31 minute read


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• Meals and crafty are provided. No par-

ticipation fee required. Covid Protocol: everyone on set needs to take Covid test every 48 hours and AFI provide free tests on campus and on location.

Online Commercials & Promos

Bravo Sierra Commerical Ad

• Casting a motivational, high-energy ad

for Bravo Sierra.

• Company: Ian Harrington Productions.

Staff: Ian Harrington, dir.

• Scheduled to shoot June 9, 10, and 11 in

Southern California.

• Seeking—Female Lead: 27-37, all eth-

nicities, athletic individual who uses Bravo Sierra products while completing everyday tasks. Having served in the military is a huge plus. Must be active and in good shape. Male Lead: 29-37, all ethnicities, athletic individual who uses Bravo Sierra products while completing everyday tasks. Having served in the military is a huge plus. Must be active and in good shape.

• Seeking submissions from CA. • Send submissions to Sales@ianhvideo.


• Having served in the military is a huge

plus. Must be active and in good shape.

• Contract to be sent with details upon

approval of role.

Mom & Son Safety Product Commercial

• Casting an actress to play a mom in a

safety product commercial.

• Company: Gro Creative Group. Staff:

Scott Kelley, dir.

• Shoots in the Hollywood/West

Hollywood, L.A. area.

• Seeking—The Mom: female, 35-45,

White / European Descent, speaking role. Tells the customer about the dirt and bacteria that tracks through the home on a daily bases. She is then shown displaying the product while talking about how she can rest easy knowing that her family is safe.

• Seeking submissions from CA. • Apply on Backstage.com. • Pay provided.

National/ Regional


‘American Son’

• Casting Equity actors for “American


• Company: Curious Theatre Company.

Staff: Christopher Demos-Brown, playwright; Jada Suzanne Dixon, dir.; Chip Walton, prod. artistic dir.; Marike Fitzgerald, artistic prod.

• Rehearsals begin Oct. 12, 2021; runs

Nov. 4-Dec. 11, 2021 in Denver, CO. Note: Daytime rehearsals for the first week.

• Seeking—Scott Connor: male, 45-55,

White / European Descent; Kendra’s estranged husband; an FBI agent ofpredominantly Irish ancestry; takes pride in his family’s long tradition of military service; though rigid in his views, he has a warm, sensitive side and is a deeply loving and devoted father; has obvious contained power, but when pushed can explode. Officer Paul Larkin: male, 25-30, White / European Descent; an intelligent, congenial young police officer with boldcareer ambitions who lacks actual life experience; while always trying to do the right thing, he often says the wrong thing at the wrong time; his naivety can occasionally appear comic. Lieutenant John Stokes: male, 45-60, Black / African Descent; a tough, no-nonsense, career police officer who is used to having people listen when he talks; he has paid his dues; he knows the rules and has no hesitation enforcing them. Kendra Ellis-Connor (Cast): female, 40-49, Black / African Descent; a professor of psychology and the mother of a teenage son; recently separated from her White husband. Emotionally raw but trying to keep it together behind a professional façade; exceptionally intelligent and self-possessed.

• Seeking submissions from CO. • For the available roles, download and

prepare sides located at https://drive. google.com/drive/folders/1pIYp3_ zuTk3_N4XoNZo8LSfJWx3JkTf?usp=sharing. Alternately (or if auditioning as possible replacement for Kendra), you may prepare a monologue of your choice in the style of the show. Remember to slate your name at the beginning of your video. Submit video audition and current headshot/resume as a PDF to auditions@curioustheatre. org. Submissions deadline is June 15.

• Pays $364/wk. (SPT 3). Equity SPT


First Folio 2021-22 Season

• Seeking video submissions from Equity

actors for the First Folio Theatre’s 202122 season. Productions include a horror tale, a mystery, and a period romance. Season includes “The Jigsaw Bride” (Rehearsals begin Sept. 19; runs Oct. 13-Nov. 14); “The Secret Council” (Rehearsals begin Jan. 2, 2022; runs Jan. 26-Feb. 27); and “Emma” (Rehearsals begin Feb. 25; runs Mar. 23-Apr. 24).

• Company states: “First Folio is seeking

adult actors of all genders and ethnicities. In reference to the character descriptions—most characters we encounter currently are on the binary and are written with he/him or she/her pronouns and you will see that in the original scripts. But however limiting the descriptions are, our casting seeks to be inclusive and we invite gender non- conforming, genderqueer, transgender, and non-binary actors to audition for the roles they most identify with. We will also list race/ethnicity when specific to the character but are otherwise seeking all races and ethnicities. In addition, we will list disability when specific to a character, but are otherwise seeking actors of all abilities. Please let us know if you have any questions, concerns, or if there are any accommodations we can provide.”

• Company: First Folio Theatre. Staff:

David Rice, exec. artistic dir.; Melanie Keller, assoc. artistic dir.; Hayley Rice, Brigitte Ditmars, Elise Kauzlaric, dirs.

