7 minute read
Season includes “Outside Mullingar” (John Patrick Shanley, playwright; Beth Wolf, dir. Runs Feb. 11-Mar.13, 2022, Wed.-Sun.) and “Picasso At The Lapin Agile” (Steve Martin, playwright; Scott Phelps, dir. Runs Apr. 22-May. 22, 2022, Thurs.-Sun.).
• Company: Citadel Theatre Company.
Staff: Ellen Phelps, production manager.
• Season runs in Lake Forest, IL. • Seeking—Equity Actors: 18+. • Seeking submissions from IL. • Audition Forms and information can
be found at www.citadeltheatre.org/ auditions. Prepare one 60-Second, Comedic Monologue.
• For consideration, email a single file
containing video audition, resume, headshot, and forms to auditions@ citadeltheatre.org. Submissions deadline is Oct. 20.
• Pays $231/wk. (CAT N) Equity CAT
• Seeking video submissions from
Equity actors for roles in “Passing Strange.” People with disabilities and those of all gender identities and expressions are encouraged to audition.
• Company: Salt Lake Acting Company.
Staff: Stew, book-lyrics; Stew and Heidi Rodewald, music; created in collaboration with Annie Dorsen; Todd Underwood, dir.-choreo.; Alex Marshall, music dir.; Cynthia Fleming, exec. artistic dir.; Cassie Stokes-Wylie, literary mgr.
• Rehearsals begin Feb. 28, 2022 (Mon.-
Fri., 5-10 p.m. and Sat. 10 a.m.-6 p.m.); runs Apr. 6-May 15 (Weds.-Sat., 7:30 p.m. and Sun. 1 p.m. and 6 p.m.); with additional performances Apr. 19 at 7:30 p.m. and May 7 at 2 p.m. Theater hopes to film and stream the performance to share with audiences as well. Note: Covid-19 precautions as mandated by Equity will govern rehearsals and performance. Anyone entering Salt Lake Acting Company must show proof of full vaccination.
• Seeking—Narrator: male, 50-60,
Black / African Descent. Youth: male, 25-35, Black / African Descent. Mother: female, 40-50, Black / African Descent. Hugo, Christophe, Terry: male, 30-40, Black / African Descent. Sherri, Renata, Desi: female, 30-40, Black / African Descent. Mr. Franklin, Joop, Mr. Venus: male, 30-40, Black / African Descent. Edwina, Marianna, Sudabey: female, 30-40, Black / African Descent.
• Seeking submissions from UT. • For consideration, email audition as
YouTube video submissions to cassie@ saltlakeactingcompany.com. Submissions deadline is Oct. 15 at 10 a.m. MDT. Callbacks will be held Oct. 24.
• Preparation Instructions: Prepare two
brief music selections of contrasting style in contemporary rock, gospel, R&B or similar styles. You may also choose from accompaniment provided at https://drive.google.com/drive/ folders/1rj1LrpzFudo-AJqFmtgGD0ahY64jyJFI.
• For more info, questions, or to
request audition accommodations, call (801) 363-7522, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. MST.
• Salt Lake Acting Company stands in
solidarity with Black Lives Matter and those who demand justice and equality for our Black communities. We acknowledge that we must to do better as a theater company and a society to combat the horrific injustices endured by these communities throughout our history.
• Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimi-
nation. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.
• Pays $523/wk. Equity SPT 6 Contract.
• Seeking video submissions from
Equity actors for one role in “Who’s Holiday.”
• Company: Theater Wit NFP. Staff:
Christopher Pazdernik, dir.; Matt Lombardo, author.
• Rehearsals begin Nov. 1, 2021; tech
begins Nov. 15; runs Nov. 22-Dec. 26 (no performance Dec. 24 or Dec. 25) in Chicago, IL.
• Seeking—Cindy Lou Who: female,
40-49, all ethnicities, female presenting, approx. 40; not the Cindy Lou Who you remember. This is an adult, street-wise, jailbird, foul-rhyming Cindy Lou Who. She has grown up, grown older, parted from the Whoville upbringing, led a sordid life, and is now reaching out to her friends on Christmas Eve. Sings two Christmas songs and one rap. Funny, but with few illusions. Comfortable performing full length one person show with some improvisatory elements.
• Seeking submissions from IL. • For consideration, prepare two video
auditions for the first round. One with the side and one with 30 seconds of an a-capella version of any xmas carol you’d like to sing. You may also use the accompaniment at https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=i_WCFUGCv6M. Submit resume and videos at https:// forms.gle/fMfwVBnsFAbytn8AA sides are also available at the link. Submissions deadline is Oct. 16.
