Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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* Weddings * Birthday Parties Year end functions * Conferences

FFORDABLE DVERTISING Cnr Kingsway & Van Riebeeck Street, NIGEL -

FAX: 086 751 7998

TEL: (011) 814 8614 VOLUME 8 No. 20

Cell: 079 493 0075

Contact Dirkie 082 641 9184 or -

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30 OCTOBER 2012

New water meters “a nightmare”! The special investigation unit’s probe into the alleged irregular tender given to LesiraTeq, to install “smart” water meters in the Ekurhuleni Metro, has been welcomed by the Democratic Alliance. This comes after the Executive Mayor, Mondli Gungubelu, failed to answer questions put to him by the DA council, on the suspension of five senior council officials connected to the tender, save to confirm that the Chief Financial Officer was one of them. The DA’s Shadow MMC for Water and Energy, Tania Campbell said it was disgraceful that councilors from all parties were more informed by the Sunday newspaper than their own Mayor. It was reported that the new water meters in the Metro had a failure rate of more than 40%, yet were more expensive to manufacture and install. “The system has become a nightmare for ward councilors,” said Tania Campbell. “Every day councilors receive calls from residents who have varying problems with the new system. “The most common complaints are no water, no water pressure, not having the meter loaded on the system and readings not being

Heidelberg bloei met begroting

done, resulting in interim readings and all the problems that go with that”. She said the latest reports are that meters are being stolen, leaving residents with flooded premises and no water. Campbell says that the companies employed to install the meters have poorly trained staff. Residents’ driveways are being dug up and just left in a mess and no shut-off valves are being installed. In addition those installing the meters are not leaving behind the much talked about manuals of the devices needed to help residents,


when they need to switch off the water mains. Campbell said this was compounded by residents being unable to get hold of the Call Centre after hours as well as Customer Care Centres across Ekurhuleni not answering telephones during working hours.

Spor Sportt


Campbell has called on the Water and Energy MMC, Clr Aubrey Nxumalo, to stop the water installation programme as a matter of urgency, until the investigation is over and the department has properly trained staff to install the replacement meters correctly.



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30 October 2012

Vers en Overwhelming response Melodie kom to first AA meeting From the desk of Rev kuier saam Ray Goddess Vrydag, 23 November 2012 om 19:00 is dit tyd vir die jaarlikse Kerslig, Vers en Melodie-aand by die NG Moedergemeente in Kerkstraat, Nigel. Die groep 4Real is vanjaar die gaskunstenaars en dit beloof om ’n pragtige geleentheid te wees om die Kersseisoen op gepaste noot binne te gaan. Kaartjies vir die vertoning kos R25. Kaartjies kan ook gekry word vir ’n heerlike ete voor die vertoning. Skakel Ina by 011 814 3560 (oggende) vir meer besonderhede. Sien jul daar!

Dis tyd om betrokke te raak! U-Care is ‘n maatskappy wat gebou is op drie pilare en een daarvan is werkskepping. Die maatskappy het nou reeds in sewe jaar twintig miljoen aan liefdadigheids instansies gegee wat gegenereer is deur mense wat omgee vir sy medemens. Hier volg ‘n voorbeeld: Indien jy as individu R1000-00 elke maand vir ‘n instansie gee sal dit jou 1000 jaar neem om twintig miljoen vir liefdadigheid te gee, maar as ‘n span saam elkeen net ‘n druppeltjie gee is dit wat sal gebeur soos wat met U-Care gebeur. Op jou eie manier help jy net een instansie. By U-Care raak jy betrokke by die besigheid van omgee en jy skep werksgeleenthede, asook die geleentheid aan iemand om sy eie lewensomstandighede te verbeter. Hoeveel mense ken jy wat jy kan help. Ons almal leef in ‘n gemaksone van ek het genoeg, maar dink nie daaraan dat oumense nie vir hulself iets kan doen om hul inkomste te verhoog nie. Wat van geestelike en fisies gestremde mense, waar kry hul werk en wat is ‘n staatspensioen werd? Wat van die kos- en brandstofpryse wat styg? Hoeveel van ons standaarde moes verlaag word omdat jou inkomste nie saam styg nie? Wat van ons kinders by skole wat flou word en wanneer hul bykom sê “dit was nie my beurt om te eet nie!” Glo my daar is baie sulke gevalle daagliks. Waar is ons om te help? Ons het elkeen daarbuite nodig om te help! Elkeen van ons kan ‘n verskil maak. As jy een van die is wat ‘n veskil wil maak en geen inkomste het, of afbetaal is, maak nie saak hoe of wat skakel vandag Eugenie by 074 1772 080 of 082 601 8846.

I was so sad 7 years ago when AA closed down in Heidelberg….. This sort of response by a recovering alcoholic is what softens a person’s heart and gives on the feeling “it is all worth it”. Seventeen folk attended the first AA meeting held each Thursday at 18h00 at the Heidelberg Methodist Church ( contact Skipper 074 687 2432). The feedback so far has been fantastic. “This is what I need – the support and help as I fight against my addiction” was a comment from one of the folk who attended. I feel that as we celebrate with these folk for their success in staying “dry” and as we continue to pray for them we also need to applaud them for their bravery and I feel that we also need to learn an important lesson from this. The lesson that we need to learn is twofold. The first lesson is one of humility and the second lesson is on of bravery. Each and every one of the seventeen folk who attended the meeting came to the meeting in humility, prepared to expose who they are and to admit to the problems that they are facing in life. Well done we cry, but what about our own problems that we are facing? Things like pornography, abuse, swearing, immorality, anger, non-belief, greed, gossip, slandering etc. This list could go on forever. But my challenge and question that I have for all of us this: Are we prepared to admit that we have a problem and be open to seeking help so that we can become better people? While alcoholism/drug addiction has devastating effects on our lives and society so too do all the things I have listed (and more). I have and always will stand fast by saying that alcohol (not necessary alcoholism) and drugs

Rev Goddess, Heidelberg Methodist Church have the biggest effect on breaking up marriages I also hold fast that if we all try to maintain a life free of (or at least drastically reduced) the list above we will create a better world and in fact enjoy life more. Jesus was the perfect example of humility – let us strive to be more like Him and ask for help to become better people. Looking at the bravery of the 17 folk struggling with alcohol I must turn to the Christian fraternal or body of Christ and ask each one a simple question: How many people at your workplace and who you meet each day know that you are a Christian and how many of those people who do know would like to be just like you BECAUSE OF your belief in Jesus? I feel that there are some folk who live a life that they are ashamed of, a life that they are not proud of. The affair, the abuse, the anger, the immorality, the websites watched late at night…… We are quick to call the alcoholic to task and encourage them to go to an AA meeting – but what about our problem? What is good for the goose is good for the gander. Be brave and seek help with your problem, let Jesus change your life. Need any help – feel free to phone me on 082 656 3123.

In tere herinnering JB Hoffeldt

Gebore 1945 03 01 Oorlede 2012 10 12

Graag wil ons hiermee ons opregte dank uitspreek teenoor die Rekord koerant wat teenwoordig was en hulp verleen het tydens Hoffie se aanval en heengaan op Vrydag 12 Oktober. Asook aan ieder en elk wat die oggend by Rekord kantore teenwoordig was om hulp te verleen. U vriendelike en professionele hantering van die gebeure word opreg waardeer. Ook aan alle vriende en die personeel van Sureway (Funeral Directors) wat die begrafnis hanteer het, baie dankie vir elkeen se ondersteuning en dienste gelewer. Vriendelike groete,

Pieter & Ronelle Hoffeldt (Broer en skoonsuster)

57 Strydom Street, Heidelberg Tel: (016) 341-2437 Rev. Ray Cell 082 656 3123 “We exist to be like Christ, live like Christ, and share the exciting message of Christ to all people”. EXPERIENCE CHRIST’S LOVE AND OUR FRIENDSHIP

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS EVERY THURSDAY AT 18H00 AT HEIDELBERG METHODIST Service times: 08h00 – Traditional Service (Mother’s Room available) 09h30 – Worship Service (Mother’s Room available) 18h00 – C.I.A. Service (for Adults and Youth) H2030

30 October 2012






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Lower Level

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HOURS: MON - THURS 8:30 to 13:00 14:00 - 17:30 Fri: 8:30 to 12:00 14:00 to 17:30 SAT 8:00 to 13:00. Prices valid while stocks lasts.








