Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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Cnr Kingsway & Van Riebeeck Street, NIGEL -

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31 JULY 2012

TraSpor gic loss t Sport

P20 P9

Nuwe ore vir Christiaan en Safiyyu is en uit stukkies kraakbeen van drie tot vyf ribbes geoes was, is onder sy vel geplaas en die vel is per vakuum oor die gevormde oor getrek. ‘n Stukkie kraakbeen wat onder sy maagvel gekweek word, word op 23 Augustus agter die oor ingeplant word om dit te lig om soos ‘n gewone oor te lyk. Op die rou plek agter die oor sal kopvel oorgeplant word. Die verwydering van die kopvel word so fyn gedoen dat geen haarwortels verwyder word nie. Christiaan, seun van Pamela en Kobus Steenekamp is een van ongeveer ses oorlewende kinders in Suid-Afrika wat met die sonderlinge sindroom gebore is. Die meeste kinders sterf by geboorte en diegene wat wel lewe se harte is meestal ook misvormd. Christiaan s’n het egter heeltemal normaal ontwikkel. Goldenhar Sindroom veroorsaak dat die een kant van ’n mens se gesig stadiger as die ander kant ontwikkel. Dit sluit ‘n gesplete mond, gesplete verhemelte, afwesigheid van sagte verhemelte, nek- en

rugbeenprobleme in, asook ‘n wit velletjie wat oor die kleur van die oë groei. Die kakebeen is onder-ontwikkel en in die meeste gevalle is die hele kaak aan die een kant afwesig. Sedert geboorte het Christiaan al tien korrektiewe operasies gehad, die eerste op drie maande. Hy het o.a. ‘n dubbele duim gehad waarvan die een op agt maande verwyder is. In sy laaste operasie is die gevormde oor met 25 steke toegemaak. Pamela sê mense wat vrae oor die sindroom het, kan haar kontak by 082-411-1077. ‘n

Spesiale fonds is gestig om die koste van die operasies te dek aangesien mediese fondse die operasies as “kosmeties” beskou en min daarvoor betaal. Die gegewens vir die spesiale fonds is: “God’s Special Angel’s Fund,” Standard Bank, Heidelberg, Gauteng. Rek. No: 035239182. Enige donasies sal waardeer word. Dr. Firmin se reis- en verblyfkoste moet o.a gedek word. Navrae oor die spesiale fonds kan gerig word aan Valerie Damon (082-8725127) of Maryna Fourie (072-444-3584). Sien foto bladsy twee.


Dis ‘n dubbele oor-geluk wat in Augustus op twee kinders van Heidelberg en hul gesinne in Kaapstad wag. Hulle is Christiaan Steenekamp (11) en Safiyyu Gaffoor (17). Saffiyyu word op 22 Augustus en Christiaan op 23 Augustus geopereer. Vir Christiaan is dit die laaste fase om met ‘n splinternuwe oor te spog, terwyl Safiyyu vir haar eerste en hopelik laaste operasie gaan om haar oorskulp te herstel. Christiaan van Laer Volkskool Heidelberg het in November 2011 ‘n nuwe opgeboude oor in ‘n operasie ontvang. In dié operasie is die oor uit die kraakbeen van sy ribbes gevorm en aan die kop geheg. Dokters in Kaapstad gaan die velletjie nou agter die oor lossny en gekweekte kraakbeen wat onder sy maagvel groei, agter die oor inplant om die oor staande te kry. Die wonde agter die oor en in sy nek sal dan met sy eie vel toegemaak word. Christiaan is met die Goldenhar Sindroom gebore wat misvorming van die gesig veroorsaak. Hy is o.a. met ‘n gebrekkige regteroor gebore. Saffiyyu lei aan Microtia Sindroom wat slegs haar oor vervorm het. Dit lyk feitlik normaal en dokters glo dat die hele oor in die een operasie herstel sal kan word. Christiaan se operasie is deur dr. Firmin, ‘n wêreldbekende vroulike plastiese chirurg van Frankryk wat in gesigsmisvormings spesialiseer, op 13 Augustus 2011 in Kaapstad uitgevoer. Dr. Firmin (71) word gereken as die leidende spesialis onder drie gerekendes wat wêreldwyd spesialiseer. Die oorskulp wat kunstig en volmaak gevorm



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Nuwe ore

Respect the gap From the desk of Rev Ray Goddess

vanaf bladsy 1



ROBERT DYKE 083 266 5453 STEVE DYKE 082 428 7262 LEADERS IN CUSTOM MADE SHOPFRONTS e-mail: 58 Second Avenue, Nigel 1490 Tel: 011 814-1577/26 Fax: 011 814 8467

Christiaan Steenekamp (11) wys laggend sy oortjie wat na die komende operasie heeltemal normaal sal lyk. Agter staan van links ma Pamela, Nadia Gaffoor en haar dogter Safiyyu (17) wat ook haar oor gaan laat regmaak.

Other towns to get refuse bin system The Ekurhuleni Metro is in the process of rolling out the 240 litre bin system throughout the region. This is to have a uniform service delivery system and to comply with the user pay principal in terms of the Municipal Systems Act. This response comes from the metro after the Rekord reported that many residents in Nigel and Dunnottar thought it’s unfair that people in neighbouring towns such as Springs could put out as many black refuse bags as they wanted and have them collected. Those residents will soon be part of the bin on wheels refuse system. Residents can apply and be billed for a second container if the refuse generated exceeds the volume of the 240 litre bin on a weekly basis or take the occasional excess to the public offload area. So, the large number of refuse bags being collected is only temporary as they will soon be part of the roll out system.

JJC Kruger & Vennote



Springs Parkland Kliniek Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172 Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging (By River Square kruising 016 423 3553

31 JULY 2012

The so called age gap between parents and children has and always will remain the same. When a child is 12 years old the parent is normally between 32 and 40 years old. This gap Rev Goddess, Heidelberg remains the same. So Methodist Church why is it that there are so many problems with relationships between teenager and parents? This subject was discussed at a combined youth/cell meeting held at the Heidelberg Methodist Church on Wednesday 25 July. The sad observation was that while the invite was extended to the high school children and other churches very few people attended the workshop. Is it that most parents feel that the relationship is well between them and their children? If that is the case then why have we so many problems with alcohol, smoking, drugs, Satanism, pregnancies, attitude and obedience? Ideas and theories were taken from the first chapter of the book “Have a new teenager by Friday”. In this chapter the very touchy subject of “no means no” is looked at and at the same time investigates the respect that teenagers have for their parents. But what is the underlying problem in this relationship? I believe that one of the very big differences between today’s life and the life when we were children is that when we were children being “naughty” would be having a smoke behind the tennis clubhouse while today smoking is not seen to be wrong at all. In today’s world that which is done “in secret” are things like drinking alcohol, taking drugs, hubblybubbly sessions (Google this and see the true harm of a session), sexual activities (including sending nude pictures taken with a cell phone). The bottom line is that the harm done to the body and the long term damage to the body is high – and that is the problem today. The children seem to feel that they are “in control” and can continue with their “experimentation” in life without any harm being done. We all know that harm is done and at the end of the day it is the duty of the parents to say “no” to these things and to explain the harm caused to our children. As parents we need to take the time to speak to our children (not lecture them) on a one-to-one basis so that they can understand our concerns. Just by saying “no” will not work (and it did not work in our days either). We need to take some time to communicate with the young folk so that they can understand the concerns of the parents. If these discussions become “heated” stop the conversation and seek help. A third person to be a mediator helps much more than fighting over the situation. Just like in our days when there is an argument the child will go out and do it anyway just to spite the parents and show them that they are in control of their own lives. Make time with your children. Take time to have conversations with them. Ask them about their life and especially their private and social life (yes you can do this – as parent it is right to know this). When the children are older it will be too late – start now when your children are younger and you will see the difference in attitude and how they grow up. A last word of encouragement – it is better to start this process later in life than never starting at all.

57 Strydom Street, Heidelberg Tel: (016) 341-2437 Rev. Ray Cell 082 656 3123 “We exist to be like Christ, live like Christ, and share the exciting message of Christ to all people”. EXPERIENCE CHRIST’S LOVE AND OUR FRIENDSHIP


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Arts & Stationery Warehouse H/V Rhodes & Standerd weg, Nigel - Werkswinkel / Besonderhede Kontak Jana of Anita 011 739 4444

(Proverbs 22:6 (NIV)) Service times: 08h00 – Traditional Service (Mother’s Room available) 09h30 – Worship Service (Mother’s Room available) 18h00 – C.I.A. Service (for Adults and Youth) H1432

31 JULY 2012





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31 JULY 2012

Another book by Nigel author

Hanli van Straaten with former South African Commissioner of Police, Gen Mike Geldenhuys at the book launch.


