001 Issue BackDoorMagazine.com

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ph Cristian Ingrosso

Justine Mattera

BackDoorMagazine.com - #Issue01 August 2017

#Issue01 - August 2017 Cover: ph Cristian Ingrosso Model: Justine Mattera ------------------------------------------------------004 - Cristina Ingrosso - Portrait 016 - Cristian Ismael MartĂ­nez Nieto - Portrait 028 - Denys Nevozhai - Street Photography 040 - Ian Espinosa - Portrait 052 - Ivana Lorusso - Street Photography 064 - Kanio Sabia - Portrait 072 - Marcello Cassano - Portrait 084 - Massimiliano Franco - Reportage 160 - Ciccio Giuliani - Portrait -------------------------------------------------------

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for info and generic request please write to: info@backdoormagazine.com

Special thanks to the first contributors who participated at the first edition of the Magazine. Thanks also to the team that contributed to the first issue. Thank you. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/backdoormagazine Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BackDoorMagazineITA Pintarest: https://it.pinterest.com/backdoormagazine Telegram: https://t.me/backdoormagazine Tumbrl: https://backdoormagazine.tumblr.com

Founder & Editor in Chief Ciccio Giuliani

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Photographer Cristian Ingrosso Italy - Milano

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PORTRAIT Photographer: Cristian Ingrosso - Instagram/crisingro Model: Justine Mattera - Instagram/justineelizabethmattera Lingerie: Parah - Instagram/parahofficial Mua: Greta Ceccotti - Instagram/ggretchen___ HairStylist: Daniela Montorfano - Instagram/stelladipunta

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PORTRAIT Photographer: Cristian Ingrosso - Instagram/crisingro Model: Justine Mattera - Instagram/justineelizabethmattera Lingerie: Parah - Instagram/parahofficial Mua: Greta Ceccotti - Instagram/ggretchen___ HairStylist: Daniela Montorfano - Instagram/stelladipunta

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PORTRAIT Photographer: Cristian Ingrosso - Instagram/crisingro Model: Justine Mattera - Instagram/justineelizabethmattera Lingerie: Parah - Instagram/parahofficial Mua: Greta Ceccotti - Instagram/ggretchen___ HairStylist: Daniela Montorfano - Instagram/stelladipunta

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PORTRAIT Photographer: Cristian Ingrosso - Instagram/crisingro Model: Justine Mattera - Instagram/justineelizabethmattera Lingerie: Parah - Instagram/parahofficial Mua: Greta Ceccotti - Instagram/ggretchen___ HairStylist: Daniela Montorfano - Instagram/stelladipunta

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PORTRAIT Photographer: Cristian Ingrosso - Instagram/crisingro Model: Justine Mattera - Instagram/justineelizabethmattera Lingerie: Parah - Instagram/parahofficial Mua: Greta Ceccotti - Instagram/ggretchen___ HairStylist: Daniela Montorfano - Instagram/stelladipunta

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Photographer Cristian Ismael MartĂ­nez Nieto Mexico - Yuriria Guanajuato

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PORTRAIT Photographer: Cristian Ismael Martínez Nieto - Instagram/ismael_fly

Mr. Daniel Garcia, accompanied by his wife Ysabel Zavala (in Mexico, the woman maintains her surname) Ysabel reads Some old news, which bring you sweet memories, which cause a great laugh. She and her hus couple is one of the few who still know how to do the “rebozos” (a typical and almost forgotten garment).

Il signor Daniel Garcia, accompagnato dalla moglie Ysabel Zavala (in Messico, la donna conserva il suo co mentre la signora Ysabel legge alcune vecchie notizie, questo provoca ricordi dolci ed una grande risata. Lei e Questa coppia è uno delle poche esistenti che sanno fare i “rebozos” (un indumento tipico e quasi dimenticat 18 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

), on the roof of her house, during a beautiful spring afternoon, Mr. Daniel plays his instrument while Mrs. sband have had great adventures, but they have also managed to cope with social problems in Mexico. This .

