 1201 016 341 3165 016 341 9013 016 342 2301 016 342-0501 016 341 6216 016 341 2631 016 342 0621 016 341 3894 016 349 6954 E/F Services t/a


30 Marshall Street Heidelberg

Racing and Repairs

Winkel 24, Victorian Sentrum, Langs Pick ‘n Pay, Heidelberg Tel: 016 341 4352

AND AUT OP AR TS UTO PAR ARTS TEL: 016 349 1222 Voortrekker Street HEIDELBERG

CK 97/35810/23

For all your IT and Internet needs. Computer Hardware, Printers & Consumables, Technical Support, Internet. ADSL - iBurst- 3G Tel: 016 341 2431 Fax: 086 502 2044 Cnr H.F. Verwoerd Street & Cnr Verword & Voortrekker Street, Heidelberg



Performance Fibre cc Suppliers of Automotive & Industrial Paint

All Round Stationers


* Service of car and trucks * Specialising in: For quotes or - turbo conversions repairs call.... - clutch overhauls EDDIE 082 925 6624 - brake overhauls - engine, gearbox, diff overhauls * any repairs - No job too BIG or too SMALL!

Toyota finansiering Lae depositos Bekostigbare paaiemente Inruilings welkom 016 341 6107 Jaco 082 323 7041

Riaan 083 268 9949

oasis water oasis sentrum

Schoemandstraat, Heidelberg

Tel: 016 341 2725

Not advertising is like winking at someone in the dark... You know what you are doing...BUT nobody else does!

Hanli 072 7900 496



11 OCTOBER 2011

Studente word tuiniers Om tuine vir die kinders in Shalom Children’s Ministries in Heidelberg aan te lê, was verlede week o.m. die taak van drie tweede jaarstudente in Meganiese Ingenieurswese aan die Universiteit van Pretoria. Hulle het ook die inwoners onthaal as deel van hul sosiale projek wat in die vakansie uitgevoer moes word. Stephen Sadler, Lendl van der Merwe en Conrad Marnewick het hul sosiale projek begin deur ‘n sokkerwedstryd tussen die inwoners te organiseer en daaraan deel te neem. Sadler, seun van ‘n Heidelbergse sakevrou en kunstenaar, Liezl Sadler, sê hy


en sy maats het gou hul kennis oor die aanleg van tuine op die internet gaan “opswot” voordat hulle die gedugte taak op Woensdag aangepak het. Die skuiling met sy 52 kinders onder die bestuur van Liliam Mashau en die voogdyskap van die leraar-egpaar Juanita en Henk van Zyl, hou nou met verwagting dop hoe die boontjies, wortels, beet en pampoen gaan wortel skiet! Sadler sê hy en sy vriende is baie trots met wat hulle op die terrein van sosiale interaksie en diens bereik het. “Ons wil dankie sê aan die universiteit wat ons die geleentheid gebied het.”

Stephen Sadler (voor) met Conrad Marnewick (links agter), Lillian Mashau, bestuurder van Shalom Children’s Ministries en Lendl van der Merwe by die beddings wat die studente aangelê het.

11 OCTOBER 2011



Vyftig jaar van Rekord winner vreugde

Volkie Matriekafskeid

Dawie en Annatjie Janse van Vuuren van Heidelberg het op 4 September hul goue bruilof gevier. Hulle kinders en kleinkinders het hulle verras deur Gerrie Pretorius as gaskunstenaar te kry.

The winner of the Rekord competion September 27, 2011, is AndrĂŠ Meyer He was the first person to come to our offices with the correct inscription on the back of the Rekord combi. He wins R250. Congratulations!

