Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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15 APRIL 2014

VOL 10 NO 7


Rioolwater - drinkwater Rou riool syfer uit plaaslike suiweringsaanleg reg binne in ons drinkwater. Talle klagtes van persone woonagtig op die Nigel, Fortuna en Balfour pad is ontvang oor die stank van riool en haglike toestande van die spruite in hierdie omgewing. Rekord het gaan ondersoek instel oor die stand van sake op Maandag 7 April. Die plek van belang waar die hele stank ontstaan is Balfour Suiweringsaanleg. Daar waar al die riool bymekaar kom, maar ongelukkig nie daar bly nie. Dit is aan ons uitgewys hoe die rioolwater sy pad baan vanaf die aanleg tot by die Rietfontein spruit. Ongelukkig word die vloei nie hier stuit gesit nie, maar beland in die Suikerbosrand rivier, Kliprivier wat dan op sy beurt in die Vaaldam aansluit. Dis kommerwekkend omdat die rioolwater nie geskik is vir menslike of dierlike gebruik nie.

Selfs die plaaslike vis lewe is al uitgeroei by ‘n privaat dam en naby spruite weens hierdie besoedeling. Rekord het die Dipaleseng Munisipaliteit genader vir antwoorde. Die munisipaliteit beweer dat daar op 5 April, 2014 kragkabels gesteel is vanuit die Balfour Suiweringsaanleg. ‘n Saak van diefstal is geopen by die SAPD en die saak word tans ondersoek. Hierdie voorval het glo ernstige operatiewe komplikasies veroorsaak wat die funksies van die aanleg belemmer. Die rioolwater word huidig met chloor behandel. Die munisipaliteit ontken ten sterkste dat enige ander riool afvoer voorgekom het, voor hierdie betrokke insident. Die munisipaliteit beskou hierdie as ‘n ernstige saak en herstelwerk sal so spoedig as moontlik uitgevoer word.

Die besoedelde Rietfontein Spruit.



15 APRIL 2014

Fondsinsameling met ‘n skop ‘n Veiling en ete gehou ten bate van Riaan Arnoldi het gesorg vir hope pret en baie humor. Thys Streicher, meer bekend as Thys die Bosveldklong het tydens ‘n fondsinsamelings projek ten bate van Riaan Arnoldi by die Italian Klub Nigel opgetree. Nie

net is Thys ‘n komediant sanger van formaat nie. Hy is ook ‘n gekwalif iseerde afslaer en ‘n ambassadeur vir die Pretoria Downsindroom Vereniging die laaste 8 jaar. Rumours Restaurant het gesorg vir heerlike voorbereide kos gedurende die funksie waaraan gaste gesmul het. Tussen

deur het Thys almal vermaak met sy sang onder andere 2 nuwe snitte asook snitte uit “Ek wil boertjie bly.” Met die aand wat sy einde nader het Thys spesiaal ‘n lied opgedra aan die reeds slapende Riaan wat heet “Rooikop kind”. Gedurende die veiling is skilderye (geverf

deur familie lede), geraamde en getekende rugby truie (Lions, Sharks en Blou Bulle) asook geraamde bokshand-skoene van die bokslegende Brian Mitchel opgeveil. Die veiling het ‘n wins bedrag van ongeveer R51 000 ingebring.

Stand together From the desk of Rev Ray Goddess


Thys die Bosveldklong en Riaan.

JJC Kruger & Vennote

ROBERT DYKE 083 266 5453 STEVE DYKE 082 428 7262

Springs Parkland Kliniek Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172


Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging (By River Square kruising 016 423 3553 H2411 LEADERS IN CUSTOM MADE SHOPFRONTS e-mail: 58 Second Avenue, Nigel 1490 Tel: 011 814-1577/26 Fax: 011 814 8467


57 Strydom Street, Heidelberg Tel: (016) 341-2437 Rev. Ray Cell 082 656 3123 “We exist to be like Christ, live like Christ, and share the exciting message of Christ to all people”.

EXPERIENCE CHRIST’S LOVE AND OUR FRIENDSHIP For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12 (NIV)

Service times: 08h00 – Traditional Service (Mother’s Room available) 09h30 – Worship Service (Mother’s Room available) 18h00 – Evening Service (for Adults and Youth) H2321

Life today is not easy but life in Jesus’ days was also not easy. When we read the Bible we often make the mistake of thinking that life in Bible times was easy because we do not identify with the type of hardship that they lived in. the fact is that relatively speaking they struggled just as much as we do – just in a different way. An example of this is that they never heard of 350 plus people dying in an aeroplane accident – simply because they never had planes. But there were many times when thousands of people died in warfare – and their death was brutal. I have mentioned this because I would like to challenge each of us to look at our lives today and then look at Jesus’ life and compare how Jesus’ got through His diff icult times and how we try to get through our difficult times. Jesus struggled with the authorities accusing Him of all sorts of things – yet He was quite innocent. Jesus was often verbally attacked and He also often needed to draw strength to just see through His day to day living. How did He get this right? I believe that there were two things that got Him through life – one was His relationship with God (we have the same opportunity to have a good relationship with God – it is our choice). The second thing that I believe got Jesus through His difficult times was the fellowship He had with all the people around Him. It was not coincidental that He had 12 very good friends that He could rely on. It is also not coincidental that we often see how they did things together and even prayed together. In other words we could say that Jesus and His friends stood together and supported each other against the enemy – both of the human type and the Spiritual warfare that they were involved in. with this in mind we should surely do the same – STAND TOGETHER in physical, emotional and Spiritual situations. Now I know many of you are saying “But we do this”. Well I would like to ask you to be honest with one part of the challenge. Yes we support each other physically (eg help your friend move). We also help each other emotionally (eg when someone

Rev Goddess, Heidelberg Methodist Church

needs a “shoulder to cry on”). But what about Spiritually - do we stand together in prayer against the principalities (Satan). As Christians I would like to suggest that we do not do enough of this. God wants us to be well and NOT to have problems in our life while Satan will try everything he can to draw us away from God towards the world. I have noticed a dramatic increase in problems in marriages and business since about September last year. I have more couples with marital problems seeing me at one time than I have ever had before. I am seeing more people who need to “just talk” about the problems they are having in their businesses than ever before. I have more people asking for employment than ever before. My conclusion is that we as Christians need to STAND TOGETHER in prayer and pray protection over Heidelberg and surrounds. As Christians we need to break the bond that the world has on our marriages, businesses and lives. Jesus did this by praying and He has given us the same authority and so I know that if we can stand together and pray for protection in Heidelberg that God will hear our prayers and there will be a change in what is happening in Heidelberg. I am calling all Christians churches to stand together on Sunday 20th April (Easter Sunday) and as we celebrate the RISEN JESUS we also call for the living Jesus to make a difference in the lives of our people in Heidelberg. Let us STAND TOGETHER as the BODY OF CHRIST knowing that Jesus IS victorious over everything.

