Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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Cnr Kingsway & Van Riebeeck Street, NIGEL - Cell: 079 493 0075

TEL: (011) 814 8614

FAX: 086 751 7998

10 September 2013 VOL 9 NO 17


Brand saai verwoesting

Miljoene rande se skade is op plase aangerig, nadat verwoestende veldbrande ontstaan het. Omliggende plase het die naweek van 30 Augustus geweldige skade gely, veral onder die vee en weivelde. Na bewering het die brand in Springs omgewing vlam gevat, waar sterk winde dit aan gehits het na Nigel, Delmas, Devon en Balfour distrik. Volgens Johnny da Costa van Manjor Raunch op die Vorsterskroon pad, het na beraming 600 hektaar weiding afgebrand. Na bewering het 16 beeste dood gebrand, 28 beeste is nood gedwonge geslag, weens die aard van hulle beserings en ongeveer 60 beeste het brandwonde opgedoen. Nie net is vee en weiveld beskadig nie, maar ook 7 silo sakke mielies van 400 ton elk. Die mielies is nou ongeskik vir menslike gebruik. Weens flinke reaksie van die publiek kon die vuur onder beheer gebring word. Op Manjor Raunch is geen geboue en voertuie beskadig en geen menselewens

in gevaar gestel nie. Die afgelope week het die bestuur en werkers hulle ernstige aandag gegee om vee te skuif, beseerde diere van kant te maak en om die oorblywende vee te voer. Na bewering het die vuur meestal net skade berokken aan omliggende boere se voerkrale en weidingsveld. Sommige geboue, voertuie en implemente op ander plase het geweldige skade gely. Die totale omvang van al die skade kon nog nie op die stadium bereken word nie. Die gemeenskap word bedank vir hul hulp met die blus van die brande.

Celebrating 18 years Hake Fish & Chips


September 16 only

Tel: 011 814 3311

Inlas foto een van die menige vee wat verbrand het. Een van die brandtonele.


NIGEL/HEIDELBERG REKORD - ONLINE EDITION that the apples used to turn brown within 15-20 minutes (and I mean brown – not just a tinge). I obviously deal with many people It was like it came out of a movie – fantasy suffering from many different diseases and land. The people who showed us the fruit it seems as if there are more and more were very proud of how they had people suffering from critical disease. cultivated this fruit using hormones and Even our common flu seems to take forever messing with the genetics of the fruit. to get rid of. Just think of all the people in As we look at today’s food we see that many hospital with pneumonia and think 10 to food types show characteristics that were 15 years ago – the numbers were much not there 20-30 years ago. The other day less. we cut an apple in half to give our parrot Do some research and see how quick the some apple to eat. The half an apple that cattle, chickens and other livestock grow. was left was put in a plate and left in the The argument is that is they do not feed kitchen for us to eat a bit later. It must have them growth hormones there will not be been at least 90 minutes later that I had a enough food for us to eat. look at the apple and it had a slight tinge But here is the problem. We are all eating of brown. I remember when I was young the additives that are used to enhance the

T he food we eat From the desk of Rev Ray Goddess I remember when our son was in grade 11 we all went through to Wits to attend the “Careers Day”. It was very informative and great fun but something that stuck in my mind was the fruit that we were shown. All of the fruit was gigantic.


57 Strydom Street, Heidelberg Tel: (016) 341-2437 Rev. Ray Cell 082 656 3123 “We exist to be like Christ, live like Christ, and share the exciting message of Christ to all people”.


Give us today our daily bread. Matthew 6:11 (NIV) H2411

STEVE DYKE 082 428 7262 LEADERS IN CUSTOM MADE SHOPFRONTS e-mail: 58 Second Avenue, Nigel 1490 Tel: 011 814-1577/26 Fax: 011 814 8467

10 SEPTEMBER 2013 size and speed of growth – and then we wonder why our bodies are suffering. Well I do not know what the answer is to this problem but here is another thought. We in the world are “eating” the wrong information and the result is that our lifestyle and values are corrupt and the result is the same as with the food we eat – disaster. The TV and social media demand that we follow a lifestyle that is not in line with the Biblical principles clearly laid down by God. We curse and swear, we lust and we want more and we wonder why we suffer. We wonder why our stress levels are so high. We wonder why the divorce rate is so high. I have no answer for the food we eat but I have the answer for the information that we eat. I would encourage us all to take some time and have a look at the life that we are leading and HONESTLY evaluate our lifestyle. Are we living for God or the world? Are we living to glorify ourselves or God? In accepting Jesus as Saviour do we live to be seen as Christians or do we humble ourselves so that people can rather see the Christ in us through love. It is all about Jesus and not about us.

Service times: 08h00 – Traditional Service (Mother’s Room available) 09h30 – Worship Service (Mother’s Room available) 18h00 – Evening Service (for Adults and Youth) H2321

Rev Goddess, Heidelberg Methodist Church




Unexplained Stank by Aftree-oord se Waterfront firearms found Heidelberg Police received a tip-off and opened a case of possession of unlicensed firearms last week. A spokesperson said that 12 different types of firearms were found in the Storeroom at Lesedi Local Municipality in Heidelberg. It is alleged that the Heidelberg SAPS Firearm Section was contacted for inspection of those alleged f irearms. Quick response by Captain Senzosenkosi National Zulu, Section Head of Firearms, Liquor and Second Hands Goods; lead to the discovery that the firearms were not declared or handed in the SAPS for safe keeping pending application process. Captain SN Zulu made all enquiries to detect the responsible person or office but no one accounted for those firearms. The 12 firearms seized by the police were 3 Shotguns, 1xR1 rifle, 6x303 firearms and 2 other unidentif ied rifles. Further investigations will be conducted.

Pasop!! Skakel Nigel SAPS as jy die persoon by ‘n bankteller sien onmiddelik by (011) 812-6503 of (011) 812-6511!

Die aftree-oord Eeufeespark, geleë in Nigel by die walle van die kanaal, bring die inwoners in ‘n verleentheid met die stank, wat daarvan afkomstig is. Rekord het na verskeie klagtes besoek op 29 Augustus afgelê by die kanaal, waartydens die inwoners hulle misnoeë uitgespreek het oor die haglike toestand van die kanaal. Die reuk van vrot riool water hang sterk in die lug. Stap jy nader tot by die draadheining wat skeiding bring tussen die oord en die walle van die kanaal, word jy oorweldig deur die vreeslike onuithoudbare reuk. Gemors is duidelik sigbaar in die kanaal, vanaf wegneem ete houers, ou motorbande, komberse en koeldrankbottels. Dooie plante en riete lê op die walle en nuwes groei lustig voort in die kanaal. Die voortjie van die kanaal is op verskeie plekke verstop met sand en plantegroei. Kyk jy met ‘n fynere oog, word duidelik gesien dat die water wat veronderstel is om te vloei stilstaande is as gevolg van al die obstruksies. By verskeie areas kom dit voor soos riool afval wat in die kanaal ingestort word. Die water is vuil en inwoners beaam dat hulle op verskeie geleenthede vloeistowwe wat soos motorolie lyk, sien afvloei asook sand. Daar is aan die Rekord uitgewys dat die water wat tans afvloei, melkerig van kleur is. Verskeie inwoners kla dat hulle mediese probleme ontwikkel as gevolg van die vrot reuk en dampe wat in die lug hang. Die stilstaande water veroorsaak dat die kanaal ‘n broeiplek geword het vir muskiete en in somermaande gaan die inwoners gebukkend onder die plaag. Hierdie kanaal wat deur Nigel hardloop is juis met die doel geskep om reënwater in die reënseisoen, na die Blesbokspruit te herlei. Indien daar dus riool, olie of skadelike stowwe mag voorkom, gaan dit Blesbok spruit toe en op sy beurt beland dit ook in die Vaalrivier. Volgens ‘n bron het die Nigel Munisipa-

Foto geneem by kanaal agter Eeufeesoord, wat blyk om riool afval te wees.