In association with the

Marie vale R oad, Vor ster skr oon, Mariev Road, orster sterskr skroon, Nig el Tel: 011 814 4357 Nigel


2010 BMW 320i Manual (E90) (115kw) Facelift 44 000km Gold

0 R229 90

2008 Toyota Fortuner 3.0 D-4D Raised Body Manual SUV 109 000km Brown

0 R189 90

R95 900

0 R164 90

0 R244 90

2010 Hyundai i10 1.1 GLS (49kw) Manual 15 000km Silver

2006 BMW X3 2.0d Manual SUV 126 000km White

0 R309 90

2010 Toyota Fortuner 3.0 D-4D Raised Body Manual SUV 63 000km White

0 R239 90

2010 Toyota Hilux (Facelift) 3.0D-4D Raider R/B SC 64 000km Silver


, Nige 14-8181 et & First Avenue Tel: 011 8 Cnr. Tulbach Stre 235 011 814-8

2008 Isuzu 300 DTEQ LX Double Cab 4x2 Manual 180 000km (canopy, towbar, rollbar)

Kyle Hendricks 082 578 0985 Office 011 814-8181/8235 Fax: 086 614 7343 -




INDEX / INDEKS 1 Pets / Troeteldiere 2 Tours / Toere 3 Situations Wanted / Betrekkings Gevra 4 Announcements / Aankondigings 5 Vote of Thanks / Bedankings 6 Rewards / Belonings 7 Funeral Services / Begrafnis Dienste 8 Entertainment / Vermaak 9 Found / Gevind 10 Churches / Kerke 11 In Memorial / In Memorium 12 Personal / Persoonlik 13 Lost / Verlore 14 Computers / Rekenaars 15 Builders & Building / Bouers en Bouwerk 16 Sports Equipment/ Sporttoerusting 17 Lift Corner / Saamrygeleenthede 18 Beauty & Health / Skoonheid en Gesondheid 19 General Service / Algemene Dienste 20 Spyseniering / Catering 21 Money & Loans / Geld & Lenings 22 Childcare / Kindersorg 23 Music / Musiek 24 Tuition / Onderrig 25 Repairs / Reparasies 26 Garden Services / Tuindienste 27 Nurseries / Kwekerye 28 Transport / Vervoer 29 For Hire / Te Huur 30 Muscellaneous / Allerlei 31 Furniture / Meubels 32 Vehicles / Voertuie 33 Caravans / Woonwaens 34 Motorcycles / Motorfietse 35 Parts / Onderdele 36 TV Services / TV Dienste 37 Employment / Betrekkings 38 Accommodation / Akkomodasie 39 Resorts / Vakansieoord 40 Wanted / Gevra 41 Townhouses / Meenthuise 42 Houses to Rent / Huise te Huur 43 Flats to Rent / Woonstelle te huur 44 To Rent / Te Koop / Plotte & Plase 45 Wanted to Rent / Te Huur Gevra 46 Houses for Sale / Huise te Koop 47 Flats for Sale / Woonstelle te Koop 48 Stands for Sale / Erwe te Koop 49 For Sale / Te Koop 50 Businesses / Besighede 01 Pets / Troeteldiere

NOAH’S ARK PET SHOP: Voëlsaad, visse, viskos, koikos, akwariums, hondekos (3 in 1) Avi-Plus produkte. Bearded dragons, hamsters, krieke, meel wurms, hondehokke, hondejassies en honde bedjies. Dae oop per week 9:00 17:00 Naweke en vakansiedae 09:00 16:00. Tel: 011 814-4514. By mini Zoo, Noordstraat 132, Nigel. 08 Entertainment / Vermaak

HIRE FOR 1 DAY KEEP FOR 2 Variety Castles for all ages. Deliver / Collect Belinda 082 554 6160

08 Entertainment / Vermaak

18 Beauty & Health / Skoonheid & Gesondheid

11 OCTOBER 2011

19 General Services / Algemene Dienste

Beauty Extreme Your appointment with plastic surgery is postponed! Christel / Monica 083 370 8374 / 011 814 2868

12 Personal / Persoonlik Nigel Methodist Church - Centre of Concern Infoline. This FREE Service will assist anyone with contact details of various emergency and social service organisations in the Nigel area. Although it is not a organisation Helpline, COC Infoline can provide you with the contact numbers where you can ask for assistance. Phone: 071 781 7065

