Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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14 June 2016

VOL 12 NO 11


Chaos in die hartjie van Nigel Agterste voor, onderste bo, oornag verkeer skool in chaotiese toestand, wat al wat leef en beef, in beroering bring. Ouers se tonge is aan die gons oor die toestand waarin die skool verkeer. Bome is uitgeruk, heinings verwyder, plante verwoes, dis net grond en stof waar jy kyk. Geen mens kan die ingang van die skool vind wat in ‘n oogwink geplunder is. Inderhaas is ondersoek ingestel en die beheerliggaam moes bieg en met die sak patats vorendag kom. Die gemeenskap kan gerus wees hulle is nie besig om die skool af te breek of te plunder nie. Wat is dan aan die gang by Hoërskool John Vorster? By nadere ondersoek het ons toe agter die waarheid gekom. John Vorster kry ‘n nuwe baadjie. Hierdie skool het as ‘n laerskool in 1902 met 61 leerlinge, 3 onderwysers en ‘n hoof begin. In 1949 het hy sy Hoërskool status bereik. Op 11 September 1965 is die skool met trots vernoem na die destydse staatspresident John Vorster. Vandag is ouers, leerlinge en onderwysers trots op hulle skool, in die hartjie van Nigel. Om hierdie rede wil hulle verseker dat 2016 die jaar sal wees wanneer Hoërskool John Vorster opgeteken word in die geskiedenisboeke. Hierdie is die jaar wat die skool se voorkoms verander en vernuwe word vir die nuwe generasie. Onder die bekwame hande van die gebou- en terreinvoorsitter, Leroux Pienaar en die Beheerliggaam van Hoërskool John Vorster kan almal met groot opgewondenheid uitsien na die spinternuwe voorkoms van die skool. Saam met argitek Hennie van der Merwe en bouer Jaco Smit, albei van Heidelberg, word groot dinge beplan. En, hoe hierdie nuwe vooraansig gaan lyk? Wel, ons sal maar moet wag en sien.

How strong is your business? Get AHEAD of the competition For affordable rates ADVERTISE WITH

cnr Kingsway & Van Riebeeck Str, NIGEL ANNELIE 082 853 4071 or 011 814 8614



Ridiculous It’s very annoying to come home after a long day’s work and then have to listen to “Rev-Right” at all hours of the evening. They even start early on Saturday and Sunday and go on and on. There are no limits as to how long they will go on, from early to very late in the evenings. People please have some respect for those around you. You are working in a residential area. There are tired hardworking people living around you. If you feel that you just have to do your work on a weekend, f ind a rf P e yourself a workshop d e B where you can do unie your work 19 J d a g s somewhere else. r e vad Somewhere where you won’t be Heerlike biltong, bothering other droewors & chilli bites. people. Please move your premises Lekker beskuit en outside of town.

I would like to inform some residents of Nigel that revving your car at 8pm in the evening doesn’t fix it. You start early on weekends and even in the evening. Some people do like to rest on Sundays you know. If you want your car fixed, take it to an experienced mechanic, not the neighbourhood idiots. Who I might add rev your car into oblivion, they are doing more damage to it that actually fixing it.


What’s Up/skakel 081 453 9584 Bestel of besoek by Martiq 929 Motors oorkant Selcourt Towers Mall

From the desk of Rev Ray Goddess

Marievale Road, Vorsterskroon, Nigel


We collect & deliver Weekdays 08h00 - 17h00 Sundays Appointment Only

For Bookings & enquiries Contact Cherry

016 341-3338 081 271-2468

From a concerned citizen.

14 JUNE 2016

Managing of cemetries The City of Ekurhuleni has put in place a cemetery manager software, a tool set to end gravesite booking irregularities and maladministration. The software has improved booking methods, provided easy access to historical burial information and has led to reduced duplication. It is also regulating undertakers. To date, the system has been rolled out to ten of the city’s cemeteries. The roll out will be completed by September 2017. Some of the cemeteries using the cemetery manager software include: Lala Ngoxolo cemetery, Boksburg Cemetery, Vlakfontein Cemetery, Kromvlei Cemetery, Brakpan Cemetery, Primrose Cemetery, Zuurfontein Cemetery, Mooifontein Cemetery, Benoni Crematorium and Nigel Cemetery. The new system is a culmination of various meetings between the city and its stakeholders concerning cemetery management.

Help us care I sincerely hope that most of you know of our outreach Indawo Yosizo. Started in 2007 it has gone through many high points and some definite low points. At a point the Government (Department of Health) was funding 50 people (25 Home Based care workers and 25 HIV AIDS Counselling and Testing workers). When the DOH decided to stop using the NGOs we really struggled to try and care for the 1000s of people we were looking after. Through the Methodist Church of Southern Africa we were then blessed by the Global Fund (America based) and we had 4 HBC workers. In March this year the Global Fund decided not to fund the MCSA anymore and we sat with a dilemma – we were caring for 500 children and 400 adults – what was going to happen to them? Well here is the blessing! Our staff care so much and their heart is in the right place – they have continued working with NO fixed income. At the same time we were awarded with a second contract from the DOH for HCT workers. This is great but their duties do NOT include caring for the people (they do HIV testing and counselling and issue free condoms to prevent the spread of HIV/ AIDS). Together with this we feed over 130 families EACH WEEK with a food parcel and feed all the street folk with a sit down meal (they can also shower and wash their clothes). We also offer prayer and help to these people on a Christian basis. So, as always, we are faced with a funding problem. Our management at Indawo has decided to hold a GARAGE SALE on Saturday 25 June from 09h00 to 13h00 (see the advert below) to

Rev Goddess, Heidelberg Methodist Church raise some funds so that we can continue to help those who are less privileged than we are. All we ask is that as many of you as possible come and support us so that we can help others. We are also collecting and giving out blankets. If you have spares please drop them off at Indawo (46 Smit Street, Heidelberg) so that we can distribute them to the needy. If you want to know more about Indawo please go onto our web site or you can contact me directly.

