Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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Oupa Vossie se plaas

ELCO STEEL DEALERS TEL: 011 362-1551/2 FAKS: 011 815-3427 Cnr. Ermelo & Dagbreek Rds, Largo, SPRINGS Prices valid while stocks last / incl vat / E&OE PURLINES 6MT 9.1MT


75X50X20X2 R250.68 R412.07



20X3 20X5 25X3 25X5 30X3 30X5 40X5 40X3 50X3 50X5

25X25X2 R 68.28 25X25X3 R 82.50 25X25X5 R 135.42 30X30X3 R 111.30 30X30X5 R 178.38 40X40X2 R 104.94 40X40X2.5 R194.88 40X40X3 R 149.10 40X40X5 R 380.28 50X50X4 R 279.12 50X50X5 R 292.98 60X60X6 R 420.12

R 49.32 R 62.94 R 48.42 R 79.80 R 70.38 R 85.98 R114.48 R 81.90 R 96.96 R143.82


Laerskool Tini Vorster se draaiboek vir hul kleuterkonsert 2017 “Oupa Vossie se plaas” was die hoogtepunt van September maand se vertonings. Vossieland Fotosessie op bladsy 8

R64.08 R58.62 R83.94

R/BAR 6MT 6MM 8MM 10MM 12MM 16MM 20MM

R 17.40 R 30.48 R 42.96 R 65.04 R123.96 R210.00



82.98 97.68 99.72 103.98 240.48

EXP/METAL 6320C R198.79 6320D R237.50 WHEEL KIT SETS 60MM R125.69 80MM R159.60

SHEETS/PLATES EA 2450X1225X1.6 2450X1225X2 2450X1225X2.5 2450x1225x3 2450x1225x4 2500x1200x5 2500x1200x6

R514.39 R607.95 R777.77 R939.74 R1300.95 R1678.95 R1888.95

PALISADES PALISADE PANELS 600mm High R340.00 900mm High R420.00 1.0mt High R440.00 1.2mt High R461.70 1.5mt High R521.55 1.8mt High R609.99 2.0mt High R699.00 2.4mt High R750.00 LOOSE PANELS 600mm R13.05 900mm R17.98 1.0mt R19.63 1.2mt R23.11 1.5mt R29.44 1.8mt R35.33 2.0mt R39.26 2.4mt R47.11

CHANNEL 76X38(6.70kg/mt) R 544.92 100X50(10.73kg/m)R923.94 152X76 R1922.22 178X54 R1651.86

25X12 38X20 38X25 50X25 50X38 76X25 76X38 76X50 100X50

R105.00 R111.30 R115.32 R162.72 R184.76 R186.72 R227.28 R238.44 R297.48


2.0MM R123.96 R114.48 R136.44 R204.66 R232.98 R233.10 R288.72 R319.68 R418.98

1.6MM R2.0MM

20X20 25X25 32X32 38X38 50X50 76X76 100X100

R 71.16 R 93.36 R115.32 R157.62 R204.66 R306.48



19MM 25MM 32MM 38MM 42MM 50MM 76MM 100MM

R 60.78 R 81.66 R104.94 R124.98 R141.72 R177.42 R257.22

LIP CHANNEL 6MT 75X50X20X2 100X50X20X2 125X50X20X2 150X50X20X2 175X50X20X2 200X50X20X2

R261.42 R292.98 R318.12 R345.42 R420.12 R451.50

R 94.80 R136.38 R168.72 R175.56 R278.16 R328.00 R544.92

2.0MM R 93.42 R103.98 R135.42 R166.98 R198.42 R220.50 R334.98 R492.48

9.1MT R397.89 R439.97 R488.25 R513.49 R630.00 R696.44

Welding Rods DURA CONDO ACDC R3799 2yr warranty, 2x remotes, 4mt rack 5kg 2.5mm & anti theft bracket battery R93.48

ROOF SHEETING I.B.R 0.4MM CQ R59.63 I.B.R/CORR. 0.5MM R73.50 I.B.R/CORR. 0.6MM R95.25 CORR 0.3MM FH R44.23

GALV SHEETS 2450X1225X0.5 2450X1225X0.6 2450X1225X10 2450X1225X2.0 2450X1225X3.0

R247.71 R278.25 R475.14 R808.50 R1620.16

A grade prices include vat subject to availability E&OE



I can’t even walk without Him This week’s message - Christ Alone Ministries [] It is said that around 1974 Colbert Croft Joyce was sitting in front of the piano. At and his wife Joyce were going through a one in the morning, when he felt like he could not go on any more the Lord gave particular difficult time. They were facing the most difficult storm, Colbert a song. the darkest valley. They had nowhere to go, He sat down and wrote the song: nowhere to turn. They felt that they I thought that number one would always couldn’t go any further. Beaten down, they be me. I thought I could be what I wanted felt deserted and alone with not a friend to be. I thought that I could build on life’s sinking sand. But I can’t even walk without left in the World. Colbert said that his heart so broken, he You holding my hand. was feeling so discouraged that he could I thought that I could do a lot on my own not even pray any more. One night all he I thought I could make it all alone. could say is “Lord, help me” while praying. I thought of myself as a mighty big man. But I can’t even walk without You holding my hand. Lord I can’t even walk without You holding my hand. The mountains too high and the valleys too wide. Down on my knees I’ve learn to say Lord I can’t even walk without You holding my hand. The Lord said to Isaiah: For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but My kindness shall not depart from you, nor shall the covenant of My peace be removed, says Jehovah who has mercy on you. (Isaiah 54:10) When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned; nor shall the flame kindle on you. (Isaiah 43:2) For I, Jehovah your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, Do not fear; I will help you. (Isaiah 41:13) Do not fear; for I am with you; be not dismayed; for I am your God. I will make you strong; yes, I will help you; yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness. (Isaiah 41:10) Just maybe today you need to hear this promise again. Just hold His hand!


