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Online Commercials & Promos

Mom & Son Safety Product Commercial

• Casting an actress to play a mom in a

safety product commercial.

• Company: Gro Creative Group. Staff:

Scott Kelley, dir.

• Shoots in the Hollywood/West

Hollywood, L.A. area.

• Seeking—The Mom: female, 35-45,

White / European Descent, speaking role. Tells the customer about the dirt and bacteria that tracks through the home on a daily bases. She is then shown displaying the product while talking about how she can rest easy knowing that her family is safe.

• Seeking submissions from CA. • Apply on Backstage.com. • Pay provided.

Phone Case & Accessories Promo Video

• Casting an online commercial/promo

for a phone case and accessories.

• Company: BTS TV Media. Staff: M.

Duclos, coord.

• Shoots June 26 in San Diego, CA. • Seeking—Antonia: female, 20-35, hip

and artistic. She likes to hang out in coffee shops and the Blick Art Materials store. Went to school for fine arts and minored in environmental design. She expresses her sustainable side through a 3D art series of “everyday-use objects” sculpted from all recycled materials. Her outfits are tastefully hip. Color choices are expressive and earthy. She would wear overalls or some sort of colored corduroy with New Balances or eco-friendly canvas shoes.

• Seeking submissions from CA. • Send submissions to admin@btstvme-


• Include your availability and sample(s)

of work in your submission.

• Potential to continue as this character

in a series as decided by the client.

Film & Documentary Voiceover

‘The Orphan And The Amautalik’

• Casting voice actors for “The Orphan

And The Amautalik,” an animated short film based on Inuit oral history.

• Company: Taqqut Productions. Staff:

Melody McMullan, office manager.

• Recording at home using own equip-

ment, submitting with approx. one week turnaround.

• Seeking—Orphan: 8-14, age 8 to 11;

male; timid but friendly. Boy: 8-14, age 8 to 11; male; mean.

• Seeking submissions from CA. • Send submissions to casting@taqqut.


National/ Regional


‘A Raisin in the Sun’

• Seeking video submissions from local

Equity actors for roles in “A Raisin in the Sun.” This production is the final production of WTT’s 25th Season and is dedicated in memory of Phyllis Cicero. Lorraine Hansberry’s TONY Awardwinning drama tells the story of the Youngers, a black family living in Chicago in the 1950s, whose yearning for a piece of the American Dream includes moving to a modest home in a majority white community.

• Company: WaterTower Theatre. Staff:

Shane Peterman, prod. artistic dir.; Elizabeth Kensek, assoc. prod.; Natalie King, dir.; Liz Mikel, assist. dir.; Lorraine Hansberry, writer.

• Rehearses Aug. 9-31; runs Sept. 1-12

(Weds.-Sun.) in Addison, TX. Note: This production will be presented with very limited audience on The Terry Martin Main Stage. Must be willing to follow strict safety standards and agree to COVID testing which will be paid for by WTT. All cast, crew & production team must show proof of COVID-19 vaccination (including the 14 day period following) before attending rehearsals.

• Seeking—Walter Lee Younger: male,

30-40, Black / African Descent, discontented with his status in life as a Black man in America, he is a dreamer, whose big plans and schemes are fueled by his aspirations and ambitions to become something in the world and make a better life for his family. Beneatha Younger (‘Bennie’): female, 19-25, Lena’s daughter and Walter’s sister; Beneatha is an intellectual; twenty years old, she attends college and is better educated than the rest of the Younger family. She dreams of being a doctor and struggles to determine her identity. Lena Younger (‘Mama’): female, 55-65, Walter and Beneatha’s mother; the matriarch of the family, Mama is religious, moral, and maternal; she wants to use her husband’s insurance money as a down payment on a house with a backyard to fulfill her lifelong dream for her family. Ruth Younger: female, 29-37, Walter’s wife and Travis’s mother; Ruth takes care of the Youngers’ small apartment; her 11-year marriage to Walter has problems, but she hopes to rekindle their love. She is about thirty, but her weariness makes her seem older. She is an emotionally strong woman and her almost pessimistic pragmatism helps her to survive. Travis Younger: male, 9-12, Walter and Ruth’s son. Travis earns some money by carrying grocery bags and likes to play outside with other neighborhood children. Joseph Asagai: male, 20-28, a Nigerian student in love with Beneatha. Asagai is very proud of his African heritage and when he proposes marriage to Beneatha he hopes she will return to Nigeria with him. George Murchison: male, 25-35, a wealthy Black man who courts Beneatha; the Youngers approve of George, but Beneatha dislikes his willingness to submit to white culture and forget his African heritage. He challenges the thoughts and feelings of others through his arrogance and love of spirited debate. Mr. Karl Lindner: 35-50, White / European Descent, Mr. Lindner arrives at the Youngers’ apartment from the Clybourne Park Improvement Association; he offers the Youngers a deal to reconsider moving into his (all-white) neighborhood. Bobo: male, 30-40, one of Walter’s business partners in his plan to open a liquor store.