Saturday 25 June, 9am – 1pm 46 Smit Street, Heidelberg

Our HCT Mobile Unit will be available for HIV Counselling and Testing, sugar & blood pressure testing & tb screening

267 SKAKEL 083 6198 267 6198


14 JUNE 2016


Four men injured

Culpable homicide On the May 28 at about 8:30pm, an elderly African male was hit by a vehicle along Sonnestraal Road, Duduza. The driver of the vehicle stopped to assist the victim and other motorists also stopped to provide assistance. The driver of the vehicle immediately called for medical assistance and started diverting traffic as the victim was laying in the middle of the road. They were approached by an unknown red sedan at high speed and it is alleged the red sedan drove over the victim resulting to his death. A charge of culpable homicide has been opened and so far all investigations and enquiries have come up blank and the police is requesting anyone with information regarding this incident to come forward. Anyone with information can contact the investigation official, Detective Warrant

Driver of the double cab pick-up (Bakkie) sustained critical injuries, three other passengers survived with serious but stable injuries after the vehicle in which they were travelling collided with a triaxial super link truck at the inter section of Marievale road and R42 Delmas road in Nigel. The accident happened around 06:30 in morning. The driver of the pick-up was trapped behind the steering wheel and rescue team from the City of Ekurhuleni


Officer Loudene Buys, office number on 011-730 4733/4 or cell number 063 025 5043. All information will be treated confidentially. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Spoil Dad with something warm 071 119 9127 JERSEYS PULLOVERS CARDIGANS produced next to you!


based in Nigel fire station, had to use hydraulic rescue tools (Jaws of Life) to extricate him. Initial information on scene showed that the pick-up collided with all three trailer axials, breaking all of them at once. The truck was fully loaded with pallets of bricks on its way to Delmas. The injured were transported by Ambulances to Pholosong hospital and Netcare N17 hospital respectively.

Fish, Birds & Reptiles Stockists of all animal feeds. For all your pond & fish tank requirements

Best service & lowest price 016 341 3006 / Shop 15 Pretorius str, HEIDELBERG FORUM

079 8891 352 TERRY 078 4654 243 DERICK 078 5819 577 QUINTEN

NOT JUST ANOTHER CHURCH....TOTALLY DIFFERENT! TOTALLY RADICAL! Support group for drug & alcohol abusers every Wednesday @ 19h00. We cater for families of addicts! Come share your story

Services every Sunday @ 09h00 Cnr Kingsway & Windsor str, NIGEL


TEL: 016 341 2187/8



14 JUNE 2016

Mahindra Heidelberg palm trofees in!

Die bekwame bestuur en personeel van Mahindra Heidelberg van links Melony Klaassen, (admin), Pieter du Toit, (verkope), Chané Engelbregcht, (verkope), Magriet Bierman, (admin), Marché Nell, (service advisor). Carel Schölly, DP, Hannes Swanepoel, (verkope) en Pierre Nell, Verkoops Bestuurder.

Shake it off Romans 8:11 “But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.” (NKJV) God wants us to live victorious lives. He desires for us to live at our full potential and has given us His Spirit to be with us and dwell in us, but sometimes we forget that we have the power of heaven on our side, and we live mediocre lives convinced that we are unable to be or do more for our God. Our enemy is fully aware of our humanity. As much as God desires our victorious living, Satan desires our destruction. He constantly

TEL: 011 819 1575 / 082 690 7591

Mahindra Heidelberg spog met skitterende toekennings wat hul tydens die jaarlikse Mahindra Awards 2016 ingepalm het. Die bestuur en personeel van hierdie Heidelberg tak maak geskiedenis in Heidelberg en omgewing en is as die “Dealer of the Year, small dealer category” op 1 Junie tydens die Finansiele Jaar 2016 prysuitdeling aangewys. Hulle maak skoonskip in die “After Sales Award FY16, small dealer category” en stap weg met goud. Hul verower ook die silver trofee in die “Sales Award FY16, small dealer category”. Chané Engelbregcht ontvang die “Excellence in Sales Recognition Certificate awarding for achieving the highest percentage growth in average monthly sales.” ook in die ‘small dealer category.” Mahindra, is besig om sy naam en bestaan vas te sement in die plaaslike voertuigmark van Nigel/Heidelberg en omgewing na aanleiding van uitnemende prestasies wat hul behaal het in 2016. Die voordele van hierdie agentskap op Heidelberg is dat al die onderdele geredelik beskikbaar is in Suid-Afrika en die dienste word hier plaaslik op Heidelberg gedoen. Die bestuur en personeel beywer hulle om alles in hul vermoë te doen om uitstekende vertroue by vorige Mahindra-kliente te herwin en nuwes te kweek. Die bestuur en personeel wil die publiek verseker van die beste diens en dat elke kliënt se tevredenheid gewaarborg sal word.

