Thank you for helping us reach our December financial goal of $500,000. We are so humbled and grateful to each and every one of you!
FOR THE FAITH JUDE: For the Faith is a 5-week, verse-byverse Bible study of the ancient letter to the 1st Century Church by Jude. Often skimmed and misunderstood, Jude’s letter asks for attentive minds as he makes a strong appeal to stand firm for the one true faith – the gospel.
CONTENTS ARTICLES Marriage and Covenant DR. JOHN NEUFELD Four Lasting Investments PHIL CALLAWAY Your Marriage is Worth Fighting For NEIL JOSEPHSON Marriage in Light of Eternity ISAAC DAGNEAU This is Love RAY DUECK
JUDE: For the Faith includes 5 teaching video sessions, with 5 session cards to go with each. The session cards each include: READING, REFLECTION, AND RESPONSE.
Available at: jude.backtothebible.ca
FEATURES BIBLE READING Dr. John Neufeld BACK TO THE BIBLE INDIA International Efforts CELEBRATIONS OF MARRIAGE One-week series from Dr. John Neufeld CARRIBEAN CRUISE DETAILS Coming in 2018
MARRIAGE AND COVENANT DR. JOHN NEUFELD is the Canadian Bible Teacher of Back to the Bible Canada, and is well known both nationally and internationally for his excellence in expositional Bible teaching. Dr. Neufeld is passionate about bringing the truth of God’s Word to life across Canada and beyond.
Because so many couples live together out of wedlock, marriage is for many simply a formalizing of a relationship that has already begun. For them, 4 | FEBRUARY + MARCH 2017
whether one formalizes the relationship or not, is simply a matter of personal preference. The questions of sex before marriage have long since been discarded
in favour of personal decisions regarding the use of one's own body.
is incomplete until male and female comes into being.
The Bible presents us with a starkly different worldview. Marriage is so much more than love, sex, relationship and learning how to live together. Marriage is rooted in the Creator’s design for the human race. The first human institution is not government or even religion; it is marriage. Clearly God so created us, that we would function best within marriage. But how did this come about?
God deliberately designed men and women so that we are incomplete without the presence of the complement. Hence Adam is told that God will make for him a helper, who is fit for him. The meaning is that she is designed in such a way, that he now can function fulfilling God’s purpose for him.
In Genesis 1:27, the Creator announces what He has made. “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” Immediately we are left with a question. God could have found numerous ways of propagating the species. Why, in His wise designs, did He choose to create the human race in two genders? Part of the answer to that question is found in the second chapter of Genesis. Adam has been created, but verse 18 says, “Then the LORD God said, ‘It is not good that man should be alone.” Those words should surprise the careful Bible reader. Until this moment, each successive day of creation ended with the word, “And God saw that it was good.” God does not create that which is substandard; He only creates that which is good. And so, we must assume that God deliberately left something undone, then completed it later, so that we might never forget that the human race
And with that, Genesis 2:24 brings us to the conclusion. “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the they shall become one flesh.” That is to say, the institution of marriage was designed by God to aid the man and woman in fulfilling God’s intention for their lives. When we come to the New Testament, this foundation is expanded. Ephesians 5:22-33 contains a lengthy description around the kind of relationship that should exist within marriage. Husbands are to love their wives as Christ loves the church, and wives are to submit to their husbands as the church submits to Christ. And then, in verse 31, Paul repeats the phrase found in Genesis 2:24, but in verse 32 he adds, “This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and His church.” Clearly, marriage is ordained by God to reflect not only our purpose in creation, but also, our purpose in redemption. And it is for this reason, that marriage is never about people cohabiting. It is a sacred mystery, in which a man and a woman come together to express their joy in the Creator’s design for their lives. BACKTOTHEBIBLE.CA | 5
