Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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27 MAY 2014

VOL 10 NO 10


Vliegtuig stort neer ‘n Vliegtuig van Heidelberg Vliegskool het op Donderdag 22 Mei laat middag op die plaas Langzeekoeigat, 15 km buitekant Nigel neergestort. Francois de Villiers plaas bestuurder en medewerkers was besig met hul daaglikse take in die stoor toe hulle ‘n geweldige slag hoor. Hulle het na buite gehaas en die vliegtuig wrak 30m voor die stoor gevind. Met nadere ondersoek is 3 insittendes buite die wrak aangetref. Die beseerdes is deur Francois en die werkers gestabiliseer en onmiddelik Netcare 911 geskakel. Die

beseerdes is na Pholosong hospitaal geneem vir behandeling. Volgens polisie woordvoerder is die drie insittendes van Sudan afkomstig. Na bewering het die ongeluk plaasgevind omrede die vliegtuig te laag gevlieg het en het sodoende die kragdrade getref. Rekord het navraag gedoen by Heidelberg Vliegskool en hulle het bevestig dat die vliegtuig by hulle gehuur was. Hulle wou geen verdere inligting verstrek nie. Burger Lugvaart is tans besig om die voorval te ondersoek.

Vliegtuig wrak

Hoërskool John Vorster kroon Mnr en Mej Vossie. Ruan Kotze (2de Prins), Johnny Holmner (1ste Prins) en Janco de Lange (Mnr Vossie 2014). Corlie Joubert (Mej Vossie 2014), Ashley van der Heever (1ste Prinses) en Su-Ané Rocher (2de Prinses).



Fun in the sun From the desk of Rev Ray Goddess



ROBERT DYKE 083 266 5453 STEVE DYKE 082 428 7262

As we look at life today we tend to see a life that is often boring and nearly always influenced by worldly happenings around us. As Christians we sometimes struggle to find some “good clean fun” that we can participate in. It is a fact that even “innocent” sport activities often end up with too much alcohol being consumed with the possibility of negative results of those participating in the event. With this all said and done I believe that there are still some activities that are very interesting, very entertaining and all can have fun (even the kids) without any embarrassing moments. Once a month Heidelberg Methodist has a WALKING MINISTRY where ALL denominations are invited to join for a morning’s fun in the sun. This is a time where Christians get together and go for a walk admiring the creation and being reminded of just how great our God really is. If you would like more information please contact Neil on 083 604 8437. I had the privilege of talking to Ds Jurgens de Jager two weeks ago. Sitting in his garden at home watching the birds feeding was a time of bliss that I know any human being would enjoy. And then last week I saw that his church had posted an event on Face Book – they had gone on a church camp – to the Game Reserve. Good clean fun in the sun. I was chatting to one of the members in my Church who belongs to a biking club. He was sharing that they had gone on a “blanket drive” and had given out blankets to some underprivileged folk. They had great fun riding to the event, had some great fellowship, spread the Good News of Jesus and then had some fun in the sun. Heidelberg Methodist has their annual fête (bazaar) coming up on the 7 th June from 08h30 to 13h30. This is a family time that can be enjoyed by everyone. There is food, games, car wash, art stalls, tea/ coffee, a white elephant stall etc. The family can have a fun time together without worrying about the language used, alcohol consumed or fights. Now this is fun in the sun. Then there is a time when we can get serious and spend some time chatting about life. We can share of our hardships and how God has seen us through these times. We can also chat about the pain in our life (through physical, emotional and spiritual pain) and share how Jesus has healed us. We can also just be there for each other and love as Jesus loved. Now this is FUN IN THE SON. John Wesley quoted this: “In all cases, the Church is to be judged by the Scripture, NOT the Scripture by the Church”. Enjoy your life and live your life as a Christian.

