Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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VOLUME 7 No. 5 Bleak future for SPCA

Not for Sale to Persons Under the Age of 18. Drink Responsibly.

Cell: 079 493 0075


Dr ugs Drugs awareness


Losing hair for a good cause

13 MARCH 2012


Spor Sportt


Stewige deurbraak deur God se Woord! JTMM, die musiekbediening van God’s Acre Gemeenskapsentrum in Heidelberg, is besig om ‘n stewige deurbraak in die bediening deur God se Woord te maak. Jesus Through Music Ministry (JTMM) onder leiding van Allan-T, die verhoogsnaam van Allan Putter, is vanjaar by minstens vier groot bedieningsprojekte betrokke. In die Paasnaweek van 6-8 April word die Fees met Gees in Magaliesburg gehou waar AllanT sal optree. Die organiseerders is tans besig om met ‘n aantal kunstenaars te onderhandel wat deur

Allan-T aan hulle voorgestel is. Heidelberg kom nou op die landkaart in die verspreiding van God se Woord op musiekgebied,” sê hy. Op 5 Mei bied JTMM met Power House 4 God Ministries en Flaming Victory Ministries in Pretoria ‘n groot “gospel” vertoning aan. Power 4 God Ministries het ‘n kinderhuis in Port Elizabeth onder hul beskerming geneem en die opbrengste van 5 Mei sal aan die kinderhuis oorhandig word. Verskeie kunstenaars is reeds betrokke. Dit sluit in Flaming Ministries Gospel Orkes, Allan-T, die bekende Vicky du Preez van

Edenvale, Linda Killian van Krugersdorp en Christelle Nolte van Potchefstroom. Nog twee of drie groot name sal waarskynlik ook optree. In Augustus beplan JTMM en Power House 4 God ‘n geestelike musiek fees naweek in Burgersfort. ‘n Boer het reeds ‘n stuk grond vir die doel afgestaan. Besonderhede sal later bekend gemaak word. Belangstellendes wat betrokke wil raak kan Allan- T by 082-681-6590 skakel.

Monday maaaad fish!! Two fish burgers with 100g chips for only


Kleuters laat waai met atletiek Heidelberg se kleuterskole het op 3 Maart by ‘n vriendskaplike atletiekbyeenkoms mekaar die stryd aangesê. Die skole wat deelgeneem het, was Volkies, Houtkappers, Krabbel en Babbel, Besige Bytjies, Chompie, Bambi, Bambinos, Ligstraaltjies en Kleuterbokkies.


Heidelberg Forum Winkel No 6 (Bokant Edgars) Voortrekkerstraat Heidelberg TEL: 016 341 2931/2 email:karen@

*CLEARANCE SALE* Besigheidsure: Ma - Vry 08:00 - 17:00 Sat. 08:00 - 13:00 Voldoen aan BEE Vereistes NIGEL HEIDELBERG 29 Beverly Rd 56A Jacobs Street, Ferryvale 016 341 3573 011 814 1150 Baking Ingredients Packaging Cake Decorations

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Educating the community on severe weather The threat of global warming to communities is more real today than ever before.

267 6198 SKAKEL 083 267 6198


Last year a tornado raved a section of Duduza, robbed a family of a child and damaged other areas. The Ekurhuleni Metro is concerned that people should know more about severe weather conditions. Knowing the devastation of the tornado the metro says it is clear that more education on weather conditions is essential. This has culminated in a weather awareness road show in Duduza by the Ekurhuleni Metro with the South African Weather Service and the National Department of Environment which took place during February. The aim was to educate communities about the early warning system that is available for them to use. It was also to give regard to weather reports and warnings on radio and television. It was explained to the community what the various colours meant in terms of weather warnings. However the current technology available in this country cannot forecast a tornado accurately. However it can forecast severe weather patterns which may result in a tornado. When severe weather warnings are issued people can expect anything from heavy hail storms, torrential floods and – to the extreme – a tornado. The Deputy Minister of Water and Environment Affairs, Rejoice Mabudathasi said South Africans could no longer ignore the importance of education on global warming and its effect on the environment.

Unwelcome painting at town hall Although the small hall at Nigel’s Civic Centre was vandalised some weeks ago after a school function, the main entrance to the town hall has also been defaced. Vandals have made their mark in paint on one side of the entrance. Anyone witnessing such vandalism should report it to the police.


Preparing for easter From the desk of Rev Ray Goddess Ash Wednesday has come and gone and the Easter weekend is around the corner from us. For many people the journey from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday is one of repentance and fasting. But I believe that for those who are participating in a

Rev Goddess, Heidelberg Methodist Church “formal” preparation for Easter and those who are not time is flying past so fast that we are in danger of missing God in this very important time. Time is precious to us all and it seems that our “spare” or “free” time is becoming less each year. The sad truth is that when this happens the natural “human” tendency is that God seems to take a back seat in our business. Thinking of this my fear is that Easter will be upon us (and may even bypass us) without us taking some time to prepare spiritually to work through this very important time in the Christian diary. When I think of our “busyness” in life and how we fit God into our days I am reminded of what Bennie Mostert said: “My diary is getting so full that I have increased my quiet time from one hour to two hours – it is the only way that I manage to get through the day”. Is this how you approach busyness or do you tend to short change God time because of your “busyness”? As Christians we are instructed to give our first to God. This, I believe, extends further that our tithes and we need to give the first of our time to God as well. Just like our tithes, we need to give our first to God when it comes to time and allow the rest to fall into place by God’s grace and blessing. I would like to challenge everyone who is reading this article to spend just 10 minutes each day thinking of what Jesus did for us, especially these last few days of His life. In taking this time with Jesus we will realize that we are a forgiven people but we still need to “clear our conscience” by bringing our shortfalls and failures before God asking Him to help us not to continue to commit the same failings each day or week. The relief we would feel in bringing our failings to God and also thinking of what Jesus has done for us will not only “lighten our burdens” but also help us to approach Easter with the right frame of mind. Without Easter Christmas would be meaningless. Without acknowledging what Jesus has done for us Christmas and Easter would be meaningless. I guess the question must be: Has Christmas and Easter got meaning in your life?

Applications - grants-in-aid


ROBERT DYKE 083 266 5453 STEVE DYKE 082 428 7262 LEADERS IN CUSTOM MADE SHOPFRONTS e-mail: 58 Second Avenue, Nigel 1490 Tel: 011 814-1577/26 Fax: 011 814 8467

13 MARCH 2012

Interesting and deserving organisations within Ekurhuleni that make a difference in their communities through upliftment projects that are in line with the Metro’s priorities, are encouraged to apply for the annual grants-in-aid. To further fight against unemployment and poverty levels in the region, the Metro annually offers municipal grants to community organizations ranging from educational institutions, social development and charitable institutions, provincial and local sporting bodies and more. Partner with the municipality to drive social change and economic development in our communities. Grants-inaid applications are available at all offices in various towns, including Nigel. Organisations have until April 30 to submit their comprehensive applications. Contact Ms Nthabiseng, on 011 999 0810. Announcedments will be between October and November.

Nigel Methodist Church C/o Olifaunt & George Heriot Glenvarloch, Nigel - Tel: 011 814 3151 Fax: 086 690 1342

In Nigel for the people of Nigel! “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7)

57 Strydom Street, Heidelberg Tel: (016) 341-2437 Rev. Ray Cell 082 656 3123 “We exist to be like Christ, live like Christ, and share the exciting message of Christ to all people”. EXPERIENCE CHRIST’S LOVE AND OUR FRIENDSHIP

We are serious about protecting our environment and making a difference to those in need You can help in this regard by bringing all your empty 2lt plastic bottles and waste paper, newspaper and magazines to the Church SUNDAY SERVICE: SUNDAY SCHOOL:

09:00 & 18:00 09:00


Service times: 08h00 – Traditional Service (Mother’s Room available) 09h30 – Worship Service (Mother’s Room available) 18h00 – C.I.A. Service (for Adults and Youth) H0535


‘n Onuitgekende lyk van ‘n swart vrou, wat op 5 Maart omstreeks 12:20 langs die R550 naby die Rooikraal-afrit gevind is, is onherkenbaar verbrand. Die polisie doen ‘n beroep op mense met vermiste persone om hul te kontak, Samora Mohaka by 072-913-7010.

