Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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12 May 2015

VOL 11 NO 9


Verkeer tot stilstand gebring 14 Mense, insluitend laerskool leerders, is lig beseer tydens ‘n ongeluk net buite Nigel op die Nigel/Dunnottar pad. Die voorval het op Donderdag, 7 Mei omstreeks 14:40 plaasgevind en verkeer tot stilstand gebring. Drie voertuie was in hierdie botsing betrokke. Die bestuurder van ‘n blou Toyota Venture onderweg na Nigel, het met die verbygaan van ‘n blou Toyota Tazz, beheer oor die voertuig verloor. Die Venture wou die Tazz verbysteek toe hy merk dat ‘n wit Toyota Avanza van voor

aankom. Sy poging om ‘n botsing te vermy was onsuksesvol, en die Venture het die Tazz regs voor getref. Die Venture het op sy regterkant tot stilstand gekom nadat hy ook die Avanza getref het. Die 2 insittendes van die Tazz het ongeskonde daarvan afgekom. Die Metro polisie was spoedig op die toneel. Die agt insittendes van die Venture en die 6 in die Avanza, het almal ligte beserings opgedoen en is na onderskeie hospitale geneem vir observasie.



Take note Unemployment The annual CPF AGM will take place on Tuesday June 9, 2015 at 18:30 at the Dunnottar SAPS lecture hall. All residents from Dunnottar, Sharon park, Hlanganani, Selcourt and Marievale are welcome to attend. Contact WO Tomlinson at 079 694 7006 for further information.

According to the World Employment and Social Outlook Trends 2015, South Africa has the 8th highest unemployment rate in the world. The country ranks even more poorly in terms of youth unemployment (6th, globally), with a shocking rate of 52.5%. Tackling youth unemployment has to be our single most important focus going forward. Business and government must f ind common ground for preventing the ticking time bomb of a forecast of 10 million not economically active young people by 2020.


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12x12 .... R65.00 16x16 .... R78.00 20X20 ... R72.00 25X25 ... R85.00 ....... R143.00 32X32 ... R134.00 ..... R185.00 38X38 ... R152.00 ..... R231.00 50X50 ... R208.00 ..... R297.00 76X76 ... R308.00 ..... R418.00 100X100 ................... R530.00

20MM .... R64.00 25MM .... R85.00 ....... 32MM .... R115.00 ..... 38MM .... R134.00 ..... 50MM .... R185.00 ..... 76MM .... R276.00 .....



Fibre Glass Sheeting R67.00 p/m




R56.00p/m Cut to size


R217.00 ..... R326.00 R279.00 ..... R425.00



FLAT BAR 6M 12X3 ........ 16x3 ......... 20x3 ......... 20x5 ......... 25x3 ......... 25x5 ......... 30x3 ......... 30x5 ......... 40x3 ......... 40x5 ......... 50x5 .........

R 27.00 R 32.00 R 35.00 R 59.00 R 48.00 R 73.00 R 61.00 R 92.00 R 82.00 R124.00 R152.00

SQ BAR 6M 8MM ......... R56.00 10MM ....... R63.00 12MM ....... R73.00

WINDOW SECTION 6M RT6 ......... RT13 ....... RX7 ......... F7 ............ F4B ..........

R 63.00 R 76.00 R 100.00 R 82.00 R 211.00

ROUND BAR 6M 6MM .......... R18.00 8MM .......... R31.00 10MM ........ R44.00 12MM ........ R63.00


LIP/CHANNEL 75x50x20x2 ............... R217.00 100x75x20x2 ............. R241.00 125x50x20x2 ............. R267.00 150x50x20x2 ............. R293.00

R124.00 R159.00 R185.00 R260.00 R373.00

25x25x3 .................... R 91.00 25x25x5 .................... R141.00 30x30x3 .................... R106.00 30x30x5 .................... R184.00 40x40x3 .................... R141.00 40x40x5 .................... R220.00 25x25x2 .................... R 76.00 30x30x2 .................... R 89.00 40x40x2 .................... R106.00

38x20 .... R128.00 ..... R145.00 38x25 .... R143.00 ..... R161.00 50x25 .... R152.00 ..... R206.00 50x38 .... R198.00 ..... R250.00 76x38 .... R237.00 ..... R318.00 76x50 .... R303.00 ..... R357.00 100X50 ..................... R410.00

75x50x20x2 100x75x20x2





R330.75 R368.36 R407.13 R447.52

Feeling rejected? There are more and more people feeling that the life that they are leading is not the life that they should be leading. At the same time I think the tendency is that fewer people are prepared to make a change to rectify their lifestyle. I guess the bottom line is that they are hoping that the life they are leading would become the new “accepted norm” and their life would become “ok”. The truth is that this can only happen if the standard of life is adjusted to what the world is calling “normal”. This means that the standard of life would never be “normal” (excuse the pun) because the standard would be changing all the time. While this could be acceptable to many people there are many others who are struggling with their life because the standard that they know is right is Biblical standard – and that never changes. With this many folk feel that they are “not good enough” to be accepted by Jesus and so they stay away from church and choose to continue with their “lifestyle of the world”. Let me assure those folk who are struggling and wondering if they will be accepted by “the church” that if the church they turn to basis their teaching and theology on Biblical standards they will never be rejected and will rather be accepted with the love of Jesus. How can I say this? As we look at Scripture we see that while John the Baptist baptized

From the desk of Rev Ray Goddess

Rev Goddess, Heidelberg Methodist Church for repentance so that the people could be “ready” for the Saviour there is nowhere that Jesus tells us that we must first get ourselves “right” before coming to Him. In fact He tells us to come as we are, warts and all, so that we may be healed. True and complete healing comes from Jesus so to all those who are wondering if it is ok to come to/go to church – the answer is a BIG resounding YES. Go to where Jesus is – and be healed and sin no more…

Invading land

H2411 LEADERS IN CUSTOM MADE SHOPFRONTS e-mail: 58 Second Avenue, Nigel 1490 Tel: 011 814-1577/26 Fax: 011 814 8467

12 MAY 2015

2450x1225x1.6 .............................. R486.00 2450x1225x2.0 .............................. R550.00 2450x1225x2.5 .............................. R699.00 2450x1225x3.0 .............................. R848.00 2450x1225x4.0 ........................... R1 210.00 2500x1200x5.0 ........................... R1 490.00 2500x1200x6.0 ........................... R1 700.00


The Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM) wishes to caution members of the community against buying and illegally occupying municipal land as they will face prospects of being evicted and/or arrested. This comes in the wake of recent and ongoing land invasions around Ekurhuleni specifically in Tembisa and Tsakane, where community members forcefully and illegally occupied land belonging to the Council. The EMM is obliged to protect and preserve land with the purpose of utilising it for future developments such as housing, businesses, churches, sporting facilities, roads and agricultural projects. The illegal occupation of vacant land

without proper approval from the municipality poses life threatening risks as most land within Ekurhuleni is either dolomitic, lies on the flood line or over old mines, is water locked or is not in line with the Metro’s urban development plan. “Fighting the scourge of land invasions requires joint participation of all stakeholders and members of the public are encouraged to contact the local authority when they detect people invading Council owned land,” appeals acting Ekurhuleni spokesperson Lebogang Ramashala. Members of the public are urged to contact Ekurhuleni Customer Care Centres or phone the Ekurhuleni Services Call Centre on 0860 453 000 to report land invasion.

Sanral’s R12.5 billion bailout shows tolling isn’t working The Democratic Alliance is shocked to learn that SANRAL is about to be bailed out, to the tune of R12.5 billion. SANRAL is meant to be a revenue collector itself, not a burden on the national fiscus. I have today written to Parliament’s Budget Off ice requesting them to remodel the existing budget for the Department of Transport to assess whether it is financially feasible to bailout SANRAL at a cost of R12.5 billion. SANRAL’s financial distress is a clear sign that the e-tolling model is not working. Instead of e-tolling, if SANRAL had preferred a national fuel levy to pay for Gauteng’s freeway upgrade, we would already be years ahead in paying back the road construction debt. Instead, today almost two years since etolls kicked in, SANRAL is in a worse

financial position than before. E-tolls are an exorbitantly costly project, needing SANRAL to pay over R670 million per year to the Austrian company who operates the system. By the end of February 2015, SANRAL was only able to collect around R60 million in e-tolls from Gauteng motorists per month. At this rate SANRAL can’t make a dent on the debt it ran up in building the Gauteng freeways. Minister Peters has known all along that etolls could not work, and knew that this disaster was coming. Instead of reviewing the e-toll system, she has chosen now to throw billions more taxpayer Rands at a problem that is government’s creation. SANRAL’s “cash injection” is an incontrovertible bailout, and this proposal must be rejected by Parliament.

