Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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DROS NIGEL 011 814 7104

11 August 2015 VOL 11 NO 15


Illegal mining plague

20kg Bags containing gold dust confiscated at Econ Diesel Depot, Springs Road, Nigel. Deon du Plessis from Monitor 24 with the handmade tools used to dig the trenches.

Legitimate mining companies have to comply with health, safety and environmental legislation to ensure that workers are not exposed to dangerous working conditions, while illegal mining operations have little, if any, regard for these regulations, Nico Pienaar stated. “By cutting corners, avoiding statutory costs and abusing people and the environment, illegal miners can gain a substantial cost advantage, which impacts on the profitability of legitimate mines and at worst can force legal operations to close down,” Pienaar adds. In light of this problem, the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) established an illegal mining committee, comprising regulatory authorities, industry rolepayers and unions. A once very prosperous gold mine in Nigel has been taken over by a plague of illegal miners. Illegal miners had moved in and built specially made processing tables to wash out the gold. The processed gold was being sold to illicit buyers. The illegal miners are hand digging massive trenches on the premises of the Econ Diesel Depot to gain access to the old dead mine. .Many bags of gold dust have been

mined from these mines however SAPS states that being no fencing around the depot this problem shall be one of a reccurring nature. Even thought arrests have been made with the bags of gold dust as evidence the cases does not hold in court. “Illegal mining in South Africa is a growing problem. However, often after arrests have been made, the prosecuting authority seemingly does not regard the offence as being serious enough to have the offenders prosecuted – they are released on bail and return to their illegal mining operation,” Pienaar says. He adds that the South African Police Service is working on this problem and DMR officials are committed to, and are aware of the value of, protecting the industry. “Aspasa has raised the issue of illegal mining for many years and has played an active role since the committee has been established.” “Awareness has to be raised within the mining industry to report suspected illegal mining operations, irrespective of which commodity is being stolen or how small the operation may seem,” Pienaar concludes. 011 739 2083 011 739 2074

Shop 4 & 5 Ferryvale Shopping Centre


NIGEL/HEIDELBERG REKORD - ONLINE EDITION But here is my point. We are prepared to take all this time to spring clean our homes, our shops, our businesses and our menus but we never seem to take the same time, seemed that it had been placed with care, care and interest in looking at our lives and our character to see where we as and maybe some love. When I went to pay for the coffee the owner people can improve in our life, image and of the shop was looking at some of the belief. displays in the shop and while I was May I challenge us all to make an standing there waiting to pay I heard her appointment with ourselves and take some tell one of the floor staff to move an item time to look at “where we are at” right now because it was not in the right place. She in our life. Have a look at all the good had taken time to look at her shop and to things you are doing and experiencing and think through the experience of the patrons build on them and do even more. At the coming in to the shop and had made some same time you should acknowledge these good points and the good that you are changes. Recently Nigel Methodist Church had their doing because we tend to always look at annual bazaar (fete) and Heidelberg the negative in our life. And then the Methodist have theirs on the 3 October. important part, take time to look where you Many people were challenged to have a are failing or disappointing yourself look at their homes and see what they did because of things you are doing and not not need and to bring it to the church to be doing in your life. Make a list of them and decide how you are going to spring clean sold on the white elephant table. Lastly I noticed on Face Book that yet another coffee shop was re-looking at their menu and doing a “spring clean” of the old menu and to try and bring a fresh look and fresh ideas that will attract more clients to come and have a light meal at the coffee Memeza is a non profit organisation shop. launching affordable security systems for the less fortunate. This alarm system is a handy tool linking direct alerts to SAPS and armed response. Memeza supports governement’s ongoing efforts to build better and safer communites and is fully integrated with SAPS, CPF and Communtiy structures. Memeza contributes towards the prevention and reduction of crime and violence. This adventure promotes community safety through a integrated approach, ensuring participation and cohession of communities. Any day of the week townships and rural areas alike shall be introduced to the cutting edge pay as you go community alarm systems. Townships and rural plots seem to have been largely abandoned through its own devices. The modest housing range from double storey dwel-lings and RDP housing to roughly buildt and ricked brick housing and shacks, some with broken windowplanes and boarded up with plywood. This is where Government aims to make a change to the lives drenched by lawless-

11 AUGUST 2015

Spring clean From the desk of Rev Ray Goddess I went to have a cup of coffee the other day and when the waiter brought my cappuccino to the table it had a beautiful heart shaped in the foam. The heart was perfectly in the middle and to me it

JJC Kruger & Vennote Springs Parkland Kliniek Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172


Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging (By River Square kruising 016 423 3553


Rev Goddess, Heidelberg Methodist Church these bad or wrong elements out of your life so that you can do more good, live a better life and feel better in yourself. My wish is obviously that the measuring stick that you use when looking at your life is the Bible and Biblical truth. Get this right and you will feel better and be better equipped to handle the little problems in life.