Die melkagtige water in die kanaal. liteit ongeveer drie maande gelede die kanaal opgeruim en skoongemaak, juis omrede die plantegroei die vloei van die water belemmer. Die betrokke persone het egter al die plante en riete op die kanaal se wal gelos. Selfs in die somermaande moet die aftreeoord die grasse sny op die walle van die kanaal. Die inwoners woonagtig langs

hierdie “waterfront” is diep ongelukkig en soek antwoorde by Ekurhuleni Munisipaliteit. Waar kom die riool afval en sand vandaan, hoekom word die kanaal nie gereeld skoon gemaak nie en wat gaan gedoen word om hierdie situasie te verbeter of selfs op te los? Ter persgaande was daar nog geen terugvoer ontvang van Ekurhuleni nie.




Speelpark word slaapplek vir boemelaars Die speelpark Dawid Wolf benoem na ‘n oud verkeerskonstabel, is deesdae ‘n verwaarlooste speelpark en ‘n broeiplek vir boemelaars en vandaliste. Nadat klagtes ontvang is van die publiek het Rekord gaan ondersoek ingstel. Eens op ‘n tyd het “Daantjie die Kat” kinders geleer van padveiligheid op hierdie einste perseel. Vandag sien jy niks van die eertydse glorie nie. Donderdag 29 Augustus 2013 het ons so bietjie gaan inloer by hierdie speelpark. Wat ons daar gekry het was nie ‘n prentjie van kinderlike genot nie, maar eerder van afgryse. Die geboue op die perseel is vervalle. Daar waar die fietse destyds gestoor was is nou

‘n slaapplek vir die hawelose. Beddegoed en besittings staan in die eenkant van die vertrek en word gebruik as ‘n leë ruimte, die ander gedeelte is oortrek met rommel. Hier word beslis vuur binne gemaak want die roet en rook het die mure al begin beskadig. Stap jy buite in die speel area rond is die tekens van verwaarlosing duidelik. Die netjiese draadheining het voete gekry en die dreine staan oop, sonder deksels. Die toilet lyk ook gehawend. Wat het aanleiding gegee dat hierdie leersame park so ten gronde gegaan het? Rekord het tot hede geen terugvoer van die munisipaliteit ontvang nie.

Eertydse stoorkamer vir fietse

C.J.J. STEEL cc. ~ STEEL MERCHANTS ~ Cnr: Grootvlei Rd, and Partridge St, Strubenvale Tel: 011 815 4700/1/2 * Fax: 011 8153088

Stockists of Steel Sections, Rail, Piping Plante and Tubing

email: -





12x12 .... R59.00 16x16 .... R73.00 20X20 ... R68.00 25X25 ... R80.00 ....... R135.00 32X32 ... R127.00 ..... R175.00 38X38 ... R144.00 ..... R218.00 50X50 ... R197.00 ..... R280.00 76X76 ... R291.00 ..... R395.00 100X100 ................... R500.00

20MM .... R61.00 25MM .... R80.00 ....... 32MM .... R109.00 ..... 38MM .... R127.00 ..... 50MM .... R175.00 ..... 76MM .... R261.00 .....

25x25x3 .................... R 87.00 25x25x5 .................... R133.00 30x30x3 .................... R100.00 30x30x5 .................... R174.00 40x40x3 .................... R133.00 40x40x5 .................... R207.00 25x25x2 .................... R 72.00 30x30x2 .................... R 84.00 40x40x2 .................... R100.00


38x20 .... R121.00 ..... R152.00 38x25 .... R152.00 ..... R185.00 50x25 .... R144.00 ..... R195.00 50x38 .... R187.00 ..... R236.00 76x38 .... R224.00 ..... R300.00 76x50 .... R286.00 ..... R337.00 100X50 ..................... R387.00

Fibre Glass Sheeting R67.00 p/m




75x50x20x2 100x75x20x2

R54.00p/m Cut to size


R214.00 ..... R326.00 R279.00 ..... R425.00



FLAT BAR 6M 12x3 ......... 15x3 ......... 20x3 ......... 20x5 ......... 25x3 ......... 25x5 ......... 30x3 ......... 30x5 ......... 40x3 ......... 40x5 ......... 50x5 .........

R 25.00 R 30.00 R 33.00 R 56.00 R 45.00 R 70.00 R 58.00 R 88.00 R 78.00 R118.00 R145.00

SQ BAR 6M 8MM ......... R56.00 10MM ....... R60.00 12MM ....... R69.00

WINDOW SECTION 6M RT6 ......... RT13 ....... RX7 ......... F7 ............ F4B ..........

R 78.00 R 95.00 R110.00 R 86.00 R217.00

ROUND BAR 6M 6MM .......... R17.00 8MM .......... R29.00 10MM ........ R42.00 12MM ........ R60.00


LIP/CHANNEL 75x50x20x2 ............... R205.00 100x75x20x2 ............. R228.00 125x50x20x2 ............. R252.00 150x50x20x2 ............. R277.00

R117.00 R150.00 R175.00 R246.00 R352.00





R312.00 R347.00 R384.00 R422.00

2450x1225x1.6 .............................. R484.00 2450x1225x2.0 .............................. R568.00 2450x1225x2.5 .............................. R703.00 2450x1225x3.0 .............................. R909.00 2450x1225x4.0 ........................... R1 142.00 2500x1200x5.0 ........................... R1 517.00 2500x1200x6.0 ........................... R1 772.00 H2404


Integrate it Psalm 119:20 My heart aches with longing; I want to know your judgments at all times. (GNB) In order for us to experience the full benefit of what the Word can accomplish in our lives, it is crucial for us to continue in it steadfastly. The habits and skills we acquire, should be integrated into every area of our lives in such a way that serving God becomes a lifestyle, rather than a role we take on when we f ind ourselves in religious surroundings. In order to integrate the Word into our very being, we should make it a priority and actively pursue it (Psalm 119:20). Integrating the Word of God into our life can be done in the following six ways: Build on the Word (Matthew 7:24): The principles in the Bible remain constant and unchangeable. As such, it is a solid foundation on which to build our lives. In strong contrast to other foundations (e.g. popular culture – Exodus 23:2, tradition – Mark 7:8, intellect and reasoning – Proverbs 16:25, emotions – Judges 25:21-25) it never changes and is not moved by human opinion, circumstances or the passing of time. Feed on the Word (1 Peter 2:2-3): In exactly the same way we require regular, physical nourishment, we need to fill ourselves with the Word of God continually in order to have the spiritual energy and strength required to remain strong in our walk with the Lord. Live by the Word (Psalm 119:11): The Word must become a part of who we are. In order for this to happen we need to make a concerted effort to hide it in our hearts by memorizing it, meditating on it and allowing it to help us overcome temptation, strengthen our prayer, direct our emotions and increase our growth. Grow in the Word (Psalm 119:18 – 19): In Luke 8:5-15 Jesus tells a parable that reflects the different ways in which we receive the Word and also how this affects the fruit the Word will bear in our lives. Firstly, He identifies a group of people whose hearts and minds are closed to

