Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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30 September 2014 VOL 10 NO 18


Skokkende moord op pensioenaris ‘n Bejaarde man van Dunnottar is koelbloedig geskiet en die verdagtes is nog op vrye voet. Tjaard Booysens (61) se lewe is kort geknip nadat twee jeugdige boosdoeners vir hom en sy vrou Elma, by hul huis ingewag het te Barclay straat 27, Dunnottar op Vrydag 19 September omstreeks 20:00. Die egpaar het hul gunstelling restuarant besoek. Met hul aankoms by die huis het Tjaard na die kombuis gegaan, onderwyl Elma die hoenders buitekant versorg het. Een van die verdagtes wat naby die agterdeur geskuil het, het Elma onverwags oorrompel en Tjaart is by die kombuis ingewag. Die bure het Elma se noodkreet gehoor, waarna die 17 jarige Schalk ondersoek gaan instel het. Schalk het op die blompot teen die muur gaan staan om oor te loer. Hy merk toe dat ‘n onbekende jong man ‘n vuurwapen op Tjaard rig en hom skiet. Met Schalk se poging om oor die muur te spring is daar skote op hom gevuur. Intussen het Pieter Jordan, Schalk se pa onraad vermoed en besef dat daar groot

fout is. Hy het na buite gehaas om ondersoek in te stel. Skote is gevuur op sy seun en hy het onmiddellik besluit om bo oor die muur te spring om die Booysens gesin te hulp te snel. Nog twee skote het geklap en Pieter het ongedeerd daarvan afgekom. Die skelms het intussen die hasepad gekies. Pieter het vir Tjaard op die kombuisvloer aangetref waar daar duidelik 2 wonde sigbaar was. Tjaard is in die bors en been gewond en was nog by sy bewussyn. Pieter het hom gemaklik gemaak en probeer om die bloeding te stop. Intussen het Pieter se vrou Madeleine Jorden, die Brandwaghoof geskakel en die nooddienste ontbied. Gordon Fox bly net skuins oorkant die slagoffers se huis en was blits vinnig op die toneel. Polisie en noodpersoneel het na etlike minute opgedaag. Tjaard is na die Pholosong hospitaal geneem en het gedurende die aand aan sy wonde beswyk. vervolg bl 3

Agter links: Gordon Fox, Pieter en Scalk Jordan saam met Elma Booysens.


NIGEL/HEIDELBERG REKORD - ONLINE EDITION The “11 000 Trees in 11 Minutes in 101 Wards” challenge required the participation of Ekurhuleni residents from all walks of life. “The programme’s bold objective was to as the industrial hub of Southern Africa, create an urban forest as a climate change and this status has both positive and proofing initiative, to directly respond to the formidable challenges and risks posed negative implications for its citizens. The City falls within the Highveld Priority by the pending unpredictable negative Area as per the National Environmental impacts of this environmental change,” Management: Air Quality Act, as a result said Head of Department for Environmental Resource Management and of air pollution linked to industry. The project began in April at the opening Development Hezekiel Nkosi.

11 000 Trees In an effort to boost the air quality in the region, the City of Ekurhuleni has embarked on an ambitious project aimed at planting 11 000 trees in all its 101 wards. The City of Ekurhuleni has been dubbed

of Motsu Park in Tembisa, and was culminate in an 11 minute challenge on September 13, in celebration of Arbor Day.



ROBERT DYKE 083 266 5453 STEVE DYKE 082 428 7262

30 September 2014 “Why in 11 minutes, you ask. The time given is symbolic of the urgency we need to act in order to combat the negative impacts posed by climate change implications,” added Nkosi. Those participating in the challenge were requested to plant their tree at a specific time on September 13, although this was not a prerequisite for the participation. Individuals, organisations, businesses, schools, churches, clubs and everyone else were invited to partake.

Do not only go to those you like... To coin a phrase – ‘all good things come to an end’ is a very real thing in my life right now. I am typing this article on the last evening of my leave and so our holiday (which included going to our Church Conference in Umhlanga) has come to an end. It has been a time of rest but also a time of reflection, prompted by various “happenings” during our leave but definitely a time of listening and hearing to the many messages heard at our 125th Conference. Our Presiding Bishop Ziphozihle (Zipho) Siwa made one of those statements to the Ordinands (students who have come to the end of their theological training and are accepted as Ministers or Deacons into the full Methodist Connexion). The Presiding Bishop very challenged the Ordinands with the following: “Do not only go to those who you like but go to those who need you….” As Christians this should have a massive impact on your thoughts and who you are as a Christ Follower. All too often we live our life for ourselves and not for God, for ourselves and not for other. Jesus in His walk on earth spent His entire time serving those He met. He never turned away from anyone and never condemned anyone. Yes He commented on people’s belief and told them what was right and what was wrong but everyone was welcomed with open arms. The word Christian depicts a person who “follows Christ” – is that what you are doing or are you doing it all for you? As Christ Followers we are called to serve – unconditionally. No we do not have to “love” everybody as you love your best friend but we need to love as Christ loved and cared for others – maybe, just maybe you are that person’s last hope. In many, many places we see how Jesus interacted with people rejected by most people. We

Rev Goddess, Heidelberg Methodist Church

From the desk of Rev Ray Goddess think of the lady at the well or what about the adulteress. What about the blind man who so many folk walked passed and ignored. Jesus went to those who needed Him – and look at the results. A woman healed emotionally, a lady saved from stoning and going away having been told by Jesus to “sin no more”. A blind man healed of His blindness. Take some time to think of people who you know right now who need help. No not only those who you are “okay” to interface with – think of EVERYONE you know who needs help. Maybe they need emotional help, maybe they need spiritual or maybe they need physical help. Maybe as you think of this person (or persons) you will realize how they are actually calling out for help but you have “missed” the cry. Maybe, like me, you are suddenly realizing how you fall short of our call on our lives. It is never too late to make a change in your life. Make yourself available to ALL the folk who call out for help, not only those who you want to help. In ending this article remember that Jesus did not let Himself be abused by those needing help – and nor do you. “Do not only go to those who you like but go to those who need you….”

57 Strydom Street, Heidelberg Tel: (016) 341-2437 Rev. Ray Cell 082 656 3123 “We exist to be like Christ, live like Christ, and share the exciting message of Christ to all people”.


Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God. Romans 15:7 (NIV) Service times: 08h00 – Traditional Service (Mother’s Room available) 09h30 – Worship Service (Mother’s Room available) 18h00 – Evening Service (for Adults and Youth) H2321

30 September 2014


Skokkende Inflasie moord vanaf bl 1 Volgens berugte het dieselfde booswigte ‘n paar minute daarna skote afgevuur op ‘n onbekende man in Nicolson straat nr 8. Daar word beweer dat die man in sy gesig geskiet is en dat hy ook aan sy wonde beswyk het. Geen arrestasies is nog gemaak nie. Ter persgaande is geen verdere inligting oor bogenoemde voorval bevestig nie. Volgens Elma was die buurt waarin hul gewoon het altyd rustig en veilig. Daar is ten tye van die voorval niks gesteel en haar man se dood bly ‘n raaisel. Na hierdie gebeurtenis sal dinge nooit weer dieselfde vir haar kan wees nie, vertel sy. Elma en Tjaard was 26 jaar getroud en dit was hul tuiste vir die laaste 18 jaar. Die afgelope paar jaar het sy gesondheid agteruit gegaan en het hy gesukkel om te beweeg. Die oorlewende was ‘n liefdevolle mens wat nooit enige iemand skade berokken het nie. Tjaart se roudiens het op Dinsdag 23 September vanuit die Gereformeerde Kerk te Nigel plaasgevind en hy sal ter aarde gelê word op Saterdag 4 Oktober by hul familieplaas in Ventersdorp.

ATM bombed An undisclosed amount of money was stolen after an FNB ATM was bombed. It is alleged that four male suspects bom-bed a FNB ATM on Wednesday September 24 in Chris Hani Road, Ratanda. The suspects helped themselves to an undisclosed amount of money. They were driving a white BMW 3 Series and two were armed with rifles. Ratanda police opened a case docket and are appealing to anyone with information to contact SAPS Crime Line 08600 10111 or Provincial ATM Bombing task team at 082 822 6657 or SMS to Prime Media Crimeline 32211.

