Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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FFORDABLE DVERTISING Cnr Kingsway & Van Riebeeck Street, NIGEL -

TEL: (011) 814 8614

Cell: 079 493 0075

FAX: 086 751 7998

13 AUGUST 2013 VOL 9 NO 15


Vandalisme moet gestuit word! John Vorster Sportgronde is geplunder deur vandale nadat hulle die heining om die netbalbane afgebreek het. Na beraming beloop die totale skade koste R20 000, wat by die sportterrein die afgelope tyd aangerig is. Met vorige aangeleenthede is vensters gebreek, kabels gesteel, toilette geplunder en wasbakke uitgeruk. Die sportgronde word daagliks gesluit en die hekke word slegs geopen op naweke tydens sport byeenkomste. Hek slotte word afgebreek en verwyder en om die rede moes Hansie Van Wyk, wat verantwoordelik is om die terrein instand te hou, al verskeie kere die slotte vervang het.Inwoners van Barkley straat het vertel dat hul Vrydagnag, 9 Augustus

Alra Park moorde ën Argument het tussen twee partye ontstaan Saterdag, 27 Julie 2013 in Gazellaan Alra Park omstreeks 13h00, waartydens ën man gedood is. Twee voertuie wat aan huis was het die perseel verlaat, waarvan een van die voertuie teruggery het na die voorval en ën man is summier geskiet. Beskuldigde het homself aan SAPD oorgegee en ën saak van moord is hangende. Dieselfde nag speel nog ën moord af by ën kuierplek in Alra Park om 21h30, waartydens ën man in die badkamer van die kuierplek geskiet is. Nog ën moordsaak om te ondersoek.

uit hul slaap wakker geruk is as gevolg van ën aanhoudende gehammer. Saterdagmiddag het mnr Van Wyk ondersoek ingestel en verskeie oop gebarste coke blikkies op die netbalbaan aangetref. Vermoedelik is klappers aan die brand gesteek binne in die blikkies. Vandaliste het die sement mure rondom die netbalbaan stukkend geslaan. Los sement blokke is aan die buitekant van die badkamers gevind. Palisades word tans rondom die terrein aangebring om die veiligheid van eiendom te verseker. Voordele wat die terrein vir die publiek ingehou het sal nie meer benut kan word nie. Inligting rakende vandalistiese voorvalle kan by Hansie gerapporteer word by 082 427 7402.



13 AUGUST 2013

Young and old please read this!!

With each choice that we make in life there is a consequence and quite often the consequence is not what we expected or wanted. I received an email from Jane (all names have been changed) and my heart was once again broken. This is her email: Peter is being held at the Prison Holding Cell. Unfortunately Peter and his wife succumbed to drugs and the dark side – I am so saddened as he is a brilliant and gifted person and had a thriving business before the drugs took over. Now he has nothing – having been evicted from various places. Their 5 year old daughter is in temporary custody with his mother in law. There is a long road ahead as neither of them have agreed to go to rehab. My small family of myself and two sons has been totally destroyed by the drugs – my other son and I are


57 Strydom Street, Heidelberg Tel: (016) 341-2437 Rev. Ray Cell 082 656 3123 “We exist to be like Christ, live like Christ, and share the exciting message of Christ to all people”.



STEVE DYKE 082 428 7262

21 August 2013 at Hoër Volkskool at 19h00 (entrance is FREE) H2411 LEADERS IN CUSTOM MADE SHOPFRONTS e-mail: 58 Second Avenue, Nigel 1490 Tel: 011 814-1577/26 Fax: 011 814 8467

both financially bankrupt due to Peter’s drugging. I stay in Cape Town and Jack – my oldest son, stays in Stellenbosch. Neither of us have cars as mine was repoe’d and auctioned (thanks to Peter) So for the family to get together is a bit awkward, Mary’s (Peter’s wife) family stay in the Southern Cape. Just to add fuel to the fire, Peter was due in court on Thursday on other charges such as stolen goods, etc. Drugs have taken control of Peter’s life and the choice that he and his wife has made has resulted in a broken home, a broken child and bankrupt families. THIS IS THE NORM in drug affected homes – there is NEVER anything positive that comes out of using drugs. Many parents wonder what the signs are, how can they detect that their children are using drugs and also how do they handle the children if they are on drugs. Children are innocent in life challenges and before they realize it they are hooked and have started stealing, lying and sadly often selling their bodies to fund their habit. Many adults wish that they had never began with this devastating habit. Most people

Service times: 08h00 – Traditional Service (Mother’s Room available) 09h30 – Worship Service (Mother’s Room available) 18h00 – Evening Service (for Adults and Youth) H2321

From the desk of Rev Ray Goddess

Rev Ray, Heidelberg Methodist Church hooked on drugs (including dagga) wished that they had never ever started. I recently spent a week in Cape Town doing a survey on drugs and the abuse thereof and this once again brought home the desperate need for people to learn more about the negative effects of the habit. With this in mind we have arranged a DRUG AWARENESS evening on Wednesday 21 August 2013 at 19h00 at the HOËR VOLKSKOOL hall. Entrance is FREE. This will be an evening of sharing knowledge and attempting to answer those pressing questions that we have about drug abuse and use. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? I would say that ALL children should attend and preferably with their parents. ALL parents should attend – even if you think that your child is not on drugs – maybe your knowledge will help another parent in their plight against drug abuse in families. The fact is 1 out of every 3 people are either experimenting with or using drugs – have a look at how many people are in your family and you will see that the odds are stacked against your family being totally drug free for its entire existence. Make a date and BE THERE. You owe it to yourself and your children.

13 AUGUST 2013



Gemeenskap aan die brand Rekord bedank die gemeenskap wat aan die uitdaging om vir ons DBV honger magies kos te besorg deelgeneem het. Uitstekende reaksie is gelok, nadat lesers bewus gemaak is dat die diere vandag tot dag leef by Nigel DBV. “All the animals at Nigel SPCA wish to thank everyone who responded to our plea for food. We have received 550kg of dog food, 25kg cat food, also tinned and packed cat and dog food.

We also received a R800 donation towards buying food for the animals.Thank you for your responce and co-operation. However we use approximately 1 ton of food every month, so this is an ongoing story to keep our animals fed� said Hazel from Nigel SPCA. Soos hier bovermeld is almal bewus daarvan dat die projek se sukses gebou word op die gemeenskap wat maandeliks moet uitreik. Moenie vergeet van ons honger diere nie.

Taxi driver hijacked A 24 year old Heidelberg local taxi driver was hijacked in his silver Toyota Avanza at knife point along Indus Street, Shalimar Ridge next to the Stadium on August 6 around 20:25. It is alleged that the taxi driver was at Extention 7 in Ratanda location when he was stopped by two passengers. The passengers requested him to take them to Shalimar Ridge suburb because there was a family crisis. On arrival at Shalimar Ridge, the two suspects became aggressive when

Voedsel vir ons plaaslike diere wat aan die Nigel DBV besorg is, na die beriggewing op die voorblad van Rekord, 30 Julie 2013 - Gruwelike skande.

the driver asked for the street name where he needed to drop them off. They then hit the driver and threatend him with a knife. They ordered him to run away from the vechicle before they kill him. The suspects then fled off in an unknown direction. The vehicle was found at Zonkizizwe area without the suspects. Suspects are still at large. Police are appealing to anyone with information to contact Heidelberg Detectives at 016 341 5175 or Lt. Col. Groenewald at 082 319 0378.



