Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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7 Newly build shops to let in Nigel CDB ±100m2 each

R3 500 p/m exl. Contact FRED 082 456 8417 VOLUME 7 No. 13

4 A


Cnr. Kingsway & Van Riebeeck Street, NIGEL Cell 079 493 0075

TEL: (011) 814 8614

FAX: 086 751 7998

7 Newly build shops in Nigel CDB for sale

R2,5 million ±100m2 each

Contact FRED 082 456 8417

View our online edition at

12 JULY 2011

How many still have to die? The recent death of Cameron Marks (12) in Alra Park, Nigel after being struck by a vehicle on the Balfour-Nigel Road, brought back memories of Shireen Vegatass (7) who died in a similar fashion some 28 years ago. Cameron, a learner from Nigel Primary School in Makenzieville, was crossing the main road at 16:50 on 29 June after visiting the shops, when a black VW Polo, coming from Balfour, struck him. Unconfirmed allegations suggest that Cameron was on the lookout for vehicles coming from Nigel when the accident occurred. He was on his way back to his home in 12 Bangal Street, Alra Park. Rookshana Wallace, then Begg, told Rekord that Shireen was her best friend. They too attended Nigel Primary School in Mackenzieville. Shireen, while waiting on

Rookshana, died when a bakkie struck her. The Indian community cried out that some more stop and speed limit signs should be erected. Some 28 years later the position is basically still the same. Rookshana wants to know: “How many children more have to die before the council or province looks at the safety of the communities of Mackezieville and Alra Park?” Rookshana paid tribute to Cameron as a child of God. “He brought people together with a loving and kind spirit. He motivated family and friends to go to church on Sundays and assisted with teaching Sunday school when one of the teachers was absent. He leaves behind his father and mother, a sister and two brothers and would have turned 13 on 28 July.”

The Balfour Road through Mackenzieville. Cameron Marks died on a spot between the vehicle on the left and the other vehicles on the right hand side.

Butterum Deshellum ENJOYUM!

Wrede plaasmoord Wraak of ‘n inbraak wat skeef geloop het, sit waarskynlik agter die tragedie van 1 Julie toe twee vermeende moordenaars ‘n bejaarde egpaar van ‘n plaas buite Heidelberg in ‘n grusame dubbele plaasmoord vankant gemaak het. Wyle Tiens Bekker (68) en sy vrou Charlotte (60) is op Vrydag 1 Julie wreedaardig met ‘n skerp wapen vermoor kort nadat hulle die aand van ‘n besoek na die opstal teruggekeer het. Die twee vermeende moordenaars het vermoedelik binne die huis op hulle gewag. Uit gesprekke met wyle mev. Bekker, voorheen Le Roux, se seuns Chris, Emile en Theo le Roux, blyk dit dat knap speurwerk en inligting daartoe gelei het, dat die een moordenaar ‘n hanetreetjie van waar die tragedie hom afgespeel het, op Sondag by ‘n onwettige drinkplek in hegtenis geneem is. Hy was tot sewe weke gelede nog ‘n werknemer op die plaas en is weens oneerlikheid in die pad gesteek. Chris het Ouma Charlotte, soos haar kleinkinders haar genoem het, op ‘n gemakstoel gevind waar haar hande met draad vasgemaak was. Oupa Tiens is na die kamer geneem. In die gebeure wat daarop gevolg het, is ouma Charlotte met ‘n voorwerp (waarskynlik iets soos ‘n panga) só hard gekap dat sy met die stoel agteroor geval het. Oupa Tiens is in sy slaapkamer naby die kluis, kruis en dwars oor die borskas gekap. Senior polisiemanne het dit as “wreed en lelik “ beskryf. Die egpaar is Vrydag uit die NG Moederkerk in Meyerton begrawe. Die moordenaars het hulle met sowat R2 000 kontant en ander goedere uit die voete gemaak en ‘n voertuig op die werf gesteel. Op pad na Vereeniging het hulle die voertuig omgekeer. ‘n Noodvoertuig het dit die Saterdagoggend leeg gevind en ‘ n selfoon van een van die oorledenes opgetel. Sodoende kon Chris le Roux opgespoor word. Hy het van sy plaas, sowat 8 km vandaar, na oupa Tiens se plaas gejaag waar hy op die moorde afgekom het. Die drie seuns het net die grootste lof vir die ondersoekspan en het veral kapt. Danie

Naude van Heidelberg Speurdiens uitgesonder vir sy uitsonderlike rol. “Hy het knap leiding geneem, ons met groot menslikheid behandel en voortdurend op die hoogte van ontwikkelings gehou.” Die familie is die afgelope paar jaar deur tragedies geteister. Chris le Roux, pa van die seuns, het vier jaar gelede in Heidelberg in ‘n huis doodgebrand, en skoonsus Angie le Roux se suster Cordelia Prinsloo is in Oktober 2009 by Buffelsdrift buite Pretoria met iets soos ‘n graaf vermoor. Behalwe die polisie en speurders van Heidelberg was die hondeeenheid (K9), die Liggaams Vloeistof Opspoor Eenheid, die Vingerafdrukeenheid, Kol. Mokoena van Redan (die groeps diensoffisier wat ver meer as sy plig gedoen het), brig. Anton du Bruyn, die Groepsbevelvoerder van Vereeniging wat op die toneel gesê het hy sal die moorde nie duld nie, ook op die toneel.

Monday feesh burger madness!!! 2 x Feesh burgers served with 100g chips


Garlic Bread Massive and cheeezy!!!!


Veggies of the day Spinnach and butternut


Deleesious cakes Variety to choose from

Feeesh bowl Tasty but Dangereees!!!





Onion rings


Crummed onion rings

Hake medallions 240g of succulent hake medallions


Shooters Beeeg variety of shooters

Crab claws Top up x 5


Stirfry For our vegetarions


Greek evening Saturday 30 July 2011 Breaking plates, Greek dancing Specials ONLEE AT:NIGEL

2 Roxburg Street Springs (opp. Mac Donalds)

TEL: 011 362 4508 072 056 3451

Shop No 24 B, The Angelo Mall, Cnr Heidelberg & Station Road, Noycedale, Nigel.

Tel: 011 814 3311 * 011 739 5553



12 JULY 2011

Haar vingers skets lewe Indawo excels Rita Heymans van Poortjie is, wanneer dit by skilder kom, so vaardig met die vingers soos ‘n dartelende vlinder. Hiervan getuig haar olieverfwerke terdeë. Sy is waarskynlik slegs een van ‘n paar SuidAfrikaanse skilders wat letterlik haar vingers in verf doop en daarmee verf. Rita is veral lief


ROBERT DYKE 083 266 5453 STEVE DYKE 082 428 7262 LEADERS IN CUSTOM MADE SHOPFRONTS e-mail: 58 Second Avenue, Nigel 1490 Tel: 011 814-1577/26 Fax: 011 814 8467

vir portrette en benewens haar wys- en ringvinger, gebruik sy ook ‘n fyn kwassie en oorstokkies om die werk af te rond. Sy het maar redelik onlangs begin verf en het nou ‘n stuk of tien sulke werke tot haar krediet. Sy het o.a. ‘n skildery van Eugene Marais gemaak wat nou in die A. G. Visserhuis hang. Rita het die tegniek by wyle tannie Anne Benson in Heidelberg aangeleer. Haar eerste vingerportret was van haar pa, Rocco Minnie wat in 2001 vir haar ‘n verfstelletjie gekoop het. Rocco het alles probeer om Rita aan te moedig om haar talente verder te ontwikkel. Rita, Paul en hul drie kinders, twee seuns en ‘n dogter, het ses en ‘n half jaar in Londen gebly. Daar het Rita koeksisters vir ‘n inkomste gebak en in vier jaar sowat 16 000 dosyn in die mark gestoot. Hulle het in 2009 teruggekeer na Heidelberg waar Paul nou vir sy Australiese onderneming werk. Haar besigheid word as “Images of God” bedryf “want ons is almal na die beeld van God geskape.” Sy stal een keer per maand by Henley On Klip uit. Rita Heymans met ‘n skilderstuk van ‘n ou man

Telephone cables stolen again Residents of Struisbult have been without telephones for over six weeks. This is the fourth time this year it has happened. The phones were also off when the home for mentally disabled in the area was burnt down. Struisbult residents say they are fed up and have been told that the cause is cables being stolen. They say they cannot afford to use cellphones all the time and are unhappy that the problem seems to be ongoing.