Joe 072 119 8230 / 072 037 5976

Plumbing, Galvanized, Copper, Doors, Cement, PVC Fittings UB42 Underground 90° Bend 110mm

R49 SB400 SV 90°Bend 110mm


Bath set R1799

Fittings Copper, Conex, Galvanized, Plascon

Underground 4B41 45° Bend 110mm

R30 110mm PVC Pipe 6m

R115 R168

Copper Pipe 15mm

Shop 5, Nigel Shopping Centre. Cnr Kerk Str. & 1st Ave. NIGEL


Smart libraries to empower the community

The launch of the Mzansi Libraries Online (MLO), dubbed the digital knowledge hub, envisages a literate and technologically advanced community of young and old citizens making use of technology at public libraries to improve their lives. On Tuesday, September 19, Member of the Mayoral Committee (MMC) for Community Services lead the off icial launch of the Mzansi Libraries Online Project at three of the city’s libraries concurrently - in Tsakane and the main event at the Germiston Library. The overall objective of MLO is to empower South African communities to improve their lives through the provision of increased free access to information,

particularly by children, youth, the unemployed, women, the elderly, and people living with disabilities - especially the visually impaired. The new digital knowledge hubs will have advanced facilities such as: Increased social and economic benefits through access to health, education and economic information. On-line registrations for university registrations, on-line studies and human resources applications. Enhanced skills and capacity among library staff for a better service to the community. Community training programmes. A sustainable public sector that will continue to meet the needs of the community into the future.

What are you leaving behind? Elize and I were privileged to be able to attend the NG Lente Konferensie in Pretoria this week. As always it was a blessing and we came away being inspired by many of the talks we heard over the three-day conference. One of the talks was on Spirituality and the lecturer basically challenged us to identify ourselves and to see who we were in this mixed up world of ours. This all sounds fine but as we sit and think about who we are in Christ (after all we are Christ followers and as Christians we call ourselves children of God). But here is a question that was posed and that I found to be quite a challenge. The 500-year anniversary of Martin Luther and the reformation resulting in his work is being celebrated this year. Never mind about 500 years but what about 100 years from now. Will ANYONE remember you and the work that you did for God? The truth is that we are all called to make a difference for God, are you making a difference and if yes what is the difference? I believe that the world has taken on us a journey AWAY from God instead of towards God. I believe that we are falling to the temptation of the world and in so doing God and His instruction is being ignored. Take some time to think about the basics laid out in the Bible. We call the Bible the guide to life – but do we listen to the wisdom found in the Bible. Take some time to study the book of James and see how

From the desk of Rev Ray Goddess

Rev Goddess, Heidelberg Methodist Church close you manage to come to what we are taught in this life changing book. How about looking at Hebrews 13: 1-5. How close to you come to living a life laid out in these verses? I guess we need to take a long hard look at who we are and what we are leaving behind. To do the work of God and be effective in His work we need to start with ourselves and thereafter those around us will be influenced by our love for Jesus and this will make a difference in the world. Get this right and I believe that you will be remembered for a long time (maybe not a full 100 years – but for a long time). Take time to reflect on who you are in Christ – and ask God to help change you into the person He has designed you to be.



Plaasmoorde wek kommer

JJC Kruger & Vennote Springs Parkland Kliniek Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172 Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging (By River Square kruising 016 423 3553