15 Builders/Building/ Bouers/Bouwerk ODD JOBS 2000. Sedert 1979 in Heildelberg en Omgewing. Bouwerk, Loodgieters, Eletries, Alterasies, Grasdakke, Verfwerk, Swembaddens, Plaveisel en alle staalwerk - Ons is so goed soos die mense wat vir ons werk - Ons het duer die jare fantastiese spanne opgebou. Skakel kantoor ure - 016 341 5445 of Piet Pienaar - 082 603 1860 AABCD Wendy’s. 3 x 3 - R3650, 2 x 3 - R3300, 3 x 6 - R7000. Prices differs according to how wendy is done. Professionally doen from pallet wood. Incl. wooden window with glass, door, wooden floor, zinc roof, treated with wax oil, to protect from termites and running water. 10 Years guarentee incase of leaks. DELIVERY INCLUDED. Phone: Joe 073 283 5945 Awersome wendy. We do wendy houses at a VERY LOW PRICE, e.g. Log cabin, Knotty Pine, Pallet wood. Price for Pallet wood - 2m x 2m = R2200, 3m x 3m = R3300, 3m x 4m = R4000. For more info call Sum at 073 091 6680

BOUWERK Alle bouwerk en aanbouings. Bou van Nuwe Huise en Woonstelle (Granny Flats). Seel & verf van dakke Skakel Gerald 083 384 9599 N.H.B.R.C. Geregistreerd

BOUWERK, LOODGIETER & VERFWERK Geysers, toilets, drains,

gebarste pype, skrynwerk, teëls ens. Seël van dakke & plaveisels. Skakel: 011 814 2071 of 082 646 9928

18 Beauty & Health / Skoonheid & Gesondheid Want to feel Beautiful at a affordable price? Got the solution. Buy Avon products as seen on Tv. Monthly specials available. Also agent for Honey Jewellery. Contact Jamie 076 175 3382

FOR ALL YOUR BEAUTY NEEDS!! * Nails * Manicure * Waxing * Pedicure * Tinting * Make-up * Diet’s Contact: 082 788 5880 (cell) or Tel: 011 814 6269, Nigel Flexi Hours: Monday’s - Friday’s

19 General Services / Algemene Dienste PROFESSIONAL FLOOR SANDERS. Woodenfloors, sand, seal, repairs and installation of wooden floors. Contact Tony 083 268 2203 ROMMEL VERWYDERING / BOOMFELLING. Verwyder enige rommel. Felling van enige boom. Opruiming van gestorte / beskadigde vragte (ongelukstoneel rehabilitasie). Algemene vervoer. Beste pryse. Gratis kwotasie. Suikerbos Transport . Skakel Hennie 082 890 9516. MAD ABOUT PLUMBING LOODGIETERS. Spesialiseer in alle loodgieter behoeftes. Op versekering panele, Absa, Nedbank, Hollard, Santam, Mutual&Federal, Standard Bank en nog vele meer. Hanteer eis onmiddelik. Doen Solar Geysers en “Heatpumps”, alternatief tot Solar (50-80% besparing op krag). PIRB en IOPSA geregistreer. Skakel Tersia of Pieter by 016 349 5666 / 082 491 9093 / 083 547 4037

* Bathrooms * Granite tops * All Repairs * Kitchens * Laminated flooring Contact: 082 471 0916 / 082 637 6963

MEDICAL PLANS From R300 that refunds un-used benefits. For more information please phone: 086 111 1254 Includes insurance products underwritten by Resolution Insurance Company Limited. FSP No: 13888

ELECTRIC FENCING SPECIALIST Secure your Safety. Only the best energizers, materials, service and installations.