A ONE-WEEK SERIES The covenant of marriage is like no other. God had a holy relationship and purpose in mind. Discover the covenant and intimacy of marriage along with the very practical building blocks of marriage as Dr. Neufeld teaches from the Word and hosts three biblically insightful interviews with special guests regarding preparing, fortifying and redeeming marriages today. Additional copies are $8 + shipping and handling. To order, visit backtothebible.ca or call 1.800.663.2425
APRIL 2017
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Judges 4-6 Judges 7-8 | Psalm 3 Judges 9-10 | Psalm 49 Judges 11-12 | Psalm 140 Judges 13-15 Judges 16-18 Judges 19-21 Ruth 1-2 | Psalm 16 Ruth 3-4 | Psalm 61 1 Samuel 1-2 | Psalm 127 & 128 1 Samuel 3-4 | Psalm 77 1 Samuel 5-6 | Psalm 97 1 Samuel 7-8 | Psalm 68 1 Samuel 9-11 1 Samuel 12-13 | 1 Chronicles 1 1 Chronicles 2-3 | 1 Samuel 14 1 Chronicles 4-5 | 1 Samuel 15 1 Samuel 16 | Psalm 89 | 1 Chronicles 6 1 Samuel 17 | Psalm 144 | 1 Chronicles 7 1 Chronicles 8-9 | 1 Samuel 18 1 Samuel 19-20 | Psalm 59 1 Samuel 21-22 | Psalm 52, 56 1 Samuel 23-24 | Psalm 54, 58, 34 1 Samuel 25-26 | Psalm 57, 142 1 Samuel 27-29 | Psalm 63 1 Samuel 30-31 | 1 Chronicles 10 | Psalm 10 2 Samuel 1-2 | 1 Chronicles 11 | Psalm 18 2 Samuel 3-4 | 1 Chronicles 12 1 Chronicles 13 | 2 Samuel 5 | Psalm 21 1 Chronicles 14 | 2 Samuel 6 | Psalm 132
Numbers 18-20 Numbers 21-22 | Psalm 28 Numbers 23-25 Numbers 26-28 Numbers 29-31 Numbers 32-34 Numbers 35-36 | Deuteronomy 1 Deuteronomy 2-4 Deuteronomy 5-6 | Psalm 1 Deuteronomy 7-8 | Psalm 33 Deuteronomy 9-11 Deuteronomy 12-13 | Psalm 20 Deuteronomy 14-16 Deuteronomy 17-19 Deuteronomy 20-22 Deuteronomy 23-25 Deuteronomy 26-27 | Psalm 9 Deuteronomy 28-29 | Psalm 41 Deuteronomy 30-32 Deuteronomy 33-34 | Psalm 90 Joshua 1-2 | Psalm 37 Joshua 3-5 Joshua 6-7 | Psalm 118 Joshua 8-9 | Psalm 91 Joshua 10-12 Joshua 13-15 Joshua 16-18 Joshua 19-21 Joshua 22-23 | Psalm 47 Joshua 24 | Psalm 135 | Judges 1 Judges 2-3 | Psalm 44
PSALM 54:4
FOUR LASTING INVESTMENTS PHIL CALLAWAY is the host of the hit radio show Laugh Again, and an award-winning author and speaker.
My wife Ramona is eight months older than me. No one believes this. Someone asked her, “Is it your dad who writes those books?” Guess what she said? “Yes.” (I was surprised too. Please pray for her!) One day she looked at my balding head and said, “When I agreed to grow old with you, I didn’t mean this rapidly.” Somehow we’ve managed to stay married a very long time. It’s a miracle really. When I was a boy, the only people achieving such milestones were old people with ample wrinkles and high foreheads—people who were so old they had likely reached their 40s and needed help getting up escalators. Most seemed happy. Others looked like love was a dream and marriage was the alarm clock. Willard Scott likened a good marriage to a good retirement fund. You invest in it and, through the years, it turns from silver to gold to platinum. Investments like quantity time. Tender words. Remembering her birthday. Forgetting her age. Here are made.
four other deposits we’ve
We laugh together. It’s impossible
to be angry while laughing together. Sometimes we laugh at a movie, a memory, or a touching moment where I accidentally walk into a tree. I have yet to meet a couple whose marriage is in trouble who say, “We laugh too much together.”
We golf together. My wife enjoys
golf about as much as I enjoy shopping
for curtain fabric. Still, she comes along sometimes and cheers as I putt. This is annoying for the golfer, but I love having her there. Our fifth anniversary was celebrated on a golf course at her suggestion. Perhaps that’s why I find it easier to do the dishes, vacuum carpets, bath the dog, or vacuum the dog. If you do this, be careful with those small dogs.
