Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

Page 1

9 June 2015

VOL 11 NO 11


Van Pa se geliefde Dogter Almal wil veilig voel. Almal soek ‘n onbeskryflike liefde. Dis die liefde wat net een man ooit kan gee. Net pa kon my veilig laat voel en my trane weg vee. Ek was ‘n klein meisie, maar nou is ek ‘n vrou. Maar ek sal die dogtertjie in my behou,wat omgee vir haar pa en net sy liefde vra. ‘n Pa op aarde gestuur van ‘n Pa van bo om My te lei tot die dag wat ek sê “I do.” Dankie vir bystand en als wat net ‘n pa kan bied, maar nou moet die Here se wil geskied. Waar ek gaan weet ek pa sal agter

my staan. Van my eerste tree het pa my lewenspad saam gestap. My held, my pa, die wenner van my hart moet my vertrou om in my eie lewe te volhard. Nooit sal ek ‘n oomblik saam my pa vergeet. Te danke aan pa kan ek my drome uitleef, deur swaar tye het pa se geloof ons gesin saamgeweef. Ons tyd saam hardloop uit, maar die herhinneringe sal voortbestaan. Mag my man, ‘n pa wees soos pa, wat waardes verstaan.

The man that we call Dad He never looks for praises. He’s never one to boast. He just goes on quietly working. For those he loves the most. His dreams are seldom spoken. His wants are very few and most of the time his worries will go unspoken too. He’s there.... A f irm

Father’s Day is just around the corner. Remember June 21!

foundation. Through all our storms of life. A sturdy hand to hold to in times of stress and strife. A true friend we can turn to when times are good or bad One of our greatest blessings, The man that we call Dad.



From the desk of Rev Ray Goddess

What we see I had to take my car into the garage in Nigel for a service and while waiting for my wife to pick me up I saw something that at the time seemed to be very disturbing. A vehicle (not the police) with certain markings on the side (this is not a “point f inger” article so I will keep this confidential) turned into the street that I was standing next to. The vehicle slammed on breaks (in the intersection), put the car into reverse and reversed into the main road again (while there were no cars that had to slam on breaks with this action when the cars came closer they all slowed down). The car then sped off (with a wheel spin) and chased after the car that had come out from the side road. When the car pulled up next to the car that he was chasing he slowed down and seemed as if he was speaking to the person (I presume the car had not stopped when he was at the stop street entering the main road – but I did not see the incident). While he was slowing

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12x12 .... R65.00 16x16 .... R78.00 20X20 ... R72.00 25X25 ... R85.00 ....... R143.00 32X32 ... R134.00 ..... R185.00 38X38 ... R152.00 ..... R231.00 50X50 ... R208.00 ..... R297.00 76X76 ... R308.00 ..... R418.00 100X100 ................... R530.00

20MM .... R64.00 25MM .... R85.00 ....... 32MM .... R115.00 ..... 38MM .... R134.00 ..... 50MM .... R185.00 ..... 76MM .... R276.00 .....

25x25x3 .................... R 91.00 25x25x5 .................... R141.00 30x30x3 .................... R106.00 30x30x5 .................... R184.00 40x40x3 .................... R141.00 40x40x5 .................... R220.00 25x25x2 .................... R 76.00 30x30x2 .................... R 89.00 40x40x2 .................... R106.00


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2450x1225x1.6 .............................. R486.00 2450x1225x2.0 .............................. R550.00 2450x1225x2.5 .............................. R699.00 2450x1225x3.0 .............................. R848.00 2450x1225x4.0 ........................... R1 210.00 2500x1200x5.0 ........................... R1 490.00 2500x1200x6.0 ........................... R1 700.00


Rev Goddess, Heidelberg Methodist Church time to think of things that you do and do not judge before you think of how YOU live your life. We need to try and make sure we stay within the law of the land (eg stopping at stop signs, speeding, fastening your seat belt etc). Keep the covenant we have with God (love God your Father with all your heart, soul and mind and love your neighbour in the same way) so that we can be an example to those around us rather than people who judge and do not do what we are “preaching”.

During oversight visits of child welfare offices across the East Rand, it came to light that these welfare organisation are battling to pay their social workers. This is due to the Department of Social Development failing to pay the quarterly subsidy, which should have been paid in April. One of the examples of how the delay in the payment of the subsidy is affecting social workers are Springs which haven’t been paid for two months up to date. In April Alberton could not pay salaries and friend and family members of the supervisor clubbed together to pay salaries and if the subsidy is not paid at the end of

May social workers will not get paid again. The government has obligation to ensure that non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are paid on time, every time. It is unacceptable that government expects child welfare offices to deliver services on their behalf, without funding them adequately and then to add insult to injury, they fail to pay them on time. The DA already asked the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) to investigate the underfunding of child welfare offices. They also wrote to them informing them of the late payment of the subsidy and the impact it is having on services to children.

Jy het ‘n afspraak 16 Junie! MAD Ministries in samewerking met Freedom Recovery Centre bied ‘n dwelmbewusmaking “walk” aan op Dinsdag, 16 Junie, Jeugdag. Dit word juis op hierdie dag aangebied om ons jeug bewus te maak van die gevare van dwelm afhanklikheid. Dis ‘n 5km stap wat vanaf Angelo Mall sal

plaasvind gelei deur die EMPD. Registrasies vind om 7:00 plaas en die wegspring tyd is 9:00. Ons nooi jeuggroepe, skole, oud en jonk om ons te kom ondersteun. Stalletjies is beskikbaar met lekker warm boerekoffie, boereworsrolletjies, pannekoek en heerlike warm sop te koop.

SQ BAR 6M 8MM ......... R56.00 10MM ....... R63.00 12MM ....... R73.00



R124.00 R159.00 R185.00 R260.00 R373.00




down and speaking to the driver of the car the cars behind had to slow down and did not know what was happening. The person chasing the car then did an illegal U turn in the road, raced back to where I was standing and sped down the side road. To summarize – what I saw was a person in a car who noticed a someone not stopping completely at a stop street BUT the resultant action could have caused THREE accidents if the other cars did not slow down and take note of the reckless driving of the car doing the chasing. Then while continuing to wait for my wife I started thinking of what I had actually seen. While I was quick to judge and feel that the person was reckless I also needed to realize that I had to thank the person for caring about someone, who had the potential to cause an accident and take him/her to task. I also realized that I sometimes do similar things but “do not think twice” about the consequences of my actions. So here is the challenge for this week. Take

Social workers go unpaid

JJC Kruger & Vennote

email: -

9 JUNE 2015

MAD LIGHUIS Cnr Kingsway & Windsor str, NIGEL

Services every Sunday @ 09h00 NO NEED to be lost, JOIN US!

