Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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Cnr Kingsway & Van Riebeeck Street, NIGEL - Cell: 079 493 0075

TEL: (011) 814 8614

15 October 2013

FAX: 086 751 7998

VOL 9 NO 19


Stakers maak amok! Oproerige stakers saai verwoesting op welbekende besigheidsperseel en klante moet deurloop. Super Quick, geleë te Schoemanstraat Heidelberg, bekend as Shariff ’s Tyres is die afgelope paar weke geteister deur werkers van die motor industrie. Na bewering bestaan hierdie groep uit werkers van Hi Q Tyre, TyreMart, Icecold Bodies en Conquerer. Die stakers het vanaf 9 September hulle gereedskap neergesit en verhoogde salarisse geeis. Op 13 September 2013 moes AK Shariff, eienaar van Super Quick, noodgedwonge sy besigheid se deure sluit vir die dag omrede die stakers oproerig begin raak het. Stakers was gewapen met knopkieries en klippe. Shariff het die Heidelberg SAPD gekontak en gevra om die personeel veilig uit te lei vanaf die perseel. Maandag, 30 September is mev Shariff voor die hekke van die perseel voorgekeer deur stakers. Sy is belet om die perseel te betree. Die stakers het haar daavan beskuldig dat daar werkers op die perseel is. Volgens die stakers moet alle werkers staak en mag geen werker aanmeld by enige werksplek nie. Nadat Shariff die stakers deur die winkel geneem het om hulle te verseker dat daar geen werkers is nie, het die stakers heeldag buite die perseel saamgedrom. Mnr Shariff het intussen SAPD Heidelberg inkennis gestel van die oproeriges en hulle bewus gemaak van die interdik wat teen die stakers ingestel is. Die SAPD het uitgekom, maar hul afstand ‘n ent vanaf die perseel gehou. Met die

teenwoordigheid van die SAPD is die situasie onder beheer geplaas. Woensdag 2 Oktober omstreeks 12:00 het die stakers weereens hul verskyning gemaak en handuit geruk en groot skade met klippe en hul knopkieries aangerig. Vensters en glasdeure is uitgegooi met klippe en ‘n kliënt se BMW voertuig is in die proses beskadig. ‘n Kliënt is binne in die perseel aangerand, nadat die oproeriges hom as ‘n werker aangesien het. “Verskeie oproepe sonder enige sukses is na die SAPD van Heidelberg gemaak vir bystand,” vertel Shariff. ‘n Polisie voertuig vanaf Ratanda het met die verbygaan die erns van die situasie opgesom. Hulle het by Shariff die toedrag van sake gaan verneem. Alhoewel dit nie hulle sone is nie, het hulle stelling ingeneem by die ingang van die perseel. Oproeriges het onmiddelik padgevat. ‘n Saak van goedere beskadiging is deur Shariff geopen by die SAPD Heidelberg.

Een van die vensters van Super Quick wat deur oproerige stakers uitgegooi is.



15 OCTOBER 2013

There is still some service I am sure many of us fall into the trap of comparing when we were young to life in the 2013s. I often let my mind drift and think of my school days when the biggest dare was to have a drink (one beer) and some were even brave enough to have a cigarette around the back of the boy’s toilet. Today this is the norm and the children of today are faced with alcohol drugs and sex. At the same time I often think of the days when


decide where the difference comes from. I have recently had some dealings with a car dealer (not in Heidelberg) and the after sales service has been disgusting. Promises have been made and just about none of them have been met. I have also recently been dealing with a printing company (in Heidelberg) and the service that I had from them was absolutely fantastic. We (The Methodist Church of Southern Africa) had a problem to get 6000 posters printed in two days. I contacted the company and asked if it could be done and explained why there was such a short delivery time. The answer was a “No problem – we will get the job done”. I have dealt with them before and had no doubt that they meant what they said. But when they picked up

57 Strydom Street, Heidelberg Tel: (016) 341-2437 Rev. Ray Cell 082 656 3123 “We exist to be like Christ, live like Christ, and share the exciting message of Christ to all people”.

some problems they went the extra mile. To complete the job they had to work well into the night and open the shop on the Saturday (their shop does not open on a Saturday) so that I could collect the job. At the specified time they were at the shop, greeted me with a smile and gave me the 6000 posters. What is the difference between these two instances? I believe that you have one company only focusing on money and another company focusing on service (and in that way I know they will get the money). People today have lost direction and work just for the money. People today seem to expect to be paid for whatever work they deliver and at whatever rate and standard they produce. Paul (the author of three quarters of the New Testament) tells us that we should realize that all the work we do is actually for God and not ourselves. God has blessed us with the work, he has blessed us with the means to do the work and we should in return do our daily work honouring God at all times. If we could get this right I know that we will all strive to give service and excellence similar to what I got from the printers. There are some who still give good old honest service – do you fall into this group of people? Are you honouring God in all that you do?


Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. Colossians 3:23 (NIV) H2411

LEADERS IN CUSTOM MADE SHOPFRONTS e-mail: 58 Second Avenue, Nigel 1490 Tel: 011 814-1577/26 Fax: 011 814 8467

service was the prime objective and a person’s word was a person’s word. I remember the days when many a deal was clinched with a hand shake. I remember the days when people went out of their way to complete a job – and to complete it correctly. In today’s world people seem to think that the client must accept whatever they are given, not expecting perfection and definitely not expecting service. How many times don’t you hear of people having asked for a quote and the said quote just never comes. How many times has a promised delivery been made to you and it just does not materialize? I had two very different experiences recently and I would briefly like to share them with you and then I would like to look at them and try and

Service times: 08h00 – Traditional Service (Mother’s Room available) 09h30 – Worship Service (Mother’s Room available) 18h00 – Evening Service (for Adults and Youth) H2321

From the desk of Rev Ray Goddess, Heidelberg Methodist Church

15 OCTOBER 2013





Stamp fanatics Stamp collecting dispels boredom, enlarges our vision, broadens our knowledge, makes us better citizens and in innumerable ways, enriches our lives. Nigel boast with its own Stamp Club that has been existing over 20 years. The meetings are held at Nigel Methodist Hall on the last Monday of every month at 18:30 for 19:00. In October Nigel Stamp Club is celebrating National Stamp Day with the rest of South-Africa. This day will take place on Saturday October 19, 2013 at Nigel Library showing a display with different kind of stamps.

Collecting stamps is a well-known hobby and an easy activity. One benefit of stamp collecting is that you do not need to spend much money on this hobby. Stamps are an easy way to learn about the world. You can collect stamps alone or as a group. You can spend as much or as little time on it as you want, any time of the day or night, rain or sunshine. Stamp collecting is like detective work. It is all about f inding out where a stamp comes from, when it was issued, what it symbolises and so much more. The club invites the public to take part in their monthly meetings. Come and enjoy the love of stamps.