We pray and read the Bible together. One study shows that
couples who pray together report “the most satisfying marriages of all.” Prayer unites us before God. It boosts honesty and humility. It deepens communication. The Bible speaks truth. It imparts wisdom and hope. Jude verse 20 says, “But you, dear friends, must build each other up in your most holy faith, pray in the power of the Holy Spirit.” Lately, Ramona and I have been thanking God for His amazing grace. For taking two selfish kids and pulling them close to Himself and close to each other.
We play together. Whatever your
age, refuse to grow up. Keep a playful spirit. Make fun a part of your daily routine. Ramona loves to get silly notes from me. Like one I attached to a bag of peanuts. It said, “I hope you like these, my dear. Sorry. I sucked the chocolate off.” This reminds me of the guy who came home to find a note next to a Nerf gun. It read, “Welcome home babe. I’m hiding in the house with a Nerf gun. Here’s the other one. Loser cooks dinner. May the odds be ever in your favour.” BACKTOTHEBIBLE.CA | 9
This past Christmas season, Laugh Again with Phil Callaway completed a tour across Canada with musical guest Jay Calder. Hosted by Back to the Bible Canada, these events brought a unique message of hope, healing and encouragement. Along with the humour of Phil, the tour presented the ministry of Compassion Canada to audiences across the country and the opportunity to sponsor underprivileged children around the world. Total Attendance: 3,018 Total number of children sponsored through Compassion Canada: 228 We were privileged to have visited the following communities: Vancouver, BC | Aldergrove, BC | Langley, BC | Grande Prairie, AB Landmark, MB | Killarney, MB | Tisdale, SK | Osler, SK | St. Thomas, ON Mississauga, ON | St. Catharines, ON | Ottawa, ON | Midhurst, ON
DR. JOHN NEUFELD Join DR. JOHN NEUFELD at Promise Keepers and attend a QUEST Conference near you that's designed to equip and encourage – helping you make a godly impact that lasts. Promise Keepers Canada is a non-profit organization that has been working with churches since
1995 to minister to men across Canada.
Feb. 27 OTTAWA
STARTING MARCH 6 Do you have burning questions about life, faith and want to know what the Bible has to say? That’s the objective of our new weekly video program featuring Dr. John Neufeld called TRUTH + LIFE Today. Please watch it on our YouTube channel OR visit TruthandLifeToday.com
in Partnership with Back to the Bible India Back to the Bible Canada is partnering with Back to the Bible India to facilitate Bible teaching programming and resources featuring the Bible teaching programs of DR. JOHN NEUFELD. Please PRAY and consider a financial GIFT today! Together we can proclaim the truth of God’s Word to a country of 1.2 billion people! For details about how you can join us in partnership and all that is taking place in India, go to:
International.BacktotheBible.ca or call 1.800.663.2425.
YOUR MARRIAGE IS WORTH FIGHTING FOR NEIL AND SHAROL JOSEPHSON Sharol and Neil were married in 1978 and have two married sons with two grandsons. Together they speak at FamilyLife events.
67% of first-time marriages go the distance. I was reading a report on divorce statistics from StatsCan and this fact jumped off the page. It seemed to contradict a much repeated statistic that 50% of marriages end in divorce. So which one is true? Well, they both 12 | FEBRUARY + MARCH 2017
are, actually. Two of every three new marriages will indeed last for life‌.but the 50% statistic is also true because it includes all marriages and the fact is that second and third marriages (and fourth and
fifth for that matter!) divorce at a much higher rate. Don’t these facts make you wonder, “Why do subsequent marriages fail at a significantly higher rate than first marriages?” Reflecting on the thousands of couples we have known and worked with, here is what I think are the prime reasons marriage fail: MISDIAGNOSIS Many people end their first marriage convinced that they simply married the “wrong person.” With that belief, it becomes very easy to overlook some very serious relationship shortcomings in themselves or any unhealthy relationship patterns that may have grown. When this is the case, it should not be surprising that similar issues arise in the next marriage. Like Yogi Berra said, “Wherever you go, there you are.” The first step to resolving issues in a first or subsequent marriage is always to be honest about and change the only thing you can really control – yourself! BLENDING FAMILIES When people remarry, there are often children involved … and blending families is difficult! Parenting is always challenging, but I don’t know a remarried couple who doesn’t say that step-parenting is WAY harder. And that makes sense – I mean, how can it not be harder when you are blending two different parenting styles and histories plus the dynamics of shared custody and whole different sets of values and guidelines at the other homes? Add in the additional emotional stuff the kids and parents experience through a break up, solo time. Then add a new marriage and you have a very complex situation.