Loslit plakkers Loslit dag is die enigste nasionale dag waarop fondse ingesamel word vir persone met gestremdhede. Vanjaar se tema is DOEN DIT GROOT!!! Groot is nie klein nie! Trek vir jou ‘n groot baadjie of broek aan, sit ‘n groot hoed op jou kop of dra ‘n groot sonbril. Groot is die wagwoord! Dra jou plakker of sommer ‘n handvol plakkers. Maak ‘n groot lawaai om persone met gestremdhede te ondersteun! Maak ‘n verskil in gestremdes se lewens en dra jou plakker op Vrydag, 6 September. Besighede word uitgedaag om aan die pretvolle dag deel te neem. Die fondse wat ons op loslit dag insamel word aangewend om ons inwoners op uitstappies te neem deur die jaar. Skakel Riekie by (017) 773 9014/5/6 vir plakkers.


Impatiens gardeners delight Patience may be a virtue, but it’s rather time consuming waiting for something exciting to happen. That’s why Hippeastrum, better known as amaryllis (but not to be confused with the indigenous Amaryllis species) are the goto bulb for those with a little less patience than the virtuous. Because they flower within eight weeks of planting, they’re a hit with gardeners who thrive on immediate gratification. This gratification does take some work, of course. But amaryllis are quite easy to grow, so this work is rather minimal. Normal planting time is from September to November, so these trumpet-shaped blooms appear around the festive season, giving them their other common name, Christmas flower. An awesome spectrum of colours are available to us in South Africa. What’s more, with

garden-grown amaryllis, you can leave them year on year for continued seasonal growth, simply by looking after their needs. Whether it’s a Christmas table decoration you’re after or a big Symphony welcoming guests outside your front door, it’s easy to grow amaryllis – and grow them fast! For more information contact Roots SA at

Why can I trust the Bible?

2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. (NKJV) The purpose of God’s Word is to equip His children to do the good works He has for them. In order to be world changers, we need to study the Word and make it a part of who we are so that we can be productive and fruitful in what we do for the Lord. In order to be trained in righteousness, in what God wants us to do, we need to rely on and trust the credibility of the Bible. The Bible can be regarded as a trustworthy source based on the following 7 reasons: It is historically accurate (Hebrews 6:18; 56 Hendrik Verwoerdstraat NIGEL Psalm 33:4): Archeological findings over the ages correspond with the historical accounts of events given in the Bible. It is Scientifically accurate (Psalm 148:5-6; Isaiah 40:22; Job 26:7; Jeremiah 33:22; Leviticus 17:11; Leviticus 13:4; Proverbs 30:5; Psalm 12:6): Long before humans had scientific proof of what we currently regard as facts, the Bible already stated that Cnr: Grootvlei Rd, and Partridge St, for example the earth is round, and hangs Strubenvale Stockists of Steel Sections, Rail, in space without any visible support, that Tel: 011 815 4700/1/2 * Fax: 011 8153088 Piping Plante and Tubing email: - the stars are infinite, that blood contains PIPE 6M SQ TUBE 6M FLAT BAR 6M life and that isolation could prevent the 1.6MM 2.0MM spreading of disease. 12x3 ......... R 25.00 1.6MM 2.0MM 15x3 ......... R 30.00 12x12 .... R59.00 It is prophetically accurate (2 Peter 1:21; 20MM .... R61.00 20x3 ......... R 33.00 16x16 .... R73.00 Matthew 26:56; Revelations 22:6): The 25MM .... R80.00 ....... R117.00 20x5 ......... R 56.00 20X20 ... R68.00 Bible contains more than 300 prophecies 32MM .... R109.00 ..... R150.00 25x3 ......... R 45.00 25X25 ... R80.00 ....... R135.00 concerning Jesus. In addition to prophe38MM .... R127.00 ..... R175.00 25x5 ......... R 70.00 32X32 ... R127.00 ..... R175.00 cies that related to other matters, all the 50MM .... R175.00 ..... R246.00 30x3 ......... R 58.00 38X38 ... R144.00 ..... R218.00 76MM .... R261.00 ..... R352.00 prophecies about Jesus proved true. 30x5 ......... R 88.00 50X50 ... R197.00 ..... R280.00 It is thematically unified (Luke 24:27; John 40x3 ......... R 78.00 76X76 ... R291.00 ..... R395.00 5:39): Even though the Bible consists of 40x5 ......... R118.00 100X100 ................... R500.00 EQ ANGLE 6M 66 books written by more than 40 differ50x5 ......... R145.00 ent authors from vastly different backREC TUBE 6M 25x25x3 .................... R 87.00 SQ BAR 6M grounds, countries and even continents, 25x25x5 .................... R133.00 1.6MM 2.0MM


30x30x3 .................... R100.00 30x30x5 .................... R174.00 40x40x3 .................... R133.00 40x40x5 .................... R207.00 25x25x2 .................... R 72.00 30x30x2 .................... R 84.00 40x40x2 .................... R100.00

38x20 .... R121.00 ..... R152.00 38x25 .... R152.00 ..... R185.00 50x25 .... R144.00 ..... R195.00 50x38 .... R187.00 ..... R236.00 76x38 .... R224.00 ..... R300.00 76x50 .... R286.00 ..... R337.00 100X50 ..................... R387.00

Fibre Glass Sheeting R67.00 p/m




75x50x20x2 100x75x20x2

R54.00p/m Cut to size


R214.00 ..... R326.00 R279.00 ..... R425.00


8MM ......... R56.00 10MM ....... R60.00 12MM ....... R69.00

WINDOW SECTION 6M RT6 ......... RT13 ....... RX7 ......... F7 ............ F4B ..........

R 78.00 R 95.00 R110.00 R 86.00 R217.00

ROUND BAR 6M 6MM .......... R17.00 8MM .......... R29.00 10MM ........ R42.00 12MM ........ R60.00


LIP/CHANNEL 75x50x20x2 ............... R205.00 100x75x20x2 ............. R228.00 125x50x20x2 ............. R252.00 150x50x20x2 ............. R277.00



R312.00 R347.00 R384.00 R422.00

13 AUGUST 2013

2450x1225x1.6 .............................. R484.00 2450x1225x2.0 .............................. R568.00 2450x1225x2.5 .............................. R703.00 2450x1225x3.0 .............................. R909.00 2450x1225x4.0 ........................... R1 142.00 2500x1200x5.0 ........................... R1 517.00 2500x1200x6.0 ........................... R1 772.00 H2404

over a time period of 1600 years, in different languages it is united through the central theme of Jesus and makes perfect sense as a unit. It is confirmed by Jesus (Matthew 5:18): Jesus based His teaching on the Scriptures and confirmed the validity of it when He stated that everything in it will be accomplished. It has survived all attacks (Matthew 24:35; 1 Peter 1:24-25): Even though many people over many hundreds of years made it their mission to eradicate and destroy the Bible, it is still currently the best selling, most read book in the world. It has transforming power (John 8:31-32; Romans 12:2): Millions of people have experienced the transformational power that resides in the Word of God. It has the capacity to change lives permanently. God’s plans and purposes for us are good and beyond what we can think or imagine. In order for us to step into it, we have to make a conscious decision to make the Word of God the final authority in our lives. When we do not adhere to the instructions given in the Word of God, we set ourselves up for destruction in that we abuse and wrongly apply the very things God gave us for our enjoyment and prosperity. The key to success in marriage, relationships, finances, and life in general, lies in doing life, the way the Author and Finisher of our lives intended it! Love the Word, Learn the Word and Live the Word!