12 MAY 2015



Ter duisende rande aan regskoste Op 10 April 2015 het die Landroshof te Heidelberg, uitspraak gegee teen die Lesedi Plaaslike Owerheid in ‘n aansoek gebring deur die huiseienaar tesame met die huurder van ‘n perseel in Rensburg, verteenwoordig deur Me. Madelein Saunders van Jordaans Ing. Die aansoek teen die plaaslike owerheid is gebring aangesien die elektrisiteitstoevoer tot die perseel afgesny is gedurende Januarie 2015. Die nodige prosedure is nie gevolg ten einde so ‘n kredietbeheer maatreël toe te pas nie. Op 23 Januarie 2015 het die eienaar ‘n oproep ontvang, waartydens hy ingelig is dat hy ‘n bedrag van oor die R20 000.00 aan die Munisipaliteit verskuldig is en dat onmiddellike betaling vereis word. Hierdie perseel is toegerus met ‘n vooruitbetaalde elektrisiteitsmeter en alle rekeninge vir die perseel was ten volle betaal. Die Munisipaliteit het egter beweer dat die bedrag verskuldig was ten opsigte van ‘n boetefooi vir ‘n sogenaamde ‘hotwiring incident’. Nieteenstaande die feit dat die eienaar geen rekening met betrekking tot die beweerde uitstaande rekening ontvang het, of geen skriftelike kennisgewing met betrekking tot die beweerde uitstaande bedrag ontvang het nie, en nadat daar ‘n formele dispuut verklaar is met Lesedi Munisipaliteit, het hulle steeds voortgegaan om die elektrisiteits voorsiening tot die perseel af te sny op Maandag die 26ste Januarie 2015. Die Hof is toe genader om ‘n interim bevel ingevolge waarvan die respondente tot die aansoek beveel is om die elektrisiteitsvoorsiening tot die perseel te herstel en verbied is om die elektrisiteitsvoorsiening hangende die beslissing van die hofaansoek, af te sny. Nieteenstaande hierdie bevel het die Respondente toegesien dat die elektrisiteitsvoorsiening op verskeie geleenthede weer afgesny is. In ‘n baie goed nagevorsde beslissing het die Landdros G de V Strydom beslis dat, elektrisiteitstoevoer tot ‘n perseel inherent is tot die okkupasie van die perseel en derhalwe quasi-besit daarstel en dat die ontneming van die okkupeerder se elektrisiteitstoevoer in hierdie aangeleent-

heid, onregmatig was. Daar is ook ‘n straffende kostebevel teen die plaaslike owerheid, sowel as die kredietbeheerbestuurder toegestaan op ‘n prokureur- en kliëntskaal aangesien daar bevind is, dat die kredietbeheerbestuurder volgens die Landdros nie enige respek vir die Hof toon of onbevoeg is, om sy amptelike pligte uit te voer en dit neerkom op wanbestuur. Me. Saunders benadruk dat dit belangrik is om daarop te let dat ‘n Munisipaliteit wel geregtig is om rekeninge te konsolideer en kredietbeheermaatreëls toe te pas ingevolge die bepalings van die Munisipale Sisteme Wet. Hierdie maatreels kan egter slegs toegepas word indien die korrekte prosedure gevolg word en mag nie toegepas word indien daar ‘n dispuut met betrekking tot die rekening of ‘n uitstaande bedrag ingestel is nie. Alvorens ‘n plaaslike owerheid kan voortgaan met die toepassing van sy kredietbeheermaatreëls, moet die dispuut eers ondersoek word en moet daar deur ‘n onafhanklike forum ‘n beslissing gemaak word oor die dispuut ingestel. Akkurate rekening moet deur plaaslike owerhede aan die verbruikers en eienaars in hul gebied voorsien word. Indien ‘n bedrag dan agterstallig raak ingevolge so ‘n rekening, moet daar eers ‘n skriftelike aanmaning gegee word ingevolge waarvan daar ‘n redelike tydperk aan hom/haar toegestaan word om die rekening te betaal, alternatiewelik aanvaarbare reëlings te tref vir betaling daarvan. Indien daar dan geen reaksie is op hierdie kennisgewing/aanmaning nie, kan die plaaslike owerheid voortgaan om sy kredietbeheerbeleid toe te pas, wat onder andere die afsny van elektrisiteit tot gevolg kan hê. BALFOUR - Op 4 Mei 2015 het sy Edele Regter Preller in die Hoogeregshof van Suid-Afrika se Gauteng Afdeling‘n kostebevel toegestaan teen die Dipaliseng Plaaslike Owerheid aangaande die Pensionarisse, wat voorheen werksaam was as amptenare van die Dipaliseng (Balfour/Greylingstad/Grootvlei) Plaaslike Owerheid. Die kostebevel het ‘n lang aanloop gehad aangesien die destydse raad ‘n besluit

geneem het, ingevolge waarvan besluit is om die mediesefondsbydrae ten opsigte van die pensionarisse, wat voorheen in diens van die munisipaliteit was, te staak. Die gedeelte van die mediesefondsbydrae wat deur die Munisipaliteit betaal moet word, is ‘n bydrae wat verplig word deur die Provinsiale Ordonansie. Ingevolge die aanvanklike Hofbevel is die Dipaliseng plaaslike owerheid beveel om die mediesefonds bydrae van die pensionarisse te betaal soos en wanneer dit verskuldig word, asook om alle agterstallige bedrae te betaal. Verder is die Raad verbied om enige besluite te neem wat strydig mag wees met die bepalings van die relevante Ordonansie. Nieteenstaande hierdie bevel het die plaaslike owerheid weereens op verskeie geleenthede versuim om die pensionarisse se mediesefonds bydrae te betaal, maar het na aanmaning daartoe weereens die bydrae betaal. Gedurende 2013 het dit egter weer gebeur dat die mediese fondsbydrae nie betaal is nie. Die Hofbevel is weereens onder die aandag van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Mnr. Vusi Ngobo, gebring en hy het onderneem om toe te sien dat die Munisipaliteit se gedeelte van die mediesefonds bydrae betaal sal word. Daar is egter nie by hierdie onderneming gehou nie wat dui op minagting van die hof. Nieteenstaande die feit dat die regsverteenwoordiger van die Munisipaliteit moes toegee dat die Munisipaliteit verantwoordelik is vir betaling van die regskoste van die pensionarisse, het die

Munisipaliteit weereens versuim om die kosterekening vir die dringende aansoek as geheel te betaal. Die aangeleentheid moes weereens op die bestrede hofrol geplaas word, koste vir die tik van die oorkonde van die vorige hofverrigtinge moes aangegaan word en steeds het die Munisipaliteit versuim om die koste te betaal of behoorlike instruksies aan hul regsverteenwoordigers te voorsien, soveel so dat daar weereens geen Hoofde van Argument ingehandig is nie. Ter elfder uur het die Munisipaliteit egter onderneem om betaling van die regskoste te maak, maar is slegs ‘n onvolledige onderneming, wat geen melding gemaak het van die bedrag wat betaalbaar was nie, voorsien. Dit het die regsvereenwoordigers van die pensionarisse genoodsaak om die Hof te versoek om derhalwe prokureur- en kliëntkoste-bevel te versoek, wat dan ook so toegestaan is deur die bovermelde regter. Hierdie koste rekening beloop ongeveer elf keer die bedrag wat aanvanklik verskuldig was deur die Munisipaliteit ten opsigte van die mediesefonds bydraes van die pensionarisse. Die munisipaliteit se ontduiking van verpligte betalings het eindelose koste laat ophoop. Hierdie fondse kon baie beter bestee gewees het op dienslewering soos herstel van paaie ens. Dit is noodsaaklik dat hierdie aspekte aangespreek word. Me. Madelein Saunders sal vanaf Junie 2015 haar eie praktyk in Balfour bedryf onder G.A.M. Saunders Ing. en is u welkom om haar te kontak in verband met enige navrae in die verband.



