Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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Cnr Kingsway & Van Riebeeck Street, NIGEL - H1733

086 1101 750 082 925 5717


FAX: 086 751 7998

TEL: (011) 814 8614

VOLUME 7 No. 17

Cell: 079 493 0075

View our online edition at



P6 & 7



If you want to advertise in this prime spot contact Hanli 072 790 0496 13 SEPTEMBER 2011

Spor Sportt


Bejaardes kry ryk erfenis uit Gelofte Nigel se Geloftefeeskomitee het onlangs ontbind en daarmee ‘n lang tradisie om die jaarlikse reëling vir die roemryke slag van Bloedrivier jaarliks in die dorp te hanteer, tot ‘n einde gebring. Maar die komitee het ‘n ryk erfenis vir Nigel Tuiste vir Bejaardes nagelaat om tot in die verre toekoms as monument te dien vir hulle wat die Gelofte koester. Piet Engelbrecht, voorsitter sê die komitee het R266 000 geskenk om vier luukse eenhede by die Tuiste te laat aanbou. Met die maandelikse gesamentlike inkomste van R16 000 wat uit die verhuring daarvan verdien word, moet minder bevoorregte bejaardes uit die drie susterskerke nou gehelp en bygestaan word. Die Geloftefeeskomitee was lank onaktief nadat die Geloftefeesterrein in die dorp etlike jare terug verkoop is. Die inkomste is herbelê met die idée om met opgeboude fondse later ‘n nuwe feesterrein te bekom. Verlede jaar het die komitee egter besluit dat die belegging beter benut kan word. Dit sou aangewend word vir die oprigting van luukse akkomodasie en die geld is in Februarie aan Nigel se Tuiste vir Bejaardes oorgedra. Chris Engelbrecht, bestuur-der van die inrigting en broer van voorsitter Piet Engelbrecht, Ds. Conrad Steyn en Bennie Holm’ner, hoof van Laerskool Tini Vorster en sekretaris van die Geloftefeeskomitee, was teenwoordig en twee gedenkplaatjies is onthul. Engelbrecht sê die jaarlikse Gelofte-fees sal steeds met ‘n predikant gehou word. Engelbrecht het vir bykans twintig jaar lank as voorsitter, sekretaris en gewone lid van die komitee gedien.

Bennie Holm’ner, hoof van Laerskool Tini Vorster en sekretaris van die Geloftefeeskomitee, het een plaatjie onthul.

Nog foto’s bl 12

Greek evening Saturday 24 September 2011

SPECIAL CAKES ON ORDER! New: Modelling chocolate 500g

Breaking plates, Greek dancing & Belly dancing

Rice Paper Pictures Topping, Luxury fruit mix/Bakers mix, spices nuts and seeds Milkshake syrup, essence, toppings, nuts, spices, luxury fruit mix, cookie cups, cones Packaging: Domes, polysterine, cake box/boards, cake decorations, Foil containers

29 Beverly Street NIGEL Tel: 011 814 1150 H1730

Special Guests

Bloemiste/Florist Mini flower market * Kom besoek ons Groter, Beter, Beste bloemiste * GROOT verskeidenheid blomme er * Bosse, Ruikers, Hampers ens. ktob 1 O Mini * Troues, begrafnisse of net uit liefde 2011rmis Ke af * Kontrak blomme vir kantore n

va 0 08:0

47 Kerkstr. (opp. Fire Brigade) Nigel. 011 814 5483 - 083 681 5037 - 071 881 7224 Contact Ralie or Tracey Bekker

Stalletjies @ slegs R50

Ds. Conrad Steyn onthul een van die gedenkplaatjies.

* Boereworsrolls * Kerrie & Rys * Pannekoek en vele meer


Life music Elizabeth Gladd

Shop No 24 B, The Angelo Mall, Cnr Heidelberg & Station Road, Noycedale, Nigel. H1735

Tel: 011 814 3311 * 011 739 5553




Refuse bin

Police awards

13 September 2011

Look through the front window From the desk of Rev Ray Goddess

These members of Dunnottar SAPS have all received awards for service. From left: W/O D Kunene (2 arrests for theft and handling of firearms), Const Mthiyane (business burglary arrest), Elmarie Louw (good work at MIC office, (Traffic offences, drunk in public).

Environmental friendly or just plain neglect? This is one of the refuse bins on the Dunnottar main street which is nearly becoming obscured by weeds.

Discover Nigel @

Bester Agri se veiligheidshoof Johan Bester, ‘n bekende van Heidelberg, is deur Agri Gauteng benoem as sy provinsiale hoof vir Veiligheid en Sekuriteit, het Rekord vroeg verlede week op betroubare gesag verneem. Dis ‘n nuwe sleutelpos wat deur Agri geskep is om in besonder na die veiligheid van die boerderygemeenskap om te sien. Tientalle boere is in die afgelope jare in Gauteng aangerand, vermink en vermoor. Bester sal die leisels moet vat om in samewerking met alle belanghebbendes soos die polisie , die GPF’s en sekuriteitsfirmas die veiligheid van die boeregemeenskap te verseker. Bester is die voormalige Voorsitter van Heidelberg GPF en is ‘n onderwyser van beroep. Hy het diep Christelike oortuigings en het o.a. die leiding geneem sodat die vryheid van Heidelberg in 2009 aan Jesus Christus toegeken is. Bester se aanstelling is Donderdagaand op ‘n vergadering van die Groenpoort Boere Vereniging bespreek. Sy aanstelling is op 9 September by ‘n provinsiale vergadering van Agri Gauteng amptelik bekragtig.

Baie dankie Stander Motors! Baie dankie dat julle jul kliënte altyd tevrede stel. Julle het uit jul pad gegaan om ‘n puik gebruikte voertuig vir ons te vind. Dit was nie die eerste keer nie en ons waardeer dit. Dankie ook vir die netjiese toestand waarin ons dit gekry het. Mag jullle besigheid vir julle ‘n seën van Bo wees! – Dankie, Annatjie. 072-071-1027.

267 6198 SKAKEL 083 267 6198


I would like to challenge everybody to sit in their car and observe an interesting fact. Your front window is always bigger than your rear window and when you are driving forward you look at a very small rear view Rev Goddess, Heidelberg mirror to see what is happenMethodist Church ing behind you. This, I believe, is how life should be and especially the life of a Christian. The problem with many people is that they keep on looking back and even living in the past and this creates a negativity that many people struggle to handle. Let us face facts, as humans on earth we generally think of and comment on the negative and seem to forget the positive. Just by the way it is interesting how once a person has passed away everybody speaks only of the positive part of that person’s life. In hanging on to the past (generally the bad experiences) a person is held back and often struggles to move forward with new ideas and innovative, interesting ways of life. The past has happened and there is nothing that we can do to change the past. There is however a lot that we can learn from the past and that is correct – we need to learn by our mistakes and make sure that we do not do them again. I wonder how many people reading this article are struggling with someone because of something that has happened in the past. There are even families that are totally separated and broken because of an incident in the past and it seems as if nobody is brave enough to take the first step to reconciliation. In Matthew 6:25-33 Jesus gives us clear instruction on how we should reconcile our lives and build relationships up rather than break them down. Let us all take up this challenge and go and speak to the people who we are struggling with and make right – it is more often than not easier than we imagine. Jesus tells us that we are to go forward and not backward, that we are to look forward and not backward. Let us hear His advice and take it to heart.

Suikerbos Festival knocked Sonja Rosslee, official marketer for the Suikerbos Festival, has distanced herself from the activities of CUE under whose auspices the festival is being organized. The Heidelberg Community Unity Effort (CUE) is under the leadership of chairmanship Kobus Britz. In a short press release Rosslee stated “Please take note that I distance myself from Cue and am no longer a part of this organization. “Should you have any enquiries regarding the Suikerbos Festival Launch or the Suikerbos Festival itself , please contact Kobus Britz Contact details: e-mail: Cell: 083 460 8420; 083 647 4751.

Nigel Methodist Church C/o Olifaunt & George Heriot Glenvarloch, Nigel Tel: 011 814 3151

In Nigel for the people of Nigel! “We priase and thank God for a successful Féte” We look back on a very successful Fete made possible by the support of the public and the generous donations received from the following local companies: MTN - Brilliant Cellular; L.G Photography; Nigel Dros; Nigel Amature Winders; Hairlines Hairdresser; Koekies en Kassies Car Wash; Ferryvale Apteek; Spur, Mica - Angelo Mall; P & N Gift Shop; A & M Appliances; Matrix; Maxi’s, Christa Rheeder Photographers; Block Busters; Marlin Engineering; Global Stainless. We thank you all. SUNDAY SERVICE: SUNDAY SCHOOL: HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS :

09:00 & 18:00 09:00 10:15

57 Strydom Street, Heidelberg Tel: (016) 341-2437 Rev. Ray Cell 082 656 3123 “We exist to be like Christ, live like Christ, and share the exciting message of Christ to all people”. EXPERIENCE CHRIST’S LOVE AND OUR FRIENDSHIP

Jesus replied, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in The Kingdom of God (Luke 9:62 - NIV) Service times: 08h00 – Traditional Service (Mother’s Room available) 09h30 – Worship Service (Mother’s Room available) 18h00 – C.I.A. Service (for Adults and Youth)



13 September 2011


Criminal gets 12 years A man was sentenced to 12 years imprisonment by the Nigel Magistrates Court recently. Sipho Sam Nhlapo (19) started his crime spree in September last year, when he stole money from his employer amounting to R24 907,000. In November he broke into a house in the Duduza area, where he stole property and a firearm. On the same day he attempted to rob a business where he shot his victim in the lower body with the firearm he had stolen. Const Neo Dasheka of Duduza SAPS received a telephone call from a member of the community and followed up the information. He came across the criminal and confronted him. With no valid explanation for being in possession of the firearm and ammunition and failure to produce a firearm license, the officer arrested the man. Through investigation by Det. Warrant Officer Mandla Kunene, the convict was linked to all the cases reported against him. The court found him guilty for attempted murder, burglary and illegal possession of a firearm with ammunition. He was sentenced to 12 years imprisonment and was declared unfit to possess a firearm by the court. Station Commander, Lt Col Egen Moodley praised Const Dasheka for his speedy and professional policing actions, resulting in securing this success. The help of the community is always greatly appreciated by the SAPS. They can provide information, which is treated as confidential.

