8 minute read


that won’’t be covered in a suit. Note this will be a scene of 150+ BG in the scene. We require covid tests even if you have been vaccinated. We also require testing be done at our studio. 1960s Jerry Lewis look-a-like: male, 18+, White / European Descent, must be okay working around atmospheric smoke. No wool allergies. Interior work. Men must be okay getting a 1960s haircut if needed and being clean shaven on the shoot date. Women’’s hair requirements are as follows: No fashion colors. No wigs. No weaves. No braids. No undercuts. No ombré or unnatural looking highlights. No roots if hair is colored. Hair must be above the shoulders; it cannot touch the shoulders. If hair touches shoulders, it will need to be cut by our hair dept. Short hair is ok. Any texture is ok. Gray hair on more mature women is great. No tattoos for women. Men cannot have any visible tattoos that won’’t be covered in a suit. Note this will be a scene of 150+ BG in the scene. We require covid tests even if you have been vaccinated. We also require testing be done at our studio. 1960s Princess Grace look-a-like: female, 18+, White / European Descent, must be okay working around atmospheric smoke. No wool allergies. Interior work. Men must be okay getting a 1960s haircut if needed and being clean shaven on the shoot date. Women’s hair requirements are as follows: No fashion colors. No wigs. No weaves. No braids. No undercuts. No ombré or unnatural looking highlights. No roots if hair is colored. Hair must be above the shoulders, it cannot touch the shoulders. If hair touches shoulders, it will need to be cut by our hair dept. Short hair is ok. Any texture is ok. Gray hair on more mature women is great. No tattoos for women. Men cannot have any visible tattoos that won’’t be covered in a suit. Note this will be a scene of 150+ BG in the scene. We require covid tests even if you have been vaccinated. We also require testing be done at our studio.

• Seeking submissions from NY. • Send submissions to tmmm@gwcnyc.


• For consideration submit a cover letter

with you name, phone number, confirm your availability for all dates (Apr. 8-9 for tests and Apr. 12-15 for work); all wardrobe sizes (Men: height, weight, jacket, neck, sleeve, waist, inseam, shoe. Women: height, weight, dress, bust, waist, hip, shoe); men, note if you are okay getting a 1960s haircut if needed and if you are okay being clean shaven on the shoot date; women, note the current length of your hair and if it touches your shoulders (if so, indicate if you are okay having it cut by our hair dept.) and note if you have anyhighlights, undercuts, weaves, extensions, braids, bayalage or color in your hair? Or do you wear a wig?; note what forms of ID can you bring to set to fill out an I9, if you worked on the show before and if so, when and as what; confirmation you are local to the tri-state area; confirmation you are 18+; note if you have any tattoos? (this includes, hands, feet, ankles, back of neck, behind the ear); and attach current, candid photos (Need to see current hair style and length. One photo should be full body) to tmmm@gwcnyc.com with the subject line “Backstage 405 Look-a-likes.”

• Pays $210/12hrs for nonunion, SAG

rates apply to SAG members $60 COVID test stipend.

Southern California


‘The Garden’

• Seeking Equity video submissions for

La Jolla Playhouse and Baltimore Center Stage’s co-production of “The Garden.”

• Company: La Jolla Playhouse. Staff:

Charlayne Woodard, playwright; Patricia McGregor, dir.; Jacole Kitchen, dir. of arts engagement & in-house casting.

• Baltimore Center Stage rehearsals

begin May 7; runs June 3-10; La Jolla Playhouse rehearsals begin Aug. 31; tech begins Sept. 7; runs Sept. 14-Oct. 10 with a possible extension to Oct. 17.

• Seeking—Claire Rose: female, 60-79,

Black / African Descent, carries the South. Mother to Cassandra who she hasn’t spoken to in three years. Absolutely the ideal woman in public. Easy with everyone except her daughter.

• Seeking submissions from CA. • For consideration, submit a video audi-

tion of two contrasting contemporary monologues. Full video should not exceed five minutes. Submit videos to https://formspring- xpeow.formstack. com/forms/online_epa_thegarden. Submissions deadline is Apr. 12, 5 p.m. PT. For questions or issues formatting with formstack email auditions@ljp.org.

• Note: The role of Cassandra has already

been cast. No roles will be understudied.

• Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimina-

tion. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.

• Pays $1,008/wk. Equity LORT B Non-

Rep Contract.

Feature Films

‘Always Present’

• Casting “Always Present,” a feature

length surreal drama about a father who experiences an afterlife confined to an attic, watching his family move on from their loss and his son grapple with condensing this tragedy into a novel that ends up consuming him and the film itself.