Support group for drug & alcohol abusers every Wednesday @ 19h00 Past. Derick Matthews 078 465 4243

9 JUNE 2015



Stomp-af, mors-af? Rekord lesers in die Nigel, Dunnottar en Alra Park omgewing was baie ontstoke en geskok toe hul merk, hoedat bome links en regs afgekap word, sodat daar amper niks van die bome oorbly nie. Wat het geword van plant elke jaar ‘n boom en die kern van ons suurstof en papier afhanklikheid? Volgens ‘n woordvoerder van Ekurhuleni het die munisipaliteit kontrakteurs aangestel om die bome te snoei, asook om uitheemse bome uit te haal of te vervang indien nodig. Hierdie kontrakteurs het die oorhand geneem en omrede geld ‘n rol speel, loop alwat ‘n boom is deur. Ekurhuleni het verskeie klagtes vanaf die publiek ontvang en ondersoek ingestel. Voorlopig is alle snoei en afkap van bome deur die munisipaliteit gestaak. Alvorens die volgende kontrakteurs aangestel word sal daar seker gemaak word, dat hul die nodige taak kan verrig.

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cnr Kingsway & Van Riebeeck Str, NIGEL ANNELIE 082 853 4071 or 011 814 8614



9 JUNE 2015

The benefits of IPL skin rejuvenation! IPL Skin Rejuvenation Photo-rejuvenation is a non-invasive treatment that provides an effective way to correct and treat skin damage without disruption of the skin’s surface, producing younger and healthier looking skin on the face, neck, chest and hands. It can be tailored to your individual condition and skin type, offering you a personalised and targeted treatment plan. IPL Skin treatments using Photorejuvenation will effectively. Treat broken veins and capillaries. Reduce redness caused by broken capillaries and Rosacea. Eliminate spider veins. Treat imperfections from sun damage and photoageing age spot. Even out skin colour for a more youthful rejuvenated look. Decrease fine lines and wrinkles. Treat enlarged pores and acne and acne scarring

How does it work? IPL treatments are performed using a handheld device that delivers a broad spectrum of light onto the skin’s surface. The wavelength of light penetrates deep into the skin tissue to stimulate the cells beneath the skin’s surface, and triggers the body’s response to eliminates injured tissues and dead skin cells. IPL treatments are done in a series of 4-6 treatments at intervals of 3 weeks. Spreading the treatment over this period provides a gradual improvement of the skin, minimal amount of adverse effects and preserves the important “no downtime” feature of the program. What are the benef its of IPL skin rejuvenation? In addition to improving uneven skin colour, sun damage, facial redness

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(Rosacea), and pigmentation, the heat energy stimulates new collagen production beneath the skin surface, firming and rejuvenating the skin. After a series of IPL treatments the skin will appear more luminous, brighter and smoother. Improvements can be seen 10 days following the first treatment and enhanced results can be seen with each subsequent treatment. The results continue to improve

long after the treatment, as IPL stimulates your own natural collagen to rebuild and rejuvenate the skin. Are there any side effects? The intensive light can cause slight swelling and redness in the treatment area, especially in areas where the skin is very thin or especially fragile. However, any redness or soreness typically subsides within a few hours after the procedure.

LOVE is Not Provoked!

Proverbs 14:17 Short-tempered people do foolish things, and schemers are hated. (NLT) 1 Corinthians 13:5 teaches that Godly love is not easily provoked. When we operate in this kind of love, we are not irritable, angered, sensitive or in the words of the Amplif ied Bible “touchy or fretful or resentful”. Very often we fail to allow the healing power of God to eradicate the emotional wounds we incur in the course of normal living. The more unfinished business we carry with us, the easier we can be provoked. Unhealed wounds constantly demand our emotional energy and attention. It steadily eats away at our confidence and trust and leaves us ready to attack anybody that could possibly inflict further pain. Living like this leads to the brokenness we carry becoming part of our identity. In this way our past experiences start defining us. Not only do we absorb the pain into who we are, we also most often start using it as justification for living lives devoid of intimacy and real love for others. By Biblical standards however, being a victim does not provide us with a valid excuse for not deeply and truly loving people. God wants us to be rooted and anchored in His love for us. The emotional security that results from our love relationship with God, leaves us with the assurance that God will protect us when necessary and at the same time empowers us to not live defensively or always at the ready to retaliate. It renders us immune to the opinions of people and enables us to respond in love when necessary rather than react foolishly in the heat of the moment. The Bible cautions strongly against rash, anger driven behavior (Proverbs 14:17;

Proverbs 19:11). Proverbs 19:19 warns that “hot-tempered” people pay a penalty for their behaviour. Even though the intensity of angry words or behaviour can sometimes win us the outcomes we want, it always costs us dearly in terms of relationships, trust and respect. Throughout His life as recorded in the Bible, we never find Jesus retaliating or reacting to any insult or offense in word or in action. Regardless of the intense animosity and malicious intent with which the religious leaders of the time interacted with Him, He never once deemed it necessary to defend or speak up for Himself. In like manner, we f ind the apostle Paul speaking up for and defending others - the weak, the abused and never himself. Even though both Jesus and Paul experienced intense anger on different occasions recorded in the Bible, their emotion never dictated their behaviour. The wrongdoing does not lie in being angry, but in failure to resolve our anger in the way the Bible teaches us. In Ephesians 4:26-27 Paul instructs the Ephesian church to never allow anger to become fuel for revenge. Anger unresolved gives the devil a foothold in our lives and becomes a destructive force that spills over in foolish, hurtful behaviour. The antidote to this is outlined in Ephesians 4:31-32: “Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.” Tap into the Spirit of adoption (Rom 8:15) that sets us free from slavery to our fallen nature, draw deeply from the Spirit of love, power and a sound mind (1 Timothy 1:7).

9 JUNE 2015

Reduce service cuts Gauteng Finance MEC Barbara Creecy says a debt management committee between the province and municipalities will ensure that departments timeously settle their dues to local government. The committee is made up of f inance officials in municipalities as well as the province. It will function as the first port of call between the department and municipalities in cases where there are disputes over the cutting of municipal services because of outstanding debt. “It cannot be acceptable that the provincial sphere owes another government entity and there is no plan to sort it out. We have a moral responsibility as the provincial government to make sure that we are not undermining the financial sustainability of another level of government. This debt management committee is about a commitment to fulfil that moral responsibility,” she said. As at the end of April 2015, the debt owed by government to municipalities was R890 million. MEC Creecy explained that the province has taken direct responsibility to sort out the accumulated debt. Since 1 April 2015, provincial departments have ring-fenced funds for estimated rates and services and this will be paid over to municipalities on a monthly basis. The province will monitor expenditure on these funds and ensure that they are not diverted to other operational needs by departments during the year. While preventing the further accumulation of debt, the debt management committee will be working to settle disputes. “There needs to be a meeting of minds with regards to quantifying the accruals as well as payment arrangements,” MEC Creecy said. MEC Creecy said she had agreed with the South African Local Government Association (Salga) and municipalities that all disputes will be escalated to this committee and will be addressed and resolved at that level to minimise the cutting off of services. In addressing accruals, the debt management committee will need to look at the billing of services and payments that may or may not have been made, had not been captured or captured incorrectly. “The role players are very positive and there is renewed energy for tackling this issue,” MEC Creecy said. She commended an initiative by some Finance MMCs who met with local schools that have a direct responsibility for payment of services. Other schools’ municipal rates and services are paid for by the Gauteng Department of Education. She said this initiative involves meetings with all these principals where challenges regarding school budgets and municipal rates and services are jointly discussed. Municipalities also impress upon schools about the importance of paying for services or making proper arrangements. This initiative should be generalised throughout the province as it reduces acrimony and the cutting of services, MEC Creecy said.