• Rehearses and performs in Oak Brook,


• Seeking—Equity Actors: 18+. • Seeking submissions from IL. • Send submissions to auditions@firstfo-


• For consideration, submit a video of

one contemporary monologue, stylistically appropriate for the shows in our season. Monologue not to exceed two minutes. Upload video to YouTube, Vimeo, Google Drive, etc. & send link to auditions@firstfolio.org. Include slate with first & last name, union status. Submissions deadline is June 15.

• Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimina-

tion. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.

• Pays $435/wk. Equity CAT Tier 3


‘For Peace I Rise’

• Casting up to 12 Equity contracts for

new musical, “For Peace I Rise.” Total Cast of 24 actors. The company will include Actors, Singers & Dancers.

• Company: For Peace I Rise LLC. Staff:

Tom Jones II, dir.; S. Renee Clark & William Knowles, musical dirs.; Otis Sallid, choreo.

• Rehearsals begin July 13; tech runs Aug.

24-26; performs Aug. 27-29.

• Seeking—C.T. Vivian: male, 18+, Black /

African Descent. Octavia Vivian: 18+. Soloists/Ensemble: 18+.

• Seeking submissions from GA. • For consideration, record a one-minute

monologue of your choice and one verse and chorus of a gospel, jazz, or R&B piece. Send .mp4 or .mov video files under two minutes. You may also choose to submit vocal excerpts according to your voice part. Practice files, charts, and performance accompaniment are available through this link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ 1IQlHRGiaU2hvN1rfOZ8puEwho8Wl4Os U?usp=sharing. Submissions deadline is June 11. Callbacks TBD.

• Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimina-

tion. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.

• LOA Contract and salary pending.

Huntington Theatre Company 2021-2022 Season

• Seeking video submissions from Equity

actors for the Huntington Theatre Company 2021-2022 Season. Season includes: “Hurricane Diane” (Virginia Wimberly Theatre, LORT B. Madeleine George, playwright; Jenny Koons, dir. Rehearsals begin July 27; tech Aug. 21; runs Sept. 1-26, 2021), and “Witch” (Virginia Wimberly Theatre, LORT B. Jen Silverman, playwright; Rebecca Bradshaw, dir. Rehearsals begin Sept. 14; tech Oct. 9; runs Oct. 15-Nov. 14, 2021), “Teenage Dick” (Co-production with Woolly Mammoth Theatre. Mike Lew, playwright; Moritz von Stuelpnagel, dir. Rehearsals begin Aug. 24, 2021), “The Bluest Eye” (Toni Morrison, novel by; Lydia R. Diamond, playwright; Awoye Timpo, dir. Rehearsals begin Dec. 28, 2021), “Our Daughters, Like Pillars” (Kirsten Greenidge, playwright; Kimberly Senior, dir. Rehearsals begin Mar. 15, 2022), and “Common Ground Revisited” (Kirsten Greenidge & Melia Bensussen, conceived by; Kirsten Greenidge, adapted by; Melia Bensussen, dir. Rehearsal Apr. 26, 2022.).

• Company: Huntington Theatre

Company. Staff: Alaine Alldaffer, casting dir.; Lisa Donadio, assoc. casting dir.

• Season runs in Boston, MA. • Seeking—Equity Actors: 18+. • Seeking submissions from MA.

• Prepare a short monologue from a play of your choice. A personal introduction is appreciated, but not required. Total video not to exceed five minutes. Submit tapes in Vimeo or unlisted YouTube format along with headshot and resume preferably as a PDF to alldaffercasting@gmail.com. Video auditions deadline is June 15 at 6 p.m. EDT.

• All stage management positions have

been filled. All roles will not be understudied. The Huntington Theatre Company is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages actors of all backgrounds and abilities to audition. Due to COVID-19, for remote audience access, and to allow for social distancing during live performances, Huntington Theatre Company plans to record each production and make a recording available for ticket-buyers in accordance with the LORT-AEA Extended Media Side Letter.

• Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimina-

tion. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.

• Pays $1008/wk. (LORT B.) Equity LORT

Non-Rep. Agreement.

Shakespeare Theatre Company 2021-2022 Partial Season

• Seeking video submissions from Equity

actors for the Shakespeare Theatre Company 2021-2022 Partial Season. Season includes “The Amen Corner (Sidney Harman Hall. James Baldwin, playwright; Whitney White, dir. Rehearsals begin Aug. 31; tech begins Sept. 9 or 10; runs Sept. 14-26, 2021), “Our Town” (Sidney Harman Hall. Thornton Wilder, playwright; Alan Paul, dir. Rehearsals begin Jan. 18, 2022; tech

begins Feb 11, 2022; runs Feb. 17-Mar. 20, 2022), and “Red Velvet” (The Klein. Lolita Chakrabarti, playwright, Jade King Carroll, dir. Rehearsals begin May 17, 2022; tech begins June 10, 2022; runs June 16-July 17, 2022.).