Wenke oor motorversekering deur Wayne Moorcroft Om ‘n voertuig aan te koop, is ‘n verantwoordelike besluit en daar moet onder andere besluite geneem word oor die volgende: Fabrikaat Finansieringsinstelling Motoronderhoudsplan, ens. Maar die laaste aspek waaraan mense gewoonlik dink, is die versekeringspremie! VERSEKERING is ‘n kontrak tussen die versekeraar en die versekerde. Die risiko bepaal gewoonlik die premie en juis daarom betaal ‘n versekerde wat jonk is en ‘n hoë verrigtingvoertuig het, ‘n baie hoër versekeringspremie as ‘n middeljarige persoon wat byvoorbeeld ‘n standaardvoertuig besit. Elkeen het ‘n plig tot versigtigheid. Alle redelike stappe moet deur u gedoen word om die voertuig wat gedek is, te beveilig en in stand te hou om verlies of skade te voorkom of te beperk. Tree altyd op asof u glad nie versekering het nie en daardeur doen u alles om verliese te voorkom. Die waarde van ‘n voertuig verminder jaarliks en moet so aangepas word. Maak dus seker dat u nie ‘n te hoë premie op u motorversekering betaal nie. Beperkte dekking (derde party, brand en diefstal) word ook aangebied en die premie is aansienlik minder, maar hier word slegs die ander party se voertuig in die geval van ‘n motorongeluk gedek en geen skade aan aan u eie voertuig word gedek nie. Alle ekstras aan voertuie moet gespesifiseer word, bv. nie-standaard klanktoerusting, sierwiele, ens. Suid-Afrika het van die hoogste diefstal- en kapingsyfers in die wêreld. Vir beveiliging vereis die meeste versekeraars dat ‘n voertuig toegerus moet wees met ‘n VESA-goedgekeurde immobiliseerder en/of ‘n satelliet opsporingstelsel. Afhangende van die area waar die voertuig is en/of die waarde van die voertuig kan so ‘n opsporingstelsel ‘n vereiste wees. Gebeurtenis waarby diefstal of ander misdaad of verlies betrokke is, moet onmiddellik by die SAPD aangemeld word. Geen verklaring, erkentenis, aanbod, belofte of betaling moet gemaak word sonder die toestemming van u versekeraar nie. Premies word regstreeks verbind met die getal eise wat ingedien is. Hoe minder eise en hoe kleiner die bedrae, hoe beter die premie. Die beste manier om op premies te spaar, is deur ‘n geeneisbonus te verdien. Geen eise besorg vir u ‘n beter premie. Dit bly die beste om ‘n makelaar se advies in te win en as u ‘n langtermyn verhouding met u adviseur opbou, ken hy u persoonlike omstandighede. Maak ook seker dat die makelaar wie se advies u inwin oor ‘n aanspreeklikheidspolis beskik sodat moontlike nalatigheid aan sy kant ook verseker is. Waak daarteen om net goedkoop premies na te jaag. Maak seker dat die polisinhoud aan u behoeftes voldoen. Volgende keer: Bepaling van premies: Waarna om te kyk voordat u besluit om ‘n polis te aanvaar.

15 OCTOBER 2013

Stigting van veediefstal forum ‘n Nuwe forum word saamgestel om veediefstal te bekamp in provinsies. Sedert Junie 2013 is daar ‘n toename van 5.6% in veediefstalsake net in Gauteng. Dit het aan die lig gekom dat die misdaad nie tot ‘n provinsie beperk is nie maar ook oor provinsiale grense strek. Die oorgrens misdaad tussen Gauteng en NoordVrystaat het die veediefstal forums van die provinsies genoodsaak om met mekaar te kommunikeer. Dit het duidelik geword dat daar gebrek is aan misdaad intelligensie en kommunikasie en dat die aangeleentheid dringend

aangespreek moet word. Tydens ‘n vergadering is daar beslis dat die stiging van ‘n Interprovinsiale veediefstal forum (IPVF) noodsaaklik is. Die IPVF is daarop gefokus om veediefstal te voorkom. Ten einde sal dit vir die rooivleis-produsent moontlik wees om aanhoudend ekonomies te produseer, sonder die bedreiging van veediefstal. Die IPVF sal hoofsaaklik fokus op die nakoming van tersaaklike wetgewing deur alle rolspelers. Die forum sal twee keer per maand vergader om probleme aan te spreek.

Drugs do not discriminate Drug abuse getting worst and dealers are targeting our young children. It is important to discuss the danger of drugs and to be informed about the benefits of living a drug free life. Drug abuse is a reality. Taking place in all income groups, race, society and ages. It can happen to you! After an indebt interview with Jan Combrinck from Uturn drugs, we were informed that children as young as 10 years are already experimenting with drugs. Jan says that children get introduced to drugs either by an adult, family member or by friends. Parents must become more interested towards their children’s lives, they must be educated on the latest drugs available and the dangers of continual use. Listed is four of the latest designer drugs on the streets of South-Africa: Meow meow Meow meow are the street name for Mephedrone, a synthetic psychoactive drug. Researchers have found compelling evidence that mephedrone can give users significant memory loss. It is said to produce a similar but more powerful high than either ecstasy or cocaine and is dangerously addictive. It is cheap, easy to find. Experts warn that it is no party drug – it is literally frying your brain. Spice Spice is a mix of herbs that produce experiences similar to marijuana (cannabis). They are sold under many names: K2, fake weed, Yucatan Fire, Skunk Moon Rock and others. They contain dried, shredded plant material along with manmade chemical that cause mindaltering effects. Some Spice products are sold as incense, but they look more like potpourri. Like marijuana, most people smoke Spice. Sometimes, it is mixed with marijuana or is prepared as a herbal tea for drinking. Spice products are popular among young

people. Easy access and the misunderstanding that Spice products are natural and safe, have likely contributed to their popularity. Dragonfly It is extremely potent, meaning that it only takes a very small dose to produce life threatening results. Like all drugs that are induced into the body’s system, the effects of Dragonfly can last a long time, up to 2 or 3 days. The side effects can include: heart problems, confusion, hallucinations, seizures and even death. Bath Salts Bath salts are a new family of drugs containing one or more manmade chemicals related to cathinone, an amphetaminelike stimulant found naturally in the khat plant. It has been marketed as a cheap substitute for stimulants like amphetamines and cocaine. Bath salts are usually white or brown crystalline powder and are sold in small plastic or foil packages labelled not for human consumption. Bath salts are typically swallowed, inhaled, or injected, with the worst dangers being associated with snorting or needle injection. Deaths have been reported in several cases. Designer drugs are scary but as a parent it is your responsibility to face this frightening beast by f irst educating yourself to the horrors of drug use - all drugs! There is tons of information available on the internet informing you of dangerous drugs that your children could be using. The most important thing that you could possibly do to intervene in the possibility of your children using drugs is to become their friend as opposed to just being their parent. Start talking to your children at an early age about drugs. If you gain their trust you are steps ahead of the drug dealer who wants nothing more than to get your son or daughter hooked on a drug that could drastically alter or even end your child’s life.

