Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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Borg geleentheid AANDAG SKOLE Dit is deesdae moeilik om borge te verseker vir skool sporte, kulturele geleenthede en ander skool projekte. Daarom wil Dros Nigel graag van die geleentheid gebruik maak om sulke geleenthede moontlik te maak, deur die betrokke mense die geleentheid te gee om die fondse self in te samel. Dros Nigel stel homself beskikbaar elke Maandag aand vir hierdie spesifieke doel; deur 20 % van die totale omset te skenk, van die kliĂŤnte wat na die Dros genooi is deur die organiseerders van die spesifieke projek. Mense wil nie meer geld ent uitgee nie, maar hierdie projek verseker dat hulle waarde vir hul geld sal kry vir elke sent wat by die Dros Nigel gespandeer word, en daardeur geld bydrae tot die skool se fondsinsameling. Vir meer inligting en om ‘n borg aand te bespreek, kontak asseblief vir Dirkie by Dros Nigel (011) 814 7104 / 082 641 9184 of

25 Maart 2014

VOL 10 NO 6


Ou gat! Mnr Vissie junior: Eerste prins, Elbie Mouton, Tweede prins, Johan Delport en Mnr Vissie, Zivan Potgieter.

Mej Vissie junior: Tweede Prinses, Neveah du Toit, Eerste Prinses, Marni Barnard en Mej Vissie, Ulricke Oosthuizen.



Hiert jou boemelaar

Carel, Nicolene en Riaan Arnoldi saam met Charlotte Backhouse.

JJC Kruger & Vennote Springs Parkland Kliniek Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172


Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging (By River Square kruising 016 423 3553

Nigel gemeenskap ondersteun die Riaan Arnoldi Fonds. ‘n Hobo dans is gehou by die Kenmekaar Dienssentrum in Nigel op 14 Maart 2014. Gedurende hierdie byeenkoms het besoekers hulle geklee in verflenterde drag om hulle as boemelaars uit te beeld. Sowat ‘n 100 mense het die aand meegemaak, waar daar lekker gekuier en gedans is. Vir ete het hulle gesmul aan Bunny Chows, ‘n uitgeholde brood met ‘n vleisvulsels. Selfs ‘n pret veiling is gehou wat ‘n stewige bedraggie van oor die R5000 ingebring het. Die aand is moontlik gemaak deur die puik organisering van twee susters Charlotte en Charmaine Backhouse. Fondse gegenereer gedurende die funksie is R15 000. Nicolene Arnoldi wil graag haar dank betuig aan Nigel gemeenskap vir hul ondersteuning en bydraes wat hul tot dusvêr gelewer het tot die fonds. Daar is selfs ‘n skenking gemaak vir haar vliegtuig kaartjie na Amerika en klein Riaan het ‘n splinternuwe klim en klouter raam ontvang.


011 814 7024/5 083 661 7993

25 MAART 2014

When a community comes together I think everyone would agree that the world is in a mess. While we often feel that “the grass is greener on the other side” the truth is that South Africa is not such a bad place to stay and that other countries also have their problems. Two additions ago I wrote an article on the new high school in Bergsig and I feel that I should share just a few things that I observed and then to look how we can possibly apply these principles into our own lives. The day after the publication I received a phone call from the Heidelberg Prison offering to cut the grass for the school. We have received a donation of more stationary from Nigel Methodist Church for the school. When we went to plant the 30 trees last Saturday we found that a number of people from the public had already planted/given trees to be planted. What can we learn from this? I feel that we need to realize that we (yes YOU) CAN change the world and you CAN make a difference. All too often we feel that we will not make a difference in the world so why should we try. Think of this, your world consists of the world around you at any one given time and YOU can make a difference to that world. A smile, a hug or an acknowledgment towards another person will make all the difference to that person – and you would have changed the world around you. We had the misfortune of having a problem with our internet today. After waiting nearly 80 minutes (yes that is right) they finally answered the phone. My immediate reaction was “let them have it” but as I started speaking to the person on the phone I found that I was speaking to a pleasant

From the desk of Rev Ray Goddess

Rev Goddess, Heidelberg Methodist Church understanding lady who knew what she was doing (after all – she did not cause the fault) and in my mind I saw a smiling lady willing to help me with my problem. I found myself being quite calm and having a pleasant conversation with her and our problem was solved without any tempers flying. She was also very understanding when I mentioned to her that we had been waiting so long and gave me a very valid reason for the delay. So here is the truth – she made a difference to world around her by caring, doing her job well and being pleasant. Maybe we all need to start thinking more of what we are doing and how we are doing it. Think before you throw that paper on the floor. Think before you curse somebody. Think how blessed you are to have food when that person asks you for some food. Let us, as a COMMUNITY, stand together and make a difference in our schools, our hospitals, our workplace and our church. We CAN make a difference to the world around us – it is our choice.

Funeral cover for principal member and spouse, PLUS 10 additional family members.



Trees planted LEADERS IN CUSTOM MADE SHOPFRONTS e-mail: 58 Second Avenue, Nigel 1490 Tel: 011 814-1577/26 Fax: 011 814 8467


ROBERT DYKE 083 266 5453 STEVE DYKE 082 428 7262

57 Strydom Street, Heidelberg Tel: (016) 341-2437 Rev. Ray Cell 082 656 3123 “We exist to be like Christ, live like Christ, and share the exciting message of Christ to all people”.


And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ Matthew 22:39 (NIV) Service times: 08h00 – Traditional Service (Mother’s Room available) 09h30 – Worship Service (Mother’s Room available) 18h00 – Evening Service (for Adults and Youth) H2321

25 MAART 2014





25 MAART 2014

New Station Commander The post of station commander has been vacant for more than a year. On March 1, 2014 LT. Col. LN Thete was appointed as the new Station Commander of Nigel SAPS. She took over from acting station commander Captain Selemela. Rekord went to her off ice for a brief introduction on Thursday, March 13 where she welcomed us with open arms. LT. Col. Thete resides in Springs and was the Station Commander of Devon Police LT. Col. LN Thete.

Thys die Bosveldklong 5 April 2014 18h00 by Italian club Nigel R2000 per tafel van 10 (los kaartjies beskikbaar) Sluit ete en veiling in. Ten bate van Riaan Arnoldi fondsinsameling kaartjies net beskikbaar tot 31 Maart Nicolene 083 3735 684 Christa 0848717642

station for the past 4 years. Her goal as new Station Commander is to add value, ensuring that the community is served with integrity and by putting the community’s needs before that of the SAPS with excellence. Service delivery problems will receive attention at Nigel SAPS. In partnership with the people of the community and SAPS, Nigel can strife towards a crime free future.

A Passion for people Reverend Rebotile R Motau was appointed as the new Customer Relation Manager for the Ekurhuleni Metro Municipality situated in Nigel on March 1, 2014. This immaculate woman has a National Diploma in Public Admin, a bachelor’s degree in Public Administration, an Honours Degree in Industrial Psychology, Certificate in Human Resources, Post Graduate Degree in Public Management, Certificate in Labour Law and a Bachelor’s degree in Theology. Motau started working for the Germiston Municipality in 1998 as a Senior Admin Officer committees. In 2004 until 2007 she was appointed as Customer Relations Manager in Katlehong, a Pilot Project. From 2007 she has been in different departments within the EMM before her appointment as new CRM. Her goal as CRM is to see improvement in service delivery and everybody working in harmony toward achieving this goal. Customer Relations Management is all about delivering quality services within the resources available. The CRM is the link between the departments of the EMM and the community at large. The department is guided by the following Batho Pele Principles: consulting, service standard, access to service, courtesy, information on the service provider, Openness and transparency in the City of Ekurhuleni, redress and value for money.