• Seeking submissions from TX. • For consideration, post your audition

video to YouTube/Vimeo/Dropbox and then visit https://airtable.com/shrHX9nNOufRaX7vg to submit your information, headshot, resume & link to your audition for the Creative Team to review. For the video: Access sides for the role(s) you are interested in at www. dropbox.com/sh/vk9a0tfvd8brpbk/ AABK _7Cinh7poRBqc9XzfU7Ra?dl=0. For roles with multiple sides provided, select 1-2 for your audition. If you don’t have someone to read with you, perform only your character’s lines with pauses between. Submissions deadline is June 18.

• In-person callbacks will be held June

26-27 per Equity safety guidance.

• Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimina-

tion. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.

• Equity SPT Contract; salary TBD pend-

ing approval.

Greater Boston Stage Company 2021-22 Season

• Seeking video submissions from Equity

actors for roles in 2021-22 Season. Season includes “The 39 Steps” (Patrick Barlow, adaptation; John Buchan, novel as source material; Ilyse Robbins, dir. Rehearsals begin Aug. 31; runs Sept. 24-Oct. 10); “All is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914” (Peter Rothstein, writer; Erick Lichte & Timothy C. Takach, musical arrangements. Rehearsals begin Nov. 2; runs Nov. 26-Dec. 23); “Incident at Our Lady of Perpetual Help” (Katie Forgette, writer. Rehearsals begin Feb. 15, 2022; runs Mar. 3-20); “Miss Holmes Returns” (Christopher Walsh, writer; Weylin Symes, dir. Rehearsals begin Apr. 5, 2022; runs Apr. 21-May 8); and a Show TBA (Rehearsals begint May 31, 2022; runs June 9-26, 2022).

• Company: Greater Boston Stage

Company. Staff: Weylin Symes, prod. artistic dir.; Ilyse Robbins, assoc. artistic dir.

• Rehearses and performs in Stoneham,


• Seeking—Equity Actors: 18+. • Seeking submissions from MA. • Send submissions to auditions@great-


• For consideration, submit your video

with an attached digital headshot and resume to auditions@greaterbostonstage.org. Submissions deadline is June 18.

• Preparation Instructions: All audition-

ers are asked to state their name and what they will perform and if they are interested in a particular show or role at start of video. Non-musical auditioners: actors may choose to perform one or more monologues of their choice, read one or more scenes from the season’s plays, or a combination of scene(s) and monologues(s) within the confines of the time allotted (5 minute maximum). Actors auditioning for “All is Calm”: Audition with a cappella song (preferably classic Christmas Carol). In addition, actors may choose to perform one or more monologues of their choice, read one or more scenes from the season’s plays, or a combination of song(s), scene(s) and monologues(s) within the confines of the time allotted (5 minute maximum).

• GBSC encourages participation by per-

formers of all races and ethnicities.

• Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimina-

tion. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.

• Pays $546/wk. Equity NEAT Contract.

‘Hurricane Diane’

• Casting Equity actors for roles in

“Hurricane Diane.”

• Company: Huntington Theatre

Company. Staff: Madeleine George, playwright; Jenny Koons, dir.; Alaine Alldaffer and Lisa Donadio, casting dirs.

• Rehearsals begin July 27, 2021; tech

begins Aug. 21; runs Aug. 17-Sept. 26 in Boston, MA.

• Seeking—Diane: 30-49, all ethnicities.

Carol Fleischer: 18+, White / European Descent. Pam Annunziata: 40-49, White / European Descent. Renee Shapiro-Epps: 40-49, Asian, Black / African Descent, Ethnically Ambiguous / Multiracial, Indigenous Peoples, Latino / Hispanic, Middle Eastern, South Asian / Indian, Southeast Asian / Pacific Islander. Beth Wann: 30-39, White / European Descent.

• Seeking submissions from MA. • For consideration, submit headshot and

resume to alldaffercasting@gmail.com. Submissions deadline is June 21.

• Director’s Note: Our process will

include daily group warm-ups and generative world/character building exercises. All performers will share leadership of exercises and contribute to an ensemble based practice rooted in play, with emphasis on physicality and generative movement. It may or may not include: dancing to Rihanna, creating silent sketches of how characters clean their kitchens, choreographing comedic bits with household

appliances, or learning social dances from TikTok.

• Casting states: “Although pronouns are

defined in the text, we welcome actors of any gender expression to audition.”

• Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimina-

tion. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.

• Pays $1,008/wk. Equity LORT B Non-

Rep Contract.