CANSA - Aflos vir Lewe Die Kanker Vereniging van Suid-Afrika (CANSA) beoog om ‘n “Relay for Life” in Heidelberg teen Oktober 2013 te hou en is nou dringend op soek na lede in Heidelberg, Nigel, Balfour en Greylingstad, wat hul kragte wil ingooi by ‘n komitee wat saamgestel moet word om die reëlings vir die groot geleentheid te hanteer. Rina Burke, Koördineerder vir Relay For Life by CANSA in Benoni , sê sy soek mense wat hulle harte wil ingooi in diens van hulle wat aan die gevreesde siekte lei. Relay For Life

is ‘n viering vir oorlewendes van kanker, ‘n geleentheid om die kosbare oomblikke saam met afgestorwenes te gedenk, ‘n gemeenskap wat hande vat in die stryd teen kanker, ‘n verskoning om die heel nag wakker te bly en die lewe saam met familie en vriende te vier en dit is prysloos! By CANSA se Relay For Life neem spanlede beurte om, om ‘n baan vir 12 tot 24 uur te loop en te hardloop. Die eerste ronde is ‘n ere ronde wat deur kanker oorlewendes afgelê word. ‘n Lid van elke span moet ten alle tye op die

267 6198 SKAKEL 083 267 6198


Rina Burke, koördineerder vir Relay For Life

baan wees. Spanne sal uit tussen 10 en 15 lede bestaan en R100 per lid is betaalbaar. Kinders tussen 6 en 12 betaal R50. Deelname vir Kanker oorlewendes is gratis. Hulle sal elkeen ‘n spesiale hempie dra. Deelnemers geniet dit om uit te kamp, daar’s ontspanning, goeie kos, speletjies en gemeenskaplike kameradie. Mense wat meedoen het ‘n gemeenskaplike doel hulle begeerte om kanker te beveg en om CANSA in sy werk te ondersteun. Altesame 108 gemeenskappe het byeenkomste vir 2012/2013 beplan. ‘n Struktuur vir die Reray For Life komitee wat die reëlings in Heidelberg moet organiseer, is reeds saamgestel onder die slagspreuk Een Wêreld – Een Hoop! Die grootste gedeelte van die fondse word in elke gemeenskap teruggeploeg. Alles word geborg en uitstallers kan stukkies grond van so 3 x 3 m huur. Alkohol en sigarette mag egter nie geadverteer word nie. Besoekers en deelnemers kan sakkies teen R10 koop en die komitee verskaf gratis kerse wat binne die sakkies in die vorm van ‘n simboliese “HOPE” geplaas en aan die brand gesteek sal word. Borge verdien as ‘n vlak vyf bydraer B-BBBEE punte van 63,88 punte uit 100. Twee radiostasies en die plaaslike koerante sal betrek word om maksimum publisiteit aan die geleentheid te bied. E-pos Rina by of skakel haar tolvry by 082-269-8301. CANSA se webwerf kan besoek word by

Another cell phone scam? Cell phones are being used more and more to tempt people into giving personal information to strangers. The latest is one which congratulates the cell phone owner and says he/she has won a large amount of money in a global cell phone contest. The sender asks the cell phone owner to call a certain person on a number, which also incorporates an overseas code but can be made locally with a reduction of numbers. When the number is called, only a mailbox service answers. This happens repeatedly. The best thing is to delete the information from your phone and, if you do get a reply, don’t give any personal details, particularly about bank accounts.


30 October 2012

Co-ops to tidy informal settlements Moves to appoint co-operatives to provide waste removal services in 53 informal settlements in the Ekurhuleni Metro are underway. This is according to Executive Mayor, Clr Mondli Gungubele, who recently announced the initiative saying “This will ensure a clean and friendly environment but it’s also a mechanism that will ensure communities living in, informal settlements are absorbed into the mainstream economy”. Until now the Metro has been collecting refuse from central collection points at some of the informal settlements. The appointment of the co-operatives will change refuse removal to a door-to-door system, just like the ordinary residential areas. There are approximately 164 000 informal settlement service points. This move will reinforce the Metro’s “Cleaner and Greener Ekurhuleni starts with you” campaign.

Nigel SPCA “wish list” From now, the Rekord will publish a “wish list” for the Nigel SPCA. The names of those who have donated goods will be published with whatever they have donated. A donor can also remain anonymous. At present the Nigel SPCA is in a desperate situation regarding dog food and only has enough for three days at any time. Then they must try and get some donations. Although local businesses and individuals have donated dog food, this is quickly used up and with the festive season approaching, the situation is not looking good. So PLEASE support this wish list in the interests of animal welfare. Contact Hazel on 084 485 7020 if you can help. “We are always short of dog food,” said Hazel McLuckie, kennel manager.

Discover Nigel @

30 October 2012

NIGEL/HEIDELBERG REKORD - ONLINE EDITION PAGE 5 arrest of the dangerous suspects should contact Det Warrant Officer Mandla Siko during office hours on 011 730 4753 office hours and on 083 527 2936 after hours. People are requested not to try and appreThe assistance of the communities is re- hend the man on their own. He is black and aged between 25-33 years The SAPS requires the assistance of quired by the SAPS in catching a suspect in and tall. the community in apprehending this connection with a house robbery which ocsuspect for a burglary which oc- curred in Duduza on July 3. curred August 1 in Duduza. In the early hours of that morning the victim The burglary occurred between 07:40 was in his home when three black men broke Guronsan C am and 09:00 am. The victim left home into the house. One had a firearm. They stole Eff. Tabs 30s Gaviscon to go to a shop and returned to find household property, cash and cell phones to Plus entertainment equipment to the value the value of R40 000. Liquid 300ml of R4 500 was missing. Any informaThey then loaded the tion leading to the arrest and incarproperty into the vicceration of this dangerous suspect tim’s vehicle – a silcan be forwarded to Det Warrant Ofver Mazda 3 and got ficer Billy Mabilane during office hours on 011 730 4733 or on cell 082 away. The total a535 5832 after hours. The suspect is considered armed and dangermount of loss in the ous and the community is urged not to try and apprehend him on Lamisil 1% robbery amounted to their own. The suspect is a black male, never spoken, aged between Cream 7.5g Accu-Chek R150 000. Any infor20 and 25 years, is tall of medium height and has short hair. Active Strips mation leading to the 50s

Wanted for burglary House robbery

Closure of Nigel main road

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A section of Hendrik Verwoerd Street in Nigel will be closed on November 22 between 06:00am and 10:00am, due to a military parade. The closure will be between Second and Third Avenues as well as Breytenbach Street between Second and Third Avenues. On November 23 between 06:00 and noon, Hendrik Verwoerd Street, Second, Third and Fourth Avenues and Breytenbach Street will be closed. The 1 Construction Regiment, Dunnottar will be celebrating the anniversary of the Freedom of the City.

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30 October 2012

Farewell to Nigel SAPS station commander A farewell function was held for Lt Col Yogita Kasaven last week at D’Vine Garden Café. Lt Col Kasaven is leaving the SAPS to manage an electrical business in Benoni and told the Rekord it was a challenge but she was ready to do it, although she would miss being a member of the police force. David Niebuhr, chairman of the Nigel Community Police Forum, which organised the function, paid tribute to Kasaven, saying “We as the Nigel CPF and the members of the SAPS, have to say goodbye to a wonderful lady. “”Lt Col Kasaven has resigned after 21

years service to her community. We have been very fortunate to have had her as the station commander in Nigel for the past six years. She is leaving the service to take up an exciting new business venture and we trust and believe she will be very successful in this venture.” Niebuhr said the SAPS was losing a great partner in crime fighting and by far one of the most dedicated policewomen her colleagues had the honour of working with. “It is not often that a CPF can boast being blessed with such a great station commander,

with passion and dedication in her working relationship with the community and the CPF.” “She is respected and known by the community as a great leader and had a real passion for conflict resolution and service. “With her assistance, crime in the Greater Nigel came down and even the drug related crimes.” He said that under her leadership a few drug busts took place and some of the drug dealers operating in the town either had to get out of Nigel or finding themselves behind bars. When Lt Col Kasaven came to Nigel it was at a time when the station was not in a good place. There was a recent suicide of a staff member and shortly after she started her service in Nigel there was a tragic killing of one of the beloved police officers.”With Lt Col Kasaven’s dedication and guidance, she helped to bring back from a very low and negative point in its history to a well-functioning service. She was also the driving force in establishing sector policing and strengthening the CPF structures in Nigel. “Under her leadership we have implemented the CTV monitoring in the Nigel CBD,” said Niebuhr. “This is also a growing project to-

gether with the business forum. “Our SAPS received a few commendations for outstanding service, including the Mayoral Award for Service of our members and also in person for Lt Col Kasaven for her assistance in the tragic event when the Pieter Wessels Home burned down.” Lt Col Kasaven also received numerous certificates for outstanding service in successful arrests and drug busts. “We are sad to see her go,” said Niebuhr. “But we also know we were very honoured that we were granted an opportunity to serve with such a dynamic and incredible individual. “She will be greatly missed and she will not be easily replaced. “We wish her well on her job journey and hope that she will not be lost to the SAPS and the CPFs where she will be working.” Lt Col Kasaven was obviously overcome by more than 40 colleagues who had come to bid her farewell, the flowers and gifts presented as well as the tributes paid. She said she would miss everyone in the Nigel SAPS and the community of the town. She said she had enjoyed her job and thanked everyone for their co-operation and assistance over the years.