Stoorkamer word slaapplek the Word and who cannot grasp it at all before it is stolen away from them. Secondly, it is possible to receive the Word, but in a shallow way, so that the deep-seated issues of our lives are not really dealt with and the effect of the Word of God on our lives is limited in that there is no real desire to change. When we listen to the Word without wanting to respond with change, we end up feeling guilty and condemned. A heart that is ready to change, however receives the Word, experiences deep conviction and responds with a changed way of thinking and doing. The third way of receiving the Word is in a heart and mind that is consumed with the circumstances, worries and things of the world. Because these things take preeminence over the Word of God and are in effect more important to us than what God says, it strangles the Word and causes it to have little to no impact on our lives. Lastly, Jesus states that those who truly benefit from the Word, are those who receive it in an obedient heart and then persist in it until it bears fruit. Act on the Word (James 1:22-25): As with any information without application, Word received but not applied, is soon forgotten. When we do not actively look for and identify the relevance of what we learn to our personal circumstances, struggles and lives, we fail to embrace it as a part of who we are. Unless we respond with consistent action, the Word will not become an integral part of our daily living. Trust the Word (Psalm 119:5): When we make the Word of God the final authority in our lives, it eradicates confusion and makes it easy for us to make decisions. The Word of God can be trusted. When we remain true to it, it directs our footsteps and keeps us from stumbling. A life built on the Word as foundation carries in it the beautiful promise of Psalm 1:3 He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper. (NKJV). May you experience this, as you pursue integrating the Word of God into your life and who you are.



Robbers get busted An 85 year old woman walking from town to buy her groceries were suddenly robbed on September 4, 2013. It is alleged that Mrs Gogo Fourie was walking from town and whilst approaching a small park opposite Life Suikerbosrand Clinic, at the Cnr Fenter and HF Verwoerd Street, Heidelberg Central she met two young boys in their early 20’s and they greeted her. All of a sudden, one of the two boys grabbed her handbag. She fell down helplessly and the two boys ran away. Heidelberg Police opened a Robbery Common case docket. Mrs Fourie was robbed of her handbag containing money, bank card, cell phone, medication and SASSA card as well as female toiletries. An eye witness screamed for help and police were immediately notif ied. Const. Vusi Richard Mashabane and Const. Tseko Jackson Motaung were on their way to Sedaven to attend a complaint of attempted rape when they saw an old lady lying on the ground and immediately stopped to find out what was the problem. The eye witness told the police that two boys robbed the old ladies handbag and ran away towards Heidelberg CBD. After two Police Officials received a proper description of the suspects, they drove around the suburb and one of the suspects was spotted hiding himself under the bridge next to Life Suikerbosrand Clinic and was immediately arrested. Upon further thorough interview with the arrested suspect, the second suspect was traced and found at Xaba Street – Ratanda Location. He was found in possession of robbed items as well as the handbag and was also arrested and detained at Heidelberg SAPS holding cells. Mrs Fourie was overwhelmed by happiness when she met the two Police Off icials and thanked them personally. Capt Lourens Hirschhorn, the Sector 2 Commander encourages every member of the service to lead by example and portray the good quality image of the SAPS always.


Boer inhegtenis geneem Die Gauteng Veediefstal forum was op 22 Augustus 2013 opsoek na die eienaar van ‘n vragmotor waarby die diefstal van vee ter waarde van R2.2 miljoen rand betrokke is. Die vragmotor is intussen opgespoor en is daar vasgestel dat die meeste van die vee met die uitsondering van 3 maer diere nie geslag is nie. Mnr Tinus Groenwald ‘n boer van Heidelberg omgewing is op Vrydag 30 Augustus 2013 inhegtenis geneem. Hy het Maandag 2 September verskyn in die Modimole, Nylstroom hof vir aanklag van veediefstal. Groenwald het weer 5 September verskyn om aansoek te doen vir borgtog. Hierdie aansoek is uitgestel tot 11 September 2013. Die landbou gemeenskap sal hierdie aansoek teen staan.

Out of order - why? COMPLETE RANGE OF

On the corner of Rhodes and Nigel Road after the four way stop at the Angelo Mall the robot is not in working condition for more than a month. Due to the large volume of traffic passing through daily this can lead to accidents.

Mrs Fourie with the two brave officers.

56 Hendrik Verwoerdstraat NIGEL




Jordaan Prokureurs rol rooi tapy t uit ‘n Heerlike Lente ontbyt is gehou op 2 September 2013 by die Nederduitse Hervormde Kerk te Balfour. Die fokus en klem is geplaas oor hoe die wet vroue beïnvloed in die gesin, huwelike en testamente. Die VLU van Balfour en Grootvlei, Blommeklub en plaaslike dames het hierdie samesyn bygewoon. Die dag is moontlik gemaak deur die prokureurs firma Jordaan

Ingelyf. Trou is nie perde koop nie, sê Madelein Saunders prokureur. Om in die huwelik te tree het groot implikasies op ‘n mens se lewe, persoonlik en ekonomies. Dus is dit van kardinale belang dat jy en jou aanstaande mooi dink oor hoe julle jul besittings en goedere wetlik wil verdeel. Madelein het die twee tipes goedere bedelings in Suid-Afrika opgesom en dit

aan die gehoor kortliks verduidelik naamlik: die huwelik binne gemeenskap van goedere en die huwelik buite gemeenskap van goedere. Nia Stander, kandidaat prokureur het daarna die klem gelê op die gesin in geheel. Dissipline begin by die ouerhuis en dat die ouers ‘n voorbeeld moet stel aan hulle kinders. Die gevare van kindermishandeling, mensehandel en kinderarbeid is uitgelig asook die hantering van sulke gedrag. Die kwessie van aanneming is bespreek, asook die prosedures en die kanale wat gevolg moet word om ‘n kind aan te neem.

Nie een van ons wil dink aan die dood, maar dit is ‘n werklikheid wat elkeen van ons een of ander tyd in die gesig sal moet staar. Lettie Van Der Westhuizen het die noodsaaklikheid van ‘n wettige en geldige testament aan al die dames verduidelik asook die moets en die moenies oor die opstelling van jou testament. Die tyd is reg en ryp om vroue te bemagtig oor hoe die wet hulle juis raak, dit was die boodskap wat Jordaan Ingelyf oorgedra het tydens die Lente ete. Vir advies, raad of inligting skakel 017 773 0282 tydens kantoor ure.