Pioneer Theatre Company 2021-22 Season

• Seeking video submissions from Equity

actors for principal roles in 2021-22 Season. Season includes: “Ain’t Misbehavin’” (Gerry McIntyre, dir.choreo.; Kenney Green, music dir.; Murray Horwitz and Richard Maltby Jr., book; music by various composers and lyricists as arranged and orchestrated by Luther Henderson. Rehearsals begin Aug. 23; runs Sept. 10-25); “Ass” (Ellen Simon, writer; Karen Azenberg, dir. Rehearsals begin Sept. 27; runs Oct. 22-Nov. 6); “Elf” (Alan Muraoka, dir.; Rommy Sandhu, choreo.; Tom Griffin, music dir.; Matthew Sklar and Chad Beguelin, score; Bob Martin and Thomas Meehan, adaptation. Rehearsals begin Nov. 8; runs Dec. 3-18); “The Messenger” (Jeff Talbott, writer; Wes Grantom, dir. Rehearsals begin Dec. 20; runs Jan. 14-29, 2022); “Something Rotten!” (Karen Azenberg, dir.-choreo.; Helen Gregory, music dir.; John O’Farrell and Karey Kirkpatrick, book; Karey and Wayne Kirkpatrick, music & lyrics. Rehearsals begin Jan. 31, 2022; runs Feb. 25-Mar. 12); “Fireflies” (Kareem Fahmy, dir.; Mathew Barber, writer. Rehearsals begin Mar. 7; runs Apr. 1-16, 2022); and “Hello, Dolly!” (Karen Azenberg, dir.-choreo.; Jerry Herman, lyrics-music; Michael Stewart, book. Rehearsals begin Apr. 18; runs May 13-28, 2022). No roles will be understudied.

• Company: Pioneer Theatre Company.

Staff: Karen Azenberg, artistic dir.; Bob Cline, casting dir.

• Season runs August, 2021 through May/

June, 2022 in Salt Lake City, UT.

• Seeking—Equity Actors: 18+. • Seeking submissions from UT. • Send submissions to bobclinecast@


• For consideration, submit video audi-

tion (preferably in a click and watch, way) to bobclinecast@gmail.com. Submissions deadline is June 30.

• Keep songs and/or monologues to

around a minute. Accompaniment and sheet music for “From This Moment On” for each vocal part is available at https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%2 1ADdAm9Wy9aP5dic&id=2E8BE98337A 0E8D8%2121278&cid=2E8BE98337A0E8 D8, but you are welcome and encouraged to sing your own selection.

• All stage manager positions have been


• Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimina-

tion. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.

• Pays $1,008/wk. Equity LORT B Non-

Rep Contract.


‘The Life and Music of George Michael’

• Casting “The Life and Music of George

Michael,” a brand new immersive concert-style show that chronicles the amazing journey George Michael had with music and his fans. Synopsis: The Life and Music of George Michael captures the performance and sound with concert style staging and lighting while telling his story through early music hits from Wham! and his illustrious solo career. The Life and Music of George Michael captures the performance and sound of one of the biggest international stars of our time. The show will have fans on their feet dancing and singing along to blockbuster hits including “Wake Me Up Before You Go Go,” “Freedom,” “Faith,” “Careless Whisper,” “Father Figure,” and many more. Michael sold over 115 million albums spanning four decades and rose to fame as a member of Wham! in the early 80’s. He went solo in 1987 with “Faith,” one of the biggest albums of all time. The album had four number one hits including “Faith,” “Monkey,” “Father Figure,” and “One More Try.” He won two Grammy Awards, three Brit awards, three American Music Awards and four MTV Video Music Awards.

• Company: Maple Tree Entertainment,

Quatro Entertainment, Inc, Right Angle Entertainment. Staff: Alison Franck, casting dir.; Ralph Schmitdke, general manager; Dean Elliott, music dir.

• Rehearsals tentatively scheduled for

the beginning of January 2022 and subject to change; full band rehearsals commence the week of January 10, 2022 in Los Angeles, CA;. tour begins in California on Jan. 19, 2022 and ends in western Canada on or around Mar. 20, 2022.

• Seeking—George Michael: male,

30-40, singer; must be physically fit, be able to sound like George Michael and embody George’s stage mannerisms; British accent needed.

• Seeking submissions nationwide.

• For consideration, email photo, resume, and a self-taped video submission singing the following two songs, “Careless Whisper” and “Faith” (a karaoke track should be easily found online for these songs) to Alison.Franck@ gmail.com with the subject line “George Michael Submission.” When slating also include a full body shot. All candidates need to look and sound like the older George Michael. Not WHAM George Michael.

