TRUTH + LIFE Magazine for Dec. 2016/Jan. 2017 | Back to the Bible Canada

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Psalm 66:5

Come and see what God has done, His awesome deeds for all mankind! Psalm 66:5

“COME AND SEE” is more than a ministry campaign or slogan. It's a movement to draw people's attention to a God worthy of our worship, a God who has created a pathway to a personal relationship with Him. “COME AND SEE” directs the followers of Jesus to remember all He has done for His children, and reminds them about the critical importance of inviting others to experience and know the God of Love through the engagement of His Word, the Bible. Excellence in Bible teaching will always be the priority of our mission. We will continue using every resource at our disposal to extend our reach to all Canadians. All of our programs amongst an ever-growing number of Bible resources are available for free on the radio, online, digital download, mobile app, Audiomail and podcast – all with the express invitation to “Come and see,” to experience, discover and be transformed through the mercy and grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Opportunities for new avenues of ministry are just around the corner: new Bible teaching programs available online with Dr. Neufeld created to answer your questions of spiritual life and faith; a series of indoubt multi-media Bible studies designed specifically to speak Biblically to young adults; Bible teaching conferences for pastors in India; more Bible teaching programs in more languages, more regions; and new plans to offer creative and innovative Bible engagement ministries for children. God’s people have been invited to “COME AND SEE” – to remember, to Worship and to know God, but also to declare the good news to others. Our prayer is that you will join us in 2017 to invest in the vision and mission of Back to the Bible Canada, and that together we might minister in unprecedented ways and invite those who don't know Him to “COME AND SEE.”












Welcome to this month’s edition of TRUTH + LIFE Magazine. In this issue, we focus on looking forward to the good news of the Christmas holiday season and the promises of the new year. We also introduce our initiative for 2017 called COME & SEE based on Psalm 66:5, the Back to the Bible Canada International Efforts campaign and vision along with a new series produced by Back to the Bible about Jude.









TRUTH + LIFE Magazine is published bi-monthly by The Good News Broadcasting Association of Canada, Box 246, STN A Abbotsford, BC V2T 6Z6. All content is copyright © The Good News Broadcasting Association of Canada unless otherwise indicated. BACKTOTHEBIBLE.CA







hen anyone has preached over numerous Christmases (and I have), one begins to wonder if there is anything new to say. After all, Mark’s gospel has nothing about the birth of Christ. Matthew contains two chapters, as does Luke. John’s gospel, although it contains no material about the birth of Christ, contains 18 verses (about half of a chapter) on the theological significance of the incarnation. And that’s it! Four and a half chapters that are returned to year after year. Given that many churches celebrate the four Sundays of Advent and then Christmas Eve followed by a Christmas day sermon, one might expect to hear six sermons on the birth of Jesus every year. Multiply that over 20 years of ministry, and one can visualize some 120 sermons on those brief four and a half chapters! It’s easy to see why a great many preachers, pastors and Christian teachers struggle at Christmas time!


But Matthew’s gospel provides us with a hint that we might have limited our thinking at Christmas far too much. The first 17 verses of Matthew contain a genealogy which lists 42 names, beginning with Abraham and ending with Jesus. Matthew is interested in linking the account of the birth of Jesus with the promise of God through the pages of the entire Bible. Indeed, we can go back further than Matthew does, and begin the story with Adam and Eve’s fall. Genesis 3:15 promises a son of the woman who would crush the head of the serpent. The birth of Seth, who is given to replace the death of his brother Abel, reminds us that God’s program of redemption will continue. The promise to Abraham that God would bless the world through his descendants is a part of Christmas. Jacob’s dying words to his son Judah promises him that the ruler’s staff should not depart from Judah until the one came to whom it DECEMBER 2016 + JANUARY 2017

rightfully belongs. In Deuteronomy 18:15ff, God promises that He will raise up a prophet like Moses, whose word is like the voice of God speaking at Sinai. In 2 Samuel 7:14, God promises David that one of his descendants would sit on his throne and rule the nations. Whether it is in Isaiah 9 with the promise of a child who will be Almighty God, or Isaiah 53 and the song of the suffering servant, Isaiah shows us the coming of Christ over and over again. We could move on to the Psalms. Psalm 2, 22, 69, 110 and more are to be directly applied to Jesus. Zechariah 12, discusses the one who was pierced. The Old Testament ends with Malachi in chapter 3 promising the coming of the “Lord whom you seek.” I have only touched on but a few references to the coming of a Saviour in the Old Testament. But these indicate that the story of DECEMBER 2016 + JANUARY 2017

Christmas does not begin 2,000 years ago; rather, it has its roots in the beginnings of the human story.