Crime prevention ness and violent crimes. Thuli Mthethwa has invented a alarm that will bring your neighbours and the police running to your aid. The Memeza Communtity Alarm system is endorsed by the Government and have been partnered with SAPS, Department Community Safety (CPF), Centre for Public dervice Innovation, Department of Education, Department Security and School Safety Management, Innovation Hub. The Memeza Community Alarm is also available for public to purchase at a low cost that directly links wit SAPS. Memeza not only works with SAPS, but also support small to medium size security companies to enable the community approach to safeguarding our country. The community can apply to have these systems donated.

KORREKTE EISE PROSEDURE Memeza low cost security systems.

Daar is ‘n paar ‘goue’ reëls wat nagekom moet word om probleme te voorkom, wanneer ‘n verlies ontstaan: Indien die oorsaak van verlies of skade a.g.v. misdaad is (huisbraak, diefstal, roof, ens.), moet die voorval onmiddellik aan die naaste polisiekantoor gerapporteer word en ‘n saakverwysingsnommer gekry word. Maak ‘n aantekening met wie jy gepraat het, die tyd en datum. Verwittig u versekeraar (indien u op ‘n direkte basis met hulle sake doen) of u makelaar.

MAD LIGHUIS Cnr Kingsway & Windsor str, NIGEL

Services every Sunday @ 09h00

Moet geen verklarings aan enige persone maak of ook geen dokumente, veral blanko dokumente, onderteken alvorens jy die nodige advies ingewin het nie. In geval waarby ‘n derde party betrokke is, moet jy onder geen omstandighede enige erkenning van aanspreeklikheid teenoor sodanige persone maak nie. Selfs al is jy onseker of versekering van krag sal wees in ‘n spesifieke geval, word jy aanbeveel om volgens bogenoemde punte op te tree. Nakoming van bogenoemde reëls kom daarop neer dat jy op ‘n “redelike” wyse gehandel het en is die eerste struikelblok op die pad na bevredigende afhandeling van u eis, uit die weg geruim. Die nakoming van hierdie reëls sal jou gou in staat stel om te bepaal of jy, in terme van jou polis, ‘n geldige eis het of nie. Verwys: B. J. Groenewald A.C.I.I. – Algemene Praktyk en Eis-hantering

NO NEED to be lost, JOIN US!

Where we journey together as the Body of Christ to healing & Completeness! Our new series to start this Coming Sunday! Don’t miss it!!

Support group for drug & alcohol abusers every Wednesday @ 19h00. We cater for families of addicts! Come share your story

Past. Derick Matthews 078 465 4243

11 AUGUST 2015


Pedestrian bumped On Tuesday August 4 , the calm and tamed streets of Nigel was shocked by a unprecedented accident, where a vehicle had bumped a pedestrian trying to cross Northern road. The accident took place directly opposite the Chisa Nyama fast food store at about 12.00. It is lead to believe that the pedestrian was attempting to cross the road towards the Shoprite complex when he met with the front bumper of a gun metal grey Audi A4. The vehicle had impacted the pedestrian taking him off his feet where the pedestrian’s body had been flung over and his head knocking the front windscreen of the Audi.


Karavaan brand

“I was travelling at 60 km per hour when suddenly a male pedestrian jumped into my path, it was too sudden and I couldn’t make any alterations to avoid knocking him of his feet,” said the driver of the Audi. EMPD officer Strydom and officer Selepe were first on the scene “I arrived on site at 12:10” quoted officer Selepe “most pedestrians are not careful enough when crossing a busy road like the Northern road. We therefore urge motorist and pedestrians to be alert when crossing such roads and intersections, “said the officers on duty. Police had since advised pedestrians to be on high alert when crossing busy roads. Die inwoners van Krisantestraat 51 in Nigel was oorbluf nadat hul karavaan op hul erf uitgebrand het. Die brand wat onverklaarbaar ontstaan het, het nie net tot gevolg gehad dat die karavaan heeltemal uitbrand nie, maar die motor is ook gedeeltelik beskadig tydens die voorval. Die vrou was alleen tuis en onbewus van die brand. Bure en nuuskieriges wat die rookwolke gevaar het, het verhoed dat die brand na die huis versprei. Die inwoners bedank almal wat hulp en ondersteuning aangebied het.

Photo right. Victim laying against the tyre after regaining consciousness with Officers’ of EMPD.

High speed chase

The pole were the incident ended.

