Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

Page 1

h/v Kingsway & Van Riebeeck Straat NIGEL

13 June 2017

VOL 14 NO 11


Groenfonteinbrug onveilig Magda Maritz

‘n 21-Jarige man is gelukkig om te leef, nadat hy op 3 Junie by die laagwaterbrug op die Groenfonteinpad buite die dorp aangeval en van sy selfoon beroof is. Volgens Sean de Villiers was sy seun Paul die Saterdag omstreeks 17:15 te voet op pad terug plaas toe, toe twee mans uit die veld te voorskyn gekom het. Hulle het sy selfoon geëis en met messe gedreig, waarop ‘n woordewisseling ontstaan het. Sonder waarskuwing het die mans Paul na bewering gestorm en hy het in ‘n struweling met hulle betrokke geraak.

“Toe hulle probeer om Paul die veld in te sleep, het hy hom teëgesit en in die proses by ‘n helling langs Blesbokspruit afgerol,” het Sean aan Rekord gesê. Die val het waarskynlik Paul se lewe gered, want hy kon toe daarin slaag om van sy aanvallers te vlug. Kort daarna het lede van Nigel GPF Paul te hulp gesnel maar ongeag ‘n wye soektog, was daar geen spoor van die twee aanvallers nie. Die aanval by die Groenfonteinbrug is volgens Nigel GPF patrolliehoof Alwyn Van den Heever, geen geïsoleerde voorval

nie. Sedert ‘n ander jongman ook sowat ‘n jaar gelede deur gewapende mans by die brug oorval en geskiet is, het talle soortgelyke aanvalle daar plaasgevind. Een daarvan was ‘n beweerde poging tot motorkaping en dit is insidente soos dié wat die boeregemeenskap en veral Nigel GPF warm onder die kraag maak. Alwyn sê die polisie behoort sterker fokus op misdaadbekamping te plaas deur byvoorbeeld lokvalle by die brug te stel. “Die insidente is periodiek en die aanvallers gebruik meestal dieselfde

modus operandi,” het Alwyn aan Rekord gesê en verduidelik dat hoewel GPF patrolleerders die omgewing gereeld besoek, dit nie altyd genoeg is om aanvalle te keer nie. Hy het inwoners gemaan om onder geen omstandighede by die brug stil te hou of onder die brug by Blesbokspruit vis te vang nie, aangesien die gebied as uiters onveilig verklaar is. Inwoners wat by Nigel GPF wil aansluit, kan Alwyn by 082 654 2141 of Dawie by 083 382 0667 skakel.

ELCO STEEL DEALERS TEL: 011 362-1551/2 FAKS: 011 815-3427 Cnr. Ermelo & Dagbreek Rds, Largo, SPRINGS Prices valid while stocks last / incl vat / E&OE Jacks xtra xtra specials Pipe 139x4.5 8mt

Paul de Villiers (inlas) is op 3 Junie by die Groenfonteinbrug buite die dorp deur twee gewapende aanvallers van sy selfoon beroof. Volgens Nigel GPF vind daar gereeld soortgelyke aanvalle plaas en word inwoners gemaan om uiters versigtig by die brug te wees.



20X3 20X5 25X3 25X5 30X3 30X5 40X5 40X3 50X3 50X5

Pipe 21x2 randoms

R 39.00 R 58.98 R 46.14 R 70.98 R 57.54 R 81.90 R109.02 R 78.00 R 92.34 R136.98

R21.98/mt Rect 100x50x1.6 6mt

R283.32 REZ7 window section 6mt R242.88 RF8 window section 6mt R219.60 Pipe 48x4 6mt



Pipe 34x3 6mt

8MM 10MM 12MM

Pipe 26.9X3 6mt

R61.02 R56.46 R80.16

R/BAR 6MT 6MM 8MM 10MM 12MM 16MM 20MM

R 18.96 R 28.98 R 45.00 R 64.98 R118.02 R199.98


R 79.02 R 93.00 R 94.98 R 99.00 R229.02

EXP/METAL 6320C R189.33 6320D R226.19 WHEEL KIT SETS 60MM R119.70 80MM R153.90

R322.93 R229.98 Pipe 88.9x3 4.6mt 60x1.6


R397.08 Pipe




PALISADES PALISADE PANELS 600mm High R340.00 900mm High R420.00 1.0mt High R440.00 1.2mt High R461.70 1.5mt High R521.55 1.8mt High R616.51 2.0mt High R627.00 2.4mt High R750.00 LOOSE PANELS 600mm R13.05 900mm R17.98 1.0mt R19.63 1.2mt R23.11 1.5mt R29.44 1.8mt R35.33 2.0mt R39.26 2.4mt R47.11

CHANNEL 76X38(6.70kg/mt) R 529.02 100X50(10.73kg/m)R1089.66 152X76 R1830.72 178X54 R1573.20

25X12 38X20 38X25 50X25 50X38 76X25 76X38 76X50 100X50

R100.02 R106.02 R109.86 R159.00 R199.38 R177.84 R204.18 R227.10 R283.32


2.0MM R118.02 R109.08 R129.96 R194.94 R222.72 R246.24 R278.58 R296.52 R399.00

1.6MM R2.0MM

20X20 25X25 32X32 38X38 50X50 76X76 100X100

R 67.74 R 89.88 R109.86 R150.12 R198.36 R293.76


R592.16 Pipe



19MM 25MM 32MM 38MM 42MM 50MM 76MM 100MM

R 59.04 R 80.04 R109.02 R119.04 R159.00 R178.98 R253.02

LIP CHANNEL 6MT 75X50X20X2 100X50X20X2 125X50X20X2 150X50X20X2 175X50X20X2 200X50X20X2

R263.34 R293.10 R324.90 R358.44 R400.14 R430.02

R 94.68 R129.90 R160.74 R167.22 R269.04 R362.52 R521.64

2.0MM R 88.98 R 99.00 R169.02 R178.98 R198.96 R229.02 R328.98 R469.02

9.1MT R399.73 R446.73 R497.76 R546.05 R600.00 R659.36

Welding Rods DURA CONDO ACDC R3799 2yr warranty, 2x remotes, 4mt rack 5kg 2.5mm & anti theft bracket battery R110.58

ROOF SHEETING I.B.R 0.4MM CQ R56.80 I.B.R/CORR. 0.5MM R75.72 I.B.R/CORR. 0.6MM R90.71 CORR 0.3MM FH R42.12

GALV SHEETS 2450X1225X0.5 2450X1225X0.6 2450X1225X10 2450X1225X2.0 2450X1225X3.0

R235.92 R275.00 R452.52 R770.00 R1543.00

A grade prices include vat subject to availability E&OE



IDP meeting sheds light on future plans

JJC Kruger & Vennote Springs Parkland Kliniek Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172


Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging (By River Square kruising 016 423 3553


13 JUNE 2017

Magda Maritz Lesedi Local Municipality (LLM) hosted its Integrated Development Plan (IDP) business breakfast meeting at Heidelberg Aerodrome on May 25. Various business owners, ward committee members and other stakeholders were invited to interact and engage in conversation with the view of assisting investors with proper planning for the next five years, and also help promote the IDP to continue to be a tool for a democratised approach in advancing development and planning for our communities. LLM executive mayor Cllr Lerato Maloka briefly discussed the purpose of the meeting, saying Lesedi is a municipality to invest in, as its holds great potential for the future. “It is important for the municipality to strengthen partnerships to enhance local economic growth,” she added.

