Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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Verras jou geliefde ol Vio ede r opt

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VOLUME 8 No. 3 Two gir ls girls drowned

Bespreek nou jou Valentyn verrassings tafel


No or dinar y ordinar dinary bullfrog

Schools/ Sk ole Skole




14 FEBRUARY 2012 Spor Sportt


Net ‘n nuwe hart kan Willie red

Terwyl ‘n man van Heidelberg angstig op ‘n hartskenker wag, bly hy nagte lank wakker en vermy hy die bed omdat hy te bang is dat hy dalk nie weer sal wakker word nie. Willie Kotzee, ‘n bekende slotmaker is onlangs op ‘n kritieke noodlys vir ‘n hartoorplanting in Kaapstad by die Netcare Christiaan Barnard Gedenkhospitaal geplaas. Willie, voorsitter (Old Bill) van Heidelberg MOTHS vir oudgediende soldate, is ‘n bekende slotmaker in die dorp. Nadat hy onlangs siek geword het, is in Januarie bevind dat hy slegs 4% van sy hartfunksie oor het. Sy hart het vermoedelik so vier jaar gelede begin vergroot, nadat hy langdurige griep gehad het. Willie van Vosstraat 80, Rensburg en sy vriendin Maggie Landsberg, wag nou dringend dat ‘n skenker gevind word. Hoewel hulle bewus daarvan was dat sy hart vergroot het, het hulle in Januarie ‘n groot terugslag

gehad toe vasgestel is dat die hartfunksie nou na slegs 4% gekrimp het. “Sy dokter beskou dit as ‘n absolute wonderwerk dat hy nog leef. Slegs sy wilskrag om te oorleef hou hom aan die gang,” sê Maggie. Rekord verneem dat die mediese wetenskap niks verder vir hom kan doen nie. Slegs ‘n nuwe hart kan hom red. “Min mense besef watter spanning en angs Willie beleef. Hy is bevrees om in die aand in die bed aan die slaap te raak. Sy vrees spruit daaruit dat as hy gaan lê, hy dalk nie weer sal wakker word nie.” Willie sê hy sit of staan maar die hele nag om die bed te vermy. Hy het al staan-staan aan die slaap geraak. Die probleem is dat indien hy sou gaan lê, die hart nie hard genoeg sal kan werk om die vog van die longe weg te voer nie. Gevolglik sal hy te min suurstof inkry en net wegraak. Maggie vertel dat Willie liewers in die dag ‘n

Willie Kotzee, Old Bill (Voorsitter) voor met die bestuur van die Suikerbosrand Bomskuiling (Shell Hole) vir 2012 agter hom. Van links is Hannes Labuschagne, Frans Spangenberg en Willem van der Westhuizen.

No ordinary bullfrog!

en het op ‘n tydstip ‘n eie slotstelsel vir motordeure ontwikkel. Beide hy en sy vennoot, Johan Strydom is lede van die oudsoldate bond, die Suikerbosrand MOTH Klub. (Members of the Order of the Tin Hats.) Maggie vra dat alle gelowiges vir Willie moet intree sodat ‘n geskikte skenker gou gevind sal word. “Ek weet nie hoe lank hy dit nog sonder slaap sal kan uithou nie. Ons wil ook ‘n beroep doen op voornemende skenkers om dringend na vore te kom en hul organe vir noodlydendes te skenk.”

At Ocean Basket we make every day a Valentine’s Day! Come and join us in our deleecious Family or Prawn Festival! Unbelievably low price at

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NOW OPEN IN HEIDELBERG 56A Jacobs Street - Opposite Absa Bank Please visit our website to view our full range of products Baking ingredients Cake decorations Polystyrene + Domes Plastic Bags + Containers Fruit, Nuts and Seeds Cake Board + Boxes Spices - Essences - Foil - Paper Bags - Milkshake syrup flavours - Rice Paper Prints Melting chocolate & moulds Chocolate Foil

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Read page 8

bietjie sal indut as hy weet daar is iemand wat hom kan dophou. “Hy het nou sy dag en sy nag omgeruil,” sê sy. Hy het al by tye tot drie dae lank sonder slaap gegaan. Hy gebruik voortdurend suurstof om sy longe te vul. Tipies oudsoldaat, aanvaar Willie sy terugslag met grasie, maar sy wilskrag dryf hom daartoe dat hy graag sy jaar as Old Bill (voorsitter) van Suikerbosrand MOTHS sal wil deursien. “Ek kan mos met my suurstof en al soontoe gaan,” sê hy met ‘n skelm laggie. Willie ken die vakgebied van slotmakery goed

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14 FEBRUARY 2012

What is your God given gift From the desk of Rev Ray Goddess Many people confuse God’s gifts with passion and end up in the wrong ministry within God’s Kingdom. Let me explain. A friend of mine was passionate about children and so naturally became a Sunday school teacher. The children loved him and all looked well. One day he came to me and shared that he hated teaching and most of the time did no preparation for the classes and usually taught “on the fly”. I was obviously stunned but as

267 6198 SKAKEL 083 267 6198


Rev Goddess, Heidelberg Methodist Church

we started to look deeper into the problem he identified we turned to his results in the Network Course. One of his top gifts was administration and his top passion was children but his teaching gift was second from the bottom (of the 23 gifts found in the Bible). Through this we found the problem – he was not gifted to teach. I asked him if he would take over the admin for the Sunday school. He was ecstatic and we had fantastic stats and administrative information delivered on time each month. The reason for this was that we were using his top God given gifts combined with his passion. The results can only be excellent as we do the work that God has designed us to do. The second plus is that if you do something that God has designed you to do you are in for the long hall and your ministry lasts and increases to the glory of God. Now many people also misunderstand the difference between our God given gifts and the Fruit of the Spirit. They are not the same and are in fact totally different entities. I will be dealing with the Fruit of the Spirit in my sermons after completed our present sermon series on the book of James. I believe that it is critical that we know what our top gifts are and also our bottom gifts. Many people are not concerned with their

bottom gifts but this is critical to know. The reason that you need to know your bottom gifts is that if someone asks you to be permanently involved in or run a ministry listed in your bottom three gifts you need to say no – you will not enjoy it and not sustain the ministry. This does not mean that you must say “no” to helping in a ministry. An example is if one of your bottom gifts is working with your hands and someone asks you to help with the painting of the church you should say “yes” – this is a short term task and you should not use your gifting as an excuse to help in a short term task. Heidelberg Methodist Church runs the Network Course nearly every year and this year we are extending an invitation to the public, other churches and cell groups to join us for the three evenings and identify your God given Gifts. If you register as a church/cell group we will keep you together as a group so that you can grow Spiritually as a group. Afrikaans (and other languages) speaking folk are welcome – we will translate if you do not understand. The course is going to be held on the 29 February, 7 and 14 March at 19h00 in Wesley Hall at the Heidelberg Methodist Church. The course last for approximately 2 hours (till 21h00) and costs R100-00 per person (to cover the costs of course material). Hope to see some of you there.

No service accounts Many people in Dunnottar and some in Nigel did not receive electricity and water accounts during December. This resulted in many trying without success to get the amounts due over the phone. Consumers complained they had difficulty in getting through to the Customer Care Centre in Nigel, which was the only way of finding out what they owed. Consumers said they were told at the Customer Care Centre that the problem of non-delivery was in Germiston, from where the accounts came. Some accounts were delivered last week, well after the due payment date for many.


Five kittens dumped in box

H0326 LEADERS IN CUSTOM MADE SHOPFRONTS e-mail: 58 Second Avenue, Nigel 1490 Tel: 011 814-1577/26 Fax: 011 814 8467


ROBERT DYKE 083 266 5453 STEVE DYKE 082 428 7262

The Nigel SPCA picked up five kittens, about 10 days old, which had been placed in a box next to a refuse bin near flats in Somerset Street, Nigel. Two of the kittens were dead and the others dying and had to be euthanised. The SPCA would like people who see such acts of animal cruelty to report them. At the moment the SPCA cattery is full of kittens – all as a result of cats not being spayed.

Nigel Methodist Church C/o Olifaunt & George Heriot Glenvarloch, Nigel - Tel: 011 814 3151 Fax: 086 690 1342

In Nigel for the people of Nigel! “Chatter Box” - 17 February @ 10h30 Come and join us for a leisurely chat...; a quick coffee, tea or juice and something..tempting. All for R8.00. Every 1st & 3rd Friday morning of the month between 10h30 and 12h00 in Happiness Hall! No Bible study, just a time to chill and chat!!

GriefShare - Every Monday @ 10h00 This program is designed to help you on the journey from mourning to joy. Come and join us on the road to restore your energy for life & happiness. Anybody is welcome to attend these courses presented at the Church. SUNDAY SERVICE: SUNDAY SCHOOL:

09:00 & 18:00 09:00


57 Strydom Street, Heidelberg Tel: (016) 341-2437 Rev. Ray Cell 082 656 3123 “We exist to be like Christ, live like Christ, and share the exciting message of Christ to all people”. EXPERIENCE CHRIST’S LOVE AND OUR FRIENDSHIP

NOW ABOUT SPIRITUAL GIFTS, BROTHERS, I DO NOT WANT YOU TO BE IGNORANT (1 Corinthians 12:1 NIV) Service times: 08h00 – Traditional Service (Mother’s Room available) 09h30 – Worship Service (Mother’s Room available) 18h00 – C.I.A. Service (for Adults and Youth) H0338