ognome), sul tetto della sua casa, durante un bellissimo pomeriggio di primavera, Daniel gioca lo strumento e suo marito hanno avuto grandi avventure, ma hanno anche dovuto far fronte ai problemi sociali in Messico. to). BackDoorMagazine #Issue01 -19

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PORTRAIT Photographer: Cristian Ismael Martínez Nieto - Instagram/ismael_fly She is Mary, only Mary, time and her story, her age, hid her roots, she only knows that one has to work hard, and it must be done for a lifetime. He works as a housewife in several houses in the Yuriria community; Has been the mother of many children who did not leave her belly, is an anonymous warrior and is the face that represents many women in Mexico. I made a poem for this photo, for those women: Erosion, your tears flowed in your path, the deepest path to where your voice is born, without mercy the wind caressed your walk as wanting to make you back, but your step was always higher, the clouds rested on your head confusing your body And your strength with a mountain, and the cobwebs that cover your windows, so fatigued to have seen the whole world, you are the vessel where the respect is deposited, the ignorant does not distinguish your beauty, nor know, that your makeup is the time.

È Maria, solo Maria, il tempo e la sua storia, la sua età, ha nascosto le sue radici e lei solo sa quanto deve lavorare duro e quanto deve essere fatto per tutta la vita. Lavora come casalinga in diverse case della comunità Yuriria; È stata la madre di molti bambini che non ha lasciato dalla sua pancia, è un guerriero anonimo ed è il volto che rappresenta molte donne in Messico. Ho fatto una poesia per questa foto, per quelle donne: Erosione, le tue lacrime scorrevano nel tuo cammino, il percorso più profondo dove nasce la tua voce, Senza misericordia il vento ha accarezzato la tua passeggiata come voler farti tornare, Ma il tuo passo era sempre più alto, le nuvole riposano sulla tua testa confondendo il tuo corpo e la tua forza con una montagna e le ragnatele che coprono le tue finestre, così stanca di aver visto tutto il mondo, tu sei la nave in cui viene depositato il rispetto, l’ignorante non distingue la tua bellezza, né sa che il tuo trucco è il tempo.

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PORTRAIT Photographer: Cristian Ismael MartĂ­nez Nieto - Instagram/ismael_fly

Mr. Daniel Garcia, accompanied by his wife Ysabel Zavala, in the window of his bedroom; The rain warn the city, resound in this room that witnessed who knows how many battles and victory

Il signor Daniel Garcia, accompagnato dalla moglie Ysabel Zavala, nella finestra della sua camera da letto risate, quasi dimenticate dalla cittĂ , risuonano in questa stanza che testimonia chi sa quante battaglie e vi

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ns of its arrival, submitting to the clouds in a nostalgic gray, while the old laughter, almost forgotten by

o; La pioggia avverte del suo arrivo, presentandosi alle nuvole in un grigio nostalgico, mentre le vecchie ittorie

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PORTRAIT Photographer: Cristian Ismael Martínez Nieto - Instagram/ismael_fly

Madam Guadalupe Medina, in a rose in the middle of her garden, a rose of 90 years, from very small was dedicated to the labors of the field; Had throughout its life 10 children, of whom 5 already died, that is to say, the wind with which it blows the time it to him extracted several petals. But go on, live each day, not as if it were the last, but as if it were the first, surprised by everything around you, loving flowers, and making tortillas with your own hands. It is a mountain that walks around the city, with the freedom of a bird. Madonna Guadalupe Medina, in una rosa nel mezzo del suo giardino, una rosa di 90 anni, da piccola era dedicata alle fatiche del campo; Aveva per tutta la sua vita dieci figli, di cui 5 già morti, vale a dire, il vento con cui soffia il tempo che gli ha estratto diversi petali. Ma continui, vivi ogni giorno, non come se fosse l’ultimo, ma come se fosse il primo, sorpreso da tutto ciò che ti circonda, amando i fiori e facendo tortillas con le tue mani. È una montagna che va in giro per la città, con la libertà di un uccello.