15 OCTOBER 2013



Dissipline vs rassisme Mense skreeu rassisme uit, alhoewel daar geen goeie argument is om hulle saak te staaf nie. Die probleem is nie rassisme nie, maar dissipline. Die MDM (ANC, SAKP, COSATU en SANCO), tesame met lede van die publiek, asook leerders van verskeie skole sowel as Hoër Volkskool het Maandag 7 Oktober 2013 gemarsjeer. Die optog het vanaf Shalimar Ridge tot by die hekke van Hoër Volkskool plaasgevind. Die dryfveer agter die mars word toege-skryf aan rassisme. Met die aankoms by Volkskool is ‘n memorandum vanaf MDM aan verteenwoordigers van die beheerlig-gaam van Hoër Volkskool en die Onderwys Departement oorhandig. Die memorandum bevat bevele, griewe en aantygings vanaf hierdie organisiasie. Mnr Corrie Human, lid van die beheerliggaam van Volkskool, het die volgende feite rondom die memorandum uitgelig: In 2010 het die Onderwys Departement ondersoek by Hoër Volkskool ingestel, nadat die department klagtes rondom rassisme ontvang het. Dis tans drie jaar later en die department het nog geen verslag rondom die aangeleentheid uitgereik nie. Daar word ook verwys dat ‘n SAP lid op die beheerliggaam dien, die skool verklaar dit as onwaar. Volgens die memorandum is die voorsitter van die beheerliggaam ‘n advokaat, hierdie stelling is ook onwaar. Die beskuldiging dat Volkskool ‘n Afrikaner skool is en dat hulle voorberei vir ‘n Volkstad, is sensasionele propaganda. Die verkiesing van die beheerliggaam is demokraties en lede kan slegs verkies word indien hulle genomineer word deur die ouers. Die hele verkiesingsproses word deur die Departement van Onderwys beheer en word deurgaans gemonitor deur die Onafhanklike Verkiesings Kommissie. Die verkiesing vind plaas volgens Nasionale reëls en regulasies wat deur die bogenoemde kommissie in plek gestel word. Enige vorm van diskriminasie, intimidasie en slegte behandeling word ten sterkste ontken. By Volkskool is daar nie wit en

swart leerlinge nie, maar net leerders. Die Onderwys Departement beloof al vanaf 1998 om ‘n engelse hoërskool op Bergsig te vestig, vir die rede om engelssprekendes te akkommodeer. Die aantyging in die memorandum wat verklaar dat daar in 2014 geen swart matrikulante gaan wees nie, is onwaar. Volgens die MDM is Thulane Makhoba geskors. Dit is onwaar want Makhoba is die middag van 9 September 2013 omstreeks 13:00 vrywilliglik deur sy moeder uit die skool geneem. Na bewering sou Makhoba daardie selfde aand voor die tugkommitee verskyn, omrede hy homself op 28 Augustus 2013 ontbloot het op skoolgronde deur sy broek uit te trek. Hy het die broek om sy skouers gehang terwyl hy binne in ‘n klaskamer in gehardloop het, met net sy onderklere aan. Alle leerders by Volkskool word dieselfde behandel. Elke saak en klagte van die leerlinge word gemeet aan die oortreding self en die meriete daarvan. Indien ‘n leerling ‘n oortreding begaan, word daar gekyk of dit sy eerste oortreding van die aard is. ‘n Waarskuwing word uitgereik en indien die leerling in ‘n spesifieke tydperk weer dieselfde oortreding begaan, word daar dissiplinêre stappe toegepas. Die beheerliggaam het nie die mag om leerlinge te skors nie, maar kan aanbevelings maak by die hoof van die Onderwys Departement, wat dan die finale besluit neem. ‘n Verdere klagte dat net wit leerlinge vrystelling of gedeeltelike vrystelling van skoolfonds ontvang is sensasioneel en sonder bewyse. Daar is spesifieke prosedures wat gevolg moet word om aansoek te doen en die beheerliggaam moet volgens sekere regulasies die aansoeke verwerk. Daar is huidiglik 2 klasse by Volkskool wat problematiese leerders onderrig. Graad 9G tel onder een van hulle. Daar word beweer dat die leerders geen dissipline en respek teenoor ander leerders en onderwysers het nie. Registers toon aan dat hierdie spesifieke klas se leerders nie gereeld skool bywoon nie. Hulle punte is van so aard dat hulle nie sal slaag aan die einde van die jaar nie. Dit frustreer onderwysers om hierdie groepie leerlinge te onderrig. ‘n Voorval by die skool waar ‘n leerder klippe gooi tydens ‘n vuisgeveg en ‘n paar dae daarna in sy onderklere rondloop, met sy broek oor sy skouers, het niks met rassisme te doen nie. Eerder ‘n gebrek aan dissipline en wedersydse respek. Bogenoemde feite kan deur Hoër Volkskool gestaaf word. Ouers sal saamstem dat dissipline noodsaaklik is tydens die opvoeding van ons kinders.

Lede van die MDM en publiek marsjeer na Hoër Volkskool.

Chiropractor Clinic Now Open Phone for appointment

Business Hours: Mon - Fri 08h30 - 19h00. Saturdays 08h30 -13h00.

011 814 2567 / 011 814 8170 56 Hendrik Verwoerdstraat NIGEL



15 OCTOBER 2013

Uniform Dag Unieform dag, ‘n jaarlikse instelling van die afgelope 5 jaar is op 25 Oktober 2013 by die Lesedi Care Center in Heidelberg gehou deur Highway Ministry. Manne en vroue van die plaaslike polisie, brandweer, nooddienste en verkeersafdeling het aan die verrigtinge deelgeneem. ‘n Blyk van waardering is gedurende hierdie saamtrek aan al die onbaatsugtige

offisiere wat daagliks hulle lewens op die spel plaas getoon. Verlede jaar het offisiere elkeen‘n bybel ontvang en vanjaar spog hulle met ‘n bybelsak. Die oggend het ’n aanvang geneem met ‘n “Praise and Worship” diens gelei deur Past. Kobus Massyn. Sprekers soos Jan Combrinck, Ds. Arrie Preller en Jan de Bruin het toesprake gelewer.