Lesedi Local Municipality executive mayor Cllr Lerato Maloka speaking at the Integrated Development Plan business breakfast at Heidelberg Aerodrome, where guests were invited to interact and engage in conversation with the view of assisting investors with proper planning for the next five years.

In his presentation, acting municipal manager Isaac Rampedi highlighted certain aspects in the 2017/2018 proposed budget which among others, include a number of construction and upgrading projects. The event concluded with breakfast being served to guests. “The IDP business meetings form part of our commitment to serve as a responsive,

accountable, effective and eff icient municipality, and to ensure that we regularly meet with residents from the local communities to listen to their views on how best LLM can improve their lives, report back, present new developments and plans, milestones and challenges,” municipal spokesperson Arthur Thokoane said addressing the media afterwards.

Evacuate! From the desk of Rev Ray Goddess Elize and I went down to Buffelsbaai for a holiday (yes ministers also need a break). On the way down we heard about the fires, George area, Knysna, Brenton on Sea….but never Buffelsbaai. We arrived on Wednesday only to find that the highway had been blocked and we were only 800m from the Buffelsbaai turnoff. On asking what the problem was we were told that flames were too close to the road on the other side of the turnoff. We asked if we could go “past” the row of cars so that we could turn in to Buffelsbaai. We were given the go ahead and so we went on our way. When we got to the flats there was a sign to say that the office was closed because of the weather. Assuming that it was because of the possible storms on the way from Cape Town we parked and unpacked the car. After we had unpacked we noticed that there was no power. I went down to the car and I was greeted by our neighbours with some candles and a bottle of water. They told us that the transformers had been burnt in the fire and there was no power. This was already evening and so we took the candles, only to find that we had no matches or lighter. I got in my car and travelled to the entrance of Buffelsbaai where we knew some cars had gathered – we assumed on our way in that they were people “looking at the fire”. I went across to a man standing next to his car and then the realization of what was happening struck me. With tears in his eyes he told me that his house was direct in line with the f ire and that he had received notification that his house was burning. The lady next to him said that when she left her home the store was on fire and she must assume that by now her house was no more – engulfed in flames. I stood there at a loss for words. Everything gone! All the man had grabbed was his laptop and some clothes. His personal documents like his ID, passport, policies etc were all gone. His items of value that they had collected over the years, all the memories…gone. And to top it all, his wife was sitting in Knysna and he was this side – they could

Rev Goddess, Heidelberg Methodist Church not get to each other because the flames were so wild that the road was closed completely. How do you console someone like this? What do you say? What can you offer when all that you have is a case of holiday clothes (which he did not need)? He graciously gave me a box of matches and asked that we pray (awesome), which we did and continued to do and still pray today for all those affected by the disaster. We had a bath and finally went to sleep. A disturbed sleep with the noise of the wind and the site of the f ires burning on the Knysna Heads. At 05h15 we were awakened with a banging on our door. It was the emergency services. Please evacuate the fire is on its way. But here is what I need to say. There are still many decent people out there. I asked him if he would help me hitch the trailer – which he did. He then asked me if I knew where other people were staying and I told him where I knew people were staying. When I asked how much time we had he told me 10 to 15 minutes if the wind turns the wrong way. We packed (very fast) and left the flat. On our way out we went past many flames that, if the wind continued blowing in the direction it was, would end up driving the fire towards the Buffelsbaai town. From consoling a man whose house had been burned down to suddenly becoming a victim and being involved in an evacuation was a life changing experience. All of a sudden life became precious, items became “nice to have” but it was LIFE that was the issue. My three

57 Strydom Street, Heidelberg Tel: (016) 341-2437 Rev. Ray Cell 082 656 3123 “We exist to be like Christ, live like Christ, and share the exciting message of Christ to all people”.


TEL: 016 341 2187/8

017 773 0220

HEIDELBERG, 23 Schoeman Str. BALFOUR 93 Mury Str.

This poor man called, and the LORD heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles. Psalm 34: 6 (NIV) Service times: 08h00 – Traditional Service (Mother’s Room available) 09h30 – Worship Service (Mother’s Room available) 18h00 – Evening Service (all welcome)

lessons – even in our mixed up land there are good people out there, secondly value everything that you have – sadly it can disappear in a flash and thirdly but most importantly make sure that your relationship with God is right – it is in times like this that we need to call out to Him for help. Please support the relief funds and schemes for those involved – it is actually much worse than what you can imagine.

13 JUNE 2017



Alrapark-skool in sak en as Magda Maritz

Alrapark Secondary School verkeer in ernstige nood, na nóg ‘n inbraak en diefstal gedurende die skoolvakansie in Maart. Leerders het op 2 Junie met eksamen begin, maar daar is kwalik genoeg papier om vraestelle op te druk of eksamenboeke vir die leerders. Twee plaaslike maatskappye het intussen papier aan die skool geskenk, sodat van die vraestelle intussen gedruk kon word, maar met nog sowat drie weke oor voor die Gauteng skole sluit, is daar ‘n ernstige tekort aan papier. Volgens Mnr Marius Daniels (hoof: Mnr Daniels van Alrapark Secondary School wys hoe boewe die plafon in die hoof se kantoor gebreek het, om toegang tot die kantoor en die kluis te verkry.

sekuriteit) is die skool nie net byna leeggedra nie, maar ook erg gevandaliseer. “Skade aan die geboue waar ingebreek is beloop reeds etlike duisende rande. Ons grootste bekommernis op dié stadium is dat die skool blootgestel is want daar is nie geld om die plafonne, diefwering en palisade te vervang of herstel nie,” het hy aan Rekord gesê. Tydens die inbraak het boewe ondermeer

kontant, verskeie elektriese toebehore, grassnyers, papier en boeke buitgemaak. Daar is ook by die skool se snoepwinkel ingebreek, waar al die elektriese toebehore gesteel is. Die skool het ‘n ernstige beroep op die publiek gedoen om die skool by te staan met donasies in die vorm van A4 papier en eksamenboeke. Vir navrae oor donasies, skakel Mnr Daniels by 082 783 8599.