Dit is met afgryse dat die boeregemeenskap van Gauteng daagliks moet verneem van nog ‘n plaasaanval, nog ‘n oom en tannie wat op brutale maniere vermoor en geskend is. Volgens talle Afrikaners is dit ‘n kommer dat daar geen vordering gemaak word in die stryd teen plaasgeweld nie. Ongeag hoeveel energie en tyd die polisie in misdaadvoorkoming spandeer bly die frekwensie van plaasgeweld steeds hoog. Daar is huidig geen positiewe oplossing om dit te bekamp nie. Prioriteit moet dringend gegee word aan plaasbeveiliging deur beide boere en boereverenigings aan die een kant en die polisie aan die ander kant. Talle politieke partye eis dat die regering meer moet doen om die aanvalle op boere stop te sit. Die polisie moet gereeld terugvoer aan die Menseregtekommissie lewer oor misdaad in boeregemeenskappe en die departement van justisie moet dié gemeenskappe by sy program wat die regte van kwesbare groepe bevorder, insluit. Talle mense vra wat gedoen kan word om ons land veiliger te maak. Ons moet egter begin om onsself te beveilig binne die wettige raamwerk. Buurt- en plaaswagte is ‘n bewese konsep, wat misdaad saam met die polisie en private sekuriteit kan hokslaan. Indien veiligheidsstrukture nie beskikbaar is nie, kan mense AfriForum kontak om hulle by te staan in die vestiging van strukture, of verwys na strukture waarby hulle kan aansluit. Almal is dit eens dat die ou kommando-stelsel goed gewerk het, omdat daar reageer is op inligting wat in die gemeenskappe ingesamel is. Volgens kenners was doelgerigte optrede en daadwerklike misdaadvoorkoming met die kommando’s behaal. Inligting is ingesamel en misdadigers is geteiken voordat aanvalle kon plaasvind. Dit is die les wat ons kan leer uit die stelsel. Hulle het geweet hoe laat aanvalle gewoonlik gebeur en watter gebiede is die meeste blootgestel. Almal soek na oplossings wanneer gaan die erns van die saak gesien word en daar daadwerklik opgetree word. Die uitspraak van die artikel weerspieël nie noodwendig die



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Shops to let NIGEL Size 125m²

Contact 082 456 8417 mening van Rekord Redaksie nie. Die artikel is deel van ‘n reeks artikels oor plaasmoorde.




Residents urged to Suicide chilling challenge continue saving water! With the spring season upon us, temperatures begin to rise along with the demand for water and water-using activities – like gardening and swimming. In this light, the City of Ekurhuleni urges its residents and businesses alike to focus their efforts on implementing simple changes that will go a long way in reducing water demand.

267 SKAKEL 083 267 6198


Rand Water has also requested municipalities to curb water use during this period, which is traditionally when consumption is at its peak. The bulk water supplier has implemented Stage 1 of their protocol for the operation of the bulk water distribution network. This stage calls on municipalities to implement measures to balance the supply and demand for water to mitigate the risk of water interruptions. To this end, the City is putting in place interventions such as the reduction of water pressure, prioritizing the repair of major pipe bursts as well as leak detection and repair. “Residents could therefore experience low water pressure, especially during peak demand times between 05:00 and 08:00 and 17:00 and 20:00,” says Ekurhuleni spokesperson Themba Gadebe. The City is also aware that many industries have entered their peak production season. In order to ensure that there remains a constant supply of water; businesses are requested to continue in their endeavours to reduce the demand on the municipal water supply system. Although water restrictions were lifted in March, irrigation activities are prohibited between the hours of 07:00 and 17:00. For tips on how to save water visit http://

What is the Blue Whale online suicide game? And while the media claims the game has been responsible for the deaths of 134 teenagers, this information is unverified. After signing up, the user is assigned a curator. This curator then issues tasks over the next 50 days. On the 50th day, the controlling manipulators behind the game reportedly instruct the youngsters to commit suicide. The horrific tasks include self-harming, watching horror movies and waking up at unusual hours, but these gradually get more extreme. These tasks can be anything from listening to a certain song, watching unsettling videos and waking up at odd times, to much more extreme requests such as cutting words or whale symbols into one’s skin. “It is a formalised kind of bullying, the purpose of Blue Whale is to break down the teen so they commit suicide,” he said. Goldstuck added that more should be done to address the issues surrounding teen depression. Not only can users download the game online, but reports claim that those interested in playing the game can find curators on social media sites. The game is reported to be invented by 21year-old Philipp Budeikin from Russia. The FPB said it issued the warning because its primary mandate was to protect children and vulnerable members of society against exposure to disturbing and harmful material. The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (Sadag) says it is aware of the Blue Whale game. The group is carefully monitoring the situation, but warns that parents themselves should be watchful and prepare and control their children’s access to the internet. The Blue Whale suicide game is believed to be a social media group which is encouraging people to kill themselves. There are hundreds of thousands of posts relating to the sick trend on Instagram. ”What is Instagram doing to stop the game spreading? Instagram has started showing users a warning when they search for pictures relating to Blue Whale. When you search for the term on the network, a notif ication appears which reads: “Posts with words or tags you’re searching for often encourage behaviour that can cause harm and even lead to death. “If you’re going through something difficult, we’d like to help.” But directly underneath the post it gives the option to “see posts anyway”. There are several shocking pictures of self-harm and even jokes about the sick game once you click through. The NSPCC say children should remember