Erfenisdag Jaarliks word Erfenisdag op 24 September gevier, maar hierdie jaar het ons plaaslike SAPD besluit om alreeds die dag op 20 September te herdenk. Daar is smaaklike tradisionele geregte voorgesit en almal het behoorlik fees gevier. Van link Nelly Dwaba, Gladys Mhlanga, Jessy Moodley, Lindile Radebe en Thabita Sekgobela. Manne en vroue in uniform word bedank vir hulle onbaatsugtige toewyding aan die gemeenskap.

JJC Kruger & Vennote

267 SKAKEL 083 6198 267 6198

Art lovers join the “3 Walks of life” exhibition

Springs Parkland Kliniek Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172


Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging (By River Square kruising 016 423 3553



C.J.J. STEEL cc. ~ STEEL MERCHANTS ~ Cnr: Grootvlei Rd, and Partridge St, Strubenvale Tel: 011 815 4700/1/2 * Fax: 011 8153088

Stockists of Steel Sections, Rail, Piping Plante and Tubing

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12x12 .... R59.00 16x16 .... R73.00 20X20 ... R68.00 25X25 ... R80.00 ....... R135.00 32X32 ... R127.00 ..... R175.00 38X38 ... R144.00 ..... R218.00 50X50 ... R197.00 ..... R280.00 76X76 ... R291.00 ..... R395.00 100X100 ................... R500.00

20MM .... R61.00 25MM .... R80.00 ....... 32MM .... R109.00 ..... 38MM .... R127.00 ..... 50MM .... R175.00 ..... 76MM .... R261.00 .....

25x25x3 .................... R 87.00 25x25x5 .................... R133.00 30x30x3 .................... R100.00 30x30x5 .................... R174.00 40x40x3 .................... R133.00 40x40x5 .................... R207.00 25x25x2 .................... R 72.00 30x30x2 .................... R 84.00 40x40x2 .................... R100.00


38x20 .... R121.00 ..... R152.00 38x25 .... R152.00 ..... R185.00 50x25 .... R144.00 ..... R195.00 50x38 .... R187.00 ..... R236.00 76x38 .... R224.00 ..... R300.00 76x50 .... R286.00 ..... R337.00 100X50 ..................... R387.00

Fibre Glass Sheeting R67.00 p/m




75x50x20x2 100x75x20x2

R54.00p/m Cut to size


R214.00 ..... R326.00 R279.00 ..... R425.00



12x3 ......... 15x3 ......... 20x3 ......... 20x5 ......... 25x3 ......... 25x5 ......... 30x3 ......... 30x5 ......... 40x3 ......... 40x5 ......... 50x5 .........

R 25.00 R 30.00 R 33.00 R 56.00 R 45.00 R 70.00 R 58.00 R 88.00 R 78.00 R118.00 R145.00

SQ BAR 6M 8MM ......... R56.00 10MM ....... R60.00 12MM ....... R69.00

WINDOW SECTION 6M RT6 ......... RT13 ....... RX7 ......... F7 ............ F4B ..........

R 78.00 R 95.00 R110.00 R 86.00 R217.00

ROUND BAR 6M 6MM .......... R17.00 8MM .......... R29.00 10MM ........ R42.00 12MM ........ R60.00


LIP/CHANNEL 75x50x20x2 ............... R205.00 100x75x20x2 ............. R228.00 125x50x20x2 ............. R252.00 150x50x20x2 ............. R277.00

R117.00 R150.00 R175.00 R246.00 R352.00






R312.00 R347.00 R384.00 R422.00

2450x1225x1.6 .............................. R484.00 2450x1225x2.0 .............................. R568.00 2450x1225x2.5 .............................. R703.00 2450x1225x3.0 .............................. R909.00 2450x1225x4.0 ........................... R1 142.00 2500x1200x5.0 ........................... R1 517.00 2500x1200x6.0 ........................... R1 772.00 H2404

The City of Ekurhuleni has opened its doors to art lovers to come and view life through the canvas at an exhibition titled, 3 Walks of Life, which opened at the Springs Art Gallery. The exhibition opened on Tuesday October 2, 2013 and is showing a collection of exquisite art pieces dating from the early 20th century. The collection features landscape, figurative, still life paintings, prints and selections of key artworks by accomplished South African artists from various generations such as Edward Roworth, John Lawson, Bettie Cilliers-Barnard, Pierre de Villiers, Nico Phooko and

more. Schools, universities, community organisations and ordinary members of the community are invited to experience the 3 walks of life exhibition through an educational and interactive guided tour. The tours promise to take visitors on a voyage of the evolution of art through the 20th Century to contemporary times. It will run at the Springs Art Gallery from 08:00 to 16:30 Mondays to Fridays, 08:00 to 12:00 on Saturdays, until November 29, 2013. Entrance is free. For more information contact Cindy on (011) 999 8973 or send an email to

New Balfour FET campus Minister of Higher Education visited Balfour for the new establishment of a FET College Campus. The Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Training, Mr. Manana visited Balfour at the Siyatheme Thusong Community Centre on Monday, October 7, 2013. He informed the community about the establishment of a new FET College campus. This Imbizo is aimed to encourage learners to take up opportunities in vocational

education and training. This gathering brought together stakeholders and gave the opportunity to the community to interact with the Minister. The objective was to ensure that all young people possessed the requested skills needed by the labour market. It was for this reason that government have taken the initiative to ensure that it establishes skill centres or hubs in communities in order to respond to the skills shortage in the country.

15 OCTOBER 2013


Matriekafskeid Protea Hoërskool Fotor regs: Musa da Moose Ah-mose met sy metgesel.

Protea Hoërskool het op 5 Oktober 2013 hul matriekafskyd gehou by Little Paradys in Springs. Bradley Hiepner met metgesel.

Matriekafskeid Volkies Nicole Kruger met Ryan Bester

We’ll like to hear from you! Have you got any news, views, moans or groans? If you have any interesting hobbies? Francois Meyer en Alicia Maritz

Let Elizaan know @ 079 070 6646!

Franco Gericke en Lynese de Beer

Albin Klatzer en Elmaré Schwartz

Save the smart way with us!




Lekker vetkoek, rooster broodjies, burgers, vars koek, terte, platters, slap chips, biltong, droëwors, lekker kerrie en rys en vele meer! Ferryvale Shopping Centre Chris 011 814 5859 Susan 083 697 1089 Winkel 6, Beverly Str. Ferryvale, Nigel

15 OCTOBER 2013


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Windscreen replacements Chip Repairs FREE mobile team Claude 083 289 1660, 011 814 4874 Nigel Not advertising is like winking at someone in the dark... You know what you are doing... BUT nobody else does!

