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New York Tristate

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New York Tristate


‘Complete Works of Shakespeare (Abridged)’

• Casting three Equity actors with acting

chops and a great sense of spontaneous comedy for this physical, outdoor production of “Complete Works of Shakespeare (Abridged).”

• Company: Shadowland Artists Inc.

Staff: Brendan Burke, dir.

• Rehearsals begin on or around July 20;

runs Aug. 12-Sept. 5 outdoors in Ellenville, NY.

• Seeking—Jess: 18-39, all ethnicities,

the ‘smart one’, especially in their own mind. This is important work for them. Daniel: 18-39, all ethnicities, perhaps a little more of a jock; doing their best and keeping on task, but willing to enjoy the experience since it’s happening anyway. Adam: 18-39, all ethnicities, the wild card. Easily excitable, with an honestsense of wonder about things, and thrilled tobe on the ride. And, at times, oddly principled.

• Seeking submissions from NY. • For consideration, submit a video of a 2

minute monologue; and a brief (less than 1 minute) joke of your choice. Submit video as attachment or link to casting@shadowlandstages.org, along with headshot and resume. Submissions deadline is July 21.

• Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimina-

tion. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.

• Pays $354/wk. Equity SPT 3 Contract.


‘Rathskeller: A Musical Elixir’

last dive bar you’ll ever visit. Some drinks make you forget, ours make you remember. We’ve got a barstool saved just for you. Tonight, like every other night, we have an honored guest and a story to tell. Join us for a dark, folk-rock fable about love, hurt, and the painkillers we choose. Our handy bar staff will make sure you’re comfortable and that your glass stays full until it’s time to pay your tab. What happens after that is up to you. Are you the forgiving type, or do you prefer to be judge, jury, and executioner? We offer you the chance to find out. So join us, and roll the dice. What’s the worst that could happen? Cheers.”

• Company: Dame Productions. Staff:

Julian R. Decker (Dame Productions), prod.; Brianna Barnes, composer-lyrics; Collin Kessler, book; Rachel Rudd, dir.; Grace Rudd, choreo.; Cameron Hill, casting.

• Rehearsals Sept. 12-23; runs Sept.

24-26 in NYC. Dates are not negotiable. Must be available for all rehearsals and performances.

• Seeking—Man: male, 40-59, all ethnic-

ities, identifies as male; distinguished guest at Rathskeller. An observer until he’s not, he needs to be able to say a lot without speaking much, and when the time comes, put it all on the line. He’s flawed, he’s got a past, he needs a drink in his hand at all times. He could be any of us; principal. Pride: male, 40-55, all ethnicities, identifies as male; proud to a fault. A full-blown alcoholic, he’s not a monster, he just can’t accept help. He’s hardened his soul so many times that he’s not sure he could find softness if his life depended on it. He sold his soul for what he thought would make him happy but lost his authentic self along the way. Classic rock baritone with a voice that sounds like he’s been drinking for decades. We should hear more real life in his voice than excellent vocal quality. Definitely leans into the growl/raspiness and yell/speak singing. Lust: female, 18-33, all ethnicities, identifies as female; Greed’s girlfriend. Lust is not a bimbo. But she is hot and that has both defined her and held her back. She knows who she is but still allows Greed to undervalue her. She loves him but can’t change him, or can she? Warm folk rock mix with an authentic approach to the text that doesn’t oversing it. A la Joni Mitchell/ Regina Spektor. Open to different vocal tones and qualities; principal. Envy: female, 25-35, all ethnicities, identifies as female. Greed’s assistant. Envy doesn’t want to be Greed’s girlfriend, she wants to be Greed. She’s just as smart and driven as he is but more principled and ultimately finds her strength. She is not willing to sell her soul to find success. Strong pop rock voice with high mix/belt a la Katy Perry/Olivia Rodrigo. Open to different vocal tones and qualities; principal. Gluttony: female, 18-25, all ethnicities, identifies as female. This expression of Gluttony has nothing to do with size or relationship to food. She lives her life in excess. Fashion, make-up, money, sex, alcohol, drugs, general zest for life - she’s overflowing with all of it. She’s your friend that you truly love, but can only deal with every so often. She sees something in Wrath that intrigues her - a kindred spirit perhaps, but also an opportunity to profit. Will her indulgent ways catch up with her? Comedic skills are a plus. Dynamic dark & smokey rock voice with the ability to move between breathy pop moments to high rock belt with equal power. Lots of flair; principal. Sloth: female, 18-25, all ethnicities, identifies as female. Not lazy. A dear friend of Wrath’s from childhood, she’s been there for his lowest moments and perhaps thought they would end up together. But she doesn’t understand his fire to be something bigger than he is. She’s made a conscious decision to be happy with who and where she is in life. An easy going, quirky personality who faces her own trials and tribulation with as much grace & dignity as the world she lives in allows. Strong pop rock voice a la Sara Bareilles. Open to different vocal tones and qualities; principal. Ensemble: all genders, 18-55, all ethnicities, the Rathskeller bar staff. At the beck and call of The Bartender, they help keep everyone’s glass full and this story running as it should. They have a fun job, they know it, and, like many bar staff, this particular night is not that important to them on its own. They do this every day, and with that comes a gallows humor that can border on maniacal. Ability to interpret choreography and make it their own. Strong pop rock/contemporary vocalists that can move and energize a crowd. Principal Coverage will come from the ensemble. Review breakdown above. Bartender Understudy: all genders, 18-45, all ethnicities, they run this place. Like a lot of bartenders, they want you to have a good time, but they’re not too sympathetic if you make an ass of yourself. They are here to keep you happy til it’s time to pay your tab - then you better make her happy. They keep the night running smoothly, with the quick wit and sharp eye of someone who’s seen far too many cautionary tales come through here. Thrilling and dynamic rock voice with high rock belt (Not musical theater). Smokey quality and ability to incorporate rasp/growling a plus. Note: This role is cast. Seeking an understudy only. Wrath Understudy: 18-25, all ethnicities, identifies as male. He’s been through more than someone his age should. Abused and orphaned, he has a righteous fury that he hasn’t found a way to tame - yet. Hopes for more for himself, even if it’s just to spite the ones who said he would never amount to