Spesialiseer in: Persoonlike-, kommersiële- en boerderyversekering * Professionele en vriendelike diens * Persoonlike aandag * Vinnige en effektiewe eisehantering * Baie billike tariewe

Klippies: 083 282 7577 Wayne: 072 266 6157 Kantoor: 011 814 8297 Kantoor ure: 08:00 - 16:30

Tydens ‘n inbraak by Alrapark Secondary School in Maart vanjaar, het boewe die sekuriteitshek van die administrasiegebou met industriële masjiene oopgesny en die kantore byna leeggedra.



13 JUNE 2017

Arrie Nel apteekgroep in Nigel vier 1ste verjaardag! Personeel van Nigel Apteek het op 2 Junie die eerste bestaansjaar van die Arrie Nel apteekgroep in Nigel gevier en klante met geskenke en lekkernye bederf. Nigel Apteek (deesdae bekend as die Arrie Nel apteekgroep) het op 2 Junie sy eerste bestaansjaar gevier. Sommer met die intrapslag het ‘n kleurspel van balonne en vrolike musiek klante begroet en die feestelike partytjie atmosfeer het tot na sluit van besigheid geheers. Klante is met gratis koeldrank, boereworsrolle en kolwyntjies bederf. Klante wat R150 of meer spandeer het, het elk ‘n gratis boereworsrol ontvang en die kleinspan kon hul aan lekkernye soos springmielies verlustig. Groot opgewondenheid het onder klante geheers en die gelukkige wenners van die prik-‘n-balon-kompetisie het met groot pryse weggestap. Tydens die verjaardagvieringe kon klante ook naderstaan vir gratis bloeddruk- en suikertoetse. Vriendelike gesigte en flinke diens is al jare deel van die

alledaagse besigheid by Nigel Apteek waar die span as een saamwerk om kliënte tevredenheid te bevorder. Die apteek beskik oor ‘n voltydse kliniek vir babas asook volwassenes en spog ook deesdae met sy eie kaartbeloningstelsel (loyalty cards). Binnekort word ‘n paar nuwe diente by die apteek bekend gestel - die reisigers kliniek bied ‘n allesomvattende mediese bystanddiens (met die oogmerk op vaksinasie) aan klante wat gereeld na ander lande en provinsies reis. Klante wat ernstig op gewigsverlies en ‘n gesonde leefstyl wil fokus, kan ook na die nuwe dieëtprogram wat binnekort beskikbaar gestel word, uitsien. Besoek Nigel Apteek vandag nog op die hoek van Hendrik Verwoerdstraat en Tweedelaan of skakel hulle by 011 814 5050.

Nigel VLU word boomwys 267 SKAKEL 083 6198 267 6198


Kreatiewe, produktiewe vaardigheid was die tema van Nigel VLU se 723ste vergadering op 8 Junie. Suzaan Drozky het as voorsitter waargeneem en die vergadering tot orde geroep, waarna Annatjie van der Merwe met skriflesing en gebed geopen het. Op die sakelys was opkomende projekte soos die

CRIME PREVENTION A FEW FACTS ABOUT BURGLARS Burglars and thieves can be found in all communities and all race groups. Age and sex also vary. There is no such thing as a typical thief.

damesontbyt van 13 Julie, Nigel SAVF se handsakprojek van 9 Augustus, burgerverkope van 31 Augustus en aanstaande jaar se Konferensie wat vanaf 2 tot 3 Maart plaasvind. Susan Valentin was volgende aan die beurt met ‘n interessante praatjie oor die Boom van die Jaar. Sy het die Harige Blinkbaar (Wag-‘n-bietjie) en Ebbeboom bespreek. Die gassprker, Magriet Marx (voorsitter van Boksburg VLU) het daarna ‘n demonstrasie oor abstrakte kuns gelewer, terwyl Nikita Kotze (organiseerder van die Nigel Best Baker kompetisie) lede genooi het om hul versteekte talent ten toon te stel deur vir die kompetisie in te skryf. Die vergadering is afgesluit, waarna die dames gesellig om die teetafels gekuier het. Die volgende vergadering vind om 10:00 Susan Valentin hier aan die woord tydens op 10 Augustus by die NG Kerk Nigel-Oos Nigel VLU se vergadering op 8 Junie, plaas. Alle belangstellendes is welkom. Vir waar sy ‘n interessante praatjie oor die navrae, skakel Anne-Marie Axer by Wag-‘n-Bietjie en Ebbeboom gelewer het. 082 886 2002.

In some cases, a burglary is carefully planned. The burglar will, for example, phone to find out if someone is home, or go to the door with the excuse that he/she is looking for work, or for another address. Sometimes a burglar will watch the house and its occupants for a couple of days before striking. Impulsive burglaries are very common. The burglar is usually attracted by obvious poor security, like broken windows or garden equipment lying around. He sees the opportunity and takes it. Most burglaries take place in broad daylight, while the residents are at work, or during the holidays when no one is at home. Most burglaries can be prevented by applying a few basis safety measures in good time. REMEMBER: A BURGLAR ALWAYS SELECTS THE EASIEST TARGET. Next: How vulnerable is your home? Reference: Crime Prevention – Stop Crime / Beveiliging van huis en haard – Smith LJL van Shaik Limited, Libi Building, Church Street, Pretoria. 1989 / Beveg misdadigers effektief – Buredell Publishers, Pretoria. 1989

TEL: 011 819 1575 / 082 690 7591

13 JUNE 2017



Two babies die in house fire

Magda Maritz

Two babies (aged six and 12 months respectively) died in a house fire that was allegedly caused by a heater inside a flat at the Dunnottar military base. A third child survived the fire and was later treated for smoke inhalation at a nearby hospital. The incident occurred around 16:00 on June 4 when the mother of the six month old baby and the father of the

12 month old boy, left them sleeping inside the bedroom with a heater on. According to Capt Johannes Ramphora from SAPS Springs, it is believed that the bed-linen caught fire from the burning heater and subsequently spread to the rest of the room. “The father of the 12 month baby tried the rescue them, but the room was already engulfed in flames and could

not fight his way through. He sustained some severe burn wounds in the process and was later rushed to hospital, where he was also treated for smoke inhalation” Capt Ramphora told Rekord. Fire f ighters from Nigel Fire Brigade responded to the emergency, but upon arrival they had to put out the blaze before

reaching the children. Although their bodies were severely burnt, it is believed the babies died from smoke inhalation. At the time of going to print, Rekord could not confirm whether it was an electrical or gas heater that caused the fire. A police inquest into the exact cause of the fire and deaths of the children has been opened.