15 APRIL 2014



Pasop vir hom! Suspect on bail Verdagte blanke man tussen die ouderdom van 50 en 60 jaar word verbind met diefstal. ‘n Man van Nigel is op 1 April op heterdaad betrap. Hy het probeer toegang verkry deur die kettings van Wilmi’s Gifts en Bargain Shop in 4de laan, Nigel se deur oop te breek. Volgens die eienares Wilma het die patrolleerders die man gewaar, terwyl hy besig was om aan die besigheid se deur te ruk en pluk. Die verdagte het aan die patrolleerders vertel dat hy iemand gewaar het binne die winkel. Die patrolleerders het onraad vermoed en dadelik die winkel assistent Monica geskakel. Intussen

het die verdagte hom uit die voete gemaak. Wilma vertel dat die einste verdagte vantevore haar winkel besoek het. Tydens die laaste besoek het hy baie eienaardig opgetree en het baie navraag gedoen oor die werking van hulle CCTV stelsel. Dieselfde aand het die voorval plaasgevind. Beeldmateriaal van die verdagte is vasgevang op CCTV en die man is uitgeken deur Wilma. Geen saak is geopen by die SAPD nie. Daar word beweer dat die verdagte by verskeie winkeldiefstal voorvalle betrokke is en selfs ‘n keer of twee met gesteelde besittings in sy besit gevang is. Wees dus gewaarsku.

Gesteelde trok teruggevind Konst. EK Phogole en Konst. Manuel het ‘n verdagte trok in Noordstraat, Nigel gewaar op Saterdag 5 April. Met nadere ondersoek het die bestuurder en passasier uit die trok gespring en weg gehardloop. Die plaaslike vingerafdruk eenheid, PKRS Springs, is gekontak waar baie mooi vingerafdrukke gelig is. Daar is Konst. Manuel met bevind dat dit ‘n die trok wat terug gesteelde trok is gevind is. wat van Kemptonpark afkomstig is sê Nigel Kommunikasie Offisier Madeleine von Wielligh.

Suspects released Three suspects aged 24, 25 and 31 years arrested for murder in Ratanda after 23 year old male was found dead. It is alleged that a fight broke out in an unknown tavern in Ratanda on March 21, 2014 between four males early evening. One of the men fled the tavern with three men chasing after him. In Khanye Street the man was overpower by the three men and was stabbed in the back. The victim put up a fight and ran off to his house. The men followed him where they stabbed him in his neck, which lead to his death. The suspects were arrested by Ratanda SAPS the same day. They appeared in Heidelberg Magistrate Court on charges of murder on Monday, March 24, 2014. The case was withdrawn due to a lack of evidence and a further investigation is pending by the SAPS.

Trou met my!

Suspect appeared before Heidelberg Magistrate court due to the possession of illegal substances and drugs. A Nigerian National was arrested July 19, 2013 along the N3 freeway weighbridge, south of Heidelberg. The white Toyota Quantum in which he was travelling was stopped at a roadblock. While the police officials were conducting a search a clear

plastic bag was found in the suspects left jean pockets. The bag contained suspicious greenish tablets. He was arrested. The suspect appeared before the Heidelberg Magistrate court on Wednesday, March 24, 2014. The case was postponed to a further trail and the suspect was released on bail reported Captain Thivhulawi Tshilate.


New look

Local clinic launched its new maternity ward with a bang. Life Suikerbosrand Clinic, situated in Heidelberg on the c/o HF Verwoerd, Maré and Begeman Street launched their new maternity ward on March 28, 2014 to the public. The Clinic is well known for quality care. With their dedicated staff they provide patients with the highest quality service. The maternity ward now boasts with a new modern, spacious and sophisticated look.

267 SKAKEL 083 6198 267 6198

NIGEL/HEIDELBERG REKORD - ONLINE EDITION Accommodation is offered in stylish private, semi-private and the post natal ward. Rooms are equipped with televisions and air-condition units. The private and semi-private rooms, each has its own bathroom. In the ward itself, a bathroom to accommodate disabled patients are also available. A fully equipped Neonatal intensive care or high care facilities are on hand. These facilities are available for premature or full term babies who may need specialized care. The dedicated, professional nursing staff is fully trained to walk that extra mile to smooth your transition into motherhood. They will make the birth of your baby a memorable experience. Fathers are not forgotten during this time. They are encouraged to share fully in the birth process. During the launch various members out of the community came by for a visit to see what this ward has to offer them. They were astonished at the transformation the ward went through. Hennie Fraser and his partner Annette Engelbrecht are expecting a baby late April. They already booked a private room for the birth of their daughter. During this time Hennie will be allowed to stay by Annette’s side and even sleep over on the sleeper couch that comes with the room. They love the new look of the ward especially the soft pastel painted walls. Private as well as medical aid patients are welcome to enquire about the facilities and services available at the maternity ward at Life Suikerbosrand.


Hennie Fraser and Annette Engelbrecht.

Spesialiseer in: Persoonlike-, kommersiële- en boerderyversekering * Professionele en vriendelike diens * Persoonlike aandag * Vinnige en effektiewe eisehantering * Baie billike tariewe

Klippies: 083 282 7577 Wayne: 072 266 6157 Kantoor: 011 814 8297 Kantoor ure: 08:00 - 16:30

DIE VERPLIGTINGE VAN DIE KORTTERMYNVERSEKERINGPOLISHOUER Die verpligtinge van die polishouer eindig nie met die akkurate en volledige voltooiing van die aansoek om versekering nie. Dis eers dan wanneer die versekeraar, namens die makelaar (as jy een het), en die versekerde/polishouer in ‘n vennootskap/verhouding met mekaar tree. Dan rus daar verpligtinge op beide partye. Die polishouer moet te alle tye redelike voorsorg tref vir die veiligheid van versekerde eiendom en om verlies en/of skade te voorkom. Growwe nalatigheid kan lei tot die afkeur van ‘n eis. Die eenvoudigste verduideliking vir die woord redelik is om te alle tye op te tree asof geen versekering bestaan nie. Voldoen dus aan al die vereistes wat in die polis genoem word; volg hierdie basiese benadering van redelike voorsorg en betaal jou premie getrou elke maand; dan is vele probleme met betrekking tot eise alreeds uitgeskakel. Dink aan die klein alledaagse dingetjies om redelik te beskryf: Sluit jou huis as jy uitgaan; sit die warmkombers af as jy nie tuis is nie; ry veilig volgens die padreëls – bring jou kant; hou by die spoedgrens; sorg dat jou alarm geaktiveer is wanneer jy nie tuis is nie en dat jou alarm in werkende toestand is as dit ‘n vereiste op jou polis is, ens. Indien daar enige verandering in risiko is, is dit die polishouer se plig om sy versekeraar/makelaar in kennis te stel, bv. verandering van adres, vervanging van ‘n voertuig, vervanging van ‘n selfoon, ens. Dit kan ‘n premieverandering tot gevolg hê. Hou in gedagte dat dat die versekeraar die premie bepaal het op die inligting soos aan hulle verstrek deur die aansoeker (jy) voordat jy die polishouer geword het. Verwys: B. J. Groenewald A.C.I.I. – Algemene Praktyk en Eis-hantering

15 APRIL 2014 Rene Stucki (Unit Manager) and Maria Mtethra (midwife) in the Neonatal ICU.

Waardasies Ekurhuleni is huidiglik in die proses om aanvullende waardasies vir waardasierol te doen vir tydperk 2013 tot en met 2017. Die aanvullende waardasies is gemik op nuwe ontwikkelinge, pas voltooide geboue, eiendomme wat onder verdeling gekom het of enige ander veranderings wat aangebring is. Ndlala Mass Valutions Services is aangestel om die bogenoemde waardasies te behartig. Ekurhuleni doen ‘n beroep op inwoners en eienaars om die werknemers van Dlala toegang tot eiendomme te gee. Inwoners word vermaan om altyd vir identifikasie te vra voordat hul iemand op hul eiendom toelaat weens veiligheidsredes. Werkers beskik almal oor identifikasiekaarte waarop die logo van die Ekurhuleni-metro verskyn asook die besonderhede van die betrokke persoon. Om die identiteit van die werker te bevestig is daar ‘n telefoon nommer op die IK-kaart wat geskakel kan word.

