Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

Page 1

15 Maart 2016

VOL 12 NO 5


A cry for a home!

Buxton Laan 58, Noycedale, NIGEL

082 254 2079


Adoptions at the local SPCA. Everyone, Someone, Anyone, please we need homes. We urge the community to help with food, blankets, toys or any form of donation to help us take care of dogs and cats without homes. Contact your local SPCA in Nigel and Heidelberg.


g n i r o t

Well Wheeled See Pages 8-13

by ChanĂŠ & Carlie




15 MARCH 2016

Keuse tussen reg of verkeerd

073 169 4752 071 458 6177 Restaurant & take away

Every Friday from 12:00 - 14:00 only

5% discount on all food Unit 1, Schoemanstr. 67. Oasis Centre. HEIDELBERG Betsie en Phillip herderspaar van Simfonéa. Uit die pen van Phillip van Rhyn Vir geestelike hulp en gebed skakel 079 762 5545.

DO YOU NEED SOMEONE TO TALK TO IN THE TIME OF TROUBLE? * Depressed or Anxious * Trouble with anger * Unhappy @ School * Not coping with your grades


011 421 9941

Die woord geregtigheid, vry vertaal beteken: Die keuse tussen slegs twee moontlikhede. Nie soos in demokrasie waar daar talle opsies uitgeoefen kan word nie. Jesus is self aan die woord: ‘Niemand kan twee here dien nie; want òf hy sal die een haat en die ander liefhê, òf hy sal die een aanhang en die ander verag. Julle kan nie God én Mammon dien nie!’ Die woord geregtigheid word baiemaal verwar met regverdigheid wat iets heel anders beteken. Dus moet daar na geregtigheid gekyk word binne konteks van die skrifgedeeltes waar dit voorkom. Die skrifte rondom geregtigheid moet dus sorgvuldig gelees word om die ware betekenis daarvan te probeer begryp. Tweedens moet ons ook lees binne die konteks van die Christelike geloof. Dis die kruks. Dis waarom die prys wat Jesus betaal het aan die kruis, gesien moet word as die teëspraak van die vele wêreldse opvattings rondom Sy genade. Die omvang van God die Skepper staan soewerein teenoor die magte van duisternis en word daar geen grysgebied gelaat nie. Dis óf die een óf die ander…Dit is die wet van die geregtigheid. Ons moét kies: Geestelike lewe of -dood. Die Here of die Satan, eie begeertes of om God se wil te doen. In hierdie verband is dit duidelik dat Christus die klem op besliste gedefinieerde besluitneming lê. Die eén of die ander. Niks meer en niks minder nie. 1 Johannes 3:7-10: “My kinders, laat niemand julle mislei nie: wie die geregtigheid (die regte keuse) doen, is regverdig soos Hy regverdig is. Hy wat die sonde doen, is uit die duiwel, want die duiwel sondig van die begin af. Vir hierdie doel het die Seun van God verskyn, om die werke van die duiwel te verbreek. Elkeen wat uit God gebore is, doen geen sonde nie, omdat sy saad in hom bly; en hy kan nie sondig nie, want hy is uit God gebore. Hierin is die kinders van God en die kinders van die duiwel openbaar: elkeen wat die geregtigheid nie doen nie, is nie uit God nie, en hy ook wat sy broeder nie liefhet nie. In plaas van Satan, kies God. ‘n Baie mooi voorbeeld van geregtigheid is opgeteken in Deut 30:19 “Ek neem vandag die hemel en die aarde as getuies teen julle; die lewe en die dood, die seën en die vloek het ek jou voorgehou. Kies dan die lewe, dat jy kan lewe, jy en jou nageslag..’ Geregtigheid is dus die uitoefening van keuses. Die Bybel leer ons dat in alle

gevalle is daar slegs twee moontlikes. God of Mammon. Dood of lewe. Kind van God of kind van die duiwel. Rom 9:27 “En Jesaja roep oor Israel uit: Al is die getal van die kinders van Israel soos die sand van die see, net die oorblyfsel sal gered word; “ Rom 9:28 “want Hy volbring ‘n saak en verkort dit in geregtigheid, omdat die Here ‘n saak wat verkort is, op die aarde sal doen.” Hy laat geen opening vir verskeie moontlikhede nie! Hy het alles saamgevat in ‘n verkorting, die wet van geregtigheid. Slegs twee moontlikes. Ons kan net één kies…Een van twee. Geregtigheid is ‘n geloofsaak. Jy moet glo volgens Markus 16 vanaf vers 15 want dit was Sy laaste opdrag op aarde..’Hy wat glo sal gered word. Hy wat nie glo nie sal veroordeel word’. Jesus self sê: Daar is slegs twee paaie. Die een lei na die hemel die ander na die hel. So ook net twee poorte. Die een is smal en die ander breed. Kies weerens, want dit is jou keuse. Die Here kan geen mens se wil manupileer nie. Dis ons voorreg om ons keuse self te maak. Moontlik kan ons redeneer dat dit soms moeilik is om onder sekere omstandighede tussen twee uiterstes te kies, maar dink net aan die vrug en bevrediging wanneer ons die regte een gekies het. Geregtigheid is ‘n wet. Ons moét kies en ons Skepper wil hê dat ons die regte opsie neem. Ek gaan Satan dien of ek gaan die Redder dien. Waarom is geregtigheid nie onderhandebaar nie? Die Bybel is vol voorbeelde. Lev 19:15 “Julle mag geen onreg doen in die gereg nie. Jy mag vir die geringe nie partydig wees nie en die aansienlike nie voortrek nie. Met geregtigheid moet jy oordeel.” Ps 9:8 “En Hy self sal die wêreld oordeel in geregtigheid en die volke vonnis met reg”. Ps 96:13 “want Hy kom, want Hy kom om die aarde te oordeel; Hy sal die wêreld oordeel in geregtigheid en die volke in sy trou.” Hy verwag dus van my en jou om tussen die goeie en die slegte te kies. Daar word nie ruimte gelaat vir verdere moontlikhede nie. Gebed. Here, help my om te besef dat daar uiteindelik net twee eindbestemmings gaan wees, die hemel of die hel. Ek kies U vandag in my lewenswandel en in alles waar ek keuses moet maak. Amen

Kom geniet die WOORD saam met ons en daarna ‘n koppie tee! Spruytstraat 26,


15 MARCH 2016


Taxi dry wer versuim The key to a om te stop successful business

Mnr Antonie Herbst het op Vrydag, 11 Maart, nadat hy skoliere by die skool besorg het vanaf die sirkel in Kingsway gery en gebots met ‘n wit minibus. Die drywer van die minibus het die stopteken op die hoek van Kingsway & Standardstraat oorgesteek sonder om te stop. Volgens Antonie het hy dadelik rem aangeslaan met sy groen VW Golf, maar kon ongelukkig nie die botsing vermy nie. Die golf is regs voor getref. Niemand is beseer nie.