Grants & infrastructure budgets Gauteng provincial departments have for the first time spent 99% of their total adjusted infrastructure and conditional grants budgets for 2014/15 financial year, This indicates that government continues to improve spending to meet the service delivery needs of the people, MEC for Finance Barbara Creecy announced. “We are very pleased that we have managed to spend 99% of our infrastructure budget in this period. In 2013/14 financial year we only managed to spend 91%. Infrastructure gives citizens services and provides jobs so it is very important that we have dramatically increased spending,” Creecy said during a presentation of the state of finances in the Gauteng Provincial Government at the f inance committee of the provincial legislature. The Department of Roads & Transport recorded 100% of expenditure, Sports, Arts, Culture & Recreation, Education, Human Settlement and Infrastructure

Development recorded an expenditure that is above 90%. “This money was used in the building and upgrading of schools, roads, clinics, hospitals, libraries, community care facilities and children’s homes. This is spending on a lot of social infrastructure and it means that we are expanding services to our citizens, while at the same time doing maintenance work as you know that many of our facilities are old,” she explained. GPG overall expenditure GPG departments spent 87.2-billion or 98% of the total 2014/15 provincial budget. The Department of Health, Department of Education and the Department of Social Development were the main drivers of expenditure for the provincial government, recording expenditure rates of 98%, 99% and 99% respectively. Total expenditure on compensation of employees remained within the budget,

Rekord next issue date will be June 30. If you do not recieve your copy of the Rekord every second Tuesday please contact 011 814 8614.

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but more work needs to be done to manage personnel numbers especially in labour intensive departments. “That is why we are constantly expanding the control environment in the departments government. We also managed to increase revenue collected from provincial sources including interest earned from investments, motor vehicle licenses, gambling, betting taxes and hospital patient fees by R700 million to R4.3 billion in the year under review. This was a 16% jump from the previous year. “The improvement in the collection rate of departments was due to innovations we continue to make in order to enhance revenue in our province. This is particularly the case when you look in the area of transport where we have made it easier for our people to pay their motor vehicle licenses through the South African Post Office,” Creecy said.

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9 JUNE 2015

Reward offered Weerstaan versoeking On May 25, 2015 at about 02:30 at “Palm Logistics” Heidelberg R42, three drivers who worked at the above company were sleeping in two trucks parked on the premises, waiting to leave for their destination at 05:00. One of the drivers heard something that sounded like a metal object falling on the ground and he and his co-worker

267 SKAKEL 083 6198 267 6198

investigated. Whilst walking on the premises they were overpowered by 3 – 4 black mails of whom one was wearing camo pants and a black jacket. One of the witnesses was overpowered by the robbers and threatened by gunpoint. He was taken to a building on the premises where he found the security guard already tied up. The other driver managed to ran away and alert a security company in the vicinity who arrived on the scene. The robbers were not found on the scene and the owner of the company discovered that twenty-four truck tyres and rims were stolen from two trucks. Anybody with information can contact Danie Day (083-7788-560) or Tommie Steyn (083-784-5483). A substantial reward is offered for any information leading to the successful arrest/recovery of twenty-four truck tyres and rims.

Should you know of someone or anyone not receiving a Rekord Newspaper every second Tuesday please contact 011 814 8614


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THE NATURE OF SHORT TERM INSUR ANCE Short term insurance is what is referred to as indemnity insurance. It indemnifies the policyholder against actual loss suffered or placing the insured in the same position as before the loss occurred. It further is a fundamental principle of short term insurance that a policyholder cannot be enriched under the insurance or placed in a better position than before the loss! For this reason one cannot insure one‘s assets with two insurers. If this becomes known, then the claim value will be shared by the insurers concerned. The principle of Subrogation: This principle is written into all short term insurance contracts. It means that the insurer has a right to act on your behalf to recover any losses from third parties that you (or the person insured under the contract) may have suffered. This has the effect that after the happening of an insured event the insurer may at his own discretion: · Defend or settle any claim on your behalf. · To limit payment of any amount you may be liable for to others, to the amount of cover provided for such event in your policy. · To take possession of any property on which a claim occurred and to deal with it as it seems fit. THE APPLICATION OF SHORT TERM INSURANCE Short term insurance is applied to two main areas of insurance, being: · Personal insurance (Personal lines): This is insuring the policyholder‘s personal effects or assets that are not used to conduct a business or profession or to generate an income. · Commercial insurance (Commercial lines): This is insuring the assets of a business and loss of “tools of the trade” with which business is carried out, as well as loss of income caused by an insured loss. Reference: Short-Term Insurance – Guidelines for Policyholders Robbie Stutterheim; Compliance Practitioner

Matt. 6:3 verklaar letterlik: En los ons nie alleen sodat ons nie in allerhande versoekings verval nie. Wat is versoeking? Versoeking beteken om deur een of ander mag subtiel blootgestel te word aan iets wat op die oog af lyk na onfeilbare sukses. Hierdie sukses blyk dat dit na rykdom sal lei. Moenie versoek word deur die versoeker nie! Matt 4: 3 & 11 verwys na die duiwel as die versoeker. Sy modus operandi volg gewoonlik dieselfde patroon, want die duiwel is ‘n nabootser en kan nie iets nuut uit dink nie. Hy werk met gedagtes en voer oorlog teen jou swak eienskappe. Sy motiewe is onsuiwer en slu en tyd is nie ‘n faktor nie. Volgens die woord is hy ‘n mense moordenaar en leuenaar. Natuurlik doen hy homself voor as ‘n engel van die lig en werk deur misleiding. Sy plan lyk op die oog af reg en regverdig. Hy ken jou behoefte. Hy kom oortuigend voor. Voor hy verskyn maak hy ‘n deeglike studie van jou omstandighede, jou dilemma en van jou swakhede. Wanneer alles dan skeefloop gee ons onsself die skuld. In werklikheid het satan die strik vir jou gestel en net gewag dat jy moet struikel. Hy besoedel jou gedagtes en maak jou voel dat jy ‘n mislukking is. Hy verwar jou. Sy hoofdoel is om munt te slaan uit jou verleentheid. Dit bring nie net skeiding tussen jou en mens nie, maar ook tussen jou en God. Wat is sy doel? Dat jy moet sondig en uiteindelik sonder God lewe en sterf. Hoe lyk die versoeker? Jesus was selfs ook deur satan versoek in die woestyn. Tydens Sy vastyd van 40 dae, is Hy sonder kos en water en Sy kragte min. In hierdie tyd wat Jesus kwesbaar was het satan probeer om Hom oor te haal. Jesus het hom met die woord gekonfronteer en weerstaan. Om hierdie rede is ons nie gevrywaar van satan se versoekings nie. Satan poog om ons geestelik en liggaamlik moeg en uitgeput te maak sodat ongeloof die oorhand kan kry. Jy kry die gevoel dat die Here jou verlaat het, en sien geen uitkoms nie en word blind vir die toekoms. Dan versuip jy in die woorde, “Ek kan nie meer nie!” Jy begin twyfel aan God se bestaan. Dit gaan hier nie oor of ek versoek word nie, maar oor hoe ek dit gaan onderskei en verwerk. Hieraan word sekere voorwaardes gekoppel: Eerstens het ek God lief en dien ek Hom? Jakobus 1:12 “Salig is die man wat versoeking verdra, (verwerk) want as