• For more info, visit www.theaterwit.
• Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimi-
nation. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.
• Pays $460/wk. (contract minimum
$435 per week). Equity CAT Contract.
for full character breakdowns, script sides, and more casting notices
• Casting Equity actors for “Plaid
• Company: Theatre Workshop of
Nantucket. Staff: Justin Cerne, dir.; Andrew Graham, music dir.
• Rehearsals Nov. 4 - 25; runs Nov.
26-Dec. 4 in Nantucket, MA.
• Seeking—Sparky: 18+. Smudge: 18+. • Seeking submissions from MA. • For consideration, email video submis-
sion to auditions@theatrenantucket. org. Prepare the song and sides found at https://drive.google.com/drive/ folders/1-W4br79V-6tZ32NIJliy2aSQyvmXnBQ?usp=sharing for the character you are auditioning for. If you do not have access to a reader, you may just read your characters lines. Submissions deadline is Oct. 15.
• For more info, visit www.theatrenan-
• Pays $404/wk. Equity SPT Agreement.
Scripted TV & Video
• Casting a new FX show shooting in
Atlanta, GA.
• Company: Sandi Alessi Casting. • Shoots fall and winter in Atlanta, GA. • Seeking—FBI Agents: all genders,
25-70, to play FBI agents (and other various roles). Note: Must be fully vaccinated. Political Figures: 35-90, to play political figures (and other various roles) to shoot this fall and winter. Atlanta. Must be fully vaccinated. Crazy Looking People: 18+, think missing teeth, loss of hair, scars, etc. (and other various roles). Note: Must be fully vaccinated.
• Seeking submissions from GA. • Send submissions to gcrockercast@
• Pay provided.
Stage Staff & Tech
• Seeking Equity stage managers for “A
Comedy of Tenors.”
• Company: Riverside Theatre Inc. Staff:
Allen D. Cornell, artistic dir.; Kyle Atkins, assoc. prod.; Jimmy Brennan, dir.; Wojcik / Seay Casting, casting.
• Rehearsals begin Jan. 11, 2022; runs
Feb. 1-20 in Vero Beach, FL.
• Seeking—Stage Manager: 18+. • Seeking submissions from FL. • For consideration, submit to kylea@
riversidetheatre.com (Kyle Atkins, Associate Producer, 3250 Riverside Park Drive, Vero Beach, FL 32963). Submissions deadline is Oct. 29. Full Vaccination is required.
• Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimina-
tion. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.
• Pays $1,454/wk. Equity LORT B+ Non-
Rep Contract.
• Seeking an Equity stage manager for
“Jacob Marley’s Christmas Carol.”
• Company: Fulton Theatre Company.
Staff: Tom Mula, dir.
• Prep being Nov. 2; rehearsals begin
Nov. 7; runs Nov. 30-Dec. 26 in Lancaster, PA. Note: Vaccination: All employees must be fully vaccinated against the Covid-19 virus prior to arrival at Fulton Theatre. Covid Guidelines: All employees and Educational Fellowship Participants will adhere to all Federal, State, and local governments Covid-19 guidelines, CDC Covid-19 guidelines.
• Seeking—Equity Stage Manager: 18+,
all ethnicities.
• Seeking submissions from PA. • For consideration, email resume to
jobs@thefulton.org or mail to Timothy Markus, 12 N Prince St., Lancaster, PA 17603. Submissions deadline is Oct. 15.
• Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimina-
tion. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.
• Pays $728/wk. Equity LORT D
Experimental Contract.
• Seeking stage managers and assistant
stage manager for the Lookingglass Mainstage 2021-2022 season. Season includes “Her Honor Jan Byrne” (Preproduction begins Oct.19; runs through Dec. 19 with a possible extension through Dec. 26) and “Lucy and Charlie’s Honeymoon” (Preproduction begins Dec. 28; runs through Apr. 10, 2022).
• Company: Lookingglass Theatre Co.
Staff: Sarah Burnham, dir. of prod.
• Season rehearses and performs in
Chicago, IL. Rehearsal will be five day work week. Tech weeks will be six day work week.
• Seeking—Stage Manager: all genders,
18+, all ethnicities, for both shows. Assistant Stage Manager: all genders, 18+, all ethnicities, for “Her Honor Jane Byrne”
• Seeking submissions from IL. • For consideration, submit resume to
Sarah Burnham at sburnham@lookingglasstheatre.org.
• For more info, visit http://www.
• Pays $732/wk. (SM) and $638/wk.
(ASM) Equity CAT IV Agreement.