30 June 2015
VOL 11 NO 12
VIEW ONLINE @ www.rekord.org.za
Toewydingspad Oom Percy Lamprecht was iemand wat sonder vrees vir teëspraak sy taak as geroepene, in God se diens met eer en volharding die wedloop tot die einde voltooi het. Oom Percy is op 5 Desember 1937 gebore en sterf op die ryp ouderdom van 77 jaar op 17 Junie 2015. In 1974 het hy saam met sy ouers miljoene baksteentjies gevorm en rondom Heidelberg vanaf Poortjie Stene bemark. Poortjie Stene het ‘n baken in ons samelewing geword wat die hoekstene van honderde huise en groot geboue in Heidelberg, Balfour, Nigel en omgewing gevorm het. Oom Percy sal onthou word as iemand wie met ontsag sy weg in die
omgewing bewandel het, gedurig besig om deur woordverkondiging, boodskappe wat hy met die hand geskryf het, uit te deel in Afrikaans, Engels, Zulu asook ander tale. Oom Percy was ‘n gekwalifiseerde myn opmeter, ‘n man met besonderse gawes van hoof en hart en kon bykans alle musiek instrumente bemeester. Hy was iemand wat nederig in sy optrede was en het nie van aansien gehou nie. Hy was sedert die stigting van die Ermardu Gibraltar Trust een van die stigterslede wat ook tot gevolg gehad het dat ‘n Nasionale Opheffings Trust vir Suid Afrika tot stand gebring is. Tot sy dood het hy nog aktief by wyse van raadgewing en voorbidding
hierdie taak wat aan hom opgedra was, met vreugde en doelgerigtheid bevorder. Die projek waarvan hy deel was, sal eersdaags nasio-naal en dwarsoor die wêreld geloods word. Ernst en Martie du Preez, Visionaris en Oprigters van die Nasionale Opheffings Trust vir Suid Afrika en die wêreld met 27 bevoordeeldes eer sy nagedagtenis en betoon hul meegevoel aan Tannie Doris, kinders en kleinkinders. Sy voorbeeld en die manier waarop hy in God se diens gestaan het, maak dat sy voorbeeld nagevolg en uit erkentlikheid teenoor sy Skepper uitgeleef sal word. Dit was goed om Percy Douglas Lamprecht te kon ken.
Wyle Oom Percy Lamprecht
ELCO STEEL DEALERS TEL: 011 362-1551/2 FAKS: 011 815-3427 Cnr. Ermelo & Dagbreek Rds, Largo, SPRINGS Prices valid while stocks last / incl vat / E&OE PURLINES 6MT 9.1MT 75X50X20X2 R204.12 R311.12
Die besuurder van die wit VW Golf onderweg na Nigel het beheer oor die voertuig verloor en in die sloot by Nigel begrafplaas tot stilstand gekom. Geen ander voertuie was betrokke. Die bestuurder het ligte beserings opgedoen.
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20X3 20X5 25X3 25X5 30X3 30X5 40X5 40X3 50X3 50X5
25X25X2 R 61.98 25X25X3 R 83.52 25X25X5 R 130.50 30X30X3 R 101.52 30X30X5 R 161.88 40X40X2 R 96.00 40X40X2.5 R 154.74 40X40X3 R 126.66 40X40X5 R 218.88 50X50X4 R 245.94 50X50X5 R 259.02 60X60X6 R 414.01
R 41.70 R 51.96 R 48.00 R 55.02 R 59.52 R 77.04 R114.48 R 79.02 R 88.98 R145.02
R56.46 R52.86 R75.90
R/BAR 6MT 6MM 8MM 10MM 12MM 16MM 20MM
R14.88 R25.92 R36.90 R57.54 R118.80 R189.00
R63.00 R80.04 R80.52 R94.98 R208.02
EXP/METAL 6320C R169.01 6320D R195.00 WHEEL KIT SETS 60MM R105.66 80MM R133.93
SHEETS/PLATES EA 2450X1225X1.6 2450X1225X2 2450X1225X2.5 2450x1225x3 2450x1225x4 2500x1200x5 2500x1200x6
R469.00 R510.00 R660.00 R759.00 R1032.77 R1207.20 R1590.00
PALISADES PALISADE PANELS 600mm High R317.00 900mm High R391.11 1.0mt High R414.62 1.2mt High R463.00 1.5mt High R541.50 1.8mt High R586.30 2.0mt High R630.00 2.4mt High R759.81 LOOSE PALES 600mm R13.00 900mm R17.00 1.0mt R19.00 1.2mt R23.01 1.5mt R28.00 1.8mt R34.00 2.0mt R38.00 2.4mt R46.00
CHANNEL 76X38(6.70kg/mt) R 427.50 100X50(10.73kg/m)R635.04 152X76 R1588.74 178X54 R1281.24
RECT. TUBE 1.6MM 25X12 38X20 38X25 50X25 50X38 76X25 76X38 76X50 100X50
SQ. TUBE 20X20 25X25 32X32 38X38 50X50 76X76 100X100
PIPE 19MM 25MM 32MM 38MM 42MM 50MM 79MM 100MM
R85.92 R98.52 R119.52 R134.88 R174.00 R194.52 R205.50 R247.50 R295.05
2.0MM R88.50 R125.52 R154.98 R189.00 R219.96 R246.54 R292.50 R317.52 R379.26
1.6MM R2.0MM R67.50 R77.88 R107.88 R139.44 R188.04 R279.00
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R88.98 R118.02 R149.52 R183.54 R247.50 R364.50 R478.98
2.0MM R72.48 R94.98 R123.00 R148.98 R164.04 R197.46 R298.98 R408.96
75X50X20X2 R205.02 R312.49 100X50X20X2 R230.04 R350.62 125X50X20X2 R259.98 R396.25 150X50X20X2 R285.00 R434.39 175X50X20X2 R399.00 R608.14 200X50X20X2 R450.00 R690.00 Welding Rods Gate Motors Condo AC/DC 5kg 2.5mm 2yr warranty, 2x remotes, 4mt rack & battery free R3472.38 R125.97
ROOF SHEETING I.B.R 0.4MM CQ R45.90 I.B.R/CORR. 0.5MM R58.00 I.B.R/CORR. 0.6MM R68.99 CORR 0.3MM FH R32.00
GALV SHEETS 2450X1225X0.5 2450X1225X0.6 2450X1225X10 2450X1225X2.0 2450X1225X3.0
R196.31 R215.25 R357.72 R592.80 R1189.00
A grade prices include vat subject to availability E&OE
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Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging (By River Square kruising 016 423 3553