C.J.J. STEEL cc. ~ STEEL MERCHANTS ~ Cnr: Grootvlei Rd, and Partridge St, Strubenvale Tel: 011 815 4700/1/2 * Fax: 011 8153088 Stockists

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R48.00p/m Cut to size


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........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........

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8MM ......... R50.00 10MM ...... R54.00 12MM ...... R72.00

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R 70.00 R 99.00 R 99.00 R 77.00 R195.00

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R15.00 R26.00 R38.00 R54.00


LIP/CHANNEL 75x50x20x2 .............. R170.00 100x75x20x2 ............ R194.00 125x50x20x2 ............ R215.00 150x50x20x2 ............ R236.00


20x3 20x5 25x3 25x5 30x3 30x5 40x3 40x5 50x5





R 98.00 R123.00 R144.00 R203.00 R290.00

Fibre Glass Sheeting R67.00 p/m


75x50x20x2 100x75x20x2


25x25x3 .................... R 78.00 25x25x5 .................... R120.00 30x30x3 .................... R 90.00 30x30x5 .................... R156.00 40x40x3 .................... R120.00 40x40x5 .................... R186.00 25x25x2 .................... R 65.00 30x30x2 .................... R 75.00 40x40x2 .................... R 90.00






... R50.00 ... R66.00 ....... ... R90.00 ....... ... R105.00 ..... ... R145.00 ..... ... R215.00 .....

David Niebuhr, Lt Col Yogita Kasaven and Lt Col Veshani Arikum (Dunnottar SAPS) at the function for Lt Col Kasaven.


R259.00 R295.00 R327.00 R360.00

2450x1225x1.6 2450x1225x2.0 2450x1225x2.5 2450x1225x3.0 2450x1225x4.0 2500x1200x5.0 2500x1200x6.0

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Heidelberg: 23 Schoeman Str TEL: 016 341 2187 / 8 FAX: 016 341 6702



30 October 2012


Remember this?

This photograph was taken many years ago and shows a section of Vorsterskroon with Nigel Dam in the background. The scene has changed a lot since then with many industries in the area. Have you got any photographic history of Nigel? If, so please share them!

Housebreakings in Dunnottar A total of nine housebreakings have been reported in Dunnottar over the past month. The owners of a café were also robbed. Housebreakings have also been occurring in Sharon Park and a meeting was held in the area to discuss security. No crime has been

reported in Marievale. Dunnottar Community Policing Forum states the importance of the “know your neighbour” project of residents are going to be away from home, so anything suspicious on the premises can be reported.

Botox Cosmetic contact Dr Johann Snyman 016-341 4121

NeoStrata products contact Linda Smit 074 894 3678




Recycling can earn you money! The Ekurhuleni Metro has joined forces with Mpact Recycling, normally known as Mondi Recycling, to create awareness to communities that a clean environment is ultimately the responsibility of the people that live in it. The partners are promoting recycling, not only as a way of keeping the environment clean but also as a source of income. The programme encourages schools to raise funds by recycling paper, while also educating learners about environmental awareness issues. It includes curbside collections, school and community paper banks, collections from townhouse complex’s and offices, as well as

small business centers. The paper banks provide convenient storage for the recovered paper and access for collection. Employment and economic empowerment opportunities are created as buy-back centres are located centrally and are run by small business entrepreneurs. Communities and hawkers deliver directly to any of this centre’s and receive cash for recycled paper and cardboard. The advantage of paper recycling is that it helps lessen the number of trees that are cut down, which in turn helps preserve the environment. Paper recycling can save up to three square meters of landfill space. For more information go to


30 October 2012

Leadership change at Sedibeng College The Executive Management team of Sedibeng College announced a leadership change at Heidelberg Campus. Mr Dosto Noge is the new Campus Manager as Ms Marcelle Coetsee (previous Campus Manager) is now based at Central Office in Vereeniging to take responsibility for Marketing and Skills Development. The principal, Dr Abe Mashele and Deputy

Principals paid the staff a visit to make the formal announcement and welcome Mr Noge at Heidelberg. Ms Coetsee would like to thank the communities of Heidelberg, Ratanda, Nigel, Dipaleseng and all other for their support in building the Campus. The businesses, industry, municipalities and NGO’s all play a vital role to contribute to successful education and training of our people.

Front L-R: Mr George Mothapo (Dep. Principal: Corporate Affairs), Dr Abe Mashele (Principal), Ms Marcelle Coetsee (Marketing & Skills Development), Ms Nellie Kotze (Head of Department Business Studies). At the back is Mr Dosto Noge (New Campus Manager) and Ms Jackey Mosesi (Deputy Principal: Academic).

30 October 2012


Do the right things, RIGTH! by 3C Ministries Ever woke up feeling utterly and completely empty and wondering what the point in all we do is? Somehow we’ve become experts at celebrating every possible event, yet lost the ability to celebrate life and to live our lives as the feast God intended it to be. At some or other point, all of us engage in ‘fake feasting’ – partying without real, lasting joy and peace. God’s heart for us is to live the better life – to enjoy lives that can be likened to a feast (Luke 14:16-28). In order to live such a life, we need to first of all accept the invitation to join God’s party. Once we’ve joined the feast God has for us, our lives are changed and we begin to experience what it means to belong to God. As we partake of the joy, peace, freedom and healing God has for us it naturally flows over into inviting others to join as well. When we want to throw a party we need:

Prayer – praying together for the advancement of God’s plans and purposes. In the end, this one thing is clear – God wants us to come to His party and He does not want us to come alone! It is our mandate to not only respond to the invitation for ourselves, but to also bring along as many as we possibly can (James 5:19 – 20). May the testimony of God’s goodness in your life impact and connect someone to the Lord wherever you go this week!

The right attitude – we can only have a party if we are full of joy and ready to celebrate. A reason to party – our personal testimonies provides us with all the reason we need to celebrate. We invite people to God’s celebration by sharing what He has done for us. Food – God prepares a table for us and nourishes us spiritually all the time. As we partake of Christ, we always have a feast in front of us (1 Corinthians 10:3). If we want to join God’s feast and invite others to do so, we have to position ourselves to be used by God. 1 Corinthians 9:24 – 27 teaches us that we have to run the race in such a way that we win the prize. That means that there is a right way and a wrong way to go about reaching a goal. Acts 2:42 - 47 gives us four important disciplines to continue in so that we can be effective in adding people to God’s party every day: The apostles’ doctrine – the apostolic direction received through ministry of the Word applied in our everyday living. Fellowship – being together in close relationship and unity, all working for the benefit of the Kingdom. Communion – becoming one with Christ (John 6:52) through communion in such a way that His purpose becomes our purpose.

Vier gewapende rowers het verlede week helder oordag op 10 Oktober ‘n vrou in Hospitaalstraat, Heidelberg, van ‘n halssnoer van R8 000, ‘n kredietkaart, R300 kontant, haar ID boekie en sleutels van die huis en motors beroof nadat hulle eers haar tuinbediende aangerand, lig beseer en buite aksie gestel het. Die voorval was om 09:10. Die gewapende rowers het met ‘n Duitse tipe bussie opgedaag en maklik toegang tot die huis gekry. Die vrou het hulle niksvermoedend binne genooi want sy het gereël dat matte die volgende dag in die huis gelê sou word. Sy het gedog dit was die matte mense wat ‘n dag te vroeg opgedaag het. Hulle het haar met die vuurwapen aangehou en kosbaarhede opgeëis. Sy het geen beserings opgedoen nie. By die ter perse gaan was niemand nog in hegtenis geneem nie.