Rev. Rebotile R Matau newly appointed CRM of Nigel. Motau is a single parent and the pastor of the African Methodist Episcopal Church at Rust Ter Vaal, Vereeniging. She currently resides in Kwa-Thema Brakpan.

Obliged to the Word Isaiah 55:11 So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. (NKJV) Even though God loves us a great deal and wants to bless and prosper His children, He is not obliged to do anything for us. God is obliged only to perform His word. Isaiah 55:11 teaches us that the Word of God never returns to Him without having done what it was sent to do. God is serious about doing what He said He would do. The only thing needed to step into a miracle is a promise from God received in tenacious faith that refuses to let go before a manifestation in the natural is seen. The radical faith required to bring miracles into the earth demands of us to put down our quest for comfort in blind trust that God, in His infinite love for us, will work all things for the good of those who love

Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). On our journey of faith, we often find ourselves tested, severely challenged and unable to understand. True faith walks right through these circumstances without wavering in its conviction that God is who He said He is and that He will do what He said He would do. Once He sent out His Word, it will not return to Him without accomplishing what He sent it to do. His word stands – no exceptions. In this week, determine to become a person of faith, a speaker of the life-giving, destiny-altering Word of God in your world, a born-of-God overcomer (1 John 5:4) that lives and speaks according to radical faith in the promise of the One who cannot lie. Determine to grow in the Word and to rest in the knowledge that God will work every little detail of your life for your good.

25 MAART 2014


Slippery Roads Rain causing havoc Due to the heavy rain roads are wet and can lead to accidents. Early Tuesday morning on March 11, the driver of a white Kia Picanto lost control of his vehicle. The vehicle drove off the road and landed on its roof in a nearby veldt in a ditch. He was travelling on the Nigel, Heidelberg road. The accident happened a few meters before the Bergsig off-ramp. Auto Tech Accident Assist breakdown was on the scene and had to pull the Kia out of the ditch. According to Heidelberg SAPS no injuries was sustained and the cause of the accident was due to a slippery road. White Kia Picanto being pulled out of the ditch

Krag onder beheer Steenkoolvoorraad begin geleidelik droog word nadat reën verminder. Kragvoorsiener Eskom het vroeër die maand noodgedwonge beurtkrag ingestel, nadat swaar reën die land se steenkoolvoorraad deurdrenk het en kragvoorsiening vertraag het. Eskom het aangekondig dat die kragnetwerk stabiel is. Verbruikers word steeds gemaan om elektrisiteit spaarsamig te gebruik. Daar word verwag dat die druk op kragvoorsiening vir die volgende 2 jaar hoog sal wees, weens die wag op die voltooiing van twee nuwe kragstasies. Woordvoerder van Eskom Andrew Etzinger sê dat die bedrywige bykragstasies vinnig na normaal sal terugkeer.

Ekurhuleni emergency services work through the night in flooded areas. The Ekurhuleni Disaster and Emergency Services remain on high alert following heavy rains during the past weeks and flash floods which damaged households. They have been at work through the evenings in Kwenele, Katlehong South, Vosloorus extension 28 and Khutsong informal settlement assisting residents. Members of Mayoral Committee and councillors are visiting communities; ascertain the extent of damage and relief measures required. No fatalities or injuries have been reported. Citizens of Ekurhuleni where advised to take the following steps to prepare, prevent and mitigate the consequence of the heavy rains by: refraining from settling in the low lying areas; using sand sacks to channel flash flood water away from the residential structures; digging canals that takes water away from your residential structures; avoiding crossing on foot or vehicle on any low lying bridges and roads; clearing any debris that may block storm water drains next to homes; using plastic or similar material to close the leaking roofs of your properties; and advising children not to play in the flash-flood water. Residents should also ensure that they shelter their pets. Care should be taken that children’s routes to schools are safe or children are to be accompanied by adults.


On bail Heidelberg policeman has been released on bail after shooting incident. Warrant Officer July Tsotetsi appeared in the Heidelberg Magistrate’s Court on March 14, 2014. He is accused on two accounts of attempted murder. Tsotetsi pleaded not guilty, saying that he shot in self-defence after a fight broke outside a tavern. In his bail application, Tsotetsi said he was attending to his wife’s shops across the street when he saw a group of men arguing and waving pangas around. He said he fired warning shots into the ground after shouting to the men. Two people were shot and wounded during this incident. Apparently the accused fled the scene and was later apprehend by the Vaalrand Hostage Unit. The accused has been released on bail and will re-appear in the Heidelberg Magistrate’s Court on April 23, 2014.



25 MAART 2014

Bringing tomorrow to Life

Learners showing off their stationery kits.

Marley Pipe Systems shapes the future of young South Africans. Nigel, Duduza Marley Pipe Systems marked World Plumbing Day on March, 11 2014 by remaining true to their long-term commitment to ‘Bringing Tomorrow to Life’. This leading pipe manufacturer has pledged to adopt Edalinceba Primary School in Duduza. With a key focus on the future growth and empowerment of young South Africans, Marley Pipe Systems kicked off their adoption initiatives with a stationery hand-out, where 860 eager learners were presented with Marley branded stationery kits. The stationery kits comprised paper

ballpoint pens, bamboo pulp pencils and a wooden sharpener – all manufactured from recycled material which is in alignment with Marley Pipe Systems’ commitment to sustainability. Some of the long-term initiatives include an upgrade to the sanitation systems to ensure a healthy environment for the learners at this school.” During the visit Marley Pipe Systems Regional Sales Manager - Inland John Griffiths, spent time educating the learners on the various types of pipes manufactured by Marley Pipe Systems and the important role it plays in providing healthy sanitation.

Organisation of the year We collect and deliver


* Testing of all vehicles * Microdot Special R450 Marievale Road, Vorsterskroon, Nigel. Tel 011 814 4357 Weekdays 08h00 - 17h00 Sundays 09:00 - 11:00

Local organisation in Nigel receives the Len Gold Trophy from Nigel SPCA. During the previous Rotary meeting held on Thursday, March 6, Nigel SPCA handed over a shield to Nigel Rotaries president, Robert Arnoldi. This annual shield gets handed over each year by the SPCA to a company, organisation or person who contributed the most to Nigel SPCA.

Jean du Plooy (representing, Nigel SPCA), Robert Arnodi (president, Nigel Rotary) and Elaine Henderson (representing, Nigel SPCA).