Remarriage expert Ron Deal (www. successfulstepfamilies.com) says it takes an average of seven years for remarried couples with kids to fully blend. Because these complex blended parenting issues are the most challenging in the early days, I think a lot of couples find it just too hard to make it to seven years. If you are step-parenting in the first seven years, there is hope! Yes, it’s hard but there is help available. BAGGAGE Every one of us brings baggage into marriage…for some of us, it is only a backpack and for others of us it is a truck load! Baggage from any past relationship can complicate all the usual marital challenges of two people building a relationship of mutual trust, intimacy and respect. When one has experienced the pain, loss, disillusionment and broken trust of a divorce, it is understandable that they will bring extra baggage into a future marriage and thereby reduce the chances of going the distance. In light of all this, it seems far wiser to me to strengthen, heal and restore the marriage you are in rather than leave it believing a future marriage will be easier. I have had many remarried couples tell me that if they had known how difficult their second marriage was going to be, they would have worked harder at the first one. The fact is that divorce only ends a marriage legally. Divorce has no power to end unresolved issues or to make unhealthy behaviours vanish. I have always believed and I think these statistics support that our best chance for a lifelong marriage is the first one.
MARRIAGE IN LIGHT OF ETERNITY ISAAC DAGNEAU is the leader of indoubt, the young adult ministry of Back to the Bible Canada. indoubt hosts a weekly podcast with special guests that discuss relevant issues of life and faith with a biblical perspective.
What is the purpose of marriage? Or, what is the end-goal of marriage? This is an important question that’s being asked and answered today. In an age when marriage and family are 14 | FEBRUARY + MARCH 2017
being highly critiqued and modified by Western culture, it’s crucial for the church to promote and model what godly marriage is by asking and answering these questions according to the Bible.
But, culture is asking as well – and answering. Unfortunately, culture didn’t ask the right Person. In fact, culture asked itself, resulting in an understanding of the purpose of marriage that’s completely distorted from the biblical worldview. You see, culture’s view usually doesn’t involve eternity. Why is eternity involved? Eternity’s involved because you can’t understand marriage without eternity. When no view of eternity is in mind, then marriage (in its truest sense) is of no purpose. But we’re not just speaking of eternity ambiguously. We’re talking about the eternity understood from what God’s told us – that every spirit/ soul of a person will forever live in either heaven or hell. Now, it doesn’t take long to understand that marriage only takes up about a fraction of a second in someone’s whole life – based on the fact that we live on and on and on. Marriage is not eternal, but is for our eternal benefit. You see, we can’t ask what the purpose or end-goal of marriage is without first asking what the purpose or endgoal of life is. We, as Christians, have a “chief end” to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. That forever goes on and on into eternity. Now, marriage must fit into this “chief end.” What this means is that marriage has a bigger picture and purpose than what it is in and of itself. The mystery of marriage, as Paul explains in Ephesians 5:32, is that it refers to Christ and the church. Biblically speaking, a man ought to love and sacrifice for his wife like Christ loved and sacrificed for the church, and
a woman ought to submit to and respect her husband like the church submits to and respects Christ. As you can see, both husband and wife in a marriage reflect Christ to one another (love, sacrifice, submission, and respect). Not only to one another, but if they have children, this reflection of Christ increases (or, sadly, decreases). This is important because there’s only one way to glorify and enjoy God. That one way is in Christ. As we mature in our faith and experience sanctification by the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives, then our reflection of Christ towards one another in marriage will be to God’s glory and our enjoyment. Why? Because it’s done in Christ. Ultimately, a husband’s goal in marriage is to help his wife glorify and enjoy God forever (and ever and ever), and the wife’s goal is the same for her husband. And, again, if they have children, they are to mutually best lead them this way as well. On a personal level, I’m humbled and honoured that God led me to my wife to now lead her to an eternal life with Him. All this to say, marriage ought to be considered in light of eternity, not just in the present. This is important to grasp since culture has made marriage about the individual (what can they be or do for me?). May we, as the church, rise to promote and model well the purpose and endgoal of marriage: to help lead one another in Christ and to Christ in heaven.