• The pay is $1750 US/wk. and per diem

of $47/day. Note that both the dollar values will now be subject to tax withholdings and all cast/crew will be treated as employees. Performers are paid half rate for rehearsals and the first paid performance triggers the full pay rate. The rehearsal dates are tentatively scheduled for the beginning of January 2022 and subject to change. Full band rehearsals will be in Los Angeles and commence the week of January 10, 2022. The tour begins in California on January 19, 2022 and ends in western Canada on or around March 20, 2022. The chosen person will have to be fully vaccinated. Needs US Passport.

‘The Prom’

• Seeking video submissions from Equity

actors for principal roles in “The Prom.” “The Prom” encourages gender diverse and color conscious casting. Performers of all ethnic and racial backgrounds, gender identities, and abilities are encouraged to apply.

• Company: Prom Touring, LLC. Staff:

Dori Berinstein, Bill Damaschke, Jack Lane and NETworks, prods.; Casey Nicholaw, dir.-choreo.; Bob Martin and Chad Beguelin, book; Matthew Sklar, music; Chad Beguelin, lyrics; MaryMitchell Campbell, musical dir.; Bethany Knox (The Telsey Office), casting.

• Rehearsals begin Sept. 27; runs Oct. 30.

Rehearsals and performances will be indoors. These will be live performances with an audience.

• Seeking—Barry Glickman: male, 30-59,

all ethnicities, a very gay Broadway star. Completely politically incorrect and doesn’t know it. Impulsive and loves to make a scene everywhere he goes. Strong singer. Big, Broadway belter; high baritone/low tenor; principal. Dee Dee Allen: female, 30-59, all ethnicities, a current Broadway diva. A huge ego to match her huge talent. No filter. Hilariously self-involved, but yearns to do something good for someone other than herself. Strong Singer. Big, Broadway belter; alto; principal. Trent Oliver: male, 30-49, all ethnicities, a pretentious Broadway star who is probably better known for TV infomercials. Loves the sound of his own voice. Strong singer, pop and legit; baritone; principal. Emma: female, 18+, all ethnicities, to play a high school senior. Mix/ belt up to a C#. Forced into the spotlight because she asked her girlfriend to the prom. A reluctant poster child for gay / lesbian youth. Very smart, but doesn’t need to be classically beautiful. A bit of a tomboy quality. Sweet pop voice. Strong singer; principal. Alyssa: female, 18+, all ethnicities, to play a high school senior, Mix/belt up to a D. Tries desperately to fit in. A cheerleader. Secretly Emma’s girlfriend, but afraid to come out. Can be classically pretty. Afraid to stand up to her mother. Pop voice. Strong singer; principal. Mr. Hawkins: male, 30-59, all ethnicities, a small town principal. Easily flustered. Straight-laced. A Broadway enthusiast. Good singer; high baritone; principal. Angie: female, 30-49, all ethnicities, an ensemble member in the Broadway production of “Chicago”. Jaded Fosse girl with a heart of gold. Strong Singer; alto with a belt; principal. Mrs. Greene: female, 30-49, all ethnicities, Alyssa’s Mother and the school board president. Very strong, controlling and intimidating. Loves her daughter very much but has a very specific view of what is “right” and “wrong” for her daughter and the school. Strong Singer; alto; principal. Sheldon Saperstein: male, 30-49, all ethnicities, a charismatic press agent. Traditional musical theatre sound; baritone; principal.

• Seeking submissions from MD. • For consideration, submit the video,

along with your photo/resume attached, in a downloadable format (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.) to thepromvideos@gmail.com with the subject line “[Your full name] -[The role for which you’d like to be considered].” Submissions deadline is June 23.

• Prepare a brief contemporary musical

theatre song that shows your style and vocal range. If you do not have access to accompaniment, you may sing your song of choice a cappella. If you are not able to sing a song of your choosing, feel free to prepare the provided song. Sheet music and MP3s are available at https://tinyurl.com/28fxj5p4. If you are using an iPhone to video record, be sure to film horizontally and in a well-lit space (not backlit). At the top of the video, slate your name, and height.

• Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimina-

tion. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.

• Pays $859/wk. Equity Short

Engagement Touring Category 3 Contract.

Chorus Calls

‘Jersey Boys’

• Seeking video submissions from Equity

actors for chorus roles in “Jersey Boys.”

• Company: STAGES St. Louis. Staff: Jack

Lane, exec. prod.; Michael Hamilton, artistic dir.-dir.; Gayle Seay, assoc. dir.; Dana Lewis, choreo.; Tali Allen, musical dir.; Wojcik/Seay Casting, casting.

• Rehearsals begin Sept. 7; runs Sept.

24-Oct. 24. This production will be live, indoors, and in front of an audience. STAGES St. Louis will abide by CDC, St. Louis County, and Equity Safety Guidelines.

• Seeking—Ensemble #1: male, 20-35.

Ensemble #2: male, 18+.