Uit die pen van Phillip van Rhyn van SIMFONÉA-Gemeente. hy die toets deurstaan het, sal hy die kroon van die lewe ontvang wat die Here beloof het aan die wat Hom liefhet.” Die mens word nie deur God versoek nie. Jakobus 1:13 “Laat niemand, as hy in versoeking kom, sê: Ek word deur God versoek nie. Want God kan deur die kwaad nie versoek word nie, en self versoek Hy niemand nie.” Pas selfbeheersing toe. Jakobus 1:14 en 15. “Maar elkeen word versoek as hy deur sy eie begeerlikheid weggesleep en verlok word. Daarna as die begeerlikheid ontvang het baar dit sonde; en as die sonde tot volle ontwikkeling gekom het, bring dit die dood voort.” Vertrou die Here. 1Kor 10:13 “Geen versoeking het julle aangegryp behalwe ‘n menslike (vleeslike) nie; maar God is getrou, wat nie sal toelaat dat julle bo julle kragte versoek word nie; maar Hy sal saam met die versoeking ook die uitkoms gee, sodat julle dit sal kan verdra”. Besef en weet jy is nooit alleen nie. Psalm 23. Heb 13:5 en 6. “Julle gedrag moet vry van geldgierigheid wees. Wees tevrede met wat julle het, want Hy het gesê: Ek sal jou nooit begewe en jou nooit verlaat nie. Daarom kan ons met alle vrymoedigheid sê: Die Here is vir my ‘n Helper, en ek sal nie vrees nie; wat sal ‘n mens aan my doen? Hebreërs 2:17 en 18 “Daarom moes Hy in alle opsigte aan sy broeders gelyk word. Want deurdat Hy self onder versoeking gely het, kan Hy dié help wat versoek word”. Liewe leser vandag wil die Here jou nooi om Matt. 11:28 “Kom na My toe, almal wat vermoeid en belas is, en Ek sal julle rus gee,“ vir jou te neem en dit op jou hart te skryf. Ons het in hierdie tye die Here so nodig, sonder Hom is ons niks en tot niks in staat nie. Is jy moeg en afgemat en sien nie kans vir die dag van more. Juis omdat Hy leef sien ek kans vir die dag van more!

“Ons hou net kerk” Kom sing en aanbid saam by Spruytstraat 26, Heidelberg, saal Duits-Lutherse Kerk elke Sondag om 10h00

Kinderuur: Erediens: Manne-Uur: Jeugaksie:

Sondae om 9vm. Sondae om 10vm. Donderdae om 9.30vm. Vrydae om 6:30nm.

Phillip & Betsie van Rhyn 079 762 5545 of 073 575 2296

9 JUNE 2015


Adopt hi-tech systems In stepping up the pace towards becoming a digital city and promoting the effective use of technology to improve healthcare, the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality is phasing in the E’Health Records system in primary health facilities across the Metro. The Electronic Health Records system will make an impact on the waiting times and management of medication at primary healthcare facilities and the first phase, which is in the process of being implemented, is the Patient Registration Module. To date a total of 51 732 patients have been registered on the system at 40 primary healthcare facilities across the Metro. The Patient Registration Module allows for patients to be registered electronically at reception when they visit clinics. The system will also assist the municipality to establish how many clients are registered at a specific clinic and use that data for the purpose of improving planning of health services and the allocation of resources. It will also assist in the administration of medication and eliminate the current challenge of duplication of treatment - where patients receive medication from more than one clinic. The records system will in future be linked with the SMS notification system that has already been piloted in nine health facilities. Chronic patients will be sent a short message text reminding them of their next consultation date. An additional electronic module that will be applied in response to the national strategy to modernise healthcare is Mom Connect. Mom Connect is a cell phone system linked to a National Electronic Information Centre that was implemented through the National Department of Health in September 2014. It is essentially an SMS service which provides expectant mothers with information and advice on pregnancy, as well as a channel to notify government about poor service. Training is ongoing to ensure that all clerical personnel are prof icient to use the E’Health Records system. While the municipality is in the processes of phasing in the system residents are urged to adhere to their appointment dates to prevent overcrowding at clinics.

Boeredag reuse sukses Devon Slaghuis se boeredag op Saterdag, 30 Mei sal nie gou vergeet word nie. Sang items deur Wentzel en Anza het gesorg vir ‘n lekker boere atmosfeer. Verskeie kompetisies is aangebied en wenners het met groot pryse weggestap. Die wenner van die halwe lam was Lynette van Staden, inwoner van Nigel. Mense van oral oor in die omgewing het die dag bygewoon. Die mense was glad

Aftree-oord spog met eie suster Eeufeespark aftreedorp is bevoorreg om die dienste van suster Martie Gammie te bekom as verpleegsuster by die oord. Sommige van die ouer inwoners is nie altyd instaat om self verpleegsorg toe te pas nie en hulle kan nou verseker wees om hulp te kry van ‘n gekwalifiseerde suster. Martie gaan die nodige inspuitings gee en basiese toetse soos bloedruk, suiker en koors hanteer. Die direksie doen hul bes om die nodige basiese dienste aan die inwoners te verskaf.


Nigel Vereniging vir Senior Burgers voorsien ook lekker warm gebalanseerde etes aan die inwoners by die Kenmekaar sentrum. Lede van die publiek kan ook van die middagetes teen R36 ‘n bord kom koop. Besprekings moet die vorige dag gedoen word. Teen ‘n geringe fooi word die etes in Nigel afgelewer plaas jou bestelling by Riana. Die saal word uitgehuur vir funksies belangstellendes kan Riana by 011-814 7017/8 skakel.

nie skaam om aan die speletjies en kompetisies deel te neem nie. Die braaivleis vure het jou sommer lekker honger gemaak en almal het gesmul aan alwat ‘n kosstalletjie was. Theo en Chris van Devon Slaghuis bedank almal wat die dag saam met hulle geniet het. Hy beplan weer ‘n soortgelyke geleentheid. Hou die nuus dop! Foto; Sangers Wentzel en Anza.