Nigel Biblioteek steeds ‘n lees-hemel Opgradering van Visagiepark watertoring by Laerskool Hannes Visagie, wat by voltooiing later vanjaar drinkwater aan inwoners van Visagiepark, Alrapark en MacKenzieville sal voorsien. Die nuwe toring sal vorige probleme met waterdruk en -toevoer in Visagiepark, uitskakel.

Magda Maritz In sy strewe na beter kliëntediens, sorg Ekurhuleni Metropolitaanse Munisipaliteit (EMM) deesdae dat publieke areas en geboue soos Nigel Stadsaal en Nigel Biblioteek opgeknap en onderhou word. Dit volg ook na volgehoue druk op die munisipaliteit deur plaaslike DA raadslid Wollaston Labuschagne om toe te sien dat geboue met historiese waarde soos die stadsaal behoue bly en dat inwoners die volle gebruik van fasiliteite soos die biblioteek kan geniet. Nigel Biblioteek is onlangs binne en buite opgeknap en die algemene sekuriteit is ook verskerp. Boekwurms en ander gebruikers kan oudergewoonte ‘n kenmerklike biblioteekstilte verwag wanneer hulle die fasiliteit wat oor alles van gratis internet (Wi-Fi) tot gemaklike sitplekke beskik, besoek. Plaaslike bibliotekaris Ignatius Lechelele, het tydens Rekord se onlangse besoek gesê dat hy trots is op die fasiliteit en dat hy elke boek met die grootste liefde en sorg hanteer. Te midde ‘n era waar mense verknog geraak het aan tegnologie soos selfone, rekenaars en tablette, het Ignatius inwoners genooi om by die biblioteek aan te sluit waar ‘n mens nog vir ‘n wyle met ‘n boek in die hand, van die werklikheid kan ontsnap. Die rakke kreun behoorlik onder die gewig van ‘n verskeidenheid boeke en hoewel die verkryging van nuwe titels soms ‘n uitdaging mag wees, is daar genoeg leesstof om oud en jonk besig te hou. BELANGRIKE KENNISGEWING: Nigel Biblioteek sal vanaf 12 tot 26 Junie weens opknappingswerk gesluit wees. Inwoners kan intussen van Alrapark Biblioteek se dienste gebruik maak.


DA Raadslid Wollaston Labuschagne en bibliotekaris Ignatius Lechelele (regs) in die sekuriteitsbeheerkamer van dieel Biblioteek, waar ‘n sekuriteitswag 24-uur per dag bedrywighede op die skerm monitor.


Contact: Tanya Muller

073 073 5210 Wholesale and retail options available

MPORTANT NOTICE: Nigel Library will be closed for the public from 12 to 26 June, due to refurbishment of the facility. Residents can meanwhile visit the Alrapark Library as an alternative.



WE BUY: Glass Bottles & Sell LP Gas, Oxygen & Coal MON-THUR 7:30-16:30 FRI 7:30-15:00 SAT 7:30-12:00

C.J.J. STEEL cc. ~ STEEL MERCHANTS ~ Cnr: Grootvlei Rd, and Partridge St, Strubenvale Tel: 011 815 4700/1/2 * Fax: 011 8153088 Stockists of Steel Sections, Rail, email: -

60 STANDARD STR, NIGEL 011 814 4962/072 190 9799





12x12 .... R88.00 16x16 .... R105.00 20X20 ... R89.00 25X25 ... R90.00 ....... R162.00 32X32 ... R148.00 ..... R203.00 38X38 ... R176.00 ..... R242.00 50X50 ... R242.00 ..... R325.00 76X76 ... R379.00 ..... R498.00 100X100 ................... R649.00

20MM .... R82.00 25MM .... R98.00 ....... 32MM .... R143.00 ..... 38MM .... R169.00 ..... 50MM .... R231.00 ..... 76MM .... R338.00 .....


38x20 .... R154.00 ..... R182.00 38x25 .... R165.00 ..... R200.00 50x25 .... R176.00 ..... R256.00 50x38 .... R242.00 ..... R312.00 76x38 .... R264.00 ..... R391.00 76x50 .... R350.00 ..... R434.00 100X50 ..................... R515.00

Fibre Glass Sheeting R82.00 p/m

We deliver


R70.00p/m Cut to size


75x50x20x2 100x75x20x2


R250.00 ..... R412.00 R314.00 ..... R517.00

REINFORCING BAR/Y-BAR 10MM ..............R 50.00 12MM...............R 70.00


FLAT BAR 6M 12X3 ........ 16x3 ......... 20x3 ......... 20x5 ......... 25x3 ......... 25x5 ......... 30x3 ......... 30x5 ......... 40x3 ......... 40x5 ......... 50x5 .........

R 30.00 R 34.00 R 40.00 R 55.00 R 49.00 R 67.00 R 59.00 R 82.00 R 79.00 R109.00 R137.00

SQ BAR 6M 8MM ......... R66.00 10MM ....... R62.00 12MM ....... R81.00

WINDOW SECTION 6M RT6 ......... RT13 ....... RX7 ......... F7 ............ F4B ..........