• Seeking submissions from MO. • For consideration, visit https://wscast-

ing.com/jersey-boys-ecc-singer/. Submissions deadline is June 18.

• STAGES St. Louis strives to cultivate an

inclusive environment, which welcomes differences of ethnicity, religion, sexuality, income, or any other divisions with generosity and openness among its artists, audiences, leaders, and community. Through support and understanding of our differences, we are able to recognize our commonali-

ties. STAGES encourages performers of all ethnicities, races, gender identities, ages, body types, and abilities to audition.

• An Equity Monitor will not be provided.

The producer will run all aspects of this audition. Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.

• Pays $604/wk. Equity LOA ref COST


Signature Theatre 2021-22 Season

• Seeking video submissions from Equity

singers and dancers for various roles in four shows for the upcoming 2021-2022 season including “Rent” (Jonathan Larson, music-lyrics-book; Matthew Gardiner, dir.; James Alsop, choreo.; Mark G. Meadows, music dir. Rehearsals begin Oct. 5; runs Nov. 2, 2021-Jan. 30, 2022 with a possible extension through Feb. 13, 2022 at The MAX Theatre: LORT B scale); “She Love Me” (Jerry Bock, music; Sheldon Harnick, lyrics; Joe Masteroff, book; Matthew Gardiner, dir.; Kelly Crandall d’Amboise, choreo. Rehearsals begin Feb. 15, 2022; runs Mar. 15-Apr. 24 at The MAX Theatre: LORT B scale); “Jeannette: A New Musical” (Ari Afsar, music-lyrics; Lauren Gunderson, book; Erin Ortman, dir.; Yusha-Marie Sorzano, choreo. Rehearsals begin May 3, 2022; runs May 31-July 3 with a possible extension through July 10 at The MAX Theatre: LORT B scale); and “The Color Purple” (Brenda Russell, Allee Willis & Stephen Bray, music-lyrics; Marsha Norman, book; Timothy Douglas, dir.; Lady Dane Figueroa Edidi, choreo.; Mark G. Meadows, music dir. Rehearsals begin July 19, 2022; runs Aug. 16-Oct. 9 with a possible extension through Oct. 16 at MAX Stage: LORT B scale).

• Company: Signature Theatre. Staff:

Kelly d’Amboise (Signature Theatre), casting dir.; Jorge Acevedo (Signature Theatre), casting assoc.

• Season rehearses indoors and performs

indoors at the MAX Theatre in Arlington, VA.

• Seeking—Equity Singers and Dancers:


• Seeking submissions from VA. • Due to Covid-19, this season we are

accepting video submissions only. No in-person appointments or auditions will be held. Self-taped video auditions will be reviewed by members of the casting department at Signature Theatre only. Each and every video audition that is submitted via email within the window of May 27-June 1, 2021 will be reviewed. We will not review video submitted earlier than May 27 or later than June 1, 2021.

• Submissions Instructions: All self-tape

videos should be no longer than two minutes in length and include introduction of actor’s name along with a 16-32 bar cut of a song (see below) and/or performance of the dance combination provided at www.dropbox.com/sh/bhxba11q307affv/AAB5_ sv8K6PrTKbqdGOvxQpHa?dl=0. You may audition with a song of your choice or use the recorded track of “Seasons of Love” from “Rent” provided at www. dropbox.com/sh/gwayx4l6mop5bad/ AACeflNIJtwV_GlERGJYocuRa?dl=0 for your convenience, along with sheet music. You are not required to sing this particular selection of this song, it is only provided for your convenience should you choose to sing this cut.

• Slate your name and announce the

pieces you are performing, or slate your name and go directly into your performance. In addition, if you are interested in being considered for a specific show, include the title of show in your slate. If you are interested in auditioning for “Jeannette: A New Musical,” we invite you to view the full breakdown before auditioning, as provided by the creative team, which can be found here: https:// res.cloudinary.com/signature-theatre/ image/upload/v1621030844/ Jeannette_Breakdown_1_1.pdf. Attach your self-tape video (any video format compatible with YouTube, Dropbox, or Vimeo upload is welcome) and headshot/resume (PDF format) to the form provided at www.cognitoforms.com/ SignatureTheatre1/ SignatureTheatreAEAECCAuditions. All videos received via the form from June 7 until 11:59 p.m. ET on June 21, 2021 will be reviewed. We will not review video submitted later than June 21, 2021. Clearly note your Equity status and contact information on your resume.

• Callbacks will be granted based off the

video auditions. You will be notified if you are called back. Be sure to provide correct contact info on your headshot and resume so that we can reach you.

• Signature Theatre is an Equal

Opportunity Employer who celebrates diversity and does not discriminate based on race, religion, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, veteran status, disability status, or any other applicable characteristics protected by law. Signature Theatre is committed to providing access, equal opportunity, and accommodation for individuals with visible and/or invisible disabilities in employment, its services, programs, and activities.

