Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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VOLUME 8 No. 8 Dankdiens vir wonderw er k onderwer erk

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24 APRIL 2012 Spor Sportt


Rugbyspeler getuig - Jesus doen wonderwerke Dis is die kragtige gebede van God se kinders en ‘n wonderwerk van God wat ‘n jong rugbyspeler van Nigel op die rugbyveld uit die dood na die lewe laat terugkeer het. Omstanders het die situasie met die beste van hul vermoë hanteer. Derrick Coetzee (12) van Laerskool Tini Vorster se eerste span, was ná ‘n duikslag reeds blou om die lippe en gesig. Hy het vir ongeveer 3 minute lank opgehou met asem haal. Die drama het hom kort ná 13:20 op Saterdag 14 April op die rugbyveld van A. G. Visser Laerskool afgespeel. Die wedstryd tussen die skole se eerste spanne was slegs twee minute in die tweede helfte aan die gang toe Derrick ‘n opponent, Gerhard Ceronio van voor af plat geduik het. Derrick is met die elmboog op die kop en ‘n knie teen die nek getref. ‘n Speler van Laerskool Tini Vorster, Mc Steward Nienaber het gesien daar is fout toe Derrick bly lê en ruk en blou word. Hy het op Eugene Coetzee, Derrick se ouer boetie langs die veld geskreeu. Eugene het die skeidsregter se aandag getrek en die spel is gestaak en afgestel. Vissies was toe reeds 19-0 voor. Derrick se ma Meisie en ouma Maureen het op die veld gestorm en gemerk dat daar ernstig fout was. Meisie het sy koppie vasgehou, hy het geruk en sy gesiggie was blou. In die pandemonium het ‘n kind geskreeu dat Derrick dood was. ‘n Onderwyser het die spelers geneem en hulle het ‘n kring gevorm en begin bid. Langs die veld het toeskouers ook spontaan saam gebid. Daar was geen asemhaling en pols nie en die hartjie het opgehou klop. Hierna is mondtot-mond asemhaling en hartmasering

gedoen. Ma Meisie het intussen op haar knieë gestaan en die Here aangeroep om haar seun terug te gee terwyl talle ander toeskouers saam tot die Here geroep het. Derrick het sy bewussyn herwin en is per ambulans na Heidelberg Hospitaal geneem waar hy twee dae later ontslaan is. Hy het geen nagevolge oorgehou nie en het volkome herstel. Aan God, ons Hemelse Vader al die eer!! Terwyl oupa Rassie Erasmus, ouma Maureen en ma Meisie Coetzee asook twee maatjies teenwoordig was, het Derrick met ‘n nekstut aan, aan Rekord vertel dat hy niks van die voorval onthou nie. “Ek het my agterlyn reggekry en die volgende wat ek weet is dat ek in die ambulans ‘n tannie gesien het. Jesus is groot en Hy het ons gewys Hy doen nog wonderwerke! “ Derrick is in die hospitaal en tuis met liefde en belangstelling oorval. Onder die talle mense wat hom in die hospitaal besoek het, was mnr. Johan Roothman, die skoolhoof van A. G. Visser, Derrick se afrigter Charles Naude, talle maatjies, asook ‘n aantal ouers. Dit is opmerklik hoe almal saam gestaan het en die geweldige ondersteuning tussen skole, ouers en kinders plaasgevind het. Nadat Derrick verlede Maandag uit die hospitaal ontslaan was, is hy op versoek van skoolhoof Bennie Holm’ner na die skool geneem, waar sy rugbymaatjies en onderwysers hom om 12:00 ingewag het. Hulle het die Here gedank dat hy veilig terug was. Die seuns het berading ontvang en kon gesels het oor hul ervaring, tydens die gebeurtenis. Ma Meisie en haar ouers glo dat Derrick inderdaad dood was. “Ek glo dat die Here talle

Laerskool A. G. Visser het as ‘n spesiale blyk van agting ‘n getekende rugbybal met al hul eerste span spelers se name daarop, aan Derrick oorhandig. Op die foto oorhandig mnr. Rickus Muller en Gerhard Ceronio (regs) die bal aan Derrick. Heel links voor is Andy Haasbroek en heel regs Michael Labuschagne. Agter van links is Ruben Botha, Armand Malherbe, Juan-Jac Cronje en Jacques Kloppers. Gerhard is die knaap met wie Derrick gebots het.

mense aangeraak het en dat God ‘n wonderwerk gebruik het om dit te doen,” sê ouma Maureen. Derrick is ‘n dapper klein mannetjie. “As ek weer so ‘n “tackle” sal moet uitvoer, sal ek dit doen,” is sy kommentaar. Derrick is ‘n pragtige seun wat sy afhanklikheid van die Here Jesus openlik bely en erken. Die gesin bedank die personeel van die hospitaal, die ambulansdiens en almal wat gehelp het. Hulle sê ook spesiaal dankie aan almal wat gebid en Derrick ondersteun het. Verlede Dinsdag is Derrick verras toe die eerste rugbyspan van Laerskool A. G. Visser hom

besoek het om ‘n getekende bal met hul name daarop, aan hom te oorhandig. Hy en Gerhard Geronio, die opponent wat hy plat geduik het, het breed vir mekaar geglimlag. ‘n Gedenkdiens en Erkenningseremonie is Vrydag, 20 April by Laerskool Tini Vorster aangebied. Die rede vir die diens was om dankbaarheid aan ons Hemelse Vader te toon vir die wonderwerk wat plaasgevind het. Lees meer van die diens op bladsy 5. Hierdie is ‘n lewendige getuienis mag die mensdom sien daar is werklik ‘n God wat leef en Sy kinders nooit in die steek laat nie.



24 APRIL 2012

Bruin Waterslang vreet vis ‘n Bruin Waterslang vang ‘n vissie, waarskynlik ‘n karpie. Foto op 14 April deur Renier Janse van Rensburg by die Blesbokspruit geneem.

Copies of the Rekord can be collected at our office cnr of Kingsway & Van Riebeeck Road

011 814 8614

After easter From the desk of Rev Ray Goddess 267 6198 SKAKEL 083 267 6198


TEL: 011 740 9123/4 FAX: 011 740 0386

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ROBERT DYKE 083 266 5453 STEVE DYKE 082 428 7262 LEADERS IN CUSTOM MADE SHOPFRONTS e-mail: 58 Second Avenue, Nigel 1490 Tel: 011 814-1577/26 Fax: 011 814 8467


P.O. BOX 311 BRAKPAN 554 Voortrekker Rd

Rev Ray Goddess, Heidelberg Methodist Church Easter has come and gone and for some Easter was a very moving time. I have been approached by a number of people who have stated that Easter should be the focal point of the year and not Christmas. Well truth be told, Easter would not have happened without Christmas and Christmas is meaningless without Easter. So they are both as important as each other. The sad truth is that because of the commercial side of Christmas and all the presents that are given and received we find that Christmas is more popular in the world than Easter. What concerns me is that there are many Christians who seem to ignore the importance of Easter. Let me explain my statement that I have made above. I have been chatting with some folk who stay in other countries and it is horrific to see that one person was sharing that where they stay there is NO Good Friday service at ANY of the churches! In other words if you want to go to church on Good Friday you can’t – because there is NO service being held within your living area. This is so sad and I wonder how many churches in our own country or possibly our own town do not have a service on Good Friday to remember and meditate on the pain that Jesus went through so that we may be saved. If it was not for Easter we, Christians, would not be here as a religious group. Surely we need to take the time to remember what Jesus went through so that we can celebrate a life as a Christian. But now that Easter is over what do Christians do? I know for those who do a lot of the services and event co-ordination for Easter find that they suddenly have a lot of spare time and are not sure what to do with themselves in the evening, but I am more concerned about those of us who have been moved by the Holy Spirit during our Easter experience and now seem to “ignore” the change that we have experienced and get back to our old life – often ignoring the revelation of all or part of what happened to us at Easter. I would like to challenge all Christians who had a moving experience to speak to their friends, cell group and maybe even their minister and ask the folk to hold you accountable to the new found life (change) that you committed to during Easter. At one of the Global Leader Summits that I went to the speaker said that a moving event (no matter what it is) is pointless and useless unless we live out what we

learned/experienced. I agree with him, hence my challenge. I know that this is sometimes awkward 57 Strydom Street, Heidelberg to arrange so maybe Tel: (016) 341-2437 you need to take the Rev. Ray Cell 082 656 3123 initiative to ask the “We exist to be like Christ, live like Christ, and cell to have a time of reflection on Easter, share the exciting message of Christ to all people”. or maybe you need to EXPERIENCE CHRIST’S LOVE AND OUR FRIENDSHIP get a group of people together on an evening and chat about what Easter meant to you and formulate some ideas on how to keep the (1 Corinthians 9:24 - NIV) Easter experience and commitment alive. Service times: 08h00 – Traditional Service (Mother’s Room available) Jesus did this for YOU. Let us live life 09h30 – Worship Service (Mother’s Room available) in glorifying Him. 18h00 – C.I.A. Service (for Adults and Youth)