Inflasiekoers styg en voorspel ‘n donker tyding vir die verbruikers. Kos was in Augustus ‘n verstommende 9,4% duurder as die vorige jaar. Volgens Statistiek Suid-Afrika dui die verbruikersprysindeks (VPI) aan, dat die oorhoofse inflasiekoers in Augustus tot en met 6,4% gestyg het. Dit is hoër as die 6,3% in Julie, wat baie ekonome gereken het verby die draaipunt was. Die hoogste inflasiekoers vanjaar was die 6,6% styging gedurende Mei en Junie. Kospryse het maand tot maand met 0,8% gestyg. Die grootse maand tot maand stygings was vir warm drankies soos koffie en tee (2,1%); melk, eiers en kaas (1,5%) en vleis (1%). Net vis het effens goedkoper geword (-0,4%). Brood, graan en vrugte het met 0,2% gestyg. Kospryse (kos en nie-alkoholiese drank) lewer die grootste bydrae van 1,4% van die persentasiepunt tot die algehele VPI. Behuising en dienste bydrae is egter ook 1,4% persentasiepunt. Inflasiekoers volgens inkomstegroepe wissel tussen 6,3% vir die 20% van mense wat die meeste verdien tot 6,6% vir die 40% mense wat die minste verdien. Die inflasiekoers wat pensioentrekkers ervaar, beloop 6,5%. Die inflasiekoers vir primêre en sekondêre stedelike gebiede is presies dieselfde, maar plattelanders moet steeds heelwat meer opdok vir hul afgeleë ligging, hulle inflasiekoers is 7,1%.

Vir nuusdekking kontak Elizaan by 079 070 6646.




Who shall I send? Isaiah 6:8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.” (NKJV) God wants us to grow and to increase in capacity. In order for that to happen we need to open our hearts to start seeing what God sees. We are not here simply to survive. God wants us to increase and to grow into abundant life. The Bible teaches us that increase also comes through sowing. Unless a seed falls in the ground and dies it cannot produce any kind of harvest. Likewise we cannot produce anything in the Kingdom unless we die to ourselves. Jesus promised to make His disciples if they followed Him. In everything He did the purpose was to ultimately empower them so that they could empower others. The secret is not in actualizing our own potential but in helping others to become everything God intended them to be. When we help others to grow, we ourselves grow as well. Jesus set out to raise up leaders that would take responsibility for raising up a next generation of leaders. The goal is to empower every believer to become a leader of leaders. The strategy we use to obtain our goal is simple: Win: We win people by telling them what the Lord has done for us, bringing them to

JJC Kruger & Vennote Springs Parkland Kliniek Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172


Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging (By River Square kruising 016 423 3553


church or cell and helping them, in any way possible to enter into a personal relationship with the Lord. Consolidate: Once someone has given their heart to God it is crucial for them to become solid in their walk with the Lord. They need to overcome everything connected to their old life and at the same time become established in their new convictions and relationship. Disciple: The ongoing process of learning, changing and growing in response to the Word. Send: Once someone has accepted the call of God on their lives, they can be sent to win others. In Isaiah 6:1-9 we f ind an excellent example of someone imperfect, just like us, who accepted the call despite not being exactly what he needed to be. Just like Isaiah we need to understand the following in order to respond to the call: The call comes from God: The call carries weight because it comes from God. For the same reason nobody has authority to revoke it. We are not called because we are worthy: God does not call us based on our ability or worthiness. We are called because we are in Christ and the heart of God is imparted to us. Our identity in Christ: Isaiah responded to the call once he received the forgiveness of God. None of us can effectively respond while we are guilt-ridden. We need to understand that every accusation, every imperfection and inability is covered under the blood of Jesus. God empowers us to do what we cannot do out of our own strength. The call requires action: Going into the world and actively reaching out to the lost. God empowers us to win the lost (Luke 10:17-19; Acts 1:8). How will you respond? God is waiting for us to say: “I will go, send me!”.

30 September 2014

Vrou wees Twee VLU takke van Heidelberg kuier heerlik saam en ontdek die kosbare waarheid oor vrou wees. VLU Rensburg se maandvergadering is gehou op Woensdag 18 September te Heidelberg by die NG Suikerbosrand gemeente. Gedurende die byeenkoms het die tak van Heidelberg by hul aangesluit vir ‘n heerlike middag se samesyn. Tydens die verrigtinge het Annamarie Du Plessis die skrywer Deborah Steinmair aan die vroue bekend gestel. Deborah is ‘n vryskutjoernalis, resensente en skrywer. Sy het haar debuut gemaak in 2003 met haar Engelse digbundel “A see-through Suitcase”. In 2006 volg “Jans Rautenbach se Memoires”, in 2008 die koffietafelboek “Jo Roos, Sculptor” en in 2010 haar debuutroman “Marike se laaste dans”. Laasgenoemde is gunstig deur resensente ontvang en die titel is bekroon met die Woordfees Woordtrofee vir beste debuutwerk.

Die Jan Rabie-Rapportprys vir vernuwende prosa is ook aan haar toegeken. Die boek was op die kortlys vir die M-Netprys. Annamarie het uit hierdie boek voorgelees. Didi Kok was die gasspreker vir die middag en het ‘n praatjie gelewer oor die “Vreugde van Vrou wees”. Vrouens is opnuut herinner dat hulle nie hul passie in die lewe moet verloor nie. Om ‘n vrou te wees is ‘n unieke ervaring. Kies om volgens God se wil te leef, verbind jou daagliks aan Hom en wees brandend in jou geloof. Die vreugde van vrou wees lê daarin om geleenthede rondom jou raak te sien en dan die regte keuses te maak. Ter afsluiting het sy Ps 37:4 gekwoteer “En verlustig jou in die Here dan sal Hy jou gee die begeertes van jou hart.” Die volgende vergadering vind plaas op 15 Oktober 2014 by die NG Suikerbosrand gemeente in Jordaanpark Heidelberg. Navrae kontak Hannetjie 083 552 0687.

Didi Kok, Annemarie Du Plessis en Heylie van den Berg.

267 SKAKEL 083 6198 267 6198


30 September 2014



In die donker of nie? Eskom se planne sal eers in 2019 in plek val en SuidAfrikaanse verbruikers mag dalk nog kragonderbrekings die somer ondervind. Dit gaan nog vyf jaar duur voordat Suid-Afrika se elektrisiteitskrisis onder beheer is. Volgens Collin Matjila, Eskom se waarnemende uitvoerende hoof is daar ‘n omvattende plan in plek. “Die wysigings van die opwekkingsaanlegte sal versnel word deur spesif iek die onbeplande onderbrekings te takel. Die onderbrekings is as gevolg van onder meer uitgestelde instandhouding, sowel as swak werk deur die kontrakteurs wat die instandhouding doen.” Om sake te verbeter, sal tussen drie en vyf jaar neem, het hy gesê. Mitjila sê die program se doel is om die verswakking te keer en om die vertoning van sy

kragstasies te stabiliseer en te verbeter. Matjila het aan die komitee gesê dat hul vol vertroue is om hierdie doelwit te bereik. Die kragstasie sal “kommersiële bedrywigheid” in Mei of Junie bereik en ‘n ekstra 800 MW van elektrisiteit verskaf. Daarna sal daar beweeg word na die volgende eenheid in Desember 2015 en die ander eenhede sal volg in intervalle van ses maande. Daar word beoog dat Kusile, in Mpumalanga na verwagting vroeg in 2016 krag begin lewer. Dan Marokane, ‘n direkteur van Eskom het gewaarsku dat daar ‘n moontlikheid is dat kragverbruikers ‘n krag tekort gedurende die komende somerseisoen sal ervaar weens die “onbetroubare aanbod”. Eskom het stappe geneem om seker te maak indien dit gebeur daar beurtkrag in plek sal wees.

