Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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Cluster Water 5L & 500ml Call 082 853 4071 500ml ICE TEA sugar & aspartame FREE!

h/v Kingsway & Van Riebeeck Straat NIGEL

27 June 2017

VOL 14 NO 12


Trauma na klag van veediefstal Magda Maritz ‘n 45-Jarige vrou en haar 22-jarige seun is erg getraumatiseer nadat hulle op 15 Junie deur lede van Duduza Polisie van veediefstal aangekla en gearresteer is. Hulle is die vrou en seun van Gordon Fox, voorsitter van die party Front Nasionaal. Volgens Martie Fox was sy en haar seun Robert, asook haar dogter Michelle en dié se tweejarige baba omstreeks 13:30 na Nigel onderweg om kinders by ‘n plaaslike laerskool met haar bakkie op te laai. Regoor Nigel SPCA op die Nigel en Dunnottar-pad, het ‘n trop bokke die pad versper en Martie sê sy het stilgehou sodat Robert die bokke kon verjaag. “Die volgende oomblik het ‘n polisievoertuig langs ons gestop. ‘n Polisieman- en vrou in privaatdrag het Robert daarvan beskuldig dat hy besig was om bokke te steel. Die polisieman het na die polisievoertuig geloop en met ‘n vuurwapen teruggekeer. Hy het die wapen oorgehaal en Robert beveel om die bok wat hy gesteel het, uit die bakkie te gaan

haal,” het Martie aan Rekord gesê. Robert het glo aan die polisieman verduidelik dat hy die bokke uit die pad gejaag het en die trop wat toe reeds die pad oorgesteek het, aan die polisieman uitgewys. “Die polisieman wou niks weet nie en het gedreig om te skiet,” het Robert gesê. Uit vrees vir hul lewens het Robert in die bakkie gespring en Martie het weggejaag, maar by die Vetsakbrug net voor Nigel, het ‘n rooi bakkie die pad versper en was sy genoodsaak om te stop. Nog ‘n polisiebeampte in privaatdrag het uitgeklim en weer is Robert van veediefstal beskuldig. “My dogter het ‘n selfoon video gemaak van hoe een polisieman toue agter in my bakkie gebruik het om Robert te probeer vasbind. Robert het verskeie merke aan sy nek soos hy in die proses beseer is. Toe die polisieman sien my dogter neem dit op, het hy na die selfoon gegryp en in die proses my tweejarige kleinkind wat op haar skoot gesit het, se lip seergemaak. Die polisieman het toe die selfoon in die hande

























Berig vervolg op bladsy 2!



27 JUNE 2017

Trauma na klag

JJC Kruger & Vennote Springs Parkland Kliniek Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172


Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging (By River Square kruising 016 423 3553


gekry en die video uitgewis,” aldus Martie. Daarna het die polisiebeamptes Robert in die polisievoertuig gelaai en met hom in die rigting van Duduza gery. Martie sê sy het die ergste gevrees en besluit om hulle te volg. Onderweg het die polisieman by ‘n veewagter stilgehou en ‘n kortstondige gesprek met hom gevoer, waarna hy na Duduza Polisiestasie gery het. Toe Martie daar opdaag, het hulle haar summier gearresteer. “Hulle het eers vir my gesê dit is oor ek weggejaag het, maar later het ek gehoor dat ‘n klag van veediefstal teen my en Robert gemaak is.” Martie is ‘n asmalyer en gebruik kroniese medikasie, maar na haar arrestasie was sy na bewering vir ‘n onbepaalde tyd aan die diefwering binne een van die kantore vasgeboei. Sy sê dat sy en Robert omstreeks 19:30 die aand na Nigel Polisiestasie geneem is, waar hulle die nag in die selle deurgebring het, tot ‘n borgaansoek die volgende dag aangehoor kon word. Hulle het vlugtig in Nigel Landdroshof verskyn en die saak is


267 SKAKEL 083 267 6198


tot 27 Junie uitgestel. Gordon het aan Rekord gesê sy pogings om warm klere en Martie se noodsaaklike medikasie by die polisiestasie vir haar te gee, aanvanklik geweier is. Eers nadat sy ‘n asma-aanval in die selle gekry het, was daar glo toestemming verleen dat sy dit mag ontvang. By navraag het polisiewoordvoerder Sers Nellie Dwaba gesê die betrokke polisiebeamptes het in die verbyry gesien hoe Robert besig was om ‘n bok in die bakkie te laai. Hulle het hom glo gekonfronteer en van veediefstal beskuldig, waarop Robert en sy ma wou vlug. Volgens Sers Dwaba het ‘n derde polisiebeampte (speurder) daarin geslaag om Martie van die pad af te trek. Hulle is gearresteer en by Duduza Polisiestasie van veediefstal aangekla. “Die bewering van polisie brutaliteit kan nie ontken of bevestig word nie, aangesien die saak ondersoek word,” het Sers Dwaba gesê. Intussen het die Fox-familie regsadvies ingewin en oorweeg hul opsies om ‘n saak teen die staat in te stel.

Nigel Recreation Pub & Restaurant caters for all Have you recently visited the former Nigel Recreation Club - a neighbourhood local that is not quite bar and not quite restaurant, but so much more? Did you know it is under new management? Situated at John Vorster Stadium in Chamberlain Street, Nigel Recreation Pub and Restaurant offers a superb venue for a variety recreational past times such as darts, bridge, line dancing and other gatherings. The great thing about the restaurant is that they offer far more than just a venue or eatery - It now also offers a full-time catering service for a broad spectrum of functions and celebrations ranging from intimate to expansive affairs. If you are searching for a venue to share with friends, family, colleagues and clients and if you are at a complete loss regarding where to have that special event, intimate and corporate gathering or memorable birthday party, then the well-positioned club is the perfect spot where you can hire a hall to suit the occasion no matter what the celebration or size. Nigel Recreation Pub and Restaurant is a multi-seater restaurant with tables inside and outside, encompassing a semiprivate balcony with outdoor braai facility

and fully licensed cash bar. The venue has been designed with entertainment, convenience and an enjoyable atmosphere in mind. If you are looking for venue hire that you are able to tailor to your specific needs promising a memorable function, contact Nigel Recreation Pub and Restaurant to ensure yours is what memories are made of. At Nigel Recreation Pub and Restaurant, you can order a scrumptious pub lunch or come relax any time of day. For enquiries, phone Monique on 076 868 7409.