attacks us, especially in our thinking, to derail us from the dream of God for our lives. He introduces questions, contradictions and promises of something more or better than what God has given us that often causes us to doubt and become suspicious of who God is, who we are in Him and of the promises we have received from our Father. The bombardment of our minds with these arrows from the evil one leaves many people in a state of cognitive dissonance. “Cognitive dissonance is the mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time.” In the very beginning we see how Satan attacked Eve with this very strategy. He came to her questioning the instruction of God not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, placing suspicion on the goodness of God; contradicts what God said would happen to her if she ate by telling her that she would not die and lastly promises her that she would be like God if she would eat of the fruit of the tree. We see that Eve changed her perspective – she looked at the tree differently – now it seemed good to her for food. She was in a state of dissonance. She knew what God had said, but the questions, contradictions and promises of the Devil caused her to shift her beliefs and this led to her eating from the tree. It is amazing to see how easily we are dissuaded from what God has said when we open our minds and hearts to a contrary voice. The true tragedy in this moment is that she was already like God. She was created in His image and likeness. But she did not believe that. We are His workmanship, created in His image and likeness,. We are complete in Him. Unless we believe this with all of our hearts, we too will be enticed by the offerings of the world and these selfish desires will lead us astray. The challenge before us is to stand firm in our beliefs, to literally shake off the thoughts of the enemy and walk in the fullness of God’s plan and purpose for our lives. Acts 28:1–5 (AMP) “After we were safe on the island, we knew and recognized that it was called Malta. And the natives showed us unusual and remarkable kindness, for they kindled a fire and welcomed and received us all, since it had begun to rain and was cold. Now Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks, and he was laying them on the fire when a viper crawled out because of the heat and fastened itself on his hand. When the natives saw the little animal hanging from his hand, they said to one another, Doubtless this man is a murderer, for though he has been saved from the sea, Justice has not permitted that he should live. Then [Paul simply] shook off the small creature into the fire and suffered no evil effects.” Through the Cross of Christ and His resurrection we have been given the same power that Jesus has. Paul demonstrated for us how to not fall into the traps of the enemy but to shake off thoughts contrary to our divine assignment and continue in purpose to the glory of God. He did not fear, he did not falter in his faith in God, but instead he inspired everybody around him to hold firm in God. He saw them all safe on the shores of the island. Paul simply shook of the snake. The venom that should have killed him had no effect on him because his faith was in God. May God help us to believe like this; fixed in faith may we shake off every contrary thought and continue to walk in all He has planned and purposed for our lives to His glory.

No bail The South African National Civic Organisation (SANCO) called for no bail for the man arrested in connection with crystal meth with an estimated street value of R19.5 million that was being transported from Mozambique into South Africa. “The vigilance at ports of entry needs to be escalated to ensure that consignments of drugs that are destroying the future of our country do not cross our borders,” said SANCO National Spokesperson, Jabu Mahlangu. Mahlangu commended the Hawks in Mpumalanga for the intelligence driven operation that resulted with the seizure of the drugs and the arrest of the suspect. “Harsher sentences for those involved in the drug trade will serve as a deterrent,” he said. He called for efforts to rid communities of the scourge of drugs to be intensified. According to the Hawks, the stash of drugs was discovered when a vehicle was intercepted at the Lebombo border post. Sixty-f ive packets of crystal meth hidden in body panels of a vehicle were discovered when the vehicle was searched. No bail for the man arrested in connection with drugs with a street value of R93 million and cash, including foreign currency that were hidden in the panels of a Nissan bakkie in Limpopo. A tip-off led to the arrest of the 33-yearold man that was reportedly travelling with a Tanzanian passport. According to Limpopo police spokeswoman Colonel Ronel Otto, a look-out for the vehicle ensued after detectives received a tip-off. R139,900 and $10,000 was hidden in the door panels of the bakkie that were conf iscated after the vehicle was searched,”said Otto. Police further searched through the vehicle seats and the back where they discovered 93 bags of heroin.

14 JUNE 2016



Parliament declares drought a National Disaster

Only 4 dismissals The Gauteng Health Department laid 82 criminal charges of theft against employees in the last five years, but only four of them were dismissed after disciplinary action. Gauteng Health MEC Qedani Mahlangu discloses this in a written reply to my questions in the Gauteng Legislature, with the breakdown per year as follows: 2011 - 5 charges. 2012 - 16 charges. 2013 - 11 charges. 2014 - 22 charges. 2015 - 28 charges. Mahlangu says that the charges were all laid before the disciplinary hearings and that all the criminal cases have been finalized. Sanctions against the employees were as follows: 4 dismissals; 13 written warnings; 15 final warnings with one or two months suspended without pay; and 46 f inal warnings. I am concerned that 78 employees have been convicted of theft but are still working for the department. Furthermore, the dismissed personnel are not permanently barred from re-employment in the public service as the Head of Department can unblock the PERSAL system that normally blocks other departments from hiring someone terminated for criminal activity. This is far from a zero tolerance policy towards criminal activity in the workplace and should be revised to ensure tougher sanctions against wrongdoers.

has erroneously and stubbornly refused to declare the drought a national disaster, cowering with denialism and ill-preparedness. We hope this motion, and Parliament finally acknowledging this crisis, will put the necessary pressure on the ANC government to finally face the facts of the matter; declare the drought a national crisis and commit to improving relief efforts across the country. Come 3 August South Africans will have a chance to vote for change by voting for the DA, and we will continue holding government accountable and ensure that a coordinated effort is initiated to combat the crippling effects of the drought.