On Tuesday August 4 a high speed car chase came to an devastating halt. A vehicle had swerved off road and crashing into a electrical pole on 2nd avenue Nigel. It it lead to believe that Martin Nel was travelling in the town of Nigel when he was approached by an undisclosed amount of males wanting to hi-jack him. With swift movement and fast thinking he managed to speed off in dying fear for his life. The assailants reacted and made chase .this continued throughout the town. This terrific incident came to a crashing end as Martin lost control of the vehicle on 2nd avenue hitting the electricity pole outside Alluminum Windows. It is understood that no arrests where made as all assailants had fled the scene. Martin Nel was immediately attended to by domestic Ambulance services and taken to Suikerbos hospital. He is unavailable for comment as he has a broken jaw and multiple injuries to the facial area. For any more information regarding this incident please contact the local authorities.

Nursery with a difference

Tropical Eden Nursery & Tea Garden CNR Kingsway & Windsor, NIGEL

267 SKAKEL 083 6198 267 6198

Kontak Ian Wessels 082 796 9080

Ons plante kennis is Jou wins! FREE ADVISE ON LANDSCAPING


FACTORY SOAP SHOP PUT OUR PRODUCTS TO THE TEST The only surviving chemical soap business of its kind in Nigel. Ask yourself WHY?

Assorted Combo’s 2015 Catalogue instore Delivery on bulk orders C/O Heidelberg Road & Church str. Mo’s Centre NIGEL. TEL: 011 814 1813

All products available in 1L, 2L, 5L, & 25L MANY INSTORE SPECIALS AVAILABLE Retail & Wholesale



Klagte Nigel poskantoor se diens is loshande die swakste in die dorp. Die posmeester steur hom nie aan die klagtes nie. Jy gaan verniet na hom toe. Alles gaan agteruit. Kyk hoe lyk die dorp! Mense stal hulle goed uit op die sypaadjies, om te verkoop, daar waar mense moet loop. Jy moet dus om hulle loop. Kyk hoe lyk die dorp self, slordig! Die mense wat by die munisipaliteit werk, kry hul geld aan die einde van die maand en al wat hulle doen, is om saam tee te drink. Ons moet hulle salarisse betaal. Hulle doen nie hulle werk nie. Hoop dat hulle sal aandag gee. Die stadsaal is ook ‘n kopseer. Dit word mos deur almal gebruik. Gaan kyk hoe lyk dit. Ons wil trots wees op ons dorp! Gatvol van Nigel.

11 AUGUST 2015

Warm sop & sjerrie Op Saterdag 25 Julie het Nigel VLU ‘n funksie bygewoon by die Goudrifstreek wat gehou is te Lofoord kerk in Springs. Op hierdie baie koue oggend het die dames die sjerrie en allerlei smullekker eetgoed verwelkom. Na die opening het Alwyn Oberholzer ‘n sang item gelewer wat die dames se harte warm laat klop het. Nigel VLU het nege dames van Nigel Tuiste vir Bejaardes saam genooi as gaste. Na die verrigtinge is daar gesmul aan verskeie soppe en heerlike varsgebakte brood. Die dames van die Tuiste het die bederf oggend geniet.

Alwyn Oberholzer

Mountain Bike Challenge Fun Ride

22 August 2015 Start @ Coco Cola ta Nigel Bottling at 08:00 1 Kern Rd, Prosperita NIGEL Number Distance & Entry Line entries 15km: R50 Collection: 06:30 August 22 Prize Giving 11:30 fantastic spot prizes

44km: R150 Scholars: R80 66km: R180

Bike Scene August 21 from 09:00 - 18:00

Contact Springs Girls’ High School 011 818 5760/9 Contact Yolanda van Greuning at 011 818 5760. ONLINE entries Results: Nigel VLU neem afskeid van Linda Potgieter. Linda was 40 jaar aktief betrokke by Nigel VLU. Sy verhuis na ‘n aftree oord in Roodepoort. Die dames gaan haar beslis mis en baie verlang. Linda het haar uitstekend van haar taak gekwyt en haar hande het vir niks verkeerd gestaan nie. Sy was altyd vol vindingryke idees en haar kunstigheid spreek vanself.

Summer Bodies

are made in winter

Lie back, relax and allow us to get rid of your unwanted fat. Al last, there is a way to remove stubbom fat on your abdomen, love handles, thights, arms, knees and chin! A new application of laser technology boasting the safest, easiest and most effective way of shrinking fat cells, resulting in instant centimetre loss! With I-Lipo you lose FAT not Water, so the results are long term. If you relooking for immediate slimming and shaping....then I-Lipo is for you!

Hurry, don’t miss our winter specials! Fatgone slimming Injections R250 each 10 + injections, get 8 session I-Lipo laser suction only R1000. 12 paddles I-Lipo laser lipo suction at R1600 Course of 8 treatments Combine Sauna Bed with I-Lipo course, pay only R300 for 8 Sauna sessions. Ultrasound Cavitation + RF + Vacuum Lipo suction, R300 per 30 min treatment. No-Needle Mesotherapy for cellulite, R350 per 30 min treatment.


