Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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Year end Function Menu 2011 For every booking of 8 people receive a FREE bottle of Seidelberg wine

3 x three coarse set menu’s to FFORDABLE choose from starting at R140pp DVERTISING Buffet for only R95 Cnr Kingsway & Van Riebeeck Street, NIGEL -

FAX: 086 751 7998

TEL: (011) 814 8614

To place bookings for any enquiries phone 011 814 7104 *

View our online edition at

VOLUME 7 No. 21 Lees die Tien jaar volgende bolhamer

Cell: 079 493 0075

P3 P3

Lees die farewell Sad volgende

P3 P4

Lees die Disappointment volgende DA

P3 P13


8 NOVEMBER 2011 Lees die Spor t Sport volgende

P3 P15

Geldskandaal ruk skole Hoërskool J. W. Luckhoff, Heidelberg, sit glo met sy hande in die hare oor swak administrasie by die Departement van Onderwys. Vanjaar is slegs 37,5% van ‘n ingediende begroting van R2,4 milj aan die skool toegestaan om die altesame 46 kinders wat van staatsweë daar geplaas is, te onderrig en te onderhou. Die R900 000 wat wel aan die skool toegeken is, is glo skaars genoeg om die jaar se wateren ligterekenings en onderhoudkoste te betaal. Vir kos en klere gee die staat slegs R2 500 (twee duisend vyf honderd) per jaar per

kind. Dis kinders wat meestal uit gebroke huise en swak agtergronde kom. Rekord verneem dat die toestand só ernstig is dat die skool waarkynlik slegs vir ‘n verdere maand sal kan funksioneer. Wat dinge baie erger maak is dat die Onderwysdepartement in Vereeniging onder die indruk was dat die skool verlede jaar en ook vanjaar bykans R4 milj van die Departement in Johannesburg ontvang het. Die vraag is nou waarvoor die res van die geld aangewend was? Om nog erger sout in die wonde te smeer het die Hoërskool Emmasdal wat slegs twaalf leerders het, blykbaar R1,4 milj ontvang

Two in court for Dunnottar murders The son of a murdered couple in December last year, 18-year-old Schalk du Plooy and Morne Labuschagne (22), appeared in the Delmas Regional Court last week, in connection with the murders of Schalk du Plooy (52) and his wife Theresa (51) in their Dunnottar home on December 6 last year. The 18-year-old is the son of the murdered couple. He pleaded guilty and Labuschagne pleaded

not guilty. The case was remanded to December 12. The double murder of the well-known couple shocked Dunnottar residents. The couple were allegedly beaten and stabbed to death. Their vehicle was found abandoned in Brakpan. The late Schalk du Plooy was a local pharmacist and then moved to a pharmacy in the Angelo Mall, Nigel. Boths the accused are now in Nigel Prison.

29 Beverly Street NIGEL Tel: 011 814 1150

Big variety of cake decorations BIED AAN VROUE SEMINAAR 30 NOVEMBER 2011

Garlic Bread Massive and cheeezy!!!!


Veggies of the day Spinnach and butternut


Crab claws Top up x 5


Deleesious cakes Variety to choose from


Feeesh bowl Tasty but Dangereees!!!


Shooters Beeeg variety of shooters


Onion rings Crummed onion rings


Hake medallions


Greek evening Saturday 26 Nov 2011

240g of succulent hake medallions


Stirfry For our vegetarions



R300 per persoon Slegs 20 plekke beskikbaar

Sandra Taljaard


bedraggie toegestaan. Die skool se toegestaande begroting was altyd R2,5 milj voor verlede jaar en vanjaar se drastiese besnyding van 62,5%. Die skool wou nie oor die aangeleentheid praat om die feite van die buitebronne te bevestig nie. Die hekke van die skool wat 24 uur per dag bewaak moet word om die kinders binne te hou, het verlede jaar oopgestaan omdat daar nie genoeg geld was om ‘n sekuriteitsmaatskappy te betaal nie.

Belly Dancing, Greek Dancing & Breaking plates

* Klerekas beplanning (8 - 10 stukke word 55 uitrustings) * Figuur analise * Styl persoonlikheid * Grimeerwerkswinkel Bring handspieël en eie grimeersakkie saam

Victoriahuis 37 Jacob straat Heidelberg

Monday feesh burger madness!!! 2 x Feesh burgers served with 100g chips

Kariba Bream Lime Fish for


teenoor Hoërskool Luckhoff se R900 000 met sy 46 leerders. Gerugte wil dit dat die Departement versuim het om kinders wat reeds uit die skool is, van die rol te verwyder. Gevolglik kry Emmasdal glo ‘n begroting vir ‘n stuk of 58 leerders, en nie twaalf nie! Hoërskool Luckhoff was verlede jaar in ‘n soortgelyke finansiële verknorsing en bestuurslede en sakeondernemings het ingespring om te verseker dat daar kos en mediese onderhoud vir die kinders is. Die department het toe ook ‘n verdere klein

Shop No 24 B, The Angelo Mall, Cnr Heidelberg & Station Road, Noycedale, Nigel.


Tel: 011 814 3311 * 011 739 5553

CELL 082 888 2731 H2118




Dr. Momberg se gesin praat oor hom

267 6198 SKAKEL 083 267 6198


Dr. Coenie Momberg, bekende geneesheer van Heidelberg wat op 30 Oktober in die ouderdom van 61 jaar weens kanker gesterf het, se grootste nalatenskap is waarskynlik sy liefde en respek vir sy vrou, kinders en pasiënte wat hy met toewyding gedien het. Hy het ‘n maand en vier dae na sy verjaardag op 26 September om 00:15 in Life Suikerbosrand Kliniek in die teenwoordigheid van sy gesin gesterf. Sy vrou, verpleegsuster Adele Momberg en hul drie kinders Esna (28), Dinele (27) en Con (21), ‘n B. IT student aan Tukkies, het op 2 November afskeid van hom by ‘n roudiens in die Klipkerk geneem. Momberg wou volgens sy wens veras word en die as sal later by Sea Park naby Port Shepstone aan die Natalse Suidkus gestrooi word. In ‘n openhartige onderhoud ná die roudiens het Adele en die kinders hul harte oopgemaak oor Momberg die mens wat min vriende maar baie kennisse gehad het. “Min mense het hom regtig geken. Hy was altyd bereid om by praktyke en hospitale uit te help as daar op sy knoppie gedruk was. Sy praktyk wat hy die laaste agt jaar bedryf het, was ook daarop ingestel om die armstes onder die armes te bedien. Hy het nooit geld nagestreef nie, maar vir die liefde gewerk.” Die kinders vertel dat hy hulle geleer het om in hulself te glo, maar hy het hulle ook praktiese dinge geleer soos om bande om te ruil en gereedskap te gebruik. Naweke en vakansietye het hy sy gesin bedien en hy was die skyfiemaker (“chips”) van die gesin. Daar het altyd genoeg lekkernye oorgebly sodat elke kind iets kon saamvat. Adele en Coenie het mekaar in Klerksdorp ontmoet waar sy ‘n teatersuster was. Hulle het mekaar geleidelik leer ken Coenie het haar op ‘n dag Pretoria toe gevat toe sy ‘n geleentheid gesoek het. Toe hy haar later vra of sy nie sy ma wil gaan help perskes inlê nie, het sy ingewillig. Op ‘n aand het hy met ‘n roos by haar opgedaag nadat sy hom die pad gewys het - en só het die liefde begin ontwikkel. Coenie se ouers het op die plaas Caesarsvlei geboer wat vandag aan dr. Hannes Snyman behoort. In 2006 en 2010 is daar maligne melanoom uit hom verwyder. In Julie vanjaar is daar uitsaaiings ontdek en hy was uiteindelik baie swak.