27 MAY 2014

Sien Jou binnekort! Topline DVD vier hul derde verjaarsdag vanjaar en is steeds goed op dreef. Alle fliek liefhebbers word genooi om die winkel te besoek in Nigel, York straat 80. Hier sal jy ure se kykgenot kan aanskaf vir ‘n fraksie van ‘n bioskoop kaartjie en kan jy dit saam met vriende en familie geniet; alles in die privaatheid en gemak van jou eie huis, met die warm springmielies en koeldrank byderhand. Niks is lekkerder as ‘n goeie film en ‘n warm kombers om daardie koue winter aande weg te dryf nie. Die winkel spog met bekwame en vriendelike personeel, ‘n moderne voorkoms wat duidelik sigbaar is en skep die illusie van om by ‘n teater te wees. n Verskeidenheid film kategorieë nl: Komedie, Riller, Aksie, Drama, Christelike- en kindervermaak is beskikbaar. Die winkel het ‘n wye verskeidenheid Blu-Ray, 3D’s en Playstation 3 speletjies beskikbaar. Nuwe rolprent vrystellings kom klokslag op ‘n Maandag in en kliënte word deur middel van sms’e en e-posse op hoogte gehou van sake. Kliënte kan ook gebruik maak van hul webtuiste om dvd voorprente te aanskou en dan ook te bespreek. By Topline DvD’s poog hulle om elke kliënt se behoefte en voorkeure te leer ken om sodoende hul keuses van rolprente te vergemaklik. Vir al die lojale kliënte is daar ‘n spesiale lojaliteit kaart wat jou gereeld beloon met ‘n gratis dvd van jou keuse. Spesiale aanbiedinge word vanaf Dinsdae tot Donderdae aangebied. Topline DvD’s se misie is om elke kliënt die beste kwaliteit dvd te bied om sodoende waarde vir geld te verseker. Daar word tot die uiterste seker gemaak dat elke dvd ten alle tye in puik kondisie verhuur word. Daar is altyd iets interessant in die winkel om n vrolike atmosfeer te skep. Valentynsdag was daar ‘n smul lekker sjokolade mandjie. Paasfees het elke kliënt n paaseier ontvang van die paashaas. Topline bedien heerlike kolwyntjies met hul verjaardag. Topline loot ‘n Play Station 3 en twee speletjies uit ten bate van hul verjaarsdag vieringe. Thinus en Renet Vogel, eienaars van Topline DVD bedank hul kliënte vir hul lojale ondersteuning en nooi die publiek uit vir kykgenot op sy beste. Besigheidsure is: Maandag tot Vrydag 09:00 -20:00 en Vrydag & Saterdag 09:00 – 20:30. Navrae: 0117395987. Volg ons op Facebook en besoek ons Webwerf:

Rev Goddess, Heidelberg Methodist Church Thinus & Renet Vogel, Heila van der Westuizen en Courtney Lundie.

57 Strydom Street, Heidelberg Tel: (016) 341-2437 Rev. Ray Cell 082 656 3123 “We exist to be like Christ, live like Christ, and share the exciting message of Christ to all people”.


BAZAAR (FETE) SATURDAY 7TH JUNE @ HEIDELBERG METHODIST 08H30 TILL 13H30 Service times: 08h00 – Traditional Service (Mother’s Room available) 09h30 – Worship Service (Mother’s Room available) 18h00 – Evening Service (for Adults and Youth) H2321

27 MAY 2014


Two male’s arrested for the possession of suspected stolen properties. Heidelberg Police have opened a possession of suspected stolen properties case docket after suspects aged 42 and 46 years old were arrested. It is alleged that a 46 years old male was offered a job too sell meat to the community in a Caravan along Marievale Road, Vorsterskroon on Saturday May 17 by the complainant as well as to look after the house. It is further alleged that one of the employee noticed that the new employee is taking some items during the weekend. The employee informed the complainant about the suspicious activity. On Monday May 19, the owner found that the new employee left the caravan unlocked and that there were items missing. The suspect was nowhere to be found. The theft case was opened at Nigel SAPS. Through the information of the community, and quick response by W/O “Vollie” van Vollenhoven lead to the arrest. Police recovered variety of goods with an estimated value of R5 000-00. The arrested suspects will appear in Heidelberg Magistrate Court soon.