Manne wat aan die boeredag se kompetisies deelgeneem het.

Genot op die straat Inwoners kon heerlik smul aan al die lekkernye wat verkoop is, tydens die EG Gemeente op Nigel se sypaadjie verkope.

Laerskool Tini Vorster


Suster Martie Gammie, Louw de Jager (voorsitter van NVSB, Kenmekaar), Hannetjie Otten (bestuurderes) en Chris Botha (onder voorsitter, Eeufeespark).

Joubertstr. 15, NIGEL TEL: 011 814 6470. Epos adres:



Vergun my die geleentheid om kortliks te reageer op Mnr. Chris Botha, namens die Direksie van die Eeufeespark AftreeOord, se klagte in die uitgawe van 26 Mei, aangaande die huidige toestand van die kanaal wat deur ons dorp en langs die oord verby vloei. Die berig, tesame met fotos is deur die koerant gedra onder die opskrif “SIES” As persoon wie homself voortdurend vir die behoud en rehabilitasie van die omgewing beywer, moet ek heelhartig met hom saamstem oor die toestand van die kanaal, ‘n belangrike bron van die Blesbokspruit wat uiteindelik in die Vaaldam uitmond. Sedert ek drie jaar gelede as Raadslid verkies is, het ek myself voortdurend beywer vir die opruiming en rehabilitering van hierdie bate. Soos op soveel ander gebiede slaag die regerende elite steeds nie daarin om Ekurhuleni se bates in stand te hou nie, trouens hulle spook steeds om die

NIGEL/HEIDELBERG REKORD - ONLINE EDITION ‘n aanvang neem fondse weer beskibaar begrip “onderhoud” baas te raak. Ongeveer agtien maande gelede, na aan- sal wees. Die department was ongelukkig houdende druk en dreigemente van my nie bereid om hulself tot ‘n datum te kant en na ‘n uitgerekte tender proses is verbind nie. ‘n kontrakteur uiteindelik aangestel. Hy Ten slotte wil ek graag my dank aan Mnr het die terein besoek, die wêreld op en af Botha sowel as vele ander inwoners wat bekyk en te kenne gegee dat hy nie meer in die projek belang stel nie en die pad gevat. Na ‘n uitgerekte hofsaak oor die aangeleentheid is ‘n tweede tender proses geloods. Kort na die aanstelling van die nuwe kontrakteur is vyf senior personeellede van The recent announcement on the dispensation die department, wie vir die instandhouding for the Gauteng Freeway Improvement van die kanaal verantwoordelik is geskors Project (GFIP), commonly known as the esonder opgaaf van rede. Dit het uiteraard Tolls, by Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa ‘n negatiewe uitwerking op die proses was received with much anticipation. gehad in die opsig dat, nadat die kontrak- Most of the residents in Gauteng were expecting for this unjust system to simply be scrapped. teur ‘n gedeelte van die opruiming gedoen Instead, the Deputy President announced het fondse opgedroog het. Sodoende het nothing more than “smoke and mirrors” – as if die kontrakteur uit die aard van die saak motorists wouldn’t be able to see through this. die opruiming gestaak. These tricks were essential for the ANC as they Die skorsing van die betrokke senior dramatically lost a record 11% support in amptenare is ‘n maand gelede opgehef, Gauteng during last year’s General Election. The steeds sonder om redes te verskaf en die voters of Gauteng have made their feelings betrokke departement het sedertdien “her- known with their peaceful resistance campaign leef ” en kon werksaamhede binne die of not paying for the e-tolls system. The message from Gautengers is simple; we saw betrokke department hervat word. the gantries being built on our existing freeways. Na samesprekings met die department We weren’t consulted. We didn’t ask for them. verlede week is ek in kennis gestel dat Now we are expected to pay. We will not. sodra die nuwe finansiele jaar op 1 Julie After all, we are simply following the attitude of

9 JUNE 2015 gereeld kwessies aanmeld oordra, wees verseker dat ek sal aanhou om hierdie saak my volle en onverdeelde aandag te gee. Ek sal nie rus voordat hierdie probleem opgelos is nie. DA Rdl. Wally Labuschagne

The new eToll dispensation – there is an alternative yet the ANC refuse it!

our President: he saw the construction being built at his Nkandla homestead. He wasn’t consulted. He didn’t ask for it. Now he is expected to pay. He says he won’t. Why should Gautengers have a different attitude? Ramaphosa and the rest of the government genuinely believed that they had come up with the perfect e-toll “deal”. They just don’t get it! It’s no longer about the best “deal”. It’s about the ANC government, its abuse of power and continued upward trend at corruption and raping of resources at every sphere of government. The citizens are quite simply gatvol! Their attitude is simple: government expects us to pay for e-tolls which money will benefit a European state. Yet Zuma and his cronies continue to ride the crest of the corruption wave. Benefiting from South Africans hard earned earnings yet treating the population like simpletons even to an extent that the President last week joked and laughed in Parliament about the public’s response to Nkandla! The sad part of this is that there are cheaper, more efficient and more effective alternatives to funding the e-tolls. The latest announcement by Ramaphosa clearly illustrates that government has had the capacity to subsidise the e-tolls from their inception but has tried to squeeze every cent out of its citizens instead. An Ipsos study conducted in April showed that an overwhelming 74% of Gauteng motorists believed the government should f ind an alternative to the e-toll system. Speaking to off icials in the Department of Transport, I got the impression that the department thought that they will now blackmail motorists into paying for this unjust system by linking it to the payment of motor vehicle license discs. Apart from the fact that at present this would be an illegal practice, legislative amendments would be required to affect this