not to follow the crowd and not feel pressured into doing anything that makes them feel unsafe. A spokesperson said: “Children can find it difficult to stand up to peer pressure but they must know it’s perfectly okay to refuse to take part in crazes that make them feel unsafe or scared. “Parents should talk with their children and emphasise that they can make their own choices and discuss ways of how to say no. “Reassuring a child that they can still be accepted even if they don’t go along with the crowd will help stop them doing something that could hurt them or make them uncomfortable. In Kenya, the Film and Classif ications Board has banned the game as they believe two recent suicides in the country can be blamed on these challenges. The Board's CEO Ezekial Matua says they received complaints from parents about children Matua says from what it knows it's not an application that you download but rather a game that people start. He insists it is real and it is dangerous. Authorities in Nairobi have also contacted the local Film and Publications Board (FPB) to warn it about the dangers teens could face. But Nechama Brodie - the head of Tri-Fact training and research at Africa Check says there is nothing to suggest such an app or website exists. The real issue is teen suicides Despite the veracity of these claims about Blue Whale, the real issue is why troubled teens choose to take their own lives and why they would seek out other people in similar situations. Commenting on the reportage and claims of Blue Whale University of Cape Town lecturer and commentator Jacques Rousseau writes that "everybody should be particularly attentive to not encouraging mystical thinking about life and its travails." He further asks: "So, if you’re going to amplify Blue Whale, your first responsibility is surely to de-mythologise it, and to emphasise agency rather than buying into the narrative that there is an app that might kill you, or cause you to kill yourself?" Counselling psychologist Jeremy Bayer says it's important to discover the internet with your child or teenager. Parents need to set rules when it comes to social media. There have now been reported cases in several parts of Europe, South America and more recently in Kenya where the game has apparently been banned. What can you do? It's almost impossible to try and stop a game, app, challenge or chat group from being accessible and even if social media sites are able to do so, a new game or app will soon emerge.

TEL: 011 819 1575 / 082 690 7591




Excessive rabbits to be donated to the zoo The excessive number of rabbits estimated to be over 2 000 at the Ekurhuleni’s Benoni Bunny Park has forced the municipality to donate them to the Johannesburg Zoo as food for carnivores. The municipality plans to leave only 50 sterilised rabbits homed in separate enclosures. The excessive rabbits in the park has presented various challenges such as lack of control over the population growth, which leads to inbreeding and decline in intrinsic immunity, resulting in the outbreak of disease and high parasite loads. “While the practice of free roaming rabbits at Bunny Park is an inherited and accepted management practice, it has however,

became an increasing concern to animal rights organisations in recent years especially in relation to inbreeding. We have decided that from a zoological point of view, this is no longer the best practice,” Ekurhuleni Spokesperson, Themba Gadebe said. The city’s policy on the keeping of livestock, makes provision for the disposal of excess livestock through a number of ways including selling the excess animals and donation of animals. Already, 750 rabbits were sterilised at the cost of R300, 000 and sent to new homes; and despite this costly exercise an estimated 2 000 rabbits remain in the park and it would not be financially viable to attempt to sterilise them all.

Sanral fuel lev y concession The DA welcomes the admission by the South African National Roads Agency Limited (SANRAL) that it has all but lost the battle to electronically toll Gauteng’s roads and that it is open to alternative funding methods to fund the roads. Since the inception of the highly contentious e-Toll system on the province’s roads, residents have refused to pay for this stealth tax which underwent virtually no consultation process and was foisted upon motorists in 2013. The DA has always advocated that alternative funding methods be explored to pay for the GFIP. The fuel levy is one of the options that can


be explored. Especially since Gauteng generates the lion’s share of the fuel levy raised. This method will not only be more cost effective and easier on the pockets of Gauteng’s residents than the complex eToll system currently in place, but will also ensure that funds collected are used for their intended purpose, the development of infrastructure – not the lining of offshore accounts. The DA will continue to advocate for the implementation of a fuel levy on Gauteng’s roads instead of electronic tolling which has had a negative impact on the province’s economy.

Having rabbits in the enclosure will also help the municipality’s plans to plant pastures without rabbits eating them. The overpopulation has caused severe damage to the land and decimated the flora of the park The city is in process of upgrading the park at the cost of R7 million in the 2015/

16 and 2017/18 financial years. Currently the city has dredged all the dams in the park, did a lot of internal fencing and installed some of the irrigation. The next phase includes planting of pastures, expanding the irrigation system and upgrading the animal shelters.




Oupa Vossie se plaas kleuterkonsert 2017



Hoax disclosed The City of Ekurhuleni wishes to dispel a hoax message circulating on social media communicating a recruitment process for the City’s Keep Ekurhuleni Clean programme. The City has not invited applicants nor started the process of recruitment for the programme. Once internal administration processes are concluded, Ekurhuleni will make an announcement and invite the public to submit applications for a fair and transparent recruitment process. Members of the community and Councillors are encouraged to report people who may be involved in an illegal “recruitment process” to their nearest Customer Care Centre or phone the call centre on 0860 543 000. The City of Ekurhuleni urges residents to be vigilant and guard against being swindled by fraudsters.