House breaker nabbed Theft case docket opened after the arrest of a 38 year old male suspect. Heidelberg Police arrested a suspect after he broke into a house and stole items. This incident occurred on May 11 in Heidelberg Central along Arnoldi Street. It is alleged that the owner was coming back when he noticed that there is a breakin at his house. Suspect noticed that the owner is back, ran into the neighbour’s yard and hide. The neighbours surrounded the area and called the police. A black Gigabite Laptop valued at R8 000 was found in possession of the suspect. The suspect was arrested and will appear in Heidelberg Magistrate Court soon.

Woman injured Woman knocked down by a 4x4. Heidelberg Police opened a reckless and negligent driving case docket after a 55 year old woman was knocked down by a motor vehicle along Mertz Street in Heidelberg Central on Monday 12 May. It is alleged that the injured woman was walking along Mertz Street when she was knocked down a 4x4 Mazda which was turning into the PG Centre Parking Area next too Nando’s. The woman sustained serious injuries and was taken to Heidelberg Hospital. Police are investigating the case.


Lewe geëis Moeder van 3 seuns sterf in botsing. In die vroeë oggendure op Maandag 19 Mei het ‘n noodlottige ongeluk die lewe van die 31 jarige Janine Pienaar geëis. Die ongeluk het op die Nigel-Balfour pad

Wyle Janine Pienaar.

net verby Mackenzieville plaasgevind. Die bestuurder van die VW Golf, Janine het haar man Anton Pienaar wat werksaam is in Balfour werk toe geneem. Met haar terugkeer huistoe het haar voertuig gebots met ‘n bakkie. Die oorsaak van die botsing is toegeskryf aan die gure weeromstandighede wat daardie oggend voorgekom het. Die digte mis op die pad, maak dit vir padverbruikers moeilik om voor hulle te kan sien. Na bewering is Janine opslag dood. Die insittende van die bakkie is na die naaste hospitaal geneem vir waarneming. Die betrokke pad was vir ‘n geruime tyd gesluit weens opruimingswerk. ‘n Verkeersopeenhoping aan beide rigtings het verhinder dat motoriste hul bestemmings in tyd bereik.


Suspects nabbed Two suspects were apprehended by ADT and SAPS after an attempted armed robbery occurred at a business in Heidelberg. On Tuesday 20 May at around 12:30 two suspects entered a business in Kismet Street, Shalimar Ridge, pretending to be customers. The manager was suspicious of their behaviour and pressed the panic button to alert ADT. One of the suspects then produced a firearm and pointed it at the manager. The other suspect who was standing by the door and noticed the ADT patrol vehicle arriving. The suspects left the weapon behind and fled towards a nearby taxi rank. The manager then phoned the SAPS. Once the Heidelberg SAPS had arrived, ADT Reaction Officer Mpendulo Sapepa and his backup, Reaction Officer Enock Hlatshwayo, accompanied them to the taxi rank. They located the suspects inside one of the taxis and apprehended them. They were then taken into custody. Clive Humphrey, Managing Director of ADT Central Region, applauded the officers for assisting in the apprehension of the suspects.



27 MAY 2014

Nurses’ day celebration Life Suikerbosrand Clinic gave recognition to their nursing staff on International Nurses Day. On May 1, the Life Healthcare Group honoured more than 9516 nurses stationed at its hospitals country-wide. During this day the opportunity arises to give thanks to all the nurses for their dedication and by acknowledging that they are the heartbeat of the healthcare system. International Nursing Day was celebrated at Heidelberg, Life Suikerbosrand Clinic by hosting a breakfast. Liezl Balfour the

Unit Manager from Life Suikerbosrand Clinic was chosen as one of the Top 100 nurses for 2014. She serves as a living example of dedication always willing to walk the extra mile. She delivers personalized care to all patients and strives to enable others to do the same. She is a young leader among leaders with a great future for nursing.

