Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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h/v Kingsway & Van Riebeeck Straat NIGEL

25 April 2017

VOL 14 NO 8

VIEW ONLINE @ Gerhardus Marthinus (Gert) Maritz het op 20 April sy 103de verjaardag gevier.

103 Jaar jonk Magda Maritz So byna of oupa Gert Maritz het nie geleef om sy 103de verjaardag op 20 April te vier nie. Hy was alleen in die familiehuis op ‘n plaas buite Nigel, toe dit op 22 Desember aan die brand geslaan het. Die huisbediende wat elders besig was, het die vlamme en rook opgemerk en vir oupa Gert uit die vertrek waar hy geslaap het, gesleep. Dit het sy lewe gered, want die hele huis is daarna deur die brand in puin gelê. Oupa Gert het aan Rekord gesê dit was ‘n dag wat hy nooit weer wil beleef nie, en dit na hy in sy leeftyd die tweede wêreldoorlog oorleef het. Oupa Gert is op ‘n familieplaas in die Pietersburg distrik gebore. Hy was vir langer as 12 jaar in die weermag en het ook destyds as bewaarder by die Korrektiewe Dienste in Springs en Barberton gewerk. Uit sy huwelik is drie seuns (waarvan twee reeds gesterf het) gebore en hy spog met agt kleinkinders en 10 agterkleinkinders.

Tydens Rekord se besoek aan oupa Gert met die viering van sy 103de verjaardag, was hy blakend gesond en hoewel sy gehoor nie meer so goed is nie, het hy aandagtig geluister en graag staaltjies uit sy verlede gedeel. Hy woon steeds by sy seun Arnold en skoondogter Alet op ‘n plaas wat tydelik deur lede van die boeregemeenskap aan hulle beskikbaar gestel is. Hulp het kort na die brand uit alle oorde gestroom en die familie het hul dankbaarheid teenoor almal wat gehelp het, uitgespreek. Oupa Gert is diep gelowig en sê dit is met God se genade dat hy dié rype ouderdom bereik het, maar hy glo ook aan goeie gene. Sy pa het 97 en sy oupa het 105 jaar oud geword. Hoewel oupa Gert redelik aktief is maak hy nie meer soggens sy eie bed op nie, maar wanneer die hongerpyne begin pla, maak hy graag vir homself ‘n ligte ete. Intussen word daar hard gewerk om die familiehuis wat afgebrand het weer te herstel, sodat oupa Gert sy 104de verjaardag tuis kan vier. Hettie Botha het tydens Nigel VLU se prysuitdeling op 20 April verskeie trofeë vir haar bydrae tot takkompetisies, kongres- en konferensie artikels ontvang. Van die toekennings sluit in trofeë vir gebak, naaldwerk, handvlyt, borduurwerk, masjienwerk, fotografie, Prosa en skets. Lees volledige berig op bladsy 4.

ELCO STEEL DEALERS TEL: 011 362-1551/2 FAKS: 011 815-3427 Cnr. Ermelo & Dagbreek Rds, Largo, SPRINGS Prices valid while stocks last / incl vat / E&OE PURLINES 6MT 9.1MT 75X50X20X2 R238.74 R392.50



20X3 20X5 25X3 25X5 30X3 30X5 40X5 40X3 50X3 50X5

25X25X2 R 64.98 25X25X3 R 88.98 25X25X5 R 133.38 30X30X3 R 160.74 30X30X5 R 195.96 40X40X2 R 99.96 40X40X2.5 R185.58 40X40X3 R 143.52 40X40X5 R 232.56 50X50X4 R 265.86 50X50X5 R 280.02 60X60X6 R 328.32

R 39.00 R 58.98 R 46.14 R 70.98 R 64.02 R 85.02 R109.02 R 78.00 R 92.34 R136.98


R61.02 R56.46 R79.02

R/BAR 6MT 6MM 8MM 10MM 12MM 16MM 20MM

R 18.96 R 28.98 R 45.00 R 64.98 R118.02 R199.98


R 79.02 R 93.00 R 91.68 R 99.00 R229.02

EXP/METAL 6320C R189.33 6320D R226.19 WHEEL KIT SETS 60MM R119.70 80MM R152.10

SHEETS/PLATES EA 2450X1225X1.6 2450X1225X2 2450X1225X2.5 2450x1225x3 2450x1225x4 2500x1200x5 2500x1200x6

R500.00 R585.00 R740.00 R859.00 R1239.00 R1599.00 R1799.00

PALISADES PALISADE PANELS 600mm High R340.00 900mm High R420.00 1.0mt High R440.00 1.2mt High R460.00 1.5mt High R520.00 1.8mt High R560.00 2.0mt High R599.00 2.4mt High R750.00 LOOSE PANELS 600mm R13.05 900mm R17.98 1.0mt R19.63 1.2mt R23.11 1.5mt R29.44 1.8mt R35.33 2.0mt R39.26 2.4mt R47.11

CHANNEL 76X38(6.70kg/mt) R 529.02 100X50(10.73kg/m)R1089.66 152X76 R1830.72 178X54 R1573.20

RECT. TUBE 1.6MM 25X12 38X20 38X25 50X25 50X38 76X25 76X38 76X50 100X50

R100.02 R106.02 R109.86 R159.00 R143.58 R177.84 R204.18 R227.10 R283.32


2.0MM R118.02 R109.08 R129.96 R194.94 R222.72 R246.24 R239.40 R296.52 R399.00

1.6MM R2.0MM

20X20 25X25 32X32 38X38 50X50 76X76 100X100

R 67.74 R 89.88 R109.86 R145.20 R198.36 R293.76



19MM 25MM 32MM 38MM 42MM 50MM 76MM 100MM

R 59.04 R 80.04 R109.02 R119.04 R159.00 R178.98 R253.02

LIP CHANNEL 6MT 75X50X20X2 100X50X20X2 125X50X20X2 150X50X20X2 175X50X20X2 200X50X20X2

R263.34 R293.10 R324.90 R358.44 R400.14 R430.02

R 72.84 R129.90 R129.00 R167.22 R269.04 R338.58 R521.64

2.0MM R 88.98 R 99.00 R169.02 R178.98 R198.96 R229.02 R328.98 R469.02

9.1MT R399.73 R446.73 R497.76 R546.05 R600.00 R659.36

Welding Rods DURA CONDO ACDC R3799 2yr warranty, 2x remotes, 4mt rack 5kg 2.5mm & anti theft bracket battery R99.18

