JUNE + JULY 2017
You can help Back to The Bible Canada reach our June Fiscal Year-End Goal of $338,000.
MATCH CAMPAIGN: Through generous pledges of ministry friends, your gift will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to a total of $75,000.
Your faithful and fervent prayers for Back to the Bible Canada make all that we do possible. Your faithful and sacrificial giving allows us to air our radio program and provide all of our online and print resources free of charge to people across the country and around the world.
Your active participation in the ministry is key. BACKTOTHEBIBLE.CA/WETEACHTHEBIBLE 1.800.663.2425
JUNE + JULY 2017
Discover the beautiful Eastern Caribbean while enjoying a week of relaxation and being restored in God’s Word.
WHAT TO EXPECT Bible teaching and devotions with Dr. John Neufeld of Back to the Bible Canada
How to Study the Bible DR. JOHN NEUFELD Bumpa PHIL CALLAWAY We Teach the Bible BEN LOWELL Cultivating Conversation ISAAC DAGNEAU The Bible - God's Message to Us RAY DUECK
Humourous and encouraging sessions with Laugh Again’s Phil Callaway Worship and music with The Wiebes Great food Amazing weather and sandy beaches
Prices start from $1,406.55/person CAD based on double occupancy. To Register: 1.877.229.6155 For more information: BACKTOTHEBIBLE.CA/CRUISE
DR. JOHN NEUFELD is the Canadian Bible Teacher of Back to the Bible Canada, and is well known both nationally and internationally for his excellence in expositional Bible teaching. Dr. Neufeld is passionate about bringing the truth of God’s Word to life across Canada and beyond.
4 | JUNE + JULY 2017
For some, studying the Bible is one of the most familiar things they do. Perhaps that’s you. You have read your Bible devotionally for years, and you have also taken the time to study significant passages of Scripture. And you have reaped the benefit in your life. But for others, the art of Bible Study is somewhat of a mystery. How do I get started? How do I do it? I sometimes hear Bible teachers get so much out of scripture, and I have learned from it, but I don’t know how to do it for myself. How can I start? In what follows, here is a short approach in getting started to a life of studying the Bible.
1. Choose a book to study.
I would encourage you to begin with a book that has really interested you in the past. If you have been a Christian for some time, but are still a novice at Bible study, you may have been drawn to a specific book. If you are a new Christian, might I encourage you with the book of Mark. It is longer, but still short enough, (16 chapters), and it will give you what you need the most at the beginning. Get to know the life of Jesus.
Start with Prayer. After all, the reason for studying the Bible, is to know your God more fully. The Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit. Ask God to give you an attitude of humility and a willingness to submit to, and believe in what you read.
Learn what you can about the book from helpful resources. Who was the book written to? Who is the author? What is the purpose for writing? What kind of literature is this?
If you can, outline the book. That will give you a sense of the flow of thought. Some people can do outlines better than others. But it really is O.K. to cheat, and look up the outlines that others have done. By paying attention to the outline, you will learn a lot about the flow of the book.
Use a notebook, and write down key words and phrases. A key word is one that appears over and over again. Some people like to underline or highlight their Bible. If that is you, you might want to circle or underline the key phrases that you find.
Take a smaller section of the book, and write out what you think the author is saying in your own words. Doing this can be very helpful, because it shows that you have grasped the basic idea.
Share what you are learning with others, especially more mature Christians who might be able to help you deepen what you have learned.
Learn to make application. Are there promises to believe? Are their commands to keep? Are there attitudes that need to be changed? Are there things of which you need to repent? Are there new insights you need to digest?
Finally, keep at it. The more you do it, the more you will want to do it. You will develop a hunger for it, and you will learn to walk more closely with God.