This is the crashed car from which a Nigel woman survived and overcame major head injuries – her story is in the book.

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A 265-page book with a definite difference has been published by local writer, Hanli van Straaten. More than 50 people attended the official book launch and guests included, former South African Commissioner of Police, Gen Mike Geldenhuys. He congratulated Hanli on the book and wished her more success in the future. Following the success of her book last year on a relative’s experiences during the Second World War, Hanli has now written a book which should appeal to many people. With articles in both Afrikaans and English, this book makes fascinating reading and gives some valuable information. The 59-year-old author did a lot of investigation to produce the book. It does not only contain stories but is a mine of information on statistics etc. The book is entitled “Muti vir die Gees….en Sommer Die Elke Dag Blues…. With a strong English Flavour! The book was officially launched last Saturday, when many people gathered to see Hanli’s latest work. It contains poems (which she loves writing), and plenty of statistics, as well as stories and valuable information.

There is so much variety in this book it would be impossible to spoil the reading of it by giving details. But there are recipes, a list of name changes in towns and streets in South Africa, first aid tips and general hints including “Never put your banana in a refrigerator”. You can read about the immune system, bad breath and first aid. There’s even a metric conversion table and statistics galore, including rugby. The wonders of the world are listed as well as the nature wonders of the world. Former South African Presidents are included as well as those in America. One of the interesting articles is the history of the kiss! From religion to ritual. The book is not without humour, especially a letter from an Irish mother to her son which ends “Was going to send you money but had already sealed the envelope”. One of her stories is about a girl who saved her brother’s life in snow in the former Eastern Transvaal – a true story. There’s another true story about the tragedy which almost killed a Nigel woman. She survived a horrific car crash and has had to overcome many obstacles and is now an active member of the community. For her book Hanli also interviewed 93-yearold Baby Bekker, a local woman who was once a chef to former South African Prime Minister J G Strydom. This is a book which brings different twists and turns as you go through the pages. Hanli is already working on her next book, which is believed to be a novel. Interesting to note that the headmaster of her school in Jameson Park told Hanli’s mother, “Your daughter is going to be a great writer one day.”

31 JULY 2012



We want action! Drywer in hegtenis oor vals verklaring ‘n Drywer wat die kaping van sy groot swaar vragmotor naby die Spookbrug aan die polisie in Heidelberg gaan rapporteer het, het op 18 Julie self in die moeilikheid beland toe speurders gevind het, dat hy ‘n valse verklaring afgelê het. Dit het geblyk dat sy voertuig wel gekaap was, maar dat die drywer verswyg het, dat hy iemand op Warden in die Vrystaat opgelaai het. Hy het blykbaar vertel dat hy naby die Spookbrug gestop het om sy maag te verlig toe drie rowers toegeslaan en die voertuig gekaap het. Die speurders het hom na die plek geneem waar hy hom sou “verlig” het, maar kon geen getuienis daarvan vind nie. Nou ja, toe moes hy maar erken dat die kaping uitgevoer was deur die man wat saam met hom gereis het. Die reisiger het gevra om afgelaai te word toe sy drie maters na bewering toegeslaan het. Die voertuig is later in Brakpan by ‘n vullisterrein opgespoor. ‘n Patrollerende

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There are several major issues which Dunnottar residents have complained about but have not been addressed. An attempt was made to block the informal roads leading from Howeson Road to the Tonk Meter Road but vehicles have already opened up a new area. Residents feel a more permanent solution needs to be found and suggest that the placing concrete pillars might be the answer. The site of the former Dunnottar Drive-In has again become a refuse dumping area. One of the reasons for this could be the council’s refusal to remove black bags from premises unless they are in the wheeled bins. Many of the storm water drains in Dunnottar are completely blocked by leaves. Several years ago these used to be cleaned regularly, say residents who hope this will be done before the rainy season starts. All the above complaints have been sent by letter from the Community Policing Forum to the Nigel Customer Care Centre. Other complaints which have been reported include the grass at the corner of McLaren and Nigel roads which is very long and when it was last cut was not done sufficiently. At night it is difficult to see if there is traffic approaching in the direction of Sharon Park. Grass verges are still in a bad state, street signs have disappeared from some of the intersections. 101 Northern Road, Nigel A stop sign formerly at the corner of Agnew Avenue and Perkins Road has been missing * Windows * Garage Doors for at least four months. * Folding Doors * Glass Mirrors One resident has made a stop sign and erected * Shopfront it in the park opposite a garage as he said he * Shower Doors would hate to see someone be injured or killed * Steel * Sliding Doors Replacement at this intersection. There are still open grids with covers stolen TEL: 011 814 4295 FAX: 011 814 4296 and smashed, one in Birkenruth Road and the Dawie 072 181 9222 - other in Nigel Road, both outside businesses. We need someone to come out to Dunnottar Building Quality Together! and inspect all these items”, says a spokesFOR ALL YOUR GLASS & ALUMINIUM NEEDS person for the Community Policing Forum.

wag het die voertuig gesien. Toe hy nader gaan, het die verdagtes die pad gevat. Die voorraad was ongeskonde. Die drywer staan nou tereg daarop dat hy ‘n valse verklaring aan die polisie afgelê het.


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We cut and pack to your specifications. Large variety of home-made, smoked and marinated products. We also do portion control for restaurants and the catering industry.

SPECIALS VALID FROM: WED 01/08/2012 - TUES. 07/08/2012 Springs National Fresh Produce Market, Paul Kruger Highway, Springs




Chance for creative writers Creative writers in the Nigel and Duduza areas are invited to participate in a project which involves creative writing classes. The best three applicants will be invited to participate in the classes which will take place in Duduza. The project is being funded by the National Arts Council of South Africa and MacMillan Publishers. To participate short paragraphs should be submitted to or contact Vusi Nhlapo on 072 884 3263.

Need attention

31 JULY 2012

95th Birthday celebration! Meeting Roderick Breytenbach you can hardly believe he celebrated his 95th birthday on Tuesday last week. Rod is an amazing person, who is a great conversationalist and is deeply religious. His spiritual inspirations are obvious in talking to him. He was born in the Free State and eventually became an aircraft mechanic. He worked at Iscor in Pretoria and then Vanderbijl Park. He and his wife Winnie moved to Nigel in 1959 and Rod worked at Union Carriage as an engineer in a managerial position for 20 years until his retirement. He and his wife then moved to spend five years in Natal. While there he became very involved in the Apostolic Faith Mission, which he loved. The couple then came back to Nigel and since then Rod has still been very active, with religious studies taking up a lot of his time, but also enjoying working in the garden when he gets the chance. It is important to mention that for 10 years Rod was a pastor at the former Tini Vorster Home in Dunnottar and held regular services there for residents.

Roderick Breytenbach, 95 years old. He was presented with a certificate to commemorate those years. Rod’s birthday was marked with a special dinner, at which four generations of the family were present.

Willie kom huis toe met nuwe lewe 267 6198 SKAKEL 083 267 6198


This power box in Begonia Street, Visagie Park, Nigel is out of action but it is not known whether it is due to vandalism. However, the open box with hanging wires poses a threat, particularly to curious children. It is reported no lights are working in this street and the road is not tarred. Lights are also out in Protea Street.

Willie Kotzee (51), slotmaker van Heidelberg, wie se lewe op 10 Mei in Kaapstad gered is, toe ‘n Kaapstadse hartsjirurg ‘n pompie aan sy vergrote hart gekoppel het, om die bloed in sy liggaam te help sirkuleer, hoop om binnekort terug te keer Heidelberg toe. ‘n Opgewonde Willie en sy vriendin Maggie Landsberg kan nie wag om terug te keer nie. Willie vra dr. Willie Koen, hoof van die Netcare Christiaan Barnard Gedenkhospitaal in Kaapstad gereeld of hy maar sy goedjies kan pak.