JENETT A 079 237 5306 JENETTA

Relay For Life The Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA) is proud to invite the community for the first annual CANSA Relay For Life event. This will be an overnight event that raises awareness of cancer and to raise funds for the fight against cancer. This event will be hosted on November 15 & 16, 2013 at Hoër Volkskool in Heidelberg. Volunteers of CANSA have been promoting this event at the Angelo Spar on Saturday, September 29. During Relay For Life, teams consisting of 10 – 15 co-workers, friends, neighbours and families commit by keeping at least one member walking the track at all times, because cancer never sleeps. Gates open for set up at 14:00 and event will start at 18:00. If you want to take part in this challenge, obtain a registration form from the committee or via email at Registration fee of R100 (ages 13 years and up), R50 (ages 6-12 years) and free (children under 6 years) are applicable. CANSA is celebrating with the survivors. Who is a survivor? Anyone who has ever heard the words: “You have cancer.” Whether you are in remission, still undergoing treatment or have just been diagnosed, you are alive and they would love to celebrate you. A survivor reception will be held November 15, 2013 at 15:30 until 17:30. This reception is to honour survivors and rejoice with them as we fight back against cancer as a community. They are going to be the V.I.P. guests during this event.

CANSA volunteers Relay For Life. CANSA is committed to connect people facing cancer with the information, day-to-day help, and emotional support they need in the communities where they live. To help people through every step of their cancer journey, to promote a better quality of life to them

and their loved ones. Come and support the Relay For Life, you can make a difference. CANSA thanks Angelo Spar for their support and The Mix Brothers for the entertainment. For information contact Rina Burke (Coordinator): 082 269 8301.

15 OCTOBER 2013



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For all your IT and Internet needs. Computer Hardware, Printers & Consumables, Technical Support, Internet. ADSL - iBurst- 3G

SPECIALISED REPAIRS: * Fridges * Freezers * Stoves * Washing machines * Tumble dryers. Establised 1978 FREE COLLECTION, DELIVERY & QUOTATIONS

Tel: 016 341 2431 Fax: 086 502 2044 HF Verwoerd Street 40, Heidelberg

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L & R Silkscreen Printing & Embroidery


25 Scarborough Rd Ferryvale Nigel

Tel: 011 814 7289 Cell: 082 256 6320

FOR FREE QUOTES AND FRIENDLY SERVICE PLEASE CALL JAN or CHARLENE 083 266 0051/082 682 8725 Office 011 814-4362 24 Kerk Street, NIGEL

ACE AUTO SCRAPYARD 011 811 5855 Springs Opp. Fire Station

WE DO: Silkscreen Printing Embroidery Vinyl Cutting Corporate Sewing

WE SUPPLY: * Golf T-Shirts * Caps & Hats * Overalls * Safety Shoes

Feel Free to contact us: Chris 082 551 4535 Tel: 011 814-2040 Fax: 011 814-8884 / 086 648 1397 17 Tulbach Street, NIGEL

NIGEL - IMPORTANT TELEPHONE NUMBERS: Nigel Police Station Speur ontvangs Mobile Emergency Number

011 812 6503 011 739 9827/8/9 112

NIGEL Schools: Laerskool Hannes Visagie Laerskool Tini Vorster Nigel Primary Hoërskool John Vorster Nigel High School

011 011 011 011 011

814 814 814 814 814

6546 6470 8383 8218 8185

HEIDELBERG BELANGRIKE TELEFOONNOMMERS: Polisie - Noodnommer: Polisie Brandweer Heidelberg Hospitaal Suikerbosrand Kliniek Netcare 911

10111 016 341 016 341 016 341 016 342 082 911

2570 3116 1100 9200

SKOLE/SCHOOLS Heidelberg Public School Hoër Volkskool Hoërskool Emmasdal Hoërskool Sedaven Laer Volkskool Laerskool AG Visser

016 016 016 016 016 016

349 1201 341 3165 341 9013 342-0501 341 6216 341 2631

TEL: 083 651 3769/011 739 4436

Book a cut and blow wave and received a photo shoot for R100 worth R650 64 RHODES AVE, NIGEL Nial art print machine. First & only in town! Now available


011-740-0477/011-744-3544 699 Voortrekkerstr, Brakpan

HYDRAULICS 3 Van Riebeeck Street NIGEL TEL: (011) 814-1493

Pet Grooming for all Breeds Petfood & Accessories

Dorothy 081 334 4956 AUTHORISED DEALER

Collect & Deliver

011 818 2478 / 083 417 4799

011 739 5650 Maxi’s Nigel Employee of the month Maureen Nqubeaelo The Angelo Mall, c/o R42 & Rhodes Ave, Nigel. Mon. - Sat. 8:00 - 19:00

Park & Sell Buy & Sell


082 337 6649

Caravans, Boats,Bikes. Cars, Bakkies & Trucks H/V Hewitt & Ramona, Selection Park,



15 October 2013

139-3rd Street, Springs

NKUNA 082 795 5339 KEEGAN 082 729 9471 STEPHAN 079 094 3251 Tel: 010 593 6909 TIDINGS 078 198 6915 HANNELIE 073 640 4634 Fax: 011 362 5238 MANDLA 074 300 4002 THEO 071 555 0359

R99 950

R179 950

‘05 Mini Cooper Convertible. Eye catcher! ‘08 VW Golf GTI 2.0 TFSI - A must view! A steal at this price. Very well looked a after! Sunroof! Full VW Navigation! One of a kind!

R189 950 ‘06 Land Rover Discovery 3 TDV6 S A/T Ultimate luxury vehicle for any terrain

R139 950

R179 950 ‘06 VW Touareg 2.5 Tdi Tip Immaculate! Awesome family vehicle. A must drive!

R89 950

R104 950 ‘10 Polo Vivo 1.4. Immaculate! Only 77 000km’s. A must view! Blink and its gone!

R119 950 ‘06 Nissan Murano. Sunroof! Leather seats! Bose sound system! 2 to choose from!

R349 950

R79 950 ‘09 Toyota Yaris T1 3Dr A/C. Excellent value for money! Ultra reliable! A must view!

R189 950 ‘09 Isuzi KB360 LX DC. Exceptionally clean vehicle! Only 119 000km’s. A must view!

R149 950

‘05 VW Passat 1.9Tdi Exceptional fuel saver with Towbar and mags! Well looked after!

‘06 BMW 525i E60 A/T Full House with ‘08 BMW 650i Cabriolet. Bargain never to be sunroof and Xenon lights! An absolute steal repeated. Retail R480 000. FSH. Immaculate at this price!

R99 950

R79 950

R179 950

‘05 Hyundai Tucson 2.0 GLS - A bargain at this price! Very clean car! A must view!

