South African Portuguese Chamber of Commerce (SAPCC)

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April 2018

Encontro internacional da SAPCC reune empresĂĄrios e empreendedores para troca de dicas e experiĂŞncias de sucesso


SAPCC Guide to Portuguese Franchising in SA

ACDC Express Fastest growing electrical retail franchise in SA

Your business will only grow as much as you grow By Allon Raiz, CEO of Raizcorp.

How to use social media to grow your business By Toni Baptista.

We welcome our new members: MyPt-Portal is an online platform which connects Portuguese owned businesses to the Portuguese community of South Africa. GDC Consulting. The immigration specialists.





Encontro internacional da SAPCC reune empresários e empreendedores para troca de dicas e experiências de sucesso

Para apoiar as empresas e empreendedores associados, a SAPCC juntou no passado dia 11 de Abril, em Joanesburgo, um trio de especialistas internacionais em matéria de liderança pessoal, gestão e marketing de marcas e negócios. Participaram neste evento cerca de 200 líderes de negócio, empreendedores e profissionais portugueses de diversos sectores de actividade a operar na África do Sul e na região Austral, onde se partilhou experiências pessoais e “dicas” de motivação sobre empreendedorismo e valorização pessoal nos negócios. Para o britânico Michael Jackson existem apenas “três certezas na vida: a morte, impostos... e mudança”. E como forma de lidar com o presente e preparar melhor o seu futuro, este “Guru” da mudança, conselheiro de marcas e líderes globais como Richard Branson e Bill Gates, desenvolveu ao longo dos anos um guia de bolso com 15 lições pessoais, uma espécie de “cartilha de cristal”. Jackson acredita, por exemplo, na máxima “If it is to be, it is up to me”, citando, a propósito, o empresário britânico Branson, para quem “you can become anything you truly set your mind to.”

plateia bateu palmas. Para Banks, tudo na vida começa por um pensamento. Até nos negócios. “Ao controlarmos e direcionarmos os nossos pensamentos podemos criar a nossa realidade de vida. A mente humana é por isso como um jardim. Ao aprendermos a plantar as sementes do sucesso, acordando cada manhã com algo positivo - reconhecendo que tudo na vida começa por um pensamento, os nossos pensamentos passam a ser realidade. Temos de saber o que queremos antes de recebermos”, afirma. De acordo com Robin Banks, que desde os 18 anos dedica a sua vida à transformação do “consciente global”, o ser humano “nunca é um produto das circunstâncias em que vive”, dando como exemplo o seu próprio percuso de vida desde o bairro de Riverlee, nos arredores do Soweto, em Joanesburgo, onde primeiro sonhou em ser um dia um orador motivacional a nível internacional.

SAPCC Best Advise Ever painel (L) Mark Peters, Robin Banks,

“Terminei o ensino secundário com um E, de "Enough", ou seja, o suficiente para passar e pensei que nunca iria ser bem sucedido na vida devido à minha habilitação académica. Mas mais tarde, descobri que é necessário mais do que uma boa educação para se ter sucesso na vida. O sucesso também vem de dentro de nós”, explicou à SAPCC.

Robin Banks, Michael Jackson e Allon Raiz reconhecida autoridade Conta que, quando saíu de sul-africana em matéria casa, aos 21 anos, a mãe de liderança pessoal através do poder da mente, abriu ofereceu-lhe de presente uma velha caneca de cerâmica, o encontro ao afirmar que “a mente humana é como um “já muito usada”, mas que tinha uma inscrição que nunca jardim com solo fértil e que por isso qualquer semente que mais esqueceu: “The Champ. Sometimes beaten. Never se plante num solo fértil, ao ser cuidada, irá crescer”. A defeated.”