Links: Madelein Saunders prokureur, Monique Beneke ontvangs, Suzette Meyer akte tikster, Lettie Van Der Westhuizen boedel en testament adviseur en Nia Stander kandidaat prokureur.

Winners know when to stop! Feeling the urge to gamble can lead to addiction. Gambling addiction, also known as compulsive gambling, is a type of impulsecontrol disorder. Compulsive gamblers can’t control the impulse to gamble, even when they know their gambling is hurting themselves or their loved ones. Compulsive gamblers keep gambling even when the odds are against them. If you are pre-occupied with gambling, spending more and more time and money on it, chasing losses or gambling despite serious consequences, you have a gambling problem. Problems caused by excessive gambling are not just financial. Too much time spend on gambling can lead to relationship breakdowns and loss of important friendships. Problem gamblers

often blame others to avoid taking responsibility for their own actions. Do you have a gambling problem? You have a gambling problem if you do it secretly and have trouble controlling your gambling urge, even when you don’t have the money. Does my loved one have a gambling problem? If your loved one has a gambling problem, he/she might become increasingly defensive about their gambling. They will lie about money and finances. They will be desperate to acquire money for their gambling addiction. They will even sell valuable possessions to meet their needs to gamble, like their childrens most treasured toys, or expensive jewellery or vehicles. Treatment for problem gambling. They will need a recovery program for their specif ic need. The biggest step is to admit that you have a problem. Overcoming a gambling addiction or problem is never easy, but recovery is possible if you stick with treatment and seek support. Help is always available, but you need to take the first step. Winners know when to stop. Free helpline: 0800 006 008. All calls to this number are free.



A First The Coca-Cola Company envisioned a world where progress is powered by equal access to life’s basic needs. On August 27, 2013 an Ekocenter prototype and Slingshot water purif ier was unveiled in Heidelberg. Bringing technology enterprise innovation to the nonprivileged, in rural and urban communities. Attending the launch was CEO and chairman of the Coca-Cola Company Muhtar Kent, Therese Gearhart President of the Coca-Cola Southern Africa, former US secretary of state Condeleezza Rice and Finance Minister Praven Gorden. The Ekocenter is a “downtown in a box” innovation and the company’s vision is to deploy “thousands” of them in Africa, South American Countries and Asia in the next couple of years. The Ekocenter is an “of the grid” modularly designed kiosk, transformed from a standard shipping container. Consisting of solar panels and batteries, a Wi-Fi router, kiosk-style retail front and will be equipped with a slingshot as well. The power generated by the solar panels and batteries can reach a potential of 7KwH, making the Ekocenter an innovation breakthrough in economic development. This will become the heart of small communities that lack power, connectivity and clean water. It can serve as a community centre and outlet. A fully equipped unit can serve as a retail centre that provides a wide variety of utility, services and tailored products to a

community’s local needs. The hope is that the Ekocenter will contribute to the overall health of communities on multiple levels. The prototype is situated on the grounds of Coca-Cola’s Valpré bottling plant and will initially serve as a training and demonstration facility for the woman and entrepreneurs selected to potentially operate future Ekocenters. Each Ekocenter will be operated by a selected female entrepreneur who will receive business skills training, to help her run the unit. Financing will not be an issue says Mr Muhtar Kent. Woman will not be charged the full cost of the centres. As former US secretary of the State Condoleezza Rice says: “If you want to do something about economic development, take a woman, give her a microloan, give her an Ekocenter and she will make her community prosperous.” Coca-Cola is committed to helping improve the well-being of people who are currently without access to safe drinking water. The world consists of 70% water, which only 1% is suitable for drinking and human consumption. Three and a half million people die due to water born illnesses in the world. 200 Children die every day because of contaminated water. Slingshot is one of those initiatives, a water purification system developed by Deka R&D. Using vapour compression distillation technology to turn nearly any source of dirty water (river water, ocean water and even raw sewerage) into safe drinking. Each machine delivers approximately 850 litres of safe drinking water per day using less electricity than a hair dryer (1KwH). Coca-Cola is currently piloting systems in Africa and Latin America. Planning to accelerate and expand globally. The project aims to deliver 500 million litres of safe drinking water to 500 000 people a year. An unique ground braking innovation from the Coca-Cola Company due to its energy eff iciency, compatibility and flexibility for South-Africa and the rest of the world.

GESPESIFISEERDE ITEMS deur Wayne Moorcroft Gewoonlik ná die verlies van‘n selfoon, skootrekenaar of kamera, hoor jy die woorde “die items moes gespesifiseer gewees het vir jou om dekking te geniet”. Hierdie week kyk ons hoe ons die teleurstelling van die bogenoemde scenario te vermy. Wanneer moet ek my besittings spesifiseer? Die eenvoudigste antwoord is: Wanneer jy dit saam jou uit die huis uit neem. Die meeste korttermynprodukte dek items terwyl dit binne jou huis is. Die gevaar wat jy loop, is as jou selfoon uit jou hand gegryp word of jou kamera val en breek; dan gaan dit nie gedek wees tensy jy dit gespesifiseer het nie. Belangrike items om apart te spesif iseer is selfone, skootrekenaars, kameras, navigasietoestelle, draagbare speletjietoestelle en juweliersware wat kosbaar is. Wat gaan dit my ekstra kos om te spesifiseer? Jy moet in ag neem dat jy baie dekking saam met die spesifisering van ‘n item kry. Die toevallige breek en net eenvoudige wegraak van ‘n item is gevare wat hieronder gedek is. Jy betaal ‘n addisionele per item wat jy spesifiseer wat gekoppel word aan daardie item se waarde en tipe risiko. ‘n Selfoon sal byvoorbeeld duurder wees om te spesifiseer as juwele omdat kliënte hulle selfone maklik verloor, omdat selfone maklik val en baie gesteel word, waar mense meer geneig is om hulle juwele op te pas. Hoe word ek uitbetaal of skadeloos gestel? Omdat jy premie betaal op die bedrag wat jy gekies het, kan dit nogal probleme veroorsaak wanneer jou eis vir minder as dit betaal word. Die rede hiervoor is eenvoudig. Die versekeringsmaatskappy het die reg om jou items te vervang, kontant te skik of reg te maak. As jou selfoon 3 jaar oud is, is die kanse goed dat dit nie meer in produksie is nie. Dan word dit vervang met die model wat dit opgevolg het. Tegnologie raak al hoe goedkoper en om ‘n nuwe selfoon te kry, kan dalk nou goedkoper kos as 3 jaar gelede. Jy sal altyd n nuwe item in die plek daarvan kry of die kontant gelykstaande aan wat dit die versekeringsmaatskappy sal kos om dit te vervang of reg te maak.

EKOCENTER prototype in Heidelberg




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011 812 6503 011 739 9827/8/9 112

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Herstelwerk op bogenoemde


Skole plant bome Tydren motorsport in baba skoene

Laerskool Tini Vorster het ‘n Boomplant dag gehou 5 September. Twee inheemse immergroen akkerbome is geskenk aan die skool deur Itamany Timbers. Van Links: Faueste Tagliaferri, Charles Naude en Simon Malakoani.

