Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

Page 1

10 MAY 2016

VOL 12 NO 9


Maak ‘n verskil ‘n Reuse suksesvolle fondsinsamelingsprojek deur Dirk van der Westhuizen van Nigel, kandidaat vir “Man of God South Africa” is Saterdag, 7 Mei by Live Art Little Theatre in Boksburg aangebied. Hierdie glansgeleentheid waarna almal met groot opgewondenheid uitgesien het, het mense se sienswyse en harte verander. Leroux van Vuuren wat sy bekendstelling op die tv-reeks Kokkedoor verwerf het, het sy getuienis van verslawing met die gemeenskap kom deel. Dit was ‘n vindingryke spontane geleentheid, waaraan almal in die gehoor kon deelneem en vrylik vrae vra. Leroux het die klem daarop geplaas dat elke verslaafde se ondersteuningsgroep die persoon maak of breek. Hy vertel dat verslawing maak nie saak in watter vorm of van watter aard nie dit bly een geweldige stryd om mee te breek. Jou geliefdes wat saam met jou in die proses seer kry het jy die nodigste, hul moet

net soos jy ook genees. Leroux het sy peer kaaskoek demonstrasie gelewer wat jy verkieslik nie by jou eie woning voorberei nie as gevolg van die taaierige morsige proses. “Drugs End All Dreams” is ‘n veldtog wat gestig is om mense bewus te maak van die gevaar van dwelmverslawing, asook hoe dit jou geliefdes en jou lewe totaal sal verwoes. Jeffrey Smith is die stigter van die veldtog en sy doel is om mense te inspireer om hul harte oop te maak vir hierdie projek om in te gryp en ‘n verskil te maak stap vir stap in geliefdes se lewens. Jeffrey en Rianda het ‘n duet sang item met die naam van “Through to you” ‘n musiek video wat so pas vrygestel is bekend gestel, tydens hierdie funksie. Nooit sal ‘n mense die inpak en gevolge van verslawing hetsy drank, dwelms, pille eetgewoontes of so meer verstaan as jy nie self op een of ander wyse betrokke is nie.

Dirk en Leroux met die peer kaaskoek.

ESSAY COMPETITION for Scholars SPONSORED by NIGEL METHODIST CHURCH - Closing date May 16 Contact 011 814 7460 / 082 927 5373

Winners prizegiving at Church Fete June 4 Jeffrey Smith en Rianda Geldenhuys

Opwindend Afrikaanse en Engelse opstel kompetisie vir die Laer en Hoërskole in Nigel word deur Nigel Methodiste kerk aangebied. Die skole het reeds die inskrywingsvorms ontvang en leerlinge is ywerig besig om hulle opstelle te beplan en gereed te kry. Daar word in verskeie graad kategoriee meegeding vanaf graad 2 tot 12. Die totale prysgeld beloop R3 600 en daar is pryse van R100, R150 en R200 vir leerlinge in elke kategorie. Dieselfde ook aan die wenners se skoolfondse. Die wenners sal hulle pryse tydens die kerk se jaarlikse kermis op 4 Junie ontvang. Almal word hartlik uitgenooi na die jaarlikse kermis met heerlike kos stalletjies en pret wat u nie moet misloop nie. Leerlinge wat wil deelneem moet opskud aangesien die kompetisie se sluitings datum reeds op 16 Mei is.

How strong is your business? Get AHEAD of the competition For affordable rates ADVERTISE with

cnr Kingsway & Van Riebeeck Str, NIGEL ANNELIE 082 853 4071 or 011 814 8614



10 MAY 2016

Daaglikse toewyding

Raar maar waar! “Eskom se kantore te Van Riebeeck Straat, Nigel het nou onlangs vir die hoeveelste keer sonder krag gesit. As gevolg van die feit dat krag nie voorsien word nie, kon Eskom werknemers op verskeie geleenthede in die verlede nie hulle daaglikse take uitvoer nie. Soos verneem deur Rekord is die krag toevoer na hierdie perseel al verskeie kere in die verlede afgesny weens Eskom se versuim om sy kragrekening te betaal. Mens kan net wonder waarom Eskom nie sy eie rekeninge betaal nie, maar is dit interesant dat Eskom duidelik nie huiwer om sy eie krag toevoer af te sny nie, waar Eskom nie vir Eskom betaal nie. As inwoners navrae oor hulle rekeninge het sal hulle miskien letterlik by Eskom kers moet gaan opsteek as hulle gehelp wil word.”

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12x12 .... R80.00 16x16 .... R96.00 20X20 ... R81.00 25X25 ... R82.00 ....... R148.00 32X32 ... R135.00 ..... R185.00 38X38 ... R160.00 ..... R220.00 50X50 ... R220.00 ..... R296.00 76X76 ... R345.00 ..... R453.00 100X100 ................... R590.00

20MM .... R75.00 25MM .... R89.00 ....... 32MM .... R130.00 ..... 38MM .... R154.00 ..... 50MM .... R210.00 ..... 76MM .... R308.00 .....

25x25x3 .................... R105.00 25x25x5 .................... R160.00 30x30x3 .................... R123.00 30x30x5 .................... R209.00 40x40x3 .................... R160.00 40x40x5 .................... R250.00 25x25x2 .................... R 73.00 30x30x2 .................... R 99.00 40x40x2 .................... R 116.00


38x20 .... R140.00 ..... R166.00 38x25 .... R150.00 ..... R183.00 50x25 .... R160.00 ..... R233.00 50x38 .... R220.00 ..... R284.00 76x38 .... R240.00 ..... R356.00 76x50 .... R318.00 ..... R395.00 100X50 ..................... R468.00

Fibre Glass Sheeting R75.00 p/m




75x50x20x2 100x75x20x2

R65.00p/m Cut to size


R228.00 ..... R375.00 R286.00 ..... R470.00



12X3 ........ 16x3 ......... 20x3 ......... 20x5 ......... 25x3 ......... 25x5 ......... 30x3 ......... 30x5 ......... 40x3 ......... 40x5 ......... 50x5 .........

R 33.00 R 39.00 R 43.00 R 63.00 R 58.00 R 88.00 R 70.00 R 100.00 R 93.00 R140.00 R175.00


Waarom was Koning Dawid daarop ingestel om sy God te vereer met ‘n môrelied? Interessant dat die woord ‘oggend’ nie in die Bybel voorkom nie, maar wel ‘môre’ wat beteken dat wanneer die lig die duisternis oorweldig en opsy skuif. Koning Dawid skrywe in Psalm 59: Maar ék sal sing van U sterkte en elke môre jubel oor U goedertierenheid, want U was ‘n rotsvesting vir my en ‘n toevlug in die dag toe ek benoud was. My Sterkte, tot u eer wil ek psalmsing, want God is my rotsvesting, my genadige God. En dan skryf hy verder ..Maar ék, HERE, roep U aan om hulp, en in die môre kom my gebed U tegemoet.’ Dis juis onder die beskerming van die donker dat die vyand dan ook op sy besigste en effektiefste is.. Job, een van die karaktervolste figure in die Bybel raak die volgende kwyt: ‘Sulke mense (rowers, diewe, moordenaars, leuenaars, owerspeliges, bedrieërs ens) behoort by die vyande van die lig: hulle ken nie die weë daarvan nie en bly nie op die paaie daarvan nie. Teen dagbreek staan die moordenaar op, hy maak die arme en behoeftige dood, en in die nag is hy soos die dief. En die oog van die owerspeler neem die skemeraand waar en sê: Geen oog kan my sien nie; en hy sit ‘n sluier voor sy gesig. In die duisternis breek hulle in die huise in; bedags sluit hulle hulself op; hulle ken nie die lig nie. Want vir hulle saam is die stikdonker ‘n môrestond, want hulle ken die

8MM ......... R62.00 10MM ....... R70.00 12MM ....... R86.00

WINDOW SECTION 6M RT6 ......... RT13 ....... RX7 ......... F7 ............ F4B ..........