ROOF SHEETING I.B.R 0.4MM CQ R56.80 I.B.R/CORR. 0.5MM R70.00 I.B.R/CORR. 0.6MM R90.71 CORR 0.3MM FH R39.84

GALV SHEETS 2450X1225X0.5 2450X1225X0.6 2450X1225X10 2450X1225X2.0 2450X1225X3.0

R235.92 R275.00 R452.52 R770.00 R1543.00

A grade prices include vat subject to availability E&OE



25 April 2017

Poskantoor waarku oor nuwe slenter

JJC Kruger & Vennote Springs Parkland Kliniek Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172


Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging (By River Square kruising 016 423 3553

Die Suid-Afrikaanse Posdiens (SAP) waarsku die publiek om bedag te wees op bedrog met die afhaal van pakkies. Dit volg nadat talle verbruikers onlangs die slagoffer van ‘n bedrogslenter geword het. Lede van die publiek ontvang ‘n telefoon oproep van iemand wat voorgee om vir die doeane-afdeling van die poskantoor te werk. “Verbruikers word ingelig dat daar ‘n pakkie is om af te haal, maar dat hulle eers geld in ‘n bankrekening moet deponeer ten aansien van aksyns-en koerierkoste,” het Johan Kruger, woordvoerder van die Poskantoor op 18 April gesê. Verbruikers word ook glo na ‘n webblad verwys wat op die oog dieselfde as die “Speed Services” webtuiste lyk, maar die nommer wat daarop gelys word is in die Vereenigde Koningkryk met ‘n voorsyfer van +44.


Volgens Kruger ontvang verbruikers ‘n pinnommer wat hulle glo eers moet insleutel voordat hulle die fiktiewe pakkie op die ‘webtuiste’ kan opspoor. Op die oog af kom dit al wettig voor, maar Kruger het mense gewaarsku dat die poskantoor se webwerf geen pinnommer gebruik of verlang nie. “Ons vereis nooit dat kliënte vooraf geld in ‘n rekening deponeer nie. Indien die poskantoor oor kliënte se selfoonnommers beskik, mag ons dalk ‘n sms uitstuur om kliënte te herinner om ‘n pakkie af te haal, maar nooit om geld in ‘n bankrekening te plaas nie,” het hy gewaarsku. Enige persoon wat oor inligting van die bedrogskema beskik word aangeraai om dit by hul naaste polisiestasie aan te meld, of skakel die poskantoor se misdaadafdeling by 0800 020 070.

Moontlike petrolprysskok wag 29 Second Ave, NIGEL 011 814 4368/9

DIT lyk asof die petrolprys in Mei met tussen 55c en 70c per liter kan styg. So het die Automobiel-Assosiasie (AA) verlede week voorspel. Diesel kan met 39c/F en paraffien met 41c/F styg. Luidens ‘n verklaring deur AA, sal brandstofpryse eerste styg weens die waardevermindering van die rand teenoor die dollar. “Beleggers het vertroue verloor nadat Fitch en S&P die land se gradering verlaag het. Gevolglik het die rand baie waarde teenoor die dollar verloor.” Het Lynden Beard van die AA gesê.

Kevin Lings, hoofekonoom van Stanlib het in sy verklaring gewaarsku dat die swakker rand en duurder brandstof inflasie gaan opdruk, wat op die langeduur tot ‘n hoë rentekoers kan lei. Die AA het verbruikers egter gemaan dat dit nog lank voor die einde van die maand is en dat dinge steeds kan verander. Dis nie duidelik of die impak van die afgradering na rommelstatus al heeltemal by die ekonomie ingewerk is nie, maar verbruikers kan hulself solank begin staaf vir talle prysskokke.

Body Airlifted A foreign national was shot and killed by a group of armed robbers near Skoomplaas on April 8. The body of the deceased had to be airlifted by a police helicopter, after it was discovered in a muddy swamp.

TEL: 011 819 1575 / 082 690 7591

25 April 2017


Jongman sterf in sweeftuig ongeluk ‘n 27-Jarige skermsweeftuigleerling van Pretoria het op 8 April in ‘n vliegongeluk naby die weermagterrein in Dunnottar gesterf. Volgens A/O Tommy Tomlinson van Dunnottar Polisie, het Hermanus Espach se gemotoriseerde valskerm omstreeks 17:30 in Marievale neergestort. Dit is nie duidelik wat presies gebeur het nie, maar

Die skermsweefstuig waarin ‘n 27-jarige man gesterf het.

Carport Shade Net

volgens inligting was die instrukteur op die grond vanwaar hy aanwysings aan Espach gegee het. Espach het glo beheer oor die skermsweeftuig verloor terwyl dit opgestyg het en hy het neergestort. Hy is deur paramedici op die toneel dood verklaar. ‘n Geregtelike doodsondersoek volg deur die polisie.

MA•MOZELLE Summer Stock Clearance Sale

clothing & LESS 10% allhandbags

25 - 29 APRIL Before


Khomanane 078 501 5714 or 072 376 3595 Free Quotation

Styling advice

084 501 5974

1st Ave ( langs Melkland)


Woman shot in lower abdomen during armed robbery Magda Maritz A woman from Alrapark is recovering in hospital, after she was shot in the lower abdomen during an alleged armed robbery that occurred on April 16. According to SAPS Nigel police spokesperson Sgt Nellie Dwaba, the incident occurred at night at a local supermarket. The owner of the shop is a foreign national and he told police that around 20:00, he went outside to investigate, after they experienced a cut in electricity at the property. Once outside, an unknown number of men started chasing him and while trying to escape, he

was shot at. The bullet grazed his arm and he suffered no other serious injury. The exact details of when and how the woman was shot is not yet clear, as some of her family members claim she had been kidnapped and released the next morning. She was however, taken to Heidelberg Hospital, but as a result of the type of injury she sustained, she was transferred to a different hospital where she underwent surgery to remove the bullet. No suspects have been arrested and the police are investigating a case of attempted murder.