Monique, right owner of Nigel Recreation Pub & Restaurant

27 JUNE 2017


Illegal dumping Magda Maritz Illegal dumping remains a stinking problem, especially in the residential areas of Alrapark and MacKenzieville where it brings unwanted elements to the neighbourhood. Complaints were received from residents who said the dumping of household waste and other solids such as garden and building rubble resulted in a fly infestation and the influx of rodents. Residents expressed their dismay towards this and wanted to know what the municipality is doing to combat illegal dumping. Rekord visited the area with DA councillor Wollaston Labuschagne on June 14 and found that almost every piece of vacant land in the neighbourhood of Alrapark is being used as a mini dumping site, where anything from dead animals, hair extensions, rotten food products, used baby nappies, broken glass and household rubbish could be seen. “Most of the time, we are exposed to terrible odours in our homes,” one resident told Rekord during the visit. According to Labuschagne, residents are as much to blame for the current state of the area, as ignorance plays a big role. “Residents simply dispose of waste and refuse when and where they want. The municipality is doing everything in its power to keep the area clean, but in less than a week after the waste department has moved in, the mini dumping sites would re-appear,” he said. He added that illegal dumping of waste remains one of the largest problems in the area and residents would often complain about theft of their wheelie bins. Labuschagne reminded residents that stolen wheelie bins can be replaced by producing a municipal bill and submitting an affidavit to the waste department. He also urged residents to also blow the whistle on illegal waste dumpers by taking cell phone photos of perpetrators in the act, or by reporting it to the Environmental Health Department by phoning 011 999 6663.


Body found The body of a male, estimated to be between the ages of 35 and 45 years, was found at an open veld at Steenkamp Farm, Sharondale. He was wearing black shoes with grey soles, grey overall pants, brown leather belt with SOS badge on the belt, white long sleeve T-shirt and, black jacket with orange lining inside. His estimated weight is around 90kg and he is 1,72 m tall. Anyone with information can contact the investigating off icer W/O Fana Mkwanazi on (011) 737-9631 or 072 104 6786.


Kids Craft Classes - July 17

Ages 6 to13 Wear old Clothes. No adults allowed. Book in advance - 50% dep with every booking Alrapark residents say they are fed up with illegal dumping sites such as this one where anything from dead animals, household rubbish, and garden and building rubble can be seen.



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h/v Rhodes & Standard Weg , NIGEL This is what some of the streets in Alrapark looks like. Here, DA councillor Wollaston Labuschagne is seen during a recent visit to the neighbourhood. He urged residents to blow the whistle by reporting illegal dumping, to enable the municipality to fine perpetrators accordingly.

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We would like to hear from you! Have you got any news, views, moans or groans? Or any interesting hobbies & sport achievements? Contact Magda @ 011 814 8614

TEL: 016 341 2187/8

017 773 0220

HEIDELBERG, 23 Schoeman Str. BALFOUR 93 Mury Str.



27 JUNE 2017

What to expect from Lesedi’s 2017/18 budget Magda Maritz

Following Lesedi Local Municipality’s (LLM) recent announcement of the annual tariff increase, executive mayor Lerato Maloka delivered her speech on the municipality’s financial health and future plans, during the 2017 State of the Municipality Address at Heidelberg Town Hall on June 14. Conf irming the approval of the f inal budget of R837 million, Cllr Maloka reminded Lesedi residents that the community services tariff increased with 6,4%, which will come into effect on 1 July 2017. “It important for me to say that these increases are not locally based, but choices arrived at necessity by ESKOM, National Treasurer and Rand Water,” she said. Touching on the subject of potential growth, Cllr Maloka said that around 97% of the Lesedi population have access to water and that around 90% of Lesedi residents have access to sanitation services.

She added that there is a need for upgrading of the existing bulk sanitation infrastructure, to cater for the Housing developments and projects such as Obed Nkosi, Kwazenzele phase 2 and Mpumelelo Ext 3.” The existing Waste Water Treatment Works will soon be running out of capacity. I am pleased to announce that we have a plan. The expanding construction work in Kwazanzele phase 2 and Mpumelelo ext 3 will commence in 2018,while the Obed Nkosi will start soon, where an amount of R5,8 million will be spent,” she said. Residents that want to change from single phase conventional meter to pre-paid meter, will henceforth only pay R1200 and those who want to change from three phase conventional meter to pre-paid meter, will do so at a cost of R1500. LMM has a budget of R42 million on indigent relief, but Cllr Maloka warned that there is perpetual and exponential increase in the number of indigents. Through the Indigent recruitment drive, around 5100 applications were received. Approval thereof will take place over the next few months. Cllr Maloka elaborated further on the budget and highlighted a number of upcoming projects namely: Upgrading the Jameson Park Substation spending R1,8 million; R6 million will be spent on Energy Efficiency Projects; Relocation of electrical meters at Mpumelelo; Installation of high mast lights - R1,05 million; Upgrading of Jameson Park substation - R1,8 million; Upgrading of Water pipeline at Vischkuil - R8 million; R16 million for the replacement of water asbestos pipes in Heidelberg CBD; Upgrading of floating roof reservoir at Heidelberg Ext 23 - R4 million; Upgrading of Kwazenzele sewer

plant - R10 million and upgrading of Devon sewer plant - R2, 5 million; Construction of Roadsand Storm water at Mpumelelo - R12 million; LMM will spend R4 million in Jameson Park for development of roads and R15 million for Ratanda extension 1, 3 and 6; R1,5 million will be spent on the installation of a dual purpose Library at Kwazenzele and the reconstruction of Impumelelo Library at a cost of R9 million; To advance physical training and healthy life style LLM will be constructing the Sport Facility in Heidelberg extension 23 for R15 million; Reconstruction of Impumelelo council offices to ensure services are R1, 8 million; Construction of Devon ECD Centre at an

amount of R18m and construction of the Lesedi Centre for vulnerable women and children at R49 million; Construction of Devon Tannery and development of a Mega-Agri Park at Obed Nkosi and Langzeekoeigat aimed at assisting emerging farmers on production, processing and playing a critical role in the main stream agri-economy, LMM will invest R30 million on this project; An amount of R5 million has been put aside for resealing of roads; In order to ensure timeous response, one centre service station and giving customers access to services LLM has put aside an amount of R2 million to establish a fully flashed customer care centre.

Oud SAPD-lede gevra om terug te keer Luidens beriggewing deur Netwerk 24, kan oud SAPD-lede terugkeer na die polisiediens. Oud-polisielede wat in die range van konstabel, sersant en adjudant-off isier gedien en die polisie verlaat het, kan glo nou weer aansoek doen om heraangestel te word. Lt Gen Lesetja Mothiba (waarnemende polisiehoof) het die besluit in ‘n verklaring op die polisie se webtuiste bekend gemaak en advertensies vir dié poste is sedert middel-Junie in verskeie nasionale koerante gepubliseer. Besoek die webblad by vir meer inligting. Former cops invited to re-enlist The South African Police Service (SAPS) invites former members from the ranks of Constable, Sergeant or Warrant Officer who comply with certain requirements, to apply for re-enlistment. Successful candidates will be re-enlisted in the ranks they previously held in the service. This follows a statement by Lt Gen Lesetja Mothiba (acting chief of police) in which he made the announcement. Advertisements have been published in a number of national newspapers since midJune. Former members applying for reenlistment after the advertisement have been placed, must bear in mind that they will be subjected to a thorough screening process which will include, but not be restricted to, the following: * A psychological assessment; * Fingerprinting; * Reference-checking; * Medical and fitness testing; and * Checking of previous SAPS employment

records. Only those former members who have good attendance and disciplinary records need apply. Some of the criteria for re-enlistment which will be included in the advertisements to be published shortly will be: The applicant should have successfully completed basic police training and relevant functional police training courses, where applicable; The applicant should be in possession of at least a Senior (Grade 12) Certificate or higher qualification; The applicant should have a valid light vehicle (Code B) or heavier driver’s licence; The applicant should have no criminal record OR criminal case pending and must not have been declared unfit to possess a firearm; The applicant must be able to serve at least ten years in the SAPS before reaching the pensionable age of 60 years; The applicant must be willing to be deployed based on the needs of the SAPS which may include relocating at own expense and/or accepting a post away from his or her current place of residence; The applicant must not be involved - or have been involved - in any business/ activity which will compromise the integrity of the SAPS or be in conflict with the interests of the organisation. Former members who left the South African Police Service more than ten years ago, left on retirement, were dishonourably discharged or dismissed, left pending the finalisation of disciplinary and/or criminal proceedings or left due to ill-health retirement or medical boarding, will not be considered for re-enlistment. Visit for more information.