Bleak future for Nigel SPCA public is attributing to the dire situation. Hazel says it is far easier to call the SPCA than go to a vet. “People ask us to have animals put down, promising to leave the money at their home or come in to the kennels and pay. “This does not happen and the SPCA has to foot the bill to spare the animal more suffering. If a pensioner comes to the kennel with a sick pet and can’t afford a vet, the SPCA has every sympathy, but there is just no funding for this sort of thing. The advice to the public to help the SPCA is not to take a pet if you cannot afford the innoccularions, deworming and sterilization”. Although the SPCA is always ready to assist where possible, there is never anyone from the general public who attends the annual general meetings. Hazel McLuckie can be contacted on 084 485 7020.

39 H.F. Verwoerd Street - Heidelberg Tel: 016 341 3910

16th March 23rd March 30th March st ue

Neil Somers




5 April



Rudi Meiring

Guillaume th

Come and see

13 April 20 April 26th April th



Quentin Prinsloo


Good fellowship, Good food + Excellent entertainment

STAFF NEEDED Bar Tenders/Waiters with at least 1 year experience urgently needed. Please email CV to


The financial struggle by the Nigel SPCA is now the worst for many years. Donations are getting less and expenses are escalating. Dog food used to be donated on a regular basis but this has stopped. All attempts are made at fundraising but profits are a mere drop in the ocean and this has been little support at functions organised. “We are in the worst situation financially now,” says Hazel McLuckie, kennel manager. “I don’t know how we are going to carry on. To survive the SPCA needs a miracle in the form of regular supplies of pet food, cash and especially annual adoptions of kennels at R1 000 each. If businesses could respond we would be able to survive,” says Hazel. “Otherwise we have no clear future.” But financial abuse by the

Heidelberg Club


Heidelberg het verlede Woensdag ‘n reeks van agt huisinbrake gehad, waarin elektriese apparaat en draagbare rekenaars gesteel is. Alle uitbreidings uitsluitend Overkruin, het deurgeloop. Met die ter perse gaan was daar geen inhegtenisname nie.

Vermiste persone


Krag substasie bemors. Vandale wil maar net nie hul pote tuishou nie. Hierdie krag-substasie is bemors met verf terwyl die muurtjie net eenvoudig omgery is. Die skuldige het weggery en die gemors net so gelos.

8 inbrake in ‘n dag


Vandale mors in Heidelberg



13 MARCH 2012

Vrou geskok in kaping ‘n Vrou van Heidelberg het die skok van haar lewe gekry toe sy op 28 Februarie haar seun in Wesselstraat, Jordaanpark, wou aflaai. Twee swart mans het haar genader, ‘n vuurwapen uitgehaal en haar motor se sleutels gevra en die motor gekaap. Die vrou (47) het met haar Volkswagen Scoricco stilgehou en omgeloop na haar seun se kant om die deur oop te maak, toe die kapers haar verras het. Sy het die sleutels oorhandig. Hulle het die 10-jarige seun uit die motor verwyder, voordat hulle weggejaag het. Die voertuig is later in Tsakane teruggevind toe iemand van die gemeenskap die geparkeerde motor gesien het en die polisie verwittig het. ‘n Man is later in hegtenis geneem terwyl ‘n tweede verdagte nog gesoek word.

TUINBOU OGGEND by Afgri Heidelberg Ueckermann Street, Heidelberg TEL: 016 341 3185/6 Kontak Lisa Van Heerden Tuinbou deskundige vir raad en antwoorde rakende tuin & tuinmaak produkte Tyd: 10:00am Datum: 17 Maart 2012 Gratis koffie/tee + versnaperings kan ook geniet word.

Kom leer ietsie meer oor u tuin

Tel: 016 349 1864 Faks: 016 349 6666

Kontak Rina, Sanet of Heleen vir meer inligting! Epos:

Shoprite Sentrum, Voortrekkerstr. HEIDELBERG

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Die Ou Werf is die gepaste en beskrywende naam van ‘n eetplekkie binne die Jasmyn Kwekery aan die bopunt van Jacobstraat in Heidelberg. Die platdak geboutjie se muur is aan die voorkant aards met ‘n modderlagie afgewerk en die naam is dofweg op ‘n stukkie sinkplaat aangebring. Dit lok jou na binne waar jy ‘n unieke koffieplekkie met watertandgeregte vind. Maar dis die eienaar, Pieriëtte van Rensburg wat ‘n uniekheid aan die plekkie verleen. Sy is ‘n vrou wat jou dadelik tuis laat voel. Met haar lekker Kaapse aksent wat volrond die r’e rol, val haar woorde strelend op jou ore en kan jy die aardsheid en gasvryheid van die Swartland sommer in haar aanvoel. Sy het die eetplekkie in November 2011 as nuwe eienaar betree nadat sy vier jaar lank by BAT gewerk het. Pieriëtte is ‘n bondeltjie energie wat haar kos met trots, lus en genot aan jou voor sit. Veral haar eie tuisgemaakte pasteitjies is ‘n groot treffer terwyl hamburgers en skyfies, slaaie, rolletjies en vele ander geregte op ‘n spyskaart aangebied word. Maar sy is ook ‘n vrou wat hou van verrassings. Op Vrydag 30 Maart bied sy ‘n paaseier soektog aan vir kinders van 2 -6 jaar oud. Dis ‘n welkome ontsnapping vir mammas want teen R15 per kind gaan die kinders van 8-uur tot 11uur besig gehou word onderwyl die ma’s teen R45 rustig aan ‘n ontbyt van jogurt, en muesli met ‘n sappie, ‘n klein omelet en koffie kan peusel. Die paaseiers sal tussen die plante versteek word en kinders moet dit met briefies opspoor. Aan die eindpunt, of dan die einde van die reënboog, wag ‘n haasgelukkie op hulle! Pieriëtte bied daagliks skooltoebroodjies, vir skoolgaande kinders aan. En as jy Paasnaweek of enige ander naweek wil gaan piekniek hou, pak sy piekniekmandjies vir hoeveel mense jy ook al wil. En as jy ver wil reis, pak sy sommer ‘n mandjie Kaap toe vir jou met soveel etes as wat jy wil. En jy kan sommer sê wat jy alles daarin wil hê. Sy lewer op bestelling ook etes in die dorp af. As dit R100 of meer kos, is die aflewering gratis, maar vir minder as R100 is daar ‘n brandstoffooi van R20 by. Jy vind in Die Ou Werf olyfprodukte en die fynste olyfolie van Renosterkop in die Karoo. Die mure is gevul met inspirerende slagspreuke en vier houttafels met veelkleurige tafeldoeke vul die vertrek. Klein aandenkings word verkoop. Die Ou Werf is elke dag oop. Besoek sommer terselfdertyd Jasmyn Kwekery met verrassings en Erika se Arts & Crafts. Bel Pieriëtte by 082-4377490.