Hier sal jy dit vind ‘n Plekkie waar jy al jou versamelstukke in ‘n uitstekende toestand en nog vele meer sal vind. SuperMeubels is nie net jou alledaagse tweedehandse winkel nie, maar ‘n plek waar jy met hartelus kan rondsnuffel. Jy dink nog jy het jou geliefkoosde item in die winkel raak geloop, maar voor jy jou kan kom kry is dit voor jou oë weggeraap deur ‘n ander kliënt. Die kwaliteit van die items is almal in ‘n uitstekende kondisie en so goed geprys, geen wonder dat dit so vinnig by die

kasregister opgelui word. Hier kan jy kies en keur tussen handgereedskap, enige meubelstuk denkbaar, eetgerei, elektriese toebehore, ornamente, baba bykomstighede, speelgoed vir kinders en boeke. SuperMeubels spog ook nou met ‘n nuwe reeks gesondheid beddens wat beskikbaar is vir die kliënt wat waarde vir hul geld soek. Vriendelike en behulpsame personeel sal die koper bystaan met raad en hulp oor watter bed die mees geskikste is vir hul persoonlike behoeftes. Kom loer en kyk gerus rond by hierdie interessante winkel. Jy kan dalk net daardie perfekte item raakloop waarna jy so lank al voor gesoek het. Hierdie is beslis nie ‘n winkeltjie om mis te kyk nie. SuperMeubels is geleë in 42 Schoemanstraat, Heidelberg. Besigheidsure is Maandag tot Vrydag 09:00 tot 17:00 en Saterdae 09:00 tot 13:00. 016 341 4445.

Gesondheidsbeddens by SuperMeubels in Heidelberg.


TEL: 016 341 2187/8. FAX: 016 341 6702

25 MAART 2014


Nuwe begin God’s Acre geleë in Heidelberg Rensburg by die Lesedi Care Sentrum het besluit om herlewing in te blaas in hulle klein gemeente. Hulle is bekend as ‘n toevlugsoord en geestelike hospitaal vir diegene in nood. Sondag 16 Maart het die profetiese Midvaal Dansgroep van die New Day Family kerk in Meyerton, die gemeente kom bedien. Tydens hul lofsang en aanbiddings diens het hul danse met behulp van kleurvolle vlae en materiaal uitgevoer. Die groepie vrouens het die eerste maal van God’s Acre gehoor op 906 FM. Die dansgroep beywer hul nou by die betrokkenheid van die Sondagskool van God’s Acre. Hul wil nou meer betrokke raak by hierdie gemeente. Sondagskool opleiding is verskaf deur New Day Family kerk aan volwassenes van God’s Acre om hulle toe te rus om lesse aan te bied vir kinders. Hennie en Salome Pretorius het die drie maande kursus aangebied en die gemeente spog nou met volwaardige Sondagskool onderwysers. Kinders wat Sondae die gemeente besoek word geestelik gevoed en word na die diens voorsien van ‘n bord gekookte kos. Tydens die oggend se verrigtinge het almal die samesang en dans geniet. Dit is die begin van ‘n nuwe seisoen vir God’s Acre. Daar word beoog om ‘n Profetiese skool te stig by Julie 2014 in samewerking met Nina Roets en Annemarie Lensly van New Day Family kerk. Vir navrae kontak Jan Combrinck by 072 237 5537 of Rudi by 074 167 1278.

Midvaal Dansgroep tesame met Jan Combrinck en lede van God’s Acre.


Nasionale rampbestuursentrum doen ‘n versoek dat die SA Nasionale Weermag op ‘n gereedheidsgrondslag moet wees. Gauteng het gedurende die afgelope paar weke sy swaarste reënval in 14 jaar, vir Maart beleef. Die Nasionale weermag is gedurende hierdie tydperk versoek om

A Class Hind 1/4



op bystand te wees om moontlike vloedslagoffers in talle provinsies te hulp. Die rampbestuursentrum het ook bevestig dat soek-en reddingsoperasies asook noodfonds hulpverlenings verskaf sal word aan slagoffers. Tydens die gure reënval is talle mense dakloos gelaat en paaie en brûe is verspoel, verskeie persone het omgekom weens verdrinking. Nog reën kan verwagte wees in die komende weke.

A Class Whole Lamb




Bulk Junior T.Bones







Grillhouse Wors

5kg Large Hake Fillets 12+









SPECIALS VALID FROM: WED 26/03/2014 - TUES. 01/04/2014


Whole or Half Pork



FRIDAY 28/03/2014 & SATURDAY 29/03/2014 R 99

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4kg Frozen chicken drumsticks




We cut and pack to your specifications. Large variety of home-made, smoked and marinated products. We also do portion control for restaurants and the catering industry.



25 MAART 2014 Voor van links: Lena Swart, Trudie Potgieter, Nelda de Wet en Corli Otto. Agter van links: Joan Geldenhuis, Heleen Richards, Suzette Wessels, Miempie Smit en Monica van der Linde.

016 341 2594

Wie is baas Fees groot sukses ten spyte van reën

Heidelberg VLU hou hul prysuitdeling vir 2013 en luister na ‘n interresante bespreking aangebied deur Georg Fritz. Tydens die VLU vergadering gehou op 13 Maart 2013 by AGS Kairos gemeente in Heidelberg is talle dames beloon met ‘n pragtige trofee vir hul harde werk. Katagorië waarin hul kon inskryf wissel vanaf handwerk, gebak, blomme en self mikrogolfoond gekookte konfyt. Voorsitster Nelda de Wet het die oorhandiging van die trofees waargeneem. Plaaslike plantdeskundige Georg Fritz het ook die tak besoek waar hy ‘n bespreking oor die bome (Wit Ysterhout en Laventel) van die jaar en voël van die jaar (Tristan Albatros) gedoen het. Die vroue het die insiggewende praaitjie geniet en selfs iets geleer. Die volgende vergadering vind plaas op 8 Mei by AGS Kairos in Heidelberg om 09:00. Belangstellendes, gaan loer gerus in of kontak Elda vir verdere navrae: 071 585 2455.

Laerskool Hannes Visagie het weereens koning gekraai tydens hul 21ste Biltong fees. 22 Lapas was op die hoof rugby velde opgeslaan. Hier is feesgangers elk bederf met ‘n eksotiese biltongpakkie as ‘n welkom geskenkie. Gaste kon peusel aan happies vir voorgereg, biltong pot vir hoofgereg bedien met broodrolletjies en melktert as nagereg. Om die dors te les is heerlike tuisgemaakte gemmerbier bedien. Die gasvrouens het beslis hul goed van hul taak gekwyt gedurende die aand. Met die reën wat saggies geval het, het feesgangers in groepies rondgestap om al die vermaaklikheid te besigtig. Vir die kinders was daar verskeie afleidings beskikbaar wat wissel van spookhuise tot enorme glybane en springkastele. Sanger Phillip Moolman het die feesgangers vermaak en daar was self ‘n seil oopgegooi vir diegene wat wil sakkie. Die reuse vuur is om ongeveer 20:00 aangesteek.