H2144 LEADERS IN CUSTOM MADE SHOPFRONTS e-mail: 58 Second Avenue, Nigel 1490 Tel: 011 814-1577/26 Fax: 011 814 8467


ROBERT DYKE 083 266 5453 STEVE DYKE 082 428 7262

8 November 2011

Open doors From the desk of

There are many shows on TV designed to allow people who feel Rev Ray Goddess that they are gifted with talents to show what they can do and possibly win magnificent prizes. As we listen to these programs we so often hear comments like “…..this is my chance…” or “….I am hoping that the doors will open for me…” This is a reality in life and for all the hopeful stars they look at this as a chance of a lifetime. I would like to look at other doors that open for us in life. While I agree that doors do open for us I also feel that doors are often Rev Goddess, Heidelberg Methodist Church opened for us by God and we miss the open door. All too often we are so busy with the world that we miss God. Let us look at a few examples and I will then take a few lines to try and help us to see the doors that God opens for us. The first door I would like to look at is the door God opens when He calls us to ministry. Now this calling could be to full time ministry where a person gives up his/her secular life to become a fulltime minister or pastor. But it could also be a calling where God calls us into doing specific work for Him. A good example of this is the many missionaries we know and/or hear of. It could also be a person called by God to work fulltime or part time in a specific ministry (eg working in a soup kitchen ministry). I feel that it does not matter whether the calling is fulltime or part time, if it is a calling from God the person or people involved need to seek the counsel of a minister or pastor and make sure that the calling is from God and that the person/people are hearing the calling correctly. Once this has been affirmed the person/ people need to say “yes” (after all it is from God) and then DO IT (trusting God to equip you). Just a word of caution – when you work for God you become a target for Satan and so you (and others) need to pray for protection as you will be under attack by Satan. The second door that I would like to look at is a door that we often mistake for “coincidence”. So often we feel that something is “coincidence” but is in actual fact a “God-incidence”. It is these doors that we need to be aware of at all times and make sure that we do not miss them. I am sure that many of us can remember some or other time when we have been guilty of this. I know I have. I remember once when I walked past a lady at a hospital in Benoni and I knew that I should pray for her and I never did. I turned back and went to look for her but could not find her! God had opened a door for me to be blessed in doing His work and to bless someone with a prayer – and I blew it! This was a BIG lesson for me and I try my best to be aware of the doors that God opens for me so that I do not miss a “God opened door” again. But how do we get this right? I would like to suggest that it starts when we wake up in the morning. As we wake up we need to come into the presence of God and open ourselves up as His servants, asking Him to make us aware of places where He wants to use us. It does not stop here. During the day, whenever we have a gap, we need to come into His presence by praying short prayers constantly in the day. In this way we can feel the presence of God and we are also reminded (as we pray) to be aware of where God wants to use us. In this way I believe we “open ourselves up” to see and hear where God opens doors and also where He closes doors. Many Christians may think that this is a bit crazy or that it “will not work”. Well let me challenge you to try it for a month – you cannot loose but only win (nothing will go wrong if you try it). I can promise that if you are serious and do this for a month that you will be blessed and probably keep up the practice….

Nigel Methodist Church C/o Olifaunt & George Heriot Glenvarloch, Nigel Tel: 011 814 3151

In Nigel for the people of Nigel! CENTRE of CONCERN infoline 071 7817065

“Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food,..yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior.” (Habakkuk 3:17-18 (NIV) )

57 Strydom Street, Heidelberg Tel: (016) 341-2437 Rev. Ray Cell 082 656 3123 “We exist to be like Christ, live like Christ, and share the exciting message of Christ to all people”. EXPERIENCE CHRIST’S LOVE AND OUR FRIENDSHIP

The LORD came and stood there, calling as at the other times, “Samuel! Samuel! Then Samuel said, “Speak, for Your servant is listening!.“ (1 Samuel 3:10 - NIV)


09:00 & 18:00 09:00 10:15


Service times: 08h00 – Traditional Service (Mother’s Room available) 09h30 – Worship Service (Mother’s Room available) 18h00 – C.I.A. Service (for Adults and Youth) H2122

8 November 2011



Ongeluk eis jakkalskenner Sy eerste liefde was om te skiet en vir vriende en kennisse is dit ‘n algehele skok dat dr. Paul Möller (60) van Balfour op 29 Oktober in ‘n fratsongeluk met ‘n vuurwapen moes sterf. Hy was onder baanskuts bekend as Mnr Veilig en daarom is dit ironies dat hy moes struikel om aan sy eie hand te sterf. Dr. Möller was ‘n kundige op die gebied van jakkalse en het ‘n doktorsgraad in dieregedrag gehad. Hy was ‘n knap skut wat ‘n jakkals se doppie tot op 700 m kon laat klap. Hy was

ook een van die veiligste baanoffisiere wat die Duiker-tak van die Suid-Afrikaanse Jagtersvereniging gehad het. Kierie Krugel van die plaas Modderfontein op wie se plaas die skietbaan geleë is, sê dr. Möller was reeds om 06:00 die oggend op die skietbaan om dinge gereed te kry. Möller het toe vir Johan Scott van Heidelberg, voorsitter van die Duiker-tak gebel om te sê hy is besig om alles reg te kry. Twee ure later het ‘n geskokte Scott die boodskap gekry dat Möller in ‘n

fratsongeluk gesterf het. Teen 07:00 het Kierie en sy seun by die geakkrediteerde baan verby gery en Möller by die 300 m gesien loop. “Hy het altyd sy vuurwapens daarvandaan ingestel.” Die baan is sowat 3 jaar gelede aangelê omdat militêre skietbane nie meer voldoen aan nuwe standaarde nie. Die Duikertak is twee jaar na mekaar aangewys as die beste skietbaan in sy klas. “Hy was baie lief vir die veld en het feitlik elke naweek kom kuier,” sê Kierie. “Ons het ‘n hele paar

opgeleide veiligheidsbeamptes, maar ons het hom altyd die werk laat doen weens respek vir sy ouderdom en omdat hy so goed was,” sê Kierie. Dr. Möller het blykbaar oor sy skoenveters gestruikel. Hy het ‘n .357 rewolwer in sy hand gehad. ‘n Skoot het afgegaan en hom in die slaap getref. Omstreeks 08:00 het mense op hom afgekom nadat hulle sy bakkie gewaar en soontoe geloop het. Möller laat sy lewensmaat Adrie de Wet agter.

Tien jaar vir bolhamer aanvaller Reg en geregtigheid het in die Heidelberg Streekshof geskied toe Hendrik van der Westhuizen (34) tot tien jaar tronkstraf gevonnis is, weens ‘n poging tot moord. Hy het die bejaarde mev. Esther du Toit van Dennehof, Heidelberg op 9 Junie vanjaar met ‘n bolhamer aangerand en gedreig om haar te verkrag en te vermoor. Louis Janse

van Rensburg was by die versamelpunt van die RGPF toe ‘n persoon gerapporteer het dat daar ‘n lyk om die draai lê. Vyf patrollievoertuie het dadelik begin soek, maar niks opgespoor nie. By Dennehof Woonstelle het Louis ‘n drasak (toksak) op ‘n stoep gesien. Dit het verdag voorgekom en toe hy deur ‘n gleufie in die gordyne loer, het hy ‘n bebloede Du

Toit gesien. Die aanvaller het agtergekom dat iemand buite was en het na buite geglip en laat spaander. Louis het straat se kant toe van die ander patrolievoertuie voor gekeer.

Louis het hom gesien, agterna gesit en binne 40 m platgetrek, waarna hy in hegtenis geneem is. Speurder sers. Ntombi Mahlangu het die saak ondersoek.


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* Dawie 083 792 8369 * Gys 083 699 0335 * Kobus 082 853 4048



Mayor hands over school uniforms Ekurhuleni’s Executive Mayor, Mondli Gungubele and a host of personalities, have handed over school uniforms to the Duduza learners who lost all their school outfits and stationery in the recent tornado. The handover took place at the Duduza MultiPurpose Centre. There are a total of 411 learners in need and donations are still being ac-

cepted, especially of stationery. This is an urgent need because some of the children are in Grade 12 and should be assisted for them to be ready and equipped for the matric examinations. Mayoral spokesperson, Zweli Dlamini, thanked all the people who have opened their hearts to help the youngsters. More information can be obtained by contacting him on 082 573 6464.