15 APRIL 2014


Red carpet event

Nic Bottari unveiled the new Toyota Corolla. On March 28, 2014 a Premiere Movie Night was held at Nic Bottari, Nigel at 19:00. During this event guests attending this launch were warmly welcomed by staff after walking down the red carpet. The showroom was prepped like a cinema with the Toyota Corolla veiled under a black cloth, the center of attention for the evening. The first Corolla was launched in the 60’s and since then over 40 Million have been sold globally. 979 000 of these vehicles have been sold in South-Africa. In 2014 the Corolla has reached its 11th generation. Whether on the open road, city streets or parked in your driveway this new bold and distinctive design with strong curves will surely take its rightful place in your heart. This car leaves a striking first impression. Potential buyers can choose from a 1.3 litre, 1.6 litre, the all-new 1.8 litre or a 1.4 litre diesel engine. The 1.3 litre engine puts out an impressive 73 kW of power at 6000 r/min and torque of 128 Nm at 3800 r/min and is available in a 6speed manual transmission. The 1.6 litre engine boasts 90 kW of power at 6000 r/ min and 154 Nm of torque at 5200 r/min with an option of either a 6-speed manual transmission or Multidrive S automatic.

The powerful 1.8 litre engine sports 103 kW of power at 6400 r/min and 173 Nm of torque at 4000 r/min with an option of either a 6-speed manual transmission or Multidrive S automatic. For the diesel lovers, the brand new 1.4 litre diesel engine produces 66 kW of power at 3800 r/min and torque of 205 Nm at 1800 – 2800 r/min with a 6 speed manual transmission. Returning a class-best combined cycle fuel consumption of just 4.5 l/100km. The Corolla is available in 11 exciting models. All models apart from the entrylevel Esteem grade are fitted with 16-inch alloy wheels. The wheelbase has been extended by 100 mm creating a spacious interior. The Corolla has a completely refurbished interior featuring a stylish redesigned cockpit, superior trim materials and enhanced ergonomics. When you throw in Toyota’s legendary reliability, vast dealer network and standard five-year/90 000 km service plan and three-year warranty as well as competitive pricing (from R214 900 to R283 900) the new Corolla is an excellent choice when buying a new vehicle. View the new Toyota Corolla or book a test drive at Nic Bottari Toyota. Showroom is situated at 56 First Avenue, Nigel. For more information: 011 814 8181.

From left: Nic Bottari (managing director Nic Bottari Toyota), Tonia Bottari (customer relations manager), Farouk Omar (regional manager Toyota SouthAfrica), Nino Bottari (director Nic Bottari Toyota) and Aidan Castille ( senior manager Toyota South-Africa: product planning) with the all new Toyota Corolla.

Stadsaal op tv kassie!

PAGE 5 Nigel is nie ‘n vervelige ou dorpie soos wat jy dink nie. Hou gerus jou oog op die kassie die volgende paar weke. Jy mag dalk net verras wees as jou oog die televisieskerm vang en jy sien die aansig van Nigel Stadsaal. ‘n Bankgroep het besluit om hier reg in ons midde ‘n advertensie te skiet op 3 April. Die plaaslike stadsaal is as agtergrond gebruik vir die moment van glorie.



15 APRIL 2014

Tombstones direct from the factory to you

Alfa Memorial Works office personnel from left: Esther Monnye, Maureen Fourie (owner) and Emily Moremi.

Alfa Memorial Works is an established tombstone factory. This business was founded in 1971 by Mr. Will Du Plessis and since then has been owned by the family. Maureen Fourie, daughter of late Will Du Plessis is currently the owner since she bought the business in 2011. Alfa Memorial Works produces good quality tombstones at reasonable prices to the community. It consists of its own tombstone factory and showroom on the premises. The tombstones are manufactured out of granite and all the wording are sandblasted on to the stones. Qualified personnel, employed for years, execute the production of each tombstone in loving care. All quotes include a 30 year guarantee, free invitation cards, wording, erection and transport within a 100km radius. Sandblasting of photos on tombstones can be done as well. Alfa Memorial Works are open to the public and enterprises. Friendly and professional staff will assist you in all your queries to the best of their abilities. The business strives to be loyal and honourable towards its clients. Buy a quality tombstone for your loved one, because they are worth it. Alfa Memorial Works is situated in Brakpan at 14 Ampere road, Labore. Office hours: Monday to Friday from 08:00 – 16:00 and Saturdays from 08:00 – 12:00. Enquiries contact Maureen: 082 894 7058 or web:

15 APRIL 2014





Niks klop vryheid! Die Freedom Recovery Sentrum is ‘n christelike georiënteerde rehabilitasie sentrum wat ‘n holistiese benadering volg. Hier word na liggaam, siel en gees gekyk. Die sentrum is gestig in Desember 2008 deur Pastoor Derick Matthews. Met net R169 in die bank en vyf inwoners op daardie stadium het hierdie sentrum ontwikkel tot die sukses wat dit vandag is. Voor die ontstaan van die FRC was Pastoor Derick nou betrokke by verskeie ander sentrums waar hy programme aangebied het. Gedurende hierdie periode het hy baie kennis opgedoen oor die verskillende programme en kon sy eie unieke program saamstel. Daardie program word tans toegepas by die FRC. God staan aan die hoof van die sentrum. Daar word aan die mediese, sielkundige asook die spirituele kant van elke inwoner omgesien. Verskeie faktore beïnvloed ‘n verslaafde se kans op sukses. Die grootse faktor is inderdaad, wil daardie persoon gerehabiliteer word. Inwoners word onder seksie 33 van die “prevention of and treatment for substance abuse bill” geplaas. Volgens wetgewing mag ‘n hofbevel by die plaaslike magistraat verkry word om ‘n verslaafde teen sy wil by ‘n rehabilitasie sentrum in te skryf. Om hierdie drastiese stap te neem moet die volgende in ag geneem word. Die verslaafde moet ‘n gevaar vir hom/haar, omgewing en gemeenskap inhou; indien hy/sy enigsins leed aan hom/haar, familie asook ander aanrig en indien hy/sy ‘n kriminele oortreding wil begaan om sy/haar verslawing te kan onderhou. By die sentrum is daar 4 programme beskikbaar