Leverage. Do more with less...divide to once and get paid forever? How do you truly implement the concept of leverage into your life, and your business? Well the first step is by understanding what Leverage is and you can use it in your business. The goal of LeverageRICH is for you to learn about the principles of leverage. You’ll focus on the fastest ways to increase your business using Action’s 5 Ways mastery and the importance of testing & measuring...everything!

Water wastage combatants If a dripping tap can waste as much as one liter of water per hour, imagine the amount of water wasted when that leaking tap is left unattended for months. In an effort to curb water wastage because “Every Drop Counts” the City of Ekurhuleni, on Tuesday, launched its Water and Sanitation Ambassadors and Data Capturers programme at the Boksburg Civic Centre. A total of 100 Ambassadors have been recruited and over the next 12 months they will be responsible for collecting data, evaluating water meter conditions, leakages and other water loss related issues in various communities. The data collected will be captured by 20 Data Capturers who have been trained on the municipal EMIS system for further intervention and follow up by Ekurhuleni technicians.

016 349 6937



What is the key to a successful business?

LeverageRICH Venue : Date : Time : Cost :

Heidelberg Kloof 2 April 2016 09H00 – 12H00 R980 PP

Second or more person/s from same business : R700 PP or ActionCLUB : R9000 for 10 Sessions

Only 30 spaces, to book your place contact George Clarke at 083 474 2212 or email

At the launch of the initiative Executive Mayor Cllr Mondli Gungubele emphasized the important role that the team would be playing. He said: “The work you will be doing will ensure that this precious resource that has no substitute, is preserved for the future generation. As such you will be recorded in history as the young people from the City of Ekurhuleni who put a stop to water wastage.” The Ambassadors will be deployed to areas where high water consumption and wastage has been recorded. These include; Boksburg, Daveyton, Etwatwa, Germiston, Katlehong, Kempton Park, Kwa-thema, Springs, Thembisa, Thokoza, Tsakane and Most common reasons Vosloorus. why insurance claims Ekurhuleni residents are also encouraged to join in the fight against the unnecessary could be rejected by most wastage of the City’s Blue Drop Certified insurance providers: water by fixing leaks in their homes and reporting leaks outside their homes and 1. Home contents underinsurance water meters through the municipal A big problem that many homeowners face when insuring the contents of their home is failing to services call center on 086 054 3000. insure the contents for the correct and updated replacement value. Most people tend to take out a

Fish, Birds & Reptiles Stockists of all animal feeds. For all your pond & fish tank requirements

Best service & lowest price 016 341 3006 / Shop 15 Pretorius str, HEIDELBERG FORUM

home contents insurance policy and simply renew it every year, without taking the necessary steps to update their level of cover, despite having purchased new contents for their home. 2. Poor Maintenance Homeowners who fail to properly maintain their homes face an increased risk of insurance claim repudiations. Most homeowner insurance policies will only cover damage caused by unforeseen events and regard home maintenance as the responsibility of the homeowner, thus any claims determined as a result of poor maintenance, or neglect, are most likely to be rejected. 3. Defective alarm systems It is vital for homeowners to ensure that the home’s alarm system is tested on a regular basis to ensure it is in working order. All homeowners insurance policies will stipulate that it is the policy holder’s responsibility to keep the alarm system in full working condition because if theft takes place as a result of a faulty alarm, then the claim is likely to be repudiated. This includes the alarm battery being flat. With the current load shedding in South Africa, this becomes absolutely critical. 4. Unlawful driving Should a motorist be caught driving under the influence of alcohol and/or narcotic substances, or the driver does not have a valid driver’s licence, they are considered to be partaking in a criminal offence and their motor insurance cover could be invalidated immediately. In addition, if the driver is caught driving in a reckless and negligent manner or speeding excessively, which resulted in damage or destruction to the vehicle, the related insurance claim(s) are likely to be repudiated. 5. Unroadworthy condition of the vehicle Windscreen wipers that are not working properly, or a tyre tread below the legal limit of 1.6mm, are common examples of vehicle conditions which can significantly increase the likelihood of an accident occurring. Should a motorist be involved in an accident and further investigation reveals that any aspect of the vehicle was not in a fully working condition and contributed to the cause of accident, the insurance claim can be rejected on the basis of the vehicle not being in a roadworthy state. 6. Secure overnight parking Requirements for securing a motor vehicle in a garage will differ between insurers; some will accept an off-street parking as acceptable while others may stipulate that the vehicle must be kept behind an automatic garage door. Therefore, motor vehicle owners must ensure that the suggested method of security stipulated by the insurance policy is in place. If a motorist parks in an unsecured driveway or on the road, it is essential that they notify their insurance provider in order to confirm they are covered in the event of the car being broken into or stolen. 7. Driver not listed as the regular driver When a motor insurance policy stipulates that cover is only provided for a specific named driver, an insurance claim will only be successful if this driver was behind the wheel at the time of the incident. Should an accident occur while another person is driving the car, the claim may be rejected as the policy only covers the named driver. A situation that often occurs is parents listing themselves as the regular driver for their children’s cars due to the fact that motorists under the age of 27 typically pay a higher premium because of their higher risk profile. However, despite saving through lower premiums, they could lose out when it comes time to claim, as their claim may be rejected if their child was driving when an accident occurred. “By bearing the above in mind and properly reading through insurance policies, consumers can educate themselves in an effort to face a lower risk of common insurance claim rejections.



15 MARCH 2016

Bejaardes skop af op hoë noot! Die bekende Louis Loock, vroeër van Romans Sanggroep faam het die gaste van Nigel Tuiste vir Bejaardes op 27 Februarie verras tydens hul jaarlikse oggendtee. Hierdie swierige funksie wat jaarliks by die AGS Aquila gemeente te Nigel gehou word is ter fondsinsameling vir die tuiste. Die gasvroue het hulself oortref en die tafels treffend versier en gedek met die smaaklikste eetgoed.

Kunstenaar Louis het al die pad van die Kaap gekom om Nigel te betower met sy sterk stem. Daar is ‘n paar trane gestort soos wat die hartsnare geroer is deur Louis se inspirerende sang. Ria Alberts organiseerder van die oggendtee bedank almal wat ‘n aandeel in die sukses van hierdie oggend gehad het.

Chris Engelbrecht, Ria Alberts en Sanger Louis Loock.

Insiggewende byeenkoms

Die bekende Louis Loock, vroeër van Romans.

JJC Kruger & Vennote

267 SKAKEL 083 6198 267 6198

Springs Parkland Kliniek Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172


Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging (By River Square kruising 016 423 3553



C.J.J. STEEL cc.