13 MARCH 2012

Top oogkundige dienste By Optic Impressions in Heidelberg kry ‘n pasiënt nie alleen vriendelike, bekwame diens deur ‘n goed gekwalifiseerde oogkundige nie, maar ‘n verskeidenheid van brilrame wat moeilik deur ander oogkundige dienste in die dorp oortref kan word. Lize Vorster, die oogkundige en eienaar van Optic Impressions, het haar besigheid vier jaar gelede in die P.G. Sentrum skuins oorkant Shoprite in die losstaande gedeelte van die P. G. Sentrum aan die straatkant van Voortrekkerstraat geopen. Met ‘n nuwe gesoute ontvangsdame, Alida Jordaan wat jare se ondervinding in die veld van oogkundige dienste het, het Optic Impressions nou ‘n voortreflike span wat na sy gereelde stuk of 4 000 kliënte omsien. Met kompeterende pryse en spesiale pakkette vir enkel visie, bifokale en multifokale lense, is Optic Impressions ‘n moet vir almal wat ‘n nuwe bril soek. Kinders onder 12 kry gratis oogtoetse, terwyl Optic Impressions skole soos Laer Volkskool besoek om gratis siftingstoetse vir leerders te doen. Met die spesiale pakkette kry pasiënte ‘n brilraam van so R180. Sou mense verkies om meer modieus te raak, is daar Roberto Cavalli rame van so R3 000 en duurder beskikbaar. “Daar is vir elke smaak ‘n raam beskikbaar,” sê Lize. Met elke getoetste bril wat ‘n pasiënt aankoop, ontvang hy of sy ‘n gratis getoetste bril of donkerbril. Hierdie bril kan deur die pasiënt self of deur een van sy of haar kinders gebruik word, of kan aan minder bevoorregtes geskenk word. Die PG Sentrum is verbruikersvriendelik vir mense in rystoele met gemaklike toegang tot Optic Impressions. “Ons lewer ‘n volgehoue, goeie en professionele diens en mense kan gerus kom inloer,” sê Lize. Bel Optic Impressions by 016-341-7561.

Alida Jordaan en oogkundige Lize Vorster agter die brilrame afgeneem.


13 MARCH 2012


A morning to remember


Skole sonder telefone

The scene in the Nigel Town Hall was reminiscent of functions held many years ago, with many tables attractively decorated and excellent entertainment. Singer Steven Sterling and his brother Ryan Walt, were the performers, who showed just why they have 124 albums to their credit and are recognized as icons at the AKTV. The two are in popular demand everywhere and provide a wild selection to suit everyone’s taste. The unusual accompaniment of panpipes made this performance all the more unusual. Steven Sterling repertoire ranges from ballads to gospel. More than 250 people attended this musical morning, organised by the Nigel Home for the Aged and each table was set out by a different person. As well as delicious food, the designs of the tables were all different themes and the people responsible are to be congratulated. The function was well supported and those who attended thoroughly enjoyed the excellent entertainment.

Donderweer en weerlig het beide die Hoërskool John Vorster en Laerskool Tini Vorster verlede week sonder telefoon- en internet kommunikasie gelaat nadat die telefoonlyne in ‘n storm deur ‘n kragtige weerligslag uitgeslaan is. Die skole was teen Donderdag reeds twee dae sonder verbindings terwyl Telkom aandag aan die probleem geskenk het. A view of a section of one of the beautiful tables.

Beskik jy oor BREINKRAG? IS jy tussen 8 en 80 jaar oud? Hier is die ideale geleentheid om meer van Heidelberg te leer. Steven Sterling (left) and Ryan Walt (right), with Ria Alberts and Chris Engelbrecht, manager of the Nigel Home for the Aged.

6 Luukse kamers en-suite Ontbyt inni bed - DSTV Internet -Lugversorging Yskassies - Elektroniese kluise - Swembad - Braai fasiliteit Veilige parkering

Kostes: Wanneer: 23 Maart Volwassenes: ........... R20 p.p Hoe laat: 18:00 Skoliere: ................. R10 p.p Waar: Klipkerk Heidelberg Pensioenarisse: ......... R10 p.p

Uitnodiging - Tuin liefhebbers Alle mense wat lief is vir tuinmaak, kan op 17 Maart gratis by ‘n spesiale geleentheid van Afgri kom luister na ‘n kenner op dié gebied wat kennis sal deel en vrae van die publiek sal beantwoord. Tee, koffie en versnaperings sal na die tyd bedien word. Bel Lisa by 016-341-3185/6 vir nadere inligting.


Van oud tot jonk .... ...alle ouderdomme is welkom! Lekker happies en etes sal beskikbaar wees. Bring saam: Breinkrag, HAT Woordeboek (opsioneel), Kompas (opsioneel), GPS (opsioneel). Spanne/Groepe kan ook inskryf. Kontak Wouter 083 390 2346 vir inskryfwingsvorms en meer inligting

Kantoor - 016 341 6255 * Selfoon - 084 275 5437 Schoemanstraat 8 Heidelberg - Gauteng H0507



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Drugs awareness

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This week we are looking at the identifying the characteristics of a drug dependent. It is important that parents should educate themselves with this information. This will help them to act much faster and help their children as soon as possible. I do at least 300 to 350 counselings per year and have found that the following is the most identifiable. Identifiable characteristics of drug dependency Physical indicators Red/blood-shot eyes, visual distortion. Markedly dilated or constricted pupils. Unexplained, repeated vomiting or abdominal pains. Indistinct speech. Excessive perspiration. Delayed reflex action and lack of co-ordination. Disorientation, dizziness, trembling hands. Regular nosebleeds. General deterioration of health: Inexplicable weight loss. Injection marks, bruising, scabs sores on arms, legs or private parts. Yellow stains on hand or finger as a result of smoking dagga. Endless cold symptoms (sore throat, coughing). Behavioral indicators: Long uninterrupted sleeping periods or insomnia. Change in appetite. Aggressive or hostile behaviour. Unaccountable mood swings or personality disturbances. Lack of communication with family. Lying and dishonesty. Guilty behaviour: Avoiding eye contact. Disappearance for considerable periods, especially at night.Sudden change of friends or becoming loners. Hallucinations. Theft (money, household articles) or abnormal spending. Neglect of personal hygiene. Untidiness, if previously tidy. Impaired word performance, reduced concentration span. Lack of motivation (school, hobbies, friends). Visits to clubs known as places where drugs are used, abused, or sold. Contact Jan Combrinck (072 237 5537) with any questions or information. He presents group workshops on request. Spesialiseer in alle Persoonlike-, Kommersiële- en Boerdery-versekering * * * *

t/a h/a Klippies Steenkamp Makelaars / Brokers


(011) 814-8297 OF 083 282 7577

Professionele en Vriendelike Diens Fast and Effective Claim Handling Persoonlike Aandag Very Reasonable Rates

Klippies: 083 282 7577 - Any Time Wayne: 072 266 6157 - Any Time Office: 011 814 8297 Office Hours 8:00 - 16:30 H0522

Moet ek versekering hê? Kyk na die feite & besluit vir jouself deur Wayne Moorcroft Kom ons kyk eers na die feite: Volgens die ‘Arrive Alive Campaign’ is slegs 40 tot 50% van die voertuie op vandag se paaie verseker. Die gemiddelde koste van herstel per voertuig per ongeluk word beraam op sowat R 25 000. Daar vind omtrent elke 60 sekondes ‘n botsing op Suid-Afrikaanse paaie plaas. Tussen die tydperk van 01 April 2010 tot 01 April 2011 het daar 70794 inbrake in Gauteng plaasgevind. Dit kos ‘n 35-jarige persoon omtrent R200 vir R 200 000 se huisinhoudversekering. Dit kos ‘n 35-jarige persoon omtrent R600 om ‘n voertuig ter waarde van R 100 000 te verseker. Hierdie is slegs ‘n paar feite rakende die korttermyn-versekeringsindustrie. Kyk na die volgende paar scenarios: Jy het R200 000 se huisinhoudversekering en jy betaal R200 per maand daarvoor. Jy het die versekering al vir die afgelope 5 jaar. Nou word jou huis beroof en items ter waarde van R 100 000 word gesteel. Jou kontribusie aan die maatskappy was ongeveer R12 000 oor ‘n tydperk van 5 jaar en jou verlies van R 100 000 word gedra deur jou versekerings- maatskappy. Was dit die moeite werd? Hoe lank moet jy spaar om eendag self ‘n verlies van R 100 000 te kan dra? Jy het jou voertuig van R 100 000 al 3 jaar en dit word gesteel. Jou premie per maand, in ag genome die inflasiekoers en die waarde van die voertuig wat verminder, was ongeveer R700. Die voertuig se waarde het al oor dié tydperk na R 70 000 gedaal. Jy word R 65 000, bybetaling reeds ingereken, uitbetaal. Jou totale bydrae was ongeveer R 25 200. Die gemiddelde tydperk wat ‘n persoon ‘n voertuig hou voor hy ingeruil word of verkoop word, is 4 jaar. Was die versekering in so ‘n geval die moeite werd? Dit is moontlik om in jare geen onaangename voorvalle te hê nie, maar almal weet dat dit baie onwaarskynlik is. Die ander 50% van die bevolking maak ook gebruik van die 50% wat bydra tot die versekeringspoel. Indien jy wat verseker is, die oorsaak is van skade aan ‘n persoon wat nie verseker is nie, se voertuig, kan die persoon sy skade by jou versekering eis. Die persoon ry elke dag op dieselfde paaie as jy, maar jy gaan die onkoste aan om versekering te hê en hy nie. Indien hy jou voertuig beskadig, eis jy by jou versekering en betaal jy jou bybetaling maar wat is die kanse dat jy ‘n verhaling van jou skade of jou bybetaling gaan sien? Omtrent 20%. Is dit regverdig?