JJC Kruger & Vennote

The recent death of Enid Gillespie (85) came as a huge shock to many residents of Nigel but her passing also leaves an irreplaceable void in the Nigel Rotary Anns. Enid would have celebrated her 60th anniversary of being a Rotary Ann next year. Enid was an integral part of Nigel Rotary Anns and throughout her long membership, she never failed to support all projects and attend functions. Rotary played a huge part in the lives of Enid and her late husband. Enid’s greatest achievement in Rotary was to be presented with the Paul Harris Fellowship award in 2007. This is the highest honour that Rotary International bestows on individuals. The award was in recognition of Enid’s outstanding community work. She was deeply honoured by the award and also modest about the achieve-

ment. But this was a symbol of Enid’s devotion to her duty as a Rotary Ann and helping the needy wherever possible through projects. She came to live in Nigel when she was six years old and attended the Convent School. Enid had a full and varied working life and retired at the age of 70 from the family business. She was a great listener, well-travelled, extremely intelligent and sharp-witted. She never tired of talking about Nigel Rotary and its achievements. Enid was the epitomy of the Rotary motto “Service Above Self” and never hesitated to come forward when she was needed. She loved living in Nigel and over the years made numerous friends. Her caring, love and compassion for all has made her a Rotary Ann who will never be forgotten.

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A sad farewell



Drie Riviere - Vereeniging

8 November 2011

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Klippies: 083 282 7577 - Any Time Hugo: 083 288 2289 - Any Time Office: 011 814 8297 - Office Hours 8:00 - 16:30 H2108


Late Enid Gillespie (second from left), with some of the Nigel Rotary Ann’s.

Loose weight for ever Obesity is a serious disease and the causes of the disease and overweight can now be treated with a safe, effective weight loss programme. Slender Wonder is a weight loss programme that has evolved over forty years with tens of thousands of patients being treated successfully in South Africa. Slender Wonder enables one to loose between 6 and 10 kg in the first month and then 4-6 kg per month there after. One’s goal weight can be achieved within 3 months. Slender Wonder is an eating programme based on the glysemic index of the blood, and not on kilojoules. It was developed by a South African doctor, Jan Botha. The Leptin levels in one’s body are sensitised to function correctly and regulate the

metabolism of the body. Leptin is a powerful hormone; it controls and permits other hormones to function or not to function, and is a signal to the brain that has a primary influence on body weight. Slender Wonder has between 150-180 accredited doctors country wide who prescribe the programme to their patients. The programme is obtainable right here in Nigel from Dr. Jacques Cilliers, dentist in 47 Breytenbach Street. Contact him at 011-8143196 or E mail: Dr. Cilliers is a strong believer in a healthy body. He also offers BOTOX fillers to erase wrinkles in the face, offers aesthetic dentistry and whitens teeth with power led bleaching. If you need a health and aesthetic boost, Dr. Cilliers is the man to visit.

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8 November 2011


Vryf die oë, wie is wie


More than 200 houses to be re-built The future of families in Duduza who lost their homes in the tornado can now see a brighter future. According to a statement from the office of Ekurhuleni’s Executive Mayor, issued by Zweli Dlamini, mayoral spokesperson, a total of 220 houses will have to be re-built in Duduza, after being completely destroyed and 307 will require repairs of between R10 000 and R20 000. The new houses will be built by the end of November. Work on re-building the houses in Duduza has already started in earnest, with several contractors coming forward to volunteer their services. Although

there were some minor incidents with which some beneficiaries seemed to have problems with the sizes of the new houses, the situation has since been normalized and work is steaming ahead. It is expected that the first couple of houses will be complete and ready for occupation very soon. Construction companies have provided a plan and target for rebuilding the houses and they estimate to have completed the whole project by November 30. It is critical to point out that people will be getting quality houses and the Human Settlements Department is monitoring work being done by the contractors.

Valerie Damon en Pamela Steenekamp, tweelingsusters Wanneer dié tweeling susters langs mekaar huishoudings want die kinders moet heen en sit, moet jy kophou om te weet wie is wie, weer vervoer word en pa is nie altyd daar om want Pamela Steenekamp en Valerie Damon te help nie. Die twee mans is feitlik dieselfde lyk spreekwoordelik op ‘n druppel na tyd na die Rand verplaas en die susters het mekaar. Hulle dra dieselde soort bril en toe in dieselfde woonstelkompleks beland. grimering, is dieselfde gebou , dra dikwels Hulle glo dit was die Here se werk wat dit so dieselfde klere, en was dit nie vir ‘n bewimpel het. kleurverskil tussen die kledingstukke nie, Hulle begin nou met ‘n besigheid om sou dit ‘n mens totaal verwar het. En om alles laserskywe (CD’s en DVD’s) skoon te maak te kroon, bly hulle nog in dieselfde en te hernu. Hulle besit slegs een van twee woonstelkompleks ook. ingevoerde masjiene in Suid-Afrika waarmee Unieke situasies roep om unieke oplossings hulle krapmerkte kan uithaal. Nog beter, hulle en daarom het Rekord se joernalis hulle behandel nuwe skywe met produkte wat onderskei deur aan te teken: Pamela blou lewenslank verseker dat dit nie sal krap nie. bostuk, Valerie bruin. Hy moes kort-kort na Sommige speletjies kos R450 en meer, daarom die nota loer om sy verwarde sinne bymekaar is R16,50 werklik min om ‘n langdurende en te hou. So kon hy hulle later ook op die foto krapvrye toekoms te verseker. onderskei. Selfs mense wat hulle goed ken, groet net met ‘n “hallo” as hulle een van hulle op straat raakloop. Vra jy hulle of hulle nie soms doelbewus mense ‘n streep trek met hul enersheid nie, lag hulle stout. Net toe die twee met hul huidige eggenotes begin uitgaan het, het hulle besluit om Thinus Steenekamp (Pamela se man) en Kobus Damon ‘n lekker streep te trek. Terwyl die mans se aandag afgetrek was, het hulle plekke geruil. Dit het lank handjiesvat gekos voor die mans agtergekom het daar is ‘n slang in die gras. By ‘n ander geleentheid toe hulle reeds verloof was, het Pamela voor langs Kobus, Valerie se verloofde, in ‘n motor geklim en Vallerie agter by Thinus. Die Vrydag 11 November 2011 mans was “blind”, vanaf 12h00. maar toe Kobus sy hand uitsteek en aan Bespreek asseblief. sy “verloofde” se been vat, het sy onCATERING FOR ALL OCCASIONS willekeurig geruk. Dit 148 Hendrik Verwoerd Str, Nigel - 011 814 1428 het die twee sussies Sonnette 082 926 1515 - Pieter 072 470 2187 se speletjie gee. Die tweeling is opgeleide voedseltegnoloë maar beH2113 stuur nou hul


Dr FJ Cilliers (011) 814 3196 47 Breytenbach str, Nigel H2123

Kos vir die afvalliges Laaste vir die JAAR


Gebakte Skaapkop of Kerrie Skaap Afval... 00 elk

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-10% for Pensioners every Wednesday A lot of new products to choose from!! Order anything you’d like freshly baked for the next day. Specialized Birthday Cakes and Wedding Cakes Baked on order Sweet & Savoury Platters on order

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Buying & selling immovable property by JP Okes In this article I continue to deal with the question of how the Purchaser’s costs are calculated. Depending on the nature of the transaction, there are a number of different costs to be paid when purchasing a property. The costs fall mainly into three categories, namely (A) “Transfer Costs”, (B) “Transfer Duty” and (C) “Bond Costs”. (A) The “Transfer Costs” are those costs payable to the transferring attorney to attend to the registration of the transfer of the property into the Purchaser’s name. These costs are calculated according to the purchase price of the property. The various Law Societies recommend the fees that are to be charged by attorneys in this regard. Most attorneys will follow these guide lines. The guidelines are published in a little book called “Moffats”, published by Hortors Stationery. (B) The “Transfer Duty” is in effect a tax paid to the Receiver of Revenue. The amount of the Transfer Duty also depends on the purchase price, and is calculated as follows: (i) There is no Transfer Duty payable on the first R600 000.00 of the purchase price; (ii) 3% on the total purchase price calculated from R600 000.00 to R1 000 000.00; (iii) An additional 5% on amounts between R1 000 000.00 and R1 500 000.00; and (iv) A further 8% on amounts exceeding R1 500 000.00. So, for example, where the purchase price is R1 700 000.00, the transfer duty will be calculated as follows: R0.00 on the first R600 000.00, plus 3% on the amount from R600 000.00 to R1 000 000.00, and therefore 3% of R400 000.00, that being R12 000.00, plus 5% on the amount from R1 000 000.00 to R1 500