NIGEL/HEIDELBERG REKORD - ONLINE EDITION www.rekord.org.za the challenge of community members preventing contractors from working as they claimed that the municipality should employ them to carry out construction work in their own community. In addressing the issue the EMM has In heeding the call by Gauteng Premier designed a Community Return Earnings David Makhura to revitalize township (CRE) agreement which requires that 25% economies the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan of construction work conducted benefits Municipality (EMM) has established an the community members where construcagreement with road contractors that tion work is being carried out. will afford residents upgraded infra- The 25% CRE may come in the form of employing community members for lastructure and financial retention. The construction of a new pedestrian bour, hiring construction vehicles or matebridge, pathway or patching of a tarred rials from a warehouse within the comroad are some of the municipality’s many munity. Purchasing petrol from a filling service delivery obligations. However, in station in the area or even paying a fee to the past, the municipality was faced with use an outside toilet from one of the residential homes instead of hiring a chemical toilet while construction work is
Community benefits
30 JUNE 2015 being carried out. “The Community Returns Earnings initiative does not only provide temporary employment, it is aimed at boosting township businesses. It also goes as far as enshrining a sense of pride and ownership of projects, which in turn ensures residents take good care of the infrastructure they have built, “said Ekurhuleni spokesperson Themba Gadebe. Residents wishing to become general workers on such projects should contact their Ward Councillor. Councillors work closely with the Community Liaison Off icer (CLO), who is an interface between contractors and the community. For more information contact Themba Gadebe on 011 999 1522/ 076 303 7594 or Themba.Gadebe@ekurhuleni.gov.za.
You can make a difference From the desk of Rev Ray Goddess Winter is upon us and as we snuggle up to the fire or heater at night we are all so glad that we can get warm and jump into a warm bed and sleep warm. But as we enjoy this warm there are many who are struggling not only with the cold but also with no or very little food. In 2006 God called Heidelberg Methodist Church to be a catalyst into the greater Heidelberg and I believe that this has been achieved BUT I also know that there is much more and we need to do so much more. God is depending on us, and each one of us CAN make a difference. At this point in time Indawo Yosizo (our outreach – a registered NPO and PBO) has 5 Care Workers (4 funded by the Global Fund and one sponsored by a company in Heidelberg). Each Care Worker looks after a minimum of 20 households. This equates to a massive 500-600 people who are cared for at their homes each month. As a result of this AND the fact that we have MANY walk in folk of all races, religions and cultures we supply food parcels (often the ONLY source of nourishment) to between 100 and 140 families EACH WEEK. This is done with strict control and each family is registered with us. Our Social Worker visits the families and makes sure that the needs are genuine and the food is being used for consumption and not being sold or wasted. I am sure that there are many who are saying: “wow that is great”. It is great and we give God the glory that we can do this work for Him. But I hope there are also
Rev Goddess, Heidelberg Methodist Church many who are wondering how we get this right. I hope there are many wondering where we get the food from! The truth is that we depend on donations from shops and institutions and we are thankful for these donations. Some folk make financial contributions that we can use to purchase food but in all honesty WE ARE ALWAYS SHORT OF FOOD. So HOW CAN YOU HELP? We are appealing to the public to consider purchasing just a few extra tins of food and dropping them off either at the Heidelberg Methodist Church between 08h30 and 13h30 or at Indawo Yosizo at 46 Smit Street between 08h30 and 16h30 (14h00 on Fridays). One tin of food is one tin that a family can eat from who had nothing……. ALL non-perishable food and blankets are welcome – the need is BIG, we are asking YOU to consider helping us make the difference in the lives of these folk. Thanking you all in anticipation.
57 Strydom Street, Heidelberg Tel: (016) 341-2437 Rev. Ray Cell 082 656 3123 “We exist to be like Christ, live like Christ, and share the exciting message of Christ to all people”.
