Scissor Sisters - Night Work Live by Kevin Tachman

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JAKE SHEARS ANA MATRONIC BABYDADDY DEL MARQUIS JJ GARDEN RANDY REAL CHRISSI POLAND BRIDGET BARKAN Richard Channer / Tour Manager Neil Porter / Production Manager Zoe Jane Smith / Production Assistant Richie Bray / Stage Manager Paul Normandale / Production Designer Colin Lish / Head Security Scott Baldwin / FOH Engineer James Corbin / Monitor Engineer Liam Halpin / Audio Crew Chief Daniel Draper / Audio Tech Salvatore Marinello / Carpenter John Chidley / Backline Tech Cole Gion / Backline Tech

Kim Gueldner / Wardrobe / Hair / Backstage Coordinator Aimee Phillips / Fluffer Thurston / Mascot Huw Lloyd-Davies / Trainer

Anthony Curtin / Lead Truck Driver Paul Tully / Truck Driver Wallace Millar / Truck Driver Steve Harley / Truck Driver Dave Harris / Truck Driver

Kevin Tachman / Tour Photographer

Merchandise Jeremy Joseph, Tanya Davis, Emily Theobald & Ben Rawling / Live Nation Merchandise Ltd.

Glen Johnson / Lighting Director Alexander Johnson / Lighting Crew Gareth Pritchard / Lighting Crew Ben Rogerson / Lighting Crew Graham Feast / Lighting Crew Paul Burke / Rigger / Kinesys Operator David Kennedy / Lasers / Special Effects Mike Hartle / Lasers / Special Effects Jon Shrimpton / Video Director John Steele / System Engineer Rob Wick / Camera Operator / Projectionist Chris Clarke / Catering Beth Henly / Catering Vicky Beever Catering Karl Nolan / Bus Driver – Band Ron Tasker / Bus Driver – Crew 1 Chalky / Bus Driver – Crew 2

Stuart Graham / On Road Merchandiser for Live Nation Merchandise Ltd. Tour merchandise design / Kate Stretton: KatieLove Design for Live Nation Merchandise Ltd. All Images by Kevin Tachman © 2009-10 Cover Image by Kevin Tachman & Seth Kirby Tour book layout and design / Kevin Tachman and Kate Stretton Printed by Nigel Storer for JadenBrand Thank you to Arlene Moon & Mandi Bursteen

revirD kcurT daeL / nitruC ynohtnA revirD kcurT / ylluT luaP revirD kcurT / ralliM ecallaW revirD kcurT / yelraH evetS revirD kcurT / sirraH evaD

/ riaH / ebordraW / rendleuG miK rotanidrooC egatskcaB reffulF / spillihP eemiA tocsaM / notsruhT reniarT / seivaD-dyolL wuH

esidnahcreM dlaboehT ylimE ,sivaD aynaT ,hpesoJ ymereJ .dtL esidnahcreM noitaN eviL / gnilwaR neB &

rehpargotohP ruoT / namhcaT niveK

rof residnahcreM daoR nO / maharG trautS .dtL esidnahcreM noitaN eviL / ngised esidnahcrem ruoT noitaN eviL rof ngiseD evoLeitaK :nottertS etaK .dtL esidnahcreM 01-9002 © namhcaT niveK yb segamI llA ybriK hteS & namhcaT niveK yb egamI revoC / ngised dna tuoyal koob ruoT nottertS etaK dna namhcaT niveK dnarBnedaJ rof rerotS legiN yb detnirP & nooM enelrA ot uoy knahT neetsruB idnaM

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SRAEHS EKAJ CINORTAM ANA YDDADYBAB SIUQRAM LED NEDRAG JJ LAER YDNAR DNALOP ISSIRHC NAKRAB TEGDIRB reganaM ruoT / rennahC drahciR reganaM noitcudorP / retroP lieN tnatsissA noitcudorP / htimS enaJ eoZ reganaM egatS / yarB eihciR rengiseD noitcudorP / eladnamroN luaP ytiruceS daeH / hsiL niloC reenignE HOF / niwdlaB ttocS reenignE rotinoM / nibroC semaJ feihC werC oiduA / niplaH maiL hceT oiduA / reparD leinaD retnepraC / olleniraM erotavlaS hceT enilkcaB / yeldihC nhoJ hceT enilkcaB / noiG eloC

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