000.00, and therefore 5% of R500 000.00, that being R25 000.00, plus (iv) 8% on the amount in excess of R1 500 000.00, and therefore 8% on the amount of R200 000.00, that being R16 000.00; (v) The total transfer duty is therefore R0.00 plus R12 000.00 plus R25 000.00 plus R16 000.00, and therefore a total of R53 000.00. (C) The “Bond Costs” are those costs payable to the bank’s attorneys in respect of the registration of a bond over the property in favour of the bank. Like the “Transfer Costs”, the “Bond Costs” are calculated according to the amount of the bond that is registered. As in the case of the Transfer Costs, the various Law Societies recommend bond registration costs, which are also set out in the “Moffats” booklet. I strongly recommend to prospective purchasers to obtain a quote from a conveyancer in respect of the costs that the purchaser will have to pay when purchasing a property. More often than not purchasers will put in an offer to purchase without properly considering the various costs as set out above. As a general rule the banks expect the purchasers to pay these costs themselves. My office has compiled a short summary of the relevant costs which is published elsewhere in this newspaper. The list presented above is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all the costs involved, and I again recommend that both Purchasers and Sellers obtain a quotation from a conveyancer before signing a Purchase Agreement. Readers are welcome to address any questions that they might have in respect of this article to the Editor, for my attention.

Who are YOU going to call? Attor ne ys / Pr okur eur s Attorne neys Prokur okureur eurs Summary of Transfer and Bond Costs in respect of the purchase and sale of immovable property. Purchase Price

50 000 75 000 100 000 150 000 200 000 250 000 500 000 750 000 1 000 000 1 250 000 1 500 000 2 000 000 2 500 000 3 000 000 5 000 000 10 000 000

Transfer Costs

Bond Costs

3,718.00 3,718.00 4,231.00 4,516.00 5,366.00 5,822.00 9,000.00 17,020.00 26,800.00 41,110.00 54,750.00 97,600.00 140,650.00 183,500.00 355,100.00

3,160.00 3,160.00 3,160.00 3,338.00 3,770.00 4,112.00 6,706.00 9,442.00 11,266.00 12,784.00 13,696.00 15,976.00 18,606.00 20,886.00 30,006.00



This summary of costs is provided with the compliments of

Kr ug er & Ok es Attor ne ys Krug uger Okes Attorne neys ys, 23 Kingsway, Nigel - Tel: 0118143444. H2137

8 November 2011

Search for missing man A 30-year-old man, David Barber, is missing and the community is asked to help to trace him. David is a white male, large build with blue eyes and short curly blonde hair. He is 1,8m in height, his teeth are skew and he has a full blond moustache. He has tattoos on his legs and freckles on his left cheek and chin. David Barber was at the Freedom Recovery Centre in Nigel for drug addiction, which has an open door policy. He was last seen when he was dropped off at the taxi rank in Nigel on Thursday, October 20. He has no money or other clothes and no food. He must have medication daily, otherwise he becomes psychotic. He has absconded before and is probably disorientated. Anyone who sees this man should contact the SAPS at Boksburg North, W/O R Bezuidenhout on 011 898 3000/24.

David Barber

Kaydale pleit vir krag Inwoners van die Klaydale Kleinhoewes wat onder Heidelberg val, het reeds huise en plakkershuise opgeslaan en pleit nou vergeefs om die aanleg van elektriese krag by Lesedi. Die munisipaliteit kan niks doen voordat die gebied amptelik deur ‘n ontwikkelaar gepak en aansoek om dienste gedoen het nie. Willem Van Vuuren van erf 54, Horseshoestraat, Kaydale bly reg oorkant ‘n skool waar elektriese krag is. Hy het al gevra dat die munisiplaliteit net ‘n paal plant en krag na hom aanlê. Sy skoonma, ‘n mev. Khosa, is bereid om alle kostes, insluitend dié vir ‘n sub-kragstasie, te betaal. Maar die munisipaliteit sê nee. Lesedi

is nie die ontwikkelaar van die gebied nie, en daar moet algehele massa (bulk) toevoere na Kaydale dorpsgebied geinstalleer word. Die ontwikkelaar van die gebied is die persoon wat verantwoordelik moet wees vir die infrastruktuur. “Die penarie waarvoor die munisipaliteit sit, is dat as hy dit vir een persoon doen, hy dit ook vir ander moet doen. Dit sal chaos en ‘n politieke geveg afgee,” het ‘n man gesê. Die munisipaliteit ontvang baie versoeke, maar kan niks aan die situasie doen nie. Van Vuuren-hulle oorweeg dit om die ANC en President Zuma te nader om hul uit hul penarie te help.

8 November 2011



Lugballon Sedibeng partnership Bejaarde man verdwaal droom bewaar Annatjie en Dries Peschel van Nigel in die lugballon net voor hulle op 17 Oktober oor die Magaliesvallei met ‘n ballon van Bill Harrop’s “Original” Balloon Safaris gevlieg het. Dries ly aan Parkinsons Siekte en dit was een van sy laaste vyf wense voordat hy dalk permanent immobiel kan raak. Sy vriende het reeds R180 000 ingesamel vir ‘n duur breinoperasie van meer as R430 000 wat sy mobiliteit tot 85% kan verbeter. Die rekeningnommer by ABSA tak 632005 is 9254975648 en die fondskoördineerder is Martin Illig (074119-3781). Die fondsbestuurder is Jaap Cornelius van ABSA hoofkantoor (082-4612473). Dries kan gekontak word by

The National Skills Development Strategy III places a high premium on the necessity of industry, SETA’s and Further Education and Training (FET) Colleges to work together towards quality education and training. The needs of industry must be addressed by SETA’s and Colleges to ensure the youth of the country is skilled to gain sustainable employment. In response to this need Sedibeng College, Heidelberg Campus approached Arcelor Mittal to assist with advice and assessment methods. The campus is still de-

Dries en Annatjie

Hoor die klokkies lui! Op Vrydag, 25 November om 19:00 is dit tyd vir die gewilde jaarlikse Kerslig, Vers en Melodie-aand by NG Moedergemeen-te in Kerkstraat, Nigel. Ryan Walt (panfluit), Stephen Sterling (sanger) en Gottfried Schiele (klokkespel) is vanjaar die gaskunstenaars. ’n Heerlike ete word bedien en kaartjies is beskikbaar by Elize, 011 814 3560 (oggende).

veloping and was very grateful to receive a custom built electrical panel which will enable students to perform various tasks needed for their qualification. Mr Terrence Harrison, as spokesperson on Training for Arcelor Mittal made a commitment to assist the Engineering Campuses: Heidelberg, Sebokeng and Vereeniging with advice on equipment, training of lecturers as well as affording students the opportunity to visit the plant as part of their training. The Regional Manager of merSETA, Mr Sabelo Buthelezi was present and commended the partnership – pledging the assistance of merSETA in the process. COMET is a project to measure vocational competence in South Africa with the following stakeholders: merSETA, University of Bremen, Arcelor Mittal, Sedibeng College, Volkswagen, VUT and University of Northwest amongst others. Students from the College are participating in the assessment research. Heidelberg Campus is accredited to offer Fitting & Turning Apprenticeship and related skills programmes. Staff members of the College are accredited assessors and moderators. Dr Abe Mashele, Principal and CEO of the College expressed gratitude towards Arcelor Mittal and Mr Harrison in particular as the driver of the initiative from the company. Mr Harrison is a Council member of the College and serves on the Academic Board.