13 AUGUST 2013


Forum to tackle broken window syndrome The safety and security of communities is no longer a matter just for the attention of the police, and this is demonstrated by the increasing participation of citizens in curbing crime. The 250 plus delegates who recently attended the Ekurhuleni Community Safety Forum Conference in Germiston confirmed this. The aim of the conference was to bring together all stakeholders involved in community safety within the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan region, in order to form a Community Safety Forum (CSF). “The purpose of the CSF is to galvanize and bring together all community safety and security stakeholders for a common goal,” said Member of the Mayoral Committee for Community Safety Mthuthuzeli Siboza. “The common goal is to create conditions that are conducive to bringing harmony and stability in our communities.” MMC Siboza explained that a CSF is meant to deal with any safety matters within a community that make people unsafe in their street, home, or place of work. The forum is therefore responsible for driving and facilitating the Ekurhuleni Community Safety Plan – which was also adopted at the conference. This Plan is divided into five objectives which were identified as cross-cutting concerns within neighbourhoods in Ekurhuleni. They include the improvement of the physical environment, bylaw enforcement and youth crime prevention. The last two highlight ensuring reduction of priority crimes and establishing a social and community development centre. The CSF broader coordinating committee which comprises of 10 members, six of which are community representatives, will be required to submit quarterly progress reports on the implementation of the five objectives. Stakeholders involved in the Ekurhuleni CSF include the relevant structures of the South African Police Services, the departments of Justice and Constitutional Development, Defence, Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Home Affairs, Social Development and Education. Independent security companies and agencies, religious forums, business associations, ward structures and other civic organisations are also contributors. For more information residents may phone the Community Safety MMC’s office on (0II) 999-3282/5600.

Dodelike gif Dwelms gee nie om wie en wat jy is, hoeveel geld of besittings jy het nie, dit steel, verwoes en vernietig jou lewe. Ons wonder hoekom dinge so skeef loop in ons samelewing. Is ons bewus van die dinge waaraan ons kinders daagliks blootgestel word? Die selfone, die programme waarna hul kyk, die leesstof wat hul bestudeer, verkeerde vriende en so gaan die lysie aan. Jan Combrinck, ‘n spesialis op die gebied van dwelms met 32 jaar ondervinding het op Woensdag 31 Julie Laerskool Tini Vorster se leerders toegespreek. Jan het leerders bewus gemaak van die gevare en die nagevolge van dwelms. Hy het die verskillende dwelm soorte bespreek en die kinders daarop attent gemaak dat dit baie onskuldig begin. Jan beraad graag mense wat vasgevang is en wat graag dwelmvry wil wees. Die “lekker gevoel” wat dwelms bied is van korte duur, maar die gevolge is fataal. Gees, siel en liggaam word afgetakel en dit beheer jou gedagtes. Jan het die leerkragte ingelig oor die simptome waarna hul moet oplet onder die leerlinge. Dit was ‘n insiggewende en leersame praatjie. Jan Combrinck wat ‘n passie het om die euwel van dwelms te ontmasker. Hy beraad en bevry graag verslaafdes. Hy is ‘n meester op sy gebied wat verskeie kwalifikasies en toekennings al ingepalm het. Besoek Jan se webblad by

Pasop vir swart motor met getinte vensters Wees gewaarsku dat twee of drie swart mans met ‘n VW Golf of Corsa in Nigel aanbied om tieners huis toe neem wat te voet is. Met instemming word die slagoffers ‘n sterk dwelm middel ingegee. Hierna weet jy nie wat met jou gebeur het of waar jy jouself bevind het nie. Seksuele aanranding en verkragting vind so plaas, so bly weg van vreemdes of mense wat verdag voorkom.

Inbrekers slaan toe ‘n Taxi drywer het die SAPD van Heidelberg verwittig van ‘n groot hoeveelheid goedere wat vermoedelik gebuit is, nadat die rowers die gesteelde items in die taxi wou vervoer. Op Saterdag, 27 Julie 2013 het rowers by Heidelberg klub op die dorp ingebreek. Die polisie het dadelik op die inligting van die taxi drywer gereageer en rowers is by Heidelberg taxi staanplek gearresteer. Volgens ‘n woordvoerder is die goedere weggesteek met die doel om dit die volgende dag te verkwansel. Heidelberg Klub bedank die taxi drywer vir sy flinke optrede wat tot die inhegtenisneming van die rowers gelei het.


267 SKAKEL 083 6198 267 6198


500g Ribs & Chips R55 Half Chicken & Chips R55 Large Hake & Chips R55


ouderdom dat hulle besluit om hul eiendomme te verkoop en af te skaal. Jou



13 AUGUST 2013

Bejaardes vra vrae Be aware Be Aware that Mr Zagrys Pieterse is not authorized to issue or approve membership to The Ozone Association of Southern Africa. The Ozone Association, does not endorse the business practice and business ethics of Mr Zagrys Pieterse. Pieterse from Pretoria, where his business was known as Natural Oxygen Supplies, the name in which he frauded people world wide. Pieterse collect money from people and did not deliver on his promises. A lot of complaints was received from the public and Pieterse advertised his products on certain radio stations. Pieterse was arrested in Witbank and is currently in jail. People that were conned in dealing with Pieterse are requested to contact Gerhard van Wyk at 082 527 0772 or email him at

JJC Kruger & Vennote Springs Parkland Kliniek Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172


Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging (By River Square kruising 016 423 3553


Bejaardes bevraagteken Eeufees Aftree Oord op Nigel, nadat verskeie bejaardes se aansoeke van die hand gewys is. Verskeie vrae rondom toelating van inwoners vir behuising het ontstaan, nadat verskeie bejaardes weggewys is sonder enige verduideliking, waarom aansoeke nie suksesvol was nie. Na bewering is die afsny punt 70 jaar vir aansoeke. Die Rekord verneem dat aansoekers soveel as R200 betaal om gelys te word om ‘n woning te bekom. As die beleid van die oord 70 jaar is, word die vraag gevra hoekom die bestuur dan nie aansoekers direk inlig dat hul nie

kwalifiseer om aansoek te doen nie. Bejaardes beweer dat hulle uitgebuit word aangesien die fondse nie aan hul terug besorg word nie. Na bewering is verskeie aansoekers nie eers skriftelik in kennis gestel dat hul afgekeur is nie. Die bejaardes is teleurgesteld oor hierdie stand van sake aangesien die aftree oorde juis op die been gebring is om bejaardes te huisves. Wanneer jy die ouderdom van 60 bereik word jy beskou as ‘n senior burger. Om die rede tree die meeste seniors op die ouderdom vanaf 65 jaar af. Dit is op hierdie ouderdom dat hulle besluit om hul

eiendomme te verkoop en af te skaal. Jou aftree jare begin dan juis hier en dan kan jy die ouderdom van 80 selfs 90 bereik en waar gaan jy tuis, as die aftree oord in jou dorp ‘n ouderdoms beperking het? Die groot vraag is dan nou hoekom is Eeufeespark dan bekend as ‘n aftree oord vir bejaardes as daar ‘n ouderdoms beperking is. Een van die aansoekers wil weet of die naam van die oord gaan verander aangesien dit dan nou nie meer as ‘n aftree oord beskou kan word nie. Die vraag nou is waar gaan Nigel senior burgers voortaan huisvesting in “aftree oorde” vind?