R 78.00 R 93.00 R 110.00 R 90.00 R 225.00

ROUND BAR 6M 6MM .......... R21.00 8MM .......... R34.00 10MM ........ R42.00 12MM ........ R62.00


LIP/CHANNEL 75x50x20x2 ............... R278.00 100x75x20x2 ............. R312.00 125x50x20x2 ............. R345.00 150x50x20x2 ............. R379.00

R118.00 R204.00 R236.00 R325.00 R460.00

25x25x3 .................... R105.00 25x25x5 .................... R160.00 30x30x3 .................... R123.00 30x30x5 .................... R209.00 40x40x3 .................... R160.00 40x40x5 .................... R250.00 25x25x2 .................... R 73.00 30x30x2 .................... R 99.00 40x40x2 .................... R116.00


We have sufficient coal and anthracite stock for the cold months ahead





Piping Plante and Tubing

Terms & Conditions apply


R423.00 R480.00 R525.00 R577.00

2450x1225x1.6 .............................. R520.00 2450x1225x2.0 .............................. R620.00 2450x1225x2.5 .............................. R750.00 2450x1225x3.0 .............................. R900.00 2450x1225x4.0 ........................... R1 280.00 2500x1200x5.0 ........................... R1 650.00 2500x1200x6.0 ........................... R1 998.00




13 JUNE 2017

Development to commence in Dipaleseng Eskom Development Foundation and Grootvlei Power Station approved more than R10 million in projects, donations and sponsorships made to local schools and community organisation’s around Dipaleseng area with 6 000 beneficiaries. This, according to a press release issued by Dipaleseng Municipality on June 6. From 2014 to date, Eskom has donated furniture, computers and off ice equipment, electrical appliances, stationery, security systems, park homes, science equipment and chemicals, trophies and upgraded sports f ields, classrooms and ablution facilities to numerous schools and crèches within the Balfour jurisdiction. The station continues to roll out the bursary scheme for qualifying local Grade 12 learners to further their studies at any of the country’s universities. They are then offered internship opportunities at the completion of their studies. A fire truck which was refurbishment at a total cost of R750 000 was donated to Dipaleseng Municipality to assist the fire and rescue section.

Water leaks repairs and the repairs of floating valves in the reservoir, donation of road signs as well as the refurbishment of the sewerage plant in Grootvlei are some of the interventions undertaken by Eskom to assist the municipality in its service delivery imperative. Other upcoming projects that they will be implementing include the construction of the Skills Development and Localisation Centre in Balfour. The municipality has already approved the allocation of land for both of these community projects. The aim of the Skills Development and Localization is to achieve maximum and sustainable local development impact through leveraging Eskom’s procurement spend in a manner that allows flexibility within the business in order to accommodate government development initiatives ad policies. The Executive Mayor Mafunda Makhubu thanked the Grootvlei Power Station for all their help and support throughout the years citing that such collaborative work between them can actually yield more for the community.

There are a number of identif ied challenges in terms of local procurement empowerment initiatives include, amongst others; lack of competition & capacity from local site supplier market, limited supplier opportunities and suppliers not meeting Eskom SHEQ requirements which will be mitigated by reviewing of the tender requirements to cater for identified developmental areas, hosting of supplier development workshops on an on-going basis as well as hosting of compulsory clarification meetings as and when the need arises. Eskom has also identified opportunities in the short term that will be used to enable implementation of the strategy. To ensure sustained impact, a number of measures will be put in place to monitor the implementation of the strategy, additional opportunities will be identified/ developed in the medium to long term, and ensure that opportunities are realized by the intended beneficiaries. Despite the progress made to date, there is still a significant amount of work to be done to address the socio economic

challenges facing the locality. In response to this, a socio-economic strategy has been developed which is meant to ensure that transformation objectives are addressed during operations, execution of outages, refurbishments and recovery projects.

Dipaleseng Local Municipality executive mayor Mafunda Makhubu with the manager of Grootvlei Power Station, Gersh Bonga at the municipal building that is currently under construction.

EMM 2017/18 budget summary Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM) has been allocated a total budget of R36,6 billion, which is funded as follows: Generated revenue (R26.2 billion); operating grants (R5.4 billion); and assessment rates (R5 billion). The R36.6 billion includes a capital budget of R6.4 billion for 2017/18 (a 25% increase from the previous financial year). Some specific Highlights of the budget are: * Economic Development, which is allocated R664 million, of which R619 million is for bulk infrastructure rollout; * R45 million for revitalisation of four traditional Industrial Parks; * Implementation of the Gibela/Prasa Industrial Park; and Implementation of the Tambo Springs Inland Port. * 40 Strategic Land Parcels to be released for strategic development areas such as lakes and dams, and township localities and attract not less than R15 billion. * About R4 million for the development of 120 urban farmers and a further R15 million for investment in farm infrastructure. * EMM is allocating R12 billion of procurement opportunities to local entrepreneurs, service providers and enterprises over three years. * The Human Settlement department received R1 billion for 2017/18 and R3.4 billion over the MTREF. Energy Department has been allocated R718 million for the 2017/18 f inancial year and R2.2 billion in the MTREF. *An amount of R655 million is assigned to the electrification of informal settlements over the next three years. *Lighting has an allocation of R169 million for the installation of 240 high mask lights, 30 000 PV solar panels 1 800 street lights in the next three years. Areas targeted include Daveyton, Duduza, Katlehong, Vosloorus and Tembisa. *An amount of R1 billion has been allocated for repair and maintenance in 2017/18, while R3.5 billion is provided for the same purpose over the MTREF. * Water and Sanitation Department is allocated R599 million for 2017/18 and R2.3 billion for the MTREF. * Roads and Storm Water has an allocation of R683 million in 2017/18 and R2.5 billion over the MTREF. A sum of R846 million is allocated for repairs and maintenance, potholes and road surfacing in the for 2017/18 financial year, and storm water related works

- while the total is R2.7 billion over the MTREF. * Health and Social Welfare Department has been given R91 million in the 2017/18 f inancial year, and R348 million for the next three years for, among others, the construction of 12 new clinics and maintenance of existing facilities. * R206 million for clinics, while the rest will be for Social Welfare programmes such as Early Child Development centres in Alberton, Tsakane and Thokoza. * Sport, Recreation, Arts, Culture and Heritage R417 million for the next three years and R99 million has been set aside for swimming pools in areas like Duduza, Benoni, Tembisa, Springs and Brakpan. * Repairs and maintenance of facilities is budgeted at R131 million is allocated over the MTREF for repairs and maintenance. * The Environmental Management Department gets R167 million in the 2017/18 and R833 million for the MTREF. * R159 million goes to new cemeteries and upgrading of existing ones across the City. * R92 million for specialised vehicles and the rest being for dams, lakes and other environmental programmes. * R74 million has been set aside for grass cutting in 2017/18 and R244.7 million in the MTREF. * The Waste Management Department is allocated R166 million for 2017/18 and R502 million for MTREF. * R132 million for the purchase of specialised waste removal trucks and equipment, and * R27 million for bulk containers. * R113 million for 2017/18 and R377 million over the MTREF for waste removal programmes and recycling work. *The Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Police Department (EMPD) is allocated R149 million in 2017/18 and R359 million in the next three years. * The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Department has been allocated of R609 million in 2017/18 and R1.8 billion over the MTREF. * The community bursary funding was increased in 2016 to R100 million from R10 million in the previous year, for academically qualifying students to further their tertiary studies. R44 million from the national fiscus for job creation and the proposed new EPWP policy which ensures that projects generate jobs for local labour.