Die ouerige man staan verwese onder die paal buite Rekord se kantore. Ek stap nader. “Kan ek help, soek oom iets?” Verleë kom die antwoord: ”Ek het verdwaal en ek weet nie waar ek is nie.” Ek laai oom Gert in die motor nadat ek probeer uitvind het waar hy kuier – want gelukkig onthou hy die vrou se van. Dis waar dit eindig want die pad loop na baie kilometers dood. Gelukkig kry ons past. Dawid Niebuhr in om hulp te verleen en hy stel binne minute vas dat oom Gert nie in Nigel kuier nie, maar hier woon. Hy bel oom Gert se seun wat sy pa kopskuddend kom haal. “Pa ken mos die plek!” Dit blyk dat oom Gert die oggend bank toe geloop en sy sakies afgehandel het. Op pad huistoe het hy verdwaal. Nieburh sê kinders en kennisse van ou mense wat vergeetagtig raak, moet altyd hul tel. no en adres in die bejaarde se beursie sit om opsporing te vergemaklik.

Discover Nigel at

Dr Abe Mashele (CEO - Sedibeng College) handing over a plaque to Mr Terrence Harrison (Group Manager Training, AMU & Resourcing Arcelor Mittal) to express the gratitude of Heidelberg Campus for the assistance received from the company.


Cnr Heidelberg Road & Kerk Street, NIGEL (Opp. Solly’s Exhaust)

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8 November 2011



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Vyftig goue jare vir Arauna Arauna Geloofshuis, kerkterrein van die Spade Reën Geloofsending in Nigel, het op 22 Oktober hul vyftigste bestaansjaar gevier met ‘n beesbraai, stalletjies, toesprake en ‘n optrede van die Arauna Blues sangers wat nes die bekende Grafsteensangers, die skare laggend gehad en ‘n stukkie nostalgie ontruk het. Van vroeg af het die kinders speletjies gespeel en het die manne sweep geklap en kettie geskiet. Feesgangers het onder tente en in die skadus van die bome ontspan, koeldrank gedrink en geëet vir ‘n vale. En in die kombuis het ‘n jong bees van vroegdag af, al draaiende om die spit ‘n heerlike gastronomiese “vervreet” geword! Van die ou hande, die huidige president, die voormalige president en ander groot geeste het staaltjies uit die verlede vertel wat maar alles net duidelik daarop dui dat seuns van alle eeue maar net seuns bly! Die Arauna Blue sangers, kompleet met begrafnisondernemer, grafgrawer, bestuurder van die begrafniswa en ‘n klompie rou beklaende vroue, ‘n ou oom met ‘n kierie (Dries Peschel), en met ‘n vrolike weduwee en al, kon op die dag se optrede maklik die bekende Grafsteensangers die loef afgesteek het. (Spade Reën beteken Laat Reën en verwys na seëninge.)

Die Arauna Blues het met ‘n ou Londense taxi as begrafniswa by die vieringe opgedaag waar hulle die feesgangers in die tipiese styl van die “Grafsteengangers” vermaak het. Links is die grafgrawer, Ralph Ferber met graaf oor die skouer en Dries Peschel, een van die koorlede, afgeneem.

8 November 2011

Bet-El se pragtige kinders Die Bet-El gemeente van Kingsway, Nigel het op 1 Oktober ‘n prettige talent- en skoonheidskompetisie aangebied waaraan ‘n hele paar gelukkige deelnemertjies tot by 13 jaar oud deelgeneem het. Sien foto’s hiernaas. Die gemeente het die volgende persone en instansies bedank vir hul borgskappe. Nigel Apteek, Ferryvale Apteek, Spur Nigel, Magda Robertse, Ruan Luyt en Tropical Eden Kwekery.

Lente Bytjie Koning Rickus van Jaarsveld, 1 ste prins Joshua van der Walt en 2de prins, Jason Luyt

Joepie Joubert, hoof braaier, by die gaar, bruin gebraaide bees wat groot genot vir die feesgangers gebring het. Peet van Staden, Andre Steenkamp en Erich Dixon was die helpers. Jan Wienand (met die hoed) en vroutjie Marie (regs), met ‘n klompie feesgangers. Chanel van der Merwe het ‘n sertifikaat gewen Your Friendly Caltex Service Station

Bet-El se Lente Bloeisel Koningin, Juandri Cronjé, 1ste prinses Kay-Lee Mccalaghan en 2 de prinses Elyna van der Merwe.

2 Eeufees Avenue, Nigel

Tel: 011 814 6533/4/5

Petrol & Oil is our Business

Driveway Service are FREE! For your next tank of petrol try us, You’ll like us! Bet-El se Koning Rosekransie, Jannes Swart, 1ste prins Morno Viljoen en 2 de prins Eben Jacobs H2131

In association with the SHARIFF’S TYRE CENTRE

Heidelberg: 23 Schoeman Str TEL: 016 341 2187 / 8 FAX: 016 341 6702 H2133

Marie vale R oad, Vor ster skr oon, Mariev Road, orster sterskr skroon, Nig el Tel: 011 814 4357 Nigel


8 November 2011



Dance4Recharge van Nigel. Jeaniné Grobbelaar, Erika Country Girl, Allan-T, Jana Lubbe, Jan Botes en Dance4Recharge het op 29 Oktober in die saal van die NG Klipkerk in Heidelberg ‘n kleinerige gehoor vermaak met hul sang en dans. Verrigtinge sou eers op die plaveisel voor die kerk plaasgevind het, maar dis na binne verskuif toe dreigende reën die planne in die wiele gery het.

Hanli Kriel: 072 790 0496

Place your bookings now for the Festi ve estiv Season!

Worstelstryd Sy is sewe weke te vroeg gebore, het op haar vierde dag ‘n hartoperasie gehad, breinvliesontsteking gekry en die gepaardgaande vog op die brein het die skedelbene van mekaar laat weggetrek, die vog moes dreineer word, sy het epilepsie gekry en haar longe is aangetas. Dit is moontlik dat sy nooit sal kan loop, praat of sien nie. En daar is geen mediese fonds om toekomstige koste te help delg nie. Dit is kortliks die verhaal van klein Jadine Kleynhans van Heidelberg wat nou sewe maande oud is met die gewig van ‘n maand oue baba. By geboorte het sy 1,8 kg geweeg en staan nou op ‘n bietjie meer as 3,4 kg. Jadine was van geboorte af op 9 April 2011, feitlik pal in die hospitaal.Oupa Japie Kleynhans en sy vrou Sonet van hoewe 75, Spaarwaterstraat, Kaydale, het besluit om die kindjie te versorg en groot te maak. Jadine se longe het nie reg ontwikkel nie en sy het ‘n hartprobleem. Oupa Japie wil Jadine graag by die beste spesialiste kry om die beste behandeling moontlik te verseker. Hulle het nie ‘n mediese fonds nie en vra om enige hulp soos doeke en babaprodukte. ‘n Spaarrekening is geopen. Bankbesonderhede: Mej. J Kleynhans, ABSA, Nigel. Money Builder Rek: 9266883906, tak 632005. Bel Janita 082-857-9790 of Japie 082849-8012 vir verdere besonderhede.