change. It will take time for these changes to become a reality – probably around 18 months! This fact in itself leads me to believe that the etoll announcement was premature. The consequence is simple: motorists will simply rather pay a R250 f ine for driving with an outdated license disc. This is much cheaper than paying for e-tolls! Those that can afford to pay their e-toll bills will not pay in protest. Another question of concern is if withholding the issue of licence discs would pass constitutional muster, as it would be tantamount to forcing a person, who has in fact paid licence fees to renew their licence, but to whom a licence disc has been refused, to contravene the National Road Traffic Regulations by not displaying a current licence as required. Not displaying an up-to-date licence disc is, under the AARTO Act, a minor infringement which results in a R250 fine, discounted by 50% if paid within 32 days. The consequence of not paying such a fine could, after the prescribed period and processes have ensued, lead to an enforcement order being issued, thereby blocking licensing transactions on the eNaTIS system against the person. In other words, the motorist would not only have unpaid e-tolls and no current licence disc, but would also have one or more unpaid traffic fines which can currently proceed no further than an enforcement order and would therefore constitute no real inconvenience to the person. So if this new provision is passed and people continue their resistance campaign, it may be found that the Gauteng Provincial Government and all licensing authorities in Gauteng will suffer negatively as their licensing income revenues drop dramatically. Considering that Gauteng has the largest vehicle population in the country currently at 38.87% which equates to 11,493,608 vehicles as at 31 March 2015, this is not small change for the Gauteng government. This intended “blackmail” by government will have unintended consequences including an opportunity for the development of a new underground illegal license disc and number plate industry in South Africa. All this can be avoided but this won’t be apparent to the many politically connected people have too much riding on this financially. The financial alternatives are as clear as day and funding the GFIP through the fuel levy is the most obvious solution. Government would enjoy 100% compliance from motorists and administrative costs are minimal. This year the fuel levy generated R55 billion, up from R24,8 billion in 2008 when this projected was initiated. Ironically, the Apartheid government created the fuel levy in the 1970’s to fund road-construction. Today this fund goes into the various departmental coffers never to be used for their intended purpose. The GFIP bonds require approximately R1,9 billion annually to finance over their required 24 year lifespan. This only equates to about a 10c per litre rise in the fuel price! Sadly the fuel price has risen by R1,22 per litre since the advent of the GFIP in 2008. This is equivalent to more than 12 times of what is required to fund the GFIP bonds over their lifetime. Simple economics would suggest a 10c increase in the fuel levy would be the optimal solution. It’s a no brainer!! Yet our cloak and dagger government will ignore the fuel levy route instead insisting on e-tolls to hide their ineff iciencies and corruption and expecting Gautengers to cough up more of their lifeblood. I will be tabling a private members bill against urban tolling. The DA will not give in to an inept system. The final fight must now take place at the polls in 2016 when voters have the opportunity to demonstrate that if the ANC wishes to ignore public sentiment through its e-toll announcement then it must deal with the consequences of its actions. Manny de Freitas MP

9 JUNE 2015



Gogo Zama’s rubbish Tops bottle store winners Piles of decaying rubbish at Gogo Christina Zama’s house have led to a standoff among the residents of the Skosana Street in Duduza. The 85 year-old is a registered recipient of the government social package. Her intentions to recycle refuse material in order to generate extra cash to feed her family have landed her on the wrong side of the law and pose a health risk to her and five of her grandchildren. Countless warnings from the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM) and threats to fine her in an attempt to spur her to clean up her pest-ridden yard have fallen on deaf ears as her recyclingturned-hoarding has become her bread and butter. The EMM has now resolved to address the hoarding problem and has organised members of the community and municipal officials to help clean the yard as well as provide psychological assistance to gogo to help her cope with the imminent change. Dignity has been restored to gogo Christina Zama’s home last week. Disappointment and hurt was written on

Zama’s face as she watched on officials removing what used to be her source of income. Piles of rotting garbage, plastic containers, tins, jars, containers, cushions, furniture, live and dead vegetation and disused electrical items all thrown into the big metal waste bin for disposal. “Caring for our senior citizens is a priority as the municipality and we believe that this cleaning intervention will improve gogo’s health and wellbeing, as well as that of her family,” said Ekurhuleni spokesperson Themba Gadebe. “We will also provide her with the necessary social assistance, including food parcels, and we will continue to monitor the state of cleanliness of the home.” According to gogo’s youngest daughter Mirriam Zama (35) her mother started collecting recyclable refuse material in 2010 and ever since then the amount of rubbish at their house escalated to alarming levels. “It’s very difficult to manage her, she is now addicted to picking up anything even if it’s not recyclable,” said the saddened Mirriam.

A competition was held at Tops Bottle store at the Angelo Super Spar. To enter this competition clients had to write their names at the back of their slips. On June 2, Ettiene Matthysen the manager of Tops @ Angelo Spar did the draw.

The lucky winner of the Amstel Light fridge was Massimo Meinardi and the winner of the Logik ice machine was Corne Mitchell. Ettiene gladly handed the prizes to the winners who were overwhelmed.

Ettiene Matthysen, Marinda Mitchell and Massimo Meinardi.

Bloom in winter As the seasons change and the bounty of colour and fragrance offered up by the summer months begins to ebb, why not top up on both by planting two winter blessings; pansies and violas. Don’t be fooled by their delicate appearance, these are hardy little plants that will survive the most bitter conditions and bloom throughout winter and well into spring. If you come out one morning to find them all frozen stiff from the wintery night before, never fear, they will defrost and be just as lovely as they were before.

Gogo Christina Zama’s home.

ACE AUTO SCRAPYARD 011 811 5855 Springs Opp.

Their names; pansy, viola and violet are interchangeable, though distinctions can be made by the plants’ size and petal formation. Pansies are the larger flower, having four petals pointing upwards and just one pointing down, sometimes referred to as the beard, whereas the viola has three reaching skyward and two down. The flower of a pansy is markedly larger than that of the viola, though what the viola lacks in size it certainly makes up for in number, providing many more blooms.


Wholesale / Retail Cars by Mr. H

Insurance approved: * alarms * immobilisers * gearlocks * central locking * pin/push locks

Riaan Hamman 082 552 2671

Fire Station Jan 011 814 4362 24 Kerk str, NIGEL

* Automotive Navigation

D.F. AIRCON Mobile Automotive Aircon & Refrigeration Repairs. Aircon Repairs to Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Mining equipment, combines “Stroopers”. Daniel 082 348 4499 All work guaranteed

143 Von Gausau str, Nigel 011 814 3345



9 JUNE 2015

9 JUNE 2015





BOUWERK Alle bouwerk en aanbouings. Bou van Nuwe Huise en Woonstelle (Granny Flats). Seel & verf van dakke Skakel Gerald 083 384 9599


NOAH’S ARK PET SHOP: Voëls, voëlsaad, hokke, visse, viskos, akwariums. Hondekos Montego, Jock (3 in 1) ens. Avi-Plus. Bearded dragons, hamsters, krieke, meelwurms, hondehokke, honde jassies en bedjies. Honde, katte en hasies. Kaarte welkom. Oop weeksdae 9:00 - 17:00, naweke en vakansiedae 09:00 - 16:00. Tel: 083 456 6601. SHOP 7, FERRYVALE SHOPPING CENTRE CATERING / SPYSENIERING

RUMOURS RESTAURANT: For professional catering of all events. Weddings, Parties, Spitbraais, Platters and Potjies. Nothing too big or small. Your venue or ours. Phone Piet at 011 814 1428 / 072 470 2187. TO HIRE: Cutlery, crockery, large selection of table cloths, overlays, tables and chairs etc. Sonnette 082 926 1515 COMPUTERS / REKENAARS



LAUNDRY MATE Bring your comforters, duvets & blankets to us and stay cozy and warm under your fresh and clean bedding. Contact us for a professional wash, dry and ironing service 011 814 3597/072 511 4366 SMART KITCHENS & HOME IMPROVEMENTS For 3D Designer Kitchens or kitchen revamps, BIC, Bathr, Vanities, Wall to Wall Carpets and Laminated Flooring. No compromise on Quality and Service. Free Quotations. Phone Andre at 016 349 5052 or 082 738 1441