For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, Matthew 25: 35a Service times: 08h00 – Traditional Service (Mother’s Room available) 09h30 – Worship Service (Mother’s Room available) 18h00 – Evening Service (for Adults and Youth) H2321
30 JUNE 2015
NIGEL/HEIDELBERG REKORD - ONLINE EDITION www.rekord.org.za PAGE 3 The updated MSDF and RSDF reports are available for perusal at Ekurhuleni Customer Care Centres, the EMM’s City The Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality is calling for the Planning offices, in all municipal libraries, A 20 years old male was arrested for dealing in drugs and robust participation of its citizenry in reviewing the current and on www.ekurhuleni.gov.za. possession of Nyaope along Voortrekker Street at Heidelberg Spatial Development Framework, 2011, as well as updating Taxi Rank. draft Regional Development Frameworks (RSDFs) for Regions Police were patrolling along the street when they saw 4 young B, C, D, E and F. boys aged between 18 and 25 years. The Police stopped and All five RSDFs will be consolidated with the existing RSDF for approached them they ran away into different directions. Region A, which will result in the revision of the Metropolitan A 20 year old boy was apprehended and upon thorough Spatial Development Framework (MSDF). The various regions comprise of the following areas: Region B: Edenvale, Tembisa, questioning, why they ran away, he couldn’t give a satisfactory Kempton Park north. Region C: Bapsfontein, Daveyton, Etwatwa. explanation. A 24 year male suspect was arrested Region D: Benoni, Brakpan, Springs north. Region E: Springs They searched the boy and found 13 loops of Nyaope and a for raping a 13 year old girl at south, Nigel, Duduza, Kwa-Thema, Tsakane. Region F: Alberton, syringe in his possession valued at R400-00. Suspect was arrested Shalimar Ridge, Heidelberg on Friday Germiston (south of N17), Boksburg (south of N17), Thokoza, and will appear before Heidelberg Magistrate Court. June 26. Katlehong and Vosloorus. This will guide the process of drafting The suspect forced the victim to his the Spatial Development Frame-work patterns within the Metro house and repeatedly have sexual interwhich are associated infrastructural development as well as course and keep her in his place for the capital investment. night. The mother reported her missing child to the police. The following morning the child arrived home and upon enquiries, she revealed that she was forced to the suspect house where she was raped. Suspect was arrested, and he will appear Pria straat, oorkant Devon Polisiestasie Having a driver’s licence and being able to operate a motor before Heidelberg Magistrate Court vehicle is no longer just a luxury, it has become a requirement soon. for securing employment opportunities. Since the beginning of this year the City of Ekurhuleni in partnership with the Gauteng Provincial Department of Education have BEEF STEW (Blokkies) VARK TJOPS (3kg en meer) been on a drive to equip high school learners from across region with driving knowledge whilst they are still in school. The Grade 11&12 classes of 2015 are the first beneficiaries of p/kg p/kg this initiative and the scholars are set to receive their learner driver’s licence, which will be valid for a period of two years, for Lekker Biltong, Chilli Bites, MAANDPAK - R1 100 free. Droë Wors, 3kg Tenderised Steak “The aim of the project is to install the culture of adhering to the Cabernossi & rules of the road in young people’s minds as well as to do away 3kg T-Bone Steak “We back up our data on Rugby Mix with the irregularities of acquiring driver’s licences,” said Ekurhu3kg Lam kookvleis leni spokesperson Themba Gadebe. With the Department of sticky notes because sticky SPAARPAK 2 - R550 3kg Vark Tjops Education being the financial muscle for this project, the DLTC’s notes never crash” 1kg Maalvleis will offer professional services such as the applications for 3kg Bees kookvleis 1kg Boerewors learner’s licences, issuing of learner’s licences including learner’s 3kg Maalvleis licence classes for the scholars. Currently, 141 of the 161 high 1kg Bees Goulash 3kg Boerewors schools in Ekurhuleni are participating in the programme. 1kg Tenderised Steak The satellite centres also offer services such as the renewal of 1kg Lam Tjops motor vehicle licenses, application for the renewal of driver’s 1kg Lam kookvleis Personal Tax filing season licences and the renewal of public driving permits to the 1kg Vark Tjops opens 1 July 2015. community at large at normal municipal licensing tariffs. 1kg Bees kookvleis The DLTC’s operating hours are from 08:00 until 15:00 weekdays * Sosaties * Rump * Hoender 1kg Bees Sosaties Special Offer and Saturdays from 08:00 until 12:00. The centres close on the * Vark * Bacon * Lam Wieletjies 500g Varkwors last Saturday of every month. Only R300 for your return if Groot verskeidenheid Seekos 500g Hamburger Patties Schools that are interested in enlisting in the programme may you bring it to us during July. Hoender/Bees contact Ronald Fillies on 011 999 0227 or & McCain’s Groente T’s & C’s apply Ronald.Fillies@ekurhuleni.gov.za for more information.