TEL: 011 819 1575 / 082 690 7591

27 JUNE 2017

NIGEL/HEIDELBERG REKORD - ONLINE EDITION was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol the same day in Springs Road, after being pulled over by members from Nigel Metro Police. House robbery: Magda Maritz Nigel SAPS and members from Nigel CPF responded to a house robbery that occurred around 09:30 in Mike Odendaal A 32-year old male died shortly after being Street on June 14. According to the police, shot by a group of armed robbers at the the domestic worker was lured outside by farm Rooikraal Landgoed (district a group of men at the entrance gate, who Heidelberg) in the early hours of the informed her that they needed to take morning on June 17. measurements inside the house. According to police spokesperson Sgt When the domestic worker responded by Nellie Dwaba, Bafana Sibiya and his saying she knows nothing about any girlfriend were asleep when around 1:30, measurements to be taken, one of the there was a knock on the door. Bafana (a suspects allegedly faked a call to the house former worker on the farm) went to open owner’s wife and informed her that they the door when he was shot several times were instructed to enter the house and wait in the upper body. The robbers entered the around 15 minutes for the owner to arrive. house and proceeded to the bedroom She then opened the gate and went to wake where they found Bafana’s girlfriend. up the owner, when one of the suspects They demanded cash and her cell phone grabbed her from behind and told her not and when she told them she did not have to scream. The suspects tied the domestic worker and the house owner’s hands with shoe laces. They ransacked the house and fled the scene when a telephone inside the house began ringing. Several items among which jewellery, a laptop and a Samsung curve television worth over R10 000 were stolen. No arrests have been made. Another house robbery occurred in Jameson Park later the same day, when a woman arrived at her house around 17:30. She was allegedly confronted by three armed men in her driveway and told to point out the location of the CCTV server point. After removing the cables, the suspects tied the house owner and her children up and locked them inside a bedroom. They ransacked the house and fled with items worth around R400 000. The house owner’s car was also stolen, but later recovered by CPF members on the Nigel-Heidelberg Road. A house robbery also occurred in Blesbok Street, Alrapark on June 16 during which the complainant was stabbed by a group of men, before they made off with her television worth around R5 000. No arrests. Robbery with a weapon: One suspect is still at large after he grabbed two women and robbed them at knife point in Gazelle Drive on June 12. Motor vehicle theft: A car was stolen in Hendrik Verwoerd Street around 21:00 on June 14. According to the police, the complainant attended the prayer hour at church and when she returned to the parking area afterwards, she discovered that her car had been stolen.


32 Year old dies

Nigel Crime Desk Business burglaries: A burglary occurred at a hair salon in Alrapark on June 12, during which a number of items (estimated at around R10 000) were stolen. Residential burglaries: A house break-in occurred in Nyala Avenue, Alrapark on June 13. According to police spokesperson Sgt Nellie Dwaba, the burglars obtained access to the house by forcing the door open. A computer and cell phone were stolen. Another break-in occurred in Margaret Street (Nigel) on June 14 and one in York Street on June 18. Common Assault: An assault case was opened at SAPS Nigel, following an incident that occurred at The Skip (Kaydale) on June 17. According to Sgt Dwaba two males engaged in physical confrontation while visiting the bar. No arrests have been made. Common robbery: Police are looking for two suspects, following a robbery that occurred in Balfour Road (Alrapark) on June 12. According to Sgt Dwaba, a man walking down the road towards his house when he was grabbed by two unknown men and robbed of his gold chain worth around R28 500 and his wrist watch worth around R7 000. Driving under the influence of liquor or drug related offences: A man was arrested for being in possession of dagga in Steenie Street on June 15. Shortly thereafter, another man was arrested for being in possession of dagga and other narcotics in Von Geusau Street. A man was arrested by members from Nigel Metro Police for driving under the influence of alcohol, after hitting two pedestrians with his motor vehicle in Main Road on June 16. He will appear in court soon. Another man

any money, they ransacked the house. They later demanded she take them to someone that has money and as they walked out, they encountered a group of farm workers returning from their shift. Alarmed by the presence of the farm workers, the robbers made off into the dark. Upon arrival of emergency workers, Bongani was stabilised and transported to Natalspruit Hospital where he later succumbed to his injuries. According to Sgt Dwaba, the robbers made off with two tablets and a cell phone. The police requested anyone with information to contact the nearest police station or to phone SAPS crime stop on 08600 10111.

Springs National Fresh Produce Market, Paul Kruger Highway, Springs

Tel: 011 815 1494/011 089-7000 * 082 718 4562 SPECIALS VALID FROM: WED 28/06/2017 TUES. 04/07/2017 Saturday Only 01.07.2017 - Bulk Beef Goulash Bulk Beef Stew




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g n i r o Mot

Well Wheeled

By Aldi & Magda

Car City Registered under HB Fitment & Service Centre is a RMI Four Star approved motor vehicle workshop, situated at 65 Schoeman Street, Heidelberg. They provide full fitment and mechanical services from minor to major services to all makes and models of vehicles, as well as fault diagnostics and more. At Car City, they aim to provide the highest quality

products and service at the most affordable prices and customers can expect guaranteed workmanship, excellent customer service and a willingness to go the extra mile. With the focus place highly on expansion of the workshop, Car City will soon add another feature to its service and f itment division, namely new and reconditioned turbo for all engine types (cars, trucks and agricultural).

