6 minute read
from June 2023
Motorcycles, Travel & Adventure 22 24 28

Publishers Brian Rathjen • Shira Kamil
Contributors Mark Byers, Pamela Collins, Victor Cruz, Frank Palmeri, Tricia Szulewski, Dr. Seymour O’Life
Editorial Office BACKROADS, POB 620 Augusta, NJ 07822 phone 973.948.4176 fax 973.948.0823 email editor@backroadsusa.com online www.backroadsusa.com
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BACKROADS (ISSN 1087-2088) is published monthly by BACKROADS™, Inc. 2023. All rights reserved. BACKROADS™ may not be reproduced in any manner without speci c written consent from the publisher. BACKROADS™ welcomes and encourages submissions (text and photos) and suggestions. Include phone number with submissions. BACKROADS™ will only return material with enclosed suf cient postage. The written articles and opinions printed in BACKROADS™ are not necessarily those of the publisher and should not be considered an endorsement. The Rip &Rides® published are ridden on the sole responsibilty of the rider. BACKROADS™ is not responsible for the conditions of the public roadways traversed. Please respect the environment, read your owner’s manual and wear proper protective gear and helmet. Ride within your limits, not over them.
A just machine to make big decisions
Programmed by fellows with compassion and vision
We’ll be clean when their work is done
We’ll be eternally free yes and eternally young
IGY – Donald Fagen
There are times, after Jeopardy, when the Mets have an off day, when we have caught up with MotoGP, World Superbike and MotoAmerica, that we dive deep into the various shows that seem to come and go like the ebb and ow of some programming tide.

It was during one of these safaris that we met Mrs. Davis. The show began with the Templar Knights on October 13th, 1307. It was not a good day for the famed order. Of course, the most over-used MacGufn – the Holy Grail – becomes part of the story.
But in the next scene, we are back in the “present day” whenever that is and the world is kindly (maybe) being run by a worldwide Arti cial Intelligence that calls itself Mrs. Davis.
If this AI looks like Geena, we’re all in.
This might be just another cable sci- offering except for the timing of it all.
Today the head scientist that created the algorithm that started the entire AI narrative, Geoffrey Hinton, quit Google after a decade, claiming that “Bad actors, could use it for bad things.” Ya think?

Everywhere I look machines are more and more in charge of things that we use to do for ourselves.
Look at routing and simple directions.
A few years back some family were to meet us for dinner, up where we call home – about a long hour’s drive from their place. I was happy to send them directions, but they said they had it covered. But, when they were just a tad late to dinner I asked how they had come up and was surprised that they went 30 miles out of their way to get to us. The all-powerful Waze had sent them in this convoluted way.
I have seen this happen again and again. Google, Waze, as well as the many phonestyle apps like Rever, Best Biking Roads or EatSleepRIDE – may all have their place, but I like to do my own routing, thank you very much.
Like we here at Backroads Central, many of you, our readers, use Garmin’s BaseCamp to create your own personalized routes.
For us, it is a rare occasion, like we need to get somewhere ASAP, that we’ll allow a GPS to create a route for us.
The great thing about BaseCamp is that it was continually updated, and has allowed us to nd and discover many roads that might have gotten by us.
We love sharing them with you.
The advent of Global Positioning Systems and detailed mapping programs allowed us to move on from the far simpler Rip & Rides we were once known for to more intricate rides and far more fun and interesting ways to get where we were going.

But things and times move on.
We recently got hold of the latest Garmin Zumo XT2. 15% larger screen, even brighter than the previous Zumo XT, running off a 12-volt processor – it is simply a better GPS in a bunch of tiny, but important ways. But, like its predecessor, it does not like to play with BaseCamp.
Continued on Page 6
Before I go on a rant, let me throw out this question: when you are riding or driving, at what point do you signal that you are making a turn? I want to see if I am just an early warning type of person or if I fall into the middle of the road signalers. Because if you are one of THOSE people, you will bear the wrath of my oncoming rant. This also is assuming that you DO let other people on the road know when you are making a turn.
There are a few things that push my buttons. Many have to do with lights. I’m not sure where or when I developed this OCD about electricity, but it sends me (grumbling under my breath) into a frenzy. If a light is left on in a room when there is no one in that room to use it, I do see red.
What I noticed the other day while out doing errands is that few people make use of the stick attached to their steering wheel or button on the left handlebar. Driving around Newton and its vicinity, I found myself screaming at folks mindlessly turning left and right with absolutely no warning or concern for those behind or heading towards them. I am amazed that there aren’t more collisions because of this. This lack of notice to other vehicles on the road is even more destructive and dangerous for two-wheeled travelers. I know that, being a motorcyclist, I am even more aware and vigilant of those clueless folks with which I share the road. Space cushioning is mandatory, especially in crowded urban situations, but having to predict the actions of those heading towards us is a crap shoot at best.
ment, please do so. Front brake lights. How awesome would it be if you are coming to an intersection and you see the oncoming car’s front brake lights come on sans turn signal. You could at least have a clue that the car may be making a left turn in front of you and act appropriately. I really believe this would bring that horrible statistic of that collision down tremendously.
Another light issue I have, and it is diminishing with new motorcycles and cars with self-cancelling signals, is the ever-blinking light long after the turn is made. Not only is it annoying if you are riding behind that person but it, too, is dangerous. Like the non-signaling turn, the forgotten turn signal gives a false signal to those oncoming and behind. I am guilty of this: if I see a vehicle in front of me with a left signal on, I will slide onto the right shoulder to get around it. Not totally safe in many situations, but forgivable. But, if that forgotten left signal is on and the oblivious vehicle in front is REALLY making a right turn……all hell will soon break loose.

Front brake lights. How awesome would it be if you are coming to an intersection and you see the oncoming car’s front brake lights come on sans turn signal. You could at least have a clue that the car may be making a left turn in front of you and act appropriately.
Another light situation that just annoys rather than infuriates is the use of high beam headlights. Cars today already have over-bright headlights, and with aging eyes at night, this is just brought to new heights. When I drive or ride at night, I try to keep a watch on where my high beams are set so as to bring them down when there is an oncoming vehicle. I can’t really say the same for others.
There are many motorcyclists, including Brian, who have added auxiliary lights to their rides. My additional lighting, which is always on during the day, is very bene cial when I do nd myself out past sunset. But, unlike some, it is mounted in a lower position so as not to blind oncoming traf c, Yes, it is a matter of better visibility for we, the riders, against the clueless drivers of the world. However, I ask that if you are an uberlighted bike, please be courteous to those who share the road. Turnabout is fair play.
Many years ago, Brian brought up a brilliant idea. If someone in the automotive industry wants to steal it and make it part of standard equip-
Be mindful – use your turn signals, lower your brights and, for God’s sake, turn the freakin’ light off when you leave the room. I thank yourant over. ,