• Equity Performers of all racial and eth-

nic backgrounds, gender identities and expressions, and performers living with disabilities are encouraged to audition. Include information regarding any accommodations your client/you need in an audition, rehearsal or performance space.

• Pays $1,008/wk. Equity LORT B Non-

Rep Contract.

‘The Prom,’ Tour, Dancers

• Seeking video submissions from Equity

actors for chorus parts in “The Prom.” “The Prom” encourages gender diverse and color conscious casting. Performers of all ethnic and racial backgrounds, gender identities, and abilities are encouraged to apply.

• Company: Prom Touring, LLC. Staff:

Dori Berinstein, Bill Damaschke, Jack Lane and NETworks, prods.; Casey Nicholaw, dir.-choreo.; John Macinnis, assoc. choreo.; Bob Martin and Chad Beguelin, book; Matthew Sklar, music; Chad Beguelin, lyrics; Mary-Mitchell Campbell, musical dir.; Bethany Knox (The Telsey Office), casting.

• Rehearsals begin Sept. 27; runs Oct. 30.

Rehearsals and performances will be indoors. These will be live performances with an audience.

• Seeking—Ensemble Dancers Who Sing

Well: female, male, 18+.

• Seeking submissions from MD. • Send submissions to thepromvideos@


• Record yourself performing the dance

combination viewable at this link: https://tinyurl.com/3buvvjsz.

• Taping Instructions: If you are using an

iPhone to video record, please be sure to film horizontally and in a well-lit space (not backlit). At the top of the video, slate your name and height. Record your dance using the full tempo version provided. Send the video, along with your photo/resume attached, in a downloadable format (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.) to thepromvideos@ gmail.com with “[Your full name] - [Dance Ensemble]” in the subject line. Submissions deadline is June 18.

• An Equity Monitor will not be provided.

The producer will run all aspects of this audition.

• Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimina-

tion. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.

• Pays $859/wk. Equity Short

Engagement Touring Category 3 Contract.

‘The Prom,’ Tour, Singers

• Seeking video submissions from Equity

actors for chorus parts in “The Prom.” “The Prom” encourages gender diverse and color conscious casting. Performers of all ethnic and racial backgrounds, gender identities, and abilities are encouraged to apply.

• Company: Prom Touring, LLC. Staff:

Dori Berinstein, Bill Damaschke, Jack Lane and NETworks, prods.; Casey Nicholaw, dir.-choreo.; Bob Martin and Chad Beguelin, book; Matthew Sklar, music; Chad Beguelin, lyrics; MaryMitchell Campbell, musical dir.; Bethany Knox (The Telsey Office), casting.

• Rehearsals begin Sept. 27; runs Oct. 30.

Rehearsals and performances will be indoors. These will be live performances with an audience.

• Seeking—Ensemble Singers Who

Dance Well: female, male, 30-59, all ethnicities, all shapes and sizes, to portray various characters in the ensemble. Must dance well, sing well and have amazing comic timing; ensemble.

• Seeking submissions from MD. • Send submissions to thepromvideos@


• Prepare 16-32 bars of a contemporary

musical theatre song that shows your style and vocal range. If you do not have access to accompaniment, you may sing your song of choice a cappella. If you are not able to sing a song of your choosing, feel free to prepare the provided song. Sheet music and MP3s are available at https://tinyurl. com/28fxj5p4. If you are using an iPhone to video record, be sure to film horizontally and in a well-lit space (not backlit). At the top of the video, slate your name, and height.

• For consideration, submit the video,

along with your photo/resume attached, in a downloadable format (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.) to the following email address: thepromvideos@ gmail.com with the subject line “[Your full name] -[CHORUS].” Submissions deadline is June 23.

• An Equity Monitor will not be provided.

The producer will run all aspects of this audition.

• Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimina-

tion. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.

• Pays $859/wk. Equity Short

Engagement Touring Category 3 Contract.

Feature Films

‘The Funeral’

• Casting “The Funeral,” a feature-film


• Seeking actors local to the Northeast


• Company: Orange Line Films. Staff:

Brett Cramer, dir.

• Shoots for five weeks in Sept.-Oct. in

the New England area. These roles are not needed for all five weeks. Rehearsals would occur in Aug., either in-person or remotely via Zoom depending on availability. Not all roles are required to attend rehearsals.