Over the past two years, Car City has faithfully and diligently developed their service division, building it into the formidable role-player it currently is, both within the Heidelberg Bearings and Heidelberg set-up in general. Although Heidelberg Bearings will be closing at the end of June management would like to thank the community for their loyal support over the years. Business hours are from Mondays to Fridays 07:30 to 17:00 and on Saturdays from 08:00 to 14:00. Phone 016 349 1222 for enquiries today.

we service & maintain maintain all all vehicles vehicles

RMI 4 star registerd under HB Fitment & Service Centre Service To All : * Minor Services * Brakes & Discs * Shocks * Diagnostics

SNF Auto on the corner of Apsey and Schoeman Street in Heidelberg, do more than just mechanical repairs and services to any make and model vehicle. They are also experts in auto electrical repairs and fault diagnostics. Featuring a fully equipped workshop with specialist diagnostic equipment and highly qualified staff, they have been providing customers with excellent service for the past three years. Brothers Shane Boucher and Robin Van Heerden have recently taken over management of SNF Auto, and under their leadership, staff are kept up to date with the latest technological

advances. “Our workmanship is guaranteed and no customer will be denied at SNF Auto,” Shane said and added that they are insurance credited with companies such as SA Warranties, Motorite, Innovation Group, Bidvest Group, CMC Group, AMP Group and Insure Africa. SNF Auto Services are experts when it comes to engines, gearboxes, CV’s, diffs, suspensions, brakes and clutches. Additional services include mobile diagnostics, key coding, ECU repairs, windscreen replacements, f itment and installation of car alarms and other security features. No deposit is required for any work done at the workshop. Customers can also rely on its afterhours

Nigel Panel and Paint Accidents happen all the time and it is good to know that there is a trusted and professional panel beater and spray painter that is fully equipped to repair your vehicle to its former glory. Nigel Panel and Paint is situated at 119 Northern Street where Len Powell and Sandra Low are partners in the business. Len has over 25 years experience in the motor industry, spanning auto electrical, mechanical, panel beating and spray painting. He has been a classic car enthusiast all his life and has personally restored many vehicles. Len manages Nigel Panel and Paint on a full time basis and is the face of the company. Nigel Panel and Paint is RMI approved and a recent addition to their quality workmanship includes truck repairs. Nigel Panel and Paint is a SANTAM authorised repairer, but they also do repair work for most insurance companies. A qualified and efficient team provides professional customer service and the team is always ready for any eventuality, to be able to respond effectively to customer needs. Business hours are from 07:30 to 17:00 Mondays to Fridays and Saturdays from 09:00 to 13:00 only for quotations. At Nigel Panel and Paint, customers can expect honest service with quality workmanship and products. Visit them today for a free quotation or phone 011 814 5161 or 083 929 8819 for enquiries.

We are

* Major Services * Cam Belt Overalls * Clutch Repairs * Suspension Repairs

for P hone tes o u Q e e 016 349 1222 Fr 65 Schoeman st. Heidelberg


27 JUNE 2017



55 Vlok Str. RENSBURG

Approved Len Powell

083 702 4121

011 814 5161 11 Northen Road Nigel

call out service and road site assist service within a 50km radius. A towing service comes free of charge, when all work is done at SNF Auto Services. Going the extra mile for their customers, Shane said they source any motor vehicle, truck and tractor spare. Business hours are from Mondays to Saturdays from 07:00 to 17:00. For enquiries, phone Shane on 076 106 3543 or Robin on 083 403 7926.

27 JUNE 2017


Hyundai & Kia Heidelberg Hyundai & Kia Heidelberg are committed to provide customers with a variety of brand new and quality pre-owned vehicles, such as the newest edition to the Hyundai family - the Creta SUV and Kia Rio. An attractive showroom invites customers to become part of the family and Hyuandai & Kia is committed to outstanding customer service. First launched at the Beijing Auto Show in 2014, the Hyundai Creta SUV has managed to take both the Chinese and Indian markets by storm, and is now quickly doing the same on South African shores. This outstanding Compact Sports Utility Vehicle shares its Hyundai platform with the current Hyundai i30 and gives South Africans a Crossover Vehicle that is extremely affordable, while still offering ample interior space, rugged off-roader looks, higher ground clearance and an abundance of safety as well as comfort features. The Hyundai Creta SUV is no slouch in the looks department either, as the eye catching wide grille, its commanding stance, stylish rising shoulder line and its floating roof all combine to create is an unforgettable mix of SUV stylings and Hyundai’s fluidic design language. At Hyundai & Kia Heidelberg an experienced sales team also awaits customers in the fully equipped workshop, where only genuine Hyundai and Kia parts are used by qualified technicians. For the best prices and deals, visit Hyundai & Kia at 3 Meyer Street, Heidelberg or phone them on 016 341 5414 to book your test drive today.

Car Service with a smile! Life Drives

D.F AIRCORN CC Daniel du Plessiss 082 348 4499 Mobile Automotive Aircon & Repairs. All work Gauranteed

Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Mining equipment, Combines “Stroopers”. 6 Chris str. Unit B4. HEIDELBERG



Marievale Road, Vorsterskroon, Nigel


Testing of all vehicles We collect & deliver Weekdays 08h00 - 17h00



Tel: 016 341 5414 / Fax: 016 349 5941

The All New KIA RIO and all new Hyundai Elantra

Great News! Did you know, you could qualify for up to 15% discount on labour & 10% on parts for all vehicles out of service plan if booked in at Hyundai or Kia Heidelberg?

But Hurry as this offer is for a limited time only! Open on Saturdays from 8 am to 12 pm for your convenience Contact us for bookings or enquiries



Viervoetiges soek huis

Boesman die Worshond is ongeveer 12 maande oud. Hy is gesond en aktief en beskikbaar vir aanneming by Heidel*berg DBV. Besoek die DBV Maandae tot Vrydae tussen 09:00 tot 16:00 of Saterdae tussen 09:00 en 12:00, of skakel 016 342 4114 vir aanneming.

Hierdie Labarodor is ongeveer vyf maande oud en onlangs deur Heidelberg DBV van die straat gered. Hy is energiek en benodig ‘n groot erf.

Blou, die Maltese is ongeveer een jaar oud en soek ‘n huis waar sy hope aandag en liefde sal ontvang. Blou is gemaklik binnehuis en sal goed by ouer mense inskakel.

Met sy liefdevolle geaardheid sal hierdie tweejarige (onbekende kruising) by enige huishouding inskakel. Hy is onlangs by die Heidelberg Mall gevind.

Vissies presteer

Laerskool AG Visser se rugby eerstespan het ook na die Sedibeng uitspele deurgedring. Die span bestaan uit Jeandré Kitching, Chevandré Havenga, Christiaan Gryffenberg, Nicolis Montgomery, Elbie Mouton, Cornelius Billings, Wian Haasbroek, Duncan Van Zyl, Johan Delport, Landon Bassedien, Pieter Kriel, JD Ludick, Liam Barnard, Mandla Malepane, Dean Snyders, Mpho Mbata en Armand le Roux.