R 78.00 R 93.00 R 123.00 R100.00 R 260.00

ROUND BAR 6M 6MM .......... R20.00 8MM .......... R32.00 10MM ........ R46.00 12MM ........ R67.00


LIP/CHANNEL 75x50x20x2 ............... R253.00 100x75x20x2 ............. R284.00 125x50x20x2 ............. R314.00 150x50x20x2 ............. R345.00

R108.00 R186.00 R215.00 R296.00 R419.00





Betsie en Phillip herderspaar van Simfonéa. Uit die pen van Phillip van Rhyn Vir geestelike hulp en gebed skakel 079 762 5545.

verskrikkinge van die stikdonker…’ Maar vir die kind van God wat van die lig is, sê die Here: ‘Hold on my child joy comes in the morning’. Wanneer ons wakker word en uit dankbaarheid besef dat ons beskerm is en ook gerus het sodat ons kragte herwin is. Psalm 5: 2 en 3 ‘Gee ag op die stem van my hulpgeroep, my Koning en my God, want tot U bid ek. In die môre, HERE, sal U my stem hoor; in die môre sal ek dit aan U voorlê en afwag.’ Toewyding is nie net ‘n skietgebedjie om ons gewete te sus nie, maar is daarop gemik om onsself ook opnuut aan die Vader toe te wy. Oggendtoewyding bestaan hoofsaaklik uit die volgende waarhede:Eerstens om my liefde aan Hom te verklaar asook my diepe dankbaarheid. Tweedens onderstreep ek my persoonlike belydenis van geloof en bevestig ek my totale afhanklikheid van Hom. Derdens herbevestig ek my onwrikbare geloof in Sy Woord met al sy wonderlike beloftes. Laastens dat Hy my begenadig deur voortdurend my sondes te vergewe. Die môre-lied skep ook die geleentheid vir blydskap en paraatheid vir die dag wat voorlê en die toepassing daarvan. Nehemia 8:10: ‘Wees dan nie bedroef nie, want die blydskap in die HERE - dit is julle beskutting..en dan skrywe Jakobus:’ Onderwerp julle dan aan God; weerstaan die duiwel, en hy sal van julle wegvlug.’ Dus, deur toewyding is ek verseker dat God met my sal wees en dat ek kans sien vir elke uitdaging wat daagliks na my toe kom. My loflied: ‘ Aan die Koning van die eeue, die onverderflike, onsienlike, alleenwyse God, kom toe die eer en die heerlikheid tot in alle ewigheid! Amen. Nog ‘n paar getuienisse van SIMFONÉAGEMEENTE: 1. Andries Smit: Ons Simfonéa-gemeente is soos ‘n vliegtuig. Dit hef ons op en hou ons op koers! 2. Dale: Ek het ‘n geestelike tuiste gevind waar ek vrylik kan aanbid soos die Heilige Gees in my hart werk. 3. Johan B: Die regte egte ou Pinkster met die werking van God se Gees en geinspireerde musiek. Pinkster is tops. 4. Irene: Die Woordprediking is van die beste, dit voed en dra my deur die week. Kan nie wag vir Sondag nie. 5. Jaco v R: Die musiek en sang is professioneel, verstaanbaar en gesalf en dis lekker om saam met hierdie klomp te sing en te aanbid. Kom en word deel van hierdie familie.


R385.00 R437.00 R478.00 R525.00

2450x1225x1.6 .............................. R568.00 2450x1225x2.0 .............................. R679.00 2450x1225x2.5 .............................. R820.00 2450x1225x3.0 .............................. R940.00 2450x1225x4.0 ........................... R1 360.00 2500x1200x5.0 ........................... R1 728.00 2500x1200x6.0 ........................... R1 998.00


Kom geniet die WOORD en ‘n koppie tee! DONDERDAG 10vm MANNE-UUR!

Spruytstraat 26,


10 MAY 2016




This pole in Poona Street Mackenzieville is down because of a strong wind. A resident reported it 2 months ago at Ekurhuleni. The pole seems rusted at the bottom. Up to date there is no response from Ekhurhuleni Municipality. Mean while the light fittings and cables are stolen. Scrap vultures will probably carry it away soon to sell for scrap metal.

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Electronic fuel management device 4 IN 1 CAR CARE COMBO The City of Ekurhuleni has introduced new fuel consumption regulatory measures to monitor and control fueling activities as part of its fleet management strategy. The electronic fuel management system is being installed in the city’s vehicles and is set to ensure efficient utilization of fuel resources. The fitment process is currently being rolled out to over four thousand council owned vehicles set to be fitted with the device for over a multi-year period through inter-dependent phases.

The process is expected to be completed by June 2017. The successful implementation of the system will anchor a new era of technological innovation in the management fuel activities, thus placing the city on par with industry practices. The R30 million project is a step in the direction to install a sense of accountability on the part of the City as well as to install confidence to the rate payers. The first phase of f itment is focusing on departments providing critical services, such as emergency, waste, buses as well as metro police department.

Trike cyclist died

A 43 year old Vanderbjilpark, Vaalrand businessman died after losing control of his drift trike cycle. He hit the wooden roadside barrier and died. His colleague who was riding behind him said that it was their first time in the area and they were not so familar with the mountain and nature reserve. A culpable homicide docket was opended.

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Horror crash The South African National Civic Organisation (SANCO) called on road traff ic law enforcement officers to increase visibility on public roads. This follows the tragic head-on collision involving a taxi and a truck that claimed the lives of 14 people on the R41 in Randfontein.

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“Road Traffic Management authorities must take into account increased traffic volumes as a result of the long weekend that also coincide with month end,” said SANCO National Spokesperson, Jabu Mahlangu in conveying condolences to families that lost their loved ones in the horrific crash. Mahlangu appealed to motorists to reduce speeding and to be considerate of other road users. “A change in driving behaviour is needed to stop the carnage on public roads,” he said. He urged taxi drivers to show regard for the lives of their passengers by observing the rules of the road and adhering to speed limits. Spokesperson for Mogale City Traff ic Department, Papi Motaung alleged that the taxi drove in front of the truck, causing a head-on collision. “Body parts laid scattered over the R41 road, which was cordoned off,” he said ER24 said both vehicles were heavily damaged in the collision and had been completely ripped open.