Underfunded by 67% The Democratic Alliance has written to the South African Human Rights Commission as well as launched an online petition calling on Parliament to investigate why Nigel Child Welfare is underfunded, by a staggering 67.34% or R1 860 655. In a reply to a Parliamentary question, the department admitted that it costs Nigel Child Welfare R2 763 000 per annum to provide statutory services (services that the Government must provide by law) and that the Government only provides R902 345. The Department enters into a contract with each Child Welfare office in order for them to provide statutory services to children in need. These statutory services are what the Government is obliged to provide to children by law. “It is dishonest and unethical of Government to turn a blind eye to its responsibilities and obligations and expect other organisations to do its work for them,” says Mike Waters, DA Lethabong Constituency Head. In a recent reply to another Parliamentary question where Waters asked on what basis does her department continue to underfund Nigel Child Welfare, the minister replied “the financial sustainability and viability

of an NGO (non-governmental organisation) remains the primary responsibility of that NGO”. This is disingenuous of the Minister as she is well aware that fundraising capacities of NGOs was decimated with the introduction of the Lotto. NGOs were promised a consistent and reliable source of funding through a centralised Lotto. The reality is that funding from the Lotto is sporadic and unreliable which places financial uncertainty on NGOs. Simply put the government cut NGO capacity to fundraise with the introduction of the Lotto and now they are failing to fund the services they expect NGOs to provide on their behalf. Waters asked the Human Rights Commission to investigate whether this underfunding is as assault on our children’s human rights. In addition, the DA is launching an online petition east_rand_child_welfare which they encourage all residents to sign as well as all their family and friends. The more signatures they obtain, the bigger the impact. The petition will be handed to parliament calling on Parliament to investigate this disgraceful situation.

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12 MAY 2015

LOVE is... Not arrogant 1 Corinthians 13:4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. (NIV) Godly love differs from what we know to be love in a multitude of ways. Just like in our day and time, the Corinthian Christians also struggled to understand and live in accordance with the love of God. In his letters to the Corinthians the Apostle Paul clarif ies and teaches what Godly love really looks like. In 1 Corinthians 13:1-8 he breaks Godly love down into easily understandable components against which we can measure the extent to which we operate in the kind of love God wants us to live by. In 1 Corinthians 13:4 we learn that love is patient and kind. In addition to this it is not jealous or boastful. Godly love also exhibits no elements of pride or arrogance. The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines arrogance as “an insulting way of thinking or behaving that originates from a conviction that you are better, smarter or more important than other people”. Being proud refers to “being very happy and pleased because of something you have done, something you own, someone you know or are related to… having or showing the attitude of people who think that they are better or more important than others”. This attitude was present amongst the Corinthian Christians. Just like the people of today, the Corinthian people struggled with issues of spiritual pride. They were efficient and gifted in many ways but failed to understand that even good things became wicked in the absence of Godly love. In their own minds they surpassed their leaders and became superior to Paul and the leaders that lead them to the Lord and taught them everything they knew (1 Corinthians 4:813). They forgot where God found them and became full of themselves (1 Corinthians 1:26) – no longer honouring each other and their leadership but instead trying to accumulate honour for themselves. Pride or arrogance sets in when we believe that we are personally responsible for what we perceive to be our achievements. When God starts blessing us, we sometimes fail to acknowledge that the blessing we experience comes from Him and not as a result of our own doing. An impure motive is quickly exposed in

the light of a blessing; it immediately turns God’s gift into grounds for superiority as seen in an arrogant or prideful attitude. Pride is a condition of the heart that stands completely separated from social status or personal resources. It is founded on a presumption, a faulty assumption of superior personal control or value (James 4:13-16). If our hearts are not right, we puff up in pride at the slightest promotion, advancement or increase. Whilst arrogance is puffed up and has a big head, love puts others first and has a big heart. In James 4:6 the Bible teaches that God resists the proud, those who step up to act without the right or permission to do so. Simply put, this means that whenever there is a sense of superiority, the Lord will actively work against us. Pride sets us up for disgrace (Proverbs 11:2; Proverbs 29:23). Not only does James issue this very important warning in James 4:6, he also indicates the opposite – when we submit to God and resist the devil, the devil has to flee from us. In addition to this, God gives more grace to the humble. As God’s children we have to decide where our allegiance lies. We have to choose to resist the devil in action and in deed. Just like in the garden of Eden the temptation is still to proudly exult our own will above the will of God. Just like Eve we can choose to either resist the devil and obey God or to yield to satan in pursuit of our own desires. As a result of this choice, God will either increase in us with selfish ambitions decreasing or we will increase, becoming ever more arrogant and prideful. True humility speaks of an utter dependence on God. Only when we love Him and are in an intimate relationship with Him, can we trust Him sufficiently to let go of all self-reliance and embrace total dependence on Him. This place of total trust voids every need or false perception that we are responsible for our own success and blessing. In this way it leaves no space for any form of boasting, pride or arrogance. Instead it inspires a deep sense of gratitude for all the Lord has done. Join us this week, as we set aside all selfishness and pride to embrace the love of God not only for ourselves, but also through us as a gift to others.

12 MAY 2015


Criminal charges The Gauteng Provincial Government has dismissed the head of the Gauteng Department of Finance Mr Stuart Lumka for financial misconduct. On Thursday, 30 April 2015 Premier David Makhura informed Mr Lumka of government’s decision to terminate his services after an independent disciplinary hearing found him guilty of gross financial misconduct and recommended his dismissal. Mr Lumka was placed on special leave in May 2014 following an Ernst & Young investigation of allegations of financial impropriety. Mr Lumka’s financial misconduct relates to his authorisation of payments to Shimo IT Solutions while government had no contract with the company and therefore no financial obligations. Mr Lumka was charged with the following: 1. That he paid R48.8 million to Shimo IT Solutions when the GDF had no legal obligation to do so. He was also charged with acknowledging liability in favour of Novell Ireland Software Limited and Shimo when he was not authorised to do so and that the payments, which were not due, were irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure. 2. That he incurred and/or caused the GDF to incur irregular expenditure of R2.1 million when he signed the Shimo Project

charter. Shimo was not procured in a fair, equitable, transparent, competitive and cost-effect manner and through an open tender process. 3. That he caused the GDF to incur fruitless expenditure when he paid Shimo a cancellation fee or R1 million. Mr Lumka was found guilty on the first two charges which amounted to over R50 million and acquitted on the third charge. The chairman of the disciplinary tribunal said the only appropriate sanction was dismissal as he had abused his position of trust. “The evidence shows that Mr Lumka was derelict in an egregious manner in his conduct pertaining to the charges for which I found him guilty. He ignored not only legal advice but went against a prior collective decision that there be no further payment to Novell,” the chairman said when pronouncing sanction. The chairman rejected Mr Lumka’s representation that he had merely exercised “poor judgment”. Mr Lumka, he said, was unrepentant about his conduct during the course of the hearing. The province has also requested the State Attorney to advise regarding whether to institute criminal and/or a civil case against Mr Lumka to recover monies misappropriated. The province is awaiting the outcome of the opinion from the State Attorney.

Farm worker stabbed A 26 year old man was arrested for robbery and an assault GBH case docket was opened on May 5 in Balfour. Information was received from the community that the suspect was hiding in Balfour area. A thorough investigation by W/O Johannes Lukas Wolmarans and Sgt. Vusumuzi Jeffrey Zondo lead to the arrest of the suspect. It is alleged that the suspect confronted a 40 year old female farm worker whilst she was on her way to work at Blinkpoort farming area. The suspect threatened her with a knife, and forcefully dragged her into the bushes. He forced her to lay down while searching her handbag. He took the victim’s Nokia cell phone valued at R90000 as well as money from her purse. According to the victim the suspect continued demanding more money and became enraged when she couldn’t

produce any. The suspect stabbed the women repeatedly in her face with a knife. The suspect fled the scene and the injured woman was taken to Heidelberg Hospital for medical treatment. The arrested suspect will appear before Heidelberg Magistrate Court soon.