• Company: Shakespeare Theatre

Company. Staff: Simon Godwin, artistic dir.; Chris Jennings, exec. dir.; Carter Wooddell, resident casting dir.

• Season runs in Washington, DC. • Seeking—Equity Actors: 18+. • Seeking submissions from DC. • Casting will not review materials of

non-Equity/EMC actors at this time. You must be a member of Equity to submit an electronic audition. Prepare one classical monologue, preferably Shakespeare, and a contemporary monologue of your choosing. Total audition should not exceed three minutes. Submit all taped auditions electronically with the subject line: EPA Subnission STC 2021-2022 (also include your membership number in the subject line to verify that you are a member of Equity)to castingshakespeare@ shakespearetheatre.org. State your name and what you are going to perform, prior to beginning your monologues. Send videos in the form of a link to view, not a file to download. Submissions deadline is June 10.

• STC is committed to building an inclu-

sive organization that reflects the national artistic landscape and communities that we serve. We encourage people of all communities to audition for all roles available.

• Pays $1,096/wk. (LORT B+

-Shakespeare Theatre Company’s Sidney Harman Hall.) Pays $1,008/wk. (LORT B - Michael R. Klein Theatre.) Equity LORT Non-Rep Agreements.

Steppenwolf Theatre Company 2021-2022

• Seeking video submissions from Equity

actors for our 2021-2022 Season. Season includes “1919” (Steppenwolf for Young Adults – SYA Round Theatre; Based on the poetry of Eve L. Ewing, J. Nicole Brooks, adaptation; Gabrielle Randle-Bent, dir. Rehearsals begin Jan. 4, 2022; design run begins Jan. 26; runs Feb. 2-Mar. 6 with a possible extension through Mar. 20; tour closes Apr. 3); “King James” (Steppenwolf Subscription Series - Downstairs Theatre; Rajiv Joseph, writer; Anna D. Shapiro, dir. Rehearsals begin Jan. 25, 2022; design run begins Feb. 17; runs Feb. 24-Apr. 3 with a possible extension through Apr. 17); “Seagull” (Steppenwolf Subscription Series – Round Theatre; Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, writer; Yasen Peyankov, adaptation- translation-dir. Rehearsals begin Mar. 29, 2022; design run begins Apr. 21; runs Apr. 28-June 12 with a possible extension through July 3); and “Choir Boy” (Steppenwolf Subscription Series – Downstairs Theatre; Tarell Alvin McCraney, writer; Kent Gash, dir. Rehearsals begin May 17, 2022; design run June 9; runs June 16-July 24). All roles will be understudied.

• Company: Steppenwolf Theatre


• Rehearses and performs live in person

in Chicago, IL.

• Seeking—Equity Actors: 18+, all


• Seeking submissions from IL. • For consideration, prepare a one-min-

ute contemporary monologue. Slate your name, pronouns (if you wish to share), and the name of your audition piece before starting your monologue. Email a link to your audition (unlisted YouTube or Vimeo) to SteppenwolfEPAs@gmail.com. Attached files cannot be accepted. Submissions deadline is June 15.

• Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimina-

tion. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.

• Pays $1,045/wk. (Equity CAT Tier 6);

$969/wk. (Equity CAT Tier 5); and $668/ wk. (Equity SYA Tier 4).

Zoetic Stage 2021-2022 Season

• Casting Equity actors for the Zoetic

Stage 2021-2022 Season. Season includes “Frankenstein” (Nick Dear, playwright; Stuart Meltzer, dir. Rehearsals begin Sept. 21, 2021; runs Oct. 14-31) and “Our Dear Dead Drug Lord” (Alexis Scheer, playwright; Tatyana-Marie Carlo, dir. Rehearsals begin Apr. 11, 2022; runs May 5-22, 2022.).

• Company: Zoetic Stage, Inc. Staff:

Stuart Meltzer, artistic dir.-co-founder; Michael McKeever, managing dir.-cofounder; Tatyana-Marie Carlo, dir.

• Season runs in Miami, FL. • Seeking—Equity Actors: 18+. • Seeking submissions from FL. • Prepare two contrasting monologues

exceeding no more than four minutes. Send an email with audition/audition link, headshot and resume to auditions@zoeticstage.org. Submissions deadline is June 14.

• Zoetic Stage encourages performers of

all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit. The other two shows in our 2021-22 season, “Gringolandia” and “A Little Night Music,” were originally scheduled for last season which was cancelled due to the pandemic. We are using the actors originally cast for both shows. A concession has been granted to waive the required Equity auditions for these productions.

• Pays $438/wk. (2021) and $465/wk.

(2022.) Equity SPT Agreement.