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VERSEKERINGSEN VEILIGHEIDSWENKE ONGELUK Jy is wetlik verplig om dadelik te stop en alle moontlike hulp aan beseerdes te gee. As iemand beseer of dood is, bel dadelik die polisie en ‘n ambulans. Moenie enige verdowende middel soos alkohol of medikasie gebruik nie. As iemand beseer of dood is, moenie die voertuie skuif nie, tensy dit verkeer belemmer en dan slegs nadat die posisies duidelik op die teerblad gemerk is. As daar nie besonderhede op die toneel aan die polisie verskaf is nie, meld die ongeluk binne 24 uur aan. Neem foto‘s of maak ‘n skets van die toneel. Moenie aanspreeklikheid aanvaar of inkriminerende verklarings aflê nie. Skryf die identiteit van getuies en betrokkenes neer. Moenie ernstig beseerdes beweeg of behandel tensy jy daarvoor opgelei is nie. MOENIE! Motors stop deur in die pad te staan nie. In trurat ry op ‘n snelweg nie. Aan die padkant uitklim nie. Troeteldiere sonder leiband laat uitspring nie. Kinders en troeteldiere alleen in die motor los nie. IN DIE STAD Draai op jou ruite en sluit jou deure. Moenie handsakke of waardevolle items op die sitplek langs jou los terwyl jy ry nie. Moenie teenaan die motor voor jou stop nie. Dit gee jou nie genoeg ruimte om te beweeg in ‘n noodgeval nie.

10 MAY 2016

Raised to life Matthew 28:18 Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. 19: Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 20: Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (NLT) Where there is a dream, it unites a team, and where there is a team united, conquest can take place. The importance of this can hardly be over-emphasized. The Bible is very clear on the absolute significance God ascribes to teamwork. Whenever a team comes together the potential of what can be achieved increases exponentially. Conquering through teamwork is not something exclusive to the Kingdom. Wherever there is a unif ied team, regardless of the extent to which their dream or goal is godly, there can be conquest. Bearing this in mind it becomes of paramount importance to ensure that the dreams we dream line up with the dreams God dreams. Human dreams can never compare with the plans and purpose God has in mind for us. Considering the Word of God His heart and His ultimate dream filters through from Genesis to Revelation – that all should be saved and that none should perish (Matthew 18:14; John 3:16). J esus makes this dream very clear in the great commission (Matthew 28:19) when He gives His f inal instruction to the disciples just before He ascends to heaven: “…go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit”. Although we mostly understand and emphasize the significance of salvation and to a certain degree discipleship, we easily lose track of the importance Jesus ascribed to following in His footsteps when it comes to being baptized. Jesus fulf illed the requirement of God when He went to John the Baptist to be baptized (Matthew 3:15). Not only did He Himself meet the requirement, He also instructed His disciples to teach their followers to be baptized.

Baptism is extremely important to God. If for no other reason, we should be baptized because we are true followers of Christ – He got baptized and we do exactly as He did. Baptism is so essential because it signifies becoming one with Christ not only in death, but also in resurrection to life (Romans 6:3-4). Just like Jesus died in human form and was resurrected to live forever, we die to our flesh and to ourselves when we give our lives to Him. In baptism we are raised to a new, victorious life in Christ where it is no longer us that live, but Christ in us. In this we are set free from all debt, bondage and vulnerability to the devil’s attack. When we are one with Christ in death, the very same power that rose Him from the dead, also works in us to establish new life in and through us. It is the same power that enables us to conquer and to move out from under the devil’s authority. We do not get baptized in order to become part of a family, to get a name or even to obtain access to heaven. Baptism signif ies becoming part of a specific leader. In 1 Corinthians 10:2 Paul teaches that the Israelites were baptized into Moses as their leader when they walked under the cloud and passed through the Red Sea. Likewise we are to be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, so becoming followers of the Lord. Baptism is a public declaration of the fact that we are wholly and completely united with the Lord and dead to our old life. In exactly the same way the Red Sea closed behind the Israelites and so permanently separated them from their old life of slavery in Egypt, baptism indicates a new beginning, free from the hold of sin and slavery. Being baptized, just like being liberated from the enemy’s dominion and intimidation, is not a suggested optional. It is part of the great commission, it is a substantial part of the dream and therefore a requirement of God that should be met in order to step into the fullness of what He has for us.

10 MAY 2016

CRIME A 38 year old taxi driver from Alberton was sentenced to 20 year imprisonment for murder on May 3 at the Heidelberg Regional Court. It is alleged that Thandokwakhe Skhosana took the victim, a 17 year old grade 10 scholar from Tsakane Secondary School to her home on January 21, 2016. He took her to the Glenroy Farming area along the R103 Road where he shot her through the mouth and she died instantly. According to the police the deceased was divorcing the taxi owner and he refused to be divorced. Skhosana went and hide at Kwazulu Natal for 2 years. Through information from the community and D/ Sgt Happy Kubheka lead to his arrest at his home in Alberton during July 2015. The suspect was also declared unfit to possess a firearm for the rest of his life. He was found guilty for murder and kidnapping.

A 53 year old farm employee from Klipstapel Farming area along the R42 road towards Vereeniging, was found dead in his room on May 4. It is alleged that his work colleagues knocked several times without any response. They peeped through the window and saw him sleeping. They took a spare key and unlocked the door, because he was not responding. They found a box of pain tablets next to him. A 34 year old man was arrested for possession of suspected stolen properties and possession of unlicensed ammunition on May 4. Crime Stop Security patrol vehicle spotted a person carrying items that look suspicious and conducted verif ication. They saw 4, 22 rifle life ammunition, a blue money box containing foreign coins and a silver small steel safe. The arrested suspect will appear before Heidelberg Court. Congolese Nationals were arrested for Truck Hijacking, possession of a stolen vehicle along the R23 Road next to Overkruin in Heidelberg on May 2. The police received a call that a truck was hijacked at the 4 way stop at Shalimar Ridge. Cst. Motaung and Cst. Singo responded quickly and cornered the truck at Overkruin. It is alleged that the white Toyota Corolla stopped the truck and forced the driver into the Toyota. The truck was recovered, suspects will appear in court.

NIGEL/HEIDELBERG REKORD - ONLINE EDITION A 34 year old female was arrested for discovered that the blue Toyota Yaris was possession of a stolen vehicle along stolen. Checking the registration number Voortrekker Street Traffic Circle in and licence disc the 2 numbers did not correspond. Heidelberg on May 4. The Lesedi Municipality Traffic Officers It was reported that the vehicle was stolen were conducting road side check point during February in Lyttleton Pretroia. The when Traff ic Officer Octavia Manxola suspect will appear in court.

Blue Toyota Yaris and Traffic Officer Octavia Manxola with the suspect.




Arrest of gang with more than 30 guns The South African National Civic Organisation (SANCO) applauded the arrest of a Gauteng gang specialising in vehicle hijackings as well as business and house robberies. Thirty-four firearms and seven vehicles were seized during the sting operation last week. “The recovery of the firearms seized and vehicles believed to have been stolen to

commit serious and violent crimes is commendable work,” highlighted SANCO National Spokesperson,Jabu Mahlangu in calling for no bail for the arrested suspects. Mahlangu said that the onslaught against organised crime syndicates needs to be sustained and complimented with successful prosecution and stiff sentences. “We are encouraged by efforts to rid our

communities of violent crime,” he stressed. According to police, one of the suspects was arrested on Sunday morning while attending a church service in Baduza Street in KwaThema, Springs. “He was in possession of an unlicensed f irearm and a stolen cellphone,” said Gauteng police spokesman Lungile Dlamini.