• Seeking—Diane: female, 55-70, White /

European Descent. Vicky: female, 28-40, Asian, Black / African Descent, Ethnically Ambiguous / Multiracial, Indigenous Peoples, Latino / Hispanic, Middle Eastern, South Asian / Indian, Southeast Asian / Pacific Islander. Jerry: male, 55-70, Asian, Black / African Descent, Ethnically Ambiguous / Multiracial, Indigenous Peoples, Latino / Hispanic, Middle Eastern, South Asian / Indian, Southeast Asian / Pacific Islander. Alex: female, 25-38, Asian, Black / African Descent, Ethnically Ambiguous / Multiracial, Indigenous Peoples, Latino / Hispanic, Middle Eastern, South Asian / Indian, Southeast Asian / Pacific Islander. Cassandra: female, 45-70, all ethnicities. Eric: male, 19-30, Asian, Black / African Descent, Ethnically Ambiguous / Multiracial, Indigenous Peoples, Latino / Hispanic, Middle Eastern, South Asian / Indian, Southeast Asian / Pacific Islander. Charlie: male, 8-12, White / European Descent. Nicole: female, 36-49, White / European Descent.

• Seeking submissions from NY and MA.

• Send submissions to thefuneralmovie@


• If you are interested, record a self-tape

with the attached side. iPhone quality is fine.

• Production team has had numerous

short films on Short of the Week, and can be viewed here: www.shortoftheweek.com/2020/12/17/its-been-awhile/ or www.shortoftheweek. com/2021/04/26/together/.

• Pays $150/day. If actor is not local to

the shoot location (i.e. within 1-2 hour drive), lodging will be provided. On-set meals provided.


‘Hunt a Killer’ Small Town Production

• Casting three performers with profes-

sional equipment and the ability to selfrecord. Note: This storyline concerns white collar politicians in a small town.’Hunt a Killer’ is a popular mystery brand, shipping clues and puzzles to members worldwide, with multimedia elements unlockable by players.

• Company: Hunt a Killer LLC. Staff: Will

Rogers, prod.

• Recording will be conducted remotely

by the performers, during a Google Meet call with Hunt a Killer’s production team. Looking to record June 10 or June 11.

• Seeking—Gertrude: 40-60, is an upper-

class gossip; spending her days in the local country club, she revels in the local drama, particularly the recent scandal surrounding Judith Richards and her family; caught whispering behind Judith’s back, Gertrude is first indignant and then scared for her safety. Dave: 40-60, a stuffy, upper class member of the local country club, and head of the membership committee; he views himself as a calming, controlling energy, and steps in when an argument breaks out between members. Stacy: 30-50, is the youngest member of the stuffy upper class country club; she’s gossipy and reactionary, absolutely loving it when drama breaks out.

• Seeking submissions worldwide. • Send submissions to Will@huntakiller.


• Make sure your audition is recorded

using the audio gear you will be using for your final recording. Auditions must be representative of finished sound.

• Audio will be used in one of Hunt a

Killer’s multimedia mystery games. To be used in perpetuity.

Online Commercials & Promos

Relaxation App, Specific Language Voiceovers

• Casting VO artists who speak foreign

language for short spots. Note: Record from anywhere.

• Staff: E. Kennedy, coord. • Records remotely asap. • Seeking—Native German Woman - VO

Artist: female, 18-55, native German female VO, 18-55, to record a few lines for a relaxation app. Native Spanish (Spain) Woman - VO Artist: female, 18-55, native Spanish (from Spain) speaker, 18-55, to record a few lines for a relaxation app. Native French Woman - VO Artist: female, 18-55, native French woman, 18-55, to record a few lines for a relaxation app. Native Portuguese Woman - VO Artist: female, 18-55, native Portuguese female speaker, 18-55, to record a few lines for a relaxation app. Native Spanish (Latin America/Mexico) Woman - VO Artist: female, 18-55, native Spanish (from Latin America/Mexico) speaker, 18-55, to record a few lines for a relaxation app.

• Seeking submissions worldwide. • Apply on Backstage.com. • Submit a reel in the language

requested. Prefer native speakers or people who grew up in the country mentioned.

• Non-union, all media buyout, in


Smart Home Commercial

• Casting an online commercial for a

smart home tech company.

• Company: Gemini Creative Agency.

Staff: Edan Cohen, creative dir.

• Shoots June 24 in Paoli, PA. • Seeking—Female Lead: female, 25-40,

Asian, Black / African Descent, Ethnically Ambiguous / Multiracial, Indigenous Peoples, Latino / Hispanic, Middle Eastern, South Asian / Indian, Southeast Asian / Pacific Islander, a trendy businesswoman who loves her smart home. Radiates optimism and confidence.

• Seeking submissions from PA. • Send submissions to edan@geminicre-


• Submit links to previous work. • Pays $300.