The Nigel Methodist Church is having their famous traditional fete on Saturday September 30, 2017 at the church in George Herriot Street in Nigel. As usual everyone can expect lots of fun and entertainment on this day with lots of good food. Food stalls with a wide variety for everyone as well as something sweet. Don’t miss our early breakfast, famous braai chickens and off course all the sweet treats. Meet with friends in our tea garden. Donkey cart rides and lots of fun for the children. The community will be entertained by the well-known Cross Roads Christian Band. Please Note: FLEA MARKET STALLS ARE AVAILABLE ON A DONATION BASIS. PHONE WILLIE 072 604 1596


Guptas destroy Gauteng business Confession from a saved woman

The infamous Gupta family have struck once again, this time crippling a Gauteng business that supplied the family with much needed equipment to continue operations at their controversially acquired Shiva Uranium mine in Klerksdorp. Quarry Master, situated in Springs, Ekurhuleni was contacted in 2015 by Varun Gupta who sought to utilize the company’s expertise to repair a rock crushing machine. Quarry Master took up the job but indicated that repairing the machine would be of no use and that a replacement unit should be installed. Varun Gupta insisted that the company do the repair job, despite being informed the repair would carry no warranty. Quarry Master repaired the machine and sent a technical team onsite to monitor the system for a period of 12 hours, as per the request of Varun Gupta. Suspiciously, when these 12 hours were up, the machine “broke” and Varun refused to pay for the work carried out – including other goods that were purchased from Quarry Master. When Quarry Master sought legal recourse, Varun Gupta indicated that they would counter sue R500 000 out of pocket, and with suppliers breathing down their necks, Quarry Master was not in a position to take the matter further. Subsequent to this event, the company has had to down-scale its work force and its reputation with its suppliers has been badly tarnished. This is yet another example of how cronyism and corruption are killing small businesses in South Africa. Without the political will to tackle this scourge head-on, more jobs will be lost in an ever shrinking economy.

For 3 years I have hurt, betrayed and lied to my husband. I have committed adultery, not by accident, but because of anger, and that is even worse because it was planned. Not that adultery can ever be an accident! He loved me so much that he took me back! He forgave me, loved me, trusted me, but NO that was not enough for me. I have kept in contact with this other person, texting him instead of spending time with my husband. Went on weekend trips leaving my husband at home. But for 3 years I kept up with this sick twisted game, failing my loving husband, time and time again. Till my husband came to a point where he was so hurt, devastated and just sick of my never-ending betrayal, that he had no choice but to ask me to move out of his life. Then I realized what I have lost, my loving, caring husband. What have I done!! I have tried to get him back, but he gently, yet firmly stood his grounds, the pain was just to unbearable for him to give me another chance. I have started to do some soul searching, back tracking my steps to the person I once knew I was. Went to church one Sunday morning for the second time in 3 years… And there, that moment during worship and prayer, it hit me, so hard that I’ve started crying with shame. I did not lose myself during this time, I have lost God along the way. That morning I have asked the Lord for yet another chance. He is a God that specializes in giving second chances. Only He can help me put the past where it belongs, and renew me completely so that I will live my life for people to see what the Lord has done for me. I have not given up on my marriage. I want my husband to love, care and trust me again, not for who I was, but for who I have Stockists of Steel become in Christ. The same God that has Cnr: Grootvlei Rd, and Partridge St, Strubenvale Sections, Rail, Piping saved me, will also redirect my husband’s Tel: 011 815 4700/1/2 * Fax: 011 8153088 Plante and Tubing Terms & Conditions apply email: - path. God’s timing is perfect.

C.J.J. STEEL cc.


Saved by grace! Carry Heyns



12x12 .... R88.00 16x16 .... R100.00 20X20 ... R77.00.........R106.00 25X25 ... R95.00 ....... R143.00 32X32 ... R132.00 ..... R191.00 38X38 ... R170.00 ..... R222.00 50X50 ... R222.00 ..... R307.00 76X76 ... R334.00 ..... R424.00 100X100 ................... R57200




38x20 .... R143.00 ..... R170.00 38x25 .... R153.50 ..... R185.00 50x25 .... R170.00 ..... R212.00 50x38 .... R217.00 ..... R249.00 76x38 .... R244.00 ..... R318.00 76x50 .... R281.00 ..... R350.00 100X50 ..................... R445.00




20MM .... R69.00.........R95.00 25MM .... R87.00 ....... R111.00 32MM .... R119.00 ..... R180.00 38MM .... R132.50 ..... R207.00 50MM .... R191.00 ..... R244.00 76MM .... R275.50 ..... R360.00

EQ ANGLE 6M 25x25x3 .................... R105.00 25x25x5 .................... R160.00 30x30x3 .................... R123.00 30x30x5 .................... R209.00 40x40x3 .................... R160.00 40x40x5 .................... R250.00 25x25x2 .................... R 73.00 30x30x2 .................... R 99.00 40x40x2 .................... R116.00

Fibre Glass Sheeting R82.00 p/m

12X3 ........ 16x3 ......... 20x3 ......... 20x5 ......... 25x3 ......... 25x5 ......... 30x3 ......... 30x5 ......... 40x3 ......... 40x5 ......... 50x3 ......... 50x5 .........