24 APRIL 2012





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24 APRIL 2012

Bail proceedings and the presumption of innocence Is there still a presumption of innocence? Well, according to our constitution at least, there is one. Section 35 (3) of our Constitution provides as follows: “Every accused person has a right to a fair trial, which includes the right to be presumed innocent.” When it comes to bail applications, however, accused persons can be forgiven for believing that the presumption of innocence is often forgotten by our law enforcement officials. I can understand that uninformed members of the public battle to distinguish between bail proceedings and trial proceedings. The public will often jump to the conclusion that a person arrested on a serious charge of rape, murder or armed robbery must be guilty. Why else would he have been arrested? Law enforcement officials, including Magistrates, Prosecutors and Policemen, however, should know better. The main purpose of bail proceedings is to secure the suspect’s attendance at Court and to prevent interference with the investigation of the matter. Of course the interests of the community

should also be taken into account. By fixing bail with appropriate conditions the Courts can ensure a balance between the interests of the community and those of the Accused. The fact that bail has been refused does not mean that an Accused is guilty. Likewise the fact that bail has been granted does not mean that the Accused is innocent. The presumption of innocence entails that an Accused person is innocent until proven and found guilty by a competent court. Whenever possible therefore, Courts should attempt to release suspects on bail rather than run the risk of having innocent persons unnecessarily detained. In the month of February alone, and in three separate cases, I had to appeal to the High Court against various Magistrates’ refusal to grant bail to clients. The purpose of this article is not to criticize specific Magistrates. I have indicated in a previous article that Magistrates have a particularly difficult task and, for the most part, do the best they can with the resources at their disposal. In

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any event Magistrates have no personal interest in the matters they decide upon. For this reason the names of the Magistrates are not revealed here. Clients have a right to privacy and seldom want their names splashed in the media. No good purpose can be served thereby. In respect of sexual offences, the Criminal Procedure Act prohibits the publication of any information relating to the offence before the Accused has pleaded. It is therefore irresponsible to publish the names of suspects in sexual offence cases until such time as the trial has started. For these reasons my clients’ names are not revealed here. I would however like to give the reader a short summary of each case, by way of example of how difficult it can be to get bail, when the presumption of innocence is not given sufficient weight and recognition. Mr A, a well known police man, was charged with theft of cattle. He was found in possession of the cattle when he tried to sell the cattle at an auction. Mr A had no previous convictions or outstanding cases. He had a fixed address and was employed by the SAPD for years. He had various commitments to his family and specifically minor children. The investigating officer took a number of weeks to arrest Mr A after he was found in possession of the cattle. Mr A was arrested at his home in the early hours of the morning by the investigating officer. Stock theft, although a serious crime, is not in the same category as murder, rape and robbery. Mr A indicated that he could pay bail in the amount of R15 000.00. Imagine his surprise when bail was refused. On appeal, and unfortunately a number of weeks later, he was released on bail of R2 000.00. Mr B was charged with rape of a minor, a young girl aged twelve. It was alleged that he had invited the minor into his home by some pretence and had then raped her. The minor did not immediately report the incident. When she did so, she told her friend. She did not tell her friend who her alleged rapist was and refused to confirm that Mr B was the “rapist” when asked by her friend. The doctor who examined her found no “fresh injuries” to support her allegation of “rape”. According to the Investigating Officer, the complainant later alleged that she was raped by the Accused a year before. Her version then changed again to say she was raped on a regular basis by the Accused. She did not reveal these allegations to the doctor who examined her. The investigating officer could not explain why the Complainant would go into Mr B’s house out of her own accord, freely and voluntarily, if she had been “raped” so many times by him before. Mr B had no relevant previous convictions and no outstanding cases. He had a fixed address and had been employed by the same employer for the past 18 years. He had a number of commitments to family members. He denied raping the complainant. The Magistrate, in refusing bail, ignored the criticism I leveled at the strength of the State’s case. On appeal, and again a number of weeks later, Mr B was released on bail of R5 000.00. Mr C and D were charged with “attempted murder”. It was alleged that they, together with others, had surrounded the complainant’s vehicle at night and fired several shots at him. The complainant was a single witness. The incident took place at night where the lights of the vehicles, that

had surrounded his vehicle, were shining in his eyes. Under these circumstances the complainant alleged that he was able to identify Mr C and D. When Mr C and D heard that the police were looking for him they arranged to meet with the investigating officer at my office. They were not arrested but asked to report to the police station later in the week. Upon reporting later that week, they were asked to report on the following Monday and Mr C was asked to bring his firearm with him, which he did. Both Mr C and D were gainfully employed with fixed residential addresses. They had numerous family commitments and gave their full co-operation to the Police. Mr C’s firearm could not be linked to the crime scene. In refusing bail the Magistrate attached no weight to my argument that the evidence of identification was weak. Some time later the Complainant died in another shooting incident. Notwithstanding the fact that the State no longer had a witness and, by implication, no case, the Magistrate continued to refuse bail. On appeal Mr C and Mr D were each granted R5 000.00 bail. In each case my clients had to spend a number of weeks in custody. One can only imagine the emotional stress and trauma they and their families had to go through. In each case my clients had to incur substantial and unnecessary legal costs, in proceeding with their appeals. Notwithstanding the fact that Judgments were granted in their favour, they will not be compensated for their unnecessary and wasted legal costs. Nor will they be compensated for the time that they were forced to spend in prison. If, in each case the presumption of innocence had been first and foremost in the minds of the Investigating Officers, Prosecutors and the Magistrates, my clients most likely would have been granted bail in the first instance. Imagine yourself in the position of any of the suspects discussed above. Rape cases are particularly difficult to defend. How do you defend yourself against a little girl who points a finger at you as being her rapist? What reason could she possibly have for lying? Even though you are busy with the bail proceedings, and not the trial, the Prosecutor is arguing that you are most likely guilty and the Magistrate does not appear to be paying to much attention to your protestations that you are innocent. Nobody believes you, and if you are eventually found innocent, people say that you were lucky and were acquitted on a technicality. Not a pleasant thought, is it? It is only when this happens to you, members of your family or a friend, that you realize that perhaps the presumption of innocence is not all it pretends to be. If you are arrested, take your bail application seriously, it sets the tone for the rest of your case. You should certainly not attempt to conduct your bail application on your own. Ensure that the Attorney that you use in this regard specializes in criminal law. You are welcome to address any questions you might have to the Editor. JP Okes is a practicing attorney, who has specialized in criminal law for more than twenty years.

Tir ed of all the Bull....?

Kruger & Okes Attorneys

23 Kingsway Nigel - 011 814 3444

24 APRIL 2012



Prokureur Tini Vorster dank en eer God sneuwel Die wangebruik van minstens R400 000 in sy trustfonds het o.m. daartoe gelei dat ‘n prokureur van Nigel, Sipho Nkosi, deur die Prokureursorde van die Noordelike provinsies, geskors is. Die orde het intussen aansoek gedoen dat hy deur die Hoër Hof van die rol van proku-reurs verwyder word, maar die saak moet nog aangehoor word. Rekord kan die skorsing van Nkosi nou bevestig nadat ons in die vorige uitgawe berig het oor ‘n anonieme prokureur wat in die moeilikheid is. Rekord het twee briewe van die Prokureursorde gesien waarin bevestig word dat Nkosi geskors is. Rekord het vasgestel dat ‘n sakeman van Nigel, adv. Gerrit Coetzee, o.a. ‘n klag by die Prokureursorde ingedien het, dat Noksi R400 000 wat aan hom oorhandig was i.v.m. ‘n grondtransaksie, laat verdwyn het. Die moontlikheid bestaan dat ander klagtes ook tot sy skorsing gelei het. Die eis teen Nkosi wat hieruit spruit, beloop R406 752,00. Prokureur Jaco van Deventer van die prokureursfirma Groesbeek en Retief, is deur Rekord om hulp genader om vas te stel wat die huidige stand van sake m.b.t. Nkosi is. Van Deventer is die voorsitter van die sybalie in Nigel. Hy het die Prokureursorde genader, wat op 18 April die skorsing bevestig het. Van Deventer is in diens by Groesbeek en Retief Prokureurs. ‘n Verwysing in die vorige uitgawe van Rekord wat moontlik daarop kon dui, dat dit dalk Groesbeek kon wees wat geskors is, is nie korrek nie. Dis Sipho Nkosi en Rekord vra om verskoning vir enige verkeerde konnotasies wat vir Groesbeek uit die verwysing kon gespruit het. Nkosi was die munisipaliteit se regsverteenwoordiger en moet moontlik nog pa staan vir ander onregte.


Mnr. Bennie Holm’ner, Derrick se ma Meisie, Oupa Rassie Erasmus, klein Derrick, ouma Maureen Erasmus en afrigter Charles Naude by die geleentheid afgeneem.