UGC Paid Social Ad, Telemedicine Brand

• Casting talent for UGC (user generated

content) videos for our Telemedicine client. Note: Only accepting castings with talent who submit script read throughs. Check out this example video here for what we are looking to achieve: https://f.io/3P_3QUMf

• Company states: “We are seeking tal-

ent to film with their phone and read through the scripts. The script will focus on the relief and/or clarity that they have found using the service and focusing on the ease of use/user flow and accessibility of the service. To be considered for this role, please locate the script in this casting (Script is attached below). When you apply, read through the script and submit the two different scripts. If we decide to move forward with you as a UGC talent for the project, we will send overpayment and the talent release document (to sign and return) and then we will download your videos through Backstage.”

• Company: Grow With Bamboo. Staff:

Stavro Victor, content prod.

• Remote work from home shoot TBD. • Seeking—Talent: all genders, 21-40, all


• Seeking submissions nationwide. • Send submissions to stavro@growwith-


• Read through each script iteration. We

are ok with you making changes to the text to have this sound more natural and conversational to you.

• Check out this example video here for

what we are looking to achieve: https://f.io/3P_3QUMf

• Script 1: Lemonaid Health has been a

huge help in managing my mental health needs. After giving my history and filling out the questionnaire, the hardest part was over. They made it easy to find the right antidepressant medication for me, and automatically ship me my prescription each month. The Lemonaid team listens to what I need and makes sure to go the extra mile to work with me toward getting better. I am so glad I found Lemonaid!

• Script 2: Lemonaid has been a life-

changing service in helping me manage my anxiety. All it took was talking oneon-one with an experienced doctor, reviewing their recommended treatment options, and finding the personalized solution that best met my needs. They care about how I feel, and even adjust my treatment plan as needed to make sure it’s still working for me. Lemonaid has brought some much needed relief to my life.

• Filming requirements: Space/Attire:

Don’t have any brand logos in frame (clothing, wall art, coffee cups, etc.) Background should be natural at home or outside setting. This should appear as if you were talking to a friend. No need to film with a set backdrop. But please make sure the scene is clean and not distracting. Avoid wearing patterns. Avoid showing any microphones - we want this to feel as natural as possible while still being high quality. If chosen, this will be the final video footage used - make sure your attire and space represents both you and Backstage well!

• Filming: Make sure lighting is on your

face. Avoid backlighting by having any windows in front of you. Film so that you can be cropped both vertically (imagine Instagram stories) and horizontally (imagine YouTube). Recommend filming in landscape but having plenty of room on both sides to be cut vertically. If needed, we can accept two takes with different camera orientations. Make sure sound quality is high by turning off any fans, closing any windows, and/or turning away from the mic when talking. Do not edit footage - we will want all the raw takes to properly edit footage together. Avoid cutting footage or adding any background music. If reading from a prompter or script, please keep camera eye contact for a few seconds after a line before looking back at a script or try and memorize to speak more lines at a time. This helps in editing as we would like these videos to look as natural as possible.

• Pays $150 for video footage use in


Film & Documentary (Voiceover)

Untitled Documentary Feature

• Casting a voiceover actor who naturally

has a similar accent to a well-known television show host. Read in your natural accent.

• Company: Delirio Films. Staff: Natalie

Goldberg, assoc. prod.

• Open to either home studio or renting a


• Seeking—Narration Voice: 35-50. • Seeking submissions nationwide. • Send submissions to natalie@delirio-


• Read using your natural accent.

Stage Staff & Tech

Greater Boston Stage Company 2021-22 Season

• Seeking Production Stage Managers

for all shows in the 2021-22 season, except Show TBA and Assistant Stage Managers for “Miss Holmes Returns” and “All is Calm.” Season includes “The 39 Steps” (Patrick Barlow, adaptation; John Buchan, novel as source material; Ilyse Robbins, dir. Rehearsals begin Aug. 31; runs Sept. 24-Oct. 10); “All is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914” (Peter Rothstein, writer; Erick Lichte & Timothy C. Takach, musical arrangements. Rehearsals begin Nov. 2; runs Nov. 26-Dec. 23); “Incident at Our Lady of Perpetual Help” (Katie Forgette, writer. Rehearsals begin Feb. 15, 2022; runs Mar. 3-20); “Miss Holmes Returns” (Christopher Walsh, writer; Weylin Symes, dir. Rehearsals begin Apr. 5, 2022; runs Apr. 21-May 8); and a Show TBA (Rehearsals begin May 31, 2022; runs June 9-26, 2022).

• Company: Greater Boston Stage

Company. Staff: Weylin Symes, prod. artistic dir.; Ilyse Robbins, assoc. artistic dir.

• Rehearses and performs in Stoneham,


• Seeking—Production Stage Manager:

18+. Assistant Stage Manager: 18+.

• Seeking submissions from MA. • For consideration, submit your interest

to auditions@greaterbostonstage.org. Submissions deadline is June 18.

• GBSC encourages participation by per-

formers of all races and ethnicities.

• Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimina-

tion. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.

• Pays $654/wk. (PSM) and $600 (ASM).

Equity NEAT Contract.

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