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Have you any news, views, or maybe someone has an interesting hobby. Contact us on 011 814 8614.

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We’d like to hear from you….


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30 October 2012

Sedibeng supervisors graduate Kampioen in vasvra

Ms Lindiwe Mngqibisa (Director General Planning GDE), Mr Vuyani Mpofu (Deputy Director General Planning GDE), Ms Puleng Moeletsi(Ass. Director: GDE East District) and Mr George Mothapo (Deputy Principal Corporate Affairs: Sedibeng College for FET) at the graduation of the Homework Supervisors graduation.

Contact Paul 082 378 6328 Scientifically designed gym equipment * Modular Design * Add equipment as your needs expand * Lifetime guarantee on framework * Powder coated in color of choice * >3mm wall thickness of tubing * Compact enclosed weight

stack system * Enclosed pulley system * Bespoke/customized equipment * Low maintenance pivot points * Full backup maintenance service * Instruction on use of equipment

More than 344 homework supervisors have acquired the skills to assist learners with homework and other related matters – thanks to GDE. The goal is to assist learners to understand the content of their homework better and implement effective study methods. The graduation took place at SedibengWest district hall.This is part of the Extra School Support Programme which is aimed at assisting learners with homework. The programme is accredited by ETDP (Education Training and Development Practices) Seta, and learners can study further and become qualified teachers. The graduates are from Sedibeng East and West districts’ Lecturers from Sedibeng College for FET facilitated the classes at Heidelberg, Vereeniging and Sebokeng Campuses in the afternoons and on Saturdays. Sedibeng College for FET and GDE successfully partnered to facilitate the seven weeks programme. “I am excited about the course. It has motivated me to study teaching one day,” said Seipati Sekonyela, a homework supervisor at Bophelong Primary School.

Preuÿt Alberts van Laerskool Hannes Visagie was die algehele graad 3 wenner op 4 September tydens die Gauteng Oos Distrik kampioenskappe in ‘n vasvra oor die Maropeng Museum anderkant Krugersdorp.

Nuwe DBV kalender nou beskikbaar Die DBV Kalenders vir 2013 is nou beskikbaar. Dit bestaan uit 13 volkleur afdrukke wat op goeie kwaliteit glanspapier gedruk is. Teen minder as R5 per bladsy is dit ‘n winskoop teen R60,00 elk en die ideale geskenk vir diereliefheb-bers. Kontak asb. die kantoor by 016 342 4114.

Heidelberg SPCA’s 2013 calenders are available now. It consists of 13 full colour prints on quality gloss paper. The calenders sell at R60,00 each and is the ideal gift for animal lovers. Please contact our office at 016 342 4114.

Look at these GREAT steel prices... IBR 0.47 x 3m .................. R121.35 0.50 x 3m .................. R126.96 0.58 x 3m .................. R150.00

New SPCA calender now available

CORRUGATED 0.47 x 3m .................. R121.35 0.50 x 3m .................. R126.96 0.58 x 3m .................. R150.00

LIPPED/CHANNEL 75 x 50 x 20 x 2.0 x 3m ...... R88.80 100 x 50 x 20 x 2.0 x 3m .... R94.20 125 x 50 x 20 x 2.0 x 3m .. R104.70

* Prices include VAT. * Prices only valid for stock on hand * Prices differ on weight and thickness * Possible errors and omissions are excluded and wil not be entertained

Tel: 016 342 2305 / 3433 / 3434 or email: CGPS Coordinates: S26 33.41 E28 23.11 H2008

We’d like to hear from you…. Have you any news, views, or maybe someone has an interesting hobby. Contact us on 011 814 8614.

30 October 2012



In die takke vir die DBV

Tydens ‘n genoeglike brandewyn en sjokolade proe aandjie ten gunste van die DBV by Wiesenhof in Heidelberg, is interessante inligting verskaf oor waar brandewyn – ‘n eg Suid-Afrikaans naam –vandaan kom. Aan die beginjare van die Kaap het ‘n kok op ‘n skip van die wyn gekook en aan die kaptein voorgesit. Hy het in Hollands verduidelik dat hy die wyn “gebrand” het. En siedaar! Brandewyn is gebore, ‘n naam wat gekom het om te bly.

Daardie tyd was die brandewyn maar melkerig en eers met die koms van die Britse setlaars is stookpotte ingevoer en het brandewyn begin verfyn. Een van die eerste stookpotte word nog steeds gebruik. Daneel Steffens van Distell wat die geleentheid op 4 Oktober aangebied het, het van die jongste brandewyn - wat ‘n minimum van drie jaar in vate van Franse eikehout verouder word en vandaar die kleur kry - tot ‘n fyn, beleë meneer van 21 jaar, aan

Elizmé Burger, Henriette Spies en Nerina Kotze het van die fyner brandewyn kunsies geleer.

gaste voorgesit. Elke gas het ses egte brandwynglase voor hom gehad. Steffens het die gaste in die takke (van vervoering!) gehad. Dis interessant dat die beste Suid-Afrikaanse drankverkoper in die wêreld – Amarula – in meer as ‘n honderd lande bemark word. Brandewyn word van goeie wyn gestook en bevat geen perserveermiddels nie. Dit gaan drie keer deur die proses van distillasie. Verouderde brandewyn wat bv 21 jaar bemark is, word met 15 jaar oue brandewyn vermeng

en bevat 40% inhoud van 21 jaar. ‘n 21 jarige brandewyn sal 21 jaar oud bly al hou jy hom vir 40 jaar. In die verouderingsproses in die vate, verloor die vat ‘n inhoud van 9 liter (of dan ‘n kas brandewyn!) per jaar weens asemhaling. Saam met bepaalde soort sjokolade moes gaste met die verskillende verouderde brandewyne ‘n likeur “raak proe.” Genoeglik, aangenaam, en iets wat ‘n mens nie moet mis nie.

Elvira Joubert, haar man Christo, Bill en Elzona Meyer met Daneel Steffens (agter) wat die proe aand aangebied het. Shop No: 11 Indian Plaza, Cnr 2nd Ave & Laver Street,


011 814 5442

R129 990

R229 990

R155 990

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R50000 2006 Merc Benz C180 Avant. A/T 111 500km

2008 BMW 525i E60 FSH, 135 900km

2009 Toyota Corolla 1.6 Prof., FSH, 96 200km

2004 Merc Benz C320 Eleg. A/T FSH 139 000km

R109 990

R149 990

R125 990

R125 990

10000 ST

R52000 SHIMANO Baitrunner & Spool

6000 DL 2006 Merc Benz A200 130 000km, FSH

2007 Freelander 2.0 HSE TD4, 112 000km FSH

2006 Audi A4 1.8T (B7) 123 000km, FSH

2009 Honda Jazz 1.4 LX 30 000km, FSH

R125 990

R119 990

R125 990

R119 990

2010 Opel Corsa Essentia 49 000km, FSH

2012 Chevrolet Aveo 1.6, 600km, new vehicle

2007 Hyundai Tuscon 2.0 GLS 118 500km, FSH

2006 Audi A3 2.0 FSi 145 000km, FSH

R125 990

R125 990

R149 990

R109 990

2006 Jeep Cherokee 2.8 CRD Ltd 149000, FSH

2005 Toyota Verso 1.8 TX, A/T 112 000km, FSH

2009 Nissan NP300 2.5 TDi D/C, 125 000km FSH

2004 Mits. Colt Rodeo D/C 2.8 185 000km FSH

Barend 073 238 0299 - Gubby 072 135 0027

R650 Sensation VELOCITY ROD - 2Pce - Includes bag - low rider guide - Full graphite 10ft - R450.00 12ft - R485.00 13ft - R519.00

Boulyn Kolletjie voer 2kg

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R12500 JACKEL BR50 Baitrunner Available in Pink, Blue, Green & Black

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NIGEL/HEIDELBERG REKORD - ONLINE EDITION Gemengde Span en die tweede Ontwikkelingspan was naaswenners. Die bobaas afrigters was Ina Smit en Christo Swanepoel. Hulle was die wenners in die afdelings vir Meisies A span. Van links Angelique Meisies A, Seuns A, die Gemengde Span en die Ontwikkelingsafdeling. Die tweede Terblanche, DonĂŠ Smit, Rehani Wirths en CharlandĂŠ Swanepoel.