Robin Banks e Michael Jackson

Depois de um primeiro emprego numa instituição bancária, como segurança no transporte de valores, o sonho de Banks, de transformar pela positiva a vida de milhares de pessoas, viria a concretizar-se ao conhecer o escritor e filantropista John Kehoe, autor de “Mind Power Into the 21st Century”, que o convidou para embaixador deste curso práctico para o sucesso e felicidade. Muitas histórias de sucesso de Robin Banks encontravam-se na plateia naquela quartafeira de Abril.

conhecimento, trocar contactos, formar alianças e criarem novas oportunidades de emprego ou mesmo de negócio que possam fortalecer a comunidade de negócios lusa radicada na África do Sul. Além do desenvolvimento pessoal do empresário ou empreendedor, o painel ofereceu ainda as suas melhoras “dicas” de sucesso para que as empresas, nomeadamente SME´s, e em particular Lusodescendentes, possam servir novos hábitos de consumo e vingar em mercados competitivos.

“Sejam arrojados nas vossas decisões”, lançou Banks aos “Pessoalmente, considero que participantes. “Quando o factor mais importante para pensei nisto pela uma SME suceder no mercado primeira vez, há 18 é manter-se sempre relevante”, anos, não fazia a referiu Allon Raiz, CEO da mínima ideia de como Raizcorp, sublinhando que iria conseguir fazê“muitas vezes as pequenas e lo, mas hoje estou médias empresas, ou negócios, O poder da mente define a nossa realidade - Robin Banks de facto a vivêr esse demoram imenso tempo, sonho. Costumo dizer talvez dois ou três anos, a que o sucesso individual ajuda muitas pessoas mas as desenvolverem nova soluções de serviço. E três anos derrotas não ajudam ninguém. É portanto, nosso dever mais trade, os problemas no mercado são diferentes e alcançar sucesso na vida”, referiu Banks com uma energia estas empresas continuam ainda a tentar aperfeiçoar a contagiante como se estivesse a ministrar uma injecção sua primeira solução e por isso deixam de ser relevantes. de vida para o futuro. A tecnologia, a procura de bens e serviços e o ambiente de negócios são realidades em constante mudança e A rede de negócios e networking da SAPCC é uma estas empresas persistem em ser aquilo que eram há 5 plataforma de oportunidades no Sul de África, que anos atrás, por exemplo.” permite a empresários e empreendedores partilharem



Allon Raiz, CEO Raizcorp

Raiz, que em 2008 recebeu o prémio Young Global Leader do Forum Económico Mundial, é considerado uma referência no empreendedorismo em África. A Raizcorp é uma incubadora de negócios e empresas, que conta actualmente com mais de 500 empresas sob sua gestão.

Para Raiz, o sucesso nos negócios e na vida pessoal depende da perspectiva de cada um em vêr as coisas e daquilo que ser quer na vida. Neste sentido, deixou ficar uma palavra de apreço e incentivo aos empreendedores portugueses. “Por aquilo que conheço da Comunidade Portuguesa, os seus empreendedores sempre conseguiram vingar em qualquer tipo de circunstância, quer seja boa ou adversa. E julgo que na base desse sucesso reside o facto de existirem sempre oportunidades em todas as circunstâncias. Só temos que ter a atitude certa ou o que chamo de “olhos oportunistas” para as indentificar. Qualquer individuo tem a opção de escolher entre a realidade negativa reportada diáriamente na imprensa que o rodeia, ou de perguntar a si próprio qual é a oportunidade que tem pela frente?. E se fizer essa pergunta, começa logo por ter uma perspectiva diferente do que é positivo e meritório fazer.”

Sessão de Q&A animada

Á margem do encontro, este empresário disse à SAPCC que a região Austral do continente africano é “uma óptima oportunidade de investimento”. “Acabei de investir na incubação de mais um negócio. Estou no processo de aquisição de mais duas escolas. Mas há também muitas mais oportunidades a despertar aqui na região, por exemplo no vizinho Zimbábwe, onde estive recentemente e pretendo lá voltar em breve. Pessoalmente, vejo a África do Sul como uma excelente oportunidade para se viver bem e onde se pode ser bem sucedido financeiramente”, afirmou.