• Company: BURN Media. Staff: Max May,


• Shoots May and June weekends in Los

Angeles, CA.

• Seeking—Al: male, 40-55, White /

European Descent, a middle aged father and sculptor, who in the film lives on as a ghost trapped in the attic above his house; he encounters two the previous occupants of the house in his time above, and with them works through his gradual erasure; shooting involvement of five days, almost entirely in the attic space. Alex: male, 20-29, White / European Descent, an English grad school student/graduate, processing the death of his father by trying to condense the loss into a story; this efforts triggers visions and a psychological spiral throughout the film; shooting involvement of nine days. Kat: 39-50, White / European Descent, a mother and real estate photographer who works to support her two college age children after the death of her husband; shooting involvement of three days. Katie: 20-25, White / European Descent, a college student and musician who works through the family tragedy by creating dissonant music and trying to explain the ghostly behavior from the attic, all while keeping tabs on her mother and brother; shooting involvement of five days. Dave: 25-40, all ethnicities, a lingering spirit of the house’s previous owner, bound to the attic by Al’s presence; Dave relives the painful memory of his son forgetting him, while being one of two companions for Al’s tentative induction into the afterlife; shooting involvement of five days. Frank: male, 50-70, White / European Descent, one of three leftover spirits commiserating through the experience of being forgotten, his historical knowledge and engagement with Al make him the lead’s connection to a past he is now surrounded by; shooting involvement of four days. Floyd: male, 40-60, White / European Descent, the father of Al, who appears in Al’s last moments as a reminder not to exist as an unjust burden on those you leave behind; shooting involvement of one day. Randall: male, 20-40, all ethnicities, a paranormal investigator allowed by the family to investigate the house for the presence of something supernatural, though quickly reveals himself to be an exploitative dilettante; shooting involvement of two days. Al 1: male, 40-50, all ethnicities, within the film, flashback embodies people differently than they appear in the rest of the film; Al’s only living memories are told through Al (1 ) who plays the same father figure, but personified unique to memory; shooting involvement of one day. Alex 1: male, 22-32, all ethnicities, within the film, flashback embodies people differently than they appear in the rest of the film; Alex’s memories are told through Alex(1), who in these scenes interacts with his otherwise absent father; shooting involvement of one day. Katie 1: female, 20-28, all ethnicities, within the film, flashback embodies people differently than they appear in the rest of the film; this role is portraying Katie in flashback scenes; shooting involvement of one day. Kat 1: female, 40-51, all ethnicities, within the film, flashback embodies people differently than they appear in the rest of the film; this role is portraying Kat in flashback scenes; shooting involvement of one day. Edd: male, 30-50, all ethnicities, a hired bereavement counselor, who helps a company avoid litigation when addressing Alex and the rest of the family in the wake of their loss; he holds a highly corporate and faux personal attitude; shooting involvement of one day. P.A.: all genders, 18-27, a P.A. with a travelling paranormal investigation show, who talks with Alex about the inner workings of the show before taking the conversation more philosophical; shooting involvement of one day. Cathy: female, 25-60, all ethnicities, the lead producer of a paranormal investigation show who helps coordinate the operation of the show within the family’s grieving household; shooting involvement of two days. Tony: male, 22-38, all ethnicities, the camera operator and assistant to the traveling paranormal investigation show; shooting involvement of two days.

• Seeking submissions from CA. • Send submissions to mrmay@usc.edu. • Meals provided.

Northern California


‘Brilliant Mind’

• Seeking video submissions from Equity

members for “Brilliant Mind,” a new media piece viewed digitally, which combines pre-recorded filmed scenes, live streamed monologues, voiceover and interactive 3D rooms built on gaming software.

• Storykrapht (SK), a company that spe-

cializes in new media and interactive digital media, will be independently creating the pre-recorded scenes of “Brilliant Mind” and building the interactive 3D rooms for the production, which will both then be licensed to MTC for use during our live- streamed performance.

• For the live-streamed performances,

MTC will be engaging the actor to perform on our stage. No live audience will be present. The pre-recorded and interactive digital material that MTC is licensing from Storykrapht, including the actor interacting with pre-recorded cast members, will be incorporated into each live-streamed performance.

• Company: Marin Theatre Company.

Staff: Denmo Ibrahim, creator-writer; Nakissa Etemad, assoc. artistic dir.-prod.

• Rehearses and tech integration runs

Apr. 26-30; tech rehearsals and invited runs will be held May 4-9; runs May 11-June 6 (6 days/week with 8 performances a week; Tues.-Sun. at 7 p.m. and Sat. and Sun. at 2 p.m.). All rehearsals and live performance will be done at

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