25 April 2017

Quard Auto SAPS Nigel the past week 43 Northern Road, Shop 2. NIGEL (old Cash build building) Specialise in vehicle services & repairs on all models. (diesel/petrol): Diesel pump repairs, injectors, diffs & gearboxes, minor & major services. Engine overhauls & rebuild (customization). Suspensions. Diagnosis. Key coding.

Ommie Snr. 074 485 4900 Ommie Jnr. 076 984 1284 Jerry Mola 071 226 2138 Jerry Mushandu 084 771 0749.

A business break-in occurred at a hair salon in Springs Road on April 14. According to SAPS Nigel police spokesperson, Sgt Nellie Dwaba, the incident occurred after hours and was only discovered the next day, when the shop owner received a telephone call from an employee to inform her of the break-in. Upon her arrival at the shop, the business owner discovered that a large window had been smashed to gain entry to the premises. A number of items with an estimated value of R3500 were stolen. No-one has been arrested yet. Police are investigating another armed business robbery which occurred at Mogahadi Construction Site on April 15. According to Sgt Dwaba, an employee was overpowered by a group of armed men when he went outside at around 21:00. He was tied to a fence

Healthy marraiges

Get r you y cop


Order your copy of this book

@ 072 470 4805

Pastor Dikorana Solomon Mokoena recently published a follow-up book on marriages after noticing the state many marriages are in. Too easy do couples decide to tie the bond by getting married, and yet they aren’t willing to work on their marriage every day. Many are oblivious to understanding that by entering into a marriage you enter into a holy covenant with God, because marriage is sacred. Pastor Mokoena was born in Duduza and currently resides in Nigel. He has a BEd degree in P.Ed and his secular profession is working as an educator. He also studied theology through Unisa, and preaches the Gospel of Jesus on weekends. He is a proud resident of Nigel and says he cares dearly for the wellbeing of the community and more so, for the health of marriages. In his book he explains the origin of marriage right through to the various types of prenuptual agreements, be it a civil marriage or a traditional marriage. He names the pitfalls to avoid in order to maintain a solid and fulfilling marriage. For your copy of his book contact Pastor Mokoena on 072 470 4805 or to purchase your copy at R100 per book. Pastor Dikorana Solomon Mokoena with his book.

C.J.J. STEEL cc.

VLU vereer vly tiges met trofeë


Magda Maritz

Cnr: Grootvlei Rd, and Partridge St, Strubenvale Tel: 011 815 4700/1/2 * Fax: 011 8153088 Stockists of Steel Sections, Rail, email: -

Piping Plante and Tubing

Terms & Conditions apply





12x12 .... R88.00 16x16 .... R105.00 20X20 ... R89.00 25X25 ... R90.00 ....... R162.00 32X32 ... R148.00 ..... R203.00 38X38 ... R176.00 ..... R242.00 50X50 ... R242.00 ..... R325.00 76X76 ... R379.00 ..... R498.00 100X100 ................... R649.00

20MM .... R82.00 25MM .... R98.00 ....... 32MM .... R143.00 ..... 38MM .... R169.00 ..... 50MM .... R231.00 ..... 76MM .... R338.00 .....


Fibre Glass Sheeting R75.00 p/m




R70.00p/m Cut to size


R250.00 ..... R412.00 R314.00 ..... R517.00



FLAT BAR 6M 12X3 ........ 16x3 ......... 20x3 ......... 20x5 ......... 25x3 ......... 25x5 ......... 30x3 ......... 30x5 ......... 40x3 ......... 40x5 ......... 50x5 .........

R 30.00 R 34.00 R 40.00 R 55.00 R 49.00 R 67.00 R 59.00 R 82.00 R 79.00 R109.00 R137.00

SQ BAR 6M 8MM ......... R66.00 10MM ....... R74.00 12MM ....... R91.00

WINDOW SECTION 6M RT6 ......... RT13 ....... RX7 ......... F7 ............ F4B ..........

23 Lede van Nigel VLU het op 20 April by die NG Kerk Nigel Oos vir hul gebruiklike maandvergadering byeengekom. Ronel Lombaard het almal verwelkom waarna sy die verrigtinge met skriflesing en gebed geopen het. Sy het ook die nuutgekose streekvoorsitter (Goudrifstreek) Alta Prinloo voorgestel en lede aan die jaarlikse kongres wat vanaf 2-3 Augustus te Meulstroom plaasvind, herinner. Die vorige notule is deur Kitty Bronkhorst voorgelees en aanvaar, waarna Hettie Botha aan die woord gestel is. Sy het ondermeer oor die tak se opkomende kunsprojekte gesels en ‘n demonstrasie gelewer oor die verskil tussen abstrakte en semi-abstrakte kunswerk. Na afhandeling van die amptelike verrigtinge, het die prysuitdeling plaasgevind waartydens

lede vir hul harde werk gedurende die 2016 konferensie, asook takkompetisies met sertifikate en trofeë vereer is. Die skakelpersoon Anna-Marie Axer het ‘n trofee ontvang nadat sy die meeste punte tydens die kongres ingepalm het, terwyl Hettie Botha die meeste punte tydens die konferensie behaal het. Die ander lede wat pryse ontvang het was Tonien Botha, Annatjie Van der Merwe, Mabel van Staden, Bets Van der Nest, Rina Murphy, Desiree Human, Suzanne Drotsky, Maraina Steinhobel, Anneline Nel, Kitty Bronkhorst en Ritah Lubbe. Die vergadering is met ‘n gesellige kuier langs die koek- en teetafels afgesluit. Die volgende vergadering vind om 11 Mei by die kerk plaas en alle belangstellendes is welkom. Vir navrae, skakel Anna-Marie by 082 886 2002.