‘03 Mitsubishi Colt 3000 V6 Rodeo D/C, Tow Bar, Rubberised. Perfect for any occasion!

R39 950

R49 950

‘06 BMW 320D A/T E90. Fuel Saver! Black Leather Interior! WAS R159 950

‘04 Renault Kangoo 1.4 Expression P/V Excellent value for money! A must view!

‘96 Mercedes Benz E230 A/T Immaculate! Very well looked after! Don’t regret this one!

‘08 Nissan Navara 4.0 V6 DC. Excellent value for money! Great all round vehicle!

R59 950 ‘04 Renault Scenic 1.9Dci Dynamic Fuel Saver! Sunroof! Well cared for!

R79 950 ‘09 Ford Bantam 1.3 Reliability at its best! Great for any business WAS R94 950

R74 950 ‘07 Huyndai Getz 1.5 CRDi Very light on fuel Superb Ladies Car!


15 OCTOBER 2013 PAGE 2

SENTRAAL - R 1 080 000


NIC - 082 9295 SENTRAAL - R746 1 080 000

NIC - 082 RENSBURG - R746 4609295 000

RENSBURG - R 640 000

LIEFLIKE HUIS MET BAIE SEKURITEIT FAMILIE HUIS SENTRAAL MET GROOT TUIN VIR DIE BEGINNER GRONDVLOER W/STEL NUUT GEBOU 3 Slpk, 2 Badk, Oopplan Sitk/Eetk en Kombuis, 3Slaapkamer,1Badkamer,Eetkamer,Sitkamer,Kombuis,1 2 Slaapkamer, 1 Badkamer, Oopplan 2 Slaapkamer, 1 Badkamer, Oopplan Sit/Eet en Kombuis, 2 Motorhuise, Baie netjies Motorhuismet3afdakke Kuierstoep met braai, 2 M/H met afdakke Sitkamer/Kombuis, Afdak

HELAY - 072 848 4003 HELAY 072 848 4003 BERGSIG - R 550 000 RENSBURG - R 798 000

HELAY - 072 848 4003

PAGE 13 11 JANUARY 2011

JORDAANPARK - R 1 450 000

KLINKERSTEEN HUIS OP GROOT ERF Slpk 3 Slpk, 2 Badk, Sitk, Eetk, Kombuis met 3 Motorhuise en bediende kwartier, Alarm, Veilig omhein

CALLIE - 082 560 0175 CALLIE - 082 560 0175 RENSBURG - R875 000 SENTRAAL - R540 000

RENSBURG - R 250 000

1200 m Hoek Erf GOED GEPRYS RUIM FAMILIE HUIS 3 Slpkamer, 2 Badkamer, Eetkamer, Sitkamer, Kombuis met opwas, Swembad, 2 M/h

IDEAAL VIR JONG GESIN MEENTHUIS Lae instandhouding, 2 Slpk, 2 Badk. Oopplan Privaat kuierstoep met tuin, 1 Motorhuis

Klaar onderverdeel in 4 erwe Goed geprys

GROOT WOONHUIS 3 Slpk, 2 badk, 3 M/huise, Grt Afdak vir 6 Motors, W/stel met 1 Badk, 1 Slpk, Oopplan Kombuis,Sitk, Ekstra kamer en opwas

MEENTHUIS IN KOMPLEKS Loopafstand van middedorp, 2 Slpk, 1 Badk, Oopplan, Netjies, Afdak

HELAY - 072 848 4003 HELAY - 072 848 4003 HELAY - 072 848 4003 CALLIE - 082 560 0175 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 RENSBURG - R 1 550 000 HALLGATE - R2.180 000 BERGSIG - R 1 600 000 S U I K E R B O S R A N D SENTRAAL - R 850 000


17 HT FARM NATURE RESEVE VEILIG OMHEINDE 1`9 HEKT PLOT SPACIOUS HOME - JACUZZI / POOL Lieflike grasdak geboue, Woonhuis met 4 Slpk, Large entertainment area: 4 Bed, 3 Bath, Tv, Ingeboude kroeg en braai met 2 de Woonhuis Lounge & Dining room, Kitchen with scullery


PRAGTIG SENTRAAL IN KOMPLEKS 2 Slpk, 2 Badk, Sitk/Eetk, 1 Motorhuis, Eie Tuintjie

CALLIE - 082 560 0175 CALLIE - 082 560 0175 CALLIE - 082 560 0175 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 JORDAANPARK - R 2.150 000

JORDAANPARK - R 1 900 000

RENSBURG - R 490 000

KORT `n LAGIE VERF OVERLOOK H/BERG AND SUIKERBOSRAND COTTAGE STYLE STONE WALLS 4 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, Large Living areas, Thatched roof, 4 Bedr, 2 Bathr, Spacious on 3 Slaapkamer, 1.5 Badkamer, Oopplan, Ruim, 1 Motorhuis. 2 Afdakke, Omhein Pool, 2 Garages, Office, Incomplete flat suite guest rooms, 2 Garages

HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 SENTRAAL - R980 000 FERRYVALE - R2.100 000

NIGEL GOEIE KOOP!!! 4 Slp, 2 Bad, Eet, Sit en Woonkamer Plus 2 Woonstelle

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295

TREK IN EN BLY - OHB! 4 Slp, 3 Bad, 2 M/huise, 2 Afdakke, Swembad, Sit, Eet, TV Kamer - Baie Baie Veilig!

NIC - 082 746 9295

FERRYVALE - R3.300 000 FERRYVALE - R1.100 000 FERRYVALE - R1.300 000 VISAGIEPARK - R2.700 000 VISAGIEPARK - R1.500 000

UITSOEKHUIS-ONDERHANDELBAAR 4 Slp, 3 Bad, TV, Eet, Studeerkamer, 5 M/ huise, 2 Slp Woonstel, Buite Kwartiere

BILLIKE PRYS - ONDERHANDELBAAR GOEIE OMGEWING RIF AREA - UITSTEKENDE WONING RIF AREA - BAIE BAIE NETJIES 3 Slp, 2 Bad, 2 Motorhuise. Sitkamer, 3 Slp, 2 Bad, 2 M/huise, Mooi oopplan 4 Slp, 2 Bad, Studeer en Eetkamer. 4 Slp, 2 Bad, 2 M/huise, 2 Afdakke, Prag Eetkamer en TV Kamer kombuis, Eet, Woonkmr - Lapa, Swembad Sitkamer met vuurherd, Oopplan Kombuis Kombuis, TV, Eet en Sitkamer

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295

RIF AREA - LEKKER LEEF HUIS 3 Slp, 2 Bad, Sit, Eet en TV Kamers, 2 M/huise, 2 Afdakke. Boorgat