Nigel VLU dames tydens hul Julie vakansie ontbyt by Bananaboo.

11 AUGUST 2015



Burglary Afgri Nigel in Northern Road suffered a burglary recently at midnight when an unknown number of trespassers forced entry through the main entrance, while holding the security guard at gun point. Monitor 24, told Rekord that the security guard on duty noticed movement on the premises. Upon investigation he was apprehended by 4 armed men, who then grinded a opening through the front security gate and forced the guard into a back room where one of the assailant’s restrained him at gun point. ”Our security protocol stipulates that the security on duty should report via radio to head office on a hourly basis. We later realized that the reports being made were suspicious and not inline with our normal training techniques” said Du Plessis. The burglars grinded open three of their safes on site which contained an undisclosed amount of cash. It took the burglars four hours to cut open the safes before monitor 24 responded. “Our head-office dispatched a response unit to the Afgri Nigel premises around 04;45 after verifying the hourly radio check-ins did not match protocol,” explained Deon. The suspects fled moments before armed response arrived on the scene. The security guard was found locked up in a backroom of the building. It is believed that all suspects had escaped Should you have have any information with an undisclosed amount and that no regarding this please contact SAPS on arrests have been made 011-812 6500/21/5

One of the safes which was grinded open.

Picture left The opening where the burglars entered.

C.J.J. STEEL cc. ~ STEEL MERCHANTS ~ Cnr: Grootvlei Rd, and Partridge St, Strubenvale Tel: 011 815 4700/1/2 * Fax: 011 8153088 Stockists of Steel Sections, Rail, Piping Plante and Tubing

email: -





12x12 .... R65.00 16x16 .... R78.00 20X20 ... R68.00 25X25 ... R78.00 ....... R120.00 32X32 ... R110.00 ..... R150.00 38X38 ... R130.00 ..... R180.00 50X50 ... R180.00 ..... R240.00 76X76 ... R280.00 ..... R370.00 100X100 R480.00

20MM .... R60.00 25MM .... R72.00 ....... 32MM .... R105.00 ..... 38MM .... R125.00 ..... 50MM .... R170.00 ..... 76MM .... R250.00 .....

25x25x3 .................... R 85.00 25x25x5 .................... R130.00 30x30x3 .................... R100.00 30x30x5 .................... R170.00 40x40x3 .................... R130.00 40x40x5 .................... R220.00 25x25x2 .................... R 60.00 30x30x2 .................... R 80.00 40x40x2 .................... R 95.00


38x20 .... R115.00 ..... R135.00 38x25 .... R122.00 ..... R150.00 50x25 .... R130.00 ..... R190.00 50x38 .... R180.00 ..... R230.00 76x38 .... R195.00 ..... R290.00 76x50 .... R260.00 ..... R320.00 100X50 ..................... R380.00

Fibre Glass Sheeting R67.00 p/m




75x50x20x2 100x75x20x2

R56.00p/m Cut to size


R200.00 ..... R304.83 R250.00 ..... R381.00



12X3 ........ 16x3 ......... 20x3 ......... 20x5 ......... 25x3 ......... 25x5 ......... 30x3 ......... 30x5 ......... 40x3 ......... 40x5 ......... 50x5 .........

R 27.00 R 32.00 R 35.00 R 52.00 R 47.00 R 72.00 R 56.00 R 82.00 R 76.00 R115.00 R142.00

SQ BAR 6M 8MM ......... R50.00 10MM ....... R58.00 12MM ....... R70.00

WINDOW SECTION 6M RT6 ......... RT13 ....... RX7 ......... F7 ............ F4B ..........

R 63.00 R 76.00 R 100.00 R 82.00 R 211.00

ROUND BAR 6M 6MM .......... R16.00 8MM .......... R26.00 10MM ........ R38.00 12MM ........ R55.00


LIP/CHANNEL 75x50x20x2 ............... R205.00 100x75x20x2 ............. R230.00 125x50x20x2 ............. R255.00 150x50x20x2 ............. R280.00

R 90.00 R150.00 R175.00 R240.00 R340.00






R312.45 R350.55 R388.66 R426.76

2450x1225x1.6 .............................. R460.00 2450x1225x2.0 .............................. R520.00 2450x1225x2.5 .............................. R665.00 2450x1225x3.0 .............................. R760.00 2450x1225x4.0 ........................... R1 100.00 2500x1200x5.0 ........................... R1 400.00 2500x1200x6.0 ........................... R1 620.00