Dealer nabbed
Spatial development
Free learner driver lessons
Groothandel pryse vir publiek
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HOBO DANS 31 Julie 2015 om 19:00 by Kenmekaar Dienssentrum Nigel Pryse vir die beste “Hobo Paartjie” Loodtjies wen ‘n Kruiwa vol Drank
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Charmaine 073 927 7492 Charlotte 074 114 4649
NIGEL/HEIDELBERG REKORD - ONLINE EDITION www.rekord.org.za ning programmes. “The scarcity of skills is a critical issue and government alone cannot empower the youth. The reality is you can help by working closely with us in delivering on our plan to assist young people. This summit is the platform where we can discuss and come up with solutions to empower the Stakeholders have gathered to cement a youth,” he said. private public partnership which aims to Hugo Cuter from Stan Rand Consultancy reduce youth unemployment in Ekurhu- emphasised the importance of having such leni. a platform to learn how a public and Member of Mayoral Committee for Eco- private partnership can be established to nomic Development Cllr Thumbu Mahlangu highlighted that the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality has set aside R26 million for bursaries and skills development programmes in the upcoming The Impact of Fatherhood. I Corinthians financial year. Mahlangu called upon the business sector 4:15 For though you might have ten to assist the Metro to utilise this budget thousand instructors in Christ, yet you effectively by accepting young people do not have many fathers; for in Christ into their companies’ graduate and trai- Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel. (NKJV) Fatherhood, and parenthood (both physical and spiritual), is a blessing from God (Psalm 127:3-5; Proverbs 17:6). In His Kingdom there is nothing more valuable and precious than a soul. Parenting is in effect God entrusting us with the invaluable charge of loving, raising up, shaping and teaching someone in such a way that they will be able to fulfill their God-purpose on earth. Considered from this perspective it is clear that being a father is a blessing that far exceeds any form of material or earthly blessing. The apostle Paul connects fathering and disciple making beautifully in 1 Corinthians 4:15 when he explains to the Corinthians that he became their spiritual father by leading them to Christ. Fathering speaks of taking responsibility for someone, being willing to go beyond mere teaching and impersonal instruction to consistent, active involvement in the lives of those fathered. Physically fathering a child, does not equate being a father to a child. To be a father requires intimate involvement, consistent input and tanacious perseverence in establishing a foundation from which a child can successfully do life. The following factors are of crucial importance in being a Godly father: • It cannot be done without God: No human father can claim to be perfect. All of us make mistakes, cannot always be present or find ourselves limited in what we have to offer. Perfection is not a prerequisite to good fathering but dependence on God is. When we trust in the perfect Father, we receive His Spirit and grace to successfully complete the task at hand (2 Corinthians 4:7; Psalm 103:3). • A father’s words matter: The Bible teaches in Provers 18:21 that death and life lies in
Job creation
A father’s heart
Left in the dark!
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We have power!
30 JUNE 2015 create youth empowerment opportunities. “There are many opportunities for young people and as a business that identifies such opportunities, and acts as a linkage for young people, a need for our services has been identified within the metro,” said Cuter. Graduate placement and learner ship programmes that the municipality is rolling out in communities were presented to stakeholders to ensure that businesses are aware of the municipality’s vision with regards to youth development.
the power of the tongue. Fathers occupy a position of primary influence and esteem in children’s lives. As such every word they say has the capacity to either build up or tear down. Against this backdrop there is little space for faithless words that establish negative behaviours or undesirable habits. Good fathers speak life. They consider God’s truth and speak it rather than the facts they observe or the opinions they hold. • Presence trumps presents every time: Fatherhood cannot be successfully achieved from a spectator seat. It requires love and involvement. In practical, everyday living this translates into making time and engaging in real contact with undivided attention. In addition to this Godly fathers lead from the front by setting an example worthy of imitation. This refers specifically to leading a lifestyle of prayer (Matthew 6:6), obedience to the Word (Proverbs 3:12), submission to authority (Romans 13:1) and being a soul winner and disciple maker (John 20:21). Fatherhood is a responsibility that never ceases from the moment it starts. It is a daunting task that provides many an opportunity for mistakes and failure. When this happens it is easy to abdicate responsibility and give in. This kind of selfindulgence is howerver, far removed from what God wants us to do. Godly fathers do not have the luxury of allowing disappointment or failure to stop them from embracing the call that rests upon their lives. Instead, the Bible teaches that we should forgive ourselves and those who disappoint or hurt us. It is important to continually let go of the things behind us and reach forward to what God has for us (Philippians 3:13), always with the understanding that God’s mercy, comfort and grace is ever present to absorb our failures and empower us to do what He called us to do. May you experience God’s richest blessing this week as you answer the call and pour yourself into raising a generation of world changers!
30 JUNE 2015
Inaccurate water billings The Democratic Alliance in Ekurhuleni implores the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM) to address its inaccurate billing of residents since the installation of new water meters. The DA believes in the delivery of high quality basic services and Councillor Eulbri Kubayi said that the credit controls implemented by the Metro were causing huge frustration amongst thousands of residents who were being incorrectly billed resulting in them having their services cut off for non-payment. “This is not the delivery of high quality service by the EMM.” “I am shocked that while residents are paying for their services they are being severely overcharged,” said Kubayi. “In many cases residents are paying interim bills as their meters were not being read on a monthly basis.”
He said the Metro had a responsibility to regularly read water meters and accurately bill customers for their consumption. In some cases the Municipality had not read meters in as long as three months. “This means that many residents who struggle to make ends meet are being over billed for long periods of time. The reverse can be true as well; residents can be under billed for their consumption and then be hit with a huge water bill which they are expected to pay immediately.” Frustration is increasing, because residents were regularly paying for their services, but now they are forced to work within a system that failed them. “The Metro must address the gaps in the meter reading as a matter of urgency,” he said. “The system of interim billing was clearly not working and residents should only be paying for the services they
use and not what the Metro estimate they use. Measures need to be put into place to address the imbalances of interim readings.” The DA urged residents to report water leaks at their meters to their Customer Care Centre (CCC).
Machine Embroidery Fun Day! August, 14 @ BERNINA SPRINGS, 111 Nigel Road, Selection Park from 09:00 - 15:00
R180 p p lunch,
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Kidz 7-13 years. Snack included. More info in shop.
