Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

Page 1

31 March 2015

VOL 11 NO 6


Ballonne van hoop Laerskool Tini Vorster se liefdadigheidsprojek vir 2015 gaan ten bate van Jolize Endres, ‘n graad 5 leerling van hul skool. Jolize is gediagnoseer met 2 soorte sarcoma kanker wat baie seldsaam is. Daar is slegs 53 van die gevalle in die wêreld aangemeld. Die familie beskik nie oor ‘n mediese fonds nie. Die skool het besluit om verskeie projekte te loods om fondse en voorraad in te samel om Jolize te ondersteun. Die eerste projek wat geloods is was die ballon vrystellings projek wat op 23 Maart plaasgevind het. Die skool het ballonne opgestuur met boodskappe van hoop. Elke Vossie het ‘n R10 donasie

Jolize Endres, graad 5 leerling van Laerskool Tini Vorster, langs mnr Charles Naude, tydens die skool se ballon vrystellings projek.

bygedra. Agt honderd ballonne is geborg vir die geleentheid. Jolize het reeds op 26 Maart vir haar 2de chemo behandeling gegaan. Dir was voorwaar ‘n mooi gesig om te aanskou toe al die pienk ballonne losgelaat is. Dis was ook vir die Vossies ‘n baie opwindende ondervinding en verbasende uitdrukkings is waargeneem terwyl die aksie uitgevoer is. Hierdie projek se fondse word deur die skool bestuur. Alle administrasie word vanaf die skool gedoen na gelang van Jolize en haar gesin se behoeftes, Die publiek wat graag betrokke wil raak kan met die skool skakel.



Time to update From the desk of Rev Ray Goddess

Happy Easter!

I am assuming that most people have a smart phone in this modern age and if you have you will know that every now and again you get a message on your phone to

update the applications installed on your phone. As I pushed “update all” (I prefer to be in control and do not allow the phone to

Genesende olies immuunsisteem. Kassie se betekenis is om die kop te buig of om af te stroop. In antieke gebruik was dit ook deel van die Heilige salfolie vir die priesters teen bakterie en virusse. Dit is ‘n plant wat gebruik word in moderne tye as ondersteuning aan die immuunsisteem. Mirre beteken bitter. ‘n Boom wat 9 meter hoog groei se gom loop uit en verhard as die bas gesny word. Hierdie gom is rooibruin van kleur en smaak bitter. Mirre was die mees populêre olie van die Bybel. Mirre is een van die olies, waarmee Jesus gebalsem is, wat verwys na die sterf-aandie-self. Mirre was aan Christus gegee by Sy geboorte as geskenk en so ook aan die kruis. Mirte in Hebreeus beteken Hadassa of weggesteekte. Die antieke gebruik van die mirte blom was tradisioneel aan die bruid gegee. Vir moderne gebruik word dit vir die behandeling van die tiroïd klier en vir algemene hormoon balans aangewend. Nardus in Hebreeus beteken lig en in Grieks egte en betroubare. Antieke gebruike hiervan was parfuum, medisyne en veltonikum. Dit was ook die laaste olie waarmee Jesus gesalf was deur Maria in Johannes 12. Olyfolie het ‘n profetiese betekenis wat die Heilige Gees en Eenheid simboliseer. Getsemane beteken “oil press.” Olyfolie was gebruik vir lig in die tabernakel, tempel en in huise asook om mee te kook. Roos van Saron in Hebreeuse beteken roos. In Hooglied 2:1 lees ons van die plant en dit het op die Saronpleine gegroei. Profeties gebruik staan dit vir skoonheid en oorvloed. Die skoonheid wat uniek is aan elke mens, met die doel om God te verheerlik. Die roos groei in oorvloed in die woestyn. Hierdie blom het net God se voorsiening nodig. Hiedie is slegs ‘n paar van die interessante olies en hul betekenis. Dit was werklik ‘n leersame en insiggewende Abrie Pieterse en Nia Stander van Born2Care saam praaitjie. Eunice van der Merwe.

Eunice van der Merwe van Myrrh Ministries het Born 2 Care Nigel besoek en kom praat oor die olies in die Bybel en die betekenis daarvan. Waarom dan verskillende olies? Die Bybel is vir ons die bron waaruit ons sien dat selfs God in die Heilige salfolie, verskillende olies gemeng het. Die olies was vir verskeie redes gebruik. Het jy geweet? Aalwyn se profetiese gebruik wys op om te wag en gehoorsaamheid. Die antieke gebruik was vir balsem proses. Toonbeeld van Jesus. Galbanum se antieke gebruik was om insekte en selfs reptiele te verjaag, ook gebruik as medisinaal vir pynverdowing. Vandag word dit ook medisinaal gebruik vir absesse, aknee, asma ens. Granaat se betekenis is om verhoog te word. Die profetiese gebruik is liefde, deurbraak, vrugbaarheid en geregtigheid. Die granaat was ook een van die 7 dinge wat die verspieders teruggebring het uit die beloofde land. Granaatjies was ook, in opdrag van God, aan die priester se kleed, tussen die klokkies, gewerk. Kaneel beteken om regop te staan. Die antieke gebruik was vir gebruik teen bakteriee en virusse. Die priesters was so beskerm omdat hul met die karkasse van geofferde diere moes werk. Moderne gebruik gee die olie ondersteuning aan die



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31 MARCH 2015 update automatically) I suddenly wondered when last I had done an update on myself? As I thought about this I wondered how often God had called for an update but I had just ignored the request. Here are some things to think about. Is your life on auto-update and you do not even realize that you have been “updated” and life just goes on? There is a big danger of living this way in the modern world as we find that we suddenly find ourselves doing things that we did not do before. An example of this is the “update” of movies that we should not look at. Life “updates” us and we begin to accept that just about all movies are cool and we find ourselves watching movies that we know will have an effect on us, our family and definitely on how we act. The net result of this type of update is that we suddenly realize that we are not as close to God as we used to be and our priorities in life are not right. All of a sudden we realize that the world comes first, our fun and new-found autoupdates comes second, hopefully our family fits in somewhere and lastly we try to squeeze God into a small gap that is left over. The second thought is this. In your life is “update” turned off. The danger with this mode of life is that we get stuck with tradition in our lives and the revelation of Jesus to renew our lives never seems to happen. These folk seem to turn away from the new living Jesus and remain focussed on the old boring life of tradition. Jesus warns that tradition tends to keep us away from God and that tradition runs the risk of becoming between us and God. Now I am not saying that we have to accept the way that some folk distort the Bible and Biblical truth – what I am saying that by sticking to tradition we limit the Holy Spirit and His movement in ourselves and the world. Lastly I ask if your life has update switched on and every now and again you look at the updates available. This in my mind is the ideal. We then delete or ignore the updates that are going to become negative influences in our lives (this needs to happen BEFORE they become a problem). When we see updates from God that reveal the work of the Holy Spirit and allow Jesus to work in our lives and the lives of those around us we immediately push the “update now” button and allow God to do what God needs to do in our lives. I guess the bottom line is that we have control over our lives and what we do with the updates has consequences – make sure that you update regularly and correctly allowing God to be God.