25 MAART 2014



“I am a 20-year old married woman with two children. I am addicted to drugs. I haven’t started with drugs because I wanted to, but because people told me that it makes all your problems disappear”. This is the start to Wendy’s (not her real name) life story. She does not look one day older than 16, yet she is already 20 years old. She is a beautiful, shy young woman - when you look at her you would never believe that she is addicted to drugs. By her own admission she was against drugs her whole childhood and would never have dreamt that she would end up being an addict herself. She believes that by telling her story, she might be able to prevent someone from following the same route as she did. She was admitted to Freedom Recovery Centre on Saturday 15 March 2014 following an addiction to CAT and Rocks. Whilst reading her story I note that there is not one single spelling mistake in the piece she has written. Whilst interviewing her, she continuously scratches her arms, and her upper body, as if there are insects crawling on or under her skin. A typical symptom of excessive cocaine use is that of delusional parasitosis, or Ekbom’s syndrome – the mistaken belief that one is infested with parasites. The slang term for this condition is “coke bugs” or “cocaine bugs”. Wendy’s story reads like a horror of things that went wrong at a macro scale. She left school at the age of 16 because she was pregnant with her first child. She gave birth shortly after her 17th birthday. She met her child’s father through friends. He started using rocks as a result by finding Wendy’s mom out. She would offer him some, presumably to buy his silence, and that was how he started. Upon encouragement from her aunt about a year ago, she started using Cat and Rocks. Her aunt kept on telling her that “things will go better” when she uses, that her problems will go away. At first, for the first 9 months, she used drugs intermittently. The last three months she used every day at an average of R800R1000 a day. Wendy states in her story that most young people believe that drugs help you to get rid of your problems. She says that what it actually does is to make it worse – your problems only “disappear” for the short period you are on a high, but once you get off your high, the paranoia, self-doubt and anxiety sets in. She considered suicide three times in one day following excessive or binge using of rocks. Typically the high you get from rocks lasts only 5-10 minutes. Immediately after the high is over, the addict might have feelings of depression or helplessness that sets in. This decreased feeling of euphoria and following depression, induce them to use more of the drug to get back on the high. A typical result of someone in active addiction is that they would sell belongings that do not belong to them. Often it is close family members that suffers the most losses. They take valuables that belonged to their families and sell it to finance their habits. Wendy has reached a turning point in her life. She says that she has tried to break her addiction on her own but she is not able too. She says that her children does not deserve to live a life of insecurity, not knowing why their mother is doing what she is doing or where she is, because sometimes she just feels like running away. Wendy approached the Rekord for help and why she admitted herself to FRC. Freedom Recovery Centre is a rehabilitation facility for the recovery of people addicted to or tired of using drugs or alcohol. It was founded in 2008 by Pastor Derick Matthews, who worked at various rehabilitation facilities prior to starting FRC. Following a holistic approach to recovery, FRC focuses on body, mind and spirit to treat addiction, which they regard as a plaster that is used


to cover up a deeper-rooted sore. FRC recently acquired their registration as rehabilitation facility, which makes them the first long term facility in the Lesedi District to acquire such accreditation, as well as one of only a handful of registered facilities in South Africa. For the in In-patient, FRC offers 21 day, 6 week, 12 week and 24 week programs. They also offer after-care programs such as life coaching programs as well as social re-integration programs through affiliated Halfway Houses and Support groups. They also offer tailor-made Out-patient programs. They are one of the most affordable and cost-effective rehabs in South Africa. Most of FRC’s programs are now also covered by most medical aids. Wendy approached Rekord for assistance to get rehabilitated. Therefore, Freedom Recovery Centre and Rekord appeal to the community in helping this young woman to get the help she deserves and needs. Short term or 21-day programs at other facilities could cost up to R28000 for the 21 days. Freedom Recovery Centre’s costs amount to R36000 for a sixmonth period. This include the services of qualified medical staff, a social worker, pastoral counsellors and a psychiatrist. It does however not include medication and personal effects such as toiletries and other personal items. The price of R6000 per month is already subsidised, as the cost to keep someone in rehab amounts to approximately R9000 per month. FRC is constantly seeking sponsorship for the shortfalls. Because FRC is registered as a Non-Profit Organisation, any business that makes a contribution towards FRC qualify to receive a Section 18A certif icate which means that such contributions can be written off against tax. Private individuals who feel they wish to contribute in terms of toiletries or in other ways are also welcome. For information on FRC, please visit them on Individuals or organisations who want to become involved in Wendy’s recovery can contact Pastor Derick Matthews on 082506-7890 or forward your email to him at H/Quarters Compiled by Pieter Stols, Freedom Recovery Centre.

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Farm Chickens

R24.98 p/kg Rump Steak

R44.98 p/kg

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R36.98 p/kg

R49.98 p/kg Boerewors

R42.98 p/kg


NIGEL/HEIDELBERG REKORD - ONLINE EDITION 25 MAART 2014 Cathy Brits, ‘n inwoner by Spaarwaterplotte het die met groot opwinding. Hulle hande juk behoorlik om nood in haar gemeenskap raakgesien. Sy bly die weg te spring met hul skeppings. Dit wissel van plastiese sakke, melk- en koeldrankbottels, koffie afgelope 11 jaar op die plot. Meeste mense woonagtig in hierdie gebied leef onder blikke, eierhouers en nog vele meer. Daar word geknip, Minderbevoorregte gemeenskap probeer ‘n verskil maak deur die broodlyn en is ongeskoold. geverf en gevorm totdat die perfekte kunswerk, trots hul hande werk. Weens die groot werkloosheid syfer en geen verkry is. Elke herwinbare item het die potensiaal om kwalifikasie om hul ‘n inkomste te bied nie het Cathy weer herwin te word. Daar is glo reeds planne beraam die geleentheid raak gesien om betrokke te raak by ‘n vir ‘n afset gebied om die kunswerke te kan uitstal en te verkoop in Alberton. gemeenskapsprojek. Moenie ‘n man ‘n vis gee nie, leer hom eerder hoe om Kunswerke bestaan uit pragtige muur skoenlappers en die vis te vang, sodat hy selfonderhoudend kan word. tuin ornamente gemaak uit koffie blikke, lekkergoed geskenkpakkies vir kinders, kaartjies en selfs ruikers. Dis wat Cathy doen. Elke Woensdag om 10:00 bied sy ‘n gratis werkswinkel Cathy se droom is om ‘n gebou op te rig waarin hulle aan vir die mense in haar gemeenskap. By “Voorwaarts die werkswinkels kan aanbied. Die fondasie is al gelê. Werkswinkel” word vaardighede aangeleer om Hierdie gaan nie jou gewone bou konstruksie wees nie. produkte en items uit herwinbare materiaal te maak. Die plan is om leë 2liter Die items word verkoop om ‘n inkomste te genereer. koeldrankbottels te geDeur die persone te wys en te leer hoe om met hulle bruik om die werkswinkel hande te werk is vir Cathy ‘n plesier. te bou om by die tema van Sy vertel dat elke persoon by die werkswinkel sy eie herwinning in te pas. Daar hartseer storie het. Baie van hulle het seer gekry in word 6000 bottels benodie samelewing en het emosionele probleme dig vir die projek. Deur die ontwikkel. gemeenskapsprojek word Die doel van die werkswinkel is om aan elkeen die l ewe n s o m s t a n d i g h e d e geleentheid te bied om selfonderhoudend te wees. Sy verbeter en word herwinbeskik oor die nodige kennis en ondervinding om ning in die natuur toegeherwinbare items te omskep in pragtige kunswerke. pas. Indien iemand beskik Daar is tans 6 lede wat elke Woensdag klokslag opdaag oor items wat herwin kan word, asook leë 2liter Cathy Brits besig met ‘n koeldrank bottels kontak demonstrasie. Cathy by 078 318 3753.

Oorwin met herwin

Goue oues Bejaardes vier hul 90ste verjaarsdag en ouer. Hierdie week bring ons hulde aan die goue oues by Nigel Tuiste vir Bejaardes wat hul

Blomme gemaak met eierhouers.

Mev Bouer

011 362 5262




Visagie Park Nigel R690 000

Visagie Park R 740 000

Mnr Erasmus

Cosy family home with prepaid offers a Stunning family home with a sparkling lovely entertainment area and built in pool and entertainment area. For this braai, ample parking and large stand. price you have to see for yourself.

DEWALD 082 793 1920

DEWALD 082 793 1920


STYLISH & SECURE Mev Stasser Mev Derecksen

Ferryvale Nigel R 1 390 000 Ferryvale Nigel R 1 600 000 A beautiful property providing stylish and comfortable living. Also has a fully contained flat can accommodate the extended family.