30 October 2012

Sagies laat skeie klap Die Jukskeispanne van Laerskool Hannes Visagie het uitmuntend gevaar tydens vanjaar se liga wedstryde.

Gemengde Span. Van links Brandon Viljoen, Edrich Swanepoel en Derik Pieterse.

Ontwikkelingspan 1. Van links Dillion Fincham, Keagan Louw, Duncan Nel en Niel Helberg.

Seuns A. Van links Diaan Wessels, en Tiaan Potgieter.

Gemengde Span 2. Van links Ruan Bothma, Nronwyn Viljoen, en Chrizel Neveling.

Ontwikkelingspan 2. J. C. Engelbrecht, en Monique Pratt

Ontwikkelingspan 2. Caitlin Terblancge en Brandon Terblanche.

30 October 2012



Water pret by Laerskool Tini Vorster

2009 Ford Ranger 2.5 LWB S/C (Diesel) 107 000km

2010 Opel Vivaro 1.9 CDTi Bus - 79 000km

2008 Nissan Hardbody 3.0 TDCi 4x4 (diesel) 137 000km

2008 Mahindra Scorpio 2.5 Turbo P/U - S/C

2005 Nissan Hardbody 2.7 N/Turbo - D/C (Diesel) 131 000km

R109 950

R199 950

R169 950

R89 950

R89 950

2008 BMW X5 XDrive 3.0 Auto (E70) 60 000km

2008 Ford Ranger 3.0 TDCi 4x4 S/Cap (Diesel) 134 000km

1999 Nissan Hardbody 2.2 D/C Petrol 31km

2007 Audi A4 1.8 B7 Step Tronic

2005 VW Polo 1.6 Comfort

R349 950

R179 950

R59 950

R109 950

R69 950

2006 Hyundai Atos 1.1 GLS Prime 90 300km

2006 Nissan Xtrail 2.0 Petrol 4x2 SUV 110 000km

2000 VW Citi Chico Golf 1.3 - 36 859km

2000 Toyota Tazz 130 69 700km

2005 Opel Corsa 1.4 Comfort - 117 583km

R49 950

R99 950

R39 950

R59 950

R55 950

2007 VW Polo 1.6 Comfortline - 107 000km

2006 Toyota RunX 180 RX 130 794km

R89 950

R129 950



30 October 2012

A book of achievements The recent launch of the biography of Gen Mike Geldenhuys, former Commissioner of SA Police was a successful event, with launches taking place in Pretoria and Nigel. The biography was compiled by local author Hanli van Straaten and Bennie Heymans of Pretoria. Mike Geldenhuys and his wife Annatjie live in Nigel and the book is a fascinating journey throughout his career, from the time he was a Constable to his retirement as Commissioner of SAP in 1983.

His career spanned 40 remarkable years in the SAP. The book is written in Afrikaans but Mike Geldenhuys hopes that many English speaking people will read it, including former colleagues. All proceeds from the sale of the book will go to the former members of the SAP Benevolent Fund. Michiel Christian Wilhelm Geldenhuys was born in the Vredenburg district in the Western Cape. His father was a farmer who died when Mike was only 14 months old. His mother later re-mar-

ried and married another farmer, who treated Mike like his own son. On leaving school Mike started work at a post office, his primary function being to deliver telegrams. But during his childhood Mike had only one dream – to wear the blue uniform of a police officer. Life then took a turn and he went to Pretoria to work in the military headquarters. It was a step nearer to his career goal. He knew he had to be 19 years old to join the police force but in 1943 with the Second World War still raging on, in the Police Training College there were not enough trainees to pass out, so the decision was made to reduce the age to 18 years and six months. This was the start of Mike’s dream, which was to take him far beyond any success he could

even have imagined. It would spoil the book for those who read it to go into much detail of what happened after that. But it is sufficient to say that his 40 years in the SAP make fascinating reading and his dedication to the SAP was rewarded by more than 20 different awards. The book is well illustrated and the photographs also tell a story of success and dedication to the SAP. Mike Geldenhuys is a modest man, reluctant to tell of his achievements – but they are all there to read in “Kaalvoetseun tot Kommissaris”. The book is now available and people who would like to purchase a copy can contact Annatjie Geldenhuys on 083 324 1246, with proceeds going to a very good cause. Gen Mike Geldenhuys, former Commissioner of the SA Police (middle) with his wife Annatjie (left) and co-writer of his biography, Bennie Heymans.

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30 October 2012


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JOHAN 078 136 2835 R189 950

‘08 BMW 325i A/T E90. Black leather interior. Xenon lights RETAIL R207 000

R129 950

R179 R139950 950

‘03 BMW X5 3.0 A/T. Sunroof. Cream interior! Well maintained

R109 950

‘02 Mercedes Benz ML270CDI ‘02 Mercedes Benz C220 Cdi. Immaculate! Cream interior, Tow- Excellent condition! Fantastic fuel bar, DVD player efficiancy!

R199 950

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R129 950

R219 950

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R349 950

R139 950

R229 950

‘06 BMW 320D A/T E90. Feul Saver Black leather interior WAS R159 950

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R109 950

R89 950

‘03 Mercedes Benz C220CDi. Xenon lights, electrical seats! WAS R124 950

R114 950

‘07 Nissan Murano. Black on Black with sunroof! Beautiful! RETAIL R188 000

R139 950

‘09 Honda Jazz 1.5 EX A/T Only 35 000km Balance of factory warranty! Very clean!

R159 950

‘10 Ford Fiesta 1.6 Titanium Exceptionally clean car. FSH! Full House

R164 950

R149 950

‘08 Hyundai Tuscon 2.0 GLS Great family vehicle for all occations

R129 950

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R49 950

‘07 Tata Indica 1.4DLX. One Owner Ideal runaround

R169 950

‘09 Ford Bantam 1.4 Tdci A/C. Great value for any business! Canopy, Rubberised

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R119 950

R109 950

‘06 Hyundai Tucson 2.0Crdi A/T. Well sought after. Miss it and miss out!

‘09 Polo Classic 1.4 Comfortline. Great all around family car! Fuel saver!

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R89 950

R89 950

R129 950

‘04 Crysler Voyager 2.4 SE Manual Transmission 7 Seater for large family

R189 950

‘07 Landrover Freelander 2.0 TD4 SE 3 Dr, Detachable roof! A must view!

R94 950

‘05 VW Touareg R5 2.5 Tdi Tip Full House, Sunroof Front and Rear PDC

R149 950

‘09 Hyundai I10 1.2 GLS. Only 20 000km’s. Balance of service plan and warranty

R89 950

‘09 Ford Focus 2.0TDCi Si 5dr Immaculate! 6 Speed!

R159 950

‘09 Diahatsu Sirion 1.3. Airbags, ABS, Electric windows, Great student car

R99 950

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R189 950

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R179 950


‘10 Kia Soul 1.6 H/S. Balance of service plan and factory warranty. Lovely ladies car!

R129 950

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R139 950

‘04 BMW 525i A/T Xenon lights. Black leather, exquisite car! RETAIL R146 000

R59 950

R99 950

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R69 950

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R249 950

‘11 Toyota Hilux 3.0 D4D S/C. Legend 40 package with ARB bullbar RETAIL R260 000

R199 950

‘06 Volvo XC 90 V8 Executive. A steal at this price!. Black leather

R69 950

‘01 Land Rover Freelander V6 A/T Great value for money. Sun roof!

R74 950

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R129 950

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R59 950

‘05 Fiat Strada 1.6 ELX Great Workhorse WAS R64 950

R499 950

R84 950

‘09 Ford Bantam 1.3 Reliability at its best! Great for any business WAS R94 950

R249 950

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R549 950

‘05 Porche Cayenne Turbo Tiptronic Black on Black! Pure German Magnificence!

R99 950

‘06 Mercedes Benz A180 CDi. Fuel Saver Lovely ladies car WAS R114 950

R49 950

‘07 Tata Indica 1.4 DLX P/S, E/W, C/L WAS R59 950

R54 950

‘04 Renault Kangoo 1.5DCi P/V, Fuel saver, ideal for contractors WAS R69 950

R89 950

101 Check on all vehicles

‘06 BMW M6 A/T. Pure German Perfection! 93 000km’s. A must view!!!

‘04 BMW 320d E46. Manual, Black leather interior! A real gem!



NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295 NIC - 082 746 9295 SENTRAAL - R1.200 000 RENSBURG - R600 000

NIC - 082 746 9295 RENSBURG - R699 000

RENSBURG - R500 000

NETJIES EN RUIM. 3 Slpk, 2 Badk Meenthuis, Groot Sitk, Eetk, Mooi Kombuis met Aparte Opwas, 2 M/H, Netjiese Tuin en Stoepie.

RUIM FAMILIEHUIS. 3 Slpk, 2 Badk, Sit/Eetk, Mooi Kombuis, 2 Buitek, Tandem M/H, Swembad + Toe Lapa.

GOEIE KOOP!!! 3 Slpk, 1 Badk, Oopplan, 1 M/H, 2 Afdakke. Mooi Tuintjie, Alarm.

NETJIESE HUIS. 3 Slpk, 2 Badk, Sit/Eetk, Woonk/Kuierarea + Braai. Kombuis met Aparte Opwas. Studeerk, 1 M/H + Afdak, Bediende Kamer.

30 October 2012

NIC - 082 746 9295 BERGSIG - R650 000

NETJIESE MEENTHUIS! 3 Slaapkamer, 1.5 Badkamer, Sit/Eetk, Mooi Kombuis, Kuierstoep met Mooi Tuintjie, 1 M/H.

HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 BOSCHFONTEIN - R2.070 000 BERGSIG - R650 000 BERGSIG - R850 000 BERGSIG - R1.115 000 RENSBURG - R940 000

GOEIE EIENDOM! 3 Slpk, 2 Badk, Kombuis met Aparte Opwas, Sit/Eetk, Braai Area, en Swembad.

RUIM, NETJIESE, LEKKER AREA. Stoep en Lapa vir Heerlike Kuier. Groot “Plaas” Kombuis, 3 Slpk, 2 Badk, Studeerk, 2 M/H.

TWEE SLAAPKAMER EENHEID! NETJIESE FAMILIE HUIS. 3 Slpk, 2 Badk, Sit/Eetk, Woonk/Kantoor, Groot 1 Vol Badkamer, Oopplan Kombuis/Sitk, Ruim Braai/Lapa, 2 M/H + 1 Afdak, Goeie Sekuriteit. Tuin, Wendyhuis en 2 Motorhuise.

NETJIESE 8.5 HEKT. PLOT!!! 3 Slpk, 2 Badk Plaaswoning, Ruim Sit/Eetk, 2 Toegeruste Boorgate, 3 M/H. Aparte 2 Slpk, 1 Badk, Kombuis, Sit/Eetk, Woonstel. Skaapkrale, 3 M/H, 1.8 M omheining.

HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 SENTRAAL - R1.350 000

“GOLDEN OLDIE” 3 Slpk, 1 Badk, Kombuis oorgedoen met Kuier Area, Sit/Eetk, Swembad, Lapa, 1 M/H.

BERGSIG - R800 000

LAE INSTANDHOUDING! Gerieflike Familiehuis met 3 Slaapkamer, 2 Badkamer, Kuierstoep, 2 M/H.

HELAY - 072 848 4003 HELAY - 072 848 4003

RENSBURG - R920 000

BAIE NETJIESE FAMILIE HUIS!!! Sit/Eetk, Studeerkamer, 3 Slpk, 2 vol Badk, Swembad met Kuierstoep. Maak n Afspraak!

OVERKRUIN - R1.515 000

NUUT IN DIE MARK. Netjiese Familiehuis met 3 Slpk, 2 Badk, Ruim Leefareas, Swembad + Lapa, 2 M/H.

RENSBURG - R870 000

BAIE GOEIE KOOP!!! Hierdie Huis is baie Goed Ontwerp met n Pragtige Uitsig. 3 Slaapkamer, 2 Badkamer, Binnehuise Swembad en Kuierarea. 2 Motorhuise Plus Afdak. Lae Instandhouding.

GERIEFLIKE FAMILIEHUIS. 3 Slpk, 2 Badk, Eetkamer, Sitkamer, en n Sonnige Kuierarea. 2 M/H.

HELAY - 072 848 4003

NIC - 082 746 9295 FERRYVALE - R490 000

GROOTVERTREKKE! 3 Slp, 1 Bad, 1 M/huis, Sit, Eet en TV kamer, Kombuis

WINSKOOP! 4 Slp, 2 Bad, 2 M/huise, Sitkamer en Eetkamer

NIC - 082 746 9295 NIC - 082 746 9295 FERRYVALE - R780 000 EXTENSION 2 - R995 000

PRAGTIG! 2 Slp Cluster, 2 Motorhuise, Eie Tuin, Lapa

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295

PUIK KOOP! 4 Slp, 2 Bad,3 M/huise, 3 Afdakke, Binne swembad, Braai Area

NIC - 082 746 9295

NUUT GEBOU. Baie Modern. 3 Slpk, 2 Badk, Oopplan, 2 M/H.

HELAY - 072 848 4003 HELAY - 072 848 4003

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295

VISAGIEPARK - R1.600 000

MOOI ERF! 3 Sllp, 2 Bad, Groot Kombuis, 3 M/huise, Kinder speelkamer, Sit en Eetkamer

NIC - 082 746 9295 VISAGIEPARK - R1.750 000

GERIEFLIK EN VEILIG 3 Slp, 2 Bad, 2 M/huise, dubbel verdieping, Swembad, Lapa, Baie veilig

GRAND PLEK! 4 Slp, 2 Bad, Swembad, Lapa 3 Motorhuise

NIC - 082 746 9295 EXTENSION 2 - R1.300 000

STIL STRAAT 4 Slp, 2 Bad, 1 M/huis, 2 Afdakke, GROOTVERTREKKEENSTOEPE 3 Slp, 2 Bad, 2 M/huise, Boorgat, Groot tuin met bome Swembad en Lapa

EXTENSION 2 - R1.300 000

BERGSIG - R895 000

FERRYVALE - R2.700 000 VISAGIEPARK - R1.200 000 SENTRAAL - R740 000

LUUKS PRAG PLEK ALL IN ONE!!! 4 Slp, 2 Bad, Mooi kombuis, Groot leef 3 Bed, 3 Bath, 3 Garages, Laundry, Pool, Study, Patio, Sauna, Jaquzzi, areas. Prag Lapa, Woonstel, Swembad 4 Slp, 3 Bad, Eet, Sit en TV Kamer, Buite geboue, Swembad, Lapa, 3 M/huise Suntanningroom, many more! Come and see! en eie Bioskoop

NIC - 082 746 9295 SENTRAAL - R750 000

NUUT IN DIE MARK. Groot Familiehuis met 4 Slpk, 3 Badk, Studeerk, Ontspannigsarea met Swembad, 7 M/H + 2 Bachalor Woonstelle.

HELAY - 072 848 4003 HELAY - 072 848 4003 HELAY - 072 848 4003

JORDAANPARK - R2.170 000

FERRYVALE - R1.800 000

RENSBURG - R1.030 000

NIC - 082 746 9295 EXTENSION 2 - R820 000

SIERSTEEN-WYEERF! 3 Slaapkamer, 2 Badkamers, 1 M/huis, 2 Afdakke

NIC - 082 746 9295 NIC - 082 746 9295 NIC - 082 746 9295 EXTENSION 2 - R760 000 EXTENSION 2 - R750 000 VISAGIEPARK - R890 000

STIL OMGEWING! LEKKERSPASIE! 4 Slp, 2 Bad, Boorgat, 2 M/huise, Groot 3 Slp, 1 Bad, 2 M/huise, Lapa en Erf, Lapa en Afdak Swembad

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295

PRYSONDERHANDELBAAR! 3 Slaapkamer, 2 Badkamers, Nuwe kombuis, Lapa en vele meer!