10 MAY 2016

Stop anarchy While KZN registered the highest number of over 330 deaths, Gauteng was shamefully a close second. Over a month ago, after the annual Easter road carnage, Minister Dipuo Peters, surprised everyone by proposing a “name and shame” campaign to improve motorist behaviour. She also reported to undertake the possibility of meaningful mandatory penalties, including prison. The DA call on Premier David Makhura and the Transport MEC, Ismail Vadi, to claim the initiative and begin the process to overhaul Provincial legislation and criminal procedure to the nation to stop this anarchy on our roads.

Nog ‘n vertaling van die Woord? “Die pad van Waarheid tot die Lewe” is ‘n bybelse vertaling vanuit Aramees na Afrikaans. Gerrie Coetzee het Heidelberg op 3 Mei besoek en sy verhaal vertel, waar hy as sendeling in Tibet China werksaam was. Hierdie was Gerrie se 58ste byeenkoms waar hy sy getuienis oordra aan gemeenskappe. Gerrie vertel “ek is oortuig en getuig daarvan dat die opdrag wat ek ontvang het, uitgevoer is, naamlik om vers vir vers en woord vir woord, dit wat God vir ons wil sê, in Afrikaans weer te gee, as Sy Boodskap en Verbond. Ek glo dat die openbaring van elke woord se dieper betekenis gaan lei tot ‘n dieper openbaring van die karakter van die Enigste, Ware, Lewende, Skepper-God en van Sy Gemanifesteerde Teenwoordigheid waarmee Hy ons wil seën.”

Hierdie vertaling het Gerrie gedoen vanuit sy eie soeke na die ware oorspronklike Woord van God. Hy vra die vraag: “Wat is God se verwagting en skeppingsdoel vir die mens? Hoe moet ons leef?” Hy sê dat sy doel en motief is om die volle openbaring van die lewende God op ‘n duidelike en verstaanbare manier in Afrikaans deur te gee, vanuit die mees oorspronklike teks beskikbaar. Gerrie vertel dat hy glo die taal wat gebruik was tydens die ballingskap, Aramees was. Die vertaling van die Nuwe Verbond is uitsluitlik vanuit Aramees, wat vanaf die eerste eeu in gebruik was. Hy sê hy het die bron gebruik as die mees betroubare bron nadat hy bewyse vir ‘n Griekse oorsprong gesoek en nie gekry het nie, maar wel die bewyse van die Aramese oorspronklike skrywes. Ek twyfel nie daaraan dat die

Nuwe Verbond deur Hebreers, wie se taal een van die Aramese dialekte was, in hulle eie taal Aramees, geskryf is.” Daarom het Gerrie ook die oorspronklike name van God sowel ander name in die Woord, behou. Hy sê dat ‘n naam nie verander deur vertaling te doen nie. “Die vertaling is gedoen ongeag van leringsoortuigings. Die Woord van die Skepper-God moet ons leringe bepaal. Hierdie glo ek is wat Hy vir ons wil gee as Sy wil en lewenswyse.” sê Gerrie. So het Gerrie dan Vader se opdrag aan hom uitgevoer en versprei hy die Woord “Die pad van Waarheid tot die Lewe.” Hierdie eksimplaar is gratis beskikbaar, Gerrie skenk ‘n gratis bybel aan elke besoeker wat sy aanbiedings bywoon. Gerrie se siening is dat gratis het jul ontvang gratis moet jul gee.

Belangstellendes kan Gerrie epos by

Hanli en Gerrie Coetzee, sendelingspaar.

Local municipality proud of nurses

Spesialiseer in: Persoonlike-, kommersiële- en boerderyversekering * Professionele en vriendelike diens * Persoonlike aandag * Vinnige en effektiewe eisehantering * Baie billike tariewe

Klippies: 083 282 7577 Wayne: 072 266 6157 Kantoor: 011 814 8297 Kantoor ure: 08:00 - 16:30

Stel jy belang?

The leadership of Dipaleseng Local Municipality demonstrated its enormous pride over the achievement of the six nurses that recently qualified with their four year nursing diploma which includes general nursing, community, psychiatry and midwifery. They acquired this qualification through the assistance of the Department of Health which runs a programme specif ically targeting learners who want to take up a career in nursing and offers them bursaries that cover their tuition, accommodation and also pay a stipend. Sister Philisiwe Piyose from Ouderhout farm in Val and Sister Lindi Rakgoadi from

Siyathemba clinic has supported the group. The skills development in Dipaleseng is gradually improving. These youngsters who hail from different areas of Dipaleseng completed their qualification last year and are obviously eager to serve this community with pride and dignity. The requirements are relatively well pass marks on Mathematics, Science, English and Life Orientation to give overall points of about 25 or more on the level point system. Interested learners should apply when applications open or consult their nearest clinic for more information on this programme.

Byeenkomste Saterdae Hierdie uitnodiging is vir alle inwoners van Nigel/Heidelberg en omgewing wat graag tyd met die woord wil neem en saam met ander gemeenskapslede wil saam kuier rondom die woord om dit te bestudeer.

Kontak Paul by 083 262 3793

10 MAY 2016


Human dignity Dipaleseng Local Municipality conducted a site handover ceremony for the construction of the sewer reticulation of 822 stands including gravity line phase 2 in Grootvlei Extenstion 1 on April 20, 2016. The lack of decent sanitation has long been an outcry of the community of Extension 01, Phomolong. With the Waste Water Treatment Plant upgrade, this project will be taken care of. The municipality had to align other projects so as to allow for the seamless operation of the two interrelated projects, due to capacity challenges. The project is implemented through Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) funding and Rand Water is the implementing agent of this project for Dipaleseng Local Municipality. The project includes installation of sewer pipelines with manholes and connections to the sewer lines from toilet structures, installation of prefabricated toilet top structures, sewer pipeline excavation, pipe laying, backf illing, small concrete works, installations of manholes, sewer house connections. The project has a labour intensive aspect and a total of thirty local people will get employment through this project while the site establishment process has already employed eight and the project will run up to October 2016. “The ultimate completion of both these projects is going to be one of Dipaleseng’s greatest milestones for the past five years”, said the Executive Mayor, Cllr Molato Khanye when asked to comment. “The number of housing units that are going to eventually benefit from this project, directly or indirectly is reason enough for the municipality to be proud of their efforts in serving the community of Dipaleseng” concluded the mayor.