14 FEBRUARY 2012



Spesialis in verjonging & estetika Veediefstal styg onrusbarend Estetiese medisyne wat veroudering teenwerk, is die nuutste behandeling wat dr. Jacques Cilliers, tandarts van Nigel, tot sy arsenaal van estetiese dienste gevoeg het. Hy is slegs een van twee tandartse en 28 dokters landwyd wat in Desember ‘n kursus van die American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine in Midrand deurloop het. Dr. Cilliers bevind hom nou met die verwerwing van die sertifikaat, in Suid-Afrika tussen ‘n klompie toonaangewende deskundiges op die gebied van estetiese verjonging. Hy is een van slegs ‘n paar mense wat ‘n internasionaal erkende sertifikaat in estetiese medisyne verwerf het. Die omvang van sy dienste sluit medisyne teen veroudering in, mediese velsorg produkte, die versagting van gesiglyne of dan plooie en rimpels, die vulling van plooie, die beklemtoning van lippe en chemiese afskilfering van die vel om dit sagter en fermer te maak. Dan bied hy ook nog mediese gewigsverlies aan waar ’n kombinasie van inspuitings, ‘n dieetplan en drinkbare medikasie, deel van vorm. Slender Wonder word o.a. op Kyk Net geadverteer. Die mediese velsorg produkte wat dr. Cilliers bied, is nie die roompies wat in kettingwinkels te koop is nie. Dis kosmeseutiese produkte wat kortweg beteken dat die room die vel binnedring om van binne na buite te werk. Wat mediese chemiese afskildering van die vel betref, is dit nie sommer enige terapeut wat dit mag doen nie. Jy moet gekwalifiseerd wees en by die kursus word verskeie biologiese vakke behandel. Dit laat die vel na

behandeling sagter, mooier en fermer lyk. Mens kan selfs van swangerskap pigmentasie en son vlekke ontslae raak. Menslike verjonging of dan maniere om die ouderdom teen te werk, spreek tot baie mense. “Dit is iets wat meeste van ons graag wil doen om mooier en jonger te bly vir langer. Daar is wêreldwyd ‘n ongelooflike ontploffing op dié gebied, sê hy. Volgende op sy lys sal die laserbehandeling van die vel wees om pigment, merke en tatoeëer merke uit te haal. Die lasermasjien is egter ontsaglik duur en sal ‘n rukkie moet wag. In die volgende vyf jaar is dit ‘n veld wat geweldig veld gaan wen. “Dis lekker om op 18 ‘n tatoeëer merk te laat aanbring, maar later vind ‘n mens dat dit glad nie so mooi en lekker is om daarmee saam te leef nie.” Onder die skoonheidsmiddels wat hy aanbied is daar ook “n vloeistof wat ‘n vrou se wimpers langer en dikker maak. En vir mans en vroue van wie die hare op die kop uitval, is daar ook behandeling beskikbaar. Die follikel (groeiselle) word in sommige gevalle met medikasie geaktiveer en in ander gevalle word hare van die lyf op die kaal plek ingeplant. Hy gaan binnekort ‘n kliniek vir vel verjonging open. Sy vrou Juanel het ook ‘n kursus in chemiese afskilfering deurloop, maar sy is ‘n baie, baie besige vrou - soos elke moeder van ‘n drieling van amper vier jaar oud, sal kan getuig! Kontak dr. Cilliers by tel: 011-814-3196. F: 086500-4998 en E pos: Sy spreekkamer is in Breytenbach straat 47, langs AVBOB.

Veertien gevalle van veediefstal waarby skape en beeste ter waarde van meer as R120 000 betrokke is, het reeds sedert November in Heidelberg se landelike gebied voorgekom. In November is ses gevalle en in Desember nog ses gevalle aangemeld. Hoewel veediefstal in die verlede sporadies hier voorgekom het, is die skielike opswaai in dié tipe misdaad sedert November in veral die omgewings van Boschfontein en Schikfontein, ‘n groot bron van kommer vir die SA Polisie. Dit was in Januarie stil, maar hierdie maand is reeds twee verdere gevalle aangemeld. Met die verwagte styging in vleispryse wat in die volgende maande voorlê, sal die misdaad waarskynlik toeneem. “Een boer het tien beeste in een nag verloor. Van ‘n ander een is dertig skape gesteel. Dit kan wees dat die diewe van voertuie gebruik gemaak het om hul buit te verwyder,” sê adj.

off. Vollie van Vollenhoven, koördineerder van die polisie se afdeling Landelike Veiligheid. Van Vollenhoven het ’n ernstige beroep op boere gedoen om die wet te gehoorsaam en hul skape en beeste te merk. Beeste word meestal gebrandmerk en skape se ore word getatoeëer. Wanneer gesteelde vee by bv. veilings opgespoor word, is dit baie moeilik om die eienaars op te spoor as die diere nie gemerk is nie. Baie boere is jammer vir hul diere omdat brandmerking en tatoeëring pynlik kan wees, maar ’n metode waarvolgens droë ys gebruik word, maak dit minder pynloos. Hy waarsku boere in die omgewings van Lagerspoort, Steynskraal en Schikfontein en ander landelike gebiede om versigtig te wees. Misdade word tussen 03:00 en 05:00 gepleeg. Boere wat onraad vermoed of hulp wil hê, kan A.O van Vollenhoven by 071-3713035 skakel.




Dignity to Duduza Hundreds of residents of Duduza will soon enjoy clean, safer and flushing sanitation. This was the information shared recently with communities in two areas of the township by Ekurhuleni Executive Mayor, Mondli Gungubele during a service delivery meeting. Service delivery Fridays were launched by the Mayor late last year as a tool to speed up service delivery. The programme has led to the deployment of all members of the mayoral committee to the various customer care centres every alternate Friday so that they will interact with communities and assist in addressing their concerns with regards to service delivery. During his visit to Duduza, Gungubele pointed out that about 83 stands in Masechaba proper will receive clean water and flushing sanitation. Land in Cool Breeze has also been identified, which will be developed into 55 stands to benefit the families who are sharing single stands with other families in Duduza. They will be relocated to their new stand to enjoy total ownership of the stands and will have these stands serviced by the end of April.

The Mayor said this was to ensure that dignity is restored to the communities. The Mayor visited a section of Masechaba, which has no services at all. “I have given my word to the community to bear with us a little while until August when by the end of that month this community will enjoy clean water and flushing toilets,” he said. “This is the essence of the Service Delivery Fridays, to give our community genuine hope, settling timelines for addressing their challenges and ensuring that we indeed deliver.” The Mayor also visited the rates hall in Duduza to assess the attitude of staff in discharging work, how they implemented the Batho Pele principles and the turnaround time to respond to communities’ needs. Another unannounced visit was made to the Seat Clinic in Masechaba, where the Mayor took the senior staff to task for unacceptable attitude displayed to patients when the Mayor arrived. “In the 40 minutes we were in the clinic over 40 people were attended to. That clearly shows that despite capacity problems said to be experienced here, it is possible to effectively attend to patients,” said the Mayor.

14 FEBRUARY 2012

Alra Park eyes tested through AMT AMT Placement Services and AMT Community Development collaborated on a community project that focused on visual health care and education among primary school learners in the Nigel area. AMT Community Development was the coordinator and facilitator of the project that was done at Alra Park Primary School among underprivileged and previously disadvantaged children. The optometrists’ services were delivered to parents who cannot afford consultation fees or do not have the necessary means to access treatment. Pre-screenings and eye tests were done on 608 children to identify those with visual problems. A total of forty children were fitted with a new pair of spectacles. AMT Placement Services is a labour brokerage firm that specialise in Temporary or Permanent Personnel Requirements in the Mechanical, Electrical & Instrumentation fields. They re-

cruit from top Management through to Tradesman & Unskilled labour. Their motto: “Our people make the difference”, spills over to the communities that they are active in and seek to also make a difference in other people’s lives that are less fortunate. “We highly value education because of the preliminary role it plays towards shaping a child’s adult life. Good visual perception is necessary for effective learning, school achievement and sporting ability. Studies indicate that up to 80% of what a child learns takes place through the visual pathways. Poor vision can disrupt these pathways leading to poor cognitive development, which in turn can prevent a child from developing to his or her full potential. Early eye screening and testing is advisable to prevent learners from experiencing potential learning difficulties,” AMT said.

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Alra Park learners wave their hands to thank the sponsors for the free eyes testing day.

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Wat is versekering? deur Wayne Moorcroft

In die omstandighede van vandag se samelewing word versekering n noodsaaklikheid vir elke huisgesin. Faktore soos hoë misdaadsyfers, onreëlmatige weerspatrone en die hoeveelheid voertuie op die paaie, dra by tot die feit dat meer en meer mense dit nie kan bekostig om sonder versekering te wees nie. Om werklik te begryp wat versekering is moet daar eers gekyk word na waar versekering vandaan kom. Sjinese koopmanne wat goedere oor die Yangsterivier wou versend en bewus daarvan was dat die reis in gevaar gestel is deur stroomversnellings, het bymekaar gestaan om in die bote wat die rivier moes opvaar, slegs ‘n gedeelte van hulle totale verskepings te plaas. Sodoende is die totale hoeveelheid goedere oor ‘n aantal skepe versprei. Die verlies van enige skip sou derhalwe op baie koopmanne rus en nie slegs op op een besondere een nie. Versekering beoog om alle verliese, tussen ‘n aantal persone te verdeel. Groepe persone het gevind dat, deur bydraes tot ‘n gemeenskaplike fonds te lewer, die fonds voldoende sal wees om enige ongeluk wat ‘n bydraer mag ly, hom te vergoed uit die fonds waartoe hy bygedra het. Versekering is dus die middel waardeur verliese lig op die menigte rus eerder as swaar op die enkeling. In hierdie rubriek in elke tweede uitgawe van Rekord, gaan ons verskeie aspekte van versekering bespreek sowel as om vrae van die publiek te beantwoord oor enige korttermyn versekeringsprobleem of navraag. Die doel hiervan is om die publiek meer in te lig oor die interne werking van versekering sowel as wetlike aspekte en wat u te doen staan in die geval van n eis.

U kan u navrae stuur na Posbus 306, Nigel, 1490 of per êpos aan

14 FEBRUARY 2012


Two girls drowned Two young friends, Magogo Zenzile Nkosi (5) and Lebohang Mofokeng (5) who drowned on January 25 in a tragic incident when they tried to cross the swollen Suikerbosrand River on the farm Modderbult near Balfour after school, were laid to rest side to side in Balfour on February 3, after the police and several people and instances contributed to give them a worthy farewell. Thsipi-Noto Funeral Home Services donated the coffins after Dimpho Nkosi of the Police Head Quarters in Nelspruit approached him on behalf of Balfour’s police who ascertained that the families were too poor to bury the children. Dimpho won the 2011 Women’s Prestige Award for exceptional work in the community. She organized help through the SAPS Women’s Network and several sponsors such as Gift of the Givers, to help with the children’s burials. The police and the municipality were intensely involved and thanked all people from the community who helped in the search. Popo Mofokeng was the only friend who survived. Neliwe Selewane’s (7) body was found only the next day after ‘n forty minutes search by divers. She was buried elsewhere.


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Priests performing the last ceremonies at the burial as the coffin, one of two next to each other, waits to be lowered in the grave yard of Siyatanda, Balfour.

Kameel karnaval 3 Maart 2012 Laerskool AG Visser

People that made it possible to give the two drowned girls a worthy burial. From left Tebogo Thsipi, of Thsipi-Noto Burial Home who donated the coffins and the burial services, Mayor N. S. Nhlapo of Balfour and Ms. Dimpho Nkosi of the Police in Nelspruit who organized all donours. She is the 2011 Winner of the Women’s Prestige Award for her contribution to the welfare of communities. On the right is Thumelo Masoeu, personal assistant to the Mayor.

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Stamp meeting The first meeting was held recently and after a quick quiz and other general matters relating to the club, members were requested to mount a display of not less than three pages using the letter Z. Members received judging sheets as guidelines on how to set about it. The club is popular with stamp collectors of all ages and there are always challenges. But whatever your age, if you want to start collecting stamps, you will get great advice by contacting Lesley Lesmann or Charles Rogers on 011 814 3377. The club meets at the Nigel Methodist Church Hall once a month. Next meeting February 27 at 18:30 for 17:00.