Liezl Balfour

Death of officers The Executive Mayor of Ekurhuleni Cllr Mondli Gungubele has lamented the recent deaths of metro police officers on the roads of the city. “These officers are there to save the lives of the very same motorists who run them over. This is quite sad and unacceptable. We have lost two off icers in the same number of months and it is time that we call on communities and road users in general to assist us in stopping these senseless accidents,” Gungubele said. On Wednesday morning May 21 just before 6am officer Danny Hunt was run over by a speeding car while performing his speed duties on the Paul Kruger Highway between Benoni and Springs. Late last month another officer France Langa was run over by a taxi on the R23 in Brakpan, also in the morning. In both incidents the officers died instantly.

JJC Kruger & Vennote

Tolgeld styg Almost does not count

Tolgeld op verskeie paaie landwyd styg. Sanral berig dat tolbedrae aangepas is, in ooreenstemming met die verbruikersprysindeks. Die nuwe tariewe het in werking getree op 24 Mei onder meer op die N3 tussen Johannesburg en Durban, N4 hoofwerg na Mosambiek en Botswana en op die N1, N2, N17 en R30. Tolgeld op e-tolpaai sal nie verhoog word voor Maart 2015 nie. 011 814 7024/5 083 661 7993

Springs Parkland Kliniek Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172


Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging (By River Square kruising 016 423 3553


Nurses 1: Back left: Liezl Balfour (Unit Manager, ICU & Accident & Emergency), Sharon Vasuthevan (Group Nursing Executive), Soretha Botha (Nursing Manager), Anna-Marie Fourie (Regional Nursing Manager) and Cora Muller (Hospital Manager).Front left: Katleho Mnguni ENA (Enrolled Nursing Auxiliary), Theresa van der Merwe (ENA), Liefie van Wyk (ENA) and Anita Gerber (Ward Secretary, General Ward).

Funeral cover for principal member and spouse, PLUS 10 additional family members.


Hebrews 12:1 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, … (NLT) Almost… A word we often use to console ourselves when we missed… In life, though almost does not count. A goal ‘almost’ scored was not scored, a business ‘almost’ opened, was not opened and a decision ‘almost’ made was not made. God calls us to live lives of accuracy, the better life. We are not called to be ‘almost’ kind of people. Pilate ‘almost’ refused to have Jesus executed; he had no peace about the charges brought in against Jesus but because of the pressure he experienced from the crowd did not have the courage to make a final decision for what was right (Luke 23:13). Jesus called His disciples to go and bear fruit (Mark 2:14; John 15:16). They responded to the call with immediate action – complete abandonment of whatever they were busy with and devotion to the call. When called, almost going means not going. Many times our intent is to respond with obedience and devotion, yet in spite of sincerity and emotional intensity we fail to actually act. Like Pilate we are sometimes swayed by other people’s responses or opinions. Very often the charge to be neutral comes from those

closest to us. When this happens we enter a very dangerous zone where what people say starts weighing more than what God says. As His children, we have to determine that it will be for us about what God says, what He wants us to do, when He wants us to do it. Jesus stated that we are either for Him or against Him. There is no neutral ground when it comes to the Kingdom of God. Almost following Him equals not following Him. In Mark 10:17-26 we f ind a perfect example of someone who came very close to following Jesus. Sadly, he failed to respond to the call simply because he was not prepared to give up his possessions. In His infinite love for us, God always gives us freedom of choice. We choose for ourselves whether we will follow Him or not. Wanting to follow, brings us close but only acting gets us there. Just like Pilot, Jesus was also confronted with an alternative option to the will of God when Peter insisted that it could not be God’s will for Him to die. Jesus immediately knew that what Peter was saying was contrary to God’s will for His life. He chose against it and in spite of the challenge refused to be disobedient. The choice is set before you… Your life can be a million instances of ‘almost’ or it can be the story of a world changer, a true ambassador of Christ, a history maker - All in, all the time because almost does not count!

