2 minute read
You have to be polite to play golf? Well... sort of. After all, golf is a gentlemen’s game. Of course, you are not expected to follow every single unwritten rule of the game, but here a few you should pinpoint on…
If you hit an errant shot (and trust me, you will) please yell “FORE” to warn nearby players. The last thing you need is a potential lawsuit on your hands because you didn’t open your mouth. to follow when on the course but their importance is unmatched.
Earlier this month, I wrote an article explaining how out of the loop some new golfers are with the etiquette of the game and just how detrimental that is. No one can really fault you for having a poor day at the course if you are truly giving forth your best effort and just not getting results. However, if you are being arrogant or violating the unwritten rules of golf over and over, you may get a well-justified earful after the round has concluded. And rightfully so.
Another huge and crucial mistake most amateurs make is neglecting the mental aspects of the game. I’m not arguing against the fact that technique and fundamentals go a long way, rather pointing out that your performance can be heavily influenced by your attitude. If you are someone who has a quick temper, you need to address that immediately and leave the pouting at home. Getting down on yourself NEVER helps in the sport of golf. You will begin to cloud your head with negative thoughts to the point where you can hardly make contact with the ball anymore. Keeping a positive attitude before, during, and after the round is half the battle and you will notice results immediately. Golf is a game that takes quite some time to finally “master” so a good attitude will only speed up this process. As with any sport, one mistake can often snowball into many more if complemented by a negative attitude. Keep that in mind next time you pick up (or want to throw) a golf club.
If you are playing ahead of a clearly more experienced and skilled group, please let them play through. You will save them a lot of frustration and yourself a lot of embarrassment if you happen to have a rough day. The rangers on the golf course also appreciate if you keep up with the “pace of play” as they call it and this is easily accomplished by letting the big hitters be on their way.
This is an important one to follow and the rest of your friends will appreciate if you abide by it. NEVER, under any circumstance, walk through the line of your buddy’s putt on the green. They’re worried enough about accounting for the break, speed, and slope of the green. The last thing they need is to figure out how to hit over your big fat shoe mark in the middle of their line. These are just a few simple tips