CHRISTMAS INSPIRES US TO REMEMBER THAT THERE NEVER WAS A TIME WHEN GOD WAS NOT AT WORK, RECONCILING THE WORLD TO HIMSELF. And so, as I preach another Christmas season, I find I am not out of material at all! I have hardly begun to scratch the surface of the story!

MERRY CHRISTMAS! DR. JOHN NEUFELD is the Canadian Bible Teacher of Back to the Bible Canada, and is well known both nationally and internationally for his excellence in expositional Bible teaching. Dr. Neufeld is passionate about bringing the truth of God’s Word to life across Canada and beyond.




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Exodus 12-13 | Psalm 105 Exodus 14-16 Exodus 17-19 Exodus 20-21 | Psalm 19 Exodus 22-23 | Psalm 12 Exodus 24-25 | Psalm 24 Exodus 26-28 Exodus 29-31 Exodus 32-33 | Psalm 115 Exodus 34-36 Exodus 37-38 | Psalm 15 Exodus 39-40 | Leviticus 1 Leviticus 2-3 | Psalm 38 Leviticus 4-6 Leviticus 7-8 | Psalm 66 Leviticus 9-11 Leviticus 12-14 Leviticus 15-17 Leviticus 18-20 Leviticus 21-23 Leviticus 24-26 Leviticus 27 | Numbers 1 | Psalm 25 Numbers 2-4 Numbers 5-7 Numbers 8-10 Numbers 11-12 | Psalm 106 Numbers 13-15 Numbers 16-17 | Psalm 141

Genesis 1-2 | Psalm 8 Genesis 3-5 Genesis 6-8 Genesis 9-11 Job 1-6 Job 7-13 Job 14-19 Job 20-24 Job 25-29 Job 30-34 Job 35-39 Job 40-42 | Psalms 113, 117, 131 Genesis 12-14 Genesis 15-17 Genesis 18-20 Genesis 21-23 Genesis 24-26 Genesis 27-29 Genesis 30-32 Genesis 33-34 | Psalm 6 Genesis 35-36 | Psalm 31 Genesis 37-38 | Psalm 7 Genesis 39-41 Genesis 42-43 | Psalm 5 Genesis 44-46 Genesis 47-48 | Psalm 4 Genesis 49-50 | Psalm 139 Exodus 1-2 | Psalm 88 Exodus 3-5 Exodus 6-8 Exodus 9-11


PSALM 113:4 DECEMBER 2016 + JANUARY 2017

Join DR. JOHN NEUFELD of Back to the Bible Canada at Break Forth Canada 2017. January 27 - 29 in Edmonton, Alberta. At the Shaw Conference Centre. Break Forth Canada is the country’s largest church equipping and renewal conference. Dr. Neufeld will be speaking at 4 sessions during the pre conference on Friday January, 27 and 2 elective sessions on Saturday, January 28.



DR. JOHN NEUFELD Join DR. JOHN NEUFELD at Promise Keepers and attend a QUEST Conference near you designed to equip and encourage – helping you make a Godly impact that lasts. Promise Keepers Canada is a non-profit organization that has been working with churches since 1995 to minister to men across Canada.