Sports against crime In a bid to fight against the escalating rate of crime, the Mpumalanga provincial Department of Community Safety, Security and Liaison hosted a Sport against Crime tournament. The tournament took place on September 24, in Extension 1, Grootvlei. During this event, the involvement of various government departments participated in different sporting codes. The aim of the event was to encourage the youth and the community at large to opt for playing sport rather than engaging in criminal activities. The winners in the highly physical and contested matches were presented with medals and trophies for their excellent performance on the sports field. The event was a huge success and activities were rounded off with in the true spirit of the “National Braai Day”.



30 September 2014

Dapper kleuter op pad na herstel

Bejaarde man spring oor 6 voet muur, met elektriese heinings, nadat hy die hulpkreet van sy buurvrou hoor. Ywanke Engelbrecht ‘n vier jarige kleuter van Nigel is aangeval deur ‘n pitbull. Haar wonde is van so aard gewees dat sy 3 ure in die teater deurgebring het by Life Suikerbosrand Kliniek op Heidelberg. Tot op hede ontvang sy intensiewe behandeling om haar wonde te genees. Mediese kostes beloop alreeds op ‘n astronomiese bedrag vir haar enkel ouer ma, Yvonne Engelbrecht. Yvonne is vol vertroue dat haar borrelende dogtertjie sal herstel na haar traumatiese ervaring. Die aanval het op Donderdag, 4 September omstreeks 18:30 te Du Toit straat Heidelberg plaasgevind. Yvonne en Ywanke het haar vriend Niel Jacobs besoek. Met hulle aankoms by Niel se tuiste het die pitbull reun, Ywanke se pop uit die bakkie gegryp. Yvonne het die pop van die hond afgeneem en aan Ywanke terug besorg. Die hond het begin hap na Ywanke terwyl sy op pad was na die agterdeur. Die hond het opgespring en Ywanke aan die been gebyt. Ma en dogter het gestruikel en geval, waarna die reun verwoed aan Ywanke se been geruk en gepluk het. Yvonne het bo op Ywanke gaan lê om haar te beskerm. Intussen het Lalie, Niel se moeder die pitbull se kop probeer stil hou. Lalie het met alle mag en krag probeer om die kind uit die hond se kake te bevry. Moedeloos gesukkel het Lalie uitgeroep en begin bid: “Here help ons!” Dis hier waar die buurman, Pieter Pretorius oor ‘n 6 voet hoë muur met ‘n stoel in die hand spring. Hy het verwoes na die reun geslaan. Die hond het uiteindelik vir Ywanke gelos en hulle het haar in die huis geneem. Ywanke se bobeen is tydens die voorval erg verskeur. Ywanke is na die hospitaal gehaas vir behandeling. Die pitbull reun en teef is van kant gemaak. Ywanke ondergaan tans VAC behandeling, ‘n rewolusionêre prosedure wat die wond onder negatiewe vakuum druk plaas om die genesingsproses te voorspoedig. Sy sterk tans by die huis aan en verlang baie na haar speelgroepmaatjies. Haar grootouers Mariki en Barry Engelbrecht vertel dat Ywanke baie dapper was. Hul dank die Hemelse Vader wat ingegryp het. Pieter vertel dat hy nie weer oor die 6 voet muur kon spring nie. Ps 18:30: “Want met U loop ek ‘n bende storm en met my God spring ek oor ‘n muur.”

Barry, Mariki, Ywanke en Yvonne Engelbrecht.

Plek van nostalgie

Die wond in Ywanke se been voordat daar met die VAC behandeling begin is.

Super Meubels is nie net ‘n allerdaagse tweedehandse winkel nie, maar ‘n plek waar jy verlore kan raak tussen indrukwekkende antieke meubelstukke. Hier word jy op ‘n reis na ‘n ander era geneem en jy raak verlore in die nostalgie van die winkel. Verskeie versamel stukke word vertoon in die winkel. Die kwaliteit van elke item is in ‘n uitstekende toestand en so goed geprys dat dit nie eens kans kan kry om stof op te gaar nie. Voor jy jou oë uitvee stap iemand anders uit met die item wat jy begeer. Kom verdwaal en vergeet jouself tussen die ou hout meubels. Hier mag dalk items wees wat jou herinner aan jou kinderdae. In die winkel word antieke riempies stoele, erdeware, jongmans kaste, gemakstoele, koffietafels, boekrakke, staaltrommels en tasse uitgestal vir oud en jonk om te bewonder. Wanneer jy die kans kry kom besigtig hulle nuwe reeks gesondheid beddens wat beskikbaar is vir die kliënt wat waarde vir hul geld soek. Vriendelike en behulpsame personeel sal die koper bystaan met hulp en raad oor watter bed die mees geskikste is vir hul gesondheid. Hierdie is beslis nie ‘n winkel om mis te kyk nie. Vir al die getroue ondersteuners en nuwe intrekkers in die dorp, Super Meubels bestaan al reeds vir 24 jaar. Wees verseker as jy nie die item kry waarna jy soek nie, sal hulle beslis dit vir jou soek. Super Meubels is geleë in 42 Schoeman straat, Heidelberg. Besigheidsure is Maandag tot Vrydag 09:00 tot 17:00 en Saterdae 09:00 tot 13:00. 016 341 4445.

Star Gazing Event Friends of Marivale are planning an exhilarating event and invites all to join them in this occasion. A Star Gazing Event is planned on Saturday October 18 at the Bird Sanctuary outside Nigel and Dunnottar. The event will start at 16:30 with a walk and talk around the area. All interesting parties are welcome. At 17:30 a barbeque will take place and fires will be provided. At 18:30 visitors can gaze at the stars through telescopes. Bring torches, chairs, food and drinks. R50 donation per car.

SPCA fete Nigel SPCA will be holding a Fete Saturday 1 November at the Divine Tea Garden - 18 van der Stel St. Nigel starting 9.00 am Pancakes - cakes & biscuits - books and bric ‘n brac. Come along have some fun and support a worthy cause. Nigel SPCA. Enquiries - please contact Hazel at Nigel SPCA 084 485 7020.

30 September 2014


Skole vir Jesus Die bekende gospel sanger Rudi Muller het sy projek “Skole vir Jesus” veldtog van stapel gestuur na die onlangse regsaksies teen die gebruik van die Christelike godsdiens in skole. Rudi het besluit om gratis by skole die Woord van God te bedien deur musiek en sang. Rudi het die volgende skole in ons omgewing besoek. Maandag 15 September Laerskool AG Visser te Heidelberg. Woensdag 17 September Hoërskool John Vorster asook Laerskool Tini Vorster te Nigel. Tydens sy besoek aan Laerskool Tini Vorster het Oos-Rand Stereo hul Ontbytprogram tussen 06:00 en 09:00 by die laerskool aangebied. Ses skole is deur die Organisasie vir Godsdiensonderrig en Demokrasie (Ogod), onder voorsitterskap van Hans Pietersen voor die hooggeregshof gedaag. Hierdie skole word verbied om hulself Christenskole te noem en Christelike waardes te bevorder. Die dreigende hofsaak oor die beoefening van Godsdiens in openbare skole kan verreikende gevolge inhou vir honderde skole. Die skole wat geraak word op hierdie stadium sluit in: Laerskool Baanbreker in

Boksburg, Laerskool Randhart in Alberton, Hoërskool Linden in Johannesburg, Hoërskool Oudtshoorn en Langenhoven Gimnasium. Pietersen verklaar dat Ogod nie godsdiens in skole onwettig verklaar nie, maar wil sorg dat die beoefening daarvan vry, regverdig en buite klastyd geskied. Pietersen vra die hof om verskeie Christelike gebruike en verwysings by die betrokke skole, met ’n interdik te verbied en dit ongrondwetlik te verklaar. Volgens hom word daar weens dié gebruike in skole inbreuk gemaak op verskeie konstitusionele regte van leerlinge. In die hofstukke vra die organisasie dat die skole se leerders nie toegelaat mag word om Christelike liedjies te sing of hulself as Christenskole te bestempel nie. Dit sluit die Christelike etos van die skool in asook die saal opening met skriflesing en gebed. Asof die skolestelsel in Suid-Afrika nie genoeg uitdagings het nie, probeer Pietersen ook nou om openbare skole se reg tot vryheid van godsdiens, oortuigings en menings te onderdruk. Die aansoek raak elke openbare skool, ook die skole met ’n ander godsdienstige etos as dié van Christenskap.