Car theft and hijacking escalating Crime rates in South Africa are expected to continue their upwards trend as economic and social conditions deteriorate. As the unemployment figures continue to rise so does the disregard for law and legislation. This is evident in the amount of car theft and hijackings as reported by Cartrack vehicle tracking and recovery provider. Stolen vehicles, trucks and cargo is often sold to the illicit local and crossborder markets. Approximately 50% of stolen and hijacked vehicles are disposed of within South Africa, 30% are exported to other countries while 20% find their way into chop shops and the second hand parts market. As long as cash-strapped consumers are prepared to look the other way to save a buck and fuel, criminal syndicates will continue to operate and flourish. The economics of crime Off icial crime statistics show a 12.3% increase in carjacking to 11 221 reported cases, while our own truck hijackings numbers increased by 16% in the last financial year to Feb 2015. This aligns with similar figures released by the Road Freight Association. The association reported 1 150 truck hijackings across the industry during the same reporting period. The escalation is rapid and significant. Anecdotally, we have always seen a trend whereby vehicle crimes increase during times of economic stress, but now more reports are indicating a direct correlation between crime rates and economic and social conditions. According to a report by the United Nations Off ice on Drugs and Crime, Monitoring the Impact of Economic Crisis on Crime, crime peaks during economic crises. The incidence of robbery may double, and homicide and motor vehicle

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theft also increase, according to the report. Using data recorded by police in 15 countries on the incidence of robbery, homicide and car theft, the report focuses on the possible effects of economic stress. In 8 of 11 countries undergoing economic upheavals, a link between economic factors and crime could be clearly established. Beyond the economic link to crime rates, various studies also state that there are many extenuating factors that drive this trend, including the presence of youth gangs, drugs, alcohol consumption and the availability of firearms. Gangs operating drug and vehicle theft syndicates are rife across South Africa, particularly in Gauteng and the Western Cape. Exacerbating this, the perceived or real high levels of corruption, instability in our law enforcement agencies along with perceived low criminal prosecution rates also play a role in bolstering crime levels as criminals believe they can act with impunity. These studies do f ind statistically signif icant correlations between unemployment and crime rates, which tend to hold true more often for property crime than for violent crime types.



12 MAY 2015

Bekendstelling Your one stop bedding & furniture landmark

SIMFONÉA-GEMEENTE open hul deure op 1 Augustus 2014 en dienste word gehou te Spruytstraat 26, in die ou DuitsLutherse kerkie. Die gemeente se ledetal het die afgelope twee maande verdubbel tot meer as veertig. Getroue lede kom van sover as Pretoria, Kemptonpark, Henley-on Klip, Brakpan, Boksburg en so meer. Op Sondag 3 Mei is drie seuntjies op die Bybelse manier aan die Here toegewy. Dit was ‘n besondere mylpaal vir die herderspaar om ook hulle eie agterkleinseun in te seën. Dit was ‘n feestelike gebeurtenis vir meer as sewentig besoekers wat ook die maandelikse nagmaal ingesluit het. Dale van Rhyn het ‘n pragtige lied gesing met begeleiding deur John Hanekom. Betsie van Rhyn het die gemeente se musiek en voorsang georganiseerder. Die gemeente sing bekende geestelike liedere wat gekenmerk word aan sinvolle harmonie, melodieë, ritme en betekenisvolle woorde wat ‘n besondere boodskap dra. Alle belangstellende musikante word genooi om hul talent tot eer van die Here te gebruik en betrokke te raak. Op Sondag 3 Mei is die eerste ‘Kinder-uur’ onder leiding van Christelle Nel aangebied. Die jeugaksie onder leiding van Marius Nel is nou in volle swang. Die jeug word aangemoedig om hierdie byeenkomste te ondersteun. Buiten die gereelde eredienste op Sondae is daar ook die ‘Manne-uur’ wat op Donderdae vanaf 9.30vm plaasvind. Alle pensioenarisse, sakemanne, tuisblyers asook tienerseuns woon hierdie besondere geleentheid by. Sinvolle gesprekvoering lei tot innige vriendskapsbande. Skrifbepeinsing asook gesamentlike aanbidding vorm ‘n integrale deel van hierdie aktiwiteit. Deelname is nie beperk tot lidmate nie, maar al die manne wie ‘n sinvolle uur saam met gelowiges wil deurbring is welkom. SIMFONÉA-GEMEENTE vier vanjaar hul eerste verjaardag in Augustus. Hierdie geleentheid sal gevier word tydens ‘n naweek van kuier, saamsing en feesvier

Uit die pen van Phillip van Rhyn van SIMFONÉA-Gemeente.

Ascot Bedding & Furniture situated on 27A Voortrekker street, opposite the Klipkerk, is the place to visit in Heidelberg if you are looking for quality bedding and furniture. The Heidelberg branch is part of a company who truly understands the importance of comfort in any home. Since 1991 Ascot Bedding & Furniture has conf idently provided beds that are perfectly matched to the customer’s body weight, shape, size and lifestyle and have prided themselves in ensuring that their beds provide “the perfect sleep you deserve in order to function productively”. Leading brands are spaciously on show in all sizes from the likes of Sealy, Cloud Nine, Rest Assured and Ascot Bedding’s newly introduced Perfect Collection range. In conjunction with the Perfect Collection range, Ascot Bedding & Furniture produced a range of exclusive padded bases. The result is a range of base exterior fabrics that will blend in with your furniture so you can do away with having to use the somewhat

Herderspaar, Betsie en Phillip van Rhyn, tydens die inseën van hul kleinseun. op verskeie maniere. Gospel kunstenaars sal ook tydens hierdie geleentheid optree. Hul beplan ook ‘n kunswedstryd met sang, musiek en voordrag. Voornemende deelnemers kan tydens enige oggenddiens vanaf eerskomende Sondag aanmeld. Daar sal uiteraard pryse op die spel wees. Kom en wees deel van hierdie snelgroeiende familie-gemeente en ontdek ware gasvryheid. Ons glo in die suiwer verkondiging van die Bybelse evangelie met die klem op die spoedig naderende weerkoms van Jesus Christus. Hy is die fondament en hoeksteen van Sy kerk hier in Heidelberg.

Ascot Bedding & Furniture your one-stop bedding and furniture landmark in Heidelberg

Car chase A 33 years old male was arrested for Possession of a stolen motor vehicle and possession of unlicensed firearm and ammunitions on Saturday morning May 9 at about 02:00 in Heidelberg North.

“Ons hou net kerk” Kom sing en aanbid saam by Spruytstraat 26, Heidelberg, saal Duits-Lutherse Kerk elke Sondag om 10h00

Kinderuur: Erediens: Manne-Uur: Jeugaksie:

troublesome night frills. Ascot Bedding & Furniture Heidelberg stocks a huge range of Grafton Lounge Suites at the best prices as well as beautiful bedroom and dining room suites to compliment your lifestyle. Apart from their normal retailing environment, the Ascot group has a contract division which supplies mattresses and furniture to the hotel and guesthouse industry, game lodges and interior decorators. So, while you focus on getting on with enjoying life, leave the rest to Ascot Bedding & Furniture. As an added benefit, we offer a professional delivery service and accept all major credit cards. The capable and professional Sophia, at our Heidelberg branch will assist you with advice and service excellence in order for you to make the right decision at the right price. Contact her on 016 341 2131 or visit the branch at 27A Voortrekker street, Heidel-berg or browse our website at Vist them today for quality and service excellence.

Sondae om 9vm. Sondae om 10vm. Donderdae om 9.30vm. Vrydae om 7nm.

Phillip & Betsie van Rhyn 079 762 5545 of 073 575 2296 267 SKAKEL 083 6198 267 6198


Sector Members were busy patrolling along the R23 Road at Shalimar Ridge when they received a look out for a maroon Toyota Tazz with registration number RZP 711 GP that was hijacked at Mahlaba Street, Ext 23, Ratanda which was spotted in Heidelberg. Police signalled the driver of the vehicle to stop, but he sped off. Police chase the the suspect until the R550 Road Heidelberg North. During the chase of the hijacked vehicle, there was a shootout between the suspects and the police. The driver of the maroon Toyota Tazz lost control and the vehicle overturned. No one sustained injuries, and one firearm pistol was recovered with 3 live ammunition, through the assistance of K9 unit Vaalrand. It is alleged that a 42 years old victim was hijacked of his maroon Toyota Tazz and was shot at Mahlaba Street Ext 23 in Ratanda location. He sustained serious gunshot wounds and was taken to Heidelberg Hospital for medical treatment by Paramedics. Police are still looking for one suspect who managed to run away. The arrested suspect will appear in Heidelberg Magistrate Court soon. Police are appealing to anyone with information about the where abouts of the remaining suspect to contact Heidelberg SAPS Detectives on 016 341 2575 or SAPS Crime Stop 08600 10111 or Prime. Media Crime Line 32211.