Casting picks of the week



‘Ghost Story’

See spirits in Durango, CO in this mysterious tale


‘Rathskeller: A Musical Elixir’ Revisit your youth in this dive bar musical in NY


‘Complete Work Of Shakespeare (Abridged)’

Brush up your Shakespeare in Ellenville, NY



Take a shot in this NJ filmed network miniseries about the invention of Jack Daniel’s whiskey


‘Ben Butler’

Explore your morals in Solana, CA for this Civil War story

anything. Punk rock power tenor a la Green Day/My Chemical Romance/ Panic! At the Disco. Plays guitar.; principal. Note: This role is cast seeking understudy only. Greed Understudy: 18-39, all ethnicities, early 30s; identifies as male. There are no qualifications for this one - he’s Greed, exactly how you think of it. But he doesn’t know it quite yet. Why wouldn’t he want more? Who doesn’t? There are the people who want more, and there are people who get more, no matter what it takes. He also wants more for the people in his life, so he can be who he wants to be in their eyes - rich, a hero, a boss, the man. Will money ever be enough to finally fulfill him?Classic rock bari-tenor with a voice that gets the party going. Raspiness, growling, and scooping/sliding welcome. Note: This role is cast. Seeking understudy only.

• Seeking submissions from NY. • Apply on Backstage.com. • For consideration, submit your head-

shot and resume along with a video. Include a slate and 32 bars of pop/rock song (No musical theater) as well as a video of the dance combination which can be found at https://www.dropbox. com/sh/dw4xom4j8vimn9g/ AABkbpS5FqDVRDeT5thq-VEKa?dl=0. Record yourself in landscape (horizontal) only.

• Nonunion. Pays $375 stipend plus per-

formance footage/photos and food on longer rehearsal days.

‘The Fantasticks’

• Casting “The Fantasticks,” a musical.

Synopsis: “The Fantasticks” is a funny and romantic musical about a boy, a girl, and their two fathers who try to keep them apart. The narrator, El Gallo, asks the audience to use their imagination and follow him into a world of moonlight and magic. The boy and the girl fall in love, grow apart and finally find their way back to each other after realizing the truth in El Gallo’s words that, “without a hurt, the heart is hollow.”

• Company: TheatreWorks New Milford.

Staff: Brad Blake, dir.; Charles Smith, musical dir.

• Rehearsals and production will take

place at TheatreWorks New Milford beginning in July; performs on weekends from Sept. 16-Oct. 9. Note: Performers must live in the general area of New Milford, CT as no housing or pay is provided.

• Seeking—The Narrator (El Gallo): male,

30-50. The Girl (Luisa): female, 15-25. The Boy (Matt): male, 18-25. The Girl’s Father (Bellomy): male, 40-60. The Man Who Dies (Mortimer): male, 30-50. The Mute: 20-50.

• Seeking submissions from CT. • Apply on Backstage.com. • Video submissions only. Use the follow-

ing link to submit: https://theatreworks. us/actors/index.php.

• No housing provided. A small honorar-

ium is provided at the end of the production.


for full character breakdowns, script sides, and more casting notices

‘Gift Of The Magi’

• Casting “Gift Of The Magi,” an NYU

Grad Film 2nd year narrative short film. Synopsis: The film follows a young AfroLatino, Yoenis, and his mother, Cari, on the celebration of Three Kings Day. There is a shortage of food that prevents Cari from cooking their ceremonious dinner and when she leaves to get groceries, Yoenis answers a forbidden phone call. He discovers a strange man who claims to be one of the Three Kings and his unexpected relationship with him. Cari finds out and punishes him, but on the morning of Three Kings Day, they come together for a holiday meant to enjoy family, only it has been completely redefined for Yoenis.