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14 FEBRUARY 2012

In defence of our Magistrates

by JP Okes Law is not a science. There is no magical formula to apply in determining the truth of what happened in a particular case. Perhaps it is more accurate to say that the practice of law is an art. Attorneys, and prosecutors, use the different facts of a case to paint a picture to Court. Often this picture is painted in broad strokes without too much attention to detail. The artists will furthermore often attempt to focus the Court’s attention on certain details, particularly those that favour the arguments. Likewise the artists may attempt to draw the Court’s attention away from those details that contradict their arguments. Magistrates have to sift through the storm of colours presented to them to reach a decision. If the practice of law is a form of art, then the Magistrates can best be described as art critics. It is in the very nature of art critics that they may have different opinions about the art that they are judging. Because Magistrates are human like the rest of us, their opinions may differ for a number of reasons, not least of which may be their personal experiences. If you are being charged with driving under the influence of alcohol, for example, who would you rather plead guilty before: (i) A Magistrate who lost his son in a motor vehicle accident where the driver was drunk? Or (ii) A Magistrate who frequents night clubs and is known to be particularly fond of whiskey? In the case of the example referred to you would not be surprised to hear that the one Magistrate imposed imprisonment and the other a fine. The fact that both imposed dif-

ferent sentences does not mean that both are right, nor does it mean that both are wrong, or even that one is right and one is wrong. Magistrates are permitted to exercise a so called “judicial discretion”, particularly when imposing sentences. This is why there is often such a marked difference in judgments. The public for the most part believe that a Magistrate’s task is to determine the truth. However, as it is often said, our Courts are not Courts of truth, they are Courts of Law. The harsh reality of the matter is that “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth” is very seldom discovered in Court. A Magistrate’s task is to apply the law, or should I rather say his interpretation of the law, to the facts of a case. In a criminal matter a Magistrate must thereafter decide whether or not an accused’s guilt has been determined beyond reasonable doubt. So what is understood by the terms “reasonable” and “doubt”? You will understand that we all have a different idea of these concepts. In civil matters a Magistrate must decide a case on a “balance of probabilities”. You can only imagine the number of different opinions in this regard. It should be clear from the above that although, in theory our Magistrates are expected to be objective, their decisions are for the most part based on subjective factors. Of course you can appeal to the High Court if you disagree with a Magistrate’s decision against you. You may find that the High Court agrees with you and overturns the original decision. Your opponent may then take the matter to the Appeal Court, who may again rule against you. Ever heard the saying “a good settlement is better than a bad judg-

ment”? The point is that there is no such thing as a “guaranteed” judgment. I like to believe that our Magistrates, under very trying circumstances, do their best to promote the interests of justice. Yes, they make mistakes, but that is why the Appeal Courts are there, to serve as a safety net of sorts. The good news is that, unlike a lot of people I defend, Magistrates learn from their “mistakes” and follow the direction provided by the Appeal Courts. They have to do this even if they disagree with the Appeal Court’s decisions. Again, the fact that their judgments are overturned on appeal does not necessarily mean that they are wrong. All it means for certain, is that the Appeal Court has a different opinion on the matter. When next “judging” a Magistrate’s decision, try to remember the contents of this article and specifically the abstract concepts that Magistrates have to apply in reaching their decisions. Then remember that highly paid and well qualified “artists” are hired by litigants to paint pictures that suit their cases, to Court. All that can be expected of an art critic under these circumstances is to give a honest opinion of the art presented. I’ve heard it said that Magistrate’s are seldom right, but never wrong. Perhaps that sums it up the best. Remember that any adult can attend a Court case and follow the matter from beginning to end. I would like to suggest that you take the time to do so as this will certainly enable you to better “judge” our Magistrates. JP Okes is a practicing attorney, who has specialized in criminal law for more than twenty years.


C.J.J. STEEL cc. ~ STEEL MERCHANTS ~ Cnr: Grootvlei Rd, and Partridge St, Strubenvale Tel: 011 815 4700/1/2 * Fax: 011 8153088 email: -





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... R55.00 ... R77.00 ....... ... R94.00 ....... ... R119.00 ..... ... R152.00 ..... ... R220.00 .....



R356.00 R385.00 R430.00 R478.00

2450x1225x1.6 2450x1225x2.0 2450x1225x2.5 2450x1225x3.0 2450x1225x4.0 2500x1200x5.0 2500x1200x6.0

........................... R447.00 ........................... R520.00 ........................... R642.00 ........................... R835.00 ........................ R1 042.00 ........................ R1 389.00 ........................ R1 620.00 H0301

14 FEBRUARY 2012


Die swaar vragmotor en sy sleepwaens word deur Safari Insleepdiens opgelig om op sy wiele te land.


Twee vragmotors val ‘n Swaar vragmotor met 33 mt gesnipperde rekenaarpapier op twee sleepwaens, het Woensdag omstreeks 03:10 in Heidelberg op die hoek van Louwstraat en die R23 wat na Overkruin en Johannesburg lei, omgeslaan. Die vragmotor het waarskynlik te vinnig uit Louwstraat om die draai gegaan en van balans geraak. Die bestuurder is in ‘n plaaslike hospitaal opgeneem. Vroeë oggendverkeer na Johannesburg en Heidelberg is ontwrig en die vragmotor van KwaZulu Natal is omstreeks 06:30 weer op sy wiele gelig. Later die oggend het nog ‘n 8-ton vragmotor wat brood vervoer, sowat 14 km buite Heidelberg op die pad na Brakpan naby Tsunami omgeslaan. Niemand is beseer nie.

Pensioner Loses purse A pensioner is distraught because she has lost her purse, which contained bank, medical aid and other cards as well as cash. Dora Willemse had just left the Wimpy in central Nigel and walked to her car which was parked against the opposite wall. Then she realized her purse was missing. She immediately went back to Wimpy and was promised that security cameras would be looked at. The purse is black and anyone with information should contact Mrs Willemse on 073 193 7547.

Van polisie- na bankspeurder Adjt. Off. Tinus van der Merwe van Heidelberg Speurdiens het onlangs uit die polisie bedank om hom by ‘n groot bankgroep se ondersoek- en bedrogafdeling aan te sluit. Hy was 22 jaar in die SAPD waarvan hy 18 jaar speurder was. Hy het op ernstige misdaad soos huis- en besigheidsrowe en die kaping van motors en swaar voertuie gekonsenteer.

Voortrekker Straat 15, Heidelberg

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14 FEBRUARY 2012

Wen dieet by Apteek No ordinary bullfrog! ‘n Dieet wat jou nie laat sterf van die honger nie en waar jy wel nog ‘n bietjie biltong en sjokolade mag eet, is die verrassende dieetprogram wat by Kingstan-Spectrum Apteek wag vir mense wat ‘n klompie hardnekkige kilogram vet wil afskud. Om heelwat in die eerste week te verloor, is nie buitengewoon nie. Karine Etsebeth, die apteek se dieetkenner, sê die groot geheim van die dieet lê opgesluit in pilletjies en sekere homeopatiese druppels. Dis ‘n dieet wat konsentreer op die vermindering in die dieet van koolhidrate en kosse soos brood, melk, botter en kaas. “Jy gaan aan met wat jy feitlik elke dag eet en hoef niks met ‘n skaal af te weeg nie!” By aansluiting vir deelname aan die kursus van tien weke, word deelnemers se mate en massa bepaal en vasgestel wat ‘n deelnemer se ideale mikpunt vir sy of haar massaverlies is. Die deelnemers kom elke week in vir ‘n weegsessie en aanpassings word dan, indien nodig in hul dieet gemaak. Deelnemers kry ‘n lys van kossoorte wat hulle veral in die eerste

twee tot drie weke moet vermy. “Die groot geheim lê egter in die medikasie opgesluit want dit sorg dat jy nie so honger word nie en laat jou selfs toe om biltong en ‘n sekere soort sjokolade te eet. “Sodra ‘n mens jou ideale massa bereik het, gaan jy voort met die medikasie. Jy moet dan net versigtig wees om jou nie weer van voor af te ooreet nie. Zip jou lippe toe en byt vas. Kingstan is daar om jou deur te dra, ” sê Karine. Die koste vir die kursus van tien weke is R980. Sy het in Nigel grootgeword en in 1995 hier gematrikuleer. Kingstan Apteek lewer ‘n volledige apteekdiens en hou ‘n verskeidenheid homeopatiese middels aan. “En van volgende maand af bied ons ‘n skoonheidsprogram aan wat velverjonging van die binnekant af help plaasvind. Dit is bitter effektief en organiese gesigsrome kan daarby vir ‘n kliënt gemeng word om ‘n nog vinniger effek te kan sien. “ Bel Karine by 011-814-8101 of besoek haar gerus by Kingstan-Spectrum Apteek in Hendrik Verwoerd Straat.

When a Noycedale woman heard her daughter say there was a Hubbard squash growing near the stoep, she couldn’t believe it. When Eureka Swart looked she saw it and admitted it look like one, but on closer examination discovered it was the top of a massive bullfrog. Eureka said it was the size of a plate. Eureka encountered two workers from the Marievale Bird Sanctuary and they said that it could be an endangered species and advised her to get confirmation. The frog was not aggressive and was even weighed. It was a whopping 920gr and approximately five centimeters in height. Eureka said the feet were almost like claws and when it walked, it looked like an iguana. The bullfrog has been happily encamped in Eureka’s Noycedale garden for more than six weeks. Once she heard her dogs barking loudly and ran to see if they had harmed the frog. But they had just seen the frog and didn’t go near it. Eureka noted that the bullfrog seemed to want to dig and made different sounds to an ordinary frog. She believed that excavation work

some 200m away from the house may have disturbed the frog. Since then a neighbour has also reported a large bullfrog in his garden. The Rekord contacted Dee Johnson and described the bullfrog. She confirmed it was an endangered species and that Eureka should try and put it in a box. It would then be taken to the Marievale Bird Sanctuary where there were others of the same species. Dee, a member of the Friends of the Blesbokspruit and of the Springs and Nigel branch of the Environmental Society, confirmed it was an endangered species and is capable of biting. “These bullfrogs must not be harmed,” she said. Parents should also warn children not to harm them. Eureka is now waiting for a chance to get the bullfrog into a box and contact Dee. These species of bullfrogs can grow up to 23cm in length. The head is large and during the breeding season the male develops teeth on the lower jaw and also guards the eggs. It is known as the African Frog. If anyone has such a frog on their property – not the usual small ones, they can contact Dee Johnson on 011 814 3900.

Karine Etsebeth van KingstanSpectrum Apteek. H0308

The huge bullfrog found in a Nigel garden which is an endangered species.