13 MARCH 2012

Jou een stop herstel winkel

‘n Nuwe konsep in die herstel bedryf. Die konsep is gebore uit navorsing regoor die wêreld, wat toon dat mense tydens ekonomiese afplatting, eerder ‘n apparaat laat herstel as om dit te vervang teen ‘n hoër prys. Vanaf 1 Maart 2012 kan die publiek hulle stukkende apparaat laat herstel by 59 Pretoriusstraat, Heidelberg. Enigiets sal aan gewerk word solank dit nie vlieg of resies ry nie. In die meeste gevalle is dit slegs nodig om iets kleins reg te maak om ‘n groot fout te herstel en klante hoef nie noodwendig baie te betaal om so ‘n fout te herstel nie. Tekniko Services het tegnikuste wat kan uitgaan na klante om te assesseer of die item herstel kan word of nie, en dit dan na die werkswinkel te verskuif vir herstel indien nodig. Benewens die hersteldienste aan rekenaars en ander apparaat, doen Tekniko Services ook herwinning van oud of stukkende apparaat. Alhoewel ons in die weggooi era is, is die neiging al hoe meer om dinge te hersirkuleer of te herstel sodat dit teen ‘n fraksie van die vervangingswaarde weer aangewend kan word. Die publiek is welkom om hulle stukkende toestelle hier te kom afgee, sodat ons dit kan herwin. Die herwinning behels die opbreek van toestelle in metaal en plastiek sowel as die opbou van apparaat, sodat dit goedkoop verkoop of geskenk kan word aan behoeftiges. Alle toestelle wat opgebou word het ‘n 30 dae waarborg. Indien iemand gebruikte parte benodig kan hulle gerus kom vra, mens weet nooit. Willem van Rensburg, eienaar van Tekniko Services, het bykans 15 jaar se ondervinding in die herstel van rekenaars met goeie kennis van elektronika en die herstel van huishoudelike items en printers. Verder het hy ‘n sterk besigheidsin. Tekniko is voorlopig saam met All Round Stationers op dieselfde perseel. Tekniko Services is jou “een stop herstel winkel” Willem besef dat daar baie bekwame tegnici in ons area is wat weens herstrukturering hulle werk verloor het en nooi alle bekwame vakmanne of x-vakmanne, wat voel dat hulle ‘n bydrae tot die besigheid kan maak om hom te kontak by 016 349 5678.

13 MARCH 2012


Losing hair for a good cause

For all your Wedding and Catering needs!

Many people sacrificed their long hair to raise funds for the Cancer Association and one of the nationwide “Shavathons” was at the Angelo Mall in Nigel. People of all ages were eager to raise funds for CANSA and expert hairdressers were on hand to do the job quickly. Some did it on an annual basis as one of their relatives or friends had died of cancer. You didn’t have to lose your hair to raise funds. There were many people who went for the alternative fundraising by getting their hair sprayed with the colour of the choice. “This is a wonderful way of raising funds for this cause,” was the general opinion of those who participated.

Katryn, Danielle and Dewald


* Accommodation * Weddings * Conferencing * Catering PHONE:

JJC Kruger & Vennote

082 854 3219 or 082 854 3273

FAX: 086 565 1855 Web: H0526

Springs Parkland Kliniek Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172

Discover Nigel @


Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging (By River Square kruising 016 423 3553


C.J.J. STEEL cc. ~ STEEL MERCHANTS ~ Cnr: Grootvlei Rd, and Partridge St, Strubenvale Tel: 011 815 4700/1/2 * Fax: 011 8153088 email: -




12x12 ... R55.00 16x16 ... R63.00 20X20 ... R66.00 25X25 ... R77.00 ....... R112.00 32X32 ... R115.00 ..... R156.00 38X38 ... R134.00 ..... R185.00 50X50 ... R184.00 ..... R248.00 76X76 ... R262.00 ..... R363.00 100X100 .................. R474.00

PALLISADES PANELS Doggie bars optional extra



38x20 ... R113.00 ..... R140.00 38x25 ... R125.00 ..... R154.00 50x25 ... R142.00 ..... R187.00 50x38 ... R176.00 ..... R220.00 76x38 ... R214.00 ..... R259.00 76x50 ... R249.00 ..... R329.00 100X50 R322.00 ..... R361.00


20MM 25MM 32MM 38MM 50MM 76MM

... R55.00 ... R77.00 ....... ... R94.00 ....... ... R119.00 ..... ... R152.00 ..... ... R220.00 .....

Fibre Glass Sheeting R67.00 p/m

R176.00 .... R265.00 R231.00 .... R353.00

........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........

R45.00 R53.00 R55.00 R63.00 R62.00 R79.00 R83.00 R106.00 R135.00

SQ BAR 6M 8MM ......... R59.00 10MM ...... R54.00 12MM ...... R77.00

WINDOW SECTION 6M RT6 ......... RT13 ....... RX7 ......... F7 ............ F4B .........

R 80.00 R116.00 R101.00 R 83.00 R203.00


6MM ......... 8MM ......... 10MM ...... 12MM ......

R19.00 R26.00 R48.00 R53.00



20x3 20x5 25x3 25x5 30x3 30x5 40x3 40x5 50x5


75x50x20x2 .............. R233.00 100x75x20x2 ............ R253.00 125x50x20x2 ............ R282.00 150x50x20x2 ............ R314.00

R 98.00 R123.00 R144.00 R203.00 R297.00

25x25x3 .................... R 81.00 25x25x5 .................... R127.00 30x30x3 .................... R 97.00 30x30x5 .................... R156.00 40x40x3 .................... R126.00 40x40x5 .................... R198.00 25x25x2 .................... R 74.00 30x30x2 .................... R 85.90 40x40x2 (7.2) ........... R150.00

LIP/PURL 75x50x20x2 100x75x20x2







R356.00 R385.00 R430.00 R478.00

2450x1225x1.6 ........................... R447.00 2450x1225x2.0 ........................... R520.00 2450x1225x2.5 ........................... R642.00 2450x1225x3.0 ........................... R835.00 2450x1225x4.0 ........................ R1 042.00 2500x1200x5.0 ........................ R1 389.00 2500x1200x6.0 ........................ R1 620.00 H0509







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13 MARCH 2012

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For all your IT and Internet needs. Computer Hardware, Printers & Consumables, Technical Support, Internet. ADSL - iBurst- 3G Tel: 016 341 2431 Fax: 086 502 2044 Cnr H.F. Verwoerd Street & Cnr Verword & Voortrekker Street, Heidelberg

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We render our comprehensive security service


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JACO: 079 525 2825

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New Formule N Racing Car Built + Raced by Low Budget We also service & repair all makes and models Contact EDDIE

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10111 016 341 2570 016 341 4327 016 341 1100 016 349 2431 016 341 2692

SKOLE/SCHOOLS Heidelberg Public School Hoër Volkskool Hoërskool Emmasdal Hoërskool JW Luckhoff Hoërskool Sedaven Laer Volkskool Laerskool AG Visser Laerskool Sedaven Heidelberg Public Live Ministries