Rudi Muller saam met Laerskool Tini Vorster se hoof Mnr Holmner.

Rudi Muller saam met leerlinge van Laerskool AG Visser.



Attacks on Judge The CGE is established to support a fair and democratic state wherein the legal basis supporting judicial decisions can be examined, questioned, criticized and appealed or reviewed. The Commission for Gender Equality (CGE) has noted with concern the publicised, unwarranted personal attacks on Judge Thokozile Masipa who recently presided over the criminal trial of Oscar Pistorious. The judicial process wherein a judicial officer is tasked with applying the law to material facts (evidence) resulting in a judgment is a convoluted and intricate process. The integrity of this legal process is further safeguarded by legal remedy for incorrect judgments or rationale in the form of review and appeal proceedings. Consequently, the CGE therefore denounces any scathing criticism of Judge Masipa either on the basis of her race or gender. The CGE calls upon South Africans to be intolerant of the conduct referred to. It is ironic that despite the fact that the trial was finalised in a reasonable time compared to many other cases of a similar nature which may take several years to be concluded, Judge Masipa still found herself at the receiving end of unwarranted personal criticism. It is also ironic that whilst Pistorius was on trial, a similar case that was being heard on appeal in the North Gauteng High Court, i.e. Khubeka vs The State (an appeal). In the Khubeka matter, the accused shot and killed his partner; and after a lengthy legal process, the murder conviction was overturned as a result of lack of evidence from law enforcement agencies. In his ruling the judge said that

the police had not been efficient in their work, and that it is ironic that no resources or money was spared in the high profile matter heard in court in the same division. It is further disconcerting that the Khubeka matter has been in the justice system for over nine years. The contentions in a case such as this one revolve around the slow pace in delivering justice as well as inefficiencies of law enforcement institutions. Co-incidentally, on the same day that Judge Masipa delivered her judgment, there was a case being decided in Butterworth, wherein a young woman had been stabbed to death by her male partner in December 2013. Through the intervention of the CGE and Sonke Gender Justice, the tardy police investigation and the state’s failure to oppose bail at the court a quo win as addressed. Consequently, the matter proceeded to trial wherein a guilty verdict was obtained. The type of action taken and delivery of justice in this case should be applied countrywide, especially in rural areas where communities have limitations in accessing the justice system. There are far more critical issues within the judiciary, which need greater attention and redress in relation to gender based cases that appear in court. It is therefore important that citizens rather become more concerned with the balance in the application of justice in high prof ile cases vis-à-vis, other cases that affect ordinary South Africans. In conclusion, CGE , as a Chapter 9 institution respects the institutions set up by our Constitution, will not in any way interfere with their functioning.



Turn your excess junk into cash Get more out of your metal throwaways with the service of Nigel Scrap Metals. They will take that so called junk out of your hands and give you cash for it. They accept all ferrous and non-ferrous metals including, but not limited to stainless steel, copper, brass, aluminium, lead, insulated wire, nickel etc. They also buy glass and plastic cold drink bottles. Whether you bring the material to them or they collect it, they will surely provide quality and professional services. As an established scrap metal dealer they are able to offer extremely competitive prices

for your scrap metal and cash are given on site. There are always 2 security guards on site to ensure the safety of their clients. Owner James Moodie, says that Nigel Scrap Metals policy has always been to do straight, honest business. All materials are weighed on their premises via SABS approved weighbridge and scales. They pride themselves on excellent service and are always prepared to go the extra mile for their customers. Nigel Scrap Metals are situated on 60 Standard Str. Nigel. Enquiries: James or Martin on 011 814 4962 or James 072 190 9799.

Employees of Nigel Scrap Metals. Back row on the left: James Moodie (owner).

30 September 2014

What is mesotherapy? Mesotherapy. Mesotherapy is a non-surgical method of correction of different aesthetic skin problems. The word “Mesotherapy” comes from the Greek word “meso-”, which means “middle” and “therapeia” – to treat medically. In other words, this is a multiple injection introduction of different pharmaceutical, homeopathic or plant extracts, but also vitamins or microelements, in the derma (skin). Delan Medical Beauty adopts the highly effective non-invasive therapy that will totally change traditional therapies. It adopts the most popular technologies, electrophoresis and water path albumin technology, importing nutriments to the mesoderm directly. Supplementing by lambency and cooling stimulation, it can transport the nutrients to the target tissues and allow it to be absorbed by the skin tissues quickly. That way, it can accelerate the blood circulation and restore flexibility of the skin. This therapy is called Needlefree Mesotherapy. No Needle Mesotherapy Technology replaces the traditional injection (needle and micro needle). It is safe and painless. It has passed FDA, European CE and ISO certif ication. It adapts the latest water electrophoresis technology and water channel protein technology to lead various active ingredients to the mesoderm of skin and it is supplemented with RF stimulation, muscle harmonic and lymphatic drainage, so that it promotes lymph circulation, the body’s metabolism and blood circulation, thus achieving the best cosmetic effect. It appears that Mesotherapy could help for many aesthetic problems: it f ights baldness, removes marks and scars, corrects cellulite, and stops the process of

skin-aging. It works successfully after plastic surgery intervention for faster recovery of the skin of the face and body, after peeling, after laser resurfacing by decreasing the recovery period. It can be wonderfully combined with introduction of hyaluronic acid for wrinkles and all other non-surgical manipulations. By a series of Mesotherapy the skin of the face becomes smooth, it tightens and revitalizes. Skin has new radiance and hydration. It is applied to the face, décolleté, the back of hands and body. Mesotherapy is indispensable for cellulite treatment and body modelling therapies. It provides penetration of active ingredients in the depth of the skin where anti cellulite creams are unable to reach. Except for cellulite elimination, this therapy helps fighting scars, as well as for stretch mark reducing.Active ingredients are deposited directly in the zone of the treated problem, which helps the application of higher concentration of them, by avoiding their systematic action. There are no scars after the therapy, and the pricking itself helps for skin tightening.( The duration of the course is defined by a specialist and is in conformation with the individuality of each patient. The number of the procedures is defined depending on the type of the treated problem and its seriousness, as it could vary from 3 to 15 therapies in an intervals of 1 to 3 weeks. The duration of a therapy is about 45 minutes and it does not require any specific preparation and recovery. Delan Medical Beauty price for 45 min NO needle Mesotherapy is R350-00. See advert on page 7.

30 September 2014


Vier Seisoene Internasionale voorkoms konsultant beskryf humoristies die vier seisoene waardeur ‘n vrou gaan, tydens haar lewe gedurende ‘n VLU dames tee. Heidelberg VLU het hul jaarlikse dames tee aangebied op Donderdag, 11 September by die Kairos gemeente Heidelberg. Die gasspreker Sandra Taljaardt het oud en jonk aan die lag gehad met haar beskrywing van die vier seisoene. Gepaard daarmee gaan die verandering van postuur, voorkoms en kleredrag. Met baie goeie begrip en ervaring het sy haar opinies vrymoediglik gedeel. Die dames kon hieruit ‘n positiewe uitkyk op die lewe geniet. Sy het opwindende raad ten tye van konflik situasies tussen die vrou en haar eggenoot gedeel. Wend ‘n lagie vars lipstiffie aan en glimlag. As dit nie werk nie, trek mooi aan, of trek als uit! Vir diegene wat al gehoor het van “The five love languages” het sy ‘n sesde een bygevoeg, nl. kleredrag. Volgens haar ondervinding loop ‘n man se hart

Nico Moolman en Nelda de Wet.

definitief nie deur sy maag nie, maar deur sy oë. Vrouens moet eerder bepaal in watter stadium van hul lewe hul tans is, en die beste daarvan maak. Begin by die korrekte onderklere, houding, gesigsuitdrukking en sien die mooi in jouself raak. Wanneer jy bekend is met jou postuur en jou gesig se vorm, en leer hoe om jouself mooi aan te trek kan jy altyd ‘n wenner wees. Nico Moolman, ‘n skrywer is tans besig om baie gewildheid te verwerf met sy boeke. Die vrou as sulks is vir hom ‘n inspirasie in sy lewe. “Kuier in ‘n Plaaskombuis” is ‘n bundel wat bestaan uit familie resepte en familie geskiedenis. “Uit Ouma se Uitsetkis” is geïnspireer deur ‘n ou kis wat bestaan uit ou familie kosbaarhede wat beskadig was deur ‘n brand. Die boek “Zij” is ‘n versameling van foto’s en geskiedenis van die vrou vanaf die Boere Oorlog teen die Engelse, tot op hede.