20 Catering / Spyseniering RUMOURS RESTAURANT: For professional catering of all events. Weddings, Parties, Spitbraais, Platters and Potjies. Nothing too big or -small. Your venue or ours. Phone Piet at 011 814 1428 / 072 470 2187. TO HIRE: Cutlery, crockery, large selection of table cloths, overlays, tables and chairs etc. Phone Sonnette 082 926 1515 D’VINE GARDEN CAFÉ - 18 Van Der Stel str, Nigel. Oop 6 dae per week vanaf 8am - 5pm. Toe op Dinsdae. Verskeie ontbyt en middag etes. * Maandlikse vlooimark, elke laaste Sondag van die maand. * Stalletjies beskikbaar @ R50 per stalletjie (vir adverteer doeleindes). Gratis onthaal area vir kombuistee, baby tee, 21ste, troues en kinderpartytjies. * Perfekte onthaal area vir jou jaareind funksies of Kersfees partytjie. * Spesiale funksie spyskaarte beskikbaar. * Smaaklike “platters” beskikbaar vir enige funksie. * D’Vine verhuur ook versierings uit vir funksies. Linne, breekgoed, eetware, tafels en stoele asook tafellopers. Skakel Marlene vir meer inligting by 011 814 3612. Alternatief kan jy ons besoek op die webwerf by of of op Facebook blad onder D’Vine Functions Café om foto’s te sien van funksies.

25 Repairs / Reparasies

D.F. AIRCON Mobile Automotive Aircon & Refrigeration Repairs. Aircon Repairs to Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Mining equipment, combines “Stroopers”. All work guaranteed Daniel 082 348 4499

28 Transport / Vervoer

078 077 6636 / 082 452 6406

LAUNDRY MATE Contact us for professional LAUNDRY service 20% discount for Pensioners on Wednesdays . HOUSEMATE includes the CLEANING of offices, factories, empty houses (move in/out). Contact us now for your FREE quotation on (011) 814 3597 or 072 511 4366

SMART KITCHENS & HOME IMPROVEMENTS For 3D Designer Kitchens or kitchen revamps, BIC, Bathr, Vanities, Wall to Wall Carpets and Laminated Flooring. No compromise on Quality and Service. Free Quotations. Phone Andre at 016 349 5052 or 082 738 1441

Automation Special * Gate motors - R3950 * Garage doors R3100 incl installation & 1 year warranty * Electric fencing * CC TV * Intecoms * Carport *Gates & Burglarbars. Repairs to all the above. Custom made. Call Gustav 078 732 5710

“ Vir enige vervoer in Heidelberg en omgewing” 3 Ton platbak en 1.5 ton voertuie. Skakel: Dennis by 082 050 9112

37 Employment / Betrekkings Nigel Doors het ‘n betrekking vir ‘n jong man wat tegnies aangelê is wat bereid is om te leer en hard te kan werk. Geen vorige werksondervinding is nodig nie. Skakel vir ‘n onderhoud 011 814 4063

SEMI SKILLED ELECTRICIAN R6500 - Nigel area. Afrikaans/English person required for basic factory maintenance with emphasis on electrical work. One week night shift one week day shift - no call outs. Farming/agriculture environment. Non BEE. Start asap. Fax CV to 086 625 4080

11 OCTOBER 2011






Employment / Betrekkings

Businesses / Besighede

Businesses / Besighede

“Vacancy” Scooters pizzas at the Angelo Mall is looking for drivers and cashiers. Bring your CV to the shop.

R&I Afslaers, 699 Voortrekkerstr, Brakpan, 011 740 0477 / 011 744 3544. Ons verkoop nuwe kar & bakkie bande gratis “fit&balancing” wanneer u by ons koop - bel Ivan gerus.