Bulk Chuck, Shortrib, Brisket or Shin

A Class Hind Quarter


Deur die ingryping van ons Hemelse Vader is ‘n traumatiese gebeure in ‘n wonderlike vreugdevolle geleentheid omskep, het. dr. Theo Kleynhans gesê toe Laerskool Tini Vorster Vrydag by ‘n erkenningseremonie teenoor God, klein Derrick Coetzee gehuldig het. Derrick is Saterdag 14 April in ‘n rugbywedstryd beseer en het byna gesterf. Die skool het ook oorkondes aan mense oorhandig wat Derrick op die rugbyveld gehelp het en wat by God ingetree het vir sy lewe. Dr. Kleynkans het in sy rede onder andere na Lasarus verwys wat uit die dood opgewek was. Smart is toe in vreugde omskep. Met verwysing na Derrick het hy gesê God gee in ‘n oomblik lewe “en ons moet vertel wat ons gesien en gehoor het,” nes die dissipels nadat Jesus uit die dood opgestaan het. Hy het gesê Tini Vorster moet die geleentheid aangryp om voortdurend te wys dat hulle vir mekaar omgee. Julien Uys, voorsitter van die skool se beheerliggaam het ook ‘n nuwe sport credo namens die skool onderteken. Mnr Charles Naude, afrigter van die eerste span het aan Derrick die skrywe regs op die blad oorhandig.

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Pre-paid Cats get a interruption big donation Ekurhuleni residents experienced an interruption of pre-paid electricity on April 12 and the Metro apologized for any inconvenience caused. The reason was that the Metro’s internet provider conducted maintenance on their network from 22:00 on April 12 to the following day. Therefore no internet services were available, impacting on the pre-paid vending ser-vices.

Produkte in Voorraad

* Sexy nighties * Assorted Lingerie * Sexy underwear * Make up products

The cattery at the Nigel SPCA has received a big donation, in the form of thick plastic sheeting, from Nigel Canvas Works. Kennel manager, Hazel McLuckie said this donation had made a big difference in caring for cats as the previous cover was in a bad condition.

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24 APRIL 2012

Her reward is a child’s smile! Meet Trudy Howell, the founder and a director of the Children’s Home and Nutritional Centre, Chance in Dunnottar. Despite many setbacks, frustrations and heartbreaks, Trudy is happy at the progress made at Chance and believes in miracles for a good reason! She and her late husband started children’s home in Springs in 1996 from their own home with a few youngsters given by the Department of Welfare. More children meant moving to larger premises and later to Dunnottar where there was room for all the needed facilities for more children. “Of course there were times when it all seemed too much of a challenge,” says Trudy. “But as time went by people and businesses began to donate and the future looked brighter. “All the work has been worthwhile and my reward is seeing children who come in with unhappy faces, start to smile. “We were able to increase the number of children and now we have great staff including a staff nurse and also a social worker.” But there were times when the home was in desperate need of funds. “We needed just over R10 000 urgently plus toilet rolls,” she recalls. “I just sat in my office and began to pray loud. “The next thing I knew was a man standing in front of my desk. “He said he wanted to make a donation and gave me R8 000. When I asked him who I must make the receipt out to, he said his name was Mr A Friend and left.” Trudy was stunned and then there was another surprise when two women walked into the office and said they wanted to donate money made from a golf day. The donation made up the exact amount needed! Then the phone rang and a Springs company Kimberley Clark said “We are sending you 100 toilet rolls”, Trudy was speechless. “That day I experienced a true miracle,” she said”. I can only say that the people who donated that day made a very big difference here at Chance. I still don’t know who Mr A Friend is

Power interruption Although a number of residents complained about the power interruption in Dunnottar on Wednesday, April 18. Notices were placed in post boxes well before the time. According to the Metro’s spokesperson, Justice Mohale, the interruption was due to Eskom conducting maintenance work in the area.

Trudy Howell, founder of Chance

but thank him from the bottom of my heart as well as the ladies from the golf club. At 55 years of age, Trudy hopes for many more years at Chance. She and her daughter often visit the home at weekends to chat with the children and listen to their conversations. When her husband died of a heart attack two years ago, Trudy said she had doubts about going on alone. Today she has to have a regular supply of oxygen because of a lung complication. But she managed to carry on and today is proud of the achievements of the children. She has witness abandoned babies being brought in, some from sports stadiums and toilets. Some were not given a chance of surviving, but with love and care today they are either doing well at school or college. “I am so proud when I see them achieving,” says Trudy. When the children get older they are usually fostered or adopted but can stay at Chance until they are 18. Some of the children get bursaries and I am proud of that”, she says. The children call Trudy “Aunty Trudy” or “Mom” and always want hugs, which she never fails to give. “We have certainly had our ups and downs here,” says Trudy. “We always need things like baby food and dream of another combi.” She is quick to praise her loyal staff and house mothers. Trudy also believes that it is not a childrens’ home but “a home for children”.

Stargazing? Here’s a great chance to view stars at the Marievale Bird Sanctuary on May 19. Meet at the reserve in time for a picnic at 16:00. This will be a bring and braai. Followed by an interesting guided walk. Stargazing begins when it is completely dark. Everyone is welcome to attend what should be an interesting event. Contact Dee on 011 814 3900 for details.

24 APRIL 2012



Nuwe visie vir taxis, opleiding 101 Northern Road, Nigel * Windows * Folding Doors * Shopfront * Steel Replacement

* Garage Doors * Glass Mirrors * Shower Doors * Sliding Doors

TEL: 011 814 4295 FAX: 011 814 4296 Dawie 072 181 9222 -

Building Quality Together! Jan de Bruin van Highway Ministries, Hannes Rudd van Thomas Tyres, Elsabe Esterhuizen van Highway Ministries, Adriaan van der Westhuizen van Thomas Tyres en opleidingsbeampte Joseph Mosoatsi. kan bv. bejaardes en mense so ver as van Rensburg af na die dorp toe en terug vervoer. Dink net aan al die moontlikhede vir besigheid.” Elke bestuurder en eienaar moet sy besigheid as ‘n leier beheer. “Life is a journey. Enjoy the ride,” het De Bruin gesê. Dis ook die opleidingorganisasie se leuse. Past. Simon Mahahle het in ‘n geesdriftige toespraak gesê hy vertrou dat die teenwoordiges De Bruin se visie sal deel.

Sunfield bring vreugde SUNFIELD TEHUIS VIR GESTREMDES by Fortuna buite Balfour het nou ‘n oefensentrum waar inwoners daagliks fisiese oefening kan doen. “Die inwoners geniet dit baie en dis wonderlik om hulle só aan te vuur,” sê Brenda Gouws, bestuurder. Die inwoners is ook baie trots om op Woensdae die nagereg vir etes te voorsien. “Hulle blom vir al die komplimente wat hulle van waarderende inwoners ontvang.” Die inwoners se nuwe plesierige verpligting vir nagereg spruit uit ‘n nuwe aktiwiteit van die “Bak en Brou” klassie. Die inwoners is baie Sunfield se bak en brou-klassie is trots om deel daaraan te hê. “Die gimnasium baie gewild. en die bak en brou-klassie tel onder die klein dingetjies in die lewe, maar dit maak tog so ‘n groot verskil in die daaglikse lewe van ons gestremdes. Ons wil ook graag aan almal in die gemeenskap baie dankie sê vir hul konstante bydraes en ondersteuning,” sê Brenda. Sy kan gekontak word by (017) 773 9014/5/6.


25% OFF Angels, Young Klinik, Freestyle

25% OFF Adidas, Puma



Slippers from



‘n Vergadering tussen taxi eienaars en ‘n Christelike organisasie om ‘n opleidingorganisasie daar te stel vir die bevordering van goeie en voortreflike waardes in die taxi nywerheid, het Woensdag in Heidelberg plaasgevind. Dit het die grondslag gelê vir wat beskryf is as “geskiedenis in wording” om ‘n rolmodel vir ander taxi assosiasies en gemeenskappe landwyd daar te stel. Highway Ministries van Jan de Bruin het die vergadering met taxi eienaars en -bestuurders by Kairos AGS Gemeente belê. De Bruin het oor die noodsaak van opleiding gesê die nuwe organisasie sal help dat eienaars hul taxis soos ‘n besigheid bedryf. Joseph Mosoatsi is die opleidingsbestuurder. In ‘n toeligting oor die vervaardiging en veiligheid van bande, het Gideon Hugo van Thomas Tyres o.m. daarop gewys dat die prys van voertuigbande direk verband hou met die prys van olie. Sowat 26 liter olie word gebruik vir die vervaardiging van ‘n enkele band. Elke taxi drywer wat die vergadering bygewoon het, sal ‘n sertifikaat ontvang. De Bruin het met verwysing na al die teenwoordiges gesê: “Ons gaan verandering teweeg bring. Taxis moet veilig en toeganklik vir almal wees. Taxis

Aerosoft now


Leather Sandals


15 Kismet Street, Heidelberg, Mezzanine Floor

TEL: 016 341 3470/4601


New tasti to soft serve you An exciting new store for all your ice cream needs opened its doors on Spring Day of 2011. Tasti 1 provides something for every member of the community, from 5 litres ice cream to single soft serves. An in store range of about 30 different ice creams to choose from, will definitely satisfy every ice cream lover’s taste and also cater for bulk traders. Tasti one is situated next to Nandos in Voortrekker Street and is open 7 days a week. Due to community demand, the exciting new Tasti 2 store will open in the Cactus Centre, next to U Save on Friday April 27, to cater for people from extention 23, Ratanda and Rensburg. Owners Preniel Pentia, Vasen Pentia and Anesh Padataychie invite the community to visit Tasti 2 store.