A talent for oil painting A Nigel woman who has always loved flowers, decided to portray them in oil paintings. Martie, who is 76 years old, first went for classes in Heidelberg and then tried out her own talents. The results are in an amazing collection of paintings of flowers. On her cottar wall at Nigel Old Age Home there is an oil painting of pomegranates and a landscape, although she says she is not fond of painting the latter. She started painting in 2004 and has even done some water colours. But she admits that oil is the method she likes best. “You can add to your picture or even alter it,” she says. She has given many of her paintings as gifts and to her family. Now she has taken a pause from painting but does dressmaking instead. But the day will probably come soon when she takes up her brush again! She has done beautiful oils of iceberg roses and admits she has a passion for roses. Martie has been at the Old Age Home for nine years. She was born in the Free State

Martie Mulder and first came to Nigel when she was only three weeks old. As her father worked on the Mines, the family moved to various places. She attended the Nigel Convent for part of her education. Martie worked all her life as a dressmaker and only retired in 2000. Today she has a fulfilling life with her painting. She never knows what she is going to paint next – except that it is almost sure to be flowers! This artistic talent, hidden for many years, has now given pleasure to many people as well as Martie.

14 FEBRUARY 2012



Bekende in vleishandel sterf Vrou beroof van motor

‘n Bekende in die beesvleishandel, dr. Hantie Lombard (58) van Heidelberg, is op 3 Februarie dood toe hy weens ‘n hartprobleem by ‘n hospitaal se restaurant in Pretoria inmekaar gesak en gesterf het. Sy vrou Thesna het oorkant hom gesit toe dit gebeur het. Hulle het die oomblik vyf jaar lank gevrees en hy het ‘n hartvervanging oorweeg. “Ek het hom by die Wilgers Hospitaal gaan haal en ons het iets ligs by Wiesenhof gaan eet. Hy het vir die rekening gevra en toe hy sy beursie wou uithaal, het hy net inmekaar gesak. Toe ek vra wat fout is, het hy nie gereageer nie. Ek het om hulp geroep en agt mense van die trauma eenheid, waaronder ‘n hartspesialis, ‘n uur lank tevergeefs geprobeer het om hom te red, ” sê Thesna. Dr. Hantie het “die volle sirkel” in die beesbedryf voltooi. Hy het van die aankoop van jong kalwers, hul voeding, bemarking en slagting hanteer. Hy was ‘n kenner op voedingskrale en het tot redelik onlangs by Karan Beesboerdery buite Heidelberg gewerk waar hy oor etlike jare na miljoene beeste omgesien het. Hantie was ‘n student by uitstek en het sy voorgraadse studies aan die Vrystaatse Universiteit en sy nagraadse studies aan dié universiteit en die Universiteit van Pretoria verwerf. Hy het sy doktoraal in suiwel veevoeding voltooi maar was later baie meer bekend as ‘n kenner op vleisbees. Hy was o.a. betrokke by Tweespruit Landbouskool, Nestle, die OTK, Karoo Ochse, Beef Master en Karan Beef. Hantie het baie naby aan die Here geleef. “Die Here het sy stem geken, en hy het die Here se Stem geken,” sê sy seun Marx. Vir Thesna was Hantie se dood ‘n groot skok. Sy het op 22 Januarie na Suid-Afrika teruggekeer nadat sy haar tandarts dogter Minette (36) in Nederland besoek het met die geboorte van haar baba. Die egpaar het by die Vrystaatse Universiteit ontmoet en is in 1975 getroud. Hulle het twee ander kinders; E.R (34) werk by Media 24 en Marx (28) is ‘n entrepreneur-sakeman in Pretoria. ‘n Roudiens is op 9 Februarie in die NG Klipkerk in Heidelberg deur die bekende ds. Henno Cronje gehou. Hy was ‘n persoonlike vriend van die egpaar. Die hele gesin en talle vriende was teenwoordig.

‘n Geskokte vrou van Heidelberg is verlede Dinsdag van haar motor beroof toe kapers in Van Drielstraat toegeslaan het. Sy het by haar broer se huis stilgehou en uitgeklim om haar selfoon op die agterste sitplek te kry toe ‘n motor haar vasgeparkeer het. Drie swart mans het op haar afgestap en een het ‘n vuurwapen op haar gerig. Die gewapende het haar motorsleutels geëis en sy het dit oorhandig. Die ander twee het

haar deursoek en wou weet waar haar juwele was toe hulle niks aan haar kon vind nie. Die gewapende man het die sleutels aan sy twee mederowers oorhandig wat met die motor weggejaag het. Hy self het met die ander motor, ‘n donkerkleurige Volkswagen Golf weggery. Die registrasienommer is onbekend. Die geroofde voertuig is ‘n rooi Golf 6 met registrasienommer BM 67 TY GP. By die ter perse gaan was die kapers nog op vrye voet.

Kameelkarnaval 3 Maart 2012

by Laerskool AG Visser

Hantie Lombard

In association with the

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14 FEBRUARY 2012

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14 FEBRUARY 2012


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H/v Schoeman & Albertstraat, HEIDELBERG TEL: (016) 341-6864



14 FEBRUARY 2012

Duduza learners excel Scholarship Five deserving learners from Duduza were inducted into the Peermont Education Trust (PET) learnership and scholarship programmes for 2012 at a ceremony held at Emperor’s Palace. Here, PET trustee Vusi Zwane (front left) and Proserve project co-ordinator Themba Dlamini (front right) are pictured with (front), Lucy Madhlopa and Nomalanga Ndlovu and (back) Boitumelo Makoopo, Karabo Dhlamini and Lerato Kobeng. These inductees have received partnerships to follow their passion of a career in the hospitality industry.

winner Lucy Deli Madlopha of Duduza, one of the Peermont Education Trust’s hospitality learnership recipients for this year. In the photo Lucy gets a feel for what her future career holds, as she works at an event at Emperor’s Palace after she was officially inducted into the PET learnership programme. She will start her normal studies at Proserve shortly.

Skoolhoof groet Vissies kry hempies

Mnr Gerald Noomè, skoolhoof vir die afgelope agt jaar van die Hoër en Laerskool Balfour het na Greylingstad verhuis. Hy is deur die beheerliggaam, personeel, leerders en ouers van Hoër- en Laerskool Balfour gegroet. “Ons wens hom alle sukses toe in sy nuwe pos as hoof van Laerskool Greylingstad. Ons glo dat hy die nuwe uitdaging sal aangryp en die nuwe rustiger loopbaan as hoof van die Laerskool sal geniet.” Die adjunkhoof van Hoër en Laerskool Balfour, mnr. Adam Breed neem waar as hoof totdat ‘n nuwe skoolhoof aangestel word.

Die KFC Groep het hempies aan die Grd 1 leerders van A. G. Visser geskenk om by atletiekbyeenkomste te dra. Die skool het dankie gesê deur ‘n hempie te laat raam wat hulle verlede week aan Schalk Nel, area bestuurder van KFC, oorhandig het. Van links is Nel van KFC, Johan Roothman (skoolhoof) en Elize Booysen, die skool se bemarker. Die drietjies wat met hul pragtige nuwe hempies spog, is Elbie Anrike, en Xander.

Nigel Primary Interhouse winners

These learners of Nigel Primary School all excelled in the various events at the school’s inter-house athletic meeting recently. They will participate in an interschool meeting this week.

Balfour atlete maai onder rekords Gerald Noomè

Balfour kry nuwe onderwysers

Balfour Hoër en Laerskool het vanjaar twee nuwe onderwysers bygekry. Me. Dalene Booysen gee klas vir grd 5, 6 en 7 en mnr. Bester Lewenswetenskappe vir die Graad 10 - 12 leerders. Die skool sê hulle hoop dat die twee se verbintenis met die skool lank en aangenaam sal wees.- Foto: Meriké Diedericks.

Renzo Dames van die Hoër en Laerskool Balfour is vanjaar besig om van krag tot krag in die onder 11-afdeling vir seuns in gewigstoot te vorder. Hy het op 1 Februarie 2012 by die Laerskool Leandra ‘n goue medalje met ‘n stoot van 9,58m in S 0/11 verwerf en daarmee die rekord van 9,45 m verbeter. Skole van Balfour, Kruinpark, Leandra, Marietjie van Niekerk en T.P. Stratten het deelgeneem. Balfour het ses medaljes gekry. Twee atlete het elk silwer gekry. Hulle was Anna-Marie Ellis met gewigstoot vir D 0/10 wat die bestaande rekord oortref het en Brendon Lombard wat sy medalje in die 1 200 m vir S 0/11 verower het. Drie atlete het elk brons gekry. Hulle was Nokulunga Nhlapo in 80 m D 0/10, Chepiriou Fisher in die 1 200 m S 0/10 en Kayla Bloem in die 1 500 m D 0/13. In ‘n vyfhoekige stryd op 28 Januarie het Laerskool Balfour uitstekend presteer deur dertien eerste plekke te behaal. Renzo Dames het ‘n nuwe skoolrekord in 0/11 gewigstoot opgestel deur die afstand van 9,24m na 9,48 te verbeter. Die byeenkoms in Balfour was tussen Hoër en Laerskool Balfour, Kallie de Haas van Standerton, Noorderlig van Benoni, Laerskool Greylingstad en Balfour Primary. Op Vrydag 27 Januarie het die skool weer uitstekend in nog ‘n baie geslaagde vyfhoekige byeenkoms gevaar. Die

besoekende skole was Hoërskole Kriel, Evander, Highveld Park van Secunda en Gekombineerde Skool Noorderlig. Baie goeie prestasies is behaal en Marchelle Coetzer het die dogters 0/17 se 1500m rekord geëwenaar. Atlete wat goeie prestasies behaal het, was Tinus van den Berg met twee eerste-plekke in diskus en gewigstoot, seuns onder 16; Natanya Pienaar met drie eerste-plekke in diskus, spiesgooi en gewigstoot, dogters onder 14; Diandra Harris met drie eersteplekke in 1 500m, 800m, en 400m dogters onder 15; James de Bruyn met drie eerste-plekke in 400m hekkies,100m en 200m. Op 24 Januarie is ‘n aantal huisrekords verbeter toe atlete mekaar in ‘n huisbyeenkoms die stryd aangesê het. Marchelle Coetzer (0/17 dogters, 1 500m) met ‘n tyd van 5:48,6 verbeter die rekord van C Myburgh wat in 1998 opgestel is. Nathan Richards (seuns 0/14) spiesgooi, afstand 29,10m verbeter die rekord van Rynhard Cronje 2011. James de Bruyn (seuns 0/17) 400m hekkies, 61,5s verbeter die rekord van Jonty B Shelton 2009. Die beste baanatleet van die dag (Hoërskool-afdeling) was James de Bruyn en die beste veldatleet van die dag (Hoërskool-afdeling), Thabang Mofokeng Junior Victor ludorum is gewen deur Ruben Kriel, die Junior Victrix ludorum is Tanya Moss, Die Senior Victor ludorum, James de Bruyn

en die SeniorVictrix Ludorum, Jessica Odendal. Beste baanatleet van die dag (Laerskoolafdeling) was C. Botha, die beste veldatleet van die dag (Laerskool-afdeling) was Stephan de Bruyn, die Junior Victor ludorum was Stephan de Bruyn en die Junior Victrix ludorum, Rhodé Boon. ‘n Woordvoerder van die skool het gesê: “Graag wil ons al ons atlete bedank wat met volle oorgawe deelneem en ook ons leerkragte wat as beamptes optree.”