267 SKAKEL 083 6198 267 6198


31 MARCH 2015



Burglaries & assaults Desperate Getting out of hand expanding daily Hundreds of children are going to school hungry, exhausted and poorly clothed because their parents are so strapped for cash. There has been an increase in the number of pupils turning up to school without having eaten breakfast or the night before. None of this is because the parents are lacking in parental skills as they have no budget to rely on or earn so little, it is a daily struggle just to keep a roof over their children’s heads, with living expenses going up and jobs getting cut on a regular basis. Children get teased and bullied for not wearing the correct uniform and not having the necessary school needs. That is why Helping Sa will be helping these children and their families with food parcels, furniture, clothing and whatever they may need we will also be assisting in helping to find the parents employment. It cost us +/- R1500 per month per family for their food parcel, that is why we rely on the public for donations so that we can be able to do this. Call Helping SA on 081 703 6774.

Readers are urged to be exceedingly observant and to refrain from accessing targeted areas alone. Most crimes reported are robbery with and without firearms. Report all suspicious activities and persons to the police and remain safe. Be aware of your surroundings when using your cell phone “snatch and grab” is becoming more common. Motorists must refrain from stopping along the R550 road unnecessarily. Avoid stopping in the dark and in deserted areas. Murders and assaults are occurring generally, and on a daily basis. Citizens are being targeted by groups of men exceeding 3 in number. Assaults and murders are predominantly over weekends and during the late hours of the night. Burglaries during the weekdays take place while people are at work. Theft of motor vehicles are generally during the late hours of the night to the early hours of the morning. We are urging the community to act responsibly and be aware so that they can be vigilant in protecting themselves and others. Report suspicious and out of the ordinary to the police so that it may be investigated. The SAPS urge our community to assist us in the fight against crime. Please don’t be heroic and act JJC against criminals, it Kruger & may cost you your Vennote life. Let us ensure, by Springs Parkland Kliniek working together, Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172 that we have a safer Drie Riviere - Vereeniging community for all. Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Let us stand up Drie Riviere, Vereeniging against these (By River Square kruising 016 423 3553 criminals! GEHOORSENTRUM

Four taxi drivers without valid documentation stole sedans and used it as local taxis, without number plates that don’t correspond with engine numbers. Another issue that needs to be addressed is the problem of taverns operating without permits and allowing patrons to drink at the premises resulting in a major problem for law abiding citizens in Duduza. This prompted the conducting of joint operations by EMPD and SAPS members on a weekly basis with the objective of gradually alleviating the problems until they are eradicated. The special operations commenced in February. Hence to date, a total of eighteen taxis have been impounded, fifty-six arrests for public drinking, nine nabbed for possession of narcotics, twenty-one drivers apprehended for driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor, numerous stern warning notices to taverns not adhering to the conditions of their permits. In addition, more than two hundred citations were issued for various offences pertaining to invalid documentation and violations. These special combined operations will continue to be conducted weekly until concrete results are obtained.


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31 MARCH 2015

Prevent Love is ... fire The City of Ekurhuleni is home to about 119 informal settlements and in the past eight months, close to 250 shack dwellers have been left destitute due to shack fires. As weather temperatures drops drastically low, a sign that winter is fast approaching, the dread of shack f ires is a looming reality. The City of Ekurhuleni is however, gearing up to prevent shack f ires and loss of innocent lives this winter. The Disaster and Emergency services off icials visited one of the vulnerable informal settlements in Springs to equip

them on how to prevent shack fires and what actions to take in the event of such a disaster. They demonstrated how a candle, paraffin stove or braziers left unattended can quickly burn a shack to ashes and claim many lives. “Our call log register reflects that residents call the SAPS number instead of directly calling the emergency services. There is a lot of time lost between the period that SAPS diverts the call to our call center, which impacts negatively on the arrival time to a scene,” Ekurhuleni Spokesperson Themba Gadebe explains.

Nini se Dagsorg

Happy Easter!

“Dankie Jesus wat Jy vir elkeen van ons gedoen het, en nog gaan doen!”

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John 3:16 “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. (NLT) In modern English, the word ‘love’ can be utilized in a multitude of contexts, all denoting a different kind of emotion – we ‘love’ chocolates, our pets, our spouse, our children, our favourite sport or actor, etc. Sadly the fact that the word ‘love’ is a verb, rather than an adjective that describes a warm, fuzzy feeling, often gets lost in translation. The Greek word ‘agape’ that we translate as ‘love’ speaks of responsibility and action rather than simply emotion. God’s love, the love spoken of in the Bible, does not refer to an emotional ebb that comes and goes. Love is God’s state of being, it is who He is and what He does. In John 3:16 the Bible teaches us that the way God loved us, was to give His Son as the ultimate sacrifice that would redeem humanity. The Father’s every word and action is motivated and driven by unadulterated love. In 1 Corinthians 13:2-3 the Apostle Paul, makes it very clear that good, normally admirable or even heroic actions born from a loveless heart is nothing but a loud noise – an irritant that drives people away! God’s unconditional, pure love for humanity forms the foundation of Christianity. Because God is a God of love, everything about Him is f irst and foremost about intimacy, relationship and relational restoration. It was His unfathomable love for humanity as a whole that made the cross of Jesus imperative. Jesus died because the Father wanted restoration of our relationship with Him and with others. As God’s children, our identity is found in nothing but the fact that we are in relationship of love and intimacy with the One who made us. Apart from this foundational relationship with God, we become confused about who we are and then, in a desperate attempt to be somebody we often try to find worth and self-definition in things other than God. When this happens we start striving for self-promotion by elevating ourselves and what we perceive to be special and unique in us in order to aff irm our value and identity.

1 Corinthians 12 however makes it very clear that our identity cannot be found in a gift or a talent – although diverse, all spiritual gifts are given by the Holy Spirit through no doing of our own. The Bible teaches that we are to be know by our fruit (Matthew 7:17) and not by our gifts. Gifting is never more important than character. When we are in relationship with the Lord, we don’t have to promote ourselves in order to be noticed. As God’s children we embrace the nature and character of Christ and so become exactly who we are supposed to be as we engage in relationship with Him. This eradicates all need to emphasize uniqueness or to pursue individuality. We are free to unite and work together as one body under the guidance of the same Spirit for the advancement of the Kingdom (Romans 12:4-1). Since we worship the Giver of the gifts rather than the gifts our gifting can never be the foundation of our identity. Instead it becomes a tool to fulfill our very unique and significant function in service to the body as a whole – loving and serving in action. Even though gifts are a great blessing from God, it ends up being redundant and worthless in the absence of love. When we flow in genuine love for others, we are empowered and inspired to do all the right things with the right motive – simply to publicly display the heart of God for people. Anything short of this, any good act that comes with a hidden agenda is nothing but a loud noise. Human nature dictates selfishness, even in the way we love. The Bible teaches selfless love, love that expects nothing in return. The question then stands: How do you love? Is it the selfless love that put Jesus on the cross, the kind of love that compelled Paul to commit that he would gladly give up anything that could hinder anybody in their walk with the Lord (1 Corinthians 8:1)? Or is it a love of self that seeks personal gratification and promotion? Join us this week as make sure to align our hearts yet again with that of our Father so that who He is, can be evident in how we are – loving Him and loving others with no attempt to promote ourselves or what we want.