15 APRIL 2014


tydens die rehabilitasie proses nl.: 21 dae, 6 weke, 3 maande en 6 maande. Die 21 dae program is ‘n primêre mediese program waar verslawing behandel word deur middel van medikasie. Gedurende hierdie tydperk word bitter min aandag geskenk aan die sielkundige aspek van verslawing. Die 6 weke program is gemik op iemand wat alreeds ‘n rehabilitasie program gevolg het, maar teruggeval het in ou gewoontes van misbruik. Die 3 maande program is vir persone wat nie ‘n baie ernstige of lang verslawing gehad het nie. Die persoon is vroeg in die verslawingsproses en is nie verslaaf aan heroïne of Crystal Meth nie. Die 6 maande program fokus op iemand wat al lank vasgevang is in sy/haar verslawing. Bogenoemde verdowingsmiddels is sielkundig en fisiologies verslawend na slegs 1 maal se gebruik. Tydens die programme word diverse lesings aangebied om die inwoner die nodige lewensvaardighede aan te leer om die regte keuses en besluite te maak. Nadat ‘n inwoner van FRC die 6

maande program voltooi het, word hy/sy geïntegreer in die samelewing. Verskeie opsies is beskikbaar. Hulle kan opgeneem word by ‘n halfweghuis of aanbly vir ‘n verdere tydperk waar hulle blootgestel word aan die Life Coach program. Die FRC is geregistreer by die Departement van Maatskaplike Ontwikkeling en kan verslaafdes inneem vanaf 18 jarige ouderdom. Mediese fondse betaal vir ‘n 3 weke program. Die FRC se koste is effektief en kan ‘n verslaafde huisves vir ‘n tydperk van 3 tot 6 maande. Statistieke wys dat 1 uit elke 3 mense iemand ken wat indirek/direk betrokke is met dwelms. Elke verslaafde affekteer tot en met 16 mense in sy lewe en tussen 50% en 90% van verslaafdes keer terug na hul ou gewoontes. Om verslawing te oorwin moet jy die eerste stap neem tot vryheid. Erken jy het ‘n probleem en gaan vir hulp. Die personeel by FRC het die nodige kennis, ervaring en ondervinding om die pad saam met jou te stap. Niks kan vryheid klop! Navrae Pieter: 071 892 2985.

Rekord R50 kas Alle Rekord lesers wat ‘n salaris verdien word aangemoedig om vir die maand April R50 af te staan aan Rekord R50 kas. Hierdie fondse is ten bate van die FRC Sentrum hier bo vermeld. Alle verslaafdes word nie finansieël ondersteun en kan sodoende nie hulp ontvang. Die fondse gaan voorsiening maak vir sulke gevalle. Maak ‘n verskil in iemand se lewe wat soek na vryheid. Kom ons as gemeenskap staan saam. Fondse kan by rekening naam: Freedom Recovery Centre rekening nr: 62287742855, FNB Nigel takkode: 250655 inbetaal word. Indien jy meer wil weet skakel 011 814 8614. Lesers wat in Kingsway verby beweeg kan hul R50 by Rekord kantoor inhandig. Almal sal op hoogte gehou word rondom die fondse gevorder.

Noodhulp Dames leer om paraat te wees tydens vlak 1 Noodhulp kursus. Dames van die VLU tak Heidelberg het besluit om hul noodhulp kennis uit te brei op 5 April. Met die vriendelike hulp en samewerking van Elzona Meyer van EMLS in Heidelberg is hulle toegerus om ‘n persoon te help wat in ‘n noodsituasie verkeer. Tydens die dag is die dames geleer dat persoonlike veiligheid eerste kom en dat geen mondelikse medikasie aan pasiënte toegedien mag word nie. Die enigste geval waar medikasie toelaatbaar is, is wanneer dit voorgeskrewe medisyne is wat byderhand is. Onder andere is daar geleer hoe om ‘n gebreekte liggaamsdeel te spalk, KPR toe te pas en om bloeding te stop by kinders sowel as volwassenes. Dank word betuig aan Elzona vir haar betrokkenheid gedurende hierdie kursus. VLU Heidelberg dames is nou in staat om iemand te help wat in skielike nood verkeer.

Mev Lena Smit (VLU lidmaat), Elda du Toit (skakelbeampte en Noodhulp Instrukteur by EMLS) sit by die goed verbinde pasiënt, Melissa Roos (Grondslag onderwys student).

15 APRIL 2014


Shocking figures Employment figures sent shock waves throughout South Africa after the latest Adcorp Employment Index showed a job loss. February’s employment figures showed that the South African economy shed 118 397 jobs in February. This has sent shock waves through the country as it recorded the biggest monthly loss in almost three years. All economic sectors shed jobs during the month but mining, transport and logistics were particularly hard hit. The mining sector was affected by work stoppages due to strike action. NEASA believes if government was serious about creating more real jobs, they would allow the private sector to spearhead this task. Unless government creates a much more deregulated business environment, especially with respect to SMME’s, and unless business gets the message that they’re indeed welcome and can invest with confidence, we are not going to create jobs. Government’s actions should illustrate that they indeed understand the importance of the private sector and that they understand what creates a vibrant private sector. It is also NEASA’S view that banking on the youth wage subsidy to tackle the problem of youth unemployment will also not fly. Government should stop to think along the lines of subsidies, which are not sustainable in the long run. South Africa need’s the youth to actively contribute to the economy and wealth creation, and in order to do that we must remove the obstacles that are preventing them from entering the labour market.

Social grants The Black Sash welcomes the increase to social grants previously announced by the Minister of Finance in his budget speech and to be implemented from 1 April 2014. The Older Persons Grant and the Disability Grant will increase by R80 to R1350 a month. The Foster Care Grant will increase by R30 to R830 per month. The Child Support Grant will increase now by R10 to R310, with another small increase in October 2014, bringing it to R320 per month. In addition, the means test thresholds will increase marginally, allowing more people to be eligible for social assistance. The Black Sash is aware that social grants beneficiaries are experiencing serious problems with the new biometric-banking system now used to pay out grants, and that many are experiencing unexplained debit-deductions from their accounts. We urge anyone having this difficulty to report directly to SASSA at 0800 601 011, and to contact the Black Sash Helpline 072 6633 739 if they are not given the assistance they need. For more than 22% of the households in South Africa, social grants are the main source of income. Research shows that social grants are one of the most effective means of reducing absolute poverty. The sad reality, however, is that this assistance is only provided to children, the disabled and older people. Unemployed and chronically ill people are currently excluded from the social grants system, even when they suffer extreme poverty. For their survival they must rely on children and pensioners who receive a grant, as they have no other form of income support. For further information contact: Ratula Beukman: 021 686 6952.

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R20 R15 R10

R50 750ml R60 750ml

Skakel Driekie 071 1962 697 of Annemarie 072 132 7787

My questions Replies to my questions confirms: more of the same with Home Affairs Recent written replies by Minister Naledi Pandor to my questions have revealed some shocking facts. However, before I get to the recent replies, I explain that in mid2013 I asked questions about Home Affairs off icials who have jobs outside of the department that may conflict with their functions in the department. The Minister replied by indicating that the matter was being “evaluated” and that I would be receiving her findings in due course. I received nothing. I posed the question again before the end of 2013. Again, I was fobbed off. In January, I asked the question again. By now, the Minister, I suspect, realised that I would not let this issue go. Last week I received a reply that no less than 31 Department of Home Affairs employees have jobs outside of the department. One of them is on a senior management level. To make it worse she explained that these employees have permission to have these outside jobs. Unlike the Western Cape Government, the National and the other 8 Provincial Governments allow officials to have jobs outside of their official government duties. The Western Cape has introduced legislation that prohibits officials to have outside interests. Such officials may well have vested interest that benefit their backpockets and in turn may well compromise the tax payer. Is it any wonder that Home Affairs is in the shambles it’s in! Manny de Freitas MP




Extra Easter Sales

15 APRIL 2014

Alex by sy sonkoker, besig om water te kook vir ons tee.