12 MAY 2015



Skole en Christelike Godsdiens Verskeie skole in ons land is voor die hof gedaag in ‘n poging om skole te verbied om Christelike godsdiens te beoefen. AfriForum ondersteun die geteikende skole om godsdiens in skole te behou deur by te dra tot die skole se regskostes. AfriForum saam met fietsryers, Derik Francis en Henk Stavast het op Maandag 4 Mei, Laerskool Tini Vorster besoek. Die hoof meneer B. Holmner het die AfriForum groep en die verteenwoordigende skole Hannes Visagie en Hoërskool John Vorster welkom geheet. Ds Dykstra het die verrigtinge geopen met skriflesing en gebed. Hy het uit Pred. 7:13 en 14 aangehaal wat handel oor, “aanskou die werk van God.” Sy kernboodskap was dat mense soms van God vergeet maar wanneer dinge skeefloop, nader hulle God om hulp. Fietsryer, Henk Stravast, het die leerders toegespreek oor skole wat voor die hof gedaag word omdat hulle die Christelike godsdiens beoefen. Hy het genoem dat hulle reeds 1500km afgelê

het en nog 4000 km moet voltooi. Hulle is tans onderweg na Durban. Hy het die leerders aangemoedig om standpunt in te neem vir hul godsdiens en oortuigings. Henk het die verhaal van Moses gebruik om te verduidelik dat die volk uit Egipte moes trek om die beloofde land te kon inneem. Toe die Israeliete voor die see te staan kom met hul vyande op hul hakke, moes hulle God om hulp vra. Moses het vir die volk ingetree en deur sy gehoorsaamheid aan God het die volk op droë grond deur die see getrek. Hy het ook Dawid en Goliat, asook Daniël in die leeukuil as voorbeelde gebruik. Verder het hy vertel dat hulle nie skaam moet wees vir God nie, Hy is immers hulle hulp. Die drie Afrikaanse skole gaan opstaan vir Christus, sodat Christelike geloof in die skole kan beoefen word. Die AfriForum groep doen ‘n beroep op ondersteuners om hul naam te sms na 38315 en ‘n donasie van R10 by te dra. Hierdie fondse is nodig om die hofsaak se kostes te dek. Die f ietsryers kan gevolg word op facebook, “Hou God in skole”.

JJC Kruger & Vennote Springs Parkland Kliniek Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172


Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging (By River Square kruising 016 423 3553

GEHOORSENTRUM Skoliere van verskeie skole in Nigel saam met fietsryers, Derik Francis en Henk Stavast.

THE VALUE OF A GOOD BROKER All financial services intermediaries, including short-term insurance brokers must be licensed with the Financial Services Board [FSB] in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act [FAIS] of 2002. Licensing depends to a large degree on the proven experience, knowledge and competency of the broker and supervision over their representatives. The FAIS Act contains “best practices” for brokers in their service delivery to their customers that they must adhere to and is strictly enforced. It further provides for a complaints resolution mechanism should a customer raise a complaint. Many brokers further belong to industry bodies and institutes that greatly contribute to the broker‘s continued development. All good brokers are committed to a fiduciary duty toward their customers and to facilitate the best placement of their insurance needs and objectives. In every person’s life there are two aspects on which decisions need to be taken, these being: · Wealth creation; and · Wealth protection. Most people plan the creation of wealth with care and diligence but it is amazing to what extent the protection of their assets is often handled haphazardly. Any insurance but especially short-term insurance, is arguably the most effective way to protect one‘s liabilities. Insurance should never be taken lightly! It is important that one takes responsibility and be actively involved in managing one‘s insurance portfolio. This is made much easier by building a relationship with a reputable broker or intermediary to help assist on the technical aspect of insurance. Reference: Short-Term Insurance – Guidelines Robbie Stutterheim; Compliance Practitioner





Transport Train collision brings issue of rail safety centre stage I will today write letters to both the Minister of Transport, Dipuo Peters, and the Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Transport, Dikeledi Magadzi, requesting that a Parliamentary Inquiry be launched into the cause of the train crash in Johannesburg that killed a Metrorail employee and injured hundreds more. In addition to the safety officer who was killed, up to 240 people were injured when a stationary Metro Plus train carrying 700 people was rear-ended at about 07:00 by a Business Express train with about 200 people on board. The Democratic Alliance would like to extend our deepest sympathies to all those injured, as well as to the family, friends and colleagues of the deceased Metrorail employee. The Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa) will need to be brought before the portfolio committee to give answers as to how a moving train could crash into a stationary one. When a large number of commuters make use of rail, we need to ensure that their safety is of paramount concern. Early reports suggested that at least two of the cars from the Metro Plus train were derailed. One landed on the platform, its entire front crushed, while the other went into a building, crushing some of the passengers. Faulty signalling has been suggested as a possible cause. Prasa cannot evade accountability in this matter and must be forthcoming with all the facts in an open and transparent fashion. The DA will continue to push for affordable, efficient and most importantly, safe public transport infrastructure in the interest of the millions of South Africans who make use of our national rail network monthly. Manny de Freitas MP

PROPERTY FOR SALE The under mentioned property is for sale on a “closed tender’’ basis: Area: Noycedale, NIGEL. Stand No: Remaining extend 23. Address: 7 Botha Avenue. Improvement size 137.5m2 & Reserved Value R 525 000. The properties with improvements may be inspected on appointment by prior arrangement with Brother de Bruyn, (011) 681·7036, from 09h00 to 14h30, from Monday 18 May2015. A photograph of the property(if available) maybe requested from the following E-mail address: Tenders, in a sealed envelope, must be placed in the Tender Box at the District Head Office, 95 North Road, Regents Park, or faxed to the secure fax line (011) 681 7099 by no later than 12h00 on Monday 08 June 2015. Once the tender has been awarded the transfer of ownership arrangements will be dealt with by the financial department which can be contacted at (011) 681 7000 or CONDITIONS OF TENDER: The Tender Committee will advise tenderer in writing within 14 days from the date of opening of the tenders; The highest tender or any tender may not necessarily be accepted and the Tender Committee reserves the right to decide in this regard; The successful tenderer will be expected to settle the tendered sum in full, either in cash or bank guaranteed cheque, within 60 days of having been notified; The tenderer shall take transfer of ownership within 60 days and the required documents will be handed to the tenderer on proof of payment of the tender sum, by the tenderer.

Once again the Minister, and the Deputy Minister in particular, spent a considerable time with the Portfolio Committee during this budget process. My experience tells me that this is a rare occurrence and the Democratic Alliance therefore appreciates your presence during our deliberations. However, it appears that this is where it ends. Daily, one encounters transport-related problems and the Minister and her deputy are nowhere to be found. E-tolls The e-tolling system is arguably one of the biggest transport issues presently on the lips of South Africans which the public continues to almost unanimously reject. Despite Sanral’s massive multimillion rand marketing spend throughout 2014, we see that the scheme’s compliance levels peaked at around only 45% in June 2014, this is confirmed by statements made by the Minister in Parliament. This translates to R120 million per month, confirmed by Sanral in a media statement. This was well short of their original target of R250 million per month. In July 2014, Sanral and the NPA had indicated their intention to begin prosecuting e-toll defaulters, however, Minister Peters wisely instructed Sanral to halt such plans, because of massive billing problems and chaos in the system, and maybe also due to possible anticipated wide-scale negative public reaction. During the Gauteng E-Toll Panel hearings between September and November 2014, virtually all business and civil society entities denounced the e-toll scheme and blamed its existence for the high negative impact on the socio-economic conditions in the region. In addition, on 3 October 2014, Honourable Paul Mashatile, the Gauteng ANC’s Chairperson, launched a scathing attack on Sanral’s management of the e-toll scheme and their disdain toward the work of the Makhura’s e-toll advisory panel. Courageously, the Honourable Mashatile made it clear that the ANC in Gauteng did not support the scheme in its current form. On 4 November, Sanral did an about turn and decided to engage with the Makhura’s e-toll Advisory Panel. This resulted in a series of blunders heightening public anger, particularly Minister Dipuo Peters’ comment that a fuel levy increase of R3.65 would be required to fund the GFIP (Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project). This intensified when Dr. Roelof Botha announced that the poor should “shut up” and remain out of the e-toll debate. Later in November 2014, during an inquest into a fatal crash collision on the M1, the State subpoenaed electronic data from Sanral recorded by the e-toll system’s gantry cameras. The information supplied by Sanral was grossly inaccurate and proved to be “inconsistent and unreliable”. The absence of Sanral’s ability to enforce the e-toll policy and the growing public anger has reduced the scheme’s monthly etoll revenue collections to around R60 million by the end of February 2015, estimated to be less than 23% of users paying for the use of the freeways. But wait, it doesn’t stop there! Sanral has been embroiled in other cases which point to a questionable conduct of public engagement programs. The one is with the Amadiba community on the Wild Coast N2 Toll Road plan where we understand that Sanral’s CEO, Nazir Alli’s affidavit that seeks to challenge Attorney Cormac Cullinan’s representation of the community, contain allegedly false statements. If this is indeed true, this could be seriously damaging for Mr. Alli’s reputation and the image of Sanral. The other is regarding the Western Cape’s Winelands freeway Toll plan. The Supreme Court’s ruling on 30 March 2015 asks serious questions around Sanral’s lack of transparency relating to their tolling model, the costs of the project and tenders awarded to the “preferred bidder” or appointed concessionaire. When one considers all this, there must surely be enough evidence to suggest that something is amiss with the leadership and performance of this State Owned Entity. Rail It is clear that although government is saying the correct thing: in that rail is the backbone of public transport, its actions contradict this. Just like last year, the largest amount in the budget is still allocated to roads and its infrastructure. Rail continues to be treated as a side issue. Road Safety And again I repeat myself; I bring up one of the Minister’s other monumental failures; her inability to stem the tide of deaths on our roads. A prime example was the cancellation by the Minister of the 2014 Road Safety Summit on very short notice to avoid being embarrassed because the recommendations that emanated from the 2013 Summit had not been implemented. On the 14th of March, I wrote to the Minister an open letter about this subject. I pointed out to her that she should take heed of Albert Einstein’s definition of insanity; that being as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Indeed, what road safety “strategy” you may have is insane as it yields little positive results year after year. Besides not having the plain courtesy of an acknowledgement of my letter or at the very least taking up some of my internationally proven suggestions, at a recent Portfolio Committee meeting the Minister chose to chastise me for daring to write to her! Rebuke me as much as you want Minister, the reality is that South