Nothing beats Freedom Drug addiction is a scourge that could overcome anyone and Nigel and its surroundings are not exempted from this. It does not discriminate between age, income group, social background or sex and could overcome anyone, anytime. Just in the past seven days a major drug bust took place on one of the smallholdings, which involved several million rands worth of drugs. Freedom Recovery Centre has been going from strength to strength since opening its doors in 2008. From the initial 5 people they have treated when they opened their doors, they now treat at least 40 recovering addicts who live in as in-patients. Freedom Recovery Centre is a rehabilitation Centre for addiction-tired recovering addicts and alcoholics. They are registered with the Department of Social Development in terms of The Prevention of and Treatment for Substance Abuse Act, Act 70 of 2008 and are the first rehabilitation Centre in Sedibeng that boasts registration. They are committed to bring about lifestyle changes in the recovering addicts’ life through various programmes, ranging from 21 days to 24 weeks. They follow a holistic approach in recovery by not only focussing on the spiritual growth of the recovering addict, but also by placing emphasis on the medical and psychological recovery of an addict. Their program focusses on Spiritual

Growth, Emotional Healing, Sober Living, Group Therapy with Social Workers and Health and Nutrition amongst others. They also follow the 12-Steps Programme of Recovery. Freedom Recovery Centre enrols the services of full-time medical personnel, social workers, addiction counsellors and several supporting personnel taking care of the administration of FRC, kitchen and property maintenance. Freedom Recovery Centre remains one of the most affordable rehabs in South Africa. The fees that some rehabs charge for a 28day program is sufficient to carry one resident at FRC for 6 months. For example the fees some Medical Aids pay for a 21-day program enables FRC to offer an aftercare program of up to nineweeks free of charge for some patients. FRC is covered by most medical aids. They do have a limited number of government funded beds available. There are however certain minimum requirements that are applicable to ensure that those beds go to the right candidates. Freedom Recovery Centre is proud to serve the community of Nigel and surroundings. For more information you can contact Pastor Derick Matthews on 082-506-7890. Visit or

11 AUGUST 2015

Simfonea vier fees Simfonea Gemeente bied feesdiens aan met lofprysing om God te dank vir ‘n geseënde jaar met Sy hulp en ondersteuning groei die gemeente van krag tot krag. Hul eerste verjaarsdag is die naweek van 1 & 2 Augustus met trompetgeklank en sang gevier. Saterdag is almal bederf met die uitnemende opvoerings van die Bassonians en Forgive Mannekwartette. Sondag is afgesluit met ‘n feesdiens. Die orkes met Johny Coetzee en die old Friends begelei deur Betsie en pastoor Phillip van Rhyn het gesorg vir tradisionele pinkster koortjies. Clarise Coetzee het ‘n pragtige sang item, geskrywe deur haar pa, Johny Coetzee, gelewer. Die lied se boodskap handel oor God se oog op die mens en Sy versorging. Pastoor Phillip het gesê dat hy dankbaar is teenoor die Here vir die voorreg om op so ‘n ryke ouderdom toe te tree tot hierdie besonderse bediening. ‘My dryfveer is dat daar steeds behoefte bestaan vir tradisionele aanbidding, veral sang en musiek. Talle oudlidmate van die tradisionele ou pinkster gemeentes voel tuis omdat daar onaanvaarbare vernuwingspraktyke binne die huidige kerk bestaan. Ons moet

teruggebring word na ons eerste liefde Jesus Christus” vertel Phillip. Phillip en Betsie poog om die nagedagtenis, ideale en bedienings van ons voorouers te huldig, aangesien hulle oor die kerkperiode ‘n groot rol gespeel het in ons lewens die afgelope eeu. Die kinders van God moet terugkeer na daardie inspirasie tot ware bekering en wedergeboorte, doop en vervulling met die Heilige Gees. Phillip en Betsie se begeerte is dat die werk sal voortgaan in die komende geslagte en lewendig sal bly totdat Jesus Christus ons kom haal. Pastoor van Rhyn se boodskap lei as volg; “Ons nuwe jaar het amptelik begin en ons troos is die wete dat ons ware Helper nooit sluimer of slaap nie. Ons is ten volle op Hom aangewese en gaan hierdie tweede fase in met ‘n lied, ‘n boodskap en ‘n getuienis dat God gebede antwoord.” Elkeen is bedank vir hul bydrae tot die sukses van hierdie gemeente. Phillip sluit af deur te sê met eendragtigheid en eengesindheid, sal ons die vrug in hierdie nuwe jaar sien. Aan ons Leidsman al die eer en heerlikheid tot in ewigheid. 2 Tim.3:14 Maar bly jy in wat jy geleer het en waarvan jy verseker is, omdat jy weet van wie jy dit geleer het.”

The friendly staff at Freedom Recovery Centre in Nigel. Die Orkes, The old Friends met Roelof Cilliers, saksefoon, Johny Hanekom, orrel, George Friend, saksefoon en Johan Myburgh trekklavier.

Clarise Coetzee met haar prag sang item tydens die eerste verjaarsdag vieringe.