27 JUNE 2017

Brandbestuur kán wegholbrande beheer Magda Maritz Brandbestryders verbonde aan Nigel Brandweer het grondeienaars soos die Departement van Korrektiewe Dienste oor die belangrikheid van doeltreffende brandbestuur toegespreek en vanaf 13 tot 15 Junie ‘n demonstrasie in brandbestuurpraktyke soos die implimentering van brandbane (brandpaaie) gelewer. Dit volg ná wegholbrande in die Wes-Kaap onlangs honderde woonstrukture beskadig en duisende inwoners ontwrig het. Aangedryf deur wind en droë weerstoestande is veldbrande kenmerklik aan winter, maar ‘n onvanpaste brand op die verkeerde tyd van die jaar kan vernietigende en verrykende gevolge hê, soos die geval in Knysna en Plettenbergbaai. Volgens Rudi Beukes, senior bedryfsbestuurder van Nigel Nooddienste, moet grondeienaars soos boere volgens wetgewing gereeld brandbestuurstrategië implimenteer, sodat wegholbrande en ander vuurtoestande suksesvol beheer kan word. “Die Nasionale Veld- en Bosbrand Wet (Wet 101 van 1998) maak spesif iek voorsiening vir die geïntegreerde brandbestuurstrategië en praktyke soos brand-

Hier demonstreer brandbestryders verbonde aan Nigel Brandweer hoe indringerplante en -bome soos die Bloekomboom in bosgebiede uitgeroei behoort te word.

bane,” het hy gesê en verduidelik dat brandpaaie as noodsaaklike toegangspunt dien, sodat brandbestryders vure beter kan beveg. Onbeheerde brande het ‘n geweldige negatiewe impak op die sosiale, ekonomiese en ekologiese bates van ‘n gemeenskap, maar deur die implementering van ‘n geïntegreerde brandbestuurstrategie kan die negatiewe invloed egter voorkom of verminder word. Brandbestuur is ‘n holistiese benadering tot die wetenskaplike bestuur van vure en sluit ondermeer brandvoorkoming en bewusmaking in, juis om rampe soos dié in die Wes-Kaap te voorkom. Beheerde vuur soos voorbrande, die skep van brandbane en uitroei van indringerplante en -bome soos die Bloekomboom, word soms plaaslik ingespan om wegholbrande te beheer, maar ook om eiendom en infrastruktuur te beskerm. Volgens Mnr Beukes is laatherfs die aangewese seisoen om brandbestuur toe te pas, maar hy het boere en grondeienaars aangeraai om te wag met voorbrande tot na die winter se eerste rypneerslag, aangesien gras dan droër is en makliker brand.

Brandbestryder Pine Pienaar in beheer van die saaglem tydens die implimentering van brandbane.

27 JUNE 2017



Rensburg VLU reik na die sterre Tydens Rensburg VLU se 462ste vergadering op 21 Junie, het plaaslike prokureur en entrepreneur Bouwe Wiersma, as gasspreker opgetree. Na verwelkoming en opening deur die takvoorsitter Anja Jordaan, het Bouwe stelling agter die sketsbord ingeneem waar hy ‘n illustratiewe demonstrasie van die Diereriem gelewer het. Die tema van sy praatjie was ‘SMS van daarbo’ en die besonderhede in klein het gehandel oor vasgestelde tye, feeste en seisoene op aarde wat in die son- maan- en sterrestelsel opgesluit lê. ‘n Foto van die Sinagoge vloer waarop die Diereriem vasgevang is, het as wegspringplek vir sy praatjie gedien en hy het verduidelik hoe tyd, seisoene en Bybelse gebeurtenisse met die Diereriem verbind word. Volgens Bouwe kan daar in Genesis 1:14 gelees word hoe die Skepper Sy sms’e gemaak het. “Die Bybel is in die sterre opgeteken,” het hy gesê. As slotgedagte het hy na Job 38:32 tot 36 verwys waarin die name in die Diereriem verduidelik word. Die amptelike verrigtinge is hervat en Anja het die sake uit die vorige notule voorgelees. Sy het ook die tak se opkomende projekte en kompetisies bespreek, waarna Heilie Van den Berg oor die Engelse skrywer van die jaar, Amanda Coetzee, gesels het. Die vergadering is met ‘n geselligheid om die teetafel afgesluit. Die volgende vergadering vind om 14:00 op 26 Julie by die Gereformeerde Kerk Heidelberg se saal plaas. Almal is welkom. Vir navrae, skakel Anja by 061 547 6102.

Prokureur en entrepreneur Bouwe Wiersma hier aan die woord tydens Rensburg VLU se vergadering op 21 Junie. Hy het ‘n illustratiewe demonstrasie oor die betekenis van die Diereriem gelewer.

Heilie Van den Berg van Rensburg VLU het oor die bekende Engelse skrywer Amanda Coetzee gesels.

Police warning

Police spokesperson Capt Tshilate has warned of a social media message that has been in circulation since mid-June, inviting applicants between 18 and 30 years old, to apply for SAPS trainees. The message is spread via all online platforms, sms and whatsapp messages, but Capt Tshilate said the public should be informed that the message is false and misleading. The message referred to, reads as follows: “Applications for SAPS Trainees 2017/2018 are open. Requirements: SA Citizens between the age of 18 and 30 yrs of age; Matric (Grade 12); No Criminal record; Driver’s Licence (not compulsory); No visible tattoos; Must be willing to be placed at any of the 12

Bernard du Plessis was die gelukkige wenner van Rensburg VLU se “Raai-Raai mandjie” kompetisie. Die mandjie is deur Hester Ludik geskenk en lede het dit met kruideniersware gevul. Deelnemers moes die gewig van die mandjie raai. Die mandjie het 10kg geweeg en trekking is deur drie persone waaronder die streeksvoorsitter, gemaak.

stations within Sedibeng Cluster. SAPS Preliminary Trainee Application Forms are available at the nearest police station. Documents to be attached to Application Form: Certif ied Copy of SA Identity Document; ID photo; Certified Copy of Senior Certificate/Matric Certificate (NOT Statement of Results); Copies of Post School Qualif ication, Copy of Driver’s Licence (not compulsory). All Application Forms must be in own handwriting in black ink. Applications must be handed in from Monday to Friday between 08:00 and 15:30. Closing date for applications are Wednesday 19 July 2017 at 16:00. No late applications will be accepted.” NOTE that this advertisement is false!

C.J.J. STEEL cc. ~ STEEL MERCHANTS ~ Cnr: Grootvlei Rd, and Partridge St, Strubenvale Tel: 011 815 4700/1/2 * Fax: 011 8153088 Stockists of Steel Sections, Rail, email: -

Belangrike datums - Important dates Gereformeerde Kerk Heidelberg se saal, Vir navrae, skakel Anja by 061 547 6102. 29 JULIE Heidelberg Gholfklub - Distell Wilds Gholfdag. Afslaan om 07:30. Groot pryse op die spel. Vir navrae, skakel die klub bedags by 016 349 1061 or Rian by 081 879 0966. 5 AUGUST Rivers of Hope Walk 4 Jesus Family Fitness Walk starts at 09:00 from Alrapark Swimming Pool. Registrations open on July 29. For enquiries, phone Ronnie on 072 755 3223 or Ashley on 076 335 0798. 9 AUGUSTUS Nigel SAVF vier Nasionale Vrouedag met hul jaarlikse handsakprojek vir liefdadigheid. Vul enige gebruikte of nuwe handsak met toilletware vir ‘n behoeftige dame. Lys van items by navraag beskikbaar. Skakel Meisie by 084 502 5606 vir meer besonderhede. 10 AUGUSTUS Nigel VLU vergader om 10:00 by die NG Kerk Nigel Oos. Almal welkom. Vir navrae, skakel Anne-Marie Axer by 082 886 2002. 12 AUGUST Nigel SPCA mass sterilization drive. For enquiries, phone Jana on 060 972 4491. 23 SEPTEMBER Nigel AP Kerk bied hul jaarlikse pretloop ten bate van Bybelverspreiding - Stap vir Bybels - aan. Almal is welkom om aan die 1km en 5km pretloop deel te neem. Skakel 011 814 3854 of 083 703 1763.