NIC - 082 746 9295


INDEX / INDEKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Pets / Troeteldiere Tours / Toere Job Wanted / Betrekkings Gevra Announcements / Aankondigings Vote of Thanks / Bedankings Rewards / Belonings Funeral Services / Begrafnis Dienste 8 Entertainment / Vermaak 9 Found / Gevind 10 Churches / Kerke 11 In Memorial / In Memorium 12 Personal / Persoonlik 13 Lost / Verlore 14 Computers / Rekenaars 15 Builders & Building / Bouers en Bouwerk 16 Sports Equipment/ Sporttoerusting 17 Lift Corner / Saamrygeleenthede 18 Beauty & Health / Skoonheid en Gesondheid 19 General Service / Algemene Dienste 20 Spyseniering / Catering 21 Money & Loans / Geld & Lenings 22 Childcare / Kindersorg 23 Music / Musiek 24 Tuition / Onderrig 25 Repairs / Reparasies 26 Garden Services / Tuindienste 27 Nurseries / Kwekerye 28 Transport / Vervoer 29 For Hire / Te Huur 30 Muscellaneous / Allerlei 31 Furniture / Meubels 32 Vehicles / Voertuie 33 Caravans / Woonwaens 34 Motorcycles / Motorfietse 35 Parts / Onderdele 36 TV Services / TV Dienste 37 Employment / Betrekkings 38 Accommodation / Akkomodasie 39 Resorts / Vakansieoord 40 Wanted / Gevra 41 Townhouses / Meenthuise 42 Houses to Rent / Huise te Huur 43 Flats to Rent / Woonstelle te huur 44 For Sale / Te Koop / Plotte & Plase 45 Wanted to Rent / Te Huur Gevra 46 Houses for Sale / Huise te Koop 47 Flats for Sale / Woonstelle te Koop 48 Stands for Sale / Erwe te Koop 49 For Sale / Te Koop 50 Businesses / Besighede 01 Pets / Troeteldiere NOAH’S ARK PET SHOP: Voëls, voëlsaad, hokke, visse, viskos, akwa-riums. Hondekos Montego, Jock (3 in 1) ens. AviPlus. Bearded dragons, hamsters, krieke, meel wurms, honde-hokke, honde jassies, honde bedjies. Honde, katte en hasies. Dae oop per week 9:00 - 17:00 Naweke en vakansie-dae 09:00 - 16:00. Tel: 011 8144514. By mini Zoo, Noordstraat 132, Nigel.

08 Entertainment / Vermaak SPRINGKASTELE / JUMPING CASTLES. Kontak: Chris 083 305 6100. Visit our website:




Builders/Building/ Bouers/Bouwerk

General Services / Algemene Dienste

TV Services / TV Dienste

ACC Wendy’s. 3 x 3 - R3500, 2 x 3 - R3300, 3 x 6 - R7000. Prices differs according to how wendy is done. Professionally doen from pallet wood. Incl. wooden window with glass, door, wooden floor, zinc roof, treated with wax oil, to protect from termites and water. 10 Years guarentee incase of leaks. DELIVERY INCLUDED. Phone: Allan 072 928 1724

ROMMEL VERWYDERING / BOOMFELLING. Verwyder enige rommel. Felling van enige boom. Verskeie groote kontainers te huur op veilige perseel in Heidelberg. Algemene vervoer. Beste pryse. Suikerbos Transport . Skakel Hennie 082 890 9516.

Nigel Methodist Church - Centre of Concern Infoline. This FREE Service will assist anyone with contact details of various emergency and social service organisations in the Nigel area. Phone: 071 781 7065. Phone between 07h00 - 19h00, 7 days per week.


Want to earn extra money!!!

Geysers, toilets, drains,

Skakel: 082 646 9928

BOUWERK Alle bouwerk en aanbouings. Bou van Nuwe Huise en Woonstelle (Granny Flats). Seel & verf van dakke Skakel Gerald 083 384 9599 N.H.B.R.C. Geregistreerd

Tel: 011 443 5787 / Cell: 084 563 3986

Building PlasterFloor Tiling Paving Electrician Plumbing Swimming Pool Kitchen Cabinet Cheap Cheap, but QUALITY


Granitetops tops **Granite * All Repairs * Kitchens * Kitchens * Laminated flooring * Bathrooms Contact: 082 471 0916 / 082 637 6963

MEDICAL PLANS From R300 that refunds un-used benefits. For more information please phone: 086 111 1254 Includes insurance products underwritten by Resolution Insurance Company Limited. FSP No: 13888

SMART KITCHENS & HOME IMPROVEMENTS For 3D Designer Kitchens or kitchen revamps, BIC, Bathr, Vanities, Wall to Wall Carpets and Laminated Flooring. No compromise on Quality and Service. Free Quotations. Phone Andre at 016 349 5052 or 082 738 1441

082 454 3830 NICOLENE 076 921 4766

* Betonmure * Verlengging s* Staalpalisades * Skuifhekke * Lemmetjiesdraad * Afdakke * Hekmotor

GOLD LINE. We buy ALL your unwanted and broken Gold and Silver jewelery and coins. Stock exchange prices paid in cash. To set up an appointment which suits you. Phone: 079 704 9683. MAD ABOUT PLUMBING LOODGIETERS. Spesialiseer in alle loodgieter behoeftes. Op versekering panele, Absa, Nedbank, Hollard, Santam, Mutual&Federal, Standard Bank en nog vele meer. Hanteer eis onmiddelik. Doen Solar Geysers en “Heatpumps”, alternatief tot Solar (50-80% besparing op krag). PIRB en IOPSA geregistreer. Skakel Tersia of Pieter by 016 349 5666 / 082 491 9093 / 083 547 4037

LAUNDRY MATE For a professional LAUNDRY service, contact Laundry Mate at 011 814 3597 or 072 511 4366. Domestic & Corporate, including Curtians, Table Cloths, Blankets, Comforters, ect. 20% discount for Pensioners on Wednesdays. Collect and deliver in Nigel/Heidelberg town area.


For a professional LAUNDRY service, contact LaundryEmpisal Mate at 011 814 3597 For Passap, knitting & or 072 511 4366. Domestic & Corporate, Sewing machines. including Curtians, Table Cloths, Blankets, Comforters, ect. 20% discount for

Phone 011 614 2670 or 071 950 1183

41 Townhouses / Meenthuise

TO RENT Two Bedroom Town house with lock up garage and extra parking. Big Beautiful Kitchen + laundry. Townhouse extremely neat and tidy in Nigel. Safe and Secure. Pre-paid power. Garden service included. R3900.00 p/m.

Contact Angelique on 073 265 8134 42 Houses to Rent / Huise te Huur Huis te huur in Nigel R6800. 4 Slaapkamer, 1½ badkamer, studeer kamer. Het pre-paid krag in. Beskikbaar 1 Desember 2012. Skakel Darell 079 522 8009 of stuur epos na

43 Party Pack 35kg - R50.00

Braai Packs 9kg - R12.50


Would you like to be a freelance marketing agent for us? You can work from your work place or from home. You will get paid for every client you bring, who qualifies for a new loan of R500.00 or more. For more information please contact Hannelie at Big Time Cash Loans Heidelberg. Tel: 016 341 4140 or cell: 078 858 2936

Flats to Rent / Woonstelle te Huur

Herstelwerk op bogenoemde

General Services / Algemene Dienste

fully installed to one point. PREMIER COMMUNICATIONS

Employment / Betrekkings

BOUWERK, LOODGIETER & VERFWERK gebarste pype, skrynwerk, teëls ens. Seël van dakke & plaveisels.


(016) 341 2233 / 082 417 7149 41 B Voortrekker weg, Heidelberg

ABR Wendy’s: Quality wendys at very cheap prices. 2m x 2m - R3500.00, 3m x 3m R4500.00, 3m x 4m - R4700.00. For more info contact Brian at 071 062 4912.

12 Personal / Persoonlik



30 October 2012

20 Catering / Spyseniering RUMOURS RESTAURANT: For professional catering of all events. Weddings, Parties, Spitbraais, Platters and Potjies. Nothing too big or -small. Your venue or ours. Phone Piet at 011 814 1428 / 072 470 2187. TO HIRE: Cutlery, crockery, large selection of table cloths, overlays, tables and chairs etc. Phone Sonnette 082 926 1515 D’VINE GARDEN CAFÉ shop, Kiddies party, function venue and take away! - 18 Van Der Stel str, Nigel (Next to the Portuguese club). Open from 8am - 5pm! Closed on Tuesdays! Open on Saterdays and Sundays for breakfast and lunches! We make delicious Platters for all occasions! Perfect venue for kitchen teas, baby showers, 21sts, wedding and all other functions! Venue is for free, includes tables, chairs and cutlery and crockery! We must supply the catering! Contact Marlene for further info, 011 814 3612 or visit our website - For all your venue hire and restaurant enquiries For all your décor hiring requirements visit us on ADD US AS A FRIEND ON FACEBOOK D”Vine Functions!!