27 MAY 2014


Hijacked A truck carrying cigarettes worth R12 million was hijacked by a group of suspected robbers. A case of hijacking, kidnapping and attempted murder is being investigated by the SAPS. On Tuesday May 13 a truck from British American Tobacco, accompanied by the security firm Fidelity was hijacked on the N3 outside Heidelberg. It is unknown how many suspects were involved. It is alleged that at least 20 shots were fired back and forth during a shootout between the Fidelity guards and hijackers. The robbers kidnapped the driver of the truck and two security guards. They were later dropped off in Midrand. The empty truck was recovered shortly after the incident in Protea Glenn, Soweto. A quarter of the cigarettes were found in Roodepoort and a suspect was arrested. The suspect appeared in the Roodepoort Magistrate court in connection of stolen property.


Arrested Quick response led to the arrest of runaway suspects. Heidelberg Police arrested a 27 years old male suspect for house breaking and theft, at a house in Central Heidelberg along End Street May 11. A docket was opened. A spokesperson said that when the owner arrived at home he opened the garage door and saw two male suspects running away. He summoned the police and the quick response lead to the arrest of the suspects. They broke the burglar and wooden doors of the kitchen and when observing that the garage doors are being opened by the complainant, they fled. The arrested suspect will appear in Heidelberg Magistrate Court soon, reports Captain Thivhulawi Tshilate.

Stolen Stock theft docket opened after sheep was stolen at a farm in Blinkpoort. It is alleged that the farm owner counted his sheep on Saturday, May 17 at around 08:00 and took them to the veld for grazing. On the following morning, when he recounted the sheep, he detected that 14 sheep were missing. It is further alleged that when checking the perimeter fence around the sheep kraal, the owner detected that a hole was cut through the fence next to the gate according to Captain Thivhulawi Tshilate. Fidelity vehicle on the N3.


Reach out

Nigel Rotary Anns will be collecting any non-perishable food items on Saturday May 31. The food items will be distributed to the less privileged communities in and around Nigel. Please reach out and bring items to Spar at Angelo Mall between 07:00 and 13:00.


27 MAY 2014

Onskatbaar Maryke du Plessis verduidelik verskillende diamant snitte.

We collect and deliver


267 SKAKEL 083 6198 267 6198

* Testing of all vehicles * Microdot Special R450 Marievale Road, Vorsterskroon, Nigel. Tel 011 814 4357 Weekdays 08h00 - 17h00 Sundays 09:00 - 11:00 H2410

Dames leer ken die mees kosbaarste en waardevolste besittings in hul lewe. VLU Rensburg se maandelikse vergadering is gehou op Woensdag 21 Mei te Heidelberg by die NG Suikerbosrand Kerk. Tydens die geleentheid het Henda Bonsma van ‘Born 2 Care’ die dames inligting gegee rakende krisis swangerskappe. ‘n Bespreking is gehou oor opsies beskikbaar vir jong ongehude moeders en families wat finansieel nie die mas kan opkom nie. ‘Born 2 Care’ bestaan al reeds vanaf 1998 en moedig nie aborsie aan nie. Hier gaan dit nie net oor die baba se lewe nie, maar ook oor die keuse waarmee die vrou sal moet saamleef vir die res van haar lewe. Aannemings opsies is beskikbaar en ‘n ondersteunings netwerk vir diegene wat hul baba wil behou. Henda vertel dat ‘Born 2 Care’ stap ‘n lewenslange pad saam met moeders en families. Berading is beskikbaar by hulle kantore in Heidelberg en dit is streng vertroulik. Om lewe te kan skenk aan ‘n baba is die grootste voorreg en geskenk van ‘n ma. Gedurende die middag het Maryke du Plessis, goudsmid in Heidelberg, die dames wys gemaak in edelgesteentes en metale. Illustrasies uit boeke is gewys, eksemplare is rond gestuur en ‘n bespreking is gehou. Die waarde van edelgesteentes en half-edelgesteentes word gekenmerk deur drie kategorieë nl: skoonheid, duursaamheid en skaarsheid. Die vroue was veral geïnteresseerd oor diamante en goud en het belangstellend baie daaroor uit gevra. Tydens die bespreking is die hardheid van elke gesteente en metaal bespreek, asook die versorging van juwele en geboortestene. Tydens hierdie middag is alles wat na aan ‘n vrou se hart is bespreek. Hulle sê nie verniet dat “diamonds are a girl’s best friend” nie. Die volgende vergadering vind plaas op 19 Junie by die NG Suikerbosrand kerk in Jordaanpark Heidelberg. Navrae: Hannetjie 083 552 0687.