Colourfully cool companions Winter is on its way and there is nothing worse than staring out a window onto a drab and dull garden. Since no winter garden is complete without the delicate blooms of the Primula malacoides, aka Fairy Primrose, and Phlox has exceptionally colourful flowers that not only flower just about all year round but also tolerate cold weather well, there is no reason you need to. Primula malacoides It is always tempting to purchase seedlings displaying the most colour, it is after all what attracted you in the first place. However, Primula really is one seedling that should be planted green (before flowers appear). Now is the perfect time to plant, do not leave it much later than mid-May to plant these seedlings. Location: Fairy Primrose make for a wonderful display when planted en masse, you can create a meadow in your own garden. Due to their height, they are a good filler for the middle to back section of your flower beds. In containers and hanging baskets they can be used to create a vertical accent and are perfect for shady areas although they can tolerate dappled morning sun. Watering: It is a plant that thrives in the cool, short days of winter and early spring. They prefer soil that is rich in organic matter so it is important that you add compost to the soil before planting. Keep the soil moist, but

not sodden and pay particular attention to watering if in pots or baskets. Primula malacoides do not like to get thirsty! Care: On the whole, the appearance of the Fairy Primrose is a dainty one. However, do not allow this delicate appearance deceive you, they are sturdy plants and once established require no attention beyond the occasional dead heading. Primula has moderate feeding requirements. If in beds, a soluble multifeed, used every six weeks is adequate. Monthly feeding is preferable if in containers or hanging baskets. This feeding will ensure prolific blooming and healthy, strong plants that are wonderful for attracting butterflies. Phlox Phlox have an extremely neat and compact growth habit and are hence well suited to container growing, for edging borders or for planting in a rockery. Phlox varieties perform best in well drained compost enriched soil. Be sure to water regularly but do not overwater as this will cause them to rot. When pairing with Primulas remember that Phlox grow to about 50-60cm tall while the Fairy Primrose only reaches about 30-40cm high, so place your Primulas in front. Establish a balanced watering regime that is enough to make sure your Primulas aren’t thirsty but not too much that your Phlox rot.

Shoe collection Since first launching in February 2015, residents of Heidelberg have stepped up for their community to donate over 1,300 pairs of shoes as part of Heidelberg Mall’s ongoing Shoe Collection Drive. The initiative started as a meaningful drive to collect shoes, of any size, colour or style to assist those most in need. On Wednesday 13 April, the mall made its third shoe drop-off at Shalimar Ridge Primary School where 128 pairs of shoes were donated to children from grade 0 to grade 7. Chris Bendall, Heidelberg Mall General Manager, who also attended the drop off added that the success of the Shoe Collection Drive is thanks to the generous support from shoppers. “The continuous support from shoppers and the Heidelberg community has been incredible. We’re delighted to have the opportunity to make a positive contribution and lend our help where it’s needed most,” he said. To get involved in this community-changing initiative, all you have to do is drop off a pair of shoes – or two, or more – at the Heidelberg Mall Centre Management Offices. The shoes will be then distributed to communities within the greater Heidelberg area.

MAD @ LIGHUIS Cnr Kingsway & Windsor str, NIGEL


Support group for drug & alcohol abusers every Wednesday @ 19h00. We cater for families of addicts! Come share your story

Services every Sunday @ 09h00



10 MAY 2016

Communit y gets water Residents of certain parts of Siyathemba in Balfour, particularly the old stands of Siyathemba Proper have for years been affected by water anomalies like unavailability of water during some hours of the day. Those very same residents are now thrilled at the sight of clean water that readily flows from their taps at any time of the day, seven days a week. The Executive Mayor, Cllr Molato D Khanye, is also pleased with the progress made and commented by saying “Access to clean drinking water is a basic human right which the municipality has and will continue to uphold”. The municipality enlisted the services of a contractor by the name of Solum Civils from Witbank to ascertain what could be the cause of the water shortage in the affected areas at certain points of time during the day or night. Pilot holes were used to investigate this strange anomaly which led to the discovery of one dead line which was connected to the line. It was also discovered that there was too much pressure downstream towards Mandela section and that that section also consumed so much water that other higher located areas ended up not having enough feed. This then necessitated the installation of a high pressure pipe to feed higher laying areas of Siyathemba Proper and connected the dead line to the high pressure line. The municipality is therefore proud of its success in its key goal of delivering services to its residents effectively and eff iciently. “We remain cognizant that challenges still remain in our quest to ensure that the services we provide and our citizens’ experience of our local government and are always positive” said the Executive Mayor.

No to e-toll The DA in Gauteng encourages all residents in the Province to join forces with the Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse (OUTA) in championing residents’ legal action threatened by SANRAL. I have personally joined OUTA’s Umbrella Pledge and I encourage all DA Gauteng members and residents of the province to subscribe to their service, which will help fight any legal battle SANRAL plans against residents and businesses. We are well aware of SANRAL’s bullying tactics to pressure residents in paying their e-toll bills by threatening them with legal action. OUTA has already issued summons to SANRAL which has targeted businesses and residents in the province defaulting by as much as R8 million in e-toll fees. This is a legitimate defiance campaign by the DA, OUTA and residents of Gauteng against the ANC and SANRAL’s gestapo tactics to force residents to pay for e-tolls. The DA has already contributed a significant amount of resources to OUTA and we will continue to do so in order to strengthen the fight to have e-tolls scrapped once and for all.

Complaint I have been trying to buy empty stands in Mackenzieville, Nigel for the past 7 years and they always have some excuse. The officials themselves don’t understand what the problem with Ekhurhuleni is. Empty vacant lands are being used as dumping sites and others just don’t want to sell and refuse to pay taxes on their stands. I know one individual whose taxes on his land are overdue for 25 years and refuse to sell it. It’s clearly stopping Nigel from growing and creating revenue for businesses and generating income. In Mackenzieville alone there are 25 vacant stands empty of which 15 belong to Ekhurhuleni muncipality alone. The tender process is taking ages it is now 5 years. People are relocating because of continuous excuses of that there are no houses available. caring resident of Mackenzieville


TEL: 016 341 2187/8

We would like to hear from you! Have you got any news, views, moans or groans? Or any interesting hobbies & sport achievements? Contact us on 011 814 8614.