Hoër- en Laerskool Balfour het Woensdag 4 September boomplantdag gevier. Dankie aan Eskom en ItamanyTimbers vir skenking van die bome.

Om aan motorsport deel te neem is ‘n duur stokperdjie en Fred Van Zyl en vriend Johan het hierdie leemte gesien in die motor sport bedryf. Kom manne, hier is die gulde geleentheid om te spog met jou motor se spoed. Tydren motorsport is iets uniek. Nie net word jou motor se spoed getoets nie, maar ook jou navigasie vermoë en jou bestuurs vernuf. Ongelukkig ruk die sport jou sak en daarom het Fred en Johan besluit om iets aan die situasie te doen en tydren motorsport bekostigbaar te maak vir die gewone ouens in die gemeenskap. In die maand van Julie 2013 het hierdie twee manne se droom gerealiseer. Met hulle eerste oefen en toets sessie op 22 Julie by Avalon, op die Carnival City pad, het daar 22 motors met drywers hulle entoesiasme kom deel. Daarna was nog ‘n byeenkoms gereel by Midvaal Resies baan op 31 Augustus, waar 27 motors hulle opwagting gemaak het. Fred-hulle probeer om elke maand ‘n samekoms te reël vir al die geesdriftiges. Dan word daar gejaag, gekuier en gespog oor die manne se rygoed. Hierdie is nie net ‘n sportsoort vir die mees gevorderde drywers nie. Die beginners kan gerus ook kom aanklop vir ‘n toetslopie, raad en lesse. Fred is uiters professioneel en het al ‘n hele paar toekennings op sy kerfstok. Hy sal beslis enige

Fred van Zyl in sy werkswinkel persoon kan touwys maak in die fynere kunsies van die sport soort. Nie net is Fred baie kundig waar dit kom by motorsport nie, maar hy diens, herstel en bou ook tydren motors. Dit is nou dus die perfekte geleentheid om jou resies motor te gaan uithaal. Kom deel gerus in die goeie gees van die volgende byeenkoms by die Midvaal Baan, geleë naby Meyerton op 12 Oktober 2013. Fred daag al die jaagduiwels uit om hulle motors te kom uittoets, veral aan diegene wat so spog oor die spoed en krag van hulle motors. Vir enige inligting rakende motorsport, kontak gerus vir Fred by 072 197 4688. Hy sal beslis sy passie met jou deel.




Launch of libraries Gekies vir Vaaldriehoekspan at Sedibeng College

Sedibeng College students and staff joined partner organisations from around Gauteng at the College’s Sebokeng Campus to celebrate the official launch of the new College libraries. Organized by the US State Department Fulbright ETAs, Mica Fidler and Ayushi Gummadi, who have worked to develop libraries at each Sedibeng campus since January. This event was a chance to celebrate the libraries’ development, encourage students to use their new resources and thank donors who made the libraries possible. Directed by student programme directors; France Koaho and Ntsheiseng Motaung, the program featured a performance by the talented Sebokeng Campus choir, a speech by Sedibeng College Principal Dr. Abe Mashele, who encouraged the students to treat the libraries as valuable learning spaces, a personal statement by Sedibeng student Celiwe Mcunu, and a self-written play, “Class Act,” performed by the Sebokeng Campus library club, Club Empower. The keynote speaker of the event was Mr. Fortiscue Helepi, a UCT graduate and successful Chemical Engineer at Sasol. He shared his foolproof formula for achieving

your dream: discipline, respect, (learning from) experience, appreciation, and motivation. As he stated in his speech, libraries are “theatres of dreams,” and his words will hopefully inspire students to engage with those theatres. Following his speech, the Fulbrights presented gifts to the partner organizations that made the libraries possible, including VUT Goldfields Library, Rotary International, and the US Consulate in Johannesburg. Sedibeng College was honored to host Consul General Earl Miller, Public Affairs Off icer John Warner, and Information Resource Centre Representative Chris du Plessis at the event. After the formal program concluded, students gave visitors tours of the new library, presented book reports, and placed red handprints on a pledge wall, committing themselves to being well-read. The launch was a huge success and wonderful opportunity to thank and celebrate with everyone that made the libraries possible. When the Fulbrights first arrived in South Africa, none of the campuses had functional libraries. Now, each campus has a vibrant library, with students eagerly checking out books.

Die 0/12 krieketspan van Laerskool AG Visser gaan die Vaaldriehoekspan, tydens die September skoolvakansie verteenwoordig in Vereeniging met die Bokkie Week. Van links: Jandray Muller, Wian Wiersma, Rubin Jordaan, MG Joubert en Tiaan Pretorius.

Redenaar wenners

Senior redenaar wenners, graad 4 - 7 van Laer Volkskool. Algehele wenner: Human van der Merwe. Agter links: Claudine Steyn en Mika Gouws. 2de ry agter links: Human van der Merwe en Bernice Swartz. 2de ry voor links: Richard Muller, Luan Vorster en Sarien Botha. Voor links: Zilke Hoffeldt, RouxChé Roux en Claryn Van Niekerk.

Gauteng East Cros Country team JJC Kruger & Vennote Springs Parkland Kliniek Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172


Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging (By River Square kruising 016 423 3553


Ayushi Gummadi (Fulbright ETA ), Dr Abe Mashele, (Principal/CEO Sedibeng College) receiving books at the official library launch from Consul General Earl Miller (US Consulate) and Mica Fidler (Fulbright ETA).

The following athletes from Nigel Primary took part in the Gauteng East Cross Country Team on August 30, 2013 at the Daveyton Golf Club.

Junior redenaar wenners, graad 1 – 3 van Laer Volkskool. Algehele Wenner Simeon Vorster. Agter links: Simeon Vorster, Miné Fourie en Theo Preller. Middel links: Dené Pieters, Matthew Lües en Suaté Pretorius. Voor links: Ju-vihé Marx, Mienke le Rouz en Thelesa van Heerden.



Nuwe baadjies vir voedingskema

Die voedingskema leerlinge van Laerskool Hannes Visagie spog met nuwe baadjies, gebord deur anonieme borge in die gemeenskap, asook gemeentelede van die PPK Gemeente Doxa Deo te Heidelberg. Hartlike dank aan al ons borge.


Deelname Gauteng

Hendre Horn en Izak van der Merwe het Gauteng verteenwoordig, tydens die Onderwysdepartement se Wiskunde Olimpiade gedurende Augustus.

Puik prestasies

Die graad 4 Kwartet span van Laerskool Hannes Visagie wat 88% (A+) verwerf het. Die leerlinge is deur Juf Lida Potgieter afgerig. Van links is Megan Prinsloo, Jessica Els, Demi Ferguson en Johannie vd Merwe

Laerskool Hannes Visagie se graad 6 Trio span met 85% (A+), afgerig deur Juf Sandrie Kane. Van links is Carmia Prinsloo, Megan Thompson en Lizerie de Lange.

Duncan Nel aangewys as die graad 3 kampioen van al die Nigel skole, tydens die Mental Maths kampioenskappe.