Brenda Gouws bestuurder van Sunfield Tehuis vir Gestremdes, saam met inwoner Maryke du Plooy het die VLU van Heidelberg besoek om hul meer van die tehuis te vertel. Brenda vertel dat die tehuis ontstaan vanaf 1991 en het tans 88 inwoners. Die kinder afdeling is geprivatiseer omrede die tehuis geen subsidie van die staat ontvang vir persone onder die ouderdom van 18 jaar nie. Sommige van die inwoners benodig 24 uur intensiewe sorg per dag, terwyl ander weer hulleself kan help. Die inwoners is baie behulpsaam teenoor mekaar en help mekaar waar hul kan. Brenda vertel dat dit vir haar belangrik is om iets te doen om elkeen van die inwoners se dag spesiaal te maak. Hulle verrig graag allerlei handwerkies en skep artikels van alle soorte afval materiaal. Die inwoners kry ook van tyd tot tyd die geleentheid om ‘n film te kyk, of te sokkie en verskeie speletjies te speel. Skenkings van enige aard is altyd welkom, niks word vermors nie. Finansiële skenkings aan die tehuis is aftrekbaar van inkomste belasting. Lesers wat wil help kan ‘n epos stuur aan bgsunfield@lantic.net. Vanda van Niekerk het die twee skrywers van die jaar, Wilna Adriaanse en Louren Beukes onder meer bespreek. Wilna se mees gewilde boek wat sy geskryf het, is “Rebecca.” Hierdie boek is reeds twee keer herdruk. Sy het vir die liefdesroman “Vier seisoene kind,” in 2011 die ATKV prys gewen as beste roman. Lauren Beukes is ‘n Suid-Afrikaans gebore joernalis wat in Engels skryf. Haar mees gewilde boek is “The Shining Girls’” wat internasionaal beskryf was as die beste riller in 2013. As joernalis skryf sy meer realisties en gemaklik oor die onaangename gebeurtenisse in die wêreld. Ilze van der Walt het die bekende mode-ontwerpster, Suzaan Heyns uitgelig. Die dames poog om een keer per maand in die aand te vergader. Belangstellendes kan Nelda de Wet by 083 289 8054 skakel.
MAD LIGHUIS Cnr Kingsway & Windsor str, NIGEL
Services every Sunday @ 09h00 NO NEED to be lost, JOIN US!
Support group for drug & alcohol abusers every Wednesday @ 19h00 Past. Derick Matthews 078 465 4243
30 JUNE 2015
Elda du Toit, VLU skakelbeampte, Brenda Gouws, bestuurder van Sunfield Tehuis, Nelda de Wet, VLU voorsitster en heel agter Maryke du Plooy.
Puik verkope
Die SAVF van Nigel se klereverkoping was ‘n reuse sukses. Die dames kon 38 kospakkies aan minderbevooregtes uitdeel tydens hierdie fondsinsamelings projek. Piet Marais het ‘n geestelike boodskap oorgedra tydens die geleentheid. Manne wat die projek ondersteun het, het elk ‘n blou cupcake ter viering van vadersdag ontvang.
Misdaad CPF stuit inbreker om sy buit te maak in Piet Retief straat, nadat hul die area omsingel het. Verdagte spring oor muur en vlug te voet. ‘n Kettingbotsing het op die Nigel / Heidelberg pad tussen 2 bakkies, 2 vragmotors, Toyota Tazz asook ‘n motorfiets plaasgevind, as gevolg van
‘n veldbrand weerskante van die pad. Geen ernstige besering is opgedoen nie. Die verkeer is onder beheer gebring deur die CPF. Verskeie wonings is met bakstene gemerk in onder andere Yorkstraat, Bloekom Laan asook Westriding weg. Wees beraad en op die uitkyk vir hierdie voorwerpe. Motor batterye is ook tydens 2 voorvalle gesteel. Nigel Gholf Klub is beroof van verskeie artikels soos televisie stelle, sigarette en drank. Alle “ lockers” is oopgebreek vir kontant. Sekuriteit is wel ontbied, maar het niks fout gevind nie en perseel verlaat. ‘n Silwer Nissan Almera het gepoog om ‘n wit VW Golf te kaap op die R550 pad. Verdagtes het probeer om die bestuurder van die wit Golf by Hall Gate Plotte van die pad af te dwing en nie daarin geslaag nie. Die spoorweglyn tussen Nigel en Springs se koper kabels is gesteel.
Word lid en help ons om misdaad te bekamp. Kom maak ‘n verskil in jou gemeenskap.
30 JUNE 2015
Walk Against Drugs
Participants taking part in the walk against drugs.
On a chill winter morning, June 16 on youth day, dedicated people showed their stand against drugs! The 5km walk started at the Angelo Mall where all participants registered for the walk against drugs. The Ministry Against Drugs is a non prof it organization who focuse mainly fighting the plague of drug abuse. The walk was attended by families having been effected by drugs/alcohol abuse. The 5km walk starting at Angelo Mall Nigel moved through the CBD and back to the mall, with the assistance of the Metro Police. They controlled the traffic and the noise of the sirens attracted outsiders to see what was going on. Those taking part carried banners speaking out
against the plague affecting South Africans in an increasingly devastating way. Ministry Against Drugs is not simply speaking out against drugs, they provide the relevant services to support their propaganda. The team consists of recovering drug addicts/alcoholics with extensive experience with substance abuse and well recognisable clean time. As part of the team, they have qualif ied addiction counsellors and pastoral counsellors. Contact persons; Keo 076 8677 108 or Ivan 071 169 5989 or Derick 078 4654 243. There are support groups every Wednesday nights @ 19:00 at Lighuis Gemeente, Nigel.