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THIS IS LOVE RAY DUECK has been in pastoral ministries for over 35 years. As a graduate of Talbot, School of Theology, Pastor Ray is passionate about teaching the Word of God and caring for His people.
Last summer, my wife and I went to see the classic, tragic love story, Romeo and Juliet. I loved the setting: English Bay in the background featuring sailboats 18 | FEBRUARY + MARCH 2017
on the water, seagulls flying above the waves, rugged mountains off in the distance, and a beautiful date by my side.
As dusk fell, the story began when the large heavy “stone” walls (simulating castles) rolled onto the stage. We were introduced to the two noble families at war in the town of Verona: the Montagues and Capulets. They had been feuding for years and swords were pulled out at the slightest provocation. Violence and revenge directed and consumed their lives.
In this passage of Scripture, we see the basic qualities of authentic Christian love. After explaining the unrivaled value of love (vs 1-3), Paul gives us a clear description of what love is. Charles B. Williams restates this passage in the following way:
Romeo, the dashing young son of the Montagues, however, becomes disinterested in the feud when he falls in love with Juliet. Then, he discovers that she is the beautiful young daughter of his father’s sworn enemy, the Capulets. The rest of the story is about the two young lovers trying to meet discreetly without being found out by their respective families. They wed secretly hoping that this will end the feud. However, their lives end in tragedy … but then you know the rest of the story.
It never boasts, is never puffed with pride;
A beautiful love story. Classic and breath-taking. But just a story. Wouldn’t it be something if love was really that self-sacrificing? In an age when demanding one’s rights is considered a virtue, we must read again and again what love really is. I Corinthians 13:48 describes the nature of Christian love – a well thought-out, counting-the-cost kind of love. Agape love. “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.” (NIV)
Love is so patient and so kind;
Love never boils with jealousy;
It does not act with rudeness, or insist upon its rights;
It never gets provoked, it never harbors evil thoughts; Is never glad when wrong is done,
But always glad when truth prevails; It bears up under anything,
It exercises faith in everything, It keeps up hope in everything,
It gives us power to endure in anything. Taken together, these verses (4-8) clearly portray love as selfless, seeking the good of the other person first and foremost. In love we take God’s side, share His outlook and implement His designs; and we treat our neighbours as God has treated us (Romans 15:1-7). Look back to those last three words from our passage: “Love never fails.” In the Greek, the word “fail” means “to fall, the fading of flowers, the collapse of a building, or to fall to pieces.” The idea is that love will never collapse, it will never fall or fail, it will never end. The love of God is permanent, and survives everything. This is what I strive for … and the love that I want to offer to my own sweet “Juliet.” BACKTOTHEBIBLE.CA | 19
Come aboard The Royal Caribbean Freedom of the Seas. Discover the beautiful Caribbean while enjoying a week of relaxation, and being restored in God’s Word. WHAT TO EXPECT • Bible teaching and devotions with Dr. John Neufeld of Back to the Bible Canada • Humorous and encouraging sessions with Laugh Again’s Phil Callaway • Worship and music with special musical guests • Great food • Amazing weather and sandy beaches TO REGISTER: 1-877-229-6155 FOR MORE INFORMATION: BACKTOTHEBIBLE.CA/CRUISE
TRUTH + LIFE Magazine is published bi-monthly by The Good News Broadcasting Association of Canada, Box 246, STN A Abbotsford, BC V2T 6Z6. All content is copyright © The Good News Broadcasting Association of Canada unless otherwise indicated. BACKTOTHEBIBLE.CA