R 78.00 R 93.00 R 123.00 R 100.00 R 260.00

ROUND BAR 6M 6MM .......... R21.00 8MM .......... R34.00 10MM ........ R49.00 12MM ........ R71.00



75x50x20x2 ............... R278.00 100x75x20x2 ............. R312.00 125x50x20x2 ............. R345.00 150x50x20x2 ............. R379.00

R118.00 R204.00 R236.00 R325.00 R460.00

25x25x3 .................... R105.00 25x25x5 .................... R160.00 30x30x3 .................... R123.00 30x30x5 .................... R209.00 40x40x3 .................... R160.00 40x40x5 .................... R250.00 25x25x2 .................... R 73.00 30x30x2 .................... R 99.00 40x40x2 .................... R116.00


38x20 .... R154.00 ..... R182.00 38x25 .... R165.00 ..... R200.00 50x25 .... R176.00 ..... R256.00 50x38 .... R242.00 ..... R312.00 76x38 .... R264.00 ..... R391.00 76x50 .... R350.00 ..... R434.00 100X50 ..................... R515.00

75x50x20x2 100x75x20x2




while the robbery occurred. He managed to loosen himself and phoned the police. The suspects then fled the scene. According to the statement, truck tyres, diesel and a cellphone were taken by the robbers. No-one has been arrested yet. Police are also investigating a case of house break-in and theft, after an incident which occurred in Piet Retief Street during the night of April 15/16. According to Sgt Dwaba, the owner of the property is out of town and arranged with friends to look after and feed his dogs. When the friends visited the property on April 16, the discovered that the dogs (f ive) had been killed by poisoning. They also noted that a door to the back room was forced open. It is not clear what exactly had been stolen from the property, as the owner of the property had not returned by the time the statement was made.

R423.00 R480.00 R525.00 R577.00

2450x1225x1.6 .............................. R568.00 2450x1225x2.0 .............................. R679.00 2450x1225x2.5 .............................. R820.00 2450x1225x3.0 .............................. R940.00 2450x1225x4.0 ........................... R1 360.00 2500x1200x5.0 ........................... R1 728.00 2500x1200x6.0 ........................... R1 998.00


Lede van Nigel VLU is tydens hul maandvergadering met sertifikate en trofeë vereer. Dit volg na hul harde werk tydens die 2016 konferensie en takkompetisies.

25 April 2017



Good progress made at Gibela manufacturing site Magda Maritz Members of GRENNUP and GRENUBUF attended an insightful twoday workshop, which was initiated by the Gibela Rail company at the Brakpan Customer Care Centre on 10 and 11 April. According to GRENNUP spokesperson Golden Miles Bhudu, a variety of stakeholders including non-prof it and non-governmental, youth- women and religious organisations also attended the workshop, where they expressed their anger and frustration with the multibillion rand rolling stock programmer at the manufacturing plant in Dunnottar. Gibela was formed as a consortium to replace South Africa’s outdated rolling stock and will deliver 600 state-of-the-art passenger trains into the South African rail network over the next ten years. During a function at the site on 8 December last year, Gibela vice-president of operations Thierry Darthout said the R1 billion construction programme was progressing well, and that everyting was on track for completion in November this year. “More than 500 construction workers, many of which from the local communities, have so far celebrated 500 000 injuryfree hours of work on the site,” Darthout

Business owner robbed on N17 An armed robbery occurred around 05:30 on April 12 on the N17 Highway. According to police spokesperson Sgt Nellie Dwaba, a 46-year-old Ethiopian male was travelling from Leslie towards Johannesburg, when he was pulled over by three male suspects in a white MercedesBenz. The suspects’ vehicle was equipped with a blue light, which they used to pull the victim off the road. Once the victim pulled to the side of the road, the suspects approached his car and pointed their firearms at him. They ordered him out of his car, handcuffed him and shoved him into the Mercedes-Benz where they robbed him of around R40 000 cash and his cellphone (worth around R5 000). They also stabbed his car’s tyres and left the victim in the veld next to Manjoh Ranch outside Nigel. No-one has been apprehended in connection with the robbery yet, and police are still investigating the matter.

said and attributed the attainment of the 500 000 injury-free hours of work to both the rigorous environment, health and safety (EHS) system applied on site, and to the commitment of everyone working on site. With more contractors on site as from last month, Darthout stressed that there would be a greater need for commitment to the EHS system to ensure an injury-free workplace. Of the 11 buildings comprising the facility, the furthest advanced is the training centre which is expected to be ready to admit its first intake of trainees anytime soon. Over the next ten years, some 18 000 people are expected to pass through the training centre, readying them for careers with Gibela and in the wider South African railway sector. However, in February this year, a week of community unrest in Duduza saw the construction process at the Gibela Train Manufacturing Site in Dunnottar come to a complete standstill. The issues were soon resolved and calm in the community and resumption of construction work have flowed directly from a series of engagements with the major stakeholders, such as the recent workshops.

Members of GRENNUP and GRENUBUF attended a twoday workshop initiated by Gibela Rail at the Brakpan Customer Care Centre on 10 and 11 April where they expressed their anger and frustration with the multi-billion rand rolling stock programme.

Rapist sentenced to 50 years behind bars A 39-year old man was sentenced to 50 years imprisonment, after he was found guilty of five counts of rape in the Springs Regional Court on April 12. The sentence follows a lengthy but thorough investigation by Ekurhuleni East Cluster FCS Det Sgt Tebogo Lephoto. During the investigation it was discovered that the suspect had been sexually assaulting women in the surroundings of Daveyton, Springs and Benoni since 2012. He would approach women and lure them in by saying his friend is looking for people to employ. The suspect then promised to take the victims to his friend’s place, but instead he would take them to an open veld, where he violently assaulted them, using a knife. During the court proceedings it was revealed that the suspect would target women from a certain church group, by pretending to also be a member. His youngest victim was 20 years and the oldest 56 years. Cluster Commander Maj Gen Girly Mbele congratulated and commended the hard work by Det Sgt Lephoto.

TEL: 016 341 2187/8

017 773 0220

HEIDELBERG, 23 Schoeman Str. BALFOUR 93 Mury Str.