SIERSTEEN+WOONSTEL 3 Slp, 2 Bad, Sit, Eet en Braai kamer. Lapa en Swembad - Groot Woonstel

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295

VISAGIEPARK - R1.200 000 VISAGIEPARK - R1.040 000 VISAGIEPARK - R930 000 FERRYVALE - R1.700 000 FERRYVALE - R1.400 000

NIC - 082 746 9295 NIC - 082 746 9295 FERRYVALE - R2.100 000 FERRYVALE - R870 000


BESTE, BESTE KOOP - GROOT ERF ELITE HUIS MET LAPA EN SWEMBAD 4 Slp, 2 Bad, 2 Mhuise, Siersteen,TV, Sit en 3 Slp, 2 Badk, 2 M.huise, Sit, Eet, TV kamer 3 Slp, 2 Bad, 2 M/huise, Sit, Eet en TV- Eetkamer,Oop -plan kombuis, Speelkamer, Jacuzzi kamer, Ontbyt hoekie, 2 M/huise, Groot pakkamer, Waskamer Kamer, Prag kombuis, Studeerkamer

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295


RIF AREA - NETJIES NUUT OP DIE MARK - NETJIES RIF - PUIK AREA EN HUIS DUBBEL VERDIEPING - N MOET SIEN BESONDERSE KOOP! 4 Slp, 3 Bad, 2 M/huise, 2 Afdakke, 475m2 3 Slaapkamer, 2 Badkamer, 2 M/huise, Sit, 5 Slp, 2 Bad, 2 M/huise, Eet & TV Kamer, 3 Slaapkamer, 1 Badkamer, 1 M/huis, Sit en 3 Slp, 2 Badk, 2 M.huise, Sitkamer, Eetkamer, Swembad, Braai Stoep O/dak, 2 Kombuise, Swembad, TV Kamer Eet &TV Kamer, Swembad - GOEIE KOOP Lapa, Swembad, Braai Stoep - MOET SIEN Eetkamer, Kombuis, Braai Stoep

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295






by Heidelberg Boeremark h/v Voortrekker en Smit str. Saterdae vanaf 7h30 tot 12h30nm.

RUMOURS RESTAURANT: For professional catering of all events. Weddings, Parties, Spitbraais, Platters and Potjies. Nothing too big or small. Your venue or ours. Phone Piet at 011 814 1428 / 072 470 2187. TO HIRE: Cutlery, crockery, large selection of table cloths, overlays, tables and chairs etc. Sonnette 082 926 1515

Nic 082 746 9295


Nic’s Biltong R148 p/kg TE KOOP


BOUWERK Alle bouwerk en aanbouings. Bou van Nuwe Huise en Woonstelle (Granny Flats). Seel & verf van dakke Skakel Gerald 083 384 9599 N.H.B.R.C. Geregistreerd

SMART KITCHENS & HOME IMPROVEMENTS For 3D Designer Kitchens or kitchen revamps, BIC, Bathr, Vanities, Wall to Wall Carpets and Laminated Flooring. No compromise on Quality and Service. Free Quotations. Phone Andre at 016 349 5052 or 082 738 1441

AA & AALLY Wendys. Wendys of any size from treated pallet wood. 3x3 - R3500, 3x4 - R4500. Zinc roof, window with glass & floor included. 10 Years guarantee. Contact Ally 072 928 1724.



ANCIENT DAYS Antiques - oudhede. Ons koop, verkoop en restoureer meubels. Groot verskeidenheid nou beskikbaar. Kom loer gerus in. Skakel ons by 016 349 2175 of Wena 082 785 9108

OPREGTE BOERBOEL HONDJIES TE KOOP - R800.00 ELK. 7 WEKE OUD. SKAKEL JAN 072 212 2215 German shorthair pointer crossbreed with boerboel. Puppies R300. Contact 073 021 2020. NISSAN Hardbody NP300 long wheelbase load box complete with taillights and arch covers. Minimum damage contact 011 814 5348 OR 076 476 0586. BEAUTY / SKOONHEID

OPENINGS AANBOD. Acrylic volstel tips R120....vul R80.... Kontak 071 367 4411. LESSONS / KLASSE

EKSTRA WISKUNDE LESSE. Graad 1 tot graad 12. Heidelberg Sentraal geleë. Fokus op huidige skoolwerk, hersiening SUPER MEUBELS, 42 SCHOEMANvan eksamenbereiding. Ses jaar STR, HEIDELBERG, 016-341-4445 ondervinding. Kontak Charlene 076 641 Viool met strykstok, oudhede, swing, 1149 of email slides & skoppelmaai, pine enkelbeddens met matras R595, baie sitkamerstelle NEED EXTRA MONEY hout en gestoffeerd - kom besoek ons gerus hier is baie om na te kyk - groete Need extra money!! Adelle & Nanette. Register as a consultant and maker of exquiste

Geysers, toilets, drains, gebarste pype, skrynwerk, teëls ens. Seël van dakke & plaveisels. 082 646 9928




AFDAKKE / CARPORTS - Any shape or size. All material A-Grade SABS, 5 Year guarantee, quality workmanship with 18 years experience. For a no obligation quote contact 082 466 3335. Email us on

NOAH’S ARK PET SHOP: Voëls, voëlsaad, hokke, visse, viskos, akwariums. Hondekos Montego, Jock (3 in 1) ens. AviPlus. Bearded dragons, hamsters, krieke, meel wurms, honde-hokke, honde jassies en bedjies. Honde, katte en hasies. Kaarte welkom. Dae oop per week 9:00 - 17:00 Naweke en vakansie-dae 09:00 - 16:00. Tel: 011 814-4514. By mini Zoo, Noordstraat 132, Nigel.

15 OCTOBER 2013


LAUNDRY MATE We save YOU money during Spring 2013. We offer 20% discount on linen, eg Blankets, Comforters, etc. We also do all other household laundry and ironing, as well as corporate laundry at very reasonable prices. Contact us for a free quote today. 011 814-3597/ 0725114366.