Multiple fatalities

JJC Kruger & Vennote Springs Parkland Kliniek Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172 Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging (By River Square kruising 016 423 3553


The DA is pleased our motion to declare the drought a national disaster was accepted by Parliament. This move is long overdue. The current drought gripping South Africa has affected 34 million people living without water and farmers facing severe hardships. This motion is small consolation to farmers and millions of people living in poverty who have, and continue to face escalating food prices, water shortages and job losses. The Southern African Development Community has already declared the drought a regional crisis, but the ANC government


Cnr Heidelberg & Kerk Street NIGEL Five people lost their lives in Ekurhuleni in five separate incidents. One body of unknown man was discovered after the fire was extinguished by Firefighters in Langaville near Tsakane. Three other male patients were declared dead on scene by Spoil your dad with a DIY Car W ash Wash Ekurhuleni Disaster and Emergency Management Services KIT from F ACTOR Y SOAP SHOP FACTOR ACTORY (DEMS) paramedics in three separate incidents, two on the N3 freeway and the other on R21 Albertina Sisulu north bound Your KIT includes... freeway opposite O.R. Tambo International Airport and all 2 L Car Shampoo happened on a Saturday evening as well. 1 L Dashboard Cleaner (silicone) The first incident happened around 18:20 on the N3 north bound 1 L Extra Strong Degreaser & Engine Cleaner just after Grey Avenue off ramp in Dinwiddie, the second one 1 L Carpet & Upholstery Cleaner was on the south bound under the Leondale road bridge next to 1 Clean Cham synthetic chamois Spruitview almost an hour later. On both N3 incidents, they are believed to be “Hit and Run Incidents” as no vehicles were found 250 ml Car Fresher Spray on scene. The R21 accident happened on north bound and the vehicle involved stopped about hundred meters away from the point of impact. All three were pedestrian vehicle accidents MANY MORE CRAZZZY CHEAP PRICES @ NIGEL’S ONE (P.V.A). & ONLY REAL MAKOYA CHEMICAL WHOLESALER The fifth patient to be declared dead was the driver of a light motor vehicle in Dalview Brakpan. Is was a single motor vehicle WE STOCK ALL RELATED CLEANING ACCESSORIES accident. Apparently he lost control of the vehicle and crashed onto the stationary object. Hydraulic rescue tools (Jaws of Life) had to be used to remove him from the wreckage. Two other passengers from the vehicle sustained multiple trauma injuries and were admitted at Sunshine hospital in serious but stable conditions for further medical treatment. Cnr: Grootvlei Rd, and Partridge St, Strubenvale In all road accidents Ekurhuleni Metro Tel: 011 815 4700/1/2 * Fax: 011 8153088 Stockists of Steel Sections, Rail, Police Department (EMPD) officers took email: - Piping Plante and Tubing over for further investigations. Terms & Conditions apply

This Fathers day


011 814 1813

C.J.J. STEEL cc.




BILLIKE BEHANDELING VAN KLIËNTE (BBK) BELEIDSVERKLARING AMICOS Versekeringsondernemings h/a Klippies Steenkamp Makelaars, synde ‘n gemagtigde finansiële diensteverskaffer, het ‘n sterk fokus op kliënte-tevredenheid. Ons missie is om ‘n gerespekteerde en erkende verskaffer te wees en ons Billike Behandeling van Kliënte (BBK)- beleid is ‘n integrale deel van daardie doelstelling. Ons BBK-beleid is gesentreerd rondom die riglyne deur die Raad op Finansiële Dienste voorsien ten einde te verseker dat ons konstant billike uitkomste lewer aan ons kliënte. Ons neem hiermee verantwoordelikheid vir AMICOS en alle personeel om ‘n verhoogde dienskwaliteit aan kliënte te lewer, gebaseer op ‘n kultuur van openlikheid en deursigtigheid.




12x12 .... R80.00 16x16 .... R96.00 20X20 ... R81.00 25X25 ... R82.00 ....... R148.00 32X32 ... R135.00 ..... R185.00 38X38 ... R160.00 ..... R220.00 50X50 ... R220.00 ..... R296.00 76X76 ... R345.00 ..... R453.00 100X100 ................... R590.00

20MM .... R75.00 25MM .... R89.00 ....... 32MM .... R130.00 ..... 38MM .... R154.00 ..... 50MM .... R210.00 ..... 76MM .... R308.00 .....

25x25x3 .................... R105.00 25x25x5 .................... R160.00 30x30x3 .................... R123.00 30x30x5 .................... R209.00 40x40x3 .................... R160.00 40x40x5 .................... R250.00 25x25x2 .................... R 73.00 30x30x2 .................... R 99.00 40x40x2 .................... R 116.00


38x20 .... R140.00 ..... R166.00 38x25 .... R150.00 ..... R183.00 50x25 .... R160.00 ..... R233.00 50x38 .... R220.00 ..... R284.00 76x38 .... R240.00 ..... R356.00 76x50 .... R318.00 ..... R395.00 100X50 ..................... R468.00

Fibre Glass Sheeting R75.00 p/m


TREATING CUSTOMERS FAIRLY (TCF) POLICY STATEMENT AMICOS Insurance Enterprises cc t/a Klippies Steenkamp Brokers, as an authorised financial services provider, has a strong focus on customer satisfaction. Our mission is to be a respected and recognised provider and our Treating Customers Fairly (TCF) policy is an integral part of that objective. Our TCF policy is structured according to the guidance provided by the Financial Services Board to ensure we consistently deliver fair outcomes to our clients. We take responsibility for AMICOS and all staff providing an enhanced service quality to clients, based on a culture of openness and transparency.



75x50x20x2 100x75x20x2

R65.00p/m Cut to size


R228.00 ..... R375.00 R286.00 ..... R470.00



12X3 ........ 16x3 ......... 20x3 ......... 20x5 ......... 25x3 ......... 25x5 ......... 30x3 ......... 30x5 ......... 40x3 ......... 40x5 ......... 50x5 .........

R 33.00 R 39.00 R 43.00 R 63.00 R 58.00 R 88.00 R 70.00 R 100.00 R 93.00 R140.00 R175.00

SQ BAR 6M 8MM ......... R62.00 10MM ....... R70.00 12MM ....... R86.00

WINDOW SECTION 6M RT6 ......... RT13 ....... RX7 ......... F7 ............ F4B ..........