Nigel VLU spog met hul 710de vergadering, wat hul op Donderdag 10 Maart by La Fayette gehou het. In 2015 het die dames ‘n 2de plek verower tydens die jaarlikse VLU Goudrif Streekskonferensie. Hulle het ‘n eerste plek in die artikel afdeling verwerf. Suzanne Drotsky, die voorsitster het die dames bedank vir hul harde werk. Hulle beplan vanjaar ‘n projek wat hul gaan loods ten bate van Born2Care. Met die volgende vergadering sal Nia Stander van Born2Care ‘n bekendstellings toespraak kom lewer. Die VLU tema van die jaar is “ons mooi land Suid Afrika”. Die dames kry hier die geleentheid om hul volle potensiaal in blomme rangskikking te beoefen.

~ STEEL MERCHANTS ~ Cnr: Grootvlei Rd, and Partridge St, Strubenvale Tel: 011 815 4700/1/2 * Fax: 011 8153088 Stockists of Steel Sections, Rail, email: -





12x12 .... R69.00 16x16 .... R83.00 20X20 ... R72.00 25X25 ... R78.00 ....... R127.00 32X32 ... R116.00 ..... R159.00 38X38 ... R138.00 ..... R190.00 50X50 ... R190.00 ..... R254.00 76X76 ... R296.00 ..... R392.00 100X100 ................... R508.00

20MM .... R64.00 25MM .... R76.00 ....... 32MM .... R111.00 ...... 38MM .... R132.00 ..... 50MM .... R180.00 ..... 76MM .... R265.00 .....

Fibre Glass Sheeting R75.00 p/m




R59.00p/m Cut to size


R212.00 ..... R323.12 R265.00 ..... R403.90



FLAT BAR 6M 12X3 ........ 16x3 ......... 20x3 ......... 20x5 ......... 25x3 ......... 25x5 ......... 30x3 ......... 30x5 ......... 40x3 ......... 40x5 ......... 50x5 .........

R 29.00 R 34.00 R 37.00 R 55.00 R 50.00 R 76.00 R 60.00 R 87.00 R 80.00 R122.00 R150.00

SQ BAR 6M 8MM ......... R53.00 10MM ....... R61.00 12MM ....... R74.00

WINDOW SECTION 6M RT6 ......... RT13 ....... RX7 ......... F7 ............ F4B ..........

R 67.00 R 80.00 R 106.00 R 87.00 R 224.00

ROUND BAR 6M 6MM .......... R17.00 8MM .......... R28.00 10MM ........ R40.00 12MM ........ R58.00


LIP/CHANNEL 75x50x20x2 ............... R217.00 100x75x20x2 ............. R244.00 125x50x20x2 ............. R270.00 150x50x20x2 ............. R297.00

R 95.00 R159.00 R185.00 R254.00 R360.00

25x25x3 .................... R 90.00 25x25x5 .................... R137.00 30x30x3 .................... R106.00 30x30x5 .................... R180.00 40x40x3 .................... R137.00 40x40x5 .................... R233.00 25x25x2 .................... R 63.00 30x30x2 .................... R 85.00 40x40x2 .................... R 100.00


38x20 .... R122.00 ..... R143.00 38x25 .... R129.00 ..... R159.00 50x25 .... R137.00 ..... R200.00 50x38 .... R190.00 ..... R244.00 76x38 .... R206.00 ..... R307.00 76x50 .... R275.00 ..... R339.00 100X50 ..................... R402.00

75x50x20x2 100x75x20x2




Piping Plante and Tubing


R330.75 R371.89 R411.52 R452.67

2450x1225x1.6 .............................. R487.00 2450x1225x2.0 .............................. R583.00 2450x1225x2.5 .............................. R705.00 2450x1225x3.0 .............................. R805.00 2450x1225x4.0 ........................... R1 166.00 2500x1200x5.0 ........................... R1 484.00 2500x1200x6.0 ........................... R1 717.00


A/O Grobler saam met Tonien Botha.

Foto onder: Marie van der Westhuizen, Joël Raal en Annatjie van der Merwe. Annatjie het die 20 jaar lidmaatskap balkie, van oorlede Louise Raal aan Joël oorhandig.

Tonien Botha, gasvrou, het Adjudant Offisier Grobler van Nigel SAPS, genooi om die dames in te lig oor wat hul te doen staan tydens ‘n ongeluk. Hy het die dames attent daarop gemaak dat hul nooit enige skulderkenning moet doen nie. “Dis wys om fotos te neem tydens so ‘n voorval. Verstrek net die nodige inligting wat die SAPS aanvra. Geen vorms word deur ‘n persoon voltooi nie, die AR vorm word slegs deur die polisie voltooi” vertel hy. Noodnommers wat gebruik kan word is as volg 011-812 6053, sektor 1: 071 675 7022, sektor 2: 071 675 7021 en sektor 3: 071 675 7026. Die volgende vergadering is 14 April belangstellendes kan Anne-marie Axer by 082 886 2002 skakel.

15 MARCH 2016


5 000 matrikulante ontvang pakkies


No fines From March 11 to 19 libraries are inviting all of their patrons who have overdue library material to return it at no cost. The mantra for Fine Free week is ‘no questions, no fines’ and library users are encouraged to return all of the overdue resources they have borrowed in order to allow others to benefit from them. The theme for this year’s Library Week is “#libraries4lifelonglearning”.


take-away delight

016 341 2795 Nigel Rotary Anns, asook Mahindra, Heidelberg is deel van die landswye solar lig projek. Op Woensdag 24 Februarie, is 325 lampies, skryfbehoefte sakkies, boeke en eetgoed aan matrikulante van Ratanda en Duduza oorhandig. Georgina Scott en Iona Schoeman van Nigel Rotary Anns het by die Ratanda Secondary School 125 pakkies, asook 200 pakkies by Esibonelwesihle High School afgelewer. Die prinsipaal van Esibonelwesihle, Kamehelo Motlong, bedank Pierre Nel en Chane Engelbrecht van Mahindra en Georgina en Iona van die Rotary Anns vir hul skenkings. Van links Iona, Kamehelo en Georgina.