“Te Huur” Nigel 2 Plekke. Ruim 2 slaapkamer R3200 pm. Bachelorwoonstel R1900 (pas geverf). Beskikbaar 1 Nov 2012.Onmiddelik beskikbaar. Koopkrag. Water en tuindienste ingesluit. Geen troeteldiere. Skakel 084 403 6963

46 Houses for Sale / Huise te Koop Private Home Sale: 42 President street, Laverburg, Nigel. 3 Bed, 1 bath, 1 garage, lounge, dinningroom, kitchen - R460 000 (Neg). Call Dudu 073 455 5794.

50 Businesses / Besighede R&I Tyres, 699 Voortrekkerstr, Brakpan, 011 740 0477 / 011 744 3544. 155/12 R400, 155/13 R350, 195R14C vanaf R650, PRYSE SLUIT FIT, BALANS & NUWE VALVE IN. Wit Rims en mags ook nou beskikbaar. Praat met Ivan.

J DONALDSON APPLIANCES Free collection and delivery & Quotations 77 Porter Road, DUNNOTTAR.


* Fridges * Freezers * Stoves * Washing machines * Tumble dryers Establised 1978




30 October 2012

Beware of these e-mails! 50


Businesses / Besighede

Businesses / Besighede

SUPER MEUBELS: Waar anders as Schoemanstr 42 , Heidelberg. Tel: 016 341 4445. Blokmatte, kombuiswasbakke, staalrakke, ou hout meubels, kantoorstoele. Mediese items: loopringe, rolstoele, badstoele. Hondemandjies & kombersies, Whyteboard - Elektronies. Nuwe kar, bakkie & taxi bande. Kom loer gerus in - Super groete.

Geely approved workshop 26 B Marshallstraat, Heidelberg.

Tel: 016 341 3391 Fax: 016 341 4253

Fully equiped workshop All warranty work welcome Service all type of vehicles.

Accredited Terms & Conditions apply

RE-LOUNGE Repair & Reinforce Your existing lounge-suite

Phone: 076 587 7590


RENSBURG - R720 000

Antiques - oudhede. Ons koop, verkoop en restoureer meubels. Groot verskeidenheid nou beskikbaar. Kom loer gerus in. Skakel ons by 016 349 2175 of Wena 082 785 9108

Netjiese meenthuis in klein sekuriteitskompleks te koop. Voltitel. 2 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, oopplan leefarea, lapa, ingeboude braai, speelplek vir kinders. Omheinde erf. Diefwering en alarmstelsel. Motorhuis en afdak. Kontak E Fraser 084 556 5971 H2017

NIGEL PET SPECIALITY STORE Cnr Kingsway & Burgers road, opposite Nigel swimming pool enterance

Tel: 081 464 9721 Mon - Fri: 09h00 - 18h00, Sat: 10h00 13h00, Sun: 14h00 - 18h00 Bank card swipe facilities, airtime sales, International call airtime Sales Exotic veterinary service for monkeys, reptiles and game. Ultra sound scanning facilities (appointments required). Pet wieght loss programs, Royal Canin, Vet’s choice, Hills, Eukanuba, Iams, Superwoof, Ultradog, Olympic, Montego Classic & Karoo, Frontline, Revolution, Advantage, Dog treats, toys & chews, pet beds (R100 while stocks last), pet carriers, pee pad trays for puppy training. Full Range of cat litter and accessories. Chicken, pigeon, parrot vaccines, medicine & foods. Aviplus, peanuts, canary mix. Rabbit & cat boarding facilities. Wild bird seed at only R90 for 10kg (while stocks last). Full range of Tetra pond & aquaruim products, aquarium plants & decorations. Decorative planters & exclusive gifts. MANY, MANY CHRISTMAS SPECIALS!!!!


People have been receiving e-mails from banks which they are not connected with. The bank informs you that an amount of money has been deposited into your account from another bank. The e-mail requests the recipient to process or reverse the situation, requests the person to click on a symbol to log in. During this process it says your tokens will be checked and verified. By responding to such an e-mail could cost you money from your account. Delete it immediately! The sender can obtain your pin number and any other confidential information easily.

NOTICE OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC INVESTIGATION Blackspear Prospecting (Pty) Ltd lodged a prospecting right application for coal with the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) in terms of Section 16 of Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, Reference No: GP 30/5/1/1/2/ 10135 PR in respect of portion 3 and the remaining extent of the farm Rietfontein 276 IR and the farm Bloemedal 283 IR, within Magisterial District of Springs. The proposed prospecting will constitutes the desktop study, surveying, core drilling and rehabilitation over the above mentioned properties. This will be done over the period of three years. Interested and affected parties including lawful occupiers of the land are hereby invited to raise issues and concern regarding the above mentioned application to the following; Mr. Gerard Scherman, Tel:013 283 1400, Fax: 013 283b 1416, Cell: 084 206 2591, Postal Address: P O Box 4429, Middelburg, 1050. Email: or Mr. A Maphoso, Cell: 082 0883 283, Email:

30 October 2012



Stywe lyne Pro-Social Hengelklub se maand kompetisie was gehou te Kees van der Watt – Vaaldam op 13 en 14 Oktober 2012. Daar was 24 hengelaars met ‘n totaal van 293 vis (161.57kg). Leon Venter van Kempton Park tweede plek juniors 10 vis met 4.20kg. Eerste plek juniors: Wiaan Goosen van Springs 20 vis met 9.69kg; Lance Schouw van Boksburg seniors in die derde plek 32 vis met 13.83kg. Johan Beukes seniors van Boksburg behaal eerste plek 36 vis met 27.91kg; Deon Pelzer van Boksburg seniors tweede plek 39 vis met 19.73kg. Kobus Lewis van Boksburg besoeker 11 vis met 5.49kg. Mariette Bodenstein van Benoni tweede plek dames 9 vis met 15.79kg, Marion Venter van Kempton Park dames eerste plek 11 vis met 7.24kg; Deon Pelzer het die spesie vir die naweek gewen – Barber 3.73kg. Ons volgende kompetisie is 10 en 11 November 2012 te Last Farm by Rosslee – Vaaldam. Belangstellendes kan Willie Goosen 082 415 9847 of André Kruger 083 411 2341 skakel.

Lots of support for fun walk People of all ages turned up to take part in the fun walk/run organised by the Nigel Community Policing Forum on Thursday night last week. This was a walk/run against crime and it also turned out to be a very social event with people enjoying themselves whether they walked or ran the route. The first 300 to complete the course were awarded medals.

Wenners vir die maand van Oktober 2012.

Grading On September 28 and 29 a black belt grading was held at the Goju Ryu Hombo at Glenvita in Johannesburg. Nkozi Manyathela was one of 18 chosen candidates in the West and East Rand that took part and successfully completed the grading. Nkosi Manyathela practices with Sensei Amanda and Nico Ras at the Laerskool Tini Vorster school hall on Mondays and Wednesdays. For more information contact 083 255 3537.

Nkozi Manyathela



30 October 2012


Nigel Rugby beloon spelers

Francois Jacobs was die Voorsitter Louis Bezuidenhout se keuse as beste speler vir 2012.

George Fritz, die agterspeler wat die meest drieë gedruk het.

Nigel Rugbyklub het hul beste afrigters en spelers met trofees beloon tydens hul afskeidsfunksie. Geraamde truie is deur Just U2 Juweliers geborg. Voorsitter Louis Bezuidenhout en Bennie Backhouse, afrigter van die Eerste Span hier met ‘n geraamde trui.

R99 990 Geely LCX 1.3 GS - P/S, A/C, E/W, C/L, Radio/Aux in, ABS, EBD, Alloy Wheels R104 990 Geely LCX 1.3 GL - GS SPEC PLUS: Radio/MP3/USB/CD, Dual Airbags R109 990 Geely LCX 1.3 GT - GL SPEC PLUS: Reverse Radar, 4 Side Airbags R88 990 Geely LC 1.3GS - Dark Interior, P/S, AC, E/W, C/L, Radio/Aux in, ABS, EBD OPTIONAL EXTRAS & SERVICE PLANS 2 Years Limited to 60 000km R5 200 3 Years Limited to 90 00km R8 100 4 Years Limited to 120 000km R12 000 Leather Seats R6 900

R94 990 Geely LC 1.3 GL - GS SPEC PLUS: Radio/MP3/USB/CD, Dual Airbags, Alloy wheels R99 990 Geely LC 1.3 GT - GL SPEC PLUS: Reverse Radar, 4 Side Airbags

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