Quest Feb. 27 OTTAWA








new year is approaching. That time when dentists celebrate with the slogan, “Out with the old teeth, in with the new.” That time when we leave some things in the past. Things like that plaid sweater you’ve been wearing since eighth grade. And those bellbottom pants from 1972. Yes, they’ve got to go. I’ve decided I need to leave a few things in the past. Memories that still make me wince. Memories of root canals. Pop quizzes. Scoring into my own net. Pimples. I tell you, I ate a jar of Clearasil each week in ninth grade. It didn’t clear those pimples up. They were large enough to use as ski jumps. So I think I’ll smile and leave it in the past. I was the poster boy for short shorts. You’ll be glad to know we burned them. They’re gone. My daughter found some pictures of me in an old photo album and took a sharpie to those pictures. Blacked out the lower half of me. Then she found photos of me when I was young and well-mustached. She said, “Eww, Dad! Look at this. A weasel is latched onto your lip.” I’m glad I left


that mustache back in 1989. I’m glad I left piano lessons behind and picked up the guitar. Pianos are hard to carry. I also left the trumpet back in fifth grade. I picked that trumpet up and rabbits would flee in terror. Neighbour dogs would put their paws over their ears and howl. Little kids would yell, “Mama! Make it stop!” Of course, there are things I’ve left behind that I wish I hadn’t. I have left CDs in rental cars, phones on airplanes, wallets in restaurants, and a Mickey Mantle rookie card in a box somewhere. People coming behind me were blessed with free stuff. I can be very generous. Sometimes by accident. I suppose it would be nice to go back to those places and un-lose what I lost. But I can’t. There’s no use dwelling on it. Of far greater significance are people I’ve loved who are gone now. My best buddy Lauren. My parents. Rebecca Krahn, our amazing producer here at Laugh Again. I can’t bring them back, but I can thank God for the memories DECEMBER 2016 + JANUARY 2017

and for the fact that I haven’t really lost them. I know exactly where they are. A new year brings new hope. New attitudes. And maybe we need some new words too. Let’s throw out old words like, “If only.” We husbands should say goodbye to words like, “always,” never,” and “fat.” Unless you say, “Honey, it always amazes me how you never look fat.” Go ahead. Say that. And add these words to your vocabulary this coming year. “Beautiful. Fabulous. Amazing. Youdabest. Waytogo. I can’t believe you married me.” Here are ten things I’d like to say more often in 2017. “AM I BLESSED OR WHAT!” “WORRY ABOUT TOMORROW? WILL THAT HELP?” “FORGIVE YOU? ABSOLUTELY. I’VE BEEN FORGIVEN SO MUCH.” “I GUESS GOD CARES AFTER ALL.” “MY FRIEND, I AM SOCKLESS. YOU’VE BLESSED THEM OFF.”


“LIFE COULD BE A WHOLE LOT WORSE.” “I’M SO GLAD THAT’S BEHIND ME. IT’S TIME TO MOVE ON.” “I LOVE YOU MORE THAN GIRAFFES LOVE NECKTIES.” “WOULD I LIKE A LITTLE ICE CREAM? NO. I’D LIKE A LOT.” AND FINALLY, “THANK YOU GOD FOR ANOTHER DAY.” Philippians 3:13-14 says, “Forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Every single day let’s celebrate God’s amazing grace to us. And let’s pass it on. Now, I think I’ll throw out that old jar of Clearasil and this container of mustache wax. PHIL CALLAWAY is the host of the hit radio show Laugh Again, and an award-winning author and speaker.





ehold, a new and wondrous mystery. My ears resound to the Shepherd’s song, piping no soft melody, but chanting full forth a heavenly hymn. The angels sing. The archangels blend their voice in harmony. The Cherubim hymn their joyful praise. The Seraphim exalt His glory. All join to praise this holy feast, beholding the Godhead here on earth, and man in heaven. He Who is above, now for our redemption dwells here below; and He that was lowly is by divine mercy raised. Bethlehem this day resembles heaven; hearing from the stars the singing of angelic voices; and in place of the sun, enfolds within itself on every side the Son of justice. And ask not how: for where God wills, the order of nature yields. For He willed, He had the power, He descended, He redeemed; all things yielded in obedience to God. This day He Who is, is Born; and He Who is, becomes what He was not. For when He was God, He became man; yet not departing from the Godhead that is His. Nor yet by any loss of divinity became He man, nor through increase became He God from man; but being the Word He became flesh, His nature,


because of impassability, remaining unchanged. And so the kings have come, and they have seen the heavenly King that has come upon the earth, not bringing with Him angels, nor archangels, nor thrones, nor dominations, nor powers, nor principalities, but, treading a new and solitary path, He has come forth from a spotless womb. Since this heavenly birth cannot be described, neither does His coming amongst us in these days permit of too curious scrutiny. Though I know that a virgin this day gave birth, and I believe that God was begotten before all time, yet the manner of this generation I have learned to venerate in silence and I accept that this is not to be probed too curiously with wordy speech. For with God we look not for the order of nature, but rest our faith in the power of Him who works. What shall I say to you; what shall I tell you? I behold a mother who has brought forth; I see a Child come to this light by birth. The manner of His conception I cannot comprehend. DECEMBER 2016 + JANUARY 2017