Michael Jackson partilha da mesma perspectiva: “A comunidade portuguesa na África do Sul desfruta de um sentimento contagiante de realização e ambição nos negócios e, se se juntar a essa força cultural e conhecimento empresarial e regional, um forte espírito de empreendedorismo, acredito que é uma fórmula de sucesso para um posicionamento de mercado único e diferenciador”. E remata com mais uma dica: “Hoje em dia procura-se por inovação, singularidade e serviço de qualidade, e é necessário doses de marketing em ambundância. As empresas portuguesas tem que abraçar as redes sociais e comunicar nas plataformas (digitais) que os consumidores mais utilizam”.




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Your business will only grow as much as you grow By Allon Raiz* Who would you need to be in order to run a business ten times your size? From the get-go, many entrepreneurs dream of growing their businesses and building larger, more successful ones that generate substantial profits and are household names. The unspoken rule (sometimes erroneous) of all businesses is that we must grow year on year, even if it’s just to compensate for inflation. When I started my business, I believed it would automatically grow annually. What I didn’t know back then was that I, myself, would also need to grow on a personal and psychological level if I wanted my business to expand. Who do you need to be? “Who would you need to be in order to run a business 10 times your size?” my mentor asked me when I started out. And when my business achieved 10 times its size, he asked me this question again. The process of him continually asking me this same question forced me into a state of self-reflection and personal gap analysis that drove my personal development agenda, ensuring that my business would grow as far as I would grow. I don’t have any heroes; and yet, if you walk into my office you’ll see a framed magazine mounted on the wall with Adrian Gore, CEO of Discovery Ltd, on the cover. My high regard for him is not only based on what he has achieved, but more specifically on who he has become in order to achieve what he has. He took an idea and turned it into a listed multinational business with a market cap of R67.4 billion*. Gore clearly had the ability and commitment to grow into someone who could lead a multinational business, from the first day that he started Discovery.

It has to do with your mindset “Do you have the personal characteristics of someone who is running a business your size, or those of a person running a business 10 times your size?” he would ask. A very valuable lesson I learnt was that the person that you need to be to run a small business is not the same as the person that you need to be to run a medium-sized business, or the person that you need to be to run a large business. If you are small minded, then your business will remain small; if you are large minded then your business will have to catch up to you. It’s less about the size of the business and more about who you are at a point in time. It takes


constant work, personal development, struggle, and commitment, to being a better leader and business person than you were the year before. I recently had to make a tough business decision that was right for my business and its future. Had I been faced with the identical set of circumstances 5 years ago, I know I would have made a different decision, because in the past my decisions were based on things that would keep staff happy and make them like me. Over the last 5 years, I’ve done work on myself and learned that my decisions must be based on the right things for the business and its future, even if they leave staff feeling momentarily upset. It’s a constant journey Practice self-reflection and embark on a personal journey that will help you discover who you have to be. If you don’t do this, YOU will be the largest impediment to your business’ growth. Ask yourself The secret to shifting your mindset and therefore your business, is asking yourself the following questions, and answering them honestly: • Who would I need to be in order to run a business 10 times my size? • Do I have the commitment to do the personal development work to run a business 10 times my size? *Market cap value on 8 January 2015,

About Raizcorp Raizcorp is, according to The Economist, the only genuine incubator in Africa, which provides full service enterprise and supplier development programmes that guide entrepreneurs to profitability. Raizcorp has created “Prosperation™” – its own unique, world-renowned model of business incubation. Founded in 2000, Raizcorp has become Africa’s premier business incubator model. For more information, visit About Allon Raiz Allon Raiz is the CEO of Raizcorp. In 2008, Raiz was selected as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum, and in 2011 he was appointed for the first time as a member of the Global Agenda Council on Fostering Entrepreneurship. Following a series of entrepreneurship master classes delivered at Oxford University in 2014, 2015 and 2016, Raiz has been recognised as the Entrepreneur-in-Residence at the University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School. Follow Allon on Twitter:


15 things I’ve learned that I also believe entrepreneurs need to know By Michael Jackson*

Over the last fifteen years I’ve built my business brand – becoming globally known as ‘the change guru’ - which has seen me present at over 2700 conferences in 44 countries to date. To do so, I’ve used the top 15 things I’ve learned along that journey and I’m happy to share these with you, as I’m often asked how I’ve done it. I believe strongly in each and every one of these learnings: 1.