31 MARCH 2015



Substitutes metal thieves favourite The risk Ekurhuleni children falling into manholes is quickly becoming a thing of the past as Ekurhuleni rolls out the branded orange plastic manhole covers, replacing the theft-prone metal covers. The replacement of old cast-iron covers is one of the municipality’s efforts to curb vandalism and theft of manhole covers. “The new plastic covers do not have the monetary value that the metal thieves are looking for and we believe it is a ground breaking intervention to put an end to this malicious crime. Of great value to the residents is the reduction of the risk of falling into the manholes,” Ekurhuleni Spokesperson, Themba Gadebe said. The new manhole covers, Gadebe added, will also go a long way in decreasing the number of overflowing sewers which are mainly caused by foreign objects being dumped into open manholes. Furthermore, a task team has been set up to visit scrap yards across Ekurhuleni in search of any cast iron manhole covers and other municipal owned property that were traded for money. In cases where scrap yards are found in possession of council owned items, a charge of theft will be laid against the owners of the company. The municipality must be able to prove that the items are council property. The City encourages residents to continue reporting missing manhole covers and any

suspicious or illegal activity to the call centre on 0860 54 3000.

The new branded orange plastic manhole covers.

Corrupt Councillors of the EMM. We are trusting yourself and voted for you to fight fraud and corruption in the Metro of Ekurhuleni and this is how senior officials are undermining the Metro in fighting fraud and corruption. The senior members of the ANC is not interested in fighting fraud in this Metro, corrupt off icials are protected because they will bring MMC’s and senior officials of the Metro and the ANC down if the Metro proceeds in prosecuting officials involved in fraud and corruption. I am a Christian and can’t keep on looking the other way when poor people’s monies are wasted and stolen. The time has come to play open cards and I will forward this to the off ice of the Premier, President Zuma, The office of Helen Zille and crime watch as well as all the newspapers in South Africa. I am sending this to you because it is well known that you are the few councillors in Ekurhuleni that is trying in making a difference to the lives of our people. I get the feeling that you are all undermined and are starting to lose the fight against fraud and corruption and this is why I am

empowering you and the public with this information. May God protect and support you in bringing the sinners and corrupt people down in Ekurhuleni. Concerned Resident

kickboxing classes Sensei Ivan – 079 878 7408 Sensei Wessel – 071 325 6738 Where: Italian Club Nigel When: Tuesdays and Thursdays Monthly costs: R200 a month Times: 18:30 until 20:00

Must be 7 years and older



31 MARCH 2015

Areas - Nigel – Vorsterskroon, Alra Park, Mackenzie Ville. Heidelberg – Rensburg, Bergsig, Overkruin, Jordaan Park, Shallimar Ridge · Balfour - Dunnottar - Sharon Park - Selcourt

VIEW ONLINE @ KEEP US UPDATED The focus is on you, our readers. Tell us your story. We are your world of information. We would like to hear from you! Have you got any news, views, moans or groans? Or any interesting hobbies and sport achievements? Entertainment events that we should know about? Contact us!

Join our team vacancies for JOURNALIST Vacancy exist for journalist with the following qualifications: Excellent writing skills in both Afrikaans and English. Computer literate and ability to work with people. Own transport and willing to work after hours and weekends if necessary.

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Read the paper online from page 1 to 16. go to The last 6 issues of Rekord Newspaper are available on the web. So if you did miss a copy read it online. The Rekord Newspaper is a free local newspaper distributed twice each month with a readership of more than 85 000 per issue. We have readership in all groups and all ages. News coverage is done in both Afrikaans and English. Distribution take place on a Tuesday fortnightly. A total of 16 000 copies are distributed from door-to-door in business and residential areas. Full page size 380mm x 264mm, column width 8 columns. Booking deadline for advertisements is the Tuesday before print date. Material deadline Thursdays, 16h00 before print date.

31 MARCH 2015


Expert visits Heidelberg A awesome group of ladies and children from the Protea and Heide branches, Heidelberg of the South African Cake Decorators Guild meet once a month every second Friday and Saturday. The Heide branch is known as the kiddies guild. The children meet on the Friday afternoon at 14:00 at the Crime Stop lapa, where they learn more about the basic cake decorating skills and techniques by Marnette Eva. They make various items that any child would love to have at any birthday party. This year they have made frogs, valentine cookies and easter bunnies. The next children meeting will be on April 10 at 14:00 at Crime Stop. The Protea branch is for the matured ladies which meet on a Saturday morning at Crime Stop. At this event they do demo or work classes. At the previous meeting Eleanor Casey, the well known Royal icing expert, teacher and judge shared her “tricks of the trade” with the ladies. The next meeting will be on April 11 at 9:00 at Crime Stop. Ladies please remember that you don’t need to be an expert in this field, all the members are willing to share and teach. Come, bring a friend the “bug will bite” and you will be “hooked”. Should you have any queries contact Marnette on 076 861 254.

Some of the items the ladies decorated at the previous meeting.

don amare

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Be there! The plague of substance abuse is real within our communities no matter how much we choose to ignore it. We as the Ministry Against Drugs have decided that we will not sit back and watch not just the youth but adults too die at the hands of addiction. We invite you to join hands with us as we believe that the issue of substance abuse affects us all directly or indirectly and it’s time to unite and take a stand. Our communities are also being filled with criminals who distribute illegal substances, thus polluting the hope of a better future for all. We will not allow such people to prosper, we ask your support in this mission. This event will take place on April 4, starting at 08:00 until 14:00. There will be a walk from Jim Fouche Stadium through to the Nigel CBD and back to the stadium where a series of events will take place (Map will be provided on the day of event). These events consist of entertainment by musicians, flea market, sharing of testimonies by recovering drug addicts and a sermon by Pastor Derick Matthews of Freedom Recovery Centre. As part of our fund raising initiative, a fee of R10 per person participating will be charged. All FRC residents parents may arrive to the centre and depart from FRC to the venue, although only selected residents will be allowed to take part as per the MDT’s discretion. If you wish to make any donations towards our organization contact Keo Sebego, Project Manager at 078 395 1524.