29 JUNE Ekurhuleni East Cluster Commander Prayer Day from 11:00 at the Apostolic Faith Mission Church, corner of Kenneth Masikela Secondary School (Kwa-Thema). For enquiries, phone Capt Ramphora on 079 694 6936 or Sgt Ndlela on 071 111 5808 or Sgt Mtshweni on 083 294 6208. 30 JUNIE Nigel DBV kunskompetisie by die AFM Aquilla gemeente. Vir navrae skakel Jana by 060 972 4491. 1 JULY Nigel Golf Club - Vivo Open Championship. Shotgun start at 10:30, halfway house and dinner. Competition format - IPS. Entry fees are R250 per player. Great prizes to be won. Phone 011 739 4679 or 083 260 9513 for more information. 1 JULIE Nigel Rugbyklub speel tuis by John Vorster Stadion. Kom wys jou ondersteuning. Vir navrae, skakel Louis Bezuidenhout by 082 335 0853. 1 JULY Nigel Community on Patrol (NCOP) Fishing Competition from 07:00 to 15:00 at the Mirage Pan, Nigel. Heaps of prizes up for grabs. Biggest Fish - R1 000. For enquiries, phone Johan on 073 946 7692 or Riaan on 081 086 077 or Danie on 079 062 2872. 26 JULIE Rensburg VLU vergader om 14:00 by die

Piping Plante and Tubing

Terms & Conditions apply 2.0MM


12x12 .... R88.00 16x16 .... R100.00 20X20 ... R72.00.........R100.00 25X25 ... R90.00 ....... R135.00 32X32 ... R125.00 ..... R180.00 38X38 ... R160.00 ..... R210.00 50X50 ... R210.00 ..... R290.00 76X76 ... R315.00 ..... R400.00 100X100 ................... R540.00

20MM .... R65.00.........R90.00 25MM .... R82.00 ....... R105.00 32MM .... R112.00 ..... R170.00 38MM .... R125.00 ..... R195.00 50MM .... R180.00 ..... R230.00 76MM .... R260.00 ..... R340.00

EQ ANGLE 6M 25x25x3 .................... R105.00 25x25x5 .................... R160.00 30x30x3 .................... R123.00 30x30x5 .................... R209.00 40x40x3 .................... R160.00 40x40x5 .................... R250.00 25x25x2 .................... R 73.00 30x30x2 .................... R 99.00 40x40x2 .................... R116.00



38x20 .... R135.00 ..... R160.00 38x25 .... R145.00 ..... R175.00 50x25 .... R160.00 ..... R200.00 50x38 .... R205.00 ..... R235.00 76x38 .... R230.00 ..... R300.00 76x50 .... R265.00 ..... R330.00 100X50 ..................... R420.00

Fibre Glass Sheeting R82.00 p/m



R70.00p/m Cut to size


75x50x20x2 100x75x20x2


R250.00 ..... R412.00 R314.00 ..... R517.00

REINFORCING BAR/Y-BAR 10MM ..............R 50.00 12MM...............R 70.00


FLAT BAR 6M 12X3 ........ 16x3 ......... 20x3 ......... 20x5 ......... 25x3 ......... 25x5 ......... 30x3 ......... 30x5 ......... 40x3 ......... 40x5 ......... 50x5 .........

R 30.00 R 34.00 R 40.00 R 55.00 R 49.00 R 67.00 R 59.00 R 82.00 R 79.00 R109.00 R137.00

SQ BAR 6M 8MM ......... R66.00 10MM ....... R62.00 12MM ....... R81.00

WINDOW SECTION 6M RT6 ......... RT13 ....... RX7 ......... F7 ............ F4B ..........

R 78.00 R 93.00 R 110.00 R 90.00 R 225.00

ROUND BAR 6M 6MM .......... R21.00 8MM .......... R34.00 10MM ........ R42.00 12MM ........ R62.00


LIP/CHANNEL 75x50x20x2 ............... R278.00 100x75x20x2 ............. R312.00 125x50x20x2 ............. R345.00 150x50x20x2 ............. R379.00



R423.00 R480.00 R525.00 R577.00

2450x1225x1.6 .............................. R520.00 2450x1225x2.0 .............................. R620.00 2450x1225x2.5 .............................. R750.00 2450x1225x3.0 .............................. R900.00 2450x1225x4.0 ........................... R1 280.00 2500x1200x5.0 ........................... R1 650.00 2500x1200x6.0 ........................... R1 998.00





NOAH’S ARK PET SHOP Voëls, voëlsaad, hokke, visse, viskos, akwariums. krieke, Hondekos, Avi-Plus. Bearded dragons, hamsters, spinnekoppe, meelwurms, hondehokke, honde jassies en bedjies. Honde, katte en hasies. Oop weeksdae 9:00 - 18:30, naweke en vakansiedae 09:00 - 16:00. Tel: 083 456 6601. 011 814 4514. SHOP 7, FERRYVALE SHOPPING CENTRE. NIGEL COMPUTERS / REKENAARS Matrix Warehouse Nigel. For all your computer requirements. 011 814 2156.

BRIDAL / BRUIDE Wedding World Springs 011 811 5776/ 083 280 4584. Skitter in die rok van jou drome! Bring idee of prentjie vir asemrowende skeppings deur Elize – ontvanger van internasionale ontwerper toekenning (Parys, Frankryk) vir kreatiewe styl. Koop, huur of kies uit ons groot verskeidenheid elegante trou & aandrokke. manspakke, hemde, dasse en onder-baadjies te huur. Bespreek jou plek vir jou matriekafskeid rok nou! Betaal af tot funksie datum. Redelike pryse. Professionele vriendelike diens. H/v 3de straat & 3de laan Geduld, Springs. BUILDERS/BUILDING BOUERS/BOUWERK

LAUNDRY MATE Bring all your blankets, duvets, comforters, linen, curtains, clothing, etc. to us for a professional wash. We will take care of your laundry as if it is our own. Laundry can be fetched and delivered at a small fee within Nigel and Heidelberg Town areas. Contact us on 011 814 3597 / 072 511 4366

SMART KITCHENS & HOME IMPROVEMENTS For 3D Designer Kitchens or kitchen revamps, BIC, Bathr, Vanities, No compromise on Quality and Service. Free Quotations. Phone Andre at 082 738 1441

H/V HOSPITAAL & HF VERWOERDSTRAAT HEIDELBERG Skakel ons by 016 349 2175 of Wena 082 785 9108

R&I TYRES & MAGS Bekostigbare BANDE vir jou motor en bakkie. Ons praat Afrikaans en ons diens is ons trots. Kontak Ivan of Darren by 699 Voortrekkerstr, Brak-pan, 011-7400477 of 011-744-3544


42 Schoemanstr, Heidelberg, 016-341-4445, sms 071 545 3868 Whatsapp: 072 317 7001



Contact 079 681 4842 REFRIGERATION/AIR CONS NIGEL - FRENCH Refrigeration & Airconditioning. Installation, repair and services. Contact 082 701 1946. or visit us at 143 Von Geusau Street, NIGEL.