SPECIALS LEAN MINCE ............................... R40.00 P/KG BUTTERFLY STEAK ................... R50.00 P/KG CHANNEL STEAK....................... R50.00 P/KG TEXAN STEAK ............................ R54.95 P/KG BEEF RASHERS .......................... R50.95 P/KG

TERWYL VOORRAAD HOU Prices valid while stocks lasts. We have the right to limit quantities!



24 APRIL 2012

Much nicer than tissues! If you think tissues have almost replaced the traditional handkerchief then think again, after hearing about a woman who has never-ending orders to make handkerchiefs. Mattie Coetzee is 79 years old and can’t remember just how many handkerchiefs she has made. At one stage she made 250 for a mother-daughter school function. But the ones made by Mattie are very different. She cuts them out of poly cotton and then makes her own embroidered borders. She then cuts around the delicate borders and starts on embroidering delicate flowers, names or any initial etc. The 250 she made for a school were individually embroidered with the name of the guest. “People still want an attractive handkerchief, says Mattie. They are soft and can be washed many times.” The embroidery is

all done on her sewing machine in her room at the Nigel Home for the Aged but is certainly not limited to “hankies”. Mattie makes ordinary tea towels personalized, with a border around and a name or even flowers in the corner. Her talent on the sewing machine has also produced embroidered face cloths, cushion covers and now she has turned her attention to embroidering with ribbon. Mattie’s talents seem to be endless as she does complicated tapestries and even makes snug winter slippers on her machine. She learned to knit before she went to school and has been making things ever since. When her sons were young she made their trousers, shirts and even ties. There seems to be no end to Matty transforming ordinary items into things which are special and beautiful.

Dogs in danger

Mattie Coetzee at her sewing machine

Adopt us please!

A number of dogs, mainly small breeds, are wandering in Kingsway. This is an extremely busy road and they are not only in danger of being killed or injured but can cause accidents to motorists who try to avoid them. Motorists have complained to the Rekord, saying they try to avoid the dogs but put themselves and other drivers at risk.

Dekra Nigel nou dubbel effektief! Met die installering van ‘n bykomende toetslaan vir die toets van motors en vragmotors se remstelsels, wielsporing, suspensiestelsels en balkoppelings (ball joints), is Dekra Nigel Toetsstasie van Jaun en Raaisie Vermaak in Vorsterskroon nou voor in die koor om ‘n snelle diens aan eienaars te lewer. Lang toue is nou iets van die verlede want vandat Jaun die nuwe toetsbaan in gebruik geneem het, gebeur dinge nou twee maal vinniger as vroeër. Om in tred te bly met die nuutste ontwikkelings en kompeterend te bly teen nuwe mededingers, het Dekra Nigel Toetsstasie nuwe apparaat van R300 000 aangekoop. Die nuwe stelsel toets tegelykertyd die remme, wielsporing, suspensies en balkoppelings van werkende arms. Remlesings word uitgedruk nadat sensors die balansering volgens aslengtes bereken het. ‘n Toets duur sowat 15 minute. Dekra Nigel Toetsstasie is van Maandae tot Donderdae oop van 07:00 tot 18:00 en Vrydae van 07:00 tot 17:00. Saterdag is die plek toe maar afsprake kan vooraf vir ‘n Sondag gereël word. Dekra Nigel Toetsstasie is aan die begin van Vorsterskroon van die dorp se kant af - aan die linker kant geleë. Bel vir ‘n afspraak by 072-149-5354 of 011-814-4357. E- pos:

Skakel Pierriette by 082 437 7490 vir verdere besonderhede of bestellings

Jaun (links) en Raaisie Vermaak (regs) terwyl die onderstel van ‘n motor op die nuwe toetsbaan deur inspekteur Bianca Gleave ondersoek word.


24 APRIL 2012



God’s Acre sal bly dien

‘n Aankondiging oor die moontlike sluiting van God’s Acre Gemeenskapsentrum in Heidelberg is met verslaentheid begroet toe Jan Combrink, die bestuurder dit op Vrydag 13 April bekend gemaak het. God’s Acre is Heidelberg se bekendste gemeenskapsentrum wat daagliks kos aan 300 noodlydendes verskaf. Die bestuur van Maranatha Bana in Pretoria onder wie se vleuels God’s Acre fungeer, het die gemeenskapsentrum verwittig dat daar besluit is om die sentrum in sy huidige formaat te sluit of te verkoop. God’s Acre behoort aan die God’s Acre Trust van die Buitendach familie in Pretoria. Die vorige Hoof van die Trust, mnr. Johan Buitendach, is op 21 Desember 2011 dood. Rekord het intussen vasgestel dat die moontlike “sluiting” van die gemeenskapsentrum meer goeie as slegte nuus vir Heidelberg inhou. Driaan Britz, ‘n woordvoerder van Maranatha Bana het op navraag bevestig dat daar sekere planne in die weer is, maar dat daar geen waarheid in steek dat die sentrum se werksaamhede as sodanig beëindig sal word nie. Dit was wyle mnr. Buitendach se wens dat die aktiwiteite van God’s Acre voorgesit moet word. Dit gaan veel eerder daaroor om ‘n breër betrokkenheid van die gemeenskap te kry. Die direksie van Maranatha Bana het besluit dat die aktiwiteite van God’s Acre nie in lyn met dié van Maranatha Bana is nie. Om die rede voel hulle dat die sentrum na die gemeenskap moet gaan om ‘n afsonderlike nie winsgewende Art. 21 Maatskappy vir Inkomstebelasting doeleindes te registreer. Vir die huidige personeel sal goed voor gesorg word.”Wie ook al oorneem sal gehelp word om die pad vorentoe met kreatiewe beplanning te bewandel.” Maranatha Bana het ten doel om die jeug via sport met die evangelie te bereik, terwyl God’s Acre s’n meer op voedingskemas, die bereiking van noodlydendes en die verspreiding van die evangelie te make het.

Die vrees het bestaan dat Born2Care, ‘n noodinstansie om verwagtende vroue wat aborsie oorweeg by te staan volgens Christelike riglyne, ook getref sal word. Britz sê egter dat Born2Care se toekoms in die gebou heeltemal veilig is. Die personeel van God’s Acre was erg verontrus oor die moontlike sluiting van die gemeenskapsentrum. Jan Combrink, bestuurder, het op aanbeveling van past. Sarel Rudolph verlede week ‘n beplanningsvergadering belê waar sekere planne ter tafel gele is om ook die jeug te betrek. Driaan Britz het Donderdag in Heidelberg ‘n vergadering met belanghebbendes gehad wat moontlik die sentrum wil oorneem. Samesprekings is daarna met God’s Acre se bestuur gevoer. Combrink en ander belanghebbendes het reeds begin om die grondwet en reëls van die ter stigte Art. 21 maatskappy daar te stel. Combrink het o.a. ‘n noue band met Sunfield Sentrum se mense opgebou wat met geestelike en liggaamlike probleme sukkel. Hy is ook ‘n kenner op die gebied van dwelms en lewer waardevolle diens aan skole in die gemeenskap. Ook sy vrou Linda is by berading van die armstes onder die armes betrokke.

Luzé Aveling B.Kommunikasiepatologie (U.P.) Pr. Nr. 082 000 0302376 TEL: 016 341 4184 SPRAAK-TAAL TERAPEUTE & OUDIOLOË Die Dorpsplein 4, Ueckemannstr 56, Postnet Suite 113, Privaatsak H607, Heidelberg, 1438 - Werksure: Maandae tot Vrydae 8:00 tot 16:00

Evaluate your HEARING Please fill in the value of the answer you choose next to the questions below: Possible answers are: 1. Do you have trouble understanding a conversation when there is background noise or when other people are talking at the same time? 2. Do you sometimes have the impression that people are mumbling or not speaking clearly? 3. Do you experience difficulty in understanding a speaker on TV or radio or when following dialog in the theater or at a public meeting? 4. Do you find it easier to understand a man’s voice compared to the voice of a woman or a child? 5. Do you encounter difficulty in understanding speech over the telephone? 6. Do you avoid parties and social events because you expect too much noice to be able to follow a conversation? 7. Do you feel stressed or tired if you have had to listen and concentrate on a conversation for a while? 8. Do you experience ringing or noise in your ears? 9. Do you refrain from listening to music because you don’t find it enjoyable any more? 10.Do you have the feeling that, in the past, you used to hear more natural sounds such as birds singing, insects humming or wind rustling the leaves of a tree?

Jan Combrink, bestuurder van God’s Acre en Hendrik Brits van Heidelberg.

If you have replied “YES” to more than 3 questions, please make an appointment a.s.a.p. H0823

Not advertising is like winking at someone in the dark... You know what you are doing...BUT nobody else does!