SPCA meeting The Nigel SPCA will hold the annual general meeting on Saturday, July 30 at 14:00 at the Nigel Rugby Club. All members of the public are welcome.Contact Hazel McLuckie on 084 485 7020.

From the desk of Rev Ray Goddess Come to the Centre of Help trades under the name Indawo Yosizo (Centre of help in Zulu) and is the outreach arm of Heidelberg Methodist Church. Indawo Yosizo was established in 2007 and at that point in time employed one person on a full time basis. Through the years there have been many changes within Indawo but at the same time there have been many Rev Goddess, Heidelberg Methodist Church achievements. The prime reason for the existence of Indawo is to help the community and people in need. To get this right an organization needs two things. People and funds. The people working for a Faith Based Organization (FBO) are very special in that their work is more a calling than just a job. They have been called by God to do His work in an organization and work either on a voluntary basis or on a stipend remuneration basis. Stipends are very seldom “get rich” salaries and so the dedication and commitment of the staff is always admirable. The outreach that was started in 2007 still continues today with street people being fed, families getting food parcels (when we have enough resources to purchase the food), people getting taught how to sew, knit and grow food gardens (vegetable gardens), a place where the addicted can come for help and a centre that reaches out and helps the Orphan and Vulnerable Child (OVC) and the AIDS infected and affected. The “explosion” and big achievement has however come on the side of our OVC and AIDS programs. Indawo was originally registered as a Section 21 Company and later was registered as an NPO (Non Profit Organization). Further registration took place and Indawo was finally registered as a PBO (Public Benefit Organization) that can now be used to assist with BEE ratings and can also issue 18A certificates for tax relief on both company and personal basis. With all these registrations behind us Indawo applied to the Government (Department of Health) to get subsidy to employ Home Based Care personnel who would work with the OVC children. These funds were granted and we started with a few care workers getting the assigned stipend from the Government funds. But this is where Indawo has EXCELLED. Indawo was recently approached by Sedibeng and asked to take on 25 Lay Counsellors on our books. This is seen as an honour in that all the hard work of the Indawo Management and Staff has been seen and recognized and Lesedi felt that Indawo was worthy of this task. The net result is that Indawo now has over 55 care workers in permanent employ. This is a true feather in the cap of Indawo and congratulations goes to Rudolf Kruger (Manager), Elvera Troskie (Care Worker Coordinator), Annette Kruger (book keeper), Jenny Deysel (Board Member) and all the other volunteers and staff involved with the OVC and AIDS program. How can you help? Well one of the biggest frustrations to all involved in the program is that the funds supplied by the Government can only be used for specific payments (stipends, training etc) and cannot be used to purchase any food or clothes for the OVC and AIDS sufferers. At the moment Indawo has over 300 OVC children and over 200 AIDS sufferers. We would appeal to the corporate sector to consider keeping their donations to PBOs “local” and start supporting Indawo with their contributions and donations. Likewise individuals can donate to Indawo and receive full tax relief for the donation. If you have any queries on this or would like to know more about donating to Indawo please contact Rudolf Kruger on 084 404 1966. Well done Indawo Yosizo. We and Heidelberg community are proud in your achievements.

Nigel Methodist Church C/o Olifaunt & George Heriot Glenvarloch, Nigel Tel: 011 814 3151

In Nigel for the people of Nigel!

“ I will turn their morning into gladness: I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow” Jeremiah 31:13 SUNDAY SERVICE: SUNDAY SCHOOL: HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS :

09:00 & 18:00 09:00 10:15

57 Strydom Street, Heidelberg Tel: (016) 341-2437 Rev. Ray Cell 082 656 3123 “We exist to be like Christ, live like Christ, and share the exciting message of Christ to all people”. EXPERIENCE CHRIST’S LOVE AND OUR FRIENDSHIP

to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. (James 1:27b) Service times: 08h00 – Traditional Service (Mother’s Room available) 09h30 – Worship Service (Mother’s Room available) 18h00 – C.I.A. Service (for Adults and Youth)

12 JULY 2011



Wednesday 13, Thursday 14, Friday 15, Saturday 16 July ...WHILE STOCKS LAST Capo Acrylic Jerseys V& crewneck

Garlo G Fashion cord Trousers


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R400 EAGLE S/S Denim Shirts 2 XL TO 5XL








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Jean Pierre Suede Look Smart Casual Jacket from




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R100 A



JEAN PIERRE Corduroy Jackets

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Harrison Padded Hooded Tops

to :00 4 1 :00 2 1 to sts. 0 3 la : : 8 cks i r F sto Kakiebos :15 hile 7 1 T-Shirts g 0 - alid w 0 : er 3 for 14 es v b l 0 ic de 5 3:0 0. Pr i 1 e o 0 0 t 13: , H 210 d 3 t : n o e u S8 0t re 41 ro t UR T 8:0 G H S 3 r T A et 16 N - 15 S we O o m L M 17: is el: 0 S: K R U T 15 HO




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12 JULY 2011

Crime warning for businesses The importance of an AnteNuptial contract - by JP Okes

A warning to local businesses regarding crime has been given by David Niebuhr, chairman of the Nigel Community Policing Forum (CPF). “It seems there is a group of small business robbers operating in our area, targeting the more “informal traders and businesses.” says Niebuhr. “There is also a re-occurrence of robberies in smaller shops in the Alra Park areas, where cash and cellphone airtime is taken. “These robberies are planned and done by people that are well dressed and initially presenting themselves as customers. Nieburh gives the following important tips to business

owners on how they can protect themselves: If possible do not keep too much cash on your premises. Where facilities are available have a drop-safe installed and put up a camera to record all movement in and out of the premises. Employ a security guard or make use of a reputable security company. Have all airtime vouchers available at the counter but only keep enough for one day’s sales. Report any suspicious persons to the SAPS and share information with them or contact David Niebuhr on e-mail at and arrange to meet him at the SAPS with any information which may be helpful.

GEHOORSENTRUM JJC Kruger & Vennote Springs Parkland Kliniek Spesialiste Spreekkamer

011 812 4172

267 6198 SKAKEL 083 267 6198

Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging (By River Square kruising) 016 423 3553

JB Granite Tombstones

Shoprite Centre NIGEL

CALL US 072 174 6475 079 765 4447

Winter Carnival Lucky draw: Free cellphone Free gift Big specials till 30 July 2011


BUY 1 GET 1 FREE! (007) R6 500

INKE HOUSE R25 000 JB250 R20 000

E35 R3 300

Big special Combo of this 3 stones only R10 000



Shoprite Centre - Nigel, Masangita Spar Centre - Giyane, Northcliff Shoprite Centre - Roodepoort.

It is said that marriage is the sole cause of divorce. Who can argue with that kind of logic? If divorce statistics in South Africa are anything to go by, then roughly 1 in 5 (or ± 20%) of marriages in South Africa end in divorce. It only makes sense to attempt to reduce your chances of becoming divorced before you get married. One of the many ways in which you can do so is by carefully choosing the manner in which you are going to get married. Insofar as civil marriages in South Africa are concerned, there are basically three ways in which you may get married, namely: (i) In community of property; (ii) Out of community of property; and (iii) Out of community of property with the inclusion of the so called accrual system. If you decide to get married out of community of property you will have to enter into a contract with your partner before you get married. If you do not enter into the contract before you get married you will automatically be married in community of property. The contract is called an “Ante Nuptial Contract” or so called “ANC”. Your attorney will attend to the drafting and registration of the contract, and will probably charge you between R1 000,00 and R1 500,00 for the contract. In what follows I hope to briefly set out some of the advantages and disadvantages of the various manners in which you can get married. Marriages in community of property A marriage in community of property is one where each spouse effectively has an undivided half share in all the property jointly owned by the spouses. There are very few exclusions to this rule, one of which will be an inheritance of one of the spouses where the deceased has directed in his / her will, that the spouses’ inheritance will not form part of the joint property. Unless there is good reason not to do so, all the assets of the spouses (the joint estate) will be divided equally between the spouses upon their divorce. Most attorneys would advise their clients not to get married in community of property as there are very few real advantages in this regard.This system does provide protection for the spouse who remains at home and raises the children, whilst the other spouse is given the freedom of being able to work on a career, and to build a large estate. The accrual system however provides the same protection without the disadvantages of a marriage in community of property. The biggest disadvantage of such a marriage relates to claims by creditors. If one spouse owes money, then both spouses owe money. If one spouse is declared insolvent, then both spouses are declared insolvent. For all practical purposes you are putting all your eggs in one basket,