25 April 2017

Verdry f die winterkoue met oefening NIGEL GOLF CLUB Old Springs Road, Nigel

Proshop - 083 260 9513

Office - 084 449 9107

Hoewel nie maklik nie, is daar geen verskoning om nie gedurende die winter te oefen en sodoende fiks en gesond te bly nie. Met ‘n verskeidenheid sportklubs in en om Nigel en Heidelberg, kan inwoners die koue dae moeiteloos met oefening verdryf. Dit is belangrik om te onthou dat wat jy nou insit, gaan jou in rente terugbetaal in die lente. Gebruik die winter as ’n oefenkamp eerder as ’n winterslaap. Wanneer die lente opdaag, het jy ’n wonderlike basis van fiksheid en boonop sal jy reg wees vir daai ligte somerkleertjies wat niks verdoesel nie. Daar is egter net een algemene waarskuwing: Moenie oefen as jy siek is nie.

Alle klasse 4 jaar en ouer Bernard Raubenhelmer 083 489 8231

Nigel: Kenmekaar Dienssentrum Mondae & Woensdae 17:00 - 18:30 Heidelberg: Hoër Volkskool Heidelberg Dinsdae & Donderdae 17:00 - 20:00 Die meeste van ons skeep ons oefening af gedurende die winter as die ysige temperature Balfour: Hoërskool Balfour ons verlei om snoesig binnenshuis te bly. Die somer, met sy lang sonnige dae wanneer ons baie minder geïnhibeer is, is ongetwyfel Maandae & Woensdae 18:15 - 19:45 baie meer bevorderlik vir draf, fietsry en oefen in die gimnasium. Allerhande siektes verhinder ons ook om meer aktief te wees gedurende die koue deel van die jaar. Maar die wintermaande hoef nie verlore te gaan versover dit ons oefenskedules raak nie. As die temperature tuimel en ons liggame meer energie en hitte nodig het, is daar min beter maniere om warm en fiks te bly as om net eenvoudig die metabolisme aan die gang te kry. Hoekom? Die winter is dikwels meer depressief as gevolg van die flou lig, korter dae en laer temperature. Persoonlike afrigter Nicola Glanville sê sommige mense ly aan seisoenale gemoedsteuring, depressie of angs. Sy voeg by dat mens dus ekstra moeite moet doen om jou gemoed te verlig en die endorfiene en sweet wat met ligte oefening gepaard gaan, is I baie doeltreffende manier om hierdie aandoenings die hoof te bied. Baie van ons vergryp ons ook aan trooskos deur konstant hoeveelhede vetterige en soet kos te eet om die misrabele koue te verdryf. Oefening is I baie doeltreffende manier om toksiene uit te skei en I positiewe liggaamsbeeld te behou. Oefening kan in werklikheid ons immuniteit teen griep en verkoue versterk. Die Britse nasionale gesondheidsdiens en Glanville stem saam dat oefening jou meer weerstandig teen sulke siektes maak deur limfatiese en kardiovaskulêre sirkulasie te verbeter. Volgens Alena Hall, bydraer tot die Huffington Post, sal winteroefening ook jou hart sterker maak en jou meer energie gee.

Vitafit Wellness Centre Heidelberg

016 349 2821

082 335 0853 John Vorster Stadium NIGEL

Wake up and Work out!! 14 Voortrekker Street Heidelberg

Hoe? Suid-Afrika se wintersmaande kan soms kwaai wees, maar in vergelyking met dié van Europa, Noord-Amerika en Asië, is hulle eintlik heel matig en geskik vir enige tipe oefening. En as jy regtig I probleem het om buite in die elemente te oefen, is daar baie binnenshuise moontlikhede. Die meer waagmoediges onder ons sal die ysige winde trotseer om te stap, draf of fiets te ry. Naweekstaptogte of –uitstappies is ook baie pret en lekker gesin- en groepaktiwiteite. Pasop egter in die koue om dit nie te oordryf as jy nie fiks is nie en maak seker dat jy reg aantrek. Klein stappies en die regte opwarm- en afwarmroetines is ook noodsaaklik. Instandhoudingstake soos grassny, die huis te verf, die karre te was en tuinmaak kan ook as buitemuurse oefening diens doen. Net soos oefening word hierdie pligte ook dikwels gedurende die winter afgeskeep en dan is daar ekstra werk as die lente opdaag. Daar sal minder wees vir jou om later te doen, jou geld spaar en jy hoef nie eers die

Rekord Sport Stars Have you achieved any recent sport goals?


Viljoen Street, Heidelberg Cecilia du Plessis 072 689 5915 Nicoleen Pfeil 082 826 2556 TENNIS SOCIAL ALL WELCOME From Beginners to Pro Player 14:00 every Saturday

huis te verlaat nie. Dis ook draagliker om hierdie take te doen as dit koel is as in die snikhete somer. En buitendien, om buite te wees, is baie lekkerder en minder depressief as om die heeldag in die huis of kantoor te wees. Binnenshuise oefening is egter waarskynlik die voorkeuraktiwiteit en dit is ook nie minder doeltreffend nie. Daar is onbeperkte geleenthede vir matige tot minder intensiewe oefenroetines. Glanville stel voor binnenshuise swem, oefen-DVD’s in die voorhuis, aansluit by I gimnasium (waar jy kan kies en keur tussen enigiets van swem tot gewigoptel tot groepkardio-oefening – om maar ‘n paar opsies te noem), I seisoensport soos gevegskuns en danslesse. In Suid-Afrika bied binnenshuise arenas sportsoorte soos aksienetbal, aksiesokker en aksiekrieket. Jy kan ook oefentoerusting soos I trapmeul of gewigte koop en by die huis aan die gang kom. Runner’s World se Jennifer van Allen sê om maats te maak verhoog die doeltreffendheid en dissipline van winteroefenroetines omdat I gimnasium- of drafmaat verantwoordelikheid meebring. Doen dit ook direk na werk of miskien selfs gedurende etenstye as die ysige oggende net te veel gevra is omdat dit sal verseker dat jy nog “aangeskakel” is en nie gemaklik raak by die huis nie. Soms sal dit maklik wees en soms I kwessie van wilskrag, maar dit is hoogs onwaarskynlik dat jy gaan spyt wees oor die winteroefening en die voordele daarvan. So, spring dadelik weg en begroet die somer met ‘n fikse, gesonder JY!

Rekord Readers are always interested in acknowledging sport achievements. Tell us your story!