18 Smith Street, Heidelberg Tel: (016) 349-5886 Fax: (016) 349 6945

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016 349 1201 016 341 3165 016 341 9013 016 342 2301 016 342-0501 016 341 6216 016 341 2631 016 342 0621 016 341 3894 016 349 6954

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071 097 0328 Fax: 016 349 5083 email: Pest Controllers (Act No. 36 of 1947)

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Contact Anthony or Danica

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You’ve tried the Rest, now come to the best

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13 MARCH 2012



NIGEL L & R Silkscreen Printing & Embroidery WE DO: Silkscreen Printing Embroidery Vinyl Cutting Corporate Sewing

TEL: 011 739 5987 - 80 Yorkstreet, Ferryvale, Nigel

NEW RELEASES *Three Musketeers * Hoofmeisie

Tel: 011 818 2478

Don’t miss out! Rent in March to win double movie tickets

Mandie: 083 417 4799 Charles: 084 027 9495 Website:

Sun - Thursday - 8:30 - 20:00 - Fri - Sat - 8:30 - 20:30 OPEN ALL PUBLIC HOLIDAYS

Finance Available

WE SUPPLY: * Golf T-Shirts * Caps & Hats * Overalls * Safety Shoes

19 K er k Str eet, NIGEL Tel: 011 739 5733 Ker erk Street, Opposite Licence Department

* New and used tyres * 3D Wheel Alignment * Alloy wheels * Rim repairs * Brakes * Shocks * Wheel bearings * CV Joints * Car audio

Where quality meets service

Feel Free to contact us: Chris 082 551 4535 Tel: 011 814-2040 Fax: 011 814-8884 / 086 648 1397 17 Tulbach Street, NIGEL

Tel: 011 814 7289 Fax: 011 814 1106 Cell: 082 256 6320


You’ve tried the rest, now try the best 25 Scarborough Road, Ferryvale, Nigel email:


We fit 7days a week!

30 Rhodes Avenue, Nigel Tel: 011 814 4874 -Fax: 011 814 2232

Under new management


CONTACT JO 079 885 8559 email: No. 71 North Road, Nigel

NIGEL NIGEL - IMPOR TANT TELEPHONE NUMBERS: IMPORT Emergency Number 011 814 8111 / 011 458 0911/ 10177 Nigel Police Station 011 812 6322/40 Precint Station 011 999 9130 Payments and Warrant Enquiries 011 999 9126 Mobile Emergency Number 112 Fraud & Corruption 24-hour hot line 0800 203 623


Corporate I. T Solution cc


Lekker vetkoek, rooster broodjies, burgers, vars koek, terte, platters, slap chips, biltong, droëwors, lekker kerrie en rys en vele meer! Ferryvale Spar Sentrum Chris 011 814 5859 Susan 083 697 1089 Winkel 6, Beverly Str. Ferryvale, Nigel

Laerskool Hannes Visagie Laerskool Tini Vorster Nigel Primary Hoërskool John Vorster Nigel High School

011 814 6546 011 814 6470 011 814 8383 011 814 8218 011 814 8185

Omega Gearboxes Repairs & Spares

All Manual Gearboxes and Diffs 21 Van Riebeeck Street, NIGEL TEL: (011) 814 2622 FAX: (011) 814 8655

too Big b o J o N mall or too S * Wall Cladding

Wynand 072 729 8223

Stander Motors Hendrik Verwoerdstraat 66 NIGEL

TEL: (011) 814-2575/6

Vir Puik Gehalte Motors Nico 083 281 8539, Stephan 082 772 0971

Feel safe, sleep safer. Let us help protect your family. We will protect your hard earned belongings and assure instant medical assistance when needed. Speak to your agent for our rates on installation fees.

Contact us on (011) 739 5931H0319

Mon. - Sat. 8:00 - 19:00 Sun. 08:00 - 15:00

Authorised Sales and Service Agent

Shop 3, Selcourt Towers, Nuffield Springs TEL: 011 363 2822 & 52 First Ave. Nigel Phone 011 814-4360/1 Fax: 086 619 8787 Cell: 082 570 7078 Contact us for the best prices on cartridges for your HP, Lexmark, Canon or Epson!



139-3de Straat, Springs

13 MARCH 2012

MARTIN 082 795 5339 JOE 073 737 4334

Tel: 011 362 5237 KEEGAN 082 729 9471 Faks: HERMAN 082 817 7192 011 362 5238 R99 950

R79 950

‘06 VW Polo Classic 1.9 TDi Highline - P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W ‘07 Peugeot 1007 1.6 2-Tronic P/S, A/C, E/W

R109 950

‘07 Nissan Hardbody 2400i 4x4 LWB (J23) C/D, P/S

R149 950

‘07 Jaguar X Type 2.0 SE A/T P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags, CD

R109 950

R279 950

‘07 BMW 530d A/T (E60), P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags, CD

R89 950

‘00 VW Sharan 2.8 VR6 A/C, P/S, E/W, C/L

R129 950

R99 950

‘00 Kombi Syncro

R69 950

‘08 Fiat Strada 1.2

R84 950

‘03 Landrover Freelander 2.0 TD4 A/C, P/S, E/W, C/L

R99 950

‘03 Merc Benz C220 CDi Classic ‘05 BMW 320i (E90) P/S, A/C, ‘02 BMW330d A/T (E46) F/L, P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags, CD P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags CD ABS, E/W, Mags, CD

R124 950

‘05 Mercedes Benz C180

R199 950

‘09 Mazda 6 2.0 A/C, P/S

R74 950

‘10 Hyunday Atos, A/C, P/S, R/CD, E/W, ABS, Airbags

R179 950

‘04 BMW 530i E64, A/C, P/S, S/R

R114 950

‘06 Mercedes Benz A180

R114 950

‘05 VW Touran 2.0 FSi, P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags, CD

R169 950

‘05 Audi 3L A4 TDi Quatro, A/C, P/S, E/W Cd, Mags

R549 950

‘06 BMW M6 E64 - Full house

R134 950

101 ‘05 VW Sharan, A/C, P/S, E/W, Mags, C/L

R279 950

‘09 VW T5 KOMBI 1.9 TDi P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags, CD

R99 950

‘07 VW Caddy 2.0 SDi

R69 950

R89 950

R79 950

‘03 Peugeot 206 2.0 Coupe Cabriolet - P/S, A/C, E/W

‘03 Renault Scenic RX4 Expression, P/S, A/C, E/W, S/R

R159 950

R44 950

‘02 Opel Corsa 1.6iS A/C, P/S, ‘06 BMW 320d A/T (E90) P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags, CD ABS, E/W, Mags, CD

R109 950

R109 950

R189 950

‘08 Audi A4 1.8 Multitronic

R114 950

‘06 Mercedes Benz A180 CDi Classic P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags

R89 950

‘02 Mercedes Benz C200 ‘06 Ford Focus 2.0 TDCi Si 5Dr ‘06 Tata SFC 407 DSLB TURBO Elegance, A/C, P/S, E/W, C/L P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags, CD P/S Workhorse

R144 950

R84 950

‘05 Volvo 2.5T Cross Country

‘08 Opel Corsa utility

R94 950

R49 950

‘07 Tata Indica 1.4 DLX P/S, E/W, C/L

R34 950

‘96 Subaru Impreza 1.8GL A/T S/W, A/C, P/S, CD

R109 950

‘08 Toyota Yaris T3 Spirit 5D ‘06 Mazda 3 1.6 Sport Active P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags, CD P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags, CD

R104 950

R199 950

‘09 Hyundai Getz 1.4

‘06 Toyota Fortuner 3.0 V6 4X4

R59 950

R109 950

R219 950

‘06 BMW 330d A/T (E90)

R89 950

‘01 VW Golf 4 1.9 TDi Highline ‘07 Tata Indica 1.4 DLX, A/C, ‘02 Merc Benz C220 Kompressor, ‘03 BMW 318i A/T (E46)F/L P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags, CD P/S, R/CD P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags, CD A/C, P/S, E/W, C/L, R/CD