Afrikaans/English person required to maintain workshop admin including job cards, spreadsheets, ordering parts/materials from suppliers (sourcing best prices). Bilingual (An African language an advantage). Non BEE. Fax CV to 086 625 4080 42

SUPER MEUBELS: Waar anders as Schoemanstr 42 , Heidelberg. Tel: 016 341 4445. Dit is ons beurt om terug te gee aan al ons goeie ondersteuners die afgelope 10 jaar - Ons gee afslag ......... en baie voorraad - Imbuia hangkaste, mooi ou sitkamerstel, kerkbanke, te veel om te noem - Super groete. WARTHOG PHOTOS. We do all types of photos. If you do it, we will photograph it. Phone: Danie 072 370 1346

House to Rent / Huise te Huur Huis te huur in Nigel. 4 Slaapk,1 badk, mooi kombuis, 1 motorhuis +1 slaapkamer woonstel met 1 badk, sit/eetkamer. R5000 pm. Kontak Carl 082 419 9971 Huis te huur: Rensburg. Deposito R4000. Huur R4000. 2 Slaapkamer, sit/eetkamer, 2badk, kombuis, waskamer, pens, afdak vir motors.Koopkrag.Geentroeteldiere.Beskikbaar vanaf 1 November 2011. Skakel 082 873 6886

HOUSE TO RENT, NIGEL 3 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, Lounge, Dinning Room, Lovely kitchen and Double garage. Very Neat House. Pre paid electricity. Close to schools. Price R4800.00 p/m.

Contact Angelique 073 265 8134

HOUSE TO RENT with granny flat, NIGEL 3 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, Lounge, Dinning Room, Lovely kitchen and Double garage. Very Neat House. 1 Bedroom flat. Pre paid electricity. Close to schools. Price R6500.00 p/m. Contact Angelique 073 265 8134

* Betonmure * Verlenggings * Staalpalisades * Skuifhekke * Lemmetjiesdraad * Plaveisel Ons het verhuis na ‘n groter perseel.


Geely approved workshop 26 B Marshallstraat, Heidelberg.

43 Flats to Rent / Woonstelle te Huur “ Te Huur” Heidelberg. Eenman woonstel. Netjies, veilig & sentraal. Water en ligte ingesluit. Plus deposito. Nou Beskikbaar R1750 pm. Skakel 082 552 7821 “Te Huur” Nigel. Netjiese 3-slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, 2 leef-areas, tandemgarage, groot ommuurde hoek-erf, alarmstelsel, naby hoër-en laerskole. Beskikbaar 1 November. R4500 pm. Water is ingesluit. Koopkrag. Deposito betaalbaar. Skakel 084 403 6963


* Accounting & bookkeeping * Tax * Payroll * Company registration & amenments * BEE certification & verification * Insurance * DTI incentives * Foreign Exchange Call: Edina Beeten 082 926 0995 Email:

Meubel Restoureerder

011 814 7992 Callie 073 628 5826 082 560 0175

Tel: 016 341 3391 Fax: 016 341 4253

Fully equiped workshop All warranty work welcome Service all type of vehicles. Trevor Mortimer Workshop Manager


Jurie Boshoff Head Technician

Terms & Conditions apply

J DONALDSON APPLIANCES Free collection and delivery & Quotations 77 Porter Road, DUNNOTTAR. Tel: 011 734 2812 Fax: 011 734 2041

Stands for Sale / Erwe te Koop

Groot 3 slaapkamers, 2 vol badk(1 met stort + bad), ingangsportaal groot sitkamer,massiewe eetkamerplus tv of studeer-kamer pragtige houtkombuis en d/motorhuis. TEL: Johan by 0724231703


Oud & Nuut JANIC WALLING Nigel




ANCIENT DAYS Antiques - oudhede. Ons koop, verkoop en restoureer meubels. Groot verskeidenheid nou beskikbaar. Kom loer gerus in. Skakel ons by 016 349 2175 of Wena 082 785 9108

Ons restoureer alle hout meubels! We restore all wooden furniture! Ons laai die meubels op en lewer weer af! Jare ondervinding in die restourasie bedryf! 70 Turveystraat, DUNNOTTAR

Leon 073 455 4950



* Plant Nou !!! * Kom haal self. * Ook afgelewer (meer as 200m²)

Office: 011 814 3349

Fax: 011 814 3348

YOLANDI 071 446 2590 FERRYVALE ...................................................... R850 000 Pragtige groot familie huis, 3 slaapk, 2.5 bad, sitkamer, familie kamer, eetkamer,groot swembad, lapa, dubbel motorhuis, dubbel afdakke. EXT 2 .................................................................. R850 000 Winskoop!!! 4 Slaap, 2 bad, sitkamer, familie kamer, eetkamer, oop plan kombuis + opwas kamer, 2 onthaal areas + braai + bar, 3 motorhuise, 3 afdakke. ‘n Moet sien!!