R 32.00 R 36.00 R 42.50 R 58.00 R 52.00 R 71.00 R 62.50 R 87.00 R 84.00 R115.50 R111.00 R145.00

SQ BAR 6M 8MM ......... R66.00 10MM ....... R62.00 12MM ....... R81.00


RT6 ......... R 78.00 RT13 ....... R 93.00 LIP/CHANNEL LIP/PURL RX7 ......... R 110.00 6M 9M 6M 9M F7 ............ R 90.00 75x50x20x2.....R295.00...R448.00 75x50x20x2.....R265.00...R437.00 F4B .......... R 225.00 100x75x20x2...R331.00...R509.00 100x75x20x2...R333.00...R548.00 ROUND BAR 6M IBR/COR SHEETING 0.5 125x50x20x2...R366.00...R556.00 6MM .......... R21.00 R74.00p/m Cut to size 150x50x20x2...R400.00...R612.00 8MM .......... R34.00 REINFORCING BAR/Y-BAR WE WILL MATCH OR BEAT ANY VALID 10MM ........ R44.00 10MM ............R 52.00 QUOTATION 12MM ........ R65.00 12MM.............R 73.00


TEL: 016 341 2187/8 HEIDELBERG, 23 Schoeman Str. BALFOUR 93 Mury Str.

017 773 0220

PALISADE PANELS 3mx600mm...R 392.00 3mx1.0m.......R 450.00 3mx1.5m.......R 625.00 3mx1.8m.......R 720.00 3mx2.0m.......R 760.00

LOOSE PALES 600mm....R 11.50 1.0m........R 18.00 1.5m........R 29.00 1.8m........R 35.00 2.0m........R 39.00

H/R SHEETS & PLATES 2450x1225x1.6........R551.00 2450x1225x2.0 .......R657.00 2450x1225x2.5........R795.00 2450x1225x3.0........R954.00 2450x1225x4.0.....R1 356.00 2500x1200x5.0.....R1 749.00 2500x1200x6.0.....R2 118.00





NOAH’S ARK PET SHOP Voëls, voëlsaad, hokke, visse, viskos, akwariums. krieke, Hondekos, Avi-Plus. Bearded dragons, hamsters, spinne-koppe, meelwurms, hondehokke, honde jassies en bedjies. Honde, katte en hasies. Oop weeksdae 9:00 - 18:30, naweke en vakansiedae 09:00 - 16:00. Tel: 083 456 6601. 011 814 4514. SHOP 7, FERRYVALE SHOPPING CENTRE. NIGEL COMPUTERS / REKENAARS Matrix Warehouse Nigel. For all your computer requirements. 011 814 2156. BRIDAL / BRUIDE Wedding World Springs 011 811 5776/083 280 4584. Skitter in die rok van jou drome! Bring idee of prentjie vir asem-rowende skeppings deur Elize – ontvanger van internasionale ontwerper toekenning (Parys, Frankryk) vir kreatiewe styl. Koop, huur of kies uit ons groot verskeidenheid elegante trou & aandrokke. manspakke, hemde, dasse en onder-baadjies te huur. Bespreek jou plek vir jou matriekafskeid rok nou! Betaal af tot funksie datum. Redelike pryse. Professionele vriendelike diens. H/v 3de straat & 3de laan Geduld, Springs. FURNITURE / MEUBELS S uperMeubels,

42 Schoemanstr, Heidelberg, 016-341-4445, sms 071 545 3868 Whatsapp: 072 317 7001 Ons het die grootste verskeidenheid gebruikte meubels te koop. Nuwe Siesta Beddens, nuwe kar, bakkie & taxi bande, oudhede, nuwe comforters (stelle) R295, walkers, groot verskeidenheid krukke en rollators, badstoele, kerkbanke, pine meubels, riempiesbank - so baie om te sien, so baie om te koop.... REFRIGERATION / AIRCONS

FOR SALE/TE KOOP MOBILE PAWNSHOP: Open 7 days a week. We buy, pawn, sell. Furniture/ tools/ Gold Jewellery/TVs / Fridges / Washing machines. We come to you. Contact Otto 073 937 9710 or Vanessa 074 235 7006. SHOP 011 739 4570 FOR SALE : 24 Reader’s Digest books for sale. Based on truth short stories. Make an offer 072 679 0083. IMBUIA DINING TABLE FOR SALE : Yellow wood & Imbuia dining table with 8 chairs and dining room server. R8 500.00 Contact : 083 233 1361. FINANCIAL SERVICES Dinamika Finansiële Dienste FDV nr 46494 ( Sedert 2001) vir Testamente, Lewensdekking, Aftree Annuiteite, Inkomste Beskermer en Likiede Beleggings, en meer. Kontak John Swart 084 508 1881 /

Close to Selcourt towers, Blue Crane Eco Mall 1km, school 1km, N17 Highway & 8km from Springs Central.”


AALPHA WENDYS : any size available from treated pallet wood. Floor, roof , door all included. 2x2 = R3500, 2.4 x 2.4 = R3850, 3 x 3, 3 x 4 ,3 x 6. 10 Year guarenteed. Contact 072 928 1724

Alle bouwerk en aanbouings. Bou van Nuwe Huise en Woonstelle (Granny Flats). Seel & verf van dakke Skakel Gerald 083 384 9599

Carien 083 530 1753 Office 012 809 2044




Aircon Repairs to Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Mining equipment, Combines “Stroopers”.