Oupa Japie en ouma Sonet met klein Jadine

Presentatives hair & make-up done by Only the Best, Berni & Trudie


Running with Fire Grace – The Outworking Of A Divine Influence - Paster Chris The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen (2 Corinthians 13:14). Grace is the outworking of a divine inward influence. When this divine influence works within your spirit, it brings you the advantage, acceptability, favour, joy, liberality, pleasure, and gifts. These qualities in you, which are a function of God’s grace, become the beauty and attraction about you. Our opening scripture is a powerful prayer; it says “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen.” (2 Corinthians 13:14). Here, God isn’t referring to everybody in the world, but to us who are born again. Jesus said in John 3:3 “…verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” In other words, except a man is born again he cannot partake, share in or experience the grace of God. The Grace of God reveals the beauty of God in your life. This divine beauty and glorious adorning in the life of Jesus is described for us in John 1:14: “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among

us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.” Notice the latter part; it talks about the glory of the Son of God, complete and replete with grace and reality. But blessed be God; the sixteenth verse of the same John chapter one declares, “And of his fullness have all we received, and grace for grace.” You also can be described as full of grace and truth, because you’ve received of the Lord’s fullness. Your life is the expression of divine grace. There’s a supernatural influence at work in you that causes everything you do to be successful. It’s a divine empowerment that causes increase, promotion and progress! Celebrate that grace in your life today. Prayer Thank you, wonderful Jesus, for your grace that has brought me acceptability, irresistible favour, joy, liberation, pleasure, unquantifiable gifts, and most importantly the advantage! I go forth today, fully conscious of the inner workings and outward manifestations of your grace in my life! I win in all my endeavours today in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

C.J.J. STEEL cc. ~ STEEL MERCHANTS ~ Cnr: Grootvlei Rd, and Partridge St, Strubenvale Tel: 011 815 4700/1/2 * Fax: 011 8153088 email: -



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25x25x3 .................... R 81.00 25x25x5 .................... R127.00 30x30x3 .................... R 97.00 30x30x5 .................... R156.00 40x40x3 .................... R126.00 40x40x5 .................... R198.00 25x25x2 .................... R 85.00 30x30x2 .................... R 86.00 40x40x2 (7.2) ........... R145.00

Doggie bars optional extra


... R54.00 ... R77.00 ....... ... R94.00 ....... ... R118.00 ..... ... R152.00 ..... ... R220.00 .....



R356.00 R385.00 R430.00 R478.00

2450x1225x1.6 2450x1225x2.0 2450x1225x2.5 2450x1225x3.0 2450x1225x4.0 2500x1200x5.0 2500x1200x6.0

........................... R452.00 ........................... R525.00 ........................... R648.00 ........................... R843.00 ........................ R1 052.00 ........................ R1 402.00 ........................ R1 636.00 H1725



INDEX / INDEKS 1 Pets / Troeteldiere 2 Tours / Toere 3 Situations Wanted / Betrekkings Gevra 4 Announcements / Aankondigings 5 Vote of Thanks / Bedankings 6 Rewards / Belonings 7 Funeral Services / Begrafnis Dienste 8 Entertainment / Vermaak 9 Found / Gevind 10 Churches / Kerke 11 In Memorial / In Memorium 12 Personal / Persoonlik 13 Lost / Verlore 14 Computers / Rekenaars 15 Builders & Building / Bouers en Bouwerk 16 Sports Equipment/ Sporttoerusting 17 Lift Corner / Saamrygeleenthede 18 Beauty & Health / Skoonheid en Gesondheid 19 General Service / Algemene Dienste 20 Spyseniering / Catering 21 Money & Loans / Geld & Lenings 22 Childcare / Kindersorg 23 Music / Musiek 24 Tuition / Onderrig 25 Repairs / Reparasies 26 Garden Services / Tuindienste 27 Nurseries / Kwekerye 28 Transport / Vervoer 29 For Hire / Te Huur 30 Muscellaneous / Allerlei 31 Furniture / Meubels 32 Vehicles / Voertuie 33 Caravans / Woonwaens 34 Motorcycles / Motorfietse 35 Parts / Onderdele 36 TV Services / TV Dienste 37 Employment / Betrekkings 38 Accommodation / Akkomodasie 39 Resorts / Vakansieoord 40 Wanted / Gevra 41 Townhouses / Meenthuise 42 Houses to Rent / Huise te Huur 43 Flats to Rent / Woonstelle te huur 44 To Rent / Te Koop / Plotte & Plase 45 Wanted to Rent / Te Huur Gevra 46 Houses for Sale / Huise te Koop 47 Flats for Sale / Woonstelle te Koop 48 Stands for Sale / Erwe te Koop 49 For Sale / Te Koop 50 Businesses / Besighede 01 Pets / Troeteldiere

NOAH’S ARK PET SHOP: Voëlsaad, visse, viskos, koikos, akwariums, hondekos (3 in 1) Avi-Plus produkte. Bearded dragons, hamsters, krieke, meel wurms, hondehokke, hondejassies en honde bedjies. Dae oop per week 9:00 17:00 Naweke en vakansiedae 09:00 16:00. Tel: 011 814-4514. By mini Zoo, Noordstraat 132, Nigel. 12 Personal / Persoonlik Nigel Methodist Church - Centre of Concern Infoline. This FREE Service will assist anyone with contact details of various emergency and social service organisations in the Nigel area. Phone: 071 781 7065. Phone between 07h00 - 19h00, 7 days per week.

8 November 2011




Personal / Persoonlik

General Services / Algemene Dienste

Catering / Spyseniering

Free kittens. I have kittens to give a away. If any one are instressed please call me on 084 079 5266

PROFESSIONAL FLOOR SANDERS. Woodenfloors, sand, seal, repairs and installation of wooden floors. Contact Tony 083 268 2203

D’VINE GARDEN CAFÉ - 18 Van Der Stel str, Nigel. Oop 6 dae per week vanaf 8am - 5pm. Toe op Dinsdae. Verskeie ontbyt en middag etes. * Maandlikse vlooimark, elke laaste Sondag van die maand. * Stalletjies beskikbaar @ R50 per stalletjie (vir adverteer doeleindes). Gratis onthaal area vir kombuistee, baby tee, 21ste, troues en kinderpartytjies. * Perfekte onthaal area vir jou jaareind funksies of Kersfees partytjie. * Spesiale funksie spyskaarte beskikbaar. * Smaaklike “platters” beskikbaar vir enige funksie. * D’Vine verhuur ook versierings uit vir funksies. Linne, breekgoed, eetware, tafels en stoele asook tafellopers. Skakel Marlene vir meer inligting by 011 814 3612. Alternatief kan jy ons besoek op die webwerf by of of op Facebook blad onder D’Vine Functions Café om foto’s te sien van funksies.

15 Builders/Building/ Bouers/Bouwerk ODD JOBS 2000. Sedert 1979 in Heildelberg en Omgewing. Bouwerk, Loodgieters, Eletries, Alterasies, Grasdakke, Verfwerk, Swembaddens, Plaveisel en alle staalwerk - Ons is so goed soos die mense wat vir ons werk - Ons het duer die jare fantastiese spanne opgebou. Skakel kantoor ure - 016 341 5445 of Piet Pienaar - 082 603 1860 Awersome wendy. We do wendy houses at a VERY LOW PRICE, e.g. Log cabin, Knotty Pine, Pallet wood. Price for Pallet wood - 2m x 2m = R2200, 3m x 3m = R3300, 3m x 4m = R4000. For more info call Sum at 073 091 6680

Poloko Trading 717 cc. Genral Trading. For all your General Security needs. House maintance ect. Feel FREE to contact Wynand Vorster 078 876 2662 WARTHOG PHOTOS. We do all types of photos. If you do it, we will photograph it. Phone: Danie 072 370 1346

* Bathrooms * Granite tops * All Repairs * Kitchens * Laminated flooring Contact: 082 471 0916 / 082 637 6963

28 Transport / Vervoer

BOUWERK, LOODGIETER & VERFWERK Geysers, toilets, drains,

gebarste pype, skrynwerk, teëls ens. Seël van dakke & plaveisels. Skakel: 011 814 2071 of 082 646 9928

MEDICAL PLANS From R300 that refunds un-used benefits. For more information please phone: 086 111 1254 Includes insurance products underwritten by Resolution Insurance Company Limited. FSP No: 13888

“ Vir enige vervoer in Heidelberg en omgewing” 3 Ton platbak en 1.5 ton voertuie. Skakel: Dennis by 082 050 9112

42 Houses to Rent / Huise te Huur

18 Beauty & Health / Skoonheid & Gesondheid

Automation Special

Huur Huise in Heidelberg beskikbaar. Kontak Juanita 083 653 0192

Want to feel Beautiful at a affordable price? Got the solution. Buy Avon products as seen on Tv. Monthly specials available. Also agent for Honey Jewellery. Contact Jamie 076 175 3382

* Gate motors - R3950 * Garage doors R3100 incl installation & 1 year warranty * Electric fencing * CC TV * Intecoms * Carport *Gates & Burglarbars. Repairs to all the above. Custom made. Call Gustav 078 732 5710