Billion rand train factory

Mozambique-St yle Peri Peri, Lemon & Herb or Babbeque Full Chicken, chips for two & 2 x päos

R90 full portion R60 half portion

Cnr AG Visser & Suttmanstr. Rensburg, HEIDELBERG

The City of Ekurhuleni is set to harbor a 72-hectare train manufacturing plant in Dunnottar, Nigel, which is envisaged to arrest the plight of unemployment within the region with over 2 000 permanent job opportunities to be created. The groundbreaking initiative by PRASA-GIBELA in partnership with the National Department of Transport and the City of Ekurhuleni is off icially underway following a sod-turning ceremony which took place in Dunnottar. The project which is part of the national passenger rail modernization programme is also in line with the City’s reindustrialisation agenda and is expected to benefit local emerging industrialists and artisans by empowering them with specialised industrial skills. The job opportunity projections and the economic boost that will be brought about by the existence of this plant in Dunnottar speaks volumes,” said Cllr Gungubele. The plant, valued at approximately R1 Billion will enable PRASA to have new trains manufactured and maintained locally. The manufacturing of components for the new trains will also take place at the facility, which has a Cnr Kingsway & Windsor str, NIGEL capacity to produce a total of 580 trains or 3480 coaches. Several kilometres of rail network including, 1.2 kilometres of dynamic test track, have also been included in the plant design in order to test complete test Support group for drug & alcohol train sets at speeds abusers every Wednesday @ of up to 132 19h00. We cater for families of kilometres per hour which is on par with addicts! Come share your story international testing facilities.

Shop 11, Indian Plaza. Cnr 2nd & Laver Str. NIGEL



Services every Sunday @ 09h00


R199.90 RUBBER KEEP NET with tennis ball

R365.00 SHADE KEEP NET with tennis ball


10ft R249.90 12FT R269.90


8ft R219.90 10FT R245.00 12ft R255.00

R345.00 * Stockists of all leading Brands EXPLOSION 12’6 * Stocks are Limited - E&OE ft SENSATION * Card facilities available 1st Come, 1st Serve FULL GRAPHITE * Big Variety BASS Fishing Tackle Incl. BAG Variety SPECIMEN Fishing Tackle & Baits R650.00



15 MARCH 2016

DIE FOPSPEEN Weet jy wat > n fopspeen is? Dit is die Afrikaanse woord vir > n > dummy= . Die suigeling word gefop! Hy dink hy kry voeding, maar hy word gefop! Hy word mislei. Hy suig en suig en suig en daar is niks voeding nie. Die suigeling kan nie van die fopspeen lewe nie, maar hy besef dit nie. Hy is nog te klein om te kan onderskei dat hy mislei word. Vir die baba voel dit soos die ware Jakob! Hy suig en suig en suig en alhoewel dit vir hom reg voel, is daar geen voeding nie! Indien hy net >n fopspeen kry en nooit werklike voeding nie, sal hy uiteindelik beswyk! Satan het ook >n fopspeen waarmee sy magte die gelowiges mislei. Satan se fopspeen voel so reg en so goed dat talle gelowiges daaraan suig en suig en suig en uiteindelik beswyk, want dit bevat geen voeding nie! Hierdie fopspeen lyk so eg en voel so reg dat die meeste mense nooit agterkom dat hulle belieg, mislei, geflous en gefop word nie! Die Vervaardiger se Handleiding, die Bybel, leer uitdruklik dat die hele wêreld in Satan se mag is (1 Joh. 5:19). Satan se magte is nie onnosel nie. Hulle is almal meester-misleiers en hulle weet baie goed hoe om intelligente mense te mislei op so >n wyse dat hulle nooit besef dat hulle mislei word nie! Satan se fopspeen word nie vir die ongelowige wêreld aangebied nie. Hulle is geen bedreiging nie. Sy misleiding is gerig op gelowiges. Hy haat hulle en sy magte werk dag en nag om fopspene vir gewillige gelowiges te gee.

Weet jy wat is Satan se fopspeen? GODSDIENS sonder >n verhouding met God! Weet jy wat is godsdiens? Dit is >n lys van reëls en regulasies wat mense uitdink om God te probeer behaag. In die Ou Testament het God die Wet gegee. Dit was godsdiens wat as >n tugmeester die mens na >n verhouding met God moes lei (lees Gal. 4). 2000 jaar gelede het Jesus Christus sy lewe vir die mensdom aan >n houtkruis afgelê. Hy het alle mense se skuld op Hom geneem. Hy het ten volle vir jou sonde / jou skuld betaal. Die dispensasie van die Wet, die godsdienstige reëls en regulasies, is toe afgesluit en >n nuwe dispensasie van God se (onverdienstelike) guns het aangebreek (Rom. 3:23-24). God se meesterplan is dat die mens nou na Hom toe sal draai, by sy plan vir hul lewens sal inskakel en in >n intieme verhouding met Hom sal lewe. ‘n Plan waar hulle daagliks met Hom in gesprek sal wees en in alle opsigte in sy wil sal lewe (2 Pet. 3:9). Volgens die Vervaardiger se Handleiding is hierdie mense dan kinders van God (Joh.1:12). >n Kind het >n verhouding met sy of haar pappie. >n Verhouding bestaan uit twee skakels: Liefde en gesprek. God se plan vir jou is eenvoudig: Dat jy Hom meer as enige iemand of iets moet liefhê en dat jy in >n VERHOUDING met Hom moet staan; dat jy Hom só liefhet dat jy sy wil sal soek en dit sal doen; dat jy sy stem sal hoor en met Hom sal praat. Dit is hoe Jesus gedurende sy aardse lewe geleef het. Is jy >n dissipel van Jesus? Volg dan in sy voetspore!

15 MARCH 2016


Satan haat hierdie liefdesplan wat Vader-God vir jou het. Hy wil nie hê dat jy met God se teenwoordigheid gevoed word nie. Hy wil hê dat jy moet sterwe en daarom bied hy fopspene aan. Fopspeen-Christene is ywerig. Hulle >glo= in God. Hulle eer selfs sekere >godsdienstige= dae en sal selfs >godsdienstige= klere dra of >godsdienstige= dieëtreëls volg. Sommige sal selfs >godsdienstige= gebede opsê en >n goeie >godsdienstige= lewe lei. Hulle ken Hom egter nie. Fopspeen-predikers bied > n fopspeenevangelie op radiostasies, televisie en van talle kansels af aan: AGlo-in-God-en-jy-is-reg-virdie-hemel-fopspeen@ of ALewe-mooi-eneerlik-en-jy-sal-dit-maak-fopspeen@ of ABehoort-aan-een-of-ander-kerk-en-jy-isreg-fopspeen.@ Kyk wat gaan van fopspeen-babas word: Kyk wat sê Jesus: ANie elkeen wat vir My sê: Here, Here! sal ingaan in die koninkryk van die hemele nie, maar hy wat die wil doen van my Vader wat in die hemele is. Baie sal in daardie dag vir My sê: Here, Here, het ons nie in u Naam geprofeteer en in u Naam duiwels uitgedrywe en in u Naam baie kragte gedoen nie? En dan sal Ek aan hulle sê: Ek het julle nooit geken nie. Gaan weg van My, julle wat die ongeregtigheid werk!@ (Matt. 7:21-23)