27 MAY 2014


ACE AUTO SCRAPYARD 011 811 5855 Springs Opp. Fire Station


Susan Baird 082 928 4529

44 Schoeman Street Heidelberg

Tel/Fax: 016 349 6526 Fax: 0865 301 305

Waarheen nou? As gevolg van swaar finansiële beperkinge is daar ‘n besluit gemaak deur die raad van direkteure om die kindersentrum te privatiseer van Sunfield Home Fortuna. Die meeste van die kinders is serebraal gestremd en maak gebruik van ‘n rolstoel en het spesiale mediese sorg nodig. Die werklike koste om vir so ‘n kind te sorg, uitgesluit klere, kos, doeke, ens. beloop meer as R6000 per maand. Tans word daar deur die Departement van Maatskaplike Ontwikkeling R1800 per kind maandeliks bygedra. Na verskeie besprekings en vergaderings het die Departement van Maatskaplike Ontwikkeling laat weet dat hulle nie die maandelikse toelae gaan verhoog nie. Ongelukkig is Sunfield Fortuna nie in ‘n finansiële posisie om hierdie tekort aan te vul nie. Daar is tans 21 inwoners in die kindersentrum waarvan 17 inwoners sal verplaas moet word. ‘n Kontrak is onderteken tot die einde van Junie 2014 om die proses te voltooi om geskikte huise vir hierdie kinders te vind. Sunfield Bestuur en maatskaplike werker, me Lynelle Kriek, sal help om te verseker dat hierdie kinders met waardigheid en respek behandel word. Die meeste van hierdie kinders is al vir baie jare by die tehuis. As ‘n verdere finansiële eindresultaat, is die maandelikse fooie verhoog na R4986,40 wat die las swaarder maak op privaat pasiënte. Rekord het die tehuis besoek op Dinsdag 20 Mei. Met bewondering is daar aanskou hoe die personeel van Sunfield met liefde, deernis en passie na hierdie spesiale inwoners omsien. Elkeen van hierdie kinders het in die harte van die personeel ingekruip. Die tehuis is ‘n tuiste vir elke kind. Brenda Gouws die Algemene Bestuurder vertel met ‘n hartseer gemoed dat sy soos ‘n moeder vir hulle is.

Die vraag wat ontstaan is: Waarheen gaan hierdie 17 kinders en wat lê voor hulle deur? ‘n Beroep aan alle sakelui en besighede word gedoen om Sunfield Home Fortuna te hulp te snel. Kontant donasies, kos, doeke, toiletware en klere word benodig. Bank besonderhede is: FNB: SUNFIELD HOME FORTUNA, Rek nr: 51590025157, Tak: Balfour, Takkode: 270243.

Borge en donateurs word bedank vir hul lojale ondersteuning. Indien daar enige navrae is rondom hierdie situasie kan Brenda gekontak word by 017 773 9014 / 5/6.

Adverteerders wat hul advertensies in hierdie 4 blad bylaag geplaas het skenk 15% van hul advertensie koste aan die tehuis. Baie Dankie aan elkeen van hierdie ondernemings vir hul positiewe bydrae.