Asemrowende skeppings Jaarliks vind die VLU Konferensie vir die Goue Suide Streek in Maart plaas. Daar word vooraf bepaal watter items vir die kompetisie ingehandig moet word. Gedurende die jaar vind daar beoordeling plaas van al die voltooide items.

Tydens die konferensie word elke tak se items ingehandig om weer beoordeel te word. Die wenners wat hier aangewys word se artikels gaan meeding tydens die kongres wat in September te Meulstroom aangebied word. Maart maand se wenner is Nelda de Wet, voorsitster van die Heidelberg VLU Tak. Nelda is ook verkies tot die streeks visie-voorsitster. Coert Grobbelaar, bekende tenoor het as gaskunstenaar by die geleentheid opgetree. Coert het van sy opleiding in Switzerland ontvang. Hy het die dames

vermaak met pragtige Afrikaanse musiek waaronder die gunsteling “Ballade vir ‘n Enkeling” was. Die tema van die konferensie was lewensvreugde en Coert het vertel hoe hy tot die diep insig gekom het oor wat lewensvreugde vir hom beteken. Hy vertel hoe hy tydens sy besoek aan Switzerland depressief gevoel het as gevolg van die aanhoudende sneeu en verlang het na sy tuiste die sonnige Suid Afrika. Die keuse wat hy gemaak het om eerder lewensvreugde te besit, as om die hoogste sport in sy beroep te bereik, het die rigting van sy lewe total verander.

Elda du Toit, skakelbeampte saam Coert Grobbelaar.

Nelda de Wet (Voorsitster) by haar blommerangskikking.

Vanda van Niekerk (Vise-voorsitster) by haar unieke blommerangskikking.

Let your putt be part of the change

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R 63.00 R 76.00 R 100.00 R 82.00 R 211.00

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25x25x3 .................... R 91.00 25x25x5 .................... R141.00 30x30x3 .................... R106.00 30x30x5 .................... R184.00 40x40x3 .................... R141.00 40x40x5 .................... R220.00 25x25x2 .................... R 76.00 30x30x2 .................... R 89.00 40x40x2 .................... R106.00


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75x50x20x2 100x75x20x2





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31 MARCH 2015

2450x1225x1.6 .............................. R486.00 2450x1225x2.0 .............................. R550.00 2450x1225x2.5 .............................. R699.00 2450x1225x3.0 .............................. R848.00 2450x1225x4.0 ........................... R1 210.00 2500x1200x5.0 ........................... R1 490.00 2500x1200x6.0 ........................... R1 700.00


Have you ever wondered how you can make a difference in the lives of people less fortunate than yourself, but don’t know where to start? Then Putt for Change is for you! Through this new initiative, three quick golf putts can make a difference in the lives of people living with multiple disabilities and autism. It will also put you in line to win a brand new Porsche Cayman. Putt for Change consists of a professionally designed Mobile Putting green which will be exhibited at major events, golf clubs, shopping malls, festivals and other venues across the nine provinces of South Africa. It goes where the fun is! Participation does not require any particular skill whatsoever, but merely the will and excitement to give it a go for disability. Putt For Change will launch at Heidelberg Mall on 28 March, and will be there from 9h00 – 17h00 this day. It will then return to Heidelberg mall on the last week-end of every month. Putt for Change also plans to make its way around the country. The intention is to grant each and every South African the opportunity to participate in the challenge and thereby contribute to the “Change” which is expected of us. Putt For Change was founded and developed as a national fundraising project by Shaun Ferreira to support the ever increasing need for charity support in South Africa. Ferreira then teamed up with Leon Roelofsz and Jonathan Miskin from Moving Mountains Events Pty (Ltd), and the miracle project was born. With

Roelofsz and Miskin both spending each second of their lives supporting children in need, it soon became more than just a fun project. Roelofsz believes in the saying; “When the WHY is big enough, the HOW will follow”, and that ignited the project to potentially become the mother ship of fundraising. We are privileged to have our loyal partners and sponsors on board to make this a reality. As such, Inter Africa Bureau de Change forms the backbone of this initiative and without this driving force, none of this would be possible. The challenge hosts a current minimum prize value of R2 000 000 thanks to our sponsors and partners. Interested companies are welcome to join in during the year to grow the prize pool even bigger, hence creating the fun element as well as earning recognition for their valued support. Besides the main prize being a brand new white Porsche Cayman, smaller prize draws will take place monthly, and cash prizes will be up for grabs at the various venues. To find out where you can participate in Putt for Change, or how your venue could host a Putt for Change event, go to or call 082 612 5849. Heidelberg Mall event – Putt For Change. Date: 28th of March 2015 and thereafter the last week-end of every month. Time: 09:00 till 15:00.Cnr of N3 and Jacobs Street, contact 016 341 2330. We will be at Heidelberg mall for 12 months, every month, 2 days, last weekend of the month.

31 MARCH 2015



Eerste plek Adios Amigos to golf! vir Nigel Nigel VLU dames word tydens die Maart konferensie te Witfield, Boksburg as toppresteerders beloon. Die dames het verskeie toekennings ontvang. In die blommerangskik afdeling behaal hul ‘n eerste plek en eindig derde met die algehele punte telling. Ronel Lombaard verower goud vir haar drasak, silwer vir haar laphoed en brons vir kruissteek skinkbordlap. Suzanne Drotsky het brons ontvang vir beide haar gebreide teemus en blommerangskikking. Tonien Botha het brons verdien vir haar prosa stuk en versierde kaartjies. Annatjie van der Merwe ontvang silwer vir blommerangskikking. Die tak se album het goud verower en so is Anna-Marie Axer aangewys as die skakelbeampte van die jaar en het sy ook brons verdien met haar laphoed. Op takvlak het die dames ook goed presteer. Ronel Lombaard en Suzanne Drotsky was die top presteerders wat elk met verskeie pryse weggestap het. Kort op hul hakke was Tonien Botha, Rina Murphy, Susan Valentin, Mabel van Staaden, Mariaan Steinhobel, Anna-Marie Axer en nog vele meer. Annatjie van der Merwe is benoem as vonkelvrou van die jaar en Anna-Marie Axer as staatmaker van die jaar. Sewe dames het lepeltjies verdien vir hul prestasies en deelname en vyf dames het erkening gekry vir hul 100% bywoning by die vergaderings. Die volgende vergadering vind plaas op 9 April en almal is welkom om dit by te woon. Skakel Anna-Marie by 0828862002.