Nog a graad 6 Trio span met 84% (A), ook deur juf Sandrie Kane afgerig. Van links is Marelize Pretorius, Joshua Swart en Luane Viljoen.

Een van die graad 5 Kwartet span van Laerskool Hannes Visagie met 86% (A+). Afgerig deur Juf Hannetjie Joubert. Van links is Yolin Lottering, Keziah Bowker, Jasmin Mackenzie, Prudence Filand Shaunelle Schoonraad van Hoër Volkskool gaan die Suid-Afrikaanse span verteenwoordig by die IDO Disco Wêreld Kampioenskappe gehou in Bochum, Duitsland vanaf die 12-15 September 2013. Foto onder: Graad 3 leerlinge van Laerskool Hannes Visagie wat aan die Geletterdheid kompetisie deelgeneem het in hul onderskeie items. Van links is Kristen Botha - redenaars, Saskia Kraftt - english poetry en Jenny Kok - voorbereide en onvoorbereide lees.

Nog ‘n graad 5 Kwartet span met 88% (A+) wat deur juf Hannetjie afgerig is. Van links is Elandia Marais, Lucinda vd Merwe, Derik Pieterse en Izak vd Merwe

Die graad 7 Kwartet wat 85% (A+) verwerf het is deur Juf Luciana Amara afgerig. Van links is Maritza Maritz, Danica van Staden, Anja Labuschagne en Marco vd Merwe.

Foto bo: Die Graad 3 leerlinge van Laerskool Hannes Visagie het aan die jaarlikse Kultuurfees deelgeneem. Die tema was besoedeling en herwinning. Met musiek en drama is die tema op ‘n oorspronklike en kreatiewe wyse uitgebeeld. Hulle is as die wenners aangewys en het teen die Springsskole gaan deelneem. Agter vlnr : Kristen Botha, Abigail Gabrielli en Lu-Keisha Delport. Voor vlnr : Melisa Meyer, Nicole Jacobs en Kaitlyn Bernard.




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BERGSIG - R550 000


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LIEFLIKE SIERSTEEN MEENTHUIS MEENTHUIS IDEAAL VIR BEGINNER WAG NET VIR DIE REGTE GESIN 3.5 HA PLOT - LAE INSTANDHOUDINGS 2 Slp, 2 Badk, Oopplan Sitkamer, Kombuis,1 3 Slaapkamer, 2 Badkamer, Veilige Stoep met Net 2 in Kompleks, Sentraal geleÍ, 3 KOSTES 3 Slp, 1 Badk, Kombuis, Sit en Eetkamer, 2 Slaapkamer, 2 Badkamer, 2 Motorhuise Motorhuis, Huier Stoep, Privaat Tuin Kamer, Swembad, 2 Motorhuise m/huise, afdak, Hoenderhokke, Store en Dam, Omhein



8`5 HEKTAAR PLOT MET JACUZZI 4 Slpk, 3 Badk, Ruim Sitk, T.V Kamer, Komb, 2 M/H, 2 Boorgate, Buitegeboue en Store

HELAY - 072 848 4003 HELAY 072 848 4003 HELAY - 072 848 4003 CALLIE - 082 560 0175 CALLIE - 082 560 0175 CENTRAL - R500 000 BERGSIG - R625 000 RENSBURG R485 000 BERGSIG - R630 000 OVERKRUIN-R1.930 000

NET INTREK EN BLY Modern huis met 4 Slpk, 2 Badk, Studeerk, Ruim Leefareas, Jacuzzi, 3 M/H, Prag Tuin

RUIM HUIS OP GROOT ERF BAIE GOEIE BELEGGING 3 Slaapkamer, 1 Badkamer, Sitk/Eetkamer, T.V. 3 Slp, 1 Bad, Oopplan eetkamer/kombuis, kamer, Kombuis met opws, Afdak 1 M/huis met afdak

APARTMENT ON FIRST FLOOR 2 Bedroom, 1.5 Bathr, Dinnigr, Kitchen and Lounge that opens on balcony, Carport

IN MEENTHUIS KOMPLEKS 2 Slaapkamer, 2 Badkamer, Oopplan Sitk, Kombuis, 1 Motorhuis

HELAY - 072 848 4003 HELAY - 072 848 4003 HELAY - 072 848 4003 CALLIE - 082 560 0175 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 INDUSTRIEEL - R2 000 000 RENSBURG - R1.025 000 GOEDEHOOP - R1.850 000 SENTRAAL - R1.050 000 SHALIMARIDGE-R1.280 000

NETJIES MET WOONSTEL DRINGENDE KOOP FABRIEK OP 3045 VK MET PERSEEL 3 Slpk, 3 Badk, Sit/Eetk en Kombuis, 2 M/H, 1 15 HT met 2x4 Slpk huise, 3 Boorgate, Baie Met kantore, Kombuis, Toilette, ens. Veilig omhein Slpk W/stel, 1 Badk, Buite Toilet, Stoork, Omhein store, Motorhuise, Afdakke, Lapa, Damme

CHARMING HOME 1651 SQ METER BUSINESS STAND 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, Pol, Lapa,Wendy, 2 Neat office currently enclosed car trading facility Garages, 1 Carport

CALLIE - 082 560 0175 CALLIE - 082 560 0175 CALLIE - 082 560 0175 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 JORDAANPARK - R1.620 000 BERSIG - R900 000


NETJIESE MEENTHUIS VEILIGE KOMPLEKS 2 Slpk, 2 Badk, Studeer met kaste, Oopplan Sit/Eet/Komb, Aparte opwas, Braai, 2 M/H

RUIM FAMILIE HUIS 4 Slpk, 3 Badk, Grt woonareas, Studeerkamer, Swembad, Lapa, 2 M/H, 2 Afdakke

ONDERHANDELBAAR 2 Eiendomme op 1 Erf, 3 Slpk, 2 Bad huis, 2 M/H, 2 de 3 Slpk huis onvoltooid

HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 FERRYVALE - R895 000 EXT 2 - R650 000

NIGEL PRYS VERLAAG!!! Facebrick - 3 Slp, 2 Bad, 2 Motorhuise, Baie veilig! Kombuis, Eet en TV Kamer

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295

FERRYVALE - R240 000

FERRYVALE - R795 000

MAAK AANBOD! 3 Slp, 2 Bad, 1 Mhuis, 2 Afdakke, Kombuis, Woonvertrekke, Eetkamer, Buite geboue

NIC - 082 746 9295 FERRYVALE - R870 000

G VARLOCH - R550 000

VISAGIEPARK - R1.350 000

ERWE TE KOOP R240 000 ELK 2 x Kaal erwe 1980vk meter NUUT OP DIE MARK RIF AREA - NUUT OP MARK BESONDERSE KOOP!!! PRYS VERLAAG - GOLDEN OLDIE Goed gelee, Gesamentlik 3 Slp, 2 Bad, 2 M/huise, Sitkamer, Eetkamer, 3 Slaapkamer, 2 Badkamer, 2 M/huise, Sit, 3 Slp, 1 Bad, Ruim Sitkamer, Eetkamer, 5 Slp, 2 Bad, 2 M/huise, Eet & TV Kamer, TV Kamer, Lapa Lapa, Swembad, Braai stoep - Moet sien Eet &TV Kamer, Swembad - GOEIE KOOP Woonvertrek, 1 M/huis, 2 Afdakke of afsonderlik te Koop