‘A Crossing’

• Seeking video submissions from Equity

actors for principal roles in Barrington Stage Company’s production of “A Crossing.” Note: All characters are Latinx. Spanish speaking a plus. Latinx performers are strongly encouraged to audition. Storyline: “A Crossing” is a new musical that tells the story of a group of migrants crossing the Mexican-US border. The group faces many dangers along the way, including one from the “coyote” hired to smuggle them across. This visceral and intense new musical combines storytelling lyrics, athletic choreography and elements of Mexican folk music and dance to tell a remarkable tale of courage, fear and struggle.

• Company: Barrington Stage Company.

Staff: Julianne Boyd, artistic dir.; McCorkle Casting, casting; Pat McCorkle, casting dir.; Joshua Bergasse, dir.-choreo.; Rick Hip-Flores, musical dir.; Mark St Germain, book; Zoe Sarnak, music & lyrics; George Sáenz, additional musical arrangements; Alberto Lopez, story consultant; created in Association with Calpulli Mexican Dance Company.

• Rehearsals begin Aug. 24; runs Sept.

23-Oct. 17 in Pittsfield, MA.

• Seeking—Karina: female, 18-39, Latino

/ Hispanic, in her late 20’s-early 30’s. Newly pregnant, she is fleeing an abusive relationship. She’s wary but strong, determined to find a home for her child in the United States. Excellent pop/ rock/soul singer, good mover; mezzo soprano with a high belt: A3-Eb5. Martin: male, 30-39, Latino / Hispanic, crossed the border to the U.S. 15 years ago with his wife, Maria. After she died in childbirth having their son, Ernesto, Martin raised the boy alone. When Ernesto was 14, Martin was captured at home by ICE and immediately deported without having a chance to say goodbye to Ernesto. He is determined to cross again to reunite with his son. Excellent pop/rock/soul singer, good mover; tenor or Bari-tenor, Bb2-4. Arturo: male, 40+, Latino / Hispanic, Giselle’s “abuelo,” grandfather. A widower, Arturo recently lost his daughter and son-in-law to the cartel. Arturo is determined he will not lose his “nieta,” his granddaughter, to the violence around them. Despite being the oldest of the travelers, he is determined to bring her to safety across the border; Good pop/rock/soul singer, Baritone, excellent dancer. Giselle: female, 18+, Latino / Hispanic, 18+ to play a teenager. Her parents were activists against the cartel until they both disappeared. She refuses to leave her country, not wanting to ‘run away’ from the cartel – or her first real boyfriend. Giselle has all the spikiness of a teenager as well as the hidden vulnerability. Excellent pop/ rock/soul singer, good mover; mezzo soprano with a high belt: A3-D5. The Coyote: male, 30-49, Latino / Hispanic, transporting people across the border is a dangerous business, and the Coyote can do it because he looks at people he transports as cargo. He can show no weakness. Good singer, excellent dancer. Female Storyteller: female, 30-49, Latino / Hispanic, excellent soulful/passionate singer with the presence and conviction both to front a rock band and to take us through the journey. Has been around, seen it all and is hardened by this world they live in. Both Storytellers have told this story over and over again. Pop/rock/soul singer, good mover. Must be able to sing in Spanish; alto or mezzo soprano with a high belt: A3- Eb5. Male Storyteller: male, 30-49, Latino / Hispanic, excellent soulful/passionate singer with the presence and conviction both to front a rock band and to take us through the journey. Has been around, seen it all and is hardened by this world they live in. Both Storytellers have told this story over and over again. Pop/rock/soul singer, good mover. Must be able to sing in Spanish; tenor Bb2-A4.

• Seeking submissions from MA. • Upload your video audition to Vimeo

and include a link for viewing in your email submission. YouTube links are also acceptable, but Vimeo is strongly preferred. Do not share via WeTransfer, Google Drive, Dropbox, iCloud or other file sharing platforms. For consideration, submit link to your video audition, and separate attachments of your headshot and resume to crossingcasting@gmail.com with the subject line “Full Actor Name/EPA Submission/A Crossing.” Submissions deadline is June 15.

• Limit your video submission to 2 min-

utes maximum. Actors may prepare a short contemporary song in the style of the show using their own accompaniment. Appropriate genres include contemporary pop, rock, folk, and soul. Actors may also choose to prepare a one-minute cut of one of the provided songs linked below: https://drive. google.com/drive/folders/1HlNgX37b0AgjsJ5BX4D_8uyb5NOetN?usp=sharing. Include a slate at the top of your video (your name and name of song you’ll be performing).

• Self Tape Suggestions for Your

Audition: Framing your shot helps. Make sure your phone/device is in landscape format and not portrait position; Make sure the lighting is sufficient. Non-incandescent, bright white lighting that includes some diffusion (non direct, soft) is best; The sound is important. Please make sure if using a reader that YOU are easily heard. An external mic (Lavalier) plugs into your device, is economical and sounds great; Your background is clean. Be aware of what’s behind you. A busy or dark background can distract the viewer/listener; Keep the slate separate from the actual audition. Slates can be your headshot or your “live” introduction, whichever you prefer. Feel free to listen to our podcast (2 episodes, 20 minutes each) on video auditions. The link is here: Part one www.podbean.com/eu/pb4et4x-927236; Part two www.podbean. com/eu/pb-xqe4n-92de4c

• Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimina-

tion. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.