Sandra Taljaardt en haar dogter Sally Froneman.


The true menace on our roads A recent study by a market and opinion firm indicates that 40 percent of South African drivers’ text while driving. “Texting while operating a vehicle is the most dangerous activity, but distracted driving means more than just texting. It’s any activity that takes a person’s attention away from the main task of driving,” says Les Mc Master, Chairman of the Motor Industry Workshop Association (MIWA). We might feel powerless when faced with some of the dangers of South Africa’s roads, but there is something we can all do to protect ourselves and make the roads a little safer: We can make sure we’re not distracted while driving. There are three types of distractions, namely visual, which are when the driver takes their eyes off the road; manual, a task that requires the driver to take their hands off the steering wheel; and cognitive, when the driver’s mind is not focussed on the task at hand. However, texting is the riskiest activity because it is a visual, manual and cognitive diversion which means no attention is being paid to the road. According to the National Roads and Motorists Association, drivers who regularly send text messages spend up to 400 percent more time with their eyes on the phone instead of on the road.

For many of us, our car has become our mobile office. A recent Carte Blanche story on cell phones and driving elicited a strong response from the public, a positive outcome that illustrates on-going education is a key in combatting distracted driving. 5FM DJ Rob Forbes and Carte Blanche responded by creating message alerts and ring tones reminding drivers not to use their phones while driving. These alerts can be downloaded from the Carte Blanche website. Additional tips to ensure safer driving: Don’t read, eat, change clothing or groom yourself while driving. Don’t allow passengers to distract you. Ensure small children are buckled up before departing and if they require attention during the trip, rather pull over to assist them. Don’t let animals roam around the vehicle freely, rather put them in a pet carrier which is properly restrained. Create a playlist with your favourite music so you don’t have to look for songs. Let your friends and family know you will not answer any phone calls or texts while driving. Keep a safe following distance, allowing you time to react if required. Let’s all work together to make our roads a safer place.



30 September 2014

Raw sewerage Groot applous! A time of goodwill Feedback was given by Ekurhuleni Municipality on the article that was placed in the issue of September 16, 2014 page 5 under the heading Pollution. Indeed there was a sewerage blockage that occurred on Mr Dyke’s property and it was attended to on September 2, 2014. At this stage it appears that this was a normal blockage on the main municipal sewer pipe which in turn pushed back into Mr Dyke’s property as his gully is on the lowest point. The team that attended to the sewerage blockage on Tuesday, unfortunately did not clean up the mess in Mr Dyke’s property. The team also should have informed their foreman the following day, again this did not happen. On Friday September 12, 2014 the property and the outside pavement was cleaned of the sewerage that had overflowed there on Tuesday. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience that we caused to Mr Dyke and his family before the clean-up was done. The blockage that happened on Tuesday was not as a result of heavy rains or pumps not working at the purification plant. It is possible that previously during heavy rains the manholes had overflowed or pushed back into Mr Dyke’s gulley. To avoid the occurrence we suggest that Mr Dyke install a sewer non-return valve on the internal sewer pipe before the main municipal sewer pipe.

Twee Afrikaans sprekende dogtertjies gooi die rooi taal tydens ‘n kunswedstryd. Giselle Vermeulen (6 jr) en Esmarie Pieterse (7jr) is albei graad 1 leerlinge verbonde aan Laerskool Tini Vorster. Hulle was die enigste van 108 leerders wat die moed gehad het om ‘n Engelse voordrag aan te bied tydens Die Afrikaanse Kunsvereniging Kunswedstryd op 21 Augustus te Laerskool Pam Brink. Giselle het 88% behaal wat aan haar ‘n A+ simbool besorg en Esmarie het 89% behaal wat ook aan haar ‘n A+ simbool besorg. Hierdie twee brawe en begaafde dogters verdien beslis ‘n groot applous. Knap gedaan.

Heritage Day

The end of 2014 is drawing to an end and times of sharing and caring are approaching us. Sunfield Home Fortuna has actively been caring for special needs people since 1991. Caring is done full time and 24 hours daily, 7 days a week. Basic needs are provided to the residents and that includes social needs, feeding, accommodation and medical care. Sunfield strive to continually provide and upgrade their homely environment in order to assist their residents. Their aim is to promote residents to reach their full potential and be treated with the respect and dignity that they deserve. Sunfield Home Fortuna is a non-profitable organization and do not receive any funding from the government. As constant expenses are necessitated solely rely on sponsorships and donations. The management of Sunfield is requesting the community to please remember the 90 residents at their home. There are 45 residents who do not have a family to care for them. The home relies heavily on the goodwill of the community to support them in improving the quality of life during the festive season. No matter how big or small – any help will be appreciated. Enquiries: Brenda 017 301 8300. Banking details: Sunfield Home Fortuna, FNB Acc: 51590025157, Branch: 270243.

Tuiste hou kermis Ria Alberts (kermis organiseerder) en Chris Engelbrecht (bestuurder van Nigel Tuiste vir Bejaardes).

Employees of Dipaleseng Municipality dressed up in their traditional attire on Tuesday September 23. Employees from different units dressed up outside the Balfour Town Library.

Giselle Vermeulen en Esmarie Pieterse.

C.J.J. STEEL cc. ~ STEEL MERCHANTS ~ Cnr: Grootvlei Rd, and Partridge St, Strubenvale Tel: 011 815 4700/1/2 * Fax: 011 8153088 Stockists of Steel Sections, Rail, email: -





12x12 .... R65.00 16x16 .... R78.00 20X20 ... R72.00 25X25 ... R85.00 ....... R143.00 32X32 ... R134.00 ..... R185.00 38X38 ... R152.00 ..... R231.00 50X50 ... R208.00 ..... R297.00 76X76 ... R308.00 ..... R418.00 100X100 ................... R530.00

20MM .... R64.00 25MM .... R85.00 ....... 32MM .... R115.00 ..... 38MM .... R134.00 ..... 50MM .... R185.00 ..... 76MM .... R276.00 .....

Fibre Glass Sheeting R67.00 p/m




R56.00p/m Cut to size


R217.00 ..... R326.00 R279.00 ..... R425.00



FLAT BAR 6M 12X3 ........ 16x3 ......... 20x3 ......... 20x5 ......... 25x3 ......... 25x5 ......... 30x3 ......... 30x5 ......... 40x3 ......... 40x5 ......... 50x5 .........

R 27.00 R 32.00 R 35.00 R 59.00 R 48.00 R 73.00 R 61.00 R 92.00 R 82.00 R124.00 R152.00

SQ BAR 6M 8MM ......... R56.00 10MM ....... R63.00 12MM ....... R73.00

WINDOW SECTION 6M RT6 ......... RT13 ....... RX7 ......... F7 ............ F4B ..........