“If it is to be, it is up to me” needs to be a personal mantra.

“Stay humble and never confuse recognition with fame” A valuable lesson learned from Chris Gibbons, in my time as a radio talk show host.


11. See everything as an opportunity.

A business should be designed to make money from strong ideas and should be self-financing from day one

If I owned a hashtag it would have to be #relentless marketing.


There is absolutely no substitute for hard work.


Always show up; well in advance of the time.


Be present ‘in the room’.


You are always ‘on show’.


Richard Branson taught me, in the time we spent together, that you can become anything you truly set your mind to.

Equally, From Bill Gates I learned to “Deliver more than you promise. Every time.”



The human response to change is to see it as loss. It isn’t: change is gain.


You don’t keep the past alive by refusing to change; you merely kill your future.

14. You’re only as good as your next referral. 15.

There are only three certainties in life: death, taxes…and change.

About Michael Michael Jackson has over 30 years of strategic business, marketing and communications experience. Born in Britain, then London educated and trained in business strategy development and communication, he has worked personally for business leaders such as Richard Branson and Bill Gates, as well many other leading global businesses such as Qatar Airways, HP, Goodyear and Barclays. More information on Michael is available via



Fastest Growing Electrical Retail Franchise This unique franchise offers customers over 55 000 electrical products, enabling you to sufficiently cater for the Household (DIY), Industrial, Agricultural, Mining, and Manufacturing markets.

When purchasing an ACDC Express store you will be provided with a full turn-key solution, including total marketing and operational support. This will easily enable you to run your own successful business. The products sold by ACDC Express stores are crucial in the everyday life of the home, office and factory. This automatically creates a great demand for your products. 10

ACDC Express is supported by Infinity Brands through its tried and tested franchising systems. The company drives growth through scalable business models whereby it provides full operational, marketing, accounts, and sales support from head office. ACDC Express is an electrical retail franchise, specialising in everything electrical. Established in 2007, the core focus is to provide customers with quality electrical solutions. ACDC Express offer a full turn-key solution and a unique concept store that provides customers with a convenient and versatile shopping experience, allowing customers to browse at leisure in what is effectively an electrical 'supermarket'. In addition, ACDC Express actively participates in adding value to the customers by not only meeting customer expectations through superior customer service, but continuously offering excellent after sale service.

PART 3 - ACDC EXPRESS The network of 30 independently owned stores, and growing, is primarily supplied by ACDC Dynamics, which boasts a product range of over 55 000 individual items. These products are crucial in daily operations within the home, office and factory. This automatically creates a great and continuous demand for these products. The growth and success of the ACDC Express Franchise Group is attributed to 2 basic principles, which form the cornerstone of the business: Customer Relationship Management and maximising business efficiency.

Customer Satisfaction “A sale is not something that you pursue; it is something that happens to you while you are immersed in serving your customer”

customers. With regular training sessions to equip staff with superior product knowledge, unrivalled customer support and service etiquette, they seek to effectively meet the needs of ACDC Express customers in the most convenient and supportive way possible.

Established: 2007 Stores: 30 Staff: 270 Franchisees: 24 Countries: South Africa and Zambia Annual Turnover: 340m (2017-2018)

At ACDC Express the 270 staff strive for service excellence. They look to ensure that services are of the highest quality and are always centered around ACDC Express

At Head Office, the brand managers and training facilitators work intensely on all aspects of the brand to ensure that franchisees and sales staff are equipped with up to date information and an ability to provide excellent after sales service. To extend the brand’s accessibility, ACDC Express offers direct communication lines to all its customers who visit one of the national stores via Facebook and website

The latest offerings and promotions are also included in regular product newsletters. It is possible to subscribe to an exclusive subscription list through registration on the website.