Renzo Dames knap gewigstoot atleet. - Foto: Meriké Diedericks

14 FEBRUARY 2012



Curvezone uitdaging Nuwe Bestuurder by Life

Vitafit Wellness Centre het 2012 weer vroeg afgeskop met die Curve Zone uitdaging. Daar word elke eerste Vrydag en Saterdag van die maand evaluasies deur Lecia Bothma gedoen. Bloeddruk, suikervlak, en cholestrolvlak toetse wat deur Suster Hettie Bester behartig word, is by die evaluasie ingesluit. Die dames word voorsien van ‘n gesonde eetplan en kort termyn doelwitte word gestel, met ’n langtermyn doelwit wat oor die verloop van ‘n jaar, bereik kan word. Daar word maandeliks ‘n wenner geïdentifiseer wat dan ‘n maand gratis by Vitafit Wellness Centre kan oefen. Na verloop van ‘n jaar word daar ‘n algehele wenner aangewys uit die 12 finaliste wat dan wegstap met ‘n nommerpas mooimaak sessie. Verlede jaar se wenners : Okt 2011:- Maude Nhlapo, November 2011: Magriet Beukes en Des 2011: Zona Griesel, Magriet Beukes is as die algehele wenner aangewys vir 2011 en is op 25 Januarie 2012 deur dames van Jordan’s Hair & Beauty Spa op die hande gedra. Chantel (082-088-6448) was verantwoordelik vir Magriet se nuwe haarkapsel. Haar naels is deur Lindee (082-574-5357) versorg en Nadie (016-3412282) het die grimeerkwassies geswaai – ‘n verjongingskuur sonder naald of mes. ‘n Versorgde voorkoms is nie ydelheid nie, dis deel van vrouwees. Die klerekas beplanning is deur Sandra Taljaard van Style Challenge (082-888-2731) behartig. Sandra het Magriet op haar beste laat lyk en daarom voel sy ook fantasties. Die uitrusting is deur Milady’s Heidelberg voorsien en Etienne (084-506-5797) het die verjongingsdag op kamera vas gelê. Anita Brönn is vir Wenner die maand van Januarie Magriet aangewys as die eerste Beukes wenner vir 2012. Dames word uitgenooi om jou ou lewe te verruil en deel te word van ‘n groep dames wat deur spierversterking-oefeninge en ‘n gesonde eetplan doelwitte stel, vir ‘n gesonder lewenstyl, met gewigsverlies, ‘n fermer lyf en beter fiksheidsvlakke as bonus. Curve Zone Challenge 2 & 3 Maart, tema “ I’m shifting weight”. Vitafita, Voortrekker straat 14, Heidelberg, Kloof View gebou. Tel: 016 349 2821

Suikerbosrand Kliniek Life Suikerbosrand Kliniek se nuwe bestuurder, Cora Muller bly al dertien jaar in Heidelberg, maar dis nou die eerste keer dat sy in die dorp werk waar haar oudste kind gematrikuleer en die ander drie op skool is. Cora het die pos as bestuurder op 1 Februarie begin beklee. Sy het die graad B Soc Sc. in Verpleegkunde in 1991 aan die Vrystaatse Universiteit verwerf en ook gespesialiseer in Intensiewe sorg. Sy is getroud met Theo wat ‘n Algemene bestuurder by Imperial Cargo Solutions is. Sy was tot voor haar aanstelling vyf jaar lank hospitaalbestuurder van Netcare Mulbarton in die Suide van Johannesburg. Haar oudste dogter Emce (18) wat verlede jaar aan Hoër Volkskool gematrikuleer het, volg nou in haar ma se spore en studeer Verpleegkunde in Potchefstroom. Haar jonger suster Annette is nou in matriek op Volkies, Theoné in graad 8 (Volkies) en Richard in graad vier aan Laer Volkskool. Cora en haar man het in 1998 na Heidelberg verhuis. Dit was nadat sy tien jaar by Hydromed Medi Kliniek in Bloemfontein gewerk het. Sy was ‘n rukkie in Alberton by die Netcare Unie Hospitaal waar sy deel van die Netcare Groep geword het. “Ons streef daarna om een van die beste klinieke in die Life Groep te wees en die gemeenskap van Heidelberg en omgewing ten beste te dien. Dis waartoe ek my verbind het, “ sê Cora. Life Suikerbosrand Kliniek hou hierdie week van 12 tot 18 Februarie ‘n Swangerskap Bewustheidsweek in Heidelberg ( op die 18 de by Shoprite) , Nigel (op die 16 de) en Balfour (op die 15 de). Vandag, 14 Februarie, is die valentynsgees by die hospitaal aangewakker toe elke saal ‘n onversierde koek van die bestuur gekry het. Hulle moes hul eie versiering doen en daarna is die mooiste een aangewys.

Cora Muller

Discover nigel @

Borge Chantelle, Sandra, Lindee en Nadia

900 R279


00 R79 9

00 R84 9

Verandering....doen dit nou!

Klim NOU uit jou gemaksone en durf daardie verandering aan waarvan jy so wegskram! Jy sal verbaas wees hoe jy jou liggaamsvorm en algemene fiksheid kan verander

2011 Toyota Hilux(F/L) 3.0 D-4D Raider Xtra Cab 26 000km

900 R129

2008 Toyota Yaris T1 3Door (M) 81 000km

2007 Toyota Yaris T3 3Door (M) 119 800km

000 R135

00 R89 9

BAIE GELUK AAN ONS WENNER CURVEZONE CHALLENGE 2011 2008 VW Golf 5 1.6 Comfortline 112 900km

Magriet Beukes Pro Rata aansluitingsfooi beskikbaar

2008 VW Polo Cross 1.9TDi 109 000km

900 R189


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2010 Hyundai i10 1.1 GLS (49kw) 15 000km

2011 Ford Focus 1.8 Si 5 door 49 000km

Nigel & First Avenue,

Kyle Hendricks 082 578 0985 Office 011 814-8181/8235 Fax: 086 614 7343

8181 Tel: 011 814011 814-8235



14 FEBRUARY 2012

139-3rde Straat, Springs Tel: 011 362 5237 - Faks: 011 362 5238

R99 950

‘06 VW Polo Classic 1.9 TDi Highline - P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W

R149 950

‘06 Hyundai Tucson 2.7 V6 GLS A/T P/S, A/C, E/W

R279 950

‘07 BMW 530d A/T (E60), P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags, CD

R89 950

‘06 Tata SFC 407 DSLB TURBO P/S Workhorse

R99 950

‘02 BMW330d A/T (E46) F/L, P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags, CD

R94 950

‘06 Mazda 3 1.6 Sport Active P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags, CD

R79 950

‘07 Peugeot 1007 1.6 2-Tronic P/S, A/C, E/W

R44 950

‘02 Opel Corsa 1.6iS A/C, P/S, ABS, E/W, Mags, CD

R109 950

‘07 Nissan Hardbody 2400i 4x4 LWB (J23) C/D, P/S

R149 950

‘07 Jaguar X Type 2.0 SE A/T P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags, CD

R109 950

‘03 BMW 530d A/T (E39), P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags, CD

R49 950

‘07 Tata Indica 1.4 DLX P/S, E/W, C/L

MARTIN 082 795 5339

KEEGAN 082 729 9471

JOE 073 737 4334

HERMAN 082 817 7192

R239 950

‘08 Mercedes Benz 115 Vito 2.2 CDi Crew Bus

R159 950

‘06 BMW 320d A/T (E90) P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags, CD

R89 950

‘00 VW Sharan 2.8 VR6 A/C, P/S, E/W, C/L

R114 950

‘06 Mercedes Benz A180 CDi Classic P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags

R84 950

‘03 Landrover Freelander 2.0 TD4 A/C, P/S, E/W, C/L

R109 950

‘06 Ford Focus 2.0 TDCi Si 5Door P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags, CD

‘03 Mercedes Benz C220 CDi Classic P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags CD

R139 950

R34 950

‘06 Audi A4 1.8T Multitronic (B7) P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags, CD

R279 950

‘09 VW T5 KOMBI 1.9 TDi P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags, CD

R199 950

‘09 Toyota Hilux 3.0D-4D Raider 4x4 P/U D/C, P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W Mags, CD

‘07 Nissan Navara 2.5 DCi 4x4 P/U, D/C, P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags, CD

‘09 Ford Ranger 3.0 TDCi XLT 4x4 P/U, SUP/CAB, P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags CD

R69 950

R89 950

R114 950

‘03 BMW 318i A/T (E46)F/L P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags, CD

‘03 Peugeot 206 2.0 Coupe Cabriolet - P/S, A/C, E/W

R109 950

R299 950

‘08 Peugeot 206 1.4 Popart 3DR P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags, CD

R89 950

R199 950

‘07 VW Polo 1.9 TDi Highline P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags, CD

‘96 Subaru Impreza 1.8GL A/T S/W, A/C, P/S, CD

R329 950

‘09 Toyota Fortuner 3.0D-4D Raised Body A/T, P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags, CD T/C

R104 950

‘10 Chevrolet Aveo 1.6L P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags, CD

R169 950

‘09 VW Golf 6 1.6i Trendline P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags, CD

R79 950

‘03 Renault Scenic RX4 Expression, P/S, A/C, E/W, S/R

R99 950

‘04 Peugeot 307 2.0 CC, P/S, ABS, E/W, Mags, CD

R109 950

‘02 Mercedes Benz C200 Elegance, A/C, P/S, E/W, C/L

R129 950

‘05 BMW 320i (E90) P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags, CD

R109 950

‘08 Toyota Yaris T3 Spirit 5D P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags, CD

R94 950

‘02 Toyota Condor 2400i TX 4x4 A/C, P/S, C/D

R114 950

‘05 VW Touran 2.0 FSi, P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags, CD

R69 950

‘01 VW Golf 4 1.9 TDi Highline P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags, CD