Fraud and Corruption Another big spending State of the City Address has come and gone and one has to ask what have we learned or what new information have we received, that the Mayor and the ANC in Ekurhuleni are not fit in running this Metro. The Mayor has once again shown no respect for the Speaker of Council, the residents of Ekurhuleni and the off icials participating in the parade for speaking nearly an hour longer than his allocated time as per the order of proceedings compiled by the Speaker (like he did in the 2015 State of the City address). One has to ask what was he or his speech writer thinking and why did he come not prepared in sticking to his time. He has once again used a EMM Function to promote the ANC and not Ekurhuleni, is it because the ANC failed to fill the stadium during their Manifesto launch? In his speech the Mayor was very proud to announce that Ekurhuleni has an open and transparent policy when it comes to tenders and the fact that tenders are opened in the public. Yet Ekurhuleni is showing an increase in Fraud, Corruption, Fruitless and Wasteful expenditure. Seeing that we took the State of the City Address 2016 to the people of Tsakane why did the Mayor failed to informed the residents of Tsakane about the substandard of work (and fraud) in building their library and the guardhouse where the contractor failed to adhere to the specifications set out by the Metro. The Mayor should have explained to Councillors and quests why we had to sit in a hall without air conditioners when the EMM paid over R6.2 million for air conditioners (worth about R700 000.00) which also were not delivered according to specifications by the same contractor. Why the Mayor has made refurbishments at his house since August 2015 paid for by the Metro, and guess what by the same contractor. How the same contractor who did all the work supplied 3 quotations all by companies belonged to him to bypass the Supply Chain Management Policy. Why the guardhouse at the mayor’s house received a total refurbishment less than a year from the elections and no guarantee can be given that the Mayor will come back to the EMM, is this to add value to your property at the expense of the ratepayers of Ekurhuleni Mr. Mayor? You see Mr. Mayor we have our own Nkandla in the EMM, but then I did not expect less if one sees the example set by the leader of the ANC and how the ANC is protecting him. I hope for your sake Mr. Mayor that the quality of work at your house by the same contractor is of better quality than what the people of Tsakane has to put up with. But guess what this is not where it stops, The Chief Operating Officer used the same contractor at her house and she failed to declare this and the fact that she and the contractor is housefriends. Why did you not informed the residents of the 12 most expensive guardhouses build in Ekurhuleni, guess what by the same contractor at as much as R38 000.00 per m2, while residents of this metro are unemployed and fighting for their dignity. You kept on telling us how good the ANC in running Ekurhuleni, why then Mr. Mayor did the unemployed figure increased from 26.35% (2002) to 30.7% (2016) under ANC rule, you see Mr. Mayor all increases are not good. Mr. Mayor the only way in dealing with unemployment and job creation is to create wealth (and not through fraud and corruption). This Metro is still allocating too many tenders to residents outside Ekurhuleni; our tender documents need to stipulate that local manufacturing goods and material will add to points in the tender document, buy local, buy proudly South Africa. We need quality and component contractors. We need to stop paying contractors for work not done and go after officials which make them guilty of crimes like this, the ANC need to stop protecting these officials like you have done in the QBIT contract. The metro also need to stop wasting ratepayers hard earned money on court cases to protect bad and wrong decisions made the ANC. Officials should lose their bonuses when grants are not spend. Our human settlement department needs to start delivering or disciplinary steps should be taken. We must move away from employing people who is not fit for the job, they are putting pressure on officials who are committed to Ekurhuleni. We must stop re-employing officials who resigned because of investigations against them. Clr. Izak Berg IRASA

10 MAY 2016



Nic Bottari Toyota Launches New Fortuner In the middle of April, Toyota unveiled yet another major vehicle model in South Africa, this time setting its sights on the SUV market – The All – New Toyota Fortuner. On the April 30, Nic Bottari Toyota invited their customers to their launch of the New Fortuner where they catered for the whole family, just as the spacious and luxurious vehicle does. It was an enjoyable afternoon for all, whilst the adults got to experience the Fortuner up close with their questions answered by the knowledgeable sales team, the children were entertained by a face painter, balloon twister and a comedy magic show.

We would like to hear from you! Have you got any news, views, moans or groans? Or any interesting hobbies & sport achievements? Contact us on 011 814 8614.

Good food, lively music and great company is the recipe for a successful event and with the Fortuner as the star of the event it was easy to impress young and old.

The New Generation Fortuner in a nutshell: Reimagined from the ground up, the all new Toyota Fortuner is both distinguished and powerful. And neither is it too soft, nor too hard; this is a true, gutsy, heavy-duty 4X4 but one that is also nicely civilised for the road. With sleek sporty lines running smoothly

along a high body axis and chrome plated LED / bi halogen headlamps, the Fortuner is a classy response to any terrain. The vehicle’s interior is a contrast between bold and ref ined shapes creating an impressive, luxurious appearance that is completed with superior quality leather, metallic accents and wood grained ornamentation. It now has a six-speed manual and an auto transmission which means you’ll experience a quieter, smoother drive. The first gear is now sharper and shorter increasing the pulling power bringing towing capacity up to 3000kgs. It now features a “low-friction timing

chain designed to last the life of the vehicle”. Toyota knows safety is important, that’s why a number of advanced features have been added including an advanced anti – theft system adopted on all models; which features an independently powered siren, advanced immobiliser and ultrasonic glass breaking and movement sensor. Nic Bottari Toyota would like to welcome all Fortuner Enthusiast’s to their dealership, where they can experience the luxury of the all – new Fortuner for themselves. The experienced sales team is ready and looking forward to assisting the public.




Geysers, toilets, drains, gebarste pype, skrynwerk, teëls ens. Seël van dakke & plaveisels. 082 646 9928 PETS / TROETELDIERE

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LAUNDRY MATE Bring all your blankets, duvets, comforters, linen, curtains, clothing, etc. to us for a professional wash. We will take care of your laundry as if it is our own. Laundry can be fetched and delivered at a small fee within Nigel and Heidelberg Town areas. Contact us on 011 814 3597 / 072 511 4366

SMART KITCHENS & HOME IMPROVEMENTS For 3D Designer Kitchens or kitchen revamps, BIC, Bathr, Vanities, Wall to Wall Carpets and Laminated Flooring. No compromise on Quality and Service. Free Quotations. Phone Andre at 016 349 5052 or 082 738 1441


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R&I TYRES & MAGS Bekostigbare BANDE vir jou motor en bakkie. Ons praat Afrikaans en ons diens is ons trots. Kontak Ivan of Darren by 699 Voortrekkerstr, Brakpan, 011-740-0477 of 011-744-3544

next to Standardbank


Register now for Safety Rep Training in Nigel, Heidelberg and Springs Oneday course accredited with SAIOSH. The South African Institute of Occupational Safety and Health.Cost R880.00. Contact Jabula Training & Development Pty Ltd Ph. 017-6891010 Ph. 017- 6891008

Heidelberg AA Meetings Thursday 7pm Heidelberg Methodist Church, 59 Strydom Street &Friday 6pm Acts Family Church, Extension 23 6027, Nyathi Street If you think you have a DRINKING or DRUG problem. Please come listen to the tes,monies of sober recovered alcoholics and drug addicts. Contact Person: Skipper Smith 061 142 6633 (

NIGEL - FRENCH Refrigeration & Airconditioning. Installation, repair and services. Contact 082 7011 946. or visit us at 143 Von Geusau Street, NIGEL. LOANS / LENINGS

Planet Loans. Fowcus house, office 604. Cnr Plei and Loveday Street, Johannesburg. From R1000 – R150 000. Requirements: Latest payslip, 3 months bank statements and copy of ID. Contact Rogers 082 390 0028 or fax 086 565 0687 or email:

FIREARM TRAINING 79 Second Street, SPRINGS TEL: (011) 812-2531 Gawie 083 461 3659


Focusing on your home. Specialize in gates, palisades, spanishbars, safety doors, electrical fencing, roof sealing & painting. 10 years professional experience. Contact Riekus 078 399 4999. TO RENT / TE HUUR

FOR HIRE / TE HUUR Marquee tent 10x5m te huur. Ons slaan die tent self op en gaan haal hom weer na die funksie. Ook beskikbaar is tafels, stoele, tafeldoeke en breekgoed. Groot skaap spitbraai ook te huur. Kontak of whatsapp B. Adams 061 658 4049.