and we know what folklore has to say about that. One bad business decision or even a motor vehicle accident can destroy the joint estate and leave the spouses destitute. A surefire way of increasing the odds of a divorce is to place severe financial pressure on a couple. Anybody wishing to get married in community of property would be wise to reconsider and to obtain legal advice. Marriages out of community of property (without the inclusion of the accrual system) In these types of marriages there is no “joint” estate except where the spouses have entered into some kind of partnership agreement in respect of a specific asset. Each spouse builds his / her own estate separately to that of the other spouse. Your eggs are effectively in two different baskets, and you can move eggs from one basket to another depending on the individual spouse’s risk profile. Accordingly if one spouse has a high risk profession, and could possibly lose everything overnight, it would make sense to place the majority of the couple’s assets in the other spouse’s name. Each spouse incurs debts in their own name. Unless one spouse has signed surety on behalf of the other, one spouse is not responsible for the payment of the other spouse’s debts. The risk of severe financial pressure being placed on the marriage is far less than in the case of marriages in community of property. The greatest potential disadvantage is that one spouse’s estate becomes much larger than the other spouse’s estate not with standing the fact that both spouses may have worked equally hard on building their respective estates. Upon divorce the “poor” spouse may have no claim to any part of the “rich” spouse’s estate. This system is therefore open to abuse. The best way to prevent abuse would be to attempt to ensure that the value in the individual spouses’ estates remain more or less equal during the marriage. Marriages out of community of property (with the inclusion of the accrual system) In many respects the accrual system provides the protection offered by marriages in community of property, but excludes many of the disadvantages of being married in community of property. The accrual system can become complicated. As I believe that a discussion thereof requires more space than is left for this article, I hope to deal with this system in my next article. If you take nothing else from this article, then please at least remember that you must enter into a contract before you get married, if you wish to get married out of community of property. When planning your marriage, I believe it would be foolish of you not to include a consultation with your attorney to advise you on the best system for you.

12 JULY 2011



Nigel verkeerslig eis nog ‘n slagoffer ‘n Passasier, Cynthia Sithole (33) is dood en die bestuurder van ‘n taxi lig beseer toe die taxi Donderdag omstreeks die middaguur by die Angelo Mall in ‘n botsing met ‘n leë tenkwa betrokke was. Die taxi wou klaarblyklik die kruising oorsteek toe die tenkwa dit regs agter getref het. Verskeie ongelukke het al vanjaar by die kruising plaasgevind. Van die verkeerspale was in die ongelukke beskadig en minstens een was ‘n tyd lank buite werking.

In die betrokke geval wil dit voorkom asof minstens een van die twee drywers oor ‘n rooi verkeerslig gery het. Die metro polisie was kort na die ongeluk op die toneel. ‘n Kombers het oor die linkerdeur gehang. Dis gewoonlik ‘n aanduiding dat ‘n persoon gesterf het. Die brandweerwa en ambulans was ook op die toneel. Die Metro Polisie het by die ter perse gaan bevestig dat ‘n aanklag teen die drywer van die trok ondersoek word.

Restaurant & Wine Cellars

Man arrested A 27-year-old man was arrested last week on the Masechaba area of Duduza for being in possession of two stolen vehicles. Const Thabo Senyatsi was patrolling in the area when he noticed a blue Mazda Midge being towed by a blue Ford Tracer. He noted that the Mazda was verbally circulated as stolen in Nigel over the radio. He gave chase and was able to get the vehicles to pull off the road. The Ford Tracer was then tested and identified as having been stolen in Springs. The driver was placed under arrest and faces charges of possession of stolen motor vehicles. An investigation is underway to trace and apprehend the second suspect who fled the scene.

Tel: 016 349 1864 Faks: 016 349 6666 Epos:

We Have moved to 101 Northern Road, Nigel * * * * * * *

Die beskadigde taxi waarin een persoon Donderdag naby die Angelo Mall gesterf het.

NIGEL 011 814 7104 email:

Shopfronts * Flush Glazing Hinge Doors * Stack Doors Folding Doors Steel & Wooden Windows Sliding Doors Aluminium Windows * Showers Glass/Table Tops * Mirrors


* Aluminium Garage Doors * Expandable Security Gates TEL: 011 814 4295 FAX: 011 814 4296 Dawie 072 181 9222


Kontak Rina of Sanet vir meer inligting! Ons wag vir jou oproep!

‘07 Nissan Tiida 1.6 Visia+ 5Dr ‘09 JEEP CHEROKEE SPORT 3.7 ‘11 NISSAN QASHQAI 2.0dCIi ACENTA

R269 900

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R264 900



‘09 Nissan QASHQAI 2.0DCi ACENTA

R279 900

R259 900

R239 900

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‘09 NISSAN NP200 1.6I BASE


R94 900

R89 900

R124 900

Shoprite Sentrum, Voortrekkerstr. HEIDELBERG

‘08 Nissan Micra 1.4 Visia 5Dr ‘04 MINI COOPER


R84 900

R54 900

R94 900

HEIDELBERG: 6 Schrader Street

Tel: 016 349 1333 Marius 083 472 6860 Nico 082 680 1141 Tommy 072 573 6424 Jean 083 279 7643 Hennie 082 334 3602


NIGEL 63 Kerk Street Tel: 011 814 7526 Dawie 083 792 8369 Gys 083 699 0335 Kobus 082 853 4048 E&EO


NIGEL/HEIDELBERG REKORD - ONLINE EDITION 12 JULY 2011 Slegs die room van 250 kunstenaars is gekies om aan die uitstalling deel te neem. Lizelle gebruik olieverf as medium en haar temas wissel van dromerige, romantiese tonele tot dramatiese stukke wat meestal die sensualiteit en broosheid van die vroulike figuur uitbeeld. Sy is Lizelle Esterhuizen van Nigel se skilderye is so uniek en treffend nou vyf jaar lank voltydse kunstenaar en doen dit al vir tien jaar. dat sy vanjaar as een van die twintig jong en opkomende Suid- Sy stal o.a. in Heidelberg by die maandelikse SuCraihe mark uit wat Afrikaanse kunstenaars genooi is om aan die New Signatures Exhi- elke eerste week van die maand plaasvind, asook in verskeie galerye. bition in Roodepoort deel te neem. Die uitstalling maak die deur oop vir uitstallings in die land se top Lizelle se werk is deur die Alice Art Gallery, een van die land se grootste kunsgalerye en is hoog aangeskrewe by kunstenaars en kunsliefhebgalery groepe vir die uitstalling van 21 Julie tot 4 Augustus gekeur. bers. Lizelle het in Nigel groot geword en in John Vorster gematrikuleer. Sy is met ‘n Vrystaatse boer, Dries getroud en hulle het drie jaar lank in Bloemhof gewoon voordat hulle na Nigel verhuis het waar hulle nou weer drie jaar lank woon. Dries is ‘n plaasbestuurder buite die dorp. Alice Art Gallery sê hulle is oortuig dat die vlak van talent en kwaliteit onoortreflik is. “Dit was moeilik om net ‘n handjievol te kies, maar ons het volle vertroue in ons keuses en glo dat slegs die beste van die bestes gekeur is.” Bel die galery by 083-331-8466.

Roem wink vir Lizelle

Strong men take Tata Brakpan on board The strong men of Highlander Strongman Union have taken on board the vehicle company, Tata Brakpan, as their sponsor for upcoming and future events. The Strongman Union was founded by ex South African strong man Malone Horn in 1997 and is now a recognized professional sport. Since its founding in 1997, Strongman has drawn a lot of strength athletes to participate on a national level and serve the community by participating in charity events and fund raisers. Atlas stones, tyre flipping, log lifting, truck pulling, dead weight lifting and centre weight, are some of the events in which the strong men compete. Some of the top athletes are: Andre Sweeney (29), mass 120 kg, a career of six years, has been among the top 10 for the last five years , came third in the South African National Championships in 2010, represented South Africa in 2010 in the Champions League and was the runner-up in the two man competition in 2011. Alan Chapman (29), has a mass of 130 kg, a career of 10 years, was runner-up in the two man championships for the past three years, represented South Africa in the Netherlands from 2008 to 2010 and also won the Headquarters Classic in 2007/2008. Mias Potgieter (33) mass 125 kg, has a career of one year. He is still a junior and trains along Alan Chapman and recently did his first two man competition, ending 5 th. Willie White (22), has a mass of 105 kg, a career of three years, was the South African Junior Champion in 2009, came 6th in Holland in 2008 & third in Witbank in 2010.