Police operations successful The Womens’ Network of the Balfour SAPS held a roadblock on the R23 road at Balfour, under the command of Capt Lena Ras the Station Commander of Grootvlei. The women in the cluster comprising of Balfour, Grootvlei, Greylingstad and Vaal police stations. Were part of the operation which also included members of the Mpumalanga Traffic Department. For tourist safety monitors also formed part of the operation. Pamphlets were distributed to motorists and pedestrians. There were no arrests of 391 people and 241 cars were stopped and searched. Traffic fines were issued to the total of R4150.00 for violation of different traffic laws. During the night police held an operation where 26 people were arrested for different crimes. Fifteen were arrested for drinking in public, three for selling liquor without licences, one for illegal gambling, three for assault with intent, one for reckless and negligent driving under the influence of liquor and others for common assault, malicious damage to property and copper theft. All those were fined R300 on the spot. Those who were arrested for selling liquor were fined R1 500 each and released. Those who were arrested for drinking in public were fined R300 on the spot. The rest who committed crimes appeared in the Balfour magistrates court and received various sentences. Police warn that such operations will continue.

PAGE 3 Letters to the editor Letters to be published in the Rekord may be handed in at our offices on the corner of Kingsway and van Riebeeck rd, Nigel or e-mail to Please put your name and contact number and an anonymous name.

JP glo wonderbaarlik genees Ondanks verbuigde penne in die rug en ‘n prognose van verlamming aan die linker kant van sy lyf, het Juan-Pierre (J.P.) Naude, 0.21 speler van die Pumas, verlede Dinsdag op 6 September sy ortopeet se spreekkamer binne gestap en verklaar: ”Dokter, my God het my genees!” Madelene Diedericks van Nigel, J. P. se ma, sê mense het ernstig vir J. P ingetree nadat hy op 25 Augustus in ‘n Pretoriase hospitaal opgeneem was. Hy is ‘n veelvoudige sklerose lyer wat op 15 jaar ‘n operasie aan die rug gehad het. Hy het destyds ondanks die terugslag besluit om voort te gaan met rugby en is later in die 0.21 span van die Pumas opgeneem. In die week van 23 Augustus het hy half lam aan die een kant geraak en is uiteindelik in ‘n Pretoriase hospitaal opgeneem. Hy is na behandeling en toetse vir ‘n naweek uit die hospitaal ontslaan en is daarna weer vir verdere toetse opgeneem. Volgens Madelene het J. P. die dokter weer op 6 September gesien en toe teenoor die dokter verklaar dat hy genees was. “Ek wens jy kon die dokter se gesig gesien het, “ sê Madelene. Sy beweer dat die skeef getrekte penne in posisie was en hoewel J. P. nie weer sal kan rugby speel nie, is die verlamming weg. Rekord het die ortopeet om kommentaar genader, maar het geen terugvoering ontvang nie.

Our venue that can accommodate up to 200 guests is perfect for: * Year end functions * Weddings * Conferences * Birthday Parties

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Shoprite Sentrum, Voortrekkerstr. HEIDELBERG H1731

Tel: 016 349 1333 Marius 083 472 6860 Nico 082 680 1141 Jean 083 279 7643 Hennie 082 334 3602 Elvin 072 843 2079


R114 900 NIGEL 63 Kerk Street Tel: 011 814 7526 Dawie 083 792 8369 Gys 083 699 0335 Kobus 082 853 4048 H1736



NIGEL/HEIDELBERG REKORD - ONLINE EDITION If a person has shown any commitment towards the child or has contributed towards by JP Okes expenses like the birth and maintenance of the child, he / she can apply to have contact lives with someone else, the term “contact” with the child. It must be emphasized, that will include communication with a child in the granting of care or contact to a person person and on a regular basis. Contact also does not affect the parental responsibilities includes communication on a regular basis and rights that any other person may have in with a child in any other manner, such as via respect of the same child. post, internet or telephone. 4. Do the biological, but unmarried, parents 3. Who can have contact with a child? of a child have any specific rights and reAny person having an interest in the care, sponsibilities in respect of the child? well-being or development of a child may apThe biological mother of a child, whether ply to have contact with the child. When conmarried or unmarried has full parental responsidering such an application, a Court will spesibilities and rights in respect of the child. cifically pay attention to what would be In terms of the Act, a married father of a child in the best interest of a child. In this regard has full parental responsibilities and rights the relationship between the applicant and in respect of the child, if he is married to the the child will be of particular importance. child’s mother, or if he was married to the child’s mother at the time of the child’s conception, or at the time of the child’s birth, or any time between the child’s conception and birth. Unmarried fathers however, do not have parental responsibilities and rights. A biological unmarried father can acquire full parental responsibilities and rights in respect of a child if, at the time of the child’s birth, he is living with the mother in a permanent life partnership or if he has consented to be identified as the child’s father, or if he has paid damages in terms of customary law, and contributes or has attempted in good faith to contribute to the child’s upbringing for a reasonable period. If there is a dispute between the biological unmarried father and the biological mother, the matter may be referred for mediation to a family advocate, or social worker. Married and unmarried fathers have the right to approach a competent Court to acquire contact / visitation rights where contact or visitation is being denied. 5. Can a person who does not hold parental H1709 responsibilities and rights, care for a child? Yes. A grandfather, grandmother, uncle or aunt, who has no parental responsibilities

Children In the recent past there have been a lot of conflicting opinions expressed about the rights of parents to have access to, or contact with their children. With the enactment of the Children’s Act, 38 of 2005, more certainty has been provided in this field of law. The purpose of this article is to answer some of the most common questions asked by our clients in this regard. 1. Who is a child in terms of the Act? Any person under the age of 18 years. 2. What is understood by the term “contact” with a child? In terms of the act, contact involves having a personal relationship with a child. If the child


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13 September 2011 and rights in respect of a child, but who voluntarily cares for the child, may apply to have his / her rights registered by a competent Court. A Court may however limit or restrict the parental responsibilities and rights which a person may exercise. 6. What is a parenting plan? A parenting plan is an agreement reached between parties relating to the manner in which their respective rights and responsibilities towards the child are to be exercised. In an attempt to avoid future disputes between the parties, a parenting plan can be agreed upon. A parenting plan may determine any matter in connection with parental responsibilities and rights, including where and with whom the child must live, contact with the child, schooling and religious upbringing of the child. A parenting plan must comply with the best interests of the child, and may be registered with a family advocate or made an order of Court. When the parties seek to enter into an agreement or prepare a parenting plan they must seek the assistance of a family advocate, social worker or psychologist or mediation through a social worker or other suitably qualified person. A parenting plan that was registered may under suitable circumstances, and on application by one of the parties, be amended or terminated. Where a person who has rights of access to a child, is refused access by another person, then the person refusing access may be committing an offence and may be liable on conviction to a fine or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year. The most important factor that the Court takes into account in any application concerning a child, is the so called “best interests of the child” and various factors must be taken into consideration. In my next article I will deal with various issues relating to the “best interests of the child”. Readers are welcome to address any specific questions on this subject to the Editor for my attention. Aliscia Brits is employed by Kruger & Okes Attorneys and specializes in applications relating to children.

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13 September 2011


Heidelberg se beoogde Curro Private Skool is nou ‘n stappie nader aan oprigting nadat die Hoofbestuur van Curro in Kaapstad die projek tien dae gelede goedgekeur het. Rekord verneem dat daar nog besin word of sommige klasse reeds van volgende jaar af op private terreine aangebied sal word. Dit sal die voorloper wees tot die opening van die skool in 2013 op die Lagerspoort-pad sowat 10 km buite die dorp. Die skool wat meer as ‘n duisend leerlinge sal kan huisves, kom in ‘n mooi, landelike omgewing op ‘n stukkie grond wat aan dr. Hannes Snyman behoort het.

Nuwe Inkopiesentrum Bouwerk aan Heidelberg Boulevard, die dorp se nuwe spoggerige inkopiesentrum , begin stadig in pas kom met dienste wat van die einde van die maand af in plek geplaas sal word. Die sentrum wat aan die N3 front op vorige myngrond, belowe om inkopies vir Heidelbergers van die Oos-Rand na die dorp te trek.

This water meter at 91 Northern Road, Nigel, has not been read for at least three months, yet the residents still pay for water consumed each month. The meter is covered with about 30cm of soil and when the reader goes to the next property to read their meter and is called back to this one, he allegedly just waves his arm and walks on.


Read Rekord online @


Wanted!!! These three armed men attacked a man as he pulled into his yard and they robbed him at gunpoint inside the house. They tied the residents up, ransacked the house and fled. Anyone with information should contact the investigating officer, Warrant Officer Vusamuzi Patrick Kunene on 084 866 3966. Issued by Dunnottar SAPS.

