20 minute read
h, boy. It is, again, time to take a look back at this last trip around the sun and highlight some of the better Proper Nouns we found over the season of 2021. And, there were some very, very excellent places featured over the last 12 months in these pages. But before we have Seymour re up the ‘Wayback Machine’ we’d like to thank all the advertisers that have been with us here and there and especially those who have stuck with us during a season of rebirth that occasionally looked like the same old same old. Without you, there would be no us. But, even more importantly, we’d like to THANK OUR READERS! This year you have shown support again and again and made Backroads not only a beloved riding publication but perhaps a way of life for some of you. For sure we have had our moments, but with the coming of the ‘Dark Times of Winter,’ we can pretty much look back on another superb season and know - while some of the world chooses to remain in MMXX – many of us have had that long faded in our mirrors and have taken a bead on the ne road ahead. As we turn the page let’s take a glance back, shall we? Let’s ride through the Best of Backroads 2021 together. Like we always do.
The Great All-American Diner Run 2021
How great was it to actually be able to sit down at a table with friends? Something that always was as normal as can be – ‘til it wasn’t. This year we tried to make up for the previous lap around Sol and had at least a dozen superb meals, but the ‘Best of’ brings us the Top Three – here they be!
SECOND RUNNER UP • THE BIG CHEESE 404 MAIN ST, ROSENDALE, NY 12472 • 845-658-7175 • THEBIGCHEESEROSENDALE.COM We came across The Big Cheese purely by chance while searching for a bite after exploring the Widow Jane Concrete Mine in Rosendale. The town has several eateries, but after choosing TBC – we knew we got it right. The Big Cheese offers superb Mediterranean fare with breakfast, lunch, and early dinner and, as you would think, some serious cheese offerings on tap. They also have a tiny thriftique… re-selling books, clothing, and chachkas of all sorts. As we said back in October The Big Cheese had one of the best aromas of any place we’d been in a while and taking a table in the outside court added to the Rosendale air of the place. You can’t go wrong with The Big Cheese!
8888 KINGS HWY, KEMPTON, PA 19529 • 610-756-6609 • WWW.WANAMAKERSGENERALSTORE.COM This General Store has been doing business for nearly 150 years. In a time where the Americazation of the land’s eateries, with chain restaurants, food courts, and malls having besotted the American roadscape, a place like Wanamakers is a true breath of fresh air – from a far better time. Before you order your lunch, you will probably have your attention stolen by all the very cool things to be found on Wanamakers’ shelves. The place is now owned by Kyra Hendricks and she has kept the avor and feel of the old place.
We have never been disappointed with anything we have chosen here and taking a seat at one of the wooden picnic tables has always seemed like a treat to us – especially when with good friends and riding buddies. Take a spin out to Kempton, PA and you will see why Wanamakers easily became part of the
Best of Backroads.

540-897-5099 • WWW.THESWINGINGBRIDGE.COM To be #1 on this list is no small feat. Each month the GAADR has to offer more than a simple restaurant – it also needs a recipe of main ingredients… Great location, serious exhilirating pavement (or un), and a good dash of fun added into the mix. The Swinging Bridge in Paint Bank, Virginia has all of that and more. Found along Route 31, one of sweetest motorcycle roads in a state full of superb riding, the Swinging Bridge also can be found not too far from our big stop on last year’s Spring Break at the Mountain Lake Lodge – but you need to ride over the mountain – not paved. Not paved in the least. But, some like this sort of thing. However you get there you will not be disappointed. The restaurant is located in the Paint Bank General Store (hmmm, seems like a pattern?), so a bit of shopping while waiting for breakfast, lunch, or dinner might be in order. Something else to look into, well actually, up too – is the swinging bridge. Yes, there is a real swinging bridge across the restaurant. Dining can be had inside, or on the screened-in porch overlooking Tingler’s Mill. We have never been riding through this part of Old Dominion without stopping – even if it is just for coffee. Stop in and you will understand why The Swinging Bridge Restaurant was the irrefutable choice for #1 in this year’s Best of Backroads!