RHONA 071 559 3706 HEIDELBERG ................................................... R732 000 Groot winskoop - 3 Slaapkamer huis met ‘n dubbel garage. HEIDELBERG .................................................. R380 000 2 Slaapkamer woonstel met garage en afdak. HEIDELBERG .................................................. R900 000 2 Slaap, 2 bad, d/garage meenthuis. KAYDALE ......................................................... R700 000 2.42 hct plot met woonhuis, 2 boorgate, 2 werkswinkels en 3 woonkwatiere vir werkers of verhuurings. Flats for sale in Rensburg / Heidelberg.

DAVE 083 235 7391 ALRA PARK ...................................................... R220 000 3 Bed house, large yard. EXT 2: ....... ............................................. R480 000 2 Bed cluster, 1 bath, s/garage + pool. UITB 2 ................................................................ R850 000 Naby Afrikaanse skole, groot familie huis,4 slaapk, 2 bad, sitkamer, eetkamer, std kamer, d/afdakke, onthaal area + swembad. ALRAPARK ....................................................... R295 000 3 Bed, large yard. HALLGATE ........................................................ R499 000 Two plots for the price of one. 3 Bed house + chicken run. WANNA SELL YOUR PROPERTY IN ALRAPARK? WE GOT CASH BUYERS FOR ALRAPARK H1937



YOU ARE.. * a go getter * motivated * positive * hard working and * have excellent people skills * previous sales experience * own transport...... then you could become our


Skakel Send your CV to: 086 123 5296 / fax to 086 751 7998 or hand itorin at our offices LAWN TEENY WEENIES WORK FOR YOU?

JORDAANPARK STAND FOR SALE. Close to Jordaanpark entrance from Vereeniging Road. Private nook, quiet street, peaceful area. Borehole. Contact 082 554 0746 for more info or to make an appointment for viewing.


* Fridges * Freezers * Stoves * Washing machines * Tumble dryers Establised 1978

Ad ver tise in our Teen y Ween y pa ges and g et rresults esults or ding Adv ertise eeny eeny pag get esults.. Colour and w wor ording of your choice to promote your business. Contact us on 011 814 8614 / 4913 ffor or details or call in a ner of Kings way and att our of offfices on the cor corner Kingsw Van Rie beec kR oad, Nig el Riebeec beeck Road, Nigel



11 OCTOBER 2011

11 OCTOBER 2011



New Generation Kickboxing graded New Generation Kickboxing Academy held their grading on Friday September 16, 2011. The grading consisted of technique and fitness to improve the students strength and determination as well as their self esteem and discipline. The students that graded were: Andre Vermeulen (yellow belt), Juanita de Waal (green belt), Johan Gouws (orange belt), Herman Mare (yellow belt) and Naythan Gouws (yellow belt). Some of the students will be practicing for the upcoming tournament at Carnival City on 21 & 22 October 2011, where they will represent their club and the NMA-ISKA with whom they are affiliated. All ages are welcome to join the kickboxing team at any time. Classes are held at Vitafit Gym, Voortrekker Street, Heidelberg on Mondays 16:00 – 18:00 and Fridays 17:00 – 19:00. For more information you can phone Sensei JJ at 082 812 0115.


Orion Motor Group

26 B Marshallstraat, HEIDELBERG Tel: 016 341-3391 Fax 016 341-4253 Johan .............. 084 Morné .............. 083 Nora ................ 079 Adele ............... 082 Simon .............. 074 Juanita ............ 078

722 607 736 969 955 587

9410 4574 0854 4483 5805 1337

R89 900

R59 900

‘09 Kia Picanto 1.1 EX

‘05 Smart Forfour 1.3 Pulse

Sensei JJ de Waal and Sempai Petrus Gous with the group of kick boxers that graded.