Contractor & Handyman Services

BRIDAL / BRUIDE Wedding World Springs 011 811 5776/ 083 280 4584. Skitter in die rok van jou drome! Bring idee of prentjie vir asemrowende skeppings deur Elize – ontvanger van internasionale ontwerper toekenning (Parys, Frankryk) vir kreatiewe styl. Koop, huur of kies uit ons groot verskeidenheid elegante trou & aandrokke. manspakke, hemde, dasse en onder-baadjies te huur. Bespreek jou plek vir jou matriekafskeid rok nou! Betaal af tot funksie datum. Redelike pryse. Professionele vriendelike diens. H/v 3de straat & 3de laan Geduld, Springs.


10 MAY 2016

FOR SALE / TE KOOP WOONSTEL TE KOOP HEIDELBERG. Ruim 1 slaapkamer woonstel, met sit en eet kamer, badkamper en kombuis. Vir R300 000,00. Kontak Louise 084 325 4831. FACTORY SPACE TO LET IN VORSTERKROON, NIGEL Situated in the Industrial District of Nigel. The building measures approximately 2000 square meters, has additional cloak rooms, houses 4 spacious offices and a reception area – as well as a kitchen area and bathrooms in the admin section.Contact Rose 083 2905 492 (business hours only) Ferryvale, Nigel. Erwe te koop teen R150 000 elk, 1200sqm. Skakel 073 414 9892 of mail attaché LUSERN BALE TE KOOP TE KOOP: 400 Lusern blok bale beskikbaar @ R70 elk. Die bale is 1x2m. Kontak Jaco 082 895 5096. FURNITURE / MEUBELS SuperMeubels, 42 Schoemanstr, Heidelberg, 016-341-4445SMS 071 545 3868, EPOS Vir goeie kwaliteit 2de handse meubels, oudhede, nuwe motor, bakkie & taxi bande en vriendelike staf - net by ons......

To Rent Dunnottar 1 Bedroom flat, 1 bathroom with kitchen and lounge. Shed and secure parking. NO CHILDREN. R3000. Including water and electricity. Contact: Cynthia 083 598 8226. Nigel, Ferryvale. (naby skole gelee) 3 Slaapkamer huis en insluitende n 2 slaapkamer woonstel met ingeboude kaste in al die kamers. Koopkrag. Toesluit motorhuis. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Dep R7 000. Huur R7 000.Kontak Petrus 084 894 1394/Tanja 074 966 3667. HEIDELBERG Unit available in Clifton View, Rensburg, 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom, 1 Carport, with braai area. Ground floor. R3500 p/m Contact Derek 084 473 4465.

D.F. AIRCON Mobile Automotive Aircon & Repairs.

Aircon Repairs to Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Mining equipment, Combines “Stroopers”.

Daniel 082 348 4499/ 079 876 9896. All work guaranteed

BOOKKEEPER BOOKKEEPING SERVICES OFFERED. I have 20 years working experience in a wide variety of businesses. Hourly rate for small to medium business. Contact Marileze for a quote at:

NEEM KENNIS Indien jy nie die Rekord elke 2de Dinsdag ontvang nie gaan haal hom af by ons kantoor of Spar in jou area OTK, Eskort, Rensburg 24 &

Qualty Meats


APPLICATION FOR THE SPECIAL CONSENT USE: ERF 1412 DUNNOTTAR TOWNSHIP Notice is hereby given that in terms of special consent in terms of clause 32 of the Nigel Town-Planning Scheme, 1981, read with section 20 of the Town-Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986), We, the undersigned, D. Land Surveyor intends applying to the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality, for special consent. According to Ekurhuleni Town-Planning Scheme, 2014, the piece of land is zoned for “Residential 1”. The purpose of the application is for “Guesthouse”. Should you however, have any comments and/or objections to the proposed application, please put these in writing to the Area Manager, Development Planning, Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality, P.O Box 23, Nigel, 1491 or submit by hand at Nigel CCC: Ground Floor, City Planning Reception, Engineers Building, Cnr Eeufees and Hendrik Verwoerd Streets, Nigel. Also be kind enough to provide us with a copy of your letter of comments or objections, if any, when submitting it to the abovementioned, within a period of 28 from 26 April 2016.

10 MAY 2016

NIGEL/HEIDELBERG REKORD - ONLINE EDITION CONSIDER WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY As you spend time at your desk every day, going from class to class, and completing your homework, be alert to which subjects make you come alive a little more than others. Grade Nines preparing to enter their final phase of schooling Determine which subjects mirror your interests and career next year will in coming months be expected to select the dreams, and include them. And carefully research how your subjects that will see them through to matric. favourite subjects manifest in the working world, as you may But that decision is too important to shelve away until the time potentially have more - and more interesting - options than you comes, an expert says, and it should already be top of mind for are currently aware of. learners who want to give themselves the best chance for success CONSIDER WHAT YOU ARE GOOD AT in Grade 12 and beyond. “Towards the end of the year, Grade 9- Choose at least two subjects in which you can do really well. learners will be given the opportunity to select which subjects Admission to higher education is performance-based, so it makes they will take in their last three years of school and be tested on sense to do very well in some subjects rather than badly in all of during the National Senior Certificate Exams in 2019,” notes Nola them because you chose only gateway subjects. Payne, Head of Faculty. DON’T SELL YOURSELF SHORT “It is an exceptionally hard choice to make, and many factors You may think you won’t stand a chance of getting good sufficient need to be taken into consideration,” says Payne, adding that grades to enter higher education post matric. But remember that these choices will have a profound impact on the qualifications the South African National Senior Certificate has four levels of to which learners will have access and, as a result, the careers pass. While one of them is the degree pass, you could also qualify they will be able to follow. for diploma or higher certificate study. “Choosing subjects should not be based on a gut feel or a These two qualifications, which are normally vocationally or kneejerk towards easier subjects. They must be chosen very career-focused, could give you access straight to the world of carefully, and only after proper research about the implications work and even degree study if you wanted to do it later. “The key of choosing certain subjects and not others. The best way to go to making the best subject choices for your future self is to ensure about making subject choices later this year, is to immediately you do your research thoroughly. start considering one’s options constantly, and refining them in Don’t leave it until the end of the year, when you might be tempted the coming months. to just tick the same boxes your friends are ticking, you will be “This is one of the first opportunities learners of this age will disappointment,” says Payne. have to practice strategic decision-making that will have a major impact on their lives. It should be looked at as an exciting first step into their future as adults, and also a valuable learning tool.” Payne says the process can be made much less intimidating by sticking to the following guidelines: ALREADY KNOW WHAT YOU WANT TO STUDY? THEN STUDY UP ON ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS. If you are clear about what you want to do, check out the websites of both public and private higher education institutions to verify their requirements, and let that guide your subject choices. Very importantly, look at a range of different institutions and courses within your field to allow yourself some choice and a Plan B after matric. DON’T KNOW? THEN LEAVE AS MANY OPTIONS AVAILABLE AS POSSIBLE. Those who are not yet sure about their future direction should choose subject combinations that will leave them with options and room to manoeuvre later, including Maths and Science. Learners who struggle with precisely these subjects, should consider keeping only one of them to focus their efforts. And Maths Literacy should only be considered as a last resort, Payne says.