12 MAY 2015 Africa last year was ranked 177th out of 182 countries studied for road fatalities. These fatalities result in a huge socioeconomic cost, estimated at R306 billion per annum. We would be the f irst to support and congratulate you when we see more results and less rhetoric. Deal with the overlapping functions within the RTIA and the RTMC and Provinces and with the fact that we do not have anyone collecting data. When only 17% of fines in South Africa are paid one can safely say that this doesn’t even cover the cost of having enforcement! Minister, do something! Anything to reduce deaths on our roads. We as the DA are here to make transport and its potential to our economic growth work. We need to become single minded in everything we do so that this can become a reality. Manny de Freitas MP

Unity Let me put my frustration within the context of the article published in your 28 April 2015 (Volume 11 No 8 page 5). The article articulates the situation we f ind at this extremely volatile period in our currently accurately. The fact that we should all be working together to address the problems facing our people head on, I want to commend you for publishing such an article as I agree fully with the sentiments raised. The author pleads for the recognition and preservation of old statues whilst building new statues to celebrate our unsung heroes. I cannot agree more. My argument is as follows: Statues are but one aspect of the collective consciousness of a nation. Other symbols, activities, spaces etc need to be reflective of the society we all yearn after and are willing to diligently pursue. The question arises whether we are all actively pursuing the dream of our Rainbow nation? On both ends of the political spectrum we all need to do an earnest introspection. I think not much is being done to integrate the various communities within the key institutions in our society. Herein lies the gist of my gripe. I think your newspaper is highly hypocritical in that you are highlighting a critical issue, yet the content of your paper diametrically opposes this view. Let me qualify why I am saying this: 1. I have looked at the pictures contained in the issue mentioned above and of the 32 pictures depicting humans, only two show people of a different colour (not on their own but part of a racially mixed group) 2. The articles seem to be celebrating the achievements of only one sector of the broader community. My appeal is therefore that we erect and create “statues” ( broad def inition that would include non carved or sculptured images) that would reflect an entire nation and not fuel the already segregated society that we live in. Children and adults from all walks of life, race, creed religion must be made to feel that they are valued, aff irmed and an integral part of this rainbow nation. If all of us, no matter where we f ind ourselves, whether in schools, churches, mosques, shopping centres, recreational spaces, newspapers etc do not work actively towards achieving the RAINBOW DREAM, we can do whatever we want, but all our efforts will fade into oblivion. My appeal is that as the more privileged sectors in our communities, we need to be seen to embrace the destitute in our society. Lets use the platforms afforded to us to enhance, affirm and celebrate our people of all walks of life. Jonathan Williams

12 MAY 2015



VLU besing die natuur Vlu Heidelberg woon hul 440ste vergadering by. Tersia Botha van Mapumalanga het tydens die geleentheid die dames toegespreek met die Blou Kraanvoël, ons nasionale voël as tema. Sy beskryf die blou kraanvoël as een van die seldsame, beskermde voëls. Hierdie voël verskyn op die ou vyfsent stuk. Die blou kraanvoël simboliseer vrede en stabiliteit. Sy het ook die twee bome van die jaar kortliks bespreek. Die Bosvaderlandswilg word omtrent 7 meter hoog en sy rooi verkleurde blare in die winter is ‘n skouspel. Veral wanneer dit in groepies van 3 geplant word. Die Wildepietersieliebos is besonders omdat dit ‘n buitengewone stam het. Dit vorm ringe wat horisontaal afgeskeur word. Onder die bas is die stam satynglad. Dit het medisinale waarde en is droogte- en rypbestand sodra dit gevestig is. Die res van die jaar se vergaderings en uitstappies is klaar gereël en almal is welkom om aan te sluit en aan kompetisies deel te

Skadu kwiltwerk voorbeeld

Nelda de Wet (Voorsitster) neem. Ons is ‘n baie vriendelike tak wat mense meer ag as prestasies. Vir meer besonderhede, skakel Elda du Toit by 071 585 2455.

Graduate Boeredag saam Devon Slaghuis Lloyd Lottering an old matriculant of Nigel Secondary School graduated from Unisa this year. Lloyd is from Alra Park, Nigel and his mother Felicia Lottering is the principal at Alra Park Secondary School. He graduated with a qualification in Chemical Engineering. Lloyd is currently doing his post graduated qualification in chemical engineering (Btech) and will follow up with his masters. Well done!

Lloyd Lottering

Regs Theo en Chris Gilau, eienaars van Devon Slaghuis saam met hul vriendelike flinke personeel. Die span sien daarna uit om u van diens te wees. Vir al u gehalte vleissnitte en bobaas biltong en droëwors is dit die regte plek om te besoek. Verskeie maandpakke is hier beskikbaar. Ons nooi u hartlik uit om ons Boeredag op Saterdag, 30 Mei saam met ons te kom geniet. Koop jou eie braaipak en ontvang gratis pap en sous. Gaskunstenaars is Wentzel en Anza. Kom speel lekker speletjies saam met familie en vriende. ‘n Springkasteel is beskikbaar vir die jongspan en ‘n biertuin vir die manne met hardebaard. Bring oud en jonk en kom hou makietie saam met ons vanaf 8:00.

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12 MAY 2015

12 MAY 2015



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STAND 710 m²

DRINGEND VERKOOP!!!!! 4 slpk, 3badk, swembad, 2 m/ huise, pragtige tuin

HETTIE- 073 653 149 RENSBURG R890 000


3 slpk, 2 badk, kuierstoep, afdakke

HELAY - 072 848 4003 RENSBURG R900 000

One of stands!


open T/HOUSE IN SECURITY AREA: NUUT IN MARK - PLOT GOEIE KOOP! 3 beds, 2 baths, open plan, 1 3slp, 2 badk, kuierarea, 2 mo- 2 slpk, 2 badk, 2 toesluit afdakke, garage, 1 carport torhuise omheidende tuin

HETTIE- 073 653 HETTIE- 073 653 1496 HELAY - 072 848 4003 RENSBURG R1.180 M 1496 SENTRAAL R800 000 BERGSIG R1.399m

IN KOMPLEKS 2 slpk, 1.5 badk, oop plan, 2 motorhuise HETTIE - 073 653 1496 BERGSIG R920 000

4 slpk, 2 badk, studeer, sit, eet, 2 m/huise, elek heining

HETTIE - 073 653 1496 SENTRAAL R1,640 M

HOEKHUIS OP 2200 m2 ERF Huis met w/stel. 3Slp, 2bad, 2m/ huise, afdakke

HELAY - 072 848 4003


HELAY - 072 848 4003 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HELAY - 072 848 4003 OVERKRUIN R1.950 M




MODERN EN LUUKS GERIEFLIKE HUIS GOEIE KOOP! LIEFLIKE 2 SLPK HUIS 2 leefareas, kuierstoep , 3slp, 4 slpk, 2 badk, studeer, stoep met Dubbelverdieping, 5 slp, 5 badk ,leef areas, 2 badk, oopplan, leefvertrek met Ghu HELAY swembad, 2m/huise - 072 848 braai, 2 motorhuise 2bad,2m/huise braai, swembad, lapa HELAY- 072 848 4003 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HELAY - 072 848 4003 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 OVERKRUIN R2,995 M SENTRAAL R1.280m ATTENTION SELLERS!!!