Willie is die Old Bill (Voorsitter) van Heidelberg Suikerbosrand Bomskuiling, (Shell Hole) en gaan sy pos nou met nuwe krag aanpak. Voor die operasie het hy maar sowat 10-15% van sy hartwerking oor gehad. Tydens die operasie is die HartWare Ventrikulêre Hulpstelsel (HVAD) in Willie ingeplant. Dis ‘n pomp wat ontwerp is om ‘n pasiënt se verswakte hart te help om bloed deur die liggaam te pomp. Dr Koen is ‘n kardio-torakale hartchirurg en is tydens die operasie deur twee oorsese spesialiste bygestaan.

Life’s Delicious Welcome home to Eskort where life is always Delicious!

Bacon Cuts @ R19.95 per 500g Bacon Cuts @ R37.95 per 1kg Liverspread @ R8.95 per 250g Gold Medal Pork Sausages @ R26.95 500g


Prinsloo Street Heidelberg - Telephone 016 340 4600 H1408

31 JULY 2012

Kinders brand matrasse vir hitte Leerders van Hoërskool Luckhoff wat sedert die begin van hierdie kwartaal onder die gesag van die Departement van Welsyn val , het glo geen komberse om onder te slaap nie en van hulle het glo mattrasse aan die brand gesteek vir hitte. Die kinders het ook na bewering verlede naweek net brood gehad om te eet. Dinsdag verlede week het die Departement glo 200 kg kaas en R18 500 se twee-laag toiletpaper by die skool afgelaai. Rekord verneem ook dat die Departement glo al die bankrekenings van Luckhoff en Emmasdal wat nou ook onder resorteer, gevries en die geld oorgeneem het. Een van die rekeninge was glo ‘n private rekening wat die onderwysers vir hulle self oopgemaak het. Die skole mag nie met die pers praat nie en geen bevestiging vir die inligting wat uit ‘n betroubare bron kom, kon ontvang word nie. Die berig is laat ontvang en Rekord kon nie die Departement se reaksie bekom nie.


Fire in Patrolleerder Vorsterkroon met blou lig stop voertuig

Billowing smoke from land adjacent to a factory in Vorsterkroon. It is believed waste items on the land caught fire but it was soon extinguished by the Nigel Fire Services.

‘n Patrolleerder van Heidelberg met ‘n blou lig op ‘n swart motor, het na bewering verlede naweek ‘n motor van die pad getrek en in ‘n geskil met die insittendes betrokke geraak. Die gebruik van blou ligte is onwettig en die insittendes van die gestopte motor wou glo ‘n aanklag by die polisie gaan indien. Bewerings is ook dat die bestuurder van die bloulig motor so effens onder die weer was. So ver vasgestel kan word, is geen aanklag by die polisie ingedien nie.


Bejaarde man se vrou ook aangekla oor molestering Die saak teen ‘n bejaarde man van Balfour wat verband hou met die molestering en verkragting van vier of vyf jong kinders wat deur sy vrou as dagmoeder versorg is, het ‘n nuwe wending geneem toe sy vrou ook tot die klagstaat bygevoeg is. Mnr. Manie Senekal (70) sal verhoor word op klagte van molestering en penetrering waarby sy hande betrokke was. Sy vrou is drie weke gelede daarvan aangekla dat sy na bewering van die voorvalle kennis gedra het, maar dit nie aan die polisie gerapporteer het nie. Die ondersoek het nou die stadium bereik waar dit gereed is vir verhoor in die streekhof in Secunda. Seuns en dogters is by die saak betrokke. Die saak sal 27 September vir pleit en verhoor voorkom. Mnr. Senekal en sy vrou word deur prokureur Chris Liebenberg van Nigel verteenwoordig.

Happy slaan toe op rowers Twee gewapende rowers wat op 28 Junie ‘n winkel in Rensburg van drank, kontant en sigarette van R13 000 beroof het, het hulle rieme verlede week styf geloop toe speurder konst. Happy Khubheka van Heidelberg hulle vasgetrek het. Khubheka het eers die eerste verdagte gevang en daarna die tweede een in Vosloorus opgespoor. Hy het twee vuurwapens gevind. Benewens die aanklag van gewapende roof sal albei ook teregstaan oor die onwettige besit van ongelisensieerde vuurwapens.

Baas en sy hond


Baas en hond wat dieselfde aangetrek was. Links is wenner Mariska Maritz met Gigi, Liza Uys met Fabienne en Kala Nel met Phantom wat ‘n gesamentlike derde plek met Ronita van Niekerk gedeel het. Danie Naude was die hoof beoordelaar en Alet Greyling, een van die beoordelaars.


Die kleinste volwasse hond het gegaan aan 1. Annet Greyling met Tintinkie. 2. Christiaan Steenekamp met Tiger (Tieger!), en 3. Chanel Damon met Brat. Die grootste hond het gegaan na: 1. Eugene en Danelle Coetzer met Dawid. 2. Nicoleen Carter met Captain en 3. Maryna Coetzee met Duke. Die bes geklede hond en baas was 1. Mariska Maritz met Gigi. 2. Liza Uys met Fabienne en 3. Ronita Van Niekerk met Juliet en Kala Nel met Phantom. 4. Leila Luus met Noenoe. 5. Mone Greyling met Vicky. 6. Chanel Damon (Brat) en 7. Christiaan Steenekamp (Tiger). Die susters het hulle dank uitgespreek teenoor al die borge en helpers. “Sonder hulle liefde en ontbaatsugtigheid sou ons nie so ‘n geseënde dag gehad het nie!!” sê die susters.

Heidelberg: 23 Schoeman Str TEL: 016 341 2187 / 8 FAX: 016 341 6702

Heidelberg se Hondepretdag by Heidelberg Laer Volkskool was ‘n pretdag wat lank onthou sal word. Valerie Damon, haar tweelingsuster Pamela Steenekamp en ander helpers kan trots wees op wat hulle vermag het om geld in te samel vir operasies en hulp vir kinders met gesigsgebrekke. Pamela se seun Christiaan het ‘n nuwe oor ontvang en die laaste operasie word in Augustus gedoen. (sien voorblad). In die afdeling vir die oulikste babahondjie was die uitslae: 1. Anje en Viane Louw met Muisie. 2. Shana Griessel met Zoe en 3. Catharine Roos met Prins. Die vetste hond het gegaan aan 1. Melandri Roberts met Peper. 2. Mica Gouws met Tobey en 3. Johan Pretorius met Lea (‘n Varkie!).



31 JULY 2012

Dries addresses Parliament Dries Peschel (55) of Nigel, a Parkinson’s Disease sufferer, addressed the Western Cape Provincial Parliament last week on the plight of people suffering from the illness after he had received an invitation from the Premier of the Western Cape and national leader of the DA, Helen Zille. She met him when he climbed Table Mountain some time ago as part of his campaign to focus the eyes of the world on Parkinson’s Disease. Dries who has been suffering from the sickness for the past twelve years, addressed the Standing Committee on Health of the Western Cape Provincial Parliament in the knowledge that three organisations were behind him. They are The DBS Foundation (Deep Brain Stimulation Foundation of South Africa), Amayeza Abantu (which means Medicine for the People in Zulu), and The Parkinson’s & Related Movement Disorders Association of South Africa. The honour of addressing the Standing Committee was bestowed on Peschel for a very good reason. His case is unique in the sense that he was already condemned in 2 000 by a specialist who predicted that life imprisonment in a wheelchair would be his future from 2003 onwards as Parkinson’s Disease had then already reached an “irreversible stage.” But the specialist did not take into account the guts, perseverance and fighting spirit of a man who puts his trust in his Heavenly Father and the caring and enduring love of his wife Annatjie. Dries who has done some extraordinary things as a Parkinson’s Disease sufferer has after conquering Table Mountain, become an icon of determination and an ambassador for the rights of people who are suffering from the malfunctioning of neurons within the brain. Amayeza Abantu can help in a lesser way and assist DBS with discounts

The team that went with Dries Peschel to Cape Town. Sitting next to Dries in front, is Erica Redelinghuys of Amayeza Abantu and at the back from left are Renate de Wet, Director Neuro of Amayeza Abantu and Carmi Engelbrech of DBS. on the impulse generators and even donate one or two per year, the DBS foundation has to find funding for the procedures and the costs of all medical personnel involved. They do negotiate for discounts with the hospitals and Medical Aids, but the bulk of payments still have to come from donors and/or the patients themselves. The DBS impulse generator is a device similar to a pacemaker. Electrodes are implanted in the brain and the impulse generator allows patients to control the amount of electricity flowing to the electrodes, giving them greater control over their motor functions. Organisations and individuals who wish to contribute to the worthy cause of normalizing the lives of those who are suffering from neuron linkage brain disorders, please call the DBS at 012-811 5314, 071 406 0752, fax 086-516-7591 and e mail