R 78.00 R 93.00 R 123.00 R100.00 R 260.00

ROUND BAR 6M 6MM .......... R20.00 8MM .......... R32.00 10MM ........ R46.00 12MM ........ R67.00


LIP/CHANNEL 75x50x20x2 ............... R253.00 100x75x20x2 ............. R284.00 125x50x20x2 ............. R314.00 150x50x20x2 ............. R345.00

R108.00 R186.00 R215.00 R296.00 R419.00






R385.00 R437.00 R478.00 R525.00

2450x1225x1.6 .............................. R568.00 2450x1225x2.0 .............................. R679.00 2450x1225x2.5 .............................. R820.00 2450x1225x3.0 .............................. R940.00 2450x1225x4.0 ........................... R1 360.00 2500x1200x5.0 ........................... R1 728.00 2500x1200x6.0 ........................... R1 998.00




Het jy reg gekies?

Betsie en Phillip herderspaar van Simfonéa. Uit die pen van Phillip van Rhyn Vir geestelike hulp en gebed skakel 079 762 5545. Koning Dawid vra die vraag iewers in die Psalms terwyl hy met die Here in gesprek is: Wat is die mens dat u enigsins op hom agslaan? Dawid verwonder hom eers aan die magtige skeppingswerk en wonder dan nog verder hoe die mens in verband gebring word met die onbeskryflike en asemrowende wonders van die ruimtes en die hemele. En dan bring hy hierdie nietige skepsel in lyn met dit wat gering ondergeskik is aan die goddelike wesens, maar aan wie tog erkenning en iets heiligs geskenk is. Nieteenstande die feit dat dit dan ook die eerste skeppingswese is wie sy Maker tot die uiterste teleurgestel het deur onverskillige ongehoorsaamheid. Daar was ‘n uitdruklike bevel om weg te bly van die geregtigheidsboom, die boom van kennis van goed en kwaad. Hierdie boom was die beliggaming van een van die goddelike karaktertrekke juis van hierdie Skepper. Die kennis van goed en kwaad was gereserveer vir die Goddelike wesens. God wou nie die mens só vroeg na die skepping alreeds blootstel aan keuses wat moontlik sy geluk, veiligheid en die rustigheid van die Tuin sou versteur en in die gedrang bring nie. Hierdie geregtigheidswet sou later, en uiteindelik tot vandag toe die mens aan sy eie voorkeure, sy beterwete en sy demokratiese denkwyse oorlaat, eendersheid tot sy opheff ing of selfs van sy ondergang. Joshua, nadat hy die leierskap vanaf Moses oorgeneem het, roep die volk tot ‘n lewensbesluit en sê: Ek neem vandag die hemel en die aarde as getuies teen julle; die lewe en die dood, die seën en die vloek

het ek jou voorgehou. Kies dan die lewe, dat jy kan lewe, jy en jou nageslag. Dis wat die woord geregtigheid in sy wese beteken. Daar is twee weë, twee poorte, twee paaie vertel die Here Jesus. Maar jy mag net een kies. Slegs een! Daar is nie ruimte vir veelvuldige keuses nie. Dis die een uiterste of die ander. Dis immers hoe God Sy regverdigheid uitoefen. Hier word nie onderhandel nie. Die ware Christelike godsdiens met sy waarhede laat nie toe dat Christus en Sy opdragte geherdebatteer word nie. Jy sal die Here jou God liefhê en Hom alleen dien. Nie God, Mammon en/of iets anders nie. Hierdie geregtigheidswet het die mens nou vanuit sy nederige en ongesteurde lewensstyl in die Paradys uitgeslinger tot in die malle-meulewêreld van voortdurende oordeel, keuses en onderskeiding tussen die regte en die verkeerde, selfs van die geeste, sê die Woord. Verder het die mens homself losgewilkkel uit die sorgsame arms van Sy Skepper wat waarlik nie net vir Sy skepsel nie maar ook vir Sy kind soveel deernis gehad het, dat hierdie geregtigheidswet liefs nie deel van hulle daaglikse lewe sou word nie. Meer nog. Die verantwoordelikheid om self te kies tussen goed en kwaad rus nou vierkantig op die skouers van die mens. Verder omdat hy hom op die terrein van die Godswerk begewe het, maak die Vader self hierdie uitspraak in Genesis 3:22: ’Toe sê die HERE God: Nou het die mens geword soos een van ONS deur goed en kwaad te ken’. Wie is hierdie mens nou. Het God soveel vertroue in Sy kinders dat Hy ons nou kan toelaat om selfs ons eie eindbestemming ná die dood te bepaal. Verseker. Of dit goed is of sleg. Ons het onsself in die Tuin van Eden binne die vermoë geplaas om onder andere die ewige verderf of die ewige geluksaligheid te kies. Watter een kies jy vandag? Dis jou keuse! Selfs die misdadiger aan die kruis het met ‘n laaste asem en uiterste inspanning gekies: Luk 23:42&24: En hy sê vir Jesus: Dink aan my, Here, wanneer U in u koninkryk kom. En Jesus antwoord hom: Voorwaar Ek sê vir jou, vandag sal jy saam met My in die Paradys wees. Sy keuse was Jesus. Hy het geleentheid gehad en het reg gekies. Gebed: Vader help ons om nie derde en vierde en selfs vyfde redenasies aan te voer ten einde ons gewete te sus nie. Gee dat ons vasbeslote en oortuigend na U stem sal luister en reg sal kies. In Jesus naam. Amen.

Kom geniet die WOORD saam met ons en daarna ‘n koppie tee! Spruytstraat 26,


Rêrig mense!