• Pays $672/wk. Equity LOA ref. COST


‘Into the Woods’

for “Into the Woods.” No roles will be understudied. Actors local to the Austin, Texas area particularly encouraged to submit.

• Company: Zachary Scott Theatre

Center. Staff: Stephen Sondheim, music & lyrics; James Lapine, book; Dave Steakley, dir.; Allen Robertson, music dir.; Gabriela De La Rosa, prod. coord.

• Rehearsals begin Sept. 7, 2021; runs

Sept. 29-Nov. 7 (six-seven shows a week; Weds.-Sun., 7:30 p.m. and some Sat. and Sun., 2:30 p.m.) in Austin, TX. Rehearsals will be held in an indoor space with Equity approved HVAC systems. Technical rehearsals and performances will take place outdoors on ZACH’s People’s Plaza. ZACH is intending to operate as a fully vaccinated workplace per the guidance issued by Actors’ Equity. Equity members will be expected to follow strict health and safety protocols set forth in accordance with Actors’ Equity Associations guidelines.

• Seeking—Baker: 35-45, a harried and

insecure baker who is simple and loving, yet protective of his family. He wants his wife to be happy and is willing to do anything to ensure her happiness but refuses to let others fight his battles. Hispanic actors particularly encouraged to apply. Baker’s Wife: 35-45, determined and bright woman who wishes to be a mother. She leads a simple, yet satisfying life and is very low-maintenance yet proactive in her endeavors. Hispanic actors particularly encouraged to apply. Cinderella: 20-30, a young, earnest maiden who is constantly mistreated by her stepmother and stepsisters. African American and mixed race actors particularly encouraged to apply. Cinderella’s Stepmother: 40-50, the mean-spirited, demanding stepmother of Cinderella. Witch: 45-55, sarcastic, ugly-then-gorgeous, obsessive protector of Rapunzel who is straightforward and aggressive. African American actors particularly encouraged to apply. Rapunzel: 20-30, a loopy-butlovely maiden who is sheltered by the Witch and terribly lonely. She yearns to experience the world. Indian, African American, and Hispanic actors particularly encouraged to apply. Jack: 15-20, the feckless Giant killer who is ‘almost a man.’ He is adventurous, naive, energetic, and bright-eyed. Asian American actors particularly encouraged to apply. Jack’s Mother: 50-65, browbeating and weary, Jack’s protective mother who is independent, bold, and strong-willed. Also plays Jack’s Grandmother. Asian American actors particularly encouraged to apply. Little Red: 15-20, a spoiled young girl who is strong-willed, quick-wited, fearless, yet youthful and naive. Cinderella’s Prince: 25-35, vain and gorgeous, he is a disloyal lover who is currently searching for the next new, exciting thing. Also plays Wolf and Lucinda, Cinderella’s stepsister. Rapunzel’s Prince: 25-35, just as vain and gorgeous as his Prince brother, he is always chasing the newest, most exiting endeavor. Also plays Florinda. Mysterious Man: 50-65, a mischievous vagrant and nosy meddler. He is a good-natured protector and observer. Also plays Narrator; an intellectual and pleasant story-teller who helps to orchestrate the show and illustrate lessons to the audience. Also plays Cinderella’s Father and Steward.

• Seeking submissions from TX. • For consideration, film your audition,

beginning with a slate, followed by a brief cut of a song from the show. Accompaniment tracks can be found at this link if needed https://bit. ly/3oZVwdJ but we welcome and encourage the use of any cut or accompaniment that you prefer. Submit your video, headshot, and resume via https://airtable.com/shr01RCGcO9PnimW1. Submissions deadline is June 10, 6 p.m.CDT.

• Self-tape Quality: Film your audition in

front of a clean background, with no backlighting. As much as possible, limit ambient noise including air conditioners and other electronics. Use a secondary audio source to play the accompaniment music so that it is audible in the tape.

• Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimina-

tion. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.

• LOA Salary pending.

‘The Wizard Of Oz’

• Seeking video submissions from Equity

actors for principal roles in “The Wizard of Oz.”

• Company: Pittsburgh Civic Light Opera.

Staff: Glenn Casale, dir.; Gerry McIntyre, choreo.; James Cunningham, music dir.; JZ Casting, casting; Billy Mason, prod.assoc.; Olivia O’Connor, development dir.

• Rehearsals begin July 1, 2021; runs

through July 10 2021 (possible July 11, 2021 rain date) outdoors at Heinz Field (stadium) in Pittsburgh, PA.