VEILIG MOOI KOMPLEKS VIR DIE GROOT FAMILIE 3 slpk, 2 badk, oop plan, 5 Slpk, 4 badk, lieflike lapa, dubbel opwas, 2 m/huise motorhuis HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HELAY - 072 848 4003 FERRYVALE VISAGIE PARK

NIGEL MODERN PROPERTY. 3 Beds, 2 baths, kitchen, lounge, 2 garages

NIC 082 746 9295 FERRYVALE R1.1m


FAMILIEHUIS MET GRT ERF RUIM EN NETJIES `N MOET SIEN!!! 3 slpk, 2 badk, 2 leefareas, 3 slpk, 2 badk, studeer, onthaal 3 slpk, 2 badk, 2 leefareas, ruim met balkon, 2 m/huise kuierstoep, 2 motorhuise, afdak swembad, 2 m/huise, afdakke



HETTIE - 073 653 1496


Good BUY!!! 4 Beds, 1.5 bath, diner, kitchen, garage, carport


NIC - 082 746 9295 FERYYVALE R1.390 000


FERRYVALE ULTRA MODERN HOUSE 4 Beds, 3 baths, 2 gar, 2 c/ports, 1 bed flat,++

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NIC - 082 746 9295



BEST SELLER 3 Beds, 2 baths, lounge, kitchen, TV-R, 2 garages


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5 beds, 2 bath, 2 garage, lounge, dinning room, pool

NIC --082 746 9295 NIC 082 746 9295

3 Beds, 2 baths, kitchen, 2 garages, lapa, v/neat.

NIC - 082 746 9295 FERRYVALE R1,650 M

3 Slp, 2 badk , 5 motorhuise, eet/ sit k, TV kamer NIC --082 9295 NIC 082746 746 9295

DESIGNED WITH DISTINCTION FROM R285 000 INCLUDED 3 Beds, 2 baths, TV-R, dining room, COSTS pool, lapa

NIC - 082 746 9295 VISAGIE PARK R530 000

CONTACT NIC - 082 746 9295 VISAGIE PARK R1,295 M

STIL OMGEWING NUUT OP MARK 4 slp, 1 badk, 2m/huise, sit / eet 4 slpk, 3 badk, 3 m/huise, 2 afdakke, kamer, kombuis swembad, lapa

NIC - 082 746 9295 FERRYVALE R1,3 M

NIC - 082 746 9295 FERRYVALE R1,040 M


BAIE VEILIG 2 Slpks met motorhuis in kompleks, eie tuin

NIC - 082 746 9295 FERRYVALE R980 000

MUST SELL!!! GROOT HUIS UITERS NETJIES 3 Slp, 2 badk, 2 motorhuise, 3Beds, 2baths, lounge diner, 2 3 Slp, 2 badk, 2motorhuise, eet/sitk, garages, pool neat swembad. Goeie koop sonkamer, studeer kamer

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BOUWERK Alle bouwerk en aanbouings. Bou van Nuwe Huise en Woonstelle (Granny Flats). Seel & verf van dakke Skakel Gerald 083 384 9599


NOAH’S ARK PET SHOP: Voëls, voëlsaad, hokke, visse, viskos, akwariums. Hondekos Montego, Jock (3 in 1) ens. Avi-Plus. Bearded dragons, hamsters, krieke, meelwurms, hondehokke, honde jassies en bedjies. Honde, katte en hasies. Kaarte welkom. Oop weeksdae 9:00 - 17:00, naweke en vakansiedae 09:00 - 16:00. Tel: 083 456 6601. SHOP 7, FERRYVALE SHOPPING CENTRE CATERING / SPYSENIERING

RUMOURS RESTAURANT: For professional catering of all events. Weddings, Parties, Spitbraais, Platters and Potjies. Nothing too big or small. Your venue or ours. Phone Piet at 011 814 1428 / 072 470 2187. TO HIRE: Cutlery, crockery, large selection of table cloths, overlays, tables and chairs etc. Sonnette 082 926 1515 COMPUTERS / REKENAARS



LAUNDRY MATE Bring your comforters, duvets & blankets to us and stay cozy and warm under your fresh and clean bedding. Contact us for a professional wash, dry and ironing service 011 814 3597/072 511 4366 SMART KITCHENS & HOME IMPROVEMENTS For 3D Designer Kitchens or kitchen revamps, BIC, Bathr, Vanities, Wall to Wall Carpets and Laminated Flooring. No compromise on Quality and Service. Free Quotations. Phone Andre at 016 349 5052 or 082 738 1441

R&I TYRES & MAGS Nuwe MAGS in voorraad, Combo’s beskikbaar. DT&KT kaarte aanvaar. IVAN / DARREN 011-740-0477/011-744-3544 699 Voortrekkerstr, Brakpan

Bachelors woonstel te koop: Eslin Sentrum. Ueckermann str 24’ Woonstel no 19, Heidelberg. R190 000.00 (onderhandelbaar). Skakel Greyling Le Roux by 082 521 7948.

Groot 1 Slaapkamer woonstel te koop in Heidelberg R300 000.00. Kontak 0823776569 Dringende verkoop van aandele by Club Mykonos. Aandele is R1000 tot R1300 per aandeel werd. Tyddeel vakansie oord ingesluit. kontak 079 815 4648. GARDEN & BUILDING MOVERS


079 503 2217 011 363 0170

We spesialize in Garden & Building Rubble Removal. Nigel & surrounding areas.

AA MEETING HEIDELBERG Thursday 7PM @ Heidelberg Methodist Church, 59 Strydom, Street. Tuesday 6PM Corner-stone Church, 38 Zuid Street. If you think you have a DRINKING OR DRUG problem. Please come listen to the testimonies of sober recovered alcoholics and drug addicts. Contact Skipper Smith 061 142 6633.


URGENT - Turner job available. Must be able to cut threads. Can you cut threads? Are you reliable? Contact 0732151741 RiNico®computerkids benodig die dienste van ’n verkieslik gekwalifiseerde onderwyser/es of ‘n persoon wat lief is om met kinders te werk om rekenaarklasse te gee in Heidelberg en omliggende areas. Persoon moet bereid wees om een keer per week te ry na Nigel & Balfour. Vereistes: Rekenaarvaardig en eie vervoer. Skakel Rina du Preez 076 041 2544 of faks na 086 585 8174 of e-pos u cv na: Sluitingsdatum: 15 Mei 2015 VACANCY NEEEDED

JOB NEEDED: ‘n Lojale betroubare blanke man met kode 10 lisensie met pdp is dringend opsoek na werk. Kontak JJ Wolmarans; 076 014 3982.


Patryshoutlessenaar (groot) R2 995. Ou spieelkas R3 995. Showcase R2 995, Versameling van poppe R995. Spoorweglamp R250. Wastafel R2 595. Hoek drankkabinet R2 795. Staal tas R350. Wynvaatjie R895. Ou Kombuiskas hout R2 450. Oregan kist met glas bokant R1 395. TOD bankie R895. Oregan kas met wasbak, spieel en krane R3 995. Riempiesbank R3 795. Teetrollie R350. 4stuk Imbuia deur R2 250.Klavier bankie R595. Halfmaan tafel marmerblad R995. Bermese Kiaat Tafel R1 595. Ou Orrel met kroon R9 995, Groot ou spieelkas R8 995. Palmstand R795. Server R1 295. Chinese Hallstand R19 995, Wit cheval R450. 4 Laai liaseer kabinette vanaf R595. CAne/wicker sitkamstel 3stuk nuut oorgedoen R3 500. Oregan koffietafel R995. Ou hout kas - groot met rakke R7 995. Enamel skottels vanaf R40. Lampet beker R250. Kaggel R995, Brabantia asblikke R120 (onderhandelbaar). Oak tafel met 6 stoele (ingesluit ouma en oupa stoele) R4 995. Vierkantige pine tafel met 4 stoele R1 395. Pine buffet R1 195. CAM Kombuiskaste vanaf R895, Eenskaarploeg R350, Ou Tas R495. Vertoonkas R2 495, Brass kole emmer R350, Meelblik R150, Melkkanne vanaf R295, Ou Gieter R295.