Frikkie van der Westhuizen celebrated his 89th birthday on Sunday March 22 at the Nigel Golf Club, where he is known as the senior golf player for years. The function was organised by two of his sons, Charl and Johann. Frikkie was born in 1926 at the farm Hartbeesfontein, Nigel. Matriculated at Volkskool, Heidelberg. Worked at the SA railways and moved back to Nigel in 1970. That was when he became a member of Nigel golf club. He worked at Union Carrige for 35 years. Frikkie is the one who started the seniors golf club in June 1995, where seniors get together every Thursday morning. He served on the committee for 10 years. His wife Marie supported him at the club and served sandwiches to the players. He also represented either East Rand or Johannesburg central branch 17 times. He was a member of East Rand SAGES since 1987 and served on SAGES committee for about 9 years. Frikkie proudly showed his Mercedes Benz monthly medal trophies to Rekord. He won 53 of them over the years, in the C-Division. He was one of the players from the Eastern

Gauteng Region in the finals of the Sanlam Cancer Challenge Knockout on national level at San Lameer Country Club, that was played in October 1998. Frikkie was the oldest player in the field with 40 000 people entered and 100 finalists, who Frikkie was one, made it through to the last stage of that years’ tournament. He got first place in the C-Division. He had a trophy for Winter Champion 1998. The Bowthorpe Hellerman Deutsch golf competition trophy 1981. The Jack Huber trophy in 2001. He also had a chance to win the Boer Spies trophy for the year 2002. One of the highlights was when Frikkie played a hole in one at Nigel golf course at the 9th hole on the July 3, 1976. At the 90th anniversary of Nigel golf club, Frikkie was honoured for one of the longest serving members. The list goes on and on. Frikkie said he had a full golf era and enjoyed life. He is ready to celebrate his 100th birthday again at the golf club but for now he retired from playing golf.

one unit left in prestigious upmarket complex

Voor van links is Annetjie Lehman, Suzanne Drotsky en Annatjie v d Merwe. Agter links is Ronel Lombaard, Tonien Botha, Anna-Marie Axer en Mabel van Staaden, Annetjie Lehman en Annatjie van der Merwe en Esme De Jager (nie op foto) dien die VLU al vir meer as 40 jaar. Annatjie was 7 jaar presidente van die Overvaal streek (Gauteng).


NIGEL/HEIDELBERG REKORD - ONLINE EDITION en donner was the only way to deal with situations that could have been amicable resolved. There were running battles between protesting residents, the SAPS public order police and Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality Police in full glare of the media. The political leadership of the area, were nowhere in sight. The need for housing, water, sanitation, electricity, education, training, skills development, job and employment opportunities, all that could result into the eradication of poverty and economic inequality. These are the complaints, grievances and demands, which was repeatedly been raised by the infected and affected community members of the area to no avail. The “wildcat” Protest Action, on the early morning of the 20 Not since the explosive early nineties have Alra Park seen its March 2015 was a spontaneous respond to what was interpreted roads barricaded with rocks and blazing tyres, as was the case and regarded as a violation of Human Rights, during the Human on the 20 March 2015. Rights month, hence the justification of the Protest Action, with Scores of anger residents took to the streets in outrage, to protest or without following due processes or applying for permission, over the unannounced descending and coming down of RED – to this end. ANTS, in the so-called Ext. 2 & 3 area, with the aim to disconnect This led to clashes with the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality so-called “ILLEGAL ELECTRICITY CONNECTIONS” Police Department (EMPD) and later with the Public Order So-called “Illegal electricity connections”, in the sense that if a Policing who wanted to forcefully deprive them their fundamental proper, appropriate and accurate investigation/s or audit was and human and constitutional right, to peacefully protest and done, whoever gave instructions to this kind of ill begotten action/ been given access to the powers that be. s, should have known that NOT ALL, residents, where involved After the protesters dug in their heels and vowed not to disperse in “illegal electricity connections”. until they meet with Local Government representatives, There are ten if not hundreds of backyard dwellers, who are arrangements we made for Community Leaders to meet with tenants, and connect from the “landlord”, and make payment to MMC’s from the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality. the landlords, who is a legal electricity consumer. They were engaged in meetings, and had to rush to the Nigel When the red ants moved in to sow destruction, they didn’t ask Service Delivery centre, where they met with the Community any questions, and they were not expected to do so, because the leaders. instructions from the powers that be were cast in stone. GRENUPP’s grave concern about the arrest and instituting of This operation happened were some home owners, were not criminal charges against activist who merely like anyone of us present, and rumours had it that doors were kicked down to get was standing up for what is and remains right. access into the houses, where the electric cable was installed. These abrupt, haphazard and sudden hard-handed and iron fist GRENUPP’s “gestapo” style, without prior warning or consultation was and remain reminiscent to the “old apartheid” era, where skop, skiet

Alra Park disaster

31 MARCH 2015

Failed The DA calls on the Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Transport, Dikeledi Magadzi, to summon South African National Road Agency Limited (Sanral) CEO, Nazir Alli, to appear before the Portfolio Committee of Transport and clarify what the delays are in taking legal action against the 12 companies implicated in bid-rigging by the Competition Commission. Sanral has failed to take decisive action that will see these companies brought to book, this despite the Competition Commission’s findings that the companies were involved in bid-rigging on tenders relating to the Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project (GFIP). While the companies involved agreed to pay proposed penalties amounting to a total of R1.46 billion, further legal action would send a strong message to construction industry bigwigs who are complicit in the widespread collusion in the industry. These questionable actions of the companies involved must compel Minister Dipuo Peters and the Sanral CEO to take swift and decisive action. According to the Competition Act of 1998, restrictive horizontal practices are prohibited. Section 4(1)(b) of the Act states the following: “an agreement between, or concerted practice, by firms, or a decision by an association of firms, is prohibited if – it involves collusive tendering”. Any trade practice that undermines a competitive economy cannot be tolerated. Sanral cannot delay any further on this issue. It is of utmost importance that this matter is addressed to ensure that companies who conduct their business in this disreputable manner are dealt with. The Minister and Sanral’s dithering on this matter can only be seen as reluctance to deal with those who abuse millions of rands of taxpayer’s money. The DA will continue to pursue this issue to ensure that monies that were unfairly allotted to these companies is recouped where possible. Manny de Freitas MP

31 MARCH 2015



Gelukkige kwilt wenner! Nigel Tuiste vir Bejaardes spog met ‘n bedrag van R2 300 wat hul tydens hul jaarlikse oggendtee ingesamel het. Die Tuiste bedank alle ondersteuners wat deel was van die suksesvolle oggend. In Maart is die kwilt trekking gedoen en Sella Last, van Nigel, is die gelukkige wenner van die pragstuk. Piet Kruger van die Tuiste vir Bejaardes se dogter Meisie Engelbrecht het die kwilt ontwerp. Sella is opgewonde om die prag handgemaakte kwilt op haar bed te laat pronk. Sy vertel dat nommer twee haar gunsteling nommer is en vir haar die wenprys losgeslaan het. Die Tuiste spog ook met ‘n aantal inwoners wat al die mooi ouderdom van 90 en ouer bereik het. Mev Salomina Magdalena Dercksen het op 24 Maart haar 96 ste verjaarsdag gevier. Sy is in 1919 in Potchefstroom gebore en het vir ‘n paar jaar in, Yorkstraat, Nigel gebly.