15 APRIL 2014



Extra Special Easter Sales




Gaan groen Plaaslike inwoner van Nigel probeer ‘n groen lewensstyl te handhaaf. Alex Engels is gebore in Zimbabwe in 1939. Met die uitbreek en duur van die Tweede Wêreld Oorlog gedurende daardie jare het sy vader hom alreeds die noodsaaklikheid van besparing aangeleer. Iets wat Alex vandag nog toepas. Hy bly al sedert 1968 in Nigel saam met sy lewensmaat Hannie en het by die plaaslike munisipaliteit gewerk by die siviele ingenieurs afdeling vir 40 jaar tot en met sy aftrede. Gedurende 1999 het Alex ‘n watersuiweraar aangeskaf vir persoonlike gebruik. Alex en Hannie is nog nie een dag spyt dat hulle hierdie Triosmose sisteem geïnstalleer het nie. Dis al water wat hulle gebruik by hul tuiste vir bak, kook en drink doeleindes. Hulle spreek net lof uit oor hierdie helder, skoon en chloorvrye water. In hierdie huishouding word dinge heeltemal anders benader. Wanneer teetyd aanbreek, stap Alex buitekant toe met sy varswaterfles. Dis hier waar die groot energiebesparing beoefen word. In sy tuin staan ‘n instrument, wat lyk asof dit uit die buitenste ruim kom. ‘n Groot, ronde, metaalagtige skottel 1.8m in deursnee wat staande gemaak is. Bo op die skottel is ‘n swart pot en dit is hierin waar Alex die teewater kook. Hierdie toestel word ‘n sonkoker genoem en is ingevoer van oorsee. Alex spog dat hy 6 liter water binne 15 minute kook met sy sonkoker. Die sonkoker funksioneer deur dat dit die strale van die son opneem en weerkaats na die pot. Sodoende word hitte opgewek en kan die water in die pot kookpunt bereik. Alex plaas dan die gekookte water in flesse, trek mussies oor en plaas dit dan in die son om hitte te behou. Dis dan hierdie gekookte water wat hy gebruik vir persoonlike gebruik. Indien dit nodig is verhit hy dit net vinnig. Geen water word vermors. Alle ongebruikte water word weer herverbruik. Self die reënwater word opgevang in watertenks en word gebruik om die tuin nat te lei. Alex spits hom toe om water, sowel as krag te bespaar soveel as moontlik. Sy huishoudelike warmwaterstelsel is toegewikkel in ‘n kombers wat hitte behou en hy het ‘n tydskakelaar op die stelsel gekoppel. Deurdat hy hierdie maatreëls in plek gestel het, bespaar hy maandeliks op sy

15 APRIL 2014

Alex by sy Alex by sy sonkoker, sonkoker, besig om besig om water te kook water te kook vir ons tee. vir ons tee.

munisipale rekening. Dis net die begin van “om groen te gaan”. Verskeie ander projekte neem nog vorm in Alex se gedagtes. Een van die dae kook hul dalk tot hul kos buite op ‘n sonkoker. Wie weet? Tyd sal ons wel wyser maak.

Liefde is ‘n voorreg Begrafnisonderneming verbly bejaardes se harte voor Paasnaweek. Doves het Nigel Tuiste vir Bejaardes op Woensdag 9 April besoek. Tydens die geleentheid is ‘n 100 eetgoed pakkies aan die inwoners van die tehuis uitgedeel. Die doel van hierdie projek is om liefde uit te deel aan die bejaardes en hulle te herinner dat hulle nog spesiaal is. Paasnaweek is om die draai en meeste van die inwoners is gedurende hierdie tydperk alleen. Die besoek van Doves is ‘n inisiatief om daardie leemte te vul in die bejaardes se lewens. Doves Ekurhuleni area bestuurder, Innocent Ndlela, Naomi van der Heever (Boksburg tak), Tanya Du Plessis (Nigel tak) en Susan Kruger ( Endicort tak) het die tehuis besoek.

Susan Kruger ( Endicort tak). oorhandig aan Mev Tina Bronkhorst ‘n eetgoed pakkie.

Residential Fire’s Know how to prevent, detect and deal with a residential fire Every year more and more businesses and homes are lost to fire around the country. Fire moves and spreads quickly; it generally takes less than 30 seconds for a small flame to escalate into a major fire.

Important tips on f ire safety: do not overload electrical sockets or run electrical cords under carpets; develop and practice an escape plan; display your local fire department telephone number near the phone and memorise it; if you smell or see smoke, crawl on the floor to the nearest exit; never open a door that is hot to the touch; alert everybody in the building as quickly as possible; if your clothing catches fire - STOP DROP & ROLL; never reenter the premises for personal belongings and only tackle the fire if it is safe to do so. “It is important to realise that it is not only the flames that present a danger when a fire breaks out. The heat and harmful gas emitted can often be life threatening,” says Clive Humphrey, Managing Director of ADT, Central Region.

For News Coverage contact Elizaan 079 070 6646.

15 APRIL 2014

Fun walk About 200 community members took part in a fun walk as a plight to recognise the needs for learners around Duduza. The Duduzekane Tshidisehang Community Project (DTCP) organized a fun walk during Human Rights Day on Friday. The event was a huge success. Other

NIGEL/HEIDELBERG REKORD - ONLINE EDITION sporting codes such as bikers from 27/4 Riders, MCC and The The ten Faith Riders participated and lead the procession of members learners who participating in the fun walk. Cyclist from the Siyashova club received a also undertook a 30km race in support of the event. jersey and a The walk started at 08:30 and the 1st 50 members were awarded shirt. medals, courtesy of the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan, which also donated symbolic trees for the 12 identified primary schools. After the completion of the race ten (10) identified learners per primary school were each issued with a jersey and a shirt. Food parcels and drinks were also handed over to the learners.


Die Kuns om sinvol te verouder Nigel Tuiste vir Bejaardes nooi spreker uit om belangrike inligting deur te gee oor bejaardes. Ds Samie de Jager bied ‘n reeks aan wat handel oor “die kuns om sinvol te verouder”. Hy sal verskeie kwessies rondom hierdie onderwerp aanspreek en dit sal ‘n sterk geestelike grondslag bevat. Die volgende sal hanteer word: ons is geskape na die Beeld van God; jou lewens en wêreldbeskouing; aanpassings na aftrede; die wese van bejaardheid; kognitiewe prosesse tydens die fase van bejaardheid; verhoudings; geheue; siekte en lyding (hoe moet ek dit hanteer?); die dood; Bybelse bemoediging en die bejaarde se posisie in Christus. Bespreking sessie is elke Dinsdag

oggend 10:00 in die saal van die Nigel Tuiste vir Bejaardes. Die reeks sluit einde Mei af. Die besprekings is gemik op persone wat met bejaardes werk asook die kinders van bejaardes wat dikwels vrae het oor die hantering van hul ouers. Vir navrae kontak Mona van Heerden by Nigel Tuiste vir Bejaardes 011 814 5215.

We collect and deliver


* Testing of all vehicles * Microdot Special R450 Marievale Road, Vorsterskroon, Nigel. Tel 011 814 4357 Weekdays 08h00 - 17h00 Sundays 09:00 - 11:00



Deur die lens

15 APRIL 2014

Vandag se vrou

Fotograaf, Christene Booysen.