Water meter never read!

ROBERT DYKE 083 266 5453 STEVE DYKE 082 428 7262 LEADERS IN CUSTOM MADE SHOPFRONTS e-mail: 58 Second Avenue, Nigel 1490 Tel: 011 814-1577/26 Fax: 011 814 8467


Private skool beslis hier


We’d like to hear from you! Got any moans, groans, news or views? Or maybe you have an interesting hobby. Then contact the Rekord at 011 814 8614. We’ll be interested!


Heidelberg: 23 Schoeman Str TEL: 016 341 2187 / 8 FAX: 016 341 6702 H1755




13 September 2011

Health, Health, body, body, soul soul & & mind mind Feel great with a brighter smile

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Now everybody can look younger! Botox has been used for cosmetic treatments for over 21 years. With advancements in injection techniques Botox injections have become almost painless. One revolutionary treatment offered is that for people who sweat excessive under their arms. With a few injections you will stop sweating under your arms for between 9-12 months! You will feel more confident wearing your shirts in summer. Botox offer people a non-surgical and affordable way of improving their looks. Visit the website and see what Botox can do for you. Your smile is important. It’s one of the first things people notice when they meet you and a brighter, whiter smile can help you feel better about yourself and leave a lasting impression. You can whiten your teeth for a wedding, special occasion or just to spoil yourself. Tooth whitening is the number one cosmetic procedure performed in the world today. Everyone would love a whiter smile if it were easy and affordable. Now everyone can afford a White Smile! Dr J Cilliers uses only the latest and most advanced Tooth Whiting LED technology and products direct form the USA. All products used are FDA approved. Whether it’s coffee, tobacco, red wine or just the effects of time that have stained your teeth chances are that you will be a good candidate for teeth whitening. Teeth whitening procedures may only be performed by a qualified dentist or oral hygienist according to South African Law. The procedure is performed by Dr Cilliers within 1 hour. It’s painless with no gagging, impressions or heat involved. You will walk out with your teeth being between 3-9 shades lighter. Tooth whitening is a safe procedure with our FDA Approved products and does not harm your teeth. A lot of research has been done on the materials and techniques and it has been proven not to cause any harm. The equipment, materials and techniques have come a long way since the first teeth whitening procedure was performed almost 20 years ago. You can make an appointment to get that Beaming White Smile you always wanted.

SIELKUNDIGE Praktyknr.: 086 000 0052 949

Sel: 082 057 5043 Eslingebou Ueckermann Str Heidelberg Die volgende dienste word by hierdie praktyk verskaf, naamlik: KINDERS: * Skoolgereedheidsevaluering en skoolgereedmaking * Evaluering van skolastiese problematiek en leerprobleme * Individuele remediërende ondersteuning * Studieterapie * Vakkeusevoorligting * Beroepsvoorligting * Spelterapie * Traumaberading * Egskeiding- en roubegeleiding * Toesig- en beheerevaluering by egskeidingsgedinge * Psigoterapie met kinders en adolessente VOLWASSENES: * Psigoterapie * Egskeiding - en roubegeleiding * Huweliks- en verhoudingsterapie * Ouerbegeleiding Skakel vir verdere besonderhede, Mediese fonds tariewe word gehef.


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Kingstan - Spectrum Apteek/Pharmacy

Heidelberg Forum (Old OK Centre) Pretorius Street, HEIDELBERG

Full 8Day Training Course

TEL: 016 341-6414 CELL: 073 072 5743 H1745

13 September 2011



Health, Health, body, body, soul soul & & mind mind Training Nail Tec hnician echnician Full Set ........... R130 Manicure ........ R 50 Revolution Art R150 Christelle 083 586 2221 H1728

See the world in a better light RIGHT TO SIGHT DAY WHERE?

Have your eyes tested regulary

Blanché van Rooyen Optometrist WHEN? Only 5 Days Mon 26 Sept - Sat 1 Oct WHO? Eye care for people who can not afford a Medical Aid OFFER INCLUDES: * An Eye examination * A selected range of frames (own frames CAN NOT be used) * Plastic, clear lenses for Reading, Driving, Bifocals and Multifocals. * Tints may be added at an extra cost PAYMENTS: * BOOKINGS: To avoid No cheques will be accepted * Payment will be cash on the disappointment book day of the eye test. timeously at 011 814 5090


PG CENTRE - VOORTREKKER STREET Heidelberg Tel: 016 341 7561 H1732

W e e Ferryvale Apteek s VOEL WEER GESOND!! g e s o n d Breytenbach Str 108, C/o 5th Avenue & Breytenbach St (opposite Dr Heunis, Nigel


25 Beverley Street, Ferryvale - Nigel

011 814 7000 / 011 814 7001 Inside Shoprite Centre H1742

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Love for love The Heidelberg SPCA sadly has many beautiful, loving dogs and cats, waiting faithfully on someone to adopt them. They are all filled with that hope of being loved by a gentle warm and caring heart. These animals have a lot of love and happiness to offer to anyone who is willing to give them that little chance. Here are only two of our angels for adoption. Please feel free to visit them and the rest off their friends at our SPCA. – Litika Singh.

A Pincher-X male is ready to protect a new owner who will be wise enough to adopt him.

Madeliefie soek steun Om ‘n huis van Veiligheid (Safe Haven) vir mishandelde en verkragte vroue en kinders te bedryf, is vir Madelene Diedericks van Swartwater, Heidelberg, ‘n taak wat haar ná aan die hart lê. Daar is nooit genoeg blyplek en kos nie en daarom is sy dankbaar vir enige hulp. Al die hulpsoekers het aan die begin binne die huis geslaap, maar deesdae is daar darem ook al twee houthuisies. Van die mense oornag slegs by Madeliefie, maar ander moet langer bly. Die bestuur is baie streng op keuring. Mense se ID’s word gereeld gekontroleer terwyl geen drank of dwelms op die terrein toegelaat word nie. Deelname aan huisgodsdiens is verpligtend en almal kom in die huis bymekaar. Madelene het gereeld ‘n behoefte aan bykomende blyplek en het twee weke terug slaapplek vir twee mammas gesoek. Daar is reeds drie huisgesinne op wie sy kan peil trek. Om die fondse te stuif word daar vir 3 November ‘n gholfdag in Nigel beplan. Dit sal ’n vier bal kompetisie wees en Madeliefie soek nou dringend na borge. Madeliefie kies op 17 September ‘n nuwe bestuur by God’s Acre Gemeenskapsentrum. Madelene self is nog aan die stuur tot in Desember. By die byeenkoms is die fondamente gelê vir vanjaar se “Groeiende Talente Groep” wat op 18 en 19 November gehou word. “Dis amper soos “Idols.” Nuwe talent word opgeroep om in sang, dans en instrumentasie hul slag te wys. Daar was verlede jaar meer as sewentig deelnemers. Ons help ook graag mense wat nie die inskrywingsgeld van R50 per inskrywing kan bekostig nie. Pryse verlede jaar het vyf sokkerbal TV’s en 3 I’pods ingesluit. Die Coca Cola Maatskappy het die geleentheid geborg. Madelene se dogters Quindalien en Youlandi het dieselfde passie as hul ma en tree as haar regterhand op. Madeliefie het veral ‘n behoefte aan geestelike beraders om mense te help wat “baie, baie swaar” kry. Die huis is in Derdestraat, Spaarwater. Bel Madelene by 083-6463288 as iemand met befondsing, borgskap vir die gholfdag of berading wil help.

Wêreldrekord spat met 33 000 foto’s Twee Heidelbergse meisies was onder 150 modelle wat deel gehad aan die opstel van ‘n nuwe wêreldrekord vir die langste ononderbroke fotografiese sesssie wat van 1 tot 4 September in Sandton gehou is. Shayne Welgemoed (geborg deur T. J. Industrial) en Mariska van Staden (geborg deur Riggsure) het onder die sambreelskap van I.C. I. Models, Heidelberg, deelgeneem. Altesame 33 264 foto’s is geneem en die verrigtinge is per moniteringskameras vasgele en op TV uitgesaai. Fotograaf was Roelien van Niekerk.

And then, there’s me. I am a cuddly boy and just 4 months old!

Foto mal meisies! Shayne Welgemoed (model van ICI Models), fotograaf Roulin van Rensburg wat die 33 264 foto’s geneem het. Mariska van Staden en Leon Munro, eienaar van ICI Models.

13 September 2011

Dries vlieg dalk soos ‘n arend Om met ‘n lugballon oor die majestieuse Magaliesberg te sweef, het nou vir Dries Peschel van Nigel ‘n werklikheid geword. Dis een van sy begeertes op sy wenslysie voordat hy dalk binnekort heeltemal onbeweeglik raak a.g.v. Parkinsons Siekte. Tendai Murahwa, bemarkingsman van die onderneming wat die ballonreise onderneem, bied hulle die gratis geleentheid in wat andersins R7 000 sou gekos het. Dit sluit ‘n sjampanje ontbyt en ‘n uurlange vlug oor die Magaliesrivier Vallei in wat bekend is dat dit die beste ballonweer ter wêreld bied. Die organisasie wat dit vir Dries moontlik maak, is Bill Harrop’s “Original” Balloon Safaris. (, Tel: +27 11 705 3201. Fax: +27 11 705 3203 Dries se beweeglikheid word tans 85% deur Parkinsons Siekte ingeperk. ‘n Duur breinoperasie van R432 000 kan hom help om dit na 15% te verminder. Die bankbesonderhede van mense wat wil bydra, is: ABSA, tak 632005, rek. No. 924597575648.