MAAR OF HY HULLE KEN! Die vraag is dus nie of JY Jesus ken nie. Die vraag is of Jesus JOU ken! Die moeilikheid met die mensdom is dat hulle nie verstaan wat Satan se modus operandi is nie. Miljoene gaan verlore omdat God hulle nie ken nie EN DIT IS NIE GOD SE WIL NIE! God is lief vir jou. Hy wil vir JOU in alle opsigte oorvloed gee. Hy wil met jou praat en na jou luister, MAAR DIT MOET OP SY VOORWAARDES GESKIED. Hy gaan nie sy plan verander om die mens te akkommodeer nie. Die mens moet by SY plan inskakel! Lees 2 Pet. 3:9. God se plan vir jou begin met bekering (draai na Hom toe). Dit is egter makliker om >n fopspeen te suig, want almal doen dit en almal keur dit goed. Sal jy opstaan en na die ware voeding kom? Sal jy sy Woord, die Bybel, doen en lewe? Is jy bereid om te draai? Sal jy, al word jy skeef aangekyk, by >n liefdevolle God se plan vir jou lewe inskakel? Jy het net een kans. Jy het net een lewe. Die Vervaardiger se Handleiding stel dit duidelik. Dit is nie >n gemakstoellewe nie: Dit is nie >n lewe sonder teëspoed nie, maar dit SAL >n lewe van oorvloed wees (Joh.10:10) wanneer jou lewe, jou toekoms en jou planne in SY hand is! Sal jy >ja= sê vir die Een wat jou liefhet? Navrae en gebed: Sms na: 083 267 6198

Let op dat hier met GELOWIGES gepraat word! Let ook op dat die vraag wat gevra is, is nie of die mense Jesus geken het nie,

Evaar die verskil




15 MARCH 2016

g n i r o t o

Well Wheeled by Chané & Carlie Nigel Propshaft & CV Joint Centre 23 Van Riebeeck st, NIGEL

Henk 083 268 7264 011 739 4588


Springs Road, NIGEL 011 814 8952/3 Gebruikte Gehalte Motors & Bakkies Quality Cars & Bakkies

Spesialiseer in: Persoonlike-, kommersiële- en boerderyversekering * Professionele en vriendelike diens * Persoonlike aandag * Vinnige en effektiewe eisehantering * Baie billike tariewe

Klippies: 083 282 7577 Wayne: 072 266 6157 Kantoor: 011 814 8297 Kantoor ure: 08:00 - 16:30

10 Point Safety Check When you service or repair your car at any Service Centre, a 10-point safety check must be done.

The following are part of this safety check: • Brake Operation / Foot & Handbrake • Coolant / Anti Freeze Level / Condition • Engine - check for abnormal noise • Engine Oil Level • Hooter • Lights / Indicators / Hazard Lights • Seat Belts / Correct Operation / Locking • Steering - check for excessive play • Wiper Blades • Wiper Washer Bottle & Spray Operation


TEL: 016 341 2187/8 Visit your local Service Centres in Heidelberg & Nigel for your 10 point Safety Check before your holiday trip.


15 MARCH 2016



Martiq 929 Motors Across SELCOURT TOWERS

Mandie 083 417 4799 Charles 082 828 0564 We buy & sell cars/caravans we do serviceS. you pay parts + R300


Why Use a Car Alarm? We all recognize the sound of a car alarm. It is not uncommon to hear the loud sirens blaring in the middle of the night. Most of us ignore the sound and keep sleeping; the sound has almost become the soundtrack of the city. This is why it is so important that the car alarms of the 21st century do more than simply blast a siren into the night air. Be on the look out for a complete car security system. They are comprehensive alarms that will sound when there is any disturbance to your vehicle. After the alarm sounds, a detailed message is sent to your remote to alert you of the condition of your car. And rather than simply having a siren, these car alarms have a feature called a starter-kill. This will allow you to stop your car’s engine from running and effectively prevent any attempts to steal your vehicle.

Choosing your driving school When choosing a school, confirm that it has been licensed by ICBC. Check that each instructor has a professional driver training instructor licence. To ensure you get the right training for your needs, we suggest you discuss the course outline offered by the driving school before making your choice. In addition, ask the school to provide you with a written copy of its statement of services and its policy statement.

These documents explain details like • • • • •

hours and type of training fees refunds a receipt as proof of payment, and a permission form allowing them to use your driver licence information to book your road test (if the school books road test appointments). All of these details will help you later if you’re not happy with the training or service received.

Marievale Road, Vorsterskroon, Nigel


* Testing of all vehicles * DATA DOT R600 We collect & deliver Weekdays 08h00 - 17h00 Sundays Appointment Only

Cnr Kerk & Republic Str. NIGEL

* Services * Repairs * Diagnostics * Service Light Reset * Clutch Overall



072 770 7595

072 527 0687

Driving School K6 074 655 4900 / 071 159 8210 Kerkstr. NIGEL

SERVICE & PART SPECIAL Vehicles out of warranty Labour rate - R399 exc VAT

10% discount on Service Parts FREE critical safety check Valid from 15/03/ to 31/03/2016



Schraderstraat 6

Kerkstraat 63

016 349 1333

011 814 7526




g n i r o Mot Mahindra Services Specifically for YOUR Car!

15 MARCH 2016

by Chané & Carlie Every vehicle, new Mahindra Vehicle that we sell in South Africa is a moving advert for our brand, so we believe that we should provide you, our valued customers, with the best Vehicle Service Centre possible. We do this through outstanding service, as well as by proving vehicle service options that are tailored specifically for you Mahindra model and its current automotive service needs. Scorpio SUV Service A Scorpio SUV Service will help ensure that your vehicle provides you with a reliable and fuel frugal driving experience each and every time you get behind the wheel.

2 Eeufees Avenue, Nigel

For your next tank of petrol try us,

Start Up Your Engins!

You’ll like us! Diesel 50 PPM

ULP 95

Driveway Service are FREE!

Jaco 060 325 3308

Scorpio Pik-up Service The easy on the eye Scorpio Pik-up is one of our most popular bakkies and is a vehicle model that is regularly spotted at our Mahindra Service Centre having a regular service. Bolero Service The rugged Bolero Bakkie still needs an occasional vehicle service and our Mahindra automotive technicians are happy to help you keep this amazing LCV running smoothly.

Your Friendly Caltex Service Station

Tel: 011 814 6533/4/5

Mahindra Service Centre – Experience the Best!