R 63.00 R 76.00 R 100.00 R 82.00 R 211.00

ROUND BAR 6M 6MM .......... R18.00 8MM .......... R31.00 10MM ........ R44.00 12MM ........ R63.00


LIP/CHANNEL 75x50x20x2 ............... R217.00 100x75x20x2 ............. R241.00 125x50x20x2 ............. R267.00 150x50x20x2 ............. R293.00

R124.00 R159.00 R185.00 R260.00 R373.00

25x25x3 .................... R 91.00 25x25x5 .................... R141.00 30x30x3 .................... R106.00 30x30x5 .................... R184.00 40x40x3 .................... R141.00 40x40x5 .................... R220.00 25x25x2 .................... R 76.00 30x30x2 .................... R 89.00 40x40x2 .................... R106.00


38x20 .... R128.00 ..... R145.00 38x25 .... R143.00 ..... R161.00 50x25 .... R152.00 ..... R206.00 50x38 .... R198.00 ..... R250.00 76x38 .... R237.00 ..... R318.00 76x50 .... R303.00 ..... R357.00 100X50 ..................... R410.00

75x50x20x2 100x75x20x2




Piping Plante and Tubing


R330.75 R368.36 R407.13 R447.52

2450x1225x1.6 .............................. R486.00 2450x1225x2.0 .............................. R550.00 2450x1225x2.5 .............................. R699.00 2450x1225x3.0 .............................. R848.00 2450x1225x4.0 ........................... R1 210.00 2500x1200x5.0 ........................... R1 490.00 2500x1200x6.0 ........................... R1 700.00


Inwoners van Nigel Tuiste vir Bejaardes tydens die kermis is van links: Bets Pienaar, Bets Du Toit en Maria van Niekerk. Nigel Tuiste vir Bejaardes het hul jaarlikse kermis aangebied op Saterdag 6 September in die tehuis se saal. Hierdie inisiatief is die tehuis se grootste fondsinsamelings projek gedurende die jaar. Tydens die dag word talle snuisterye, eetgoed, handwerk en interessanthede te koop aangebied. Die tehuis het uitstekende ondersteuning vanaf die publiek ontvang. Daar is tot laat middag nog gekuier en gesmul aan heerlike eetgoedjies. Fondse gegenereer tydens die dag gaan aangewend word vir die subsidiëring van losies vir minder bevoorregte inwoners van die tehuis.

Not receiving your Rekord Newspaper every second Tuesday. Contact 011 814 8614.

30 September 2014



Omgewingsbewustheid Nigel CPF joins Tydens die maandelikse byeenkoms gehou op 14 Augustus het Nigel VLU hul kennis oor omgewingsbewustheid verbreed. Anna-Marie Axer het ‘n aanbieding gedoen oor die verskillende tipies besoedeling wat in ons omgewing en ander lande voorkom. Onder andere water, lug, land en geraas besoedeling.

Desiree Human met haar uitstalling oor Herman Charles Bosman.

‘n Bespreking oor die Engelse skrywer van die jaar, Herman Charles Bosman is gelewer deur Desiree Human. Herman is gebore naby Kaapstad in 1905 en het feitlik sy hele lewe in Transvaal gewoon. Hy het sy broer doodgeskiet na ‘n rusie en is die doodstraf opgelê, wat later versag is na 4 jaar gevangene straf. Na sy vrylating in 1930 het Herman as joernalis begin werk en sy bekende “Oom Schalk” stories geskryf. Die verhale is gepubliseer as Mafeking Road in 1947. Herman het ‘n hele rits boeke gepubliseer: “Jacaranda in the Night, Cold Stone Jug (gevangenis memorabilia) en sy vervolgreeks “Voorkamer stories.” Tydens die oggend se verrigtinge het ‘n beoordeling plaasgevind van al die artikels wat die tak gemaak het gedurende April tot en met Julie. Uitslae as volg: Kongres vlak: prik en span kaartjies sowel as masjien gemaakte drasak. Konferensie vlak: droë vrugte lekkers, wildklingel en masjien gemaakte lap hoed. Tak vlak: Poncho (gebrei of gehekel), mikrogolf koek en masjien geborduurde vadoek. Die afgelope tyd het die tak brei- en hekelwerk van blokke ten bate van die Wol Indaba. Die Voortrekker Monument se trappe is met hierdie blokke uitgelê vroeër vanjaar. Nigel VLU kom elke 2de Donderdag om 10:00 bymekaar by die Ou Klubhuis in Balfourweg, Nigel. Navrae Anne-Marie by 082 886 2002.

hands with SAPS Heritage day made special for the elderly at Almac Old Age Home. The Nigel CPF & SAPS celebrated heritage day on Wednesday September 24 in style, with the elderly at the Almac Old age home in Mackenzieville. The purpose behind the project was to bring back joy, laughter and happiness to the lives of the elderly who have contributed so much into making our community what it is today. The elders entertained the SAPS & CPF members with tribal songs and dance, while a tantalising atmosphere was set with the fragrance of food. The cuisine was prepared by the Mr Iqbal Mahomed (sector 2 chairman), Sgt. Dwaba from Nigel SAPS (social crime prevention) and Sgt. Mdlele (social Crime Prevention from Devon SAPS). CPF’s Deputy Chairman Mr Patel sponsored the event.

During the occasion the SAPS and CPF members handed out blankets, scarfs and pillows to the elders at the home. The donations were sponsored by a few Community shops in Nigel. The room f illed with excitement as The Deputy Chairman of the CPF Mr GH Patel and Lieutenant Colonel Thethe handed over a brand new wheelchair to Mrs. Sanah Reuter, which was sponsored by the Nigel Rotary Club. One of the highlights of the day was when the Deputy Chairman of the CPF assisted Mrs. Reuters on to her wheelchair. Mrs. Reuter and Mr Patel both giggled as he took her for a spin in her new wheels. At the end of the day all members were reminded of not only their heritage but of the value of elders in the community and the importance of giving back.

Super 8 deelnemers

Vossie Sprokiesboek Soms in die middel van ‘n doodgewone lewe, gee die lewe jou ‘n kans op jou eie sprokiesverhaal. Laerskool Tini Vorster se speelgroepies het tydens 11 tot 12 September 2014 hul gehoor weggevoer na sprokiesland. Kara en Prins Albie was opsoek na die Rose prinses om sprokiesland te red uit die kloue van die nare muise. Tydens hul tog

het hulle talle karakters op hul pad teëgekom onder andere: Horlosies, Hansie en Grietjie, die 3 beertjies, bye en blomme, Sneeuwitjie en die 7 dwergies en selfs die groen mannetjie Shrek en sy vriende. Tot ontnugtering van Prins Albie is Kara toe al die tyd die Rose Prinses. Die toneelstuk is afgesluit met ‘n huwelikseremonie tussen prins Albie en Kara die Rose Prinses met die sprokieskarakters as hul gaste.

Laer Volkskool se 1ste krieket span het deelgeneem aan die Super 8 te Klerksdorp. Ethan Baird is as speler van die wedstryd aangewys toe hy 102 lopies verower het. Hulle het as wenners uit die stryd getree teen La Hoff. Agter links: Christiaan Vorster, Bennie de Klerk, Zandro Cloete en Philip Lüthje. Middel links: Ruben Windell, Luan Vorster, Dewald Kloppers en Ethan Baird. Voor links: AJ Botha, Armand Marshall, Richard Muller en Paul Steyn.

Ons wil graag vir Christo Roux aan u voorstel. Hy is die nuwe agent in Nigel, Balfour en Grootvlei. Skakel hom gerus vir al jou eiendombehoeftes.

Christo Roux 082 824 7584

Vir alle verhuringsbehoeftes skakel Ingrid 084 822 7996 of Alida 082 456 3254



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30 September 2014

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30 September 2014





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IN VEILIGHEDSKOMPLEKS ‘GOLDEN OLDIE’ RENOVATED GOLDEN OLDIE RUIM SIERSTEENHUIS 2 NICE STANDS OFF 1190m² WITH 2 BEDR FLAT 3 slpk, 2 badk, kuierstoep, braai, 2 slpk, 2 badk, studeer, opwas, 2 4 slpk, 3 badk, leefareas, woon- EACH, R 160 000 PER STAND 4 beds, pool and lapa motorhuise stel, swembad studeerk, 2 motorhuise

HETTIE - 073 653 1496

HELAY 072 848 4003



TERUG IN DIE MARK! 3 slpk, 2 badk, 2 leefareas, 3 motorhuise, braaiarea

BERGSIG R890 000


HETTIE - 073 653 1496 SENTRAAL



PRYS OP AANVRAAG LIEFLIKE FAMILIEHUIS PRYS VERLAAG! NETJIES MET SWEMBAD 3 slpk, 2 badk, woonk, 1 tandem, 3 slpk, 2 badk, 2 leefareas, swem- 4 slpk, 2 badk, sit, eet, woon/ 3 slpk, 2 badk, swembad met ruim kuier area, 2m/huise afdak, buitegeboue, boorgat bad, 2 motorhuise met afdak onthaal, studeer, 2 motorhuise