Amanda Labuschagne 079 493 0075 Our marketing team is looking for candidates to groom in our company. Full time position. Ambitions. Willing and driven. Determination to succeed. Own car. Excellent sales skills. Please fax CV to 086 751 7998 or email:

Annelie Schölly 082 853 4071




Willie wag in Kaapstad op nuwe hart Willie Kotzee, slotmaker van Heidelberg, is in die Christiaan Barnard Gedenkhospitaal in Kaapstad opgeneem, waar hy wag op ‘n skenker vir ‘n hartoorplanting. Hy het Woensdag uit die hospitaal in Kaapstad gesê dit gaan goed en hy wag geduldig onderwyl toetse en ander voorbereidings gedoen word. Hy het op Paasmaandag tydens ‘n onthaal afskeid geneem van sy vriende en mede oud soldate, die MOTHS van Suikerbosrand Bomskuiling (Member of the Order of the Tin Hat, Suikerbosrand Shell Hole), voordat hy die volgende dag na Kaapstad vertrek het. Willie is die Old Bill (Voorsitter) van Suikerbosrand Shell Hole. Dokters het vier jaar gelede ontdek dat hy ‘n vergrote hart het. Sy toestand het begin vanjaar ‘n ernstige terugslag beleef toe vasgestel is, dat sy hart nog net vier persent van sy funksie oor het. Willie se oorlewingswil en vertroue het hom die afgelope paar maande deurgedra. Hy het feitlik niks in die nag geslaap nie omdat hy te bang was dat hy nooit weer sou wakker word nie. Hy het selfs op sy voete gestaan en slaap. Willie se vreugde en dankbaarheid het hoogty gevier toe hy gedurende die Paasweek verneem het dat hy nou op die kortlys vir ‘n hartoorplanting is. Rekord sal sy lesers op die hoogte van Willie se vordering hou.

U Build loot wenner

U Build We Supply in Van Riebeeckweg 9, in Nigel het Woensdag, 4 April sy gelukkige trekking van inskrywings gehad vir klante wat bou- en harde ware by hulle gekoop het. Hier trek ‘n onafhanklike klant, Hackey Louw van Nigel, die gelukkige nommer terwyl eienaar Blackie Volschenk die bakkie vashou. Die wenner was Mauritz van den Heever, foto regs, wat met ‘n elektriese boor, skuurmasjien en figuursaag ter waarde van R750 weggestap het. Willie Kotzee en sy vriendin Maggie Landsberg afgeneem by sy afskeid voordat hy Kaapstad toe vertrek het vir ‘n hartoorplanting.

Diefstal van bussies neem toe ‘n Waarskuwing dat eienaars van voertuie ekstra versigtig moet wees as hulle ‘n Toyota Hi Lux of Toyota Quantum besit, is deur die polisie in Heidelberg uitgereik. Drie van dié voertuie is reeds hierdie maand as gesteel aangemeld. Konst. Tikoane Sonopo, openbare skakelbeampte, wys daarop dat die onderstelle van beide tipe

24 APRIL 2012

voertuie op mekaar pas. Die voertuie word gesteel as onderdele benodig word. Dit geld vir ouer sowel as nuwer modelle. Sonopo doen ‘n beroep op almal dat waar skelms met voertuie gepeuter het of hul teruggevind is, die eienaars niks uit die voertuie moet verwyder, voordat die polisie daar was nie. Skakel Sonopo by 079-694-6801.

Feel free to contact:

Barette vir die winter Die maak van sakkies vir wasgoedpenne uit katoen en denim, brei en hekel van musse en barette is op die jongste vergadering van Rensburg VLU bespreek. Cornie Kotze van Nigel het die vroue toegespreek. Wasgoedpennetjies se sakkies kan met knope, kleeflint of linte aan die wasgoedlyn vasgemaak word. Die opening van die sakkies kan met rolsoompies afgewerk word. Vir musse en barette moet donkerige wol gebruik word. Die metode van breiwerk vir dié twee tipes hoofbedekkings verskil egter. Naaldwerk is goeie terapie vir ‘n mens en in die winter brei sy graag, het Cornie van Hoërskool John Vorster gesê. Volgende vergadering, 16 Mei in die aktiwiteitskamer by die openbare biblioteek.

Cornie Kotze

Nafisa 011 739 4226 * Siraj at 084 561 3717

Open for business.....TRY US

Commercial and 4X4 tyres available

Opposite Nigel Home Affairs

24 APRIL 2012





24 APRIL 2012

Vissies skeidsregters gegradeer

Hart van goud Hiermee wil ek net graag deel wat God’s Acre vir my en ook vir die Gemeenskap beteken. Toe ek deur ‘n moeilike tyd gegaan het, het ek aan hulle deur gaan klop. My kos (‘n warm ete) is by my afgelewer. Selfs op ‘n Sondag is dit na my huis toe gebring. Wat vir my gedoen was, word vir BAIE mense gedoen. As personeel lid van Indawo kan ek ook net my opregte dank uitspreek. Ons kry twee keer per week vars groente van God’s Acre wat ons dan in ons mense se kospakkies kan sit. Op die oomblik gee ons Dinsdae en Donderdae tussen 9-12 kospakkies uit aan dames by ons breiklas en die mans in die tuin. Op ‘n Woensdag gee ons tussen 15 en 30 pakkies uit aan HIV pasiënte. Dan voorsien God’s Acre ons ook van +/- 20 gekookte etes (society plates) elke tweede week. Hierdie kos word gevries, dan warm gemaak soos nodig en aan boemelaars gegee. Wat my eintlike doel is met al hierdie syfers, is om te wys dat dit nie regtig so groot verlies vir die personeel gaan wees as God’s Acre nie meer daar is nie. Dit is AL hierdie families wat daaronder gaan ly. Dit is die GEMEENTSKAP. En hierdie is maar net ‘n druppel in die emmer. Seën en Groete, H0812

Elvera Troskie van Indawo Yosizo

Martin Rabie (A), Chris Lotter (B) en Rickus Muller (B+) in die afgelope vakansie as rugbyskeidsregters vir skole in die Valke Unie gegradeer. Hul onderskeie graderings verskyn in hakies agter hul name.

Read Rekord online Discover Nigel @



24 APRIL 2012

Nigel Primary achievers

The Grade 5 top achievers in the first term at Nigel Primary School. From left: Phumelel Nkumalo, Mandiyah Pochnee, Tamia Koetsie and Lungile Tshabalala

Grade 6 top achievers in term 1 at Nigel Primary School. From left: Rumanah Patel, Phato Masilela, Papiso Nttshabaleng, Lesley Smith and Lesley-Ann Smith.

Ketlego Makgato was the top achiever in Grade 7 in the first term at Nigel Primary School.

Metro Sports awards Two Duduza residents were among the final nominations for the Ekurhuleni Sports Awards. In the Junior Sportsman of the year, Tebogo Dlamini of Duduza was a runnerup for foot ball. In the Sportsman of the Year with Disability, Sandile Nhlapo was a runner-up for athletics. Sportsmen and women from all over Ekurhuleni participated in this annual contest.



24 APRIL 2012

24 APRIL 2012




INDEX / INDEKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Pets / Troeteldiere Tours / Toere Job Wanted / Betrekkings Gevra Announcements / Aankondigings Vote of Thanks / Bedankings Rewards / Belonings Funeral Services / Begrafnis Dienste 8 Entertainment / Vermaak 9 Found / Gevind 10 Churches / Kerke 11 In Memorial / In Memorium 12 Personal / Persoonlik 13 Lost / Verlore 14 Computers / Rekenaars 15 Builders & Building / Bouers en Bouwerk 16 Sports Equipment/ Sporttoerusting 17 Lift Corner / Saamrygeleenthede 18 Beauty & Health / Skoonheid en Gesondheid 19 General Service / Algemene Dienste 20 Spyseniering / Catering 21 Money & Loans / Geld & Lenings 22 Childcare / Kindersorg 23 Music / Musiek 24 Tuition / Onderrig 25 Repairs / Reparasies 26 Garden Services / Tuindienste 27 Nurseries / Kwekerye 28 Transport / Vervoer 29 For Hire / Te Huur 30 Muscellaneous / Allerlei 31 Furniture / Meubels 32 Vehicles / Voertuie 33 Caravans / Woonwaens 34 Motorcycles / Motorfietse 35 Parts / Onderdele 36 TV Services / TV Dienste 37 Employment / Betrekkings 38 Accommodation / Akkomodasie 39 Resorts / Vakansieoord 40 Wanted / Gevra 41 Townhouses / Meenthuise 42 Houses to Rent / Huise te Huur 43 Flats to Rent / Woonstelle te huur 44 For Sale / Te Koop / Plotte & Plase 45 Wanted to Rent / Te Huur Gevra 46 Houses for Sale / Huise te Koop 47 Flats for Sale / Woonstelle te Koop 48 Stands for Sale / Erwe te Koop 49 For Sale / Te Koop 50 Businesses / Besighede 01