DEWALD 082 793 1920

Excellent facebrick family home in a secured complex. Offers spacious rooms, gourmet kitchen and a sparkling pool. Stylish, top of the range finishes.

DEWALD 082 793 1920

For all your rental requirements contact Letisia on 076 168 8439

verjaarsdae vier. Mev Dercksen vier vandag, 25 Maart haar 95ste verjaarsdag. Sy is ‘n inboorling van die tuiste vanaf 1 Februarie 2011. Sy is gebore in Potchefstroom, waar sy groot geword het. Op 19 jarige ouderdom is sy getroud met Mnr Steenkamp, waar twee kinders uit die huwelik gebore is. Sy spog met 7 kleinkinders. Met haar eggenoot se aftrede het hul na Nigel verhuis. Na ‘n huwelik van 54 jaar het sy hom aan die dood afgestaan. In haar jongmeisie dae was sy ‘n verpleegster en het selfs haar eie haarkappersalon besit. Haar handwerk wat bestaan het uit brei en hekel was van skou gehalte en menigte vroue het gesmag om een van haar artikels te besit. Sy verkeer in goeie gesondheid en vertel dat God se goedheid haar dra tot in ewigheid. Mev Stasser of Susie soos almal haar by die tehuis noem het op 1 Maart haar 95ste verjaarsdag gevier. Sy is gebore in Johannesburg omgewing in 1919. As jongmeisie het sy in ‘n prokureursf irma as tikster gewerk. Dis hier waar sy haar man ontmoet het deur haar vriendin. Sy was kort duskant 60 jaar getroud met haar man voor sy hom aan die dood afgestaan het. Uit die huwelik is 3 kinders gebore, almal woonagtig in Nigel. Sy het 6 kleinkinders en 6 agterkleinkinders. Vroeër jare het sy die mooiste tapisserie gedoen, van haar handwerk pruik nog teen haar slaapkamer muur. Susie bly vanaf 1940 in Nigel en woon sedert 18 Februarie 2008 by die tehuis. Mnr JA Erasmus of bekend as Rassie word die jaar 92 op 30 April. Hy is gebore in 1922. Hy het destyds as ‘n verkoopsman gewerk by ‘n hardeware en groot handel winkel asook by die Vrystaat en Transvaal Sentraal Aankoop koöperasie. Rassie was 62 jaar getroud met sy eggenoot en het 2 kinders, 5 kleinkinders en 4 agterkleinkinders. Hy woon sedert 1950 in Nigel. In 2004 het hy die tehuis sy tuiste gemaak. Oom Rassie was nog altyd lief daarvoor om met sy hande te werk en het selfs ‘n paar meubelmente in sy lewe gemaak. Hy skerts en vertel dat solank die hande kan werk sal hulle werk. Mev Bouer het op 15 Maart haar 92ste verjaarsdag herdenk. Sy is gebore in 1921 te Nigel distrik en het op die plaas Langzeekoeigat gebly sedert haar huwelik. Daar het sy en haar man ‘n gemengde boerdery bedryf. Sy het haar slag in die kombuis gewys met bakwerk. Na die verkoop van die plaas het hul dorp toe verhuis, waar sy ywerig beskuit en koekies gebak het. Sy bly sedert 1 Mei 2010 by die tehuis.

25 MAART 2014


TESTING STATION 25 Scarborough Rd Ferryvale Nigel

Tel: 011 814 7289 Cell: 082 256 6320


011 739 5818


D.F. AIRCON Mobile Automotive Aircon & Refrigeration Repairs. Aircon Repairs to Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Mining equipment, combines “Stroopers”. Daniel 082 348 4499


All work guaranteed

77 Porter Road, DUNNOTTAR. Tel: 011 734 2812 Fax: 011 734 2041


Mon. - Sat. 8:00 - 19:00

* Fridges * Freezers * Stoves * Washing machines * Tumble dryers. Establised 1978 FREE COLLECTION, DELIVERY & QUOTATIONS

Thea Zwiegers SPECIAL FOR 2014 * Retrieve R120 p.m * Alert was R296 - NOW R179 p.m * Sky trax was R310 - NOW R199 p.m Tel: 011 814 4362 Fax: 011 814 4264 JAN 24 Kerk Street, NIGEL emial:

SIELKUNDIGE Praktyknr.: 086 000 0052 949

Old Nigel Rd Sel: 3 082 057 5043 HF Verwoerd 70a Heidelberg 1441

Deon 082 893 7688

LAUNDROMAT 084 372 2231 55 Pretorius, O’Reilly’s Place, HEIDELBERG You Bring: We Do You do the wash, dry, folding Wash, Dry, Fold, Sun & Public Holidays Ironing 09h00-20h00 Mon - Fri Mon - Sat 08h0008h00-17h00 Sat 08h00-13h00 20h00

(Try to be early if required same day)



Wholesale / Retail Cars by Mr. H Riaan Hamman 082 552 2671

Pet Grooming for all Breeds Petfood & Accessories 011 811 5855 Springs Opp. Fire Station

Dorothy 081 334 4956

Collect & Deliver RATES FOR TEENY WEENIES CLASSIFIEDS R70 3 X 2 ADVERTS R120 5 X 2 ADVERTS R240 @ YOUR SERVICE ADS R250 Full colour and vat included

Contact Jenetta @ 011 814 8614 or 079 237 5306

L & R Silkscreen Printing & Embroidery WE DO: Silkscreen Printing Embroidery Vinyl Cutting Corporate Sewing

WE SUPPLY: * Golf T-Shirts * Caps & Hats * Overalls * Safety Shoes

Feel Free to contact us: Chris 082 551 4535 Tel: 011 814-2040 Fax: 011 814-8884 / 086 648 1397 17 Tulbach Street, NIGEL



139-3rd Street, Springs Tel:

011 362 5237


011 362 5238

25 MAART 2014

MARTIN 082 795 5339 KEEGAN 082 729 9471 TIDINGS 078 198 6915 QUINTON 072 639 5800

R129, 950 ‘07 Puegoet 307 CC Hard top Convertable exeptionally well looked after. BLINK and it’s gone

R69, 950 ’04 BMW 318i (A) E46 WELL LOOKED AFTER!!! BARGAIN at this price

R79,950 ’10 Renault Sandero 1.6 AWESOME student car in fantastic condition - low mileage 2 to choose from

R129, 950

R79, 950 ‘06 Puegoet 407 2.0 HDi ST FULL HOUSE , leather, fuel saver

R114, 950 ’04 BMW 530D (A) E-60 Great Value for Money iDEAL CAR FOR LARGER FAMILY

R84, 950 ’09 Chevrolet Aveo 1.6LS 5dr. Ideal student car in excellent condition! Great fuel saver

R129, 950

’07 Land Rover Freelander 2 16 SE A/T. Stunning vehicle for the wild at heart. A Rare Gem. Must to view!

’07 Jeep Cherokee 3.7 Ltd A/T. Excellent Condition!!! Very clean car BLINK and you will miss the eye catcher!

R109, 950

R99, 950

‘10 Chevrolet Altra 1.6L LOW KM!! Excellent value for money GOOD run around!

‘03 Audi A4 3.0 Cabriolet Multitronic. Very Clean Car. A Real Eye Catcher. Never to be repeated at this price!