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PORTRAIT Photographer: Cristian Ismael Martínez Nieto - Instagram/ismael_fly

Mr. Daniel Garcia, is an 85 year old man, throughout his life was, military, carpenter, musician, weaver. Now it is dedicated playing an instrument called locally “harmony”, as a photographer I was surprised by the vitality of this incredible human b

Il signor Daniel Garcia, è un uomo di 85 anni, durante tutta la sua vita è stato, militare, carpentiere, musicista, tessitore. Ora vediamo suonare uno strumento chiamato localmente “Armonia”, come fotografo sono rimasto sorpreso dalla vitalità di quest

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d to play in the local band, in the Yuriria community located in the center of the Mexican Republic. In this photo we see him being, the kindness of people and delivery that fits in a man despite the years he is carrying on his back.

si dedica a suonare nella banda locale, nella comunitĂ Yuriria situata nel centro della Repubblica Messicana. In questa foto lo to incredibile essere umano, la gentilezza e liberazione, insite, in un uomo nonostante gli anni che porta dietro.

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Photographer Denys Nevozhai - Instagram/dnevo Ukraine - California

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STREET PHOTOGRAPHY Photographer: Denys Nevozhai - Instagram/dnevozhai Flatiron permanence. I had to spend like 15 minutes sitting in crooked position on the ground to take many many shots with different exposures. Beauty is everywhere. Flatiron permanenza. Ho dovuto passare tipo 15 minuti seduto in posizione storta sul terreno per fare tanti e tanti scatti con diverse esposizioni. La bellezza è ovunque.

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STREET PHOTOGRAPHY Photographer: Denys Nevozhai - Instagram/dnevozhai Street Style Sunset. This sunset was possible because of the street that ends at the waterfront of the Hudson River in New York. Tramonto Steet Style. Questo tramonto era possibile a causa della strada che termina al lungomare del fiume Hudson a New York.

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STREET PHOTOGRAPHY Photographer: Denys Nevozhai - Instagram/dnevozhai Steam-powered police car. Manhattan is a special place for photography. You can find funny scenes on every step. Auto di polizia a vapore. Manhattan è un luogo speciale per la fotografia. Ăˆ possibile trovare scene divertenti ad ogni passo.

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STREET PHOTOGRAPHY Photographer: Denys Nevozhai - Instagram/dnevozhai Sullivan. A fireman on the street of New York City. Sullivan. Un pompiere per la strada di New York City. 36 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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STREET PHOTOGRAPHY Photographer: Denys Nevozhai - Instagram/dnevozhai Cyber noir. Took this shot from the top of a tunnel in San Francisco downtown. Cyber noir. Ha preso questo scatto dalla sommitĂ di una galleria nel centro di San Francisco. 38 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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Photographer Ian Espinosa - Instagram/i__a__n_ Repubblica di Panama - Panama

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PORTRAIT Photographer: Ian Espinosa - Instagram/i__a__n___ / Retro-Futurism / Too busy riding hover boards and playing Asteroids. Model: SelfPortrait

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PORTRAIT Photographer: Ian Espinosa - Instagram/i__a__n___ By the Roads Model: Gustavo Fuenmayor Instagram/anphiibian

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PORTRAIT Photographer: Ian Espinosa - Instagram/i__a__n___ Forest bound Model: Cristina Instagram/cristina.hdez

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PORTRAIT Photographer: Ian Espinosa - Instagram/i__a__n___ Nourish Model: Sofía Victoria Araúz Espinosa Instagram/_sofia_arauz 48 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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PORTRAIT Photographer: Ian Espinosa - Instagram/i__a__n___ What they see is (not) reality. Model: Amily M. Troetsch Instagram/heyamily

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Photographer Ivana Lorusso Italy - Bari


Another break at the wall

“In una spiaggia libera, lontana pochi chilometri dalla frenesia incessante del ce protetti dal muro blu, in quel luogo dove lo sguardo si perde nell’illusione che co il muro al mare, non sappiamo cosa impedisca loro di godere dell’infinito miste carezzati dal vento. Sembra quasi che abbiano rinunciato alla contemplazione de Non conosceremo mai le storie di queste persone, distanti e distinte, rimarranno