ACDC Express Alberton

ACDC Express Ballito

ACDC Express Bellville

ACDC Express Boksburg

ACDC Express Brakpan

ACDC Express Burgersfort

ACDC Express Centurion

ACDC Express Fourways

ACDC Express Klerksdorp

ACDC Express Kimberley

ACDC Express Lichtenburg

ACDC Express Middelburg

ACDC Express Midrand

ACDC Express Nelspruit

ACDC Express Newcastle


ACDC Express Paarl

ACDC Express Pietermaritzburg

ACDC Express Polokwane

ACDC Express Port Elizabeth

ACDC Express Pretoria East

ACDC Express Richards Bay

ACDC Express Rustenburg

ACDC Express Secunda

ACDC Express Somerset West

ACDC Express Strijdom Park

ACDC Express Strubens Valley

ACDC Express Tzaneen

ACDC Express Witbank

ACDC Express Worcester



Initial Investment

7 Steps To Own Your ACDC Express Franchise The franchisee selection process is detailed and thorough, to ensure that ACDC has recruited the right person to join their franchisee network and to help grow the ACDC Express brand successfully. Below is a step by step guide of the recruitment process to help you prepare: 1. Obtain your Franchisee pack with the initial application form and confidentiality, non-use and non-disclosure agreement from the Franchise Head Office. Tel: 010 202 3360 2. Complete initial application form and submit. 3. Email: DISCOVER & DIAGNOSE 4. Obtain and complete full application form. 5. Complete questionnaire and submit. 6. Complete franchise assessment interview. 7. Submit business plan (a business plan guideline is sent).


The initial investment for the establishment of a mini store or a large store [from 200m to 700m] varies between R4 million to 5.1 million. The total amount depends on site characteristics. A brand management service fee of 3% 4% in respect of gross monthly income of the Franchisee shall apply.

Marketing and Advertising The ACDC Express brand is backed by a dynamic and motivated marketing team that is committed to creating awareness and excitement around each store, as well as maintaining a strong brand presence within the market. Effective marketing efforts are executed at local and national levels utilizing a combination of print, radio, social media, online marketing, exhibitions, customer days, sponsorships, street pole advertising and other promotional initiatives. ACDC Express has grown to become one of the most recognized brands in the consumer segment of electrical components, advice and service.

What’s The Next Step? If you would like to join the ACDC Express family and own your very own franchise today, we invite you to visit for more information or call 010 202 3360 to arrange a meeting.



see how much more we can expect to achieve in the next ten years.

Morne Coetzee

Q. What does make you so unique in the market?

GM ACDC Express Q. How did ACDC Express came about? A. ACDC Express started in 2009 with our first site franchised in Nelspruit. It was an addition to the business of ACDC Dynamics in order to get the products out into the market, and now 10 years later, we have 30 stores representing a decent national footprint across South Africa as well as a sub-Saharan store which is currently in Zambia. Q. You are celebrating 10 years in business. Is it an important milestone? A. The brand’s birthday is in the next month or so but for 2019 we’re planning to celebrate this milestone throughout the year. It´s also quite a momentous occasion because the business is ten years old and it shows that the brand is now matured, and we can also see it in the number of stores and franchisees that we’ve got, and the amount of staff that directly works in our stores. It's a nice milestone to achieve because we can

A. We were the first franchise group to pioneer a retail concept for the electrical product market which gives a different type of shopping environment and experience. It also caters for different types of markets that the competition never really focused on, and that is why we are so good in the retail market because of our concepts and where our stores are located as well. Q. Why are you a good brand to invest in? A. I think our history speaks for us. The electrical market is so big in South Africa that there are always opportunities out there and that is one of the biggest selling features for us as ACDC Express. Become part of the family and you have got access to over 55,000 products from our supplier that you can sell into the market. It’s an exciting brand and we have shown really good sales over the last few years and, again, it’s a brand you can really invest and get a good return on investment. Q. What is your strategy for the future? A. The strategy is to roll-out and to achieve the 60 stores that we aim for in South Africa. After that the plan is to go into the SADC countries, specifically Namibia as well as Botswana, where the currency is strong and we know there is a big market for our product there. When that has been established we would start moving more into Africa going forward.