25 April 2017



Min rus vir Volkies Gauteng sports facilities will see no upgrades sportsterre tydens vakansie No sporting, arts, heritage and library facilities in Gauteng will receive any maintenance or upgrades during the 2017/18 financial year. This is according to the Budget Estimates for Capital Expenditure by provincial Treasury. Not only were there no sporting facilities for rugby, cricket and swimming built over the past three years in previously disadvantaged communities, but existing infrastructure was also not maintained. It is alarming that despite the deterioration of the province’s recreational facilities, no budget was made available to maintain or upgrade crumbling infrastructure. The Democratic Alliance (DA) claims that the MEC for Sport, Recreation, Arts, Culture and Heritage, Faith Mazibuko, must explain this bizarre removal of the budget for maintenance. “These facilities play a vital role in society in ensuring that young people in poor communities are not left alone to be influenced by drugs and crime. The promise of soccer fields, astro turfs and many others have fallen flat,” Kingsol Chabalala MPL - DA Gauteng Shadow MEC for Sport, Recreation, Arts, Culture and Heritage said in a press release last week. He added by saying it seems as if MEC Mazibuko is now sitting on her hands in trying not to lobby provincial Treasury for more funds to be allocated to the maintenance, upgrade or repairs needed at many facilities across the province.

25 Jaar Diens

“If millions can be spent by the department on lavish sporting awards, why can we not get the basics right first?” It is disingenuous that the department would not focus on the maintenance, repairs and the building of more facilities for the poor. The DA will hold MEC Mazibuko accountable as she is set to debate the departmental budget during the budget vote speeches later next month in the legislature.

Contact LEON 060 508 2327 Hoër Volkskool se sportsterre het die afgelope vakansie nie op hul louere gerus nie en vir puik prestasies in die water en op land gesorg. Jandré Moll van Hoër Volkskool het vanaf 10 tot 13 April aan die SA Skole Swemkampioenskappe in Polokwane deelgeneem, waar hy eersteplekke in 50m vryslag, 4 x 50m Medley aflos, 4 x 50m vryslag aflos, 50m vlinderslag, 4 x 100m vryslag aflos, 200m vryslag en 4 x 100m Medley aflos behaal het.

267 SKAKEL 083 6198 267 6198



Hoër Volkskool eerstespanspeler Juanrich Derksen in aksie op die rugbyveld. Hy is tydens die Hansieweektoernooi te Naboomspruit vir die o/19 rugbytoerspan gekies wat later vanjaar na Frankryk, Monaco en Spanje toer.


Kom geniet die WOORD saam met ons en daarna ‘n koppie tee! Spruytstraat 26,

Andy Haasbroek het Hoër Volkskool op die Gholfbaan verteenwoordig, toe hy op 8 en 9 April aan die Heidelberg Gholfklub kampioenskappe deelgeneem en as junior wenner uit die stryd getree het.

Hoër Volkskool se swematleet Inge Steyn, het aan die SA Vlak 3 swemkampioenskappe in Pretoria deelgeneem waar sy as wenner van die 200m rugslag gekroon is.




NOAH’S ARK PET SHOP Voëls, voëlsaad, hokke, visse, viskos, akwariums. krieke, Hondekos, Avi-Plus. Bearded dragons, hamsters, spinnekoppe, meelwurms, hondehokke, honde jassies en bedjies. Honde, katte en hasies. Oop weeksdae 9:00 - 18:30, naweke en vakansiedae 09:00 - 16:00. Tel: 083 456 6601. 011 814 4514. SHOP 7, FERRYVALE SHOPPING CENTRE. NIGEL


LAUNDRY MATE Bring all your blankets, duvets, comforters, linen, curtains, clothing, etc. to us for a professional wash. We will take care of your laundry as if it is our own. Laundry can be fetched and delivered at a small fee within Nigel and Heidelberg Town areas. Contact us on 011 814 3597 / 072 511 4366


Matrix Warehouse Nigel. For all your computer requirements. 011 814 2156.

For 3D Designer Kitchens or kitchen revamps, BIC, Bathr, Vanities, No compromise on Quality and Service. Free Quotations. Phone Andre at 082 738 1441




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R&I TYRES & MAGS Bekostigbare BANDE vir jou motor en bakkie. Ons praat Afrikaans en ons diens is ons trots. Kontak Ivan of Darren by 699 Voortrekkerstr, Brakpan, 011-740-0477 of 011-744-3544


BOUWERK Alle bouwerk en aanbouings. Bou van Nuwe Huise en Woonstelle (Granny Flats). Seel & verf van dakke Skakel Gerald 083 384 9599

Are you struggling financially?



42 Schoemanstr, Heidelberg, 016-341-4445, sms 071 545 3868 Whatsapp: 072 317 7001 Ons het die grootste verskeidenheid gebruikte meubels te koop. Nuwe Siesta Beddens, nuwe kar, bakkie & taxi bande, oudhede, nuwe comforters (stelle) R295, walkers, groot verskeidenheid krukke en rollators, badstoele, kerkbanke, pine meubels, riempiesbank - so baie om te sien, so baie om te koop....

Heidelberg AA Meetings Thursday 7pm Heidelberg Methodist Church, 59 Strydom Street &Friday 6pm Acts Family Church, Extension 23 6027, Nyathi Street If you think you have a DRINKING or DRUG problem. Please come listen to the tes,monies of sober recovered alcoholics and drug addicts. Contact Person: Marius 083 566 4569 ( Kry REKORD jou bekostigbare plaaslike nuusblad elke 2de Dinsdag by ons kantoor, SPAR. OTK in jou area, asook Eskort, Sharon Park PnP, Meatworld

Sometimes we need a little help to get our money matters back on track…. Have you considered Debt Review - Your monthly payments to creditors are reduced by extending the payment term and reducing the interest rates. You are still paying your creditors and meeting your obligations but in a time frame that is manageable to you. The pressure of being in the red and taking loans to keep your head above water is lifted.