“On a beach, a few kilometres away from the incessant frenzy of the city centre, in blue, in that place where the look is lost in the illusion of confusing the sky and the s what stops them from enjoying the infinite mystery of the waves. We only know tha wind. It almost seems that they have given up contemplating infinity, the sea, prefe distant and distinct, they remain wrapped in the silence of the wall, ‘sea surrogate

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entro della città, nelle ore più calde del giorno è usanza diffusa stendersi al sole, onfonde il mare col cielo. Non ci è dato sapere perché queste persone prediligano ero delle onde. Sappiamo solo che sono lì, arsi al sole, consumati dal calore e acell’infinito, del mare, preferendo a questo una realtà fittizia o l’autocelebrazione. o avvolte nel silenzio del muro, ‘surrogato del mare’. “

n the hottest hours of the day it’s common to lie in the sun, protected by a wall of sea. We can’t understand why these people prefer the wall to the sea, we don’t know at they are there, at burn oneself in the sun, consumed by heat and caressed by the erring a fictional reality or self-celebration. We will never know these people’s story, e’. “

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STREET PHOTOGRAPHY - Another break at the wall - 1 Photographer: Ivana Lorusso - Instagram/ivanalorusso 54 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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STREET PHOTOGRAPHY - Another break at the wall - 2 Photographer: Ivana Lorusso - Instagram/ivanalorusso 56 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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STREET PHOTOGRAPHY - Another break at the wall - 3 Photographer: Ivana Lorusso - Instagram/ivanalorusso 58 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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STREET PHOTOGRAPHY - Another break at the wall - 4 Photographer: Ivana Lorusso - Instagram/ivanalorusso 60 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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STREET PHOTOGRAPHY - Another break at the wall - 5 Photographer: Ivana Lorusso - Instagram/ivanalorusso 62 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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Photographer Kanio Sabia - Instagram/kan68ua Italy - Potenza

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PORTRAIT Photographer: Kanio Sabia - Instagram/kan68ua Riflessi e Sguardi

Model: Silvia Roberta Possidente Instagram/silviarobertapossidente

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PORTRAIT Photographer: Kanio Sabia - Instagram/kan68ua Riflessi e Sguardi

Model: Silvia Roberta Possidente Instagram/silviarobertapossidente

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PORTRAIT Photographer: Kanio Sabia - Instagram/kan68ua Dall’acqua alla terra Model: Valentina Calabrese Instagram/valevale3234

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Photographer Marcello Cassano Italy - Bari

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PORTRAIT Photographer. Marcello Cassano - Instagram/mcdiary.it Model: Pauline Instagram/_pau_li_ne__

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PORTRAIT Photographer: Marcello Cassano - Instagram/mcdiary.it Model: Pauline Instagram/_pau_li_ne__ 76 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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PORTRAIT Photographer: Marcello Cassano - Instagram/mcdiary.it Model: Pauline Instagram/_pau_li_ne__ 78 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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PORTRAIT Photographer: Marcello Cassano - Instagram/mcdiary.it Model: Pauline Instagram/_pau_li_ne__

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PORTRAIT Photographer: Marcello Cassano - Instagram/mcdiary.it Model: Pauline Instagram/_pau_li_ne__ 82 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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Photographer Massimiliano Franco Italy - Roma

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Reportage: 190 YEN - ONE DAY INTO TOKYO

A guardarlo da vicino il Giappone appare ancora più misterioso e imperscruta che tiene il passo con le più sofisticate tecnologie, la simbologia linguistica e il allo stesso tempo sottile di indescrivibile fascino dal sapore aspro ma accoglien vo assolutamente idea che questo posto mi sarebbe entrato nel cuore. Oggi men pensiero di stabilire un confine tra quello che è presente, proiettato prepotentem

Looking at it closely Japan appears even more mysterious and inscrutable t eps up with the most sophisticated technology, the linguistic symbology and of indescribable charm, bitter yet also welcoming. When I decided to go and ce would have taken a piece of my heart. Today as I write, I still have a tho ght of establishing a boundary between what is present, over powerfully pla