R79 950

‘09 VW Golf, Radio, CD, Mags

R149 950

R149 950

‘09 Honda Jazz 1.5 IEX Auto, Very low km, Full house

‘05 Isuzu, Canopy, Mags, Aircon, E/W, R/CD

Check on all vehicles

R134 950

‘07 VW Jetta 2L TDi, A/C, P/S, R/CD, E/W, ABS, Airbags

R139 950

‘06 Nissan Interstate DCi Highroof, A/C, P/S, Good workhorse

13 MARCH 2012




INDEX / INDEKS 1 Pets / Troeteldiere 2 Tours / Toere 3 Job Wanted / Betrekkings Gevra 4 Announcements / Aankondigings 5 Vote of Thanks / Bedankings 6 Rewards / Belonings 7 Funeral Services / Begrafnis Dienste 8 Entertainment / Vermaak 9 Found / Gevind 10 Churches / Kerke 11 In Memorial / In Memorium 12 Personal / Persoonlik 13 Lost / Verlore 14 Computers / Rekenaars 15 Builders & Building / Bouers en Bouwerk 16 Sports Equipment/ Sporttoe-rusting 17 Lift Corner / Saamrygeleenthede 18 Beauty & Health / Skoonheid en Gesondheid 19 General Service / Algemene Dienste 20 Spyseniering / Catering 21 Money & Loans / Geld & Lenings 22 Childcare / Kindersorg 23 Music / Musiek 24 Tuition / Onderrig 25 Repairs / Reparasies 26 Garden Services / Tuindienste 27 Nurseries / Kwekerye 28 Transport / Vervoer 29 For Hire / Te Huur 30 Muscellaneous / Allerlei 31 Furniture / Meubels 32 Vehicles / Voertuie 33 Caravans / Woonwaens 34 Motorcycles / Motorfietse 35 Parts / Onderdele 36 TV Services / TV Dienste 37 Employment / Betrekkings 38 Accommodation / Akkomodasie 39 Resorts / Vakansieoord 40 Wanted / Gevra 41 Townhouses / Meenthuise 42 Houses to Rent / Huise te Huur 43 Flats to Rent / Woonstelle te huur 44 For Sale / Te Koop / Plotte & Plase 45 Wanted to Rent / Te Huur Gevra 46 Houses for Sale / Huise te Koop 47 Flats for Sale / Woonstelle te Koop 48 Stands for Sale / Erwe te Koop 49 For Sale / Te Koop 50 Businesses / Besighede 01 Pets / Troeteldiere

NOAH’S ARK PET SHOP: Voëlsaad, visse, viskos, koikos, akwariums, hondekos (3 in 1) Avi-Plus produkte. Bearded dragons, hamsters, krieke, meel wurms, hondehokke, hondejassies en honde bedjies. Dae oop per week 9:00 17:00 Naweke en vakansiedae 09:00 16:00. Tel: 011 814-4514. By mini Zoo, Noordstraat 132, Nigel. 03 Job Wanted / Betrekking Gevra

Betrekking Gevra. Jongman met Gr.12 is dringend opsoek na werk. Is betroubaar met sober gewoontes en tweetalig. Bereid om hard te werk en te leer. Bereid om ambag te loop. Het eie vervoer. Kan dadelik begin werk. Kontak my Henning by 083 657 0838

03 Job Wanted / Betrekking Gevra Betrekking gevra. Telkom tegnikus met kode 8 lisensie is opsoek na werk het ook ervaring van die volgende: verkoops-assistent, nutsman en loodgieter. Rekenaar vaardig. Is bereid om enige werk te leer en te doen. Skakel Jaco 071 916 8086 of 016 349 5551.

Jong dame met Gr.12 is dringend opsoek na enige kantoorwerk in Nigel of Heidelberg. Het eie vervoer. Hardwerkend en bereid om te leer. Kontak Geraldine 083 273 5815

Looking for a job. I am eager to build a career in a challening and innovative enviroment where I may fully utilise my excellent creative and artistic talents, coupled with my above average communication skills. I grew up in a bilingual household and am therefore able to communicate in both English and Afrikaans efficiently. Computer literacy: Basic knowledge of MS Word, Excel and Power point. Subjects at school: Business Economics, English, Afrikaans, Tourism and Adapted Mathematics. Please phone me Michelle at 082 459 3335. 12 Personal / Persoonlik Nigel Methodist Church - Centre of Concern Infoline. This FREE Service will assist anyone with contact details of various emergency and social service organisations in the Nigel area. Phone: 071 781 7065. Phone between 07h00 - 19h00, 7 days per week. Data entry werkers met of sonder ‘n rekenaar benodig. Maklik stap vir stap verduideliking. Eie ure in die gerief van jou huis. Verdien tot R720 in jou eerste week of tot R1440 pd. Sms jou naam, van, volledige adres met poskode om jou inligting brosjure te ontvang na 079 555 3222.

15 Builders/Building/ Bouers/Bouwerk ODD JOBS 2000. Sedert 1979 in Heildelberg en Omgewing. Bouwerk, Loodgieters, Eletries, Alterasies, Grasdakke, Verfwerk, Swembaddens, Plaveisel en alle staalwerk - Ons is so goed soos die mense wat vir ons werk - Ons het duer die jare fantastiese spanne opgebou. Skakel kantoor ure - 016 341 5445 of Piet Pienaar 082 603 1860

BOUWERK, LOODGIETER & VERFWERK Geysers, toilets, drains,

gebarste pype, skrynwerk, teëls ens. Seël van dakke & plaveisels. Skakel: 082 646 9928

18 Beauty & Health / Skoonheid & Gesondheid

13 MARCH 2012

19 General Services / Algemene Dienste

Affordable Nails Heidelberg. Acrylic & Gel @ R150.00 including. Nail art. Contact Nita 082 880 6747 for appointment. Available Mon-Sat

FOR ALL YOUR BEAUTY NEEDS!! * Nails * Manicure * Waxing * Pedicure * Tinting * Make-up * Diet’s Contact: 082 788 5880 (cell) or Tel: 011 814 6269, Nigel Flexi Hours: Monday’s - Friday’s 19 General Services / Algemene Dienste ROMMEL VERWYDERING / BOOMFELLING. Verwyder enige rommel. Felling van enige boom. Opruiming van gestorte / beskadigde vragte (ongelukstoneel rehabilitasie). Algemene vervoer. Beste pryse. Gratis kwotasie. Suikerbos Transport . Skakel Hennie 082 890 9516. MAD ABOUT PLUMBING LOODGIETERS. Spesialiseer in alle loodgieter behoeftes. Op versekering panele, Absa, Nedbank, Hollard, Santam, Mutual&Federal, Standard Bank en nog vele meer. Hanteer eis onmiddelik. Doen Solar Geysers en “Heatpumps”, alternatief tot Solar (50-80% besparing op krag). PIRB en IOPSA geregistreer. Skakel Tersia of Pieter by 016 349 5666 / 082 491 9093 / 083 547 4037

Granitetops tops **Granite * Bathrooms Kitchens **Kitchens * All Repairs Laminatedflooring flooring **Laminated Contact: 082 471 0916 / 082 637 6963

MEDICAL PLANS From R300 that refunds un-used benefits. For more information please phone: 086 111 1254 Includes insurance products underwritten by Resolution Insurance Company Limited. FSP No: 13888

20 Catering / Spyseniering RUMOURS RESTAURANT: For professional catering of all events. Weddings, Parties, Spitbraais, Platters and Potjies. Nothing too big or -small. Your venue or ours. Phone Piet at 011 814 1428 / 072 470 2187. TO HIRE: Cutlery, crockery, large selection of table cloths, overlays, tables and chairs etc. Phone Sonnette 082 926 1515

36 TV Services / TV Dienste





fully installed to one point. PREMIER COMMUNICATIONS (016) 341 2233 / 082 417 7149 41 B Voortrekker str, Heidelberg

37 Employment / Betrekkings


BC MAINTENANCE: Palissade, elektriese heinings, vervaardiging van motorafdakke, nuwe strukture, oprigting, afbreek en skuif van bestaande strukture, lekkende dakke, bouwerk en alle sweiswerke. Doen ook “ TREE FELLING”. Vir kwotasie skakel Boeta 083 528 3799 of Cora 078 006 2598. Epos:

De Jager Kruger Van Blerk van Springs benodig die diens van ‘n ervare litigasietikster. Stuur asseblief u CV aan Vir nadere inligting skakel Phil van Blerk by 011 812 1455



For 3D Designer Kitchens or kitchen revamps, BIC, Bathr, Vanities, Wall to Wall Carpets and Laminated Flooring. No compromise on Quality and Service. Free Quotations. Phone Andre at 016 349 5052 or 082 738 1441

LAUNDRY MATE For a professional LAUNDRY service, contact Laundry Mate at 011 814 3597 or 072 511 4366. Domestic & Corporate, including Curtians, Table Cloths, Blankets, Comforters, ect. 20% discount for Pensioners on Wednesdays. Collect and deliver in Nigel/Heidelberg town area.