Leser voorspel ekonomiese veranderinge Dit is interessant dat ons huidige ekonomiese klimaat 2617 jaar gelede al bepaal is. Ook watter rol die bestaande unies en die wat nog moet volg, gaan speel in ons huidige en toekomstige ekonomiese bestel. Die goudstandaard is ook daardie tyd ingestel en almal weet wat die invloed van goud op die wêreld was sedert daardie tyd. Dit is verblydend om te weet dat daar Een Groot Ekonoom is wat die verloop van die ekonomie so netjies kon aandui. Ons leef in so ‘n onseker wêreld waar enigiets enige tyd moontlik is. Grond in stede en produserende plase word geteiken, maar ook oor die algemeen enige grond. Dit is duidelik dat die hoofdoel daarmee is dat grond staatseiendom gaan word. Daar kom ‘n groot vraagteken op, as waargeneem word hoe groot die pousdom se betrokkenheid en invloed is

met die bepaling van grondregte regoor die wêreld. Die inligtingstegnologie ontplof ook in so ‘n mate dat dit al heeltemaal moontlik is om die hele mensdom wêreldwyd te kan monitor en reguleer. Die inligtingsentrum wat gedurende Oktober 2013 in Amerika geopen word, stoor inligting in Zetabyte en alle internetsoeke, e-posse en alle elektroniese kommunikasie instrumente wat gebruik word. Dit gaan vanaf Oktober deur die inligtingsentrum gemonitor en gestoor word. Tegnologie gaan heel moontlik bepaal op watter wyse daar gekoop en verkoop gaan word, wat maklik met ‘n mikroskyfie beheerbaar is. Ten spyte van al die wonderlike ontwikkelings is dit duidelik dat die wêreld ‘n swaar ekonomiese opdraende stryd gaan voer. Dit gaan ‘n swaar las op elkeen plaas, veral diégene wat oor ‘n groot

bateboek en baie kontant beskik en wat met alles tot hul beskikking daaraan wil vasklou. Die behoefte ontstaan om weg te kom onder hierdie tegnologiese ontploffing uit en net eenkant te gaan waar ‘n mens in samewerking met geesgenote, ‘n stuk grond kan ontwikkel waar ‘n mens sonder dwang, jou eie ding kan doen. Al is dit in die berge! Daar kan mens in afwagting wag, en van die kant af dophou hoe die tegnologie die wêreld omtower. Hoe lekker sal dit nie wees om daar naby aan jou Skepper te leef, en te wag tot Hy kom nie. Soos die ANC sê:- Hulle sal regeer tot Jesus kom!! Ek sal baie graag eenkant wil bly, tot Hy kom!! Meer inligtig by en Navrae kan gerig word aan André Groenewaldt

Kom kuier saam bekendes soos Steve Hofmeyr, Arno Jordaan, Doring Draad, Flooze en Ray Dylan! Stalletjies met kuns en allerlei interessanthede

Helikopter ritte, kinder pretpark, fietsr y wedloop

Eskort vleisgeregte Verskeidenheid kos disse

Sien jul by Hoër Volkskool se terrein in Heidelberg

13 AUGUST 2013



Winterfees in Julie vir liefdadigheid Die Shabby Sisters op Heidelberg het besluit om vir liefdadigheid ‘n winter kersfees in Julie vanjaar aan te bied bekend as “Kersfees in Julie”. Die doel van die fees was om die gesindheid van wat kan ek vir jou doen te openbaar in ons gemeenskap. Verskeie promosies om fondse vir liefdadigheid instansies in te samel is aangebied. Organisasies aan wie die fondse geskenk is was Born2Care op Heidelberg, SANCA, Masincedane en die Vroue in Aksie.

Liefdadigheid organisasies wat fondse tydens die “Kersfees in Julie” promosie ontvang het.

Dean se wens word waar

Dean Ramakers van Sunfield Homes het verlede week by Hoër Volkskool kom kuier. Dean se grootste begeerte was om net vir een dag lank ‘n Volkie genoem te word. Vir die rede het die skool hom genooi vir ‘n besoek en hom soos ‘n ware Volkie laat voel. Hier is Dean met sy trotse Volkie uitrusting saam met Lettia Modiba en Brenda Gouws van Sunfield Homes.


Gewoonlik n die verlies vanën selfoon, skootrekenaar of kamera, hoor jy die woorde ìdie items moes gespesifiseer gewees het vir jou om dekking te genietî. Hierdie week kyk ons hoe ons die teleurstelling van die bogenoemde scenario te vermy. Wanneer moet ek my besittings spesifiseer? Die eenvoudigste antwoord is: Wanneer jy dit saam jou uit die huis uit neem. Die meeste korttermynprodukte dek items terwyl dit binne jou huis is. Die gevaar wat jy loop, is as jou selfoon uit jou hand gegryp word of jou kamera val en breek; dan gaan dit nie gedek wees tensy jy dit gespesifiseer het nie. Belangrike items om apart te spesifiseer is selfone, skootrekenaars, kameras, navigasietoestelle, draagbare speletjietoestelle en juweliersware wat kosbaar is. Wat gaan dit my ekstra kos om te spesifiseer? Jy moet in ag neem dat jy baie dekking saam met die spesifisering van ën item kry. Die toevallige breek en net eenvoudige wegraak van ën item is gevare wat hieronder gedek is. Jy betaal ën addisionele per item wat jy spesifiseer wat gekoppel word aan daardie item se waarde en tipe risiko. ën Selfoon sal byvoorbeeld duurder wees om te spesifiseer as juwele omdat kliÎnte hulle selfone maklik verloor, omdat selfone maklik val en baie gesteel word, waar mense meer geneig is om hulle juwele op te pas. Hoe word ek uitbetaal of skadeloos gestel? Omdat jy premie betaal op die bedrag wat jy gekies het, kan dit nogal probleme veroorsaak wanneer jou eis vir minder as dit betaal word. Die rede hiervoor is eenvoudig. Die versekeringsmaatskappy het die reg om jou items te vervang, kontant te skik of reg te maak. As jou selfoon 3 jaar oud is, is die kanse goed dat dit nie meer in produksie is nie. Dan word dit vervang met die model wat dit opgevolg het. Tegnologie raak al hoe goedkoper en om ën nuwe selfoon te kry, kan dalk nou goedkoper kos as 3 jaar gelede. Jy sal altyd n nuwe item in die plek daarvan kry of die kontant gelykstaande aan wat dit die versekeringsmaatskappy sal kos om dit te vervang of reg te maak.



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13 AUGUST 2013

SKULD PROBLEME? Gaan jou hele salaris aan skuld elke maand? Ons kan jou maandelikse paaiement op skuld tot en met 50% verminder met een enkele paaiement. Skakel Dewald vir ‘n gratis konsultasie!

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13 AUGUST 2013


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Von Geusau str, Nigel (next to carwash)

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Specialize in Toyota & Nissan

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Volkskool top 10

Graad 9 top 10 leerlinge voor is Stephen Louw, Zander Minnaar en Nomfundo Dyavu. Middel is Yumna Bhabha, Petrus Bezuidenhout en Jomari van Vollenstee. Agter is Almaro de Villiers, Bouwe Wiersma, Amické Eijsermans en Ilze Coetzee.


Graad 8 top 10 leerlinge van Hoër Volkskool van links voor Karlien Spykerman, Kyra Beukes en Liza Uys. Middel is Annika Kruger, Zander du Preez en Albert Hatting. Agter is A Bester, Juan-Jac Cronjé, Marna Heymans en Megan Velde.

Graad 10 top 10 voor is Marina Joubert, Taryn van Niekerk en Jianie van Niekerk. Middel is Kayla du Toit, Michelle Daffue, Monique Bester en Daniel Fourie. Agter is Paul Bester, Thandekile Mkhatshwa, Prieur du Plessis en Mpho Masilo.

Graad 11 top 10 voor is Dewaldt Grobler en Melicia Muller. Middel Ada Botha, Charnè Steyn, Talita Spykerman en Madri Faber. Agter Tim Metcalfe, Ninon Botha, Stefan de Bruin en Maunè Snyman.