NIC - 082 746 9295 NIC - 082 746 9295 VISAGIEPARK - R700 000 EXTENTION 2 - R650 000

NIC - 082 746 9295 FERRYVALE - R760 000

NIC - 082 746 9295 NIC - 082 746 9295 FERRYVALE - R565 000 VISAGIEPARK - R595 000

MEENTHUIS-ONDERHANDELBAAR DRINGENDE VERKOOP!!! NUUT OP DIE MARK - BAIE NETJIES NETJIES - MAAK AANBOD!!! 3 Slp, 1 Bad, Sitkamer, Eetkamer, Son- 2 Slaapkamer, 1 Badkamer, 2 M/huise, Eie 3 Slp, 1 Bad, Ruim leefarea, Lapa 3 Slaapkamer, 1 Badkamer, 1 M/huis, Tuin, Lapa, Baie Veilig! Groot 1 Slaapkamer Woonstel kamer, Mooi Kombuis! Sit, Eetkamer, Kombuis, Braai stoep

GOEIE KOOP!!! NETJIES 3 Slp, 1 Bad, 1 Motorhuis, Mooi Kombuis Reuse Lapa - Prag Tuin!!!

NIC - 082 746 9295 NIC - 082 746 9295 NIC - 082 746 9295 NIC - 082 746 9295 NIC - 082 746 9295 VISAGIEPARK R980 000 VISAGIEPARK R980 000 VISAGIEPARK - R960 000 VISAGIEPARK - R565 000 FERRYVALE - R975 000

VISAGIEPARK RIF LEKKER FAMILIE HUIS - KOM KYK!!! VISAGIEPARK RIF - UITSTEKEND! PRYS VERLAAG!!! MOET VERKOOP! 3 Slp, 2 Badk, 2 M.huise, Swembad, Braai 3 Slp, 2 Badk, 2 M.huise, 2 Afdakke, Sit, Eet 3 Slaapkamer, 1 Badkamer, 2 Motorhuise 4 Slp, 2 Bad, 2 M/huise, Afdakke, TV, Sit 3 Slp, 2 Bad, 3 M/huise. TV, Eet en Siten TV Kamer, Pak kamer - Vele meer! DRINGENDE VERKOOP!!! en Eetkamer, Teeldak - Baie goeie koop! Kamer, Lapa, Swembad + 2 Slp Woonstel stoep - Vele Meer! Stil Straat

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295






RUMOURS RESTAURANT: For professional catering of all events. Weddings, Parties, Spitbraais, Platters and Potjies. Nothing too big or small. Your venue or ours. Phone Piet at 011 814 1428 / 072 470 2187. TO HIRE: Cutlery, crockery, large selection of table cloths, overlays, tables and chairs etc. Sonnette 082 926 1515

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Nic 082 746 9295





Geysers, toilets, drains, gebarste pype, skrynwerk, teëls ens. Seël van dakke & plaveisels. 082 646 9928 AA & AALLY Wendys. Wendys of any size from treated pallet wood. 3x3 - R3500, 3x4 - R4500. Zinc roof, window with glass & floor included. 10 Years guarantee. Contact Ally 072 928 1724.


NOAH’S ARK PET SHOP: Voëls, voëlsaad, hokke, visse, viskos, akwariums. Hondekos Montego, Jock (3 in 1) ens. AviPlus. Bearded dragons, hamsters, krieke, meel wurms, honde-hokke, honde jassies en bedjies. Honde, katte en hasies. Kaarte welkom. Dae oop per week 9:00 - 17:00 Naweke en vakansie-dae 09:00 - 16:00. LAUNDRY MATE Tel: 011 814-4514. By mini Zoo, For a professional and value for money Noordstraat 132, Nigel. LAUNDRY service, contact Laundry

For 3D Designer Kitchens or kitchen revamps, BIC, Bathr, Vanities, Wall to Wall Carpets and Laminated Flooring. No compromise on Quality and Service. Free Quotations. Phone Andre at 016 349 5052 or 082 738 1441

Mate at 011 814 3597 or 072 511 4366. Domestic & Cor porate, including Curtians, Table Cloths, Blankets, Comforters, ect. Collect and deliver in Nigel/ Heidelberg town area.

AANDAG! Alle matriek afskeid dames. Vol stel naels openings aanbod. Alle dames welkom. R120. Parmanente maskara R160. Kontak 071 367 4411.



TO RENT TE HUUR NIGEL TE HUUR: Netjiese 3-slaapkmr, 2-badkmr, 2 leef-areas, tandemgarage, groot ommuurde hoek-erf, lapa, naby hoër- en laerskole. Beskikbaar September. R4,700p.m. Water is ingesluit. Koopkrag. Deposito betaalbaar. 084 403 6963. NIGEL / GLENVARLOCH Townhouse secure complex: 2 beds open plan bathroom with shower, security gates, electric fencing , 1 x carport. Pre-paid electricity, R3 950 p/m plus deposit, phone 084 725 5820. Huis te Huur op plaas naby Greylingstad. ‘n Pragtige plaashuis in ‘n Idilliese plaas omgewing tussen Greylingstad en Balfour, met 7 slaapkamers 3 Badkamers twee kombuise. Ideaal vir groot gesin of gesin met inwonende grootouers. Kan ook aangewend word om n Gastehuis uit te bedryf. R8500 Beskikbaar vanaf 1 November 2013. Kontak Frik 082 490 6274 FOUND / GEVIND

Need extra money!! Register as a concultant and maker of exquiste range of jewellery or just treat yourself. New winter collection with lots of specials. Contact me on 083 512 4667

Miniture Dobermin Pincher! Found at Nigel / Glenvarloch. Identify the puppy of give a good discription. Contact 072 149 9297.



Why dont you book with us for your Christian events. We are in Tsakane. We deal with the following. Children intertainment for parties, Church meetings. Society meetings. Bring and Braai for groups. Please contact Amos Madonsela at 082 353 2449 or 072 3691 000.


Viool met struik, oudhede, swing, slides & skoppelmaai, pine enkelbeddens met matras R595, baie sitkamerstelle - hout en gestoffeerd - kom besoek ons gerus hier is baie om na te kyk - groete Adelle & Nanette.

Vissies neem deel aan Lego League

ANCIENT DAYS Antiques - oudhede. Ons koop, verkoop en restoureer meubels. Groot verskeidenheid nou beskikbaar. Kom loer gerus in. Skakel ons by 016 349 2175 of Wena 082 785 9108

Gimnaste presteer AG Visser Gimnastiek: Die volgende leerlinge van Laerskool AG Visser het medaljes ontvang vir gimnastiek. Agter links: Dené Jordaan, Zander de Vries en Zonika de Vries. Links voor: Elrina Greyling, Simoné Moll en Ulrike Oosthuizen.