Knap fotograaf bemeester die kuns om natuur tonele te laat lewe deur haar fotografie. Christene Booysen is nie ‘n onbekende naam in ons midde nie. Christene woon al sedert die 1970’s in Nigel en van haar meesterstukke het al in die plaaslike koerante verskyn nl. Jong humeure en Stofpad. Sy het aanvaarding gekry van “AFO 60th Anniversary National Digital Salon 2014” vir haar natuur tonele; Jong humeure en Spookvoël prooi. Buiten hierdie groot eer het sy reeds verskeie pryse by Heigel Fotoklub, Nigel ingepalm. Onder andere: beste 5 ster e-foto vir Spookvoël prooi in 2013, beste 4 ster e-foto en algehele wenner van die jaar vir Jong humeure in 2011 en beste 2 ster e-foto en algehele wenner vir Stofpad in 2009. Christene verkies om natuur tonele op kamera vas te vang omrede sy ‘n buite mens is. Sy is lief vir die natuur en die landskap van Namibië. Dis juis op Duin 7, naby Keetmanshoop, waar sy Stofpad vasgevang het op haar lens. Die ongerepte natuur bekoor haar behoorlik. Haar droom is om eendag talle Lighuistorings langs die kus van Suid-Afrika af te neem, miskien self ‘n foto of twee raak te loop van haar in ‘n bekende tydskrif of koerant. Haar raad aan alle aspirant fotograwe is om beslis by ‘n foto klub aan te sluit. Dis juis hier waar jy jou potensiaal ontdek, tegniek bemeester asook raad en hulp ontvang van mede fotograwe. Moenie skaam wees agter die kamera nie en neem soveel foto’s indien moontlik van ‘n onderwerp. Om daai perfekte skoot vas te vang verg soms dat jy jou liggaam op verskillende posisies moet posisioneer, wees waaghalsig en lê op jou maag as jy moet. Moenie dat tyd jou baas wees nie, jy kan dalk net die perfekte foto deur jou vingers laat glip. Christene wil deur haar fotografie mense blootstel aan die wonder van ons natuur. Met elke klik van haar kamera deel sy haar liefde met ons.

Insiggewende demonstrasie deur knap lid laat monde oophang van verbasing. Nigel VLU het hul maand vergadering gehou op Donderdag 10 April by die Ou Klubhuis, Nigel. Die oggend is geopen met skriflesing en gebed en die dames is herinner dat skoonheid vergaan, maar deug bly staan. Kitty Bronkhorst het die tegniek van “Broomstick Lace” gedemonstreer. “Broomstick Lace” is ‘n naaldwerkvorm en die mooiste skeppings kan gemaak word deur gebruik te maak van wol, ‘n hekelpen en ‘n enorme breinaald. Linda Potgieter het ook vir diegene wat belangstel ‘n demonstrasie gelewer oor hoe om “Loom Knitting” te doen. Dit staan bekend as ‘n vorm van tolletjiebrei op grootskaal. Volgende vergadering vind plaas op 8 Mei 2014 om 10:00. Navrae: Anna-Marie Axer 082 886 2002.

Spookvoël prooi; beste 5 ster e-foto in 2013 by Heigel Fotoklub en aanvaarding gekry by Digital Salon 2014.

Annetjie Leeman poseer met ‘n “Broomstick Lace” onderbaadjie, terwyl Kitty Bronkhorst demonstreer hoe om die “Broomstick” kuns te bemeester.

C.J.J. STEEL cc. ~ STEEL MERCHANTS ~ Cnr: Grootvlei Rd, and Partridge St, Strubenvale Tel: 011 815 4700/1/2 * Fax: 011 8153088 Stockists of Steel Sections, Rail, email: -





12x12 .... R65.00 16x16 .... R78.00 20X20 ... R72.00 25X25 ... R85.00 ....... R143.00 32X32 ... R134.00 ..... R185.00 38X38 ... R152.00 ..... R231.00 50X50 ... R208.00 ..... R297.00 76X76 ... R308.00 ..... R418.00 100X100 ................... R530.00

20MM .... R64.00 25MM .... R85.00 ....... 32MM .... R115.00 ..... 38MM .... R134.00 ..... 50MM .... R185.00 ..... 76MM .... R276.00 .....

Fibre Glass Sheeting R67.00 p/m




R56.00p/m Cut to size


R217.00 ..... R326.00 R279.00 ..... R425.00



FLAT BAR 6M 12X3 ........ 16x3 ......... 20x3 ......... 20x5 ......... 25x3 ......... 25x5 ......... 30x3 ......... 30x5 ......... 40x3 ......... 40x5 ......... 50x5 .........

R 27.00 R 32.00 R 35.00 R 59.00 R 48.00 R 73.00 R 61.00 R 92.00 R 82.00 R124.00 R152.00

SQ BAR 6M 8MM ......... R56.00 10MM ....... R63.00 12MM ....... R73.00

WINDOW SECTION 6M RT6 ......... RT13 ....... RX7 ......... F7 ............ F4B ..........

R 63.00 R 76.00 R 100.00 R 82.00 R 211.00

ROUND BAR 6M 6MM .......... R18.00 8MM .......... R31.00 10MM ........ R44.00 12MM ........ R63.00


LIP/CHANNEL 75x50x20x2 ............... R217.00 100x75x20x2 ............. R241.00 125x50x20x2 ............. R267.00 150x50x20x2 ............. R293.00

R124.00 R159.00 R185.00 R260.00 R373.00

25x25x3 .................... R 91.00 25x25x5 .................... R141.00 30x30x3 .................... R106.00 30x30x5 .................... R184.00 40x40x3 .................... R141.00 40x40x5 .................... R220.00 25x25x2 .................... R 76.00 30x30x2 .................... R 89.00 40x40x2 .................... R106.00


38x20 .... R128.00 ..... R145.00 38x25 .... R143.00 ..... R161.00 50x25 .... R152.00 ..... R206.00 50x38 .... R198.00 ..... R250.00 76x38 .... R237.00 ..... R318.00 76x50 .... R303.00 ..... R357.00 100X50 ..................... R410.00

75x50x20x2 100x75x20x2




Piping Plante and Tubing


R330.75 R368.36 R407.13 R447.52

2450x1225x1.6 .............................. R486.00 2450x1225x2.0 .............................. R550.00 2450x1225x2.5 .............................. R699.00 2450x1225x3.0 .............................. R848.00 2450x1225x4.0 ........................... R1 210.00 2500x1200x5.0 ........................... R1 490.00 2500x1200x6.0 ........................... R1 700.00


15 APRIL 2014


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BERGSIG R670 000

HETTIE - 073 653 1496

NIC - 082 HELAY 072746 8489295 4003


15 APRIL 2014



NIC - 082 746 9295 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HELAY - 072 848 4003 HETTIE - 073 653 1496

NETJIESE DUPLEKS MEENTHUIS IN KOMPLEKS 2500M² ERF MET KOTHUIS HUIS MET WOONSTEL IN MOOI KOMPLEKS Groot erf, 3 slpk, 2 motorhuise 2 slpk, 2 badk, sitkamer, eetkamer, 2slp, 1bad, sitk, eetk, kombuis. 4slpk, 2badk, lapa, swembad, 2 3slp, 2badk, ruim oop plan met ruim oop plan, 2 badkamers. Pragtig gerestoureer. motorhuise,volledige woonstel. sitkamer en 2 motorhuise. 2 motorhuise. SENTRAAL R2 400m JORDAANPARK R1 400m JORDAANPARK R1 995m RENSBURG R750 000 RENSBURG R745 000

HELAY - 072 848 4003 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HELAY - 072 848 4003 HETTIE - 073 653 1496

HELAY - 072 848 4003

NUUT GEBOU !!! BAIE MODERN GOOD BUY! NEEDS TLC HUIS MET W/STEL ‘GOLDEN OLDIE’ 4 slp, 3 badk, swembad 2 motor- 3 bed, 2 bath, loft, lounge, 3 slp, 2 bad, 2 motorhuise, ruim 4 slp, 2bad, 2 motorhuise, ruim 4 slp, 3 badk, 2 motorhuise, 2 vertrekke. huise en woonstel of kuierarea. borehole, 2 bedroom flat. leefareas, 1slp woonstel. leefareas, woonstel en swembad. BERGSIG R850 000 RENSBURG R1 350 m SENTRAAL R1 400 m BERGSIG R700 000 O/H BERG + DAL R380 000

HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HELAY 072 848 4003

HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HELAY - 072 848 4003 muikerbosrand

NETJIESE 3 SLAAPK HUIS 1234 m² ERF MODERNE HUIS MET SWEMB DRINGENDE VERKOOP Ghu HELAY oop plan, groot leefarea of kan- 3 slpk, 1 badk, 5 motorhuise, w/ 4 slp, 2 badk, sitk, leefkamer, 4 Erf goed toor/studio, 2 badkamers. stel, 2 slpk, 2 badk, studeerk. motorhuise en kombuis. SENTRAAL R995 000 BERGSIG R280 000 JORDAA NPARK R1 800m

HELAY - 072 848 4003 HETTIE - 073 653 1496

HELAY - 072 848 4003

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295

WINSKOOP!!! VERY NEAT!!! NEG. 3 Bedr, 2 Bathr, 2 Garage, Pool, 4.9 ht Plot met huis en buite geboue. Outbuildings. FERRYVALE R1 050m FERRYVALE R3 300m

NIC - 082 746 9295

slpkamers en 2 badkamers.




Eiendomme te KOOP gevra - Nigel & Hberg

PRAGTIGE ERF IN EXCLUSIVE COMPLEX 3 slpk, 1 badk, ruim leefareas, 1 Spacious, Study, 3 bed, 3 bath, 1040m² erf in beste deel van motorhuis en 2 afdakke. Bergsig. splash pool, 2 Garage.

NIC - 082 746 9295


-gelee! 072 848 1 Onvoltooide hoofhuis netjies, 3



HETTIE - 073 653 1496

NIC - 082 746 9295

Besoek meer eiendomme by FERRYVALE R1 400m


NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295



BAIE VEILIG. SIERSTEEN PUIK LIGGING!!! HUIS EN WOONSTEL DRINGENDE VERKOOP!!! NUUT IN DIE MARK!!! 3 slpk, 2badk, 2 motorhuise cash 3 slpk, 2 badk, sit/eet, 2 mtor- 5 slpk, 3 badk, 4 motorhuise, 3 slpk, 2 badk, 2 motorhuise, sit/ 3 slpk, 1 badk, sitk/eetk/tv kamer, power, sit/eet/tv kamer. huise, swembad, braaistoep. eet/tv kamer, 2 slpk woonstel. 2 afdakke, swembad. swembad te veel om te noem. SENTRAAL R630 000 FERRYVALE R 980 000 ERWE VANAF R100 000 VISAGIEPARK R2 400m VISAGIEPARK R1 300m

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295

ERWE BESKIKBAAR!!! 6 BAIE MOOI GOED GELEE ERWE BESKIKBAAR! A MUST SEE!!! 4 bed, 2 bath, open plan kitchen and much more! FERRYVALE R540 000

NIC - 082 746 9295


NIC - 082 746 9295

BAIE NETJIES!!! BAIE MOOI!!! MOOI SIERSTEEN 3 slpk, 1 badk, sitk, eetk, 1 5 slpk, 2 badk, sit, eet, tv kamer, 3 slpk, 2 badk, 2 motorhuise, 2 motorhuis, 2 afdakke. swembad, boorgat. afdakke, braai area. SENTRAAL R860 000 VISAGIEPARK R890 000 ERWE VANAF R100 000

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295

BAIE MOOI!!! DRINGENDE VERKOOP!!! NUUT OP DIE MARK!! NUUT OP DIE MARK BARGAIN!!! 3 slpk, badk, sit/eet, kombuis, 3 slpk, 2 badk, kombuis, studeer 4 Slpk, 2 Badk, sitk, eetk, tv 4 Slpk, 2 Badk, sitk, eetk, 2 3 Slpk, 2 Badk, sitk, eetk, tv kamer, motorhuise, 2 afdakke. kamer, afdak. kamer, 2 motorhuise en lapa. braaistoep, swembad. buitegeboue.

15 APRIL 2014


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ECOPOISE PEST & HYGIENE. We specialise in eco safe pest control by using only L registration products for the safety of your family and environment. We are registrated at the department of Agriculture (act 36 of 1947) reg nr P9795. We specialise in all weed control, pest control and hygiene service. Please call us for a free quotation. All work guaranteed. Kontak Andries 083 357 4903. JUMPING CASTLES

FUNKY JUMPING CASTLES & BIG WATER SLIDES FOR HIRE Magda 084 461 4151 Phil 060 399 8060. JEWELLERY FOR SALE BIG SALE ON SELECTED JUWELLERY ITEMS 40 - 50%. Hurry stock runs out very fast! Contact 083 512 4667

For all your bookkeeping needs: Cashbook, VAT, PAYE, SDL & UIF, Financial Statements, Income Tax & BEE registration. Contact us now for an obligation-free quote. Liza 083 602 0946 or Juanita 079 899 8783. or VACANCY / VAKATURE SALES AGENT WANTED Business-minded Beauty sales exp 60% PLUS, COMM ONLY. Own Transport/ Cell. Email 2 page CV to Voorwinkel assistent word benodig by FERRYVALE APTEEK. Vereistes: Betroubaar, verantwoordelik, bereid na-ure te werk, eie vervoer, ondervinding in Apteekwerk. Kontak vir Ansie by 011 814 3231. Nigel Motor Spares needs two young dynamic sales men. Contact 011 814 1732.


ELECTRICAL / ELEKTRIES TAKE 5 ELECTRICAL: any electrical installations and maintenance. Contact Hendri 072 369 7568. VACANCY / VAKATURE

VAK ATURE: Aansoeke word ingewag vir ‘n geskikte kandidaat vir elektriese instandhouding. VEREISTES: * moet in Nigel omgewing woonagtig wees * ondervinding hê in herstel van elektriese toerusting asook algemene instandhouding en bouwerk * in besit wees van geldige rybewys * sin vir verantwoordelikheid en moet onderdruk kan werk * rekenaarvaardig wees Slegs ernstige aansoekers faks ’n CV na 086 518 4748 of stuur per epos na Aansoeke sluit - 20 April 2014



NOAH’S ARK PET SHOP: Voëls, voëlsaad, hokke, visse, viskos, akwariums. Hondekos Montego, Jock (3 in 1) ens. AviPlus. Bearded dragons, hamsters, krieke, meel wurms, honde-hokke, honde jassies en bedjies. Honde, katte en hasies. Kaarte welkom. Dae oop per week 9:00 - 17:00 Naweke en vakansie-dae 09:00 - 16:00. Tel: 011 814-4514. Noordstraat 132, Nigel.

RUMOURS RESTAURANT: For professional catering of all events. Weddings, Parties, Spitbraais, Platters and Potjies. Nothing too big or small. Your venue or ours. Phone Piet at 011 814 1428 / 072 470 2187. TO HIRE: Cutlery, crockery, large selection of table cloths, overlays, tables and chairs etc. Sonnette 082 926 1515


15 APRIL 2014



Rugby 0/13 Rugby spelers van Laerskool Hannes Visagie Ruan Bothma en Johan Groesbeek is vir die Springs span gekies. Gedurende 8 en 9 April het hul deelgeneem aan wedstryde by die Barnardstadion in Kemptonpark. Johan is gekies vir die Valkies Noord B-span.