Join Dr. John Neufeld and Back to the Bible Canada for:
CHURCH ON THE BEACH Sunday, August 27 9:00AM to 10AM Crystal/Bay Beach in Fort Erie, Ontario
Church on the Beach is a non-denominational worship service on the beach. Come dressed for the beach! Bring your own chairs, blankets, beach towels and other beach gear. In partnership with WDCX
For more information, visit churchonthebeach.ca
(includes shipping + handling and all applicable taxes)
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Isaiah 55-56 / Psalm 148 Isaiah 57-59 Isaiah 60-62 Isaiah 63-64 / Psalm 145 Isaiah 65-66 / Psalm 42 2 Kings 21 / 2 Chronicles 33 / Psalm 62 Nahum 1-3 2 Kings 22 / 2 Chronicles 34 / Psalm 95 2 Chronicles 35 / 2 Kings 23 / Psalm 130 Habakkuk 1-3 Zephaniah 1-3 Jeremiah 1-3 Jeremiah 4-6 Jeremiah 7-9 Jeremiah 10-12 Jeremiah 13-15 Jeremiah 16-18 Jeremiah 19-20 / 2 Kings 24 Jeremiah 22-23, 25 Jeremiah 26, 35 / Psalm 35 Jeremiah 36, 45 / Psalm 43 Jeremiah 46-48 Jeremiah 49, 21 / Psalm 60 Jeremiah 24, 27-28 Jeremiah 29-31 Jeremiah 32-34 Ezekiel 1-3 Ezekiel 4-6 Ezekiel 7-9 Ezekiel 10-12 Ezekiel 13-15
Isaiah 4-6 2 Chronicles 26-27 / 2 Kings 15 2 Kings 16 / Isaiah 7 / Psalm 50 Hosea 1-4 Hosea 5-7 Hosea 8-10 Hosea 11-14 Micah 1-4 Micah 5-7 Isaiah 8-10 Isaiah 11-13 Isaiah 14-16 Isaiah 17-19 Isaiah 20-22 Isaiah 23-25 Isaiah 26-27 / Psalm 85 Isaiah 28-30 Isaiah 31-33 Isaiah 34-35 / 2 Chronicles 28 2 Chronicles 29 / 2 Kings 17 / Psalm 78 2 Chronicles 30-31 / Psalm 116 2 Kings 18-19 / Psalm 75 2 Chronicles 32 / Isaiah 36 / Psalm 76 Isaiah 37 / 2 Kings 20 / Psalm 64 Isaiah 38-39 / Psalm 103 Isaiah 40-41 / Psalm 102 Isaiah 42-44 Isaiah 45-47 Isaiah 48-50 Isaiah 51-52 / Psalm 94 Isaiah 53-54 / Psalm 98
ISAIAH 42:10
PHIL CALLAWAY is an author and host of Laugh Again Radio. He has five grandchildren. They wear nametags.
8 | JUNE + JULY 2017
I can’t tell you how excited I was the first time my granddaughter called me “Bumpa.” But then I discovered that she calls everything Bumpa. She calls a tomato Bumpa. My dog she calls Bumpa. A block of gouda cheese is Bumpa. Names. My mother once told me that she started thinking of my name months before I was born. She wrote it on a slip of paper, tried it out on friends and whispered it to me when I was in the womb. She rocked me to sleep singing songs with my name in them. So it’s amazing that half the time when I was growing up she had no idea who I was. She called me by my siblings’ names: Dan, Dave, Tim, Ruth. Sometimes she called me Inky, which was our snarly little Terrier’s name. I’m sure some kids would be traumatized by this. I thought it was more fun than a couch full of kittens. My wife sometimes calls our children by her siblings’ names: Janice, Dennis, LaVerne, Caroline, Miriam, Cynthia. They got used to it in time. “I’m Rachael,” said my daughter once. “Say it with me, Mom. Rachael.” “What did I call you?” asked my wife. “You called me Rex. That was your dog when you were little.” “I always liked Rex,” said Ramona. “That’s a lovely name.” The more the family is extended, the worse it gets. Jeff married Raelyn. Rachael married Jordan. It’s too many
R’s and J’s. We pray for them each night and often get the names mixed up. I’m thankful God is big enough to sort it all out. In John 10, Jesus says, “I am the good shepherd. I know My own and My own know Me.” In Exodus 33, God says to Moses, “This very thing that you have spoken I will do, for You have found favour in my sight, and I know you by name.” I like that. In Isaiah 43, the Lord reminds the people of Israel, “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are Mine.” In Matthew 10, Jesus says, “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father knowing. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.” In Isaiah 49, God asks, “Can a mother forget her own child? Though she may forget. I will not forget you.” We have a Father who is intimately acquainted with all our ways. He will never leave us or forget us. I never doubted that my mother loved me. But getting names right wasn’t her spiritual gift. I asked her once why she couldn’t get my name right and she said, “You’ll understand one day.” And I do now. When my son was small, he had his jammies on inside out one Saturday. I called him Calvin Klein for two days.