‘n Lugballon oor die Magaliesrivier Vallei.

Criminals convicted Two men were found guilty of burglary in the Nigel Regional Court. The Stanley Sechoange Kupa 37 and 27 -year-old Philane Phungula were employees entrusted with safeguardingan Eskom sub-station in March this year, where they stole 10 metres of cables and damaged doors and locks in the storeroom. Damage and loss to the sub-station was estimated at R50 000. Kupa was sentenced to four years imprisonment and Phunglula to five years. In another case a 24-year-old man, Thabo Mduli and Chris Makhanya were found guilty of robbery at the Nigel Regional Court. The first was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment and the other to seven years. Three other men, aged 25 and 23 years were found guilty of housebreaking in Duduza in Duduza this year and were each sentenced to six years. In all cases the accused were declared unfit to possess firearms.

Amarok, jou mooi ding!


‘n Volkswagen Amarok word ingespan om A. G. Visser se sangkompetisie op 22 September te help bemark. Theo Laatz (links), Verkoopsbestuurder NTT Volkswagen Heidelberg en regs Johan Roothman, skoolhoof. Die Country en Cowboy aand begin on 18:00 met ‘n stuk of agt leerlinge van Laerskool AG Visser in die Voorprogram. NTT Volkswagen het ‘n Volkswagen Amarok beskikbaar gestel vir die bemarking van die funksie.

13 September 2011

Such is life ... Cats and cars seem to dominate these days. Haven’t got a cat, just Mollie the Collie which is stone deaf. Having booked an appointment with an optrometis for reading glasses, I wasn’t too surprised to see something which looked like a cat in the lounge. Closer inspection revealed it was a cat watching the early news on TV! It didn’t seem worried I had seen it. I yelled at it to get out. It gave me a dirty cat look and just padded away to the back door, where I gather it had come in to catch the news. Mollie the Collie was outside dozing when the cat went out. I yelled at her “There’s a cat here”. But realized she couldn’t hear. The cat made itself comfortable alongside Mollie. At one touch Mollie woke up, saw the cat and barked. The cat also gave the Collie a disdaining look and wandered off under a nearby bush. Closed the canine in the back garden and reversed out – then I saw a bush move and a little grey whiskered head popped out. Could swear it was smiling!

Bogus house buyers still operating A few months ago a Nigel home was robbed while people alleging they were from an estate agent looked around the property. This practice is apparently still going on. Dunnottar SAPS has had reports of the scam. The advice to homeowners with “for sale” signs outside their properties is not to let prospective buyers into their premises without confirming their identity with the estate agent. Some people have tried to get access into homes claiming they are the owners of the property and want to sell. The bogus buyers usually steal items such as cell phones when being shown around the properties.


Walk for medals! Get your walking shoes on and prepare to join in the fun on Thursday this week (September 15), when the Dunnottar Community Policing Forum will host the annual walk. The walk starts from the Spar area at 19:00 but participants must register by 18:00. This is essentially a fun event to raise funds for the Community Policing Forum and the entrance fee is R20. There is no age limit and last year people even pushed prams and took along their dogs. The distance is over 5km and those who want to use it for a running practice can do so – but there are no winners! In fact everyone who finished will get a medal and before the start free cold drinks are available. After the walk there will be food and cold drinks available.


Poor electricity delivery service I have been repeatedly reporting street lights which are not working in Nigel and so far nothing has happened. Reports were sent to Nigel Electricity, Nigel Customer Care Centre and the Ekurhuleni Customer Care Centre. To date I have received no response and the street lights have not been fixed. And I get absolutely no feedback from EMM and nothing is done to solve the problem. This matter has now been reported to the Nigel Customer Care Centre, the Mayoral Office and the EMM Call Centre via e-mail. I have received read receipts from the EMM Call Centre and from the Mayoral Office. The three street lights are not working at all on the corner of Buxton Avenue and Ryan Street, Nigel. From August reports have been made regularly about the street light to all those concerned. Please could I ask for immediate action on this? The situation has now become very serious and it seems that nothing is being done to resolve my query.

It has been longer than a month which is totally unacceptable. Poor service should not be accepted or tolerated. Ekurhuleni is a great Metropolitan Municipality. My account is always up to date and in credit. If I miss a payment would the EMM be so patient with me? My electricity would be cut and my water meter would be restricted until I have made a full payment on my account. This is just not acceptable. I have been reporting the three streetlights which are not working since July and the complaint has still not been resolved. Please could I have urgent feedback to when the lights will be repaired? G Fivazm Nigel Editor’s note: The above has been shortened and is part of information e-mailed to the authorities concerned.

New Balfour CPF officials elected Illegal dumping can cost you money Although the council have cleaned up a lot of overgrown stands in Dunnottar, for which the residents are very grateful, illegal dumpers still persist in breaking the law. Illegal dumping is now apparent on the newly-cut stands in some areas. Those responsible can be fined R2 000 if identified and residents are requested to take registration numbers of vehicles when illegal dumping takes place and inform the police so the culprits can be traced.

At a recent meeting the new officials for the forthcoming year of the Balfour Community Policing Forum were elected. The chairperson is Thabo Pole, the deputy chairperson is Charles Ntsimbi and the other officials are Tumelo Mapohoshe (secretary), Pastor Mashaba (deputy secretary), Bafana Mabele (deputy secretary), Miss Ouma Tsotetsi (co-ordinator), and G Govendor (PRO). Additional members: Samson Nthuping, Miss Thoko Mhlambi and Sphiwe Tshabalala. The structure is yet to schedule dates for their monthly meetings and the stakeholders’ meetings which will be published for the community.

C.J.J. STEEL cc. ~ STEEL MERCHANTS ~ Cnr: Grootvlei Rd, and Partridge St, Strubenvale Tel: 011 815 4700/1/2 * Fax: 011 8153088 email: -






12x12 ... R52.00 16x16 ... R60.00 20X20 ... R63.00 25X25 ... R73.00 ....... R107.00 32X32 ... R109.00 ..... R149.00 38X38 ... R128.00 ..... R176.00 50X50 ... R175.00 ..... R236.00 76X76 ... R252.00 ..... R346.00 100X100 .................. R451.00

PALLISADES PANELS Doggie bars optional extra


072 7900 496 or 011 814-8614


38x20 ... R108.00 ..... R133.00 38x25 ... R119.00 ..... R147.00 50x25 ... R135.00 ..... R178.00 50x38 ... R168.00 ..... R210.00 76x38 ... R204.00 ..... R247.00 76x50 ... R237.00 ..... R313.00 100X50 R307.00 ..... R344.00


20MM 25MM 32MM 38MM 50MM 76MM

... R52.00 ... R73.00 ....... ... R90.00 ....... ... R113.00 ..... ... R145.00 ..... ... R210.00 .....


R 93.00 R117.00 R137.00 R193.00 R283.00

EQ ANGLE 6M 25x25x3 .................... R 77.00 25x25x5 .................... R121.00 30x30x3 .................... R 92.00 30x30x5 .................... R149.00 40x40x3 .................... R120.00 40x40x5 .................... R189.00 25x25x2 .................... R 81.00 30x30x2 .................... R 81.90 40x40x2 (7.2) ........... R138.00


How strong is your business?

75x50x20x2 100x75x20x2


R168.00 .... R252.00 R220.00 .... R336.00


R43.00 R50.00 R52.00 R60.00 R59.00 R75.00 R79.00 R101.00 R129.00

SQ BAR 6M 8MM ......... R56.00 10MM ...... R51.00 12MM ...... R73.00

WINDOW SECTION 6M RT6 ......... RT13 ....... RX7 ......... F7 ............ F4B .........

R 77.00 R110.00 R 96.00 R 79.00 R193.00


6MM ......... 8MM ......... 10MM ...... 12MM ......

R17.00 R25.00 R39.00 R50.00


LIP/CHANNEL 75x50x20x2 .............. R222.00 100x75x20x2 ............ R241.00 125x50x20x2 ............ R269.00 150x50x20x2 ............ R299.00

........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........



20x3 20x5 25x3 25x5 30x3 30x5 40x3 40x5 50x5


R339.00 R367.00 R410.00 R455.00

2450x1225x1.6 ........................... R426.00 2450x1225x2.0 ........................... R495.00 2450x1225x2.5 ........................... R611.00 2450x1225x3.0 ........................... R795.00 2450x1225x4.0 ........................... R992.00 2500x1200x5.0 ........................ R1 323.00 2500x1200x6.0 ........................ R1 543.00 H1725



13 September 2011

Something for everyone at the Methodist fete As usual there was no shortage of visitors to the annual Methodist Church fete, which catered for all ages.

RESTAURANT & SUSHI BAR 41 Strydom Street HEIDELBERG Jaco: 082 452 2343 Werner: 083 560 8178


Sushi Night 50% off on all platters

This year there were more bargains than before at the “white’ elephant” stall from ornaments to electrical appliances and dishes. The bargains were soon snapped up. Delicious food was available, including puddings and a variety of cakes. The book stall was also bigger than ever with a selection of books in great condition to suite all tastes. People enjoyed relaxing in the tea garden and there was also a very successful spit braai. Children were catered for by face painting, a jumping castle and a stall where they could ”fish” for prizes.


