4 minute read
from May 2022
There are places that almost become legend. No, they do become the thing of legend.
For so many years I had heard about a gentleman named Peter Nettesheim who had the greatest collection of BMW machines on the planet.
On occasion I have brie y met Peter, but last fall in Colorado, while having lunch at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, I had at least a few minutes to talk with Peter about his collection.
Now, let me be clear…. I was absolutely clueless at what this “Collections” was – other than what I have heard. Really, really excellent – beyond anything I could dream of. Hell, I can dream of a lot.
I sheepishly asked if Shira and I could visit someday.
Peter beamed a huge smile and said absolutely yes.
A few weeks later there was an invite from BMW to spend an afternoon at Peter Nettesheim’s BMW Museum – somewhere on the north shore of Long Island.
For the rst time I did not bitch about driving through the Bronx and onto Long Island and right on time, on a brilliant and warm fall morning, we pulled up to Peter’s home, somewhere on the north shore of Long Island.
We write this as this is a private home, and although this collection is probably the best of the planet, it is still Peter’s home. So, at the end of this short missive we’ll give you information on how you and your riding group might see how amazing this is.
When having lunch with Peter in Colorado he told me he “always” has a few restorations in progress… for as long as he can remember.
When we rolled up, there were already a number of the press and BMW there – the grounds were spotless, but after an early morning mimosa we got to look around, the best being Peter himself giving us the tour.
Outside there were a number of BMWs as well as the new R 18, but

what caught our eye was Reg Pridmore’s #163 Butler & Smith machine.
We have met so many people in this industry – but Reg & Gigi Pridmore have a special place here at Backroads Central and to see this very machine in front of us was simply amazing.
But, then we went inside.
Over 12,500 square feet – three stories in all – it has its own bar, and motorcycle after motorcycle. After the Guggenheim this was the greatest show of machines I have ever seen. BUT – this is Peter’s home and is done in the most impeccable and beautiful way.
We do not have enough paper to tell you just how much Peter has exhibited held here. It would ll the rest of the magazine.
Holy moly! I went home and polished my Hot Wheel collection. I know… sad.
Our heads were swinging back and forth. At one point Peter put Shira in an Isetta and had her re it up. How incredible?
From the oldest BMW – a 1923 R 32 – to the newest – a 2022 R 18, Peter lls in the gap with displays of BMW of every model and more relics and collectibles than we’ve ever seen.

And, it is not just the BMW machines, but all the other memorabilia Mr. Nettersheim has brought together to make this, seriously, the greatest private collection on the planet, the universe and reality as we know it.
One would think that this collection could only be done by one with only a single purpose – collecting – but Peter has done it while working a full-time job as owner of a Freightliner dealership. This hobby, no, passion has amassed these motorcycles which are all registered, tagged and running; a fact shown by his kick-starting many throughout the tour. He does all his restorations and maintenance, as well as riding them.
The Nettesheim Museum is a private museum. It is not open to the public. It is his home. Peter makes an effort to be available to individuals and groups on a pre-arranged basis for viewing based upon his availability. If you have something interesting BMW-related for his museum, make sure to contact him at BMWmuseum@hotmail.com He is always interested to hear from others that have a passion for the brand.
If you have a serious group looking for the most amazing day – then reach out to Peter. He is one of us…. But with a lot of cool stuff! ,