• Seeking—Dorothy: 18+, Soprano. mid

to late teens; a plucky girl who is transported to the Land of Oz from her home in Kansas; throughout her journey she is seen as determined, daring, honest, and loyal; must be a strong singer/actor who moves very well; must be comfortable with handling a live animal. Aunt Em / Glinda: 35-49, legit soprano; late 30’s – 40’s; Aunt Em is Dorothy’s aunt who is hard workingand stern, yet also concerned for Dorothy’s well being and safety; Glinda is Oz’s Good Witch of the North; she is he kind-hearted and magnanimous protector of Dorothy and her friends. Hunk / Scarecrow: 30-49, baritone; Hunk is a Kansas farmhand who Dorothy later meets in Oz as the Scarecrow; although the Scarecrow lacks the brains he wishes to receive from the Wizard and thereby doubts his own intelligence, he turns out to be the most clever and resourceful member of the group; must be a fluid dancer. Hickory / Tin Man: 30-49, baritone; Hickory is a Kansas farmhand who Dorothy later meets in Oz as the Tinman; The Tinman is a hardened woodsman in search of a heart from the Wizard to reconnect with a past love; he actually is full of emotion and follows his instincts when helping his friends; possible Tap Dancer. Zeke / Cowardly Lion: 30-49, bari-tenor; Zeke is a Kansas farmhand who Dorothy later meets in Oz as the Cowardly Lion; as the King of Forest, the Cowardly Lion has a mighty roar, but hislack of courage leave him frightened and spineless, especially in front of the Wizard; his quest for courage puts him toe to toe with the Wicked Witch, proving to himself that he can stand up and face his fears. Almira Gulch / Wicked Witch: 40-55, mezzo. 40’s – early 50’s; Almira Gulch is Dorothy’s menacing and meddling neighbor in Kansas who she later meets in Oz as the Wicked Witch of the West; the Witch is cunning, vengeful, and somewhat comical in her pursuit to destroy Dorothy and retrieve the ruby slippers; must be comfortable riding a bike and handling a live animal. Prof. Marvel / Wizard Of Oz: 45-65, nonsinging; 45 – 65; Professor Marvel is a phony, yet amiable fortune teller in Kansas who Dorothy later meets in Oz as the Wizard; the powerless Wizard is egotistical and a bit of a blowhard, but eventually sees the good in the travelers and assists them with their wishes.

• Seeking submissions from PA. • Seeking video auditions from Equity

actors for roles in The Wizard of Oz. Equity Performers of all racial and ethnic backgrounds, gender identities and expressions, and performers living with disabilities are encouraged to audition. All stage manager positions have been filled at this time. Prepare a brief classical musical theater song. No pop rock. You may also choose to sing one of the provided cuts of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” that is appropriate for your voice part at https://www.pittsburghclo.org/about/cloauditions. Submission information is also available on that page. Submission deadline June 14, 2021, 11 p.m. EDT.

• Pays $1,168 weekly minimum. Equity

RMTA Agreement.

Chorus Calls

‘A Crossing’

• Seeking video submissions from Equity

actors for chorus parts in Barrington Stage Company’s production of “A Crossing.” Note: All characters are Latinx. Spanish speaking a plus. Latinx performers are strongly encouraged to audition. Storyline: “A Crossing” is a new musical that tells the story of a group of migrants crossing the Mexican-US border. The group faces many dangers along the way, including one from the “coyote” hired to smuggle them across. This visceral and intense new musical combines storytelling lyrics, athletic choreography and elements of Mexican folk music and dance to tell a remarkable tale of courage, fear and struggle.

• Company: Barrington Stage Company.

Staff: Julianne Boyd, artistic dir.; McCorkle Casting, casting; Pat McCorkle, casting dir.; Joshua Bergasse, dir.-choreo.; Rick Hip-Flores, musical dir.; Mark St Germain, book; Zoe Sarnak, music & lyrics; George Sáenz, additional musical arrangements; Alberto Lopez, story consultant; created in Association with Calpulli Mexican Dance Company.

• Rehearsals begin Aug. 24; runs Sept.

23-Oct. 17 in Pittsfield, MA.

• Seeking—Male/Female Ensemble: 18+,

Latino / Hispanic, Latinx Men and Women, any age. Good singers, Excellent dancers. Ensemble plays various Border Guards, Bandits, Travelers, ICE agents etc.

• Seeking submissions from MA. • Singers: Prepare a short contemporary

song not to exceed two minutes maximum using their own accompaniment. Appropriate genres include contemporary pop, rock, folk, and soul. Singers may also choose to prepare a 16-bar cut from one of the songs linked below: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ 1HlNgX37b0AgjsJ5BX4D_8uyb5NOetN? usp=sharing. Include a slate at the top of your video (your name and name of song you’ll be performing).

• Dancers: Prepare and film the dance

combination using the Dropbox link below: www.dropbox.com/sh/l89y5t2pgffs9ub/ AADcxYO6U-DYGuZU4LRqX0kla?dl=0.