R89, 950 ‘06 Audi A4 2.0 Multitronic. Fantastic Family vehicle in excellent condition.

R109, 950 ’05 BMW 120d. Six Speed Manual! Sunroof and Beige interior. Absolutely beautiful!

R69, 950

R69, 950 ’03 BMW 530d Auto E39 GREAT FAMILY CAR!!! Light on Fuel

R139,950 ‘07 Nissan Murano IMMACULATE!!! Ideal Family Vehicle with loads of features

R179, 950

R129, 950

’07 BMW 325i A/T E92. Absolute Stunner in prestine condition! Blink and you will miss it!

‘04 BMW 545i E60 A/T. The ultimate luxury Sedan. Full House! The pinnacle of German Perfection. Crazy offer!

R109, 950

R99, 950

’02 Audi A4 1.8T Avant Multitronic. Ideal for the larger family. Excellent mechanical condition. Great value

‘06 Hyundai Tucson 2.0 CRDi (A) IMMACULTE with sunroof, b/bar. A MUST TO VIEW!!!!

’01 Mercedes Benz ML270 CDi A/T. Excellent value for money! Ideal for the larger family. Don’t miss it!

R44, 950

R64, 950

R74, 950

‘07 Tata Indica 1.4 LX. Great City Car. Ideal for the everyday commute. Only 104 099km!

’03 Audi A3 1.8T. Bargain not to be repeated. Fantastic Value for money. Very well looked after!

R239, 950

R54, 950

‘09 Lexus IS 250 SE Sport Auto facelift FULLHOUSE with nav and reverse camera must view. Retail R375 000

‘02 Chrysler PT Cruiser (Auto) C/L A/C A/BAGS P/S R/CD E/W Semi leather (Affordable auto)

HERMAN MARAIS - 082 817 7192

’08 Hyundai Getz 1.5 CRDi fuel saver LOVELY LADIES CAR!!!

R109, 950 ’05 BMW 320d (A) E90 EXCELLENT CONDITION!!!very fuel eco A MUST TO VIEW

25 MAART 2014





RENSBURG R 910 000 NIC - 082 746 9295


NIC - 082 746 9295


RENSBURG R 650 000


NABY A.G VISSER SKOOL 2500M² ERF MET KOTHUIS HUIS MET W/STEL PRIME PROPERTY. NEG PRAGTIGE EIENDOM 2slp,1bad, sitk, eetk, kombuis, 3 slp, 2 bad, 2motorhuise, volledige 3slp, 1bad, wask, moderne komlarge 3 bed, 2 bath, study, lovely 3slp, 3bad, 2m/h, 2 afdakke, pragtig gerestoureer. woonstel, afdakke. buis, groot afdak, buitegeboue. kitchen swembad, Winskoop

HETTIE - 073 653 1496 RENSBURG R680 000

HELAY 072 848 4003 BERGSIG



HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HELAY - 072 848 4003 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 RENSBURG R 760 000



NUUT GEBOU !!! NETJIES! OP GROOT ERF NEAR NEW SCHOOL UITSTAANDE GEHALTE LIEFLIKE FAMILIE HUIS 3 slp, 2 bad, 2 motorhuise met 1 Nice property, 4 bed, 3 bath, 2 3 slp, 2 bad, 2 motorhuise, ruim Ruim onthaal area, 4 slp, 3 bad, 3 slp, 2 bad, studeerkamer met 2 vertrekke. garages & c/p afdak en kuierstoep. swembad motorhuise.

HELAY - 072 848 4003 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HELAY - 072 848 4003 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 SUIKERBOSRAND R1.1 M





HELAY - 072 848 4003 BERGSIG




MAKE A REASONABLE OFFER NUUT IN DIE MARK DRINGENDE VERKOOP IN SEKURITEITS KOMPLEKS MODERN MEENTHUIS 17ht, Farm next to Suikerbosrand 3 slp, 1 bad, swembad, 1 d/afd. 4 slp, 2 bad, sitk /leefarea, 4 3 slp, 2 bad, kaggel, komb, 2 2 slp, 2 bad, oopplan kombuis met mtorhuis, privaat Ghu HELAY - tuin. 072 848 1 motorhuis. Reserve. oopplan leefarea. motorhuise en kombuis.

HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HELAY 072 848 4003 SENTRAAL R995 000


HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HELAY - 072 848 4003 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 SENTRAAL R860 000

Eiendomme te KOOP gevra - Nigel & Hberg

MODERN NUUT OORGEDOEN IN EXCLUSIVE COMPLEX VEILIGHEIDS KOMPLEKS 3 slp, 1 bad, ruim leefarea, 1afdak, Spacious, Study, 3 bed, 3 bath, 3 slp, 2 bad, 1 motorhuis, sitk/eetk splash pool, 2 Garages. 1 motorhuis en kombuis.

HELAY - 072 848 4003 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HELAY - 072 848 4003 FERRYVAL 1.3 M NEG




NIGEL UITSTEKENDE KOOP!!! VERY NEAT!!! NEG. 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom , 2 4 slp, 2 Bad, 2 motorhuise, sit/eet/ tv kamer. Garages, Pool, Outbuildings.

NIC - 082 746 9295 FERRYVALE R980 000


Besoek meer eiendomme by

NIC - 082 746 9295 FERRYVALE







BAIE VEILIG. SIERSTEEN HUIS EN WOONSTEL DRINGENDE VERKOOP!!! NUUT IN DIE MARK!!! PUIK LIGGING!!! 3 slp, 2 bad, 2 motorhuise, 3 slp, 2bad ,sit/eet, 2motorhuise, 5 slp, 3 bad, 4 motorhuise, 3 slp, 2 bad, 2 motorhuise, sit/eet/ 3 slp, 1 bad, sitk/eetk/tv kamer 2 koopkrag, sit/eet/tv kamer. swembad en te veel om te noem. tv kamer met 2 slpk woonstelle. afdakke, swembad. swembad, braaistoep.

NIC - 082 746 9295 FERRYVALE


NIC - 082 746 9295


NIC - 082 746 9295 SENTRAAL R630 000

NIC - 082 746 9295 EXT II R1.1 M

NIC - 082 746 9295 VISAGIEPARK



6 BAIE MOOI GOED GELEE ERWE BESKIKBAAR! NEW MARKET!!! NUUT OP DIE MARK BAIE NETJIES!!! 3 slp, 1 bad, sitk, eetk, 1 motorhuis, 3 slp, 2bad, sitk/eetk, kombuis, 3 bed, 1 bath, living room, 1 garage, well maintained garden. motorhuis en boorgat. 2 afdakke.

BAIE NETJIES!!! 3 slp, 2 bad, 2 motorhuise, sit/eet FERRYVALE ERWE BESKIKBAAR kamer, 2 afdakke.

NIC - 082 746 9295 FERRYVALE R540 000

NIC - 082 746 9295 EXT




NIC - 082 746 9295 VISAGIEPARK



NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295



BAIE MOOI!!! DRINGENDE VERKOOP!!! NUUT OP DIE MARK BARGAIN!!!, NUUT OP DIE MARK!! 3 slp, bad, sit/eet, kombuis, buite 3 slp, 2 bad, kombuis ,studeer 4 Slpk, 2 Badk, sitk, eetk, tv 4 Slpk, 2 Badk, sitk, eetk, 2 3 Slpk, 2 Badk, sitk, eetk, tv kamer, motorhuise, 2 afdakke. kamer, afdak. braaistoep en swembad. geboue. kamer, 2 motorhuise en lapa.