14 JUNE 2016 Die verkeerslig in Jacob straat, Heidelberg was vir ‘n geruime tyd buite werking. Hannes Louw inwoner van Bergsig het hierdie fout tervergeefs gerapporteer. Hy het selfs die pers genader om te kyk of dit enige reaksie sou lok, ook tevergeefs. Hy het sonder sukses en moedeloosheid besluit om gereg in eie hande te neem en iets omtrent hierdie gevaarlike probleem te doen. Daagliks ry talle motoriste hierdie dubbelpad, langs Heidelberg Mall. Op Donderdag, 9 Junie het Hannes besluit genoeg is genoeg. Beide hy en sy vrou maak gebruik van hierdie pad op ‘n daaglikse basis. Hy het sy leer geneem met sy gereedskap en siedaar, 5 minute later is die verkeerslig weer in werkende toestand. Hannes vertel dat hy nie kan verstaan dat niemand van die departement iets aan die probleem gedoen het nie. Dit is tog duidelik dat almal kon sien die verkeersplig staan met sy kop gat kant in verkeerde rigting en hang op genade. “Wees gerus ek sal nie ‘n rekening aan die departement stuur nie. Ek is meer besorgd oor die veiligheid van mede motoriste.” sê Hannes

Skenking welkom Die Nederduits Hervormde Gemeente te Balfour het ‘n fondsinsamelings projek geloods. Hulle het ‘n funksie gehou om fondse in te samel vir die gemeente. Die plek waar hulle die funksie aangebied het, LIEF IS LIEF naby BALFOUR, het gesê hulle hoef nie te betaal vir die saal nie, maar moet die bedrag aan die Sunfield Tehuis skenk. Die R5000 skenking word hier deur Lena Ras namens die Nederduits Hervormde Gemeente aan Brenda Gouws van Sunfield oorhandig. Die fondse sal direk op die inwoners spandeer word deur hulle te neem op uitstappies.

Nuwe wiele

‘n Aantal van 100 Hyundai i10’s kan landswyd deur die gewilde Spar “win-a-car” kompetisie opgeraap word. Weer eens het Nigel se Super Spar by die Angelo Mall, ‘n gelukkige wenner getrek wat haar sleutels verlede week in ontvangs geneem het. Sahieva Mottiar van Nigel hier saam met Spar toesighouer, Sissy tydens die oorhandiging van haar slinternuwe spog ryding.

14 JUNE 2016



Fete with a difference Everything you can expect from a fete was at Nigel Methodist Church on Saturday, June 4. With great excitement every one waited for the announcement of the essay competition winners. The essay competition that the church ran in conjunction with the annual fete was a great success. Nigel Methodist Church would like to thank the schools that participated in this competition for their co-operation and support. “Laerskool Tini Vorster het skoonskip gemaak in die afdeling vir Laerskole.” Winners for grade 2-4: First was Liza Gouws with “My Troeteldier”, second Anzel Doubel with “My gunsteling TV program” and third Karlu Stander with “Wat beteken kleur vir my.”

Karlu, Marlouise, Anzel, Jacobus en Liza

Nonpumelelo Shabalala

Grade 5-7: Winner Marlouise Engelbrecht – “My gunsteling TV program,” second Jacobus Cornelius met “Dinge wat my kwaad maak” and third Izell Schoeman with “My gunsteling TV program.” High school essay winners for grade 8-10: both first prize went to Maritza Maritz from Hoërskool John Vorster with “A day in the life of two free spirits” and a private person Joshua Nortje with “My weird family.” Grade 11- 12 had one prize winner: Nompumelelo Shabalala of Nigel High with “I Love my country South Africa.” The Methodist Church would like to express their sincere thanks to the sponsors and judges of the essay competition, as well as those sponsored the raffle prizes and the lucky winners were: Margret Louw, Jason Grung and Sarel de Beer.

Twee behoeftige bejaardes van Koppies Outehuis is deur die Goue Suide VLU tak bederf met skenkings. Seketaresse Elma du Plessis van Rensburg VLU het vir hulle poppies gehekel en die pakkies aan hul oorhandig. Chrissie en Dina hier saam met die Rensburg VLU dames. Die twee dames het as jong dogters hul ma verloor en is uitgeplaas na mense wat hul moes versorg. Hulle was nie skool toe gestuur nie en moes van jongs af werk. Hulle is al baie jare in Koppies se ouetehuis. Volgende VLU vergadering is 15 Julie. Skakel Hannetjie by 016 341 5322 vir meer inligting.

Maritza Maritz



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TO RENT / TE HUUR Meenthuise te huur. Kingsway Gardens, h/v Kingswaystraat en Standardstraat, Nigel. 3 Slaapkamer 2 badkamers, oopplan kombuis, sitkamer. Dubbel motorhuis. R5550.00 . Skakel kantoor ure 011 814 3444 Cecilia (Beskikbaar begin Julie).

BRIDAL / BRUIDE Wedding World Springs 011 811 5776/ 083 280 4584. Skitter in die rok van jou drome! Bring idee of prentjie vir asemrowende skeppings deur Elize – ontvanger van internasionale ontwerper toekenning (Parys, Frankryk) vir kreatiewe styl. Koop, huur of kies uit ons groot verskeidenheid elegante trou & aandrokke. manspakke, hemde, dasse en onder-baadjies te huur. Bespreek jou plek vir jou matriekafskeid rok nou! Betaal af tot funksie datum. Redelike pryse. Professionele vriendelike diens. H/v 3de straat & 3de laan Geduld, Springs.