HEIDELBERG Book a Mahindra Car Service with Us

R1390 Oil, Oil filter, Air filter & fuel filter

R1390 Oil, Oil filter, Air filter & fuel filter

Services on selected vehicles: Oil ,Oil filter, fuel filter, plugs & air filter from


With every service you get a FREE car wash and a FREE coke while you wait

Phone : 016 341 3509 C/O Schoeman & Meyer Street. HEIDELBERG

15 MARCH 2016



Well Wheeled JPS Panelbeaters & Spraypainters


Vehicle Accidents happens so fast. But what will you do if it was your vehicle and you are the one standing along the road. Who will you call to tow you in and who will fix your vehicle for you? JPS Panelbeaters & Spratpainters your honourable, professional panelbeater workshop in the surroundings of Nigel that is fully equipped with all the latest equipment. JPS Panelbeaters in Nigel since 1992 is situated in Pretorius Stad. * ELECTRONIC CHASSIS BENDER & business has a 24 hour tow-in service, MEASUREMENT * INFRARED DRYING The with an 8 ton rollback and three normal tow* MIXING * SPRAY BOOTH & PAINT trucks available to any client in need, no * POLISHING * PREPARAION & PRIMER matter where. Services rendered includes, panelbeating, and spray-painting All under one roof! The owner Kosie, boast with an immaculate workshop that complies within safety regulations. The shop contains all the latest equipment and technology consisting of an infrared drying system, aluminium welder, chassis bender. JPS Panelbeaters are RMI and SAMBRA major structure approved and in the process of becoming manufactured approved. The colour lab will ensure that the paint will match the exact colour of your vehicle and carries a lifetime warrantee. At JPS you can have peace when you leave your car in the workshop. All the restoration is done by professional staff under the supervision of Kosie himself. Workmanship is guaranteed and the utmost is being done to satisfy the client. On request, spray-painting can be done for clients on suitable projects. For any enquiries please give them a call.

17 Johnson Str, Pretorius Stad, NIGEL

Kosie 083 271 7161 / (011) 814 5890

Eddie : 073 Andre: 083

Wash & Go Wash & Dry Trading Hours : Executive Mon - Fri 08:00 to 16-30 Polish Sat - Sun 08:00 to 13:30 The Angelo Mall Leather Care 045 7992 Engine Wash Valet Upholstery 635 2515 Valet Leather



BUSINESS HOURS: MON-THUR 7:30-16:30 FRI 7:30-15:00 SAT 7:30-12:00

60 STANDARD STR, NIGEL 011 814 4962/072 190 9799


083 422 7999 083 228 4828 WIKUS: 083 442 7999 ETTIENNE: 084 497 2006





g n i r oto

15 MARCH 2016

by Chané & Carlie

We go Xtreme Situated in Springs close to the N17 our offices are easy and quick to find. We offer a pickup and delivery service within a 100km radius of our store. Should you fall outside of this area we can arrange for road freight for pick up and delivery as well as air freight should this be what you need. We offer a more cost effective solution to turbo replacement. We replace all broken and worn parts with new manufacturer’s specif ied parts. All repaired turbo chargers go trough the following process: Strip and full quotation on repair. Replacement of all broken and worn parts. Cleaning of all components. Machining if needed (resleeving, grinding, polishing, straightening, welding). Balancing individual and assembled components. All bearings, seals and o-rings are replaced Service exchange units: If you are pressed for time, we have service exchange units available on all popular makes and models New turbochargers: If we do not have your specific turbo in stock, we will do our best to source it for you. We offer services on the following turbochargers: Passenger vehicles. Light to heavy commercial vehicles. Earth Moving Equiptment. Trucks, busses and vans, also.4X4 and 4X2.

Meet the experienced After Sales Team NIC BOTTARI TOYOTA is committed to professional management standards and outstanding personal service - starting the moment they first make contact, followed through with unsurpassed sales and after-sales service. Featuring a fully equipped workshop, with specialist diagnostic equipment, highly qualified staff and an attractive showroom with a wide selection of models, Nic Bottari Toyota will strive to make every encounter with their customer’s convenient and enjoyable. Their technicians are Toyota certified and have years of experience working on Toyota’s day in and day out. This gives them model by model knowledge and expertise to carry out services on vehicles in the most efficient manner. They also have access to the

latest technical updates and comprehensive training from Toyota, keeping them up to date with the latest technological advances. Only Toyota Genuine Parts are used that carry a 1 year warranty and do not compromise the customer’s vehicle’s warranty or extended warranty, giving them peace of mind. Nic Bottari Toyota prides itself in offering affordable services. They are currently also running a promotion, Toyota Value Service, whereby if a customer services a Toyota vehicle that is older than five years they will receive a 10% discount on parts and labour. Make sure you take advantage of this amazing deal and get your car holiday –ready or even everyday ready. Call Nic Bottari Toyota to book your vehicles service today on 011 814 8181.

The number 1 sales team of Nic Bottari Toyota from left Peet van der Walt, Keith Bradford, Tobie Mostert en Jaco Coetzee, Service Manager.

15 MARCH 2016




g n i r o t o

Well Wheeled by Chané & Carlie

D.F. AIRCON Mobile Automotive Aircon & Repairs.

55 Vlok Str. RENSBURG 083 702 4121

Aircon Repairs to Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Mining equipment, Combines “Stroopers”.

Daniel 082 348 4499/ 079 876 9896. All work guaranteed

nigel motor services diagnostic Minor & Major services

turbo conversions Exhaust Clutch overhauls Headgasflow + Cams Enjine overhuals Rebulding Engines Nissan SR 20 Rb26 Specilist CV joints NMS Racing OBD chips for R1499 Turbo Replacements Car keeps warranty Towing Services (no accidents) Sat. 8 - 11 olie en filter change 1 R150 011-814-5724

james 082 374 6687 dylan 082 608 5753





Geysers, toilets, drains, gebarste pype, skrynwerk, teëls ens. Seël van dakke & plaveisels. 082 646 9928 AFDAKKE / CARPORTS / PALISADES - Any shape or size. All material A-Grade SABS, 5 Year guarantee, quality workmanship with 18 years experience. For a no obligation quote contact 082 466 3335 or mail @ PETS / TROETELDIERE

NOAH’S ARK PET SHOP: Voëls, voëlsaad, hokke, visse, viskos, akwariums. Hondekos . Avi-Plus. Bearded dragons, hamsters, krieke, spinnekoppe, meelwurms, hondehokke, honde jassies en bedjies. Honde, katte en hasies. Kaarte welkom. Oop weeksdae 9:00 - 18:00, naweke en vakansiedae 09:00 - 16:00. Tel: 083 456 6601. SHOP 7, FERRYVALE SHOPPING CENTRE. NIGEL COMPUTERS / REKENAARS Matrix Warehouse Nigel. For all your computer requirements. 011 814 2156. BRIDAL / BRUIDE Wedding World Springs 011 811 5776/ 083 280 4584. Skitter in die rok van jou drome! Bring idee of prentjie vir asemrowende skeppings deur Elize – ontvanger van internasionale ontwerper toekenning (Parys, Frankryk) vir kreatiewe styl. Koop, huur of kies uit ons groot verskeidenheid elegante trou & aandrokke. manspakke, hemde, dasse en onder-baadjies te huur. Bespreek jou plek vir jou matriekafskeid rok nou! Betaal af tot funksie datum. Redelike pryse. Professionele vriendelike diens. H/v 3de straat & 3de laan Geduld, Springs. FOR HIRE / TE HUUR Marquee tent 10x5m te huur. Ons slaan die tent self op en gaan haal hom weer na die funksie. Ook beskikbaar is tafels, stoele, tafeldoeke en breekgoed. Groot skaap spitbraai ook te huur. Kontak of whatsapp B. Adams 061 658 4049.