13 JUNE 2017



Gibela construction on par In spite of some minor setbacks, Gibela’s train manufacturing site outside Dunnottar has now reached its 50% completion milestone, exactly one year into the construction programme. This is where 580 commuter trains will be built for the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA) and during a visit to the building site on June 5, it was evident that Gibela is conscious of its role as a catalyst for economic development. The manufacturing facility consists of the main factory where the trains will be assembled, a training centre where South Africans will augment their rail-related technical skills, testing facilities for static and dynamic testing, and a 27 hectare supplier park. All building packages are

due to be complete by the end of the year and it is expected that the first car body will start as soon as all industrial equipment has been tested and commissioned. In total, 822 jobs have been created by the construction programme, 716 of which have been f illed by people from neighbouring communities. According to Gibela’s communication officer Pamella Radebe, 493 jobs out of a total of 576 have been f illed by local people from the Springs, Tsakane, Duduza, Alrapark and MacKenzieville communities. “Gibela has completed the first round of recruitment of full-time employees at the facility, successfully f illing all 49 skilled and semi-skilled boiler making and welding

Restoring health with Clustered water It was literally a case of life and death for Dr Lee Lorenzen when his wife Penny was severely ill, suffering from chronic pain and multiple viral infections. “I had exhausted everything,” he says. “We tried medication, vitamins, herbs, acupuncture, chiropractic–you name it, we tried it. Nothing was working.” Finally he decided to try healing springs and soak her in water which people claimed produced healing. When she really did get better, he started his research in earnest. What was in the water that produced such spectacular results? Dr Lorenzen quickly found out that it wasn’t the chemistry. So he began to look at the water itself. Using a new method of flash-freezing water with liquid nitrogen right at the springs’ source, Dr. Lorenzen and a team of Japanese scientists discovered that the water was microclustered, or structured in geometric rings. The molecules themselves look like sixsided snowflakes when frozen, and these hexagons were most prevalent in the water of healing springs. Trying to replicate the hexagonal water rings in the laboratory was not easy. Since the water molecules are “biologically active,” they work well in hydrating living tissue, unlike ordinary water. Most importantly, the size and shape of these unique water molecules allows them to pass through cell walls freely, delivering oxygen, nutrients, proteins and enzymes, while removing toxic substances. Preparing this type of water involves a fourteen step process which includes running a high-pressure purified water steam through ceramic, then exposing it to magnetic fields and a template material. The significance of the six-sided shape of the water molecules is profound. First, the molecules are the right shape to fit through the hexagonal channels in the cell membrane and inside the cell itself. Also, most importantly, says Dr Lorenzen, this is the primary form of water in a very young child. Research done by Doctor Katayama, published in a scientific paper. described it as “clustered water,” or “biowater.” He showed that this was the dominant form of water in very young potent cells. Evidently by the time we reach the age of 36, the amount of biowater or clustered water drops by 60 percent. “The stability of the hexagonal shape gives the water and the rehydrating cell systems a biologically active form of

water. We also know that as these protein systems tend to degenerate, the net amount of water in the cell systems tend to drop off. They tend to degenerate as part of the natural aging process,” says Dr Lorenzen. “There’s an average of about 75 trillion cells in a human being, and water is necessary for transport, for waste removal, and for intercellular communication,” he concludes. “When people go back on solutions, cells are being reenergized because enzymes are coming back to normal levels. We’re giving those enzymes the structure they need to function. “Basically this is not a therapy,” asserts Dr Lorenzen. “This is not a disease treatment. If you go and have restorative surgery, a crushed bone for example, an orthopedic surgeon rebuilds that bone and gives it structure and function. We’re basically doing the same thing [with clustered water] at the cellular level. And frankly, it’s so simple, it’s been overlooked.” Using this type of water, the body itself can eliminate edema, help improve intercellular water pressure, help improve protein structure, and cell function. “We’re creating a biologically active, very rapidly utilized form of water in hexagonal rings that exists in nature, that exists as the normal healthy form of water, says Dr Lorenzen. “We’re putting it back into older systems that they can do their jobs and give these age-damaged systems a chance to do their work.” Biochemist Steve Chemiske writes that these hexagonal water clusters which support the DNA structure “vibrate at specific resonant frequencies and these frequencies can help restore homeostasis to cell structures in the body through signal transduction…the process by which one form of energy is converted to another.” “When clustered water is consumed, high frequency information is transmitted to proteins… and this wave of information is carried throughout the body like a ‘wakeup call’ to restore normal function.” As a precursor of electro-magnetic energy medicine, the use of this special water may be a powerful boon to the health professions. “We’re not treating disease,” reaffirms Dr. Lorenzen. “We’re trying to restore order, so that the body can heal itself.” Advert on page 9

Rekord visited the Gibela construction site outside Dunnottar.

positions as planned,” she said. To date, 73 learnerships and apprenticeships have also been f illed with historically disadvantaged applicants from within the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality. In March, local historically disadvantaged small, medium and micro-sized enterprises (SMME) suppliers submitted their profiles in order to be considered for work on the plant. To date, a number of

appointments have been made and Gibela has spent R128 million on local SMME’s. “Gibela believes communication with stakeholders is a priority and holds monthly meetings at its Stakeholders Engagement Forum,” Pamella explained. Once complete, thousands of people including engineers, artisans, technicians, train drivers and technologists will benefit from the facility

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13 JUNE 2017

Child Protection week commemorated Magda Maritz To commemorate Child Protection Week which drew to a close on June 4, Happiness Primary School in Alrapark hosted a child safety and anti bullying campaign, whereby members from SAPS Nigel and off icials from the Health Department provided learners with tips on how to be safe. Another concerning aspect addressed during the campaign, was bullying. According to statistics released by the Department of Social Development, one in three children in South Africa fall victim

to physical, sexual or emotional abuse before their 18th birthday. Children are very trusting and often powerless to speak up about the abuse and violence they experience. It is therefore critical to fight for their protection, safety and right to security. This begs the question: what are we as individuals and communities doing to protect our children. According to the school principal Mrs Patricia Gama, members of the police, metro police, Department of Social

Learners from Happiness Primary School held up placards that speak for itself during the school’s Child Safety and Anti Bullying campaign on June 2.