Personal / Persoonlik

General Services / Algemene Dienste

Catering / Spyseniering

ROMMEL VERWYDERING / BOOMFELLING. Verwyder enige rommel. Felling van enige boom. Opruiming van gestorte / beskadigde vragte (ongelukstoneel rehabilitasie). Algemene vervoer. Beste pryse. Gratis Dringend opsoek na werk!!! Middeljarige kwotasie. Suikerbos Transport . Skakel man is dringend opsoek na werk. Het kode Hennie 082 890 9516. 8 & 10 lisensie met PDP. Is hardwerkend, netjies,betroubaar, stiptelik met sober MAD ABOUT PLUMBING LOODGIETERS. gewoontes. Nie roker. Kan dadelik begin. Spesialiseer in alle loodgieter behoeftes. Op versekering panele, Absa, Nedbank, Hollard, Kontak Wollie 076 014 3982 Santam, Mutual&Federal, Standard Bank en nog vele meer. Hanteer eis onmiddelik. Seeking urgent employment. I am a hard Doen Solar Geysers en “Heatpumps”, working and people’s person. I thrive working alternatief tot Solar (50-80% besparing op under pressure and I am reliable and krag). PIRB en IOPSA geregistreer. Skakel conscientious. Computer skills: Windows Tersia of Pieter by 016 349 5666 / 082 491 95, Internal Mass (SAPS), Microsoft office. 9093 / 083 547 4037 Work experience: Detective Inspector ( SMART KITCHENS & HOME Certificates), Risk Loss manager, accident IMPROVEMENTS report, general investigations, disciplinary For 3D Designer Kitchens or kitchen hearings,control of fleet, drivers and deliveries to customers, installation of revamps, BIC, Bathr, Vanities, Wall to Wall Carpets and Laminated Flooring. No network cables and optic fibre. Please contact me Tiaan at 083 458 8939 or 011 compromise on Quality and Service. Free Quotations. Phone Andre at 016 349 814 7968 5052 or 082 738 1441 I am urgently seeking a job. I am a positive person driven by pride and personal value. I am passionate about customer service and always make sure that whatever task I take on and succeed. I am hardworking and honest person. Do have Pastel and Payroll Certificate. Work experiences: carpenter with contract installations, despatcher, spindler, store manager, sales, admin, data capturing, I.T work, secretarial work, supervising of office workers, caretaker and maintenance. Please contact Johan at 079 701 7208. Dringend opsoek na bekostigbare verblyf (1manwoonstel) vir pa en 2 seuns. Kan dadelik intrek. Skakel Stoffel 084 473 5588

Nigel Methodist Church - Centre of Concern Infoline. This FREE Service will assist anyone with contact details of various emergency and social service organisations in the Nigel area. Phone: 071 781 7065. Phone between 07h00 - 19h00, 7 days per week.

15 Builders/Building/ Bouers/Bouwerk

BOUWERK Alle bouwerk en aanbouings. Bou van Nuwe Huise en Woonstelle (Granny Flats). Seel & verf van dakke Skakel Gerald 083 384 9599 N.H.B.R.C. Geregistreerd

18 Beauty & Health / Skoonheid & Gesondheid

Pets / Troeteldiere

Affordable Nails Heidelberg.

NOAH’S ARK PET SHOP: Voëlsaad, visse, viskos, koikos, akwariums, hondekos (3 in 1) Avi-Plus produkte. Bearded dragons, hamsters, krieke, meel wurms, hondehokke, hondejassies en honde bedjies. Dae oop per week 9:00 17:00 Naweke en vakansiedae 09:00 16:00. Tel: 011 814-4514. By mini Zoo, Noordstraat 132, Nigel.

Acrylic & Gel @ R150.00 including. Nail art. Contact Nita 082 880 6747 for appointment. Available Mon-Sat

08 Entertainment / Vermaak

FUNKY JUMPING CASTLES FOR HIRE Contact: Magda 084 461 4151 or Wickus 082 880 4955

24 APRIL 2012

FOR ALL YOUR BEAUTY NEEDS!! * Nails * Manicure * Waxing * Pedicure * Tinting * Make-up * Diet’s Contact: 082 788 5880 (cell) or Tel: 011 814 6269, Nigel Flexi Hours: Monday’s - Friday’s

Granitetops tops **Granite * Bathrooms Kitchens **Kitchens * All Repairs Laminatedflooring flooring **Laminated

Contact: 082 471 0916 / 082 637 6963

MEDICAL PLANS From R300 that refunds un-used benefits. For more information please phone: 086 111 1254

D’VINE GARDEN CAFÉ - 18 Van Der Stel str, Nigel. Oop 6 dae per week vanaf 8am - 5pm. Toe op Dinsdae. Verskeie ontbyt en middag etes. * Maandlikse vlooimark, elke laaste Sondag van die maand. * Stalletjies beskikbaar @ R50 per stalletjie (vir adverteer doeleindes). Gratis onthaal area vir kombuistee, baby tee, 21ste, troues en kinderpartytjies. * Perfekte onthaal area vir jou jaareind funksies of Kersfees partytjie. * Spesiale funksie spyskaarte beskikbaar. * Smaaklike “platters” beskikbaar vir enige funksie. * D’Vine verhuur ook versierings uit vir funksies. Linne, breekgoed, eetware, tafels en stoele asook tafellopers. Skakel Marlene vir meer inligting by 011 814 3612. Alternatief kan jy ons besoek op die webwerf by of of op Facebook blad onder D’Vine Functions Café om foto’s te sien van funksies.

36 TV Services / TV Dienste DSTV Instellasies en Opgraderings, nuwe of herinstalleer vir enige area (MC 17017). Kontak Basie 072 248 8400 of Pieter 081 366 2382





fully installed to one point. PREMIER COMMUNICATIONS (016) 341 2233 / 082 417 7149 41 B Voortrekker str, Heidelberg

37 Employment / Betrekking “Vacancy” Quality Control Engineer: Civil Engineer required for construction activities: Powerlines Civil Engineering Degree or Diploma. ISO 9001-2008, QMS ( if possible). Measuring Equiptment knowledge, Technical drawings, Excel, Words, Computer literacy. Practical training will be given. Be prepared to live away from home. Salary negotiable. Contact Mr. R Lenci at 083 992 7682 or send email:

Includes insurance products underwritten by Resolution Insurance Company Limited. FSP No: 13888

LAUNDRY MATE For a professional LAUNDRY service, contact Laundry Mate at 011 814 3597 or 072 511 4366. Domestic & Corporate, including Curtians, Table Cloths, Blankets, Comforters, ect. 20% discount for Pensioners on Wednesdays. Collect and deliver in Nigel/Heidelberg town area.


Stationer’s 2 General Dealers, 12 Hendrik Verwoerd street. Tel: 011 814 7923 Fax: 011 814 7924


Invoice books, Quotation books, Statement books, Etc. Etc Coppiers, Printers, Laptops, Small electrical appliances, Heaters, Etc. 20 Catering / Spyseniering RUMOURS RESTAURANT: For professional catering of all events. Weddings, Parties, Spitbraais, Platters and Potjies. Nothing too big or -small. Your venue or ours. Phone Piet at 011 814 1428 / 072 470 2187. TO HIRE: Cutlery, crockery, large selection of table cloths, overlays, tables and chairs etc. Phone Sonnette 082 926 1515

WANTED: An experienced, Au Pair/PA urgently wanted to start immediately. MUST have valid drivers license and own car. Please fax CV to 016 341 3208 or phone 082 751 1909 for an appointment.NO SMS applications please. 50 Businesses / Besighede R&I Afslaers, 699 Voortrekkerstr, Brakpan, 011 740 0477 / 011 744 3544. Nuwe tyres, puncture repairs, fitting, balancing & new valves. Vir u tyre behoeftes skakel Ivan vir ‘n kwotasie.

ANCIENT DAYS Antiques - oudhede. Ons koop, verkoop en restoureer meubels. Groot verskeidenheid nou beskikbaar. Kom loer gerus in. Skakel ons by 016 349 2175 of Wena 082 785 9108


24 APRIL 2012



IS YOUR HOME MARKETABLE? Valuable hints for the successful marketing of your property

SUPER MEUBELS: Waar anders as Schoemanstr 42 , Heidelberg. Tel: 016 341 4445. Slide’s - Groot en klein, see-saw, Globestoele, hout lessenare, birdcages, Dropleave tafels, staal trommel, koffietafels, 3 Stuk hangkas, Slop-, melk- & kole emmers, erdeware met karakter, ou Hollandse Bybel, hout bunkerbeddens met matrasse, enkelbeddens oud en 2de hands, rolstoele, groen stretchers, Britannica Encyclopedias, enkel kopstukke, Hottray, strykplanke, nuwe dubbelbeddens net R1600, draad lockers, Corner unit, osjukke, ou sekels, ou staal tuinstel, Bal & Klou laaikassie, Hoover toploader, Whirlpool dishwasher, Bosch front loader - All checked by washing mashine experts, spieëlkaste, bedkassies, telefoonbankies, kurkke, mediese comode, potstaanders, staalrakke, kandelare, ou eetkamerstelle, BLOKMATTE VANAF R2-50, DIVAN MATRASSE NET R50 ELK, Nuwe kar, Bakkie & Taxi tyres. - Super groete.

Geely approved workshop 26 B Marshallstraat, Heidelberg.

Tel: 016 341 3391 Fax: 016 341 4253

Fully equiped workshop All warranty work welcome Service all type of vehicles.