Selfs na haar man se dood het sy alleen gebly tot sy drie jaar gelede die Tuiste vir bejaardes, haar tuiste gemaak het.

Tannie Salomina vier 96 gesonde jare.

Chris Engelbreght, Tehuis bestuurder, Sella Last, wenner en Piet Kruger, skenker van kwilt.

A brighter future Roberto Lenci owner of Roblen QSE Consultants is a talented man with remarkable skills and knowledge of the construction industry. He is an expert in his field which involves different aspects of services in the construction, manufacturing and service industries. Mr Lenci a dynamic man with brilliant ideas and perseverance abilities opened another business DCS Computer School in 2012. DCS is a well known franchise of which the head office is situated in Brakpan. Mr Lenci observed the need to establish a computer college in Nigel. The purpose of establishing this school is to equip people to be computer literate and to enable them to make use of different courses which are available. DCS is suitable for businesses to enroll their staff in different courses such as marketing and management skills. A variety of packages to improve the staff skills in different job descriptions are available. Youngsters will also definitely benefit by attending this college where they will find the right course to suit their needs. Every 2 hours different classes and courses are presented. Even the elderly can benefit from this because technology is expanding rapidly every day. One of the other main projects that Roberto Lenci is involved with, is marketing/sales of the new airborne dust suppression systems by Ecology where Roberto has the Africa agency. The air pollution concentration of particulate higher than 50mg ncm of pm10 per day kills people and animals. Creating a new standard to control dust and particles in the open air as well as indoors. Conceived to resolve particular problems related to dust and particle containment in open spaces, such as: mines, demolition sites, areas involved in the bulk material handling as well as in dusty industrial process. It drastically reduces the spillage of airborne dust out of the sites and in the surrounding areas. Especially designed to agglomerate the dust in a wide area, fully automatic and self cleaning.No major maintenance is required, just a few spares. An innovative approach which uses modern technology to contain the dust. It creates a new standard to control dust and PM10 particles in open spaces and self cleaning. It provides a new solution to problems that until now seemed impossible to resolve. Gore-Tex dust nets, which allow the passage of the air but repels dust and filters it, agglomerating the PM10 in bigger grains. Fog Cannons an innovative approach utilizing modern technology to control dust with water mist not wetting the ground but agglomerating the PM10 on flight. Providing a new solution to a problem that until most recently was impossible to resolve with traditional snow cannons or irrigators, it is not an adaptation of existing machinery but Fog Cannons have been specifically designed for these heavy duty jobs. Effective 97,6% anywhere. with a 7 years warranty. Patented in Italy, Europe and worldwide.

Mandla Skosana, Roberto Lenci and Keshea le Roux from DSC Computer School..

Onderw ysers vra hulp! Die kuier op sosiale netwerke is deesdae soos asemhaal. Met die geweldige toename aan moderne tegnologie is mense daagliks aan die gons op facebook, twitter, whatsapp, bbm en nog vele om te noem. Die minderheid verkies om net vinnig ‘n boodskap te stuur. Die meerderheid is verslaaf aan hierdie hebsug omdat die kostes laag is. Mense sit nie meer aan tafel en gesels oor die dag se gebeure nie. Tieners sonder hulself af in hul kamers, waar hul voltyds besig is met rekenaarspeletjies. Is dit nie tyd dat ons weer begin om tyd vir mekaar te maak nie? Tegnologie is nie noodwendig ‘n slegte ding nie en almal sal saam stem dat dit ‘n fantastiese manier is om te kommunikeer. Daar is studies wat sê dat hierdie sosiale interaksie goed is vir diegene wat andersins sukkel om te kommunikeer. Mense wat spraak probleme en gehoor verlies het vind baat by die tegnologie. Die negatiewe gevolge hiervan is dat mense veral tieners so vasgevang is. Selfs wanneer hulle bymekaar kom is elkeen met ‘n selfoon besig in plaas daarvan om met mekaar te gesels. Onderwysers kla veral oor die spelling van leerders wat daar onder lei. Dit belemmer die vermoeë om ons taal taalkundig en korrek te gebruik. Kinders lees nie meer storieboeke wat hul taalvaardigheid bevoordeel nie. Navorsing wys dat die oormatige gebruik van sosiale netwerke, mense benadeel, wat veroorsaak dat konflik nie hanteer word nie. Wat kan jy as ouer doen om seker te maak daar is ‘n balans en te help? Onderwysers doen ‘n beroep op ouers om hul kinders aan te moedig om elke dag net ‘n bladsy van enige leesstuk te lees. Volgens die onderwysers sal dit die wêreld se verskil maak in elke leerder se skoolwerk. Kom ons as ouers en onderwysers staan saam in hierdie verband en verseker ‘n gesonde balans in die lewens van ons kinders. Hulle ontwikkel nog en het die raad en bystand van ouers en onderwysers nodig. Kom ons as gemeenskap is positief en motiveer en lei ons kinders om ‘n gesonde verbruiker van sosiale media te wees.



31 MARCH 2015

31 MARCH 2015



R520 000 NIC - 082 746 9295




NIC - 082 746 9295


T/HOUSE IN SECURITY AREA: BESTE OP DIE MARK PRYS VERLAAG!! BAIE GOEIE KOOP!! GOEIE KOOP! Vir die beginner, 3 slpk, 1 badk, sit/eet, dubbel motorhuis sonder 3 beds, 2 baths, open plan, 1 Baie ekstras, 6 slpk, 3badk, 3 2 slpk, 2 badk, 2 toesluit afdakke, deure, groot erf garage, 1 carport mhuise, afdak, swembad tuin omhein

HELAY 072 848 4003

HELAY 072 848 4003



HETTIE- 073 653 1496 HELAY - 072 848 4003 RENSBURG R1.270m

HETTIE - 073 653 1496 SENTRAAL R1.070m


SIERSTEENHUIS MET 1SLP IN KOMPLEKS KOM KYK GERUS!! EKSTRA RUIM LEEF AREAS RUIM EN NETJIES WSTEL: 3 slpk, 2 badk, 3 leef- 2 slpk, 1.5 badk, oop plan, 2 3 slpk, 2 badk, moderne kombuis, 3 slpk, 2 badk, studeer, onthaal 3 slpk, 2 badk, studeer, ruim sit, eet, met balkon, 2 m/huise areas, swembad, 2 m/huise, afdak motorhuise swembad, motorhuishuis, afdak dubbel m/huis

HELAY - 072 848 4003 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 RENSBURG R900 000


HELAY - 072 848 4003 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HELAY - 072 848 4003 OVERKRUIN R1.950 000





UITSTAANDE SIERSTEEN GOEIE KOOP! LIEFLIKE 2 SLPK HUIS BAIE EKSTRAS GESINSHUIS 4 slpk, 2 badk, studeer, sit, eet, 2 HUIS: 4 slpk, 2 badk, ruim 4 slpk, 2 badk, studeer, stoep met Ruim leefareas, 2 m/h, 2 afdakke, 2 badk, oopplan, leefvertrek met Ghu HELAY - 072 848 braai, 2 motorhuise leefareas, 3 motorhuise braai, swembad, lapa swembad m/huise, elektriese heining

HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HELAY 072 848 4003 SENTRAAL R900 000


HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HELAY - 072 848 4003 SENTRAAL R1.450m

HETTIE - 073 653 1496


BERGSIG R370 000 STAND 1205m² One of last open stands!