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Die DBV Heidelberg wil graag almal, jonk of oud, amateur of professionele kunstenaars uitnooi om deel te neem aan hul tekenkompetisie. Die DBV probeer ‘n verskil maak om verlore, ongewenste en mishandelde diere te versorg en goeie huise te soek, sodat hulle mense se lewens kan verryk met hulle onbaatsugtige liefde. Hester van Rensburg, die organiseerder, sê: “Die doel van die tekenkompetisie is om die publiek bewus te maak van die werk wat gedoen word deur die DBV asook die Nasionale Dierebeskermingsvereniging. Dit is ‘n fondsinsamelingsprojek. Die sluitingsdatum vir die tekenkompetisie is 20 September 2012. Alle tekeninge moet gedoen wees op A3 wit tekenpapier. Die volgende media of ‘n kombinasie daarvan mag gebruik word: Potlood, houtskool, kleurpotlode, pastelle en waskryt. Daar is verskillende afdelings en temas; 4-6 jaar: Ek versorg my hond/kat. 7-9 jaar: Ek sorg vir my plaasdiere. 10-12 jaar: Ek

respekteer wilde diere. 13-15 jaar: Voëls het vlerke. 16-18 jaar: Eksotiese diere hoort in die natuur. In die ope afdeling kan enigiemand inskryf en die tema is My DBV. Agter op elke kunswerk moet jou naam, skool, ouderdom, jou onderwyser se naam en die tema wat jy uitbeeld, geskryf word asook ‘n verklaring van jou ouer of onderwyser dat dit jou eie werk is. Onthou ‘n kontak telefoonnommer. Groot pryse is op die spel! Daar is een vir die onder-wyser wat die meeste inskrywings inhandig. Vertel al jou vriende! Besoek ons by jou naaste DBV (016 342 4114) of w w Gee jou kunswerk in by jou skool of Retiefstraat 1, Heidelberg. Vir navrae oor die tekenkompetisie kontak Hester van Rensburg by 072 260 9656.

31 JULY 2012


DA appalled at state of bird sanctuary The Democratic Alliance has issued a statement saying it is appalled that both the Provincial Government and Ekurhuleni Metro are evading the responsibility to protect the Marievale Bird Sanctuary in Nigel. The DA has charged the ruling party with gross neglect and disinterest, by failing to address uncontrolling reeds causing dramatic changes in water flow and the sewage flowing in from pipes, emanating out of council-owned sewerage plant. This, says the DA, is chasing away birdlife which has been a major attraction for tourists from all over South Africa and abroad. This month the committee from the Marievale Bird Sanctuary met with the DA public representatives to discuss the problems facing the wetland. The representatives are Shadow MEC for Environment, Thomas Walters, a member of the Provincial Legislature and, Ward 88 Councillor Wally Labuschagne and Jackie Reilly, a member of the Environment and Development Portfolio, who had heard about the lack of support from the Gauteng Province, which is the custodian of the site. Marievale is a wetland and Gauteng tourist

Sewende wedvlug Die sewende wedvlug van Oerf Posduifklub op Heidelberg vanaf Trompsburg af het op 21 Julie plaasgevind. Daar was geen werklike verrassings nie terwyl André Botha eerste onder die jong duiwe en Willem Matthee eerste in die ope afdeling gekom het. Die vlugafstand was onderskeidelik oor 463 km en 462 km (ope afdeling) in skoon lug met ‘n ligte suidweste wind wat gewaai het. Die uitslae vir jong duiwe (met die uitslae van die ope afdeling in hakies), was soos volg: Babore Lofts 2, 5, 6, 21(5). Danie Botes 8, 9, 28 (15, 30). Andre Botha 1, 3, 11, 12, 15, 23, 30 (3, 4, 14, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22). Derrick en David 29 (26). Klingbiel M +Y 17, 25, 27 (10, 11, 25). Klingbiel Y+M 16, 18(99). Willem Mat-thee 14, 24, 26 (1, 7, 9, 20). Alroy Paulse 7 (6, 13, 19, 23). Ferdie Pienaar 4, 19, 13, 19, 22 (6, 12, 24, 27, 29). Henk Pienaar 20 (2, 28). In die ope afdeling het twaalf boere met 205 duiwe, en tien boere met 168 duiwe in die afdeling vir jong duiwe deelgeneem.

attraction which is home to about 280 species of birds. It has been designated as an important bird area. “It is vital to protect this beautiful area,” said Jackie Reilly. “There were several issues of concern raised with us,” said Labuschagne. “A lack of fundings means an adverse effect on the flow of water which in turn affects the birds there. “Members of the committee use their own personal funds to upgrade and maintain the viewing and picnic areas. “There is no security at the sanctuary and this has resulted in buildings being damaged and the wetland vandalized.” He said it was also unacceptable that enthusiastic bird lovers had to traverse shocking roads, some which are no more than pathways, to reach viewing areas in the sanctuary. “The DA is committed to making sure that the different government levels get together to protect this beautiful area”, said Thomas Walters. Labuschagne thanked the Marievale Committee for bringing the state of this sanctuary to his attention. Jackie Reilly will pose questions to the Legislature and Ekurhuleni Metro respectively. In an attempt to cut through red tape and ensure that these birds still call Marievale home in the years to come.


Tragic loss for Nigel family Tragedy struck a Nigel family recently, when the 52-year-old mother of Mariaan Kinnear, who has been waiting for years for a kidney and pancreas transplant, died after suffering of a stroke in her Nigel home. Charmaine Kinnear was busy in the kitchen when Mariaan (30) and her father Jeff Kinnear (50) heard a noise. Mariaan is blind and cannot walk and her father Jeff rushed into the kitchen where Charmaine had fallen. He tried giving CPR but there was no response and immediately called for an ambulance. He told Mariaan that something serious had happened to her mother and contacted relatives. The ambulance only arrived over one and a half hours later to transport Charmaine to the Heidelberg Hospital where she was immediately put on life support. “Doctors worked for three hours to try and save her,” Jeff told the Rekord. “I then contacted my relative at home to bring Mariaan to the hospital. When she got there her mother had passed away. Only a short time ago the family was told that no transplants could be done as Mariaan was not strong enough and there was a complication with her bladder. But Jeff Kinnear said they

were relieved by the decision. But this mean that Mariaan will still have to go to the Johannesburg Hospital three times a week for dialysis. Mariaan’s father has to do odd jobs because he and Charmaine had to take her to the hospital. Now he says he is going to have to get a person to care for Mariaan while he works. There is also a major financial problem facing the family as Jeff has a bakkie for his work and had to buy a car to take Mariaan to the hospital. The travelling has taken its toll on the vehicle which now needs a major service, which he cannot afford. Mariaan is a diabetic and lost her sight and her legs became paralysed. The Rekord was due to visit the family only hours after Charmaine died. Mariaan is devastated at the loss of her mother, but remains remarkably strong. “I miss my mom” she told the Rekord. Her mother dealt with all her daughter’s special needs, including a special diet, blood pressure checks and kept a positive attitude at all times. She was always hopeful that one day Mariaan would get better and her husband felt the same. Family members have been very supporting in the family’s loss. Charmaine’s funeral was held on Wednesday last week.

Fetusse naby Spookbrug ‘n Ondersoek na vyf menslike fetusse wat op Houtpoort net anderkant die Spookbrug gevind is, het speurders na Edenvale en Soweto gelei waar vasgestel is dat die fetusse van Soweto afkomstig was. ‘n Blanke man wat gemagtig is om mediese afval van hospitale en klinieke te verwyder wat ‘n gesondheidsrisiko vir mense inhou, is in hegtenis geneem. Rekord verneem dat die man op ‘n Vrydag besluit het om die afval buite Heidelberg af te laai om tyd te bespaar. Benewens die fetusse is ook spuitnaalde en


ander mediese afval gestort. Iemand het glo gesien wat gebeur. Die fetusse en afval word in dromme verpak en van die inwoners naby die toneel het glo reeds van die dromme begin gebruik. Dit hou ‘n ernstige gesondheidsrisiko in. Die ondersoek duur voort en die man het nog nie op die aanklagte teen hom gepleit nie. Sy naam sal eers genoem kan word nadat hy gepleit het. Die saak word deur een van Heidelberg se top speurders, kapt. Danie Naude ondersoek.