House Wifes 30% Super Saver Combo 2L Super Dish wash (House Brand) R18.00 2L All Purpose Ammonia ( House Brand) R18.00 2L Bleach R 13.00 2L Fabric Softener (House Brand) R 16.00 2L Shower Cleaner (House Brand) R 26.00
FACTORY C/O Heidelberg Road & Church str. NIGEL
082 555 5555
Mon – Fri 8am to 5pm Saturday 8:30 – 13:00
These prices are only valid as a combo deal purchase of the entire Combo. T’s & C’s Apply
30 JUNE 2015
30 JUNE 2015
Kospakkies by die dosyne Rotary Ann’s slaag jaarliks daarin om tydens die Junie/Julie skoolvakansie, kospakkies vir behoeftige gesinne aan skole te skenk. Vanjaar is geen uitsondering nie en by Laerskool Hannes Visagie is 25 gesinne voorsien van pakkies. Die kruideniersware is opgemaak deur die voedsel donasie invordering skema van 31 Mei by Angelo Super Spar, asook ander bydraes. Laerskool Tini Vorster het 65 pakkies ontvang. Die Rotary Ann’s bedank die gemeenskap vir hul ruim donasies, wat dit moontlik maak, om 90 gesinne te voed hierdie winter vakansie. Bianca Scott bedank al die Ann’s wat gehelp het met die verpakking asook aflewering.
Alisia Koekemoer van Laerskool Hannes Visagie ontvang kospakkies van Henrietta Heydenrych en Georgina Scott van die Nigel Rotary Ann’s.
Henrietta Heydenrych, Georgina Scott en Elsie Delport van Laerskool Tini Vorster.
75 Suksesvolle jare Laerskool Tini Vorster het op 20 Junie hul 75ste bestaansjaar gevier. Die skool het sy ontstaan by die klipskool in Noordstraat gehad. Op 7 November 1967 bekom die skool sy huidige naam as Laerskool Tini Vorster met mnr F.J. du Toit as hoof. Die skool se verjaarsdag lied is geskryf deur Isabel Kruger. Saamstaan en bou. Gaste wat die reünie bygewoon het was Prof. Ewert Kleynhans, oud Vossie en onderwyser. Die 3 Peens sussies wat onderskeidelik hoofmeisies elk was op hul beurt Lizelle, Karlien en Nadine, asook
Ernie en Louis Botes, wat tans internationale musikante is. Elsie Delport spog met 43 jaar diens by die skool. Mnr Charles Naude het die pretloop georganiseer en Henry van Biljon het die eerste medalje in ontvangs geneem. Mnr Bennie Holm’ner, skoolhoof het in sy toespraak vertel dat ons as roepingsbewuste opvoeders ons denke en kragte moet saamspan om die mees doeltreffende onderwysstelsel vir ons kinders daar te stel. Laat ons, ons leuse “saamstaan en bou” uitleef!”
C.J.J. STEEL cc. ~ STEEL MERCHANTS ~ Cnr: Grootvlei Rd, and Partridge St, Strubenvale Tel: 011 815 4700/1/2 * Fax: 011 8153088 Stockists of Steel Sections, Rail, Piping Plante and Tubing
email: cjjsteel@cjjsteel.co.za - www.cjjsteelcc.co.za
SQ TUBE 6M Mnr Bennie Holm’ner by die pretloop deelnemers. Dit was ‘n kompetisie tussen onderwysers en leerlinge, waarvan die eerste 50 deelnemers elk ‘n medalje ontvang het.
Ewert en Susie Kleynhans voor. Agter mnr Charles Naude saam met Louis en Ernie oud Vossies.
12x12 .... R65.00 16x16 .... R78.00 20X20 ... R72.00 25X25 ... R85.00 ....... R143.00 32X32 ... R134.00 ..... R185.00 38X38 ... R152.00 ..... R231.00 50X50 ... R208.00 ..... R297.00 76X76 ... R308.00 ..... R418.00 100X100 ................... R530.00
20MM .... R64.00 25MM .... R85.00 ....... 32MM .... R115.00 ..... 38MM .... R134.00 ..... 50MM .... R185.00 ..... 76MM .... R276.00 .....
25x25x3 .................... R 91.00 25x25x5 .................... R141.00 30x30x3 .................... R106.00 30x30x5 .................... R184.00 40x40x3 .................... R141.00 40x40x5 .................... R220.00 25x25x2 .................... R 76.00 30x30x2 .................... R 89.00 40x40x2 .................... R106.00
38x20 .... R128.00 ..... R145.00 38x25 .... R143.00 ..... R161.00 50x25 .... R152.00 ..... R206.00 50x38 .... R198.00 ..... R250.00 76x38 .... R237.00 ..... R318.00 76x50 .... R303.00 ..... R357.00 100X50 ..................... R410.00
Fibre Glass Sheeting R67.00 p/m
Peens sussies, Vossies se oud hoofmeisies. Lizelle Botha 1989, Nadine Krause 2000 en Karlien van Niekerk 1994.
75x50x20x2 100x75x20x2
R56.00p/m Cut to size
R217.00 ..... R326.00 R279.00 ..... R425.00
FLAT BAR 6M 12X3 ........ 16x3 ......... 20x3 ......... 20x5 ......... 25x3 ......... 25x5 ......... 30x3 ......... 30x5 ......... 40x3 ......... 40x5 ......... 50x5 .........
R 27.00 R 32.00 R 35.00 R 59.00 R 48.00 R 73.00 R 61.00 R 92.00 R 82.00 R124.00 R152.00
SQ BAR 6M 8MM ......... R56.00 10MM ....... R63.00 12MM ....... R73.00
WINDOW SECTION 6M RT6 ......... RT13 ....... RX7 ......... F7 ............ F4B ..........