Businesses / Besighede

Beauty Extreme Your appointment with plastic surgery is postponed! Christel / Karen 083 370 8374 / 011 814 2868

FOR ALL YOUR BEAUTY NEEDS!! * Nails * Manicure * Waxing * Pedicure * Tinting * Make-up * Diet’s Contact: 082 788 5880 (cell) or Tel: 011 814 6269, Nigel

LAUNDRY MATE Contact us for professional LAUNDRY service 20% discount for Pensioners on Wednesdays . HOUSEMATE includes the CLEANING of offices, factories, empty houses (move in/out). Contact us now for your FREE quotation on (011) 814 3597 or 072 511 4366

SMART KITCHENS & HOME IMPROVEMENTS For 3D Designer Kitchens or kitchen revamps, BIC, Bathr, Vanities, Wall to Wall Carpets and Laminated Flooring. No compromise on Quality and Service. Free Quotations. Phone Andre at 016 349 5052 or 082 738 1441

Flexi Hours: Monday’s - Friday’s 19 General Services / Algemene Dienste ROMMEL VERWYDERING / BOOMFELLING. Verwyder enige rommel. Felling van enige boom. Opruiming van gestorte / beskadigde vragte (ongelukstoneel rehabilitasie). Algemene vervoer. Beste pryse. Gratis kwotasie. Suikerbos Transport . Skakel Hennie 082 890 9516. MAD ABOUT PLUMBING LOODGIETERS. Spesialiseer in alle loodgieter behoeftes. Op versekering panele, Absa, Nedbank, Hollard, Santam, Mutual&Federal, Standard Bank en nog vele meer. Hanteer eis onmiddelik. Doen Solar Geysers en “Heatpumps”, alternatief tot Solar (50-80% besparing op krag). PIRB en IOPSA geregistreer. Skakel Tersia of Pieter by 016 349 5666 / 082 491 9093 / 083 547 4037


R&I Afslaers, 699 Voortrekkerstr, Brakpan, 011 740 0477 / 011 744 3544. Nuwe tyres, puncture repairs, fitting, balancing & new valves. Vir u tyre behoeftes skakel Ivan vir ‘n kwotasie. SUPER MEUBELS: Waar anders as Schoemanstr 42 , Heidelberg. Tel: 016 341 4445. Ons het nog baie voorraad teen afgemerkte pryse. Nuwe dubbel base+matras slegs R1600. 3Pce Entertainment unit slegs R3800. Nuwe Tv units, kitchen units, laaikaste en slegs een hangkas oor. Moet ook nie vergeet van ons ander voorraad nie, baie om van te kies. Kantoorstoele, koffietafels, los kombuis stoel kussings, 2x Twin tub wasmasjiene, stationary kaste, garage veiligheidshekke slegs R795. Ons het ook baie oud en hout meubels in ons Antieke afdeling. Baie enkel divan matrasse R90 elk R160 vir 2. Toasters, voedselverwerker, gordyne, handgemaakte juwele, breekware, ornamente, koekpanne en nog vele meer. Vir die dames het ons mooi aandrokke, strooimeisierokke en ietsie vir die klein blommemeisie nie veel oor nie. Vir die menere slegs 2x manspakke oor en baie dasse slegs R5 elk. Onthou ons nuwe kar en bakkie bande teen goeie pryse. Maak ons ‘n deel van jou Heidelberg roete. - Super groete.


20 Catering / Spyseniering RUMOURS RESTAURANT: For professional catering of all events. Weddings, Parties, Spitbraais, Platters and Potjies. Nothing too big or -small. Your venue or ours. Phone Piet at 011 814 1428 / 072 470 2187. TO HIRE: Cutlery, crockery, large selection of table cloths, overlays, tables and chairs etc. Phone Sonnette 082 926 1515

Antiques - oudhede. Ons koop, verkoop en restoureer meubels. Groot verskeidenheid nou beskikbaar. Kom loer gerus in. Skakel ons by 016 349 2175 of Wena 082 785 9108


8 November 2011



Disappointment in DA JANIC WALLING Nigel 011 814 7992 James 073 628 5826 083 675 7795

* Betonmure * Verlenggings * Staalpalisades * Skuifhekke * Lemmetjiesdraad * Plaveisel Ons het verhuis na ‘n groter perseel.


Geely approved workshop 26 B Marshallstraat, Heidelberg.

Tel: 016 341 3391 Fax: 016 341 4253

Fully equiped workshop All warranty work welcome Service all type of vehicles. Trevor Mortimer Workshop Manager


Jurie Boshoff Head Technician

Terms & Conditions apply

J DONALDSON APPLIANCES Free collection and delivery & Quotations 77 Porter Road, DUNNOTTAR. Tel: 011 734 2812 Fax: 011 734 2041

AUCTION ON-SITE Wed, 30 Nov @ 11:00 118 Strydom St, Heidelberg 27


No ON v 2 SH :00 OW -4 : :00 p


* Fridges * Freezers * Stoves * Washing machines * Tumble dryers Establised 1978

3 Bedroom House + 1 Bedroom Flat

TAX SHOP * Accounting & bookkeeping * Tax * Payroll * Company registration & amenments * BEE certification & verification * Insurance * DTI incentives * Foreign Exchange Call: Edina Beeten 082 926 0995 Email:



* Plant Nou !!! * Kom haal self. * Ook afgelewer (meer as 200m²) Skakel 086 123 5296 / LAWN

All we hear and read about is the corruption and nepotism within the ruling party. We hear about the opposition party and their strong views about corruption and nepotism and how we should trust them for standing up for what is right, but at the end they are equally as guilty of these actions. Does the DA really care about Nigel in Gauteng, and doing what is right? No! Does the opinion of the citizens of Ward 88 enjoy their attention and will they do their best to keep their voters happy? Should a voter have a complaint will they be willing to listen? I have been told that a woman from the DA even lost her temper and was extremely rude towards one person who phoned to raise her concern about our “Brakpan candidate”. It is their guy and we must just accept it.” This is all happening as we Ward 88 are once again asked to go and vote in the upcoming election. Nigel has been a DA ward for many years and the DA had the support of those who stayed here. Our then DA councilor, Jake Ceronio fought for us in the Ekurhuleni Council as a minority voice against an overwhelming ANC opposition, to try and ensure that Nigel is not forgotten and that problems will be addressed. He did us proud. Then it was decided by the powers that be that you cannot be a councilor and a teacher. Thus he was forced to step down. No word was said by the DA or even Helen Zille about this. He was kicked out in the dark and nobody took the trouble to defend him. This was an excellent opportunity for the DA leadership to stand up and fight for what is right and defend their councilor. None of the ANC councilors/teachers were forced to resign. Then we got to the manner of the DA’s manner of choosing a new candidate to stand up and fight for Nigel and the rest of Ward 88. I would still like to hear where they even advertised the position but they decided to go for a non-transparent procedure, they decided to go for one of their old Brakpan friends. Strange how most of our DA

leaders suddenly all come from Brakpan. Residents of Ward 88 (Nigel) are up in arms as we are and very unhappy that a stranger now suddenly wants the job. If he is so wellknown and loved in Brakpan where he previously stood as councilor, why did he not get elected as the councilor? Now he is forced down on us. Thus the people of Ward 88 started complaining and phoning the DA leadership, even Helen Zille and Glenda Steyn, begging them to reconsider. Whole communities made a clear statement that if this is the way the DA is interested in going about forcing their unknown friends into positions in our ward, that they will boycott the elections. Facebook messages are doing the rounds asking people to phone and complain. In phoning, people are simply being ignored or rude DA leaders telling them that they the DA can choose candidates as they wish. The problem became Mrs Zille’s to deal with and people were given her number to say how unhappy we are at the discard of Jake Ceronio. We all believed in approaching her we could depend on her integrity and that might just assist us in getting a person from within our ward to be our candidate. Helen Zille was outside the Nigel Mall to boost the image of the DA. Has she ever visited Nigel to support Jake Ceronio? The conclusion seems she doesn’t care about Ward 88. I know that very well-known people applied for the position as DA candidate. If the DA had backed one of our own. Sorry DA, too little too late…. This letter has been shortened. J Nel. EDITOR’s NOTE: Following numerous calls and complaints about the ousting of Jake Ceronio and the new candidate, the Rekord contacted Helen Zille with all the facts about what the voters are complaining about. Untill today no comment has been received.