Q&A Ricardo Maio

CEO, Infinity Brands Q. What is the purpose of Infinity Brands? A. Infinity Brands came about a couple of years Ricardo Maio ago, where we were looking to incorporate more franchise systems. We have created a separate franchise system under a holding group and in doing so we realized that the staff that we have are quite unique. They are accustomed to doing business consulting and assisting people with their problems, in terms of running their businesses, and this is a common problem for entrepreneurs, so we positioned Infinity Brands to take this niche market of entrepreneurs and assist them in taking their solid business to the next level through franchising. Q. What is your primary market? A. The primary market for Infinity Brands is the entrepreneur that has an existing store or someone that has an idea that they would like to franchise, or also struggling franchisees that might need that additional assistance which we have the staff and the capacity to do so.


Q. How many brands are you currently managing? A. We currently have two brands and that would be ACDC Express and Sunburst Electric. Q. What is the combined volume in terms of rand value of these two franchises? A. In a rand value we are looking, currently, at 350 million and we would like to grow in the next five years to 1 billion rand. It’s not a far-fetched goal as we’ve been growing at 25% year-on-year. Q. What makes you different from other consultants? A. This is very interesting because you do get a lot of consultants out there but the uniqueness that we offer is that we are quite niche, and we are facing those people that want to target the franchise markets. In this space, in South Africa, we don’t have franchise consultant agencies. There are a lot of franchise consultants where they would take your concept up to the paper work or franchise agreement, but no one is going to hand hold or help the individual take that franchise agreement and implement it. We want to get involved in your business because we’ve learned a lot of lessons through our own brands and we want people to benefit from these lessons and make sure they can achieve more in the shortest period of time. Q. What is your long-term vision? A. Our long-term goal for Infinity Brands is to have or manage more than 200 franchises in the next five years. We would also like to have about five internal brands that we manage ourselves as well.

Portuguese Directory.pdf














This unique franchise is able to offer customers over 55 000 electrical products, enabling you to sufficiently cater for the Household (DIY), Industrial, Agricultural, Mining, and Manufacturing markets. When purchasing an ACDC Express store you will be provided with a full turn-key solution, including total marketing and operational support. This will easily enable you to run your own successful business. The products sold by ACDC Express stores are crucial in the everyday life of the home, office and factory. This automatically creates a great demand for your products. SHOP ONLINE @ WWW.ACDCEXPRESS.COM


ACDC Express is proudly supported by Infinity Brands Infinity Brands builds wealth in new and existing businesses through its tried and tested franchising systems. Infinity Brands drives growth through scalable business models whereby it provides full operational, marketing, accounts, and sales support from head office. We believe any successful business can be franchised. It's about Your company, Your business, Your success.

Dream Beyond Infinity



How to use social media to successfully launch & grow your business By Toni Baptista*

Starting any new business can be daunting, as the time and money it takes to start your venture can be a challenge at the best of times. The hardest part though, is to entice and Toni Baptista keep clients for the longevity of your business. For entrepreneurs, building and maintaining relationships with your clients is the most important aspect when it comes to offering the best service in your field. In recent years technology has changed everything, especially in how we run our businesses, communicate with clients and grow our network. Social media has the power to build a brand, but you need to know how to use the right tools in order to reap the benefits. Using social media, the right way can mean the difference between making a profit and falling flat. There's no question that your customers are spending time on various social platforms, whether it's Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, or any number of other apps and websites where people are hanging out in the digital form. Since you want your brand to be where your customers are, it makes sense to figure out how to grow your business using these platforms. Every brand and business needs a custom social media strategy based on their current social media standing, goals, and resources available to them. And while everything in social media tends to hinge on a bunch of independent factors, there are some universal, core building blocks which you need to have in place to ensure that your business gets the most out of its social media initiatives.


1. Brand Yourself - People do business with people they like, know and trust. Your personal brand and how present yourself online is so important these days. 2. Define Your Audience - Before you can grow your business you need to be crystal clear on your target market and who you are talking to. 3. Understanding Your Audience’s Biggest Challenge – Discover your customer’s biggest challenges, problems, pains, dreams, desires, and questions. 4. Create Value - As an influential leader in your field, you need to consistently create valuable content for your audience. 5. Building Relationships - As a leader you need to be engaging with your audience. People will buy from you if they believe you will make a difference in their lives. 6.