Pastor Derick Matthews 082-506-7890

Nog foto’s bladsy 7

“Die Here is ons helper” “Aan Hom kom toe die eer en heerlikheid tot in alle ewigheid, amen.”

“Ons hou net kerk” Kom sing en aanbid saam by Spruytstraat 26, Heidelberg, saal Duits-Lutherse Kerk elke Sondag om 10h00. Manne-Uur Donderdae om 9:30vm.

In-Patient drug & alcohol rehabilitation programs ranging from 21 days - 24 weeks Out-patient counseling programs offered Most Medical Aids Accepted for 21-day programs

‘n Hartlike uitnodiging aan alle SENIOR BURGERS Hierdie is die gemeente waarvoor u lank gewag het... ons hou net kerk soos ons dit vroeër ervaar en geken het. Geen nuwigheid nie. Kom geniet ‘n heiligmakende Sondagoggenddiens en daarna ‘n koppie tee of koffie!

Phillip & Betsie van Rhyn 079 762 5545 of 073 575 2296

11 AUGUST 2015


Simfonea vieringe


New fence for Ostrich Park

vanaf bladsy 6

Betsie en Phillip van Rhyn, Pastoorspaar van Simfonea Gemeente. The re-fencing of the national ostrich park in Nigel started two years ago but stopped due to lack of funds. After a petition signed by the residents of the community and a written appraisal by DA Wally Labuschagne, re-fencing commenced with the necessary mashy wire last week.

Spesialiseer in: Persoonlike-, kommersiĂŤle- en boerderyversekering * Professionele en vriendelike diens * Persoonlike aandag * Vinnige en effektiewe eisehantering * Baie billike tariewe Gaste wat heerlik smul aan die lekkernye tydens Simfonea se verjaardag vieringe.

Klippies: 083 282 7577 Wayne: 072 266 6157 Kantoor: 011 814 8297 Kantoor ure: 08:00 - 16:30



11 AUGUST 2015

11 AUGUST 2015






BOUWERK Alle bouwerk en aanbouings. Bou van Nuwe Huise en Woonstelle (Granny Flats). Seel & verf van dakke Skakel Gerald 083 384 9599



NOAH’S ARK PET SHOP: Voëls, voëlsaad, hokke, visse, viskos, akwariums. Hondekos . Avi-Plus. Bearded dragons, hamsters, krieke, spinnekoppe, meelwurms, hondehokke, honde jassies en bedjies. Honde, katte en hasies. Kaarte welkom. Oop weeksdae 9:00 - 18:00, naweke en vakansiedae 09:00 - 16:00. Tel: 083 456 6601. SHOP 7, FERRYVALE SHOPPING CENTRE. NIGEL CATERING / SPYSENIERING

RUMOURS RESTAURANT: For professional catering of all events. Weddings, Parties, Spitbraais, Platters and Potjies. Nothing too big or small. Your venue or ours. Phone Piet at 011 814 1428 / 072 470 2187. TO HIRE: Cutlery, crockery, large selection of table cloths, overlays, tables and chairs etc. Sonnette 082 926 1515



LAUNDRY MATE Bring your comforters, duvets & blankets to us and stay cozy and warm under your fresh and clean bedding. Contact us for a professional wash, dry and ironing service 011 814 3597/072 511 4366 SMART KITCHENS & HOME IMPROVEMENTS For 3D Designer Kitchens or kitchen revamps, BIC, Bathr, Vanities, Wall to Wall Carpets and Laminated Flooring. No compromise on Quality and Service. Free Quotations. Phone Andre at 016 349 5052 or 082 738 1441

R&I TYRES & MAGS Nuwe MAGS in voorraad, Combo’s beskikbaar. DT&KT kaarte aanvaar. IVAN / DARREN 011-740-0477/011-744-3544 699 Voortrekkerstr, Brakpan


Antiques - oudhede. Ons koop, verkoop en restoureer meubels. Groot verskeidenheid nou beskikbaar. Kom loer gerus in. Skakel ons by 016 349 2175 of Wena 082 785 9108

WENDY HOUSES A & ALLY WENDY’S 2X2 - R2 900. 2.4X2.4 - R3 500. 3X3 - R3 800. 3X4 - R4 500. Any size available from treated pallet wood. Floor, roof, door all included. 10 Years garanteed. Ally 073 283 5945 or 072 928 1724. ABBC Wendys. Low prices. pallet wood, knotty pine and log cabin. Pallet 2mx2m =R2900, 3mx3m=R3800, 3mx4m= R4500. We also help to move a your wendy from property to an other plase. Lionel 078 299 9193

AA MEETING HEIDELBERG Thursday 7PM @ Heidelberg Methodist Church, 59 Strydom, Street. Friday 6PM Acts Family Church Extension 23 6027 Nyathi Street . If you think you have a

DRINKING OR DRUG problem. Please come listen to the testimonies of sober recovered alcoholics and drug addicts. Contact Skipper Smith 061 142 6633.(

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11 August 2015


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11 AUGUST 2015


Vossies top 10

Top presteerders van Laerskool Tini Vorster Graad 4: Verushke Duvenhage, AJ Cronje, Keegan Manenti, Alexander van Schaik, Karla Horn, Ricus Janse van Rensburg, Jordan Spies, Abbeygayle van As, Michaela Smith en Jonathan Roberts. AJ Cronje is aangewys as die Bybel toppresteerder.