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Heidelberg AA Meetings Thursday 7pm Heidelberg Methodist Church, 59 Strydom Street &Friday 6pm Acts Family Church, Extension 23 6027, Nyathi Street If you think you have a DRINKING or DRUG problem. Please come listen to the tes,monies of sober recovered alcoholics and drug addicts. Contact Person: Skipper Smith 061 142 6633 (

SuperMeubels, 42 Schoemanstr, Heidelberg, 016-341-4445SMS 071 545 3868, EPOS Vir goeie kwaliteit 2de handse meubels, oudhede, nuwe motor, bakkie & taxi bande en vriendelike staf - net by ons...... PRETLOOP

SAVF Nigel - Donderdag 16 Junie, Jeugdag - Wit Winter Wandel @ 8:00vm by John Vorster Stadion. Trek iets WIT aan en ondersteun ‘n plaaslike welsynorganisasie met die 4km gesins pretloop! Stalletjies beskikbaar. Kontak Elize by 083 704 2704 of 072 240 0078/062 108 0364. Inskrywings sluit n blikkie kos in.

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FACTORY SPACE TO LET IN VORSTERKROON, NIGEL Situated in the Industrial District of Nigel. The building measures approximately 2000 square meters, has additional cloak rooms, houses 4 spacious offices and a reception area – as well as a kitchen area and bathrooms in the admin section.Contact Rose 083 2905 492 (business hours only)

COMPUTERS / REKENAARS Matrix Warehouse Nigel. For all your computer requirements. 011 814 2156.

14 JUNE 2016


Property for sale Immaculate 3 bedroom house in secure complex for sale. 2 Bathrooms, 1 garage, beautiful cupboards & laminated floors. R750 000. Annelie 076 2141 301.


2 bedroom – Ground Floor 2 bedroom – First Floor 2 bedroom – Second Floor 1 bedroom – Ground Floor 1 bedroom – First Floor 1bedroom – Second Floor

R 3170 R 3020 R 2920 R 2950 R 2710 R 2650

Hester 086 002 1079 Emil 012 809 2044

NEEM KENNIS Indien jy nie die Rekord elke 2de Dinsdag ontvang nie gaan haal hom af by ons kantoor of Spar/ OTK/Eskort, Rensburg 24 & Qualty Meats

14 JUNE 2016


Liga wenners

Die 0/14A netbal span van Hoërskool John Vorster geborg deur Kodav Logistic is as liga wenners aangewys. Hul het 3de plek met die Super Reeks teen skole soos Brandwag, Ligbron, H/s Tuine en Gerrit Maritz behaal. Die span gaan uitspeel vir die Gauteng proewe. Van links: Lucinda v d Merwe, Élandia Marais, Mieke Kapp, Juf Klarinda Stander, Izelke Badenhorst, Chenay Stoop, Sadé Stephens, Doné Harris en Ki-Chél Botha

Volwaardige onnie!


Office Administrator Junior Graphics Designer Job Vacancy at Bona Advertising in Heidelberg Rensburg area, available immediately. Salary is Negotiable. 3 Months Fixed Term Contract. Relevant Degree or Diploma in Administration with experience is required. Role requires valid driverís license and flexibility to work after hours and weekends. Advanced competency in MS Office Suite, exposure to or basic knowledge of Corel Graphic Suite and Adobe Creative Suite is of advantage. Qualifying candidates to send CV to

Hoërskool John Vorster leerlinge wat Oos Transvaal gaan verteenwoordig tydens die Bokkieweek vanaf 4-8 Julie te Kroonstad. Links agter: Luan Gertenbach 0/19 redenaars, Deolize Fouche, netbal 0/19, Alit Filmater hokkie 0/19 en Ruben Kotze rugby 0/19. Voor links: Elandia Marais netbal 0/ 14, Marnie van Niekerk netbal 0/19 en Lucinda van der Merwe netbal 0/14.

Loopbaan geleentheid Maak gebruik van ons lonende loopbaan geleentheid, Groot inkomste potential, in “n opwindende en dinamiese omgewing Ons is altyd op die uitkyk vir uitsonderlike, talentvolle, positiewe, bekwaamde verkoops agente


Hierdie geleentheid is deel van die uitgaande verkope van eenvoudige versekerings producte via die telefoon Jy sal ‘n basiese salaries verdien, saam met ‘n groot kommissie, voordele en ongelooflike belongings en aansporings om jou inkomste potensiaal te versterk.

New Branches opened Reps/man needed to start imm. Own car ess, No experience, full training/App set by Co.

Ons het spesifieke opvoedkundige en ervarings vereistes waaraan jy moet voldoen: insluitend · Matriek of ‘n Gelykwaardige Kwalifikasie · Basiese rekenaargeletterheid · 1 jaar ondervinding

* R12 000 to start * Comm/incl Med * Petrol incentive.

Ons verkies die 1 jaar ondervinding, maar ons oorweeg ook skoolverlaters of persone wat die regte talent het · Voldoen aan die “Fit & Proper” vereistes volgens FAIS, waar van toepassing · ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse ID

011 609 2119. Sms or Whatsapp name/area/ age to 084 780 3136

As jy aan hierdie kriteria voldoen, wil ons regtig graag van jou hoor – stuur jou CV na (

We offer: Victor Kalp verwerf sy BEd (Int. & Senior Fase) graad tydens UNISA se Gradeplegtigheid op 24 Mei.