R&I TYRES & MAGS Nuwe MAGS in voorraad, Combo’s beskikbaar. DT&KT kaarte aanvaar. IVAN / DARREN 011-740-0477/011-744-3544 699 Voortrekkerstr, Brakpan


Antiques - oudhede. Ons koop, verkoop en restoureer meubels. Groot verskeidenheid nou beskikbaar. Kom loer gerus in. Skakel ons by 016 349 2175 of Wena 082 785 9108

Matrix Warehouse Nigel/Heidelberg. For all your computer requirements. 011 814 2156. 016-341-2563/

WENDY HOUSES A & ALLY WENDY’S 2X2 - R2 900. 2.4X2.4 - R3 500. 3X3 - R3 800. 3X4 - R4 500. Any size available from treated pallet wood. Floor, roof, door all included. 10 Years garanteed. Ally 073 283 5945 or 072 928 1724. ABBC Wendys. Low prices. pallet wood, knotty pine and log cabin. Pallet 2mx2m =R2900, 3mx3m=R3800, 3mx4m= R4500. We also help to move a your wendy from property to an other plase. Lionel 078 299 9193

Should you know of someone or anyone not receiving a Rekord Newspaper every second Tuesday contact 011 814 8614

Ferryvale, Nigel, secured complex 24/7. No agents, no transfer duties. New 3 bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen and living area, double garage R790 000. A two bedroom, 2 bathroom, open plan kitchen and living area, single garage. R590 000. A one bedroom, 1 bathroom, open plan kitchen and living area, single garage. R389 000. Bergsig. Sekuriteits kompleks, 2slp kamer, 1 vol badkamer, oopplan kombuis area, carport, klein erf. Troeteldiere toelaatbaar. R690 000. Ferryvale Nigel, 23 HullstraatR1.2 miljoen. Dubbel erf, 3 garages, lapa, boorgat, 3slp kamer, 2 badkamer, swembad, plus 1 woonstel. Kontak 082 9243 089/073 414 9892 of

Dringende verkoop van aandele by Club Mykonos. Aandele is R1000 tot R1300 per aandeel werd. Tyddeel vakansie oord ingesluit. kontak 079 815 4648. GARDEN & BUILDING MOVERS


079 503 2217 011 363 0170

We spesialize in Garden & Building Rubble Removal. Nigel & surrounding areas.

TO RENT / TE HUUR To Rent: 24 Voortrekker Street Balfour. A 5 bedroom house for R6000, 4 outside ensuite rooms for R1500 each. All pre-paid electricity. Available immediately. Contact 0813479548.

FURNITURE / MEUBELS SuperMeubels, 42 Schoemanstr, Heidelberg, 016-341-4445SMS 071 545 3868, EPOS Pine meubels, Imbuia & Parmaf in meubels, bruin leerbank, Cam kombuiskaste met 20% afslag op kontant en 10% afslag op dt/kt kaart, hoek kroeg, 8 stuk Bermese Kiaat eetkamerstel, Beekman elektriese rolstoel. R6 000, Wicker sleepercoach, Spalding golfstel R1 195, kinderslaapsakke R250, roller en bender van Strongman elk R5 995, Pressure spraygun, koekpanne, matte, bedkassies, los Imbuia buffet met koepel, oudhede en nuwe beddens, en dan ook nuwe kar, bakkie en taxi bande.


9 JUNE 2015

AA MEETING HEIDELBERG Thursday 7PM @ Heidelberg Methodist Church, 59 Strydom, Street. Tuesday 6PM Corner-stone Church, 38 Zuid Street. If you think you have a DRINKING OR DRUG problem. Please come listen to the testimonies of sober recovered alcoholics and drug addicts. Contact Skipper Smith 061 142 6633.


Springkastele te huur. Verskeidenheid beskikbaar. Skakel Chris van Maandag tot Saterdag; 011 814 4646 / 083 305 6100. CLEANING / SKOONMAAKDIENSTE

Tsoseletso Super 4 Cleaning Services. We specialize with the following: carpet cleaning, water extraction, cleaning offices, domestic and industrial offices. Rabble transportation. Contact Olaf Bergh 082 8744 851 orJana Bergh 082 302 5944 or Amos Madonsela 082 3532 449. Mntimande Carpet Cleaning. We specialize in cleaning the offices, bathrooms and showers and we do carpet cleaning, water extraction, domestic cleaning and rabble transportation. Contact Olaf Bergh: Amos Madonsela 082 353 2449 or Pat Mashiane 073 599 2062.


Heidelberg. Een man woonstel. Sentraal gelee en beskikbaar vanaf 1 Julie 2015. Wedding World Springs 011 811 5776/ Skakel; 082 552 7821. BRIDAL / BRUIDE

083 280 4584. Skitter in die rok van jou drome! Bring idee of prentjie vir asemrowende skeppings deur Elize – ontvanger van internasionale ontwerper toekenning (Parys, Frankryk) vir kreatiewe styl. Koop, huur of kies uit ons groot verskeidenheid elegante trou & aandrokke. manspakke, hemde, dasse en onder-baadjies te huur. Bespreek jou plek vir jou matriekafskeid rok nou! Betaal af tot funksie datum. Redelike pryse. Professionele vriendelike diens. H/v 3de straat & 3de laan Geduld, Springs.

Laerskool Tini Vorster vier hul 75 jaar reünie op Saterdag, 20 Junie by skoolterrein. Verrigtinge begin om 7:30 tot 18:00. Vir registrasie en navrae skakel 011 814 6470.




JOB NEEDED: ‘n Lojale betroubare blanke man met kode 10 lisensie met pdp is dringend opsoek na werk. Kontak JJ Wolmarans; 076 014 3982.

Notice is given in terms of section 16 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002(Act 28 of 2002) for Prospecting right of Coal in the magisterial district of Balfour. PORTIONS 3, 4, 13; 14; 21; 22; 24; 25; 26; 27; 30 AND 31 OF THE FARM ROODEPOORT 598 IR, SITUATED IN THE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF BALFOUR. Please be informed that the company Life at Its Best Enterprise (PTY) LTD has lodged an application for prospecting right on the above mentioned Farm and has been accepted. Landowners and all interested and Affected Parties are kindly advised to register. For More information please contact us on: Office No 316, JSL TOWERS, 2 5 9 Pretorius Street, Pretoria, 0002. Email: Cell: 072 226 9052 / 071 411 5830 Tel: 012 771 7177 / 012 323 4814 MultiGreat mine consulting link: http:/ / documents/ Please note: Use the reference number MP30/5/1/1/2/13769PR to view the information on this site.