When we are asked what Backroads Magazine is about by non-riders, we always answer that it is simply a publication to offer riders (and other travelers) places to go, things to see, and history to discover. The Big City Getaway epitomizes all these things in one monthly column. This year we had a hard time at the yearly meeting of the minds at Backroads watering hole known as Monkey with a Gun (MWAG by the exclusive members) narrowing it down for this edition, but here they are…

1 TRANQUILITY BASE, HUNTSVILLE, AL 35805 • 800-637-7223 • WWW.ROCKETCENTER.COM We had planned on just making a quick stop at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center, but that never was going to happen. This museum, right outside of Huntsville, Alabama, has the greatest collection of rockets and memorabilia from the U. S. Space Program on the planet. They have an SR-71 Blackbird, the Lunar Excursion Module, an Apollo capsule, and a G-Force accelerator – if you are up to it. The museum also has the only Saturn 5 in existence. That alone is worth the visit. But, if you do plan on heading to this phenomenal center, make time for it – as you will need a good part of the day to take it all in and you will see how this easily rocketed into the Best of Backroads edition.

FIRST RUNNER UP • MAINE MINERALAND GEM MUSEUM 99 MAIN ST, BETHEL, ME 04217 • 207-824-3036 • MAINEMINERALMUSEUM.ORG Keeping with the space theme our rst runner-up will not take you to the Moon or Mars; but will bring them to you. The Maine Mineral and Gem Museum has one of the greatest collections of rare stones and minerals in the United States and will bring you the history of this region, which is one of the top sources of minerals and the home of “The Big Find,” one of the nest gem nd in history. The main reason for our visit was that the MMGM has the largest collection of moon and mars rocks on the planet. How did they come across such rocks as these? Well, you can read the original story in the October issue or, better yet, go take a ride up Maine-way and experience all this for yourself. They might even let you hold a piece of the Moon or Mars – that is a truly out-of-the-world experience.

6030 BARBER MOTORSPORTS PKWY, LEEDS, AL 35094 205-699-7275 • WWW.BARBERMUSEUM.ORG In a year that had such a tough choice with this category, the Barber Vintage Motorsports Park was still the clear winner. If you love motorcycles & riding, and cars & driving and are a motor-head of any sort then you MUST visit Barber. It is hands down the ultimate museum and facility of its type on the planet Earth. Five full oors, 144,000 square feet of exhibit space, and with 650 machines on display (They have twice that) this museum will rock your motorcycle-loving world! But, wait kids, there’s more. They have a state-of-the-art 17 turn, 2.3-mile road course as well that is used by so many for testing and track days as well as IndySeries and MotoAmerica motorcycle racing. Each Fall the Barber Vintage Festival brings together classic racers from around the nation and the world as well as one of the greatest classic and historic motorcycle shows you will ever experience. With all this, and being overwhelmed by it all, there was never any doubt that the Barber Vintage Motorsports Park raced to the top of the podium for Big City Getaway 2021!

We’re Outta Here 2021
For us at Backroads Central, nothing is finer than a few days on the road. Discovering little hideaways, comfortable inns, and lodges that seem to be on fantastical roadways and seeing big smiles when riders roll up to their doors? Well, for us that is a big part of why we do what we do. Here are our Top Three for We’re Outta Here in 2021…
540-839-2422 • WWW.VINECOTTAGEINN.COM The Virginian county of Bath is yet another splendid region this state offers and along Route 220, also called the Sam Snead Highway, you will nd a sign that will always get our attention: “Riders Welcome.” That be us! Owners Tammy and Dave Hahn, along with their son Tim and their staff run a delightful bed & breakfast called the Vine Cottage and riders are really welcome. The rooms are comfortable and the inn itself convivial. Hey, they have an ice cream win-

Page 23 Page 23 dow open on the weekends – it doesn’t get more friendly than that. Add into this mix that the Vine Cottage is found along some seriously fun Virginia pavement and you have a true keeper that easily made a home with us at Backroads and the Best of…