Nature here rested, while the Will of God laboured. Oh ineffable grace! The only begotten, Who is before all ages, Who cannot be touched or be perceived, Who is simple, without body, has now put on my body, that is visible and liable to corruption. For what reason? That coming amongst us He may teach us, and teaching, lead us by the hand to the things that men cannot see. For since men believe that the eyes are more trustworthy than the ears, they doubt of that which they do not see, and so He has deigned to show Himself in bodily presence, that He may remove all doubt. Christ, finding the holy body and soul of the virgin, builds for Himself a living temple, and as He had willed, formed there a man from the virgin; and, putting Him on, this day came forth; unashamed of the lowliness of our nature. For it was to Him no lowering to put on what He Himself had made. Let that handiwork be forever glorified, which became the cloak of its own Creator. For as in the first creation of flesh, man could not be made before the clay had come into His hand, so neither could this corruptible body be glorified, until it had first become the garment of its Maker. What shall I say! And how shall I describe this birth to you? For this wonder fills me with astonishment. The Ancient of days has become an infant. He Who sits upon the sublime and heavenly throne now lies in a manger. And He Who cannot be touched, Who is simple, without complexity, and incorporeal, now lies subject to the hands of men. He Who has broken the bonds of sinners, is now bound by an infant’s bands. But He has decreed that ignominy shall become honour, infamy be clothed with glory, and total humiliation the measure of His DECEMBER 2016 + JANUARY 2017

goodness. For this He assumed my body, that I may become capable of His Word; taking my flesh, He gives me His spirit; and so He bestowing and I receiving, He prepares for me the treasure of life. He takes my flesh to sanctify me; He gives me His Spirit that He may save me. Come, then, let us observe the feast. Truly wondrous is the whole chronicle of the nativity. For this day the ancient slavery is ended, the devil confounded, the demons take to flight, the power of death is broken, paradise is unlocked, the curse is taken away, sin is removed from us, error driven out, truth has been brought back, the speech of kindliness diffused, and spreads on every side, a heavenly way of life has been inplanted on the earth, angels communicate with men without fear, and men now hold speech with angels. Why is this? Because God is now on earth, and man in heaven; on every side all things commingle. He became flesh. He did not become God. He was God. Wherefore He became flesh, so that He Whom heaven did not contain, a manger would this day receive. He was placed in a manger, so that He, by whom all things are nourished, may receive an infant’s food from His virgin mother. So, the Father of all ages, as an infant at the breast, nestles in the virginal arms, that the Magi may more easily see Him. Since this day the Magi too have come, and made a beginning of withstanding tyranny; and the heavens give glory, as the Lord is revealed by a star. To Him, then, Who out of confusion has wrought a clear path, to Christ, to the Father, and to the Holy Ghost, we offer all praise, now and for ever. Amen.


Discipleship. Sexuality. Faith. LIFE. indoubt helps young adults tackle the tough issues with biblical truth. Check out our new podcast episode every Monday.





in Partnership with Back to the Bible India We’re bringing the Bible teaching of DR. JOHN NEUFELD to India through a partnership with Back to the Bible India! Help us proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ around the world. Please PRAY and consider a financial GIFT today! Together we can proclaim the truth of God’s Word to a country of 1.2 billion people! For details about how you can join us in partnership and all that is taking place in India, go to or call 1.800.663.2425.





here’s a book in the Bible that we as a church today, at least in the West, can’t handle. It’s looked over. It’s often misunderstood.