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Highway Ministry doen dit met sop en brood

Highway Ministry se personeel en vrywilligers het op Woensdag 18 Julie 2012 met groot entoesiasme aangesluit by die miljoene mense wêreldwyd wat 67 minute van hul tyd gegee het. Aangesien dit bitter koud was, het hulle besluit om die vragmotorbestuurders op die N3 by die weegbrug in te wag met heerlike warm sop en broodjies. Breë glimlagte van dankbaarheid het getuig dat die sop en brood ‘n wen-resep was. Van 07h00 tot 11h00 was daar bykans 400 koppies uitgedeel. Jan de Bruin, Direkteur van Highway Ministry sê daar is op nuut beleef dat ‘n mens nie kan gee sonder om self te ontvang nie.

31 JULY 2012

Volunteers Holiday activities needed help keep crime down Two years ago the Dunnottar Patrol was established, with a few people, willing to go out in their cars for two hours on a shift basis and report anything suspicious. Today there are 40 volunteers who are doing a valuable job in patrolling Dunnottar regularly. Most of the vehicles are equipped with radios, connected to a special control room. If anything suspicious is seen a report is immediately made of the circumstances to the control room and the information is immediately passed on to the Dunnottar SAPS. The patrol cars are all marked with the Community Policing Forum logo and recently a total of 17 patrol cars drove through the Dunnottar streets from 18:00 to 20:00 accompanied by police vehicles, to make the public aware of the service. The patrollers are all dedicated volunteers who use their own vehicles and petrol to do a great job in helping to reduce crime. Funds are urgently needed to purchase more radios for cars. New members are also welcome to join the patrollers. The patrollers hold a meeting on the first Tuesday of each month at 19:00 at the Dunnottar Police Station. For more information about joining the patrollers or donating funds, contact 082 561 2374.

The July school holidays are past, but again highlighted the need for organised activities for children while their parents are at work. Many school goers do not have the luxury of going away during school holidays. The result is that they have to rely on the parents or friends to look after them or get transport to cinemas etc. So far Alra Park is the only area to have started a holiday programme. Some churches may have had activities but these were not publicized. Residents interviewed by the Rekord were unanimous in saying that there is a definite need for organised holiday activities, to keep youngsters off the streets and being bored every day, with little to do except watch television. In other towns there are organised activities during holidays, some by churches and others by individual groups. “It only takes a few responsible volunteers and an open space or vacant hall,” said one parent. ”Activities could include painting in books etc., clay modeling, games and watching DVD’s in a friendly and safe environment”. Funds for the activities could come from the parents, which would not cost a lot. Refreshments could also be provided by donations and many local organisations could be approached for donations for this very worthy cause. Learners interviewed by the Rekord said they would welcome mornings of activities and it would also be a chance to make new friends. They admitted that they get bored during the school holidays as their parents are at work and they have no means of going to different places, unless lucky enough to be invited to a friend and taken there. So, here’s hoping that some people will come forward with ideas to get holiday activities started during the next holidays. Although the summer break allows for swimming, the July holidays are not only a worry for working parents but also boring for many children who have to stay at home. School goers spoke to the Rekord and were unanimous in wishing there were some organised holiday activities. They said that they were forced to stay at home while their parents were at work. But so said it would be great if non-working parents got together and started a holiday group.

31 JULY 2012


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31 JULY 2012

Charlie se trots Kokke van formaat wys hul slag Vir ‘n slegte, lui mens het Charles (Charlie of Rocky) Venter (40) van Heidelberg geen tyd nie. Daarom doen hy sy werkie as motorwasser met ‘n glimlag en het pas sy eie mobiele, rondlopende motorwasbesigheid in die dorp begin. Met sy wit plastiek kan loop hy van plek tot plek op soek na kliënte. Dié kan is versier met mooi blou letters en kondig vrolik aan: Charlies Car Wash. Die blou plakker is ‘n geskenk van Miems Coetzen van El Shadai Drukkers wat in Charlie die potensiaal van ‘n ontluikende entrepreneur gesien het. Charlie sê hy is n gekwalifiseerde passer en draaier wat sy werk verloor het. Hy het tot onlangs in Nigel gebly en elke dag na Heidelberg geduimry om sy werk te kan doen. Sy paaie het met Miems s’n gekruis toe hy haar vir werk gevra het. Hy het aangebied om haar motor te was. Charlie vertel dat hy in Nigel gebore is en toe in Barberton gaan bly het. Hy het in 1990 teruggekeer na Nigel, maar in 1996 is van sy familie op ‘n plaas buite die dorp vermoor. Hy was toe ‘n jaar lank sonder werk en het van een werk na ‘n ander getrek. “Ek sien nie kans om soos ‘n sleg mens op die hoek van ‘n straat te gaan bedel nie. Ek het toe by ingenieursplekke uitgehelp en karre begin was. Hy vra dat as iemand hom ‘n werkie wil aanbied, hulle hom asb. by 082-265-9504 moet bel. “Ek wil graag dankie sê aan Jakes Auto Electrician, El Shadai D r u k k e r s , Wiesenhoff Koffiewinkel en Edgars wat my ondersteun en aan die publiek van Heidelberg wat my help met geld vir wasmiddels. Ek koop net die beste sjampoe vir my werk en gee net die beste diens,” sê hy. Charlie met sy mobiele wasapparaat in sy hand by ‘n motor afgeneem.

Hoërskool John Vorster van Nigel het die span van Hoër Volkskool in Heidelberg netnet die loef afgesteek in ‘n kookkompetisie wat op 21 Julie by die Cookery Nook kooksentrum op die terrein van Wiensenhoff in Heidelberg aangebied was. Dit was die eerste kompetsie van sy soort tussen die skole en die verskil in punte was so min dat Volkies self met die ken hoog in die lug kan loop. Cornie Kotze, die onderwyseres wat Gasvryheidstudies (huishoudkunde) by John Vorster aanbied, het haar wenspan se poging met ‘n breë glimlag begroet. Mary Steyn van Volkies Die triomferende wenspan van John Vorster hou hul het eweneens breed geglimlag want sy het geweet…. Volgende keer word die bordjies wisseltrofee omhoog terwyl Christo Joubert (heel links) en sy vrou Elvira (heel regs), eienaars van Cookery Nook, verhang! Die spanne moes elk ‘n hoofgereg met vleis saam met onderwyseres Cornie Kotze van John Vorster (derde van links) in hul oorwinning deel. aanbied en Cornie se span het net-net daarin geslaag om die beoordelaars in hulle guns te laat besluit. Die beoordelaars was Eddie Baird, ‘n finansiële deskundige van Heidelberg, Dirkie Grobler, eienaar van die Dros in Nigel en Wiesenhoff se deskundige, Jabu Mokoena. Cookery Nook het onlangs deur Elvira Joubert en haar man Christo oorgegaan. Elvira was baie ingenome met die groot sukses en beplan nog sulke kompetisies vir die toekoms. Sy nooi belangstellendes om ‘n draai te kom maak. Cookery Nook was begin deur Debbie Massyn, vrou van pastor Kobus Massyn van Heidelberg.

Discover Nigel @

Ontvlug van die lewe se donker kant met IAN WESSELS van RSG se loslippige lagterapie Regie: Margit Meyer-Rodenbeck om 19:00 vir 19:30 by Laer Volkskool op 29 Augustus. Besprekings: 016 341 6216/7

HELIKOPTERRITTE, STALLETJIES, PRETPARK EN HEERLIKE KOS Kontakbesonderhede: Projek Bestuurder: Hendrik de Wet - 082 555 0442, Stalletjies - Lorraine van der Merwe 083 659 2712, Bemarking webwerf: Annette Kruger - 084 504 1969 /Sonja Cronje - 082 876 7637

31 JULY 2012








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HELAY - 072 848 4003 HELAY - 072 848 4003 HELAY - 072 848 4003

SENTRAAL - R815 000

SENTRAAL - R695 000

Stewige Huis met Uitsig oor Blesbokspruit. NUUT IN DIE MARK. 3 Slaapkamer, 1 Badkamer, M/H, Groot Erf. Huis met baie potensiaal. 2 Slpk, 1 Bdk, Sit, Het Baie Potensiaal. Eetk, 2 M/H. Goed geleë.