Hot Pot Paints JMJ


18 Smith Street, Heidelberg (016) 349-5886 Fax: (016) 349 6945

Tel: 011 814 1284 Cell: 082 808 5846 / Faks: 086 502 8153

Upholstery, Curtain Making, Motor/Boat Trimming, Custom Furniture, Picture Framing



27 MAY 2014

Sunfield Home Fortuna

Inwoners van die kindersentrum by Sunfield Home Fortuna. ‘n Beroep aan alle sakelui en besighede word gedoen om Sunfield Home Fortuna te hulp te snel. Kontant donasies kan in hul bank rekening inbetaal word.

TEL: 082 778 2131 or 082 778 1505

Bank besonderhede is: FNB: SUNFIELD HOME FORTUNA, Rek nr: 51590025157, Tak: Balfour, Takkode: 270243. Enige donasies van kos, doeke, toiletware en klere kan by Rekord Kantore o/h Kingsway en Van Riebeeck straat Nigel afgelewer word.

Sunfield gebou.

27 MAY 2014




HYDRAULICS 3 Van Riebeeck Street NIGEL TEL: (011) 814-1493 AUTHORISED DEALER

Flitse 2013 - Flitse 2013

Spesiale Olimpiade 2013

Wholesale / Retail Cars by Mr. H Riaan Hamman 082 552 2671

Dean se wens

JJC Kruger & Vennote Springs Parkland Kliniek Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172


Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging (By River Square kruising 016 423 3553


Leonard Naude van Rencharm op Nigel saam met inwoners van die tehuis. Leonard het die inwoners bederf met lekkernye. Dean Ramakers van Sunfield Homes het verlede jaar by HoĂŤr Volkskool gaan kuier.

Gift of giving

Pet Grooming for all Breeds Petfood & Accessories Dorothy 081 334 4956

Collect & Deliver



Fokus Kosbare oomblik Omega Gearboxes Repairs & Spares All Manual Gearboxes & Diffs 21 Van Riebeeck Street, NIGEL TEL: (011) 814 2622 FAX: (011) 814 8655

L & R Silkscreen Printing & Embroidery WE DO: Silkscreen Printing Embroidery Vinyl Cutting Corporate Sewing

WE SUPPLY: * Golf T-Shirts * Caps & Hats * Overalls * Safety Shoes

Feel Free to contact us: Chris 082 551 4535 Tel: 011 814-2040 Fax: 011 814-8884 / 086 648 1397 17 Tulbach Street, NIGEL

77 Porter Road, DUNNOTTAR. Tel: 011 734 2812 Fax: 011 734 2041

J DONALDSON APPLI ANCES SPECIALISED REPAIRS: * Fridges * Freezers * Stoves * Washing machines * Tumble dryers. Establised 1978 FREE COLLECTION, DELIVERY & QUOTATIONS

27 MAY 2014

27 MAY 2014


Medals awarded

THE GAS INSTALLER For certification, installation, repairs and maintenance needs on gas: stoves, geysers, fire places & boiler tables

JACO 073-6182-303 Contact us for free gas installation inspections, quotes and technical advice on your diy (self) installation.

Verlore en gevind Verlore Samsung tablet gevind en terug besorg aan eienaar. Tydens ‘n besoek aan Life Suikerbosrand Kliniek te Heidelberg het Pieter Pieterse sy Samsung Tablet op die vensterbank binne die kleedkamers vergeet. Toe Pieter ontdek dat sy tablet verdwyn het hy terug gehaas na die kleedkamer en met skok gewaar dat die tablet voete gekry het. Pieterse het vir Mpho Mopatlhodi van SPE

Sekuriteit vertel van die verlies. Mpho het die hospitaal bestuur verwittig. Life Suikerbosrand Kliniek is tans besig met aanbouings werk en die bestuur was maar skepties oor die opsporing van die toestel. Een van die bouers Carlos Chauke het intussen die tablet aan Mavis Dyakopi van SPE Sekuriteit oorhandig. Pieterse was verheug en het ‘n beloning aan Carlos sowel as die sekuriteits beampte gegee.