• For all submissions: Upload your video

audition to Vimeo and include a link for viewing in your email submission. YouTube links are also acceptable, but Vimeo is strongly preferred. Do not share via WeTransfer, Google Drive, Dropbox, iCloud or other file sharing platforms. Submit links to your video audition, and attachments of your headshot and resume to crossingcasting@gmail.com. Include whether you are auditioning as a singer or dancer in your subject line. Subject line for emails of submissions should read as follows: “Full actor name/ECC Dancer Submission/A Crossing” or “Full Actor Name/ECC Singer Submission/A Crossing.” Submissions deadline is June 15.

• See self-tape suggestions in principal

notice. An Equity Monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition.

• Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimina-

tion. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.

• Pays $672/wk. Equity LOA ref. COST


Feature Films

‘The Funeral’

• Casting “The Funeral,” a feature-film


• Seeking actors local to the Northeast


• Company: Orange Line Films. Staff:

Brett Cramer, dir.

• Shoots for five weeks in Sept.-Oct. in

the New England area. These roles are not needed for all five weeks. Rehearsals would occur in Aug., either in-person or remotely via Zoom depending on availability. Not all roles are required to attend rehearsals.

• Seeking—Diane: female, 55-70, White

/ European Descent. Vicky: female, 28-40, Asian, Black / African Descent, Ethnically Ambiguous / Multiracial, Indigenous Peoples, Latino / Hispanic, Middle Eastern, South Asian / Indian, Southeast Asian / Pacific Islander. Jerry: male, 55-70, Asian, Black / African Descent, Ethnically Ambiguous / Multiracial, Indigenous Peoples, Latino / Hispanic, Middle Eastern, South Asian / Indian, Southeast Asian / Pacific Islander. Alex: female, 25-38, Asian, Black / African Descent, Ethnically Ambiguous / Multiracial, Indigenous Peoples, Latino / Hispanic, Middle Eastern, South Asian / Indian, Southeast Asian / Pacific Islander. Cassandra: female, 45-70, all ethnicities. Eric: male, 19-30, Asian, Black / African Descent, Ethnically Ambiguous / Multiracial, Indigenous Peoples, Latino / Hispanic, Middle Eastern, South Asian / Indian, Southeast Asian / Pacific Islander. Charlie: male, 8-12, White / European Descent. Nicole: female, 36-49, White / European Descent.

• Seeking submissions from NY and MA. • Send submissions to thefuneralmovie@


• If you are interested, record a self-tape

with the attached side. iPhone quality is fine.

• Production team has had numerous

short films on Short of the Week, and can be viewed here: www.shortoftheweek.com/2020/12/17/its-been-awhile/ or www.shortoftheweek. com/2021/04/26/together/.

• Pays $150/day. If actor is not local to

the shoot location (i.e. within 1-2 hour drive), lodging will be provided. On-set meals provided.

Local Commercials

Local Olympics Commercial

• Casting an actor to play an athlete get-

ting ready to compete.

• Company: Pence Media and Ethos.

Staff: Paulette Hopkins, casting dir.

• Shoots July 22-23 (6-9 a.m.; time sub-

ject to change) in the Dallas/Fort Worth, TX area.

• Seeking—Athlete: male, 18-30, Black /

African Descent, an athlete getting ready to compete in track/running. Stretching, getting ready, and then running.

• Seeking submissions from TX. • Send submissions to paulette@blus-


• Pays $500 for two-day shoot (around

three hours each day). Pay includes travel and all fees.

Online Commercials & Promos

‘Motley Fool’

• Casting “Motley Fool.” • Company: Paladino Casting. Staff: K.

Paladino, casting.

• Shoots June 24 in the Washington,

D.C./Virginia area.

• Seeking—Man #1: male, trans male,

54-60, quirky, charismatic, and trustworthy spokesperson. Background in comedy/improv required. Man #2: male, trans male, 35-39, all ethnicities, quirky, charismatic, and trustworthy spokesperson. Background in comedy/ improv required. Woman: female, trans female, 33-36, all ethnicities, quirky, charismatic, and trustworthy spokesperson. Background in comedy/improv required.

• Seeking submissions from DC, VA and


• Send submissions to talent@paladino-


• Session fee: $500 per 10-hr. day. Usage

fee: $1,000. Agency fee: +10%. Usage: OTT 3 months. Conflicts/Exclusivity: None. Project note: Prefer local talent to self-report. Rate includes any travel expenses.

Relaxation App, Specific Language Voiceovers

• Casting VO artists who speak foreign

language for short spots. Note: Record from anywhere.

• Staff: E. Kennedy, coord. • Records remotely asap. • Seeking—Native German Woman - VO

Artist: female, 18-55, native German female VO, 18-55, to record a few lines for a relaxation app. Native Spanish (Spain) Woman - VO Artist: female, 18-55, native Spanish (from Spain) speaker, 18-55, to record a few lines for a relaxation app. Native French Woman - VO Artist: female, 18-55, native French woman, 18-55, to record a few lines for a relaxation app. Native Portuguese Woman - VO Artist: female, 18-55, native Portuguese female speaker, 18-55, to record a few lines for a relaxation app. Native Spanish (Latin America/Mexico) Woman - VO Artist: female, 18-55, native Spanish (from Latin America/Mexico) speaker, 18-55, to record a few lines for a relaxation app.