Leerders van Laerskool AG Visser Lego League wat deel is van ‘n Nasionale Kompetisie wat strek vanaf 24 Augustus 2013 tot en met 9 November. Leerders moet probleme oplos deur die programering en bou van robots. Tema vir die jaar is “Nature’s Fury” en al die struikelblokke is op die tema gebaseer. Hulle grootste borg die jaar is die SAPD.

Hokkie bokkies

Langasem atleet 9de Rhode Boon, landloop atleet van Balfour Laer en Hoërskool, het Saterdag 30 Augustus deelgeneem aan die Gert Sibande distrik kampioenskappe op Secunda waar sy 9de plek behaal het.

Laerskool AG Visser 0-11 Hokkie dogters het tweede plek behaal, tydens hul proewe op 29 Augustus, waar 6 spanne deelgeneem het en dring deur na die semi-finaal. Hier saam met afrigter Ané Holmmer.



Skaak Oos-Gauteng


Music and Arts Tennis wenners

Die 1ste tennis span van Hoër Volkskool wat Vrydag 30 Augustus 2013 deelgeneem het aan die Vaaldriehoek liga. Hulle het teen Transvalia gespeel in Vanderbijlpark en het 33-23 gewen. Van links: Hanjo Minnaar, Zander Minnaar en Stephan Louw.

Tini Vorster skaak: Die volgende skaakleerlinge van Laerskool Tini Vorster gaan Desember maand die Oos-Gauteng span verteenwoordig in Durban. Hulle speel uit vir die SA span. Vian Maree is op die oomblik 20ste in Suid-Afrika vir die ouderdomsgroep 0/14. Agter van links: (0/14) Vian Maree, Alex Oberholzer, Michael Cockroft en Rouxan Pienaar. Middel van links: (0/12) Ruan Claassens, Stefan van Aswegen, Stefan Horn en Xander Kriel. Voor van links: (0/10) Dian la Grange, Karla Horn, Damien Davies en Kayliegh Weideman.


Leerlinge van Laerskool Tini Vorster wat die Blesbokpruit krieketspan op 25 Augustus 2013 verteenwoordig het. Hulle speel hul eerste wedstryd 14 September teen die Easterns. Van Links: Reinhardt Lootz (0/11), Jan Van Rooyen (0/12), Jannie Hough (0/11) saam met afrigter Charles Naudé.

Nigel Primary learners took part in the Springs Music and Arts Festival at Strubenvale Primary School in Springs. The overall results as follows: 4 AA+ and medal (over 90%), 6 A+ (8589%), 12 A’s (8084%), 9B+ (7579%) 1 B (70-75%). The Following learners received A++ and Medals: Back from left: Nompumelelo Ntoagae, Malesdi Hlasa. Front Skaakspelers van Hoër Volkskool wat aan die Gauteng Skaakkampioenskappe vir Nompumelelo 2013 te Tswane Skougronde deelgeneem het. Van links: Arno Breytenbach, Gideon Mkhwanazi and Breytenbach, Zander Minnaar, Almaro de Villiers en Hanjo Minnaar. Sihle Nkosi.

Manne wat jou skaakmat



Twee spelers gekies vir Valke Suikerbosrand Jeug Rugby is al ‘n geruime tyd goed opdreef met ywerige afrigters en flinke spelers. Saterdag 24 Augustus 2013 het die Onder 12/13 span hul wedstryd gewen teen Springs 17-10 te Brandwag Benoni. Op die 1ste September het die 0/9’s Kempton Wolwe met 14 - 5 geklop en die 0/16 stap met die louere weg 15 - 0 teen Elsburg/ Wolwe Barberians. Die Rugby klub is gestig om ‘n liefde en begrip van rugby, in te boesem onder jong spelers. Die wedstryde is sosiaal van aard en elke lid van die klub gaan ‘n beurt gegun word om ‘n wedstryd te speel. Hierdeur word plaaslike talent in ons omgewing gehou en bevorder. Daar is geen wenners en verloorders by hierdie klub nie. Alle rugby spelers van Nigel, Heidelberg en Balfour word hartlik uitgenooi om deel te word van die jeug klub. Spelers kom elke Dinsdag en Donderdag 17:30 tot 18:45 op die John Vorster Stadium bymekaar in Nigel. Die meederheid van die klub se afrigters het die Bok Smart kursus voltooi, dit handel oor reëls en spelveiligheid. Die klub nooi ook die ouers om betrokke te raak by die aktiwiteite. Alhoewel daar alreeds afrigters is, is hul nie naastenby genoeg nie. So aan al die manne, as jy voel jy het dit in jou om ‘n paar woelige seuns touwys te maak in die fynere kunsies van rugby, kom sit ‘n hand by asseblief. Aangesien die Jeug Rugby Klub nog ‘n jong Klub is, benodig hulle nog borge en fondse. Fondse wat gegenereer word gaan aagewend word om kouse, mediese toerusting en broekies te koop. Die klub bedank al die borge wat dit moontlik gemaak het om truie aan te skaf, onder andere: Werner Strydom, Super Steel, Industrial Nesh supplies, Alvic Enginering, PJ Logistics, Computer Link en Ferryvale Apteek, asook elke kontant bydrae wat van die publiek afkomstig was. Vir enige verdere navrae kontak gerus Peter Erasmus, voorsitter by 071 019 8360 of Karin Bekker, sekretaresse by 076 957 028.

Onder 12/13 Span Suikerbosrand Jeug Rugby met Afrigter Jacques Du Plessis en Spanbestuurder Stephan Bekker

14 Voortrekkerstr. Heidelberg / 016 349 2821 /

YOUR SUMMER STARTS HERE! Nothing beats waking up in South Africa on a windless day to an impossibly blue sky and the knowledge that the mercury is going to reach the high twenties. The first real day of summer gives you that stomach-fluttering feeling that anything is possible.....

NEW 10 week GYM challenge How to have a flat belly at the age: 20+, 30+, 40+, 50+

10 WEEKS to your best body ever! Starts September 17. Book @ Vitafit reception R50 Vitafit Celebrating 8 years on September 12!

Thank you for all our members gr8 support!

We are finally in charge of our bodies!

LOSE THE WINTER WEIGHT Skipping gym for more time in bed, indulging in comfort food. Recognise these winter habits? Thought so! Which means you may also recognise the extra kilos on your bum and thighs. But don’t worry - spring is time for a fresh start. Launch your new-me regime.

Put a stop to cravings Johnny Roos en Quintin Visser van die Suikerbosrand Jeug Rugby 0/13, is albei gekies vir die Valkespan.

Cravings for unhealthy foods are more pronounced in winter. Research shows you’ll probably gain an average of 3kg as you consume 1200-2100kj more per day. What to do: Eat regularly and stick to lowGI foods to keep you fuller for longer and your energy levels steady. This means skipping refined starches, such as white bread, pasta and sugar and eating more wholegrain and wholewheat foods.

Freshen Up

We tend to eat heavier, warming foods during winter - salads aren’t that appealing in the cold. But when spring arrives, your taste buds naturally crave lighter, fresher foods - embrace that. What to do: Stock up on fresh produce. This wll increase the volume of food you consume without adding empty kjs. Bulk up a lunch with salad greens or nibble on fresh vegetables.

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