FIRST RUNNER UP • TAPOCO LODGE 14981 TAPOCO RD, ROBBINSVILLE, NC 28771 • 828-498-2800 • TAPOCO.COM The Tapoco Lodge came from a suggestion from our friend and fellow rider Rob Mitchell. Rob is a soft-spoken gentleman; so, when he strongly suggests something, we usually listen. Rob was right on the money with the Tapoco Lodge. You will nd this place, once owned by ALCOA, on Route 129 along the Cheoah River, sitting on 120 acres in the lush mountain region of the Nantahala National Forest. Oh, yes… right between the Cherohala Skyway and the Tail of the Dragon – so the riding does not suck, okay? The lodge has a good number of rooms and some very comfortable cabins as well. The lodge’s restaurant serves great lunches and dinners – which you can enjoy on the deck overlooking the river which, on the weekends when they open up the dam, can be wild to see. We truly enjoyed our stay and seemed to be on a roll the weekend we were in the region. For as comfortable as the Tapoco Lodge was, sitting here as the rst runner up, the next night was even better for us as we spent it at…

We have been doing the Best of Backroads for many years now and this is the rst time our rst and second place BoB destinations, for WOH, have come back to back for us on a trip.
No wonder why so many riders and car enthusiasts pilgrimage to this region. It offers the best riding in the United States.
Big statement, we know. But we’ll stand by it.
Enjoying and welcoming riders is wonderful – but catering just to the twowheel enthusiast is spectacular. Especially if you are found at the end of one of the best roads in an area… Wolf Pen Gap!
Two Wheel of Suches is a combination motorcycle campground and lodge that has a number of very comfortable cabins available as well as some rooms in the lodge itself.
Owned and operated by Bill Johnston, a true riding enthusiast himself, we found TWO to be everything riders could want when traveling in this rich riding locale.

The place is a magnet for riders near and far and race day Sundays see good gatherings of riders to take in MotoGP, WSB, or MotoAmerica. You will be hard-pressed to nd another facility that offers what TWO of Suches offers and does so well. This place is an excellent choice for a base camp for groups of riders, maybe from the northeast (hint, hint) to spend a few days exploring northern Georgia as well as the twistalicious roads of North Carolina and Tennessee. Trust us on this and you will agree that TWO of Suches truly deserved the #1 spot in this year’s Best of Backroads!

Inside Scoop 2021
We all certainly needed some great ice cream this year. Once the serving windows were thrown open and the scooping began, we were on the trail to bring you some of the best we could find. And we think we did a pretty good job of that. Beginning with February’s Breakfast for Ice Cream Day and rolling our way through the year, here are the best dairy delights of 2021.
47 DECKER POND ROAD/RTE. 517, ALLAMUCHY, NJ • 908-979-0303 • TRANQUILITYFARMSNJ.COM • OPEN YEAR ROUNDNOON-9:30AM Starting with a ne pedigree on land originally owned by Peter Stuyvesant, the Freeborn family have built a tremendous farming and dairy business and, happily for us, that includes some of the best homemade ice cream around. My rst visit was in the deep of winter during their Breakfast for Ice Cream Day (mark your calendar – February 5, 2022) and that day was amazing. Subsequent visits, during warmer months, included sampling their lunch offerings and bringing home fresh produce for that night’s dinner. You can see what they are scooping daily on their website. Locating on some delicious Jersey roads, take a spin to Tranquility Farms for a sugar pick-me-up and make sure your saddlebags are empty – you’ll thank me.

55 BROADWAY, TIVOLI, NJ • 845-757-2899 • FORTUNESICECREAM.COM I found Fortunes Ice Cream while reading through Food & Wine’s winners for best in state ice cream. Residing in a very colorful building in the middle of the small burg of Tivoli, Lisa Farjam and Brian Ackley have developed a most wonderful, family-friendly and inviting establishment. Their creativity shines through on their ice cream offerings, including the vegan and dairy-free selections. The ice cream window is open seasonally, but you can pick up pints of such things as labne sour cherry, roasted chestnut (I have a feeling this is a limited avor), banof or halva honeycomb (now THAT is one avor I would adore). Also in a very nice riding section of New York, Fortunes was an easy pick for a slot in the Best Of Inside Scoop.