Much of it’s contents are skimmed. It’s the letter written to the 1st century church by Jude. The reason why I say that this letter today is seen as irrelevant is because I’m not sure if we can take to heart its core purpose. I’m not sure if we’re prepared for what God, through Jude, has written for us. Jude is writing to the 1st century church, not “just because” or “he wants a following” or “he wants to be heard” – no. He’s writing to the 1st century church out of obligation. Based on Jude’s profound love for the gospel and immense love for the church, he’s obligated to write. Why? What for? And what is he saying? Jude 4 explains it: “For certain people have crept in unnoticed…who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality


and deny our only Master and Lord Jesus Christ.” He’s obligated to write because the gospel he so dearly loves is being perverted. And he knows that a perverted gospel doesn’t save sinners, nor does it build up believers. In fact, any gospel that has any ounce of perversion in regards to God’s grace or the person of Jesus, breaks down the believer. I’ve seen it with my very eyes.

A PERVERTED GOSPEL MAKES PERVERTED PEOPLE. Jude sees this going on in the 1st century church and he’s devastated. And it’s because of this false teaching disguised in “Christianity” that he’s obligated to write. We fool ourselves to think we don’t need to worry about false teaching today – that it’s not a priority. Jude is obligated to write based on his love for the gospel and the church. So, what does he write to the first century church? Jude 3 gets to the heart of the letter: “…I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered DECEMBER 2016 + JANUARY 2017

to the saints.” Based on the fact that false teachers have crept in and have begun perverting the grace of God and denying Jesus, Jude appeals (or “strongly or seriously urges”) the church to contend for the faith. Now, we don’t use this word “contend” much anymore, but it means “to argue” or “state in a strong and definite way.” And what is the object of this? The faith. Not a subjective faith but the objective faith. I’m going to keep saying this over and over again because it’s crucial we get this: Jude was obligated to write, based on his love of the gospel and the church, that they, the church, contend for the faith, because false teachers have crept into the church and are teaching false gospels – leading people astray. Can we listen? Can we read Jude’s appeal to the church and do it? Can we argue or state in a strong and definite way the one true gospel? Yes, we can. But in order to fulfill this command given to us by God DECEMBER 2016 + JANUARY 2017

(remember that Jude in his writing was being carried along by the Holy Spirit), we must believe what Jude believed. We must love the gospel and love the church.

To kick off the New Year this February 2017, we’re releasing our very first video Bible study called JUDE: For the Faith. It’s a five-week video Bible Study on the all too often skipped letter of Jude. This study will help equip Christians in “contending for the faith” as Jude so strongly urges.

ISAAC DAGNEAU is the leader of indoubt, a ministry of the GNBAC that seeks to bring God’s Word into the lives of youth and young adults through creative media arts.



JUDE: For the Faith is a 5-week verse-by-verse study of the ancient letter to the 1st Century Church by Jude. Often skimmed and misunderstood, Jude’s letter asks for attentive minds as he makes a strong appeal to stand firm for the one true faith – the gospel. Upon studying the letter from Jude, one will see how relevant the content is for today. Jude urges Christians to preach the gospel in the midst of a dark world, to mature in their faith by prayer and intentional living, to respond to those in and outside the Church in a Christ-like manner, and to worship their King Jesus.

JUDE: For the Faith includes 5 teaching video sessions, with 5 session cards to go with each. The session cards each include a READING, REFLECTION, AND RESPONSE (questions).

JUDE: For the Faith will be available February 2017.



A Priceless Inheritance

Elaine and Jack did not think estate planning was for them – after all, other than some life insurance, a bit of RRSP savings and the family cottage, they had little financial assets. And really, their four kids would certainly not get rich from what would be left to them. But when Elaine and Jack met with an ADVISORS with Purpose estate specialist to ensure that their will was current and biblically sound, they were genuinely surprised to learn that they would leave an estate valued at close to $675,000 – after a potential tax bill of around $74,000. After considering several options Elaine and Jack chose to add a fifth child as a beneficiary to their will - a “CHILD CALLED CHARITY”. They were thrilled because this option allowed them to eliminate the tax bill and leave a little over $150,000 to each child and they could leave a gift of over $135,000 to charity as well. Never in their life had they been able to make that kind of donation. And when Elaine and Jack told the children how, through their will they would continue to build God’s Kingdom, the legacy they left their children was indeed priceless. Through our partnership with ADVISORS with Purpose, we are pleased to offer you a confidential review of your will and estate. Call today and speak to one of their qualified specialists. 89 Auriga Dr. | Ottawa | ON | K2E 7Z2 1.866.336.3315 WWW.ADVISORSWITHPURPOSE.CA



Would you join us in 2017 for an unprecedented year of ministry? And through the power and the direction of His Holy Spirit, would you help us pursue our nation as never before for His Kingdom? Psalm 66:5 says, “Come and see what God has done, His awesome deeds for mankind!” Let me take you behind the doors of Back to the Bible Canada to come and see the evidence of the deep thirst for God’s Word, a few of His great accomplishments in 2016, and the incredible impact upon individual lives.