Farryvale, Nigel, secured complex 24/7. No agents, no transfer duties. New 3 bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen and living area, double garage R790 000. A two bedroom, 2 bathroom, open plan kitchen and living area, single garage. R590 000. A one bedroom, 1 bathroom, open plan kitchen and living area, single garage. R389 000. Gergsig. Sekuriteits kompleks, 2slp kamer, 1 vol badkamer, oopplan kombuis area, carport, klein erf. Troeteldiere toelaatbaar. R690 000.Contact 073 414 9892. Mail


Antiques - oudhede. Ons koop, verkoop en restoureer meubels. Groot verskeidenheid nou beskikbaar. Kom loer gerus in. Skakel ons by 016 349 2175 of Wena 082 785 9108

Matrix Warehouse Nigel/Heidelberg. For all your computer requirements. 011 814 2156. 016-341-2563/

SuperMeubels, 42 Schoemanstr, Heidelberg, 016-341-4445SMS 071 545 3868, EPOS


12 May 2015

STEELWORK/ STAALWERKE BRIDAL / BRUIDE Wedding World Springs 011 811 5776/ 083 280 4584. Skitter in die rok van jou drome! Bring idee of prentjie vir asemrowende skeppings deur Elize – ontvanger van internasionale ontwerper toekenning (Parys, Frankryk) vir kreatiewe styl. Koop, huur of kies uit ons groot verskeidenheid elegante trou & aandrokke. manspakke, hemde, dasse en onder-baadjies te huur. Bespreek jou plek vir jou matriekafskeid rok nou! Betaal af tot funksie datum. Redelike pryse. Professionele vriendelike diens. H/v 3de straat & 3de laan Geduld, Springs.

Palisade Heinings Enige Staal Werk, Afdakke, Veiligheids Hekke, Diefwering, Hek motors, Lemmetjies draad

Willem 082 781 1753

The increase in lost and neglected animals is problematic for the SPCA due to lack of blankets and food. Nigel SPCA is in great need of donations. We urgently need dog as well as cat food (pellets and tins). Please help us to feed the animals in our care. All donations will be appreciated.

WENDY HOUSES A & ALLY WENDY’S 2X2 - R2 900. 2.4X2.4 - R3 500. 3X3 - R3 800. 3X4 - R4 500. Any size available from treated pallet wood. Floor, roof, door all included. 10 Years garanteed. Ally 073 283 5945 or 072 928 1724. ABBC Wendys. Low prices. pallet wood, knotty pine and log cabin. Pallet 2mx2m =R2900, 3mx3m=R3800, 3mx4m= R4500. We also help to move a your wendy from property to an other plase. Lionel 078 299 9193

Should you know of someone or anyone not receiving a Rekord Newspaper every second Tuesday please contact 011 814 8614

Phone Hazel @ 084 485 7020

THANK YOU Many thanks to the following companies who made our golf day a success. We will be having an annual event at the Nigel Golf Course. We hope to make it bigger and better every year so you need to come and participate next year. Thank you to Nigel Golf Course, Itimany Timbers, Nigel Building Supplies, Nigel Dros, Nigel Steers, Seldre Guest House, Steak Masters Heidelberg, Wild Peacock Nursery Sharon Park, Babcock and staff, Pick n Pay Sharon Park, Smooch, Precision Componet Services, Distelle, SAB, Brandhouse, Nigel Spar, Kings Butchery and Nigel Housewives Market.

12 MAY 2015


Deur na Uitmuntend die finaal

Fatso Molobi van Hoër- en Laerskool Balfour (0/12) is gekies vir die finale netbal Mpumalanga-proewe te Witbank. Ons skool is voorwaar trots op haar!

Nica Human van Heidelberg het op 9 Mei ‘n goue medalje verower in die Youth afdeling (17 jaar en jonger) tydens die SA Ope Atletiek kampioenskappe in Potchefstroom met ‘n hoogte van 1,75 meter. Nica het ‘n algehele 3de plek in die senior vroue afdeling vir hoogspring op die SA Ope Atletiek kampioenskappe in Potchefstroom behaal. Lissa Labiche (22 jr.) van Seychelles het goud gewen met ‘n hoogte van 1,92 meter. Die silwermedalje het na Bianca Erwee (25 jr.) van Suid-Afrika (NWU) gegaan met ‘n hoogte van 1,8 meter terwyl Nica Human (15 jr.) se hoogte van 1,75 meter die 3de beste prestasie in die SA senior vroue kompetisie was.

Sucessful compitition Little Lanie’s Nursery School in Dunnottar has had their first successful non perishable foods collection competition for the under privileged in the community. The classes took part and the winning class who collected the most goods were treated to a prize of ice cream cones. Little Lanie’s thanks all the people who

donated to this good cause. The Grade R class has won the competition. All the goods received will be handed out to Dunnottar C.P.F for distribution amongst the under privileged. We are honored to be able to assist in our community where possible.


New ball game The first exams are rapidly approaching for students who entered higher education this year, and preparing for these require a complete new mindset compared to school exams, an education expert says. “The difference lies in how your learning is being assessed,” says Nola Payne, Head of Faculty: Information Technology at The Independent Institute of Education. “In school assessments, your competence is measured in terms of knowledge, associated skills and application of that knowledge. For each assessment, it was important to understand which aspect would be the focus of the specific test. But in higher education, the various aspects are often assessed together, so you must make sure your answers – in tests, exams, portfolios or projects – showcase your competence on all levels at all times.” “By now you will know how successful you are in making the transition from learner to student. You can make that feedback work for you in your preparation for your first semester exams. “Furthermore, your results so far will give you an indication of how well you need to perform in your first exams, in order to be able to proceed with your course.” Payne says first years’ current subjects are purposely designed to help them achieve the qualification for which they enrolled. “This should make it easier for you, because you have an interest in this field and are therefore more motivated to perform well in these assessments.” She says that besides the usual advice offered when preparing for exams in general - a structured study plan, eating well and getting enough sleep - there are other academic strategies first years can use to maximise their potential and performance. The best method of preparation is always practise – find past papers and write them and get friends to assess them. This helps you train yourself to deal with pressure, you measure your learning and you develop your understanding of how a course is assessed.” Other strategies that make a difference include: Going back to the course outline, which will let you refocus on what the aim of the course is and what you are expected to learn. “The course outline should also give clues about the level of learning,” says Payne. Ensure you understand the difference between these different verbs. “Not only because this will help you understand the level of engagement, but because they will be used in the assessments and you need to be sure that you explain when asked to do so and list when asked to do so. Divide the time for the assessment by the number of marks for the whole assessment and manage your time allocation accordingly. “It is a good measure of how much time you should spend on each question. There is no value in spending half the time of the assessment on a question only worth 20% of the marks.” The structure, layout, and level of difficulty of your formative assessments will give you a clue as to the format in which questions are asked during the exams. “Examiners are not trying to trick you, but they will want to ensure that you have a good grasp and understanding of the subject and are capable of moving onto the next semester and being successful.” Speak to more senior students doing the same qualification. “They have the experience of having written the same exams and may be able to provide you with a few tips.” If you’re still unsure about a section of work, make an appointment to see your lecturer or tutor for a clearer explanation. “But go to this meeting prepared. You should take specific questions with you and not just say “I don’t understand anything”.

Great performance Karatekas did well at their first annual Gauteng Belt Tests on April 25 at Sharon Park. Enshin Karate Club from Nigel, Sharon Park and Dunnottar under Shihan German Visser, 6th Dan black belt, had their grading. The club members did well and are impressed with their performance. “These guys has really impressed me with their technical ability” says Visser. Enshin karate is a full contact karate style, with real fighting and it is not for the weak hearted. The karatekas have been training for months in preparation for this graduation as well as preparing themselves for the coming provincial knock down karate championship that will be taking place during September 5 in Pretoria. Shihan Visser is very confident in these members that they will be victorious, after putting in so much work during their training. Shihan G Visser with some of the karatekas who took part in the graduation belt test.



12 MAY 2015

Landloop presteerders hou klubnaam hoog Elf atlete van die Suikerbosrand Atletiek klub het aan die “AVT’s first 2015 cc league” deelgeneem op 2 Mei by die Dick Fourie Stadium in Vereeniging. Die landloop atlete het 4km afgelê. Die klub staan onder leiding van Susan du Plessis, wat baie trots is op die groepie en wens hul alle sterkte toe vir die landloop seisoen.

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Shop 67, Entrance 2, HEIDELBERG MALL TEL: 016 341 2453

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