Booze Night Special prices Sit do wn onl y - No tak e down only take aways - only between 18:00 - 21:00


The organization of this event must have involved a lot of hard work, but judging by the number of happy visitors, it was all well worth it! Lesley Leesmann was kept busy at the bookstall.


Colin Gillespie was one of the people in charge of the white elephant stall which had many bargains.

Eight-year old Luca Gabin was one of the many children who enjoyed “fishing’ for prizes. H1716

13 September 2011



Varkfees 2011

H1738 H1747



13 September 2011

Bejaardes kry ryk erfenis uit Gelofte Nog foto’s vanaf bl 1

Chris Engelbrecht , bestuurder van Nigel Tuiste vir Bejaardes (regs) en sy broer Piet Engelbrecht wat bykans twintig jaar lank as lid, sekretaris en voorsitter van Geloftefeeskomitee gedien het.

Die uitgetrede lede van Nigel se Geloftefeeskomitee wat by die oorhandiging teenwoordig was. Ds. Conrad Steyn, Eric v.d Heever, Bennie Holm’ner, Chris Engelbrecht, Piet Engelbrecht en Ds. Pieter Kruger.



13 September 2011


A taste for life FULLY AUTHORISED DEALER FOR: FOR WINDSCREEN REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENTSGLAZING AND ALL OTHER GLASS 13 Van Riebeeck Rd, NIGEL 1490 TEL: 011 814 7600 / 083 375 4442 FAX: 011 814 1248


GOLDEN BUFFALO SPUR The Angelo Mall, Nigel TEL: 011 739 4222/3866


TEL. (011) 814 2518 / 814-2743 CASH BLACKIE 083 357 5152 LOANS

Tel: 011 814 7289 Fax: 011 814 1106 Cell: 082 256 6320

Building material foundation to roof supplied at best prices and excellent service


You’ve tried the rest, now try the best

79 Second Street, SPRINGS TEL: (011) 812-2531

Specialising in: Motors * Filters * Salt * Chlorinators Chemicals * Solar Panels

Jacob Coetzer Office: 084 898 3323 011 814 3229 Jacques Jamneck 92 Heidelberg Weg 082 756 3207 Nigel 1490



25 Scarborough Road, Ferryvale, Nigel email:

Gawie 083 461 3659

NIGEL CK1999/072124/23


Cnr York & Johan vd Merwe Str, Visagie Park, Nigel Tel: 011 739 5838\Fax: 011 739 5845 web - email -

Cellular Repair Centre Accessories & Spare Parts Internet Café NOW IN STOCK * 14.4 HSDPA MODEM * KEYBOARD GALAXY TAP P100


Emergency Number 011 814 8111 / 011 458 0911/ 10177 Nigel Police Station 011 812 6322/40 Precint Station 011 999 9130 Payments and Warrant Enquiries 011 999 9126 Mobile Emergency Number 112 Fraud & Corruption 24-hour hot line 0800 203 623

L & R Silkscreen Printing & Embroidery WE DO: Silkscreen Printing Embroidery Vinyl Cutting Corporate Sewing

WE SUPPLY: * Golf T-Shirts * Caps & Hats * Overalls * Safety Shoes

Feel Free to contact us: Chris 082 551 4535 Tel: 011 814-2040 Fax: 011 814-8884 / 086 648 1397 17 Tulbach Street, NIGEL

Koekies & Kassies Tuisnywerheid


Vars koeke, terte en fyngebak daagliks 47 Kerk Street, NIGEL TEL: 011 814 4461

The Carswash REPAIR AND SERVICE: Domestic Fridge & Freezers, Cold Rooms, Freeser Rooms, Walk in Fridges, Display Fridges,

Counter Fridges, Washing Machines & Stoves. Installation, Repair and Service of all makes of Airconditioners. Bring this 143 Von Geusau Street, NIGEL advert for 011 814 3345, 083 657 5146, 10% discount 073 969 4333

Wynand 072 729 8223

011 814 6546 011 814 6470 011 814 8383 011 814 8218 011 814 8185

Mon. - Sat. 8:00 - 19:00 Sun. 08:00 - 15:00


French Refrigeration, Airconditioning and Home Applicances cc.

o Big o t b o J No mall S o o t r o * Wall Cladding

Laerskool Hannes Visagie Laerskool Tini Vorster Nigel Primary Hoërskool John Vorster Nigel High School

CATERING FOR ALL OCCASIONS 148 Hendrik Verwoerd Str, Nigel

(Bring your own Laptop and make music)

Sonnette 082 926 1515

Rumours Restaurant& Caterers

TEL: 011 814 2156 The Angelo Mall, Crn Heidelberg & Station Road NOYCEDALE, NIGEL


KRUGER & OKES ATTORNEYS We Can Help You Get a Bond! 23 Kingsway Avenue NIGEL email:

TEL: (011) 814-1009 (011) 814-3444

FOR ALL YOUR BEAUTY NEEDS!! * Nails * Manicure * Waxing * Pedicure * Tinting * Make-up * Diet’s Contact: 082 788 5880 (cell) or Tel: 011 814 6269, Nigel Flexi Hours: Monday’s - Friday’s

Not advertising is like winking at someone in the dark... You know what you are doing...BUT nobody else does!

Hanli 072 7900 496



For all your TYRE requirements!


Tel: 017 773 2084 Tommie Ankiewicz 082 441 1566 H/v Dyer- en Stuartst, Balfour (By Super Service Garage (Excel)

21 Marshall Street, HEIDELBERG TEL: (016) 341-3075 CELL 082 6892 101


Priscilla 079 525 2840


We celebrate 15 years of being the only Aluminium Specialist in your area!

Calypso Glass & Aluminium 24 Smit Street, Heidelberg 016 341 5114 Johan Snyman 082 955 7438

PREMIER COMMUNICATIONS 41B Voortrekker Street Heidelberg Tel: 016 341 2233 - 082 417 7149

CK 97/35810/23

For all your IT and Internet needs. Computer Hardware, Printers & Consumables, Technical Support, Internet. ADSL - iBurst- 3G Tel: 016 341 2431 Fax: 086 502 2044 Cnr H.F. Verwoerd Street & Cnr Verword & Voortrekker Street, Heidelberg

13 September 2011

Vir al u elektriese toebehore

Heidelberg - No 2 Albert Road Cnr Schoeman, Heidelberg Tel: 016 341 2593

H/v Schoeman & Albertstraat, HEIDELBERG TEL: (016) 341-6864



We fit 7days a week! 103 Minnaar Street, Balfour 2410 Sean Glaus Tel: 017 773 2108 Fax: 086 275 9364 Cell: 082 440 6903 email:

Polisie - Noodnommer: Polisie Brandweer Heidelberg Hospitaal Suikerbosrand Kliniek Netcare 911 Heidelberg Munisipaliteit

10111 016 341 2570 016 341 4327 016 341 1100 016 349 2431 016 341 2692 016 340 4000


A taste for life

SAUSALITO SPUR Cnr Jordan & Voortrekker street, Heidelberg TEL: 016 349 5917

Susan Baird 082 928 4529

Tel/Fax: 016 349 6526 Fax: 0865 301 305 email:

Heidelberg Forum Winkel No 6 (Bokant Edgars) Voortrekkerstraat Heidelberg TEL: 016 341 2931/2 email:karen@

Skryfbehoeftes Besigheidsure: Ma - Vry 08:00 - 17:00 Kantoor Meubels Sat. 08:00 - 13:00 Rekenaar Produkte Voldoen aan BEE Besigheid Tegnologie Vereistes

epos: Vir al u dakkappe en dak benodigdhede For all your roof trusses and roof requirements

016 349 1201 PROBEER ONS GERUS 016 341 3165 Toyota finansiering 016 341 9013 Lae depositos 016 342 2301 Bekostigbare paaiemente 016 342-0501 Inruilings welkom 016 341 6216 016 341 6107 016 341 2631 016 342 0621 016 341 3894 Jaco Riaan 016 349 6954 082 323 7041 083 268 9949 E/F Services t/a



Racing and Repairs


44 Schoeman Street Heidelberg


Heidelberg Public School Hoër Volkskool Hoërskool Emmasdal Hoërskool JW Luckhoff Hoërskool Sedaven Laer Volkskool Laerskool AG Visser Laerskool Sedaven Heidelberg Public Live Ministries

Marshallstraat 27, HEIDELBERG TEL: 016 349 5050 016 341 6625 Faks: 016 349 1697

Stockists and suppliers for all your electrical spares. Contact us for excellent prices and workmanship - Quality to match! Centre @ Stuart Building, Stuart St. Balfour Tinus 084 988 9185 or Soutie 082 384 0872

Winkel 24, Victorian Sentrum, Langs Pick ‘n Pay, Heidelberg Tel: 016 341 4352

* Service of car and trucks * Specialising in: For quotes or - turbo conversions repairs call.... - clutch overhauls EDDIE 082 925 6624 - brake overhauls - engine, gearbox, diff overhauls * any repairs - No job too BIG or too SMALL!


SPECIALS H.F Verwoerd Street, HEIDELBERG (Next to Creative Embroidery) Magda Botha 084 510 1021

Dr. JDP Prinsloo Endstraat 41, Heidelberg TEL: 016 341 4410 Spreekure: Maandag - Saterdag: 08:30 - 10:30 en 17:00 - 18:00 Sondag: 11:00 - 12:00 en 17:00 - 18:00

Not advertising is like winking at someone in the dark... You know what you are doing...BUT nobody else does!