14 FEBRUARY 2012




INDEX / INDEKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Pets / Troeteldiere Tours / Toere Job Wanted / Betrekkings Gevra Announcements / Aankondigings Vote of Thanks / Bedankings Rewards / Belonings Funeral Services / Begrafnis Dienste 8 Entertainment / Vermaak 9 Found / Gevind 10 Churches / Kerke 11 In Memorial / In Memorium 12 Personal / Persoonlik 13 Lost / Verlore 14 Computers / Rekenaars 15 Builders & Building / Bouers en Bouwerk 16 Sports Equipment/ Sporttoerusting 17 Lift Corner / Saamrygeleenthede 18 Beauty & Health / Skoonheid en Gesondheid 19 General Service / Algemene Dienste 20 Spyseniering / Catering 21 Money & Loans / Geld & Lenings 22 Childcare / Kindersorg 23 Music / Musiek 24 Tuition / Onderrig 25 Repairs / Reparasies 26 Garden Services / Tuindienste 27 Nurseries / Kwekerye 28 Transport / Vervoer 29 For Hire / Te Huur 30 Muscellaneous / Allerlei 31 Furniture / Meubels 32 Vehicles / Voertuie 33 Caravans / Woonwaens 34 Motorcycles / Motorfietse 35 Parts / Onderdele 36 TV Services / TV Dienste 37 Employment / Betrekkings 38 Accommodation / Akkomodasie 39 Resorts / Vakansieoord 40 Wanted / Gevra 41 Townhouses / Meenthuise 42 Houses to Rent / Huise te Huur 43 Flats to Rent / Woonstelle te huur 44 For Sale / Te Koop / Plotte & Plase 45 Wanted to Rent / Te Huur Gevra 46 Houses for Sale / Huise te Koop 47 Flats for Sale / Woonstelle te Koop 48 Stands for Sale / Erwe te Koop 49 For Sale / Te Koop 50 Businesses / Besighede 01 Pets / Troeteldiere

NOAH’S ARK PET SHOP: Voëlsaad, visse, viskos, koikos, akwariums, hondekos (3 in 1) Avi-Plus produkte. Bearded dragons, hamsters, krieke, meel wurms, hondehokke, hondejassies en honde bedjies. Dae oop per week 9:00 17:00 Naweke en vakansiedae 09:00 16:00. Tel: 011 814-4514. By mini Zoo, Noordstraat 132, Nigel.




Job Wanted / Betrekking Gevra

Builders/Building/ Bouers/Bouwerk

General Services / Algemene Dienste

Jong dame met Gr.12 is dringend opsoek na kantoorwerk. Het eie vervoer en is woonagtig in Nigel. Hardwerkend en bereid om te leer. Kontak Geraldine 083 273 5815

Betrekking Gevra. Jongman met Gr.12 is dringend opsoek na werk. Is betroubaar met sober gewoontes en tweetalig. Bereid om hard te werk en te leer. Bereid om ambag te loop. Het eie vervoer. Kan dadelik begin werk. Kontak my Henning by 083 657 0838

Looking for a job. I am eager to build a career in a challening and innovative enviroment where I may fully utilise my excellent creative and artistic talents, coupled with my above average communication skills. I grew up in a bilingual household and am therefore able to communicate in both English and Afrikaans efficiently. Computer literacy: Basic knowledge of MS Word, Excel and Power point. Subjects at school: Business Economics, English, Afrikaans, Tourism and Adapted Mathematics. Please phone me Michelle at 082 459 3335. 12 Personal / Persoonlik Nigel Methodist Church - Centre of Concern Infoline. This FREE Service will assist anyone with contact details of various emergency and social service organisations in the Nigel area. Phone: 071 781 7065. Phone between 07h00 - 19h00, 7 days per week. Martial Arts Instructors Wanted. 1 Fightclub is looking for coaches in your area to teach “Mixed Martial Arts” to beginner students. If you have martial-art experience call me on 083 278 6446 or e-mail:

15 Builders/Building/ Bouers/Bouwerk

Job Wanted / Betrekking Gevra

ODD JOBS 2000. Sedert 1979 in Heildelberg en Omgewing. Bouwerk, Loodgieters, Eletries, Alterasies, Grasdakke, Verfwerk, Swembaddens, Plaveisel en alle staalwerk - Ons is so goed soos die mense wat vir ons werk - Ons het duer die jare fantastiese spanne opgebou. Skakel kantoor ure - 016 341 5445 of Piet Pienaar - 082 603 1860

Opsoek na werk. Baie betroubare tuinman met goeie geskiedenis soek werk vir 3 dae in ‘n week. Tans in diens vir 18 jaar by huidige werkgewer waar by hy 2x per week werk. Word ten gunste aanbeveel. Kontak Mara by 011 814 5695

ABBC Wendy’s. We do all type of wendy houses, new wood, Knotty Pine, Log cabin +pallet wood. Prices for pallet wood 3m x 3m = R3500, 3m x 4m = R4000 and we move wendy houses. For more information contact Lionel 078 299 9193


14 FEBRUARY 2012

Awersome wendy. We do wendy houses at a VERY LOW PRICE, e.g. Log cabin, Knotty Pine, Pallet wood. Price for Pallet wood - 2m x 2m = R2200, 3m x 3m = R3300, 3m x 4m = R4000. For more info call Sum at 073 091 6680

BOUWERK, LOODGIETER & VERFWERK Geysers, toilets, drains,

gebarste pype, skrynwerk, teëls ens. Seël van dakke & plaveisels. Skakel: 082 646 9928

MEDICAL PLANS From R300 that refunds un-used benefits. For more information please phone: 086 111 1254 Includes insurance products underwritten by Resolution Insurance Company Limited. FSP No: 13888

LAUNDRY MATE For a professional LAUNDRY service, contact us at 011 814 3597 or 072 511 4366. 20% discount for blankets/comforters/duvets/curtains during Jan and Feb 2012. 20% discount for Pensioners on Wednesdays. Collect and deliver in Nigel/Heidelberg.

BOUWERK Alle bouwerk en aanbouings. Bou van Nuwe Huise en Woonstelle (Granny Flats). Seel & verf van dakke Skakel Gerald 083 384 9599 N.H.B.R.C. Geregistreerd

* Granite tops * Bathrooms * Kitchens * All Repairs * Laminated flooring Contact: 082 471 0916 / 082 637 6963

18 Beauty & Health / Skoonheid & Gesondheid Gesondheid en Skoonheid. Vir pragtige hare, vel en naels. Stuur R20 aan L. Pieterse, Posbus 1099, Heidelberg, 1438 vir besonderhede.

Do deliveries after hours. Nigel & Springs area

NOAHS ARK SHOP 12 132 NORTHERN RD NIGEL TEL: 082 393 7428 Email:

Beauty Extreme * Nails * Pedicure & Gel Toenails * Facials Training in all * Hair extensions nail systems Christel 083 370 8374 / 011 814 2868

FOR ALL YOUR BEAUTY NEEDS!! * Nails * Manicure * Waxing * Pedicure * Tinting * Make-up * Diet’s Contact: 082 788 5880 (cell) or Tel: 011 814 6269, Nigel Flexi Hours: Monday’s - Friday’s 19 General Services / Algemene Dienste ROMMEL VERWYDERING / BOOMFELLING. Verwyder enige rommel. Felling van enige boom. Opruiming van gestorte / beskadigde vragte (ongelukstoneel rehabilitasie). Algemene vervoer. Beste pryse. Gratis kwotasie. Suikerbos Transport . Skakel Hennie 082 890 9516. MAD ABOUT PLUMBING LOODGIETERS. Spesialiseer in alle loodgieter behoeftes. Op versekering panele, Absa, Nedbank, Hollard, Santam, Mutual&Federal, Standard Bank en nog vele meer. Hanteer eis onmiddelik. Doen Solar Geysers en “Heatpumps”, alternatief tot Solar (50-80% besparing op krag). PIRB en IOPSA geregistreer. Skakel Tersia of Pieter by 016 349 5666 / 082 491 9093 / 083 547 4037

SMART KITCHENS & HOME IMPROVEMENTS For 3D Designer Kitchens or kitchen revamps, BIC, Bathr, Vanities, Wall to Wall Carpets and Laminated Flooring. No compromise on Quality and Service. Free Quotations. Phone Andre at 016 349 5052 or 082 738 1441

20 Catering / Spyseniering RUMOURS RESTAURANT: For professional catering of all events. Weddings, Parties, Spitbraais, Platters and Potjies. Nothing too big or -small. Your venue or ours. Phone Piet at 011 814 1428 / 072 470 2187. TO HIRE: Cutlery, crockery, large selection of table cloths, overlays, tables and chairs etc. Phone Sonnette 082 926 1515

36 TV Services / TV Dienste





fully installed to one point. PREMIER COMMUNICATIONS (016) 341 2233 / 082 417 7149 41 B Voortrekker str, Heidelberg

37 Employment / Betrekkings DATA ENTRY WERKERS DRINGEND BENODIG. Verdien R720 in jou eerste week GEWAARBORG !! tot R1140 per dag binne jou EERSTE MAAND !! Werkers met of sonder rekenaars om vorms in te vul. Eie ure en maklike stap vir stap verduideliking. SMS jou Naam, Van en posadres vir brosjure aan 083 734 7852


14 FEBRUARY 2012






Employment / Betrekkings

Houses for Sales / Huise te Koop

Businesses / Besighede


Privaat Koop: Huis te koop R800 000.00 Heidelberg Sentraal (Oos straat). Netjiese ou huis met 1 slaapkamer woonstel en motorhuis. Huis bestaan uit 3 groot slaapkamers met eie badkamer elk. Groot oopplan kombuis, opwas en spens, eetkamer en aparte sitkamer met dubbel motorhuis. Groot stoep voor. Regrondom omhein met 2 skuifhekke. Woonstel het eie ingang met eie motorhuis aan agterkant, bestaan uit 1 slaapkamer, stort in badkamer, met oopplan kombuis en sitkamer. Bediende toilet buite. Stil area. Kontak Twanet - 074 137 2646 of kantoor ure 016 341 5445.

Enkellopende kroegdames dringend benodig in Leandra. Basiese salaris R3500 plus goeie kommisie. Woonstel op perseel ingesluit. Geen ondervinding. Skakel Natasha 073 304 2214 of Charles 076 208 0512 41 Townhouses / Meenthuise

49 2x Moderne 2 slaapkamer woonstelle te huur in nuwe “TOWNHOUSE ONTWIKKELING in Nigel. Plus minus 100 vierkante meter. Pragtige uitsig. 2 Slaapkamer eenheid met ingeboude kaste, 1 badkamer, kombuis met toesluit spens, dubbel wasbak, 4-plaatstoof en oond. Toegeruste openinge vir automatiese wasmasjien & tuimeldroeër of skottelgoedwasser. Ten volle geteël. Goeie woonbuurt. Loopafstand van skole & winkels. Beskikbaar: Einde Februarie 2012. R3500.00 per maand. Vir besigtiging skakel 076 027 4359 of kantoor ure 011 814 1960.



42 Houses to Rent / Huise te Huur Woonhuis te huur in Nigel. 3 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, ruim kombuis en sitkamer met toesluit motorhuis. Loopafstand van skole. Nuut uitgeverf binne en onlangs buite. Beskikbaar einde Februarie 2012. R4500.00 per maand. Vir besigtiging skakel 076 027 4359 of kantoor ure 011 814 1960.