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abile di quello che sembra dall’Occidente. Il mistero di una cultura millenaria l misticismo religioso avvolgono questo lembo di terra in una coltre spessa ma nte. Quando decisi di partire per fotografare il Giappone, era il 2009, non aventre scrivo ho ancora mille domande che mi affollano i ricordi e mi arrendo al mente al futuro e quello che è stato il passato, ma che è costantemente presente.

than the West seems. The mystery of a thousand year old culture that ked religious mysticism envelop this strip of land in a thick yet thin blanket d photograph Japan, it was in 2009, I had absolutely no idea that this plaousand questions that crowd my memories and I give myself up to the thouanned for the future, and that which is in the past, yet constantly present.

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Decine sono i progetti fotografici che ho già realizzato per raccontare questa meravigliosa terra ma altrettan “190 Yen - One day into Tokyo’s Station”. Tokyo è un grande organismo. E le enormi staz no al suo interno sono gli impulsi elettrici che le danno vita. Sottoterra, in superficie, in ari ta e soprattutto perfettamente silenziosa.Se un giorno deciderai di visitare il Giappone non potrai far piccolo, una porzione di spaccato di società giapponese, con le sue dinamiche e la sua discutibile magi ventura da vivere. Gente che dorme in piedi * (un abilità unica dei giapponesi), altri assorti nel guard di, sguardo che a volte fissa il vuoto come ipnotizzati da qualcosa di invisibile. Come in tutte le grand

Tens of photographic projects have already carried out to tell the story of this amazing land, yet tens m “190 Yen - One day into Tokyo’s Station” . Tokyo is a big organism. And the enormous train and su ch give it life. Underground, on the surface, in the air on the elevated tracks, runs life. A life which ru miss out on getting on a subway and then you will realise that each compartment represents, in its ow a story, a drama, a lie, a spark, a dream, each with its own little adventure to experience. People asleep novels or comics. Few talk, they seem shy, looks that stare at nothing, as though hypnotized by someth

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nti ne ho in testa e che proverò a realizzare nei miei prossimi viaggi. Ed eccomi qua a raccontarne uno ….. zioni dei treni e della metropolitana sono le sue sinapsi; le persone, le folle che si muovoia sui binari sopraelevati scorre la vita. Una vita che scorre in maniera perfettamente ordinare a meno di salire su una metropolitana e allora ti accorgerai che ogni vagone rappresenta, nel suo ia, con una storia, un dramma, una bugia, una scintilla, un sogno, ciascuno con la propria piccola avdare il cellulare o nella lettura di romanzi o fumetti per lo più erotici. Pochi parlano, sembrano timidi città in questi “non luoghi” si è assieme a tantissime altre persone, ma anche irrimediabilmente soli.

more remain in my mind which I will carry out in my future trips. And here I am to talk about one…. ubway stations are its synapses; the people, the crowds which move within are electric impulses whiuns in a perfectly orderly and, above all, silent manner. If one day you decide to visit Japan you can’t wn way, a fragment of Japanese society, with its ways of doing things, and its controversial magic, with on their feet (a Japanese skill), totally absorbed in looking at their mobile or in reading mostly erotic, hing invisible. Like in any big city, in these “non places” people are all together, yet irretrievably alone.

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In questo gigantesco organismo la voglia di essere accettati, in una società dove la competizione è forte, porta ne quasi necessaria per riuscire a sopravvivere in questa città. Ogni attimo libero è utile per riposarsi dal super ne mitigata dalla tecnologia e dalle mode che tendono in modo potente ad uniformare lo stile di vita. Il tutto è Questi brevi minuti di riposo rubati alla frenesia quotidiana sono la prova tangibile di quan ti alla società, e in un contesto in cui la modestia impedisce di autoelogiarsi, questo è il segno te significa , “essere addormentati ma presenti”, o se preferite, “essere presenti mentre si dorme” (nemur senti al proprio contesto sociale, non appena la situazione lo richieda. Per questo motivo chi lo pratica è spess