Dr. John Neufeld answers your questions about life, faith and the Bible every week. Watch by visiting our YouTube channel or truthandlifetoday.com
Back to the Bible Kids is a new initiative to present kids with the truths of Bible teaching in a fun and engaging way. Through apps, books and other great biblical content, Back to the Bible Kids will ensure children will start their Christian journey on a strong foundation.
The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada did a survey in 2013 regarding the Bible and Canadians, finding that “three main factors drive Canadians’ Bible reading frequency: confidence, conversation, and community.” 1 Here are some fascinating stats from this report: 2 • 14% of Canadian Christians read their Bible at least once a week. • 18% of all Canadians strongly believe the Bible is the Word of God. • 6 in 10 Canadian Christians believe that the Bible teaches essentially the same truths of other religious texts. • 21% of Canadian Christians reflect on the meaning of a biblical text at least a few times a week, and only 11% of Canadian Christians talk to someone else about what the Bible says at least once a week outside a religious context. The more we have confidence that the Bible is the infallible 3 and inerrant 4 Word of God, the more likely we’ll read it. The more we have conversations with others about what we read in the Bible, the more likely we’ll read it. And the more time we spend in the community of believers (church services, community groups, study groups, etc.), the more likely we’ll read and engage our Bibles. The report also explained that “The more frequently Canadians attend religious services, the more likely they are to strongly agree the Bible is the Word of God.” 5 But what exactly is Bible engagement? Bible engagement describes the genuine reading, reflecting and responding to the Bible. We must read the entire Bible in order to know what it says. We must reflect on the context, truths and the person of Jesus found in the Bible. We also must respond to the commands and disciplines we find laid out in the Bible. As Christians, we not only read because we “have” to; we read because we “get” to. The benefits we reap from engaging the Word are innumerable. Continually going to the Word for worship, knowledge and purpose will continually build you up, as well as those around you. Don’t underestimate the deep-rooted power found within the Bible. Within Its books, within the chapters, within the verses, and within the words – deep truths of the gospel are to be found. 1 Hiemstra, Rick. "Confidence, Conversation and Community: Bible Engagement in Canada, 2013." Canadian Bible Forum and The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (2013): 5-7. Canadian Bible Forum. Web. 2015. <http://www.bibleengagementstudy.ca>. 2Ibid. 3 “The idea that Scripture is not able to lead us astray in matters of faith and practice.”( Grudem, Wayne. "Glossary." Systematic Theology, An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1994. 1245. Print.) 4“The idea that Scripture in the original manuscripts does not affirm anything that is contrary to fact.”( Grudem, Wayne. "Glossary.Systematic Theology, An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1994. 1245. Print. 5Hiemstra, Rick. "Confidence, Conversation and Community: Bible Engagement in Canada, 2013." Canadian Bible Forum and The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (2013): 5-7. Canadian Bible Forum. Web. 2015. <http://www.bibleengagementstudy.ca>.
BEN LOWELL CEO of the Good News Broadcasting Association of Canada
“Faith comes by hearing, and hearing through the Word of Christ.” Your support of biblical Christianity and authentic Bible teaching is critical to the advancement of the gospel. Your prayers and your support sustain and launch the ministries of Back to the Bible Canada, for which we believe there is an urgency. This urgency is driven by a growing societal malaise toward the Bible as the authoritative source of Christian belief and practice. Some statisticians suggest that religion itself is actually on the incline; they are not referring to Biblical Christianity, but rather a broader form of personal spirituality or self-actualization. An article published by The Canadian Press suggested “That people who believe in a god increasingly imagine a nebulous but powerful force for good, rather than the traditional concept of deity.” More like 12 | JUNE + JULY 2017
“the Force” in the series Star Wars. A CBC article reported that, when asked about religion, university students would say, “Well, I’m not religious, but I’m spiritual.” This spirituality is often played out in religious-like commitment to a lifestyle choice, physical activity, social justice, cause or mystical pursuit. Dr. Neufeld wrote, “It is my conviction that if the Bible truly is what it claims to be, that reading it and effectively explaining it brings men and women to faith and repentance. The wisdom of God does not reside in our own intellect, or personal spiritual enlightenment, but rather it resides in the Word that has once and for all been given to the saints. Therefore, ‘We teach the Bible’ – carefully, reverentially, believingly and with an urgent appeal to the listener. The Bible can do what all other personal
efforts cannot. The Bible reaches the lost, calls back the wandering, heals the hurting, offers hope and strengthens the believer to stand firm in the faith. The Bible leading to the gospel is the only message we have to this and every generation!” Your commitment and support allow us to offer the following: > Daily Bible teaching program Back to the Bible Canada > Daily Bible engagement program Laugh Again > Young Adult Bible teaching and engagement program indoubt > Weekly video Bible teaching program Truth + Life Today > Bi-monthly ministry magazine Truth + Life > Multimedia Bible teaching resources for all generations > Soon-to-launch Bible engagement resources for kids Back to the Bible Kids > Bible teaching and ministry conferences and events Millions ever year are being impacted by these programs and resources. This is how people are responding: “Dr. Neufeld spoke and hit a bullseye with me. He helped me on my journey to a close, intimate relationship with God.”