R 63.00 R 76.00 R 100.00 R 82.00 R 211.00
ROUND BAR 6M 6MM .......... R18.00 8MM .......... R31.00 10MM ........ R44.00 12MM ........ R63.00
LIP/CHANNEL 75x50x20x2 ............... R217.00 100x75x20x2 ............. R241.00 125x50x20x2 ............. R267.00 150x50x20x2 ............. R293.00
R124.00 R159.00 R185.00 R260.00 R373.00
R330.75 R368.36 R407.13 R447.52
2450x1225x1.6 .............................. R486.00 2450x1225x2.0 .............................. R550.00 2450x1225x2.5 .............................. R699.00 2450x1225x3.0 .............................. R848.00 2450x1225x4.0 ........................... R1 210.00 2500x1200x5.0 ........................... R1 490.00 2500x1200x6.0 ........................... R1 700.00
30 JUNE 2015
30 JUNE 2015
Alle bouwerk en aanbouings. Bou van Nuwe Huise en Woonstelle (Granny Flats). Seel & verf van dakke Skakel Gerald 083 384 9599
NOAH’S ARK PET SHOP: Voëls, voëlsaad, hokke, visse, viskos, akwariums. Hondekos Montego, Jock (3 in 1) ens. Avi-Plus. Bearded dragons, hamsters, krieke, meelwurms, hondehokke, honde jassies en bedjies. Honde, katte en hasies. Kaarte welkom. Oop weeksdae 9:00 - 17:00, naweke en vakansiedae 09:00 - 16:00. Tel: 083 456 6601. SHOP 7, FERRYVALE SHOPPING CENTRE CATERING / SPYSENIERING
RUMOURS RESTAURANT: For professional catering of all events. Weddings, Parties, Spitbraais, Platters and Potjies. Nothing too big or small. Your venue or ours. Phone Piet at 011 814 1428 / 072 470 2187. TO HIRE: Cutlery, crockery, large selection of table cloths, overlays, tables and chairs etc. Sonnette 082 926 1515 COMPUTERS / REKENAARS
Bring your comforters, duvets & blankets to us and stay cozy and warm under your fresh and clean bedding. Contact us for a professional wash, dry and ironing service 011 814 3597/072 511 4366 SMART KITCHENS & HOME IMPROVEMENTS For 3D Designer Kitchens or kitchen revamps, BIC, Bathr, Vanities, Wall to Wall Carpets and Laminated Flooring. No compromise on Quality and Service. Free Quotations. Phone Andre at 016 349 5052 or 082 738 1441
R&I TYRES & MAGS Nuwe MAGS in voorraad, Combo’s beskikbaar. DT&KT kaarte aanvaar. IVAN / DARREN 011-740-0477/011-744-3544 699 Voortrekkerstr, Brakpan
Antiques - oudhede. Ons koop, verkoop en restoureer meubels. Groot verskeidenheid nou beskikbaar. Kom loer gerus in. Skakel ons by 016 349 2175 of Wena 082 785 9108
Matrix Warehouse Nigel/Heidelberg. For all your computer requirements. 011 814 2156. nigel@matrixwarehouse.co.za/ 016-341-2563/heidelberg@matrixwarehouse.co.za
30 JUNE 2015
Ferryvale, Nigel, secured complex 24/7. No agents, no transfer duties. New 3 bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen and living area, double garage R790 000. A two bedroom, 2 bathroom, open plan kitchen and living area, single garage. R590 000. A one bedroom, 1 bathroom, open plan kitchen and living area, single garage. R389 000. Bergsig. Sekuriteits kompleks, 2slp kamer, 1 vol badkamer, oopplan kombuis area, carport, klein erf. Troeteldiere toelaatbaar. R690 000. Ferryvale Nigel, 23 HullstraatR1.2 miljoen. Dubbel erf, 3 garages, lapa, boorgat, 3slp kamer, 2 badkamer, swembad, plus 1 woonstel. Nigel erwe te koop 1200 sqm @ R250 000 elk. Kontak 082 9243 089/073 414 9892 of attache@groepvanmpye.com.
Springkastele te huur. Verskeidenheid beskikbaar. Skakel Chris van Maandag tot Saterdag; 011 814 4646 / 083 305 6100.
PRIVATE SALE R750 000. House for sale. 3 Bedroom, build in cupboards, lounge, diningroom, 1 bathroom, large kitchen with wash-up area, large social room/bar, double garage, outside toilet and room, electric fence and alarmsystem, aircon. Contact Martin 082 779 4977.
Tsoseletso Super 4 Cleaning Services. We specialize with the following: carpet cleaning, water extraction, cleaning offices, domestic and industrial offices. Rabble transportation. Contact Olaf Bergh 082 8744 851 orJana Bergh 082 302 5944 or Amos Madonsela 082 3532 449.
Mntimande Carpet Cleaning. We specialize in cleaning the offices, bathrooms and showers and we do carpet cleaning, water extraction, domestic cleaning and rabble transportation. Contact Olaf Bergh: Amos Madonsela 082 353 2449 or Pat Mashiane 073 599 2062.
Heidelberg. Een man woonstel. Sentraal gelee en beskikbaar vanaf 1 Julie 2015. Skakel; 082 552 7821. NIGEL. 3 Slaapkamer huis, 2 badkamers, lapa, motorhuis vir 2 voertuie, koopkrag, R5 500 pm. Geen kansvatters nie. Onmiddelik beskikbaar. Kontak 084 403 6963.