In this gigantic organism the need to be accepted, in a society where competition is strong, pushes people selves in order to succeed in surviving in this city. Every free moment is useful to take a break from solitude is toned down by technology and ways that tend to powerfully standardise their way of life. E These few minutes of rest stolen from the daily frenzy are the tangible proof of how tired they are, and how little the sign of their dedication to their profession. At the same time, inemuri, which literally means “asleep but present”, or turn immediately to their social context, as soon as necessary. For this reason those who do it are often seen in unn

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a la gente a vivere per il lavoro. Ogni persona con la propria storia crea intorno a sè una piccola solitudirlavoro o per dare un occhio all’amico più fidato , lo smartphone. In questa città la solitudine mai urlata vieè amplificato quando ci si sposta per la metropolitana più trafficata al mondo .. la metropolitana di TOKYO. nto si è stanchi, e di quanto poco si sia riusciti a dormire la notte precedente. Davano tangibile della dedizione alla propria professione. Allo stesso tempo, l’inemuri che letteralmenri significa sonno, il prefisso “i” vuol dire “essere presenti”) consente di ritornare immediatamente preso visto in posizioni innaturali, scomode e tipiche della veglia, e non di un normale pisolino all’occidentale.

to live for work. Each person with their own history creates an almost necessary solitude around themtheir superjob or to take a look at their most trusted friend; their smartphone. In this city unspoken Everything is amplified when they travel on the busiest subway in the world… The TOKYO subway. ey managed to sleep that night. In society, and in a context in which modesty forbids self-praise, this is the visible r rather, “to be present while asleep” (nemuri means sleep, the prefix “i” means “to be present”) allows them to renatural positions, uncomfortable and typical of one on the alert, and not someone having a normal western nap.

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Le stazioni sono enormi, in particolare quella di Shinjuku, quella di Tokyo e quella di Shibuya e alle volte

The stations are huge, especially that of Shinjuku, Tokyo and Shibuya. Sometimes changing a line can take u

REPORTAGE: 190 YEN - ONE DAY INTO TOKYO’s STATION Massimiliano Franco - Instagram/massimilianoo_75 92 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

cambiare una linea può richiedere anche un chilometro di cammino nei sottopassi.

up to one kilometer of walk in the underpasses.