Subject choices


Cope with exam stress In an increasingly competitive world, young people writing exams are arguably under more pressure than ever before. At this time of year, it is not unusual for young people to experience peak levels of stress because of the nearing exams. Exam anxiety is a kind of stress that involves excessive worrying about exams, the fear of being evaluated, and, of the consequences of exams. Ten tips to easily managed exam stress: 1. Believe in yourself: If you have worked consistently since the start of the year, you should be fine and there is no need to worry excessively. 2. Don’t try to be perfect: It’s good to have goals, but these need to be realistic. If you believe that anything less than 100% means you have failed, then you are creating unnecessary stress for yourself. 3. Don’t keep things bottled up inside: A good way to alleviate worry and stress is to confide in someone that you trust and who will be supportive, for example your parents, friends or lecturers. 4. Keep things in perspective: Exams may seem like the most important thing right now, but in the context of your whole life. Life will be worth living regardless of an exam. Give yourself credit for getting as far as you have. 5. Be proactive in tackling your problems: If you do not understand some of the material, merely feeling stressed about it will not help. Rather make an appointment to see your lecturer. 6. Get accurate information: Check all the course information. You need to know what will be in the exam, how it will be marked, where it will be written, and when it start and end. 7. Structure your study time: You need to study in regular sessions of about 50 minutes each, separated by 10 minute breaks. 8. Plan for the exam: Try to arrive at the exam venue early. Wear a watch or make sure you know where the clock is in the exam venue. Wear layers of clothes so that you can adjust when you feel hot or cold. Make a list of all the materials you will need in the exam room and be sure to pack it before you go. 9. Try to maintain a healthy lifestyle: Your anxiety levels will increase if you feel tired and run down. You can improve your resilience by getting enough exercise, eating nutritious food and getting regular and adequate sleep. 10.Avoid the things that won’t help: Try not to drink too much coffee the night before and the morning of the exam. Avoid other students who are anxious and talkative before the exam. And avoid talking about the course material just before the exam.



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10 MAY 2016

Two nights under the lights It’s that time of the year again where everybody got excited, amped and ready for something unforgettable, two nights under the lights. Everybody gathered with their Olympic lifting shoes, their speed ropes oiled and their hands chalked because of this year’s Pretoria Throw Down. It returned for the fourth time with more events, more teams and an even bigger atmosphere than last year. At this event the fittest from all around the South African Fitness Community come together to measure their fitness against each other in a Massive 2 Day all out Extreme Competition. This event is the major fitness event in South Africa. The best of the best that S.A. CrossFit has to offer, showed up in teams of 2 competing for the biggest prize money in South Africa.

This competition test your will, endurance, strength, skills and your grit to the utmost extreme! In the mens division 140 teams competed and in the ladies division 75 teams competed on April 22 & 23, 2016 at Waterkloof Highschool in Pretoria. Nigel’s IronBox Social Fitness and Crossfit Urban Shack, sent 3 teams to test their worth in the world of CrossFit. Sweat, blood and tears where wiped of as these teams tested their intense fitness and strength. Yvette du Toit and Martinique Pieterse as “Urban White” came in at 37th. Bonneleigh Meijer and Jeandri Ligthelm as “Iron Maidens” made it through to the f inals and f inished in 8 th place in this competition of 75 ladies teams. Jaco Ligthelm and Bobbie Botha finished in 31st place out of 140 men’s teams.

Nigel’s IronBox Social Fitness and Crossfit Urban Shack teams in action!



TEL: 011 362-1551/2 FAKS: 011 815-3427 Cnr. Ermelo & Dagbreek Rds, Largo, SPRINGS Prices valid while stocks last / incl vat / E&OE PURLINES 6MT 9.1MT







75X50X20X2 R208.92 R327.94



20X3 20X5 25X3 25X5 30X3 30X5 40X5 40X3 50X3 50X5

25X25X2 R 64.38 25X25X3 R 86.46 25X25X5 R 140.04 30X30X3 R 128.70 30X30X5 R 172.50 40X40X2 R 92.94 40X40X2.5 R107.04 40X40X3 R 128.70 40X40X5 R 235.80 50X50X4 R 226.08 50X50X5 R 247.68 60X60X6 R 443.46

R 43.08 R 51.78 R 50.28 R 59.40 R 60.60 R 77.76 R113.52 R 81.12 R 96.18 R139.56


N/S R62.16 R75.18




6MM 8MM 10MM 12MM 16MM 20MM



R17.16 R27.00 R38.94 R59.40 R107.04 R204.36


R68.04 R82.20 R86.40 R91.92 R226.08



6320C R162.22 6320D R189.26 WHEEL KIT SETS 60MM R115.37 80MM R147.33

SHEETS/PLATES EA 2450X1225X1.6 2450X1225X2 2450X1225X2.5 2450x1225x3 2450x1225x4 2500x1200x5 2500x1200x6

PALISADES PALISADE PANELS 600mm High R385.23 900mm High R450.93 1.0mt High R498.52 1.2mt High R555.16 1.5mt High R623.16 1.8mt High R772.13 2.0mt High R747.91 2.4mt High R861.09 LOOSE PALES 600mm R15.15 900mm R19.25 1.0mt R20.96 1.2mt R24.93 1.5mt R30.59 1.8mt R36.49 2.0mt R40.22 2.4mt R52.11

CHANNEL 76X38(6.70kg/mt) R 494.28 100X50(10.73kg/m)R962.52 152X76 R1616.82 178X54 R1287.00

sit in only!

R486.56 R540.85 R648.80 R811.02 R1116.95 R1305.59 R1723.61

RECT. TUBE 1.6MM 25X12 38X20 38X25 50X25 50X38 76X25 76X38 76X50 100X50

R92.94 R107.04 R129.78 R139.56 R193.56 R204.36 R209.76 R280.08 R324.42


2.0MM R95.10 R150.36 R161.16 R204.36 R247.68 R258.54 R301.74 R323.34 R409.92

1.6MM R2.0MM

20X20 25X25 32X32 38X38 50X50 76X76 100X100

R73.44 R78.84 R119.40 R151.32 R195.48 R302.70



19MM 25MM 32MM 38MM 42MM 50MM 76MM 100MM

R63.84 R74.64 R108.00 R129.66 R140.52 R183.72 R259.44


R86.40 R117.00 R157.80 R199.92 R259.38 R389.28 R515.94

2.0MM R74.64 R95.16 R151.32 R162.18 R172.98 R216.24 R324.36 R462.30


75X50X20X2 100X50X20X2 125X50X20X2 150X50X20X2 175X50X20X2 200X50X20X2

R216.24 R329.58 R247.68 R377.42 R306.96 R467.86 R301.74 R459.91 R312.54 R476.37 R323.84 R495.88 Gate Motors Sprint Welding Rods 5kg 2.5mm 2yr warranty, 2x remotes, 4mt rack & battery free R3376.41 R118.89

ROOF SHEETING I.B.R 0.4MM CQ R49.64 I.B.R/CORR. 0.5MM R62.23 I.B.R/CORR. 0.6MM R77.87 CORR 0.3MM FH R34.50

GALV SHEETS 2450X1225X0.5 2450X1225X0.6 2450X1225X10 2450X1225X2.0 2450X1225X3.0

R204.40 R215.22 R377.44 R641.33 R1286.98

A grade prices include vat subject to availability E&OE

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