9 JUNE 2015



Swim gala

Fun, swim gala was held at Swimming Sensations on May 30. Magda from Swimming Sensations held this fun gala as an end of swim season function. Magda had a group of 126 children from the age of 2 to 12 years. For the fun gala the children were divided into age groups and also in levels. They were swimming against each other but also competed at their level. All participants looked good as they had to wear their Swimming Sensations T-shirts. They all received a certif icate for the seasons hard work. The 2-3 years old did a noodle race, doggy paddle and horsey

noodle race each in 4 meters. These little ones did their best as their parents and grandparents were watching and supporting them. The other age groups did 8 meters and 10 meters swimming in their levels and the 9-12 year group did two lengths that is 20 meters, in kickboard race, freestyle with diving, backstroke kicking and breaststroke. The next swimming season starts again in September to get them f it for summer. Registration starts September 1th. Magda would like to thank the sponsors and their involvement who made the gala day a sucsess.


Magda Smith from Swimming Sensations

Boys 2-3 years who take part in this event.


Girls 2-3 years at the swimming gala.

Valkie wenners! Die 0/7A Valkie rugby span van Laerskool Tini Vorster wat onoorwone uit die stryd getree het. Voor Albie, Ruben en Tyrone. Agter Tastan, Francois, Vaughan en Ronaldo saam afrigter mnr Johnny Holmner.

Die 0/7B Valkie span van Laerskool Tini Vorster. Voor Brian, Edward en Jaden. Agter Adrian, Shaun, Mizanco, Sidaneo, Zayno en Aidon saam afrigter Chris Nienaber.



9 JUNE 2015

Eerstes kraai koning! Nigel se eerstes speel ‘n bars hou en bring hul teenstaanders weereens grond toe en maak skoonskip met 64-6. Nigel rugby klub het Saterdag 6 Junie teen Benoni op Hans Moore se velde te staan gekom. Die tweede span het ook daarin geslaag om met 34-10 te wen. Die eerstes kraai koning en hou die rekord vir die meeste agtereenvolgende wedstryde gewen in ‘n ry. Die vleuel, Rassie Erasmus het drie doele aangeteken. Adriaan Haasbroek het seker gemaak elke doelskop is tussen die pale deur en sorg vir ‘n uitmuntende skepskop. Die vorige naweek seëvier die eerstes met 106-0 teen Elsburg. Hierdie wedstryd is op 54min speeltyd gestop. Indien die wedstryd sy volle tyd gespeel sou word sou die eerstes verseker die klub rekord van 1177 kon verbreek het. Die klub het in 2014 hul liga gewen en die Valke trofee, asook Merlin trofee verower. Die klub se afrigters het hul IRB 2 afgelê baie geluk aan Hansie van Wyk, Evert Jacobs, Innus Potgieter en Dean Vihan. Hulle kwalifiseer om Provinsiaal af te rig. Hansie is besig om sy Internasionaal te bekom. Hou die span dop!

Agter van links Hansie (afrigter), Charlie, Reon, Nicolaas, Greg, Johan, Henkie, Nick, Willem, Werner, George, Henk, Oom Mike Miller (span bestuurder), Evert Jacobs(Afrigter). Middel; Ferdie, Dean, Ollie, Tyler, Rassie, Frans, George, Diahn. Voor is Adriaan, Innus en Rinus.

ELCO STEEL DEALERS TEL: 011 362-1551/2 FAKS: 011 815-3427 Cnr. Ermelo & Dagbreek Rds, Largo, SPRINGS Prices valid while stocks last / incl vat / E&OE PURLINES 6MT 9.1MT 75X50X20X2 R204.12 R311.12



20X3 20X5 25X3 25X5 30X3 30X5 40X5 40X3 50X3 50X5

25X25X2 R 61.98 25X25X3 R 83.52 25X25X5 R 130.50 30X30X3 R 101.52 30X30X5 R 161.88 40X40X2 R 96.00 40X40X2.5 R 154.74 40X40X3 R 126.66 40X40X5 R 218.88 50X50X4 R 245.94 50X50X5 R 259.02 60X60X6 R 414.01

R 41.70 R 51.96 R 48.00 R 55.02 R 59.52 R 77.04 R114.48 R 79.02 R 88.98 R145.02


R56.46 R52.86 R75.90

R/BAR 6MT 6MM 8MM 10MM 12MM 16MM 20MM

R14.88 R25.92 R36.90 R57.54 R118.80 R189.00


R63.00 R80.04 R80.52 R94.98 R208.02

EXP/METAL 6320C R169.01 6320D R195.00 WHEEL KIT SETS 60MM R105.66 80MM R133.93

SHEETS/PLATES EA 2450X1225X1.6 2450X1225X2 2450X1225X2.5 2450x1225x3 2450x1225x4 2500x1200x5 2500x1200x6

R469.00 R510.00 R660.00 R759.00 R1032.77 R1207.20 R1590.00

PALISADES PALISADE PANELS 600mm High R317.00 900mm High R391.11 1.0mt High R414.62 1.2mt High R463.00 1.5mt High R541.50 1.8mt High R586.30 2.0mt High R630.00 2.4mt High R759.81 LOOSE PALES 600mm R13.00 900mm R17.00 1.0mt R19.00 1.2mt R23.01 1.5mt R28.00 1.8mt R34.00 2.0mt R38.00 2.4mt R46.00

CHANNEL 76X38(6.70kg/mt) R 427.50 100X50(10.73kg/m)R635.04 152X76 R1588.74 178X54 R1281.24

RECT. TUBE 1.6MM 25X12 38X20 38X25 50X25 50X38 76X25 76X38 76X50 100X50

SQ. TUBE 20X20 25X25 32X32 38X38 50X50 76X76 100X100

PIPE 19MM 25MM 32MM 38MM 42MM 50MM 79MM 100MM

R85.92 R98.52 R119.52 R134.88 R174.00 R194.52 R205.50 R247.50 R295.05

2.0MM R88.50 R125.52 R154.98 R189.00 R219.96 R246.54 R292.50 R317.52 R379.26

1.6MM R2.0MM R67.50 R77.88 R107.88 R139.44 R188.04 R279.00

1.6MM R55.02 R72.96 R93.48 R112.98 R131.82 R148.98 R232.50


R88.98 R118.02 R149.52 R183.54 R247.50 R364.50 R478.98

2.0MM R72.48 R94.98 R123.00 R148.98 R164.04 R197.46 R298.98 R408.96


75X50X20X2 R205.02 R312.49 100X50X20X2 R230.04 R350.62 125X50X20X2 R259.98 R396.25 150X50X20X2 R285.00 R434.39 175X50X20X2 R399.00 R608.14 200X50X20X2 R450.00 R690.00 Welding Rods Gate Motors Condo AC/DC 5kg 2.5mm 2yr warranty, 2x remotes, 4mt rack & battery free R3472.38 R125.97

ROOF SHEETING I.B.R 0.4MM CQ R45.90 I.B.R/CORR. 0.5MM R58.00 I.B.R/CORR. 0.6MM R68.99 CORR 0.3MM FH R32.00

GALV SHEETS 2450X1225X0.5 2450X1225X0.6 2450X1225X10 2450X1225X2.0 2450X1225X3.0

R196.31 R215.25 R357.72 R592.80 R1189.00

A grade prices include vat subject to availability E&OE

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