Accredited Terms & Conditions apply

JANIC WALLING DANIE 073 628 5826 082 454 3830 NICOLENE 076 921 4766

* Betonmure * Verlengging s* Staalpalisades * Skuifhekke * Lemmetjiesdraad * Afdakke * Hekmotor

Herstelwerk op bogenoemde


J DONALDSON APPLIANCES Free collection and delivery & Quotations 77 Porter Road, DUNNOTTAR. Tel: 011 734 2812 Fax: 011 734 2041


Te huur

* Fridges * Freezers * Stoves * Washing machines * Tumble dryers Establised 1978

Eiendom te huur / Meenthuis Kingsway Gardens, Nigel Drie slaapkamers twee badkamers, twee motorhuise. Oopplans kombuis, sitkamer. Huurbedrag R4500.00. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Mei 2012. Kontak: 011814344, JP Okes, Cecilia

Paint your home in- & outside as well as the roof. Keep to neutral colours/shades. Repair all cracks with “Polyfilla” and paint. Repair all roof leaks, as the financial institutions will hold a retention on the bond which will delay

the transaction. Replace/paint/repair facias, gutters and downpipes. Steamclean carpetsthis creates a freshness in your home. Spruce up the garden, driveway and pavement. Varnish slasto patios and pathways that are faded. Varnish/oil all woodwork, including doors. Create a warm atmposphere: Make use of flowers. Karin Elsie 66 H.F. Verwoerd Straat, HEIDELBERG 072 462 6143 082 589 4889 Keep the swimmingTEL: (016) 341-6115 FAX: 016 341 6118 pool sparkling clean web: We urgently at all times.Sit back email: require rental and watch us sell Remember buyers and sellers to ask your properties your home! This free estate agent for their Fidelity Fund Certificate advice is compiled as this protects you with the Estate Agents Affairs Board RENTALS especially for you by our experienced and TANIA: 083 331 1916 NIKKI ONLY 5% qualified team from NIKKI: 082 955 4969 082 955 4969 UNA: 082 810 4027 COMMISSION ALOE REALTORS KRISTELLE: 082 561 7603 KRISTELLE - 016 341 6115 AT YOUR SERVICE 082 561 7603


50 Businesses / Besighede

VERHUURINGS SENTRAAL – R7000.00 + Deposito - Meenthuis: Sekuriteits Kompleks - Oopplan sitk en eetk, oopplan kombuis met aparte opwas area. 3 slaapk, 1 ½ badk, 2 Motorhuis. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. SENTRAAL – R7300.OO + Deposito - Meenthuis – Sekuriteits Kompleks - Oopplan kombuis met aparte opwasarea, 3 slaapk, 1 ½ badk, Sit en eetk.+ TVk. Lapa met ingeboude braai en 3 afdakke. SENTRAAL – R8500.00 + Deposito Huis + Aparte woonstel - Sit en eetkamer, kombuis, 3 slaapk, 2 badk + 2 Afdakke. + Volledige woonstel met afdak. Beskikbaar 1 Mei 2012. BERSIG – R7000.00 + Deposito - Meenthuis Beskikbaar 1 Mei 2012. - Oopplan kombuis met aparte opwasarea, ruim sitk en TVK, 3 slaapk, 2 badk, Stoorkamer, Onthaal area met Jacuzzi en Ingeboude Braaiarea. 2 Afdakke. Hoe mure met Elektrifisering.. Eie elektroniese hek by afdakke en alarmstelsel. Blinders in elke vertrek. 2 Lugversorgers in eenheid. BERGSIG: R6000.00 + Deposito - Meenthuis Kompleks - Oopplan kombuis met aparte opwasarea, sitk met ruim braaik, 3 slaapk, 2 badk, 2 Elektroniese Motorhuise en 2 Afdakke. 2 Lugversorgers , alarmstelsel En “Beams” aan buitekant. Eie tuin . Koopkrag. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. RENSBURG – R6600.00 + Deposito - Ruim sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, 3 slaapk, 2 badk, 2 Motorhuise, 1 Afdak +Swembad. Beskikbaar 1 Mei 2012. BERGSIG: R7700.00 + Deposito - “Lieflike”.. Meenthuis. Ruim Oopplan sit en eetk met Moderne kombuis en aparte opwasarea, 3 slaapk 2 badk. 2 Elektroniese Motorhuise. Netjiese tuin. Elektrifisering. Beskikbaar 1 Junie 2012. BERGSIG: R4200.00 + Deposito - Oopplan kombuis, sitkamer, 2 slaapk, 1 ½ badk + 1 Afdak. Ingeboude braaiarea + Alarmstelsel. Onmiddellik beskikbaar.

HEIDELBERG - ADEL 016 349 6125

NIGEL - SHIRLEY 011 814 8377


Notices / kennisgewings NIGEL TOWN PLANNING SCHEME, 1981


Notice is hereby given in terms of section 18 of the abovementioned town planning scheme, we, Infrastructure Planning Services Inc, intend applying to the Nigel Customer Care Centre: Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality, for special consent to use Erf 974 Bluegum View Extension 2 and/or the existing buildings thereon for the following purpose(s): to construct and operate a telecommunication mast and base station.

Notice is hereby given in terms of section 18 of the abovementioned town planning scheme, we, Infrastructure Planning Services Inc, intend applying to the Nigel Customer Care Centre: Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality, for special consent to use Erf 4164 Bluegum View Extension 15 and/or the existing buildings thereon for the following purpose(s): to construct and operate a telecommunication mast and base station.

The property is zoned “Educational” in terms of the abovementioned town planning scheme. Plans and/or particulars relating to the application may be inspected during office hours at the following address of the applicant: Infrastructure Planning Services Inc , 414 Rustic Road, Silvertondale, Pretoria or at the Area Manager: City Development, Nigel Customer Care Centre, cnr. Hendrik Verwoed & Eeufees Avenue, Nigel. Any person having any objection to the granting of this application must lodge such objection in writing, together with the grounds thereof, with both the Area Manager: City Development, Nigel Customer Care Centre, cnr. Hendrik Verwoed & Eeufees Avenue, Nigel or P O Box 23, Nigel, 1490 and the applicant not later than 3 May 2012. Applicant Details: Infrastructure Planning Services inc P O Box 32017, Totiusdal Pretoria, 0134

The property is zoned “Community Facility” in terms of the abovementioned town planning scheme. Plans and/or particulars relating to the application may be inspected during office hours at the following address of the applicant: Infrastructure Planning Services Inc , 414 Rustic Road, Silvertondale, Pretoria or at the Area Manager: City Development, Nigel Customer Care Centre, cnr. Hendrik Verwoed & Eeufees Avenue, Nigel. Any person having any objection to the granting of this application must lodge such objection in writing, together with the grounds thereof, with both the Area Manager: City Development, Nigel Customer Care Centre, cnr. Hendrik Verwoed & Eeufees Avenue, Nigel or P O Box 23, Nigel, 1490 and the applicant not later than 3 May 2012. Applicant Details:Infrastructure Planning Services inc P O Box 32017, Totiusdal, Pretoria, 0134

Tel: (012) 804 1504

Tel: (012) 804 1504 -Fax: (012) 804 7072

Fax: (012) 804 7072 -


Email: Ref: ETO-11-0246

Reference : ETO-11-0077;

TEL: 016 341 6226 * 072 194 0959




Ingevolge klousule 18 van bogenoemde dorpsbeplanningskema geskied kennis hiermee dat ons, Infrastructure Planning Services Ing, van voornemens is om by die Nigel kliëntedienssentrum: Ekurhuleni Metropolitaanse Munisipaliteit, aansoek te doen om spesiale toestemming vir die gebruik van Erf 4164 Bluegum View uitbreiding 15 en/of bestaande geboue daarop vir die volgende doel(eindes): die oprigting van ‘n telekommunikasie mas en basis stasie.

Ingevolge klousule 18 van bogenoemde dorpsbeplanningskema geskied kennis hiermee dat ons, Infrastructure Planning Services Ing, van voornemens is om by die Nigel kliëntedienssentrum: Ekurhuleni Metropolitaanse Munisipaliteit, aansoek te doen om spesiale toestemming vir die gebruik van Erf 974 Bluegum View uitbreiding 2 en/of bestaande geboue daarop vir die volgende doel(eindes): die oprigting van ‘n telekommunikasie mas en basis stasie.

Die sonering van die eiendom, ingevolge die bogenoemde dorpsbeplanningkema is “Gemeenskaps Fasiliteit”.

Die sonering van die eiendom, ingevolge die bogenoemde dorpsbeplanningkema is “Opvoedkundig”.

Planne en/of besonderhede aangaande hierdie aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die adres van die applikant te Infrastructure Planning Services Ing, 414 Rusticweg, Silvertondale, Pretoria.of by die Area Bestuurder: Ontwikkelingsbeplanning, Nigel kliëntesorgsentrum, hoek van Hendrik Verwoerd en Eeufees Laan, Nigel.

Planne en/of besonderhede aangaande hierdie aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die adres van die applikant te Infrastructure Planning Services Ing, 414 Rusticweg, Silvertondale, Pretoria.of by die Area Bestuurder: Ontwikkelingsbeplanning, Nigel kliëntesorgsentrum, hoek van Hendrik Verwoerd en Eeufees Laan, Nigel.

Enige persoon wat beswaar het teen die goedkeuring van hierdie aansoek, moet die beswaar te same met die gronde daarvan, skriftelik by beide die Area Bestuurder: Ontwikkelingsbeplanning, Nigel kliëntesorgsentrum, hoek van Hendrik Verwoerd en Eeufees Laan, Nigel of Posbus 23, Nigel, 1490, en die applikant indien, nie later nie as 3 Mei 2012.