Turn your back for 5 minutes and the item you wanted has been snapped by another client.. good pieces move quickly. Perhaps a good place to start searching for pieces for your collection would be here, we have from new good quality beds, tools, speakers, reels & rods, for kids as well, steampot, vases, crockery, curtains, storybooks, loungesuites, diningroomsuite, bedroomsuites, pine kitchen cupboards, imbuia & parmafen table, sleepercouch, occasional chairs. steel shelve, coffeetables, zinc units, parrot cage, knitting needles, hallstand,dressing tables, baby feedingchairs, windowframes, oregan chest of drawers, small coalstove, barley twist table, sideboards, ornaments, hockey game table, 2x2 pink couches, chinese violins, helping handles, crutches, walkers, carpets, twinstroler, violin, accordion, bunkerbed, 4 drawer filing cabinets, 2door stationery cabinets, porcelaindolls hand made, tv unit black & silver, server, washstand, big old dresser, halfmoontables, churchbenches, wardrobes, trusokists, cutlery, camping cot, watchstraps, speedqueen washingmachines, chinese hallstand....a place not to miss on your next trip, follow this space.....


15 APRIL 2014



Geluk mnr Holmner! Valkies

Leerders van Tini Vorster Laerskool in hulle Vossie drag en blou ballonne saam met Mnr Holmner. Jaarliks met die herdenking van mnr Holmner se geboorte dag op 20 Maart word daar ‘n straatmyl gehou. ‘n Massa deelname vanaf die speelgroepie tot

Sewe rugby spelers van Laerskool Tini Vorster is gekies om aan die Valke Noord proewe deel te neem by Hoërskool Stofberg te Brakpan. Die span is gekies uit skole van Heidelberg, Brakpan en Nigel. Mnr Charles Naude onderwyser van Tini Vorster is die same omroeper van die Valke se keur-komitee.

Agter links 0/13 rugby spelers: Ricardo Fourie, Arrie Engelbrecht, Frans Uys en Tanith Pretorius. Voor links 0/12 spelers: Franco Pretorius, JD Dreyer en Trent de Beer.

graad 7 het die 1 myl om die skool aangepak. Elkeen het ‘n ballon in die hand gehad met die leuse: “Vossies styg uit”.


D5 span

Zante Kotze en Mieke Kapp twee netbal spelers van Laerskool Tini Vorster is tydens die proewe te Laerskool Jan Van Riebeeck, opgeneem in die D5 span. Pieter met sy 3 medaljes. ‘n Graad 4 leerling van Laerskool AG Visser stof sand in menigte deelnemers se oë tydens die Suid Afrikaanse Kampioenskappe. Pieter Kriel ‘n 0/10 atleet het 3 goue medaljes verower tydens die SA’s gehou in die Paarl. Hy het die 80m in ‘n tyd van 10.30 sek en die 100m in ‘n tyd van 12.77 sek afgelê. Sy deelname aan die aflos het ook aan hom ‘n goue medalje besorg. Dit is die eerste keer in Laerskool AG Visser se geskiedenis dat ‘n atleet ‘n goue medalje huis toe bring. Die hele skool het deel gevorm van die erewag. Pieter is toegejuig en geluk gewens terwyl hy skamerig, maar vol trots deur die menigte kinders geloop het. Pieter vertel dat hy oorweldig was deur die erewag. Hy vertel dat hy hard gewerk het om aan die SA’s te kon deelneem en dat hy baie bly is oor sy medaljes.

Annual MTB race

‘n Bars hou Volkskool leerders verteenwoordig Oos-Gauteng by die SA’s. Graad 9 leerders by Hoër Volkskool in Heidelberg, Monjah Holthausen en Hanjo Minnaar het die afgelope vakansie deelgeneem aan die 0/15 SA skole tennis kampioenskappe te Pretoria.

Jan Holtzhausen, Gordon Schreiber and Hennie Hayter. Route 42 hosted its annual Suikerbosrand Mountain Bike Race on Sunday, April 6, 2014. The race was held for the 9th time this year. The starting line was at Nigel Italian Club at 08:30. All three of them received medals upon completion of the race, which was slightly tougher than last year.

CrossFit Local CrossFit Box participated in the annual Pretoria Throw Down competition. During the weekend of April 5, 2014, 4 teams of Heidelberg CrossFit FSB competed in the competition held at Menlyn Shopping Mall in Pretoria. Various teams from CrossFit boxes all over the country came to compete to find out who is the fittest of them all. The event consisted of various workouts that needed completion according to the prescribed weight ratio and repetitions within a time limit. CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program with the aim of improving muscular strength, cardio respiratory endurance and flexibility. The program is designed for universal scalability, making it the perfect application for any individual

Members from CrossFit FSB that competed at the annual Pretoria Throw Down are from back left: Ian Bekker, Nico de Klerk and Wessel van Deventer. Front left: GD Kotzee, Daniel Diedercks, Yvette du Toit, Euodia Poley and Reinhardt Basson. regardless of experience of fitness level. They scale intensity and weight according to your goal whether it is to gain muscle or lose weight. CrossFit is a trademark and one can only receive CrossFit training at a registered CrossFit affiliate. Registered affiliates can be found on For information: CrossFit FSB at 082 316 8562.


TEL: 016 341 2187/8. FAX: 016 341 6702



Familie dans trio Vroulike dry wer sit Die dans gogga het behoorlik vir Deoné Erasmus en haar twee tiener dogters Bianca (16) en Clarissa (13) gebyt. Hierdie trio het tydens die naweek van 15 Maart 2014 aan die Gauteng Step-Up Solo style kompetisie deelgeneem. Hulle al drie het soos volg presteer in Lyn Dans in onderskeidelike kategorie: Deoné het 1ste plek behaal in die “Social Beginner Cristal Female Division”, Biance het 1ste plek behaal in die “Social Beginner Teen Female Division”, en Clarisa het 2de plek behaal in die “Social Beginner Teen Female Division”. Dit was Clarisa se eerste kompetisie waaraan sy deelgeneem het. Deoné en Clarissa dans al vir langer as 2 jaar. Eers was dit net Latyn, klasiek en energieke danse. Hulle is afgerig deur Rêne van ‘Rêne Art of Dance’ in Nigel. In begin 2013 was hulle talente ontdek tydens ‘n dans werkswinkel en hulle is aangespoor om Lyn Dans te probeer. Van daar af het die mamma en dogter net hoër hoogtes bereik. Deoné en Bianca het albei 1ste plek behaal tydens die Suid-Afrikaanse Meesters Lyn Dans Kompetisie gehou te Kempton Park. Hierdie familie wil dans, hulle passie is dans en dit is beslis in hulle bloed. Deoné sê dit is baie harde werk om voor te berei vir kompetisies, maar ook baie pret. Hulle laaste kompetisie vir die seisoen is in Limpope by ‘Wees Gerus Vakansie Oord’ en sal geskied op Saterdag 17 Mei 2014.

deelnemers ore aan! Cindy van der Westhuizen besig om ‘n hindernis uit te ry. Nigel 4x4 klub het deelgeneem in die Pit bull 4wd series challenged. Die uitdaging is gehou by die Hobby Park in Krugersdorp op 29 Maart 2014.

Cindy het eerste plek behaal in die dames klas. Sy lê tans in die top 5 op die algemene punte leer. Deon , Paul Mc Adam (beoordelaar), Bianca en Clarissa.

15 APRIL 2014

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