44 For Sale / Te Koop / Plotte & Plase Bosveldplasie Warmbad R1 400 000 ON 8,5h, koloniale styl huis, 180vkm, 4 slp, 2 badk, 2 sitk, studeerkamer, eetkamer en kombuis met opwasdeel. 2 Motorhuise (6 motors), 5 woonstelle, 1 rondawel, 100 vrugtebome, besproeiing, 2 damme, 2 boograte, 2ha droë land. Drina 083 449 0558

46 Houses for Sales / Huise te Koop

RENSBURG, HEIDELBERG R495 000 ALL INCLUDED PLOT AND PLAN: OWN TITLE. Luxurious finished 3 bedroom house of 90 m² with 1.5 bathrooms, open plan lounge, kitchen, carport, sparkling swimming pool and lapa, fully fenced, tiled throughout, built in cupboards, new DSTV satelite installed, semiface brick finishing outside, plastered and painted inside, beautiful surroundings, erf situated far above rail in quiet street, ideal for first time homebuyers. WE ARRANGE BOND ON YOUR BEHALF. Buy direct from the builder. NO AGENTS. Phone 071 333 0008

For Sale / Te Koop Te Koop: Elektriese aangedrewe rolstoel met battery laaier, 5 jr oud. Goeie werkende toestand. R10 000. Motor-laairak vir rystoel eksta teen R 2 500. Skakel Alex by 072 620 9968 of 011 814 6765

50 Businesses / Besighede WARTHOG PHOTOS. We do all types of photos. If you do it, we will photograph it. Phone: Danie 072 370 1346 R&I Afslaers, 699 Voortrekkerstr, Brakpan, 011 740 0477 / 011 744 3544. Nuwe tyres, puncture repairs, fitting, balancing & new valves. Vir u tyre behoeftes skakel Ivan vir ‘n kwotasie. SUPER MEUBELS: Waar anders as Schoemanstr 42 , Heidelberg. Tel: 016 341 4445. OUDHEDE: Cambridge, his masters voice radiogramme, kists, hoekkassies, IMB hangkaste, lowboy, B&K koffietafels, B&K spieëlkaste, ou meelblikke, Morrisstoele, B&K rocking stoel, art deco sideboard, dropside table, enamel ware, groot sideboard afgemerk, B&K koepel buffet, ou 9 laai filing rak, Oregan kombuiskas, Chinese hallstand, ou tasse, riempies sitkamerstel, bedkassies, riempies bankies, hallstand, sculpture, trusokist maak oop voor, ander maak bo oop, plant tafeltjies, wingback stoel groen materiaal, ronde B&K koffietafel, hoek halfmaan en halfmaan tafels, Comodes, ou portrette, stel glas en Oregan koffietafels, skildery van M Retief, ou prints van S.W.A., groot Teak tafel+4stoel, bar yskassies, blok, matte, beddens, wynrooi en blou sitkamerstelle, servers, los eetkamerstoele, geraamde spieëls, STAALRAKKE, gasverwarmers - winter oppad, zinc’s, golfstokke, visstokke, mediese comode, elektronies witbord, kombuiskaste, kantoorstoele, lessenare, 2deur staalkas, hospitaal trollies, 4laai liaseer kabinette, porta potti, wegneem toerusting (catering), rakette, barstoele, boekrakke, kluis met sleutel, verskeie ander koffietafels, koekblikke, koekpanne, wasmasjiene, stoel sitkplekke klaar oorgetrek, broeihokkies, mikrogolfoonde, waterkanne, VIR DIE HUIS VROU - kant en wol, glas vases, tafel+stoele, laaikassies, babagoed, BABAKLERE HALF-PRYS - IN STORE SPECIALS - 5% VAN 8/2/12 - 29/2/12, koppies & pierings, opskepbakke, S/steel kombuisware, NUWE KAR, BAKKIE & TAXI TYRES “CASH & CARRY” - Super groete.

ANCIENT DAYS Antiques - oudhede. Ons koop, verkoop en restoureer meubels. Groot verskeidenheid nou beskikbaar. Kom loer gerus in. Skakel ons by 016 349 2175 of Wena 082 785 9108

Global Fastners New in Nigel Shop 1 Noah’s Ark, Northen Rd, Nigel Suppliers of: Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Springwashers, Tex Screws, Drywall screws, Cap screws, Self tappers, Anchors, Drill bits, Rivets, Pop rivets, Threaded rods, XOX bolts, HT 8.8 bolts. FREE DELIVERY / QUOTATION Madri: 073 662 6946, Crystel: 074 719 0984, Office: 078 399 0735

Supreme Spring, in conjunction with MerSETA, will be engaging in an 18month AATP Project. Conditions, such as rates of pay, eill apply, as contained in the MerSETA AATP Agreement. Minimum Requirements: Candidates must have passed four (4) engineering related subjects with 50% at N3 level. Incumbents will undergo 18 months’ training, of which the first 6 months will be institution based at an accredited training centre. After successful completion of the institutionbased training, apprentices will return to the workplace for 12 month workplace based training, under the mentorship of selected qualified artisans. SUPREME SPRING IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. Meet the minimum requirements? Fax CV - 011 739 9350 / email CV Those who don’t meet the minimum requirement will not be considerd. H0341


J DONALDSON APPLIANCES Free collection and delivery & Quotations 77 Porter Road, DUNNOTTAR. Tel: 011 734 2812 Fax: 011 734 2041


* Fridges * Freezers * Stoves * Washing machines * Tumble dryers Establised 1978

JANIC WALLING DANIE 073 628 5826 082 454 3830 NICOLENE 076 921 4766

* Betonmure * Verlengging s* Staalpalisades * Skuifhekke * Lemmetjiesdraad * Afdakke * Hekmotor

Herstelwerk op bogenoemde




* Plant Nou !!! * Kom haal self. * Ook afgelewer (meer as 200m²) Skakel 086 123 5296 / LAWN

TEENY WEENIES WORK FOR YOU? Ad ver tise in our Teen y Ween y pa ges and g et rresults esults Adv ertise eeny eeny pag get esults.. Colour and wording of your choice to promote your business. Contact us on 011 814 8614 / 4913 for details or call in at our offices on the cor ner of Kings way and Van Rie beec k R oad, Nig el corner Kingsw Riebeec beeck Road, Nigel


* Minimum Std10/Graad 12 * Administratiewe ondervinding en vaardighede * Rekenaarvaardig in Word, Excel en Pastel * Tweetaligheid: Afrikaans en Engels * Goeie menseverhoudinge Voordele: * Medelingende vergoedingspakket * Ruim verlof * Aangename werksomstandighede * Pensioenvoordele Sluitingsdatum: 17 Februarie 2012 Stuur asseblief u CV na Faks 011 814 8393. Indien u nie gekontak word binne twee weke nie ag u aansoek as onsuksesvol. H0302

Available for adoption at the Nigel SPCA



14 FEBRUARY 2012


RENSBURG – R7500.00P.M. + DEP -Sit, eetkamer met TVK,kombuis met opwasarea, 4 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, 4 motorhuise met 1 afdak. Swembad met toegeboude lapa. Beskikbaar 1 Maart 2012. JORDAANPARK – R9700.00 P.M. + DEP - Sitkamer, eetkamer met ruim familiekamer, 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers met gaste toilet, studeerkamer, ingeboude braaikamer, dubbel motorhuis met 1 afdak. Goed gelee! Goeie sekuriteit. OVERKRUIN – R15 400.00p.m. + DEP -Vir die onthaler!! Sitk, eetk, TVK, kroegarea, kombuis met aparte opwasarea, eethoekie, 4 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers. Ekstra leefarea op boonste vlak. 4 Motorhuise met 2 afdakke. Swembad met jacuzzi onder lapa met ingeboude braai.

INEKE PROPERTIES TEL: 016 341 6226 * 072 194 0959


66 H.F. Verwoerd Straat, HEIDELBERG Karin Elsie TEL: (016) 341-6115 FAX: 016 341 6118 072 462 6143 082 589 4889

web: email:




RENTALS NIKKI 082 955 4969 KRISTELLE 082 561 7605

Discover Nigel @ www. rekord.


PRICE R835 000

Rissik Street Heidelberg

CONTACT INEKE TEL: 016 341 6226 072 194 0959


* 3 Slaapk, 2 badk, oopplan moderne kombuis, aparte opwask, oopplan sitk, familiekamer, lieflike onthaal area + jacuzzi met ingeboude braai. Parkering vir 2 motors, alarm stelsel, palisade + elektriese hekke.



For more info contact 087 151 1135

106 Breytenbach Street, Nigel

Inca Interiors By Inca Interiors in Heidelberg stap jy in ‘n wonderwêreld in waar jy die pragtigste dekordiens kan kry in ‘n omgewing waar kundigheid en liefde vir die estetiese verseker dat jou drome vir ‘n eksklusiewe tuiste jou besoekers se oë sal laat rek. Hannere van Wyk en haar span mense lewer ‘n volledige dekordiens wat strek van die uitkies van materiale en bybehore tot die vervaardiging en installering deur vakmanne wat hul werk uitstekend verrig om die passing ‘n honderd persent korrek te laat verloop. Inca Interiors is een van die min besighede wat ‘n volledige dekordiens in Heidelberg en omgewing verrig. As jy die ateljee instap, kan jy die kunstenaarsgees aanvoel en weet hiér is mense wat van mooi goed hou. Hannere en Alida Barnard, help graag almal wat hul huis in ‘n tuiste wil omskep. Van gordyne tot blinders, stoffering tot muurversierings en eiesoortige muurpapier wat pasmaak vir jou vervaardig word – dit alles kan jy by Inca Interiors kry. Hulle verskaf ook bedlinne en bybehore soos lampskerms, matte en skilderye. “In kort, lewer ons ‘n volledige dekordiens,” se Hannere. Die besigheid is in 2000 begin en in Desember 2010 het dit na die huidige perseel verskuif. Kuns is in Hannere en Alida se bloed. Hannere het van kleins af met materiale en knope gespeel. Alida was lank in die advertensiewese. Hannere en ‘n vriendin, Sonja van der Westhuizen het die besigheid in 2006 gekoop, maar Sonja is onverwags verlede jaar oorlede. Hannere sê dekor is “soos musiek en kuns wat in die onderbewussyn gaan lê; daarom is dit belangrik dat elke kliënt se persoonlikheid en behoeftes individueel aangespreek word - eerder as om ons eie stempel af te druk.“ Inca Interiors werk regoor die land en het al klein en groot huise, hospitale, kantore vir groot korporatiewe maatskappye gedoen asook eksklusiewe wonings in Johannesburg, Modi Molle, Umhlanga, en Clarens. Om by Inca Interiors uit te kom, ry jy in Ueckermannstraat tussen Senor Pizza en ABSA in na agter waar die gebou aan jou linkerhand sit. Bel Hannere by 082-800-8763 of Alida by 082-602-4489 of 016-341-2662 en die amptelike adres is Ueckermannstraat 42B.