FREE assessment call 0861 750 751. REFRIGERATION/AIR CONS NIGEL - FRENCH Refrigeration & Airconditioning. Installation, repair and services. Contact 082 701 1946. or visit us at 143 Von Geusau Street, NIGEL. OFFICE SPACE TO RENT Small business/office space available to rent in safe complex close to SAP and SARS , in Hendrik Verwoerd Street, Nigel. Contact 082 881 2481.

Should you know of some-one or anyone not receiving a Rekord Newspaper every second Tuesday please contact 011 814 8614

TO RENT / TE HUUR 1 x MODERNE 2 SLAAPKAMER WOONSTEL TE HUUR IN NUWE “TOWNHOUSE” ONTWIKKELING IN NIGEL Plus minus 100 vierkante meter. Pragtige uitsig. 2 slaapkamer eenheid met ingeboudekaste, 1 badkamer, kombuis met toesluitspens, dubbele wasbak, 4plaatstoof en oond. Toegeruste openinge vir outomatiese wasmasjien en tuimeldroer of skottelgoedwasser. Ten volle geteel. Goeie woonbuurt. Afstand beheerde hekke en elektriese veiligheidsheining. Loopafstand van skole en winkels. Onmiddellik beskikbaar R4000.00 per maand. GEEN HONDE TOEGELAAT. Vir besigting skakel selnr. 076 027 4359 of kantoor nommer [011] 814-1960.

25 April 2017


D.F. AIRCON Mobile Automotive Aircon & Repairs.

Aircon Repairs to Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Mining equipment, Combines “Stroopers”.

Daniel 082 348 4499/ 079 876 9896. All work guaranteed

RENTAL UNITS available in Springs Secure complex. 24-hour security.

Close to Selcourt towers, Blue Crane Eco Mall 1km, school 1km, N17 Highway & 8km from Springs central.”

tt 77 Porter Rd. DUNNOTTAR

“OPTION 1: All units: 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom – R3 230/ month. 1 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom- R2 970/ month. Deposit: 1 months’ rent + R300 key deposit + R 800 once off admin fee. OPTION 2: NO DEPOSIT. All units: 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom – R 3 560 / month 1 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom R 3 270 /month. Only a R300 key deposit + R 800 once off admin fee.

Susan 082 732 2473 Emil 012 809 2044 NIGEL: 2-Bedroom apartment to rent: double lockable carport, own entrance, shower, own geyser, large kitchen. Includes DSTV, use of swimming pool, gym and braai. Close to sporting facilities, schools and a number of amenities. Deposit of R3400 is required upfront. Rent is R3400 per month excluding prepaid electricity. No drinkers, smokers and blasphemers. Unfortunately no pets allowed. Hester 081 722 7295


VACANCY Audit and accounting firm in Nigel requires an accountant with minimum 2 years’ experience. Email CV to

Business Opportunity for everyone. Excellent team work & support! For more info contact Tebello 071 623 7908.



4 Slaapkamer huis, 2 badkamers. “Transport Yard” met besigheidsregte. Te Huur R 6000 per maand of te koop. (prys onderhan-delbaar) . Skakel Pieter Saunders 082 920 8824

KRUGER & OKES PROKUREURS BENODIG DIE DIENSTE VAN ‘N DAME MET ONDERVINDING IN DIE VOLGENDE: 1. Algemene Litigasie tikwerk 2. Boedels; 3. Opstel van Rekeninge; STUUR CV asseblief na epos: Sluitingsdatum 5de Mei 2017 indien u nie van ons verneem voor of op die 10de Mei nie, was u aansoek onsuksesvol.

25 April 2017



Vissies presteer tydens vakansie


Enviroprotek (Pt y) Ltd Administrative assistant required for ENVIROPROTEK (PTY) LTD situated in Vorsterkroon, Nigel. Applicant must have a minimum of 5 years work experience in an office environment, preferably corporate, and must have excellent knowledge and skills of Microsoft Office programs. Experience with HR and finance is essential. A short CV can be sent to before 12 May 2017. No applications will be considered after the above date. Salary negotiable. Must have own transport.

Laerskool AG Visser se o/13 netbalspan het vanaf 31 Maart tot 5 April aan die Sportweni Netbaltoernooi te Port Shepstone in KwaZulu Natal deelgeneem, waar hulle vierde uit sowat 20 spanne geëindig het.

Enviroprotek (Pty) Ltd

Christa Gladd en Marthie Rabie van Laerskool AG Visser het op 30 Maart die Nasionale Vlak 3 Netbal skeidsregtereksamen met lof geslaag. Chirsta is gekies om die Gauteng o/15 netbalspan af te rig.

Chantell Dippenaar (Graad 3), Natasha Boy (Graad R) en Michelle Oosthuizen (Graad RR) is sedert die begin van die nuwe kwartaal nuut aangestel by Laerskool AG Visser.

Grade D security guards required for ENVIROPROTEK (PTY) LTD situated in Vorsterkroon, Nigel. Applicant must have a minimum of 5 years work experience as a Grade D security guard and registered with PSIRA. References will be an advantage. A short CV can be sent to before 12 May 2017. No applications will be considered after the above date. Salary based on PSIRA rates.

Foto regs: Luke van der Merwe en Zonika de Vries - albei Graad 6-leerders van Laerskool AG Visser - het tydens die nasionale uitvoerende kunswedstryd wat vanaf 31 Maart tot 9 April te Nasrec aangebied is, verskeie medaljes ingepalm. Dié kompetisie het 9000 inskrywings ontvang, met 2 700 aktiewe deelnemers. Luke en Zonika is gekies vir deelname aan die World Championships of Performing Arts wat gedurende Julie in Amerika plaasvind.



Laerskool AG Visser se rugby eerstespan het die afgelope vakansie ‘n toer na Margate in KwaZulu-Natal onderneem, waar hulle drie uit vier wedstryde gewen het. Vissies het ‘n wegholoorwinning oor Queenswood College met 65/0 behaal, en het Laerskool Losberg met ‘n telling van 50/5 geklop. In ‘n naelbytwedstryd teen Laerskool Brits het Vissies die knie met ‘n telling van 32/28 gebuig, maar weer as oorwinnaars teenoor Laerskool Willem Posma met ‘n telling van 37/17 geseëvier.