13 AUGUST 2013

Depression top barrier to Raising awareness and climbing corporate ladder educating the youth

Depression has been named as one of the top three barriers to success in the workplace according to a recent survey among 2 800 working women across South Africa. The online survey, which was conducted by one of SA’s leading providers of central nervous system pharmaceuticals, Pharma Dynamics, found that depression may be the culprit behind absenteeism and workplace blunders among women who have experienced its symptoms. Respondents rated depression, alongside child-care responsibilities and bureaucratic structures, as a primary barrier to career success and 66% of women said it hampered their overall job performance. Depression interfered with work in various ways. Almost 65% of women reported that depression caused them to be quiet and reserved and 41% said they were more prone to making job-related mistakes due to lack of concentration and sleep. It’s not just perfectionists and workaholics who tip over the edge. “Depression is an issue that is becoming more evident in SA following widespread retrenchments that have left the remaining staff to cope with impossible workloads, too afraid to object for fear they’ll be next in the firing line. “With more women working overtime and on top of that still having to deal with child-care responsibilities at home, it is no surprise that many are bordering on the brink when it comes to their physical and mental health. Putting in more than an eight-hour day, five days a week, makes you twice as likely to suffer from depression and anxiety. Depression is not merely feeling sad because you’ve had a bad

day at work.” Of the 1057 women diagnosed with depression, only 464 are currently being treated, of which 65% are on medication and 35% are undergoing psychotherapy. Reasons given for not seeking treatment included work-related time constraints (31%), medical aid not covering treatment costs (24%), fear of what people might think due to the stigma associated with depression because it is often seen as a sign of weakness (23%), not knowing where to go to for help (16%) and 6% felt they might lose their jobs as a result. “What you choose to share in a workplace setting, however, is controversial when it comes to depression. If you tell your colleagues that you suffer from depression, you could experience a combination of social stigma and discrimination or get passed over for a promotion but hiding signs of depression can be stressful too,” she warns. “One of the best ways to manage depression is to stay positive and vigilant about your condition. Recognise different patterns in your mood, avoid setting difficult goals, participate in activities that make you feel better and don’t expect to just snap out of it. It is important to connect with people who understand depression and what the recovery process involves.” These findings were released as part of Pharma Dynamics’ ongoing public education and advocacy efforts for mental wellness in SA. Those suffering from depression or anxiety can contact Pharma Dynamics’ toll-free helpline on 0800 205 026, which is manned by trained SADAG counsellors who are on call from 08h00 to 20h00, seven days a week.

Awareness is the first step in making your community a safer place. An awareness campaign was held on Monday August 5 at Dunnottar Primary School. Constable Barnard from Dunnottar SAPS

(Social Crime Prevention Official) together with Correctional Services lectured grade 4 and 7 students about the consequences on what can happen if they are involved in crime. They spoke about theft and assault.

Scholars from Dunnottar Primary School.

Potte aan die kook! Pieter Strydom, Kleinhandel Slaghuis Bestuurder van Eskort Heidelberg wat tydens die Varkfees die pot aan die kook gaan hou op Weber braaiers.

13 AUGUST 2013

Gesinsdag “Jeug In Christus” het ‘n potjiekos uitdaging gerig aan die Grace Gemeente op Nigel. Die kompetisie het op Vrydag, 9 Augustus by Laerskool Hannes V isagie se sports gronde plaasgevind. Die beste potjiekos kokke is aangewys. Familie en vriende het saam gekuier en daar was ander geregte om aan te peusel terwyl die potjiekos potte aan die kook was. Daar is geen fooie gehef of donasies gevorder, die dag is gratis aangebied. Talle boeresport speletjies is gespeel. Die smaaklikste pot was die JAP biltongpot van Anneri en Janiv en die beste boerpot was Hot Spur pot van Oom Rassie Erasmus. Die top drie potte vir die dag was God’s Rangers, Fada pot en die Cowboy pot. Opvolg wenners is die JAP pot, Wilde Weste pot en Hot spur pot.


PAGE 11 The SAPS Community Carnival 2013 is running for a second time this year on September 7 in Dunnottar at the Harvredpark across the Spar in Dunnottar from 08:00 till 17:00. At the carnival there will be a variety of food and craft stalls, modelling competition for girls age groups ranging from 0 – 19 years and ‘Ysterman” competition for boys. Also Sting Bike Club and SA Strongman will attend. Kids corner with activities such as ghost house, swings, go-carts and many more. Live music, lekker potjie kos competition and auctions. Funds collected at this event will be donated to Luhan Groenewald who had 2 brain surgeries and part of his skull has been removed after an accident Luhan needs 24 hours medical attention. Come and join us. Items that you dont use contribute it towards our auction. Contact Gideon on 083 614 9998. Contribution towards Luhan will be highly appreciated contact Constable Barnard at 082 773 5413.

Community Carnival

Two of the SA Strongman members Allan Chapman and Neill Irmscher together with Const Suzette Barnard, Mr Joost Zeelie, chairperson Dunnottar CPF and WO Tommy Tomlinson – Communication Officer.

We Collect & Deliver

Die jeug en ouer gades sê mekaar die stryd aan tydens die “walking the plank” kompetisie.

Trudie en Danie Theron een van die gelukkige drie potjiekos wenners. Hulle pot het as die cowboy pot bekend gestaan.


* Testing of all vehicles * Microdot Fitment Marievale Road, Vorsterskroon, Nigel. Tel 011 814 4357 Weekdays 08h00 - 17h00 Sundays by Appontment

Guinness Wêreldrekord vir die Langste Braai Maraton staan tans op 62 ure, 6 minute en 16 sekondes Hierdie rekord is in 2012 in Suid Afrika opgestel. Vanjaar gaan Pieter Strydom van Eskort nie net die huidige rekord probeer verbysteek nie, maar ook sy persoonlike mikpunt van 80 deurlopende braai ure probeer bereik. Die Wêreldrekordpoging begin op Woensdag, 28 Augustus 2013 om 08:00vm en sal duur tot Saterdag, 31 Augustus 2013 om 16:00nm. Die poging gaan by die Hoër

Volkskool in Heidelberg plaasvind waar die jaarlikse Heidelberg Varkfees ook gehou word. Eskort is trots om die hoofborg van die Wêreldrekordpoging asook die 2013 Varkfees te wees. Van die liefdadigheidsorganisasies wat by die Wêreldrekordpoging gaan baat vind is die Shalom Kinderhuis, die Heidelberg Ouetehuis asook Cedar Village in Heidelberg. Al die vleisprodukte wat gebraai gaan

word gedurende die poging gaan alles aan die liefdadigheidsorganisasies geskenk word. Die Varkfees vind plaas op Vrydag, 30 Augustus en Saterdag, 31 Augustus 2013 en beloof om net soos vorige jare ‘n fees te wees wat jonk en oud kan geniet. Aktiwiteite soos helikopterritte, ‘n pretpark vir die kinders, ‘n fietsrywedloop en vele meer gaan aangebied word. ‘n Verskeidenheid kunstenaars gaan ook by

die fees optree, en sluit onder andere Steve Hofmeyr, Arno Jordaan en Ray Dylan in. Die opbrengs van sowel die Eskort kosverkope tydens die Varkfees asook die Wêreldrekordpoging gaan aan die Laer Volkskool in Heidelberg geskenk word. V ir meer inligting besoek gerus of Kontak Jolandie Louwies van Eskort by 012 345 4452 of



13 AUGUST 2013

NKUNA 082 795 5339 KEEGAN 082 729 9471 Tel: 010 593 6909 STEVEN 079 094 3251 Fax: 011 362 5238 TIDINGS 078 198 6915 139-3rd Street, Springs

R109 950

R59 950

‘05 Mini Cooper Convertible. Eye catcher! A steal at this price. Very well looked a after!