HELAY - 072 848 4003 HELAY - 072 848 4003



31 JULY 2012

Bambi hou Olimpiese Spele Bambi Vissies het op 25 Julie ‘n mini Olimpiese Spele aangebied om die kinders in die gees van die spele te kry. Mariette Carver, skoolhoof, het verduidelik dat die vyf ringe die vyf vastelande voorstel. Die Spele Komitee het gaan kyk watter kleure

die prominentste op die verskillende landsvlae van die onderskeie vastelande voorkom. Dit was Groen vir die Amerikas, Rooi vir Asië, Geel vir Europa en Swart vir Afrika. Die kinders het met die vlae geparadeer en met ‘n Olimpiese Gees die dag voortgesit.

Die vakkeldraer, Dayle Bannister by die fakkel saam met die personeel van Bambi. Van links is Elize Janse van Vuuren, Elzabe Moolman, Yvette Sandilands, Mariette Carver, Cilia Mouton en Izelle Joubert.

Dogs available for adoption at the Nigel SPCA


INDEX / INDEKS 1 Pets / Troeteldiere 2 Tours / Toere 3 Job Wanted / Betrekkings Gevra 4 Announcements / Aankondigings 5 Vote of Thanks / Bedankings 6 Rewards / Belonings 7 Funeral Services / Begrafnis Dienste 8 Entertainment / Vermaak 9 Found / Gevind 10 Churches / Kerke 11 In Memorial / In Memorium 12 Personal / Persoonlik 13 Lost / Verlore 14 Computers / Rekenaars 15 Builders & Building / Bouers en Bouwerk 16 Sports Equipment/ Sporttoe-rusting 17 Lift Corner / Saamrygeleenthede 18 Beauty & Health / Skoonheid en Gesondheid 19 General Service / Algemene Dienste 20 Spyseniering / Catering 21 Money & Loans / Geld & Lenings 22 Childcare / Kindersorg 23 Music / Musiek 24 Tuition / Onderrig 25 Repairs / Reparasies 26 Garden Services / Tuindienste 27 Nurseries / Kwekerye 28 Transport / Vervoer 29 For Hire / Te Huur 30 Muscellaneous / Allerlei 31 Furniture / Meubels 32 Vehicles / Voertuie 33 Caravans / Woonwaens 34 Motorcycles / Motorfietse 35 Parts / Onderdele 36 TV Services / TV Dienste 37 Employment / Betrekkings 38 Accommodation / Akkomodasie 39 Resorts / Vakansieoord 40 Wanted / Gevra 41 Townhouses / Meenthuise 42 Houses to Rent / Huise te Huur 43 Flats to Rent / Woonstelle te huur 44 For Sale / Te Koop / Plotte & Plase 45 Wanted to Rent / Te Huur Gevra 46 Houses for Sale / Huise te Koop 47 Flats for Sale / Woonstelle te Koop 48 Stands for Sale / Erwe te Koop 49 For Sale / Te Koop 50 Businesses / Besighede 01 Pets / Troeteldiere

NOAH’S ARK PET SHOP: Voëlsaad, visse, viskos, koikos, akwariums, hondekos (3 in 1) Avi-Plus produkte. Bearded dragons, hamsters, krieke, meel wurms, hondehokke, hondejassies en honde bedjies. Dae oop per week 9:00 17:00 Naweke en vakansiedae 09:00 16:00. Tel: 011 814-4514. By mini Zoo, Noordstraat 132, Nigel. 08 Entertainment / Vermaak

FUNKY JUMPING CASTLES FOR HIRE Contact: Magda 084 461 4151 or Wickus 082 880 4955 12 Personal / Persoonlik Nigel Methodist Church - Centre of Concern Infoline. This FREE Service will assist anyone with contact details of various emergency and social service organisations in the Nigel area. Phone: 071 781 7065. Phone between 07h00 - 19h00, 7 days per week.





Personal / Persoonlik

General Services / Algemene Dienste

Catering / Spyseniering

ROMMEL VERWYDERING / BOOMFELLING. Verwyder enige rommel. Felling van enige boom. Opruiming van gestorte / beskadigde vragte (ongelukstoneel rehabilitasie). Algemene vervoer. Beste pryse. Gratis kwotasie. Suikerbos Transport . Skakel Hennie 082 890 9516.

D’VINE GARDEN CAFÉ shop, Kiddies party, function venue and take away! - 18 Van Der Stel str, Nigel (Next to the Portuguese club). Open from 8am - 5pm! Closed on Tuesdays! Open on Saterdays and Sundays for breakfast and lunches! We make delicious Platters for all occasions! Perfect venue for kitchen teas, baby showers, 21sts, wedding and all other functions! Venue is for free, includes tables, chairs and cutlery and crockery! We must supply the catering! Contact Marlene for further info, 011 814 3612 or visit our website - For all your venue hire and restaurant enquiries For all your décor hiring requirements visit us on ADD US AS A FRIEND ON FACEBOOK D”Vine Functions!!

12 Personal / Persoonlik Seeking for employment. I am a stable person with excellent sets of values eg. intergity, honesty, punctuality & reliability. Can work under pressure. Work experience: Teaching,receptionest, secretary, invoicing, wages and typing. Computer skills: windows xp, home, 2000, 1998, excell & word. Contact Leann 011 814 1082 or 071 368 6447. Seeking urgent employment. I am a hard working and people’s person. I thrive working under pressure. Computer skills: Windows 95, Internal Mass (SAPS), Microsoft office. Work experience: Detective Inspector ( Certificates), Risk Loss manager, accident report, disciplinary hearings,control of fleet, drivers and deliveries to customers, installation of network cables and optic fibre. Please contact me Tiaan at 083 458 8939 or 011 814 7968

MAD ABOUT PLUMBING LOODGIETERS. Spesialiseer in alle loodgieter behoeftes. Op versekering panele, Absa, Nedbank, Hollard, Santam, Mutual&Federal, Standard Bank en nog vele meer. Hanteer eis onmiddelik. Doen Solar Geysers en “Heatpumps”, alternatief tot Solar (50-80% besparing op krag). PIRB en IOPSA geregistreer. Skakel Tersia of Pieter by 016 349 5666 / 082 491 9093 / 083 547 4037

SMART KITCHENS & HOME IMPROVEMENTS For 3D Designer Kitchens or kitchen revamps, BIC, Bathr, Vanities, Wall to Wall Carpets and Laminated Flooring. No compromise on Quality and Service. Free Quotations. Phone Andre at 016 349 5052 or 082 738 1441


Granitetops tops **Granite * Bathrooms Kitchens **Kitchens * All Repairs Laminatedflooring flooring **Laminated

Geysers, toilets, drains,

Contact: 082 471 0916 / 082 637 6963

gebarste pype, skrynwerk, teëls ens. Seël van dakke & plaveisels.


Skakel: 082 646 9928

BOUWERK Alle bouwerk en aanbouings. Bou van Nuwe Huise en Woonstelle (Granny Flats). Seel & verf van dakke Skakel Gerald 083 384 9599 N.H.B.R.C. Geregistreerd

MEDICAL PLANS From R300 that refunds un-used

17 Lift Corner / Saamrygeleenthede

LIFT NEEDED. I am looking for daily transport to Wadeville. Working Hours 7:00am - 16:30pm. Mon - Thurs. Please phone 082 253 2702.

(016) 341 2233 / 082 417 7149 41 B Voortrekker weg, Heidelberg


* Nails * Manicure * Waxing * Pedicure * Tinting * Make-up

Flexi Hours: Monday’s - Friday’s


fully installed to one point. PREMIER COMMUNICATIONS

Phone 011 614 2670 or 074 753 6582


* Diet’s Contact: 082 788 5880 (cell) or Tel: 011 814 6269, Nigel


For Passap, Empisal knitting & Sewing machines.

For a professional LAUNDRY service, contact Laundry Mate at 011 814 3597 or 072 511 4366. Domestic & Corporate, including Curtians, Table Cloths, Blankets, Comforters, ect. 20% discount for Pensioners on Wednesdays. Collect and deliver in Nigel/Heidelberg town area.