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295




BOUWERK Alle bouwerk en aanbouings. Bou van Nuwe Huise en Woonstelle (Granny Flats). Seel & verf van dakke Skakel Gerald 073 192 9588 N.H.B.R.C. Geregistreerd


Geysers, toilets, drains, gebarste pype, skrynwerk, teëls ens. Seël van dakke & plaveisels. 082 646 9928 PETS / TROETELDIERE


LAUNDRY MATE LAUNDRY-MATE (Since 2002) We invite you to come and make use of our affordable, reliable and professional laundry service. We cater for domestic and corporate needs. Contact 011 814 3597 / 072 511 4366

BEDROOM TO RENT. R2000 including water and lights. Opposite John Vorster High School. Non smokers. Contact Gareth on 076 813 9303.

SMART KITCHENS & HOME IMPROVEMENTS For 3D Designer Kitchens or kitchen revamps, BIC, Bathr, Vanities, Wall to Wall Carpets and Laminated Flooring. No compromise on Quality and Service. Free Quotations. Phone Andre at 016 349 5052 or 082 738 1441

NOAH’S ARK PET SHOP: Voëls, voëlsaad, hokke, visse, viskos, akwariums. Hondekos Montego, Jock (3 in 1) ens. AviPlus. Bearded dragons, hamsters, krieke, meel wurms, honde-hokke, honde jassies en bedjies. Honde, katte en hasies. Kaarte welkom. Dae oop per week 9:00 - 17:00 Naweke en vakansie-dae 09:00 - 16:00. Tel: 011 814-4514. Noordstraat 132, Nigel.



011-740-0477/011-744-3544 699 Voortrekkerstr, Brakpan

RUMOURS RESTAURANT: For professional catering of all events. Weddings, Parties, Spitbraais, Platters and Potjies. Nothing too big or small. Your venue or ours. Phone Piet at 011 814 1428 / 072 470 2187. TO HIRE: Cutlery, crockery, large selection of table cloths, overlays, tables and chairs etc. Sonnette 082 926 1515




Antiques - oudhede. Ons koop, verkoop en restoureer meubels. Groot verskeidenheid nou beskikbaar. Kom loer gerus in. Skakel ons by 016 349 2175 of Wena 082 785 9108

TE HUUR in Nigel: Ruim duethuis (2slpkmr) met afdak. Binne loopafstand van Nigel BesigheidSentraal. Klein tuintjie voor en agter en tuindienste is ingesluit asook Water. Koopkrag. R3200p.m. plus dep. 084 403 6963 SELECTION PARK SPRINGS TO RENT 2 x Large two bedroom flats from R4000 per month. Contact 011 811 6554 or 011 811 6690 or 082 776 5235. FOR SALE / TE KOOP 9.2 H PLOT FOR SALE. 3 Bedroom, 1 tv room. 1 lounge, 1 dining room, 1 kitchen, 1 scullery, outside buildings and fence. For only R995000. Contact 082 567 5373 or 011 736 6803. FERRYVALE, NIGEL. Netjies huis met woonstel en swembad te huur of te koop. Kontak mev Pienaar 082 551 2770. SALON IN HEIDELBERG TE KOOP. Kontak 072 109 1705. ROOMS TO LET: Close to Nigel CBD. Contact Francois 084 587 6060 or Liesel 083 232 3997.


ECOPOISE PEST & HYGIENE. We specialise in eco safe pest control by using only L registration products for the safety of your family and environment. We are registrated at the department of Agriculture (act 36 of 1947) reg nr P9795. We specialise in all weed control, pest control and hygiene service. Please call us for a free quotation. All work guaranteed. Kontak Andries 083 357 4903.


25 MAART 2014

FURNITURE / MEUBELS SUPER MEUBELS, 42 SCHOEMANSTR, HEIDELBERG, 016-341-4445 Turn your back for 5 minutes and the item you wanted has been snapped by another client.. good pieces move quickly. Perhaps a good place to start searching for pieces for your collection would be here, we have from new good quality beds, tools, speakers, reels & rods, for kids as well, steampot, vases, crockery, curtains, storybooks, loungesuites, diningroomsuite, bedroomsuites, pine kitchen cupboards, imbuia & parmafen table, sleepercouch, occasional chairs. steel shelve, coffeetables, zinc units, parrot cage, knitting needles, hallstand,dressing tables, baby feedingchairs, windowframes, oregan chest of drawers, small coalstove, barley twist table, sideboards, ornaments, hockey game table, 2x2 pink couches, chinese violins, helping handles, crutches, walkers, carpets, twinstroler, violin, accordion, bunkerbed, 4 drawer filing cabinets, 2door stationery cabinets, porcelaindolls hand made, tv unit black & silver, server, washstand, big old dresser, halfmoontables, churchbenches, wardrobes, trusokists, cutlery, camping cot, watchstraps, speedqueen washingmachines, chinese hallstand....a place not to miss on your next trip, follow this space..... AUCTION / VEILING AUCTION, SATURDAY MARCH 29. 20 Jordaan Street, HEIDELBERG at 9:30am. Entire range of households contents furniture, kitchenware, jewellery, vast collection of local and exotic art, library, dolls, lamps, bibical characters carved in Portuguese cork. Spanish bull fight posters and artifacts clothing, garden bench, electric wood working hand tools, planes, saws, chisels, clamps etc.Work benches with vice quality upholstery material steel frames, poles, rods, VW wheel rims. See what not seen before, buy what not bought before. Contact 016 349 6387.

VOEL JY VASGEVANG IN JOU SKULD! Vermy Debt Review of Administrasie! Konsolideer al jou skuld! Geen fooie vooruit betaalbaar nie! Stuur ‘n SMS met jou e-pos adres na 079 015 5400.

CLEANING SERVICES MNTIMANDE CARPET CLEANING: We specialize in the following: * carpet cleaning * extraction of water from carpets * seat cleaning * cleaning offices. Contact A Madonsela 082 353 2449. Email JEWELLERY FOR SALE BIG SALE ON SELECTED JUWELLERY ITEMS 40 - 50%. Hurry stock runs out very fast! Contact 083 512 4667 SHOULD YOU KNOW OF SOMEONE, ANY ONE NOT RECEIVING A REKORD NEWSPAPER EVERY SECOND TUESDAY. PLEASE CONTACT 011 814 8614. DEADLINE FOR TEENY WEENY ADS EVERY SECOND THURSDAY AT 14H00. FORWARD YOUR TEENY TO


Nuwe Ekurhuleni webblad Ekurhulenimetro spog met nuwe webblad. Die Ekurhuleni webblad het begin Maart ‘n nuwe blaadjie omgeslaan. In teenstelling met die ou blad wat einde Februarie afgeskakel is, spog hierdie blad met nuwe skakels vir bykans enige diens wat die munisipaliteit lewer. Vanaf diens versoeke tot rekeningnavrae. Die be-

trokke bestuurders van die onder-skeie streke se selnommers word ook aangegee. Daar is ’n rits skakels waar probleme met byvoorbeeld elektrisiteit, water of vullisverwydering aangemeld kan word. Straat- of verkeersligte wat nie werk nie, meld dit aan, asook. toeristeaantreklikhede in Ekurhuleni. Die adres is

25 MAART 2014


Gekies vir SA skole

Uitblinker Hoër Volkskool het op Saterdag 8 Maart aan NWU-Vaal Super 10 teen Hoërskool President deelgeneem in Heidelberg. Die uitslae is as volg. Hokkie: 0/14A, 11-0; 0/ 15A, 7-0; 0/16A, 4-0; 2de span, 2-1 en 1ste span, 130. Netbal: 0/14A, 26–3; 0/ 14B, 30–10; 0/15A, 14-3; 0/15B, 27-9; 0/16 A, 31-3; 0/16B 8-18; 0/17 A, 24-6; 2de Span, 24-2 en 1ste Span, 34-20. Rugby: 0/ 14A, 57-0; 0/15A, 48-0, 0/ 16A, 33-0; 2de Span 36-0 en 1ste Span wen 62-6.