Daniel 082 348 4499/ 079 876 9896. All work guaranteed

tt 77 Por ter Rd. DUNNOT TAR


ANCIENT DAYS H/V HOSPITAAL & HF VERWOERDSTRAAT HEIDELBERG Skakel ons by 016 349 2175 of Wena 082 785 9108

R&I TYRES & MAGS Bekostigbare BANDE vir jou motor en bakkie. Ons praat Afrikaans en ons diens is ons trots. Kontak Ivan of Darren by 699 Voortrekkerstr, Brakpan, 011-7400477 of 011-744-3544

Heidelberg AA Anna’s Laundromat Meetings Mondays & Thursdays from 19:0020:00 at the Heidelberg Methodist Church, 29 Strydom Street. Heidelberg. If you think you have a DRINKING or DRUG problem. Please come listen to the testmonies of sober recovered alcoholics and drug addicts. For any anonymous donations contact Marius. Contact Person: Marius 083 566 4569 or email

Mobile Automotive Aircon & Repairs.

NHBRC 2 Bed-, 1 Bathroom – R3 100 p/ month. 1 Bed-, 1 Bathroom - R2 900 p/month. Deposit: 1 months’ rent + R300 key deposit + R 100 once off admin fee.



For 3D Designer Kitchens or kitchen revamps, BIC, Bathr, Vanities, No compromise on Quality and Service. Free Quotations. Phone Andre at 082 738 1441

TBC’S offer valid until 30 Sept. 2017

SUMMER SPECIAL :5m x 3m Pool +4mx3m Lapa = R38000.00 , 6mx4m Pool + 5mx4m Lapa = R45000.00 FULL INSTALLATION. We build quality new pools. Repair and renovate pools. Lapa repairs and New Lapas. For a free quote contact Erick @ 072 334 1287 / 083 304 6777 WENDY’S

NIGEL PAVING : No job too big or too small!! 38 Years of experience in professional paving.All workmanship gauranteed. For Free quote call CALLIE VOLSCHENK @ 082 560 0175 OR 011 814 1058 . Email

RENTAL UNITS available in Springs


ER Pools & Thatchers




PLAAS UITKYK OF ELDERS: Troues, onthale, jaareindfunksies - ANLU Spyseniering. Markiestent, tafels, stoele, breekware en linne te huur. Kontak Annatjie 011 819 1679 of 083 469 7099.

Bring all your blankets, duvets, comforters, linen, curtains, clothing, etc. to us for a professional wash. We will take care of your laundry as if it is our own. Laundry can be fetched and delivered at a small fee within Nigel and Heidelberg Town areas. Contact us on 011 814 3597 / 072 511 4366

NIGEL - FRENCH Refrigeration & Airconditioning. Installation, repair and services. Contact 082 701 1946. or visit us at 143 Von Geusau Street, NIGEL.

GJ SERVICES: Garden Service, Plumbing, Gutter Cleaning, Transport, Rubble Removals, General Services. HEIDELBERG, NIGEL, DUNNOTTAR EN SELCOURT . Contact Gert de Toit @ 083 740 1124 / 065 872 7256



Secure complex. 24-hour security.


Wash Dry Iron, Self-wash, Pensioners day – Wednesday. We collect in Nigel & Heidelberg @ no charge. Curtains, Blankets, Overalls, Clothes, Linen and much more. Monday - Friday 7:00 – 18:00 Weekends/Public Holidays 08:0015:00. Big and small loads.

076 010 2356 /078 608 4785

VACANCIES Applications are invited for a trainee time and attendance support technician position in Nigel. Non-smoking applicants with a Matric Certificate, a flair for computers and a valid driver’s can send their CV’s to

HANDYMAN/PIGEON LOFT MANAGER No criminal record. 7:00am - 16:00. Monday - Saturday. Sober habits, nonsmoking. DUTIES: Manage racing pigeon lofts which includes - existing birds, able to read medicine instructions, 3 x per week to drive to various towns to liberate. Maintain the vehicle and pigeon trailer, valid code 8 drivers’ licence, must live in Heidelberg (preferable near Overkruin), general handyman and gardening work capabilities. PLEASE CONTACT: ROBERTO at email:

Computer School Facilitator Registered assessor/moderator qualif ications. Qualified Computer software and hardware. IT experience. Able to communicate. Good administration skills. Teaching skills a must. highly fluent in English. Reliable and honest. Good career prospects. None smoker with sober habits. PLEASE CONTACT: ROBERTO at email:




Prag duvet wenner Brons vir Vossie bokkies

Die wenner van die duvet gemaak deur Sus de Lange inwoners van Nigel Tehuis vir Bejaardes is aangewys. Gerda van den Berg verspleegster van die Tehuis was baie verras toe sy die nuus kry dat sy die gelukkige wenner is. Op die foto van links is Sus de Lange, Chris Engelbrecht, bestuurder van Tehuis en Gerda die wenner van die duvet.