• Seeking submissions worldwide. • Apply on Backstage.com. • Submit a reel in the language

requested. Prefer native speakers or people who grew up in the country mentioned.

• Non-union, all media buyout, in


Audiobooks & Podcasts


Arcane, a supernatural mystery audio drama.

• You can listen to previous episodes of

the show here- https://redcircle.com/ shows/arcane.

• Company: Sonder Productions. Staff:

Jacob Quinn, dir.

• If NYC-based, rehearsals and recording

can happen in person.

• If elsewhere, the home studio is


• Seeking—Crazy Craig: male, 40-80,

An antisocial hermit with a proclivity for the supernatural. Chad: male, 30-50, A small-town family man desperate to keep his wife alive. Margeret: female, 40-60, A caring waitress with no filter. Stacy: female, 25-40, A small-town woman with a heart of gold and a galvanizing streak. Mike: 38-60, A kind but paranoid small-town cop. Niar: female, 18-28, A young college girl notices something unusual about her hometown.

• Seeking submissions nationwide. • Send submissions to jacobquinn@tut-


• Act out a few lines from

“Groundhogville” Draft 2 of the character you want to play and send me the audio.

• Only audition with the lines from the

characters listed. The rest are cast.

• Audio will be used in “Groundhogville”


General Voiceover

Recording Audio

• Casting a voiceover role for recording

lines of text.

• Company: BullyingCanada Inc. Staff:

Rob Benn-Frenette, exec. dir.

• Records remotely. Note: You must have

your own professional recording equipment (or access to it if not recording at home.).

• Seeking—General VO Recording:

30-50, record audio to be used for a charities toll-free telephone IVR.

• Seeking submissions nationwide. • Send submissions to casting@


• Only submissions via the Website will

be considered. No unsolicited contact.

• Audio will be used for our National

Telephone IVR.

Stage Staff & Tech

‘A Crossing,’ Stage Manager

• Seeking stage manager submissions

for future consideration for “A Crossing.” All SM positions are filled for this production.

• Company: Barrington Stage Company.

Staff: Julianne Boyd, artistic dir.; McCorkle Casting, casting; Pat McCorkle, casting dir.; Joshua Bergasse, dir.-choreo.; Rick HipFlores, musical dir.; Mark St Germain, book; Zoe Sarnak, music & lyrics; George Sáenz, additional musical arrangements; Alberto Lopez, story consultant; created in Association with Calpulli Mexican Dance Company.

• First rehearsal: August 24th First per-

formance: September 23rd Final performance: October 17th.

• Seeking—Stage Manager: 18+. • Seeking submissions from MA. • For future consideration, submit

resume and cover letter to mlamee@ barringtonstageco.org ATTN: Maggie LaMee. Submissions deadline is June 10.

• Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimi-

nation. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.

• Pays $672/wk. Equity LOA ref. COST


Shakespeare Theatre Company 2021-2022 Partial Season, Stage Manager

• Seeking Equity stage managers for

future consideration and assistant stage managers for the Shakespeare Theatre Company 2021-2022 Partial Season. Season includes “The Amen Corner (Sidney Harman Hall. James Baldwin, playwright; Whitney White, dir. Rehearsals begin Aug. 31; tech begins Sept. 9 or 10; runs Sept. 14-26, 2021), “Our Town” (Sidney Harman Hall. Thornton Wilder, playwright; Alan Paul, dir. Rehearsals begin Jan. 18, 2022; tech begins Feb 11, 2022; runs Feb. 17-Mar. 20, 2022), and “Red Velvet” (The Klein. Lolita Chakrabarti, playwright, Jade King Carroll, dir. Rehearsals begin May 17, 2022; tech begins June 10, 2022; runs June 16-July 17, 2022.).

• Company: Shakespeare Theatre

Company. Staff: Simon Godwin, artistic dir.; Chris Jennings, exec. dir.; Carter Wooddell, resident casting dir.

• Season runs in Washington, DC. • Seeking—Equity Stage Managers/

ASMs: 18+.

• Seeking submissions from DC. • Seeking Assistant Stage Managers for

“The Amen Corner,” “Our Town,” and “Red Velvet.” All Stage Manager positions for the season have been filled, but SMs may submit for future consideration. For consideration, submit resume to employment@shakespearetheatre.org. Submissions deadline is June 10, 2021.

• Pays $1,224/wk. (LORT B+

-Shakespeare Theatre Company’s Sidney Harman Hall.) Pays $1,020 weekly minimum (LORT B - Michael R. Klein Theatre.) Equity LORT Non-Rep Agreement.


for full character breakdowns, script sides, and more casting notices

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