Hanli 072 7900 496

13 September 2011

INDEX / INDEKS 1 Pets / Troeteldiere 2 Tours / Toere 3 Situations Wanted / Betrekkings Gevra 4 Announcements / Aankondigings 5 Vote of Thanks / Bedankings 6 Rewards / Belonings 7 Funeral Services / Begrafnis Dienste 8 Entertainment / Vermaak 9 Found / Gevind 10 Churches / Kerke 11 In Memorial / In Memorium 12 Personal / Persoonlik 13 Lost / Verlore 14 Computers / Rekenaars 15 Builders & Building / Bouers en Bouwerk 16 Sports Equipment / Sporttoerusting 17 Lift Corner / Saamrygeleenthede 18 Beauty & Health / Skoonheid en Gesondheid 19 General Service / Algemene Dienste 20 Spyseniering / Catering 21 Money & Loans / Geld & Lenings 22 Childcare / Kindersorg 23 Music / Musiek 24 Tuition / Onderrig 25 Repairs / Reparasies 26 Garden Services / Tuindienste 27 Nurseries / Kwekerye 28 Transport / Vervoer 29 For Hire / Te Huur 30 Muscellaneous / Allerlei 31 Furniture / Meubels 32 Vehicles / Voertuie 33 Caravans / Woonwaens 34 Motorcycles / Motorfietse 35 Parts / Onderdele 36 TV Services / TV Dienste 37 Employment / Betrekkings 38 Accommodation / Akkomodasie 39 Resorts / Vakansieoord 40 Wanted / Gevra 41 Townhouses / Meenthuise 42 Houses to Rent / Huise te Huur 43 Flats to Rent / Woonstelle te huur 44 To Rent / Te Koop / Plotte & Plase 45 Wanted to Rent / Te Huur Gevra 46 Houses for Sale / Huise te Koop 47 Flats for Sale / Woonstelle te Koop 48 Stands for Sale / Erwe te Koop 49 For Sale / Te Koop 50 Businesses / Besighede 01 Pets / Troeteldiere NOAH’S ARK PET SHOP: Voëlsaad, visse, viskos, koikos, akwariums, hondekos (3 in 1) Avi-Plus produkte. Bearded dragons, hamsters, krieke, meel wurms, hondehokke, hondejassies en honde bedjies. Dae oop per week 9:00 - 17:00 Naweke en vakansiedae 09:00 - 16:00. Tel: 011 814-4514. By mini Zoo, Noordstraat 132, Nigel.

08 Entertainment / Vermaak

HIRE FOR 1 DAY KEEP FOR 2 Variety Castles for all ages. Deliver / Collect Belinda 082 554 6160






Entertainment / Vermaak

General Services / Algemene Dienste

Catering / Spyseniering

ROMMEL VERWYDERING / BOOMFELLING. Verwyder enige rommel. Felling van enige boom. Opruiming van gestorte / beskadigde vragte (ongelukstoneel rehabilitasie). Algemene vervoer. Beste pryse. Gratis kwotasie. Suikerbos Transport . Skakel Hennie 082 890 9516.

12 Personal / Persoonlik

Betrekking Gevra Nie blanke dame is dringend opsoek na voltydse werk. Enige kantoor of skoonmaak werk vanaf Maandae Vrydae. Skakel 076 110 1327

MAD ABOUT PLUMBING LOODGIETERS. Spesialiseer in alle loodgieter behoeftes. Op versekering panele, Absa, Nedbank, Hollard, Santam, Mutual&Federal, Standard Bank en nog vele meer. Hanteer eis onmiddelik. Doen Solar Geysers en “Heatpumps”, alternatief tot Solar (50-80% besparing op krag). PIRB en IOPSA geregistreer. Skakel Tersia of Pieter by 016 349 5666 / 082 491 9093 / 083 547 4037

15 Builders/Building/ Bouers/Bouwerk ODD JOBS 2000. Sedert 1979 in Heildelberg en Omgewing. Bouwerk, Loodgieters, Eletries, Alterasies, Grasdakke, Verfwerk, Swembaddens, Plaveisel en alle staalwerk - Ons is so goed soos die mense wat vir ons werk - Ons het duer die jare fantastiese spanne opgebou. Skakel kantoor ure - 016 341 5445 of Piet Pienaar - 082 603 1860

BOUWERK Alle bouwerk en aanbouings. Bou van Nuwe Huise en Woonstelle (Granny Flats). Seel & verf van dakke Skakel Gerald 083 384 9599 N.H.B.R.C. Geregistreerd

BOUWERK, LOODGIETER & VERFWERK Geysers, toilets, drains, gebarste pype, skrynwerk, teëls ens. Seël van dakke & plaveisels.

Skakel: 082 646 9928 18 Beauty & Health /

* Granite tops * Bathrooms * Kitchens * All Repairs * Laminated flooring Contact: 082 471 0916 / 082 637 6963

MEDICAL PLANS From R300 that refunds un-used benefits. For more information please phone: 086 111 1254

Secure your Safety. Only the best energizers, materials, service and installations. 078 077 6636 / 082 452 6406

LAUNDRY MATE Contact us for professional LAUNDRY service 20% discount for Pensioners on Wednesdays . HOUSEMATE includes the CLEANING of offices, factories, empty houses (move in/out). Contact us now for your FREE quotation on (011) 814 3597 or 072 511 4366

Want to feel Beautiful at a affordable price? Got the solution. Buy Avon products as seen on Tv. Monthly specials available. Also agent for Honey Jewellery. Contact Jamie 076 175 3382

For 3D Designer Kitchens or kitchen revamps, BIC, Bathr, Vanities, Wall to Wall Carpets and Laminated Flooring. No compromise on Quality and Service. Free Quotations. Phone Andre at 016 349 5052 or 082 738 1441

Beauty Extreme Affordable, Quick & Glue-Free Hair Extensions

PROFESSIONAL FLOOR SANDERS. Woodenfloors, sand, seal, repairs and installation of wooden floors. Contact Tony 083 268 2203

H/v Hewitt & Ramona str, Selection park. (Across Selcourt To w e r s )

PARK & SELL We buy and sell used cars, bakkies, caravans & boats. Tel: 011 818 2478

Mandie: 083 417 4799 Charles: 082 828 0564

37 Employment / Betrekkings “Vacancy” BOH Manager & Griller. Golden Buffalo Spur. The Angelo Mall, Nigel. Energetic, contactable references & experience essential. Submit CV by fax, e-mail or at store. Tel: 011 739 4222, Fax: 011 739 5612, Closing 7 September 2011

Data Capturing / Admin Lady Must be computer literate. No experience needed. Fax CV & copy of ID to 011 814 2232 or e-mail to

* Strong durable nail extentions * Gel Toenails * Nail Products & Training * Eyelash extentions & Training * Hair extensions * Facials= Botox, Brightning ect.


32 Vehicles / Voertuie



General Services / Algemene Dienste

D’VINE GARDEN CAFÉ - 18 Van Der Stel str, Nigel. Oop 6 dae per week vanaf 8am - 5pm. Toe op Dinsdae. Verskeie ontbyt en middag etes. * Maandlikse vlooimark, elke laaste Sondag van die maand. * Stalletjies beskikbaar @ R50 per stalletjie (vir adverteer doeleindes). Gratis onthaal area vir kombuistee, baby tee, 21ste, troues en kinderpartytjies. * Perfekte onthaal area vir jou jaareind funksies of Kersfees partytjie. * Spesiale funksie spyskaarte beskikbaar. * Smaaklike “platters” beskikbaar vir enige funksie. * D’Vine verhuur ook versierings uit vir funksies. Linne, breekgoed, eetware, tafels en stoele asook tafellopers. Skakel Marlene vir meer inligting by 011 814 3612. Alternatief kan jy ons besoek op die webwerf by of of op Facebook blad onder D’Vine Functions Café om foto’s te sien van funksies.

Includes insurance products underwritten by Resolution Insurance Company Limited. FSP No: 13888

Skoonheid & Gesondheid

Christel / Monica 083 370 8374 / 011 814 2868

RUMOURS RESTAURANT: For professional catering of all events. Weddings, Parties, Spitbraais, Platters and Potjies. Nothing too big or -small. Your venue or ours. Phone Piet at 011 814 1428 / 072 470 2187. TO HIRE: Cutlery, crockery, large selection of table cloths, overlays, tables and chairs etc. Phone Sonnette 082 926 1515





13 September 2011

Hengel uitslae

42 House to Rent / Huise te Huur Huis te huur in Nigel. 4 Slaapk,1 badk, mooi kombuis, 1 motorhuis +1 slaapkamer woonstel met 1 badk, sit/eetkamer. R5000 pm. Kontak Carl 082 419 9971


TO LIST - If you want your Property listed or sold, Phone me!!! Juanita on 083 653 0192



Businesses / Besighede

3 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, Lounge, Dinning Room, Lovely kitchen and Double garage. Very Neat House. Pre paid electricity. Close to schools. Price R4800.00 p/m.