Lizelle Esterhuizen

Brrr...... Voel jy al die winter se byt......? Moenie dat die bitter koue jou onkant betrap... Vir Vriendelike Diens, Raad, Vitamines, Griepinspuitings, Verkoue medisyne, ens nou by ons beskikbaar!

56 Hendrik Verwoerd Street NIGEL


814 8179 TEL: 011 814 8101 / 011

Kingstan - Spectrum Apteek/Pharmacy

In association with the

Marie vale R oad, Vor ster skr oon, Nig el Tel: 011 814 4357 Mariev Road, orster sterskr skroon, Nigel

12 JULY 2011



Republic Bus & Truck cc R132 750 2 Ton met Valkant

R162 800 3 Ton C/Cab

R308 600 8 Ton C/Cab

R784 980

Novus 6 x 4 Tipper 10 CubTipper

R644 995

R161 350

R143 200

2 Ton Tipper met PTO Veiligheids klep

2.5 Ton C/Cab

R248 400

R199 150

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4 Ton C/Cab

R316 850

R354 600 10 Trok Slaap kajuit dubbel as

8 Ton Slaap kajuit

R378 995

R824 995

28 Seater Bus

Novus 6 x 4 Truck Tractor 420 hp

Lapbelts R6 500.00 extra

R90 000 Kontant terug

R724 995

R379 850

14 Ton Cargo Carrier C/Cab

Novus 4 x 2 Truck Tractor

28 Seater Bus

* BTW uitg esluit op alle pr yse * Volledig e toe ger uste dienssentr um * Bakkies en motor s beskikbaar uitgesluit pryse olledige toeg eruste dienssentrum motors

Ver voer maklik en een voudig erv eenv 3 Jaar/300 000km Waarborg op alle nuwe Vragmotors (2.10 Ton) BRAKPAN 312 Voortrekkerstraat, Brakpan 086 1044 356 -

OOS RAND Oorkant East Rand Mall 011 383 9540/1





Corporate I. T Solution cc 52 First Ave. Nigel 1491

R.R.T BOLTS & NUTS NIGEL Shop 7, Behind the Licence Department (Shoprite Parking)

SUPPLIER OF: Bolts/Nuts/Washers/Spring washers/Tex Screws/Poprivits/Threaded rods/XOX Bolts/Cap Screws/Self tapers NEW IN NIGEL Contact: (Robert) - 073 742 5640 (Madri) Open 073 662 6946 (Office) 072 417 2369 Saturdays E-mail:


Authorised Sales and Service Agent

FOR FREE QUOTES AND FRIENDLY SERVICE PLEASE CALL JAN or CHARLENE 083 266 0051/082 682 8725 Office 011 814-4362 24 Kerk Street, NIGEL

Phone 011 814-4360/1 Fax: 086 619 8787 Cell: 082 570 7078 Contact us for the best prices on cartridges for your HP, Lexmark, Canon or Epson!

A Gift of art is a gift from the heart!

Tel: 011 814 7289 Fax: 011 814 1106 Cell: 082 256 6320

FIREARM TRAINING 79 Second Street, SPRINGS TEL: (011) 812-2531 Gawie 083 461 3659

BRANCA-TRANSPORT SAND & KLIP * Bousand * Pleister sand * Crusher Klip * Builders Mix * Rivier Sand * Top Soil * Kraalmis


Anton 083 452 6516 Peter 083 306 5302

12 JULY 2011

You’ve tried the rest, now try the best 25 Scarborough Road, Ferryvale, Nigel email:

Wilmi’s Craft & Gifts 18 Kingsway Road, Nigel Wilma 078 726 7592

NIGEL NIGEL - IMPOR TANT TELEPHONE NUMBERS: IMPORT Emergency Number 011 814 8111 / 011 458 0911/ 10177 Nigel Police Station 011 812 6322/40 Precint Station 011 999 9130 Payments and Warrant Enquiries 011 999 9126 Mobile Emergency Number 112 Fraud & Corruption 24-hour hot line 0800 203 623

60 Stander Str NIGEL


L & R Silkscreen Printing & Embroidery WE DO: Silkscreen Printing Embroidery Vinyl Cutting Corporate Sewing

WE SUPPLY: * Golf T-Shirts * Caps & Hats * Overalls * Safety Shoes

Feel Free to contact us: Chris 082 551 4535 Tel: 011 814-2040 Fax: 011 814-8884 / 086 648 1397 17 Tulbach Street, NIGEL




082 852 9119


Laerskool Hannes Visagie Laerskool Tini Vorster Nigel Primary Hoërskool John Vorster Nigel High School

011 814 6546 011 814 6470 011 814 8383 011 814 8218 011 814 8185


Omega Gearboxes



Repairs & Spares

SPECIALIASING IN: Starters, Alternators, Complete Rewiring, Electronic Fuel Injection, Earth Moving Equipment, etc. DIAGNOSTIC FAULT FINDING:

All Manual Gearboxes and Diffs

We Can Help You Get a Bond!

(Engine management, Service Lights, Airbags) Tel: 011 814 5805 - Naas , Carol email:

21 Van Riebeeck Street, NIGEL TEL: (011) 814 2622 FAX: (011) 814 8655

23 Kingsway Avenue NIGEL email:

TEL: (011) 814-1009 (011) 814-3444

Wynand 072 729 8223

TEL: 011 814 2156 The Angelo Mall, Crn Heidelberg & Station Road NOYCEDALE, NIGEL


UB UILD BUILD 9 Van Riebeeck Str, NIGEL


TEL. (011) 814 2518 / 814-2743 CASH BLACKIE 083 357 5152 LOANS Building material foundation to roof supplied at best prices and excellent service

Scratch resistance, fire resistance, water/rust resistance...

Warm up your life this winter with our amazing specials. Fireplace, ect.



NAUDE’S o Big o t b o J No mall S o o t r o * Wall Cladding

Mon. - Sat. 8:00 - 19:00 Sun. 08:00 - 15:00

Refrigeration & Air Conditioning

A taste for life

Tel: 011 819 2047 Cell: 083 650 2047 Anton 083 656 3272 email: ndouprojects@

GOLDEN BUFFALO SPUR The Angelo Mall, Nigel TEL: 011 739 4222/3866

12 JULY 2011


HEIDELBERG & SURROUNDING AREAS PARTY PLANNING, COORDINATION & EQUIPMENT HIRE We specialise in Weddings, Birthday Parties for Adults, Birthday Parties for Kids, Special Occasions, Year End Functions, Corporate Functions, Big or Small...WE DO THEM ALL! Draping, Flower Arrangements, Candles, Cakes, Food Catering, Platters, jumping Castles & Function Equipment Hire! Showroom (By Appointment Only) 17 Romyn Street, Rensburg, Heidelberg - Free Quotes Contact: Theuns 082 447 2491




18 Smith Street, Heidelberg Tel: (016) 349-5886 Fax: (016) 349 6945

Suikerbosrand Clinic

& Hunting Equipment

Cnr HF Verwoerd, Mare & Begemann Streets, Heidelberg 1441

SUPPLIER OF: Paint, Hardware & Plumbing

TEL: 016 341 4949 Jaco 083 494 9887 Marlene 072 276 8399 6 End Street Heidelberg

Contact Anthony or Danica

Tel: 016 342 9200 Fax: 016 341 4821 www .suik erbosr andc linic .co .za www.suik .suikerbosr erbosrandc andclinic

life Making


HEIDELBERG Upholsterers/Stoffeerders

MARIECHÉN DOLINSCHEK Arbeidsterapeut Occupational Therapist

Stoffeering van alle meubels en motor sitplekke

Vir al u elektriese toebehore

Maraisstraat 20 HEIDELBERG CELL: 082 554 0746 FAKS: 086 689 5698 epos: mariechen@


36c Schoeman Street HEIDELBERG Tel: (016) 341 5318 A/H 341 4528 082 796 6428

H/v Schoeman & Albertstraat, HEIDELBERG TEL: (016) 341-6864

HEIDELBERG BELANGRIKE TELEFOONNOMMERS: Polisie - Noodnommer: Polisie Brandweer Heidelberg Hospitaal Suikerbosrand Kliniek Netcare 911 Heidelberg Munisipaliteit

10111 016 341 2570 016 341 4327 016 341 1100 016 349 2431 016 341 2692 016 340 4000


A taste for life

SAUSALITO SPUR Cnr Jordan & Voortrekker street, Heidelberg TEL: 016 349 5917

Heidelberg Public School Hoër Volkskool Hoërskool Emmasdal Hoërskool JW Luckhoff Hoërskool Sedaven Laer Volkskool Laerskool AG Visser Laerskool Sedaven Heidelberg Public Live Ministries

Henry Matthews C.P.A. (SA) Reg. No. 3830 8 Van Der Westhuizen Street HEIDELBERG TEL: 016 341 5285/349 5134 Fax: 016 341 5855 Cell 082 491 4040 epos:

016 349 1201 PROBEER ONS GERUS 016 341 3165 Toyota finansiering 016 341 9013 Lae depositos 016 342 2301 Bekostigbare paaiemente 016 342-0501 Inruilings welkom 016 341 6216 016 341 6107 016 341 2631 016 342 0621 016 341 3894 Jaco Riaan 016 349 6954 082 323 7041 083 268 9949 E/F Services t/a


LOW BUDGET Racing and Repairs

For all your stationery needs! Variety of Children’s Books, Christian Literature, Rubber Stamps AND MANY MORE!