FURNITURE / MEUBELS SuperMeubels, 42 Schoemanstr, Heidelberg, 016-341-4445SMS 071 545 3868, EPOS meubels.super@gmail.com
Hout meubels (2de hands en oud), nuwe beddens, nuwe tyres, baba items, gereedskap, storieboeke, potte, panne, hengelgerei en nog baie meer.
079 503 2217 011 363 0170
We spesialize in Garden & Building Rubble Removal. Nigel & surrounding areas. mariesm1964@gmail.com WENDY HOUSES A & ALLY WENDY’S 2X2 - R2 900. 2.4X2.4 - R3 500. 3X3 - R3 800. 3X4 - R4 500. Any size available from treated pallet wood. Floor, roof, door all included. 10 Years garanteed. Ally 073 283 5945 or 072 928 1724. ABBC Wendys. Low prices. pallet wood, knotty pine and log cabin. Pallet 2mx2m =R2900, 3mx3m=R3800, 3mx4m= R4500. We also help to move a your wendy from property to an other plase. Lionel 078 299 9193
AA MEETING HEIDELBERG Wedding World Springs 011 811 5776/ 083 280 4584. Skitter in die rok van jou drome! Bring idee of prentjie vir asemrowende skeppings deur Elize – ontvanger van internasionale ontwerper toekenning (Parys, Frankryk) vir kreatiewe styl. Koop, huur of kies uit ons groot verskeidenheid elegante trou & aandrokke. manspakke, hemde, dasse en onder-baadjies te huur. Bespreek jou plek vir jou matriekafskeid rok nou! Betaal af tot funksie datum. Redelike pryse. Professionele vriendelike diens. H/v 3de straat & 3de laan Geduld, Springs. BEAUTY / SKOONHEID HAIRSTYLE WINTER SPECIAL Full house on short hair R380. Full house long hair R480. Include color, foil, cut & blow. Monday - Friday 9:00 - 17:30. Saturday 9:00 - 15:00. Northern Road 133, NIGEL. Louzanne 074 541 3563. VACANCY NEEEDED
JOB NEEDED: ‘n Lojale betroubare blanke man met kode 10 lisensie met pdp is dringend opsoek na werk. Kontak JJ Wolmarans; 076 014 3982.
Thursday 7PM @ Heidelberg Methodist Church, 59 Strydom, Street. Tuesday 6PM Corner-stone Church, 38 Zuid Street. If you think you have a DRINKING OR DRUG problem. Please come listen to the testimonies of sober recovered alcoholics and drug addicts. Contact Skipper Smith 061 142 6633.
D.F. AIRCON Mobile Automotive Aircon & Refrigeration Repairs. Aircon Repairs to Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Mining equipment, combines “Stroopers”.
Insurance approved: * alarms * immobilisers * gearlocks * central locking * pin/push locks
Daniel 082 348 4499 All work guaranteed
ACE AUTO SCRAPYARD www.aceauto.co.za 011 811 5855 Springs Opp. Fire Station
Jan 011 814 4362 24 Kerk str, NIGEL
* Automotive Navigation
30 JUNE 2015
Valke wenners
Auctions 011 964 1811 083 280 4728
Die eerste rugbyspan van Laerskool Hannes Visagie wat as Valke wenners aangewys is.
Laerskool Hannes Visagie se O/11 rugbyspan gekies as Valke wenners.
On site Auction - Vacant Stand Address:
Portion 1 of Erf 1603, 131 Dunning Road, Dunnottar, Nigel. Title Deed: T83407/2007 Stand Size: 354 m² Auction Date: Thursday the 9th of July 2015 @ 11:00. Viewing at any time suitable Auction held subject to confirmation.
Laerskool Hannes Visagie se O/9 rugbyspan gekies as Valke wenners.
Valke liga finaal
Charles Naude en Sampie Honniball saam met die eerste rugbyspan. Die Valke liga finaal ht op 17 en 18 Junie plaasgevind en drie van Laerskool Tini Vorster se spanne was in die finaal. Die o/9 en o/10 spanne was Valke naaswenners, terwyl die eerste span liga- en Valke wenners was.
Die O/9 rugbyspan saam met Martin Jooste en Ferdie Steenkamp.
O/10 rugbyspan saam mnr Hennie Bierman en Johny du Preez.
25 Wenne Voorwaar ‘n uitnemende prestasie vir Nigel se eerstes wat onoorwonne uit die stryd tree. Hierdie is ‘n nuwe rekord vir Nigel Rugby Klub se eerstespan. Op Saterdag 20 Junie het Nigel se eerstes hul staal gewys teen East Rand United, op John Vorster Stadion. Hulle wen hul 25ste wedstryd in ‘n ry met ‘n telling van 29-25. Die manne het soos ysters gespeel om hul titel te verdedig. Reg van die begin af met die eerste afskop het die manne alles in die stryd
gewerp om as wenners uit die stryd te tree. Hul teenstaanders, East Rand United het die kragmeeting met murg en been aangegryp, maar Nigel slaag daarin om die eerste punte op die telbord te plaas. Hierdie was ‘n aksie belaaide wedstryd en die spanning het hoog geseëvier. Toeskouers het spannende rugby geniet. Die klub se O/21 span spog ook met ‘n wentelling van 28-20 en die tweede span was minder gelukkig en hul verloor hul wedstryd met 24-15.
Nigel se eerstes in aksie. Die manne het hul goed van hul taak gekwyt en spog met 25 wenne in ‘n ry.
30 JUNE 2015