‘10 Chevrolet Spark Lite L 5Dr Absolute Bargain! Great Student Car! Only 70 000km

R189 950 ‘06 Land Rover Discovery 3 TDV6 S A/T Ultimate luxury vehicle for any terrain

R139 950 ‘06 BMW 320D A/T E90. Fuel Saver! Black Leather Interior! WAS R159 950

R69 950 ‘00 Isuzu KB 220 LE DC Gearlock, Mags! Blink and you will miss out!

R44 950 ‘04 Renault Kangoo 1.4 Expression P/V Excellent value for money! A must view!

R189 950 ‘06 VW Touareg 2.5 Tdi Tip Immaculate! Awesome family vehicle. A must drive!

R89 950 ‘05 VW Passat 1.9Tdi Exceptional fuel saver with Towbar and mags! Well looked after!

R89 950 ‘03 Mitsubishi Colt 3000 V6 Rodeo D/C, Tow Bar, Rubberised. Perfect for any occasion!

R49 950 ‘96 Mercedes Benz E230 A/T Immaculate! Very well looked after! Don’t regret this one!

R104 950 ‘10 Polo Vivo 1.4. Immaculate! Only 77 000km’s. A must view! Blink and its gone!

R139 950

R79 950 ‘09 Toyota Yaris T1 3Dr A/C. Excellent value for money! Ultra reliable! A must view!

R174 950

‘06 Nissan Murano. Sunroof! Leather seats! ‘05 Nissan Patrol 4.8 GRX A/T. Extremely rare Bose sound system! find! Phenomenal off road vehicle!

R249 950

R149 950

‘10 Mercedes Benz C180k BE Avantgarde A/T ‘06 BMW 525i E60 A/T Full House with Immaculate! Balance of Mobilo plan. Price sunroof and Xenon lights! An absolute steal not to be repeated! at this price!

R149 950 ‘10 Nissan Hardbody 2.5Td D/C Extremely well looked after! A great buy at this price!

R64 950 ‘04 Renault Scenic 1.9Dci Dynamic Fuel Saver! Sunroof! Well cared for!

R79 950 ‘09 Ford Bantam 1.3 Reliability at its best! Great for any business WAS R94 950

R79 950 ‘07 Huyndai Getz 1.5 CRDi Very light on fuel Superb Ladies Car!


13 AUGUST 2013



NIC - 082 746 9295 NIC - 082- 746 9295 BERGSIG - R550 000 RENSBURG - R880 000 SENTRAAL R1.180 000 RENSBURG - R820 000 JAMESONPARK - R 1.050 000

LIEFLIKE SIERSTEEN MEENTHUIS MEENTHUIS IDEAAL VIR BEGINNER LAE ONDERHOUD KLINKERSTEEN WAG NET VIR DIE REGTE GESIN 2 Slp, 2 Badk, Oopplan Sitkamer, Kombuis,1 3 Slaapkamer, 2 Badkamer, Veilige Stoep Net 2 in Kompleks, Sentraal geleÍ, 3 3 Slpk, 2 Badk, Studeer, Oopplan Sit/Eet/ Motorhuis, Huier Stoep, Privaat Tuin Slaapkamer, 2 Badkamer, 2 Motorhuise Kombuis, Aparte opwas, 2 M/H, Buite Toilet met Kamer, Swembad, 2 Motorhuise

VEILIG OMHEIN 3 Slpk, 2.5 Badk, Studeer, Sitk/Eetk, T.V kamer, Mooi Kombuis, 2 M/H, Swembad

HELAY - 072 848 4003 HELAY 072 848 4003 HELAY - 072 848 4003 CALLIE - 082 560 0175 CALLIE - 082 560 0175 RENSBURG R970 000 BERGSIG - R630 000 CENTRAL - R500 000 RENSBURG - R650 000 SENTRAAL - R695 000

PRAGTIGE UITSIG OOR SPRUIT Goed Geprys Familie Huis, 3 Slaapkamer, 1 Badkamer, 2 Motorhuise, Groot Erf

FAMILIE HUIS MET SONNIGE VERTREKKE BAIE GOEIE BELEGGING 4 Slaapkamer, 1 Badkamer, 2 M/huise 3 Slp, 1 Bad, Oopplan eetkamer/kombuis, Swembad en Afddak 1 M/huis met afdak

APARTMENT ON FIRST FLOOR 2 Bedroom, 1.5 Bathr, Dinnigr, Kitchen and Lounge that opens on balcony, Carport

DRINENDE VERKOOP 3Slpk, 2 Badk, Mooi Kombuis, Eetk, Sitk, Leefk, Swembad, Kuierstoep, Koidom, M/H, Afdak

HELAY - 072 848 4003 HELAY - 072 848 4003 HELAY - 072 848 4003 CALLIE - 082 560 0175 HETTIE - 082 560 0175 INDUSTRIEEL - R910 000 ENDICOTT - R645 000 GOEDEHOOP - R1.850 000 JORDAANPARK- R1.500 000 OVERKRUIN - R3.000 000

LAE ONDERHOUD PLOT 3.8 HEKTAAR DRINGENDE KOOP FABRIEK OP 3045 VK M 3 Slpk, 1 Badk, Kombuis, Sitk. Eetk, dubbel 15 HT met 2x4 Slpk huise, 3 Boorgate, Baie Met kantore, Kombuis, Toilette, en Veilig omhein motohuis, Afdak, Store, Dam, Omhein store, Motorhuise, Afdakke, Lapa, Damme

FAMILY HOME WITH FLAT CHARMING HOME 4 Bedroom, Lapa, Pool, Also seperate Laundry, 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, Pol, Lapa,Wendy, 2 Pantry, Study Garages, 1 Carport

CALLIE - 082 560 0175 CALLIE - 082 560 0175 CALLIE - 082 560 0175 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 JORDAANPARK- R960 000 JORDAANPARK - R1.620 000 KLOOF - R620 000

NETJIESE MEENTHUIS VEILIGE KOMPLEKS 2 Slpk, 2 Badk, Studeer met kaste, Oopplan Sit/Eet/Komb, Aparte opwas, Braai, 2 M/H

RUIM FAMILIE HUIS 4 Slpk, 3 Badk, Grt woonareas, Studeerkamer, Swembad, Lapa, 2 M/H, 2 Afdakke

PRAGTIGE ERF LANGS DAM Mooi uitsig 1364 vt m, Planne in 3 vlak huis

HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 SENTRAAL - R790 000 FERRYVALE - R570 000 FERRYVALE - R1.600 000 EXTENTION 2 - R750 000

NIGEL NIC - 082 746 9295

NETJIESE KOMPLEKS 3 Slaapkamer, 2 Badkamer, 2 Motorhuise - Baie Veilig

DRINGENDE VERKOOP! 3 Slp, 1 Bad, Ruim Leefarea, Lapa Groot 1 Slaapkamer Woonstel

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295

LUXURY LIVING 4 Slp, 2 Bad, 2 Motorhuise, Swembad, Onthaal Lapa - Vele Meer, Kom Kyk!

NIC - 082 746 9295

DIE MOEITE WERD 3 Slaapkamer, 2 Badkamer, 2 M/huise Swembad en Lapa

NIC - 082 746 9295


EXCELLENTBUY! 3 Bed, 1 Bath, 1 Garage, 1 Carport. Secure. Good street

WAARDE VIR GELD 4 Slp, TV Kamer, Sitkamer, Eetkamer, 2 Bad, Swembad, Lapa en mooi tuin

NIC - 082 746 9295 FERRYVALE - R495 000

NIC - 082 746 9295 NIC - 082 746 9295 NIC - 082 746 9295 NIC - 082 746 9295 FERRYVALE - R1.500 000 FERRYVALE - R1.500 000 FERRYVALE - R980 000 FERRYVALE - R1.700 000

BARGAIN!!! 3 Slaapkamer, 1 Badkamer, 2 MotorHuise - Goeie Koop!