M/HUIS NABY HOëRSKOOL VEILIG MOOI KOMPLEKS 3 SENTRAAL GELEE 450m² FAMILY HOME Baie ekstras, 3 slpk, 2 badk, 2 slpk, 2 badk, oop plan, opwas, 2 Geie koop, 3 slpk, 2 badk, woonstel, 4 beds, 4 baths, pool and granny motorhuise, kuierstoep m/huise 3 motorhuise, 2 lapas flat, 2 garages

HELAY - 072 848 4003 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HELAY - 072 848 4003 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 VISAGIE PARK R510 000

FERRYVALE R1 080 000



NIGEL NUUT OP MARK BAIE NETJIES EN MOOI NEWLY RENOVATED HOUSE + FLAT, BARGAIN!! Prys onderhandelbaar - 3 slpk, 3 Beds, 2 baths, kitchen, 2gar, 4 Beds, 2.5 baths, 2gar, 3 c/port, 3 Slaapkamer, badkamer, motorbadk, motorhuis, afdak huis, goeie koop pool, lapa, study bed flat, pool

NIC 082 746 9295 FERRYVALE R1 390 000


NIC - 082 746 9295 FERRYVALE R920 000

MODERN PROPERTY PRICE DRASTICALLY DOWN. DREAM STUFF 3 Beds, 2 baths, TV-R, dining Superb kitchen, spacious living 3 Beds, 2.5 baths, dining, 2 gar, room, pool, lapa rooms, 1 bedroom flat pool

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295



NIC - 082 746 9295 VISAGIE PARK R800 000

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295


C/O Somerset & Park Street, FERRYVALE Nigel

1 B/R First Floor (Balcony) R355 000 1 B/R Ground Level (own private garden) R365 000 2 B/R First Floor( Balcony) R385 000 2 LEFT BAIE VEILIG DRASTICALLY REDUCED IMMACULATEHOUSE 2 B/R Duplex( Own pvt garden) R395 000 SOLD 3 Beds, 2 baths, 2 garages, very 3 Slpk, 2badk, 2 m/huise, sitk, 3 Beds, 2 baths, 3 garages, big 1 2 B/R Ground Lvl ( pvt garden) R395 000 1 LEFT modern

NIC - 082 746 9295 VISAGIE PARK R1.1m

Good AS NEW 3 Beds, 2 baths, 2 garages, lapa

NIC - 082 746 9295

eetk, kombuis

NIC - 082 746 9295 VISAGIE PARK R970 000

bed flat, pool.

NIC - 082 746 9295 VISAGIE PARK R860 000

IN A SECURE COMPLEX BEST SELLER 3 Beds, 2 baths, 2 garages, 3 Beds, 2 baths, lounge, kitchen, kitchen, TV-R, 2 garages

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295


Cash power * Very secure * Close to shopping centre Excellent investment

Own lock-up garage Spacious garden

Contact NIC - 082 746 9295






Alle bouwerk en aanbouings. Bou van Nuwe Huise en Woonstelle (Granny Flats). Seel & verf van dakke Skakel Gerald 083 384 9599


NOAH’S ARK PET SHOP: Voëls, voëlsaad, hokke, visse, viskos, akwariums. Hondekos Montego, Jock (3 in 1) ens. Avi-Plus. Bearded dragons, hamsters, krieke, meelwurms, hondehokke, honde jassies en bedjies. Honde, katte en hasies. Kaarte welkom. Oop weeksdae 9:00 - 17:00, naweke en vakansiedae 09:00 - 16:00. Tel: 083 456 6601. SHOP 7, FERRYVALE SHOPPING CENTRE CATERING / SPYSENIERING

RUMOURS RESTAURANT: For professional catering of all events. Weddings, Parties, Spitbraais, Platters and Potjies. Nothing too big or small. Your venue or ours. Phone Piet at 011 814 1428 / 072 470 2187. TO HIRE: Cutlery, crockery, large selection of table cloths, overlays, tables and chairs etc. Sonnette 082 926 1515 POOLS & LAPA Complete Pools & Lapa Construction. Summer - Pool Special. 6 x 4m Pool R39 000 and get a FREE Baracuda. 25 Years Guarantee! Good reference. We do the following: New pool, renovations, remabelite, tiles, marbelite pool, fibreglass pool, lapa paving, rock art, painting, water falls, fish ponds, decking wood floor, omheinings span draad. Contact 072 874 2998 or 076 434 9313. COMPUTERS / REKENAARS Matrix Warehouse Nigel/Heidelberg. For all your computer requirements. 011 814 2156. 016-341-2563/ FURNITURE / MEUBELS SuperMeubels, 42 Schoemanstr, Heidelberg, 016-341-4445SMS 071 545 3868, EPOS Vir die vriendelikste staf en grootste verskeidenheid onder een dak, is dit hier.....ons kan nie alles by die naam noem wat hier te koop is nie, maar wat jul ookal op soek is na kom besoek ons gerus. Hier is van “partitions” tot wit “high back” stoele, oregan dubbel bed, eikehout eetkamerstel, eikehout tafel met 6 stoele - kwaliteit is hier ‘n saak van die hart. Maaaaaaaar moenie ons glo nie, kom kyk self...... GARDEN & BUILDING MOVERS



079 503 2217 011 363 0170

We spesialize in Garden & Building Rubble Removal. Nigel & surrounding areas.

Summer is here! Bring all your linen, curtains, clothing, etc. to us for a professional wash. We will take care of your laundry as if it is our own. Contact us on 011 8143597/072 511 4366. SMART KITCHENS & HOME IMPROVEMENTS For 3D Designer Kitchens or kitchen revamps, BIC, Bathr, Vanities, Wall to Wall Carpets and Laminated Flooring. No compromise on Quality and Service. Free Quotations. Phone Andre at 016 349 5052 or 082 738 1441


31 MAART 2015



Holiday Flat for sale. 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, kitchen, big lounge/dining area. Close to Margate beach. Contact: Renier 073 254 8104/ Charmain 083 476 1514.


TO RENT / TE HUUR Meenthuise te huur. Kingsway Gardens, h/v Kingswaystr. en Standardstr, Nigel 3 Slaapkamer 2 badkamers, oopplan kombuis, sitkamer. Dubbel motorhuis. R5300.00 . Skakel 011 814 3444 Cecilia.