Case No. 63006/13 In the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) In the matter between: UNIVERSAL SERVICE AND ACCESS AGENCY OF SOUTH AFRICA Plaintiff and ARCHIE NHLANHLA MBATHA Defendant A SALE IN EXECUTION will be held by public auction on the 9th of May 2017 at 10h30 at the Sheriff ’s office, 69 Kerk Street, Nigel during which there will be sold in execution as a result of an attachment made on 02 December 2016 and the Defendant’s movable goods which were removed in terms of the Writ of Execution by the abovenamed Plaintiff against the Defendant, the following goods: INVENTORY DESCRIPTION: 1x Chrysler Voyager with registration number XGF 464 GP CONDITIONS: 1. A refundable deposit of R 500.00 in cash on the day of the sale. 2. All prospective buyers must provide their FICA documents (certified ID copy and proof of residence). 3. All items sold at the auction shall be sold “voetstoots”. Dated at PRETORIA on this 20th day of April 2017. GILDENHUYS MALATJI INC. Attorneys for the Plaintiff GMI House Harlequins Office Park 164 Totius Street. Groenkloof, Pretoria 0002 Tel: 012 428 8600 Fax: 012 428 8601 Ref: T MAODI/L SWANDLE/01705164

Laerskool AG Visser se o/12 netbalspan het die afgelope vakansie na Buffelspoort getoer, waar hul uitstekend gevaar het. Die span bestaan uit Lianthe Schultz, Anrike Schultz, Neveah du Toit, Leandri Viljoen, Madeli Grobler, Tristen Kruger, Amy-Lee Bezuidenhout, Simoné Moll, Elsje Jackson, Jady-Lee Allen en Elzemieke Marais (afwesig). Die afrigters is Elsabé Gryffenberg en Aneleen Grove.

Aste Olivier, Mia Bezuidenhout en Delaine Willemse van Laerskool AG Visser is na afloop van die netbaltoernooi wat die afgelope vakansie te Port Shepstone aangebied is, vir die nasionale o/13-netbalspan gekies wat later vanjaar na Dubai toer. Tydens die toernooi na Dubaie sal hulle met vyf internasionale netbalspanne meeding. Die leerders benodig intussen borge en belangstellende persone of besighede wat hul harte en beursies kan oopmaak, word gevra om die skool by 016 341 2631 te skakel.



25 April 2017

Cyclists geared The 1965Ride is an 850km cycle tour between Johannesburg and Queenstown to raise funds for an educational scholarship and bursary fund for deserving students at quality schools. The cyclists are all amateur volunteers who believe strongly that the most important priority in our country is to improve education. Each participant raised their own sponsorships to support this initiative. The race kicked off at 07:00 on April 12 from Life Suikerbosrand Hospital in Heidelberg. It is an annual event that takes place every April. It starts in Heidelberg and continues to Queenstown in the Cape. The tour runs through the magnif icent landscapes of the Eastern Free State, next to the Drakensberg Mountains and then into the Stormberg range down to Queenstown. The tour is, in essence, a vehicle to generate publicity, raise awareness and encourage people to support what they are doing for the benefit of the Queenstown district and education in South Africa. The target is to raise at least R6,5 million to create a sustainable bursary fund with which to provide qualifying young South Africans the opportunity of a quality boarding school experience. This is the first step in building the vision. By taking talented youngsters from the desperate circumstances into a boarding school ensures that they receive three meals a day; proper supervision and help for their academic programme; support and guidance for the effective development of life skills; access to a wide variety of sporting and cultural facilities, and expertise. After only three tours, the initiative has expanded, and they managed to raise approximately R 1,5 million for bursaries.

The 1965 Ride for Education cycle tour kicked off at Life Suikerbosrand Hospital in Heidelberg on April 12 and ended in Queenstown on April 20. It is an 850km scenic cycle tour through magnificent landscapes, to generate publicity, raise awareness and encourage people to support what they are doing for the good of the Queenstown district and education in South Africa.

SIX REASONS ?? 1. We are the only registered Firearms Training Provider in your area 2. We have an inhouse accredited Shooting Range, Instructor and Assessor. 3. We are your GLOCK PREMIUM PARTNER and your GLOCK MAINTENANCE WORKSHOP PARTNER for repairs and services to all Glock Pistols. 4. Hunting is around the corner and we offer camouflage clothing, boots, socks and hats. 5. Rifle bags, rifle cases, shooting mats, shooting rest bags, and targets. 6. Various rifle scopes, bases, mounts, binoculars and hunting knives.

HUNTERS – HEIDELBERG Ueckermann Building, 59 Pretorius Street , Heidelberg 1441 Tel: 016 341 6329 Email:

Vis byt Altesaam 27 lede van Balfour Hengelklub het tydens hul kompetisie op 1 en 2 April, ‘n totaal van 207 vis by Heartsease Oord (Vaaldam) aan wal gebring. In die finale uitslae was Bennie Kriel met 26 vis (28,10kg) eerste, Jaco Van der Merwe met 23 vis (22,556kg) tweede en Pieter Swanepoel met 12 vis (22,324kg) derde onder die senior hengelaars. Die vrouespan het ook goed gevaar en Darell Roos het eersteplek met nege vis (1,962kg) behaal, terwyl Riette Dercksen in die tweedeplek beland het met drie vis (1,356kg). Sarita Stoltz was derde met twee vis (0,486kg). Die junior wenners was Arno Pretorius in eersteplek met agt vis (5,274kg), Harald Van der Merwe in tweedeplek met sewe vis (4,216kg) en Jaden Nolte in derdeplek met drie vis (2,036kg). Algeheel het Lukas Stoltz die swaarste Karp (3,820kg) gehoek en Jaco Van der Merwe die swaarste Moddervis (0,726kg). Darell Roos het die swaarste Baber (0,862kg) en Schalk du Plessis die swaarste Geelvis (0,452kg) aan wal gebring. Die volgende kompetisie vind op 6 Mei by Steenkoolspruit Dam plaas. Alle belangstellendes is welkom. Vir navrae, skakel Lukas by 084 757 6058 of Jaco by 082 323 6284.

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AntiSmash & Grab Cherise 072 283 4135

Hester 079 493 0075

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