Voor links: Mavis Dyakopi, Carlos Chauke en Mpho Moatlhodi. Agter links: Igor Novotny en Pieter Pieterse.

Marching Band. On Friday May 16 a Medal Parade was hosted at 1 Construction Military Base in Dunnottar. Estimated 426 members from various engineering units were present during this event. The Engineer Formation is a combat ready integrated engineer military system that enhances the mobility and survivability of landward forces. The SA Army Formation is to prepare and provide combat ready engineer forces for C Army to be integrated into the landward defence capability to enhance mobility and survivability of own forces. The President has been pleased to award the following medals and certificates to members of the South African National Defence Force who have distinguished themselves in the service. The General Off icer Commanding of South African Engineer Formation, Brigadier General WA Nkosi attended the parade and awarded these medals to various recipients in the engineering units. Bar to the Medalje vir Getroue Diens. Good Service Medal (bronze). Service Medal (bronze). Public Service Certificate for 20 and 30 years.


Heidelberg AA Meetings Thursday 7PM @ Heidelberg Methodist Church, 59 Strydom, Street. Tuesday 6PM Cornerstone Church, 38 Zuid Street. If you think you have a DRINKING or DRUG problem. Please come listen to the testimonies of sober recovered alcoholics and drug addicts. SWO RR McCarthy from 13 Field Engineer situated in Cape-Town received a ‘Bar to the medaje vir getroue diens’

Contact Person: Skipper Smith 074 687 2432.



139-3rd Street, Springs Tel:

011 362 5237


011 362 5238

27 MAY 2014

MARTIN 082 795 5339 KEEGAN 082 729 9471 TIDINGS 078 198 6915 QUINTON 072 639 5800

R74, 950 ’07 Hyundai Getz 1.5 CRDi FUEL SAVER!!! Lovely Ladies Car!!!

R109, 950 ’05 BMW 320d (A) E 90. EXCELLENT CONDITION... Very Fuel Eco A MUST TO VIEW

R69,950 ‘01 Volvo S80 T6 . CLEAN CAR Very low KM... BARGAIN!!!

R149, 950 ‘07 NISSAN NAVARA 2.0 DCI 4X4 D/C RELIABLE!!!


R99, 950 ‘10 Toyota Yaris T3 5Dr EXCELENT BUY LOW KM!!!

R119, 950 ’05 Mercedes Benz C220 CDi CLASSIC. ECONOMICAL Good family Car

R79, 950 ’07 Nissan Tiida 1.8 Acenta 5dr FUEL SAVER A MUST TO VIEW !!!


R99, 950 ’01 Mercedes Benz ML270 CDi A/T. Excellent value for money! Ideal for the larger family. Don’t miss it!

R89, 950 ‘09 CHEVROLET AVEO 1.6 LS 5DR Crazy Offer!!! WELL LOOKED AFTER.

R89, 950 ‘‘06 Audi A4 2.0 Multitronic. Fantastic Family vehicle in excellent condition.

R139, 950 ’12 Hyundai I20 1.4 Service Plan LOW KM’S

R89, 950 ’09 FORD BANTAM 1.4 TDCI Many Extras GOOD CONDITION

R289, 950 ‘12 Hyundai H1 2.4 wagon. 42000KM - CLEAN FAMILY VEHICLE SERVICE PLAN

R119, 950 ’09 HONDA JAZZ 1.5 EX S LOW KM.... CLEAN CAR

R99, 950 ’06 MAZDA 6 2.3 A/T FAMILY CAR!!!!


R209, 950 ‘10 BMW 320I A/T (E90) VERY CLEAN


HERMAN MARAIS - 082 817 7192



R199, 950 ’09 BMW 120D Coupe EYE CATCHER!!!



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