LAUNDRY MATE Summer is here! Bring all your linen, curtains, clothing, etc. to us for a professional wash. We will take care of your laundry as if it is our own. Contact us on 011 814-3597/072 511 4366.

SMART KITCHENS & HOME IMPROVEMENTS For 3D Designer Kitchens or kitchen revamps, BIC, Bathr, Vanities, Wall to Wall Carpets and Laminated Flooring. No compromise on Quality and Service. Free Quotations. Phone Andre at 016 349 5052 or 082 738 1441


Antiques - oudhede. Ons koop, verkoop en restoureer meubels. Groot verskeidenheid nou beskikbaar. Kom loer gerus in. Skakel ons by 016 349 2175 of Wena 082 785 9108

R&I TYRES & MAGS Bekostigbare BANDE vir jou motor en bakkie. Ons praat Afrikaans en ons diens is ons trots. Kontak Ivan of Darren by 699 Voortrekkerstr, Brakpan, 011-740-0477 of 011-744-3544

next to Standardbank VACANCY / VAKATURE



NIGEL - FRENCH Refrigeration & Airconditioning. Installation, repair and services. Contact 082 7011 946. or visit us at 143 Von Geusau Street, NIGEL.

SuperMeubels, 42 Schoemanstr, Heidelberg, 016-341-4445SMS 071 545 3868, EPOS


Mooi Wendy.s The wendys are made from Beb-log-wood and pallet wood. We offer good prices on 2x2, 3x3, 3x4 and big sizes. Contact Tom 079 618 6743 LOANS / LENINGS

Bekostigbare oudhede, nuwe Siesta Beddens met 5 jaar dienswaarborg, en goeie 2de handse meubels hier te koop. Nuwe bande vir jou motor en bakkie, opblaas kanoe met klein motortjie om aan te dryf, pine meubels, eetkamerstelle, los matte alles onder een dak. Besoek ons en kom kyk self - tot wedersiens.... @ YOUR SERVICE

Need a loan? From R1000 up to R150 000. We do consolidation. Contact 078 981 6455 or 078 639 6971. CONTRACTOR

Contractor & Handyman Services Focusing on your home. Specialize in gates, palisades, spanishbars, safety doors, electrical fencing, roof sealing & painting. 10 years professional experience. Contact Riekus 078 399 4999. KUNSKLASSE

Skilder vir Beginners Wou jy nog altyd leer teken & skilder maar dink jy het nie genoeg talent nie? Dan is hierdie net vir jou: Leer teken, kleurmeng & skilder in olie. Verskeie tegnieke en onderwerpe. Terapeuties en gesellig. Oggendklasse begin April. Hester van Rensburg @ 072 260 9656.

D.F. AIRCON Mobile Automotive Aircon & Repairs.

Aircon Repairs to Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Mining equipment, Combines “Stroopers”.

Daniel 082 348 4499/ 079 876 9896. All work guaranteed

Looking for a dynamic salesperson to work in a fishing tackle shop, must be honest, reliable and friendly. contact: 011 814 5442 or email:

Heidelberg AA Meetings

Hoofseun en –meisie maak geskiedenis!

Thursday 7pm Heidelberg Methodist Church, 59 Strydom Street &Friday 6pm Acts Family Church, Extension 23 6027, Nyathi Street If you think you have a DRINKING or DRUG problem. Please come listen to the tes,monies of sober recovered alcoholics and drug addicts. Contact Person: Skipper Smith 061 142 6633 (

Should you know of some-one or anyone not receiving a Rekord Newspaper every second Tuesday please contact 011 814 8614

15 MARCH 2016

or 063-549-2773

Laerskool Tini Vorster maak geskiedenis en spog met ‘n eerste deur dat hul hoofseun sowel as hoofdogter, albei as kranige atlete, aan die Suid Afrikaanse kampioenskappe gaan deelneem. Robinn Thornburn dogters o/13 200m en Leslie de Lange seuns o/13 800m.

Medalje wenners vir die Gauteng Kampioenskappe se 0/13 aflosspan, wat ‘n 3de plek behaal het, links Robinn Thornburn en Alexis Ligthelm. Ruan Claassens, seuns o/13 hoogspring, diskus en gewigstoot en Sune Bekker dogters o/ 12 gewigstoot afweisg tydens foto.

15 MARCH 2016



Spur Super 16 reeks weer hier!

Van links die spankaptein Rico Hansen, Stefan van Aswegen spankaptein), Sean Manson met die seuns Spur rugby hempde en meneer Charles Naude afrigter.

Dit is weer tyd vir die jaarlikse Spur Super 16 Reeks vir rugby en netbal. Laerskool Tini Voster verteenwoordig Nigel se Golden Buffalo Spur. Die gemeenskap wil die bestuur van die Spur, Sean Manson, Bonnie Da Rosa en Chantel low bedank vir die geleentheid. Van links Bonnie Da Rosa met die netbal Spur hempies, Juffrou Elsie Delport, afrigter van die span, Daniella Gabriel spankaptein en Chantel Low.

Jy en jou lyf! Die tema “jou liggaam,” is die onderwerp wat die gr RR en RRR klasse, van Laerskool Tini Vorster gedurende hierdie kwartaal behandel het. Die onderwyseresse van die gr RR en RRR klasse, Grieta Nienaber, Natashia De Jager en Heidi Pretorius het dit goed gedink om die kleuters op leersame uitstappies te neem. Op Donderdag 10 Maart het die kleuters Nigel Melkery besoek. Hier het hul meer te wete gekom oor hoe die proses van melk bestuur word. Elkeen het ‘n gratis sappie ontvang.