“My husband and I both battle with depression. Each day, Laugh Again reminds us that God loves us and there is hope.” “indoubt is a ministry that helps fill an important gap in the church as it helps our young people think through all aspects of life from a Christian worldview.” Your support of the ministries of Back to the Bible Canada makes a critical difference in the lives of so many. Thus, the continued urgency to teach and faithfully represent the truth of the Bible and effectively present the good news remains. But how? “WE TEACH THE BIBLE.” The fiscal year end goal of $338,000 is significant, but attainable with your support. In fact, a group of dedicated and determined ministry friends have extended a $75,000 matching pledge toward this goal. So, for every dollar given, your gift is matched up to $75,000! $50 becomes $100, $500 becomes $1,000, $5,000 becomes $10,000. Every gift makes a significant difference! Also, please request your copy of Dr. Neufeld’s 10-message series Celebrating the Word as a free gift of encouragement offered to all our listeners. Together, “We Teach the Bible.”
CULTIVATING CONVERSATION ISAAC DAGNEAU is the Ministry Manager of indoubt, the young adult ministry of Back to the Bible Canada. indoubt discusses relevant issues of life and faith with a biblical perspective through a weekly audio program, articles and Bible studies.
14 | JUNE + JULY 2017
This is indoubt’s mission: to bring the gospel to the relevant issues of life and faith that young people face every day, cultivating conversation. In the Great Commission, Jesus makes it clear that His disciples are to go and make disciples of every nation, baptize them and teach them to observe all that He’s commanded them (Matthew 28:19-20). That’s a weighty task that all Christians are to fulfill – young or old. The problem is, where do we see young adults fulfilling the Great Commission? Stats tell us that six in 10 young people will leave the church permanently or for an extended period starting at age 15, 1 that 36% of millennials (aged 1824) claim to be religiously unaffiliated, 2 and that one in three young adults call church boring, and one in four say that faith is irrelevant and Bible teaching is unclear. 3 Our culture has kidnapped young adults, it seems. Many aspects are involved, but I would point out that the advance of technology and the Internet has played a massive role in the decrease of genuine Christian young adults. This is why at indoubt we continue to push hard to help young adults think critically about the things they engage every day. We unashamedly talk about issues that relevant and important in the lives of young people – things like pornography, discipleship, worldviews, dating, marijuana, video games, sexual identity, church, etc. We don’t merely talk about them, but we bring the gospel into them. To give you an idea of this past year, our weekly audio program is currently
downloaded over 4,000 times a month. Since January of 2016, we’ve seen over 42,000 downloads in total. You and I also know that audio and online resources can only go so far. In addition, we hold live events to get faceto-face with people. Last fall, we held an event on sexual identity. The attendance exceeded occupation and was wellreceived. The diversity in personalities of the speakers, the ability to ask real questions and the unashamedly biblical perspective made this event stand out. The reality is this: young adults across our nation don’t need cookie-cutter answers regarding tough questions. They also don’t need “over-relevant” answers that minimize the truths of the gospel. This isn’t just the case for young adults, but for everybody! Paul is very clear to Timothy: “Preach the word…For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.” (2 Timothy 4:2-4) At indoubt, we do not want to be a product of our culture’s selfishness. Young adults need truth, period. That’s what indoubt has given from the beginning, and will continue to give in the future. 1 Reed, Eric. "Six Reasons Young People Leave the Church." CTpastors: Wisdom and Tools for Your Calling. 2012. Accessed March 1, 2017. http://www.christianitytoday.com/pastors/2012/ winter/youngleavechurch.html. 2 Wallice, J. Warner. "Updated: Are Young People Really Leaving Christianity?" Cold-Case Christianity with J. Warner Wallace. September 30, 2016. Accessed March 1, 2017. http://coldcasechristianity.com/2016/ are-young-people-really-leaving-christianity/. 3 Reed, Eric. "Six Reasons Young People Leave the Church." CTpastors: Wisdom and Tools for Your Calling. 2012. Accessed March 1, 2017. http://www.christianitytoday.com/pastors/2012/winter/ youngleavechurch.html