Nica Human, ‘n graad 8 leerder van Hoër Volkskool Heidelberg, het ‘n 2de plek in hoogspring (dogters 0/15) behaal tydens die Gauteng Skole Atletiekkampioenskappe. Die aangeleentheid het plaasgevind op Saterdag 8 Maart by die L.C. De Villiers Stadion, Universiteit van Pretoria. Op Saterdag 15 Maart het Nica ook aan die Gauteng Klubs Atletiek Kampioenskappe deelgeneem en weereens 2de plek behaal in die kategorie. Nica is die enigste leerder van Hoër Volkskool en een van slegs 7 leerders in die D7 streek wat outomaties gekwalifiseer het om aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Skole Atletiekkampioenskappe deel te neem. Hierdie kampioenskappe gaan in die Peter Mokaba Stadion in Polokwane, Limpopo plaasvind op Saterdag 29 Maart 2014. Anke Nel (1ste span) in aksie op die netball veld.

Heel regs: Nica Human wat 2de plek in hoogspring behaal het.

Gekies vir D7 netbal Laerskool Hannes Visagie se Netbal spelers is gekies vir die D7 span, tydens proewe gespeel by Jan Van Riebeeck Laerskool te Springs. Die 0/12’s se proewe het op Donderdag 13 Maart en die 0/13’s op Maandag 17 Maart plaas gevind. Agter links is: Lucinda van der Merwe (0/12), Elandia Maris (0/12) en Ge-Ann Maré (0/12). Voor links is: Tegan Strydom (0/13) en Bianca Erasmus (0/12)

Nica in aksie by die L.C. De Villiers Stadion.



Eco Trail Nigel 4x4 club hosted an Eco Route. The rainy and wet weather could not damper the spirit of 4x4 enthusiasts on Saturday, March 15. This day kick started at 08:00 with registration for the Eco Route and at 10:30 drivers and vehicles were well on their way on the track. The starting point was at the back of John Vorster Stadium in Nigel. The Eco Route consisted of 16 “boeresport” events that had to be completed while driving the 15km track. It took approximately 3 to 4 hours to complete the track. A 4x4 track was also available for the more experienced men to test their driving capabilities while waiting for the prize giving event. Winners of the Eco Route is as follows: First Dirk Van Reenen – Jeep, second Willie Van Rooyen – Range Rover and third Kyle Hendricks – Toyota. The next 4x4 competition will be held on May 24, on the 4x4 course behind Laerskool Tini Vorster sport fields. Monthly meetings the first Tuesday of every month at 19:00. For more information contact Cindy: 072 455 8211 or Michael: 082 493 4678.

One of a kind rally To travel by car is an adventure, by motorcycle an experience never to be forgotten. Over 120 motorcycles drove past Heidelberg during the annual Durban to Johannesburg Commemorative run. In a trail over a total distance of approximately 700km motorbike enthusiasts drove motorcycles or sidecar combinations which were manufactured on or before December 31, 1936. This event is extremely well organised and supported. The first rally took place in the 1970 and was staged every year, excepted in 1974 when authorities refused permission due to fuel shortages being experienced in South-Africa during that year. No modern aids are permitted during the ride for speed and distance calculations. Only clocks, stopwatches and watches are allowed. Riders must make use of certain markings along the way and do their calculations of speed and distance making use of the allowed aids. Many famous makes from Britain, Germany, America, Italy and South-Africa took part as well as other models and makes. The drive from Durban to Johannesburg can take an average of two days to complete. This year the oldest motorcycle used was a 1909 model, The Humber.

Willie van Rooyen in his Range Rover. The Humber motorcycle.

C.J.J. STEEL cc. ~ STEEL MERCHANTS ~ Cnr: Grootvlei Rd, and Partridge St, Strubenvale Stockists of Steel Sections, Rail, Tel: 011 815 4700/1/2 * Fax: 011 8153088 Piping Plante and Tubing

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12x12 .... R65.00 16x16 .... R78.00 20X20 ... R72.00 25X25 ... R85.00 ....... R143.00 32X32 ... R134.00 ..... R185.00 38X38 ... R152.00 ..... R231.00 50X50 ... R208.00 ..... R297.00 76X76 ... R308.00 ..... R418.00 100X100 ................... R530.00

20MM .... R64.00 25MM .... R85.00 ....... 32MM .... R115.00 ..... 38MM .... R134.00 ..... 50MM .... R185.00 ..... 76MM .... R276.00 .....

25x25x3 .................... R 91.00 25x25x5 .................... R141.00 30x30x3 .................... R106.00 30x30x5 .................... R184.00 40x40x3 .................... R141.00 40x40x5 .................... R220.00 25x25x2 .................... R 76.00 30x30x2 .................... R 89.00 40x40x2 .................... R106.00


38x20 .... R128.00 ..... R145.00 38x25 .... R143.00 ..... R161.00 50x25 .... R152.00 ..... R206.00 50x38 .... R198.00 ..... R250.00 76x38 .... R237.00 ..... R318.00 76x50 .... R303.00 ..... R357.00 100X50 ..................... R410.00

Fibre Glass Sheeting R67.00 p/m




75x50x20x2 100x75x20x2

R56.00p/m Cut to size


R217.00 ..... R326.00 R279.00 ..... R425.00



12X3 ........ 16x3 ......... 20x3 ......... 20x5 ......... 25x3 ......... 25x5 ......... 30x3 ......... 30x5 ......... 40x3 ......... 40x5 ......... 50x5 .........

R 27.00 R 32.00 R 35.00 R 59.00 R 48.00 R 73.00 R 61.00 R 92.00 R 82.00 R124.00 R152.00

SQ BAR 6M 8MM ......... R56.00 10MM ....... R63.00 12MM ....... R73.00

WINDOW SECTION 6M RT6 ......... RT13 ....... RX7 ......... F7 ............ F4B ..........

R 63.00 R 76.00 R 100.00 R 82.00 R 211.00

ROUND BAR 6M 6MM .......... R18.00 8MM .......... R31.00 10MM ........ R44.00 12MM ........ R63.00


LIP/CHANNEL 75x50x20x2 ............... R217.00 100x75x20x2 ............. R241.00 125x50x20x2 ............. R267.00 150x50x20x2 ............. R293.00

R124.00 R159.00 R185.00 R260.00 R373.00






R330.75 R368.36 R407.13 R447.52

2450x1225x1.6 .............................. R486.00 2450x1225x2.0 .............................. R550.00 2450x1225x2.5 .............................. R699.00 2450x1225x3.0 .............................. R848.00 2450x1225x4.0 ........................... R1 210.00 2500x1200x5.0 ........................... R1 490.00 2500x1200x6.0 ........................... R1 700.00


25 MAART 2014

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