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Most people have heard the word boomerang, and wonder what it could mean in terms of your olf game. THE BOOMERANG PUTTING TECHNIQUE or BOOMTECH means learning how to roll a ball with perfect line and distance control. One can easily learn the technique within a month depending on the quality of the person’s golf education and how much he or she wants to learn.
Prestwick Training Mat: The perfect surface on which to learn the Boomerang Technique, Prestwick is like putting on treacle. It’s also ideal if you ever have slow or winter greens to contend with.
It is perfect for regular play, at a size of 5’6’’. For fast play it is 8’6’’. For medium-fast play it is 7’6’’. For medium play it is 6’6’’. For medium-slow it is 5’6’’. For slow play it is only 4’6’’.
Carnoustie Tournament Mat: Take it anywhere or leave it set up. Carnoustie is like putting on quicksilver. It’s ideal to get your new skills ready for tournament play.
For Champions Play it is 11’5’’. For fast it is 10’6’’. For medium-fast it is 9’6’’. For medium it is 8’6’’. For medium-slow it is 7’6’’. For slow play it is 6’6’’.
If the player wants to learn in a short time period then he or she should start on the very slow surface because the slower the surface, the longer the stroke.
If you want to test your Putting Pro, then you need a perfectly
flat surface. If you do not have that, you can make your own. To compensate for any break around the target, gently twist the Putting Pro’s wire leg, then put it back and test it using the rolling level feature. Place your Putting Pro down and position it on the curlier end of your putting mat. Next, hold the marble gently on the edge of the target, at 4 o’clock. Then let it roll until it comes to a stop. If it stops at precisely 6 o’clock, you know your Putting Pro is on a flat surface. If the ball comes to rest in any other position, give the legs another little tweak, then test again.
When your Putting Pro is set up correctly (level around the target), any putt that curves off line at the end is attributable to the stroke itself and nothing else. That’s why doing the work to get set up correctly before you start ensures the highest quality feedback, and the fastest possible improvement. When satisfied that your Putting Pro is set up level, it’s time to test the full length of your putt. To do this, carefully release your marble from its resting position, allowing it to roll down the ramp under its own steam. Note where your marble rolls. If it reaches the end of the mat without falling off either side, the entire putt is level enough to use. However if it falls off before reaching the end of your mat, then your putt has a break. Avoid setting up your Putting Pro at the end of a breaking putt, but if you have no choice use business cards placed at strategic intervals under the low edge of your mat to even it up. I’ve done it, occasionally, when there was nowhere suitable, and I needed to give a demo.
Well that’s it! Your Putting Pro and Carnoustie Mat, are now set up to provide many years of high quality, battery-free feedback, fun and frustration. So what are you waiting for? Hook in and belt out a few thousand putts before dinner, you know you want to, and you won’t believe the results if you do.
In a spirit level an air bubble floats at the top middle when the device is perfectly horizontal. Bubbles float, but marbles roll. The Putting Pro uses a marble (better than a golf ball) in a kind of rolling level, but it does the same job as a spirit level identifying a perfectly flat area for practice.
When the Putting Pro is perfectly level, your marble will rest at precisely 6 o’clock in the target and you will have an excellent place to practice.