SUPER MEUBELS: Waar anders as Schoemanstr 42 , Heidelberg. Tel: 016 341 4445. Riempies telefoonbankies, riempiesbankies, hout tuin bankie (Moenie hom mis nie), Patryshout laaikas, kists, erdeware, ou drankkabinette, 2 ou ovale spieëls van gewese hangkaste, Mosaic kruise, woorde met see sand, Brassware, pienk & wit trusokist, halfmaantafels, Bal&klou koffietafels, Art deco bufette, ou radiogramme (vir die versamelaars), hout skoolbankies, Victoriaanse sitkamerstelle, groen staal koffer, Banana rockers, Chinese viole en hallstand, Bentwoodstoele, Morris stoele, blomme staanders, bedkassies, melkkanne, ou 9laai lessenaar, Wicker wiegie, voerstoeltjies, teetrollies, deurhonde - hou die wind uit, kantoorstoele, voëlhokkies, baie boeke, boekrakke, Pine wood kombuiskaste, Wicker barstoele, hospitaal trollies, geborduurde handoeke, stootkarretjies, groot verskeidenheid glase, Wicker koffie tafels, grys (staal) bunkerbed enkel bo en dubbel onder, beddens, geraamde spieëls, nuwe Presswood hangkaste, babaklere, gordyne, manne se dasse, mans pakke, bedlampies,Arts &Crafts items, 4L filing kaste, EYELEVEL OVEN/HOB/EXTRACTOR FAN R2450 SPLINTER NUUT UIT DIE BOX -, ook ander EYELEVEL OVEN/HOB R1595, kattente, matte, kaartjie rakke, tafels&stoele, sponsmatrasse, oudhede, versamelstukke, kombuisware - panne, tupper, SJOE - SO BAIE, NUWE KAR & BAKKIE BANDE ... Kom besoek ons asb - SUPER GROETE.

Contact Angelique 073 265 8134

HOUSE TO RENT with granny flat, NIGEL 3 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, Lounge, Dinning Room, Lovely kitchen and Double garage. Very Neat House. 1 Bedroom flat. Pre paid electricity. Close to schools. Price R6500.00 p/m. Contact Angelique 073 265 8134

43 Flats to Rent / Woonstelle te Huur “ Te Huur” Nigel. Bachelor woonstel of gemeubileerde woonstel R1800 pm. Onmiddelik beskikbaar. Deposito R1800. Koopkrag. Water & tuindienste ingesluit. Jammer geen kinders of troeteldiere nie. Skakel 084 403 6963 Te huur: Woonstel in Noycedale, Nigel. 2 Slaapkamer, 1½ badkamer, oopplan kombuis/sitkamer, IGK, stoof, motorafdak, stoorkamer. Loop afstand van besighede en skole. Nuut uitgeverf. R3400 pm water en ligte ingesluit + deposito van R2500. Geen troeteldiere. Onmiddelik beskikbaar. Rustige omgewing. Skakel: 084 815 9938 of 011 814 1661

44 To Rent / Te Koop / Plote & Plase Bosveldplasie Warmbad R1 400 000 ON 8,5h, koloniale styl huis, 180vkm, 4 slp, 2 badk, 2 sitk, studeerkamer, eetkamer en kombuis met opwasdeel. 2 Motorhuise (6 motors), 5 woonstelle, 1 rondawel, 1 karavaan, 100 vrugtebome, besproeiing, 2 damme, 2 boograte, 2ha droë land. Drina 083 449 0558

50 Businesses / Besighede

WARTHOG PHOTOS. We do all types of photos. If you do it, we will photograph is. Phone: Danie 072 370 1346

Geely approved workshop 26 B Marshallstraat, Heidelberg.

Tel: 016 341 3391 Fax: 016 341 4253

Fully equiped workshop All warranty work welcome Service all type of vehicles. Trevor Mortimer Workshop Manager


Jurie Boshoff Head Technician

Terms & Conditions apply

R&I Afslaers, 699 Voortrekkerstr, Brakpan, 011 740 0477 / 011 744 3544. Ons verkoop nuwe kar & bakkie bande gratis “fit&balancing” wanneer u by ons koop - bel Ivan gerus.

J DONALDSON APPLIANCES Free collection and delivery & Quotations 77 Porter Road, DUNNOTTAR. Tel: 011 734 2812 Fax: 011 734 2041

ANCIENT DAYS Antiques - oudhede. Ons koop, verkoop en restoureer meubels. Groot verskeidenheid nou beskikbaar. Kom loer gerus in. Skakel ons by 016 349 2175 of Wena 082 785 9108

50 Businesses / Besighede


* Fridges * Freezers * Stoves * Washing machines * Tumble dryers Establised 1978

JANIC WALLING Nigel 011 814 7992 Callie 073 628 5826 082 560 0175

* Betonmure * Verlenggings * Staalpalisades * Skuifhekke * Lemmetjiesdraad * Plaveisel Ons het verhuis na ‘n groter perseel.


TAX SHOP * Accounting & bookkeeping * Tax * Payroll * Company registration & amendments * BEE certification & verification * Insurance * DTI incentives * Foreign Exchange Call: Edina Beeten 082 926 0995 Email:



* Plant Nou !!! * Kom haal self. * Ook afgelewer (meer as 200m²) Skakel 086 123 5296 / LAWN

TEENY WEENIES WORK FOR YOU? Ad ver tise in our Teen y Ween y pa ges and g et rresults esults Adv ertise eeny eeny pag get esults.. Colour and w or ding of y our c hoice to pr omote y our b usiness wor ording your choice promote your business usiness.. Contact us on 011 814 8614 / 4913 ffor or details or call in a att our of offfices on the cor ner of Kings way and Van Rie beec kR oad, Nig el corner Kingsw Riebeec beeck Road, Nigel

Diepkloof Hengel het 93 vis teen 102.09kg die naweek van 2 - 4 September 2011 by Aqua Via met 30 hengelaars aan wal gebring. Uitslae kompetisie nommer 1. Senior wenners: 1ste: Darryn Pachonick met15 visse teen 15.600 kg. 2 de: Piet Rudolf met 8 visse teen 10.075 kg. 3 de: plek Pieter v Heerden met 6 visse teen 10.095kg. Dames: 1ste: Istelle Kunz met 2 visse teen 7.635 kg. 2 de: Ilize Coetser met 1 vis teen 1.430 kg. Juniors: 1ste: Dihann Pelzer met 5 visse teen 5.650 kg. 2 de: Sheldon v d Westuizen met 3 visse teen 1.140 kg en 3 de: Rickus Pachonick 1 vis teen 1.835 kg. Die wenner vir 0/13 seuns is Deric v Heerden met 3 visse teen 1.515 kg en wenner 0/13 dogters Chante v Loggerenberg met 5 vis teen 2.205 kg. Grootste Karp seniors is Pine Pienaar teen 5.910 kg.en dames Istelle Kunz teen 4.980kg. Junior wenner Rikus Pachonick teen 1.835 kg en 0/13 Chante v Loggerenberg 0.200 kg. Grootste Modder Vis wenner Deon Du Plessis teen 1.345 kg. Grootste Baber wenner Darryn Pachonick teen 0.270 kg. Grootste Kleinbek Geelvis senior wenner Abraham Pelzer teen 0.630 kg en junior Sheldon v d Westuizen teen 0.445 kg. Deric v Heerden 0/13 seun wenner teen 0.500 kg en Chante v Loggerenberg, dogter 0/13 teen 0.570 kg. Grootste Gras Karp wenner is George Edwards teen 0.840 kg. U Uitslae kompetisie nommer twee met 109 vis teen 102.16kg. Seniors wenners: 1ste: plek George Edwards met 18 visse teen 13.660 kg. 2de: Pieter v Heerden met 17 visse teen 9.955 kg. 3de: plek Darryn Pachonick met 12 visse teen 12.125 kg. Dames wenners: 1ste: plek Ilize Coetser met 2 visse teen 1.855 kg. 2de: plek Bev Rudolf met 2 visse teen 1.855 kg. Junior wenners: 1ste: Dihann Pelzer met 8 visse teen 4.565 kg. 2de: Quinton v d Schyff met 2 visse teen 2.170 kg en 3de: Rickus Pachonick met 1 vis teen 1.050 kg. 0/13 Seuns 1ste: plek Deric v Heerden met 6 visse teen 3.010 kg. 2de: Dillen Pachonick 1 vis teen 5.135 kg. 3de: Pieter v Heerden met 3 visse teen 2.730 kg. Wenner 0/13 Dogters is Chante v Loggerenberg 1 vis teen 0.205 kg. Grootste Karp wenners: Nick Grogler 3.440 kg, I Kunz 1.715 kg, Quinton v d Schyff 1.095 kg, Chante v Loggerenberg 0.205 kg en Dillien Pachonick 5.135 kg. Grootste Modder Vis wenners: Senior wenner George Edwards 1.725 kg, dames Bev Rudolf 1.290 kg en 0/13 seuns Pieter v Heerden 1.620 kg. Grootste Grootbek Geelvis wenner is Darryn Pachonick 0.645 kg. Pieter v Heerden 0.720 kg senior wenner, Bev Rudolf 0.565 kg dames wenner, junior wenner Dihann Pelzer 0.705 kg en Deric v Heerden 0.745 kg 0/13 seuns wenner. Volgende kompetisie is te Koppies op die 30 September en 2 Oktober 2011. Navrae Jaco Nel (Voorsitter) 083 6099310 Abraham Pelzer (Onder Voorsitter) Cell No 083 682 2645.



YOU ARE.. * a go getter * motivated * positive * hard working and * have excellent people skills * previous sales experience * own transport...... then you could become our

AD VER TISING SALES ADVER VERTISING REPRESENT ATIVE. REPRESENTA Send your CV to: or fax to 086 751 7998 or hand it in at our offices

13 September 2011





Polisie besoek kleintjies

Die kindertjies van Elrey Dagsorg in Somersetstraat 21, Nigel, het twee weke terug groot oog toegekyk hoe die dienaars van die gereg hulle besoek het “om goeie menseverhoudings” te skep. Heel regs is A.O.Stephen van de Venter met langs hom A.O. André Grobler. In die middel is eienaar Elsie Reyneke met Kayleigh van Wyk. Heel links is Louise Roux met Henry Dames en Jackie Kuhn met Sebastian Vermaak. Teen die motor staan Monique van den Heever, Christo Alberts, Mignon Stander. Voor sit Cathrine van Niekerk, Liané van Schalkwyk, Nadine van Wyk en Clarise Koen.