Eclipsed 1,300 ministry programs aired every week

The TRUTH + LIFE Magazine, now distributed to over 6,400 bi-monthly subscribers

The new website, offering all of our Bible teaching and engagement resources, surpassing 20,000 visits per month

indoubt √ √

Our young adult weekly Bible engagement podcast downloaded over 3,000 times in one month indoubt:live - Opening night in October welcomed a full house of young adults searching for biblical understanding on the topic of “Sexual Identity”


√ √


The program celebrated its 650th episode with an ever-increasing international audience The 3rd annual Laugh Again Christmas

Tour in partnership with Compassion Canada with a goal of 850 total child sponsorships!


The offices of Back to the Bible India have been refurbished The re-equipping of the audio studio is under way The Bible teaching program with Dr. John Neufeld in India will launch January 2017 The first two Back to the Bible Expositional Bible teaching training conferences for pastors will take place in February 2017 in Hyderabad and Pune, India *All of our Bible ministry programs are heard on radio, online, through podcast, Audiomail and mobile application - all for free to students, men and women of all ages and backgrounds, breaking down barriers for anyone to receive effective, trustworthy Bible teaching.

We are so grateful to God for all He has accomplished, but also the very evident impact on individual lives…

BACK TO THE BIBLE CANADA “I am thankful for Dr. John’s teachings, his humble and imploring style of presentation, and the sustained focus on the rather inconvenient truths


of God’s Word.”

indoubt “This was fantastic! …something that is relevant to the culture today, especially to twentysomethings.”

LAUGH AGAIN “I love the way Phil meshes humour with the gospel. I laugh and then God speaks to me. I’m surprised by just how often it is just what I needed to hear.” As we strive to embrace both opportunity and need in 2017, we earnestly pray for your considered financial partnership. Together we are both witnesses and proclaimers of all our God has done. As such, we are compelled to invite you to join us in this ministry and we move forward in confidence with a great vision to produce and provide more Bible programs and resources than any time in Canadian history:

Reach out to increasingly diverse people groups, demographics, backgrounds and ages, within and beyond our borders.

Connect using more ministry mediums more effectively and expand our reach on air, using every technology at our disposal.

Engage the lost, the uncertain and the disciple at every point of need, always striving to lead people closer in their journey with Christ.


Challenge the world’s lies with uncompromised, transformational Bible teaching that offers truth, hope, joy, peace and the salvation that comes from knowing Jesus. The invitation to “COME & SEE” is active and compels us as God’s people to remember and respond. We call on all of our faithful partners to join us in extraordinary ways for an extraordinary God, and to partner to make 2017 unprecedented in its spiritual impact upon our nation.

Our faith goal by December 31 is to realize gifts of $500,000. We’ve never aimed this high, but we’ve also never had such a compelling sense of urgency and opportunity. Please send you gift in by or post marked no later than December 31 to qualify for a 2016 charitable tax receipt. Could I, along with our leadership team, ask for your gracious and generous support? We commit to you and to our Lord to do our utmost to pursue our nation for His Kingdom through the Holy Spirit’s power and direction. COME & SEE the incredible deeds of our God!

May God richly bless you as you worship him this Christmas Season.




Do you share our passion for Bible teaching that presents the truth of God’s Word to a nation? To the world? PARTNER TO TELL is our MONTHLY PARTNER PROGRAM for those who share this passion. These ministry partners have become foundational to sustaining and growing this mission every day. Please join us in reaching our goal of 700 PARTNERS in 2017. Call us today or visit our website to become a BACK TO THE BIBLE CANADA MONTHLY PARTNER. 1.800.663.2425

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