Calling all cyclists! Nigel Dam is the venue chosen for this year’s annual cycle race challenge by Springs Girls High School. The race has been adopted by the Impala Cycle Club and it’s guaranteed the prize money will be worth the ride! It’s hoped that Nigel and Dunnottar cyclists will participate and entries can be done on line as well as on the day of the race on October 22. Someone will be present to supply day licenses for those cyclists interested. The starting time from Nigel Dam is 06:15. Being classed in a higher category than before, the race will comply with all CGC rules and regulations. There is a long distance of 94km and a short one of 60km. The aim of the event is to cater for the whole family. There will be a race for children ranging from the ages of two years to 13. The distances will vary from 250m to 5km. The entry fee for the children’s race will be R20. As a prize, each competitor will also receive a packet of sweets for completing the race. A jumping castle as well as face painting and a photo booth will be available after the race for children. The picnic sites, food and beverage stalls will be a big attraction and there will be a carnival atmosphere. It’s going to be an exciting day for the whole family at Nigel Dam and plenty to ride for the adult cyclists! For more information contact Gerda Joubert on 082 784 4367 or Chanelle Olivier on 083 715 6362.

Hengelaars maak buit Balfour Hengelklub het van 30 September tot 1 Oktober hul maandelikse hengelkompetisie op die oewer van hul klubwater gehou toe 47 lede altesame 426 visse met ‘n totale massa van 505,810 kg geland het. Senior Wenners: 1. Christo du Plessis 30 visse (37.845kg). 2. Gouws Booyens 23 visse (31.370kg) en 3. Lukas Stoltz 25 visse (28.430kg). Dames Wenners: 1. Sarita Stoltz 17 visse (11.620kg). 2. Marie Marais 8 vis (8.615kg). 3. Yolandie Visser 7 vis (6.240kg). Junior Wenners: 1. Sarel Stoltz 23 vis (29.070kg). 2. Kobus Theron 20 vis (27.925kg). 3. Neville Nel 10 vis (10.205kg). Swaarste Karp: Gouws Booyens, 4.250kg. Swaarste Graskarp: Jaco van der Merwe, 4.190kg. Swaarste Moddervis: Frikkie Nel, 0.995kg. Swaarste Baber: Christo du Plessis, 2.955kg. Swaarste Geelvis: Sarita Stoltz, 2.265kg. Kontak nommers: Lukas 084 757 6058; Jaco 082 323 6284.

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Duiwe van koers met sterk wind en reën Willem Matthee van Heidelberg Posduifklub het André Botha en Danie Botes net-net die loef afgesteek in die agttiende OERF-wedren op 1 Oktober toe een van sy duiwe die eerste plek ingeneem het, gevolg deur die duiwe van André Botha in die tweede plek en Danie Botes derde. Agt duiweboere het aan die wedren vir ou en jong duiwe oor 694 km van Richmond af deelgeneem. ‘n Sterk noord-oostewind het die duiwe in swak weer sterk opdraend gegee. Baie reën het die duiwe se taak bemoeilik en slegs vier van hulle het Saterdag ingeklok. Die res het eers Sondag opgedaag. Willem Mathee het nog’n briljante vertoning gelewer deur op 17 September posisies 2, 3, 10, 12, 17 en 24 in te neem, terwyl Andre Botha sy goeie vertonings in die 15 de wedren op 8 September voortgesit het met deelnemers wat posisies 2, 3, 12, 13, 15, 20, 25 en 26 ingeneem het. Ander posisies in die ope afdeling op 17 September is ingeneem deur Danie Botes (8, 16, 23), Andre Botha (7, 11, 13, 22, 25, 26),), M en Y Kingbiel (4, 6, 14, 15, 27), Ferrdie Pienaar (9, 18, 20, 21, 28) Henk Pienaar (5, 29, 30), en Cobus Venter (19).