13 September 2011

Hoera, hoera, hoera!!

U Build Nigel het op 1 September 2011 heerlike lente gehou en al wat ‘n kleur is ten toon gestel. Wees bly die son skyn!


Christelle Enslin winner of the 10 unit contract

Fax: 011 814 3348

YOLANDI 071 446 2590

GLENV ARL OCH - NIGEL R625 000 (ONO) GLENVARL ARLOCH Groot 3 slaapkamers, 2 vol badk(1 met stort + bad), ingangsportaal groot sit-kamer,massiewe eetkamer plus tv of studeerkamer pragtige houtkombuis en d/motorhuis. H1727


Office: 011 814 3349

TEL: Johan by 0724231703

TE HUUR Kopers welkom om aanbod te maak

RHONA 071 559 3706 HEIDELBERG ................................................... R732 000 Groot winskoop - 3 Slaapkamer huis met ‘n dubbel garage. HEIDELBERG .................................................. R380 000 2 Slaapkamer woonstel met garage en afdak. HEIDELBERG .................................................. R900 000 2 Slaap, 2 bad, d/garage meenthuis. KAYDALE ......................................................... R700 000 2.42 hct plot met woonhuis, 2 boorgate, 2 werkswinkels en 3 woonkwatiere vir werkers of verhuurings. Flats for sale in Rensburg / Heidelberg.

DAVE 083 235 7391

Huis sentraal geleë. Loop-afstand van Hoër en Laerskool. 3 Slaapk, 2 badk, enkel motor-huis met dubbel afdak. Swembad met netjiese skoon tuin. H1711

Skakel 083 604 3452

NOYCEDALE .................................................... R550 000 Huis + woonstel - 3 Slaap, 1 bad, sitkamer, eetkamer, nuwe kombuis, d/afdakke + 1 slaap woonstel, badkamer + sitkamer. EXT 2 .................................................................. R650 000 Pragtige 3 slaap, 1 bad, sitkamer, eetkamer, lekker groot kombuis, d/motorhuis, Baie potensiale huis. VISAGIE PARK ................................................. R650 000 Winskoop - 3 Slaap , 2 bad, sitkamer, eetkamer, d/ motorhuis, baie pragtig.

NIGEL PLOT ...................................................... R660 000 10 hct, large family room house + much more. NOYCEDALE: ............................................. R430 000 3 Bed, 2 bath, lounge, dining, large stand, carports. Very neat. EXT 2 ................................................................... R660000 3 Beds, 1 bath, s/garage, d/carport. Very neat. ALRAPARK ....................................................... R295 000 3 Bed, large yard GREYLINGSTAD ............................................. R1760 000 42 hct plot, 4 bed, 2 bath, 8 chicken run. WANNA SELL YOUR PROPERTY IN ALRAPARK? WE GOT CASH BUYERS FOR ALRAPARK H1744


13 September 2011



Sukses vir Sagies in Springs Kunswedstryd

Laerskool Hannes Visagie senior spraakkoor saam Juf Sandrie Kane wat ‘n A+++ behaal het.

Trio olv Juf Sandrie Kane behaal A++. Agter vlnr: Leanca van den Heever, Juf Sandrie Kane, Nelisca Pienaar. Voor: Tiaan Potgieter.

Leerders wat deelgeneem het aan Afrikaanse voordrag. Agter vlnr: Tiaan Potgieter (A), Carmen Pienaar (A+), Leanca van den Heever (A++), Nelisca Pienaar (A+). Voor vlnr: Lucinda van der Merwe (A), Charlande Swanepoel (A+), Luane Viljoen (A++), Maritza Marits (A++), Meagan Thompson (A++).

Trio olv Juf Madele van Vuuren behaal A+ by Springs Kunswedstryd. By Juf Madele staan (vlnr) Annemie Prinsloo, Anique Ferreira en Jeanine Janse van Vuuren.

Trio olv Juf Luciana Amara behaal A+++ en is afdelingswenners. Agter vlnr: Merusha Moore, Juf Luciana Amara, Lisa Bronkhorst. Voor: Chrismarie Goold.

Die junior spraakkoor van Laerskool Hannes Visagie saam Juf Hannetjie Joubert het ‘n A+ behaal.

Laerskool Hannes Visagie kwartet behaal A++ by Springs Kunswedstryd. Agter: Luther Baadjies, Jannes Swart. Voor vlnr: Thyze Groesbeek, Carmen Pienaar.

Die tro behaal A++. Luan Viljoen, Josua Swart en Lizerie de Lange.

Hierdie kwartet behaal A+++ by Springs Kunswedstryd en is afdelingswenners. Agter: Juf Sandrie Kane. Middel vlnr: Meagan Thompson, Carmia Prinsloo. Voor vlnr: Charlande Swanepoel, Marelise Pretorius.



Nigel Ringbal Die klub spreek sy dank uit teenoor die borge, Fatboy Engineering (Frans) en Angelo Spar (Jimmy) wat die hempies op die foto geborg het. Die mans het maar vanjaar swak gevaar terwyl die Dames in die B-liga silwer verower het. Die damespan het ook in die C-liga silwer gekry. Rickey Lubbe is aangewys as die beste opekomende speler van die jaar terwyl Annatjie


Claassen Sportvrou van die Jaar is. Rickey Lubbe, Rina Fletcher, Wanda Pretorius en Arrie Scheepers het GO klere verwerf, terwyl Rickey die SA span in Julie gehaal het. Oefeninge is op Dinsdae en Donderdae van 19:00 – 21:00. Oefenige begin weer op 25 Jan. 2012 en wedstryde word op Saterdae in Brakpan of Springs gespeel. Bel Annatjie by 083-4812-4789 vir nadere inligting.

13 September 2011

Andre is OERF kampioen As Andre Botha van Heidelberg soos sy top duiwe kon vlieg, sou hy ongetwyfeld altyd tussen die voorstes eindig. Byna kan ‘n mens hom nou verdoop na die Flying Deluxe want met ‘n reeks imposante oorwinnings het hy hom reeds breë vlerk gevestig as een van Heidelberg se voorste duiweboere en afrigters. Sy reekse oorwinnings raak al amper te veel om op te noem. In die dertiende (27 Augustus) en veertiende vlugte (3 September) van die seisoen was dit weer sulke tyd. In albei wedrenne vlieg hy eerste plekke los. Hy oorheers nou die wenplekke in OERF Heidelberg Posduifklub vir hierdie seisoen. In die vlug van 3 September van Britstown af, het Andre posisies 1, 3, 6, 12, 13 en 16 ingeneem en op 27 Augustus van Strydenburg af, posisies 1, 2, 4, 15, 17, 26 en 30. Ander posisies in die ope afdeling op 3 September is ingeneem deur Danie Botes (1, 19, 29), David en Derrick (2)), M en Y Kingbiel (20, 25) Willem Matthee(8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 27, 30), Ferdie Pienaar (4, 14, 23, 28) Henk Pienaar (2, 23, 28), Tinus Potgieter (11, 17, 21)en Cobus Venter (24). In die afdeling op 27 Augustus is die ander posisies ingeneem deur Danie Botes (29), David en Derrick (7, 19, 28), M en Klingbiel (5, 9), Willem Matthee (3, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16 en 20), Alroy Paulse (21, 27), Ferdie Pienaar (6, 12,, 18, 22, 24), Henk Pienaar (23, 25)),Tinus Potgieter (33) en Cobus Venter (35).

If It Matters To You, It Matters To Us Lede van die Nigel Ringbalklub wat vanjaar lekker gespeel het, maar nog mans en vroue word vir volgende jaar gesoek om die klub ‘n goeie hupstoot te gee.


Orion Motor Group

Johan .............. 084 Morné .............. 083 Nora ................ 079 Adele ............... 082 Simon .............. 074

26 B Marshallstraat, HEIDELBERG Tel: 016 341-3391 Fax 016 341-4253

R89 900

722 607 736 969 955

9410 4574 0854 4482 5805

R109 900

‘02 BMW 325 Ti

‘06 Toyota Camry 2.4 XLi

R74 900

R99 900

‘04 Renault Grand Scenic 11 2.0 Exp

NEW Geely MK 2 1.5

R104 995

R109 900

R94 900

‘08 Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTi enjoy

‘07 Honda Jazz 1.5 VTec

NEW Geely LC 1.3

R79 950 R159 900


BMW X5 2.-0

‘05 Peugeot 407 2.2 Sport

R69 900

‘04 VW Polo 1.6 Comfortline

R79 900

R105 900

R99 900

‘06 Ford Focus 2.0 TDCi Si 5dr

‘05 Toyota Corolla 140i GLE

‘03 Mercedes Vito 112 CDi 2.2

‘07 VW Polo 1.9 TDi Highline

R94 900

R149 900

R99 900

R99 900

‘09 Nissan Livina 1.6 Visia

‘08 Hyundai Bakkie 2.6 F/S D/S

R99 900

‘08 Toyota Avanza 1.3 SX

‘05 Mercedes Benz E270 CDi


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