• Company: New York University. Staff:

Casiano Hamer, dir.

• Rehearses Aug. 9-16 and Aug. 26-29;

shoots Aug. 30-Sept. 7 in Brooklyn, NYC.

• Seeking—Yoenis: male, 6-13, Black /

African Descent, Latino / Hispanic, seven-year-old Afro Cubano New Yorker and son of Cari; he is a first-generation Cuban American, a momma’s boy, and filled with curiosity; he has inherited a lot of the NYC Latin American culture and tends to keep his inappropriate interests away from Cari, including a few dance moves and a phone call with a stranger. Cari: female, 25-45, Black / African Descent, Latino / Hispanic, is a 30-year-old Afro Cubana New Yorker and mother of Yoenis; she has emigrated to Fordham Heights from Cuba while pregnant with her son and has been able to support him, support herself, and proudly strive for the American Dream by herself. Luis/ Phone Voice: male, 27-50, Black / African Descent, Latino / Hispanic, late 30’s Afro Cubano who is entrenched in the listless bachelor life in Havana, Cuba; he contributes his invisible hand to his wife and only son ‘Yoenis’ through his Cuban connections in NYC; he can’t manage to escape the island and join his family as he promised but when the holidays/birthdays come around he makes it his business to let his wife know that he still contributes to the family by arranging money and gifts to be sent to them; one afternoon he calls his wife Cari from a busy call/wifi center in Havana and unexpectedly gets in contact with Yoenis; he knows it may be his only chance to speak with him; so he makes the most of it. Neighbor: male, 30-65, White / European Descent, neighbor, a fellow Brooklynite, by way of Boston, MA; he and has family have recently moved to the up and coming neighborhood of Bushwick for a new job in the city; he has just finished celebrating his family’s first Christmas in New York when he is caught by Yoenis (Afro-Latino, Brooklyn Native) throwing out gifts he bought in the trash.

• Seeking submissions from NY and NJ. • Send submissions to crh401@nyu.edu. • Submit a reel, self-tape, or any clips

you have when applying. Auditions from July 8-31.

• Travel, food, and other accommoda-

tions will be compensated.

• Casting “Pirate’s Abandon,” a thesis

project. Logline: A long-retired pirate has his life gut open when his boat gets pillaged by a little girl.

• Company: Feirstein Graduate School of

Cinema. Staff: Julia Zanin De Paul, dir.; Jores Philippe, prod.

• Shoots in the fall. Principal photogra-

phy begins Nov. 22.

• Seeking—Mary: female, 7-12, all eth-

nicities, witty and wise. A super child. Vane Nicholas: male, 40-70, all ethnicities, abandoned pirate, Vane was marooned after treason.

• Seeking submissions from NY. • Send submissions to Jores.philippe@


• Pays $100/day. Transportation and meals

are covered by the production team.

‘Room on Fire’

• Casting “Room on Fire,” a 10-15 minute

short film with a strong script, written, directed, and produced by Columbia University Film School students going into their third year. It will shoot over two days in New York City. Logline: Now that she’s moving forward in a new relationship, Jacqueline confronts her adult son Calvin to move out of the family home, finally threatening to break their torturous enmeshment.

• Company: N/A. Staff: Prash

Sampathkumaran, writer-dir.; Alexis G. Stodghill, prod.

• Rehearsals will take place from mid-

July through July 30; Shoots July 31 and Aug. 1.

• Seeking—Jacqueline: 50-59, White /

European Descent, passionate, graceful and alluring. A caring but overlyattached mother. A sensual, intimidating exterior that can give way in a flash to a depth of burning emotion, something she struggles to control. Gives herself fully, feels things a little too deeply. Two smoking scenes (herbal prop cigarettes). Calvin: 23-28, White / European Descent, hot-headed, impulsive and juvenile. A youthful charm conceals his emotional fragility, his bitter and vindictive nature. Struggles with commitment and independence. Loves his mother dearly. One smoking scene (herbal prop cigarette). Roy: male, 50-60, Asian, Black / African Descent, Ethnically Ambiguous / Multiracial, Indigenous Peoples, Latino / Hispanic, Middle Eastern, South Asian / Indian, Southeast Asian / Pacific Islander, in a relationship with Jacqueline, and wants to move in with her. They are both in their middle years, and feel lucky to have found love again. But, Jacqueline’s son Calvin, stands in the way. Roy is trying to convince Jacqueline to make her grown son move out, so that they can start their lives together. But it is a struggle. Can he convince her to let go of her son, and take a chance on their mature love? Kelly: 22-28, Southeast Asian / Pacific Islander, met Calvin while out on the town in New York City. Their relationship is new and superficial, and she just wants to have fun. One night, she decides to go home with Calvin for the first time. But, she discovers that


Acclaimed headshot and editorial photographer Tracy Bosworth Page will be in NYC on August 4-5, 2021 for limited openings. With make up artist Pamela Pimpleton.

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