URGENTLY NEEDED Minimum 5yrs experience in Mechanical. Must have certificates. Petrol and Diesel knowledge required. NO CHANCERS Contact Muhammed 084 761 1768


NEW ON THE BLOCK Algoran (Pty) Ltd. (Shopfitting company) We are looking for local, qualified woodworkers and young people who would like to make a career of woodworking.

Please contact Belinda: 016 341 3451

BOUWERK Alle bouwerk en aanbouings. Bou van Nuwe Huise en Woonstelle (Granny Flats). Seel & verf van dakke Skakel Gerald 083 384 9599 N.H.B.R.C. Geregistreerd


13 MARCH 2012



Vuurwarm motor kry eienaar 40


Wanted / Gevra

Businesses / Besighede

42 Houses to Rent / Huise te huur Eiendom te huur vanaf die einde Maart R5000.00. Van der Stelstraat 4, naby skool geleë. 4 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, 2 groot motorhuise en swembad. Kontak Cecilia of JP by 011 814 3444 (kantoor ure).

House te rent in Nigel with Granny falt 3 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, Lounge, Dining Room, Kitchen. GRANNY FLAT. 1 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom, lounge, kitchen. Double garage. House and flat very good condition, looking for good tenants. R6000.00 p/m. Contact Angelique on 073 265 8134

ANCIENT DAYS Antiques - oudhede. Ons koop, verkoop en restoureer meubels. Groot verskeidenheid nou beskikbaar. Kom loer gerus in. Skakel ons by 016 349 2175 of Wena 082 785 9108

Global Fastners New in Nigel

Vian Barnard van Nigel spog met sy vuurwarm nuwe motor. Links: Fortune Majona, Elias Mokwena van Hoofkantoor en Casper Geldenhuys, bestuurder van Golden Buffalo Spur Nigel.

Shop 1 Noah’s Ark, Northen Rd, Nigel Suppliers of: Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Springwashers, Tex Screws, Drywall screws, Cap screws, Self tappers, Anchors, Drill bits, Rivets, Pop rivets, Threaded rods, XOX bolts, HT 8.8 bolts. FREE DELIVERY / QUOTATION Madri: 073 662 6946, Crystel: 074 719 0984, Office: 078 399 0735

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Hairstylelists needed to rent space in busy Salon. Big business oppertunity in Heidelberg. Contact 082 943 9185

Golden Buffalo Spur in Nigel se vuurwarm rooi motortjie JB 15, het ‘n splinternuwe eienaar gekry. Vian Barnard van Nigel was die gelukkige wenner van tien Golden Buffalo Spur maatjies toe ‘n trekking op 29 Februarie beslis het wie die nuwe eienaar sou wees. Vian van Laerskool Tini Vorster, het sy plek dadelik agter die stuurwiel gaan inneem om sy eienaarskap te bevestig. Dít was die groot prys wat na ‘n jaar gewen kon word deur tien kandidate wat almal kleiner pryse deur die jaar gewen het. Terwyl die afwagtende ouers in spanning gewag het, het die tien aspirante lekker om ‘n tafel geëet aan ‘n lekker Golden Buffalo Spur gereggie. Elias Mokwena van Spur Hoofkantoor het die trekking en oorhandiging gedoen.



13 MARCH 2012

Zilke styg uit in drama Lucky winner Om op 8-jarige ouderdom met meer as ‘n honderd sertifikate vir drama en talentkompetisies te spog, sê iets van Zilke Hoffeldt van Laer Volkskool wat nie in woorde uitgedruk kan word nie. Dit simboliseer talent, gekombineer met selfvertroue, ‘n vlugge brein en ‘n wil van staal om haar Godgegewe gawes ten volle uit te leef. Zilke is egter ‘n plat op die aarde mensie wat vertel dat sy lief is vir drama. “Al kry ek nie ‘n plek nie, maak dit nie saak nie want ek doen dit omdat ek daarvan hou.” Sy het op 29 Februarie by die Nasionale Eisteddfod Akademie in Roodepoort drie goue sertifikate verwerf toe sy binne drie ure aan ‘n Afrikaanse stuk gedramatiseerde prosa, Babalela (98%), ‘n Engelse monoloog, The Witch Cathy Catoo (93%) en nog ‘n Engelse monoloog, Tom Boy Princess,(90%) deelgeneem het. Sy moes verlede jaar vir dié Nasionale Eisteddfod kwalifiseer. Nou lê Talent Africa se kompetisie in Klerksdorp van 23 tot 24 Maart voor waarvoor sy ook verlede jaar moes kwalifiseer. Zilke gaan aan ‘n dramatiese samespraak oor Racheltjie de Beer in Engels deelneem. In ‘n tweede lekker lag komedie – ook in Engels - gaan sy aan ‘n tweespraak tussen twee muise deelneem. Sy dink aan nog vier ander items. Zilke sê drama sal altyd deel van haar lewe bly. Sy dink egter daaraan om na skool medies te gaan studeer. Zilke se ander aktiwiteite sluit dans, klavier, ballet, sang, netbal en hokkie in. Sy is die dogter van Pieter en Ronelle Hoffeldt van Hoffeldts Restaurant.

Zilke Hoffeldt saam met die beoordelaar en bekende akteur Denver Vraagom by die Nasionale Eisteddfod.

Nigel Tyres of Mr. Jakes Patel in Northern Road, Nigel held its second lucky draw for a new four stroke Pulse scooter on 25 February for customers who had new tyres or mag wheels put on in the preceding month. Rian Hamman, an independent witness, conducted the final draw after four successive draws in which fifty entrants were first drawn, then 30, then 20, then 10 and eventually the lucky winner’s name. In the photograph winner Calvin Dhladhla touches the seat while Saiyed Monsuri of Nigel Tyres congratulates him.

Police treat the pensioners

Warrant Officer Pieter Droskie of Dunnottar SAPS with Hester van Dyk (left) and Carol Volker at the Dunnottar Retirement Village.

Residents who enjoyed the party. Elizabeth Otto (91 years old), Christine van Rooyen and Marie Engelbreght.

Residents of the Dunnottar Retirement Village received a pleasant surprise from the local SAPS recently. Although Valentine’s Day had gone, the SAPS still came and put decorations in the trees and plenty of balloons in the branches. There was a large table filled with good things to eat – all prepared by the Dunnottar SAPS. Each resident was given a red rose and the general opinion was “Dunnottar police are great”.

Get stuck on stamps! Looking for a new interesting hobby and learn a lot at the same time? Then why not think of starting a stamp collection. This is one hobby which has no age restriction and fortunately has a well established stamp club in Nigel to help you get started. They meet once a month at the Nigel Methodist church hall at 18:00 for 19:00 on the last Monday of the month. Expert advice is available on how to start a collection. There are interesting talks at the meetings plus a quiz. There are also tasks given to members


such as compiling special pages of stamps with certain themes. At the February meeting members will make displays showing their favourite town, city or country. The stamps could be on postcards, cancellations etc. If it all sounds complicated it is not and can be a lot of fun. Enjoyment is the secret and a little research might be needed. Beginners are always welcome at the Nigel Stamp Club and for more information contact Lesley Leesmann or Charles Rogers on 011 814 3377.