NUUT IN DIE MARK! 3 Slaapkamer, 1 Badkamer, 2 Motorhuise Dringende Verkoop!

VERY NEAT!!! BARGAIN!!! GROOT ERF - VEILIG 3 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom, 1 Garage, 4 Slp, 2 Bad, Speelkmr, Eet, Sit + TV Kamer, Kitchen, Dining and Living room Ontbythoek, Jacuzzi kamer, Swembad

MOOI KOMBUIS - VEILIGE KOMPLEKS MOET VERKOOP! DUBBELVERDIEPING!!! TOP KLAS WONING 4 Slp, 2 Bad, 2 M/huise, Afdakke, TV, Sit 3 Slp, 2 Bad, Studeerkamer, Eet, Sit en 4 Slp, Eet en Sitkamner, Leef area, 2 Bad, 3 Slp, 2 Bad, Eet + Woon kamer, Loft, Eie tuin, 2 Afdakke, 2 M/huise, Braai Stoep en Eetkamer, Teeldak - Baie goeie koop! Woonkamer, Swembad, Lapa, Lugreeling Swembad, 2 M/huise, Boorgat

NIC - 082 746 9295 NIC - 082 746 9295 CENTRAL - R860 000 NEG CENTRAL - R795 000

NIC - 082 746 9295 NIC - 082 746 9295 NIC - 082 746 9295 VISAGIEPARK - R1.500 000 EXTENTION 2 - R750 000 VISAGIEPARK - R800 000

SPACIOUS!!! 4 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, 1 Garage Swimmingpool

NEGOTIABLE! BIG LOUNGE & TV ROOM BAIE NETJIES VISAGIEPARK RIDGE - BAIE VEILIG 3 Slp, 1 Bad, TV, Sit en Eetkamer, Studeer- 4 Slp, 2 Bad, Ruim TV Kmr, Sit en Eet-kamer, 3 Bed, 2 Bath, Study, Modern Kitchen, kamer, 2 M/huise, Lapa, Jacuzzi 2 Garages, Lapa, Borehole, Carport Swembad, Lapa, 2 M/huise, 2 Afdakke

NIC - 082 746 9295

NEW ON THE MARKET!!! 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, 2 Garages New Kitchen

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295





BOUWERK Alle bouwerk en aanbouings. Bou van Nuwe Huise en Woonstelle (Granny Flats). Seel & verf van dakke Skakel Gerald 083 384 9599 N.H.B.R.C. Geregistreerd

AA & AALLY Wendys. Wendys of any size from treated pallet wood. 3x3 - R3500, 3x4 R4500. Zinc roof, window with glass & floor included. 10 Years guarantee. Contact Ally 072 928 1724. AABCD Wendys. Wendys of any size from treated pallet wood. 3x3 - R3500, 3x4 - R4500. Zinc roof, window with glass & floor included. 10 Years guarantee. Contact Joe 073 283 5945.

SMART KITCHENS & HOME IMPROVEMENTS For 3D Designer Kitchens or kitchen revamps, BIC, Bathr, Vanities, Wall to Wall Carpets and Laminated Flooring. No compromise on Quality and Service. Free Quotations. Phone Andre

at 016 349 5052 or 082 738 1441


Geysers, toilets, drains, gebarste pype, skrynwerk, teëls ens. Seël van dakke & plaveisels. 082 646 9928 FURNITURE / MEUBELS SUPER MEUBELS, 42 SCHOEMANSTR, HEIDELBERG, 016-341-4445 Pine enkelbeddens+matras R595, 3 stuk staal kombuiskaste, 2 door bookcases, 8 x opvou hout kerkstoele, halfmaantafels, 2laai server, 2 x bentwood stoele vir die wat wil regmaak, garfield, staalrakke, mediese walkers, rolstoele met plastiek sitplek, dubbel zinc met kraan op staal staander, skoolbankie, slides, swings & see-saws, speedqueen wasmasjiene, blou lampet beker, 4stuk imb sitkamerstel, ou dubbelbeddens (voet/kop/mat) - baie mooi, koffietafels, 8pce imb b & c diningroomsuite, 2 door robe wood+key, blou gestoffeerde sitkamerstel 3/2/1 R2250, groot verskeidenheid kinderstorieboeke & videos, koekpanne, versamelaarspop, hostess, old clocks, boekrak of kopstuk, barley twist ovale kombuistafel, slop emmer met deksel, vertoonkaste wat in die winkel gebruik was nou te koop, nuwe kar, bakkie & taxi tyres - nog vele meer CATERING / SPYSENIERING

RUMOURS RESTAURANT: For professional catering of all events. Weddings, Parties, Spitbraais, Platters and Potjies. Nothing too big or small. Your venue or ours. Phone Piet at 011 814 1428 / 072 470 2187. TO HIRE: Cutlery, crockery, large selection of table cloths, overlays, tables and chairs etc. Sonnette 082 926 1515

LAUNDRY MATE For a professional and value for money LAUNDRY service, contact Laundry Mate at 011 814 3597 or 072 511 4366. Domestic & Corporate, including Curtians, Table Cloths, Blankets, Comforters, ect. Collect and deliver in Nigel/ Heidelberg town area.



Bookkeeper/Office Administrator - Min Requirements: Matric & relevant tertiary qualification, 4 years working experience on Pastel, Full accounts function up to trial balance, Debtors & creditors recons, Cashbook to bank recons, Valid driver’s licence & own transport. Send cv’s to or fax 086 751 9239.

Notice is hereby given of the intention of the members of J-N Construction, Registration number 2005/136782/23 to restore the corporation to business. Any objection to this may be lodged within 21 days of the date of this notice with the Registrar of Companies, CIPC, PO Box 429 Pretoria 0001.

Vacancies available Needed: Woodworkers; Shopfitters; Joiners in Heidelberg. Contact Lorraine Esterhuizen 016 341-3451/2

Sms “driver” with your name and area to “35545”. Sms will be charged at R3 Security staff needed. Sms! “driver” with your name and area + PSIRA grade to “35545”. Sms will be charged at R3. DRIVERS NEEDED:

VACANCY JOURNALIST ANCIENT DAYS Antiques - oudhede. Ons koop, verkoop en restoureer meubels. Groot verskeidenheid nou beskikbaar. Kom loer gerus in. Skakel ons by 016 349 2175 of Wena 082 785 9108


Ben Erasmus 082 411 9794 011 814 3372 19A Court Str. Nigel email:

13 AUGUST 2013

Looking for a journalist with the following experience: Must be able to write, read and spell in Afrikaans and English. Computer literate. Must have own transport and be willing to work after hours if necessary. Must be able to work under pressure. Basic salary plus travel allowance. Send CV to or drop at our office on the corner of Kingsway and Van Riebeeck road, Nigel. Fax 086 751 7998.


AANDAG! Alle matriek afskeid dames. Vol stel naels openings aanbod. Alle dames welkom. R120. Parmanente maskara R160. Kontak 071 367 4411.

DOG FOUND Lost dog found at Ferrybridge Road near the Spar in Nigel on 7 August 2013. Contact 082 331 4770 or Nigel SPCA.