VIEW BY APPOINTMENT Alida Barnard en Hannere van Wyk, eienaar

•Covered Patio with Built-in Braai •Entrance Hall •Private lounge •Kitchen with built in cupboards •Double oven •Large Scullery •3 Bedrooms •2 Bathrooms (1 MES) •Main bedroom with en-suite bathroom •2 Servants rooms with toilet •Workshop •Single Garage with Carport for 2 cars Additional features: •Paving front and back – no lawn •Remote Gate •Alarm System •Double domestic quarters with toilet •Patio roof and carport – new Policarb covering •Blinds in front of all windows – will be included in sale •Toilets installed with Toilet Friend

ON SITE: 15 FEBRUARY 2012 AUCTION: 12:30 For more info: Johann 082 550 6688 Interiors se skeppende vermoë.

14 FEBRUARY 2012


Nigel Rugby proewe Diepkloof uitslae Diepkloof Hengelklub het van 3 - 5 Feb 2012 by Boschkop aan die Vaaldam met 26 hengelaars daarin geslaag om 408 visse met ‘n weegbare massa van 211,84 kg. te land. Seniors: 1. Pieter v. Heerden, 37 visse, 33,320 kg. 2. Daryn Pachonick, 36 visse, 17,170 kg. 3. Christo Du Plessis, 38 visse 14,965 kg. Dames: 1. Charne Du Plessis, 44 visse, 14,375 kg. 2. Bev Rudolf, 13 visse, 8,055 kg. Junior Seuns: 1. Rickus Pachonick, 12 visse, 5,025 kg. 2. Dihann Pelzer, 9 visse, 4,380 kg. 0/13 Seuns: 1. Pieter v. Heerden, 8 visse, 3,830 kg. 2.. Dillen Pachonick, 9 visse, 2,760 kg. 3. Deric v. Heerden, 5 visse, 2,110 kg. Grootste Karp: Pieter v. Heerden, 2,955 kg. (Snr.), Bev Rudolf, 2,14 kg. (Dame), Dihann Pelzer, 1,870 kg. (Jnr.), Pieter v Heerden, 1,380 kg. (0/13 ). Grootste Moddervis: Werner Heydenrych, 0,765 kg. (Snr.), Charne Du Plessis, 0,985 kg. (dame), Rickus Pachonick, 0,465 kg. (Junior), Deric v. Heerden 0,510 kg. (0/13). Grootste Baber: Pieter v. Heerden, 5,745 kg. (Snr), Charne Du Plessis, 0,360 kg. (Dame), Dihann Pelzer, 0,240 kg. (Jnr.), Deric v. Heerden, 0,150 kg. (0/13).Grootbek Geelvis: Nick Grobler, 0,470 kg. (Snr.) Grootste Kleinbek Geelvis: Werner Heydenrych , 0,610 kg. (Snr.), Charne Du Plessis 0,495 kg. (Dame), Pieter v. Heerden 0,580 kg. (0/ 13). Grootste Gras Karp: Pine Pienaar, 2,280 kg. (Snr), Charne Du Plessis, 1,935 kg. (Dame), Rickus Pachonick, 0,625 kg. (Jnr.), Pieter v. Heerden 0.295 kg. (0/13). Die volgende hengelkompetisie is by Jacky Leonard by Vaaldam op 3 Maart 2012.

Nigel se rugbyspanne het op Saterdag 4 Februarie hul proewe gespeel. Twee gemengde spanne het mekeer die stryd aangesê. Op die een foto maak Strachan Nortje die skrum skoon . Hy en Frikkie Jansen is in die elite groep van die Valke vir die Vodacom Provinsiale span opgeneem.

Kameel karnaval

Senior results

3 Maart 2012

Thursday Seniors competition January 26 sponsored by the club. 1. Brian Adams (39pts), 2. Uys de Villiers (37pts), 3. Fanie Roets (36pts). Jackpot won by Uys de Villiers (13). 2 clubs: Pieter van Rooyen and Ron Schultz 13 and 12.

Laerskool AG Visser


Swak vangs Vir Suikerbos Harriers het die naweek van 5-6 Maart se Hengel by Last Farm aan die Vaaldam maar treurig verloop. Die vis het sleg gebyt op ‘n aangename somerdag. Baie klein geelvis het gepla. Seniors: 1. C. Fouché, 9 visse, 11,747 kg. 2. F. Nienaber, 8 visse, 8,463 kg. 3. P. Cronjé, 10 visse, 6,356 kg. Meesters: 1. A. Bezuidenhout, 9 visse, 9,045 kg. 2. G. Van der Merwe, 5 visse, 6,148 kg. Dames: 1. C. Loots, 4 visse, 4,160 kg. 2. E. Backhouse, 4 visse, 6,620 kg. Juniors: 1. T. Fouchè, 4 visse, 2,980 kg. Juniors: T. Fouché, 4 visse, 2,980 kg. 2. Z. Victor, 3 visse, 1,060 kg. Penkoppe: 1. A. Jacobs, . 2. R. Lloyd.Swaarste karp: Christo Fouché, 4,444 kg. Swaarste Baber: Johan du Toit, 0,182 kg. Swaarste Geelvis: Christo Fouché, 0,588 kg. Volgende kompetisie is 3 Maart. Skakel Arrie Backhouse (0829591654) of Pierre Cronjé (0836363324).

LOW BUDGET Tel: 016 341 4785 / 082 925 6624

New Formule N Racing Car Built + Raced by Low Budget We also service & repair all makes and models Contact EDDIE

CASSEY’S AUTO SPRINGS 140 Second Str. Springs. Rouen:082 531 2808 Used Car Manager 087 803 1790 (toll free) Johan: 083 390 3871 New Car Manager Carel: 072 026 6507 Johnny: 084 207 3517 Stephen: 076 565 5464

2 Year Bumper to Bumper Warranty Available. Trade ins welcome

R219 900

R109 900

R164 900

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‘08 Ford Territory 4.0 GHIA RWD AUTO 106 000KM

R239 900

‘08 Ford Territory 4.0 ST AWD TURBO 105 000KM


‘10 Ford Ikon 1.6 Ambiente 4 Door 55 000KM

R136 900

‘09 Hyundai i20 1.6 5 Door 53 000KM

R189 900

‘09 Mazda 3 2.0 Individual 91 000KM

072 083 082 072 082

505 284 452 268 415

3113 3933 2522 7903 1848

R166 900


DEMO ‘07 Ford Territory ST AWD 106 000km

Eileen: Vernon: Bushie: Gerrie: Gawie:

‘11 Ford Fiesta 1.6 Ambiente 5 Door 7 000KM

R199 900

‘09 Mazda 6 2.0 Active 86 000KM

R116 900

‘09 Peogeot 207 1.4 VVT 5 Door 86 000KM

R339 900

‘10 Ford Everest 3.0 TDCi 4x4 Auto 22 000KM

R166 900

‘10 Ford Fiesta 1.6 TDCi Ambiente 5 Door 46 000KM


‘10 Mazda 3 1.6 Original 32 000KM

R239 900

‘11 Ford Focus 2.0 TDCi Si 5 Door 11 884

R184 900

‘09 Honda Civic 1.8i VTEC VX1 5 Door 56 000KM




HOW-ZAT for New Cricket Academy in Nigel A brand new Cricket Academy in Nigel under the leadership of an experienced coach with national and international experience as both player and coach, has opened its indoor facility at John Vorster High School and has started its first training session at the beginning of this month with a 10 week academy course for cricketers between 10 and 18 years of age. Sean Roodt, owner of How-Zat Coaching, will simultaneously conduct one-on-one and two-on-two coaching during the 10 week academy. Roodt is a neutral coach although he is also a teacher at John Vorster High whose indoor facility he is using. He has been playing for twenty years at various levels, for different teams and also in two countries abroad, viz. England and Australia. In South Africa he was the captain of Easterns National Senior side and also played for Mpumalanga and Limpopo Impalas (as captain). His coaching experience is formidable. He taught the Swaziland under 19 International side, has fourteen years experience at all levels, and coached the Sean Roodt current new-comer to the Protea side, Marchant de Lange. Training is on Mondays from 16:00 to 18:00 for the under 9/10/11’s and 18:00 to 20:00 (under 12/13), Tuesdays from 18:00 to 20:00 under (under 12/13)) for primary schools, Wednesdays 16:00 to 18:00 (under 14/15), and 18:00 to 20:00 (under 16/17/18/19), Thursdays 18:00 to 20:00 (under 15/16/17/18/19) for High Schools. Each player receives a training shirt for all sessions, attention is given to batting, bowling and fielding. Groups are limited to eight players per two hour session, for intense coaching, longer net sessions and more cricket drill-time for players. They receive specialized coaching in batting, bowling and fielding. Times can be booked to suit parents and players from Mondays to Fridays. Roodt can be contacted at 071-948-8108.

14 FEBRUARY 2012

NTT Volkswagen HEIDELBERG 44 Jacobs Street, Heidelberg 1441 P.O. Box 1894, Heidelberg 1438

TEL: 016 341 4186/7/8/0 Fax: 016 341 5975/4222 H0348


We buy cars for Cash - Any make or model - Top prices paid Finance can be arranged 20k - 120k MANY MORE VEHICLES TO VIEW

Call 011 739 5862 - Joe: 082 602 5082 - Lazzy: 072 974 7519 Sajid: 071 540 5323 - Brenda: 072 243 0771

R32 500

1996 VW Jetta, E/W, P/S,L/S

R55 999

R46 999

R45 999

1996 VW Polo Classic 1.4i, 2003 Nissan Almera 1.8 Tow Bar, CD, Mags, A/C, E/W, P/S, C/L Mags, P/S

R45 999

R67 999

All brands available here:

Commercial and 4X4 tyres available

Wheel alignment opening soon * Next draw for Scooter Sat 25/2/12 @ 10am

1997 Nissan Hardbody SE 2.4P Radio/Canopy, Mags, C/L

R59 999

1996 Mercedes Benz E/W, C/L, Radio, P/S, A/C

2007 GWM Cargo D/C Mags, P/S, B/B Radio, T/B, C/L

R87 500

R74 999

“Large variety of Mags available” Sayied 084 357 8618 Shiraz 084 561 3717 Visit us for instore specials

1995 Toyota Previa Radio, G/L, 2003 Mini Cooper A/B, C/L A/C, E/W, S/R, Mags, DVD, P/S A/C, DVD, E/W, P/S, Mags, S/R

R65 999

2000 VW Beetle Radio, E/W,P/S, A/C, C/L

R65 999

2009 Nissan NP200 1.6i

2003 VW Polo TDi 1.4i Radio A/H, C/L, A/C, P/S, FSH, A/B

R49 999

1998 Isuzu Frontier KB280DT, Radio, FSH, owners manual

No deposit required - View our vehicles @ H0313

71 Northern Rd, Nigel Opposite Nigel Home Affairs Tel: 011 739 5863 Tel: 011 739 4226

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