HELAY - 072 848 4003 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 RENSBURG R850 000

HETTIE- 073 653 1496 HELAY - 072 848 4003


HELAY - 072 848 4003 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HELAY - 072 848 4003 CENTRAL R1 290m

CENTRAL R950 000




HUIS OP DUBBEL ERF HOUSE WITH POOL + FLAT LIEFLIKE MEENTHUIS FAMILY HOME WITH POOL HUIS MET WOONSTEL 3-4 bed, 2 bath, 1 garage, wendy, 3 to 4 beds, 2 baths, 1 garage, 3 slpk, 2 badk, 2 leefareas, stu3 slpk, 2 badk, oop plan sit/eetk, 3 slpk, 2 badk, 2 motorhuise, ruim Ghu HELAY 072 848 alarm wendy, alarm deer, 2 motorhuise 1 motorhuis woonstel, 3 afdakke

HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HELAY 072 848 4003 RENSBURG R825 000



HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HELAY - 072 848 4003 RENSBURG R770 000


HETTIE - 073 653 1496 SENTRAAL


GERIEFLIKE FAMILIEHUIS PRAGTIG! In klein kompleks 4 EENHEDE IN KOMPLEKS LIEFLIKE MEENTHUIS HUIS OP HOEK ERF 3 slpk, 2 badk, sit, eet, studeer, 2 3 splk, 2 badk, oopplan, 2m/ 3 slpk, 2 badk, oopplan, opwas, 1 3 slpk, 2.5 badk, opwas, braai 3 slpk, 2 badk, kombuis met opwas, motorhuise, wendy, huise, tuin motorhuis, parkering area, woonk, 2 m/huise 2 motorhuise

HELAY - 072 848 4003 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HELAY - 072 848 4003 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HELAY - 072 848 4003 VISAGIE PARK R540 000




NIGEL NUUT OP MARK HUIS MET WOONSTEL. PRYS VERLAAG GOEIE KOOP. Prys onderhandelbaar - 3 slpk, Siersteen, 3 Slpk, badk, motorhuis 3 Slpk, 2 badk, motorhuis, mooi 3 Slpk, badk, motorhuis, plus badk, motorhuis, afdak 1slpk woonstel. prys onderhandelbaar. kombuis, sitk, eetk.

NIC 082 746 9295 VISAGIE PARK R695 000


NIC - 082 746 9295 VISAGIE PARK R1.1m

NIC - 082 746 9295 FERRYVALE R430 000

NEW LISTING. PRICE DRASTICALLY DOWN. FACEBRICK WITH POOL. MUST SELL. Superbly renovated, 3 beds, bath, Superb kitchen, spacious living 3 Beds, 2 baths, 2 garages, diner, 3 Beds, bath, kitchen, carport. lovely kitchen, garages. rooms, 1 bed flat lounge, TV-R,nice stoep Make an offer.

NIC - 082 746 9295 FERRYVALE R850 000(neg)

HELAY-072 848 4003 FERRYVALE R900 000

NIC - 082 746 9295 FERRYVALE R1.5m (neg)

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295 FERRYVALE R680 000

NEW ON THE MARKET. Close to Spar-sectional tittle, 2 beds, bath, 2 garages, secured

NIC - 082 746 9295


C/O Somerset & Park Street, Nigel 1 B/R First Floor 1 B/R Ground Level (own garden) A MUST SEE. 2 B/R First Floor NEW RELEASE!!! SUBERB & FULL TITTLE. 3 Beds, 2 baths, garage, living 2 Beds, 2 baths, 2 garages, lovely 3 Beds, 2 baths, 4 garages, 4 2 B/R Duplex carports, pool, much more 2 B/R Ground Level (own garden) room, kitchen, diner. kitchen NIC - 082 746 9295 NIC - 082 746 9295 NIC - 082 746 9295 FERRYVALE R1.750 000

EXT II R1.5m

EXT II R1.3m (neg)

FOR THE ENTERTAINER. LOOK HERE.1x3Bedroom FOR THE FAMILY 3 Beds, 2 baths, 2c/ports, 2 garages, house+1x3 bed flat+ 1x2 bed flat 3 Beds, 2 baths, 2 garages, braai huge lapa, pool, 2 beds flat + bachelor stoep, kitchen

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295

* * * * * * *

R390 000 R400 000 R420 000 R430 000 R430 000

Cash power Own lock-upgarage spaciousgarden R8000 back on registration Terms & conditions apply Very secure Good investment

CONTACT NIC - 082 746 9295


PAYROLL SOLUTIONS We offer complete affordable payroll solutions for your business. Contact Marta 079 791 9694 or Regina 072 570 2246 BUILDERS/BUILDING BOUERS/BOUWERK

BOUWERK Alle bouwerk en aanbouings. Bou van Nuwe Huise en Woonstelle (Granny Flats). Seel & verf van dakke Skakel Gerald 083 384 9599


NOAH’S ARK PET SHOP: Voëls, voëlsaad, hokke, visse, viskos, akwariums. Hondekos Montego, Jock (3 in 1) ens. AviPlus. Bearded dragons, hamsters, krieke, meel wurms, honde-hokke, honde jassies en bedjies. Honde, katte en hasies. Kaarte welkom. Dae oop per week 9:00 - 17:00 Naweke en vakansie-dae 09:00 - 16:00. Tel: 011 814-4514. Noordstraat 132, Nigel.



LAUNDRY MATE Laundry-Mate Spring cleaning special is on! Bring all your linen e.g. Blankets, Comforters, Duvet, Covers, etc. for a professional wash to us. We will give YOU, a 10% discount during September - November on linen to celebrate Spring 2014. 011 814-3597/0725114366

SMART KITCHENS & HOME IMPROVEMENTS For 3D Designer Kitchens or kitchen revamps, BIC, Bathr, Vanities, Wall to Wall Carpets and Laminated Flooring. No compromise on Quality and Service. Free Quotations. Phone Andre at 016 349 5052 or 082 738 1441

R&I TYRES & MAGS Vinnige & goeie diens. Navrae - Ivan of Darren - die manne weet waarvan hul praat. Groot verskeidenheid MAGS

011-740-0477/011-744-3544 699 Voortrekkerstr, Brakpan


RUMOURS RESTAURANT: For professional catering of all events. Weddings, Parties, Spitbraais, Platters and Potjies. Nothing too big or small. Your venue or ours. Phone Piet at 011 814 1428 / 072 470 2187. TO HIRE: Cutlery, crockery, large selection of table cloths, overlays, tables and chairs etc. Sonnette 082 926 1515

A & ALLY WENDY’S 2X2 - R3 000. 2.4X2.4 - R3 500. 3X3 - R4 000. 3X4 - R4 700. Any size available from treated pallet wood. Floor, roof, door all included. 10 Years garanteed. Contact Ally 072 928 1724. AA ALERT WENDY’S 2X2 - R2 700. 3X3 - R3 500. 3X4 - R4 200. 3 X 6 R8 000. Any size available made from treated pallet wood. 10 Years garanteed. Contact JERRY 078 397 5045or 061 680 2650. ACON WENDY’S 2X2 - R2 700. 3X3 R3 500. 3X4 - R4 200. 3 X 6 R8 000. Any size available made from treated pallet wood including one door one window.. 10 Years garanteed. Big or small we do any size. Contact CAPTAIN 072 5051 739. POOLS & LAPA’S JOHANES POOLS & THATCH. Specials 4 this month. 5 x 4 pool + 5 x 5 lapa R33 000. 6 x 4 pool + 6 x 5 lapa R37 000. 4 x 3 pool + 6 x 4 lapa R28 000. Contact Johanes 079 833 1501. FOR SALE / TE KOOP

BRIDAL / BRUIDE Wedding World Springs 011 811 5776/ 083 280 4584. Skitter in die rok van jou drome! Bring idee of prentjie vir asemrowende skeppings deur Elize – ontvanger van internasionale ontwerper toekenning (Parys, Frankryk) vir kreatiewe styl. Koop, huur of kies uit ons groot verskeidenheid elegante trou & aandrokke. Manspakke, hemde, dasse en onderbaadjies te huur. Redelike pryse. Professionele vriendelike diens. H/v 3de straat en 3de laan Geduld, Springs. VACANCIES / VAKATURES Admin/Clerical. Position available in assisting with general admin/ cash up/ data capturing, etc. Experience required. Heidelberg Gauteng region. Email CV’s to” SPRINGS - Afrikaanse bediende. 30-40 jaar oud. Nie-roker. Voltyds. Inslaap. Een keer per maand huistoe. Goeie gesondheid. Verskaf verwysing. Begin salaris - R1 500,00, 2 etes ingesluit & bonus jaarliks. As jy kan kook is dit tot jou voordeel. Stuur sms na 0836622748 met jou naam, verwysing en ‘n foto. Ek sal jou bel.