Werner 083 417 8157



Die 0/15 netbalspan van Hoërskool John Vorster het aan die Oos-Moot Fast Five netbal toernooi deelgeneem. Die span tree as wenners uit die stryd teen Hoërskool Kanonkop 19-11 en Hoërskool Sutherland 24-3. Hul verloor teen Hoërskool Diamantveld 25-17. In die semi-finaal verloor hul teen Hoërskool Menlopark 3414 en wen met ‘n kop aan kop stryd teen Hoërskool Oos-Moot 17-16. In die finaal kom hul te staan teen Hoërskool Diamantveld en seëvier met 24-17. Die 0/15 span palm die derde plek tydens die toernooi in en stap weg met ‘n brons medalje. Hoërskool Menlopark is tweede en die wenners is Hoërskool Ben Vorster. Die trotse afrigter van die 0/15 netbalspan, Klarinda Stander, Chenay Stoop, Elandie Marais, Doné Harris, Izelke Badenhorst, Ge-Ann Maré, Mieke Kapp, Ki-Chél Botha en Lucinda van der Merwe.

Electrical Contractor New Installations & Maintenance Private Prepaid Meters Private Meter Readings COC’s

23 Immediate openings. No exp req. Full training. Own car a must. App set by CO.

30 Jaar Reünie

WE OFFER: * R12 000 to start, * Comm/Inc/Med * Petrol incentive Call 011 609 2119

28 Oct ’17 (1987)

SMS or Whatsapp name, area & age to

084 780 3136. VAS rares apply


Hoërskool John Vorster Bespreek nou!!

Kontak Heidi 082 337 0613

Sien jou daar!

Anlie Fourie graad 8 leerling van Hoërskool John Vorster behaal ‘n eerste plek tydens die Gauteng Spelathon finaal.

Melissia Thys van Hoërskool John Vorster het ‘n tweede plek vir eerste addisionele taal Afrikaans tydens die Gauteng Spelathon finaal behaal.




SA naelloop atleet ‘n Dag saam Wayde van Niekerk Die Suid Afrikaanse atleet, Wayde van Niekerk wat naelloop geskiedenis geskep het, het onlangs ‘n kompetisie geloots op instragram bekend as “heart beat story”. Deelnemers wat ingeskryf het moes hul inspirerende verhaal oor hoekom hulle atletiek as sport gekies het, vertel. Die graad 11 leerling van Hoërskool John Vorster, Michael Cockcroft, het nie op hom laat wag nie en dadelik besluit dat geleenthede soos hierdie aangegryp moet word aangesien hy niks het om te verloor nie. Michael het in graad 10 sy atletiekloopbaan met erns bejeën en in 2017 is hy as beste senior atleet aangewys. Michael vertel dat hy ingeskryf het en ‘n paar dae het gekom en gegaan en geen nuus oor die wenners is aangekondig nie. Wayne het weer ‘n skrywe geplaas om deelnemers te herinner om in te skryf en Michael besluit toe net daar en dan om te vra wanneer word die wenners bekend gestel. Kort hierna het Michael ‘n oproep van Phil Venter, Adidas bemarkings agent ontvang en is ingelig dat die wenner die Maandag aangekondig sal word. Wel so het Maandag aangebreek met doodse stilte en geen nuus. Michael het aanvaar dat hy nie as wenner aangewys is nie. Dinsdag onverwags skakel Phil vir Michael om hom te nooi om aan ‘n adidas advertensie oudisie deel te neem. Die Donderdag is Michael Sandton toe waar hy deur kameras, direkteure en sport administrateure verwelkom is. Michael het

‘n volledige onderhoud gehad om alles wat van hom verwag word uit een te sit. Daarna is hy na ‘n kleedkamer geneem waar die volle adidas reeks met nuwe hardloop tekkies wat uitgetoets moet word aan hom oorhandig is. Die opwindende fotosessie het ‘n aanvang geneem en Michael is aangesê om met die atletiek blokke op die veld presies te doen wat die kameraman hom beveel en direk vir die kamera te kyk sodat die aksie fotosessie geskiet kan word. Michael moes gefokus wees en homself voorneem dat hy aan die Olimpiese spele deelneem. Met die afsak in die blokke het 2 ander atlete hul posisies langs Michael ingeneem. Michael het dit nie gewaag om links of regs te kyk nie maar net sy oë op die kamera gehou. Die afrigter het Michael opdrag gegee om te kyk wie sy opponente is teen wie hy gaan hardloop. Groot was sy verbasing toe hy merk dat Akani Simbine links en Wayde van Niekerk regs hul posisies ingeneem het. Michael vertel dat dit hier was waar sy hartklop vinniger as 106 geklop het het. Warren Whiteley het Michael saam genooi na ‘n winkelsentrum waar hy R10 000 se adidas geskenkbewyse ontvang het en die hele dag saam met die twee supersterre Akani en Wayde kon deurbring. ‘n Volledige perskonferensie was volgende. Michael is ook ‘n laaste vraag gevra wat die regisseur op Supersport wil gebruik. Michael het nooit gedink dat sy inspirerende verhaal die wen storie sou wees. Hy vertel dat hierdie die beste dag van sy lewe was.

011 739 2074 011 739 2083 Shop 4 & 5, Ferryvale Shopping Centre, 25 Beverley Road. NIGEL Vehicle Parts & Accessories

Wayde, Michael en Akani.

Gefokus, ernstig en met alle konsentrasie op die kamera man, die graad 11 Vossie seun, Michael Cockcroft, onbewus dat sy Wayde en Akani is.

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