Development and other stakeholders all gathered at the school event to pledge the safety and protection of young children in the community. “The theme of our campaign is ‘Let us protect children to move Alrapark forward’. We need to help our children and create a safe environment for them to grow up in,” she explained. Among the learners, some held up placards containing words such as “stay away rapists” and “protect me”, which

speak for itself. Sgt Nellie Dwaba from SAPS Nigel addressed the learners and provided them with valuable information on how to protect themselves and prevent being physically or sexually hurt by anyone. Any child exposed to any form of physical or emotional abuse should not hesitate to speak up and ask for help. A parent who suspects their children might be bullied or abused, should report it to the local authorities or phone ChildLine toll free on 080 005 5555.

Sgt Nellie Dwaba from SAPS Nigel addressed learners from Happiness Primary School in Alrapark and provided them with tips on how to protect themselves from being bullied or hurt by others.

AIDS candlelight Memorial Day celebrated at Nigel Prison It was a joyous occasion for members and inmates of Nigel Correctional Centre when they joined hands to celebrate International Aids Candlelight Memorial Day on May 18. The International AIDS International Memorial serves as a community mobilisation campaign to raise social consciousness about HIV and AIDS, even to communities within a rehabilitation structure such as the Department of Correctional Service. The International AIDS Candlelight Memorial, coordinated by the Global Network of People living with HIV, is one of the world’s oldest and largest grassroots mobilisation campaigns for HIV awareness in the world. Subsequently, 16 May 2004 was declared as International Aids Candlelight Memorial Day. It was started by people living with HIV and Aids, to break down the barriers of stigma and discrimination. The mission of the International AIDS

Candlelight Memorial is to honour, support, and advocate for those who have been affected by the global HIV epidemic through mobilising communities for a world where people do not die of AIDS and people living with HIV can live in health and with dignity. The International AIDS Candlelight Memorial is much more than just a memorial. The official proceedings at Nigel Correctional Centre were opened with prayer by Skhumbuzo Myeza, where after correctional officer Mrs Morgan discussed the purpose of the event. When offender Patrick Sebatjane took to the stage, he delivered a powerful message on the subject of HIV/AIDS in South Africa, leaving fellow inmates in trepidation of the prominent health concern the illness still pose in everyday life. Statistics have show that South Africa has the highest prevalence of HIV/AIDS compared to any other country in the world. The programme concluded with a dance number.

Members and inmates of Nigel Correctional Centre when they joined hands to light a candle and celebrate International Aids Candlelight Memorial Day. The Commissioner of the Department of Correctional Services has invited all members and offenders to participate in a HIV prevalence survey, whose purpose will be to guide the Department’s future decision making, its policies and its

programmes. With 33 million people living with HIV/AIDS today, the International Candlelight Memorial serves as an important intervention for global solidarity, breaking down barriers of stigma and discrimination and giving hope to new generations.

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13 JUNE 2017


Kleinspan leer speel-speel Santie Jonck en Conrad Hecter van Eskort Heidelberg het Elrey Dagsorg in Nigel op 5 Mei besoek, waartydens die kleinspan geleentheid gekry het om vorms uit geprosesseerde vleis soos polonie te druk. Hier is die eienaar van Elrey Dagsorg, Elsie Reyneke en Tania Truter saam met die kleinspan waar hulle besig is met hul ‘kunswerk’. Elke personeellid het ook ‘n Eskort resepteboekie ontvang.


Alle koekedore staan nader! Is jy ‘n uithaler as dit by tuisgebak soos koeke, terte, kleinkoekies, lekkers en ander soetgoed kom? Beskik jy oor ‘n besondere bak t a l e n t , maar begrawe dit in jou kombuis? Indien jy meer blootstelling wil hê en in aanmerking wil kom vir groot pryse in Nigel se Best Baker kompetisie, gryp hierdie geleentheid aan. Dié kompetisie bestaan uit vier afdelings naamlik drie dimensionele koeke (3D cakes), spesialiteitsgebak, lekkernye en algemene koeke en terte. Nigeliete asook inwoners van naburige dorpe wat slegs vanaf hul huise bak, kan vir dié opwindende kompetisie inskryf. Volgens een van die organiseerders, Nikita, is die Nigel Best Baker ‘n kompetisie met ‘n verskil, aangesien alle inskrywingsgeld aan die ‘Drive to Sterilise’ liefdadigheidsprojek geskenk word. Om vir die kompetisie in aanmerking te kom

moet jy eenvoudig tuisgebak van hoogstaande gehalte kan lewer. Daar is groot pryse op die spel en boonop sal alle gebak deur Leroux van Vuuren (wat bekendheid in KykNet se Kokkedoorreeks verwerf het) beoordeel word. Beoordeling vind in die verskillende afdelings van die kompetisie plaas. Inskrywingsgeld beloop R100 per persoon (per afdeling) en inskrywings sluit op 15 Junie. Die wenner sal tydens ‘n groot geleentheid by die vlooimark wat op 1 Julie by The Angelo Mall gehou word, aangewys word. Deelnemers sal ook tydens die vlooimark hul eie stalletjies hê waar hul van hul tuisgebak aan lede van die publiek kan verkoop. Die Nigel Best Baker kroon wag net vir jou en inskrywings word afgewag. Vir meer besonderhede, skakel Nikita by 072 108 2674 of Gerhard by 060 335 3810.

Kriewelkousie vier 28ste bestaansjaar Op 31 Mei het die kleuters Nigel Tuiste vir Bejaardes besoek, waar hulle inwoners met pantoffels en serpe bederf het. Vriendinne en Carol Phillips van Quilters Fabric Shack het die snoesige gehekelde komberse geskenk. Die Tuiste se bestuur en inwoners het hul dank en waardering vir die liefdesdade uitgespreek.

Kaitlyn praat eersteplek los Kaitlyn Barnard, ‘n Graad 7leerder van Protea Skool in Spring het aan die Suikerbosrand Eisteddfod wat vanaf 1 tot 8 Junie in Heidelberg aangebied is, deelgeneem. Sy behaal eersteplek in Afrikaans Voordrag en ontvang ook ‘n uitstaande prestasie vir English Poetry.

Op 1 Junie 1989 het Joey Burger ‘n kleutersentrum geopen om die gemeenskap van Nigel te dien en vandag 28 jaar later, het Kriewelkousie Kleuterskool se kleutergetalle van ‘n handjievol kinders tot 85 toegeneem. Ses personeellede staan ook daagliks gereed om kleuters met opvoedkundige programme in beide Afrikaans en Engels vir laerskoolvlak voor te berei. Op 1 Junie vanjaar het die kleuters soos oudergewoonte partytjie gehou en nadat daar aan die lekkernye gesmul het, het van die kleuters van hul oortollige energie op die springkasteel ontslae geraak.