Winkel 24, Victorian Sentrum, Langs Pick ‘n Pay, Heidelberg Tel: 016 341 4352


Heidelberg Forum Winkel No 6 (Bokant Edgars) Voortrekkerstraat Heidelberg TEL: 016 341 2931/2 email:karen@

Skryfbehoeftes Besigheidsure: Ma - Vry 08:00 - 17:00 Kantoor Meubels Sat. 08:00 - 13:00 Rekenaar Produkte Voldoen aan BEE Besigheid Tegnologie Vereistes

59 Pretorius Street, HEIDELBERG


Victorian Centre Shop 26, Heidelberg Tel: 016 341 7593

Performance Fibre cc


Praktyknr.: 086 000 0052 949

Sel: 082 057 5043 Eslingebou Ueckermann Str Heidelberg 1441

* Service of car and trucks * Specialising in: For quotes or - turbo conversions repairs call.... - clutch overhauls EDDIE 082 925 6624 - brake overhauls - engine, gearbox, diff overhauls * any repairs - No job too BIG or too SMALL!

Orion MotorGroup 26 B Marshallstraat, HEIDELBERG Tel: 016 341-3391 Fax 016 341-4253

SPECIALS: 2K Hardener 1 Ltr. R61.10 2K Hardener 5 Ltr. R256.53 2K White 1 Ltr. R64.45 2K White 5 Ltr. R288.80 TEL: 016 349 6385 349 5762

Suppliers of Automotive & Industrial Paint



12 JULY 2011

Rumours laat mond water

Rumours van Nigel bied onthale aan wat met die bestes in die streek vergelyk kan word. Sonnette van Eck, mede-eienaar saam met manlief Piet, se kunstige hande maak van Rumours se onthaal area iets besonders en ‘n ervaring wat ‘n mens nie mag misloop nie. Sonnette kan 120 gaste in die onthaal area huisves. Die lokaal het sy eie toegang en toilette vir ‘n lekker, aangename private onthaal. En kan Sonnette nie ‘n tafel voorberei nie! Die vertrek, verlig met kerse en die lekkeste lekkernye op die tafels sal selfs die grootste smulpaap in vervoering hê. Die restaurant en kroeg - waar almal bo 18 welkom is – is reeds goed bekend vir sy warm en vriendelike atmosfeer - en hou jy ‘n ontaal in die onthaalarea is daar ook voorsiening gemaak om die kinders besig te hou. “Ons wil nou die onthaal area aggressief bemark want mense dra nie kennis dat ons vir verjaarsdagpartyjies, troues, verlowings, mondigwordings en alle ander onthale

voorsiening maak nie. Besoek Rumours gerus in Hendrik Verwoerdstraat 148 of bel ons by 082-926-1515 vir besprekings en pryse.”

CATERING FOR ALL OCCASIONS 148 Hendrik Verwoerd Str, Nigel

Sonnette 082 926 1515

Pragtige gerangskikte onthaalborde in Rumours wat die mond laat water.

(Bring your own Laptop and make music)

Discover Nigel Rumours Restaurant

& Caterers


Diefstal-slange steel kwaai Snake Park, die plakkerskamp aangrensend aan Mackenzieville buite Nigel, se naam verkry ‘n nuwe figuurlike en letterlike betekenis as ‘n mens deur die strate van die dorp ry. Talle onwettige aansluitings van Eskom se kragmaste na die plakkershuise, lê soos slange oor die paaie vervleg. Van die aansluitings lê bo-op die paaie. Ander is kunstig in slootjies onder die oppervlak verberg. Dis die aaklige gesig van armoede, maar ook van diefstal en een van die redes waarom wettige gebruikers soms buitensporige rekenings ontvang –

en waarom wettige gebruikers ver meer betaal as wat nodig is. In Sastri Rylaan alleen het Rekord sowat veertig sulke onwettige “slang”aansluitings gesien. Die veertig aansluitings gaan na ver meer as veertig huise. By ander plekke word die krag sommer direk van die paal af deur die lug na huise herlei. Eskom vra mense moet sulke onwettige aansluitings rapporteer. Nou wonder ‘n mens net: weet hulle werklik nie van misdaad wat so openlik sigbaar is nie? Vir wat dit werd is, onwettige aansluitings kan gerapporteer word by 0800-112722.

Read Rekord online @


Heidelberg: 23 Schoeman Str TEL: 016 341 2187 / 8 FAX: 016 341 6702

12 JULY 2011


INDEX / INDEKS 1 Pets / Troeteldiere 2 Tours / Toere 3 Situations Wanted / Betrekkings Gevra 4 Announcements / Aankondigings 5 Vote of Thanks / Bedankings 6 Rewards / Belonings 7 Funeral Services / Begrafnis Dienste 8 Entertainment / Vermaak 9 Found / Gevind 10 Churches / Kerke 11 In Memorial / In Memorium 12 Personal / Persoonlik 13 Lost / Verlore 14 Computers / Rekenaars 15 Builders & Building / Bouers en Bouwerk 16 Sports Equipment / Sporttoerusting 17 Lift Corner / Saamrygeleenthede 18 Beauty & Health / Skoonheid en Gesondheid 19 General Service / Algemene Dienste 20 Spyseniering / Catering 21 Money & Loans / Geld & Lenings 22 Childcare / Kindersorg 23 Music / Musiek 24 Tuition / Onderrig 25 Repairs / Reparasies 26 Garden Services / Tuindienste 27 Nurseries / Kwekerye 28 Transport / Vervoer 29 For Hire / Te Huur 30 Muscellaneous / Allerlei 31 Furniture / Meubels 32 Vehicles / Voertuie 33 Caravans / Woonwaens 34 Motorcycles / Motorfietse 35 Parts / Onderdele 36 TV Services / TV Dienste 37 Employment / Betrekkings 38 Accommodation / Akkomodasie 39 Resorts / Vakansieoord 40 Wanted / Gevra 41 Townhouses / Meenthuise 42 Houses to Rent / Huise te Huur 43 Flats to Rent / Woonstelle te huur 44 To Rent / Te Koop / Plotte & Plase 45 Wanted to Rent / Te Huur Gevra 46 Houses for Sale / Huise te Koop 47 Flats for Sale / Woonstelle te Koop 48 Stands for Sale / Erwe te Koop 49 For Sale / Te Koop 50 Businesses / Besighede 01 Pets / Troeteldiere NOAH’S ARK PET SHOP: Voëlsaad, visse, viskos, koikos, akwariums, hondekos (3 in 1) Avi-Plus produkte. Bearded dragons, hamsters, krieke, meel wurms, hondehokke, hondejassies en honde bedjies. Dae oop per week 9:00 - 17:00 Naweke en vakansiedae 09:00 - 16:00. Tel: 011 814-4514. By mini Zoo, Noordstraat 132, Nigel.

08 Entertainment / Vermaak




Personal / Persoonlik

General Services / Algemene Dienste

General Services / Algemene Dienste

BODY CORPORATE MANAGEMENT: Done professionally. Management of accounts right up to water monitoring. Contact Angelique for a free consultation on 073 265 8134 15 Builders/Building/ Bouers/Bouwerk AABCD Wendy’s. 3 x 3 - R3650, 2 x 3 R3300, 3 x 6 - R7050. Prices differs according to how wendy is done. Professionally done from pallet wood. Incl. wooden window with glass, door, wooden floor, zinc roof, treated with wax oil, to protect from termites and running water. 10 Years guarentee incase of leaks. DELIVERY INCLUDED. Phone: Joe 073 283 5945 ODD JOBS 2000. Sedert 1979 in Heildelberg en Omgewing. Bouwerk, Loodgieters, Eletries, Alterasies, Grasdakke, Verfwerk, Swembaddens, Plaveisel en alle staalwerk - Ons is so goed soos die mense wat vir ons werk - Ons het duer die jare fantastiese spanne opgebou. Skakel kantoor ure - 016 341 5445 of Piet Pienaar - 082 603 1860

BUILDER, TILER AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Need renovations done or new buildings contact Angelique Jeffery on 073 265 8134 for any building requirements.