1ST PLACE INSIDE SCOOP 2021 • LAPP VALLEY FARM DAIRY 244 MENTZER RD, NEW HOLLAND, PA • 717-354-7988 The Lapp Valley Farm is another in a long family-owned farming business. The current keeper of the torch is David, fourth generation Lapp, head cow herder and keeper of the ice cream churner. Located on a beautiful piece of land in the Amish section of Pennsylvania, Lapp Valley is certainly a destination rather than just a quick stop for some ice cream. You can visit with the resident peacocks, bull dogs and random cats while walking the meticulously manicured grounds and enjoying the freshly-scooped ice cream. Stepping into the shop, you will be engulfed with the sweet smell of homemade waf e cones. There are 16 avors from which to choose, and I highly recommend the coconut, as it was the nest I have tasted. With the superb riding in this area, and the comfortable spot at which to enjoy this delicious ice cream, it is no wonder Lapp Valley Farm has made it to the top of the list on 2021’s Best of Inside Scoop.

Mysterious America 2021

It was great to have Seymour back, since last year he had dropped from the map, not returning from Wuhan, China until the All-Star Break and, as always, the good doctor – with our willing help – came up with a good number of roadside oddities, wackiness and just a bit of mysterious history as well. These top 3 were chosen after much debate between O’Life, Happy & Pepe, and Spenser T. Cat. We hope you agree with their always questionable assessment.
SECOND RUNNER UP • UNCLAIMED BAGGAGE 509 WWILLOW ST, SCOTTSBORO, AL 35768 • 256-2591525 • WWW.UNCLAIMEDBAGGAGE.COM Okay, this was an odd one – even for Backroads. When things go missing while traveling; If it’s your luggage it usually gets to you in quick time. But, some things never get to the real owners and after a time they all end up here, at the Unclaimed Baggage Center in Scottsboro, Alabama. We were not sure what to expect while visiting this facility and, in truth, the feel was more like an enormous second-hand thrift shop than anything else. But they had a lot of different items to be had here at Unclaimed Baggage. For us though, it was the weird, wacky, and bizarre items that have turned up over the years and adorn the walls and shelves in this mammoth facility. A camera from a Space Shuttle, the Osmond’s costumes, a set of Great Highland Bagpipes, and even Hoggle from the lm Labyrinth. We spent a fun few hours exploring this place and admit to bringing somebody’s lost item back home. Hey, losers weepers, nders keepers, right? One thing we are sure of is Unclaimed Baggage was a great nd on the backroads of this Mysterious America.
FIRST RUNNER UP • WIDOW JANE MINE 668 NY-213, ROSENDALE, NY 12472 • 845-658-9900 • WWW.CENTURYHOUSE.ORG On the grounds of the Snyder Estate and a short hike from the Century House, you will discover something that we had a bit of a hard time wrapping our minds around. Perhaps it was that the Widow Jane Mine, one of the largest and richest

concrete mines in the nation, was wide open to the public in a state that loves being a nanny to its citizens. But, we’d take it. The Widow Jane Mine blew us away and we highly recommend you take a nice ride and visit it for yourself. Make sure you bring a ashlight and be an adult while there. You surely will not be disappointed. When done, ride into the nearby town of Rosendale and grab a bite at The Big Cheese – in one day you can have two ‘Best of’ notches on your belt.
1ST PLACE MYSTERIOUS AMERICA 2021 • BURLINGTON COUNTY PRISON MUSEUM 128 HIGH ST, MT HOLLY, NJ 08060 • 609-265-5476 • WWW.PRISONMUSEUM.NET We love when we get to feature a place that leans not only to the mysterious side but also offers you a good deal of local history and lore. The Burlington Prison Museum is just such a place. Designed by architect Robert Mills (he designed the Washington Monument) and built back 211 years ago, the Burlington Prison Museum is truly amazing. Each level – from the basement workshops to the maximumsecurity cell called The Dungeon - has a deep and interesting story to tell. Some of them are downright frightening, others oat on an even darker side - but all are astonishing. From the original and historic xtures and furnishings to the remarkable prison, art to be seen on the walls and especially the incredible cast gures that both stunned and deeply moved us, the Prison Museum was and is amazing and we are happy to see that this historic New Jersey site made #1 on the 2021 tour of Mysterious America. As the good doctor says…O’Life Out! ,
Thanks for riding along with us in 2021. We hope you enjoyed the trip. Where will we bring you in 2022? It’s a mystery, but we look forward to having you along on the new and exciting adventures as we discover more places along the Backroads.