Hou bene hou!

Leerders van Hoërskool John Vorster het gedurende die landloop seisoen hulle staal gewys. Al die atlete het goed presteer en ‘n aantal leerders het 2de en 3de plekke behaal en Maureez Isaacs seuns 0/19 behaal ‘n 1ste plek.

Anli Fourie, ‘n graad 6 leerder van Laerskool Hannes Visagie verwerf ‘n 3de plek tydens die ATKV Gauteng Finale Spelathonkompetisie wat gehou is te Laerskool Roodekrans, Roodepoort op 21 Julie 2015.

Graad 6: Robinn Thornburn is nommer een en so ook die Bybel toppresteerder van haar graad, Alexis Lighthelm, Leslie de Lange, Jo-Lin Grobler, Mariesa Manenti, Stefan Horn saam Danelle Gouws, Hannerie Cornelius, Melissa Malan en Stefan van Aswegen. Hoërskool John Vorster is bekend vir die goeie jukskei waar hulle jaar na jaar uitstekend presteer. Hierdie jaar is nie ‘n uitsondering nie. Die liga is aan die gang en al die spanne het sover reeds hul wedstryde gewen. Hulle is spanne wat dopgehou kan word. Die O/19 gemengde span het teen Jeugland 10-5 gewen met Brandin Mare as speler van die wedstryd. Die O/16 seuns span het teen JJ met 8-7 gewen en speler van die wedstryd is Andre Russel-Brett. Dogters O/16 A wen teen Die Anker 8-7 asook teen Hugenote. Speler van die wedstryd is Pierina Belotti. Dogters B span het deeglik hul punt bewys dat hul sterk is met 10-5 teen Hugenote en wen teen Olimpiapark, met speler van die wedstryd Allyssa Weideman.

Slipper Vrydag Graad 7: Beulha van Zyl, Bybel toppresteerder, Riki van Wyk, Mieke Kapp, Madelein Tredoux, Ruan Supra, Tonia Te Baerts, Sheree Steenkamp, Reynhard Reyneke, Nadia Steynberg en Bianc Storm.

Graad 5: Cilje-Marie Kruger, Schalk van Wyk, Izelle Schoeman, Jennifer Klein, Liane Stoffberg, JD Haasbroek saam Elaine Hartkopf, Melissa Joubert, Pieter Snyman en Damiand Davis. Met Charl Botha as Bybel toppresteerder.

Baba’s, kleuters en personeel van Nini se Dagsorg het op 7 Augustus almal met hul “pajamas” en “slippers” skool toe gekom om Nationale Slipperdag te vier! Die dag was vetpret. Almal het dit geniet om hul juffrou met haar “pajamas” te sien, terwyl sy nog lekker deur die blare lyk! Maatjies het ‘n “pajama-partytjie” gehou, lui-lekker fliek gekyk en kakebene het oortyd gewerk met al die gesmul. Ons was darem nie heeldag lui nie, ons het ook geleer waaroor Slipperdag gaan! Ons het geleer dat ons met ‘n skrale R10 vir ons Slipper-sticker, ‘n kind se drome kan verander! Met ons Slipper-sticker kry ons toe sommer ‘n gratis Wimpy koffie, party maats het mamma en pappa “gestick” vir ‘n lekker koppie koffie, terwyl hulle ‘n melkskommel geniet! Slim plan outjies!!!



11 AUGUST 2015

Speed hotrod racing The Rock Raceway, Brakpan played hosts to 136 drivers’ for this year’s National WOMZA speed hotrod weekend, where over-welled hot rod fans had the chance of seeing the 2015 world champion, Shane Murphy in action along with their very own local favourites. (WOMZA) World of Motorsport Z.A, motor racing administrators for motorsport are dedicated to competitors and officials, teaching sportsmanship, instilling conf idence and pursuing dreams throughout the sport at affordable costs. Through good governance the ultimate goal is to ensure that the correct training, development and affordability is maintained thus allowing all walks of life to be meet reality and not live off dreams. The prestige WOMZA National Speed Hotrod weekend is an invitational event, sort by the local club racing ratings of

each driver of all racing categories ranging from kids in racing to the national hotrods. This event is held every three years and this year is was held at The rock Raceway allowing the local raceway stars to elevate their respective international rankings. “This is another step forward to achieving our goal of bringing our kids off the streets,” said Tim Stevens the owner of The Rock raceway. The raceway takes part in many adventures along with SAPS to keep the streets safe from illegal drag racing. This is an ongoing problem in our country yet we are committed to resolving this problem bring safer streets for poor children and parents alike. After a long day on the oval track our local talents seemed just not up for the task of defeating the reigning world champion Shane Murphy. Shane Murphy


011 739 5987

FAST & FURIOUS 7 BLU R AY & DVD NOW AVAILABLE Action shots taken at the Rock Raceway, Brakpan were 136 drivers’ participate in the National WOMZA speed hotrod last weekend.