Provide Solutions - For every problem there is always a solution, and this is where you as an expert come in. Show your audience the problem they face and how your service or product can help them.

7. Social Media Audit - You need to regularly look at the overall state of your social media presence. Make it a habit of conducting regular social media audits on your channels. A self-audit can help you catch inconsistencies, learn more about what campaigns worked and which are a waste of time. Review benchmarks, and maybe even set new goals, enabling you to consistently improve your social media strategy. 8. The Right Platform - There is no doubt that social media can be quite overwhelming to most, therefore you need to define which platform is best suited to your business. You should also know that just because a network is popular, doesn't mean it'll be a good fit for your target audience, or your internal capabilities. 9.

Website - Make sure you have a professional website that is mobile friendly and has all your social media platforms linked to it. It’s important to keep your website updated and relevant. Your social media channels should drive traffic to your website.


Tips on how to us Linkedin: Linkedin is my favourite platform and so I would like to share a couple of important points that will help you. It is the top site for professional networking, organisations, companies and individuals. Even our new president Cyril Ramaphosa is on Linkedin. I find that this is an incredibly powerful platform as it has millions of members from all over the world, including executives from all Fortune 500 companies. Here are a couple of tips to help you: 1 Have a clear profile picture. 1.

11. Join relevant groups and leverage the perks of joining 11 these groups. 12 12. Follow influencers. 13 13. Experiment with LinkedIn Ads and Sponsored Updates. 14 14. Customize your public profile URL. 15 15. Get endorsed for your skills. 16 16. Recruit new talent via LinkedIn Jobs.

2. 2 Add a relevant background picture.

17. Check out who's viewed your LinkedIn profile and 17 reach out to them.

3 Update your profile with the latest information so 3. people can find you in searches.

18 18. Export connections.

4. 4 Connect with people to grow your network and get found for more opportunities. 5 Complete the Summary section in bullet form so it’s 5. easier for people to understand your service offerings and what you do. 6 Take advantage of the blog/website links on your 6. LinkedIn profile. 7 Create a business profile for your company, this will 7. help with your SEO ranking.

19. Share your LinkedIn status updates on Twitter. 19 20 20. Analyse your LinkedIn marketing performance with the analytics tab on your company page. Most people are under the misconception that social media is just about posting little pictures and a couple quotes every now and again. But as you can see from my article there is a lot more that goes into social media than meets the eye. As a brand you need to stand out from the crowd, be consistent, engaging and stay relevant to your target market.

8. 8 Post Company Status Updates (and target them!). 9 If you have worked with someone, ask them for a 9. recommendation, this gives you credibility. 10 10. Engage with people in your feed to be visible to people that matter most to your career.

Toni Baptista is a strategic brand consultant who works with entrepreneurs & businesses to unleash their brands full potential and create a strong online presence. For more information please visit




We welcome our new members MyPT MyPt-Portal is an online portal which connects Portuguese owned businesses to the Portuguese community of South Africa. Our aim is to centralise all types of information in one single site, whereby bringing direct information to the needs of different businesses. We take pride in not only promoting information but showcasing upcoming Portuguese events and up to date news. MyPt-Portal provides a service that is new and embarks on providing modern digital information to the Portuguese community. Do you have the need to find a mechanic, a dentist or a typical Portuguese restaurant? Our online database portal aims to provide such information by one single click, whereby, showcasing a wide range of categories that will suit your needs. We keep to our promises whereby ensuring that when you research, you will find the right Portuguese business that suits your needs. Visit our directory portal and navigate through our different business categories. All businesses will have a company profile, contact details as well as their location. If you would like to be part of this revolutionary space, please contact us and we will ensure that all relevant details are updated onto our system. Miguel Coelho I E: I GDC Consulting (Pty) Ltd GDC Consulting (Pty) Ltd assists with Temporary Visas for South Africa namely; Tourist Visa, Relative Visa (Parents, Spouse & Children), Study Visa, Short Term Work Visa (Section 11.2 & Section 11.6), Long Term Work Visa (General, Intra Company and Critical Skills), Business Visa, Retired Persons Visa and Medical Treatment Visa. Other services include Permanent Residence for South Africa, Renewal and Rectification of Temporary and Permanent visas and permits, Temporary and Permanent Residence Appeals, Evaluation of Foreign Qualifications by South African Qualification Authority (SAQA) and Translations. Immigration Specialist I T: +27 767 749 220 I E: A: Pretoria, South Africa Advertising

CSI Thabile is a 51% black-owned, level 2 BEE entity with over 30 years experience in providing full turnkey solutions for data centres and cabling networks. We ensure you have a secure and always available IT network.