Not receiving your copy of Rekord every second Tuesday please contact Jenetta at 011 814 8614

Top 10 Volkies


NOAH’S ARK PET SHOP: Voëls, voëlsaad, hokke, visse, viskos, akwariums. Hondekos Montego, Jock (3 in 1) ens. AviPlus. Bearded dragons, hamsters, krieke, meel wurms, honde-hokke, honde jassies en bedjies. Honde, katte en hasies. Kaarte welkom. Dae oop per week 9:00 - 17:00 Naweke en vakansie-dae 09:00 - 16:00. Tel: 011 814-4514. By mini Zoo, Noordstraat 132, Nigel. NEED EXTRA MONEY Need extra money!! Register as a concultant and maker of exquiste range of jewellery or just treat yourself. New winter collection with lots of specials. Contact me on 083 512 4667


Room to let for R 1500 excl water and lights. Including dstv and garden. Contact Gareth 076 813 9303. NIGEL TE HUUR: Bachelorwoonstel. Onmiddelik beskikbaar. R 1900 pm. Plus deposito. Koopkrag, water en tuindienste ingesluit. Geen troeteldiere. Kontak 084 403 6963 JOB WANTED

Driver seeking for job with code 10 licence. Hard working, loyal and committed. Contact 078 824 3819.

Hoër Volkskool graad 12 top 10 leerlinge voor is Nolwazi Mkhatshwa, Franco Gericke en Natazia Jv Vuren. Middel Delene Bezuidenhout, Dewald Brummer, Rickus Smit en Jana de Villiers. Agter is Lezanne Louw, Hanie Webster en Rouzkja Botha.

13 AUGUST 2013


Landloop prestasies

Deelnemers van Laerskool Balfour wat tydens die landloop byeenkoms op Eloff toekennings ontvang het. Amone behaal 2de plek, Rhode Boon is derde en Vané Dercksen, 8ste plek.


Pienk en blou hokkie bokkies

Die 0/12 meisies van Hoër- en Laerskool Balfour wat vanaf 21 – 24 Julie die “Camp Discovery” hokkie kamp bygewoon het. Dit was leersaam en die meisies het dit baie geniet. Van links agter is Nikita Viljoen, Laurinda Cronje, Jolene Horne, Amelia Tshabangu, Loamie Bothma en Mari Bothma. Voor van links is Anika Bothma, Emma Commins, Delmarie Strydom, Nokolunga Nhlapo en Mandie Pretorius.

Nuwe personeel

Eerstes Hoër- en Laerskool Balfour se Eerste Hokkiespan word aangekondig. Hulle wys ook hulle staal toe hulle Woensdag, 24 Julie met die liga afskop en Amersfoort met 3 – 1 klop. Agter: Kayla Delport, Nicole Meyer, Lee-Ann Kasselman en Bianca Harmse. Middel: Rhode Boon, Amone Boon, Nicola v/d Westhuizen en Nastia Richards. Voor: Adri Alberts, Aniqa Pieterse en Alicia Wilbers.

Hoër- en Laerskool Balfour verwelkom nuwe personeel. Die gesegde lui: As jy eers van Hoërskool Balfour se (gesuiwerde) water gedrink het, keer jy altyd terug. So verwelkom ons ‘n oud-onderwyser, mev. Salome Joubert, aangestel vir geografie en ‘n oudskolier, mev. Mari Labuschagne (van Jaarsveld), terug. Mari is aangestel vir rekeningkunde.

Puik prestasie Students receive scholarships

Anri de Jongh van Hoër Volkskool is vir die Drie Nasies Aksie Netbal reeks gekies om Suid-Afrika te verteenwoordig. Die toernooi vind vanaf 20 tot 29 September plaas.

Students have been working hard, some late night and early mornings behind the books to earn their scholarship to a brighter future. Nigel High and John Vorster High School identified honoring and deserving individuals who have a financial need, but the potential to succeed in school. The Rotariers non-profit organisation that sponsored and equipped these 2 students, such as transportation to sports gatherings, school supplies and extra education classes if needed to live out their full potential. Congratulations to Gugu Makhabane and Maurice Smith who have received their Scholarships on August 1 at the Italian Club Nigel.

Ina Dollincheck (Principal Nigel High) Gugu Makhabane, Mino Carniel (Rotariers), Maurice Smith en Nelus van Dyk (Principal John Vorster)



13 AUGUST 2013

Stywe lyne “Jack & Jill” went up the muddy hill The Warrior Rookie race consists of a slapping 6 - 8km, with 15 adrenaline pumping obstacles. On average, participants will encounter an obstacle every 500-800m. The Rookie race is all about having fun but make no mistake, participants will be challenged and team work is at the order of the day. Participants climbed over some larger than life obstacles, crawl in and climb over mountains of mud, slide down steep slopes at

lightning speed, jump of high, very high platforms into water and heaps more. Nigel married couple Liggies en Jeandri Ligthelm took part in the Warrior Race in Balito on August 3. They entered as “Jack & Jill” – went up the muddy hill. They ended sixth place in the rookie race. Jeandri was the female rookie winner and as a team they ended 12 and 13 place out of 2000 participants in a time of 49:59. What a way to go Nigel.

Suikerbos Harriers Hengelklub het die koue getrotseer en altesaam 51 hengelaars het op JD Kruger Vaaldam 81 vis met ‘n gewig van 125,364kg aan wal gebring. U itslae van wenners in verskillende afdelings. Swaarste vis senior karp is A. Bezuidenhout met 4,451kg. Moddervis is M.J. Van Rensburg met 1,070kg. Geelvis Q. Martinson met 0,508kg. Swaarste karp vis dames wenner is E. Backhouse met 2,886kg. Swaarste junior karp is H. Loots met 1,629kg. Moddervis P. Cronjè met 0,721kg asook geelvis wenner met 0,834kg. Moddervis spesie vir die dag gaan aan M J Van Rensburg met 1,070kg. Uitslae senior mans eerste M. Mans met sewe visse teen 12,618kg, tweede K. Van Der Merwe

met nege visse teen 9,726kg en derde plek Q. Martinson met vier visse teen 5,175kg. Meesters wenner is A. Bezuidenhout met ses visse teen 14,729kg en tweede G. Van Der Merwe met vyf visse teen 7,411kg. Dames wenner is E. Backhouse met drie visse teen 5,231kg en naaswenner C. Schmücker een vis teen 0,342kg. Junior wenner is H. Loots een vis met 1,629kg. Penkop wenner P. Cronjè met twee visse teen 1,545kg. Volgende kompetisie vind Saterdag, 7 September 2013, te Cilliers Vaaldam plaas. Vir meer inligting aangaande ons klub, of om saam te kom hengel kontak Pierre Cronje by 083 636 3324 of Christo Fouchè by 082 496 5463 .

Voor van links Pieter, Hein Loots en M Van Rensburg. Middel is Elize Backhouse, Christa Schmücker en agter is M. Mans, Kabous Van Der Merwe, Quintin Martinson, Andrè Bezuidenhout en Gert Van Der Merwe.

Jeandri female rookie winner Liggies en Jeandri

Coertzen 9de te Moskou Die Suid Afrikaanse tienkamp-atleet Willem Coertzen het negende plek behaal tydens die wêreldkampioen-skappe die naweek van 10 & 11 Augustus 2013 te Moskou. Die tienkamp byeenkoms is tien items waaraan oor ‘n tydperk van twee dae deelgeneem word. Coertzen se items vir Saterdag, 10 Augustus was soos volg 100m, verspring, gewigstoot, hoogspring en 400m. Sondag 11 Augustus het hy aan die volgende items deelgeneem 110m-hekkies, diskus, paalspring, spiesgooi en 1500m. Die 30-jarige Potchefstromer is op 30 Desember 1982 op Nigel gebore en het op Hoër Volkskool gematrikuleer. Sy ouers Johan en Koekie Coertzen woon steeds in Nigel. Coertzen spog met vier SA rekords in die tienkamp.

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