ELCO STEEL DEALERS TEL: 011 362-1551/2 FAKS: 011 815-3427 Cnr. Ermelo & Dagbreek Rds, Largo, SPRINGS Prices valid while stocks last / incl vat / E&OE PURLINES 6MT 9.1MT 75X50X20X2 R204.12 R311.12



20X3 20X5 25X3 25X5 30X3 30X5 40X5 40X3 50X3 50X5

25X25X2 R 61.98 25X25X3 R 83.52 25X25X5 R 130.50 30X30X3 R 101.52 30X30X5 R 161.88 40X40X2 R 96.00 40X40X2.5 R 154.74 40X40X3 R 126.66 40X40X5 R 218.88 50X50X4 R 245.94 50X50X5 R 259.02 60X60X6 R 414.01

R 41.70 R 51.96 R 48.00 R 55.02 R 59.52 R 77.04 R114.48 R 79.02 R 88.98 R145.02


R56.46 R52.86 R75.90

R/BAR 6MT 6MM 8MM 10MM 12MM 16MM 20MM

R14.88 R25.92 R36.90 R57.54 R118.80 R189.00


R63.00 R80.04 R80.52 R94.98 R208.02

EXP/METAL 6320C R169.01 6320D R195.00 WHEEL KIT SETS 60MM R105.66 80MM R133.93

SHEETS/PLATES EA 2450X1225X1.6 2450X1225X2 2450X1225X2.5 2450x1225x3 2450x1225x4 2500x1200x5 2500x1200x6

R469.00 R510.00 R660.00 R759.00 R1032.77 R1207.20 R1590.00

PALISADES PALISADE PANELS 600mm High R317.00 900mm High R391.11 1.0mt High R414.62 1.2mt High R463.00 1.5mt High R541.50 1.8mt High R586.30 2.0mt High R630.00 2.4mt High R759.81 LOOSE PALES 600mm R13.00 900mm R17.00 1.0mt R19.00 1.2mt R23.01 1.5mt R28.00 1.8mt R34.00 2.0mt R38.00 2.4mt R46.00

CHANNEL 76X38(6.70kg/mt) R 427.50 100X50(10.73kg/m)R635.04 152X76 R1588.74 178X54 R1281.24

RECT. TUBE 1.6MM 25X12 38X20 38X25 50X25 50X38 76X25 76X38 76X50 100X50

SQ. TUBE 20X20 25X25 32X32 38X38 50X50 76X76 100X100

PIPE 19MM 25MM 32MM 38MM 42MM 50MM 79MM 100MM

R85.92 R98.52 R119.52 R134.88 R174.00 R194.52 R205.50 R247.50 R295.05

2.0MM R88.50 R125.52 R154.98 R189.00 R219.96 R246.54 R292.50 R317.52 R379.26

1.6MM R2.0MM R67.50 R77.88 R107.88 R139.44 R188.04 R279.00

1.6MM R55.02 R72.96 R93.48 R112.98 R131.82 R148.98 R232.50


R88.98 R118.02 R149.52 R183.54 R247.50 R364.50 R478.98

2.0MM R72.48 R94.98 R123.00 R148.98 R164.04 R197.46 R298.98 R408.96


75X50X20X2 R205.02 R312.49 100X50X20X2 R230.04 R350.62 125X50X20X2 R259.98 R396.25 150X50X20X2 R285.00 R434.39 175X50X20X2 R399.00 R608.14 200X50X20X2 R450.00 R690.00 Welding Rods Gate Motors Condo AC/DC 5kg 2.5mm 2yr warranty, 2x remotes, 4mt rack & battery free R3472.38 R125.97

ROOF SHEETING I.B.R 0.4MM CQ R45.90 I.B.R/CORR. 0.5MM R58.00 I.B.R/CORR. 0.6MM R68.99 CORR 0.3MM FH R32.00

GALV SHEETS 2450X1225X0.5 2450X1225X0.6 2450X1225X10 2450X1225X2.0 2450X1225X3.0

R196.31 R215.25 R357.72 R592.80 R1189.00

A grade prices include vat subject to availability E&OE

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