Alkaline Water 5L & 500ml available

There is no life without water

We learn how water transports protein through the body, but are now finding out that the movement of water is just as precise. In fact, cell membranes throughout the body utilize special proteins to transport water and intracellular water turns out to be highly organized. Water appears to exist within the cell in a complex multilayered structure.

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Water, water everywhere The water within our body, known as biowater, is intimately involved in cell physiology; not just in the movement of nutrients and the removal of toxins and waste. It is becoming clear that water plays an active role in cell communication and thus literally thousands of metabolic functions.





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13 June 2017


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13 JUNE 2017


Danica dans plek in provinsiale span los

Danica Venter (verbonde aan Stage Thirteen Dance Studio) hier in aksie tydns die Suid-Afrikaanse kampioenskappe in Maart vanjaar, waar sy vir die Mphumalangaspan gekies is. Danica is ‘n Graad 7-leerder by Laerskool Tini Vorster.

Oos Gauteng Karlu Stander van Laerksool Tini Vorster het op 13 Februarie ‘n A+ in Wiskunde tydens die Champ of Champions Wiskunde kompetisie behaal en gevolglik as algehele wenner uit 150 deelnemers uit Oos-Gauteng aangewys. Karlu is ook deel van 750 deelnemers in die nasionale kamp wat op 19 Augustus aan ‘n verdere kwalifiserende rondte deelneem. Die wenners van


Nuus uit Vossieland Anja Labuschagne, Sonika Dames, Chanté Bester, Gerome Benade, Alex Oberholzer, Melissa Oelofse, Michael Cockroft, Maritza Maritz, Rumaanah Patel en Wayne Moore is Hoërskool John Vorster se Top 10 Graad 11-leerders vir die eerste kwartaal.

Anli Fourie, Danielle Gouws, Ruan Koekemoer, Stefan Horn en Pieter Fourie van Hoërskool John Vorster was gekies om op 7 Junie aan die distrik Olimpiade vir Natuurwetenskappe in Springs deel te neem, waar hulle eerste geëindig het. Dié leerders neem weer op 28 Julie aan die provinsiale Olimpiade deel.

dié kompetisie gaan later vanjaar aan die Champ of Champions internasionale kompetisie in Korea deelneem.

Comrades local stars

Hoërskool John Vorster se o/15-netbalspan het as ligawenners uit die stryd getree, nadat hulle die volgende oorwinnings behaal het: Hoërskool Wagpos (14-6), Hoërskool Jan Viljoen (23-12), Hoërskool Dinamika (18-17), Hoërskool Brandwag (24-10), Hoërskool Die Anker (18-12), Hoërskool Stoffberg (2212), Hoërskool Johan Jurgers (45-0) en Springs Girls High (27-5). Hulle is Élandia Marais, Lucinda Van der Merwe, Doné Harris, Mieke Kapp, Izelke Badenhorst, Ki-Chél Botha en Chenay Stoop.

Photo left: Tau Motaung (left) from the Department of Corrections Athletics Club completed his 10th consecutive Comrades Marathon on June 4. He completed the gruelling uphill battle (approximately 88km) from Durban to Pietermaritzburg in 08:48:57 and also earned his Comrades Marathon Green Number this year. Running the Comrades Marathon only for the second time, Madillo Selepe once again attempted to complete the race, but fell short 20km before the cut-off time.

Don’t miss Nigel Golf Club’s Vivo open championship Nigel Golf Club needs your support in its upcoming fundraiser - the Vivo open championship which will be hosted by the club on Saturday July 1. A shotgun start at 10:30 will announce the official opening of the event, with a halfway house to relief the thirst and diner afterwards. The competition will be presented in IPS format with loads of prizes such as holiday vouchers, installed for the winners. Entry fees are R250 per person and all proceeds will go towards the club. Visitors are welcome. For more information on bookings or sponsorship, phone 011 739 4679 or 083 260 9513.



Nigel Gymnasts excel at Regionals 24 Gymnasts from Nigel Gymnastics Club competed at the Eastern Gauteng Regional Qualifier held in Kempton Park on May 20, where they obtained their Eastern Gauteng Colours and qualified to later compete at the Gauteng Gymnastics Festival. Gymnasts competed against clubs from Alberton, Boksburg, Germiston and Kempton Park. Gymnasts received a medal based on their overall average after four apparatus and have to achieve the following average: Gold 8.80 or higher, silver: 8.50 or higher and bronze: 7.50 or higher. They are: back row (Level 1): Maryke Hauptfleisch first overall (gold), Desire Hauptfleisch f irst overall (gold), Leah Strydom fourth overall (silver), Alyssa Maritz f irst overall (gold), Kaylee De Bruyne (bronze)and Jessica Forrester

(bronze). Second row - (Level 1): Jayden Beckman (bronze), Marne Van der Westhuizen (bronze), Reinhart Joubert second overall (gold), Chelsea Malgas fourth overall (silver) and Jonah Rees(Level 2 bronze). Third row - (Level 2): Tanya Van Staden (bronze), Kayla Oosthuizen third overall (silver), Marco Zdara second overall (gold), Ruvan Coetsee third overall (gold), Zule Geering firstt overall (gold), Danielle Joubert (bronze), Nicole Schoeman fifth overall (bronze), and Henro Stander (absent) fifth overall (silver). Fourth Row (Level 3): Kaylee Stoltz (bronze,) Morgan Naude f ifth overall (silver), Ilene Jones first overall (gold), Amone Billing second overall (gold) and Veronique Da Silva (bronze).

13 JUNE 2017

42 Medaljes vir plaaslike skopboksers

Skopboksers verbonde aan Nigel Kickboxing and Self Defence Centre het gedurende Mei aan die Galaxy Challenge (skopboks kompetisie) in Kempton Park deelgeneem, waar hulle 29 goue, nege silwer en vier brons medaljes ingepalm het. Hier is Shaun Bardsley, Michiel Oberholzer, Jimmy Oberholzer, Dylan Morris, Nicole Oberholzer. Middel: sensei Jaun Naude, Pieter Groenewald, Diwan Groenewald, Hannes Castelyn, Micheala Mienie, Shante Castelyn, Sharlene Bardsley, Siya Mpoyina. En voor is Zander Olivier, Ethen Else en Nathan Walker.

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