Heidelberg AA Meetings Thursday 7pm Heidelberg Methodist Church, 59 Strydom Street &Friday 6pm Acts Family Church, Extension 23 6027, Nyathi Street. If you think you have a DRINKING or DRUG problem. Please come listen to the tes,monies of sober recovered alcoholics and drug addicts.Contact Person: Marius 083 566 4569 ( Should you know of some-one or anyone not receiving a Rekord Newspaper every second Tuesday please contact 011 814 8614


TE HUUR - NIGEL HALLGATE - NIGEL. 2 Slaapkamer. Prag tuin. Alarmstelsel. Koopkrag. Geen groot honde nie. Huur R3800 per maand. Deposito R2500. Skakel Elize 083 929 7885.


available in Springs

D.F. AIRCON Mobile Automotive Aircon & Repairs.

Aircon Repairs to Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Mining equipment, Combines “Stroopers”.

Daniel 082 348 4499/ 079 876 9896. All work guaranteed

Secure complex. 24-hour security.

Close to Selcourt towers, Blue Crane Eco Mall 1km, school 1km, N17 Highway & 8km from Springs central.”


S uperMeubels,

BOUWERK Alle bouwerk en aanbouings. Bou van Nuwe Huise en Woonstelle (Granny Flats). Seel & verf van dakke Skakel Gerald 083 384 9599


27 June 2017

Ons het die grootste verskeidenheid gebruikte meubels te koop. Nuwe Siesta Beddens, nuwe kar, bakkie & taxi bande, oudhede, nuwe comforters (stelle) R295, walkers, groot verskeidenheid krukke en rollators, badstoele, kerkbanke, pine meubels, riempiesbank - so baie om te sien, so baie om te koop....

Kry REKORD jou ekostigbare plaaslike nuusblad elke 2de Dinsdag by ons kantoor, SPAR. OTK, asook Eskort, Sharon Park PnP, Meatworld Hier is Laerskool AG Visser se o/ 13A netbalspan wat op 10 Junie na die Sedibeng uitspele deurgedring het: Delaine Willemse, Nikita Bannister, Mia Bezuidenhout, Chanté Visser, Asté Olivier, Macheri Delport, Clarize Wucherpfennig en Ilincé Jordaan. Hulle word deur Me Christa Gladd afgerig.


tt 77 Porter Rd. DUNNOTTAR

All units: 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom – R3 230/ month. 1 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom- R2 970/ month. Deposit: 1 months’ rent + R300 key deposit + R 800 once off admin fee.

Susan 082 732 2473 Emil 012 809 2044 VACANCY / VAKATURE


ELECTRICAL/ELEKTRIES J.J.J. ELECTRICAL - JAN 084 952 0997 We specialize in the following: New Electrical Installations. Maintenance. Certificate of Compliance. Gate motor Installations. Garage Door & Motor Installations. Intercom Installations. Generator Change Over Switching.


Winkel assistant met ervaring en + R10.50 vir opsny & verpakking. verwysings Nigel omgewing Mon-donderdae 07:00 tot 15:00 en vrydae Rump & Loin @ R75pkg. Bulk T06:00 tot 13:00. Stuur cv’s na Bene Rak @ R75 pkg. Bestel Woensdae vir aflewering vir opvolgende Woensdag. Skakel 078 076 3821

Vissies netbal meisies

27 JUNE 2017


Vossies o/15 netbal triomfeer Hoërskool John Vorster se o/15netbalspan is onoorwonne, nadat hulle Hoërskool Edenvale met ‘n telling van 20-18 en Hoërskool Alberton met ‘n telling van 20-12 verslaan het. Na afloop van die laaste kragmeting in die Ekurhuleni liga op 10 Junie, het die meisies hul beffies triomfanklik die lug ingegooi. Die span bestaan uit Elandia Marais, Lucinda Van der Merwe, Doné Harris, Mieke Kapp, Izelke Badenhorst, KiChél Botha en Cheney Stoop en word deur Klarinda Stander afgerig.


Vossies lewer kookwater rugby

Laerskool Tini Vorster se rugby eerstespan het na die semi-finaal van die rugbyliga deurgedring en op 21 Junie kragte teen Laerskool Westwood gemeet. Die span bestaan uit Ewan Pretorius (o/k), Ethan McKlein (k), Keegan Van der Merwe, Heindrich Du Preez, Marcelle Honiball, Elcher Grung, Juandré Kleinhans, Ignus Vermaak, Dirkie Botha, Justin Johst, Juan-Jac Pienaar, Louwrens Van der Linde, Jacobus Cornelius, Keane Duckitt, Tiaan Deyzel, Benjamin Henman, Tokkie Giliomee, Dian La Grange, Thabo Nkosi, JP Fourie, Handrick Deyzel, Wimpie Symington en Max du Plessis. Links agter is die afrigter Mnr Victor Kalp en regs agter is Mnr Johan Louwrens.

Landloopatlete vaar goed tydens kampioenskappe 15 Landloopatlete verbonde aan Suikerbosrand Atletiekklub het Atletiek Vaaldriehoek tydens die jaarlikse Interprovinsiale Landloop Kampioenskap op 10 Junie verteenwoordig. Atletiek Gauteng Noord het die byeenkoms te Erasmus Hoërskool in Bronkhorstspruit aangebied en die uitslae was as volg: Dogters o/8 - 1km: Lohané Aucamp 38ste;

o/9 - 2km: Alexia Johnson 31ste; o/113km: Jolaine Aucamp 35ste en Anzel Doubell 37ste; o/12 - 3km: Desere Steenkamp 22ste en Aneli du Plessis 46ste; 0/13 - 3 km: Anericke Bornman 22ste; o/14 - 4 km: Danielle Verwoerd negende en o/16 - 4km: Duhané du Plessis 27ste. Seuns o/8 - 1km: Ricus Bornman 60ste; o/9 -2km: JP Delport derde; o/11 -3km: Giovanni Coetzee 52ste; o/12 - 3km: Johan Delport tweede en Michael Doubell 23ste; en o/15 -Henk Pienaar 30ste. Vir meer besonderhede oor die klub, skakel Susan du Plessis by 076 403 1471.

Tydens die Interprovinsiale Landloopkampioenskappe wat op 10 Junie in Bronkhorstspruit plaasgevind het, het Johan Delport tweedeplek in die o/12-afdeling behaal.

Die o/9-rugbyspan van Laerskool Tini Vorster het ses van hul sewe ligawedstryde gewen en tot die semi-finaal wat op 21 Junie teen Laerskool Westwood by Hoërskool Die Anker se velde plaasgevind het, deurgedring. Hier het die toekomstige Springbokspan ook met Laerskool Westwood afgereken en na die finaal wat op 27 Junie te Ashton Manner plaasvind, deurgedring. Die span bestaan uit Tyrone Munro, Kies Edward, Henrico Botha, Jaden de Witt, Zaynodine Hankan, Tristan Munro, Dandré Louw, Albertus Botha, Ruben Van Schaik, Francois Cornelius, Ronaldo Botha, Sidanio Jacobs, Shaun Grobler, Linden Manuel, Adrian Forrester, Dylan Maritz, Bryan Momberg, Mizanco Duvenhage, Jacques Steyn, Zandre Van den Berg en Waldo Nienaber.