MARK CHEKETRI T: +27 11 262 3341



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ENDEREÇOS ÚTEIS SAPCC 11 Smith Street, Bedfordview, South Africa Tel: +27 11 616 6420 • Email: Advertising on Newsletter / Website: Rui Marto - Membership / General: Manny Moutinho - AICEP Portugal Global - África do Sul Trade and Investment Agency 599, Leyds Street, Muckleneuk, Pretoria Tel: +27 12 341 2340 Email: Embaixada de Portugal em Pretória GGDA - Gauteng Growth and Development Agency 124 Main Street, Marshalltown, Johannesburg Tel: +27 11 085 2321 Rui Fragoso - Thokozani Thwala -

TOME NOTA INFORMATION EVENING with Pavlo Phitides “Building Resilience into your Business to Manage SA’s Changing Environment” In collaboration with Spanish Chamber

13 June 2018 Time: 18h30 Venue: One Stop Shop, 1 Sandton Drive, Sandton Cost: Members: Free / Non-Members: R350 RSVP:


How the SAPCC can raise the profile of your business KEY BENEFITS of membership are: • Create networking opportunities The chamber’s most fundamental mission is to generate more business activity for its members. The chamber initiates business-to-business commerce and more opportunities for networking and connecting local business. • Increase your visibility in the community As a new member of the Chamber of Commerce, you will be listed for free in the chamber e-newsletter (1/3 page banner), website and social media. You also can grow your business by advertising with the chamber and sponsoring events. Our Business Excellence Awards also attract much publicity for the finalists. • Gain a voice in government Through the SAPCC’s representation in the EU Chamber of Commerce, the chamber takes on the tough issues and opposes new legislation.


• Receive chamber newsletters Newsletters provide new member information, interesting information about operating a local business, articles about the local community, a community calendar and details about up-and-coming chamber events, among other things. I attach latest newsletter for your interest. • Advertising Opportunities There are advertising opportunities for your business at discounted member rates on our website and newsletter. • Assist SAPCC in providing job and business opportunities for Portuguese youth. • Discounts or special offers made to members from other members or third parties. OUR BANKING DETAILS ARE: Account name: SAP Chamber of Commerce Bank: Mercantile Bank Branch Code: Germiston / 45-03-42 Account nr. 1050 6652 79 (Cheque account) Ref: [Your name] / Membershi


Company Name or Trading Name Business Type

Sole Prop.



Business Or Professional Activity




eg : Manufacturer, Professional, Construction, etc.

Industry / Profession Segment

eg : Engineering, Psychology, Electrical, etc.

Segment Of Industry

Eg : Scaffolding, Coaching, Civils, etc.

Products The following information is for determining our impact on the SA economy and society. It shall be treated as private and confidential always. Number of employees (full and part time) Approximate annual turnover (optional) Street Address

Contact Name and Surname

TITLE Eg: Mr, Dr, Miss JOB TITLE Eg: Director, CEO

Telephone/Cell Email


The Chamber’s standard terms and conditions of membership, as well as any applicable fees apply are available on our website Applicant’s signature


Banking Details

Fees ( 01 Mar To 28 Feb )

Account Name

SA Portuguese Chamber of Commerce






R 660.00


Comaro Crossing


R 660.00

Branch Code

450 305


R 1,320.00

Account No.

1050 6652 79

51 or more EMPLOYEES R 3,960.00

Tel: (011) 616 6420 • Fax: (011) 616 1136 • P.O. Box 28729, Kensington, 2101 •


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