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11 OCTOBER 2011

Quad race

Sterk wind kelder hengel


Pa en seun Darryn en Rickus Pachonick het in dieselfde naweek van 30 September tot 2 Oktober, twee nuwe klubrekords vir Diepkloof Hengel Klub by Koppies aangeteken ondanks sterk winde en donderstorms wat die 35 hengelaars geteister het. Die hengelaars het altesame 249 visse met ‘n totale massa van 229,572 aan wal gebring. Pa Darryn het met ‘n allemintige baber van 18,220 kg (Snr), die nuwe rekord vir seniors opgestel terwyl sy seun Rickus ‘n nuwe klubrekord vir (Junior Seuns), van 2,420 kg vir die grootste Grootbek Geelvis aangeteken het. Seniors: Eerste Darryn Pachonick, 31 visse, 37,815 kg. Tweede Craig Enders, 20 visse, 24,535 kg. Derde Pine Pienaar, 13 visse, 24,065 kg. Dames: Eerste Charne Du Plessis, 6 visse, 2,430 kg. Tweede Elize Coetser, 4 visse, 1,250 kg. Derde Marcell Pienaar, 3 visse, 1,525 kg. Juniors: Eerste Rickus Pachonick, 23 visse, 16,580 kg. Tweede Quinton v.d. Schyff, 6 visse, 6,355 kg en derde Dihann Pelzer, 7 visse, 2,990 kg. 0/13 Seuns: Eerste Dillen Pachonick, 4 visse, 1,360 kg. Tweede Deric v Heerden, 3 visse, 1,712 kg en derde Reghardt Kunz, 3 visse, 0,990 kg. 0/13 Dogters: Eerste Chante v Loggerenberg, 1 vis, 0,560 kg. Grootste Karp: Craig Enders, 4,015 kg (Snr). Charne Du Plessis, 0.840 kg. Dames: Sheldon v.d Westhuizen, 2.490 kg (Jnr) en Reghardt Kunz, 0,410 kg (o/13 Seuns). Grootste Moddervis: George Edwards, 1,430 kg (Snr). Marcell Pienaar, 0,585 kg (Dames). Quinton v.d Schyff, 0,760 kg (Jnr) en Deric v Heerden, 1,0 kg (o/13 Seuns). Grootste Baber: Darryn Pachonick, 18,220 kg (Snr) Nuwe klub Rekord. Marcell Pienaar, 0,190 kg (Dames). Rickus Pachonick, 4,355 kg (Jnr) en Pieter v Heerden, 0,430 kg (o/13 Seuns). Grootste Grootbek Geelvis: Darryn Pachonick, 1,930 kg (Snr). Rickus Pachonick, 2,420 kg (Jnr) Nuwe klub Rekord. Grootste Kleinbek Geelvis: Darryn Pachonick, 0,800 kg (Snr). Charne Du Plessis, 0,6 kg (Dames). Quinton v d Schyff, 0.455 kg (Jnr). Deric v Heerden, 0,475 kg 0/13 Seuns). Chante v Loggerenberg, 0,560 kg (0/13). Volgende kompetisie is by Rooi Walle (Erasmus) van 4 tot 6 November 2011. Navrae Jaco 083-609-9310 en Abraham 083-682-2645.

Participants splash through Blesbokspruit

People watched in amazement as motor bikers and those on quads rode through the Blesbokspruit in Nigel recently, on their way to Ballito. A total of 860 took part in the event which covered 1 000km and started from Carnival City. Nigel participants were among them and the riders came from all over the country, even from Scotland and one from Australia. It’s an annual event under the auspices of Family Adventure and called “Quad for Quad”. The riders raise funds for the disabled and the participants ranged in age from10 to 75 years. The aim was to raise R1-million but a spokesman for the organization, Glenn Foley said he was sure this amount would be surpassed. As they splashed through the Blesbokspruit in Nigel, they rode up the hill and off across the veld. This is a tough ride but for a very good cause and the number of entries increases every year.

Nigel residents participated in the quad 4 quad event.

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