18 Beauty & Health / Skoonheid & Gesondheid


TV Services / TV Dienste



“LOANS” U need a loan from R1000 to R100 000. Even if you blacklisted or Garnished. We also do consolidation. Please call Thandi 079 469 6868. Repairs / Reparasies

I am urgently seeking a job. I am hardworking and honest person. Do have Pastel and Payroll Certificate. Work experiences: carpenter with contract installations, despatcher, spindler, store manager, sales, admin, data capturing, I.T work, supervising of office workers, caretaker and maintenance. Please contact Johan at 079 701 7208. Builders/Building/ Bouers/Bouwerk

21 Money & Loans / Geld & Lenings


31 JULY 2012

benefits. For more information please phone: 086 111 1254 Includes insurance products underwritten by Resolution Insurance Company Limited. FSP No: 13888

20 Catering / Spyseniering RUMOURS RESTAURANT: For professional catering of all events. Weddings, Parties, Spitbraais, Platters and Potjies. Nothing too big or -small. Your venue or ours. Phone Piet at 011 814 1428 / 072 470 2187. TO HIRE: Cutlery, crockery, large selection of table cloths, overlays, tables and chairs etc. Phone Sonnette 082 926 1515

37 Employment / Betrekking

Vakature vir Arbeidsverhoudinge/Balfour Die aansoeker moet ten volle vertroud wees met indiensnemingskontrakte, personeel kwessies en alle dissiplinêre aksies. Moet ook rekenaarvaardig wees, sin van verantwoordelikheid hê, self gedissiplineerd wees en goeie menseverhoudinge hê. Salaris onderhandelbaar. Sluitings datum is 10 Aug 2012. Stuur CV’s aan of faks na 086 682 1628.




31 JULY 2012

Hannes Visagie skitter in Suikerbosrand Eisteddfod Secure complex - 2 Bedroom, 2 bathroom, open plan kitchen/lounge, double garage. R3500pm. Contact 071 686 8207

FOR SALE R520 000.00 Townhouse Nigel 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, Laundary room, lounge, garage plus parking for extra car. A must see newly renovated no work to be done. Just move in. STUNNING! Contact Angelique on 073 265 8134

JANIC WALLING DANIE 073 628 5826 082 454 3830 NICOLENE 076 921 4766

* Betonmure * Verlengging s* Staalpalisades * Skuifhekke * Lemmetjiesdraad * Afdakke * Hekmotor

Herstelwerk op bogenoemde


J DONALDSON APPLIANCES Free collection and delivery & Quotations 77 Porter Road, DUNNOTTAR. Tel: 011 734 2812 Fax: 011 734 2041

49 For Sale / Te Koop


Te Koop: Pragtige GOUE LABRADOR RETRIEVER hondjies. 5 Reuntjies en 3 Tefies. KUSA Gerigestreerd, Microchip, Inspuiting + ontwurm. 1 Kg hondekos gratis. Skakel Nick by 072 997 1496 of 082 788 5880 of 011 814 6269.

* Fridges * Freezers * Stoves * Washing machines * Tumble dryers Establised 1978

50 Businesses / Besighede


R&I Tyres, 699 Voortrekkerstr, Brakpan, 011 740 0477 / 011 744 3544. 155/12 R380, 155/13 R340, 195R14C (special) R650, 215R15C R950. PRICE INCLUDE FITTING & BALANCING - old casings to remain with us, prices on selected brands ONLY & WHILE STOCKS LAST - MAGS AVAILABLE. Talk to Ivan.

We repair and fixed your old lounge suite from OLD to NEW.

Warthog Photos. We do all types of photos. If you do it, we will photograph it. Contact Danie 072 370 1346

Geely approved workshop 26 B Marshallstraat, Heidelberg.

Tel: 016 341 3391 Fax: 016 341 4253

Fully equiped workshop All warranty work welcome Service all type of vehicles.

Accredited Terms & Conditions apply

Nuwe aftree oord vir Heidelberg

REST / MATTRESS RENOVATION We repair and fixed your old matrass in ONE DAY service. Phone: 076 587 7590 ANCIENT DAYS Antiques - oudhede. Ons koop, verkoop en restoureer meubels. Groot verskeidenheid nou beskikbaar. Kom loer gerus in. Skakel ons by 016 349 2175 of Wena 082 785 9108

Heidelberg gaan ‘n nuwe aftree oord met 185 eenhede kry in BergenDal, die aangrensende dorpsgebied van Overkruin. Die inligting is deur Hennie van der Merwe, argitek bekend gemaak op die jongste maandvergadering van Heidelberg Besigheidskamer wat op 24 Julie gehou is. Die aftreeoord kom in ‘n 200 hektar sekuriteitslandgoed.





SUPER MEUBELS: Waar anders as Schoemanstr 42 , Heidelberg. Tel: 016 341 4445.Coolerbox werk met sigaretaansteker, Kiaat lessenaar, langwerpige Oregan tafel, swings & slides, kinder rugskke R35 elk, TrojanCambridge roeimasjien, staal rakke R400, 2deur staal stationery kaste R850, 2x Oregan bedkassies elk R650, enkel eetkamerstoele hout & oud vanaf R350 elk, ou erde ware, 4laai liaseerkaste R495, storie boeke Engels en Afrikaans, Psalm&Gesange boekies GRATIS, groot verskeidenheid koekpanne, hondemandjies en kombersies, baba baddens - verskeie groottes, eetkamertafel met stoele, 10Stuk Imbuia eetkamerstel - sit 8 mense R6995, carpet tiles from R2-50 each, fietse, mediese bed, mediese badstoele, Comode, kinderbankies R295 (3 beskikbaar), NUWE DUBBEL BEDDENS R1600, hout staanlampe, P/wood hangkas en laaikassies, Defy tuimeldroër & wasmasjien, barstoele, groot swaar papegaai hok van staal, verskeie ander voëlhokkies, ou Seperator onvolledig R300, 2x Oregan deure, ornamente, Indiese teestel, binding machine Rexel, strapping machine, floorstrips R150 per box, geyser klein, Bal&klou vertoonkas met ronde glas en laai onder, Bal&klou kist, zinc’s - enkel en dubbel, Gluglu pram (laaste een beskikbaar), Nuwe kar, Bakkie & Taxi tyres Super groete.

Die top presteerders wat in Engelse voordrag ‘n A++ verwerf het, was Megan Thompson, Maritza Maritz, en Abigail de Waal terwyl A++ simbole in Afrikaanse voordrag verwerf was deur Charlandé Swanepoel , Luane Viljoen, Marco van der Merwe, Leanca van den Heever, Rhys Thompson, Johannie van der Merwe,Abigail de Waal en Derik Pieterse.Eisteddfod presteerders van Hannes Visagie. Voor van links is Johannie van der Merwe, Edrich Swanepoel en Ingrid Kenmeer. Tweede ry: Diane van Rooyen, Ankia ver der Merwe, Luané Viljoen, Kristen Botha, Paul de Waal, en Abigail de Waal. Derde ry: Tiaan Vogel, Anja Lourens, Rhys Thompson, Michelle Harns, Marzel Espach, Megan Prinsloo, Kaylee van der Merwe en Monique van der Rheede. Vierde ry: Nadia Clark, Anja Labuschagne, Marco van der Merwe, Elandia Marais, Charlandi Swanepoel en Izak van der Merwe. Agter: Angelique Terblanche, Maritze Maritz, Derik van der Merwe, Meagan Thompson, Lucinda can der Merwe en Leanca van der Merwe.

This is to notify all interested and affected parties that Ngwenya Mining and Exploration (Pty) Ltd has applied for a Mining Permitfor iron magnetite, with the Department of Minerals and Energy, Gauteng Region, in accordance with Section 27 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (Act 28 of 2002) (DMR) on the following property, Portion 19 of the farm Kafferskraal 381IR, District of Heidelberg. The Mining Permit Application was accepted by the DMR on 11 July 2012 – DMR ReferenceGP 30/5/1/3/2(10029) MP.The specialist investigations, to determine the environmental impact associated with the proposed mining activity, have commenced. Landowners, lawful occupants and interested and / or affected parties who have not yet registered with the Public Participation Officer (Geo Soil and Water cc), are given the opportunity to register, so as to access more information on the proposed activities and to give comments. Closing date for registration is 7 August 2012.

Geo Soil and Water cc

Fax: 086 654 3631

Contact person: Adri Joubert

Tel: 082 926 8460



41 Townhouses / Meenthuise

Laerskool Hannes Visagie het uitstekende gevaar met die Suikerbosrand Eisteddfod wat by die Laerskool A. G. Visser aangebied was. Abigail de Waal was die ster met A++ in beide Afrikaanse en Engelse voordrag. Die skool het altesame 43 medaljes verwerf.