Nuwe Huise - Aanbou - Granny Flats Store - Garages TEL: 079 681 4842 MODCAST CONSTRUCTION

BOUWERK Alle bouwerk en aanbouings. Bou van Nuwe Huise en Woonstelle (Granny Flats). Seel & verf van dakke Skakel Gerald 083 384 9599 N.H.B.R.C. Geregistreerd

18 Beauty & Health / Skoonheid & Gesondheid

Beauty Extreme * * * * *

Strong durable nail extentions Gel Toenails Nail Products Eyelash extentions & Training Hair extensions

Training in all nail systems

Affordable, Quick & Glue-Free Hair Extensions Christel / Monica 083 370 8374 / 011 814 2868


R350 SlimEaze & O63 Drops

HIRE FOR 1 DAY KEEP FOR 2 Variety Castles for all ages. Deliver / Collect Belinda 082 554 6160


19 General Services / Algemene Dienste PROFFESIONAL FLOOR SANDERS. Woodenfloors, sand, seal, repairs and installation of wooden floors. Contact Tony 083 268 2203

ROMMEL VERWYDERING / BOOMFELLING. Verwyder enige rommel. Felling van enige boom. Opruiming van gestorte / beskadigde vragte (ongelukstoneel rehabilitasie). Algemene vervoer. Beste pryse. Gratis kwotasie. Suikerbos Transport . Skakel Hennie 082 890 9516. MAD ABOUT PLUMBING LOODGIETERS. Spesialiseer in alle loodgieter behoeftes. Op versekering panele, Absa, Nedbank, Hollard, Santam, Mutual&Federal, Standard Bank en nog vele meer. Hanteer eis onmiddelik. Doen Solar Geysers en “Heatpumps”, alternatief tot Solar (50-80% besparing op krag). PIRB en IOPSA geregistreer. Skakel Tersia of Pieter by 016 349 5666 / 082 491 9093 / 083 547 4037

SMART KITCHENS & HOME IMPROVEMENTS For 3D Designer Kitchens or kitchen revamps, BIC, Bathr, Vanities, Wall to Wall Carpets and Laminated Flooring. No compromise on Quality and Service. Free Quotations. Phone Andre at 016 349 5052 or 082 738 1441

ELECTRIC FENCING SPECIALIST Secure your Safety. Only the best energizers, materials, service and installations. 078 077 6636 / 082 452 6406

MEDICAL PLANS From R300 that refunds un-used benefits. For more information please phone: 086 111 1254 Includes insurance products underwritten by Resolution Insurance Company Limited. FSP No: 13888

LAUNDRY MATE Contact us for professional LAUNDRY service 20% discount for Pensioners on Wednesdays . HOUSEMATE includes the CLEANING of offices, factories, empty houses (move in/out). Contact us now for your FREE quotation on (011) 814 3597 or 072 511 4366

* Bathrooms * Granite tops * All Repairs * Kitchens * Laminated flooring Contact: 082 471 0916 / 082 637 6963 20 Catering / Spyseniering RUMOURS RESTAURANT: For professional catering of all events. Weddings, Parties, Spitbraais, Platters and Potjies. Nothing too big or -small. Your venue or ours. Phone Piet at 011 814 1428 / 072 470 2187. TO HIRE: Cutlery, crockery, large selection of table cloths, overlays, tables and chairs etc. Phone Sonnette 082 926 1515 D’VINE GARDEN CAFÉ - 18 Van Der Stel str, Nigel. Oop 6 dae per week vanaf 8am - 5pm. Toe op Dinsdae. Verskeie ontbyt en middag etes. * Maandlikse vlooimark, elke laaste Sondag van die maand. * Stalletjies beskikbaar @ R50 per stalletjie (vir adverteer doeleindes). Gratis onthaal area vir kombuistee, baby tee, 21ste, troues en kinderpartytjies. * Perfekte onthaal area vir jou jaareind funksies of Kersfees partytjie. * Spesiale funksie spyskaarte beskikbaar. * Smaaklike “platters” beskikbaar vir enige funksie. * D’Vine verhuur ook versierings uit vir funksies. Linne, breekgoed, eetware, tafels en stoele asook tafellopers. Skakel Marlene vir meer inligting by 011 814 3612. Alternatief kan jy ons besoek op die webwerf by of of op Facebook blad onder D’Vine Functions Café om foto’s te sien van funksies.

25 Repairs / Reparasies

D.F. AIRCON Mobile Automotive Aircon & Refrigeration Repairs. Aircon Repairs to Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Mining equipment, combines “Stroopers”. All work guaranteed Daniel 082 348 4499

32 Vehicles / Voertuie

H/v Hewitt & Ramona str, Selection park. (Across Selcourt Towers)

Electrical, Mechanical and Industrial Supplies & Services Heidelberg Forum, Pretorius street. TEL :016 341 2133 Wireman’s Licence. Repairs and installation of electricity. Stoves, swimming polls ext.

PARK & SELL We buy and sell used cars, bakkies, caravans & boats. Tel: 011 818 2478

Mandie: 083 417 4799 Charles: 082 828 0564

36 TV Service / TV Dienste



For fast and professional service call us:

072 642 2870



12 JULY 2011





Employment / Betrekkings

Houses for Sale / Huise te Koop

Businesses / Besighede

Businesses / Besighede

DataWorx vanaf jou huis! Data Entry werkers word benodig om vorms in te vul met of sonder ‘n rekenaar. Maklike stap-virstap instruksies. Eie ure. SMS naam en adres vir volledige info brosjure na 078 365 3689.

Residential House in Nigel with Granny Flat: R700 000

Qualified Machanic required for Geely Dealership in Heidelberg. Must have relevant qualifications. Fax CV to 016 341 4253 or contact Trevor at 016 341 3391 Vergeet van 8-5 en ‘n mislike baas. Doen Datawerk vir goeie geld. Sms naam, van en adres na 084 051 2462

3 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, Lounge, 1 Dining Room, Modern Kitchen, Double Garage. GRANNY FLAT. 1 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom, lounge, kitchen. Well kept home with granite tops in kitchen and bathroom. Private entrance for main house and granny flat. Granny flat could be used for extra income of up to R1600.00 p/m. Close to schools. House has lots of potential. This house needs no upgrading-just move in. Contact Angelique on 073 265 8134

41 Townhouses / Meenthuise Te Huur: Verblyf vir enkelpersoon. Meenthuis in Rensburg - R3000 pm. 1 Slp, badk, komuis en sitkamer. Onderdak parkering, alarmstelsel gekoppel aan sekuriteit reaksie eenheid. Water & ligte, bediende ingesluit. Geen rook, alkohol, kinders of diere. Skakel Mev Fraser 084 556 5971.

43 Flats to Rent / Woonstelle te Huur “ Te Huur” Heidelberg. Eenman woonstel. Netjies, veilig & sentraal. Water en ligte ingesluit. Onmiddelik beskikbaar. R1750 pm. Skakel 082 552 7821 Te huur: Klein tuin woonstel te huur op plot Holgate, Nigel. 2 Slaapkamer, badkamer en klein kombuisie vir R2000 per maand water en krag uitgesluit met ‘n meter lesing om krag te lees. Deposito is R2000, mag oor 2 maande betaal word.Kontak vir Judy 082 576 7314 Te huur: Tuin woonstel te huur op plot Holgate, Nigel. 2 Slaapkamer, badkamer en oop plan sit en kombuis met ingeboude braai. R2800 per maand water en krag uitgesluit met ‘n meter lesing om krag te lees. Deposito is R2800, mag oor 2 maande betaal word. Kontak vir Judy 082 576 7314

44 To Rent / Te Koop / Plote & Plase For sale: Holgatfontein R650 000 (Nigel). 9HA FARM with 3 bedrooms, bathroom, lounge, familyroom, kitchen, storeroom. Phone: Chris 071 608 8080 Bosveldplasie Warmbad R1 400 000 ON 8,5h, koloniale styl huis, 180vkm, 4 slp, 2 badk, 2 sitk, studeerkamer, eetkamer en kombuis met opwasdeel. 2 Motorhuise (6 motors), 5 woonstelle, 1 rondawel, 1 karavaan, 100 vrugtebome, besproeiing, 2 damme, 2 boograte, 2ha droë land. Drina 083 449 0558