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REPORTAGE: 190 YEN - ONE DAY INTO TOKYO’s STATION Massimiliano Franco - Instagram/massimilianoo_75 94 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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REPORTAGE: 190 YEN - ONE DAY INTO TOKYO’s STATION Massimiliano Franco - Instagram/massimilianoo_75 96 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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REPORTAGE - 190 YEN - ONE DAY INTO TOKYO’s STATION Massimiliano Franco - Instagram/massimilianoo_75 98 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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REPORTAGE - 190 YEN - ONE DAY INTO TOKYO’s STATION Massimiliano Franco - Instagram/massimilianoo_75 100 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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REPORTAGE: 190 YEN - ONE DAY INTO TOKYO’s STATION Massimiliano Franco - Instagram/massimilianoo_75 102 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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REPORTAGE: 190 YEN - ONE DAY INTO TOKYO’s STATION Massimiliano Franco - Instagram/massimilianoo_75 104 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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REPORTAGE - 190 YEN - ONE DAY INTO TOKYO’s STATION Massimiliano Franco - Instagram/massimilianoo_75 106 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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REPORTAGE: 190 YEN - ONE DAY INTO TOKYO’s STATION Massimiliano Franco - Instagram/massimilianoo_75 108 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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REPORTAGE - 190 YEN - ONE DAY INTO TOKYO’s STATION Massimiliano Franco - Instagram/massimilianoo_75 110 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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REPORTAGE: 190 YEN - ONE DAY INTO TOKYO’s STATION Massimiliano Franco - Instagram/massimilianoo_75 112 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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REPORTAGE: 190 YEN - ONE DAY INTO TOKYO’s STATION Massimiliano Franco - Instagram/massimilianoo_75 114 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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REPORTAGE: 190 YEN - ONE DAY INTO TOKYO’s STATION Massimiliano Franco - Instagram/massimilianoo_75 116 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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REPORTAGE: 190 YEN - ONE DAY INTO TOKYO’s STATION Massimiliano Franco - Instagram/massimilianoo_75 118 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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REPORTAGE: 190 YEN - ONE DAY INTO TOKYO’s STATION Massimiliano Franco - Instagram/massimilianoo_75 120 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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REPORTAGE: 190 YEN - ONE DAY INTO TOKYO’s STATION Massimiliano Franco - Instagram/massimilianoo_75 122 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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REPORTAGE: 190 YEN - ONE DAY INTO TOKYO’s STATION Massimiliano Franco - Instagram/massimilianoo_75 124 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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REPORTAGE: 190 YEN - ONE DAY INTO TOKYO’s STATION Massimiliano Franco - Instagram/massimilianoo_75 126 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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REPORTAGE: 190 YEN - ONE DAY INTO TOKYO’s STATION Massimiliano Franco - Instagram/massimilianoo_75 128 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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REPORTAGE: 190 YEN - ONE DAY INTO TOKYO’s STATION Massimiliano Franco - Instagram/massimilianoo_75 130 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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REPORTAGE: 190 YEN - ONE DAY INTO TOKYO’s STATION Massimiliano Franco - Instagram/massimilianoo_75 132 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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REPORTAGE: 190 YEN - ONE DAY INTO TOKYO’s STATION Massimiliano Franco - Instagram/massimilianoo_75 134 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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REPORTAGE: 190 YEN - ONE DAY INTO TOKYO’s STATION Massimiliano Franco - Instagram/massimilianoo_75 136 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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REPORTAGE: 190 YEN - ONE DAY INTO TOKYO’s STATION Massimiliano Franco - Instagram/massimilianoo_75 138 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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REPORTAGE: 190 YEN - ONE DAY INTO TOKYO’s STATION Massimiliano Franco - Instagram/massimilianoo_75 140 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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REPORTAGE: 190 YEN - ONE DAY INTO TOKYO’s STATION Massimiliano Franco - Instagram/massimilianoo_75 142 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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REPORTAGE: 190 YEN - ONE DAY INTO TOKYO’s STATION Massimiliano Franco - Instagram/massimilianoo_75 144 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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REPORTAGE: 190 YEN - ONE DAY INTO TOKYO’s STATION Massimiliano Franco - Instagram/massimilianoo_75

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REPORTAGE: 190 YEN - ONE DAY INTO TOKYO’s STATION Massimiliano Franco - Instagram/massimilianoo_75

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REPORTAGE: 190 YEN - ONE DAY INTO TOKYO’s STATION Massimiliano Franco - Instagram/massimilianoo_75 150 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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REPORTAGE: 190 YEN - ONE DAY INTO TOKYO’s STATION Massimiliano Franco - Instagram/massimilianoo_75 152 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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REPORTAGE: 190 YEN - ONE DAY INTO TOKYO’s STATION Massimiliano Franco - Instagram/massimilianoo_75 154 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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REPORTAGE: 190 YEN - ONE DAY INTO TOKYO’s STATION Massimiliano Franco - Instagram/massimilianoo_75 156 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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REPORTAGE: 190 YEN - ONE DAY INTO TOKYO’s STATION Massimiliano Franco - Instagram/massimilianoo_75 158 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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Photographer Ciccio Giuliani Italy - Bari

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PORTRAIT Photographer: Ciccio Giuliani - Instagram/cicciogiuliani African Portrait Model: Awayassine Thiam Instagram/fatiawa 162 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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PORTRAIT Photographer: Ciccio Giuliani - Instagram/cicciogiuliani African Portrait Model: Awayassine Thiam Instagram/fatiawa

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PORTRAIT Photographer: Ciccio Giuliani - Instagram/cicciogiuliani African Portrait Model: Awayassine Thiam Instagram/fatiawa 166 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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PORTRAIT Photographer: Ciccio Giuliani - Instagram/cicciogiuliani African Portrait Model: Awayassine Thiam Instagram/fatiawa 168 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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PORTRAIT Photographer: Ciccio Giuliani - Instagram/cicciogiuliani African Portrait Model: Awayassine Thiam Instagram/fatiawa 170 - BackDoorMagazine #Issue01

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