31 JULY 2012


139-3rd Street, Springs Tel: Fax:

NKUNA 082 795 5339 JOE 073 737 4334

011 362 5237 011 362 5238

KEEGAN 082 729 9471 R69 950

‘00 VW Sharan 2.8 VR6 A/T Great family vehicle. Great value for money WAS R89 950

R189 950

‘04 BMW X5 3.0D Immaculate vehicle. Must drive WAS R209 950

R49 950

‘07 Ford Ka 1.3 Trend. Great student car with airbags! WAS R54 950

R179 950

R129 950

R89 950

‘04 BMW 320D E46 F/L Black leather interior 6Speed WAS R159 950

JOHAN 078 136 2835 R114 950

R89 950

‘04 Jetta 4 1.8T Executive Black on Black, sunroof, 135KW WAS R94 950

‘07 VW Jetta 2.0 TDi A/C, P/S R/CD, E/W, A/B, Airbags WAS R139 950

R139 950

‘06 VW Beetle 2.0 Highline

R229 950

‘06 BMW 320D A/T E90. Feul Saver Black leather interior WAS R159 950

‘05 BMW 730D (E65) F/H Immaculate WAS R289 950

R139 950

‘09 Honda Jazz 1.5 IEX Auto, Very low km’s, Full House WAS R159 950

R109 950

‘03 Crysler Voyager 3.3 LTD F/H WAS R129 950

R89 950

‘07 Ford F250 4.2TDi 4x4 S/C. A rare gem packed with extras WAS R249 950

R124 950

‘05 Mercedes Benz Sprinter P/V Great workhorse, Good running condition WAS R149 950

‘03 VW Passat 1.8T 6 Speed, seat warmers, leather interior WAS R84 950

R99 950

‘02 BMW 330D A/T, (E46), F/L, P/S A/C, ABS, E/W WAS R104 950



OPEN 11:00




‘05 Mercedes Benz C180 Kompressor A/T Black leather interior!

R199 950

R179 950

R129 950

R109 950

R89 950

‘11 Toyota Yaris Zen3 ACS Ideal run-around, ultra reliable RETAIL R121 000

‘10 Toyota Yaris T1 3Dr A/C WAS R109 950

R189 950

R249 950

‘09 Ford Ranger 3.0TDCI XLT S/C ‘10 Isuzu KB300 D-Teq S/C. A great Great workhorse with canopy! workhorse for all occations! RETAIL R212 000 RETAIL R198 000

‘11 Toyota Hilux 3.0 D4D S/C. Legend 40 package with ARB bullbar RETAIL R260 000

R349 950

R29 950

‘01 Fiat Palio 1.2 EL. Great run-around! WAS R34 950

R94 950

‘06 BMW X5 2.0D Black on Black Exquisite family vehicle WAS R279 950

R129 950

‘10 Mazda 2 1.3 Active Balance of Service plan & Warranty WAS R139 950

R189 950

101 Check on all vehicles

‘08 BMW 325i A/T E90. Black leather interior. Xenon lights RETAIL R207 000

R49 950

R64 950

‘01 Hyundai Santa Fe 2.4 GLS. Great value for money WAS R69 950

R34 950

‘00 Ford Fiesta Fun 1.3 Great value for money! Clean car!

R209 950

‘10 Ford Bantam 1.3i Only 65 000 ‘09 Ford Ranger 3.0TDCi Supercab Immaculate! Great buy! km! Immaculate! WAS R109 950 RETAIL R220 000

R59 950

R59 950

‘05 Fiat Strada 1.6 ELX Great Workhorse WAS R64 950

R189 950

‘07 Tata Indica 1.4 DLX P/S, E/W, C/L WAS R59 950

‘10 Honda CRV 2.4 Executive A/T ‘07 Nissan Murano. Black on Black ‘06 Landrover Freelander 2.0 TD4 HSE, A/T Immaculate family car ‘09 Toyota Prado 4.0TX A/T King of Only 30 000km’s. A must drive! with sunroof! Beautiful! luxury 4 x 4’s WAS R399 950 RETAIL R137 000 RETAIL R373 000 RETAIL R188 000

R129 950

‘05 VW Sheran, A/C, P/S, E/W, Mags, C/L WAS R134 950


RETAIL R115 000 R329 950

R129 950



‘09 Diahatsu Sirion 1.3 Fuel saver ‘07 Toyota Avensis 2.4 Executive with all the bells & whistles A/T Full House RETAIL R140 000 WAS R104 950

R229 950

R79 950


‘07 BMW 325i A/T E90. Sportback with sunroof! Immaculate! RETAIL R185 000


‘05 Fiat Strada 1.7TD EL Great run around, Fuel Saver! WAS R69 950

R99 950

‘04 Peugeot Boxer 2.8DT Great value for your business WAS R129 950



Sport Nigel Rugby slyp tande vir Presidentstrofee Nigel Rugbyklub het in hul stryd om die nuwe Merlin Liga wat in die eerste helfte van die jaar beslis is, onverwags teen Sasol vasgeval om die vierde van sestien plekke in te neem in die stryd tussen die klubs van die Valke, die Luiperds en die Pumas. Die stryd tussen die drie unies word deur die Valke gedryf. Dis ‘n totale nuwe bedeling en vertonings van verlede jaar kan glad nie hiermee vergelyk word nie. Op 4 Augustus neem die stryd om die Presidentstrofee nou ‘n aanvang tussen die agt top rugbyklubs wat die stryd om die Merlin liga oorleef het. Die reeks word oor ses weke beslis. Nigel speel dan sy eerste wedstryd teen Kempton Park Wolwe in Kempton Park. Slegs die Eerste, die Tweede en die 0.21 spanne neem hieraan deel. Louis Bezuidenhout, Voorsitter van Nigel Rugbyklub en Bennie Backhouse, Direkteur Afrigting, sê die Eerste Span kort net effens diepte in sleutelposisies soos hul losskakel wat weens ‘n kniebesering vir minstens die volgende twee maande op die kantlyn moet sit.”Ons is hoogs tevrede met die afgelope liga, maar sien daarna uit om Sasol in die Presidentstrofee te pak, want dis een wedstryd wat ons nie moes verloor het nie.” Die trots van Nigel is sewe spelers wat in die Valke Plattelandse span opgeneem is vir die stryd teen die Bou Bulle, Pumas, Luiperds, Griffens, Leeus en Limpopo Bulle. Hulle het verlede week van 23 tot 27 Julie sake in Welkom uitbaklei. Die sewe Nigel spelers was

George Fritz, Frikkie Jansen, Innes Potgieter, Wikus Strydom, Francois Jacobs en Henkie van der Nest. Reon Bezuidenhout was genooi, maar kon weens sy kniebesering nie deelneem nie. Charlie Graham, agtste man, is die besondere eer aangedoen om in die 0.21 span in die Curriebeker afdeling opgeneem te word. Die stryd begin ook nou. Bezuidenhout en Backhouse sê strategie was juis om ‘n sterk o.19 span te omvorm in ‘n krag vir die 0.21 afdeling onder die leiding van Evert Jacobs en Trevor Ferreira. “Ons verwag baie van hulle want daar is ‘n paar briljante spelers soos Willie Cilliers (losskakel), Charlie Graham, Ramon Waldeck (senter), Ruan van der Colft (flank), Ruan Nel (slot), Tiaan Muller (flank en kaptein), en Ollie le Roux, (voorry), wat die Valke verlede jaar in die afdeling o.19 verteenwoordig het. Bezuidenhout sê wat liga wedstryde betref, mag slegs geregistreerde Unie spelers deelneem. Nigel en Witbank Ferros is die eerste klubs wat nou oor ‘n gerekenariseerde stelsel beskik en die name van spelers kan nou tien minute voor ‘n wedstryd direk aan die Unies en ander klubs voorsien word. As ‘n speler nie geregistreer is nie, skop die stelsel sy naam uit. In die stryd om die Presidentstrofee is Nigel se tweede wedstryd op 11 Augustus teen Middelburg in Middelburg, op 18 Augustus teen Witbank Ferros op Witbank, en op 25 Augustus teen Sasol. Die semifinaal is op 1 September en die finaal op 8 September.

31 JULY 2012

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