This is a selection of Namibian stamps now available.

13 MARCH 2012



Hoërskool Emmasdal vier eeufees

Hoërskool Emmasdal het op 3 Maart sy eeufees in Heidelberg gevier en ‘n monument onthul wat in die volgende honderd jaar sal getuig van die verbondenheid van die skool aan Christelike en ouerwaardes met die onderwyser as ligdraer vir die kind in donker tye. By die 350 oud onderwysers en leerlinge het die naweek saamgetrek om die glorieryke dae van die skool in herinnering te roep, ou bande te hernu en vorentoe te kyk na ‘n nuwe bedeling wat vir die skool voorlê. Van binne die landsgrense so ver as Hermanus en van buite die grense soos Mosambiek en Botswana, het hulle opgeruk om die geleentheid by te woon. Mnr Willie Swart, skoolhoof, sê Emmasdal se geskiedenis strek terug tot in 1903-1904 net ná die Boere

Oorlog toe Tant Emma van Rensburg 1 500ha geskenk het vir kinders wat sorgbehoewend verklaar was. Vandag word daar nog gepraat van die Spook van Emmasdal want Tant Emma waak blykbaar nog jaloers oor haar kinders. Die terrein was eers gebruik as ‘n verbeteringskool en is op 31 Januarie 1912 omskep in ‘n behoorlike skool. Ná verskeie verwikkelings, is Emmasdal in 1962 omskep in ‘n nywerheidskool vir seuns ouer as veertien. Onderwys geskied tot op graad 10 vlak en vakonderwys tot by NTS. Met die jare het die skool groot hoogtepunte op veral sportgebied bereik. In 1981 het die eerste rugbyspan tot by die finaal in die streeksafdeling vir die Administrateursbeker gevorder. Die kadetpeleton het in 1984 die Oos Randse streekkompetisie gewen.

By die Eeufees Monument is van links afgeneem Emmasdal skoolhoof Willie Swart, sy vrou Raché wat vir die ontwerp en simboliek verantwoordelik was en die bekende kunstenaar Pieter van der Westhuizen, ‘n departementshoof wat saam aan die kap en bou van die monument gewerk het.

2009 Toyota Fortuner II 3.0D-4D (A) Raised Body - 61 000km

2009 Toyota Hilux (Facelift) 2.7 VVTi Raider R/B S/C - 59 900km

900 R244

2010 Toyota Hilux (Facelift I) 3.0 D-4D Raider R/B S/C - 35 000km

Kompleet in sy ou skoolbaadjie, spreek Earl Whelan die feesgangers toe. Hy was van 1986 tot 1990 ‘n leerling in die skool en ook hoofseun in 1990.

900 R119

2008 VW Golf 5 1.6 Comfortline Hatch back - 112 900km

‘n tyd dat Emmasdal skilderwinkels vir letterskilder en verfwerk bedryf het, klere gemaak het, houtwerk-, loodgieterswerk, passer- en draaier werk, messel- en bouwerk aangebied het en ‘n bakkery gehad het. Brood is tot in die dorp voorsien. Die seuns het self in die tuine gewerk, bouwerk gedoen en geboue onderhoud. Talle van die kinders het hulle verhef tot die stand van vooraanstaande mense in die samelewing.”Neem ‘n voorbeeld van oudleerders en wend die skoolopleiding na die beste van julle vermoë aan,” het skoolhoof Willie Swart gesê. Die Eeufees monument Raché Swart, vrou van skoolhoof Willie Swart het die eeufeesmonument gekonseptualiseer en ontwerp. Sy is deur kunstenaar Pieter van der Westhuizen en haar man bygestaan. Twee pilare wat hemelwaarts reik, dra die boodskap uit dat die kind op God vir sy lewensbestemming moet vertrou. ‘n Klein rots aan die linkerkant beeld die kind uit en een aan die regterkant die volwassene. In die middel is ‘n groot rots wat onderwys en opvoeding simboliseer. Raché het haar inspirasie geput uit Luk 19:40. “... Ek sê vir julle, as hulle swyg, sal die klippe uitroep.” Alle leerlinge is unieke skepsels van God. God se beeld skuil binne jou. Die monument staan stewig geplant om as ‘n getuienis te dien. “Elkeen wat hier vertoef, moet daardie boodskap kry en ervaar. God se woord is die rots waarop jy jou lewe moet bou. Sy Woord staan rotsvas!” Willie, haar man, sê hy is die Here dankbaar vir die personeel wat in samewerking met mekaar unieke werk verrig. Ek is nederig dankbaar dat ek ook hier ‘n inset kan lewer.”


900 R277

900 R179

900 R299

In 1994 met die nuwe staatsbedeling het omstandighede drasties verander. Lyfstraf en opluitkamers het verdwyn. Dissipline het heeltemal agteruit gegaan. Akademiese en buitemuurse aktiwiteite het in die slag gebly. Ten spyte daarvan, het die skool nog steeds ‘n 100% slaagsyfer in matriek behou. In ‘n geskiedkundige oorsig word gesê “die Departement (van Onderwys) het geen begrip vir die eiesoortige onderwys van Emmasdal nie. Dit laat soms ‘n moedelose gevoel ontstaan, maar die toegewydheid en geloof van die personeel oorkom dit. Die leerders se welstand en opvoeding is steeds prioriteit en sal nie ingeboet word nie,” word gesê. Herinneringes Mnr. Fanie Venter, ‘n oud leerling wat tot die pos van Direkteur in die Departement van Openbare Werke gevorder het, sê daar was

2009 Toyota Hilux (Facelift I) 3.0 D-4D Raider (A) R/B D/C 74 000km

00 R84 9

2007 Toyota Yaris T3+ Hatch Back - 119 800km


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, Nigel et & First Avenue Cnr. Tulbach Stre

8181 Tel: 011 814-

Kyle Hendricks 082 578 0985 Office 011 814-8181/8235 Fax: 086 614 7343

Heidelberg: 23 Schoeman Str TEL: 016 341 2187 / 8 FAX: 016 341 6702




13 MARCH 2012

Suikerbos Harriers maai onder visse


Nigel wys slag met rugby

In vriendskaplike wedstryde teen Sasolburg op die John Vorster Stadion het Nigel op 2 Maart stewig vertoon en twee van die drie wedstryde gewen. Die eerste span het met 29-22 geseëvier, die tweede span het met 33-3 in die stof gebyt en die 0/21 span het Sasol met 26-0 in die veld ingetrap. Die spanne het Saterdag teen Pretoria Tuine op die veld gedraf. Die uitslae was teen druktyd nie bekend nie. Vir navrae, skakel Thinus de Wet 083 287 3454, Louis Bezuidenhout 082 335 0853 of Jimmy Meadon 082 784 0519.

Nigel’s first skating competition

Nigel’s first skating competition was won by Marcel Steenkamp when Angelo Skate Park had a number of skaters competing for the award. Each competitor had two runs of two minutes each to show off their skills. The judges put Danie Esterhuysen in position 5, Brian Leesman in fourth place, Brad Rees third place, T.J. Van Niekerk, second, and Marcel Steenkamp, the winner.

Suikerbos Harriers het die naweek van 3 & 4 Maart by Bloemhof gehengel. Altesame 35 hengelaars het 556 visse gevang met ‘n massa van 679,769 Kg. Die klub se Jaarlike Ope Hengelkompetisie vind op 26 Mei 2012 by Cilliers aan die Vaaldam plaas. Enige belangstellendes wat in die Pare Kompetisie wil deelneem kan vir Arrie Backhouse kontak by 082 959 1654.

Andrè Bezuidenhout van Suikerbos Harriers het op 3 Maart ‘n lekker Graskarp van 5,654 kg aan wal gebring.

Henk Marais, slot van Nigel vat die bal twee meter hoog in ‘n lynstaan vas toe ‘n gekombineerde 0.19 en 0.21 span van Nigel en Sasol mekaar aandurf.

In association with the

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