We offer the following services: PERSONAL LOANS (Any amount). CELLPHONE CONTRACTS (Blacklisted clients). VEHICLE FINANCE (Rent to own). BRIDGING FINANCE. LAP-TOP DEALS. ANGELIQUE 084 470 3485.CNR COURT & 2ND AVE NIGEL

range of jewellery or just treat your-self. New stock in juwellery and lots of specials. Contact me on 083 512 4667




Notice of an Application for a Prospecting Right Application in terms of section 16 of the MINERAL AND PETROLEUM RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT ACT 28 OF 2002. The Applicant for this Prospecting right Two Ships Trading 402. Reg No. 2007/012106/07 You are hereby requested to participate as an Interested and Affected party pertaining to the Application for a Prospecting Right on the farm remaining extent of portions 50 and 65 of the farm Varkensfontein 169 IR, figure 2 covers portions 77, 81, the remainder of portions 31 and 45 of the farm Varkensfontein 169 IR and figure 3 covers the old area held by HVH Gold situated on portion 32 of the farm Varkensfontein. Proposed activity: The prospecting for slimes on the farm is necessary to identify the extent and nature of the slimes resources on the farm. It would be appreciated if you could forward your comments, recommendations and concerns regarding the prospecting for Slimes on the remaining extent of portions 50 and 65 of the farm Varkensfontein 169 IR, figure 2 covers portions 77, 81, the remainder of portions 31 and 45 of the farm Varkensfontein 169 IR and figure 3 covers the old area held by HVH Gold situated on portion 32 of the farm Varkensfontein, before or on the date of 02nd October 2013 to the following persons: Contact persons: Company: Imvelo Environmental Management Services (PTY) Ltd Postal Address: PO box 1901, Rant-en-Dal Krugersdorp 1751 Name: Frank Mc Alister ID No: 5506215052086 Email: Fax: 086 663 8481 Phone: (011) 954 4102 Cell phone: 072 600 2048

Notice of an Application for a Prospecting Right Application in terms of section 16 of the MINERAL AND PETROLEUM RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT ACT 28 OF 2002. The Applicant for this Prospecting right Indunduma Mining CC. Reg no:2006/089786/23 You are hereby requested to participate as an Interested and Affected party pertaining to the Application for a Prospecting Right on the farms Grootfontein 165 IR and the remaining extent of the Farm Spaarwater 171 IR and covering a Portion of the remainder of the Farm Tulipvale 188 IR and Portions 2 and 5 of the Farm Poortje 389 IR. Proposed activity: The prospecting for slimes on the farm is necessary to identify the extent and nature of the Slimes resources on the farm. It would be appreciated if you could forward your comments, recommendations and concerns regarding the prospecting for Slimes on the Farms Grootfontein 165 IR and the remaining extent of the Farm Spaarwater 171 IR and covering a Portion of the remainder of the Farm Tulipvale 188 IR and Portions 2 and 5 of the Farm Poortje 389 IR, before or on the date of 07th October 2013 to the following persons: Contact persons: Company: Imvelo Environmental Management Services (PTY) Ltd Postal Address: PO box 1901, Rant-en-Dal, Krugersdorp 1751 Name: Frank Mc Alister ID No: 5506215052086 Email: Fax: 086 663 8481 Phone: (011) 954 4102 Cell phone: 072 600 2048

15 OCTOBER 2013



Vissies opedag

Auction / Veiling

Laerskool AG Visser se opedag vir voornemende kleuters is op Vrydag 4 September 2013, gehou. Die tema was “onder die see” en het die vissie kultuur beslis uitgebeeld ten beste. Die kleinspan het onmiddelik van mamma en pappa vergeet en heerlik saam met die ander maaitjies deelgeneem aan al die aktiwiteite wat so sorgvuldig vir die dag beplan was. Nuwe maatjies, ‘n vriendelike juffrou en hope pret is wat wag vir hulle volgende jaar. Beslis was dit ‘n oggend wat die kleinspan nie gou sal vergeet nie.

VACANCIES OPEN POSITION The following position is open in Valley: Position: Technical Support, Service & Training Person.

Qualifications / Experience:

Puik prestasies vir Vossies

The suitable candidate will be based at our Valley offices in Nigel and must comply with the following: -


A good electrical background and or an applicable tertiary qualification. Must be bilingual (writing and reading). Between 25 to 35 years old. Responsible, dynamic and self-driven personality. Must have good people- and communications skills. Computer literate in Office (Excel, Word, Power Point and Access) as well as Outlook. Must be able bodied to do a combination of physical work (work outside) and administrative (office) work. Must have a valid driver license. Must be willing to travel locally and abroad and be away from home during extended times.

Puik prestasies is tydens die Springs Kunswedstryd behaal. Laerskool Tini Vorster se junior deelnemers wat A’s behaal het. Daniël Strydom, Annericke Bornman, Linnie Maré, Dihan Janse van Rensburg, Johane Grobler, Deseré Steynberg en Veruschke Duvenhage

Forward cv before October 29 if interested in applying @

Buite skool verband graad wenners is Melissa Malan, Pieter Drotsky, Karla Horn Verushke Duvenhage, (graad wenner in 3 items), Stefan Horn en Chanté Bester. Vacancies for Boilermaker Supervisors, Pipefitting Supervisors, Rigging Supervisors & Welding Supervisors, on Power Stations in the Mpumalanga Area. The ideal candidates would be experienced; self-disciplined individuals, who are willing and capable of working under pressure. Applicants should: • Have mechanical construction and/or mechanical maintenance experience. • Experience on boilers or Power Stations, preferably on pressure parts and/or high pressure piping would be an advantage. • Have a good track record of performance and dependability. • Be prepared to undergo a screening test and ongoing skills and career development. • Be in possession of a recognized trade qualification or have extensive relevant experience. In return we offer excellent rates with site accommodation and benefits including sick leave, leave pay, completion bonus and a provident fund. Interested candidates should fax their CV to: 013 656 5673 or e-mail to:

Eduardo Construction (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer.

Senior deelnemers wat A+ behaal het is Leslie de Lange, Ruan Koekemoer, Marlouise Engelbrecht, Mariesa Manenti, Salomé van Aswegen en Mitchell Harris.

Senior deelnemers wat A’s behaal het is Zunique Benadie, Jo-Lin Grobler, Stefan Horn, Clarice Uys, Rouxan Pienaar, Chante Bester, Lynelle van den Berg, Leslie de Lange, Mariesa Manenti, Ruan Koekemoer, Danelle Gouws, Anje Johnson, Ruan Claassens, Mitchel Harris, Karla Horn en Pierina Belotti.



Suikerbosrand 0/9 spelers.

Junior spelers 2013 Vrydag,11 September het die Suikerbosrand Jeug Rugby klub hul prysuitdeling gehou by Nigel Rugby klub vir al die jong ywerige rugby spelers. Die spelers het almal madaljes ontvang vir hul getroue deelname gedurende die afgelope jaar. Spelers van die jaar is aangewys.

Tyron Coetzee 0/15 speler van die jaar.

Brendon Strydom 0/16 speler vir 2013.

Quinton Visser 0/13 speler van die jaar.

Patrick de Villiers 0/9 speler 2013.

Suikerbosrand 0/13 spelers.

Suikerbosrand 0/15 spelers.

15 OCTOBER 2013

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