Should you know of someone or anyone not receiving a Rekord Newspaper every second Tuesday please contact 011 814 8614

Wikus 060 4789 170 Phil 060 399 8060.

AA MEETING HEIDELBERG Thursday 7PM @ Heidelberg Methodist Church, 59 Strydom, Street. Tuesday 6PM Corner-stone Church, 38 Zuid Street. If you think you have a DRINKING OR DRUG problem. Please come listen to the testimonies of sober recovered alcoholics and drug addicts. Contact Skipper Smith 061 142 6633.

Nuwe MAGS in voorraad, Combo’s beskikbaar. DT&KT kaarte aanvaar. IVAN / DARREN 011-740-0477/011-744-3544 699 Voortrekkerstr, Brakpan


Antiques - oudhede. Ons koop, verkoop en restoureer meubels. Groot verskeidenheid nou beskikbaar. Kom loer gerus in. Skakel ons by 016 349 2175 of Wena 082 785 9108

Contact Anesca 072 694 7597


Do you need a loan? Loans from R1000 up to R150 000. black listed are welcome and we do consolidation. Contact; 078 981 6455/ 073 089 8462. BRIDAL / BRUIDE

D.F. AIRCON Mobile Automotive Aircon & Refrigeration Repairs. Aircon Repairs to Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Mining equipment, combines “Stroopers”. Daniel 082 348 4499

Wedding World Springs 011 811 5776/ 083 280 4584. Skitter in die rok van jou drome! Bring idee of prentjie vir asemrowende skeppings deur Elize – ontvanger van internasionale ontwerper toekenning (Parys, Frankryk) vir kreatiewe styl. Koop, huur of kies uit ons groot verskeidenheid elegante trou & aandrokke. manspakke, hemde, dasse en onder-baadjies te huur. Bespreek jou plek vir jou matriekafskeid rok nou! Betaal af tot funksie datum. Redelike pryse. Professionele vriendelike diens. H/v 3de straat & 3de laan Geduld, Springs.

All work guaranteed

WENDY HOUSES A & ALLY WENDY’S 2X2 - R3 000. 2.4X2.4 - R3 700. 3X3 - R4 000. 3X4 - R4 700. Any size available from treated pallet wood. Floor, roof, door all included. 10 Years garanteed. Contact Ally 072 928 1724.

ACE AUTO SCRAPYARD 011 811 5855 Springs Opp. Fire Station

FIREARM TRAINING 79 Second Street, SPRINGS TEL: (011) 812-2531 Gawie 083 461 3659

31 MARCH 2015



Ballonne van hoop

Vossies wat 800 ballonne vrylaat vir die skool se liefdadigheidsprojek. Volledige berig op die voorblad.

SA’s belewenis Nadia Steynberg van Laerskool Tini Vorster het die naweek van 21 en 22 Maart aan die Suid Afrikaanse Junior kampioenskappe deelgeneem in die 800m dogters o/13. “Dit was wow, sekerlik die mees wonderlikste gevoel om op die baan te stap en aan die SA’s te kon deelneem. Dankie oom Alex en oom Solly dat julle in my geglo het, ek sal dit nooit vergeet nie” vertel Nadia. Die Steynbergs bedank die borge Alex Desogus van Alvic Engineering en Solly’s Carsales vir hulle bydrae wat dit vir Nadia moontlik gemaak het om aan die SA atletiek kampioenskappe deel te neem.

Nigel jukskei maak skoonskip! Nigel jukskei spelers het in Februarie aan die B & C kampioenskappe te Kroonstad deelgeneem. Die spelers het die Oos Gauteng span verteenwoordig en Corrie Vorster en Hennie Wirths het die uitblinkers span behaal in hul onderskeie afdelings. Hulle tree as wenners uit die stryd, nadat hul teen die presidentspanne gekompeteer het. Vanaf 4 tot 11 April gaan die A spanne aan die Suid Afrikaanse Kampioenskappe deelneem te Kroonstad.

Corrie Vorster en Hennie Wirths

Sunè Bekker, gewigstoot, dogters 0/11,Ruan Claassens, hoogspring, seuns 0/12 wat saam met Nadia Steynberg, 800m, dogters 0/13, aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Atletiek byeenkoms vanaf 19 tot 21 Maart deelgeneem het.

Vacancies JOURNALIST Vacancy exist for journalist with the following qualifications: Excellent writing skills in both Afrikaans and English. Computer literate and ability to work with people. Own transport and willing to work after hours and weekends if necessary.

Forward your cv to

Corrie Vorster in aksie.

Advertising Sales Representative Marketing of advertising space Excellent selling skills Previous sales experience Target driven Go getter Good communication skills Representable Excellent health Own transport



Nou oop!

Great achievements All roads will lead to Cape Town where local and international runners will participate in the 56km Two Oceans ultra marathon on Saturday, April 4. Lincoln Lottering (54) a local and well known resident of Cerutiville will join thousand others in this gruelling event. He already obtained 9 green numbers in various races over his 30 years of running and hopes to complete his 9th Two Oceans this year. His goal is to receive his green number by 2016. Since he started training in July 2014 for this race and for the Comrades marathon he said he is confident that he would finish the Two Oceans marathon comfortably as part of his training programme for the Comrades marathon in May. As a member of Kwatema Striders Athletic Club and Inspector of schools (cluster leader) he believe in the same motto to both “proof others wrong by fitting 48 hours of effective work in a 24 hour day”.

Nissan 1400 met ‘n 2l, 16 V Turbo motor.

Paul en Angie de Waal, eienaars van Dunamis Motor Spares.

Nissan 200 SX GTR Skyline motor Dunamis Motor Spares nuutste toevoeging tot Nigel se besigheids industrie, het op Saterdag, 28 Maart met ‘n groot geraas hulself bekend gestel. ‘n Suksesvolle motorskou met sleepmotors, warm-en opgeboude motors is uitgestal. Die publiek was beindruk met die motoruitstalling en belangstellendes het sover as Randfontein en Pretoria gekom. Elke ondersteuner wat R100 of meer spandeer het, het ‘n gratis worsrol ontvang. Besoekers het ook elk ‘n lisensieskyfhouer ontvang. Dunamis sal beslis weer so ‘n uitstalling vir die gemeenskap organiseer, aangesien daar ‘n aanvraag vir die soort van byeenkomste is. Eienaars Paul en Angie nooi die publiek om hul te besoek vir alle motoronderdele benodighede. Sien met afwagting uit om u van diens te wees. Skakel 011 739 2083 of 2074. dunamisspares@

31 MARCH 2015

Van die motors wat uitgestal is tydens Dunamis se openingsdag.

Lincoln displaying some of his medals. Voortrekker Street 37, HEIDELBERG 072 103 3285 082 379 6974

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