Hundreds support walk against crime Office: 011 814 3349

Fax: 011 814 3348

YOLANDI 071 446 2590 VISAGIE PARK ................................................. R450 000 3 Slaapk, 1 bad, sitkamer,eetkamer, enkel motorhuis. FERRYVALE ...................................................... R550 000 Lieflike meenthuis, netjiese 2 slaap, 1 bad, sitkamer, eetkamer, enkel motorhuis. EXT 2 .................................................................. R570 000 Lieflike meenthuis, netjiese 2 slaap, 1 bad, sitkamer, eetkamer, enkel motorhuis.

The fun walk organised by the Nigel Community Policing Forum was a resounding success, with nearly 300 people of all ages turning up to participate. People of all ages took part in the 4,8 fun walk. Some even came on bikes and one person did the distance in a wheelchair. The event started and ended at John Vorster Stadiun, where there was food stalls and a spit braai. David Niebuhr, chairman of the Nigel Community Policing Forum said he was

RHONA 071 559 3706

W/O Madelein von Wielligh (Nigel SAPS), Lts Col Ypgita Kasavan and David Niebuhr, chairman of the Nigel Community Policing Forum at the CPF Big Walk.

RENSBURG ...................................................... R700 000 4 Bedroom house, garage, flat. RENSBURG ..................................................... R600 000 3 Bedroom house, double garage, flat + extra stand. KAYDALE ..................................................... R1 078 000 2 X Plots, 1 vacant and 1 x 4 bedroom house.

DAVE 083 235 7391 ALRA PARK ...................................................... R220 000 3 Bed house, large yard. EXT 2: ....... ............................................. R480 000 2 Bed cluster, 1 bath, s/garage + pool. UITB 2 ................................................................ R850 000 Naby Afrikaanse skole, groot familie huis,4 slaapk, 2 bad, sitkamer, eetkamer, std kamer, d/afdakke, onthaal area + swembad. HALLGATE ........................................................ R450 000 Two plots for the price of one. 3 Bed house + chicken run.

EDWARD 073 536 2879 DUDUZA ............................................................ R275 000 3 Bed, 1 bath, s/garage, s/carport, lounge. DUDUZA ........................................................... R330 000 2 Bed, kitchen, 1 bath, lounge. Lots of space. TSAKANE ......................................................... R250 000 Various houses for sale and prices negotiable. Relocate to Mpumalanga? Our new office open 14 November in Witbank and will provide all your property needs in surrounding areas WANNA SELL YOUR PROPERTY IN ALRAPARK? WE GOT CASH BUYERS FOR ALRAPARK H2139

delighted with the response from the Nigel public to take part in the event which was to take a stand against crime. “This served as a message to all criminals that they are not welcome in our policing areas. “It is through events like this that we strengthen positive attitudes in the community”, said Niebuhr. Medals were handed out to participants and the funds raised will go towards other CPF projects.

These two participants in the Nigel CPF walk are Eddie Morborn and Janiv Watson.



8 November 2011

8 November 2011



Sportman 2011 Corporate day at Golf Club A Corporate Day was held at Nigel Golf Club on October 26. The annual golf competition was sponsored by EWNS 18 four balls competed and at the end the “ou toppies” playing for Prodin walked away with the honours. Second was the Pipe Forge four ball and third was EWNS Lowill team. Thanks to all the participants and well done to all winners. A special thanks to Alan Glutz and friends for their sponsoring of the Corporate Day. Best 1st VST Projects 47 pts. Best 2nd Bore Hole Casing 46 pts, 3rd EWNS Lowill 88 pts c/ o. Team winners: 1st Prodin 96 pts, 2nd Pipe Forge 92 pts. Nearest the pin: Ben Swanepoel 3rd, Jaco Liebenberg 13th, Hano Muller 9th, W Venter 17th. Longest drive: M Brown.

Schoeman & Apsey Street, Heidelberg TEL: 016 341 3957

Junior Netbalspeler Suppliers of: * Plascon & Autoline Automotive Paints * Luxor Automotive Paints * Den Braven Sealants * Klingspor abrasives * Lacquer Thinners * QD Enamels Mixing of colours on automotive and QD Enamel paint. H2115

Riané Hough Junior Netbalspeler 2011 Hoêr Volkskool.


Orion Motor Group

Johan .............. 084 722 9410 Morné .............. 083 607 4574 Nora ................ 079 736 0854 Adele ............... 082 969 4483 Simon .............. 074 955 5805 Juanita ............ 076 781 4901 26 B Marshallstraat, HEIDELBERG Tel: 016 341-3391 Fax 016 341-4253

NEW Geely MK 2 1.5

R104 995

R89 900

R169 900

‘09 Kia Picanto 1.1 EX

R74 900

‘06 Mercedes Benz E200 K

R109 900

R94 900

‘06 Toyota Camry 2.4 XLi

‘06 Mazda 3 Sport Dynamic

R99 900

R69 900

‘05 Peugeot 407 2.2 Sport

‘04 VW Polo 1.6 Comfortline

R155 900

R109 900

‘05 BMW X3 2.0D

‘04 Mercedes Benz C180 K

R79 900

‘04 Renault Grand Scenic II 2.0 Exp

‘06 Kia Magentis 2.0

R105 900

R74 900

‘05 Nissan Hardbody 3.0TD 4X4 Sel King Cab ‘07 Opel Corsa 1.4i Club


NEW Geely LC 1.3

R84 995


Jonty B. Shelton, Balfour Laer en Hoërskool se top atleet en briljante rugbyspeler, is aangewys as die skool se Sportman van die Jaar. Met atletiek het hy vanjaar nege nuwe rekords gebreek en 24 eerste plekke verower. Sy nuwe rekord in 400 m hekkies O/ 19 by die Inter Hoër het 25 jaar lank in die naam van Wessel Venter gepryk. Hy staan tans onder die Top Tien atlete in Suid-Afrika. Sy ABSA tabel staan op 24 356 punte ná verlede jaar se 17 025. Hierbenewens het Jonty ook die skool se eerste rugbyspan as kaptein aangevoer. Tydens ‘n toer in die Kaap en in opvolgende wedstryde het hy in agt wedstryde altesame 25 drieë gedruk en 148 punte aangeteken. Hy is aangewys vir Pukke/Valke se O/19 span waar hy ‘n drie en vyf punte aangeteken het om sy totaal vir die jaar op te stoot na 26 drieë en 153 punte. Jonty sê dit verg harde oefening en opoffering om bo uit te kom, maar “met God aan jou sy, kan jy baie vermag.” Jy pluk die vrugte daarvan en ander sportmanne en vroue kan daarom ook suksesvol wees. Die skool het sy trots oor Jonty uitgespreek. “Hy verlaat ons hierdie jaar om sy sportloopbaan in rugby voort te sit en het by die Bulls Akademie ingeskryf. Ons wil hom baie sterkte en net die beste toewens. Mag jy die mylpaal bereik waarvoor jy so hard swoeg en sweet.”



8 November 2011

Tel: 011 739 5863 Tel: 011 739 4226 Fax: 0866 555 855/086561 9031 Email: Saiyed: 084 357 8618 NORTHEN ROAD, NIGEL


Full range of: New tyres & Mags. Balancing, fitting, punctures, mag repairs, customizing rims.

o b m st o C l be a e! e d ric p Winning deals on all new tyres

BUY AND WIN Stand a chance to win 1 of 2 brand new Pulse 4 stroke scooters worth R7 999.00 with the purchase of your combo set. Draw January 12, 2012 and February 8, 2012

Customer care is part of OUR life B/HOURS - MONDAY TO THURSDAY - 8H00 TILL 5H00 - FRIDAY 8 TILL 12 AND 2 - 5 * SAT: 8 - 13:00

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