Engaging the millennial culture with the truth of Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Word. To support indoubt today, call 1.800.663.2425 or visit backtothebible.ca/donate
Today, you can become ONE of 500+ committed MONTHLY PARTNERS by the end of 2017! This year, help us reach our total goal of 650 monthly partners! Call us today or visit our website to become a Back to the Bible Canada Monthly Partner. 1.800.663.2425 â&#x20AC;˘ backtothebible.ca/partner
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GOD’S MESSAGE TO US Do you like to ask for directions? One of my favourite things is the GPS in my car. It makes it very unlikely that I’ll ever get lost – or that I’ll ever have to ask for help! But for other things, 18 | JUNE + JULY 2017
directions are really important. It’s hard to put things together like model cars, planes, IKEA furniture or dollhouses without the instruction booklet close by. We need help to know how to drive
a car, set up a cell phone or take care of a plant. The Bible is essentially an instruction manual for the believer on how to live by faith, how to trust in God, how to interact with others and how to walk in obedience with Him. It is a collection of 66 books, all inspired by God. It records the relationship between God and His people and is written by approximately 40 authors, over a period of 1,400 years in the Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic languages. It is the only “Book” ever written which includes the actual Words of God in it. The Bible is the primary instrument that God uses to communicate with us. This is how God reveals Himself to us, how He talks with us, how He guides us. “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,” 2 Timothy 3:16 - Teaching us theological doctrine and giving inspired instruction about His will and Christ’s return. - Rebuking and convicting us about ungodly living - Correcting us regarding false thinking and erroneous ideas and - Training us in right living so that we are able to serve Him well. Bottom line: reading the Bible is crucial if you want to know God’s heart. He loves us And, though we sinned and broke relationship, God had a plan. He established a people and a nation. He provided us with examples of those who
lived by faith. He also included those who failed. Giants, shepherds, soldiers, prophets, kings and servants. He wants us to learn from them all. God gave us His law, songs, words of wisdom, prophecies, parables, miracles and letters. Ultimately, God gave us His own Son to provide a way for our salvation. Jesus lived a sinless life and died for our sin. He rose again and will return someday to take us to be with Him in eternity. It’s all there for you to explore. He gave us His Word so that we could know how to experience life in relationship with Him. The Bible is the inerrant Word of God and from it believers will put into place foundational concepts in godly living, which will guide them for the rest of their lives. • Read It to be wise
• Believe It to be safe
• Practice It to be Holy
• Let Its light direct you • Be supported by It
• Find comfort in It to cheer you Living a life that is pleasing to God is a lot easier with the instruction manual open by your side. Read It, memorize It, apply It and share It.
RAY DUECK has been in pastoral ministries for over 35 years. As a graduate of Talbot, School of Theology, Pastor Ray is passionate about teaching the Word of God and caring for His people.
Tour the Holy Land with Back to the Bible Canada and Laugh Again. The Bible will come alive as you walk where Jesus walked, sail the Sea of Galilee, visit the Garden of Gethsemane and worship at the Garden Tomb. This will be a unique experience of Israel like no other!
$4,612 CAD* per person
*Sub-total of $4,612 CAD includes flights from Toronto, Ontario.
CALL: 1.800.663.2425
TRUTH + LIFE Magazine is published bi-monthly by The Good News Broadcasting Association of Canada, Box 246, STN A Abbotsford, BC V2T 6Z6. All content is copyright © The Good News Broadcasting Association of Canada unless otherwise indicated. BACKTOTHEBIBLE.CA