Dynamic Sales Rep Needed * a go getter * hard worker * dynamic * excellent people skills * target orientated

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* area Nigel/Heidelberg * fuel allowence * commission * basic af ter trial period * clients new & old

If you think you are the right candidate present your cv at 24 Van Riebeeck Str. NIGEL or



14 JUNE 2016

Spesialiseer in: Persoonlike-, kommersiële- en boerderyversekering * Professionele en vriendelike diens * Persoonlike aandag * Vinnige en effektiewe eisehantering * Baie billike tariewe

Klippies: 083 282 7577 Wayne: 072 266 6157 Kantoor: 011 814 8297 Kantoor ure: 08:00 - 16:30

Sport sterre Heidelberg Netbal Klub het vanjaar besluit om ‘n jong dinamiese span vir die jeug op die been te bring. Onder leiding van Nanette Harley en René Marx is daar reeds met die ontwikkeling van die span begin. Die meisies moet die nuuste tegnieke aanleer om so die sport te kan bemeester. Dit verg harde werk en aanhoudende oefening. Hierdie jong span het tydens hierdie seisoen reeds teen omliggende dorpe se spanne meegeding. Die dames is opgewonde om te sien hoe die meisies gaan ontwikkel en om top netbalspelers te vorm, elkeen uniek in sy eie persoon. Sport is ‘n belangrike deel van elke kind se ontwikkeling en daarom wil hul met alle erns poog om groot suksesverhale op Heidelberg netbalbane te behaal. Kom ons kyk hoeveel sport sterre kan ons op ons dorp vorm.

Die jong span van Heidelberg Netbal Klub saam met die trotse afrigters. Agter: Nanette Hartley (afrigter) en René Marx (afrigter) Middel: Skye Labuschagne, Diante van Niekerk, Ashante Meiring, Danielle Schoeman en Jessica Wehmeyer. Voor: Janel Jordaan (kaptein), Alexia Camerra, Lize Botha, Elri Mulder en Ju-vine Marx (onder kaptein).

ELCO STEEL DEALERS TEL: 011 362-1551/2 FAKS: 011 815-3427 Cnr. Ermelo & Dagbreek Rds, Largo, SPRINGS Prices valid while stocks last / incl vat / E&OE PURLINES 6MT 9.1MT 75X50X20X2 R307.74 R469.04



20X3 20X5 25X3 25X5 30X3 30X5 40X5 40X3 50X3 50X5

25X25X2 R 68.88 25X25X3 R 92.46 25X25X5 R 149.82 30X30X3 R 110.52 30X30X5 R 184.62 40X40X2 R 106.14 40X40X2.5 R114.54 40X40X3 R 137.76 40X40X5 R 252.24 50X50X4 R 241.86 50X50X5 R 247.68 60X60X6 R 474.48

R 49.14 R 59.04 R 57.30 R 67.74 R 69.06 R 98.22 R129.42 R 92.46 R109.62 R159.12


N/S R62.16 R75.18

R/BAR 6MT 6MM 8MM 10MM 12MM 16MM 20MM

R17.16 R27.96 R47.524 R59.40 R107.04 R204.36


R68.04 R82.20 R86.40 R91.92 R226.08

EXP/METAL 6320C R178.44 6320D R213.18 WHEEL KIT SETS 60MM R109.38 80MM R147.33

SHEETS/PLATES EA 2450X1225X1.6 2450X1225X2 2450X1225X2.5 2450x1225x3 2450x1225x4 2500x1200x5 2500x1200x6

R486.56 R599.07 R701.10 R811.02 R1117.14 R1528.84 R2018.35

PALISADES PALISADE PANELS 600mm High R375.29 900mm High R460.00 1.0mt High R488.24 1.2mt High R544.71 1.5mt High R629.42 1.8mt High R714.12 2.0mt High R770.59 2.4mt High R883.53 LOOSE PALES 600mm R14.69 900mm R19.98 1.0mt R21.75 1.2mt R26.11 1.5mt R32.63 1.8mt R39.15 2.0mt R43.50 2.4mt R52.11

CHANNEL 76X38(6.70kg/mt) R 527.34 100X50(10.73kg/m)R1027.02 152X76 R1725.18 178X54 R1373.28

RECT. TUBE 1.6MM 25X12 38X20 38X25 50X25 50X38 76X25 76X38 76X50 100X50

SQ. TUBE 20X20 25X25 32X32 38X38 50X50 76X76 100X100

PIPE 19MM 25MM 32MM 38MM 42MM 50MM 76MM 100MM

R108.78 R125.22 R151.80 R163.26 R224.10 R239.10 R245.40 R327.72 R379.56

2.0MM R111.24 R175.92 R188.58 R239.10 R289.80 R302.52 R353.04 R378.30 R479.64

1.6MM R2.0MM R84.84 R91.08 R137.94 R174.78 R225.78 R349.62

1.6MM R76.20 R91.26 R125.28 R150.42 R163.02 R213.12 R300.96


R99.78 R136.20 R157.80 R230.94 R299.58 R449.58 R595.92

2.0MM R86.58 R110.40 R175.50 R188.10 R200.70 R250.80 R376.26 R536.28


75X50X20X2 R247.20 R376.77 100X50X20X2 R257.52 R392.50 125X50X20X2 R306.96 R467.86 150X50X20X2 R301.74 R459.91 175X50X20X2 R312.54 R476.37 200X50X20X2 R323.84 R495.88 DURA CONDO ACDC Welding Rods 5kg 2.5mm 2yr warranty, 2x remotes, 4mt rack & battery free R3023.28 R110.00

ROOF SHEETING I.B.R 0.4MM CQ R49.64 I.B.R/CORR. 0.5MM R62.23 I.B.R/CORR. 0.6MM R77.87 CORR 0.3MM FH R34.50

GALV SHEETS 2450X1225X0.5 2450X1225X0.6 2450X1225X10 2450X1225X2.0 2450X1225X3.0

R230.98 R243.20 R426.51 R724.70 R1454.29

A grade prices include vat subject to availability E&OE

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