Sedibeng liga wenners

JP Delport van Suikerbosrand Atletiekklub het derdeplek in die o/9afdeling behaal.

Hoër Volkskool se o/17A netbalspan het as wenners uit die Sedibeng liga getree en gekwalifiseer vir die Gauteng Netbalkampioenskappe wat vanaf 16 tot 17 Julie te Hoërskool EG Jansen in Boksburg plaasvind. Die span bestaan uit: Monique Minnie, Clarize Uys, Bianke Schoeman, Landi de Wet, Megan Baird, Lisa-Marie Verwoerd, Charissa Labuschagne en Claudine Steyn. Me Mariska Strassburg is die afrigter.



27 JUNE 2017

ACCREDITED TRAINING 1. We are the only registered Firearms Training Provider in your area. 2. Competency training for unit standards to Business Purposes 3. Registered for Regulation 21 as required for your security guards 4. We have an inhouse accredited Shooting Range, Instructor and Assessor. 5. We are your GLOCK PREMIUM PARTNER and your GLOCK MAINTENANCE WORKSHOP PARTNER for repairs and services. 6. We will be able within the near future to let you shoot a Glock in our indoor shooting range, before you buy!!

The Gauteng Road Cycling Team after the official handing over of this year’s cycling shirts, which took place in Roodepoort.

HUNTERS – HEIDELBERG Ueckermann Building, 59 Pretorius Street, Heidelberg 1441 Tel: 016 341 6329 Email:

ELCO STEEL DEALERS TEL: 011 362-1551/2 FAKS: 011 815-3427 Cnr. Ermelo & Dagbreek Rds, Largo, SPRINGS Prices valid while stocks last / incl vat / E&OE

Cycling team geared The Gauteng Road Cycling Team completed their preparation cycling run during the week of June 7th, whereafter the official handing over of this year’s cycling shirts took place in Roodepoort at the Sponsor’s business premises. The handing over of the SAPS Gauteng Road Cycling Team cycling shirts was Wireless Unit witnessed by representatives of the West Rand Cluster and Gauteng ProThe most affordable tracking vincial Office. Acdevice on the market ting Cluster ComWe also have a mobile team We also have a mander Brig Leon available mobile team ! Kruger welcomed available guests and delivered an inspiring speech during the event. He thanked Tracking Devices their sponsors and (Matrix & Beame ONLY ) said their involveRubberising ment over the past Anti-Smash & Grab two years is highly appreciated. Sound “We have a great Bluetooth Kits team who put long Alarms hours on the road. These members Immobilisers were chosen for the Central Locking Gauteng team beAnti - Hijack Systems cause of their hard work and dedication.” Participating in the championship, the team had been on the road from 19 to 23 June 11 Tulback Str. NIGEL (Next to Nigel Diesel ) with great end @ results.

Get Your


Chilligan C

m e nt it F t i o t u A Au


( 011) 814 2103

PURLINES 6MT 9.1MT 75X50X20X2 R238.74 R392.50



20X3 20X5 25X3 25X5 30X3 30X5 40X5 40X3 50X3 50X5

25X25X2 R 64.98 25X25X3 R 88.98 25X25X5 R 133.38 30X30X3 R 119.04 30X30X5 R 195.96 40X40X2 R 99.96 40X40X2.5 R185.58 40X40X3 R 143.52 40X40X5 R 232.56 50X50X4 R 265.86 50X50X5 R 282.48 60X60X6 R 328.32

R 39.00 R 58.98 R 46.14 R 70.98 R 57.54 R 81.90 R109.02 R 78.00 R 92.34 R136.98


R61.02 R56.46 R80.16

R/BAR 6MT 6MM 8MM 10MM 12MM 16MM 20MM

R 18.96 R 28.98 R 45.00 R 64.98 R118.02 R199.98


R 79.02 R 93.00 R 94.98 R 99.00 R229.02

EXP/METAL 6320C R189.33 6320D R226.19 WHEEL KIT SETS 60MM R119.70 80MM R153.90

SHEETS/PLATES EA 2450X1225X1.6 2450X1225X2 2450X1225X2.5 2450x1225x3 2450x1225x4 2500x1200x5 2500x1200x6

R500.00 R585.00 R740.00 R893.76 R1239.00 R1599.00 R2188.80

PALISADES PALISADE PANELS 600mm High R340.00 900mm High R420.00 1.0mt High R440.00 1.2mt High R461.70 1.5mt High R521.55 1.8mt High R616.51 2.0mt High R627.00 2.4mt High R750.00 LOOSE PANELS 600mm R13.05 900mm R17.98 1.0mt R19.63 1.2mt R23.11 1.5mt R29.44 1.8mt R35.33 2.0mt R39.26 2.4mt R47.11

CHANNEL 76X38(6.70kg/mt) R 529.02 100X50(10.73kg/m)R1089.66 152X76 R1830.72 178X54 R1573.20

RECT. TUBE 1.6MM 25X12 38X20 38X25 50X25 50X38 76X25 76X38 76X50 100X50

R100.02 R106.02 R109.86 R159.00 R199.38 R177.84 R204.18 R227.10 R283.32


2.0MM R118.02 R109.08 R129.96 R194.94 R222.72 R246.24 R278.58 R296.52 R399.00

1.6MM R2.0MM

20X20 25X25 32X32 38X38 50X50 76X76 100X100

R 67.74 R 89.88 R109.86 R150.12 R198.36 R293.76



19MM 25MM 32MM 38MM 42MM 50MM 76MM 100MM

R 59.04 R 80.04 R109.02 R119.04 R159.00 R178.98 R253.02

LIP CHANNEL 6MT 75X50X20X2 100X50X20X2 125X50X20X2 150X50X20X2 175X50X20X2 200X50X20X2

R263.34 R293.10 R324.90 R358.44 R400.14 R430.02

R 94.68 R129.90 R160.74 R167.22 R269.04 R362.52 R521.64

2.0MM R 88.98 R 99.00 R169.02 R178.98 R198.96 R229.02 R328.98 R469.02

9.1MT R399.73 R446.73 R497.76 R546.05 R600.00 R659.36

Welding Rods DURA CONDO ACDC R3799 2yr warranty, 2x remotes, 4mt rack 5kg 2.5mm & anti theft bracket battery R110.58

ROOF SHEETING I.B.R 0.4MM CQ R56.80 I.B.R/CORR. 0.5MM R75.72 I.B.R/CORR. 0.6MM R90.71 CORR 0.3MM FH R42.12

GALV SHEETS 2450X1225X0.5 2450X1225X0.6 2450X1225X10 2450X1225X2.0 2450X1225X3.0

R235.92 R275.00 R452.52 R770.00 R1543.00

A grade prices include vat subject to availability E&OE

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