46 Houses for Sale / Huise te Koop

TOWNHOUSE FOR SALE IN NIGEL: R400 000.00 Neat and secure cottage style townhouse for sale. 2 Bedr, 1 bath. Lovely kitchen and small garden. A MUST SEE. Contact Angelique Jeffery 073 265 8134

49 For Sale / Te Koop

ANCIENT DAYS Antiques - oudhede. Ons koop, verkoop en restoureer meubels. Groot verskeidenheid nou beskikbaar. Kom loer gerus in. Skakel ons by 016 349 2175 of Wena 082 785 9108

WARTHOG PHOTOS We do all types of photos If you do it, we will photograph it Contact: Danie 072 370 1346

“ For Sale” Carwash Business for sale R60 000. Contact: 083 992 7682



Free collection and delivery & Quotations 77 Porter Road, DUNNOTTAR. Tel: 011 734 2812 Fax: 011 734 2041

Businesses / Besighede R&I Afslaers, 699 Voortrekkerstr, Brakpan, 011 740 0477 / 011 744 3544. Ons verkoop nuwe kar & bakkie bande gratis “fit&balancing” wanneer u by ons koop - bel Ivan gerus. SUPER MEUBELS: Waar anders as Schoemanstr 42 , Heidelberg. Tel: 016 341 4445. TYRES: 155/12 R350, 155/80/13 R300, 165/80/13 R350, 175/70/13 R370, 175/64/14 R400/R450, 185/60/14 R430,185R14C R550,195R14C from R550, 195/50/15 R450....... Super Groete. SUPER MEUBELS: Waar anders as Schoemanstr 42 , Heidelberg. Tel: 016 341 4445. Met ons kompetisie verby - baie geluk aan die wenners. Dit was ‘n groot sukses. Almal wat ons ge-ondersteun het, baie dankie en moet ons asseblief nie vergeet nie. Kom kuier en kyk wat ons alles het. Oregan spieëlkas, groot B+K Koepel sideboard, ou sitkamerstelle, Morris stoele, hangkaste, vir die musikante, ‘n trekklavier en ‘n stel dromme, glasblad tafel met stoele en baie “specials” bv. ‘n gym vir net R500 netto. Ons wag vir u. Kom of bel gerus. ....... Super groete.

BATTERY CENTRE NIGEL / HEIDELBERG H/V Heidelbergweg & Kerkstraat, Nigel Tel: 011 739 5805 Faks: 011 860 742 7953

H/V Marshall & Meyer straat, Heidelberg Tel: 016 349 2629 Arno: 082 903 1000

JANIC WALLING Nigel 011 814 7992 Callie 073 628 5826 082 560 0175

* Betonmure * Verlenggings * Staalpalisades * Skuifhekke * Lemmetjiesdraad * Plaveisel Ons het verhuis na ‘n groter perseel.



* Fridges * Freezers * Stoves * Washing machines * Tumble dryers Establised 1978

Geely approved workshop



* Plant Nou !!! * Kom haal self. * Ook afgelewer (meer as 200m²) Skakel 086 123 5296 / LAWN


26 B Marshallstraat, Heidelberg. Tel: 016 341 3391 Fax: 016 341 4253

M r Mino s Trevor Se ajor e rvice ic s Serv 0 R 1 2 5 5 6 0 R

Service any type of vehicle. Terms & Conditions apply

Electrical, Mechanical and Industrial Supplies & Services Heidelberg Forum, Pretorius street. TEL :016 341 2133 PPE - Winter Range * Overalls * Parkas * Refecting Jackets * Embroidery (can be arranged) Electrical - Gloves, Cables ext. Lubricants - Sasol oil and lubricants. Gloves

IF YOU ARE.. * a go getter * motivated * positive * hard working and * have excellent people skills * previous sales experience * own transport...... then you could become our AD VER TISING SALES ADVER VERTISING REPRESENT ATIVE. REPRESENTA Send your CV to: or fax to 086 751 7998 or hand it in at our offices



TEENY WEENIES WORK FOR YOU? Ad ver tise in our Teen y Ween y pa ges and g et rresults esults or ding Adv ertise eeny eeny pag get esults.. Colour and w wor ording of your choice to promote your business. Contact us on 011 814 8614 / 4913 for details or call in a ner of Kings way and Van Rie beec kR oad, Nig el att our of offfices on the cor corner Kingsw Riebeec beeck Road, Nigel

12 JULY 2011





VACANCY A Plastics manufacturing company needs a


66 H.F. Verwoerd Straat, HEIDELBERG TEL: (016) 341-6115 FAX: 016 341 6118

web: email:


Karin Elsie 072 462 6143 082 589 4889

Dringend opsoek na huurhuise

TO RENT OVERKRUIN Bachelor flat R2 675.00



PRICE: R2 220 000 SAVE: R80 000

JORDAAN PARK PRYS R1 370 000 SPAAR R70 000 Hierdie lieflike 4 slaapkamer familie huis met 2 badkamers, familiekamer, eetkamer, 2 x studeerkamers, kombuis, waskamer, dubbele motorhuis met elektriese motor en elektriese motorhek. Mooi tuin met besproeiing. NIKKI 082 955 4969

This Tusan Town House is located within a secure residential complex. Magnificent open plan kitchen. Build-in bar serving to patio and lounge area. Patio enclosed with stack away doors walking out on pool area and garden. The spacious main bedroom is en-suite with a walk in closet, balcony and air conditioner. This home has tiles and carpets throughout. The study and guest bedroom is on the ground floor with a bathroom. Double garage doors are automated

TANIA 083 331 1916


to join their dynamic team. Preference will be given to candidates with N3 qualifications, 5 years experience as a qualified Fitter & Turner or Millwright in a factory/plant environment. Hands-on person with Fork lift driver’s licence will be an advantage. Good communication and People Skills are necessary for this position as well as being computer literate and having an energetic and amiable personality. Should you meet the requirements kindly send your CV to or fax to 086 751 9239.


CENTRAL 2 Bed flat

PRICE R953 000 R3 450.00 SAVE R50 000 CENTRAL NEW RELEASE1 Bed flat R3 350.00 EXCLUSIVE KRISTELLE MANDATE FOR THE 082 561 7603 or NIKKI RENOVATER. 082 955 4969 Golden Oldie with oregan pine kitchen cupboards and floors. Some T.L.C. STAND - KLOOF and this home will be a URGENT SALE winner in this upmarket PRICE R570 000 suburb. SAVE R30 000 UNA ELSIE 082 810 4027 082 589 4889 66 H.F. Verwoerd Str, HEIDELBERG TEL: (016) 341-6115 FAX: 016 341 6118 web: email:

GLENV ARL OCH - NIGEL GLENVARL ARLOCH R700 000 (ONO) Groot 3 slaapkamers, 2 vol badk(1 met stort + bad), ingangsportaal groot sit-kamer,massiewe eetkamer plus tv of studeerkamer pragtige houtkombuis en d/ motorhuis. Johan 0 724231703

RENSBURG PRICE R624 000 SAVING R18 500 Newly renovated home close to school. Consists of 3 sunny bedrooms, 2 bathrooms - one ensuite, the kitchen has been renovated. The home is fitted with an alarm system and has burglar bars in all windows with security gates. Single garage and swimming pool set in a neat garden. CONTACT KRISTELLE 082 561 7603 Heidelberg Kantoor 40 Jacob Str, Heidelberg TEL: 016 349 1390/1/2 FAKS: 016 341 5368 INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY TE KOOP BERGSIG: MEENTHUISE - R590 000 elk. Prys verlaag. 3 x 3 Slpk, 2 badk, 2 garages, BERGSIG: HUIS - R720 000. 3 Slpk, 2 badk, 2 garages, sit/eetk. BERGSIG: MEENTHUIS - R400 000. 2 Slpk, oopplan, kompleks. RENSBURG: PRYS DRASTIES VERLAAG!!! R790 000. Netjiese 3 slpk huis in stil area. Goeie winskopie. Kontak Tjaart 082 696 9282 (Sel) TE HUUR BERGSIG: MEENTHUIS - R4 800.00 + dep. Dadelik beskikbaar. 2 Slpk, MEENTHUIS - R3 800.00pm + dep. 2 Slpk, BERGSIG - HUIS - R5 200.00pm + dep. 3 Slk, 2 badk, 2 garage. PLAASHUIS - R3 000.00pm + dep. 2 Slpk. Einde Julie beskikbaar. SENTRAAL: Woonstel - R2 700.00pm + dep. 2 Slpk, Einde Julie beskikbaar. Kontak Linda 016 349 1390