Enige persoon wat beswaar het teen die goedkeuring van hierdie aansoek, moet die beswaar te same met die gronde daarvan, skriftelik by beide die Area Bestuurder: Ontwikkelingsbeplanning, Nigel kliëntesorgsentrum, hoek van Hendrik Verwoerd en Eeufees Laan, Nigel of Posbus 23, Nigel, 1490, en die applikant indien, nie later nie as 3 Mei 2012.

Besonderhede van applikant: Infrastructure Planning Services Ing, Posbus 32017, Totiusdal, Pretoria, 0134 Tel: (012) 804 1504 - Faks: (012) 804 7072 Epos:, Verw : ETO-11-0077

Besonderhede van applikant: Infrastructure Planning Services Ing Posbus 32017, Totiusdal, Pretoria 0134 Tel: (012) 804 1504 Faks: (012) 804 7072 Epos: Verwysing : ETO-11-0246



Stiaan hardloop teenstaanders stukkend Stiaan Van der Hyde, hoofseun van Volkies en Gauteng se o/19 kampioen atleet in die kort afstande oor 100 m en 200 m, weet nie wat dit is om te verloor nie. Hy ken net van wen want selfs as iemand anders voor hom eindig, leer hy uit die situasie om sy wenkultuur te bou. Só het hy dit dan ook in die Junior SA Kampioenskappe in Germiston van 28 tot 30 Maart ervaar. Vir hom was dit ‘n wen-wen situasie want hy het beide sy groot teenstanders in Gauteng, Jaco Beukes en Rudi Erasmus, in die grond ingehardloop. By die SA Kampioenskappe op die Herman Immelman Stadion het Stiaan hom eers in ongeorganiseerde warboel vasgeloop toe sy naam nie op die inskrywingslys vir die 100 m voorgekom het nie. Na ‘n hele paar kopstampe kon hy uiteindelik deelneem en het ‘n vierde plek in sy eerste uitdun behaal asook ‘n vierde plek in die semi-finaal. Hy het ongelukkig nie na die finaal deurgedring nie. In die 200 m het sy krag en veggees hom sy eerste uitdun laat wen. Hy het ‘n tweede plek in die semi-finaal behaal en in die finaal het hy agtste gekom. Sy groot teenstanders in Gauteng, Jaco Beukes en Rudi Erasmus, het maar bedroë daarvan afgekom. In ‘n onderhoud met Rekord het Stiaan, ‘n ingenieur in wording, gepraat oor sy loopbaan en ideale. Ná skool wil hy óf in die meganiese ingenieurswese óf in die siviele ingenieurswese gaan studeer. ‘n Belofte van ‘n beurs wink reeds vir hom. Sy geliefde skoolvakke is Wetenskap, Ingenieurs Grafika Ontwerp (IGO) en dan Wiskunde. Hy het ‘n kop vir logika en wiskundige berekenings en hy sien met verwagting uit na sy universiteitstudies. Stiaan (18) is ‘n begaafde en gelowige jong man met ‘n groot liefde vir rugby, atletiek en krieket – in daardie volgorde. Die toekoms sal dus moet leer of sy liefde vir rugby of atletiek gaan seëvier. Stiaan is die enigste Volkie wat weens sy oorwinnings in die Gauteng Kampioenskappe as spanlid na die SA’s deurgedring het. Sewe ander van sy skoolmaats het na die SA’s deurgedring op grond van hul oorwinnings in die D7 afdeling. Stiaan het op 6 jarige ouderdom aan atletiek begin deelneem en het eers van graad 3 af professionele afrigting ontvang. Wat interessant is, is dat hy van graad 5 tot graad tien weens beserings nie aan die SA’s kon deelneem nie. Hy het wel in graad 4 deelgeneem. Verlede jaar het hy aan die 200 m deelgeneem en vanjaar aan die 100 en 200 m. Sy afrigter van graad 4 af, is Jaco van der Merwe. Die SA Kampioenskappe het bevestig dat Stiaan vanjaar sy Gauteng teenstanders se meedere was.

24 APRIL 2012

Hoër Volkskool Beheerliggaam

Volkies se nuwe beheerliggaam vir 2012. Voor van links is mev Nellie Rossouw – sekretaresse, mev Cora Muller – bemarking, mev Mara Joubert – personeel verteenwoordiger, mnr Henjan van der Hyde – skoolhoof, mnr Dawie Kotze – voorsitter, Mej Wilestie Stofberg – personeel verteenwoordiger, en mev Mare Gericke – kultuur. Agter van links is mnr. Corrie Human – regsake, mnr. Charl du Plessis – geboue en terrein, mnr Henry Matthews – onder voorsitter, mnr Francois Smit – finansies, mnr Ferdi Beukes – personeel verteenwoordiger, mnr Bright Breytenbach – sport en mnr Johan Bester – sekuriteit.

Sagies Beheerliggaam Volkie wen brons

Beheerliggaam van Laerskool Hannes Visagie. Voor van links is Charlene Swanepoel (Admin personeel), Daleen van den Heever (PLO & ondervoorsitter), Madéle van Vuuren (Personeel & sekretaresse) en Lelanie Gillespie (Finansies). Middel van links is Nelis Pienaar (Voorsitter), Byrin Thompson (Geboue & terrein), en Thinus Potgieter (Personeel). Agter van links staan Ryno Viljoen (Bemarking) en Erich van den Heever (Skoolhoof).

Nica Human, ‘n graad ses leerling van Laer Volkskool het ‘n bronsmedalje in hoogspring 0.12 by die Suid-Afrikaanse Junior Skole Atletiek Kampioenskappe in Durban op 23 Maart verwerf. Sy het die Gautengspan verteenwoordig.


Rudi Erasmus, Stiaan van der Hyde en Jaco Beukes(van links af) in ‘n verbete stryd om die 200 m by die SA’s. Stiaan het sy twee groot teenstanders albei in die stof laat byt. – Foto Dries Janse van Rensburg.


Om kinders se leeslus aan te wakker het die onderwysers van Laerskool A G Visser soos karakters uit bekende verhale aangetrek. Sherlock Holmes, alias Rickus Muller, was een van hulle.Opwindende lees aktiwiteite is vir leerlinge beplan: Boekvoorlesings, leespiekniek en allerhande ander opwindende leeskaktiwiteite in klasverband soos woordspeletjies, poppekas, en andere. Die Mediasentrum is opgradeer en het ‘n gedaanteverwisseling ondergaan. Hope nuwe boeke is aangekoop sodat elke Vissie die geleentheid het om boeke uit te neem en te lees.

Vissies Beheerliggaam

Vissies se beheerliggaam vir 2012. Voor links is Willem Davel - Finansies, Andy Haasbroek - Voorsitter en Listel Scheepers – Bemarking (sekretaresse). Agter links is Chris Gryffenberg - Projekte, Johan Roothman - Hoof, Anna-Marie Muir – Verteenwoordiger Administratiewe Personeel , Hennie Moll – Instand-houding en Veiligheid; Louis Venables – Kultuur en Leo Ehlers – Sport.

24 APRIL 2012



Hundreds of bikers compete More than 750 bikers participated in the annual Route 42 mountain bike event in Nigel. The bikers and their supporters converged on the Nigel Italian Club for the start of the first category – the 80km race. They came from many towns for this popular event and the entry was even more than last year. The 90km race includes categories for men, women of various age groups and masters. The 35 km event was popular as ever as was the 12 km race, which was not a timed event. The 3 km loop, which is popular with children had no prizes awarded but all the finishers got medals. The roads leading to Nigel preceding the races were full of cars and trailers, all carrying bikes. It is a great sporting event with a technical course and the main events need plenty of stamina. At the Italian Club there were refreshments provided and other things to make this a truly family day. A group of bikers from Springs said they participated every year and the event provided a lot of opportunity to make new friends.They praised the organizers for the work done to ensure a successful day and said they would be back next year.

The start of the 35 km bike race.

Champion cancels school visit Long jump South African champion Khotso Godfrey Mokoena was scheduled to visit his old school, Nigel High last week, but cancelled the visit the night before. The visit was to be televised by the SABC for the programme “Pasella”. A programme had been drawn up where Mokoena was to have given a talk to the Grade 10 and 12 learners and then tour the classrooms. He was also to go onto the field where he started his athletics and do some long jumps. Mokoena has just returned from the South African Athletics Championships in Port Elizabeth but has so far failed in his attempt to qualify for the 2012 Olympic Games in London by 8cm. His athletic coach from Grade Eight to matric was Elna de Beer. She received the message that he could not make the visit. Elna said she was disappointed he could not come as was the principal of Nigel High School, Ina Dolinschek. Mokoena also excelled at school in the high jump and triple jump but then concentrated on the long jump. Fortunately the learners were not told of his visit so were not disappointed.

Bikers bow their heads in prayer before the start of the race.

SHARIFF’S TYRE CENTRE Heidelberg: 23 Schoeman Str TEL: 016 341 2187 / 8 FAX: 016 341 6702



24 APRIL 2012


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