Vandaar is die kleuters na Iron Box Social Fitness Gym waar hul gaan kyk het, hoe spiere ontwikkel word. Hier het hul meer geleer oor Cross fit en gehoor dat baie groente, vrugte en buite speel klim en klouter goed is vir die liggaam. Lynette het vir hulle verduidelik dat sterk spiere nodig is vir jou liggaam en Layla het ‘n paar demonstrasies gedoen. Lynette het met hulle gedeel dat opwarming voor strawe oefening baie belangrik is, sodat jy nie jou spiere skeur nie. Bonnie en Jandre het ook demonstrasies gelewer.

Office Tel: 011 362 5262 1SP1251554



NIGEL/R4 790 000 LARGE & LUXURIOUS 4 Beds, 4 Baths, 6 Gar + 2 bed flat Christo 082 824 7584

Bath, 2 Garages Michelle 082 773 3882


Your age is your business, but

the way you look is our business!

Jeandri en Bonnie van Iron Box Social Fitness saam met die kleuters.

Deep muscle messages Slimming R100 injections R250 each

12 Paddles laser liposuction at R250 or book a course of 10 treatments for R1600

Melanotan 11 Tan injections R280 for 10

A beautiful body is for everyone Remember, I work on appointment basis only

Contact us on 082 881 2481 for appointments Aloe Arcade 71 Hendrik Verwoerd st. NIGEL Gr RR en RRR saam koei en onnies.



15 MARCH 2016

Pryse waai! Die reën stuit nie die ywerige gholfspelers van Nigel en omgewing nie. Op Woensdag 9 Maart was daar groot opgewondenheid by Nigel gholfbane tydens die jaarlikse, gholfdag van Laerskool Tini Vorster. Elf spanne het afgeslaan elkeen met die hoop om ‘n “hole in one” te slaan vir die R10 000 prysgeld. Die reën het die oorhand gekry en geen speler kon daarin slaag om hierdie doelwit te bereik nie. Die fondse van die dag is ten bate van minder bevoorregte kinders. Die skool bedank alle borge. Daar was ook verskeie items opgeveil om fondse te in. Die eerste prys was ‘n R2000 Pro Shop

“Longest drive” Nardus Wheeler en “Closest to the pin” Ashley Mills.

vouchers wat deur Chris Papenfus en Karlo Kuhn gewen is. Die prys vir “closest to the pin” by die derde gat gaan aan Ashley Mills. Nardus Wheeler het by die agtste gat die prys vir die “longest drive” losgeslaan. Die prys vir die “Best dressed team” is deur Tina en Marizan gewen, hulle span maats was Emile, Danie, J.P. en Rick. Daar was soveel pryse dat niemand met leë hande huistoe is nie. Nardus is die “lucky draw” wenner. Een van die items tydens die veiling is deur Frikkie Botha losgeslaan, sy bot van R7000 besorg hom ‘n Johnny Walker Blue Label en ‘n bokshandskoen ter waarde van R1500.

Wenners van die kompetisie is Chris Papenfus en Karlo Kuhn hier saam met mnr Holm’ner.

ELCO STEEL DEALERS TEL: 011 362-1551/2 FAKS: 011 815-3427 Cnr. Ermelo & Dagbreek Rds, Largo, SPRINGS Prices valid while stocks last / incl vat / E&OE RECT. TUBE 1.6MM


25X12 38X20 38X25 50X25 50X38 76X25 76X38 76X50 100X50

75X50X20X2 R198.96 R303.25



20X3 20X5 25X3 25X5 30X3 30X5 40X5 40X3 50X3 50X5

25X25X2 R 59.52 25X25X3 R 79.92 25X25X5 R 129.48 30X30X3 R 95.46 30X30X5 R 159.48 40X40X2 R 85.98 40X40X2.5 R 99.00 40X40X3 R 128.96 40X40X5 R 217.98 50X50X4 R 209.04 50X50X5 R 229.02 60X60X6 R 409.98

R 39.90 R 47.88 R 46.50 R 54.90 R 56.04 R 71.88 R105.00 R 75.00 R 88.92 R129.00


N/S R57.54 R69.48

R/BAR 6MT 6MM 8MM 10MM 12MM 16MM 20MM

R15.90 R24.96 R36.00 R54.90 R99.00 R189.00


R62.94 R76.02 R79.92 R85.02 R209.04

EXP/METAL 6320C R150.00 6320D R175.00 WHEEL KIT SETS 60MM R112.01 80MM R143.05


R449.90 R499.90 R599.90 R749.90 R1032.77 R1207.20 R1593.72

LOOSE PALES 600mm R13.00 900mm R17.00 1.0mt R19.00 1.2mt R23.01 1.5mt R28.00 1.8mt R34.00 2.0mt R38.00 2.4mt R46.00

CHANNEL 76X38(6.70kg/mt) R 456.96 100X50(10.73kg/m)R890.04 152X76 R1495.02 178X54 R1190.04

R67.92 R72.90 R102.66 R139.86 R169.92 R279.90



19MM 25MM 32MM 38MM 42MM 50MM 76MM 100MM

PALISADES PALISADE PANELS 600mm High R317.00 900mm High R391.11 1.0mt High R414.62 1.2mt High R463.00 1.5mt High R541.50 1.8mt High R586.30 2.0mt High R633.27 2.4mt High R759.81

1.6MM R2.0MM

20X20 25X25 32X32 38X38 50X50 76X76 100X100

SHEETS/PLATES EA 2450X1225X1.6 2450X1225X2 2450X1225X2.5 2450x1225x3 2450x1225x4 2500x1200x5 2500x1200x6

R59.04 R69.00 R99.84 R119.88 R129.90 R169.92 R239.88



R85.92 R87.90 R99.00 R139.02 R120.00 R148.98 R129.00 R189.00 R178.98 R229.02 R189.00 R239.04 R193.98 R279.00 R259.02 R298.98 R300.00 R379.02 R79.92 R109.02 R145.92 R184.86 R239.88 R359.94 R477.06

2.0MM R69.00 R87.96 R139.86 R149.94 R159.90 R199.92 R299.94 R427.50


75X50X20X2 100X50X20X2 125X50X20X2 150X50X20X2 175X50X20X2 200X50X20X2

R199.92 R304.71 R229.02 R349.06 R249.00 R379.52 R279.00 R425.24 R289.02 R440.52 R298.98 R458.43 Gate Motors Sprint Welding Rods 5kg 2.5mm 2yr warranty, 2x remotes, 4mt rack & battery free R3005.61 R104.31

ROOF SHEETING I.B.R 0.4MM CQ R45.90 I.B.R/CORR. 0.5MM R55.50 I.B.R/CORR. 0.6MM R72.00 CORR 0.3MM FH R31.90

GALV SHEETS 2450X1225X0.5 2450X1225X0.6 2450X1225X10 2450X1225X2.0 2450X1225X3.0

R189.00 R199.00 R349.00 R593.00 R1190.00

A grade prices include vat subject to availability E&OE

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