Office: 011 814 3349

12 JULY 2011

Russel makes stunning moves Russel Pearson (15) of Heidelberg is very humble about his feat at the recent International Student Convention in Virginia, USA, where he won the chess championship division. He ascribes his win to “weaker competition.” However, Russel is probably the first South African learner to have won the chess championships at the Convention, an annual event for top achievers of schools world-wide who follow the same curriculum as Life Ministries Christian School in Heidelberg where Russel is a grade 9 learner. The convention took place from 15 May to 3 June 2011. Russel was the number 1 player u/16 in Sedibeng 2010, and finished 19th among 90 players countrywide in the same division. Rekord spoke to Russel, the son of Jeff and Brigid Pearson, while he was competing in the Commonwealth Chess Games in Johannesburg between 27 June and 03 July 2011, in which 664 players participated. Russel, however, points out that he is merely a beginner in the world of international chess, considering where one starts off as a normal player, then proceeds to Fide Master, Candidate Master, International Master, and eventually, Grand Master –an honour bestowed only on a very few. He started playing at the age of 4 under the guidance of mother Brigid. “My mother really encourages me to practice some more as the end result could be really nice and rewarding in the form of a bursary for university.” Russel has his eyes fixed on becoming an accountant after school.

Fax: 011 814 3348

YOLANDI 071 446 2590 NOYCEDALE .......................................... R530 000 NEG MODERNE MEENTHUIS: 2 Slaap, 1 bad, lieflike kombuis, sitkamer en eetkamer met enkel motorhuis en afdakke!! Ideaal vir eerste kopers. EXT. 2 ....................................................... R880 000 NEG Lieflike familie huis: 4 Slaap, 3 badkamers, familiekamer, eetkamer, sitkamer, pragtige kombuis kaste, lapa met braai, dubbel afdakke. ‘n Moet sien!!! FERRYVALE ...................................................... R850 000 3 Slaap, 2 bad, sitkamer, eetkamer, studeerkamer, stoep kamer, dubbel motorhuis, 3 buite vertrekke, pragtige plek!! FERRYVALE ......................................... R1 750 000 NEG Pragtige moderne meenthuis. 3 Slaap, 2 bad, nuwe kombuis, studeerkamer, familie kamer, lapa, swembad, dubbel motorhuis!!!

RHONA 071 559 3706 HEIDELBERG ................................................... R592 000 3 Bed, 1 garage, dining room, kitchen, totally fenced. JAMESON PARK ......................... R108 000 - R205 000 Various open stands available. Flats for sale in Rensburg/Heidelberg/Balfour

DAVE 083 235 7391 NIGEL PLOT ...................................................... R660 000 10 hct, large family room house + much more. NOYCEDALE: ............................................. R430 000 3 Bed, 2 bath, lounge, dining, large stand, carports. Very neat. EXT 2 .................................................................. R660 000 3 Beds, 1 bath, s/garage, d/carport. Very neat. ALRAPARK ....................................................... R295 000 3 Bed, large yard WANNA SELL YOUR PROPERTY IN ALRAPARK? WE GOT CASH BUYERS FOR ALRAPARK

The image of Russel Pearson, top chess player of Life Ministries Christian School in Heidelberg, captured in a mirror as he contemplates his next move in the world of chess.

Vir alle eiendom advertensies skakel 011 814 4913

Discover Nigel @

12 JULY 2011


Major achievement for young cricketer A young Duduza cricketer, Mangaliso Mosehle, has been selected for the South Africa Emerging Players team, to tour Australia. He started playing cricket at the age of nine in the Eastern Junior Club Cricket Association (EJCCA) club league team from Duduza. He was first selected for the EJCCA u-11 representative team in 2003. And became the first Black African to captain an EJCCA u-17 representative team in 2007. He was selected for the Eastern Cricket u-19 team for Cricket South Africa National Cricket week in 2007 and 2008. In 2008 Mangaliso was selected for Cricket South Africa u-19 team (world Cup u-19 team 2008) at the age of 17. He was selected for the Cricket South African u-19 team to tour England in 2009. He became the first EJCCA player to be awarded the South African u-19 Cricket Player of the Year 2009. He was selected for the Cricket South Africa International Cricket Academy 2009/2010 and for the Eastern Transvaal 1st class team from 2009-2011 current. He was also selected for the Eastern Titans Franchise team in the same period. Now Mangaliso is delighted to have been chosen for the South African Emerging Players team to tour Australia this year. “I would like to thank the sponsors for supporting the EJCCA programmes,” he says. This has enabled me to reach my dreams”. The EJCCA has gone from strength to strength and is proud of the achievements made at club, league and representative level. Mangaliso Mosehle of Duduza has been selected for an Australian cricket tour.

Great results


PAGE 15 A grading took place on June 22 for members of Goju Rya Karate, Nigel, with Sensei George Capazorio for their Hombu and Sensei Amanda Ras. Maritza Maritz and Dudane Cronje had above 80% for their basics and Kata’s. Students that skipped grades are Omar Asmal, Pedro de Freitas, Jeandre Lewis, Ridhwaan Mansur, Maritza Maritz and Ruan Supra. Front : Muhammed Asmal, Marcelle Honiball,Jaundri Cronje, Nico Thysse, Ridhwaan Mansur and Jeandre Lewis. Middle: Monique Pratt, DJ Lourens, Dudane Cronje, Rico Honiball, Ruan Supra and Dawid Lotter. Back : Angelique de Freitas, Omar Asmal, JeanPierre Lewis, Pedro de Freitas, Illze Pratt, Ashley Pratt, Maritza Maritz.

Balfour Hengelklub het op 2 Julie by Cilliers, waar 22 hengelaars altesame 73 visse met ‘n massa van 27,54 kg geland het, gehengel. Senior Wenners: 1. Dirk Roos, 9 visse (2,720kg). 2. Frikkie Nel 7 visse (3,815kg) en 3. Lukas Stoltz 7 visse (2,425kg). Dames Wenners: 1. Marie Marais, 7 visse (2,700kg) 2. Sarita Stoltz, 6 visse (1,780kg) en 3. Su-Ann du Plessis 4 visse (1,960 kg). Junior Wenners: 1. Estiaan de Meyer, 6 visse (2,120 kg) 2. Pierre Lindeque, 3 visse (0,640 kg) en 3. Juanrich Dercksen 2 vis (0,955 kg).Swaarste Karp: Yolandie Visser, 0,820 kg. Swaarste Graskarp: Marie Marais1,020 kg. Swaarste Moddervis: Christo du Plessis, 0.4470 kg. Swaarste Geelvis: Willie Barnard, 0,515 kg. Kontak nommers: Lukas 084 757 6058; Jaco 082 323 6284. Diepkloof Hengelklub het op 2 Julie 2011 by Cilliers, waar 23 hengelaars ‘n totaal van 56 visse met ‘n massa van 30,61 kg gevang het, deelgeneem. Seniors afdeling wenners: Richard Giddey met 8 visse, 4,820 kg. 2. Pieter van Heerden, 8 visse, 4.635 kg. 3. George Edwards, 6 visse, 4.275 kg. Dames-wenner: Istelle Kunz met 3 visse, 1.310 kg. Junior wenners: 1. Rickus Pachonick, 6 visse, 2.440 kg. 2.Quinton van der Schyff, 1 vis, 0.655 kg. Penkop 0/13 seuns: Dillon Pachonick met 2 visse van 0,595 kg. Volgende kompetisie is by Kees van der Walt op 6 Augustus 2011. Kontak: Abraham Pelzer. Tel: 011 814 3182.


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12 JULY 2011

Sport Rolballe klap

‘n Paar van die kapteins (“skips”) wat op 25 Junie aan ‘n rolbaltoernooi in Heidelberg deelgeneem het. Van links voor is Yvonne Pickford van Herbert Park en Anne Shaw van Branckenhurst. Agter: Des Day van Belgravia in Bedfordview wat ook Oos-Gauteng verteenwoordig, Danie Naude, President van Heidelberg Rolbalklub en Neels Steyn van Heidelberg. Neels se span het die kompetisie gewen met Dave se span in die tweede plek, terwyl Yvonne se span die troosprys gewen het vir die span wat o.a. die beste gees geopenbaar het. Sausalito Spur het as borg opgetree.

Cnr Chris & Schoeman Street., Heidelberg Tel: 016 349 2656 Fax: 086 622 4800

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