Antiques - oudhede. Ons koop, verkoop en restoureer meubels. Groot verskeidenheid nou beskikbaar. Kom loer gerus in. Skakel ons by 016 349 2175 of Wena 082 785 9108

FURNITURE / MEUBELS SUPER MEUBELS, 42 SCHOEMANSTR, HEIDELBERG, 016-341-4445 Maters, oorbelle & hangertjies R10, kant vir die naaldwerktannies, vhs videos vir kiddies, lekker lees boeke vir die boekwurms. Manne ons het kiep- en skepnette. Baie vir die tuisteskeppers. Iets wat vergelyk met meubels uit Oupa & Ouma se dae. Nuwe beddens van Qualtity Bedding beskikbaar, groot verskeidenheid voorraad te kies en te keur - SuperGroete



STORAGE UNITS. Eight x 21 square meter storage units to let at 2 Station Road Nigel. Very secure with CCTV and security lights with security guard on site. Phone Anne 011 814 7110 during office hours.

Ninos Coffee shop new franchise store for sale

Restaurant staff required

New Nino’s franchise coffee shop for sale in the new Heidelberg Mall scheduled opening date is mid October. A steal for this sought after brand at R1,650,000. Please contact me for more info. Troy Maidwell - 082-572-9184 or

Leading Franchisee brand looking for dynamic self driven experienced staff for new store opening in Heildeburg to fill in all restaurant positions Junior Manager,Kitchen, Bar and Waiters. To commence intense training programme asap. Matric and fluent in English a minimum requirement. Send CV to or Fax to 011 3397837 tel: 011 3397856 contact:Nolufefe Soga


Mental maths


Matrix Warehouse Nigel. For all your computer requirements. 011 814 2156 Swimming lessons. A gift for life. Make a splash with Swimming Sensations. Indoor heated pool, water aerobics and swimming lessons from 2 years. Magda 082 357 TO RENT / TE HUUR 2595. LEARN TO SWIM. Swimming lessons for children from 2 years. Give your child the opportunity to learn to swim in a safe and friendly environment. Classes are small, limited space. So dont delay call today. Nadine 084 626 6025.

AA MEETING HEIDELBERG Thursday 7PM @ Heidelberg Methodist Church, 59 Strydom, Street. Tuesday 6PM Cornerstone Church, 38 Zuid Street. If you think you have a DRINKING or DRUG problem. Please come listen to the testimonies of sober recovered alcoholics and drug addicts. Contact Skipper Smith 074 687 2432.

Kontak Ingrid 084 822 7996

Teeny Weeny deadlines every second Thursday 12h00. Contact Jenetta to book your teenies @ 011 814 8614.

Jordan Harvey en Michael de Beer twee Gr 3 leerders van Laer Volkskool het aan die “Mental Maths” uitdaging op Streeksvlak te Laerskool Milton deelgeneem . Hulle is uitgenooi om aan die Distrik kompetisie deel te neem wat plaasvind gedurende 1 Oktober 2014 te Destinata.

30 September 2014



Bokkie week

Agter links: Wian Wiersma, MG Joubert en Tiaan Pretorius. Voor links: Hugo bester Rubin Jordaan en Jeandray Muller. Ywerige krieketspelers van Laerskool AG Visser het aan proewe by die NWU binnehuis krieket fasiliteite te Vanderbijlpark deelgeneem. Hulle is gekies om die 0/13 Vaaldriehoekspan te verteenwoordig in toernooie vanaf 8-11 Oktober te Vereeniging.

ACE AUTO SCRAPYARD 011 811 5855 Springs Opp. Fire Station

Skitterende spel D.F. AIRCON Mobile Automotive Aircon & Refrigeration Repairs. Aircon Repairs to Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Mining equipment, combines “Stroopers”. Daniel 082 348 4499 All work guaranteed 25 Scarborough Rd Ferryvale Nigel

Tel: 011 814 7289 Cell: 082 256 6320

Netbal spelers van Hoërskool John Vorster wys hul staal tydens die D5 liga. Die 0/16 netbal span het die D5 liga gewen tydens proewe gespeel. Hulle afrigter Me Amelia Roets het hulle gedurende seisoen gemotiveer. Agter Alicia Britz, Maryke Roets, Carmen Pienaar, Juanita Geyser, Natasha Strydom, Presious Kgano, Zindle Ghama, Anita Deminey en Natasha Strydom.

Marisca Dyke, Brenda Beattie (afwesig), Burnice Swart, Meggan van der Sandt, Zama Mkhize, Nikita Scharneck (afwesig), Xhanté Victor en Hendriette Breytenbach. Die 0/17 spelers het tydens die uitspeel wedstryd naelskraap verloor teenoor Hoërskool Brandwag.

FIREARM TRAINING 79 Second Street, SPRINGS TEL: (011) 812-2531 Gawie 083 461 3659

Mon. - Sat. 8:00 - 19:00

‘n Bars hou 0/11 A netbal dogters van Laer Volkskool is: Agter links: Danielle Verwoerd, Chrisanne Strydom en Jana du Plessis. Middel links: Janca Fouché, Celine Oosthuizen en Mica Cronje. Voor links: Zilke Hoffeldt, Shana Griessel en Yuka Beukes. Die span het hul skool se naam in ere gehou tydens die Gauteng kampioenskappe. Die geleentheid het by Tukkies in Pretoria plaasgevind. Hulle het kragte gemeet teen Henopspark, Roodekranz, Randhart, Elspark, WierdaPark en Fonteinebleau. Die span behaal 5de plek in die liga.



Go Bullets!

Bullets in action. On September 13 the Bullets played a match against the unbeaten Benoni Grizzlie’s. The Bullets lost the match with 12-5. The Bullets beating Elsburg Eagles 320 on a rugby day presented in Elspark. The Bullets registered 2 teams for the first time in Pirates rugby club annual Sevens Day. Both teams did very well and showed character and pride and competed to their maximum potential. The Bullets Orange team, that were primarily all the forwards, played 5 games and won 2 during the day. The Bullets Blue team were unbeaten after the pool stages and progressed to the semi-finals. They lost narrowly against Benoni Grizzlies to come second overall out of 12 teams. The coaching members thanks all the players and parents for their commitment and are confident that they are succeeding in their goals.

Plaaslike 4x4 entoesias het geen keer aan haar nie en palm die pryse een vir een in. Tydens die Bosveld Rally aangebied op Saterdag 30 Augustus te Brits het Cindy van der Westhuizen die pretdag aangedurf. Die roete het begin deur verskeie plaas paaie. Daarna het hulle die modderagtige hindernisse baas geraak. Cindy het weer koning gekraai tydens die byeenkoms en met die 1ste plek weggestap. Op Saterdag 20 September het Cindy die tog aangepak na die Pitbull 4WD Series gehou te Rustenburg. Hier het hulle 13 hindernisse kaf gedraf in ‘n baie mooi omgewing. Natuurlike hobbels, gate en baie sand was op die roete. Verskeie voertuie het gerol op die vreeslike steil opdraandes. Nie te min het Cindy met die loure weg gestap nadat sy eerste plek behaal het. Alle fondse gegenereer gedurende hierdie byeenkoms was ten bate van ‘n kinderhuis gestasioneer in Rustenburg.

30 September 2014

Cindy kraai koning

Cindy van der Westhuizen met haar rooi Pajero.

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